Inventory Search Results (1-8,542 of 8,761)

8,761 suspension bridges were found for search criteria: *. Bridges 1 through 8,542 (of 8,761 total) appear below. Click the Bridgemeister ID number to isolate the bridge on its own page. If you don't see what you were looking for, try an image search with the same criteria: *. This will find the bridge if it is pictured on the site, but is not a catenary suspension bridge.


1734: (suspension bridge)

Gliwice vicinity, Upper Silesia, Poland - Oder River
Bridgemeister ID:371 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1734
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gliwice vicinity, Upper Silesia, Poland
Crossing:Oder River
Principals:Army of the Palatinate of Saxony
References:AAJ, BPL
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • Often claimed to be the first use of metal in a suspension structure in the Western world.
  • Location always cited as "across the Oder near Glorywitz, Prussia" however the name "Glorywitz" only ever appears in citations of this bridge. Likely it was near the modern city of Gliwice in Poland, also known as Gleiwitz (German) and Glywicy (Silesian)

1741: Winch

Middleton-in-Teesdale, England, United Kingdom - River Tees
Bridgemeister ID:372 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1741
Also Known As:Wynch
Location:Middleton-in-Teesdale, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tees
At or Near Feature:Low Force
References:AAJ, BEM, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet)


  • Varying histories of this catwalk-style bridge exist. Some claim it was built 1704, a cable snapped in 1802 killing three people, and it was then rebuilt in 1830 (the present bridge). Others attribute the bridge to 1741 and have the 1802 incident killing "one or two people".
  • Replaced by 1830 Wynch (Winch) - Middleton-in-Teesdale, England, United Kingdom.

External Links:

1784: Chain

Weilburg, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:582 (added 2003-01-01)
Year Completed:1784
Location:Weilburg, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Status:Replaced, 1888
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet)


  • Carried a water pipeline with eight iron chains.

External Links:

1801: Jacob's Creek

Iron Bridge, Mount Pleasant vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Jacob's Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1801
Name:Jacob's Creek
Also Known As:Iron Bridge, Chain Bridge
Location:Iron Bridge, Mount Pleasant vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Jacob's Creek
Coordinates:40.112598 N 79.553186 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Judge James Finley
References:AAJ, ASB, BBR, BOB, BPL, CAB, DSE20000116, HBE, LAB, PTS2
Status:Removed, 1833
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet)
Deck width:12.5 feet


  • In an email dated January 16, 2000, Don Sayenga provided information about the location of this bridge. Generally attributed to Uniontown (the seat of Fayette County, PA), Mr. Sayenga offers some clues about the bridge's true location. "[James Finley] stated that he built it near the home of his friend Meason which implies a connection for the iron as Meason was making iron. Meason's home has survived by the way, a beautiful place. Finley stated it was a combination contract with the cost split between two counties, and he stated it was built over Jacob's Creek which is the county boundary. He also makes it clear it was on the road to Greensburg. The only place the old road crossed Jacob's Creek is just south of Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania. On the geodetic survey maps this spot is marked "Iron Bridge" but there is no town there. The last time I was there I saw a sign that said 'Iron Bridge' on an automobile scrap yard. I found absolutely no trace of the bridge, but it was not very big, so there was no need for a huge abutment."
  • First suspension bridge with a rigid level deck, often considered the world's first modern suspension bridge.
  • Coordinates are for the likely location of the bridge, where present-day (2020) Pennsylvania route 3105 crosses Jacob's Creek.

External Links:

1807: Chain

Georgetown, District of Columbia and Virginia, USA - Potomac River
Bridgemeister ID:4 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1807
Location:Georgetown, District of Columbia and Virginia, USA
Crossing:Potomac River
Coordinates:38.92959 N 77.11627 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Templeman
References:AAJ, BBR, BCW, CAB, DSE20000118, HBE, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1812
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.2 meters (128.5 feet)


  • BCW gives completion date of 1810 and says bridge was destroyed by flood two years later.
  • Coordinates given are for the current crossing (VA SR123, still known locally as "Chain Bridge Road") which is on (or very close) to the alignment of Chain Bridge. Chain Bridge was the third bridge at this site. The current structure is the eighth and was completed in 1940.

External Links:

1807: Wills Creek

Cumberland, Maryland, USA - Wills Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1807
Name:Wills Creek
Location:Cumberland, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Wills Creek
Principals:John Templeman
References:AAJ, BCW, CAB, DSE20000203, HBE
Status:Destroyed, 1810
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 42.4 meters (139 feet)


1809: (suspension bridge)

Brownsville vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Bridgemeister ID:8 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1809
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Brownsville vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
References:AAJ, CAB, DSE20000203, HBE
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

1809: (suspension bridge)

Brownsville, Pennsylvania, USA - Dunlap's Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1809
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Brownsville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Dunlap's Creek
Principals:John Templeman
References:AAJ, BCW, CAB, DSE20000118, DSE20000203, HBE
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

External Links:

  • Dunlap's Creek Bridge (link reported not working). "The first recorded bridge across Dunlap's Creek was a wooden structure constructed prior to 1774. It was repaired in 1801, but was destroyed during a spring storm in 1808. A chain-link suspension bridge was built on the site in 1809; it collapsed under the weight of snow and a heavily laden wagon in 1820. A third bridge, another wooden structure, built in 1821 also failed. The present bridge is thus the fourth bridge at the site."
  • Structurae - Structure ID 20008055

1809: Schuylkill Falls

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - Schuylkill River
Bridgemeister ID:9 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1809
Name:Schuylkill Falls
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Schuylkill River
Principals:John Templeman
References:AAJ, BBR, BPL, CAB, DSE20000118, HBE, PTS2
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 46.6 meters (153 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • Failed 1811, 1816. HBE notes the 1811 was due to weight of cattle. The 1816 failure was due to weight of ice and snow.

External Links:

1810: (suspension bridge)

Frankfort, Kentucky, USA - Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:10 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1810
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Frankfort, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Kentucky River
References:AAJ, CAB
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 50.9 meters (167 feet)

External Links:

1810: (suspension bridge)

Paulings Ford, Pennsylvania, USA - Schuylkill River
Bridgemeister ID:11 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1810
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paulings Ford, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Schuylkill River
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

External Links:

1810: (suspension bridge)

Reading, Pennsylvania, USA - Schuykill River
Bridgemeister ID:12 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1810
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Schuykill River
Principals:Ulrich Kissinger
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

External Links:

1810: (suspension bridge)

Wilmington, Delaware, USA - Brandywine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1810
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Crossing:Brandywine Creek
References:AAJ, BCW, CAB, DSE20000203, HBE
Status:Destroyed, 1822
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet)
Deck width:30 feet


  • Destroyed by flood, 1822.

External Links:

1810: (suspension bridge)

Wrightstown, Pennsylvania, USA - Neshaminy River
Bridgemeister ID:13 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1810
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wrightstown, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Neshaminy River
Principals:John Parker
References:AAJ, CAB, DSE20000403
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Spans:2 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

External Links:

1810: Chain

Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA - Merrimack River
Bridgemeister ID:14 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1810
Also Known As:Essex-Merrimack
Location:Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Merrimack River
At or Near Feature:Deer Island
Coordinates:42.833947 N 70.906811 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Templeman
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, light vehicles only)
Status:Replaced, 1909
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74.1 meters (243 feet)
Deck width:30 feet (2 roadways of 15 feet)


  • John Templeman built several bridges (like this one) using James Finley's design.
  • Repaired in 1827 after 5 of 10 chains snapped under weight of a team of oxen.
  • The complete description from Thomas Pope's 1811 Treatise (POPE):
    "The chain Bridge lately thrown over the Merrimack, three miles above Newburyport, in the state of Massachusetts, is now in constant use. This Bridge consists of a single arc, two hundred and forty-four feet span. The abutments are of stone, forty-seven feet long, and thirty-seven high; the uprights, or framed work, which stand on the abutments, are thirty-five feet high, over which are suspended ten distinct chains, the ends of which on both sides of the river are buried deep in pits and secured by large stones: each chain is five hundred and sixteen feet long; and, where they pass over the uprights, they are treble, and made in short links, which is said to be more secure than saddles made of plates of iron. The four middle joists rest on the chains; all the rest are suspended to the main chains to equalize the floor. This Bridge has two passage-ways of fifteen feet in width each, and the floor is so solid as to admit of horses, carriages, etc. to travel at any speed, with very little perceptible motion of the floors. The railing is stout and strong, which adds much firmness to the floor. There are three chains in each range on each side, and four in the middle range: they are calculated to support nearly five hundred tons. From the surface of the water to the middle of the floor is forty feet; and from the top of the abutments to the top of the uprights is thirty-five feet high, making seventy-two feet. The magnitude and power of the abutments, the width and length of the floors, the elevation of the work, the evident powers of the chains, etc. all conspire to make it a wonderful work. Every expense attending it did not amount to twenty-five thousand dollars. The abutment being of stone, the uprights covered, and the chains painted to prevent rust, leaves nothing but the flooring to decay. This Bridge was constructed by John Templeman, Esq. of the district of Columbia, whose talents for the productions of such work, and the various improvements suggested and used by him, have been highly beneficial, and do him great credit."
  • Gregory W. Buff sent a transcription of an article describing the 1827 failure. The article was in the Saturday, February 24, 1827 issue (Volume IV, Number 31) of the Canadian Spectator (Montreal, Quebec) newspaper:
    "Newburyport, Feb 9. Disastrious [sic] Accident. - On Tuesday morning last, the Essex Merrimack Bridge gave way in the centre, from the parting of the chains that support it. On the Bridge, at the moment, was a loaded team, drawn by six oxen and two horses, driven by two men, Messrs. Garlton [sic] and Jackman, all of whom were precipitated, forty feet, into the river beneath. The teamsters preserved themselves by means of swimming, and the support of fragments of the bridge; the team were all of them except one of the horses, swept beneath the ice a few rods below, and drowned. Five of the ten chains which supported the Bridge, were snapped in different places, and now remain upholding the broken and shattered timber altogether as sad a wreck as we ever witnessed. At the moment of the crash, the light evolved from the friction of the chains resembled the the vivid streaming of a meteor. Various excuses are assigned for the accident, and none, with more probability, than the united effect of the incumbent pressure of the immense body of snow lying upon the bridge, and the frost which had contracted the particles of iron. These produced a tenseness in the chains, which was incapable of resisting the additional pressure of the loaded team, and the whole gave way. The estimated expense of repairing the breach is about 4000 dollars; and the Directors, as we understand, plan to set about it immediately. It will be built up as before. To those who have been losers by this accident the corporation intend to make generous inumeration. The traveling will be uninterrupted, as the solidity of the ice above the bridge forms a safe passage way - and for the conveyance of carriages and heavy baggage the proprietors have promptly provided suitable boats. If any aversion to chain bridges has been produced by this accident, we should be sorry, for ourselves we feel yet unshaken faith in their superior security. The misfortune in this case was no doubt owing to the causes above stated, and not to any defect in the construction of the bridge. Probably hundreds of individuals, including each sex and all ages, have visited the ruins of the bridge. They present a sad and melancholy appearance - crushed and broken timbers suspended by the massy chains, which hang lazily from the pyramidical abutments, while the beholder instinctly shrinks back in terror at the reflection of the situation of the two human beings who were precipitated into the abyss beneath. The preservation of these two men is almost miraculous. Although hurled down 40 feet amid crashing and falling timber, entangled with their cattle, they fell without receiving the least injury, and attained the shore, after being for nearly half an hour, immerse in water chilled to the freezing point. Mr. Jackman is far advanced in years - and suffered somewhat from the exposure to the cold. Mr. Carlton [sic], escaped unhurt. The Chain Bridge has been built for about fifteen years, the span is 220 feet. We believe this was the second or third Chain Bridge built in the United States; and this is probably the first that has met with a similar accident. We understand the proprieters of the Rooks Bridge intend to rebuild theirs as a Chain Bridge."
  • Replaced by 1909 Chain - Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA. The 1909 structure was almost entirely new (except for portions of the piers and abutments).

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Glass slide, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1811: (suspension bridge)

Juniata Crossing, Pennsylvania, USA - Juniata River
Bridgemeister ID:15 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1811
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Juniata Crossing, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Juniata River
References:CAB, DSE20000403
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

External Links:

1811: (suspension bridge)

Kentucky, USA
Bridgemeister ID:16 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1811
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kentucky, USA
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

1811: (suspension bridge)

Kentucky, USA
Bridgemeister ID:17 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1811
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kentucky, USA
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

1811: Third Street

Easton, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:18 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1811
Name:Third Street
Location:Easton, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Principals:Jacob Blumer (?)
References:CAB, DSE20000203
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

External Links:

1814: Hamilton Street

Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:19 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1814
Name:Hamilton Street
Location:Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Principals:Jacob Blumer
References:AAJ, CAB, DSE20000203, PTS2
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1816: Galashiels

Galashiels, Scotland, United Kingdom - Gala Water
Bridgemeister ID:584 (added 2003-01-01)
Year Completed:1816
Location:Galashiels, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Gala Water
Principals:Richard Lees
References:AAJ, BSI, HBE, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1839
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.8 meters (111 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


  • BSI: Originally erected in the form of a traditional suspension bridge, but soon reinforced with wire stays from much larger towers to reduce unwanted motion. Destroyed by flood, 1839.

1816: Spider

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - Schuylkill River
Bridgemeister ID:20 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1816
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Schuylkill River
Principals:Josiah White, Erskine Hazard
References:AAJ, BOB, BPL, GHD, HBE, LAB, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.75 feet)


  • Narrow footbridge. First wire bridge in North America. HBE notes "first wire suspension bridge in any country."
  • Often described as having collapsed under the weight of ice and snow, Don Sayenga notes that no contemporary sources confirm this demise. Since the nearby chain bridge did fail under weight of ice and snow, he believes this fate has been misattributed to the White and Hazard footbridge. Don believes the bridge was just dismantled at some point after June, 1816.
  • Al Zagofsky also wrote to explain there was no evidence of this bridge collapsing under weight of ice and snow. Al writes: "According to an original source Captain Joshua Rowley Watson, who inspected the bridge on June 15, 1816: '...There was a bridge, but which by the weight of ice and snow, has been carried away.' This refers to the previous bridge that the cable bridge was temporarily replacing. I did not see any cause for failure of the wire rope bridge. My guess is that it was removed when the regular bridge was repaired. The same article shows a sketch that he made, showing the main span to be 407 feet. I am looking at the Canal History and Technology Proceedings Vol 5, March 22, 1986."

1818: Dryburgh Abbey

Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:1440 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1818
Name:Dryburgh Abbey
Location:Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
References:AAJ, BEM, MOS
Status:Collapsed, 1838
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet)
Deck width:4.5 feet


  • May have been rebuilt around 1850. History of the bridge is unclear between the 1838 collapse and replacement in 1872.
  • This 1818 bridge was a replacement for the 1817 Dryburgh Abbey suspension bridge which appears to have been primarily a cable-stayed structure and is not included in the inventory. The 1817 bridge failed due to wind in early 1818.
  • Later at same location 1872 Dryburgh Abbey - Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom.

External Links:

Print, collection of David Denenberg Newspaper article, collection of David Denenberg

1820: Union

Horncliffe, Berwick-upon-Tweed vicinity, England and Fishwick, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:373 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1820
Location:Horncliffe, Berwick-upon-Tweed vicinity, England and Fishwick, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
Coordinates:55.75256 N 2.10677 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
References:AAJ, BBR, BC3, BEM, BOB, HBE, MOS, NTB, PTS2, SBR
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 136.9 meters (449 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


External Links:

Newspaper article, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1820: Wills Creek

Cumberland, Maryland, USA - Wills Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1149 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1820
Name:Wills Creek
Location:Cumberland, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Wills Creek
Principals:Valentine Shockey
Status:Destroyed, 1838
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 46.2 meters (151.5 feet)


1821: Trinity Pier

Trinity, Edinburgh vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Forth
Bridgemeister ID:374 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1821
Name:Trinity Pier
Also Known As:Newhaven Pier
Location:Trinity, Edinburgh vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Forth
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
References:AAJ, MOS, SBR
Status:Destroyed, 1898
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Spans:3 x 63.7 meters (209 feet)
Deck width:4 feet


  • SBR: Chain pier extending into 700 feet into the Forth, with three main spans each of 209 feet. Wrecked by storm, 1898.

External Links:

1822: (footbridge)

Annonay, Ardèche, France - Cance River
Bridgemeister ID:375 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1822
Location:Annonay, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Cance River
Principals:Marc Seguin, Camille Seguin, Jules Seguin, Paul Seguin, Charles Seguin
References:AAJ, BBR, GHD, LAB, TTSB
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 18 meters (59.1 feet)


External Links:

1822: Kalighat

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Bridgemeister ID:3552 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1822
Also Known As:Khallee Ghat, Kalee Ghat
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Major John Augustus Schalch
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • Sometimes cited as completed in 1823.

1823: (suspension bridge)

Réunion, France - Sainte-Suzanne River
Bridgemeister ID:1541 (added 2004-11-03)
Year Completed:1823
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Réunion, France
Crossing:Sainte-Suzanne River
Principals:Marc Brunel
References:AAJ, ASB, CAB
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 40.2 meters (131.75 feet)


Print, collection of David Denenberg

1823: (suspension bridge)

Réunion, France - Mat River
Bridgemeister ID:1542 (added 2004-11-03)
Year Completed:1823
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Réunion, France
Crossing:Mat River
Principals:Marc Brunel
References:AAJ, ASB, CAB, MOS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40.2 meters (131.75 feet)


  • Réunion was known as "Isle of Bourbon" at this time.
  • MOS: "These bridges were designed by Mr. Brunel, and executed in England, near Sheffield, where they were put together in January, 1823, before being sent out to the Isle de Bourbon."
  • Built as part of same project as 1823 (suspension bridge) - Réunion, France.

1823: Brighton Pier

Brighton, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:376 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1823
Name:Brighton Pier
Location:Brighton, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
References:AAJ, BEM, BOB, HBE, MOS, SBR
Status:Destroyed, 1896
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:4 x 77.7 meters (255 feet)


  • SBR: Severely damaged 1833, 1836. Destroyed by storm 1896.

External Links:

Print, collection of David Denenberg Print, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1823: Saint Antoine

Geneva, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:377 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1823
Name:Saint Antoine
Location:Geneva, Switzerland
Principals:Guillame Henri Dufour, Marc Seguin, Marc-Auguste Pictet
References:AAJ, GHD, HBE, LAB, MOS, PTS2
Status:Removed, c.1864
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)
Deck width:7.5 feet

External Links:

1824: Biery's

Biery's Port (Catasauqua), Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:21 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1824
Location:Biery's Port (Catasauqua), Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Principals:Jacob Blumer, George Deily (?)
References:CAB, DSE20000203
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

1824: Delessert

Passy, Paris, France
Bridgemeister ID:3250 (added 2019-11-16)
Year Completed:1824
Location:Passy, Paris, France
Principals:Benjamin Delessert
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)


  • GHD describes the interesting hybrid chain and cable suspension system of this bridge. GHD also notes the commonly available lithograph image of the Delessert bridge is factually inaccurate showing a cable system similar to the 1823 Saint Antoine bridge, not resembing the actual cable system of the Delessert bridge.

External Links:

1824: Galaure

Saint-Vallier, Drôme, France - Galaure River
Bridgemeister ID:1824 (added 2005-05-30)
Year Completed:1824
Location:Saint-Vallier, Drôme, France
Crossing:Galaure River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
References:GHD, MOS
Status:Collapsed, 1844
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet)


External Links:

1824: Kettensteg

Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany - Pegnitz River
Bridgemeister ID:1111 (added 2004-01-04)
Year Completed:1824
Also Known As:Chain
Location:Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Pegnitz River
Coordinates:49.45468 N 11.07076 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Konrad Georg Kuppler
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 29.6 meters (97.1 feet),
1 x 27.9 meters (91.5 feet)


  • Often claimed to be the oldest surviving suspension bridge in continental Europe.
  • 1909: Wooden towers are damaged by flood and eventually replaced with steel towers.
  • 1930: Bridge deck is stiffened and several intermediate piers are added to support the bridge.
  • 2010: Bridge is reconstructed retaining some original components and eliminating the need for the intermediate piers. The bridge is again functioning as a suspension bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1824: Lehigh Gap

Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:22 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1824
Name:Lehigh Gap
Also Known As:Palmerton
Location:Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Principals:Jacob Blumer
References:AAJ, CAB, DSE20000203, WHSB
Status:Replaced, 1933
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3


  • Finley patent bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1824: Panteleimonovsky

St. Petersburg, Russia - Fontanka River
Bridgemeister ID:3039 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:1824
Location:St. Petersburg, Russia
Crossing:Fontanka River
Coordinates:59.942160 N 30.338434 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wilhelm von Traitteur
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1914
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1824: Pochtamptsky

St. Petersburg, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:972 (added 2003-11-13)
Year Completed:1824
Also Known As:Pochamsky, Post Office, Pochtamtskiy
Location:St. Petersburg, Russia
Coordinates:59.930532 N 30.300750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wilhelm von Traitteur
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1824: Strážnice

Strážnice, Czechia - Velicka River
Bridgemeister ID:6183 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1824
Also Known As:Straßnitz, Strassnitz
Location:Strážnice, Czechia
Crossing:Velicka River
At or Near Feature:Chateau Strážnice
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
References:AAJ, PTS2
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.7 meters (90.9 feet)
Deck width:4.2 meters


  • Remains of this very early suspension bridge are supposedly kept on the grounds of Chateau Strážnice

External Links:

1824: Wissekerke

Bazel, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:1681 (added 2005-03-26)
Year Completed:1824
Location:Bazel, Belgium
At or Near Feature:Wissekerke Castle
Coordinates:51.145383 N 4.302667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jean-Baptiste Vifquain
References:IBB, ISFF
Status:Closed, 1990
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 23.11 meters (75.8 feet)
Deck width:1.9

External Links:

Photo by Robert M. Vogel

1825: Burceña

Barakaldo and Bilbao, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:5690 (added 2021-04-01)
Year Completed:1825
Location:Barakaldo and Bilbao, Spain
Status:Removed, c. 1870
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1


  • May have been completed earlier, in 1824.
  • 1835: Damaged during First Carlist War. Later rebuilt.
  • c. 1870: Bridge collapses due to fire damage.

External Links:

1825: Pâquis

Geneva, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:1825 (added 2005-05-30)
Year Completed:1825
Location:Geneva, Switzerland
Principals:Guillame Henri Dufour
References:AAJ, GHD
Status:Demolished, early 1850's
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 41 meters (134.5 feet)

1825: Sophienbrücke

Vienna, Austria - Donaukanal
Bridgemeister ID:6181 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1825
Also Known As:Sophia, Sophien, Sophie, Rotundenbrücke, Rotunda
Location:Vienna, Austria
Coordinates:48.205983 N 16.397243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1872
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The earliest of several chain suspension bridges built in Vienna in the 1820s and 1830s.

External Links:

1825: Tain-Tournon

Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche and Tain, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:378 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1825
Location:Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche and Tain, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Principals:Marc Seguin
Status:Removed, 1965
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 85 meters (278.88 feet)
Deck width:13.75 feet


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: (footbridge)

Milford, England, United Kingdom - River Derwent
Bridgemeister ID:5550 (added 2020-12-14)
Year Completed:1826
Location:Milford, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Derwent
Coordinates:53.000982 N 1.479285 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Strutt
Status:Removed, 1946

1826: Bankovsky

St. Petersburg, Russia - Griboedov Canal
Bridgemeister ID:974 (added 2003-11-13)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Bank
Location:St. Petersburg, Russia
Crossing:Griboedov Canal
Coordinates:59.932193 N 30.325009 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wilhelm von Traitteur
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Deck width:1.85 meters


  • Cable ends"swallowed" by four cast-iron decorative griffins.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Broughton

Lancashire, England, United Kingdom - River Irwell
Bridgemeister ID:379 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Gerald Road
Location:Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Irwell
References:AAJ, BOB, HBE, MOS, SBR
Status:Replaced, 1914
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 44.3 meters (145.5 feet)
Deck width:18.25 feet


  • Famously collapsed under weight of marching troops April 12, 1831. Was rebuilt and strengthened and eventually replaced in 1914.

1826: Conwy

Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom - River Conwy
Bridgemeister ID:380 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Conway
Location:Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Conwy
Coordinates:53.280476 N 3.823742 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas Telford
References:AAJ, BBR, BC3, BCO, BEM, HBE, MOS, NTB, PTS2
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 99.7 meters (327 feet)


Annotated Citations:

  • "Conway Suspension Bridge." The Engineer, 20 May 1904.

    Details regarding the 1904 reinforcement project: "...It was therefore decided to renew all the suspension rods, and pins, and to fix steel cables above the suspension links, to supplement them so that the maximum stress in the links due to any possible travelling load should not exceed 5 tons per square inch. It was also decided to build a stiffening girder coupled to the suspension rod on each side of the bridge, and at the same time to widen the bridge by building a footway 6ft. wide outside the suspenders on the north side of the bridge."

External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Egyptian

St. Petersburg, Russia - Fontanka River
Bridgemeister ID:622 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Египетский
Location:St. Petersburg, Russia
Crossing:Fontanka River
Coordinates:59.916930 N 30.297185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, 1905
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Gattonside

Melrose, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:381 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Melrose
Location:Melrose, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
Coordinates:55.602830 N 2.723349 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Redpath and Brown
References:BC2, BSI, NTB
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:4 feet 4 inches


  • Steel cables added, 1992.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Invalides

Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:623 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1826
Location:Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Claude Navier
References:AAJ, MOS, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1826
Main Span:1 x 169.9 meters (557.5 feet)


  • Failed when almost complete in 1826. MOS: "On the 6th of September, a water-pipe, which was laid in the ground on the side of the Champs Elysées, and came near the abutments on that side of the river, burst, and, softening the ground about the abutment, it gave way under the strain produced by the weight of the bridge."
  • Replaced by 1829 Invalides (l'Allee-d'Antin) - Paris, France.

External Links:

1826: Jarnac

Jarnac, Charente, France - Charente River
Bridgemeister ID:1729 (added 2005-04-06)
Year Completed:1826
Location:Jarnac, Charente, France
Crossing:Charente River
Principals:J. P. Quénot
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)
Deck width:7.75 meters

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Kidderpore

Khidirpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Bridgemeister ID:3548 (added 2019-12-25)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Kyderpoor
Location:Khidirpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Captain Hugh Baker
References:HJC, ISB
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet)
Deck width:22 feet

1826: Lviny

St. Petersburg, Russia - Griboedov Canal
Bridgemeister ID:973 (added 2003-11-13)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Lions
Location:St. Petersburg, Russia
Crossing:Griboedov Canal
Coordinates:59.926918 N 30.301404 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wilhem von Traitteur
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.4 meters (73.5 feet)
Deck width:2.26 meters


  • Cable ends "swallowed" by four cast-iron decorative lions at each end.

External Links:

1826: Menai Strait

Menai Bridge and Bangor vicinity, Wales, United Kingdom - Menai Strait
Bridgemeister ID:382 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1826
Name:Menai Strait
Location:Menai Bridge and Bangor vicinity, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:Menai Strait
Coordinates:53.221367 N 4.1646 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas Telford
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 176.5 meters (579 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Irene Crest Photo by Michael Levy Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard by Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Vermontois

Péruwelz, Belgium - Pommerœul-Antoing Canal
Bridgemeister ID:6629 (added 2021-09-07)
Year Completed:1826
Location:Péruwelz, Belgium
Crossing:Pommerœul-Antoing Canal
Principals:Pierre Simons
Status:Replaced, 1866
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.7 meters (120.4 feet) estimated


  • IBB: Replaced in 1866. Multiple figures exist for main span length: 36.4, 36.7, and 40 meters.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1826: Warden

Northumberland, England, United Kingdom - South Tyne River
Bridgemeister ID:383 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1826
Also Known As:Hexham, West Boat
Location:Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:South Tyne River
Coordinates:54.988277 N 2.141917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1903
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • SBR: Replaced, 1903.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:384 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1826
Location:Welney, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Hundred Foot River
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Status:Replaced, c. 1926
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • Likely replaced 1926. SBR: Replaced "1926 or 1927". Design by Brown.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1827: (footbridge)

Denholm, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Teviot
Bridgemeister ID:1555 (added 2004-11-24)
Year Completed:1827
Location:Denholm, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Teviot
Coordinates:55.460001 N 2.686394 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 1875 (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)

Photo by Dave Cooper

1827: (suspension bridge)

Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA - Merrimack River
Bridgemeister ID:23 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1827
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Merrimack River
Principals:Thomas Haven
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1840
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3
Side Spans:2


  • Multi-span structure distinct from Templeman's 1810 Chain Bridge. Sometimes misidentified as an 1827 replacement to the 1810 Templeman Chain Bridge because of the significant damage to the Templeman bridge in 1827.

External Links:

Print, collection of David Denenberg

1827: Andance

Andance, Ardèche and Andancette, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:976 (added 2003-11-14)
Year Completed:1827
Location:Andance, Ardèche and Andancette, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.242194 N 4.801638 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marc Seguin
References:AAJ, ASB
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Destroyed August 30, 1944. Rebuilt 1946.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1827: Hammersmith

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:386 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1827
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Principals:William Tierney Clark
References:AAJ, BEM, BTH, HBE, MOS, NTB, ONF, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 44.8 meters (147 feet)


External Links:

Print, collection of David Denenberg.

1827: Kettenbrücke

Žatec, Czechia - Ohre River
Bridgemeister ID:6182 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1827
Also Known As:Saaz
Location:Žatec, Czechia
Crossing:Ohre River
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
Status:Removed, c. 1891
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.7 meters (195.9 feet)
Deck width:5.5 meters

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1827: L'île Barbe

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1535 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1827
Name:L'île Barbe
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.796883 N 4.83055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PQL, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 102 meters (334.66 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1827: Malapane

Ozimek, Lower Silesia, Poland - Mała Panew
Bridgemeister ID:385 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1827
Also Known As:Malapana
Location:Ozimek, Lower Silesia, Poland
Crossing:Mała Panew
Coordinates:50.676403 N 18.212243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The country of this bridge's location has changed several times. It is currently located in Poland where the river is known as "Mala Panew". AAJ records this bridge as serving the "Malapana mill" across the "Malapane River". "Malapane" is the German name for the Mała Panew river.

External Links:

Photo by Prof. Andreas Kahlow Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1827: Tollygunge

Tollygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Bridgemeister ID:3553 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1827
Also Known As:Tollygunj
Location:Tollygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Captain Hugh Baker
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet)
Deck width:14 feet

1828: Arcole

Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:625 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1828
Also Known As:de la Grève
Location:Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
References:AAJ, MOS, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1854
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 40.8 meters (133.86 feet)
Deck width:11.48 feet

External Links:

1828: Auvers

Auvers-sur-Oise and Méry-sur-Oise, Val-d'Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:1717 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1828
Location:Auvers-sur-Oise and Méry-sur-Oise, Val-d'Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Status:Failed, 1887


  • Destroyed 1870. Rebuilt 1873.

External Links:

1828: Doux

St Jean de Muzols and Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France - Doux River
Bridgemeister ID:1984 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1828
Location:St Jean de Muzols and Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Doux River
Coordinates:45.074384 N 4.816741 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1857


External Links:

1828: Guriah Hath

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Tolly's Nulla (Adi Ganga)
Bridgemeister ID:3554 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1828
Name:Guriah Hath
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nulla (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Captain Hugh Baker
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34.7 meters (114 feet)
Deck width:14 feet

1828: Karlskettensteg

Vienna, Austria - Danube Canal
Bridgemeister ID:4594 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:1828
Also Known As:Charles, Karls
Location:Vienna, Austria
Crossing:Danube Canal
Coordinates:48.214324 N 16.374969 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1870
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1828: Sablons

Sablons, Isère and Serrières, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:890 (added 2003-09-06)
Year Completed:1828
Location:Sablons, Isère and Serrières, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Principals:Marc Seguin
References:AAJ, ASB
Status:Replaced, 1933
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:2 x 101 meters (331.38 feet)
Deck width:13.12 feet


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1828: San Benedetto

Padua, Padua, Italy - Bacchiglione River
Bridgemeister ID:7940 (added 2023-10-29)
Year Completed:1828
Name:San Benedetto
Location:Padua, Padua, Italy
Crossing:Bacchiglione River
Coordinates:45.408364 N 11.868094 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1881
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1828: Sassenage

Sassenage and Grenoble, Isère, France - Drac River
Bridgemeister ID:1728 (added 2005-04-06)
Year Completed:1828
Location:Sassenage and Grenoble, Isère, France
Crossing:Drac River
Status:Replaced, 1938
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1828: South Stack

Holyhead, Wales, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:1212 (added 2004-02-08)
Year Completed:1828
Name:South Stack
Location:Holyhead, Wales, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Goleudy Ynys Lawd (Ynys Lawd Lighthouse)
Coordinates:53.306972 N 4.696822 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated


  • Provided access to the lighthouse at South Stack. Iron chain suspension system replaced in 1964, surviving until until 1983, but unclear if it was still functioning as a suspension bridge. Towers are now used as abutments for a pedestrian truss bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg. Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1829: Argentat

Argentat, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:627 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1829
Also Known As:Marie
Location:Argentat, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Principals:L. T. Vicat
References:AAJ, MOS, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1903
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Beaucaire

Beaucaire, Gard and Tarascon, Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:626 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Beaucaire, Gard and Tarascon, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Principals:Jules Seguin, Joseph Chaley
References:AAJ, ASB, GHD, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, August 6, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 120 meters (393.72 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 93.6 meters (307.1 feet)


  • 1887: Flooring failed.
  • 1944: Bombed by Allied Forces, August 6.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Chain

Kemeys Commander, Wales, United Kingdom - River Usk
Bridgemeister ID:7961 (added 2023-11-22)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Kemeys Commander, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Usk
Coordinates:51.745000 N 2.948227 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1906
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1906: Replaced by a non-suspension bridge still referred to as "Chainbridge".
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Chazey

Chazey-sur-Ain, Ain, France - Ain River
Bridgemeister ID:3217 (added 2019-11-11)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Chazey-sur-Ain, Ain, France
Crossing:Ain River
Principals:Joseph Chaley, Jules Seguin, Marc Seguin
Status:Destroyed, December, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Invalides

Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:633 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1829
Also Known As:l'Allee-d'Antin
Location:Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Marie Fortuné de Vergès, Ferdinand Bayard de la Vingtrie
References:AAJ, MOS, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1855
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 72.1 meters (236.5 feet)
Deck width:25.6 feet


External Links:

1829: Kettenbrücke

Bamberg, Germany - Regnitz River
Bridgemeister ID:632 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1829
Also Known As:Ludwigsbrücke, Chain
Location:Bamberg, Germany
Crossing:Regnitz River
Coordinates:49.896400 N 10.891386 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Replaced, c. 1892
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 64.26 meters (210.8 feet)

1829: Middleham

Middleham and Leyburn, England, United Kingdom - River Ure
Bridgemeister ID:387 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Middleham and Leyburn, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ure
Coordinates:54.294316 N 1.818643 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Edward Welch, Joseph Hansom
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1830: Said to have collapsed under weight of cattle in 1830. At some point it was rebuilt as a non-suspension bridge with the original suspension bridge towers intact. The current (in the 2020s and for many years before) main span is steel plate girder.
Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Montrose

Montrose, Scotland, United Kingdom - South Esk River
Bridgemeister ID:388 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Montrose, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:South Esk River
Coordinates:56.705802 N 2.475390 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
References:AAJ, BEM, BOB, HBE, PTS2, SBR
Status:Demolished, 1929
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • SBR: March 19, 1830, with a "crowd of people, estimated at 700, ... watching a boat race," a chain broke "plunging most of the people into the river." Repaired.
  • 1838: Wrecked by storm. Repaired.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Print, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Palais de Justice

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:546 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1829
Name:Palais de Justice
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Replaced, 1972
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Damaged by flood, 1840. Rebuilt. Bombed, 1944. Repaired, 1945. Location now occupied by a cable-stayed footbridge, completed 1986.

External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Port-Sainte-Foy

Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Dordogne and Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:7351 (added 2022-10-22)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Dordogne and Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.842132 N 0.211552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1829: Thoirette

Thoirette, Jura and Ain, France - Ain River
Bridgemeister ID:7574 (added 2023-04-21)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Thoirette, Jura and Ain, France
Crossing:Ain River
Coordinates:46.268283 N 5.536277 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1829: Vienne

Vienne, Isère and Sainte-Colombe, Rhône, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:977 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1829
Location:Vienne, Isère and Sainte-Colombe, Rhône, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.524867 N 4.87035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marc Seguin
References:AAJ, ASB
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Damaged by flood in 1840. Rebuilt.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: (suspension bridge)

Nassau, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:1667 (added 2005-03-20)
Year Completed:1830
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nassau, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Coordinates:50.311559 N 7.796206 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Lossen and Wolf
Status:Replaced, 1926
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 74.8 meters (245.56 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 11.9 meters (38.88 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Barrackpore

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3560 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Barrackpoor, Shambazar
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:James Prinsep, Captain Hugh Baker
Use:Vehicular (three-lane)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:30 feet


  • ISB describes its location: " situated half a mile from the mouth of the Circular Canal on the great road to Barrackpoor."

1830: Beose

Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:3282 (added 2019-11-23)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Presgrave's
Location:Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
Principals:Duncan Presgrave
References:AAJ, ISB
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)


  • Described as crossing the "Beose River" but the only references to a river by that name come from contemporary descriptions of this bridge.

1830: Boharm

Boat o' Brig, Fochabers, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Spey
Bridgemeister ID:4844 (added 2020-07-11)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Boat of Bridge, Boat o' Brig, New, Delfur
Location:Boat o' Brig, Fochabers, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Spey
Coordinates:57.550528 N 3.140743 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1956
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed 1830 or 1832.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Boitakhana

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3565 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Baliaghata
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:James Prinsep
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • ISB describes its location: "is the last or most southerly [of the chain suspension bridges] on the Circular Canal, being distant 3-1/2 miles from its mouth and a quarter of a mile from its junction with the Baliaghata and Circular Canals. It forms the principal line of communication between Calcutta (by the Lall-Bazar, Bow-Bazar and Boitakhana Streets,) Sealda, Soora and Baliaghata."

1830: Bourg-Saint-Andéol

Bourg-Saint-Andéol, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1719 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Bourg-Saint-Andéol, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Status:Replaced, 1971
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:1 x 88.9 meters (291.7 feet),
1 x 85.7 meters (281.2 feet),
1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Feurs

Feurs, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1543 (added 2004-11-03)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Feurs, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Principals:Jules Seguin
Status:Demolished, 1925
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Fourques

Fourques, Gard and Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Petit Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1040 (added 2003-12-06)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Fourques, Gard and Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Petit Rhône River
Coordinates:43.688722 N 4.613472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Grosvenor

Bath, England, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:389 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Bath, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon
Coordinates:51.393597 N 2.342445 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:T. Shaw
References:AAJ, MOS, SBR
Status:Replaced, 1929
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118 feet)


  • Suspension bridge abutments retained for 1929 non-suspension bridge replacement.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Guîtres

Guîtres, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:2072 (added 2006-06-07)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Guîtres, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: La Madeleine

La Madeleine, Faycelles, Lot and Causse-et-Diège, Aveyron, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:8507 (added 2024-03-23)
Year Completed:1830
Name:La Madeleine
Location:La Madeleine, Faycelles, Lot and Causse-et-Diège, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.557528 N 2.026278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Maniktola

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3563 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:Captain Thomas Prinsep
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • ISB describes its location: "is situated 2-1/4 miles from the mouth of the Circular Canal, and is three quarters of a mile due east of the new Church in Cornwallis Square."

1830: Narkooldunga

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3564 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:Captain Thomas Prinsep
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • ISB describes its location: "situated 2-3/4 miles from the mouth of the Circular Canal, and forming a most useful line of communication due eastward from the New Mint and the Raja or Burdwan's Bazar, by Cotton Street and Muchooa Bazar Street, in a direct line by Raja Ramlochun's Road toward the western shores of the Saltwater lake."

1830: Parentignat

Parentignat and Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1568 (added 2004-11-28)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Orbeil
Location:Parentignat and Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.543960 N 3.276289 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BPF
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 98.4 meters (322.8 feet)


  • Bypassed, 1973.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Remoulins

Remoulins, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:946 (added 2003-10-30)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Remoulins, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Coordinates:43.936944 N 4.557333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marc Seguin
Status:Only towers remain, since 1938 (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Rudolf

Vienna, Austria - Vienna River
Bridgemeister ID:6180 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Rudolfs, Rudolfsbrücke
Location:Vienna, Austria
Crossing:Vienna River
Coordinates:48.196985 N 16.359208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1899
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was located at the northern end of the current-day Kettenbrückegasse, named for the former Rudolf bridge. The Vienna River has since been covered over at this location.

External Links:

1830: Schikaneder

Vienna, Austria - Vienna River
Bridgemeister ID:6179 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Schikanederbrücke, Schikanedersteg
Location:Vienna, Austria
Crossing:Vienna River
Coordinates:48.199949 N 16.365989 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1895
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was located near the modern day intersection of Getreidemarkt and Friedrichstraße. The Vienna River here has since been covered over at this location.

External Links:

1830: Stockton Railway

Stockton on Tees, England, United Kingdom - River Tees
Bridgemeister ID:390 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1830
Name:Stockton Railway
Location:Stockton on Tees, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tees
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
References:AAJ, BEM, HBE, SBR
Status:Replaced, 1842
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 85.6 meters (281 feet)


  • First railway suspension bridge.

External Links:

1830: Valence

Valence, Drôme and Guilherand-Granges, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:631 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Valence, Drôme and Guilherand-Granges, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.932022 N 4.882951 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marc Seguin
References:ASB, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)
Deck width:7 meters


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Vic-sur-Aisne

Vic-sur-Aisne, Aisne, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:7368 (added 2022-11-05)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Vic-sur-Aisne, Aisne, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Status:Removed, 1898
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1830: Walters

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bridgemeister ID:2662 (added 2019-03-09)
Year Completed:1830
Location:Dhaka, Bangladesh
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • At time of completion, the city was known as Dacca as part of India.

1830: Wynch

Middleton-in-Teesdale, England, United Kingdom - River Tees
Bridgemeister ID:2465 (added 2008-10-04)
Year Completed:1830
Also Known As:Winch
Location:Middleton-in-Teesdale, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tees
Coordinates:54.646132 N 2.150488 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Aguado

Ris-Orangis, Essonne, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:4925 (added 2020-07-27)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Ris-Orangis, Essonne, France
Crossing:Seine River
Status:Destroyed, 1870
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed to slow advancing Prussian troops during the Franco-Prussian war.

1831: Andrézieux

Andrézieux, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:978 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Andrézieux, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Destroyed, October 17, 1907
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Beauregard

Beauregard, Ain, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1713 (added 2005-04-03)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Beauregard, Ain, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.002033 N 4.749783 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Belleville

Belleville, Rhône and Ain, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:979 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1831
Also Known As:Belleville-sur-Saône
Location:Belleville, Rhône and Ain, France
Crossing:Saône River
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1831: Bry-sur-Marne

Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:1668 (added 2005-03-20)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Principals:Jules Seguin
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, c.1870
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.43 feet)

External Links:

1831: Condrieu

Condrieu, Rhône and Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:981 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Condrieu, Rhône and Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.457394 N 4.768694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1935
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 96 meters (315 feet),
1 x 96.8 meters (317.6 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Decize

Decize, Nièvre, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1725 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Decize, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Replaced, 1904
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Dumdum

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3561 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:J. Prinsep, Captain John Thomson
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:23 feet


  • ISB describes its location: "is situated three quarters of a mile from [Circular Canal's] mouth."

1831: Findhorn

Forres, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Findhorn
Bridgemeister ID:391 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Forres, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Findhorn
Coordinates:57.6018 N 3.6557 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
References:AAJ, MOS, SBR
Status:Removed, 1938
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was still standing in 1938 when it was bypassed, but was likely demolished some time in 1938.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Print, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: La Feuillée

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1520 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1831
Name:La Feuillée
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.766642 N 4.829746 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Demolished, 1910
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated
Deck width:7 meters


External Links:

Postcard, collections of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Langon

Langon, Aquitaine, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1732 (added 2005-04-06)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Langon, Aquitaine, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Luzancy

Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:4919 (added 2020-07-26)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Status:Replaced, 1925
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Masaryk

Lyon vicinity, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:543 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1831
Also Known As:Masarik, Mazarik, de la Gare
Location:Lyon vicinity, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.778267 N 4.809017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 85.2 meters (279.5 feet)
Deck width:6.5 meters


External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Mirabeau

Mirabeau, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:982 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Mirabeau, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.68945 N 5.668267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jean-François-Theophilus Sauzet
References:AAJ, BPF
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2005)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)
Deck width:5.5 meters


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Scotswood

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, United Kingdom - River Tyne
Bridgemeister ID:392 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1831
Also Known As:Chine
Location:Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tyne
Principals:John Green
References:AAJ, BRB, NTB
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Demolished, 1967
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 112.2 meters (368 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 39.9 meters (131 feet)
Deck width:16 feet 10 inch roadway, 3 feet 3 inch footway


  • "Chine" is the spelling/pronounciation of "Chain" in Geordie a dialect spoken in Tyneside.
  • Widened (19ft 6in roadway, two 6ft walkways), iron chains replaced with steel cables 1931. Bypassed, 1967. Since demolished.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Wellington

Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:393 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1831
Also Known As:Craiglug
Location:Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.13559 N 2.09560 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Reconstructed, 1930. Closed to vehicular traffic, 1984. Closed to all traffic 2002. Underwent extensive refurbishment, 2008.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Print, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1831: Whorlton

Whorlton, Barnard Castle, England, United Kingdom - River Tees
Bridgemeister ID:1250 (added 2004-02-21)
Year Completed:1831
Location:Whorlton, Barnard Castle, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tees
Coordinates:54.526243 N 1.836740 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Green, Benjamin Green
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, July 2019 (last checked: October 2023)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated


  • 2003-2004: Refurbished.
  • 2019, July: Closed following failure of a deck suspender.
  • 2020, September: Remained closed, indefinitely, with no firm plan for repairs.
  • 2020, December: Fears escalate over catastrophic failure.
  • 2022, February: Repairs delayed, not expected to be completed until May 2023.
  • 2023, October: New plans announced. The bridge will be fully dismantled and restored.

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1832: Aboyne

Aboyne, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:2203 (added 2007-01-28)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Aboyne, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Bercy

Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1738 (added 2005-04-19)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Marie Fortuné de Vergès
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1860's
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.36 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 45 meters (147.64 feet)
Deck width:26.25 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Ferdinando

Minturno vicinity, Italy - Garigliano River
Bridgemeister ID:2014 (added 2006-01-14)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Minturno vicinity, Italy
Crossing:Garigliano River
Coordinates:41.242015 N 13.771914 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Luigi Giura
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.4 meters (263.8 feet)


  • Destroyed, 1943. Reconstructed, 1998.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: L'Ile-Bouchard

Saint Maurice, L'Île-Bouchard and Saint-Gilles, L'Île-Bouchard, Indre-et-Loire, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:1605 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Saint Maurice, L'Île-Bouchard and Saint-Gilles, L'Île-Bouchard, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Coordinates:47.119399 N 0.424522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.48 feet)
Deck width:13.12 feet


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: L'Ile-Bouchard

Saint Maurice, L'Île-Bouchard and Saint-Gilles, L'Île-Bouchard, Indre-et-Loire, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:6609 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Saint Maurice, L'Île-Bouchard and Saint-Gilles, L'Île-Bouchard, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Coordinates:47.120994 N 0.425181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.89 feet)
Deck width:13.12 feet


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: La Roche-Posay

La Roche-Posay, Vienne and Indre-et-Loire, France - Creuse River
Bridgemeister ID:1601 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1832
Name:La Roche-Posay
Also Known As:La Roche-Posay-les-Bains
Location:La Roche-Posay, Vienne and Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Creuse River
Status:Replaced, 1937
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Les Vans

Les Vans and Les Assions, Ardèche, France - Chassezac River
Bridgemeister ID:2415 (added 2007-12-31)
Year Completed:1832
Name:Les Vans
Location:Les Vans and Les Assions, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Chassezac River
Coordinates:44.416248 N 4.155727 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Marlow

Marlow, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:394 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Marlow, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.56735 N 0.773567 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Tierney Clark
References:AAJ, BEM, BRB, BTH, MOS, NTB
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2
Deck width:30 feet

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Neuville-sur-Saône

Neuville-sur-Saône and Albigny-sur-Saône, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1737 (added 2005-04-19)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Neuville-sur-Saône and Albigny-sur-Saône, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.876840 N 4.836934 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1934
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Saint-Vincent

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1098 (added 2004-01-02)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.767583 N 4.827983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Vailly-sur-Aisne

Vailly-sur-Aisne, Aisne, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:6614 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Vailly-sur-Aisne, Aisne, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Status:Destroyed, 1870
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1870; Destroyed to slow advancing troops during the Franco-Prussian war.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1832: Vals-les-bains

Vals-les-bains and Labégude, Ardèche, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:1761 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Vals-les-bains and Labégude, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • AAJ notes the contract was let in late 1831 and guesses at 1833 as the year of completion. 1832 is more likely given the rate at which these early iron wire French bridges were constructed.

1832: Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth, England, United Kingdom - River Bure
Bridgemeister ID:2381 (added 2007-11-04)
Year Completed:1832
Location:Great Yarmouth, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Bure
Status:Collapsed, 1845


  • Possibly completed in 1829.
  • 1845, May 2: Collapsed under weight of large crowd that had gathered to watch a famous clown sail down the River Bure in a washtub pulled by swans.

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:3550 (added 2019-12-25)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Captain John Thomson
References:HJC, ISB
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 27.1 meters (89 feet)
Deck width:24 feet

1833: Chauvigny

Chauvigny, Vienne, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:1544 (added 2004-11-03)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Chauvigny, Vienne, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Principals:Jules Seguin
References:AAJ, GHD
Status:Replaced, 1868
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.08 feet)
Deck width:14.44 feet

External Links:

1833: Collias

Collias, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:1721 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1833
Also Known As:Louis-Philippe
Location:Collias, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Coordinates:43.953224 N 4.482269 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1833: Cosne-sur-Loire

Cosne-sur-Loire, Nièvre and Boulleret, Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1595 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Cosne-sur-Loire, Nièvre and Boulleret, Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.411396 N 2.918450 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1928
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1833: Coubon

Coubon and Volhac, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1723 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Coubon and Volhac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1866
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


1833: Hasting's

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Bridgemeister ID:3549 (added 2019-12-25)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Captain Fitzgerald, Captain J. Thomson
References:HJC, ISB
Status:Collapsed, 1874
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 53.6 meters (176 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 26.8 meters (88 feet)
Deck width:24 feet

1833: La Sône

La Sône, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:1730 (added 2005-04-06)
Year Completed:1833
Name:La Sône
Location:La Sône, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.109403 N 5.276853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.85 feet)
Deck width:14.76 feet


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1833: Le Veurdre

Le Veurdre, Allier and Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier, Nièvre, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:2031 (added 2006-04-22)
Year Completed:1833
Name:Le Veurdre
Location:Le Veurdre, Allier and Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.758333 N 3.049167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1833: Leopoldus II

Poggio a Cajano, Florence vicinity, Tuscany, Italy - Ombrone River
Bridgemeister ID:1030 (added 2003-11-30)
Year Completed:1833
Name:Leopoldus II
Location:Poggio a Cajano, Florence vicinity, Tuscany, Italy
Crossing:Ombrone River
Coordinates:43.824854 N 11.047510 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Alessandro Manetti
Status:Only towers remain, since September, 1944 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 34.89 meters (114.5 feet)


  • Destroyed September, 1944. Towers extant, 2003.
  • RLE: "probably very first wire suspension bridge in Italy."
  • A modern footbridge was installed on the original piers, likely in the 2010s.

External Links:

1833: Longues

Longues, Vic-le-Comte and Les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1759 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Longues, Vic-le-Comte and Les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)
Deck width:14.11 feet


1833: Norfolk

Shoreham, England, United Kingdom - River Adur
Bridgemeister ID:604 (added 2003-01-12)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Shoreham, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Adur
Principals:William Tierney Clark
References:AAJ, MOS
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1923
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 86.6 meters (284 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • According to MOS, the 284 foot measurement given for this bridge is for the "chord line" of the chains, not the pier-to-pier deck length.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1833: Petit

Cosne-sur-Loire, Nièvre and Boulleret, Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7156 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Cosne-sur-Loire, Nièvre and Boulleret, Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.411173 N 2.908176 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1833: Schaukelbrücke Ilmpark

Weimar, Thüringen, Germany - Ilm River
Bridgemeister ID:2161 (added 2006-12-16)
Year Completed:1833
Name:Schaukelbrücke Ilmpark
Location:Weimar, Thüringen, Germany
Crossing:Ilm River
Coordinates:50.96722 N 11.33971 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14.8 meters (48.6 feet)
Deck width:2.04 meters between side rails, 2.16 meters total


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "Oldest fully functional suspension bridge in Germany; 2 x 3 chains; 2 different sags; Located in the park of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's garden house."

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1833: Tonneins

Tonneins, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1760 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Tonneins, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1833: Vichy

Vichy and Bellerive-sur-Allier, Allier, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1762 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1833
Location:Vichy and Bellerive-sur-Allier, Allier, France
Crossing:Allier River
Status:Replaced, 1870

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Aranjuez

Aranjuez, Spain - Tagus River
Bridgemeister ID:5111 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:1834
Also Known As:Barcas
Location:Aranjuez, Spain
Crossing:Tagus River
Principals:Pedro Miranda
Status:Removed, 1930
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Sometimes claimed to be built in the 1820s, it appears to have been started in 1829 and completed in 1834. The bridge is attributed to Pedro Miranda who was born in 1808.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Bretenoux

Bretenoux and Biars-sur-Cère, Lot, France - Cère River
Bridgemeister ID:4756 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Bretenoux and Biars-sur-Cère, Lot, France
Crossing:Cère River
Coordinates:44.916349 N 1.838218 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Canada

Tréguier and Trédarzec, Côtes-d'Armor, France - Jaudy River
Bridgemeister ID:1120 (added 2004-01-09)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Tréguier and Trédarzec, Côtes-d'Armor, France
Crossing:Jaudy River
Coordinates:48.785102 N 3.220630 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1886
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)

External Links:

1834: Chitpur

Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3559 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1834
Also Known As:Cheetpoor, Baghbazar
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:Captain John Thomson
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.2 meters (99 feet)
Deck width:22 feet


  • ISB describes its location: " situated at the upper end of the Circular Canal, close to the east bank of the River Hooghly, and in the main road leading direct from Calcutta to Cheetpoor and Kaseepoor."

1834: Clairac

Clairac, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7049 (added 2022-05-26)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Clairac, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.358260 N 0.381738 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Crathie

Crathie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:1084 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1834
Also Known As:Easter Balmoral
Location:Crathie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.0335 N 3.211 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Justice Junior and Co.
References:AAJ, BSI, HBR
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.1 meters (138 feet)
Deck width:14 feet


  • BSI: Reported to have been "almost entirely renewed", 1885. Ruddock also suggests the bridge was originally constructed with just diagonal stays (as other Justice bridges) and the catenary chains were added during the renewal.
  • 2024, May: Reopened after restoration completed.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg

1834: Digoin

Digoin, Saône-et-Loire and Allier, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1156 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Digoin, Saône-et-Loire and Allier, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:46.479272 N 3.969957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1907
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:3

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Ile aux Barques

Ile aux Barques, Geneva, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:1826 (added 2005-05-30)
Year Completed:1834
Name:Ile aux Barques
Also Known As:Bergues
Location:Ile aux Barques, Geneva, Switzerland
Principals:Guillame Henri Dufour
References:AAJ, GHD
Status:Removed, 1881
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (109.9 feet)


  • GHD: "...asymmetrical bridge supported by a single pier."
  • Ile aux Barques is now known as Ile Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • This location is better known for the large underspanned suspension bridge completed in 1834 by Dufour (documented in great detail in reference GHD). The underspanned bridge is omitted from the Bridgemeister inventory. This entry is for the small footbridge that connected to the larger underspanned bridge. Follow the image link for more information.

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1834: Jargeau

Jargeau and Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1042 (added 2003-12-06)
Year Completed:1834
Also Known As:Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel
Location:Jargeau and Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.869886 N 2.124662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1927
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Spans:5 x 54 meters (177.2 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Lamothe

Lamothe and Brioude, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1763 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Lamothe and Brioude, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.302910 N 3.403816 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Loubéjac

Loubéjac and Lamothe-Capdeville, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Aveyron River
Bridgemeister ID:2189 (added 2007-01-25)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Loubéjac and Lamothe-Capdeville, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Aveyron River

1834: Louis-Philippe

Île St-Louis, Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:983 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1834
Also Known As:de la Reforme
Location:Île St-Louis, Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Marc Seguin
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2
Deck width:14.44 feet


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1834: Lussac-les-Châteaux

Lussac-les-Châteaux, Vienne, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:4926 (added 2020-07-27)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Lussac-les-Châteaux, Vienne, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely completed in 1834 based on contract let in 1832.

1834: Pontoise

Pontoise, Val-d'Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:1770 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Pontoise, Val-d'Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164.05 feet)
Deck width:14.44 feet

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Port-Sainte-Marie

Port-Sainte-Marie and Saint-Laurent, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1765 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Port-Sainte-Marie and Saint-Laurent, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Status:Replaced, 1899
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)
Deck width:14.44 feet


1834: Saint Francois

Tréguier and Plouguiel, Côtes-d'Armor, France - Guindy River
Bridgemeister ID:1122 (added 2004-01-09)
Year Completed:1834
Name:Saint Francois
Location:Tréguier and Plouguiel, Côtes-d'Armor, France
Crossing:Guindy River
Coordinates:48.789737 N 3.236838 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.2 meters (233.6 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude

Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude and Marcorignan, Aude, France - Aude River
Bridgemeister ID:4927 (added 2020-07-27)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude and Marcorignan, Aude, France
Crossing:Aude River
Coordinates:43.234368 N 2.926676 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1929
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Saint-Thibault

Saint-Thibault, Saint-Satur vicinity, Cher and Nièvre, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1650 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1834
Location:Saint-Thibault, Saint-Satur vicinity, Cher and Nièvre, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.338358 N 2.868882 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1934
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5
Deck width:14.44 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1834: Zaehringen

Fribourg, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:395 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1834
Also Known As:Grand Pont Suspendu
Location:Fribourg, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Principals:Joseph Chaley
References:AAJ, BBR, BFL, HBE, LAB
Status:Removed, 1920's
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 273.1 meters (896 feet)


External Links:

Print, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: (footbridge)

Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Bridgemeister ID:3551 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Tolly's Nullah (Adi Ganga)
Principals:Captain John Thomson
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • Described in ISB as located: "at the north side of the Great Jail of Alipoor, opposite the road leading from the General Hospital to the European Burying Ground."

1835: Chasse

Chasse-sur-Rhône, Isère and Givors, Métropole De Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:980 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1835
Also Known As:Givors
Location:Chasse-sur-Rhône, Isère and Givors, Métropole De Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.581666 N 4.780083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Cables and deck appear to have been replaced (at least once).
  • AAJ describes an accident in 1836: "...some of the iron-work, which was faulty, gave way and the platform fell into the river. Six persons were drowned."

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Ferro

Pomarance vicinity, Italy - Cecina River
Bridgemeister ID:7601 (added 2023-05-16)
Year Completed:1835
Also Known As:Iron
Location:Pomarance vicinity, Italy
Crossing:Cecina River
Status:Destroyed, 1847
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)


External Links:

1835: Kettenbrücke

Loket, Czechia - Ohre River
Bridgemeister ID:2586 (added 2014-04-13)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Loket, Czechia
Crossing:Ohre River
Principals:L. Wöllner, Friedrich Schnirch
Status:Replaced, 1936
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bridge's location sometimes known as "Elbogen", the German name for the town of Loket.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: La Réole

La Réole, Gironde, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1768 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1835
Name:La Réole
Location:La Réole, Gironde, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Lagnieu

Lagnieu, Ain and Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1731 (added 2005-04-06)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Lagnieu, Ain and Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Langeac

Langeac, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1701 (added 2005-03-29)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Langeac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.100706 N 3.498480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1929
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • AAJ guesses this bridge was completed in 1835 based on contract let in 1833 specifying a two-year construction period.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Les Ormes

Les Ormes, Vienne, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:2074 (added 2006-06-09)
Year Completed:1835
Name:Les Ormes
Location:Les Ormes, Vienne, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Maria Cristina

Solopaca, Benevento, Italy - Calore River
Bridgemeister ID:7938 (added 2023-10-29)
Year Completed:1835
Name:Maria Cristina
Also Known As:Cristino
Location:Solopaca, Benevento, Italy
Crossing:Calore River
Coordinates:41.207944 N 14.571000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, October 4, 1943
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2023: Pylons and ornamental lion sculptures from the bridge are still present, but the pylons appear to have been moved back from their original locations.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Montmerle-sur-Saône

Montmerle-sur-Saône, Ain and Saint-Georges-de-Reneins, Rhône, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1586 (added 2005-01-22)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Montmerle-sur-Saône, Ain and Saint-Georges-de-Reneins, Rhône, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.080483 N 4.754933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • 1944: Heavily damaged during WWII. Repaired.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Pertuis

Pertuis, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:984 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Pertuis, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 104 meters (341.2 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Rognonas

Rognonas, Bouches-du-Rhône and Avignon, Vaucluse, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:2190 (added 2007-01-25)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Rognonas, Bouches-du-Rhône and Avignon, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Durance River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Roquemaure

Roquemaure, Gard and Orange, Vaucluse, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1735 (added 2005-04-19)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Roquemaure, Gard and Orange, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.069467 N 4.7689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:4


  • One of the four spans, effectively a separate bridge over a small channel of the Rhône to an island that connected to the main river spans, was still standing in early 2005, but closed to all traffic. The deck and cables were removed or destroyed at some point in 2005 or 2006 leaving just the pylons of this span.
  • Replaced by Roquemaure - Roquemaure, Gard and Orange, Vaucluse, France.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac

Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac and Lavagnac, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:2069 (added 2006-06-07)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac and Lavagnac, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.814153 N 0.138769 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1939
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: San Leopoldo

Florence, Italy - Arno River
Bridgemeister ID:4759 (added 2020-06-28)
Year Completed:1835
Name:San Leopoldo
Location:Florence, Italy
Crossing:Arno River
Coordinates:43.774903 N 11.234414 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Demolished, 1932
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1835: Serrières-sur-Ain

Serrières-sur-Ain, Ain, France - Ain River
Bridgemeister ID:7320 (added 2022-09-01)
Year Completed:1835
Location:Serrières-sur-Ain, Ain, France
Crossing:Ain River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Agde

Agde, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:1129 (added 2004-01-15)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Agde, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Attichy

Attichy, Oise, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:7444 (added 2022-12-23)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Attichy, Oise, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Status:Removed, 1892
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Bonhill

Bonhill and Alexandria, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Leven
Bridgemeister ID:5553 (added 2020-12-16)
Year Completed:1836
Also Known As:Bawbee
Location:Bonhill and Alexandria, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Leven
Coordinates:55.984853 N 4.573088 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1898
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates are for the present-day (2020) bridge at this location, the replacement for the bridge that replaced the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge was either on the identical alignment of the current bridge or immediately adjacent.

1836: Branne

Branne, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:6999 (added 2022-04-24)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Branne, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.832286 N 0.186143 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1911
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Brest

Brest, Belarus - Bug River
Bridgemeister ID:3208 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Brest, Belarus
Crossing:Bug River
At or Near Feature:Terespol Gate, Brest-Litovsk Fortress
Coordinates:52.082272 N 23.650872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Damaged during World War I. Replaced by 1941, likely demolished long before. Coordinates are for likely location.

External Links:

1836: Choisy-au-bac

Choisy-au-bac, Oise, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:1767 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Choisy-au-bac, Oise, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

External Links:

1836: Conflans

Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1774 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River

External Links:

1836: Fourchambault

Fourchambault, Nièvre and Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1598 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Fourchambault, Nièvre and Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.012339 N 3.073304 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 1940's
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:6


  • Dynamited in 1940 or 1941. Eventually replaced by a long low-lying truss bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Fourneau

Le Fourneau, Bourbon-Lancy vicinity, Saône-et-Loire and Allier, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1771 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Le Fourneau, Bourbon-Lancy vicinity, Saône-et-Loire and Allier, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, October 1846, by flood.
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 85 meters (278.88 feet)
Deck width:19.73 feet


1836: Franz Karl

Graz, Austria - Mur River
Bridgemeister ID:6186 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1836
Name:Franz Karl
Location:Graz, Austria
Crossing:Mur River
Coordinates:47.077246 N 15.432955 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

1836: Horkstow

Horkstow, England, United Kingdom - River Ancholme
Bridgemeister ID:1649 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Horkstow, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ancholme
Coordinates:53.65842 N 0.52837 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir John Rennie
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40.8 meters (133.75 feet)


  • 1835, 1836, and 1844 all sometimes cited as the year of completion.

External Links:

Photo by Robert M. Vogel Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Kalemouth

Eckford, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Teviot
Bridgemeister ID:396 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Eckford, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Teviot
Coordinates:55.539902 N 2.463519 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since 2020 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64.6 meters (212 feet)

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg

1836: Le Guétin

Le Guétin, Cuffy vicinity, Cher and Gimouille, Nièvre, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1652 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1836
Name:Le Guétin
Location:Le Guétin, Cuffy vicinity, Cher and Gimouille, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.947218 N 3.074370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5 x 62 meters (203.42 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Meung-sur-Loire

Meung-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1537 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Meung-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, June, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:4


  • 1872-1874: Bridge is partially rebuilt.
  • 1925: Bridge undergoes heavy reconstruction, keeping the original piers, pillars, and abutments, but with modifications.
  • 1935: Suspension system is reinforced.
  • 1940: Destroyed June, 1940.
  • Replaced by 1948 Meung-sur-Loire - Meung-sur-Loire, Loiret, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Pontavert

Pontavert, Aisne, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:7714 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Pontavert, Aisne, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Coordinates:49.403533 N 3.820659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1904
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1836: Saint-Perreux

Saint-Perreux, Morbihan and Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine, France - L'Oust
Bridgemeister ID:6187 (added 2021-07-10)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Saint-Perreux, Morbihan and Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine, France
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.1 meters (118.4 feet)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Saint-Sever

Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1154 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Marc Seguin
Status:Destroyed, 1884
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Sully-sur-Loire

Sully-sur-Loire and Saint-Père-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7851 (added 2023-09-09)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Sully-sur-Loire and Saint-Père-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1856
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1836: Victoria

Bath, England, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:397 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1836
Location:Bath, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon
Coordinates:51.38350 N 2.37327 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • Dredge patent bridge.
  • Closed in 2010 due to safety concerns. Scheduled to be largely rebuilt as a replica, starting April 2013 to be completed April 2014. Temporary truss installed through the bridge to permit traffic during the refurbishment. Reopened January 2015.

External Links:

Photo by John Branston Photo by Dave Cooper

1837: Bruère-Allichamps

Bruère-Allichamps, Saint-Amand-Montrond vicinity, Cher, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:1437 (added 2004-07-30)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Bruère-Allichamps, Saint-Amand-Montrond vicinity, Cher, France
Crossing:Cher River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1837: Cavaillon

Cavaillon, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:1012 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Cavaillon, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Principals:Jules Seguin
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1837: Constantine

Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1775 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
At or Near Feature:left bank
Status:Replaced, c. 1860's
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 101.4 meters (332.69 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 25.8 meters (84.75 feet)


  • Connected l'Ile Saint-Louis and Quai St. Bernard.
  • AAJ says replaced in 1863, but the current bridge at this location (Pont Sully) was not completed until 1876.
  • Companion to 1837 Damiette - Paris, France.

External Links:

1837: Damiette

Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1776 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
At or Near Feature:right bank
Status:Destroyed, 1848
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet),
1 x 76.8 meters (251.85 feet)


  • AAJ: It connected "the Quai of Célestins with the l'Ile Saint-Louis on one side, and with the I'lle of Louviers on the other."
  • Companion to 1837 Constantine - Paris, France.

External Links:

1837: Grand River North West

Port Louis, Mauritius - Grand River North West
Bridgemeister ID:528 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1837
Name:Grand River North West
Location:Port Louis, Mauritius
Crossing:Grand River North West
Coordinates:20.176395 S 57.472176 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced by a steel arch bridge, built on the same abutments, that is still standing (as of 2019).

1837: La Balme

La Balme, Savoie and Virignin, Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1655 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1837
Name:La Balme
Location:La Balme, Savoie and Virignin, Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
References:AAJ, AGP
Status:Replaced, 1912

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1837: Novéant-Corny-sur-Moselle

Novéant-sur-Moselle and Corny-sur-Moselle, Moselle, France - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:1722 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Novéant-sur-Moselle and Corny-sur-Moselle, Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Replaced, c. 1909
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1837: Port-Boulet

Port-Boulet, Bourgueil vicinity, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1773 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Port-Boulet, Bourgueil vicinity, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Destroyed, 1871
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

External Links:

1837: Rabastens

Rabastens and Coufouleux, Tarn, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:1599 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Rabastens and Coufouleux, Tarn, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1924
Suspended Spans:1


  • Eventually replaced by present-day arch bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1837: San Ferdinando

Florence, Italy - Arno River
Bridgemeister ID:7934 (added 2023-10-28)
Year Completed:1837
Name:San Ferdinando
Location:Florence, Italy
Crossing:Arno River
Coordinates:43.765141 N 11.271111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Destroyed, 1844
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


1837: Shakkin

Cults, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:1546 (added 2004-11-13)
Year Completed:1837
Also Known As:Shakin, St. Devenick's, Morrison
Location:Cults, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.11460 N 2.17056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Smith
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180.1 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Damaged by flood, 1876, and 1920. Reconstructed, 1921-1922. "Stranded" by shift in river's course, 1970's and 1980's, sweeping away southern approach spans. Deck removed, 1984.
  • Known locally as "Shakin' Briggie" or "Shakkin' Briggie," but also referred to as Morrison Bridge and St. Devenick's Bridge.
  • Restoration under consideration, 2005.

External Links:

Photo by William Munter Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1837: Trébaste

Château-Arnoux and L'Escale, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:2003 (added 2005-12-26)
Year Completed:1837
Location:Château-Arnoux and L'Escale, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Status:Demolished, 1962

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1837: Vallon

Vallon-Pont-D'arc and Salavas, Ardèche, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:1766 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1837
Also Known As:Salavas
Location:Vallon-Pont-D'arc and Salavas, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Coordinates:44.398624 N 4.385082 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


  • The current (2022) bridge at this location is built on the piers of the suspension bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Ancenis

Ancenis, Loire-Atlantique and Le Fourneau, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1036 (added 2003-12-03)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Ancenis, Loire-Atlantique and Le Fourneau, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Principals:Marc Seguin
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Buzet-sur-Baïse

Buzet-sur-Baïse, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Petite Baïse River
Bridgemeister ID:4909 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Buzet-sur-Baïse, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Petite Baïse River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Chambilly

Chambilly and Marcigny, Saône-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7964 (added 2023-11-23)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Chambilly and Marcigny, Saône-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Conflans

Andrésy and Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Yvelines, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:1687 (added 2005-03-26)
Year Completed:1838
Also Known As:Fin d'Oise
Location:Andrésy and Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Yvelines, France
Crossing:Oise River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)
Deck width:5.5 meters


  • Likely replaced by the current concrete arch bridge at this location.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Corbières

Corbières, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:1778 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Corbières, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1931
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Kermélo

Lorient, Morbihan, France
Bridgemeister ID:1128 (added 2004-01-15)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Lorient, Morbihan, France
Principals:Marc Seguin
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Appears to have been mainly a footbridge. Likely removed.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: La Roche-Guyon

La Roche-Guyon, Val-d'Oise and Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:7649 (added 2023-06-10)
Year Completed:1838
Name:La Roche-Guyon
Location:La Roche-Guyon, Val-d'Oise and Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.079205 N 1.631693 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1882
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 161 meters (528.2 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Löwenbrücke

Berlin, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:858 (added 2003-08-09)
Year Completed:1838
Also Known As:Lion's Bridge
Location:Berlin, Germany
At or Near Feature:Tiergarten
Coordinates:52.512383 N 13.345667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ludwig Ferdinand Hesse
Status:Closed (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 17.3 meters (56.8 feet)
Deck width:2 meters


  • Now supported by wire cable.
  • In the early 2010s, the bridge was closed and the deck was removed (see accompanying 2013 photo set). By 2019 it had been further dismantled awaiting rehabilitation.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1838: Les Andelys

Les Andelys, Eure, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:4215 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:1838
Name:Les Andelys
Location:Les Andelys, Eure, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.236464 N 1.397978 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals: Marie Fortuné de Vergès, Ferdinand Bayard de la Vingtrie
Status:Destroyed, 1870
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Marmande

Marmande, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1603 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Marmande, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.499538 N 0.156698 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Failed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Mas-d'Agenais

Le Mas-d'Agenais, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1033 (added 2003-11-30)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Le Mas-d'Agenais, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.412101 N 0.222131 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


  • 1930: The bridge is strengthened. The suspension system is replaced, the deck is stiffened with a plate girder system, and the pairs of end pylons are transformed to (or replaced with) towers with gothic arches.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Montfrin

Montfrin, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:1934 (added 2005-10-28)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Montfrin, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Ruoms

Ruoms and Labeaume, Ardèche, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:7314 (added 2022-08-28)
Year Completed:1838
Also Known As:Les Brasseries
Location:Ruoms and Labeaume, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Coordinates:44.456715 N 4.334095 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Saint Laurent

Grenoble, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:1158 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1838
Name:Saint Laurent
Location:Grenoble, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.194433 N 5.729017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated


  • 1909: The bridge is extensively renovated.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Saint-Bernard

Saint-Bernard, Ain and Anse, Rhône, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1716 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Saint-Bernard, Ain and Anse, Rhône, France
Crossing:Saône River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Replaced, 1940s
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • 1933, October 4: A section of the bridge deck collapses under the weight of a truck.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Tournus

Tournus, Saône-et-Loire, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:5660 (added 2021-01-01)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Tournus, Saône-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.564107 N 4.912460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1869
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

1838: Triel-sur-Seine

Triel-sur-Seine and Vernouillet, Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1756 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Triel-sur-Seine and Vernouillet, Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:48.978606 N 2.001981 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1838: Vianne

Vianne, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Baïse River
Bridgemeister ID:1110 (added 2004-01-03)
Year Completed:1838
Location:Vianne, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Baïse River
Coordinates:44.196545 N 0.324949 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Balbigny

Balbigny, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1777 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Balbigny, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Suspended Spans:2

External Links:

Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Basse-Chaîne

Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France - Maine River
Bridgemeister ID:993 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1839
Also Known As:Angers
Location:Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Maine River
Principals:Joseph Chaley
References:AAJ, GHD, HBE, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, 1850
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.66 feet)
Deck width:23.62 feet


  • Collapsed under weight of maching troops, April 16, 1850, killing more than 200 soldiers. Collapse precipitated French virtual moratorium on suspension bridge building bringing to a close the prolific era of French wire cable suspension bridges.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1839: Belleperche

Cordes-Tolosannes, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2101 (added 2006-07-23)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Cordes-Tolosannes, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.995722 N 1.125750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Builth Wells

Builth Wells, Wales, United Kingdom - River Irfon
Bridgemeister ID:1916 (added 2005-10-09)
Year Completed:1839
Name:Builth Wells
Location:Builth Wells, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Irfon
Coordinates:52.153074 N 3.414589 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1983


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Cadenet

Cadenet, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:1008 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Cadenet, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.712117 N 5.365317 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Adolphe Boulland
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2005)


  • Damaged by flood 1843, closed until 1844, destroyed 1944. Towers still standing, 2005.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Caille

Allonzier-La-Caille vicinity, Haute-Savoie, France - Usses Torrent
Bridgemeister ID:859 (added 2003-08-09)
Year Completed:1839
Also Known As:Charles-Albert
Location:Allonzier-La-Caille vicinity, Haute-Savoie, France
Crossing:Usses Torrent
Coordinates:46.0126 N 6.111633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E. Belin
References:AAJ, BPF, PTS2
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 192 meters (629.9 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Coudette

Peyrehorade, Landes, France - Gave de Pau River
Bridgemeister ID:2310 (added 2007-05-02)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Peyrehorade, Landes, France
Crossing:Gave de Pau River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Cournon

Pérignat-sur-Allier and Cournon-d'Auvergne, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1726 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Pérignat-sur-Allier and Cournon-d'Auvergne, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.729820 N 3.213100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Hameln

Hameln, Niedersachsen, Germany - Weser River
Bridgemeister ID:2298 (added 2007-04-26)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Hameln, Niedersachsen, Germany
Crossing:Weser River
Coordinates:52.101511 N 9.351547 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Georg Theodor Wendelstadt
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Dismantled, c. 1890s
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Spans:2


  • Replaced in the 1890s by a (likely) cantilever bridge having the general shape of a suspension bridge.
  • AAJ writes: "the first use of triangular bracing between double chain cables" and mentions that it was dismantled and moved to Hessisch Oldendorf 1880-1890 or 1899. Most accounts suggest the bridge was reassembled in the 1898-1899 time frame.
  • Moved to 1899 Weserbrücke - Hessisch Oldendorf and Fuhlen, Germany.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Kettenbrücke

Aarburg, Switzerland - Aare River
Bridgemeister ID:7844 (added 2023-09-04)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Aarburg, Switzerland
Crossing:Aare River
Coordinates:47.320377 N 7.898142 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 1911
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: L'Hôtel Dieu

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:966 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1839
Name:L'Hôtel Dieu
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
References:AAJ, PQL
Status:Demolished, 1912
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Laer Castle

Meschede vicinity, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Ruhr River
Bridgemeister ID:2237 (added 2007-03-19)
Year Completed:1839
Name:Laer Castle
Also Known As:Schlosspark Laer
Location:Meschede vicinity, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Ruhr River
Coordinates:51.349452 N 8.256528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:A. Bruns
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28.14 meters (92.3 feet)
Deck width:1.85 meters

External Links:

1839: Lisle-sur-Tarn

Lisle-sur-Tarn, Tarn, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:4556 (added 2020-06-01)
Year Completed:1839
Also Known As:L'Isle-sur-Tarn
Location:Lisle-sur-Tarn, Tarn, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.851028 N 1.812759 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Loyettes

Loyettes, Ain and Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:2334 (added 2007-07-09)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Loyettes, Ain and Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.772075 N 5.205653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Manosque

Manosque, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:2001 (added 2005-12-26)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Manosque, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Neuville-sur-Oise

Neuville-sur-Oise, Val-d'Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:2081 (added 2006-06-10)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Neuville-sur-Oise, Val-d'Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Port-à-Binson

Port-à-Binson, Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:2057 (added 2006-06-03)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Port-à-Binson, Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Destroyed, 1910s
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Roche-Bernard

La Roche-Bernard, Morbihan, France - Vilaine River
Bridgemeister ID:1027 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1839
Location:La Roche-Bernard, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Vilaine River
Principals:P. Leblanc
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1911
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 198 meters (649.6 feet)


  • Wrecked by wind 1852, rebuilt, damaged 1866, 1869, 1870, and 1871. After the 1871 repairs, it was restricted to foot traffic. It was replaced in 1911 by an arch. Approaches extant (next to the later suspension bridge), 2004.
  • Next to 1960 Roche-Bernard - La Roche-Bernard, Morbihan, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Saint André-de-Cubzac

Saint André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:550 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1839
Name:Saint André-de-Cubzac
Also Known As:Cubzac
Location:Saint André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.962000 N 0.461444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marie Fortuné de Vergès, Emil Martin
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1869
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5 x 109 meters (357.6 feet)
Deck width:23 feet


  • This is perhaps one of the most fanciful large suspension bridges ever built.
  • Destroyed in a storm, 1869. Its replacement (a truss bridge) was completed in 1883. The approaches and the bottom halves of the suspension bridge towers were strengthened and used for the replacement.
  • AAJ citing Engineering News-Record: "Vergès used inclined tie cables running from the top of the tower at one end of a span to a roadway-level connection on the opposite tower."

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Print, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1839: Saint-Gervais

Saint-Gervais and L'Albenc, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:1753 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Saint-Gervais and L'Albenc, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.207083 N 5.465333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Escarraguel Brothers
Status:Only towers remain, since 1940 (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet)


  • 1940: Destroyed during WWII.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Teil

Le Teil, Ardèche and Montélimar, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1733 (added 2005-04-06)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Le Teil, Ardèche and Montélimar, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.552213 N 4.691909 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1931
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:4
Deck width:19.68 feet


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1839: Thoissey

Thoissey, Ain and Dracé, Rhône, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:5643 (added 2020-12-30)
Year Completed:1839
Location:Thoissey, Ain and Dracé, Rhône, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.165206 N 4.789349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Various sources suggest completed 1837-1839. The bridge may have initially failed upon its completion in 1837 and then opened in 1839.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Bigny

Saint-Loup-des-Chaumes and Bigny, Cher, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:2005 (added 2006-01-02)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Saint-Loup-des-Chaumes and Bigny, Cher, France
Crossing:Cher River
Coordinates:46.804972 N 2.371306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 1951
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Bono

Le Bono and Auray, Morbihan, France - Bono River
Bridgemeister ID:997 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Le Bono and Auray, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Bono River
Coordinates:47.640896 N 2.953463 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.22 meters (223.8 feet)


  • Located at the confluence of the Bono River with the Auray River.
  • Substantial repairs 1859 and 1863, damaged by storm 1865, renovated 1867, traffic restricted 1869, more repairs 1869-1870, rebuilt 1925.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Brignoud

Brignoud, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:2320 (added 2007-05-05)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Brignoud, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1840: Cordon

Brégnier-Cordon, Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7050 (added 2022-05-26)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Brégnier-Cordon, Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire


  • Destroyed, 1940, during WWII.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Couzon

Couzon-au-Mont-d'Or and Rochetaillée-sur-Saône, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1830 (added 2005-05-30)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Couzon-au-Mont-d'Or and Rochetaillée-sur-Saône, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.84503 N 4.83355 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Domène

Domène and Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7573 (added 2023-04-16)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Domène and Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.211855 N 5.829792 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Gotteron

Fribourg, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:398 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Fribourg, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Principals:Joseph Chaley
References:AAJ, GHD, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 220 meters (721.8 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, courtesy of Eric Sakowski Postcard, courtesy of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: La Gâche

Barraux and Pontcharra, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7140 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1840
Name:La Gâche
Location:Barraux and Pontcharra, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.434917 N 6.004250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Lézardrieux

Lézardrieux, Côtes-d'Armor, France - Trieux River
Bridgemeister ID:1116 (added 2004-01-05)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Lézardrieux, Côtes-d'Armor, France
Crossing:Trieux River
Coordinates:48.780778 N 3.106222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1925
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)


  • 1925: Replaced by a Gisclard suspension bridge reusing the approach spans and piers of the 1840 suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Maria Teresa

Turin, Italy - Po River
Bridgemeister ID:5663 (added 2021-01-01)
Year Completed:1840
Name:Maria Teresa
Location:Turin, Italy
Crossing:Po River
Coordinates:45.058161 N 7.692020 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 1907
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced by the current (2020) Ponte Umberto I.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Montjean-sur-Loire

Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1780 (added 2005-04-23)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.394880 N 0.859161 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1927
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Mornay-sur-Allier

Mornay-sur-Allier, Cher and St-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Nièvre, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:2342 (added 2007-08-12)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Mornay-sur-Allier, Cher and St-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.815250 N 3.043606 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 67 meters (219.8 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Mornay-sur-Allier

Mornay-sur-Allier, Cher and St-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Nièvre, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:7901 (added 2023-10-15)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Mornay-sur-Allier, Cher and St-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.814793 N 3.045624 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1936
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.4 meters (221.1 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Saint-Florent

Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent, Maine-et-Loire, France - Thouet River
Bridgemeister ID:1779 (added 2005-04-23)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Thouet River
Suspended Spans:1

1840: Seveux

Seveux-Motey and Savoyeux, Haute-Saône, France - Savoyeux Diversion of the Saône
Bridgemeister ID:8393 (added 2024-02-18)
Year Completed:1840
Also Known As:Savoyeux
Location:Seveux-Motey and Savoyeux, Haute-Saône, France
Crossing:Savoyeux Diversion of the Saône
Coordinates:47.560583 N 5.739667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Seyssel

Seyssel, Haute-Savoie and Seyssel, Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:3037 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Seyssel, Haute-Savoie and Seyssel, Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.958542 N 5.832941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: St-Jean-de-Maruéjols

Saint-Jean-de-Maruéjols-et-Avéjan and Rochegude, Gard, France - Cèze River
Bridgemeister ID:7755 (added 2023-07-23)
Year Completed:1840
Also Known As:Rochegude
Location:Saint-Jean-de-Maruéjols-et-Avéjan and Rochegude, Gard, France
Crossing:Cèze River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1840: Vicq-sur-Gartempe

Vicq-sur-Gartempe and Champagne, Vienne, France - Gartempe River
Bridgemeister ID:2066 (added 2006-06-06)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Vicq-sur-Gartempe and Champagne, Vienne, France
Crossing:Gartempe River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1880
Suspended Spans:1


1840: Villers-le-Lac

Villers-le-Lac, Doubs, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:7679 (added 2023-06-24)
Year Completed:1840
Location:Villers-le-Lac, Doubs, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Coordinates:47.059577 N 6.671714 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:1031 (added 2003-11-30)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Agen, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.201972 N 0.608861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Aiguilly

Roanne vicinity and Vougy vicinity, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1566 (added 2004-11-28)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Roanne vicinity and Vougy vicinity, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Replaced, 1937
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Balloch Ferry

Balloch, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Leven
Bridgemeister ID:5552 (added 2020-12-16)
Year Completed:1841
Name:Balloch Ferry
Location:Balloch, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Leven
Coordinates:56.003420 N 4.581826 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir James Colquhoun
Status:Removed, c. 1887
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 13.7 meters (45 feet)


  • Design based on James Dredge's taper principle patent.

1841: Boran

Boran-sur-Oise, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:2064 (added 2006-06-06)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Boran-sur-Oise, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.168388 N 2.366337 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, 1914
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg. Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Císaře Františka I

Prague, Czechia - Vltava River
Bridgemeister ID:5941 (added 2021-06-29)
Year Completed:1841
Name:Císaře Františka I
Also Known As:Emperor Franz I
Location:Prague, Czechia
Crossing:Vltava River
Coordinates:50.081354 N 14.410023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Removed, c. 1899-1901
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • This location is now crossed by the Legion Bridge (Legii Most).
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Chalonnes

Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1419 (added 2004-07-17)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.354170 N 0.761887 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Destroyed, June 20, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Chauvort

Allerey-sur-Saône and Verdun-sur-le-Doubs, Saône-et-Loire, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:779 (added 2003-03-16)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Allerey-sur-Saône and Verdun-sur-le-Doubs, Saône-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.906222 N 5.003611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Châteauneuf-sur-Loire

Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1016 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.857889 N 2.223417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Châtillon-sur-Loire

Châtillon-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1017 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Châtillon-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Principals:Marc Seguin
Status:Replaced, 1931
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 92 meters (301.8 feet),
2 x 76 meters (249.3 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Kenmare

Kenmare, Ireland - Kenmare River
Bridgemeister ID:399 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Kenmare, Ireland
Crossing:Kenmare River
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Oban

Lavacherie, Sainte-Ode, Belgium - Ourthe River
Bridgemeister ID:5577 (added 2020-12-20)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Lavacherie, Sainte-Ode, Belgium
Crossing:Ourthe River
Coordinates:50.062789 N 5.507661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, December, 1944
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Quincy

Quincy, Cher, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:5678 (added 2021-03-13)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Quincy, Cher, France
Crossing:Cher River
Coordinates:47.135019 N 2.163212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1925
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:6830 (added 2021-12-26)
Year Completed:1841
Also Known As:Pont de la Rotonde, Saint-Félix
Location:Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France
Crossing:Saint-Félix Canal
Coordinates:47.215556 N 1.546667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, July 21, 1866
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Unclear if it crossed an arm of the Loire (since filled), the Saint-Félix Canal, or both.
  • 1846: Renovated.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Saintes

Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France - Charente River
Bridgemeister ID:5662 (added 2021-01-01)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France
Crossing:Charente River
Status:Removed, 1876
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

1841: Verdun-sur-Garonne

Verdun-sur-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2158 (added 2006-12-10)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Verdun-sur-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
References:AAJ, PTS2
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 151 meters (495.4 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1841: Vernéjoux

Vernéjoux, Corrèze and Cantal, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1988 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1841
Location:Vernéjoux, Corrèze and Cantal, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:45.365917 N 2.367694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • May have been replaced in 1929 by another suspension bridge that was destroyed in 1944 during WWII.
  • 2023: Remnants of a former suspension bridge still exist below the current concrete arch bridge and are visible when the water level is low.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: (footbridge)

London, England, United Kingdom - Regent's Canal
Bridgemeister ID:5088 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1842
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Regent's Canal
At or Near Feature:Regent's Park
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.9 meters (75 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: (footbridge)

London, England, United Kingdom - Regent's Canal
Bridgemeister ID:5089 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1842
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Regent's Canal
At or Near Feature:Regent's Park
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.9 meters (75 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: (footbridge)

London, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:5090 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1842
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Regent's Park
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: (footbridge)

London, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:5091 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1842
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Regent's Park
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: (footbridge)

London, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:5092 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1842
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Regent's Park
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: (suspension bridge)

Frome, England, United Kingdom - River Frome
Bridgemeister ID:4062 (added 2020-03-30)
Year Completed:1842
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Frome, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Frome
Principals:James Dredge

1842: (suspension bridge)

New Plymouth, New Zealand - Waiwakaiho River
Bridgemeister ID:654 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1842
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:New Plymouth, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiwakaiho River
Status:Replaced, 1859


  • GAP: May have been first New Zealand suspension bridge.

1842: Aywaille

Aywaille, Wallonia, Belgium - Amblève River
Bridgemeister ID:6630 (added 2021-09-07)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Aywaille, Wallonia, Belgium
Crossing:Amblève River
Status:Replaced, 1934
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1842: Bourret

Bourret and Montech, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7576 (added 2023-04-21)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Bourret and Montech, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.950069 N 1.171788 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1914
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Briollay

Briollay, Maine-et-Loire, France - Sarthe River
Bridgemeister ID:6699 (added 2021-10-03)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Briollay, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Sarthe River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Casseneuil

Casseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7081 (added 2022-05-28)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Casseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Status:Removed, 1980
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Chissay

Chissay-en-Touraine, Loir-et-Cher, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:1972 (added 2005-11-27)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Chissay-en-Touraine, Loir-et-Cher, France
Crossing:Cher River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

1842: Cité

Île de la Cité and Île St-Louis, Paris, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:6436 (added 2021-08-12)
Year Completed:1842
Also Known As:City, Île de la Cité
Location:Île de la Cité and Île St-Louis, Paris, France
Crossing:Seine River
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1862
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


1842: Fairmount

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - Schuylkill River
Bridgemeister ID:24 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1842
Also Known As:Callowhill Street, Upper Ferry
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Schuylkill River
Principals:Charles Ellet
References:BBR, BOB, BPL, HBE, LAB, PTS2, WHSB
Status:Replaced, 1875
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104.2 meters (342 feet)


  • BBR and BOB say the bridge was completed in 1841.
Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1842: Fontaines-sur-Saône

Fontaines-sur-Saône, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1987 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Fontaines-sur-Saône, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Gennes

Gennes and Les Rosiers-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1172 (added 2004-01-23)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Gennes and Les Rosiers-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.345559 N 0.230343 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Les Mées

Les Mées, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:1734 (added 2005-04-19)
Year Completed:1842
Name:Les Mées
Location:Les Mées, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Status:Destroyed, 1843
Suspended Spans:3


External Links:

1842: Les Rosiers-sur-Loire

Les Rosiers-sur-Loire and Gennes, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1943 (added 2005-10-29)
Year Completed:1842
Name:Les Rosiers-sur-Loire
Location:Les Rosiers-sur-Loire and Gennes, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.349195 N 0.227169 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Pênsil Maria II

Porto, Portugal - Douro River
Bridgemeister ID:2433 (added 2008-04-22)
Year Completed:1842
Name:Pênsil Maria II
Location:Porto, Portugal
Crossing:Douro River
Coordinates:41.14006 N 8.60986 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mellet, Stanislas Bigot, Amédée Caruette
Status:Only towers remain, since 1887 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced by the famous bi-level Dom Luís I arch bridge. Towers of the suspension bridge are extant at the foot of the Dom Luís I bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Pertuiset

Pertuiset, Firminy vicinity, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1165 (added 2004-01-19)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Pertuiset, Firminy vicinity, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.408806 N 4.247917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:M. Letrain
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Poděbrady

Poděbrady, Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:6184 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1842
Also Known As:Podiebrad
Location:Poděbrady, Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
Status:Removed, c. 1890
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

1842: Rochemaure

Rochemaure, Ardèche and Ancône, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:950 (added 2003-10-31)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Rochemaure, Ardèche and Ancône, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.583117 N 4.71035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Failed 1856, rebuilt 1858, destroyed 1940 (war), rebuilt 1942, destroyed 1944 (war), rebuilt 1946, restricted to pedestrians, 1983. Abandoned in the 1990s. Stood in a derelict state for several years.
  • 2013: Work is completed to replace the derelict deck with a suspension footbridge that sits on the original piers but does not use the towers of the former suspension bridge. This new installation is tracked separately.
  • Replaced by 2013 Himalayenne (Rochemaure, Himalayan) - Rochemaure, Ardèche, France.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1842: Suresnes

Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1929 (added 2005-10-23)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:48.866905 N 2.229533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Seguin, Paul Seguin, M. Surville
Status:Destroyed, 1870
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1842: Tonnay-Charente

Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France - Charente River
Bridgemeister ID:942 (added 2003-10-27)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France
Crossing:Charente River
Coordinates:45.940166 N 0.886 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BPF, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1884
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

1842: Wraysbury

Wraysbury, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:4835 (added 2020-07-10)
Year Completed:1842
Location:Wraysbury, England, United Kingdom
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

1842: Řetězový

Strakonice, Czechia - Otava River
Bridgemeister ID:8427 (added 2024-03-08)
Year Completed:1842
Also Known As:Chain
Location:Strakonice, Czechia
Crossing:Otava River
Coordinates:49.258583 N 13.903528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
Status:Dismantled, c. 1890-1891
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • Submerged during a September 1890 flood. Dismantled soon after and replaced with a truss bridge.

External Links:

1843: (suspension bridge)

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - Miami Canal
Bridgemeister ID:25 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1843
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Miami Canal
Suspended Spans:3

1843: Avignon

Avignon, Vaucluse and Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, Gard, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:986 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Avignon, Vaucluse and Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, Gard, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:43.951490 N 4.800048 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Status:Demolished, c. 1960
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Coordinates are for the present day (2022) Pont Édouard Daladier. The suspension bridge was on an alignment immediately adjacent to it.
  • 1888-1890: Strengthened, and perhaps largely rebuilt, by Ferdinand Arnodin. This introduced the hybrid cable-stayed/suspension system commonly seen in images of the bridge.
  • 1944, June: Heavily damaged by US bombardment. Eventually repaired and reopened.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Bassou

Bassou and Bonnard, Yonne, France - Yonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2234 (added 2007-03-19)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Bassou and Bonnard, Yonne, France
Crossing:Yonne River
Status:Replaced, 1967
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Capens

Capens, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:6741 (added 2021-10-23)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Capens, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Status:Replaced, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Carandía

Carandía, Cantabria, Spain - Pas River
Bridgemeister ID:5868 (added 2021-05-17)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Carandía, Cantabria, Spain
Crossing:Pas River
Coordinates:43.333305 N 3.970370 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jules Seguin, Federico Malboz
Status:Removed, 1904
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1

External Links:

1843: Elbeuf

Elbeuf and Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf, Seine-Maritime, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:989 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Elbeuf and Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf, Seine-Maritime, France
Crossing:Seine River
Principals:Seguin Brothers, Charles Levasseur
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Ingrandes

Ingrandes, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1171 (added 2004-01-23)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Ingrandes, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.40075 N 0.918683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:8
Main Spans:8


  • Structurae has the bridge completed in 1922 (with a 1941 reconstruction) and AAJ suggests the bridge was completed 1924-1927, but older images of the bridge show an older bridge consistent with the 1843 date. The later dates represent reconstructions. The current bridge has steel cables.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Mühlauer

Innsbruck, Austria - Inn River
Bridgemeister ID:971 (added 2003-11-13)
Year Completed:1843
Also Known As:Chain
Location:Innsbruck, Austria
Crossing:Inn River
Coordinates:47.280336 N 11.404901 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph Duile
Status:Removed, 1937
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Muides-sur-Loire

Muides-sur-Loire and Mer-sur-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:5664 (added 2021-01-02)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Muides-sur-Loire and Mer-sur-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.674739 N 1.526818 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1931
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • 1870: Cables cut during Franco-Prussian War. Later rebuilt, but unclear to what extent the original superstructure was reused.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Ondes

Ondes and Grenade, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2231 (added 2007-03-19)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Ondes and Grenade, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:3

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Sautet

Corps vicinity and Mens vicinity, Isère, France - Drac River
Bridgemeister ID:7442 (added 2022-12-23)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Corps vicinity and Mens vicinity, Isère, France
Crossing:Drac River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Location now inundated behind the Sautet dam (Barrage du Sautet).

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Seraing

Seraing, Liège vicinity, Belgium - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:6550 (added 2021-08-29)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Seraing, Liège vicinity, Belgium
Crossing:Meuse River
Coordinates:50.616960 N 5.509567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Hubert Brialmont, John Cockerill & Cie
References:AAJ, IBB, PTS2
Status:Removed, 1905
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1843: Villeneuve-Saint-Georges

Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Villeneuve-le-Roi, Val-de-Marne, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1654 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1843
Location:Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Villeneuve-le-Roi, Val-de-Marne, France
Crossing:Seine River
Status:Replaced, 1939
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Bakke

Sira, Flekkefjord, Agder, Norway - Sira River
Bridgemeister ID:2728 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Sira, Flekkefjord, Agder, Norway
Crossing:Sira River
Coordinates:58.413325 N 6.654801 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Georg Daniel Barth Johnson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53.5 meters (175.5 feet)

External Links:

1844: Blagnac

Blagnac, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2958 (added 2019-10-06)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Blagnac, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.624959 N 1.400544 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marnac, J.Quenot
Status:Replaced, 1923
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Buzet-sur-Tarn

Buzet-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:6613 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Buzet-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.780638 N 1.634603 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Crevant à Maringues

Maringues and Crevant-Laveine, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1941 (added 2005-10-29)
Year Completed:1844
Name:Crevant à Maringues
Location:Maringues and Crevant-Laveine, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Faubourg

La Roche-en-Ardenne, Wallonia, Belgium - Ourthe
Bridgemeister ID:6631 (added 2021-09-07)
Year Completed:1844
Location:La Roche-en-Ardenne, Wallonia, Belgium
Status:Replaced, 1901
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)

1844: Franzensbrücke

Vienna, Austria - Danube Canal
Bridgemeister ID:4593 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:1844
Also Known As:Franz
Location:Vienna, Austria
Crossing:Danube Canal
Coordinates:48.213151 N 16.391284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1899
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83.7 meters (274.6 feet)

External Links:

1844: Mülheimer

Mülheim an der Ruhr, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Ruhr River
Bridgemeister ID:2297 (added 2007-04-26)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Mülheim an der Ruhr, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Ruhr River
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1909
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 94.14 meters (308.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 28.25 meters (92.7 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:544 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.774187 N 4.810129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1952
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Puybrun

Puybrun, Corrèze and Girac, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1932 (added 2005-10-27)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Puybrun, Corrèze and Girac, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.920806 N 1.800833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Saint-Claude

Saint-Claude, Jura, France - Tacon River
Bridgemeister ID:1200 (added 2004-01-31)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Saint-Claude, Jura, France
Crossing:Tacon River
Status:Replaced, 1939
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced by a concrete arch, 1939.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Saint-Denis

Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis and Villeneuve-la-Garenne, Hauts-de-Seine, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1686 (added 2005-03-26)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis and Villeneuve-la-Garenne, Hauts-de-Seine, France
Crossing:Seine River
Status:Destroyed, 1904
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Saint-Michel

Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2050 (added 2006-05-21)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Principals:Escarraguel Brothers
Status:Destroyed, 1875, by flood

External Links:

1844: Santa Isabel

Santa Isabel, Zaragoza, Spain - Gállego River
Bridgemeister ID:7487 (added 2022-12-30)
Year Completed:1844
Name:Santa Isabel
Location:Santa Isabel, Zaragoza, Spain
Crossing:Gállego River
Coordinates:41.670999 N 0.842117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jules Seguin
Status:Replaced, 1890
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1844: Saula

Lafrançaise, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:7186 (added 2022-07-02)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Lafrançaise, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1844: Union

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Chaudière Falls
Bridgemeister ID:26 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1844
Location:Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Chaudière Falls
Principals:Samuel Keefer
Status:Replaced, 1889
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74.2 meters (243.5 feet)


  • At time of completion, Ottawa was still known as Bytown.

External Links:

Print, collection of David Denenberg Photo courtesy of  Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1999-00513-9-1

1845: (footbridge)

Caledon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom - River Blackwater
Bridgemeister ID:2424 (added 2008-03-12)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Caledon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Blackwater
Coordinates:54.34608 N 6.83276 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.6 meters (74 feet)


  • This distinctly Dredge bridge is currently sitting atop modern concrete piers.

External Links:

1845: Auvillar

Auvillar and Espalais, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1718 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Auvillar and Espalais, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Status:Removed, c. 1939
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, courtesy of Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Auzon

Auzon, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:6934 (added 2022-01-22)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Auzon, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.385847 N 3.356905 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, October 18, 1846


External Links:

1845: Ballievey

Banbridge, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom - River Bann
Bridgemeister ID:2172 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1845
Also Known As:Ballievy
Location:Banbridge, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Bann
Coordinates:54.341862 N 6.219803 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
Status:Collapsed, September 12, 1988
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22 meters (72.3 feet)


  • Collapsed, September 12, 1988, under weight of truck that exceeded the posted weight limit.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1845: Canet

Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:7490 (added 2022-12-30)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.597299 N 3.493113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1874
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

1845: Castelmoron-sur-Lot

Castelmoron-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:1720 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Castelmoron-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.395673 N 0.494136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1933
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: College

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1021 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1845
Also Known As:Collège
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.765483 N 4.838717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BPF, PQL
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Couthures

Couthures-sur-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1900 (added 2005-10-04)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Couthures-sur-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.513600 N 0.080580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Gué de Senac

Les Peintures and Chamadelle, Gironde, France - Dronne River
Bridgemeister ID:7849 (added 2023-09-09)
Year Completed:1845
Name:Gué de Senac
Location:Les Peintures and Chamadelle, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dronne River
Coordinates:45.078793 N 0.087081 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Hungerford

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:400 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1845
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Principals:Isambard K. Brunel
References:BBR, BEM, BTH, HBE, PTS2
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 206 meters (676 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 100.3 meters (329 feet)


  • BEM mentions three different years of completion: 1826, 1862, and 1843, all of which are likely incorrect. The bridge was out of service by 1864 as the chain cables were reused for the Clifton Bridge at Bristol, England.
  • See 1864 Clifton - Bristol, England, United Kingdom.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Stereograph card, collection of David Denenberg

1845: Jaroměř

Jaroměř, Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:6185 (added 2021-07-09)
Year Completed:1845
Also Known As:Jaromierz, Jaromer, Jaromirsch
Location:Jaroměř, Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet)

1845: Kettenbrücke

Mannheim, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:1112 (added 2004-01-04)
Year Completed:1845
Also Known As:Chain, Ketten
Location:Mannheim, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:49.494167 N 8.472222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1889
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Mengibar

Mengibar, Spain - Guadalquivir River
Bridgemeister ID:5688 (added 2021-03-28)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Mengibar, Spain
Crossing:Guadalquivir River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108.8 meters (357 feet)


  • Replaced c. 1932.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Nogent-l'Artaud

Nogent-l'Artaud, Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:5554 (added 2020-12-17)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Nogent-l'Artaud, Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:48.969762 N 3.320971 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed 1870. Rebuilt 1875.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Pittsburgh Aqueduct

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:27 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1845
Name:Pittsburgh Aqueduct
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:BOB, BOP, BPL, HBE, ONF, PTS2, RDH, SJR
Status:Removed, 1861
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:7
Main Spans:7 x 49.4 meters (162 feet)


  • In use until 1860.

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:7476 (added 2022-12-25)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Ris, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Sauveterre-Saint-Denis

Lafox and Sauveterre-Saint-Denis, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:3715 (added 2020-02-14)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Lafox and Sauveterre-Saint-Denis, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.156792 N 0.706880 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1845: Stowell Park

Wilcot, England, United Kingdom - Kennet and Avon Canal
Bridgemeister ID:401 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1845
Name:Stowell Park
Location:Wilcot, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Kennet and Avon Canal
Coordinates:51.35211 N 1.79251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


  • Dredge patent bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by Graeme Archer (

1845: Villemur-sur-Tarn

Villemur-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:1850 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Villemur-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1924
Main Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:2002 (added 2005-12-26)
Year Completed:1845
Location:Volonne, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: (suspension bridge)

El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain - Rio de San Pedro
Bridgemeister ID:5549 (added 2020-12-13)
Year Completed:1846
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain
Crossing:Rio de San Pedro
Status:Collapsed, 1880
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1846: Beaumont-sur-Sarthe

Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, Sarthe, France - Sarthe River
Bridgemeister ID:780 (added 2003-03-16)
Year Completed:1846
Location:Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, Sarthe, France
Crossing:Sarthe River
Coordinates:48.223243 N 0.129007 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: Carennac

Carennac, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:7842 (added 2023-09-03)
Year Completed:1846
Location:Carennac, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.915091 N 1.743699 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: Cassano Spinola

Cassano Spinola, Alessandria, Italy - Scrivia River
Bridgemeister ID:7937 (added 2023-10-28)
Year Completed:1846
Name:Cassano Spinola
Location:Cassano Spinola, Alessandria, Italy
Crossing:Scrivia River
Coordinates:44.7546883 N 8.8513245 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1886
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: Lacroix-Saint-Ouen

Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:2070 (added 2006-06-07)
Year Completed:1846
Location:Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.352930 N 2.766916 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: Maison-Rouge

Courcelles-sur-Seine, Eure, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:5642 (added 2020-12-30)
Year Completed:1846
Location:Courcelles-sur-Seine, Eure, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.179082 N 1.353851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Escarraguel Brothers
Status:Destroyed, October 15, 1870
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Coordinates indicate the approximate former location of this bridge.

1846: Mallemort

Mallemort, Bouches-du-Rhône and Mérindol, Vaucluse, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:985 (added 2003-11-15)
Year Completed:1846
Location:Mallemort, Bouches-du-Rhône and Mérindol, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.740533 N 5.176 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


  • Damaged 1872, 1880, 1882, 1886 by flood, 1940 by bombs. Extant 2005 but closed.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: Monongahela

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Monongahela River
Bridgemeister ID:28 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1846
Also Known As:Smithfield Street
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Monongahela River
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:BOB, BOP, BPL, HBE, ONF, PBR, PTS2
Status:Removed, 1882
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:8
Main Spans:8 x 57.3 meters (188 feet)
Deck width:20 feet

External Links:

1846: Montpezat

Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Ardèche, France - Fontaulière River
Bridgemeister ID:2159 (added 2006-12-10)
Year Completed:1846
Location:Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Fontaulière River
Coordinates:44.704903 N 4.216498 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 1912
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1846: Saint Clair

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:551 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1846
Name:Saint Clair
Also Known As:Louis Philippe, Vaïsse
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
References:AAJ, PQL
Status:Demolished, 1953
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Deck width:7 meters


  • Damaged by drifting boat, 1854. Rebuilt, 1856. Bombed, 1944. Rebuilt, 1946. Demolished, 1953.
  • Crossed at present-day location of Pont Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny.
  • Originally constructed with two suspended spans. When it was rebuilt in 1856, towers were added increasing the number of suspended spans to six.
  • Near 1845 College (Collège) - Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France.

External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1846: San Alejandro

El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain - Rio Guadalete
Bridgemeister ID:5548 (added 2020-12-13)
Year Completed:1846
Name:San Alejandro
Location:El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain
Crossing:Rio Guadalete
Principals:Jules Seguin
Status:Collapsed, November 16, 1877
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

1847: Auzon

Auzon, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:6935 (added 2022-01-22)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Auzon, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.385816 N 3.356742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, September 26, 1866


External Links:

1847: Évieu

Évieu, Ain and Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin, Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7098 (added 2022-06-03)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Évieu, Ain and Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin, Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Status:Damaged, 1885
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

1847: Beauvoir

Beauvoir, Saint-Romans, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7713 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Beauvoir, Saint-Romans, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.124700 N 5.330327 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1847: Chusclan

Chusclan, Gard, France - Cèze River
Bridgemeister ID:1606 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Chusclan, Gard, France
Crossing:Cèze River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: Donzère

Donzère, Drôme and Viviers, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:970 (added 2003-11-13)
Year Completed:1847
Also Known As:Robinet
Location:Donzère, Drôme and Viviers, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.452367 N 4.6981 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BPF
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: Fombeton

Valernes, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:4563 (added 2020-06-02)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Valernes, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:44.249224 N 5.921627 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 2014
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1847: Moyola Park

Castledawson, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom - Moyola River
Bridgemeister ID:3888 (added 2020-03-13)
Year Completed:1847
Name:Moyola Park
Location:Castledawson, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Moyola River
Coordinates:54.781235 N 6.560394 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
Status:In use
Main Cables:Rod (iron)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire

Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1589 (added 2005-01-27)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.406833 N 0.318722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 18, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:5


  • 1927: The bridge is reconstructed and strengthened.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Negative, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: Saint-Symphorien

Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1755 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
At or Near Feature:l'Île Aucard
Coordinates:47.398776 N 0.692994 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: Saint-Symphorien

Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7838 (added 2023-09-03)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
At or Near Feature:l'Île Aucard
Coordinates:47.401440 N 0.693325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: St. Christophe

Lorient, Morbihan, France - Scorff River
Bridgemeister ID:1155 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1847
Name:St. Christophe
Also Known As:Kérentrech, Nemours
Location:Lorient, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Scorff River
Principals:Le Clerc and Noyon
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet)


  • Large masonry towers. Main span of 180 meters is unusually large for a French bridge of this decade.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1847: Viviers

Viviers, Ardèche and Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1961 (added 2005-11-05)
Year Completed:1847
Location:Viviers, Ardèche and Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.481667 N 4.699698 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1848: Charreau

Charreau, La Chapelle-Montlinard, Cher, France - Canal Latéral à La Loire
Bridgemeister ID:8391 (added 2024-02-18)
Year Completed:1848
Location:Charreau, La Chapelle-Montlinard, Cher, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à La Loire
Coordinates:47.190667 N 2.982861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1848: Delaware Aqueduct

Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania and Minisink Ford, New York, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:30 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1848
Name:Delaware Aqueduct
Also Known As:Roebling Aqueduct
Location:Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania and Minisink Ford, New York, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.48262 N 74.98461 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling
Use:Aqueduct and Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:1 x 43.3 meters (142 feet),
3 x 39.9 meters (131 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Andy Warren Photo courtesy National Park Service Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1848: Nambault

Nambault, La Chapelle-Montlinard, Cher, France - Canal Latéral à La Loire
Bridgemeister ID:8390 (added 2024-02-18)
Year Completed:1848
Location:Nambault, La Chapelle-Montlinard, Cher, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à La Loire
Coordinates:47.179472 N 2.987139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1848: Niagara Suspension

Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:29 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1848
Name:Niagara Suspension
Location:Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Principals:Charles Ellet
References:BOB, BPL, HBE, ONF, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 234.7 meters (770 feet)
Deck width:7.5 feet


1848: Podolský Chain

Podolí, Czechia - Vltava River
Bridgemeister ID:1816 (added 2005-05-21)
Year Completed:1848
Name:Podolský Chain
Also Known As:Podolsko Řetězový
Location:Podolí, Czechia
Crossing:Vltava River
Coordinates:49.356889 N 14.272972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch, Vojtech Lanna
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Dismantled, 1960
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1848: Saint Jacques

Thouars and Saint-Jacques-de-Thouars, Deux-Sèvres, France - Thouet River
Bridgemeister ID:7902 (added 2023-10-15)
Year Completed:1848
Name:Saint Jacques
Location:Thouars and Saint-Jacques-de-Thouars, Deux-Sèvres, France
Crossing:Thouet River
Coordinates:46.968944 N 0.218583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, January, 1890


  • 1890, January: Destroyed by wind during a storm.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1848: Saint-Satur

Saint-Satur and Saint-Thibault-sur-Loire, Cher, France - Canal Latéral à La Loire
Bridgemeister ID:8392 (added 2024-02-18)
Year Completed:1848
Location:Saint-Satur and Saint-Thibault-sur-Loire, Cher, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à La Loire
Coordinates:47.338639 N 2.858944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1848: Shadwell

Shadwell, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:5641 (added 2020-12-30)
Year Completed:1848
Location:Shadwell, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Ropery Grounds at Sun Tavern Fields
Principals:William Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)


  • William Dredge was the son of James Dredge known for his "taper principle" bridge design. Based on the description of the Shadwell bridge (in the sources cited by Jakkula), it is unclear if this Shadwell bridge followed Williams' father's design. 1848 is assumed as the year of completion based on the October 7, 1848 Mechanics' Magazine article cited by Jakkula which starts "A foot-suspension bridge has just been erected..."

1849: Appoigny

Appoigny, Yonne, France - Yonne River
Bridgemeister ID:6937 (added 2022-01-22)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Appoigny, Yonne, France
Crossing:Yonne River
Coordinates:47.877464 N 3.535881 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Chain

Budapest, Hungary - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:402 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1849
Also Known As:Széchenyi Lánchíd
Location:Budapest, Hungary
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:47.49945 N 19.046567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Tierney Clark, Adam Clark
References:AAJ, BC3, BCO, CTW, HBE, ONF
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 203 meters (666 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 90.8 meters (298 feet)


  • Don Sayenga notes, the bridge was designed by W.T. Clark, but built by Adam Clark (no relation).
  • 1945: Destroyed during WWII, rebuilt 1949.
  • 2020: Major rehabilitation project expected to start May, 2021.

External Links:

Photo by John McGrain Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Fourneau

Le Fourneau, Bourbon-Lancy vicinity, Saône-et-Loire and Allier, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1772 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Le Fourneau, Bourbon-Lancy vicinity, Saône-et-Loire and Allier, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Replaced, 1932
Main Spans:2 x 115 meters (377.32 feet)
Deck width:16.4 feet


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Galliéni

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1164 (added 2004-01-19)
Year Completed:1849
Also Known As:Napoleon
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
References:PQL, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 39 meters (128 feet),
1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet)
Deck width:7.4 meters


1849: Jaulgonne

Jaulgonne and Varennes, Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:1940 (added 2005-10-29)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Jaulgonne and Varennes, Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Principals:Seguin Brothers
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.07 feet)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Kitchener-Marchand

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:540 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1849
Also Known As:Napoleon, Kitchener, Midi
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.751418 N 4.822519 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Seguin
Status:Replaced, 1950's
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 82.1 meters (269.22 feet)


External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1849: Lackawaxen Aqueduct

Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania, USA - Lackawaxen River
Bridgemeister ID:31 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1849
Name:Lackawaxen Aqueduct
Location:Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lackawaxen River
Coordinates:41.485528 N 74.995250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:AAJ, BOB, BPL, RDH, SJR
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 34.9 meters (114.37 feet)


External Links:

1849: Langeais

Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6718 (added 2021-10-16)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.319030 N 0.404770 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BPF
Main Spans:3
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Le Pouzin

Le Pouzin, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1153 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1849
Name:Le Pouzin
Location:Le Pouzin, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Principals:Adolphe Boulland
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Lochy

Inverlochy, Fort William vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Lochy
Bridgemeister ID:6209 (added 2021-07-16)
Year Completed:1849
Also Known As:Lochybridge, Victoria
Location:Inverlochy, Fort William vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Lochy
Coordinates:56.835137 N 5.076679 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Main Span:1


Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Marc Seguin

Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche and Tain-L'Hermitage, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:975 (added 2003-11-14)
Year Completed:1849
Name:Marc Seguin
Location:Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche and Tain-L'Hermitage, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.068638 N 4.834972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Marc Seguin
References:AAJ, BPF
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Balerme

Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Balerme, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Bridgemeister ID:7712 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Balerme, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Status:Removed, 2005
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1849: Saint-Sulpice

Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe, Tarn, France - Agout River
Bridgemeister ID:1180 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe, Tarn, France
Crossing:Agout River
Coordinates:43.776706 N 1.686511 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Vallon-en-Sully

Vallon-en-Sully, Allier, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:7461 (added 2022-12-25)
Year Completed:1849
Location:Vallon-en-Sully, Allier, France
Crossing:Cher River
Coordinates:46.535271 N 2.614326 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1849: Wheeling

Wheeling, West Virginia, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:32 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1849
Also Known As:Wheeling and Belmont
Location:Wheeling, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:40.07167 N 80.72667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Ellet
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, light vehicles only)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since September 2019 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 307.8 meters (1,010 feet)


  • Was still part of Virginia at time of completion.
  • 1854: Rebuilt after it was wrecked by a windstorm. Contrary to popular myth, the rebuilding was undertaken by Ellet and his assistant William K. McComas, not by John A. Roebling.
  • 1860: Overhauled. Popular myth often attributes this work to the Roeblings. WHSB attributes this work to William K. McComas. After this overhaul, the bridge still does not have the distinctive diagonal cable stays that give it the appearance of a Roebling bridge.
  • 1872: Overhauled according to a design by Washington Roebling. John A. Roebling had died in 1869 and was not involved with this work. WHSB notes, "The design essentially Roeblingized the bridge with the diagonal cable stays that are such a prominent feature of the bridge."
  • 2019, September: Closed to vehicular traffic indefinitely due to safety concerns after repeated overweight vehicle violations.
  • 2020, November: Bids being evaluated for renovation project. Bridge remains closed to vehicular traffic.
  • 2021, April: Single bid received was rejected. Bids expected to be resolicited in June. The bridge remains closed to all vehicular traffic.
  • 2022, February: $17.9 million renovation project expected to start soon.
  • Became longest suspension bridge by eclipsing 1834 Zaehringen (Grand Pont Suspendu) - Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • Eclipsed by new longest suspension bridge 1867 John A. Roebling (Cincinnati, Cincinnati and Covington) - Cincinnati, Ohio and Covington, Kentucky, USA.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Stuart Brorson Photo by Scott Bumgardner Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Collection of Doug Lehman Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: (footbridge)

Brahesborg Estate, Assens, Denmark
Bridgemeister ID:1487 (added 2004-09-11)
Year Completed:1850
Location:Brahesborg Estate, Assens, Denmark
Coordinates:55.279684 N 9.950276 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

1850: (suspension bridge)

Nashville and Edgefield, Tennessee, USA - Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:33 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1850
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nashville and Edgefield, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Cumberland River
Principals:Adolphus Heiman, Mathew Dickinson Field
Status:Destroyed, 1862
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538 feet)


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1850: Basteyroux

Argentat, Corrèze, France - Maronne River
Bridgemeister ID:1985 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1850
Location:Argentat, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Maronne River
Coordinates:45.082660 N 1.947985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: Brivezac

Brivezac, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1974 (added 2005-11-27)
Year Completed:1850
Location:Brivezac, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: Chain

Aarau, Switzerland - Aare River
Bridgemeister ID:4761 (added 2020-06-28)
Year Completed:1850
Also Known As:Aarau Kettenbrücke
Location:Aarau, Switzerland
Crossing:Aare River
Coordinates:47.395431 N 8.042028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jean Gaspard Dollfuss
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1949
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: Chambon

Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau, Auriac vicinity, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:7029 (added 2022-05-21)
Year Completed:1850
Location:Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau, Auriac vicinity, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: Fleury-d'Aude

Fleury-d'Aude and Salles-d'Aude, Aude, France - Aude River
Bridgemeister ID:1976 (added 2005-11-27)
Year Completed:1850
Also Known As:Salles-d'Aude
Location:Fleury-d'Aude and Salles-d'Aude, Aude, France
Crossing:Aude River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: Greffier

Le Mans, Sarthe, France - Sarthe River
Bridgemeister ID:4916 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:1850
Also Known As:Clerk's, Wire
Location:Le Mans, Sarthe, France
Crossing:Sarthe River
Coordinates:48.001128 N 0.189991 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Destroyed, 1871, to slow the advancing Prussian army.

External Links:

1850: Lamagistère

Lamagistère, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7174 (added 2022-07-01)
Year Completed:1850
Location:Lamagistère, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.123345 N 0.819394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1875
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

1850: Le Boulou

Le Boulou, Pyrénées-Orientales, France - Tech River
Bridgemeister ID:1704 (added 2005-03-29)
Year Completed:1850
Name:Le Boulou
Location:Le Boulou, Pyrénées-Orientales, France
Crossing:Tech River
Status:Demolished, 1962
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)
Deck width:5.74 meters

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1850: Retournac

Retournac, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:4066 (added 2020-03-31)
Year Completed:1850
Location:Retournac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1866


1851: Chadrac

Chadrac, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7864 (added 2023-09-15)
Year Completed:1851
Location:Chadrac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1851: High Falls Aqueduct

High Falls, New York, USA - Rondout Creek
Bridgemeister ID:34 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1851
Name:High Falls Aqueduct
Location:High Falls, New York, USA
Crossing:Rondout Creek
Coordinates:41.828889 N 74.126583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:AAJ, BOB, BPL, RDH, SJR
Status:Removed, August, 1921
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet)


External Links:

1851: Lewiston-Queenston

Lewiston, New York, USA and Queenston, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:35 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1851
Location:Lewiston, New York, USA and Queenston, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Principals:Edward Serrell
References:AAJ, BOB, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Status:Wrecked, 1864
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 258.8 meters (849 feet)
Deck width:21 feet (AAJ: 19.5 feet)


  • Wrecked by wind February 1, 1864. Stay cables beneath the bridge had been disconnected to avoid damage from rising ice. Portions of the cables and deck remained, in a derelict state, as late as 1895. Replacement was not started until the late 1890's.
  • The February 3, 1864 edition of Niagara Falls Gazette describes the wind event: "Partial Destruction Of The Lewiston Suspension Bridge -- A portion of the flooring and other wood-work of the Lewiston Suspension Bridge was blown down during the gale Monday forenoon. It seems that the long guys had been cut during the late ice jam to prevent injury to the structure and thus its strength to withstand a gale was much weakened. The wind swept through the gorge on Monday with terrific force and swayed the bridge so that some of the cross timbers, near the centre were loosened from their fastenings, and fell, of course carrying the floor with them. A large portion at each end, remains without material injury. The extent of the damage -- financially -- we have not yet learned, but we judge from what we hear that it may be about $10,000. The bridge was built in 1852 and cost not far from $40,000. It will doubtless soon be repaired and in use."
  • Later at same location 1899 Lewiston-Queenston - Lewiston, New York, USA and Queenston, Ontario, Canada.
  • See 1849 Wheeling (Wheeling and Belmont) - Wheeling, West Virginia, USA. The 1851 Lewiston-Queenston bridge is sometimes claimed to have become the longest in the world with a main span surpassing the length of the Wheeling suspension bridge. However, Don Sayenga notes the length of the suspended span of the Lewiston-Queenston bridge was only 849 feet, not the 1,043 feet sometimes cited. Don writes: "[1,043 feet] was the distance between the towers built high up on the cliffs above the crossing - because there was no space for them below. The roadway suspended from the towers was only 849 feet span over the water from abutment to abutment." Thus, Roebling's Cincinnati bridge should be considered the first to eclipse Wheeling's record main span.

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1851: Neversink Aqueduct

Cuddebackville, New York, USA - Neversink River
Bridgemeister ID:36 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1851
Name:Neversink Aqueduct
Location:Cuddebackville, New York, USA
Crossing:Neversink River
Coordinates:41.459806 N 74.604889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:AAJ, BOB, RDH, SJR
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.8 meters (170 feet)


External Links:

1851: Saint-Just-sur-Loire

Saint-Just-sur-Loire and Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:2052 (added 2006-06-02)
Year Completed:1851
Location:Saint-Just-sur-Loire and Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Removed, c. 1931
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1851: Sérignan

Sérignan, Béziers vicinity, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:2076 (added 2006-06-10)
Year Completed:1851
Location:Sérignan, Béziers vicinity, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.285011 N 3.281313 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 1909
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1851: South Portland

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Clyde
Bridgemeister ID:404 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1851
Name:South Portland
Also Known As:Carlton
Location:Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Clyde
Coordinates:55.85433 N 4.25618 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Alexander Kirkland, George Martin
References:BEM, NTB
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1853 sometimes cited as the year it opened.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg

1851: Trévoux

Trévoux, Ain and Quincieux, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1625 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1851
Location:Trévoux, Ain and Quincieux, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.93945 N 4.772417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Partially dismantled, 1982. Restored as a footbridge, 1985.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1851: Řetězový

Ostrava, Czechia - Ostravice River
Bridgemeister ID:8428 (added 2024-03-08)
Year Completed:1851
Also Known As:Kettenbrücke
Location:Ostrava, Czechia
Crossing:Ostravice River
Principals:Josef Seifert
Status:Collapsed, 1886
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1

External Links:

1852: (suspension bridge)

Frankfort, Kentucky, USA - Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:1714 (added 2005-04-03)
Year Completed:1852
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Frankfort, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Kentucky River
Coordinates:38.201998 N 84.881934 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mathew Dickinson Field
References:AAJ, ENG18570605, HBE, HOF
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated,
1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated


  • An early attempt at a railroad suspension bridge, it was significantly reconstructed (because of excessive vibrations and increasing loads) by Julius W. Adams in 1857 to have three spans of 120, 163, and 163 feet. It is unclear whether the new structure was also a suspension bridge.
  • HOF describes the location as "between the foot of Broadway and the neck of land near the mouth of Benson Creek." The coordinates provided here are for the later rail crossing at that general location, likely at or very close to the site of the suspension bridge.

1852: Aamodt

Åmot, Modum, Viken, Norway - Drammenselva
Bridgemeister ID:969 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1852
Also Known As:Åmot, Aamot
Location:Åmot, Modum, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.895203 N 9.913852 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Dismantled (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Charleston

Charleston, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:38 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1852
Also Known As:Lovell Street
Location:Charleston, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Principals:W. O. Buchanan, William Kuhn, Abraham Wright
References:AAJ, EOV, HBE, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, December 15, 1904
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 145.7 meters (478 feet)
Deck width:17 feet


  • Was still part of Virginia at time of completion.
  • Damaged during Civil War. An article in the August 2, 1861 issue of the New York Times mentions: "A junction of our forces having now been effected, the army at once moved on to Elk River, which debouches into the Kanawha at Charleston, where the army encamped for the night. We would have crossed the stream at once, and marched through the town the same evening, but for the fact that the rebels had partially destroyed the beautiful suspension bridge which spans Elk River at this spot, rendering it unsafe for passage. Not content with burning a portion of the flooring, they nearly severed the strands which support the structure, and aid their work, too, in the most bungling manner. A more shameless piece of vandalism I never witnessed. While the army slept, a company of sappers and miners repaired the damage, and yesterday the army, nearly five thousand strong, marched through the streets of Charleston."
  • Near 1884 (suspension bridge) - Charleston, West Virginia, USA.
Print, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Colgante de Manila

Manila, Philippines - Pasig River
Bridgemeister ID:2112 (added 2006-09-03)
Year Completed:1852
Name:Colgante de Manila
Also Known As:Claveria
Location:Manila, Philippines
Crossing:Pasig River
Status:Replaced, 1940
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)
Deck width:7 meters


  • Rene Sumodobila writes: "It had a single lane in each travel way to allow passage of horse-drawn carriages and a pedestrian island in the middle. The Puente Colgante is said to be first suspension bridge in the Far East. The bridge materials were imported from England by Matia Menchacatorre y Cia, a Spanish company, in joint venture with Ayala y Cia, a local company. The contruction was supervised by M. Gabaud, a French engineer. Inaugurated in January 4, 1852, it went into service until 1940 in order to give way to the modern-day Quezon Bridge"

External Links:

Photo courtesy Rene Sumodobila Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Fairmont and Palatine

Fairmont, West Virginia, USA - Monongahela River
Bridgemeister ID:39 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1852
Name:Fairmont and Palatine
Location:Fairmont, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Monongahela River
Principals:James L. Randolph
References:EOV, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Was still part of Virginia at time of completion.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1852: Gaillac

Gaillac, Tarn, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:1646 (added 2005-03-18)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Gaillac, Tarn, France
Crossing:Tarn River
At or Near Feature:Abbaye Saint-Michel
Coordinates:43.897361 N 1.894751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Huse

Yeomet, California, USA - Cosumnes River
Bridgemeister ID:1088 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Yeomet, California, USA
Crossing:Cosumnes River
Coordinates:38.55323 N 120.84755 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E.P. Bowman
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Yeomet was located near the present day California Route 49 crossing of the Cosumnes River by the confluence of the North Fork and Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River. Yeomet was once known as "Forks of the Cosumnes." The location coordinates provided here are only to show the approximate location of the confluence and should not be considered the exact location of the bridge. This inventory entry represents the suspension bridge for which a photograph exists in the Lawrence & Houseworth collection titled "Suspension Bridge over the Cosumnes River, At Yeomet, El Dorado County". This image exists in several online archives.
  • Barry Parr, consulting Erwin Gudde's California Gold Camps (University of California Press), writes that Gudde notes the bridge is located "at Yeomet and says it was marked on the County Map in 1866, and was owned by S.E. Huse for a decade. Of Yeomet, Gudde writes: 'Amador County. At the junction of the forks of Cosumnes River, formerly in El Dorado County'. Gudde says the camp developed in 1849 or 1850 and prospered for a number of years, but says nothing further about the bridge." Barry also notes that some sources cite Yeomet as located in Calaveras County, but this is because Amador County was created in 1854 from Calaveras County. Barry continues: "The California Division of Mines Bulletin 141, Geological Guidebook along Highway 49, mentions the Highway 49 bridge across the Cosumnes as also known as the Huse Bridge."
  • The October 14, 1976 edition of The Mountain Democrat Times (Placerville, California) has an article about the Huse Bridge (from the Heritage Association of El Dorado) describing Huse's Bridge:
    "E.P. Bowman, an early motel keeper in Yeomet had a ferry across the Cosumnes and by 1852 had built a bridge there (J.M. Watrous had a ferry there also). Traffic was heavy and... [the tolls were] as much a 'gold mine' as most of the nearby river claims which ran for miles above and below the town. (Yeomet falls was below the bridge). The famous Mother Lode crossed the river in the vicinity of the town. Samuel Huse bought the bridge at Yeomet in about 1862 and owned it until his death. His widow Laura sold the wire suspension bridge and the exclusive right to collect tolls to John Ballard and W.H. Martin in 1883. William Miller purchased the property in 1887."
    It is unclear if the 1852 E.P. Bowman bridge was the same structure as the suspension bridge purchased by Huse ten years later, but it has been assumed here pending additional details.
  • An obituary for in the August 28, 1949 edition of the Oakland Tribune for Lilian Williams presents a stronger tie between E.P. Bowman and S.E. Huse: "With her foster parents, the E. P. Bowmans, Mrs. Williams spent her childhood in Oakland, San Francisco and Yeomet, between Plymouth and Placerville. Bowman and her foster uncle, S.E. Huse, owned a hotel at Yeomet. They also built and operated a toll bridge there on the Cosumnes River, over which most of the heavy machinery and mining equipment was transported to the old Mother Lode mines."
  • See 1852 Wilson's - Cosumne, California, USA.
  • See 1863 Lamb's - Latrobe vicinity and Plymouth vicinity, California, USA.

External Links:

1852: Mazères-sur-Salat

Mazères-sur-Salat, Haute-Garonne, France - Salat River
Bridgemeister ID:7201 (added 2022-07-04)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Mazères-sur-Salat, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Salat River
Coordinates:43.132556 N 0.975981 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Merle

Merle, Corrèze, France - Maronne River
Bridgemeister ID:3030 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Merle, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Maronne River
Coordinates:45.061779 N 2.080386 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1999
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • As of 2019, piers still present beyond the ends of its replacement bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Pey

Blantyre, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Clyde
Bridgemeister ID:2633 (added 2019-02-24)
Year Completed:1852
Also Known As:Mill, Toll, Swing
Location:Blantyre, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Clyde
Coordinates:55.801972 N 4.081433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Henry Monteith & Co
Status:Removed (last checked: 1949)
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Dredge patent bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Queens Park

Chester and Handbridge, England, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:405 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1852
Name:Queens Park
Location:Chester and Handbridge, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Principals:Enoch Gerrard
References:BRB, NTB
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Saint-Pierre

Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1169 (added 2004-01-23)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.602179 N 1.434706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1927
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Glass side, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: St. John

St. John, New Brunswick, Canada - St. John River
Bridgemeister ID:37 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1852
Name:St. John
Location:St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:St. John River
Principals:Edward Serrell
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 1915
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 195.1 meters (640 feet)


  • Rebuilt 1857.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Vennes

Liège, Belgium - Meuse Dérivation
Bridgemeister ID:2319 (added 2007-05-05)
Year Completed:1852
Also Known As:Boverie, Englebert
Location:Liège, Belgium
Crossing:Meuse Dérivation
Coordinates:50.62959 N 5.57801 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1905 or 1906
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Adjacent replacement completed in 1903. The suspension bridge was still standing at the time of the world's fair (Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Liège) held in Liège in 1905.
  • IBB: Precise construction date unknown, but was in time frame 1852-1864. Other sources cite 1852.
  • Coordinates refer to the current Vennes Bridge. This is the approximate location of the removed suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Veurey

Veurey-Voroize, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:4880 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Veurey-Voroize, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.271117 N 5.621434 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1928
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1852: Wilson's

Cosumne, California, USA - Cosumnes River
Bridgemeister ID:2116 (added 2006-09-10)
Year Completed:1852
Location:Cosumne, California, USA
Crossing:Cosumnes River
Coordinates:38.49229 N 121.17183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:W. D. Wilson
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)
Deck width:12 feet


  • The location of this bridge was near the present day location of Cosumne in Sacramento County, just east of Sloughhouse. The location coordinates provided here are only to show the approximate location of present-day Cosumne and should not be considered the exact location of the bridge. Don Sayenga writes: "The exact location was at the intersection of [present-day] Dillard Road and State Route 16 a very short distance east of Sloughhouse, Sacramento County, California... The whole area at that time was known as Daylor's Ranch."
  • Don Sayenga notes an F.W. Panhorst (of the California Highway Department) citation:
    "Alta California July 27, 1852 reprinting an article from Sacramento Union mentions a wire suspension bridge built in Sacramento County across the Cosumnes. The span is described as 150 feet with a roadway width of 12 feet. One W.D. Wilson is mentioned as owner and designer. This structure, according to our best information, was the first suspension bridge in California."
  • A January 14, 1862 Sacramento Bee article notes:
    "The quartz mill and house of the brothers Wiley, just beyond Butte City, were carried away by the torrent. At Ione City, William's brick stable had fallen, and several other houses had met with a like fate. On Sutter creek, the loss and damage had been terrific - bridges and houses being carried off like chaff. Mr. Haywood, proprietor of a quartz mill on Sutter creek, had been a loser to the amount of at least $75,000. We have it from good authority that in the counties of Calaveras and Amador not a bridge is left standing. Below Ione City, it is thought that there has been loss of life."

    "Last Saturday night, the reports of minute guns were heard, as if signals of distress, coming from the direction of a house where lived Mr. Martin and his family. The whole of Ione Valley was many feet under water. No boats were to be had, so that assistance might be rendered those in danger and distress. In a short time a heavy crash was heard, the signals of distress ceased, and our informant tells us that when he left the general impression was that Martin and his family had lost their lives. The wire suspension bridge over the Cosumnes river had disappeared - the house known as Wilson’s Exchange has also been washed away, and Daylor’s adobe house is flat with the ground. These facts go to show that throughout the mountain districts, as well as in the valleys, the destruction of property and loss of human life exceed the worst that was anticipated, and we shall hear repetitions of such tales of distress as the avenues for communication are gradually opened to us."
    which seems to imply a relationship between the Ione Valley, the Cosumnes River, and the bridge at Wilson's Exchange, but this may have just been coincidental that both "Ione Valley" and Wilson's Exchange were mentioned in the same paragraph; they are nearby. Present-day Ione is in Amador County a few miles east of Sacramento County. The Cosumnes River forms the northern border of Amador County several miles to the north of present-day Ione. Barry Parr notes that the Cosumnes River does not flow through the "Ione Valley," but Barry writes: "Recalling Daylor’s name in Historic Spots of California: 'Daylor established himself as a trader and hotel-keeper on the Cosumnes River about a mile east of Slough House. This place, which was at first known as Daylor’s Ranch, later became the Cosumnes post office.' (p. 290) The site of Cosumnes post office is about five miles downstream from Bridge House, and both are on the Sacramento-Ione Road.
  • See 1852 Huse - Yeomet, California, USA.
  • See 1863 Lamb's - Latrobe vicinity and Plymouth vicinity, California, USA.

External Links:

  • Oliver Plummer. Transcription by Debbie Walke Gramlick of passage from An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. (by Hon. Win. J. Davis, Lewis Publishing Company, 1890, Pages 435-436) which sheds more light on W.D. Wilson.
    "Mr. Wilson and part of the company concluded to seek the land of gold, while others kept to the original design of going to Oregon. On his arrival Mr. Wilson mined for a short time on Mormon Island and then moved to Hangtown, now Placerville, where in the winter of 1848-49 he built the first house erected in that place. The family then comprised six children; five more were born in California; nine grew to maturity and seven are living in 1889. In the spring of 1850 he moved down on the Cosumnes and purchased 6,000 acres of the Hartnell Grant, and built a tavern, long known as Wilson’s Exchange, across the river from what is now the Cosumnes post office. He was postmaster from the establishment of that office until 1868. He was by trade a millwright and built the first suspension bridge on the Cosumnes."

1853: (suspension bridge)

Delaware, Ohio, USA - Olentangy River
Bridgemeister ID:774 (added 2003-03-14)
Year Completed:1853
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Delaware, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Olentangy River
At or Near Feature:Winter Street
Principals:John Gray
Status:Destroyed, February 1883
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • SME20030311: Intended only for foot traffic, destroyed by ice jam February 1883.

1853: Chain

Ostrov, Pskov Oblast, Russia - Velikaya River
Bridgemeister ID:4644 (added 2020-06-16)
Year Completed:1853
Also Known As:Tsepnyye, Цепные
Location:Ostrov, Pskov Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Velikaya River
Coordinates:57.340559 N 28.352457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Chain

Ostrov, Pskov Oblast, Russia - Velikaya River
Bridgemeister ID:4645 (added 2020-06-16)
Year Completed:1853
Also Known As:Tsepnyye, Цепные
Location:Ostrov, Pskov Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Velikaya River
Coordinates:57.338893 N 28.351235 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Dresden

Dresden, Ohio, USA - Muskingum River
Bridgemeister ID:43 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Dresden, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Muskingum River
Principals:George Copland
References:EOV, GBD, OCEN198202
Status:Destroyed, 1913
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1853: Falmouth

Falmouth, Kentucky, USA - Licking River
Bridgemeister ID:42 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Falmouth, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Licking River
Coordinates:38.678056 N 84.328222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:D. Griffith Smith
References:AAJ, EOV
Status:Collapsed, 1868
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 98.5 meters (323 feet)


  • 1854: A brief article in March 22, 1854 Louisville Daily Courier states the bridge was destroyed ("rendering the whole structure useless… it cannot even be repaired") in the early 1854 flood that destroyed other Licking River bridges. However, other sources indicate the Falmouth bridge survived the flood. Unclear if it was completely destroyed and rebuilt or just damaged and repaired.
  • Coordinates provided here indicate the likely location of the bridge over the main branch of the Licking River.

External Links:

1853: Fort Hunter

Tribes Hill and Fort Hunter, New York, USA - Mohawk River
Bridgemeister ID:44 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Name:Fort Hunter
Also Known As:Fonda
Location:Tribes Hill and Fort Hunter, New York, USA
Crossing:Mohawk River
Coordinates:42.945500 N 74.287028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John W. Murphy, Thomas R. Hulett
References:ONC, PTS2
Status:Dismantled, 1935
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 169.5 meters (556 feet)


  • According to ONC: Designed by John W. Murphy (who designed several suspension bridges in the 1850s and 1860s in New York and Pennsylvania). Fort Hunter Suspension Bridge Company incorporated in 1852, but cables were not installed until 1853.
  • Crossed the Mohawk River on the old alignment of Main Street, east of the current Main Street bridge, at the ends of the streets now known as Brown Place in Fort Hunter and Locust Avenue in Tribes Hill.
  • 1935: Bridge is dismantled (ONC).
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: General's Well

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:406 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Name:General's Well
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
At or Near Feature:Ness Islands
Coordinates:57.460944 N 4.237166 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Island Bank Road

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:904 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1853
Name:Island Bank Road
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
At or Near Feature:Ness Islands
Principals:James Dredge


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Mill Pond

Kingfield, Maine, USA - Carrabasset River
Bridgemeister ID:45 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Name:Mill Pond
Location:Kingfield, Maine, USA
Crossing:Carrabasset River
Principals:Daniel Beedy
References:AAJ, BPL
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1916
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet)
Deck width:15 feet


Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1853: O'Byrne's

Copperopolis vicinity, California, USA - Stanislaus River
Bridgemeister ID:2324 (added 2007-05-06)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Copperopolis vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Stanislaus River
Status:Destroyed, 1862


  • Different accounts describe this as a chain and wire suspension bridge. Collapsed November, 1853 under weight of oxen team. Rebuilt, but destroyed by flood, 1862. Replaced by a multi-span covered bridge.
  • Name "O'Byrne's" appears to have originated with a "Patrick O. Byrne" who operated a ferry at this location prior to construction of the suspension bridge. After time, it became known as O'Byrne's Ferry.

1853: Parcey

Parcey, Jura, France - Loue River
Bridgemeister ID:2073 (added 2006-06-09)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Parcey, Jura, France
Crossing:Loue River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Peney

Peney, Satigny vicinity, Geneva, Switzerland - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1827 (added 2005-05-30)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Peney, Satigny vicinity, Geneva, Switzerland
Crossing:Rhône River
References:AAJ, GHD
Status:Collapsed, May 24, 1853
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)


  • GHD describes how Dufour designed the bridge but was replaced (for political reasons) by a novice engineer, Mr. Hug who produced his own design. The bridge collapsed under test loading.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Rotto

Rome, Italy - Tiber River
Bridgemeister ID:6833 (added 2021-12-31)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Rome, Italy
Crossing:Tiber River
Coordinates:41.889321 N 12.479023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Pietro Lanciani
Status:Removed, 1887
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable


  • This was a somewhat temporary suspension bridge built on the piers of the ancient Ponte Rotto (Broken Bridge). It appears to have had a braced chain suspension cable design.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1853: Saint-Florent-le-Vieil

Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Maine-et-Loire and Varades, Loire-Atlantique, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1596 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Maine-et-Loire and Varades, Loire-Atlantique, France
Crossing:Loire River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Saint-Georges

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:552 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Also Known As:Sala
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.757117 N 4.82615 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BPF, PQL
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)


  • Destroyed 1944, rebuilt same year. Reconstructed 1999.

External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Saint-Quentin-sur-Isère

Saint-Quentin-sur-Isère, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:2131 (added 2006-10-22)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Saint-Quentin-sur-Isère, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: San Ferdinando

Florence, Italy - Arno River
Bridgemeister ID:7935 (added 2023-10-28)
Year Completed:1853
Name:San Ferdinando
Location:Florence, Italy
Crossing:Arno River
Coordinates:43.764617 N 11.270966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1890
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Tiffin

Tiffin, Ohio, USA - Sandusky River
Bridgemeister ID:46 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Tiffin, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Sandusky River
Principals:John Gray
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1853: Tsar Nicholas I

Kyiv, Ukraine - Dnieper River
Bridgemeister ID:409 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1853
Name:Tsar Nicholas I
Location:Kyiv, Ukraine
Crossing:Dnieper River
Principals:Charles Blacker Vignoles
References:AAJ, HBE, IEA, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, c. 1920
Main Cables:Chain (iron, flat link)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:4 x 134.1 meters (440 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 68.6 meters (225 feet)

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1853: Varades

Varades, Loire-Atlantique and Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1962 (added 2005-11-06)
Year Completed:1853
Location:Varades, Loire-Atlantique and Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River


1854: Brion

Roissard and Lavars, Isère, France - Ebron River
Bridgemeister ID:6998 (added 2022-04-24)
Year Completed:1854
Location:Roissard and Lavars, Isère, France
Crossing:Ebron River
Coordinates:44.868078 N 5.671040 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1951
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1854: Caerhowel

Caerhowel, Wales, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:407 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Location:Caerhowel, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
Status:Collapsed, 1858


  • Based on Dredge's patent.

1854: Elk River

Sutton, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:554 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Name:Elk River
Location:Sutton, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Principals:Ira Hart
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Removed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 140.2 meters (460 feet)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1854: Licking River I

Covington and Newport, Kentucky, USA - Licking River
Bridgemeister ID:47 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Name:Licking River I
Location:Covington and Newport, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Licking River
Principals:John Gray, George C. Tarvin
References:BOB, BPL, EOV
Status:Collapsed, 1854


  • BPL: Collapsed under weight of cattle 1853. BOB: Indicates year of completion and collapse as 1854. EOV: Appears more authoritative on the matter, "Although the bridge was not quite finished, Tarvin and the mayor of Covington rode the first vehicle across it on December 28, 1853. Less than two weeks later... the bridge collapsed."
  • The January 18, 1854 edition of The New York Times has a small article with a January 16, 1854 byline reporting the collapse of the bridge: "The... bridge... gave way this evening, while two men and eighteen cattle were crossing it... The keys which held the wire cable to the anchors gave way."
  • Replaced by 1854 Licking River II - Covington and Newport, Kentucky, USA.

1854: Licking River II

Covington and Newport, Kentucky, USA - Licking River
Bridgemeister ID:48 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Name:Licking River II
Location:Covington and Newport, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Licking River
Principals:John Gray


1854: Morgantown

Morgantown, West Virginia, USA - Monongahela River
Bridgemeister ID:49 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Location:Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Monongahela River
References:AAJ, EN19070918, EOV, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 185.3 meters (608 feet)
Deck width:20 feet


  • Was still part of Virginia at time of completion.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1854: Oich

Invergarry vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Oich
Bridgemeister ID:403 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Also Known As:Aberchalder
Location:Invergarry vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Oich
Coordinates:57.093377 N 4.745271 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Dredge
References:BC3, HBR
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Restored and re-opened, late 1990's.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by Alistair McIlwraith Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1854: Saint Andrew's

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Clyde
Bridgemeister ID:408 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1854
Name:Saint Andrew's
Location:Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Clyde
Coordinates:55.84883 N 4.23835 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Neil Robson
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet)
Deck width:13 feet


  • Also sometimes attributed to Neil "Robinson" and completed 1853. May have originally been a narrow vehicular bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg

1854: Sarp

Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:4502 (added 2020-05-02)
Year Completed:1854
Also Known As:Sarpsbro, Sarpsbrua
Location:Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway
At or Near Feature:Sarpefossen
Coordinates:59.276684 N 11.132073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 23 meters (75.5 feet),
1 x 15 meters (49.2 feet)


  • Originally constructed as a typical eyebar suspension bridge. Reconstructed in 1879 to support a three-span lenticular rail bridge on top of the suspension bridge towers, creating an upper deck for rail traffic. The original deck was suspended from the lower chord of the lenticular trusses.
  • See Tamaris-les-Forges - Alès vicinity, Gard, France. Another interesting hybrid rail and suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Bessières

Bessières, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:7157 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1855
Location:Bessières, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.802017 N 1.609680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Coudes

Coudes, Montpeyroux vicinity and Parent, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1942 (added 2005-10-29)
Year Completed:1855
Location:Coudes, Montpeyroux vicinity and Parent, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.615255 N 3.211817 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Ferro

Pomarance vicinity, Italy - Cecina River
Bridgemeister ID:7602 (added 2023-05-16)
Year Completed:1855
Also Known As:Iron
Location:Pomarance vicinity, Italy
Crossing:Cecina River
Status:Demolished, 1922


External Links:

1855: Kaiserin-Elisabeth

Děčín (Tetschen), Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:5940 (added 2021-06-29)
Year Completed:1855
Also Known As:Empress Elisabeth, Kettenbrücke
Location:Děčín (Tetschen), Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Status:Removed, c. 1930s
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:50 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1855
Also Known As:St. Anthony's Falls
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
At or Near Feature:Nicollet Island
Coordinates:44.985556 N 93.263389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas M. Griffith
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1876
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 189 meters (620 feet)
Deck width:17 feet


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1855: Mirepoix-sur-Tarn

Mirepoix-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:7843 (added 2023-09-04)
Year Completed:1855
Location:Mirepoix-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.811766 N 1.571793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Ness

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:526 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1855
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
Status:Demolished, 1961
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Niagara Suspension

Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:51 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1855
Name:Niagara Suspension
Location:Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:AAJ, BAAW, BBR, BFL, BMA, BOB, BPL, HBE, LIR, NSB, ONF, PTS2, SA18810716, SJR
Use:Rail (heavy rail) and Vehicular (double-deck), with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1897
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 250.3 meters (821.3 feet)


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1855: Saint-Cyr

Tours and Saint-Cyr, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1645 (added 2005-03-18)
Year Completed:1855
Also Known As:Napoleon, Bonaparte
Location:Tours and Saint-Cyr, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Principals:Escarraguel Brothers
Status:Demolished, 1943
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1855: Shohola

Barryville, New York and Shohola, Pennsylvania, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:41 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1855
Also Known As:Barryville-Shohola, Shohola-Barryville
Location:Barryville, New York and Shohola, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Principals:Chauncy Thomas, John A. Roebling
References:BDR, SHO
Status:Dismantled, 1941
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • BDR: Built 1856, severely damaged 1859, rebuilt, collapsed Jan. 1st 1865, rebuilt 1866. Dale writes: "A respected historian, John Willard Johnston, who knew Chauncey Thomas personally and visited the area during his ownership of the toll bridge, insisted that Thomas, as the builder, was grossly incompetent."
  • Originally constructed with one main span, the center pier was added during the 1866 reconstruction.
  • Don Sayenga's research leads him to conclude the bridge was completed in the fall of 1855. He notes an article from the Pike County Democrat (June 21, 1872) stating the bridge was completed in 1855. The article also notes the 1859 collapse occurred on July 2, 1859. Don's interest in this bridge is piqued by the connection to John Roebling, "...this bridge seems to be the only John Roebling bridge that failed in service..." Roebling prepared plans, for the original bridge, for Chauncy Thomas (who, by Dale's account was inexperienced).
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo courtesy of Kevin Lacy

1855: Whiskey Bar

El Dorado County, California, USA - American River
Bridgemeister ID:3357 (added 2019-12-15)
Year Completed:1855
Name:Whiskey Bar
Also Known As:Pioneer, Whisky
Location:El Dorado County, California, USA
Crossing:American River
Status:Destroyed, 1862
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


1856: Bidwell Bar

Oroville, California, USA - Feather River
Bridgemeister ID:52 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1856
Name:Bidwell Bar
Location:Oroville, California, USA
Crossing:Feather River
Coordinates:39.537483 N 121.45415 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bidwell Bridge Co.
References:BPL, DSL200106, LACE
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated


  • Dismantled before completion of Oroville Dam and replaced by the 1965 high-level Bidwell Bar suspension bridge. The 1856 structure was later reassembled about 1.5 miles south of the new Bidwell Bar bridge. Coordinates provided here are for the current location of the bridge at Kelly Ridge.
  • Replaced by 1965 Bidwell Bar - Oroville, California, USA.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1856: Boutiron

Creuzier-les-Vieux, Allier, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:6951 (added 2022-02-06)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Creuzier-les-Vieux, Allier, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.153816 N 3.410014 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1911
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:3

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1856: Bridge of Sighs

Carthage and Rochester, New York, USA - Genesee River
Bridgemeister ID:54 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1856
Name:Bridge of Sighs
Location:Carthage and Rochester, New York, USA
Crossing:Genesee River
Principals:Josiah Bissell, Jr.
Status:Collapsed, 1857
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • From May 2, 1857 edition of Scientific American: "Fall of a Suspension Bridge. The iron suspension bridge which spans the Genesee River at Rochester, fell on the 21st ult. from the weight of snow on it. The bridge was only finished last summer, and cost over $28,000. It was constructed between iron towers standing on the banks. They were built of cast iron cylinders, bolted together, and standing on high banks, 235 feet above the water. The road-way was 200 feet above the water, and proceeded in almost a straight line from the top of the high bank on one side, to the other. The cables were 780 feet long, and the entire length of the bridge was over 700 feet. It was calculated to sustain a weight of 2.000 tuns. It spanned the Genesee river below the Falls. The metal, it is stated, appears to be defective. The load that was on it when it fell did not amount to 100 tuns."

1856: Briord

Briord, Ain and Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6997 (added 2022-04-24)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Briord, Ain and Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1856: Carbonne

Carbonne, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1157 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Carbonne, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.294537 N 1.228567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1975
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1856: Guyandotte

Guyandotte and Huntington, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:40 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Guyandotte and Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:38.430083 N 82.391694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:George Wilson Mason
References:AAJ, EOV, PTS2
Status:Removed, 1907
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 137.2 meters (450 feet)


  • EOV cites a source claiming the bridge was begun in 1853, but not completed until 1858. AAJ says completed in 1848. Other sources claim it was completed in 1852 and 1856.
  • Was still part of Virginia at time of completion.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1856: Les Mées

Les Mées, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:1522 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1856
Name:Les Mées
Location:Les Mées, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1856: Ollières

Les Ollières-sur-Eyrieux, Ardèche, France - Eyrieux River
Bridgemeister ID:4882 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Les Ollières-sur-Eyrieux, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Eyrieux River
Coordinates:44.804655 N 4.614687 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • AAJ assumes completion in 1856 based on an 18-month contract let in August 1854. Appears to have been a quite dramatic bridge, with very large castellated towers, on an alignment adjacent to the current twin-arch bridge.

1856: Strong

Strong, Maine, USA - Sandy River
Bridgemeister ID:53 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Strong, Maine, USA
Crossing:Sandy River
Principals:Daniel Beedy
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced (last checked: 1922)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77.4 meters (254 feet)
Deck width:13 feet


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1856: Westmoreland's

Lancha Plana, California, USA - Mokelumne River
Bridgemeister ID:1089 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1856
Location:Lancha Plana, California, USA
Crossing:Mokelumne River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Towers and cables were still standing in the 1940s. The location, including the entire former settlement of Lancha Plana, was inundated by the creation of the Camanche Reservoir in 1963. Unclear if remnants are still present (as is the case for some other inundated 19th-century California suspension bridges).

1857: Altenbergsteg

Berne, Switzerland - Aare River
Bridgemeister ID:1475 (added 2004-09-02)
Year Completed:1857
Location:Berne, Switzerland
Crossing:Aare River
Coordinates:46.9503 N 7.4489 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1857: Black River

Watertown, New York, USA - Black River
Bridgemeister ID:55 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1857
Name:Black River
Also Known As:Bradford, Mill Street
Location:Watertown, New York, USA
Crossing:Black River
Principals:Gilbert Bradford
References:AAJ, HBE, ONC
Status:Removed, 1890's
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • Replaced in 1890's (ONC).
Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1857: Change

Glendon, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:56 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1857
Also Known As:Chain, Lehigh Canal Swinging, Wire Towing Path at Pool No. 8
Location:Glendon, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Coordinates:40.65382 N 75.24774 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., E.A. Douglas
References:HAERPA461, HBP
Use:Footbridge and Change
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Often mistakenly called a "chain" bridge, this is a "change" bridge.

External Links:

  • Aldrich Change Bridge. Dale Oswald explains (in the context of the Aldrich Change Bridge, a non-suspension bridge in Palmyra, New York): "A change bridge is one with low railings and an underpass that allowed draft teams to move from one side of the canal to the other without unhitching, cloverleaf-style."
Photo by David Denenberg

1857: Izeron

Izeron and Saint-Sauveur, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7159 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1857
Location:Izeron and Saint-Sauveur, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.154651 N 5.363855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1857: Longues

Longues, Vic-le-Comte and Les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:7589 (added 2023-05-06)
Year Completed:1857
Location:Longues, Vic-le-Comte and Les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1857: Saint James's Park

London, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:6831 (added 2021-12-31)
Year Completed:1857
Name:Saint James's Park
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Saint James's Park
Status:Replaced, 1957
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Reviews of this bridge were not favorable. Jakkula (AAJ) sites several contemporary sources (1857) objecting to the bridge obstructing the view of the scenery. One citation is summarized: "Regards the bridge as a hideous structure".

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1857: Saint-Lattier

Saint-Lattier, Isère and Eymeux, Drôme, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7385 (added 2022-11-24)
Year Completed:1857
Location:Saint-Lattier, Isère and Eymeux, Drôme, France
Crossing:Isère River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1858: Chaumont-sur-Loire

Chaumont-sur-Loire and Onzain, Loir-et-Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1703 (added 2005-03-29)
Year Completed:1858
Location:Chaumont-sur-Loire and Onzain, Loir-et-Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:6


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1858: Chelsea

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:410 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1858
Also Known As:Victoria
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
At or Near Feature:Battersea Park
Coordinates:51.485061 N 0.149897 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas Page
References:BTH, HBE, PTS2
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 106.1 meters (348 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 116.7 meters (383 feet),
1 x 55.8 meters (183 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1858: Portsmouth

Portsmouth, Ohio, USA - Scioto River
Bridgemeister ID:57 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1858
Location:Portsmouth, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Scioto River
Principals:E.B. Gray
Status:Collapsed, 1859


1858: Thoirette

Thoirette, Jura and Ain, France - Ain River
Bridgemeister ID:1990 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1858
Location:Thoirette, Jura and Ain, France
Crossing:Ain River
Coordinates:46.268464 N 5.536318 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1922
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • One end of this bridge appears to have led directly into a building aptly named Hôtel Du Pont with the roadway possibly passing through the building. Remnants of the bridge are still present (as of 2022) on both sides of the river.
  • Replaced 1829 Thoirette - Thoirette, Jura and Ain, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1858: Trofa

Trofa and Ribeirão, Portugal - Ave River
Bridgemeister ID:5665 (added 2021-01-03)
Year Completed:1858
Also Known As:Barca
Location:Trofa and Ribeirão, Portugal
Crossing:Ave River
Coordinates:41.345251 N 8.556376 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1935
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet)


  • Coordinates are for the current Ave River crossing at Trofa. The Ponte Pênsil da Trofa may have been located here or slightly west of here.

External Links:

1859: Doux

St Jean de Muzols and Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France - Doux River
Bridgemeister ID:5661 (added 2021-01-01)
Year Completed:1859
Location:St Jean de Muzols and Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Doux River
Coordinates:45.074919 N 4.816389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1859: General Dean

Carlyle, Illinois, USA - Kaskaskia River
Bridgemeister ID:58 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1859
Name:General Dean
Also Known As:Carlyle
Location:Carlyle, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Kaskaskia River
Coordinates:38.611125 N 89.357476 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:D. Griffith Smith
References:BPL, GBD
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.5 meters (264 feet)


  • Rebuilt 1920s, 1970s. Restored, 1950's, for use as a footbridge.
  • Bypassed, 1924.

External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1859: Sully-sur-Loire

Sully-sur-Loire and Saint-Père-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1709 (added 2005-03-30)
Year Completed:1859
Location:Sully-sur-Loire and Saint-Père-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Collapsed, 1985
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Spans:3
Side Spans:2


  • 1859: The former three-span Sully-sur-Loire suspension bridge, heavily damaged by flood in 1856, is replaced with a suspension bridge having at least five suspended spans.
  • 1933: Refurbished.
  • 1940, June 18: Destroyed to slow advancing German troops.
  • 1943: Repaired.
  • 1944: Bombed by allied forces.
  • 1947: Rebuilt.
  • 1985, January 16: Collapsed.
  • Replaced 1836 Sully-sur-Loire - Sully-sur-Loire and Saint-Père-sur-Loire, Loiret, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1859: Verdon

Gréoux-les-Bains, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Verdon River
Bridgemeister ID:3215 (added 2019-11-11)
Year Completed:1859
Location:Gréoux-les-Bains, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Verdon River
Status:Destroyed, August, 1944
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1860: Allegheny River

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:59 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1860
Name:Allegheny River
Also Known As:Sixth Street, St. Clair
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Principals:John A. Roebling
References:BOB, BOP, BPL, HBE, PBR, PTS2, SJR
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1892
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 104.9 meters (344 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 52.1 meters (171 feet)
Deck width:40 feet


  • BPL cites this bridge as the first suspension bridge with metal towers. However, at least two earlier suspension bridges (1857 Watertown, New York and 1856 Bidwell Bar, California) are known to have metal towers and even Roebling's 1846 Smithfield Street Bridge in Pittsburgh had cast iron towers.
  • Next to 1884 North Side (Seventh Street) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1860: Auburn-Coloma

Auburn and Coloma, California, USA - North Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:274 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1860
Location:Auburn and Coloma, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork American River
Principals:John Mollett
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, courtesy of Kevin Walsh

1860: Grand Falls

Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada - St. John River
Bridgemeister ID:60 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1860
Name:Grand Falls
Location:Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:St. John River
Coordinates:47.050722 N 67.736611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Tomlinson
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1915
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63.9 meters (209.75 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


  • Out of use, 1912.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Stereograph card, collection of David Denenberg

1860: Lascellas

Lascellas, Huesca, Spain - Rio Alcanadre
Bridgemeister ID:4718 (added 2020-06-26)
Year Completed:1860
Location:Lascellas, Huesca, Spain
Crossing:Rio Alcanadre
Coordinates:42.096776 N 0.107794 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Deck wrecked circa 1939. Bridge appears to have been replaced soon after.

External Links:

1860: Ponte delle Catene

Fornoli, Bagni di Lucca and Chifenti, Italy - Lima River
Bridgemeister ID:411 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1860
Name:Ponte delle Catene
Also Known As:Catena, Bridge of Chains
Location:Fornoli, Bagni di Lucca and Chifenti, Italy
Crossing:Lima River
Coordinates:44.006048 N 10.562356 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Lorenzo Nottolini, Bettino Ricasoli
References:BC2, BC3
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Damaged during WWII, rebuilt 1953.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1860: Port Gibson

Grindstone Ford, Port Gibson vicinity, Mississippi, USA - Bayou Pierre
Bridgemeister ID:1659 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1860
Name:Port Gibson
Location:Grindstone Ford, Port Gibson vicinity, Mississippi, USA
Crossing:Bayou Pierre
Status:Removed, circa 1920's


  • Partially burned by retreating Confederate troops May 2nd, 1863 during the Vicksburg Campaign of the Civil War. Union troops extinquished the fire and quickly repaired the bridge.
  • Demolished, circa 1920's. Descriptions for the Vicksburg Campaign imply there may have been another suspension bridge in the Port Gibson area.

1861: Connellsville

Connellsville and New Haven, Pennsylvania, USA - Youghiogheny River
Bridgemeister ID:278 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1861
Location:Connellsville and New Haven, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Youghiogheny River
Coordinates:40.017528 N 79.592722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1898
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1861: Gauley River

Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, USA - Gauley River
Bridgemeister ID:2123 (added 2006-09-17)
Year Completed:1861
Name:Gauley River
Location:Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Gauley River
Principals:John W. Murphy
Status:Destroyed, 1862
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Don Sayenga writes:
    "It was built in great haste out of military necessity utilizing abutments and piers of an earlier wooden bridge that had been burnt by a unit of the Confederate Army commanded by Gen. John B. Floyd. This occurred just after the fight known as the Battle of Carnifex Ferry on September 10, 1861. Later the Confederate Army recaptured the bridge location and burnt the new one also. The designer/builder was John W. Murphy (1828-1874) who was working as an engineer in Alabama when the war began in 1861. He held a Civil Engineer degree from Rensselaer. Murphy's concept involved multiple factory-made wire ropes as main cables combined with wooden bracing. The exact location of the bridge seems to have been called the New River Cliffs but I haven't found this on a map. Photos of the bridge came into the possession of Prof. George Plympton, an associate of Murphy's in the latter part of his career. Plympton presented a paper about bridges in 1894 reported by The Railroad Gazette August 24. The photos were given to the Gazette - one of their artists converted the photos to pen-and-ink drawings for publication in the issue of November 9, 1894, p. 773."
    Don transcribed the following:

    The Railroad Gazette, August 24, 1894, Page 579.
    "Prof. Plympton then related two reminiscences of bridge building between 1852 and 1861...The other instance was the building of a military suspension bridge over the Gauley River in 1861. The government called for a bridge of sufficient strength to permit the passage of General Rosecrans corps, allowing twenty-four days' time. The abutments and piers of the former bridge remained in good condition. Murphy submitted an original plan, which was accepted. The plans were drawn up by Mr. Murphy on the cars, while he was traveling to Washington to submit his ideas to the United States army en gineers. The plans were accepted and Murphy at once went to work. Four one-inch wire ropes, laid side by side, formed his cables. A pyramidal tower was constructed of heavy timbers, and in place of suspending rods a loosely-formed truss was hung upon the cable without fastening. This truss, connected with the floor of the bridge, was finished on the 22nd day after receiving the order to build."
    Proceedings of the Franklin Institute, October 21, 1874, Page 306.
    "It was a suspension bridge 520 feet in length, 10 feet roadway, consisting of three spans, supported by eight cables. There was some doubt in the mind of the commanding officer that it would answer the purpose...To test it ...he asked that a battalion be ordered to make a charge over it, which was done, to the satisfaction of the General in afterwards passed and repassed the whole command as long as they occupied that portion of the country. A change of base put it into the possession of the Confederates who burnt it down."
  • An article in the July 15, 1951 edition of The Charleston Daily Mail describes the bridge and its demise:
    "After the Confederate forces had retreated and burned the old covered bridge, the Federal engineers constructed a make-shift bridge across the Gauley. There are pictures in existence showing this light, cable bridge erected on the old piers of the original bridge. This structure was cut down Sept. 11, 1862, when the Federals retreated from an attack by Confederate Gen. W. W. Loring, who routed the Unionists from the valley for a brief time."
  • Jakkula has an 1862 entry for "Gauley River Bridge" with little information, citing the American Railroad Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1472, July 2, 1864, p.651: "A suspension bridge built over the Gauley River, Virginia, by the Government in 1862." It is unclear if this reference is for the same bridge.

1861: Gray

Gray, Haute-Saône, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:1127 (added 2004-01-14)
Year Completed:1861
Location:Gray, Haute-Saône, France
Crossing:Saône River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1861: Portsmouth

Portsmouth, Ohio, USA - Scioto River
Bridgemeister ID:61 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1861
Location:Portsmouth, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Scioto River
Principals:Max J. Becker


1861: Weitchpec

Weitchpec, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:1090 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1861
Location:Weitchpec, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


1862: (footbridge)

Greystead, England, United Kingdom - River North Tyne
Bridgemeister ID:1252 (added 2004-02-21)
Year Completed:1862
Location:Greystead, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River North Tyne
Coordinates:55.169017 N 2.353408 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Bridges on the Tyne. "Built to connect with Thorneyburn station on the Border Counties Railway."

1862: (suspension bridge)

California, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:1093 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1862
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:California, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1862: (suspension bridge)

California, USA - Stanislaus River
Bridgemeister ID:1094 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1862
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:California, USA
Crossing:Stanislaus River
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1862: (suspension bridge)

California, USA - Tuolumne River
Bridgemeister ID:1095 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1862
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:California, USA
Crossing:Tuolumne River
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Main Cables:Wire

1862: (suspension bridge)

McCourtney's Crossing, California, USA - Bear River
Bridgemeister ID:1092 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1862
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:McCourtney's Crossing, California, USA
Crossing:Bear River
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1862: Bessan

Bessan, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:1938 (added 2005-10-29)
Year Completed:1862
Location:Bessan, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1862: Chatham

Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA - Rappahannock River
Bridgemeister ID:271 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1862
Location:Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Rappahannock River
Coordinates:38.304981 N 77.456280 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Washington A. Roebling
Main Cables:Wire


  • After several attempts by the Union Army to restore Rappahannock River bridges near Fredericksburg with pontoon bridges during the Civil War, Washington Roebling built a temporary wire suspension bridge on the piers of the former Chatham Bridge. The suspension bridge may have had twelve or more suspended spans (the former Chatham Bridge supposedly had 13 piers). Started July 1 and completed July 18, it survived less than two months, destroyed on September 1, 1862 by an evacuating Union Army.

External Links:

1862: Gloucester Street

Christchurch, New Zealand - Avon River
Bridgemeister ID:655 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1862
Name:Gloucester Street
Location:Christchurch, New Zealand
Crossing:Avon River

1862: Lambeth

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:829 (added 2003-05-31)
Year Completed:1862
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Principals:P. W. Barlow
References:BRB, HBE, ONF, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1932
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3 x 81.7 meters (268 feet)

External Links:

Stereograph card, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1862: Pine Street

Nevada City, California, USA - Deer Creek
Bridgemeister ID:62 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1862
Name:Pine Street
Location:Nevada City, California, USA
Crossing:Deer Creek
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

1862: Rattlesnake Bar

Folsom vicinity, California, USA - American River
Bridgemeister ID:1091 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1862
Name:Rattlesnake Bar
Location:Folsom vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:American River
At or Near Feature:Rattlesnake Bar
Coordinates:38.814397 N 121.091726 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, December 21, 1954
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The location of Rattlesnake Bar is closer to present-day Auburn than Folsom, near the location of Goose Flat marked on modern topographical maps of the region. The area was inundated during the creation of Folsom Lake, but the piers and abutments of the Rattlesnake Bar bridge are visible when the water level is low.
  • Rodi Lee writes: "[The bridge] collapsed in 1954 when an overweight truck filled with manure crossed it. The driver was unhurt. There are newspaper articles about the incident (Auburn Journal, Auburn). There are some photos in the article as well. The bridge abutments show when the the lake water is low. The bridge was upstream of Wild Goose Flats."
  • See 1855 Whiskey Bar (Pioneer, Whisky) - El Dorado County, California, USA. The cables of the Rattlesnake Bar bridge were reportedly reused from the damaged Whiskey Bar bridge.

External Links:

Photo courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Photo by Jerry Van Lengen Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1863: Alexandra

Spuzzum, British Columbia, Canada - Fraser River
Bridgemeister ID:63 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1863
Also Known As:Trutch's
Location:Spuzzum, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Fraser River
Principals:Andrew S. Hallidie, Joseph W. Trutch
Status:Removed, 1912
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet)


Sketch by Franklin Leonard Pope, courtesy of Kathy Latini Photograph, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1863: Confolent

Confolent, Beauzac vicinity and Saint-Marice-de-Lignon, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:412 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1863
Also Known As:Lignon
Location:Confolent, Beauzac vicinity and Saint-Marice-de-Lignon, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.258031 N 4.144228 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Adolphe Boulland
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Cables damaged 1913, 1921. Refurbished 1922.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1863: Lamb's

Latrobe vicinity and Plymouth vicinity, California, USA - Cosumnes River
Bridgemeister ID:2117 (added 2006-09-10)
Year Completed:1863
Location:Latrobe vicinity and Plymouth vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Cosumnes River
Coordinates:38.52222 N 120.95587 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The location coordinates provided here are the approximate location of this bridge, crossing the Cosumnes between present day El Dorado and Amador counties at Michigan Bar (as named on USGS topographical maps) on current Latrobe Road where Clark Creek meets the Cosumnes River. Note that USGS topographical maps show another, more prominently marked, "Michigan Bar" a few miles west in Sacramento County.
  • A California Highways and Public Works article (unsure of exact citation but it may be the article on the history of California bridges that appeared in the 1941 June issue and was reprinted in the 1950 September/October issue) says "there were four [suspension bridges] on the Cosumnes River, one of which (Lamb's Bridge on the Latrobe-Plymouth Road) killed one man and seven horses when it fell in 1869."
  • The October 14, 1976 edition of The Mountain Democrat Times (Placerville, California) has an article about the nearby Huse Bridge (from the Heritage Association of El Dorado) which mentions Lamb's Bridge: "...Lamb's Bridge, several miles downriver, was reconstructed in 1872 and was also a wire bridge of the same type [as Huse's]."
  • The Statutes of California passed at the Fourteenth Session of the Legislature, 1863 records: "Chapter XLI. An Act to grant to Larkin Lamb and his Associates the right to construct and maintain a Toll Bridge across the Cosumnes River, in the Counties of Amador and El Dorado. Approved March 6, 1863. The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Larkin Lamb, and those he may associate with him, their heirs and assigns, shall have full power to build, erect, construct, and maintain a public toll bridge across the Cosumnes River, at a point about eighty (80) rods below Dutch Hill;..."
  • A November 12, 2017 article in Ledger Dispatch (of Amador and Calaveras counties) titled "Vestiges of Amador-Communities Along the Cosumnes, Part VI: The Lower Reaches - Michigan Bar to Wisconsin Bar" by Deborah Coleen Cook gives a more complete history of Lamb's bridge citing the enactment (February 9, 1863) of the bill to permit construction, construction completing six months later, failure of one of the cables in 1869 under the weight of a large freight wagon, and another cable/anchorage failure in 1872 while the bridge was undergoing major repairs.
  • See 1852 Huse - Yeomet, California, USA.
  • See 1852 Wilson's - Cosumne, California, USA.
Photo by Stephen Porten Photo by Sheila Elworthy

1863: Ponsonnas

Ponsonnas, Isère, France - Drac River
Bridgemeister ID:1079 (added 2003-12-29)
Year Completed:1863
Location:Ponsonnas, Isère, France
Crossing:Drac River
Status:Replaced, 1941
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 123 meters (403.5 feet)


  • Replaced by a 1941 arch bridge that is popular with bungee jumpers.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1863: Rousset

Rousset, Curbans vicinity, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Hautes-Alpes, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:2063 (added 2006-06-06)
Year Completed:1863
Location:Rousset, Curbans vicinity, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Hautes-Alpes, France
Crossing:Durance River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1864: (suspension bridge)

Porta Westfalica, Germany - Weser River
Bridgemeister ID:637 (added 2003-02-13)
Year Completed:1864
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Porta Westfalica, Germany
Crossing:Weser River
References:BRU, PTS2
Use:Rail and Vehicular
Status:Destroyed, April 3, 1945
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • At the time of completion, the bridge connected the villages of Barkhausen and Hausberge, later merged into Porta Westfalica.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1864: Archidiacre

Venterol, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Valserres, Hautes-Alpes, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:4690 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:1864
Also Known As:Venterol
Location:Venterol, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Valserres, Hautes-Alpes, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:44.475805 N 6.111924 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 2010
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1864: Aspern

Vienna, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:3076 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:1864
Location:Vienna, Austria
Coordinates:48.211858 N 16.383001 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Friedrich Schnirch
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1913
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1864: Clifton

Bristol, England, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:413 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1864
Location:Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon
Coordinates:51.45496 N 2.62781 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Isambard K. Brunel, P.W. Barlow, Hawkshaw
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 214 meters (702 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Bill Campbell Photo by Cath Brown Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1864: Franklin

Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:3186 (added 2019-11-09)
Year Completed:1864
Location:Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Principals:John Murphy
Status:Destroyed, 1870


  • 1870: Cable ends caught fire precipitating collapse, killing two.

1864: Taieri River

Outram, New Zealand - Taieri River
Bridgemeister ID:656 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1864
Name:Taieri River
Also Known As:West Taieri
Location:Outram, New Zealand
Crossing:Taieri River
Principals:John Turnbull Thomson
Status:Replaced, 1966
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1865: Market Street

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA - Susquehanna River
Bridgemeister ID:64 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1865
Name:Market Street
Location:Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Susquehanna River
Principals:Alfred P. Boller
References:AAJ, JFI186604
Status:Destroyed, June 1, 1889
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5 x 61 meters (200 feet)


Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1865: Moulin

Vernosc-lès-Annonay, Ardèche, France - Cance River
Bridgemeister ID:4553 (added 2020-05-31)
Year Completed:1865
Location:Vernosc-lès-Annonay, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Cance River
Coordinates:45.210908 N 4.703327 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Structurae equates this bridge (which was replaced in 2012-2013) to the famous Seguin Brothers test structure at Annonay. Other sources suggest the derelict bridge replaced in 2012-2013 only dated to the 1860s. The detailed description and depiction of the Seguin's Annonay bridge in Tom F. Peters book on early 19th-century suspension bridges definitely does not resemble the 19th-century Moulin bridge. Peters describes the 1822-1823 Seguin bridge as a very narrow, very light, catwalk-style bridge. Peters additionally describes the main cables: "It had a single continuous parallel wire cable made of eight 1.23mm (no. 8 gauge) wires."
  • Replaced by 2013 Moulin - Vernosc-lès-Annonay, Ardèche, France.
  • See 1822 (footbridge) - Annonay, Ardèche, France.

External Links:

1866: (suspension bridge)

Nashville and Edgefield, Tennessee, USA - Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:1965 (added 2005-11-20)
Year Completed:1866
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nashville and Edgefield, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Cumberland River
Status:Removed, 1884
Main Cables:Wire


1866: Cessenon-sur-Orb

Cessenon-sur-Orb, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:7460 (added 2022-12-24)
Year Completed:1866
Location:Cessenon-sur-Orb, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.451360 N 3.046595 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1867: (suspension bridge)

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:5559 (added 2020-12-18)
Year Completed:1867
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
Main Cables:Wire


  • Likely completed 1867.

External Links:

1867: (suspension bridge)

Mataura, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:657 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1867
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mataura, New Zealand
Principals:John Turnbull Thomson

1867: Corrieshalloch

Braemore, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Droma
Bridgemeister ID:1308 (added 2004-04-10)
Year Completed:1867
Location:Braemore, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Droma
At or Near Feature:Corrieshalloch Gorge, Falls of Measach
Coordinates:57.755753 N 5.021048 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Fowler
References:AAJ, HBR
Status:Closed, July 2024 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.1 meters (82.5 feet)


  • AAJ lists the bridge at "Corry Halloch" bridge completed in 1875. Other sources mention 1867, and 1874.
  • 1977: Anchorages replaced (HBR).
  • 2021: Closed September 10 due to safety concerns. Repaired and re-opened in October.
  • 2022, May: Closed again for maintenance and inspection, reopened by month's end.
  • 2024, July: Closed again as a precaution pending inspection of its structural integrity.
Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by David Denenberg

1867: Doldowlod

Doldowlod, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, United Kingdom - River Wye
Bridgemeister ID:5085 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1867
Also Known As:Llanwrthyl, Ystrad
Location:Doldowlod, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wye
Coordinates:52.244210 N 3.462324 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Dredge
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Dredge patent bridge, possibly completed by his son William Dredge.

External Links:

1867: John A. Roebling

Cincinnati, Ohio and Covington, Kentucky, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:65 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1867
Name:John A. Roebling
Also Known As:Cincinnati, Cincinnati and Covington
Location:Cincinnati, Ohio and Covington, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:39.09167 N 84.50833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Closed, February, 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 322.2 meters (1,057 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1867: Mosquito Road

Placerville, California, USA - South Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:2323 (added 2007-05-06)
Year Completed:1867
Name:Mosquito Road
Location:Placerville, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork American River
Coordinates:38.775791 N 120.748441 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • The February 23, 1995 edition of the Mountain Democrat (Placerville, California) has an article about the Mosquito crossing that mentions: "According to the El Dorado County History of 1883 by Paolo Sioli, 'Mosquito is connected to Placerville by a good wagon-road and a suspension bridge across the South Fork of the American River, a trail is running in the direction of Kelsey, the township center... The original bridge was constructed in 1867, and according to Orval Beckett, as quoted in the booklet, Mosquito Memories, 'This original bridge had no banisters on the sides. It was a suspension cable with No. 9 telephone wires strung between the supports. When you drove onto the bridge, it would 'swing and sway' much like we have seen in the movies. When one end went down the other went up, etc. Imagine the thrill!'"
  • Replaced by 1939 Mosquito Road - Placerville, California, USA.

1867: Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

Paris, France
Bridgemeister ID:516 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1867
Name:Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
Location:Paris, France
At or Near Feature:Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
Coordinates:48.880933 N 2.381533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1867: Public Garden

Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Public Garden lagoon
Bridgemeister ID:245 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1867
Name:Public Garden
Location:Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Public Garden lagoon
Coordinates:42.354119 N 71.069920 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Gibbons Preston, Clemens Herschel
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Often claimed to have been the shortest "functioning" suspension bridge up until 1921 when a steel girder was added as the primary means of support. However this was not true. There were shorter suspension bridges, some of which are still in existence. For example, see Schaukelbrücke Ilmpark completed in 1833, still in use as of the 2010s, and only 48.6 feet long. Likely the shortest functioning suspension bridge ever built was at Castle Bergedorf in Hamburg, Germany with a main span of 22.6 feet (6.9 meters).

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1868: (suspension bridge)

Afton, New York, USA - Susquehanna River
Bridgemeister ID:66 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1868
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Afton, New York, USA
Crossing:Susquehanna River
Principals:G. W. & J. V. V. Fishler, James Crowell
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110.3 meters (362 feet)
Deck width:16 feet

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1868: Blue Lick Springs

Kentucky, USA - Licking River
Bridgemeister ID:2659 (added 2019-03-09)
Year Completed:1868
Name:Blue Lick Springs
Location:Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Licking River
Coordinates:38.422314 N 83.999076 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1897: Replaced by two-span truss bridge that is still (as of 2019) at the same location. The truss bridge was built between the main suspension bridge cables and, apparently, the suspension bridge remained standing for several years.

1868: Calloway's Ford

Elizabethtown vicinity, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA - Whitewater River
Bridgemeister ID:68 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1868
Name:Calloway's Ford
Also Known As:Whitewater, Harrison's
Location:Elizabethtown vicinity, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Whitewater River
Coordinates:39.183116 N 84.792638 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Gray, Morse, Young
Status:Removed, 1920
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 144.8 meters (475 feet)
Deck width:22 feet


  • This bridge was located where present-day Suspension Bridge Road crosses the Whitewater River next to I-275 and north of US50. According to information provided by Sharon Lutz from Marjorie Byrnside Burress, this bridge was renamed "Harrison's Suspension Bridge" in 1891. This should not be confused with the nearby suspension bridge at Harrison.
  • According to the information provided by Sharon Lutz from Marjorie Byrnside Burress, "Crossing this bridge was the main thoroughfare from Indiana into Ohio for many years (US 50 was not completed by then). [In 1920] it was decided that the Suspension Bridge had become obsolete and could no longer safely withstand the weight of vehicles. [On May 19, 1920] the cables were severed by means of an oxygen flame, the weight of the cables pulled down some towers. Other towers were weakened by dynamite at their bases and later they were pulled down by the weight of the cables severed at one end with an oxygen flame."
  • See 1873 Harrison - Harrison, Ohio and Dearborn County, Indiana, USA.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1868: Carpenter's Point

Port Jervis and Tristates, New York, USA - Neversink River
Bridgemeister ID:2251 (added 2007-03-31)
Year Completed:1868
Name:Carpenter's Point
Also Known As:Tristates
Location:Port Jervis and Tristates, New York, USA
Crossing:Neversink River
Coordinates:41.361194 N 74.685194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1904
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

1868: Eiserner Steg

Frankfurt, Germany - Main River
Bridgemeister ID:6429 (added 2021-08-11)
Year Completed:1868
Name:Eiserner Steg
Also Known As:Eiserne Steg
Location:Frankfurt, Germany
Crossing:Main River
Coordinates:50.108108 N 8.682128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Peter Schmick
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1912
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • A "stiffened" braced chain suspension bridge. Like several other similar eastern European bridges constructed in the late 1800s and early 1900s it is somewhat questionable whether this bridge should be included in a list of suspension bridges. It was replaced in 1912 by a cantilever bridge that resembles the shape and lines of the former suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1868: High Street

Hamilton, Ohio, USA - Great Miami River
Bridgemeister ID:67 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1868
Name:High Street
Also Known As:Hamilton
Location:Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Great Miami River
Principals:John Gray
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1868: Skippers Canyon

Maori Point vicinity, New Zealand - Shotover River
Bridgemeister ID:658 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1868
Name:Skippers Canyon
Location:Maori Point vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Shotover River
At or Near Feature:Skippers Canyon
Principals:John Turnbull Thomson
Main Cables:Wire


1868: Wire

New Portland, Maine, USA - Carrabasset River
Bridgemeister ID:69 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1868
Location:New Portland, Maine, USA
Crossing:Carrabasset River
Coordinates:44.890783 N 70.0925 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BC3, BPL, GBD, LAB, RDH
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60.5 meters (198.4 feet)


  • BPL says c. 1866. Historic landmark plaque at bridge also says 1866.
  • Extensive repairs, 1960.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: (footbridge)

Salado, Texas, USA - Salado Creek
Bridgemeister ID:920 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Salado, Texas, USA
Crossing:Salado Creek
At or Near Feature:Salado College
Status:Destroyed, 1913
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Destroyed by flood, 1913.

1869: Chavanay

Chavanay, Loire and Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1702 (added 2005-03-29)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Chavanay, Loire and Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.417327 N 4.740458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • In 2019, one pair of pylons were still standing on the west bank of the Rhône.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: Clifton

Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:70 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1869
Also Known As:Niagara-Clifton, Falls View, First Falls View
Location:Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Principals:Samuel Keefer
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Status:Replaced, 1889
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 386.6 meters (1,268.3 feet)
Deck width:10 feet


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Photograph, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: Drahtsteg

Passau, Bavaria, Germany - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:5560 (added 2020-12-19)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Passau, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:48.575501 N 13.472755 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 1910 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: Lordville

Lordville, New York and Equinunk, Pennsylvania, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:71 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Lordville, New York and Equinunk, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.867938 N 75.213785 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E.F. Farrington
References:BDR, BOL, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1903
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1869: Rudolfova Lávka

Prague, Czechia - Vltava River
Bridgemeister ID:5939 (added 2021-06-29)
Year Completed:1869
Name:Rudolfova Lávka
Also Known As:Rudolfsteg, Kettensteg, Železna Lávka
Location:Prague, Czechia
Crossing:Vltava River
Coordinates:50.090185 N 14.412677 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Karel Veselý, František Schön, Ruston and Co.
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Removed, c. 1914
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • Removed at some point after the adjacent Mánes bridge was opened in 1914.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: San Francisco

Bilbao, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:3645 (added 2020-01-25)
Year Completed:1869
Name:San Francisco
Also Known As:Fueros
Location:Bilbao, Spain
Principals:Sabino Goicoechea
Status:Destroyed, 1874
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed during the siege of Bilbao by Carlist forces in 1874.

1869: Stadspark

Antwerp, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:2078 (added 2006-06-10)
Year Completed:1869
Also Known As:City Park
Location:Antwerp, Belgium
Coordinates:51.211054 N 4.414975 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Cail et Halot
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Main Span:1 x 27.5 meters (90.2 feet)
Deck width:3.5


  • Cables and deck replaced, 1976.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: Swinging

Warren and Glade, Pennsylvania, USA - Conewango Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1623 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Warren and Glade, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Conewango Creek
Coordinates:41.847389 N 79.141000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1904
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Coordinates indicate approximate original location of the bridge.
  • Destroyed by storm soon after completion and rebuilt.
  • Images of America: Warren by Jodi L. Brandon shows an image of this bridge with a caption stating the bridge was moved to Kelletville (in Forest County, Pennsylvania) in 1906.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1869: Waco

Waco, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:72 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Waco, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:31.561314 N 97.127063 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas M. Griffith
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 144.8 meters (475 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • 1915: Rebuilt.
  • 2020, October: Closed for restoration project expecting to last 18-24 months.
  • 2021, March: Major restoration project underway, led by Sparks Engineering, Inc.
  • 2023, April: The restored bridge is rededicated on April 22. Patrick Sparks of Sparks Engineering reports: . The rededication was held April 22, 2023. "The project involved full rehabilitation including: replacement of the suspension system and anchor rods, strengthening of the anchorages, replacement of the saddle bearings, retrofit strengthening of the east tower, and deck replacement (concrete on the main deck, tropical hardwood on the side walks)."

External Links:

Photo by Carla Pendergraft Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo courtesy of Sparks Engineering, Inc.

1870: (footbridge)

Rockford, Illinois, USA - Kent Creek
Bridgemeister ID:594 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1870
Location:Rockford, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Kent Creek
At or Near Feature:Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum
Principals:Robert Tinker
Status:Removed, 1976


1870: Auzon

Auzon, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:6936 (added 2022-01-22)
Year Completed:1870
Location:Auzon, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.385908 N 3.357088 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 1934
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1870: Big Flats

Big Flats, New York, USA
Bridgemeister ID:73 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1870
Name:Big Flats
Location:Big Flats, New York, USA
Status:Replaced, 1905
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1870: Chehocton

Hancock, New York and Wayne County, Pennsylvania, USA - East Branch Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:284 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1870
Location:Hancock, New York and Wayne County, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:East Branch Delaware River
Coordinates:41.952583 N 75.278167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E.F. Farrington, John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Status:Removed, 1937
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 144.8 meters (475 feet) estimated


  • Crossed the East Branch Delaware River on an alignment indicated by the current Old Bridge Street, between the rail crossing and the current (2020s) Stockport Road bridge.
  • Replaced 1937.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1870: Draht

Kassel, Hessen, Germany - Fulda River
Bridgemeister ID:7753 (added 2023-07-22)
Year Completed:1870
Also Known As:Wire
Location:Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Crossing:Fulda River
Coordinates:51.312209 N 9.504177 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1870: Finck's

Little Falls, New York, USA - Mohawk River
Bridgemeister ID:328 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1870
Also Known As:Fink's
Location:Little Falls, New York, USA
Crossing:Mohawk River
Coordinates:43.034102 N 74.830185 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1917
Main Cables:Wire


  • Heavily damaged by fire, 1917.
  • Coordinates reflect where modern Fincks Basin Road meets the Mohawk River, likely approximate location of this bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1870: Gévrieux

Gévrieux, Ain, France - Ain River
Bridgemeister ID:7141 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1870
Location:Gévrieux, Ain, France
Crossing:Ain River
Status:Replaced, 1908
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1870: Pond Eddy-Lumberland

Pond Eddy and Lumberland, New York, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:297 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1870
Name:Pond Eddy-Lumberland
Also Known As:Decker's
Location:Pond Eddy and Lumberland, New York, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.439349 N 74.819723 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James D. Decker
Status:Destroyed, October 9, 1903
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2
Deck width:12 feet


  • Destroyed by flood.
  • Coordinates are for the replacement bridge. The suspension bridge would have been extremely close, if not on the same alignment as the replacement.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1870: Touzac

Touzac, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7962 (added 2023-11-23)
Year Completed:1870
Location:Touzac, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.496083 N 1.049472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, January 2022 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


  • 2022, January 21: Bridge is severely damaged by a 40-ton truck attempting to cross. The bridge had a weight restriction of 16 tons since 1932. The long truck was also unable to negotiate the turn at the far end of the bridge and damaged the pylons attempting to reverse.
  • 2023, June: Repair work is expected to start in September 2023 and complete in late 2024.
Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1871: (suspension bridge)

Washburn's Eddy, New York, USA - Hudson River
Bridgemeister ID:74 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1871
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Washburn's Eddy, New York, USA
Crossing:Hudson River
Principals:Robert Gilchrist


1871: Aboyne

Waterside, Aboyne vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:2202 (added 2007-01-28)
Year Completed:1871
Location:Waterside, Aboyne vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Principals:Harper & Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


  • HARPER: Likely destroyed by one of these major Dee River flood events: May 1913, December 1914, October 1920.

External Links:

1871: Boatford

Langholm, Borders, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Esk
Bridgemeister ID:1428 (added 2004-07-24)
Year Completed:1871
Location:Langholm, Borders, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Esk


1871: Coubon

Coubon and Volhac, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1724 (added 2005-04-05)
Year Completed:1871
Location:Coubon and Volhac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1871: Ferry Street

Binghamton, New York, USA - Chenango River
Bridgemeister ID:276 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1871
Name:Ferry Street
Location:Binghamton, New York, USA
Crossing:Chenango River
Coordinates:42.103139 N 75.914917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons, Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 1897
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet)


  • This bridge was close to the alignment of Binghamton's present E. Clinton Street bridge. It replaced a bridge that was destroyed by flood in 1865. It was condemned in 1896 and removed in 1897. History Of Broome County indicates an act was passed March 13th, 1871 authorizing the bridge with the contract let to "W.A. Roebling & Son" each cable consisting of seven steel wire ropes, each two inches in diameter.
  • An article from the Binghamton Democrat, July 20, 1871: "The Suspension Bridge -- The work on the west abutment of the suspension bridge has been commenced and will be rapidly as advisable pushed forward to completion, and soon thereafter the wire cables will be placed in position, the stays, supports and girders made fast, and ready for the flooring. In the course of six or eight weeks it is hoped that the bridge will be completed, and our people given another way of passing from the 1st to the 2nd wards, and the old-pleasant driveway re-opened, of which we have been debarred since the flood of St-Patrick's Day in the morning in [1865]. Upon the completion of this enterprise, surely no one will ever regret having voted in favor of the free suspension bridge."
  • An article from the Binghamton Democrat, Nov. 30, 1871: "The New Bridge -- Its Cost -- For the suspenssion [sic] bridge, the tax-payers voted $28,000. It is finished, and in the Common Council last evening it was asserted that it cost over $30,000 and still all the claims are not satisfied. Mr. Jas. Fanning, contractor for building abutments, seeks relief for $1,000 or upwards which he is out no account of his contract. His petition was after considerable skirmishing finally referred to a committee. We hold that this is wrong, the Common Council has nothing to do with this matter. Mayor Dwight published a card binding himself to pay all over $28,000 that the bridge would cost. The people voted that amount and their representatives have nothing to do with any further cost or expense arrising [sic] from that source."
  • Internet searches for this bridge often lead to an image on page 32 of the book "Binghamton", from the "Images of America" series, by Ed Aswad and Suzanne M. Meredith. However, that image is of the Warren Pensylvania suspension bridge and is erroneously captioned as the Binghamton Ferry Street bridge. The bridges may be sometimes confused because of similar surroundings and similar towers. Both are often depicted with a large warehouse building on the far side of the bridge, to the right. Both had "walk-through" towers where the pedestrian walkway passed through portals in the towers. Closer comparisons reveal the Warren towers are substantially larger than the Ferry Street towers. This is not surprising given the Warren bridge was substantially longer than the Ferry Street bridge. All this being said, there are different images purporting to be the Ferry Street bridge that show different towers. The stereoview image linked here appears to show the original towers. Later photos appear to show either replaced towers or, perhaps, the original towers clad in protective housing.
  • See 1871 Warren (Hickory Street) - Warren, Pennsylvania, USA. The two bridges are sometimes confused despite the significant size difference.
Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1871: Hunting

Shocklach Green vicinity, England, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:2191 (added 2007-01-26)
Year Completed:1871
Location:Shocklach Green vicinity, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Removed, 1935
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)

External Links:

1871: Tanarmouth

Glen Tanar, Aboyne vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - Water of Tanar
Bridgemeister ID:7972 (added 2023-11-26)
Year Completed:1871
Location:Glen Tanar, Aboyne vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Water of Tanar
Coordinates:57.066833 N 2.805167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Removed, 1950
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

External Links:

1871: Tarassac

St. Martin-de-l'Arcon vicinity, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:2308 (added 2007-04-30)
Year Completed:1871
Location:St. Martin-de-l'Arcon vicinity, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.564251 N 2.974977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1871: Warren

Warren, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:75 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1871
Also Known As:Hickory Street
Location:Warren, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Principals:George W. Fishler
References:AAJ, EOV, HAERPA461, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1918
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 143.3 meters (470 feet)
Deck width:29 feet

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1872: Barrett

Port Jervis, New York and Matamoras, Pennsylvania, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:76 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1872
Location:Port Jervis, New York and Matamoras, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.371917 N 74.697000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, October 11, 1903
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • BDR: Destroyed by ice March 17, 1875, rebuilt, destroyed by flood October 11, 1903.
Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1872: Branch Hill

Branch Hill and Symmes, Ohio, USA - Little Miami River
Bridgemeister ID:77 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1872
Name:Branch Hill
Location:Branch Hill and Symmes, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Little Miami River
Principals:John Gray
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Based on correspondence between "Gray's firm" and Washington Roebling, EOV suggests there may be a chance this early bridge contained steel cables.

1872: Chemung

Chemung, New York, USA - Chemung River
Bridgemeister ID:78 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1872
Location:Chemung, New York, USA
Crossing:Chemung River
Principals:J.V. Fishler, J.R. Crowell
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1872: Dryburgh Abbey

Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:1439 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1872
Name:Dryburgh Abbey
Location:Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
Coordinates:55.580771 N 2.654251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1911
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1872: Fulsom Landing

Riparius, New York, USA - Hudson River
Bridgemeister ID:330 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1872
Name:Fulsom Landing
Also Known As:Riverside, Folsom Landing, Riparius
Location:Riparius, New York, USA
Crossing:Hudson River
Coordinates:43.661963 N 73.898194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • The location of this bridge was originally known as "Folsom Landing" and later became known as "Riverside." In 1886 the name was changed to "Riparius" to avoid confusion with another New York "Riverside" location. The suspension bridge is sometimes referenced by each of these names. To make matters even more confusing, the bridge was known as the "Fulsom Landing" bridge (instead of Folsom).
  • Removed at some point after 1919.
  • Near 1871 (suspension bridge) - Washburn's Eddy, New York, USA.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1872: Gilead

Gilead, Maine, USA - Androscoggin River
Bridgemeister ID:2157 (added 2006-12-10)
Year Completed:1872
Location:Gilead, Maine, USA
Crossing:Androscoggin River
Coordinates:44.398417 N 70.971500 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1923
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (192 feet)


  • One of the abutments is still (as of the 2010s) present on the south side of the Androscoggin adjacent to the single-span truss bridge that replaced the suspension bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1872: Lower

Turners Falls, Montague, Massachusetts, USA - Connecticut River
Bridgemeister ID:340 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1872
Also Known As:White
Location:Turners Falls, Montague, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Connecticut River
Coordinates:42.609165 N 72.561433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:CCR, PTS2
Status:Removed, circa 1936
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1872: Ravenscraig

Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom - Caledonian Railway
Bridgemeister ID:5078 (added 2020-08-30)
Year Completed:1872
Location:Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Caledonian Railway
Coordinates:56.468350 N 2.901061 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 16.8 meters (55.1 feet)


  • Coordinates are approximate location of the bridge based on the description in HARPER noting the bridge crossed the railway at the estate of a Colonel Sandeman at Ravenscraig which is the location of the present day (2020) Ravenscraig Gardens in Dundee.

External Links:

1872: Trinity Cemetery

New York, New York, USA - Broadway
Bridgemeister ID:79 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1872
Name:Trinity Cemetery
Location:New York, New York, USA
Principals:Calvert Vaux
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Connected Trinity Cemetery across Broadway. Demolished 1911. Appears to have been wide enough to handle vehicles.
  • Eric K. Washington contacted me in 2011 wondering if the Trinity Cemetery bridge was the first suspension bridge constructed in New York City. While it seems unlikely that New York City (even just Manhattan) did not have, at least, other minor suspension bridges constructed before 1872, I have never encountered mention of one.

1873: Boatford

Langholm, Borders, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Esk
Bridgemeister ID:534 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1873
Location:Langholm, Borders, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Esk
Coordinates:55.15098 N 3.00273 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Span:1 x 53.3 meters (175 feet)


Photo by Dave Cooper

1873: Franklin

Franklin, Ohio, USA - Great Miami River
Bridgemeister ID:80 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1873
Location:Franklin, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Great Miami River
Principals:J. W. Shipman & Co., John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
References:EOV, HWCO
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1933
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Traffic restricted to foot traffic, 1931. Closed, 1933, after the bridge sagged significantly.
  • From HWCO: "The towers are thirty-eight feet high, and each consists of four columns, of Phoenix column iron. The cables are of steel wire and each is composed of 343 strands, the whole cable having a diameter of seven inches. The masonry is constructed of Dayton stone, and is of a very substantial character... The wire and iron work was done in the summer of 1873 under the superintendence of Roebling & Sons, of Trenton, N. J. The bridge is stayed by strong wire cables and stiffened by an iron truss. The whole cost was $43,900."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg.

1873: Harrison

Harrison, Ohio and Dearborn County, Indiana, USA - Whitewater River
Bridgemeister ID:81 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1873
Location:Harrison, Ohio and Dearborn County, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Whitewater River
Principals:James W. Shipman and Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1913, by flood
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

Bridgemeister ID:353 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1873
Name:South Street
Also Known As:Wire
Location:Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh Valley Railroad and North Branch Canal
Coordinates:41.239328 N 75.884643 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1925
Main Cables:Wire


  • In use until 1910, possibly longer. Replacement opened 1925.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1874: (suspension bridge)

Bannockburn, New Zealand - Kawarau River
Bridgemeister ID:660 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1874
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bannockburn, New Zealand
Crossing:Kawarau River


1874: Canet

Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:7491 (added 2022-12-30)
Year Completed:1874
Location:Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.597444 N 3.493061 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1874: Châtel-de-Neuvre

Châtel-de-Neuvre and La Ferté-Hauterive, Allier, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:4905 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:1874
Location:Châtel-de-Neuvre and La Ferté-Hauterive, Allier, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.402296 N 3.317844 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1923
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1874: Huitong

Lamengxiang (腊勐乡), Longling County (龙陵县), Baoshan (保山市) and Shidian County (施甸县), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1232 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1874
Location:Lamengxiang (腊勐乡), Longling County (龙陵县), Baoshan (保山市) and Shidian County (施甸县), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:24.734810 N 98.966987 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BCG, BYU
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, 1971 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 94.3 meters (309.4 feet)


  • Originally built with iron chains, modified to steel wire cables, 1935.

External Links:

1874: Isidora

Lota, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:7930 (added 2023-10-22)
Year Completed:1874
Location:Lota, Chile
At or Near Feature:Parque Isidora Cousiño De Lota
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1874: Palmengarten

Frankfurt, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:8107 (added 2024-01-06)
Year Completed:1874
Also Known As:Palm Gardens
Location:Frankfurt, Germany
Coordinates:50.122639 N 8.654833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1931
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1875: (suspension bridge)

Clyde, New Zealand - Clutha River
Bridgemeister ID:662 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1875
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Clyde, New Zealand
Crossing:Clutha River
Coordinates:45.190381 S 169.315298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:L.D. Macgeorge, William Grant
Status:Destroyed, 1878


1875: Nith

Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Nith
Bridgemeister ID:524 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1875
Also Known As:Biddall's
Location:Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Nith
Coordinates:55.065120 N 3.610292 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. Willett
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1875: Saint-Nazaire

Saint-Nazaire-en-Royans, Drôme and Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7328 (added 2022-09-02)
Year Completed:1875
Location:Saint-Nazaire-en-Royans, Drôme and Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.067313 N 5.243247 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1875: Schloßbrücke

Castle Bergedorf, Bergedorf, Hamburg, Germany - Bergedorf Castle Moat
Bridgemeister ID:799 (added 2003-03-29)
Year Completed:1875
Location:Castle Bergedorf, Bergedorf, Hamburg, Germany
Crossing:Bergedorf Castle Moat
Coordinates:53.489417 N 10.212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 6.9 meters (22.6 feet)
Deck width:2 meters


  • This may be the shortest span suspension bridge ever constructed.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1875: Swinging

Arroyo Grande, California, USA - Arroyo Grande Creek
Bridgemeister ID:307 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1875
Location:Arroyo Grande, California, USA
Crossing:Arroyo Grande Creek
Coordinates:35.12336 N 120.57703 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Newton Short
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.1 meters (171 feet)


  • A rotary club plaque at the bridge reads, "To connect his properties, Newton Short built this swinging bridge without sides about 1875. Sides were added after 1902. The bridge was given to the City of Arroyo Grande on July 14, 1911,... Due to severe storm damage, the bridge was rebuilt in 1995."
Photo by David Denenberg

1875: Swinging

Frederick, Maryland, USA - Carroll Creek
Bridgemeister ID:253 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1875
Location:Frederick, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Carroll Creek
At or Near Feature:Baker Park
Coordinates:39.415033 N 77.4208 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The black and white photo shows the same bridge at its original location on Bentz Street (then Mill Alley). It was later moved to Baker Park, and then moved again (in 1927, 1928, or 1930 according to various sources) to its present location, another location in Baker Park.
  • Local legend states this bridge was used by Stonewall Jackson and his troops when they entered Frederick on September 10, 1862.
  • Closed March, 2008 due to safety concerns. Eventually reopened.
  • Near 2006 William O. Lee (Carroll Creek Park) - Frederick, Maryland, USA.

External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1876: Brunner

Brunner, New Zealand - Grey River / Māwheranui
Bridgemeister ID:414 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1876
Location:Brunner, New Zealand
Crossing:Grey River / Māwheranui
Coordinates:42.433068 S 171.324420 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Carruthers
Use:Vehicular and Rail
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • GAP: Collapsed just before opening due to anchor plate failure, rebuilt. Rebuilt again 1925-1926. Towers replaced 1963-1964.
Photo by David Denenberg

1876: Laissey

Laissey, Doubs, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:2171 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1876
Location:Laissey, Doubs, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Coordinates:47.298411 N 6.236290 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1876: Lamagistère

Lamagistère, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7175 (added 2022-07-01)
Year Completed:1876
Location:Lamagistère, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.122921 N 0.819276 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1876: Linwood

Linwood, Ohio, USA - Little Miami River
Bridgemeister ID:82 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1876
Location:Linwood, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Little Miami River
Principals:Cincinnati Bridge Co.


  • Replaced after 1913 flood damage.

1876: Nile River

Charleston, New Zealand - Nile (Waitakere) River
Bridgemeister ID:659 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1876
Name:Nile River
Location:Charleston, New Zealand
Crossing:Nile (Waitakere) River
Coordinates:41.899278 S 171.443694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Arthur Dudley Dobson
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1876: Petroleum Street

Oil City, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:83 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1876
Name:Petroleum Street
Also Known As:Oil City
Location:Oil City, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:41.430083 N 79.712833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Roebling
References:AAJ, HAERPA461, HBE, PTS2, TRS
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • AAJ: Rebuilt, 1884, 1905.

1876: Point

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Monongahela River
Bridgemeister ID:84 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1876
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Monongahela River
Coordinates:40.441000 N 80.014000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Edward Hemberle
References:AAJ, BOP, BPL, HBE, IEA, ONF, PBR, PTS2, SA19000106
Use:Vehicular and Rail (streetcar)
Status:Demolished, 1927
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)
Deck width:34 feet


  • Partial floor collapse requiring extensive repairs, December 24, 1903. Repaired, 1904. Demolished 1927.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1876: Zoar

Stevenson vicinity, Connecticut, USA - Housatonic River
Bridgemeister ID:85 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1876
Location:Stevenson vicinity, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Housatonic River
Coordinates:41.390444 N 73.182028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 1919
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Located on the road connecting Monroe to Oxford, until 1919 when the Stevenson Dam was built.
  • May have been significantly widened, c. 1910.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1877: (suspension bridge)

Kent, Ohio, USA - Cuyahoga River
Bridgemeister ID:1979 (added 2005-11-27)
Year Completed:1877
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kent, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Cuyahoga River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

1877: Canet

Ventenac-en-Minervois and Canet, Aude, France - Aude River
Bridgemeister ID:5658 (added 2021-01-01)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Ventenac-en-Minervois and Canet, Aude, France
Crossing:Aude River
Coordinates:43.240039 N 2.855134 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Piers are still present (in 2020) next to the current Aude River crossing at this location.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1877: Cottaneva

Cottaneva Creek, Rockport, California, USA - Rockport Bay, Pacific Ocean
Bridgemeister ID:1152 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Cottaneva Creek, Rockport, California, USA
Crossing:Rockport Bay, Pacific Ocean
Coordinates:39.736703 N 123.832585 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Pacific Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet)


  • This bridge was part of the Rockport lumber mill (Mendocino County). The bridge stretched over ocean to a large rock in the bay.
  • Jakkula cites two sources describing the cables as steel.
  • Don Sayenga transcribed one of Jakkula's references, The Iron Age Volume XX , No. 3 (August 2, 1877) Page 1: "A Steel Wire Suspension Bridge In California"
    The Pacific Bridge Company are building in Mendocino county, California at Cottoneva, a suspension bridge which is described as follows "The distance from center to center of the saddles on the towers is 270 feet. The deflection or fall of the cable is 23 feet 6 inches. The cables are built in the same manner as those of the Clifton bridge at Niagara. The steel wire is about No. 11 Birmingham gauge, and is protected against rust by immersing in a bath which it a fine coat of zinc. There are eleven wires in each strand, seven strands in each rope, and seven ropes in each cable. The ropes are not twisted together to form the cable but gathered up every six feet by the suspender bands. Each rope is warranted to bear a strain of 60 tons. It is made fast to an independent anchor bar, 1 by 3 inches in diameter, and forming links 18 feet long, until connection is made with the anchors. The anchors are of cast iron, 3-1/2 by 3 feet in surface, weigh 1000 pounds each, and are placed 14 feet below the surface of the rock. Great care was taken in securing the anchors in place by means of cross I beams which run under the rock on either side. The lower part of each pit was enlarged to so as to form a hemispherical chamber, and the rock work, set in Portland cement, which is built upon the anchor, is so constructed that the upward strain is transmitted to the sides. The towers are of red wood. There are four posts 10 x 10 inches and two 10 x 12 inches, giving an effective area of 640 inches to withstand the strain of the cables on the tower. The wooden truss to prevent vertical vibration is 8 feet high and of the Howe truss pattern. The 270 feet of the bridge is divided into 45 pannels. The longest suspenders, 44 in number are of 7/8 inch steel wire, the 42 shorter ones are of 1-1/8 inch solid iron. The estimated dead load of the bridge is 1000 pounds per linear foot; live load, one ton per linear foot; in all, one and one half tons, or one fifth of actual breaking load. The bridge will be completed in about 30 days and promises to be a structure which the builders may well be proud of."
    Don writes: "[In] Jakkula's last citation, he is saying that this is factory-made wire rope... The construction of the wire rope (7 by 11) used in the main cables is not common for the USA as of 1877; in fact it is extremely uncommon. The wire ropes used at Clifton/Niagara were made in England -- it wouldn't surprise me if these were made in England too."

1877: Douelle

Douelle, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:1931 (added 2005-10-27)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Douelle, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.471510 N 1.361864 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1877: Jhulaghat

Juluaghat, Dasharathchanda, Nepal and Jhulaghat, Uttarakhand, India - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:4344 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1877
Also Known As:झुलाघाट
Location:Juluaghat, Dasharathchanda, Nepal and Jhulaghat, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.571577 N 80.382849 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2022-2023: Damaged during 2022 monsoon season. Reopened October 2023.

External Links:

1877: Lead Mine

Gorham, New Hampshire, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1198 (added 2004-01-28)
Year Completed:1877
Name:Lead Mine
Also Known As:Hutchinson
Location:Gorham, New Hampshire, USA
Principals:Timothy H. Hutchinson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, 1921
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Provided access to Mascot Mine. Collapsed, 1921.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1877: Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:86 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
At or Near Feature:Nicollet Island
Coordinates:44.985028 N 93.264556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas M. Griffith
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1890
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 205.8 meters (675.1 feet)
Deck width:32 feet


Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1877: Netherby

Kirksandrew-upon-Esk, Longtown vicinity, Cumbria and Netherby, England, United Kingdom - River Esk
Bridgemeister ID:2369 (added 2007-09-28)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Kirksandrew-upon-Esk, Longtown vicinity, Cumbria and Netherby, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Esk
Coordinates:55.03855 N 2.95261 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper

1877: Punalur

Punalur, Kerala, India - Kallada River
Bridgemeister ID:415 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Punalur, Kerala, India
Crossing:Kallada River
Coordinates:9.018114 N 76.927620 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Albert Henry
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Daniel Sebastian

1877: Victoria

Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:2750 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:1877
Location:Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.712668 N 76.933310 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1878: (suspension bridge)

New Zealand - Hawea River
Bridgemeister ID:664 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1878
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:New Zealand
Crossing:Hawea River
Principals:William Grant, McKellar

1878: Maynard Street

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA - Susquehanna River
Bridgemeister ID:2140 (added 2006-10-31)
Year Completed:1878
Name:Maynard Street
Location:Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Susquehanna River
Coordinates:41.229083 N 77.019083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


1878: Sedgwick

Sedgwick and Sizergh, England, United Kingdom - River Kent
Bridgemeister ID:1313 (added 2004-04-16)
Year Completed:1878
Also Known As:Low Park Woods, New Sedgwick
Location:Sedgwick and Sizergh, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Kent
Coordinates:54.281 N 2.7564 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Francis James Willacy
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1878: Spider

Crewe, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:1843 (added 2005-07-15)
Year Completed:1878
Also Known As:Midge
Location:Crewe, England, United Kingdom
Status:Demolished, 1939
Main Cables:Wire


  • Carried a narrow gauge rail line over several tracks at the Crewe Locomotive Works. Used as a footbridge, 1929-1939.

1878: Upper

Turners Falls, Montague, Massachusetts, USA - Connecticut River
Bridgemeister ID:87 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1878
Also Known As:Red
Location:Turners Falls, Montague, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Connecticut River
Principals:J.W. Shipman
Status:Dismantled, 1942
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1879: Azuqueca

Azuqueca de Henares, Guadalajara, Spain - Henares River
Bridgemeister ID:7625 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:1879
Location:Azuqueca de Henares, Guadalajara, Spain
Crossing:Henares River
Coordinates:40.555941 N 3.246655 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1879: Castor

Cynthia Islands, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:319 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1879
Also Known As:Burning Springs
Location:Cynthia Islands, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1879: Infirmary

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:539 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1879
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
Coordinates:57.471653 N 4.228844 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:C. R. Manners
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 12.8 meters (42 feet)


Annotated Citations:

  • Glen, Louise. “Closure Fears for Iconic Inverness Bridge Facing Huge Repair Bill.” Inverness Courier, 21 Apr. 2021,

    "Fears have been raised that decades of under investment in an iconic city bridge could see it closed permanently. Members of Ballifeary Community Council believe the cost of fixing and upgrading the Infirmary Bridge to bring it up to modern standards may be more than £1 million..."

  • Duncan, Ian. "The future of Infirmary Bridge secured into the 2040s as Highland Council's Economy and Infrastructure Committee today agrees up to £550,000 in funding for repairs." Inverness Courier, 05 May 2021,

    "Highland Council's Economy and Infrastructure Committee agreed today to include up to £550,000 for repairs for Infirmary Bridge… 'It will be 2022 before the repairs are completed, but once done the bridge's life will be extended for a further 20 to 25 years.'"

External Links:

Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1879: Pollux

Cynthia Islands, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:848 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1879
Also Known As:Burning Springs
Location:Cynthia Islands, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Main Cables:Wire


Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg

1879: Saint-Ilpize

Saint-Ilpize, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1097 (added 2004-01-02)
Year Completed:1879
Location:Saint-Ilpize, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.198556 N 3.386866 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
References:AAJ, BPF, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 70.35 meters (230.8 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:18 feet


  • The side spans are supported solely by inclined stays, not suspenders from the main cables.
  • Closed to all traffic on July 15, 2004 due to damage to the deck, possibly caused by an overloaded truck. Repaired and reopened.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1879: Shaky

Alexandra, New Zealand - Manuherikia River
Bridgemeister ID:665 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1879
Also Known As:Manuherikia
Location:Alexandra, New Zealand
Crossing:Manuherikia River
Coordinates:45.253846 S 169.398651 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:L.D. Macgeorge, William Grant, McKellar
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

1879: Swing

Monymusk, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Don
Bridgemeister ID:2192 (added 2007-01-26)
Year Completed:1879
Location:Monymusk, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Don
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Demolished, c. 2005
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1879: Viljandi

Viljandi, Estonia
Bridgemeister ID:2654 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:1879
Location:Viljandi, Estonia
At or Near Feature:Viljandi Castle Park
Coordinates:58.358912 N 25.594293 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Felser and Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1931: Relocated from original location at Tarvastu Manor. Coordinates provided here represent the new location of the bridge.
  • 1995: Reconstructed.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1880: Birkhall

Birkhall, Ballater, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Muick
Bridgemeister ID:2193 (added 2007-01-26)
Year Completed:1880
Location:Birkhall, Ballater, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Muick
Coordinates:57.028215 N 3.072693 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Destroyed, December, 2015
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet)


External Links:

1880: Burnhervie

Burnhervie, Inverurie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Don
Bridgemeister ID:2174 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1880
Location:Burnhervie, Inverurie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Don
Coordinates:57.261024 N 2.440063 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Collapsed, 1979
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)


  • Completed c. 1880. Douglas Harper writes: "The original bridge was built by Harper & Co, Aberdeen, around 1880 and its timber pylons were replaced with cast iron ones. In 1979 when overloaded during a raft race a bank stay cable failed and a major rebuild was undertaken by the local authority. This version was similar to its predecessor but was repalced in 2005 by a cable stayed bridge."
  • Replaced by 1980 Shakin - Burnhervie, Inverurie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1880: Daniel O'Connell

Ophir, New Zealand - Manuherikia River
Bridgemeister ID:666 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1880
Name:Daniel O'Connell
Location:Ophir, New Zealand
Crossing:Manuherikia River
Coordinates:45.110783 S 169.590268 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:L.D. Macgeorge, J.S. Derby, R. Edgar
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (214.9 feet)

External Links:

1880: Fitzroy

Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia - Fitzroy River
Bridgemeister ID:416 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1880
Location:Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Fitzroy River
Principals:F. J. Byerley, Owen Jones
References:AAJ, STC
Status:Demolished, 1956
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:4 x 70.7 meters (232 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 26.5 meters (86.9 feet)
Deck width:21 feet


  • Damaged during flood, 1890. Repaired, 1891.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1880: Kawarau Gorge

Kawarau Gorge, Central Otago, New Zealand - Kawarau River Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:667 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1880
Name:Kawarau Gorge
Location:Kawarau Gorge, Central Otago, New Zealand
Crossing:Kawarau River Gorge
Coordinates:45.008882 S 168.899938 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:H.P. Higginson, A.R.W Fulton, W.C. Edwards
References:AAJ, GAP
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


  • Appears to now be used solely as a bungee-jumping platform.

External Links:

Photo by Eileen O'Grady Photo by David Denenberg

1880: Rosentalbrücke

Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany - Westlicher Umflutgraben, Oker River
Bridgemeister ID:1409 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1880
Location:Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
Crossing:Westlicher Umflutgraben, Oker River
At or Near Feature:Inselwall
Coordinates:52.2686 N 10.5143 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet)
Deck width:1.7 meters


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "Suspended with connections from 'chains' to towers, gravity anchored in the ground (backstays), but 'hangers' not adjustable (like truss)."
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1880: Suspension Pier

Seaview, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:2409 (added 2007-12-24)
Year Completed:1880
Name:Suspension Pier
Location:Seaview, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom
Status:Destroyed, December, 1950
Main Spans:3

1881: Clyde

Clyde, New Zealand - Clutha River
Bridgemeister ID:663 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1881
Location:Clyde, New Zealand
Crossing:Clutha River
Coordinates:45.190387 S 169.315977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Grant, McKellar
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1936
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Photo by David Denenberg

1881: Cromdale

Cromdale, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Spey
Bridgemeister ID:2194 (added 2007-01-26)
Year Completed:1881
Location:Cromdale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Spey
Coordinates:57.341944 N 3.553111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Collapsed, 1892
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1881: Greig Street

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:538 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1881
Name:Greig Street
Also Known As:Wobbly
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
Coordinates:57.479111 N 4.229796 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1881: Jánovas

Boltaña vicinity, Jánovas, Spain - Rio Ara
Bridgemeister ID:3367 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:1881
Location:Boltaña vicinity, Jánovas, Spain
Crossing:Rio Ara
Coordinates:42.465717 N 0.001747 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1881: Kettenbrücke

Leipzig, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:7845 (added 2023-09-04)
Year Completed:1881
Location:Leipzig, Germany
At or Near Feature:Scheibenholzpark
Coordinates:51.326236 N 12.356297 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1928
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1881: Vicq-sur-Gartempe

Vicq-sur-Gartempe, Vienne, France - Gartempe River
Bridgemeister ID:3996 (added 2020-03-27)
Year Completed:1881
Location:Vicq-sur-Gartempe, Vienne, France
Crossing:Gartempe River
Main Cables:Wire


Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1882: Alexandra

Alexandra, New Zealand - Clutha River
Bridgemeister ID:668 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1882
Location:Alexandra, New Zealand
Crossing:Clutha River
Coordinates:45.258245 S 169.391270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:L.D. Macgeorge, Jeremiah Drummey, Robert Hay
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 79.9 meters (262.1 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1882: Fitch's

Elmira, New York, USA - Chemung River
Bridgemeister ID:88 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1882
Also Known As:Fitches, Fisches, Lumbermens
Location:Elmira, New York, USA
Crossing:Chemung River
Coordinates:42.082409 N 76.866470 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Fitch Family History and Genealogy. Although this bridge is known by a variety of names (and misspellings), this Fitch family site states Daniel Hollenbeck Fitch contributed $10,000 to the construction of the bridge and refer to it as "Fitch's Bridge".
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1882: Long Creek

Melvern vicinity, Kansas, USA - Long Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2062 (added 2006-06-03)
Year Completed:1882
Name:Long Creek
Location:Melvern vicinity, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Long Creek
At or Near Feature:Francis Crossing
Principals:Wilden Bridge Company
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 1970


  • In the June 18, 1970 edition of the Daily Tribune newspaper (Great Bend, Kansas) an article titled "Last Suspension Bridge to Fall" describes this bridge: "The suspension bridge appears to be going the way of the old covered bridge in Kansas. At least, the particular type of suspension span represented by Osage County Bridge No. 18 may be gone when this structure is replaced within two years. L.D. Pierce, Osage County engineer, said he believes this 'homemade' suspension bridge probably is the last of its kind in this state. He said it was built in 1882 from a pencil-drawn plan that probably was prepared by asurveyor or a millwright. He said it was constructed with materials that could be found in any hardware store and lumber yard. For example, cables are No. 9 gauge wire, bound together. Pierce said at one time there were five or six of these bridges in Osage County. The 100-foot span over Long Creek has been closed to traffic since 1967."
  • See Long Creek - Melvern, Kansas, USA.

1883: Brooklyn

New York and Brooklyn, New York, USA - East River
Bridgemeister ID:89 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1883
Also Known As:Great East River
Location:New York and Brooklyn, New York, USA
Crossing:East River
Coordinates:40.706 N 73.99667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling, Washington A. Roebling
Use:Rail (light rail) and Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 486.3 meters (1,595.5 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 283.5 meters (930 feet)
Deck width:85 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Josh Denenberg Photo by Bill Campbell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1883: Chilhac

Chilhac, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1131 (added 2004-01-15)
Year Completed:1883
Location:Chilhac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.154731 N 3.437122 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1883: Swinging

Skowhegan, Maine, USA - Kennebec River
Bridgemeister ID:1575 (added 2004-12-19)
Year Completed:1883
Location:Skowhegan, Maine, USA
Crossing:Kennebec River
Status:Collapsed, 1888
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • KJ20030410: "[The] span collapsed in 1888: it turned out the steel cables were not all steel, they had a core of hemp, according to the history 'Skowhegan on the Kennebec'."
  • Replaced by 1888 Swinging - Skowhegan, Maine, USA.

1883: Turrian

Château-d'Oex, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:2878 (added 2019-09-13)
Year Completed:1883
Location:Château-d'Oex, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Coordinates:46.468703 N 7.135172 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1883: Yenne

Yenne, Savoie and Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1968 (added 2005-11-26)
Year Completed:1883
Location:Yenne, Savoie and Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.706294 N 5.751086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1884: (suspension bridge)

Charleston, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1427 (added 2004-07-24)
Year Completed:1884
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Charleston, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular and Rail (streetcar)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 83.2 meters (273 feet)


1884: Lamothe

Lamothe and Brioude, Haute-Loire, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1764 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1884
Location:Lamothe and Brioude, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.302968 N 3.406201 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 1977 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Next to 1834 Lamothe - Lamothe and Brioude, Haute-Loire, France. In 1866, a flood caused a major change in the course of the Allier River such that the main channel no longer flowed under the older bridge. The newer bridge crossed the main channel of the Allier just slightly east of the older bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1884: McKeesport-Reynoldton

McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA - Youghiogheny River
Bridgemeister ID:90 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1884
Also Known As:Third Avenue
Location:McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Youghiogheny River
Coordinates:40.352359 N 79.870561 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:McKeesport and Reynoldton Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, HAERPA461
Use:Rail (streetcar) and Vehicular
Status:Dismantled, 1961
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)


  • 1896: Reconstructed by Hermann Laub

1884: North Side

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:91 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1884
Name:North Side
Also Known As:Seventh Street
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:40.445972 N 80.001361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gustav Lindenthal
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PBR, PTS2
Status:Removed, 1924
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 97.5 meters (320 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 50.3 meters (165 feet)
Deck width:42 feet


External Links:

1884: Real

Girardot, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3606 (added 2019-12-31)
Year Completed:1884
Also Known As:Royal
Location:Girardot, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:4.288316 N 74.808793 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1884: Tonnay-Charente

Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France - Charente River
Bridgemeister ID:7337 (added 2022-09-04)
Year Completed:1884
Location:Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France
Crossing:Charente River
Coordinates:45.940048 N 0.886059 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1934
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1885: Abergeldie Castle

Balmoral vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:1705 (added 2005-03-29)
Year Completed:1885
Name:Abergeldie Castle
Location:Balmoral vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.043806 N 3.176197 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Blaikie Brothers
References:AAJ, HBR
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • William Craig describes the bridge, "A wood and angle iron deck supported from two pairs of wire cables and rod suspenders. The railings are of light woven wire. Pylons with ornamental heads are of lattice gider construction on concrete bases five miles west of Ballater, Scotland."
  • Was already derelict before December 2015 flooding (Storm Frank) that severely damaged several River Dee bridges. Dave Cooper writes in early 2016: "The bridge's southern tower and its base are gone. The river bank has eroded back to within feet of the grade one listed Abergeldie Castle. Seat of Baron Abergeldie."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1885: Argenbrücke Achberg

Flunau, Achberg vicinity and Blumegg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Argen River
Bridgemeister ID:2242 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:1885
Name:Argenbrücke Achberg
Location:Flunau, Achberg vicinity and Blumegg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Argen River
Coordinates:47.632307 N 9.710757 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.6 meters (159.4 feet)

1885: Hebden

Hebden, England, United Kingdom - River Wharfe
Bridgemeister ID:1340 (added 2004-05-02)
Year Completed:1885
Location:Hebden, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wharfe
Coordinates:54.057126 N 1.962584 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Bell
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Refurbished, 1989.
  • John Gardner writes that William Bell was the village blacksmith and that the bridge once had an unusual mid-span support pillar. John writes: "It is not known when [the pillar] was dismantled, but the bottom section (you can see the dividing flange in the linked picture) can still be seen in normal water conditions."
  • John Gardner later added: "[the bridge] was badly damaged by floods on December 14th 1936. It was reconstructed with the span a little higher, which was when the supporting pillar was removed."
Photo courtesy Anthea Dacy Postcard, courtesy John Gardner Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1885: Hope River Stock

Glynn Wye, North Canterbury, New Zealand - Hope River
Bridgemeister ID:670 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1885
Name:Hope River Stock
Location:Glynn Wye, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Crossing:Hope River
Coordinates:42.588804 S 172.510846 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. & A. Anderson Ltd.
Use:Footbridge and Stock
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.3 meters (247 feet)


  • GAP: Collapsed late 20th century.

External Links:

Photo by Richard Tyson

1885: Sutton

Sutton vicinity and Middlemarch vicinity, New Zealand - Taieri River
Bridgemeister ID:669 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1885
Location:Sutton vicinity and Middlemarch vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Taieri River
Coordinates:45.575599 S 170.131762 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Dismantled, October, 2017 (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


  • Wrecked by flood, July 2017. Dismantled, October 2017

External Links:

1886: (footbridge)

Huttons Ambo, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - River Derwent
Bridgemeister ID:417 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1886
Location:Huttons Ambo, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Derwent
Coordinates:54.09975 N 0.8311 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29 meters (95 feet)

Photo by James F. Carter Photo by Dave Cooper

1886: Blairgowrie

Blairgowrie, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ericht
Bridgemeister ID:2181 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1886
Location:Blairgowrie, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ericht
At or Near Feature:Craighall Castle
Principals:Louis Harper
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (89.9 feet)


  • HARPER: Some remnants of the bridge still present, 2006.

External Links:

1886: Lower

Easton, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:813 (added 2003-05-29)
Year Completed:1886
Location:Easton, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
References:DSL20030414, WGE20030513
Status:Demolished, 1951
Main Cables:Wire


  • Damaged by windstorm 1950.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1886: Pescadero Ituango

Ituango, Antioquia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:7637 (added 2023-05-28)
Year Completed:1886
Name:Pescadero Ituango
Location:Ituango, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.088510 N 75.694706 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:José María Villa
Use:Footbridge and Vehicular
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1963: Replaced by Puente Juan de la Cruz Posada
  • 2018: Former location of both bridges completely inundated behind the Pescadero-Ituango dam.

External Links:

1886: Windsor Locks

Windsor Locks and Warehouse Point, Connecticut, USA - Connecticut River
Bridgemeister ID:306 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1886
Name:Windsor Locks
Location:Windsor Locks and Warehouse Point, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Connecticut River
Coordinates:41.929111 N 72.624167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Shipman
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Removed, c. 1921
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 167.6 meters (550 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


  • 1921: Replacement multi-span truss bridge completed. Unclear when the suspension bridge was removed.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Image courtesy Larry Peterson Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:5084 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:1887
Location:Offord, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Great Northern Railway track
Principals:John Harper, Harpers Limited
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1887: de l'Abîme

Cusy and Gruffy, Haute-Savoie, France - Chéran River
Bridgemeister ID:418 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1887
Name:de l'Abîme
Location:Cusy and Gruffy, Haute-Savoie, France
Crossing:Chéran River
Coordinates:45.764583 N 6.057117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet)

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1887: Hammersmith

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:419 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1887
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.48845 N 0.23019 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Joseph Bazalgette
References:BEM, BPL, HBE, NTB, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • 2019, April: Closed to vehicular traffic due to safety concerns after an inspection found fractures in the cast iron casings around the bridge pedestals. Some repair work followed, but was not fully funded or finished (as of mid-2020)
  • 2020, August: Fractures found to have worsened during recent heatwave. Bridge is completely closed to all pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Pedestrian walkways under the bridge and all river traffic under the bridge are also prohibited (implying risk of collapse).
  • 2020, December: Bridge may reopen to pedestrians and cyclists if deemed safe by maintenance contractor, Mott MacDonald.
  • 2021, January: Plan discussed to "thread" a temporary truss along the length of the deck to permit traffic while the suspension bridge undergoes repairs.
  • 2021, March: Feasibility study on "double-decker" temporary truss plan determines it is feasible, possibly opening to pedestrian and vehicular traffic by mid-2022.
  • 2021, July: Reopened for pedestrian and bicycle use.
  • Replaced 1827 Hammersmith - London, England, United Kingdom.

External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1887: Jubilee

Nairn, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Nairn
Bridgemeister ID:1945 (added 2005-10-29)
Year Completed:1887
Location:Nairn, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Nairn
Principals:Harpers Limited
Status:Replaced, 1915
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1887: Roxburgh

Roxburgh, New Zealand - Clutha River
Bridgemeister ID:671 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1887
Location:Roxburgh, New Zealand
Crossing:Clutha River
Coordinates:45.542731 S 169.320220 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. McCormack
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bypassed, 1974.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

Bridgemeister ID:92 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1887
Location:Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Philadelphia and Reading Railroad tracks
Coordinates:40.3405 N 75.923638 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Hildenbrand, John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Status:Dismantled, 1983
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Dismantled 1983. One tower used in extant (2007) Workers Memorial Tower at Reading, PA.
  • The coordinates provided are for the original location of the bridge. The memorial is located at N 40.3245 W 75.9263.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg

1888: Évieu

Évieu, Ain and Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin, Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7099 (added 2022-06-03)
Year Completed:1888
Location:Évieu, Ain and Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin, Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1888: Crathorne

Carthorne, England, United Kingdom - River Leven
Bridgemeister ID:2195 (added 2007-01-26)
Year Completed:1888
Location:Carthorne, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Leven
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:Destroyed, by flood, July 1930
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 16.8 meters (55 feet) estimated

External Links:

1888: Oregon City

Oregon City and West Linn, Oregon, USA - Willamette River
Bridgemeister ID:295 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1888
Name:Oregon City
Location:Oregon City and West Linn, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Willamette River
Coordinates:45.359000 N 122.609611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, 1922
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1888: Suspension

Sheldon Springs, Vermont, USA - Missisquoi River
Bridgemeister ID:94 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1888
Location:Sheldon Springs, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Missisquoi River
Coordinates:44.909917 N 72.972806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1927-1929
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely damaged or destroyed during the catastrophic Vermont flood event in early November 1927. Replacement completed in 1929.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1888: Swing

Keeseville, New York, USA - Ausable River
Bridgemeister ID:93 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1888
Location:Keeseville, New York, USA
Crossing:Ausable River
Coordinates:44.503653 N 73.482490 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Berlin Iron Bridge Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet)


  • 2024, June: New York State announces US$1,948,000 awarded to to the Clinton County Planning Department for rehabilitation and refurbishment of the Keeseville Swing Bridge.
  • At (or near) former location of Swing - Keeseville, New York, USA.

External Links:

1888: Swinging

Skowhegan, Maine, USA - Kennebec River
Bridgemeister ID:1576 (added 2004-12-19)
Year Completed:1888
Location:Skowhegan, Maine, USA
Crossing:Kennebec River
Status:Destroyed, 1901
Main Cables:Wire


1888: Tidewater Pipeline

Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:1527 (added 2004-10-24)
Year Completed:1888
Name:Tidewater Pipeline
Location:Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Coordinates:40.90714 N 75.748544 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Hildenbrand
References:AAJ, HBE
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet)


  • The town was named "Mauch Chunk" at the time the pipeline was built.
Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1889: (suspension bridge)

Chesterfield vicinity, New Hampshire and Brattleboro, Vermont, USA - Connecticut River
Bridgemeister ID:95 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1889
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chesterfield vicinity, New Hampshire and Brattleboro, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Connecticut River
Principals:Berlin Iron Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, CCR
Status:Destroyed, March 19, 1936
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed by flood March 19, 1936.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1889: Fiorentini

Rome, Italy - Tiber River
Bridgemeister ID:828 (added 2003-05-31)
Year Completed:1889
Also Known As:Ferro, Soldo, Soldino
Location:Rome, Italy
Crossing:Tiber River
Coordinates:41.898801 N 12.463689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, ONF, PTS2
Status:Demolished, July 15, 1941
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable,
Hinged cables


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1889: La Voulte-sur-Rhône

La Voulte-sur-Rhône, Rhône, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1521 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1889
Name:La Voulte-sur-Rhône
Location:La Voulte-sur-Rhône, Rhône, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.800217 N 4.784367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1889: Market Street

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA - Susquehanna River
Bridgemeister ID:2134 (added 2006-10-27)
Year Completed:1889
Name:Market Street
Location:Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Susquehanna River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5 x 61 meters (200 feet)


Stereoview image, courtesy of Robert Vogel

1889: Rivière de l'Est

Sainte Rose, Réunion, France - Rivière de l'Est
Bridgemeister ID:992 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1889
Name:Rivière de l'Est
Also Known As:River of the East
Location:Sainte Rose, Réunion, France
Crossing:Rivière de l'Est
Coordinates:21.125067 S 55.7484896 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1889: Second Falls View

Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:2120 (added 2006-09-17)
Year Completed:1889
Name:Second Falls View
Location:Niagara Falls, New York, USA and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Principals:G.M. Harrington, George W. McNulty
Status:Removed, late 1890's
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


1889: Stapenhill

Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom - River Trent
Bridgemeister ID:2138 (added 2006-10-28)
Year Completed:1889
Also Known As:Ferry
Location:Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Trent
Coordinates:52.79455 N 1.62607 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thornewill & Warham
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 18.3 meters (60 feet)
Deck width:11.5 feet

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1889: Swing

Milford, New Hampshire, USA - Souhegan River
Bridgemeister ID:293 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1889
Location:Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Souhegan River
Coordinates:42.8366 N 71.645533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Berlin Iron Bridge Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by James Adorno Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1889: Teddington

Teddington, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:783 (added 2003-03-16)
Year Completed:1889
Location:Teddington, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.42981 N 0.322517 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper

1890: (flume bridge)

Trimmer, California, USA - Kings River
Bridgemeister ID:3351 (added 2019-12-14)
Year Completed:1890
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Trimmer, California, USA
Crossing:Kings River
Principals:Pacific Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire


  • Large suspension bridge carrying a flume to transport lumber for the Kings River Lumber Company of Sanger, California.

1890: (footbridge)

Hittisau, Austria - Bolgenach River
Bridgemeister ID:1168 (added 2004-01-21)
Year Completed:1890
Location:Hittisau, Austria
Crossing:Bolgenach River
Coordinates:47.461957 N 9.970007 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Rebuilt 1985.

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:5083 (added 2020-09-02)
Year Completed:1890
Location:Lincoln, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Great Northern Railway track
Principals:Louis Harper
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet)


  • HARPER: Likely located at Pelham Street, just east of the present-day (2020) Lincoln train station.

1890: (suspension bridge)

Brookneal, Virginia, USA - Roanoke River
Bridgemeister ID:4665 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:1890
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Brookneal, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Roanoke River
Coordinates:37.083602 N 78.935547 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Berlin Iron Bridge Co.
Status:Demolished, 1940s
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1890: Ardnacarrig

Bandon, Ireland - River Bandon
Bridgemeister ID:5076 (added 2020-08-30)
Year Completed:1890
Location:Bandon, Ireland
Crossing:River Bandon
Principals:Harper & Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)
Deck width:4 feet

External Links:

1890: Grand Avenue

St. Louis, Missouri, USA - Mill Creek Valley
Bridgemeister ID:96 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1890
Name:Grand Avenue
Also Known As:Jefferson Avenue
Location:St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Mill Creek Valley
Principals:Carl Gayler
References:AAJ, HBE, IEA, ONF, PTS2, SSB
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Demolished, 1960
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)
Deck width:60 feet
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable


  • Braced chain (stiffened-eyebar) design often espoused by Gustav Lindenthal. ONF (an article by Lindenthal) refers to this as the Jefferson Ave. bridge while Fowler's book (IEA) calls it "Grand Avenue". AAJ describes it as "a three-hinged inverted arch with two stiffened chains, one on each side."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1890: Kellams

Kellams, New York and Stalker, Pennsylvania, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:7595 (added 2023-05-07)
Year Completed:1890
Also Known As:Little Equinunk, Kellams-Stalker, Kellam
Location:Kellams, New York and Stalker, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.823641 N 75.113282 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Kellam
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1890: Santa Isabel

Santa Isabel, Zaragoza, Spain - Gállego River
Bridgemeister ID:7488 (added 2022-12-30)
Year Completed:1890
Name:Santa Isabel
Location:Santa Isabel, Zaragoza, Spain
Crossing:Gállego River
Coordinates:41.670978 N 0.841962 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, c. 1930
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1890: Sylvéréal

Sylvéréal, Gard and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Petit Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7319 (added 2022-08-31)
Year Completed:1890
Location:Sylvéréal, Gard and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Petit Rhône River
Coordinates:43.546406 N 4.350111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1890: Wollaston

Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia - Merri River
Bridgemeister ID:420 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1890
Location:Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Merri River
Coordinates:38.36343 S 142.49163 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Arthur Dobson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120.1 feet)
Deck width:3.2 meters

1891: (footbridge)

Lewiston, Maine, USA
Bridgemeister ID:264 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1891
Location:Lewiston, Maine, USA
At or Near Feature:Island Garden Amusement Park
Status:Dismantled, 1903
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Nancy Fraser writes: "The pedestrian suspension bridge [was] located at Island Garden Amusement Park in Lewiston, Maine. It started at the water gate house that you can see and led to an island over the water falls where they had entertainment. It was in existence in Lewiston from 1891 to 1903. It was later sold to Amos Gerald of Fairfield, Maine to be used for the trolley line leading to Casco Castle and Amusement Park in South Freeport, Maine."
  • Moved to (footbridge) - South Freeport, Maine, USA.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1891: (pipeline bridge)

Lane Cove North, New South Wales, Australia - Lane Cove River
Bridgemeister ID:2685 (added 2019-05-26)
Year Completed:1891
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Lane Cove North, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Lane Cove River
Coordinates:33.802904 S 151.143883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Multi-span pipeline suspension bridge carrying a large water main. Since replaced with a bridge carrying both pedestrians and a large pipeline.

1891: (suspension bridge)

San Francisco, California, USA - South Drive
Bridgemeister ID:98 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1891
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Francisco, California, USA
Crossing:South Drive
At or Near Feature:Golden Gate Park
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Small footbridge. Replaced by tunnel by 1900.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1891: Ölfusá

Selfoss, Iceland - Ölfusá River
Bridgemeister ID:2922 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:1891
Location:Selfoss, Iceland
Crossing:Ölfusá River
Status:Collapsed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1891: Friedrichsbrücke

Mannheim, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:8461 (added 2024-03-17)
Year Completed:1891
Location:Mannheim, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:49.493861 N 8.471778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 74.7 meters (245.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 56.15 meters (184.2 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1891: Geisecke

Geisecke vicinity, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Ruhr River
Bridgemeister ID:2292 (added 2007-04-24)
Year Completed:1891
Location:Geisecke vicinity, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Ruhr River
Status:Demolished, 1928
Deck width:1.0 meters

External Links:

1891: Livron

Livron-sur-Drôme, Drôme and La Voulte-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France - Petit Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1806 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1891
Location:Livron-sur-Drôme, Drôme and La Voulte-sur-Rhône, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Petit Rhône River
Coordinates:44.795194 N 4.796055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1891: Lower

English Center Borough, Pennsylvania, USA - Little Pine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:99 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1891
Location:English Center Borough, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Little Pine Creek
Coordinates:41.4349 N 77.28887 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Dean & Westbrook
References:HAERPA461, HHP, SSB
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


Annotated Citations:

  • Crossley, Pat. "Historic bridge on the list to be rehabbed." Williamsport Sun-Gazette, 9 Mar. 2023,

    $12 million rehabilitation project planned. "According to Maggie Baker, a spokesperson with PennDOT… 'After traffic is switched to the temporary bridge, the existing bridge will be carefully dismantled. The existing structural components of the bridge will be shipped to a fabricator to be cleaned and painted. Remedies for damaged components will be coordinated with the onsite cultural resource representative. Abutments will be carefully dismantled and reconstructed.'"

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1891: Upper

English Center Borough, Pennsylvania, USA - Little Pine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:100 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1891
Location:English Center Borough, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Little Pine Creek
Principals:Dean & Westbrook
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 1932
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)


1892: (footbridge)

Anderson, Indiana, USA - White River
Bridgemeister ID:6467 (added 2021-08-13)
Year Completed:1892
Location:Anderson, Indiana, USA
Crossing:White River
Status:Destroyed, March 27, 1921
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

1892: Androscoggin Pedestrian

Topsham and Brunswick, Maine, USA - Androscoggin River
Bridgemeister ID:101 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1892
Name:Androscoggin Pedestrian
Also Known As:Swinging, Androscoggin Swinging
Location:Topsham and Brunswick, Maine, USA
Crossing:Androscoggin River
Coordinates:43.918069 N 69.973122 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
References:PPH19991019, PPH20050801
Status:Destroyed, 1936
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

1892: Aurec-sur-Loire

Aurec-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1607 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1892
Location:Aurec-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.369475 N 4.196837 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Approaches, abutments, piers, and pylons still in existence, 2018, but the original deck and cables are completely gone. A newer pedestrian suspension bridge is effectively sitting on the original bridge's piers between the original pylons.
  • Later at same location (footbridge) - Aurec-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1892: Cammeray

Willoughby, New South Wales, Australia - Long Bay Gully
Bridgemeister ID:421 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1892
Also Known As:North Sydney, Northbridge
Location:Willoughby, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Long Bay Gully
Coordinates:33.816899 S 151.212336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:PTS2, STC
Status:Only towers remain, since 1939 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 38.1 meters (125 feet)


  • Replaced with arch in 1939, but original towers retained. STC says replaced 1937.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1892: Polhollick

Ballater vicinity, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:1905 (added 2005-10-08)
Year Completed:1892
Location:Ballater vicinity, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.055048 N 3.083452 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Abernethy & Co.
References:HARPER, HBR
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.4 meters (178.5 feet)


  • Closed May 2015 for repairs. Reopened October, 2015.

External Links:

Photo by John Heald Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg

1893: (suspension bridge)

Hamua, New Zealand - Makakahi River
Bridgemeister ID:674 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1893
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamua, New Zealand
Crossing:Makakahi River
Principals:Joseph Dawson

1893: Am Kaltenborn

Wetter and Volmarstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Ruhr River
Bridgemeister ID:2168 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:1893
Name:Am Kaltenborn
Location:Wetter and Volmarstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Ruhr River
Coordinates:51.37610 N 7.39749 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Siller & Jamart, B. Rittershausen
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet)
Deck width:1.7 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1893: Cable

Chicago, Illinois, USA - Garfield Park Lagoon
Bridgemeister ID:320 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1893
Location:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Garfield Park Lagoon
At or Near Feature:Garfield Park
Coordinates:41.883548 N 87.714527 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1870 and 1874 are also sometimes cited as year of completion.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1893: Dennis

Dennis, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:116 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1893
Location:Dennis, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.615639 N 97.926361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flinn-Moyer Co.
Status:Demolished, 1962
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1893: Dorrator

Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Carron
Bridgemeister ID:2201 (added 2007-01-28)
Year Completed:1893
Also Known As:Falkirk, Carronvale
Location:Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Carron
Coordinates:56.011418 N 3.819145 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper
References:AAJ, HARPER
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27 meters (88.6 feet)


  • Replaced 2014. One tower remains as a monument to the Harper bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1893: Feugh

Banchory, Scotland, United Kingdom - Water of Feugh
Bridgemeister ID:2196 (added 2007-01-26)
Year Completed:1893
Location:Banchory, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Water of Feugh
Coordinates:57.042679 N 2.493234 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper
References:AAJ, HARPER
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet)


  • Towers replaced, at some point. Unclear how much of the present-day (2020) bridge is original.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1893: Mandeville

Kaiapoi, New Zealand - Kaiapoi River
Bridgemeister ID:673 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1893
Also Known As:Swing
Location:Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Crossing:Kaiapoi River
At or Near Feature:Trousselot Park
Coordinates:43.3811 S 172.65584 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1893: Trentham

Trentham, England, United Kingdom - River Trent
Bridgemeister ID:2200 (added 2007-01-28)
Year Completed:1893
Location:Trentham, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Trent
Status:Replaced, c.1930's
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1893: Viscaya

Portugalete and Las Arenas, Spain - Nervión River (Ibaizabal River)
Bridgemeister ID:422 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1893
Also Known As:Biscay, Portugalete, Bizkaia
Location:Portugalete and Las Arenas, Spain
Crossing:Nervión River (Ibaizabal River)
Coordinates:43.32376 N 3.01655 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin, Alberto Palacio
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1893: Watson's

Riverside, Illinois, USA - Des Plaines River
Bridgemeister ID:5669 (added 2021-01-30)
Year Completed:1893
Location:Riverside, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Des Plaines River
Coordinates:41.825778 N 87.817795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


1894: (footbridge)

Grimsby, England, United Kingdom - River Freshney
Bridgemeister ID:5079 (added 2020-08-30)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Grimsby, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Freshney
Coordinates:53.570454 N 0.095989 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 10.7 meters (35 feet)


1894: (footbridge)

Grimsby, England, United Kingdom - River Freshney
Bridgemeister ID:5080 (added 2020-08-30)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Grimsby, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Freshney
Coordinates:53.569623 N 0.094252 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet)


1894: (footbridge)

Grimsby, England, United Kingdom - River Freshney
Bridgemeister ID:5081 (added 2020-08-30)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Grimsby, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Freshney
Coordinates:53.568240 N 0.092003 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet)


1894: Arcediano

Guadalajara vicinity, Mexico - Grande de Santiago River
Bridgemeister ID:2492 (added 2008-12-23)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Guadalajara vicinity, Mexico
Crossing:Grande de Santiago River
At or Near Feature:Barranca de Portillo
Coordinates:20.741396 N 103.294783 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated


  • 2005: Dismantled and reassembled 700 meters downstream from original location to make way for construction of the Arcediano dam. Coordinates provided here are for the newer location.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1894: Bonpas

Bonpas, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:2082 (added 2006-06-11)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Bonpas, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.887445 N 4.916439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1894: Cromdale

Cromdale, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Spey
Bridgemeister ID:5077 (added 2020-08-30)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Cromdale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Spey
Coordinates:57.341528 N 3.553306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1921
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1894: Devil's Dyke Aerial Cableway

Fulking, Brighton vicinity, England, United Kingdom - Devil's Dyke
Bridgemeister ID:4843 (added 2020-07-11)
Year Completed:1894
Name:Devil's Dyke Aerial Cableway
Location:Fulking, Brighton vicinity, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Devil's Dyke
Status:Closed, 1909
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1894: Kallar

Kallar, Nilgiri Hills and Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, India
Bridgemeister ID:7474 (added 2022-12-25)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Kallar, Nilgiri Hills and Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, India
Coordinates:11.337556 N 76.881783 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2015
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1920s: Bypassed
  • 1990s: Only towers remain.
  • 2015: Tower(s) demolished.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1894: Occidente

Santa Fé de Antioquia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:934 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1894
Also Known As:Western
Location:Santa Fé de Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:6.577965 N 75.798177 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:José María Villa
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 286.5 meters (940 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1894: Partab

Bunji vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:2566 (added 2012-02-04)
Year Completed:1894
Also Known As:Bunji
Location:Bunji vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.729820 N 74.623571 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Algernon Durand
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire

1894: Pokororo

Ngatimoti and Woodstock, New Zealand - Motueka River
Bridgemeister ID:675 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1894
Also Known As:Ngatimoti
Location:Ngatimoti and Woodstock, New Zealand
Crossing:Motueka River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (299.9 feet)


  • GAP: Originally footbridge, widened 1916. Collapsed October, 1931. Rebuilt.

External Links:

1894: Stell

Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA - Washita River
Bridgemeister ID:2332 (added 2007-07-07)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Washita River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

1894: Swinging

Eureka Springs vicinity, Arkansas, USA - King's River
Bridgemeister ID:1822 (added 2005-05-21)
Year Completed:1894
Location:Eureka Springs vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:King's River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 76.8 meters (252 feet)

1894: Tower

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:3845 (added 2020-03-07)
Year Completed:1894
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.505837 N 0.075281 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2 x 82.3 meters (270 feet)

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Bill Campbell Photo by Michael Levy Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1895: Drake

Warsaw, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:1069 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1895
Location:Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Dr. Daniel M. Eddy
Status:Collapsed, 1913
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1895: Duck Reach

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:1859 (added 2005-07-25)
Year Completed:1895
Name:Duck Reach
Location:Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Coordinates:41.458944 S 147.111885 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1929, by flood


1895: Grøtte

Grøtan, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3867 (added 2020-03-07)
Year Completed:1895
Location:Grøtan, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.83606 N 9.91830 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sivert Gunnes
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 31 meters (101.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

1895: Mill Creek Park

Youngstown vicinity, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:343 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1895
Name:Mill Creek Park
Also Known As:White, Silver, Old Steel, Cinderella, Fairy Tale
Location:Youngstown vicinity, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Mill Creek Park
Coordinates:41.07325 N 80.68886 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Evan Fowler
References:AAJ, HBE, IEA, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable


  • Short stiffened eyebar ("braced chain") of the style that Lindenthal often proposed. A mid-span support was added many years ago.
  • Major rehabilitation started, June 2007. Reopened November, 2007.

External Links:

Photo courtesy of Anne Morrison Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1895: Sellack Boat

Sellack Boat, Ross on Wye, England, United Kingdom - River Wye
Bridgemeister ID:1210 (added 2004-02-07)
Year Completed:1895
Name:Sellack Boat
Location:Sellack Boat, Ross on Wye, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wye
Coordinates:51.948935 N 2.634423 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet)
Deck width:6 feet


  • HARPER: 1895. Previously had 1898.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1895: Swinging

Renfrew, Ontario, Canada - Bonnechere River
Bridgemeister ID:590 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1895
Location:Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Bonnechere River
Coordinates:45.478217 N 76.691764 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • 1983: Rebuilt.
  • 2020, December: Rehabilitation project likely.
  • 2021, October: Contract awarded for repairs.

Annotated Citations:

  • McIntyre, Bruce. "Swinging Bridge will be upgraded at a cost of almost $300,000." Toronto Star, 20 October 2021,

    "In his report to council recently, Development and Property Director Mike Asselin said the bridge was an important piece of infrastructure and just like other municipal property like bridges and roads, council was faced with the prospect of investing in one of its assets or eventually be forced to close the bridge due to safety concerns. Although there had been some repairs completed in 2020, it was more of a stop-gap measure to deal with some immediate issues."

Photo by Jack Schmidt Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1896: Beveridge

San Saba, Texas, USA - San Saba River
Bridgemeister ID:102 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1896
Location:San Saba, Texas, USA
Crossing:San Saba River
Coordinates:31.21083 N 98.74083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flinn-Moyer Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Located near the locally famous Wedding Oak tree.
  • 1938: Reconstructed by Austin Bridge Co.
  • 2006: Major restoration project completed.

External Links:

Photo by Casey Hibler III

1896: Chosica

Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5925 (added 2021-06-20)
Year Completed:1896
Location:Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru
Coordinates:11.935041 S 76.692574 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1896: Clear Fork Of The Brazos

Woodson vicinity, Shackelford County, Texas, USA - Clear Fork Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:103 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1896
Name:Clear Fork Of The Brazos
Location:Woodson vicinity, Shackelford County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Clear Fork Brazos River
Coordinates:32.921611 N 99.167944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flinn-Moyer Co.
References:BRAZ, HAERTX64, HAERTX98
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Stephen Taylor

1897: (footbridge)

Addingham, England, United Kingdom - River Wharfe
Bridgemeister ID:1207 (added 2004-02-07)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Addingham, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wharfe
Status:Destroyed, 1936
Main Cables:Wire


1897: (suspension bridge)

Tiroiti, New Zealand - Capburn River
Bridgemeister ID:676 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1897
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tiroiti, New Zealand
Crossing:Capburn River
Use:Pack and Stock

1897: (suspension bridge)

Utiku vicinity, New Zealand - Rangitikei River
Bridgemeister ID:677 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1897
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Utiku vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Rangitikei River
Status:Replaced, 1970

1897: Bertrand Road

Huirangi, New Zealand - Waitara River
Bridgemeister ID:717 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1897
Name:Bertrand Road
Also Known As:Tikorangi
Location:Huirangi, New Zealand
Crossing:Waitara River
Coordinates:39.047353 S 174.255262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


1897: Carfin

Crossford, Carluke, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Clyde
Bridgemeister ID:5172 (added 2020-09-26)
Year Completed:1897
Also Known As:Crossford
Location:Crossford, Carluke, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Clyde
Coordinates:55.693646 N 3.863803 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:P & R Flemming & Co.
Status:Closed (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Rod
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Restored early 1990s, but has since fallen into disrepair and is closed. Unusual main "cables" appear to be steel rods or some kind of segmented rigid steel members.
Photo by Dave Cooper

1897: Hackberry

Warsaw, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:2538 (added 2011-12-28)
Year Completed:1897
Also Known As:Lower
Location:Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice, Dr. Daniel M. Eddy
Status:Destroyed, 1926
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 158.5 meters (520 feet)


  • Destroyed by fire, 1926.

1897: Jubilee

Annan, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Annan
Bridgemeister ID:6206 (added 2021-07-15)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Annan, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Annan
Coordinates:55.005848 N 3.265549 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, October 28, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, October 28: Destroyed by flood.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1897: Lincoln Highway

East Liverpool, Ohio and Chester, West Virginia, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:105 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1897
Name:Lincoln Highway
Also Known As:Chester
Location:East Liverpool, Ohio and Chester, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Principals:Hermann Laub, E.S. Fickes
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Removed, 1970
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 214.9 meters (705 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet),
1 x 128 meters (420 feet)
Deck width:27 feet


  • Rebuilt 1939 by David Steinman. Closed and demolished, 1970.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1897: Macandrew

Bannockburn, New Zealand - Kawarau River
Bridgemeister ID:661 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Bannockburn, New Zealand
Crossing:Kawarau River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1964
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

1897: Newey

Grahamstown and Qonce (King William's Town), South Africa - Keiskamma River
Bridgemeister ID:5850 (added 2021-05-14)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Grahamstown and Qonce (King William's Town), South Africa
Crossing:Keiskamma River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)


  • Described as being on the road between Grahamstown and King William's Town which possibly would have been located near the present-day Keiskamma road crossing at Kalana.

1897: Pailhès

Pézenas and Castelnau-de-Guers, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:4689 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:1897
Also Known As:Castelnau
Location:Pézenas and Castelnau-de-Guers, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.449256 N 3.436369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 101.47 meters (332.9 feet)


  • Likely replaced an older suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1897: Pease River

Vernon, Texas, USA - Pease River
Bridgemeister ID:5585 (added 2020-12-22)
Year Completed:1897
Name:Pease River
Location:Vernon, Texas, USA
Crossing:Pease River
Coordinates:34.179209 N 99.323843 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1907
Main Cables:Wire


  • Sometimes cited as completed 1897, 1899, or "around 1899".
  • Sometimes attributed to Mitchell and Pigg, but that would have been several years before the earliest bridges typically attributed to Mitchell and Pigg. Mitchell and Pigg are more clearly associated with the 1909 replacement of this Pease River bridge. Texas suspension bridge dominant builder history generally evolved from Flinn/Moyer (1890s, early 1900s) to Mitchell/Pigg (mid-1900s thru early 1910s) to Austin Bridge (1910s onward) with design similarities (and employees) shared through that evolution.
  • Destroyed by tornado, 1907. Coordinates are for the replacement suspension bridge, assumed to be on the same alignment or very close.
  • Replaced by 1909 Pease River - Vernon, Texas, USA.

1897: Port-Sainte-Foy

Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Dordogne and Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1594 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Dordogne and Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.842400 N 0.211233 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1897: Rochester

Rochester and Monaca, Pennsylvania, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:104 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Rochester and Monaca, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Principals:Edwin Kirtland Morse
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet),
1 x 126.8 meters (416 feet)
Deck width:28 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1897: Swinging

Iowa Falls, Iowa, USA - Iowa River
Bridgemeister ID:106 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Iowa Falls, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Iowa River
At or Near Feature:Assembly Park
Coordinates:42.5215 N 93.2708 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Commodore C.C. Bartlett, J.M. Eddy
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 20.7 meters (68 feet) estimated


  • According to plaque at bridge, rebuilt 1909, 1925, 1956, 1989.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1897: Vapor Nou

Rubí, Barcelona, Spain - Riera de Rubí
Bridgemeister ID:8197 (added 2024-02-05)
Year Completed:1897
Name:Vapor Nou
Location:Rubí, Barcelona, Spain
Crossing:Riera de Rubí
Coordinates:41.491722 N 2.028167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ribas Brothers
Status:Destroyed, 1962
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed by flood, 1962.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1897: Vollan

Yset, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3922 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1897
Location:Yset, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.569644 N 10.307843 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Johannes Sand
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 2008
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1898: (footbridge)

Pontiac, Illinois, USA - Vermilion River
Bridgemeister ID:312 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Pontiac, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Vermilion River
At or Near Feature:Chautauqua Park
Coordinates:40.87696 N 88.62358 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joliet Bridge and Iron Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Edward Windhorst

1898: (footbridge)

Pontiac, Illinois, USA - Vermilion River
Bridgemeister ID:1862 (added 2005-07-31)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Pontiac, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Vermilion River
At or Near Feature:Chautauqua Park
Coordinates:40.87554 N 88.62279 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joliet Bridge and Iron Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Photo by Edward Windhorst

1898: (suspension bridge)

Noble, Oklahoma, USA - South Canadian River
Bridgemeister ID:107 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1898
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Noble, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:South Canadian River
Principals:Ed Garee
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, by flood, 1904
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 80.8 meters (265 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:14 feet


  • Wrecked by flood October 3rd or 4th, 1904.

1898: Bizerte Transporter

Bizerte, Tunisia
Bridgemeister ID:995 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1898
Name:Bizerte Transporter
Also Known As:Bizerta
Location:Bizerte, Tunisia
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Status:Dismantled, 1904
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Brinkburn

Morpeth, England, United Kingdom - River Coquet
Bridgemeister ID:4657 (added 2020-06-18)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Morpeth, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Coquet
Coordinates:55.279751 N 1.819533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1898: Doveridge

Doveridge, England, United Kingdom - River Dove
Bridgemeister ID:2151 (added 2006-11-18)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Doveridge, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dove
Coordinates:52.903130 N 1.836442 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:Collapsed, 1946
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo courtesy of Aberdeen Art Galleries and Museum Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Hampden

Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, Australia - Kangaroo River
Bridgemeister ID:423 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Kangaroo River
Coordinates:34.727454 S 150.520910 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E.M. de Burgh
References:AAJ, STC
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77.1 meters (253 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Kaisersteg

Niederschöneweide, Berlin and Oberschöneweide, Berlin, Germany - Spree River
Bridgemeister ID:5691 (added 2021-04-01)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Niederschöneweide, Berlin and Oberschöneweide, Berlin, Germany
Crossing:Spree River
Coordinates:52.458179 N 13.519810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Heinrich Müller-Breslau, Karl Bernhard
Status:Destroyed, April 22, 1945
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Large hybrid truss/suspension bridge. While often classified as a suspension bridge, it is unclear if this bridge functioned as more of a cantilevered truss than a suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Langenargen

Langenargen and Gohren, Kressbronn am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Argen River
Bridgemeister ID:929 (added 2003-10-24)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Langenargen and Gohren, Kressbronn am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Argen River
Coordinates:47.59622 N 9.56208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Kubler, Leibbrand
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.9 meters (236 feet)


  • Othmar Ammann worked as an intern on this bridge.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Levey

Tsomo, South Africa
Bridgemeister ID:2178 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Tsomo, South Africa
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:Dismantled, c. 1960s
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Denis Beukman writes: "The Levey bridge at Tsomo was damaged (timber work only) by a tree washed down the river during a flood some time in 1958 or 1959. In the mid 1960's it was either sold or donated to a church group which dismantled it and moved it lower down the river."

External Links:

1898: Lowther

Keswick, England, United Kingdom - River Greta
Bridgemeister ID:2180 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1898
Also Known As:Keswick
Location:Keswick, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Greta
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:Demolished, 1979
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

External Links:

1898: Margeaix

Beaulieu and Saint-Vincent, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1539 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1898
Also Known As:Marjeaix, Margeix
Location:Beaulieu and Saint-Vincent, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.15324 N 3.924896 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet)


  • Repaired, 1935 and 1975.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Münden

Hannoversch Münden, Niedersachsen, Germany - Fulda River
Bridgemeister ID:1204 (added 2004-02-02)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Hannoversch Münden, Niedersachsen, Germany
Crossing:Fulda River
Coordinates:51.419667 N 9.6475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70.4 meters (231 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters


  • Long footbridge.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1898: Rouen Transporter

Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Bridgemeister ID:953 (added 2003-10-31)
Year Completed:1898
Name:Rouen Transporter
Location:Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1898: Victoria

Hereford, England, United Kingdom - River Wye
Bridgemeister ID:424 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1898
Location:Hereford, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wye
Coordinates:52.051075 N 2.712197 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Alexander Findlay and Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1899: (footbridge)

Bhiri (भीरी), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:7004 (added 2022-05-14)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Bhiri (भीरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.468578 N 79.074367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Bridge over Mandakini near Bhiri a risk to lives - The Tribune India. Residents of Bhiri town in Rudprayag district are irked over the dilapidated condition of a footbridge over the Mandakini, which is on the verge of collapse. "The British constructed the bridge in1889 on the old Kedaranth trek route, near Bhiri, in Rudraprayag district."

1899: Baring

Baring, Washington, USA - Skykomish River
Bridgemeister ID:1902 (added 2005-10-07)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Baring, Washington, USA
Crossing:Skykomish River
Coordinates:47.765407 N 121.480206 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, 1952


1899: Clifden

Clifden, Southland, New Zealand - Waiau River
Bridgemeister ID:678 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Clifden, Southland, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiau River
Coordinates:46.029752 S 167.715139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:C.H. Howorth, W. Baird, E.R. Ussher
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since 1978 (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 111.5 meters (365.8 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Meint Verhoeff

1899: Hanssenspark

Vilvoorde, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:2079 (added 2006-06-10)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Vilvoorde, Belgium
Coordinates:50.924332 N 4.428762 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 17.55 meters (57.6 feet)
Deck width:3.08 meters


  • ISFF: Renovated in 1970s and again in 2000.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1899: Lance Mitan

Moruga, Victoria, Trinidad and Tobago - Moruga River
Bridgemeister ID:542 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1899
Name:Lance Mitan
Location:Moruga, Victoria, Trinidad and Tobago
Crossing:Moruga River
Coordinates:10.091576 N 61.256689 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Walsh Wrightson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Failed February 28, 1998. Repaired.
  • As of 2018 deck was in very poor shape and the bridge has been bypassed.

External Links:

Photo by Kieth Nieves

1899: Lewiston-Queenston

Lewiston, New York, USA and Queenston, Ontario, Canada - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:108 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Lewiston, New York, USA and Queenston, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Niagara River
Principals:L.L. Buck, R.S. Buck
References:AAJ, BPL, HBE, PTS2
Use:Vehicular and Rail (streetcar)
Status:Replaced, 1962
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 317 meters (1,040 feet)
Deck width:17 feet


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1899: Mühlentor

Lübeck, Germany - Elbe-Lübeck Canal
Bridgemeister ID:4574 (added 2020-06-03)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Lübeck, Germany
Crossing:Elbe-Lübeck Canal
Coordinates:53.859130 N 10.691012 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1899: Peißnitz

Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany - Saale River
Bridgemeister ID:8087 (added 2023-12-25)
Year Completed:1899
Also Known As:Peissnitz, Peißnitzbrücke
Location:Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Crossing:Saale River
Coordinates:51.493306 N 11.950111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Like several similar eastern European bridges constructed in the late 1800s and early 1900s it is questionable whether this rigid trussed bridge functions more like a cantilever bridge than a suspension bridge.
  • Near Schwanenbrücke - Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1899: Port-Sainte-Marie

Port-Sainte-Marie and Saint-Laurent, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1781 (added 2005-04-23)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Port-Sainte-Marie and Saint-Laurent, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1899: Weserbrücke

Hessisch Oldendorf and Fuhlen, Germany - Weser River
Bridgemeister ID:8162 (added 2024-02-03)
Year Completed:1899
Location:Hessisch Oldendorf and Fuhlen, Germany
Crossing:Weser River
Status:Destroyed, 1945
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1900: Dunes

Bighouse, Melvich Bay vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - Halladale River
Bridgemeister ID:2567 (added 2012-02-05)
Year Completed:1900
Location:Bighouse, Melvich Bay vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Halladale River
Coordinates:58.55716 N 3.91118 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Dave Cooper

1900: Mafeking

Raven Quay, New Zealand - Kaiapoi River
Bridgemeister ID:680 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1900
Also Known As:Revell's
Location:Raven Quay, New Zealand
Crossing:Kaiapoi River
Coordinates:43.377701 S 172.651679 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thompson and Murphy
Status:Modified, 1973


1900: New River

Nuttallburg and South Nuttall, West Virginia, USA - New River
Bridgemeister ID:347 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1900
Name:New River
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Nuttallburg and South Nuttall, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:New River
Coordinates:38.047482 N 81.035972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, HBE
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103.6 meters (340 feet)
Deck width:6 feet


  • At least one of the towers is still standing, as of 2006.
  • Coordinates are for likely location of the bridge, based on historical maps.

1900: Newquay

Newquay, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:800 (added 2003-03-29)
Year Completed:1900
Location:Newquay, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
Coordinates:50.415743 N 5.082486 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated
Deck width:4 feet


  • Douglas Harper notes: "The pylons have been swathed in concrete, presumably for protection against the elements."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg. Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1900: Ojuela

Mapimí, Torreon vicinity, Durango, Mexico
Bridgemeister ID:1043 (added 2003-12-06)
Year Completed:1900
Also Known As:Mapimi, Mampimi, Miampimi
Location:Mapimí, Torreon vicinity, Durango, Mexico
Coordinates:25.791768 N 103.790706 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Santiago Minguín, William Hildenbrand?, Henry G. Tyrell
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 271.5 meters (890.7 feet) estimated


  • Misspelled on every long span bridge list I've ever seen, this long narrow footbridge is located at Mapimí, Mexico.
  • AAJ notes this bridge as having a 10-foot wide roadway and having been built by William Hildenbrand. The present-day bridge's deck measures only 1.8 meters and is restricted to foot traffic. In HBE, Tyrell takes credit for the design of the bridge and also notes the 10-foot roadway (though, HBE was probably a source for AAJ).

External Links:

Photo by Fernando Gomez

1900: Rochefort-Martrou Transporter

Rochefort, Charente-Maritime, France - Charente River
Bridgemeister ID:949 (added 2003-10-30)
Year Completed:1900
Name:Rochefort-Martrou Transporter
Also Known As:Matrou Transporter
Location:Rochefort, Charente-Maritime, France
Crossing:Charente River
Coordinates:45.91613 N 0.960638 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
References:AAJ, BPF
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet)


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes (data from the information table at the machinery building, where the motor to pull the platform is installed): Main Span 129 m (the high truss towers have a wide basis, the length from saddle to saddle is 139.75 m, and the length of the whole "tableau" including side parts is 175.5m), width between rails 8m. The Rochefort Transporter is well in use [2005], in the summer on all days people can use the "ferry" which is attached to the rails under the bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1900: Upper

Easton, Pennsylvania, USA - Lehigh River
Bridgemeister ID:366 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1900
Location:Easton, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lehigh River
Principals:Henry G. Tyrell, John McNeal
References:AAJ, DSL20030414, EN19001122, HBE, PTS2, WGE20030513
Status:Demolished, 1955
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2 x 85 meters (279 feet)
Side Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet)


  • According to Tyrell, "[It] joins Dock Street on the lower side of the river with Glendon Avenue on the upper side, 90 feet above it. To overcome this difference in elevation of the two ends without incurring excessive expense for approach, the bridge floor was made to descend on a grade of 7.2 per cent from the upper bank to meet stairs rising from Dock Street..."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1900: Youngblood

Union Church, Mississippi, USA - Fifteenmile Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6427 (added 2021-08-10)
Year Completed:1900
Location:Union Church, Mississippi, USA
Crossing:Fifteenmile Creek
Coordinates:31.633587 N 90.814317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J.K. Gallbreath
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, 2016
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • As of the late 2010s, it appears that the pylons and cables are still present.
  • 1915: Repaired by W.H. Groome and Son incorporating an improved anchoring system.

External Links:

1901: Aramon

Aramon, Gard, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6432 (added 2021-08-12)
Year Completed:1901
Location:Aramon, Gard, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Status:Destroyed, August 15, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1901: Cold Spring

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - White River
Bridgemeister ID:258 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1901
Name:Cold Spring
Also Known As:Riverside Park
Location:Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Crossing:White River
At or Near Feature:Riverside Park
Coordinates:39.794516 N 86.200894 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1918
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • The southernmost of two similar suspension bridges built in 1901 in Indianapolis's Riverside Park.
  • 1918: Destroyed by ice jam.
  • Remnants of the tower piers are still present at this location as of the 2000s.
  • Built as part of same project as 1901 Riverside Park - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1901: Drahtsteg

Lingenau and Egg, Austria - Subersach River
Bridgemeister ID:1408 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1901
Location:Lingenau and Egg, Austria
Crossing:Subersach River
Coordinates:47.441867 N 9.9117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

1901: Queanbeyan

Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia - Queanbeyan River
Bridgemeister ID:425 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1901
Location:Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Queanbeyan River
Status:Destroyed, 1925
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1901: Riverside Park

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - White River
Bridgemeister ID:8580 (added 2024-05-18)
Year Completed:1901
Name:Riverside Park
Location:Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Crossing:White River
At or Near Feature:Riverside Park
Coordinates:39.803861 N 86.198278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1905-1913
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • The northernmost of two suspension bridges constructed in Indianapolis's Riverside Park in 1901.
  • 1904: Damaged by ice jam.
  • 1905: Again damaged by ice jam.
  • Removed at some point prior to 1913. Remnants of the tower piers and anchorages are still present as of the 2020s at this location. Anchorage remnants are clearly visible from the White River boat ramp parking lot.
  • Built as part of same project as 1901 Cold Spring (Riverside Park) - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1901: Skippers

Maori Point vicinity, New Zealand - Upper Shotover River
Bridgemeister ID:679 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1901
Location:Maori Point vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Upper Shotover River
At or Near Feature:Skippers Canyon
Coordinates:44.844355 S 168.686769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Black, A.J. Fraser Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 96.3 meters (315.9 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1901: VCSU Footbridge

Valley City, North Dakota, USA - Sheyenne River
Bridgemeister ID:592 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1901
Name:VCSU Footbridge
Location:Valley City, North Dakota, USA
Crossing:Sheyenne River
At or Near Feature:Valley City State Univ.
Coordinates:46.92000 N 98.00288 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Dibley and Robinson Bridge Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 9.1 meters (30 feet)


  • Rebuilt 1994.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1902: (footbridge)

Littleton, New Hampshire, USA - Ammonoosuc River
Bridgemeister ID:2917 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Littleton, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Ammonoosuc River
Status:Destroyed, 1938
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


1902: (suspension bridge)

Chichibu, Saitama, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:5051 (added 2020-08-28)
Year Completed:1902
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chichibu, Saitama, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
Coordinates:35.961412 N 138.975878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, 1980
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Another suspension bridge was built on its piers (c. 2020) as part of the Gravity Park attraction.
Photo courtesy of David Scott Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1902: Alexandra

Tain, Ross-Shire, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tain
Bridgemeister ID:2350 (added 2007-08-18)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Tain, Ross-Shire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tain
Coordinates:57.81496 N 4.04622 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Rose Street Foundry (Inverness)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141 feet)


  • Closed, 2011. Sign posted at the bridge in 2011 stated "No pedestrians beyond this point. Footbridge Closed. Imminent Danger of Collapse."
  • Most news stories on the bridge's condition state it was closed continuously, due to deteriorating conditions, from 2011 through 2015, but this was not entirely accurate. The bridge was open in August 2014, but restricted to two people at a time (see accompanying photo sets). Closed again, sometime soon after. Contract awarded for refurbishment, April 2015.
Photo by John Ford Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo by Dave Cooper

1902: Bonny-sur-Loire

Bonny-sur-Loire and Beaulieu-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1178 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Bonny-sur-Loire and Beaulieu-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1902: Gobbins

Whitehead vicinity, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:1357 (added 2004-05-15)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Whitehead vicinity, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Gobbins Cliff Path
Coordinates:54.808223 N 5.691737 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2015
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1902: Iron

Peoria, Illinois, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2535 (added 2011-12-27)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Peoria, Illinois, USA
At or Near Feature:Glen Oak Park
Coordinates:40.716042 N 89.573082 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2003 (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 7.6 meters (25 feet)

Photo by Karl Stull Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1902: Parcul Bibescu

Craiova, Romania
Bridgemeister ID:523 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1902
Name:Parcul Bibescu
Location:Craiova, Romania
At or Near Feature:Romanescu Park
Coordinates:44.300091 N 23.810388 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Major renovation completed, October 2020.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1902: Salisbury's

Golden Bay, New Zealand - Aorere River
Bridgemeister ID:683 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Golden Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Aorere River
Status:Destroyed, December 28, 2010
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.2 meters (122 feet)


  • Destroyed by flood.

External Links:

1902: Salzach

Laufen, Germany and Oberndorf, Austria - Salzach River
Bridgemeister ID:933 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Laufen, Germany and Oberndorf, Austria
Crossing:Salzach River
Coordinates:47.939727 N 12.938722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1902: Swinging

Skowhegan, Maine, USA - Kennebec River
Bridgemeister ID:1577 (added 2004-12-19)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Skowhegan, Maine, USA
Crossing:Kennebec River
Status:Demolished, 1936
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1902: Tursoli

Tursoli, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:2176 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Tursoli, Nepal
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:Replaced, c. 1970s
Main Cables:Wire

1902: Vernaison

Vernaison, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6431 (added 2021-08-11)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Vernaison, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.646369 N 4.815423 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, June 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1902: Wanakena

Wanakena, New York, USA - Oswegatchie River
Bridgemeister ID:109 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1902
Location:Wanakena, New York, USA
Crossing:Oswegatchie River
Coordinates:44.133217 N 74.921317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Rich Lumber Co.
Status:Removed, 2014
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.1 meters (171 feet)


External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Bill Cole

1903: Caperton

Caperton vicinity, West Virginia, USA - New River
Bridgemeister ID:1422 (added 2004-07-17)
Year Completed:1903
Location:Caperton vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:New River
Coordinates:38.021856 N 81.028479 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 155.4 meters (510 feet)


  • Removed by the 1960s, probably earlier.

1903: Chobhar

Kathmandu vicinity, Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:2175 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1903
Also Known As:Chobar, Chundra
Location:Kathmandu vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
At or Near Feature:Chobhar Gorge
Coordinates:27.658921 N 85.293695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet)
Deck width:4 feet

External Links:

1903: Elisabeth

Budapest, Hungary - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:426 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1903
Also Known As:Elizabeth, Erzsébet
Location:Budapest, Hungary
Crossing:Danube River
Principals:Aurel Czekelius, M. Nagy
References:AAJ, BMA, HBE, PTS2, SA19050909
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Destroyed, 1945
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 289.9 meters (951 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 44.2 meters (145 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1903: Maldon

Picton vicinity, New South Wales, Australia - Nepean River
Bridgemeister ID:427 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1903
Location:Picton vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Nepean River
Coordinates:34.202104 S 150.632321 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E.M. de Burgh
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.9 meters (226 feet)


  • Timber towers damaged by fire, replaced with steel towers 1939.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1903: Passera de la Riera de Torrelles

Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Spain - Riera de Torrelles
Bridgemeister ID:8164 (added 2024-02-03)
Year Completed:1903
Name:Passera de la Riera de Torrelles
Location:Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Spain
Crossing:Riera de Torrelles
Coordinates:41.386417 N 2.015944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1967
Suspended Spans:1


  • The pillars from one of the towers has been preserved as a monument at the coordinates provided here. Unclear if this was the exact location of the bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1903: Pickhill

Pickhill, Wales, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:4562 (added 2020-06-01)
Year Completed:1903
Also Known As:Pickhill Meadows
Location:Pickhill, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:53.017265 N 2.884666 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet)
Deck width:3 meters

Photo by Peter Belton Photo by Sue Booth Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1903: Sands

Swalwell, England, United Kingdom - River Derwent
Bridgemeister ID:1251 (added 2004-02-21)
Year Completed:1903
Also Known As:Hikey
Location:Swalwell, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Derwent
Coordinates:54.956267 N 1.6877 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Newton

1903: Teigen

Mebonden, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3881 (added 2020-03-08)
Year Completed:1903
Also Known As:Vikvar
Location:Mebonden, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.221980 N 11.013930 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, 1924
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


1903: Ticonic

Waterville, Maine, USA - Kennebec River
Bridgemeister ID:110 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1903
Also Known As:Tupenny, Two Cent
Location:Waterville, Maine, USA
Crossing:Kennebec River
Coordinates:44.55073 N 69.62728 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Edwin D. Graves
References:AAJ, HBE, PTS2
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)
Deck width:6 feet

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1903: Williamsburg

New York and Brooklyn, New York, USA - East River
Bridgemeister ID:111 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1903
Location:New York and Brooklyn, New York, USA
Crossing:East River
Coordinates:40.71355 N 73.97226 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:L.L. Buck
Use:Rail (light rail) and Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 487.7 meters (1,600 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Bill Campbell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: (footbridge)

Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom - River Conwy
Bridgemeister ID:512 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Conwy
Coordinates:53.280346 N 3.823733 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Alfred Thorne
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This entry refers to the steel suspension footbridge nestled between Telford's suspension bridge and Stephenson's rail bridge. Click the photo to get a better view of this bridge. According to Susan Ellis, Senior Archivist of the Conwy County Borough Council, the bridge was built on the recommendation of John J. Webster who was hired to inspect Telford's suspension bridge in 1902 "following fears about the safety of its condition. He reported back making various recommendation for strengthening the bridge, including that a separate footbridge be constructed."
  • This footbridge was in existence until at least 1957.
  • Next to 1826 Conwy (Conway) - Conwy, Wales, United Kingdom.

Annotated Citations:

  • "Conway Suspension Bridge." The Engineer, 20 May 1904.

    This detailed account of the 1904 reinforcement of Telford's adjacent bridge does not mention the existence of, or building of, an additional footbridge. It does describe adding a cantilevered walkway to one side of Telford's bridge. This walkway was, indeed, built, and can be seen in the linked image on the left side of the older bridge. Thus, it is not entirely clear whether this bridge was actually constructed in 1904 and the work of Alfred Thorne (who was very much associated with the Telford bridge reinforcement project)

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: (suspension bridge)

Mt. Bruce, New Zealand - Ruamahanga River
Bridgemeister ID:686 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1904
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mt. Bruce, New Zealand
Crossing:Ruamahanga River
Principals:Joseph Dawson

1904: Alexandra

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia - South Esk River
Bridgemeister ID:428 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1904
Also Known As:Basin
Location:Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Crossing:South Esk River
At or Near Feature:First Basin Water, Cataract Gorge Reserve
Principals:C. St John David, Salisbury's Foundry Co.
Status:Destroyed, 1929
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (149.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 10.7 meters (35.1 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Alum Chine

Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom - Alum Chine
Bridgemeister ID:785 (added 2003-03-16)
Year Completed:1904
Name:Alum Chine
Location:Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Alum Chine
Coordinates:50.7143 N 1.90058 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Renovated, 1973. Refurbished, 2004.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Bonhomme

Kervignac, Morbihan, France - Blavet River
Bridgemeister ID:1115 (added 2004-01-05)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Kervignac, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Blavet River
Coordinates:47.764878 N 3.302251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
References:AAJ, BPF, PTS2
Status:Only towers remain, since 1980 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 163.1 meters (535 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 36.9 meters (121 feet)


  • Deck and cables removed, 1980.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Brazos

Brazos, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1857 (added 2005-07-17)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Brazos, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Principals:William Flinn
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

1904: Chimney Creek

Williams Lake vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Fraser River
Bridgemeister ID:1641 (added 2005-03-14)
Year Completed:1904
Name:Chimney Creek
Also Known As:Chilcotin, Sheep Creek, Fraser River
Location:Williams Lake vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Fraser River
Coordinates:51.982898 N 122.275076 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 1962
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Crossed the Fraser southwest of Williams Lake next to the present route 20 crossing. Some of the stone piers are still visible next to the present arch bridge. For some time, the two bridges were standing side-by-side (perhaps 100 yards apart). The "stone piers" very much look like pylons from an older suspension bridge but there doesn't appear to be evidence of a prior suspension bridge.
  • Some sources say completed in 1905.
  • Replacement opened in 1962. Suspension bridge possibly removed in 1961 or 1962.

External Links:

1904: Dark Valley

Graford and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:921 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1904
Name:Dark Valley
Location:Graford and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.863306 N 98.302611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Flinn
References:BRAZ, HAERTX98
Status:Demolished, 1958
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:2 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet),
2 x 38.1 meters (125 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


  • The TxDOT Bridge Division website shows an image of this bridge with caption "The Dark Valley Bridge is shown here before its demolition in 1958," but BRAZ describes it as being destroyed by a flood on October 31, 1981. The TxDOT information is likely correct.

1904: Desmons

Brignon, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:6982 (added 2022-04-03)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Brignon, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Status:Destroyed, October, 1907
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Elan Village

Elan, Rhayader, Wales, United Kingdom - River Elan
Bridgemeister ID:1255 (added 2004-02-28)
Year Completed:1904
Name:Elan Village
Location:Elan, Rhayader, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Elan
Coordinates:52.27099 N 3.56900 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Birmingham Water Corporation
Status:Closed, 1988 (last checked: 2013)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Rebuilt twice.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Jons-Niévroz

Jons, Rhône and Niévroz, Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:2033 (added 2006-04-23)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Jons, Rhône and Niévroz, Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Lordville-Equinunk

Lordville, New York and Equinunk, Pennsylvania, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:112 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Lordville, New York and Equinunk, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.867745 N 75.213789 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Owego Bridge Company
References:BDR, BOL, BPL, HHP
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 1986
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 105.8 meters (347 feet)
Side Span:1 x 17.1 meters (56 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1904: Lugard

Zungeru, Nigeria
Bridgemeister ID:8149 (added 2024-02-03)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Zungeru, Nigeria
Coordinates:10.505250 N 7.453500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Originally constructed in Zungeru, this bridge has been relocated twice. The coordinates provided here are the current location of the bridge in Kaduna.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1904: Moline Swinging

Moline, Kansas, USA - Wildcat Creek
Bridgemeister ID:294 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1904
Name:Moline Swinging
Location:Moline, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Wildcat Creek
Coordinates:37.36578 N 96.30433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 31.4 meters (103 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 10.4 meters (34 feet) estimated,
1 x 10.7 meters (35 feet) estimated

External Links:

1904: Pomeroy's

Bainham, Golden Bay, New Zealand - Aorere River
Bridgemeister ID:684 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1904
Also Known As:James's
Location:Bainham, Golden Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Aorere River


1904: Riegelsville

Riegelsville, Pennsylvania and Riegelsville, New Jersey, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:113 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Riegelsville, Pennsylvania and Riegelsville, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:40.59427 N 75.19062 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co., S. A. Cooney
References:BDR, BPL, SSS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1904: Upper

Warsaw, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:2537 (added 2011-12-28)
Year Completed:1904
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Coordinates:38.244449 N 93.387608 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice, Dr. Daniel M. Eddy
Status:Destroyed, 1924
Main Cables:Wire


1905: (footbridge)

Peradeniya, Sri Lanka - Mahaweli Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:2446 (added 2008-04-23)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Crossing:Mahaweli Ganga
At or Near Feature:Royal Botanical Gardens
Coordinates:7.276585 N 80.593782 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1905: Apley

Apley Park, England, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:769 (added 2003-03-13)
Year Completed:1905
Also Known As:Linley
Location:Apley Park, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
Coordinates:52.581949 N 2.434328 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Capable of carrying light vehicular traffic.

External Links:

Photo by Graham Jackson Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Byram

Byram, Mississippi, USA - Pearl River
Bridgemeister ID:115 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Byram, Mississippi, USA
Crossing:Pearl River
Coordinates:32.176683 N 90.243467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since early 1987 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)


  • 1987: Closed to vehicular traffic.
  • 2006: Vandalized. In December of 2006 after several reports of vandalism, George Britt writes: "I walked the bridge December 24, 2006. It is in rough shape but you can still walk on it if you are careful. Vandals have started fires on the bridge span damaging the planks. Some planks are missing. There is also considerable graffiti about."
  • 2008: Scheduled for restoration (repair of deck boards and grafitti).
  • 2015: Overdue renovation completed.

External Links:

Photo by Melonie Tebo Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1905: Cambus O'May

Ballater, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:429 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1905
Name:Cambus O'May
Also Known As:Gordon
Location:Ballater, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.065803 N 2.956825 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Abernethy & Co.
References:BC2, BC3, BEM, HARPER, HBR, NTB
Status:In use (last checked: April, 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.8 meters (170 feet)


  • 1988: Refurbished (HBR)
  • 2015, December: Damaged by the River Dee flood caused by Storm Frank. Closed indefinitely. Repairs expected to start in 2020.
  • 2020, August 31: Repairs underway, expected to be completed in approximately 16 weeks.
  • 2020, December: Storm Frank repairs now expected to be completed in January 2021.
  • 2021, January: Completion of repairs delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic "stay at home" recommendations.
  • 2021, April 1: Repairs completed, bridge reopened.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by William Munter Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Kelso

Kelso, Washington, USA - Cowlitz River
Bridgemeister ID:1651 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Kelso, Washington, USA
Crossing:Cowlitz River
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, Jan. 3, 1923
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


  • Washed out, 1906. Rebuilt, 1907. Collapsed, 1923, killing "12 to 15 persons" when one of the cables parted with the anchorage.

External Links:

1905: Makartsteg

Salzburg, Austria - Salzach River
Bridgemeister ID:647 (added 2003-02-17)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Salzburg, Austria
Crossing:Salzach River
Coordinates:47.801666 N 13.042172 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2000
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • 1967: Dismantled and supposedly replaced with a bridge that was referred to as a "swinging bridge." However, it appears several components of the original bridge were reassembled with a new deck. The bridge was finally demolished in 2000 and replaced with the bridge presently (2020s) known as the Marko-Feingold-Steg.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Mangarere Road

Mangaweka, New Zealand - Rangitikei River
Bridgemeister ID:687 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1905
Name:Mangarere Road
Location:Mangaweka, New Zealand
Crossing:Rangitikei River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1905: Market Street

Steubenville, Ohio and East Steubenville, West Virginia, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:114 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1905
Name:Market Street
Location:Steubenville, Ohio and East Steubenville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:40.35833 N 80.61167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Hermann Laub
References:AAJ, BPL, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Closed, December 2023 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 207.3 meters (680 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 79.2 meters (260 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Donny Oliver Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1905: Newell

East Liverpool, Ohio and Newell, West Virginia, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:117 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1905
Location:East Liverpool, Ohio and Newell, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:40.62167 N 80.595 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Edwin Kirtland Morse, Dravo Company
References:AAJ, BPL, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 228.6 meters (750 feet)
Side Spans:2

Annotated Citations:

  • Huba, Stephen. "There’s a new owner for the Newell Bridge." The Weirton Daily Times, 6 May 2022,

    "Frank Six of Six Enterprises in Newell, assumed ownership Wednesday of one of the oldest suspension bridges on the Ohio River for an undisclosed sum from HLC Holdings Inc., parent company of the Fiesta Tableware Co., formerly known as the Homer Laughlin China Co."

  • Bobby-Gilbert, Jo-Ann., "Fiesta Tableware Parent Sells Iconic Newell Bridge." The Business Journal, 5 May 2022,

    "After 116 years of ownership by HLC Holdings Inc., parent company of The Fiesta Tableware Co., the Newell Bridge and Railway Co. changed hands at midnight Wednesday. Officials of Fiesta Tableware, formerly known as Homer Laughlin China Co., announced that the bridge has been purchased by Frank Six, owner of Six Enterprises in Newell."

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Donny Oliver Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1905: Pangburn

Pangburn, Arkansas, USA - Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:7785 (added 2023-08-18)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Pangburn, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Little Red River
Coordinates:35.437946 N 91.845140 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1958
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1905: Priorsford

Peebles, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:1441 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Peebles, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
Coordinates:55.649532 N 3.187578 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robert Inglis
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 29.6 meters (97 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Quimiri

Quimiri, Peru - Rio Chanchamayo
Bridgemeister ID:6020 (added 2021-07-02)
Year Completed:1905
Also Known As:Kimiri
Location:Quimiri, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chanchamayo
Coordinates:11.033115 S 75.316588 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Saint-Martin

Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche, Ardèche and Aiguèze, Gard, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:1523 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche, Ardèche and Aiguèze, Gard, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Coordinates:44.3007 N 4.567283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Sogsbruin

Selfoss vicinity, Iceland - Sogið
Bridgemeister ID:8641 (added 2024-06-16)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Selfoss vicinity, Iceland
At or Near Feature:Þrastalundur
Coordinates:64.005028 N 20.973528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Swinging

Riverside, Illinois, USA - Des Plaines River
Bridgemeister ID:2617 (added 2018-12-30)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Riverside, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Des Plaines River
Coordinates:41.825603 N 87.817864 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


1905: Tuscumbia

Tuscumbia, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:1977 (added 2005-11-27)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Tuscumbia, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Coordinates:38.23526 N 92.44763 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1933
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo courtesy David Hoevel

1905: Widnes-Runcorn Transporter

Runcorn, England, United Kingdom - River Mersey, Manchester Ship Canal
Bridgemeister ID:954 (added 2003-10-31)
Year Completed:1905
Name:Widnes-Runcorn Transporter
Location:Runcorn, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Mersey, Manchester Ship Canal
Principals:J.J. Webster, J.T. Wood, Charles Smith
References:AAJ, BRB, HBE
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 304.8 meters (1,000 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1905: Zhalantun

Xinghua (兴华), Zhalantun (扎兰屯市), Hulunbuir (呼伦贝尔市), Inner Mongolia, China
Bridgemeister ID:8448 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:1905
Location:Xinghua (兴华), Zhalantun (扎兰屯市), Hulunbuir (呼伦贝尔市), Inner Mongolia, China
At or Near Feature:呼伦贝尔市扎兰屯吊桥公园 - Hulunbuir Suspension Bridge Park
Coordinates:48.019111 N 122.727806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1906: (suspension bridge)

Cuorgnè vicinity, Turin, Italy - Orco River
Bridgemeister ID:6832 (added 2021-12-31)
Year Completed:1906
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cuorgnè vicinity, Turin, Italy
Crossing:Orco River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Exact location unclear, but likely removed.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Auma

Auma, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3917 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Auma, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.21952 N 10.65307 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated


  • Removed prior to replacement by a truss bridge constructed on the same piers in 1961.

External Links:

1906: Baton

Baton River valley vicinity, New Zealand - Motueka River
Bridgemeister ID:689 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Baton River valley vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Motueka River
Use:Footbridge and Stock
Status:Replaced, 1961
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (299.9 feet)


  • GAP: Replaced 1961.

External Links:

1906: Borsigsteg

Berlin, Germany - Spree River
Bridgemeister ID:5692 (added 2021-04-01)
Year Completed:1906
Also Known As:Borsig
Location:Berlin, Germany
Crossing:Spree River
Coordinates:52.520874 N 13.339195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, April 1945
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Abutments are still present (as of 2021).
  • 1915: Damaged and rebuilt.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Brannon's Crossing

Weatherford vicinity, Parker County, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1298 (added 2004-03-28)
Year Completed:1906
Name:Brannon's Crossing
Location:Weatherford vicinity, Parker County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.66256 N 98.03288 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Status:Replaced, 1934
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 134.1 meters (440 feet)


  • Tony King believes he found the former location of this bridge a few hundred yards south of the I-20 Brazos River crossing west of Weatherford. This location is near a road named "Brannon Bridge Circle." Tony writes: "Just downstream from the modern Interstate 20 bridge in western Parker County, I've noticed a concrete and iron structure, and happened to take a photo of it recently. I've noticed the structure a couple of times in the past (most recently in May of 2007) while hiking a well-worn foot/ATV path that parallels the west bank of the river as it flows almost due south from the Interstate to Meeks Bend." The structure in Tony's photo appears to be a pier or support footing. The coordinates given here are Tony's approximation of the location of the structure.
  • Built as part of the same contract as the Tin Top bridge.
  • Similar to 1906 Tin Top (Hightower Valley) - Tin Top, Texas, USA.
Photo by Tony King

1906: Dølplass

Straalsjöaasen, Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3936 (added 2020-03-21)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Straalsjöaasen, Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.19207 N 10.45023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Rebuilt 1940. Unclear if the bridge was completely replaced at this point.
  • Based on historic aerial images, removed between 1969 and 2004.

External Links:

1906: Forsæt

Forset, Brandvoll, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Salangselva
Bridgemeister ID:4077 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Forset, Brandvoll, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:68.774663 N 18.165802 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27 meters (88.6 feet)

External Links:

1906: Gulsvik

Gulsvik, Granheim, Flå, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva

1906: Montfrin

Montfrin, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:7275 (added 2022-07-22)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Montfrin, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Newport Transporter

Newport, Wales, United Kingdom - River Usk
Bridgemeister ID:939 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1906
Name:Newport Transporter
Location:Newport, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Usk
Coordinates:51.570642 N 2.985246 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
References:AAJ, NTB
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 196.6 meters (645 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Puketapu-Moteo

Puketapu, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Tutaekuri River
Bridgemeister ID:688 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1906
Also Known As:Puketapu Swing
Location:Puketapu, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Tutaekuri River
Status:Replaced, 1963
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet)

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Schönausteg

Berne, Switzerland - Aare River
Bridgemeister ID:1396 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Berne, Switzerland
Crossing:Aare River
Coordinates:46.934417 N 7.445883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53.3 meters (174.88 feet)
Deck width:8.2 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Swinging

Charles City, Iowa, USA - Cedar River
Bridgemeister ID:118 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1906
Also Known As:Charles City, Clark Street
Location:Charles City, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Cedar River
Coordinates:43.070433 N 92.685517 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Hart, O.B. Zimmerman
Status:Destroyed (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 90.8 meters (298 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 41.5 meters (136 feet) estimated,
1 x 9.1 meters (30 feet) estimated


  • Bids accepted for refurbishment, expected to be completed October, 2007.
  • Destroyed by floodwaters June 8, 2008.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1906: Talbot's Inch

Talbot's Inch Village, Kilkenny, Ireland - River Nore
Bridgemeister ID:2947 (added 2019-09-29)
Year Completed:1906
Name:Talbot's Inch
Location:Talbot's Inch Village, Kilkenny, Ireland
Crossing:River Nore
Status:Destroyed, 1947
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Wrecked by flood, 1947.

1906: Tin Top

Tin Top, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:119 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1906
Name:Tin Top
Also Known As:Hightower Valley
Location:Tin Top, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.575956 N 97.822697 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
References:BRAZ, HAERTX98
Status:Collapsed, Jan. 31, 1982 under weight of snow
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)


  • Some internet resources suggest the "Tin Top" and "Hightower" suspension bridges were separate nearby structures, however, this does not appear to have been the case. Both names were used to describe the same structure and USGS topographical maps from the 1950s label the bridge due south of Tin Top as "Hightower". Mitchell and Pigg did build a similar structure, at Brannon's Crossing. The 2015 National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for "Historic Road Infrastructure of Texas, 1866-1965", the Texas Department of Transportation writes: "In 1905 [Mitchell and Pigg] constructed the practically identical Brannon's Crossing and Hightower Valley Bridges across the Brazos in Parker County. The former was a 440-foot clear span while the later, also known as Tin Top, was 400 feet."
  • The coordinates appear to be the exact location of a pier remaining (as of 2020) from this bridge. The alignment indicated by the pier appears to exactly match the location of this bridge as indicated by 1958 USGS topographical map of the area.
  • Similar to 1906 Brannon's Crossing - Weatherford vicinity, Parker County, Texas, USA.
Photo courtesy of Marjorie Campbell

1906: Trellins

Vinay vicinity, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:1423 (added 2004-07-17)
Year Completed:1906
Location:Vinay vicinity, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.19536 N 5.42482 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 146.6 meters (481 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 25.3 meters (83 feet)


  • 2022: Still standing, but suspenders and deck have been removed.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1906: Wilford

West Bridgford, Nottingham, England, United Kingdom - River Trent
Bridgemeister ID:1087 (added 2004-01-01)
Year Completed:1906
Also Known As:Nottingham, Meadows, Welbeck
Location:West Bridgford, Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Trent
Coordinates:52.933167 N 1.137967 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet)
Deck width:12 feet


  • Designed primarily to carry water and gas mains, but also carries a wide footpath.
  • Closed, July 2008, after reports of falling debris. In December 2008, Severn Trent Water announced plans to refurbish the bridge in 2009. Bridge was reopened February 12, 2010.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1907: (footbridge)

Hooversville, Pennsylvania, USA - Stony Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1569 (added 2004-12-05)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Hooversville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Stony Creek
Coordinates:40.147818 N 78.913939 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1996
Main Cables:Wire


1907: Bromide

Sulphur, Oklahoma, USA
Bridgemeister ID:121 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Sulphur, Oklahoma, USA
Principals:Howard V. Hinckley
Status:Destroyed, 1916
Main Cables:Wire


  • Destroyed by flood, 1916.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1907: Douglas

Franz Josef Glacier vicinity, New Zealand - Waiho River
Bridgemeister ID:770 (added 2003-03-13)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Franz Josef Glacier vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiho River
Coordinates:43.418226 S 170.180737 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Eileen O'Grady

1907: Gokak Falls

Gokak, Karnataka, India - Ghataprabha River
Bridgemeister ID:2219 (added 2007-03-04)
Year Completed:1907
Name:Gokak Falls
Location:Gokak, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Ghataprabha River
At or Near Feature:Gokak Falls
Coordinates:16.191958 N 74.776933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1907: Mangaltar

Mangaltar Bazar (मंगलटार बजार) vicinity, Nepal - Roshi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6434 (added 2021-08-12)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Mangaltar Bazar (मंगलटार बजार) vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Roshi Khola
Coordinates:27.493573 N 85.730552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1907: Romney

Kendal, England, United Kingdom - River Kent
Bridgemeister ID:2426 (added 2008-03-12)
Year Completed:1907
Also Known As:Dockwray
Location:Kendal, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Kent
Coordinates:54.33595 N 2.74507 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Coordinates are for the current location of the bridge. It was moved there (from its original location where Romney Road meets the River Kent in Kendal) in the 1990s. A sign at the current (2011) bridge says: "The bridge was erected in 1993 on the initiative of Kendal Civic Society. It incorporates part of the structure of the former Romeny Footbridge erected in 1907..."
Photo by Dave Cooper

1907: Sand

Malangen, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Sandselva
Bridgemeister ID:3970 (added 2020-03-22)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Malangen, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.396363 N 18.604359 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

1907: Sandy Creek

Mackay, Queensland, Australia - Sandy Creek
Bridgemeister ID:527 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1907
Name:Sandy Creek
Location:Mackay, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Sandy Creek
Coordinates:21.267726 S 149.138815 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Damaged in 1957 and 1958 by overweight vehicles. Bridge was repaired each time. Structure was still standing when a replacement was completed in 1966.

1907: Swinging

Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Blue River
Bridgemeister ID:120 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Blue River
At or Near Feature:Swope Park, Kansas City Zoo
Coordinates:39.00165 N 94.5244 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Midland Bridge Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69.2 meters (227 feet)
Deck width:8 feet

Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg

1907: Vulcan

Vulcan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA - Tug Fork Big Sandy River
Bridgemeister ID:2141 (added 2006-11-02)
Year Completed:1907
Location:Vulcan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork Big Sandy River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)


  • On Page 13 of the December 27, 1967 edition of West Virginia's The Charleston Gazette newspaper, there is a photograph of this footbridge with a Jeep driving across. The caption reads: "Pedestrian bridge at Vulcan... is used by vehicles because it provides a route over the Tug River to Kentucky. A citizen's group has complained that the bridge is not strong enough to support cars." The photograph accompanies an article "Road Reform Call Urged" that says the bridge is "regularly used by Jeeps and small cars." Note the date of the article, December 27, 1967 is 12 days after the Silver Bridge disaster at Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
  • Near (footbridge) - Vulcan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA. Although similar in appearance, these appear to have been different bridges.

1908: (suspension bridge)

Aztec, New Mexico, USA - Las Animas River
Bridgemeister ID:2505 (added 2009-03-07)
Year Completed:1908
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aztec, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Las Animas River
Principals:Thurston and Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1908: (suspension bridge)

Isokylä, Ylistaro vicinity, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:2969 (added 2019-10-12)
Year Completed:1908
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Isokylä, Ylistaro vicinity, Finland
Coordinates:62.950875 N 22.451695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1908: Bailey

Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:3516 (added 2019-12-24)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Location inundated by the Harry S. Truman Reservoir.

1908: Belisario Domínguez

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico - Rio Grijalva
Bridgemeister ID:3219 (added 2019-11-11)
Year Completed:1908
Name:Belisario Domínguez
Also Known As:Porfirio Díaz
Location:Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grijalva
Coordinates:16.742344 N 93.034593 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1955: Failed due to a truck colliding with part of the bridge. Adjacent replacement was already under construction.
  • 2021: Towers are still present and one set of suspension cables is carrying a small pipeline. Unclear how long the bridge has been in this state.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1908: Erlinesset

Tolga, Østerdalen, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3911 (added 2020-03-15)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Tolga, Østerdalen, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.42619 N 11.09129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 42.5 meters (139.4 feet) estimated


  • Restored 1951 and 1999.

External Links:

1908: Eutersdorfer Schaukelbrücke

Großeutersdorf and Kleineutersdorf, Thüringen, Germany - Saale River
Bridgemeister ID:1450 (added 2004-08-01)
Year Completed:1908
Name:Eutersdorfer Schaukelbrücke
Location:Großeutersdorf and Kleineutersdorf, Thüringen, Germany
Crossing:Saale River
Coordinates:50.78555 N 11.56694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Paul Moser
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters


  • Reconstructed 1965, and 1993.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1908: Heath Ford

Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:3515 (added 2019-12-24)
Year Completed:1908
Name:Heath Ford
Location:Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 157.6 meters (517 feet)


  • Damaged by wind, 1932. Replaced, 1937
  • Location inundated by the Harry S. Truman Reservoir.

1908: Kockisch-Liebenhain

Kockisch, Mittweida and Rossau, Saxony, Germany - Zschopau River
Bridgemeister ID:2164 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Kockisch, Mittweida and Rossau, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zschopau River
Coordinates:50.99595 N 13.00630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 7 meters (23 feet),
1 x 8 meters (26.2 feet)
Deck width:1.3 meters between side rails, 1.7 meters total


  • Reconstructed 1996, and after damaged by flood, 2003.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1908: Narva

Narva, Estonia - Narva River
Bridgemeister ID:2177 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Narva, Estonia
Crossing:Narva River
Coordinates:59.358667 N 28.195417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet)
Deck width:6 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1908: Newcastle

Newcastle, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1299 (added 2004-03-28)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Newcastle, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Status:Collapsed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Collapsed during flood, 1930.

1908: Sagrada

Sagrada, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:2304 (added 2007-04-26)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Sagrada, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:J.S. Kidwell
Status:Removed, 1931
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

1908: South Bend

South Bend, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1858 (added 2005-07-17)
Year Completed:1908
Name:South Bend
Location:South Bend, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)

1908: Tyngs Island

Lowell vicinity, Massachusetts, USA - Merrimack River
Bridgemeister ID:844 (added 2003-06-28)
Year Completed:1908
Name:Tyngs Island
Location:Lowell vicinity, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Merrimack River
At or Near Feature:Vesper Country Club
Coordinates:42.65574 N 71.39971 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Westinghouse, Church, Kerr, and Co., J.R. Worcester
References:AAJ, HBE
Status:Destroyed, 1936
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 167.6 meters (550 feet)
Deck width:4.5 feet


  • Destroyed by flood, 1936.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Stuart Brorson

1908: Wardown Park

Luton, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom - River Lea
Bridgemeister ID:784 (added 2003-03-16)
Year Completed:1908
Name:Wardown Park
Location:Luton, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Lea
At or Near Feature:Wardown Park
Coordinates:51.89201 N 0.418833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2015: Refurbished and reopened after having been closed for several years.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper

1909: Brest Transporter

Brest, Finistère, France
Bridgemeister ID:996 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1909
Name:Brest Transporter
Location:Brest, Finistère, France
Status:Removed, 1947
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1909: Chain

Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA - Merrimack River
Bridgemeister ID:122 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Merrimack River
Coordinates:42.833459 N 70.906674 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:George F. Swain, Robert R. Evans
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.8 meters (265 feet)
Deck width:35.8 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1909: Charchare

Tinau (तिनाउ), Palpa, Masyam (मस्याम) vicinity and Koldada (कोलडाँडा) vicinity, Nepal - Tinau Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6803 (added 2021-10-31)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Tinau (तिनाउ), Palpa, Masyam (मस्याम) vicinity and Koldada (कोलडाँडा) vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Tinau Khola
Coordinates:27.793304 N 83.550138 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet)
Deck width:1.2m

External Links:

1909: Cowwarr

Cowwarr, Victoria, Australia - Thompson River
Bridgemeister ID:430 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Cowwarr, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Thompson River
Status:Destroyed, 1934
Main Cables:Wire


  • 1934: Destroyed by flood

External Links:

Photo courtesy Hazel Murphy

1909: Empire

Empire, Panama Canal Zone - Panama Canal
Bridgemeister ID:525 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Empire, Panama Canal Zone
Crossing:Panama Canal
Use:Vehicular (one-lane) and Pipeline
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 182.9 meters (600 feet)


  • AAJ: Built to carry water and compressed air pipelines during canal construction, but also had a roadway.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1909: Geithus

Geithus, Modum, Viken, Norway - Drammenselva
Bridgemeister ID:4055 (added 2020-03-29)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Geithus, Modum, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.92837 N 9.96840 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


  • Suspenders and deck destroyed to slow German advance during WWII, 1940. Later repaired.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1909: Manhattan

New York and Brooklyn, New York, USA - East River
Bridgemeister ID:123 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1909
Location:New York and Brooklyn, New York, USA
Crossing:East River
Coordinates:40.70667 N 73.99167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:O.F. Nichols, Leon Moisseiff
References:AAJ, BAAW, BBR, BC3, BPL, GBD, HBE, LAB, PTS2, SA19050909, SJR
Use:Vehicular (double-deck)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 448.1 meters (1,470 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 221 meters (725 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Bill Campbell Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Bill Campbell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1909: Melling

Lower Hutt, New Zealand - Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River
Bridgemeister ID:690 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Crossing:Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River
Principals:Joseph Dawson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (299.9 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1909: Pease River

Vernon, Texas, USA - Pease River
Bridgemeister ID:597 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1909
Name:Pease River
Location:Vernon, Texas, USA
Crossing:Pease River
Coordinates:34.179636 N 99.324038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


  • In September 2006, Howard Laker writes: "The bridge is no longer there, but one tower is still standing. It is located adjacent to US 287 and can be easily seen."
  • 1927: Collapsed under weight of convoy of trucks.
  • Replaced 1897 Pease River - Vernon, Texas, USA.

1909: Ripley

Ripley, Oklahoma, USA - Cimarron River
Bridgemeister ID:298 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Ripley, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Cimarron River
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Wrecked, 1912
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • The photo linked here is dated March 2, 1909. Part of the builders plate is legible. The first line appears to be: "Wfd Mch & Fo... Co." (the portion between the Fo and Co is obscured) for Weatherford Machine and Foundry Company. The next two lines are clear: "BUILDERS 1908" and "WEATHERFORD TEXAS". The last line is largely obscured but it appears to say "MITCHELL & PIGG PAT'D 1..." with a year at the end. Mitchell & Pigg was a well-known builder of suspension bridges in Texas. Most sources cite 1909 as the year of completion.
  • South tower washed out, 1912.
  • Replaced by Ripley - Ripley, Oklahoma, USA.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1909: Swinging

Wilmington, Delaware, USA - Brandywine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:270 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1909
Location:Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Crossing:Brandywine Creek
At or Near Feature:Brandywine Park
Coordinates:39.76043 N 75.5564 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced a nearby 1879 suspension footbridge.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1910: Bouchemaine

Bouchemaine, Maine-et-Loire, France - Maine River
Bridgemeister ID:1324 (added 2004-04-26)
Year Completed:1910
Location:Bouchemaine, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Maine River
Coordinates:47.420130 N 0.608157 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Note the interesting stay and suspender arrangement in image. The side spans and much of the center span appear to be supported by stays. Only the center portion of the main span appears to be supported by verticle suspenders.
  • Replaced by 1951 Bouchemaine - Bouchemaine, Maine-et-Loire, France.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1910: Castle

Shrewsbury, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:1919 (added 2005-10-09)
Year Completed:1910
Location:Shrewsbury, England, United Kingdom
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:Replaced, 1951

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1910: Grunwaldzki

Wroclaw, Poland - Oder River
Bridgemeister ID:431 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1910
Also Known As:Kaiser, Imperial, Kaiserbrücke
Location:Wroclaw, Poland
Crossing:Oder River
Coordinates:51.109503 N 17.052506 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:R. Weyerauch, M. Mayer
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 126.5 meters (415 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1910: Kiel Transporter

Kiel, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:956 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1910
Name:Kiel Transporter
Location:Kiel, Germany
Status:Demolished, 1923
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1910: La Feuillée

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:6424 (added 2021-08-10)
Year Completed:1910
Name:La Feuillée
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.766389 N 4.829081 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1910: Linn Creek

Linn Creek, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:289 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1910
Name:Linn Creek
Location:Linn Creek, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:T.S. Hart
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Removed, 1931
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (525 feet)


  • Dismantled 1931 in preparation for inundation that created Lake Of The Ozarks.

External Links:

  • Michael Gillespie writes: "The supporting cables were cut and the tower was allowed to fall into the Osage River. The entire flood plain was being inundated by the waters of the newly created Lake of the Ozarks. During World War 2, the cables and tower were raised and sold for scrap. The shoreline of today's Lake of the Ozarks is just at the base of the bridge abutment. The toll house, seen in the photo just to the left of the bridge, is long gone, and everything below that has been underwater for 77 years. I have created a map of the road system at that location."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1910: Massena Center

Massena, New York, USA - Grasse River
Bridgemeister ID:124 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1910
Name:Massena Center
Location:Massena, New York, USA
Crossing:Grasse River
Coordinates:44.959213 N 74.830558 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Holton D. Robinson
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, 1974 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)


  • Standing, but closed to all foot and vehicular traffic.
Photo by Christine Major Photo by Christine Major

1910: Perttilä

Isokyrö, Finland - Kyrönjoki River
Bridgemeister ID:2968 (added 2019-10-12)
Year Completed:1910
Location:Isokyrö, Finland
Crossing:Kyrönjoki River
Coordinates:62.983733 N 22.355485 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1910: Skorpa

Kristiansund, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Dunkersundet
Bridgemeister ID:4461 (added 2020-04-25)
Year Completed:1910
Location:Kristiansund, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:63.123771 N 7.759424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 21 meters (68.9 feet) estimated


  • Bypassed September 1, 1939. Removed at some point after. Tower piers still visible, 1970s. North tower pier removed by 2000s. South tower pier still remains, mid-2010s.

1910: Stoveland

Stoveland, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway - Marna
Bridgemeister ID:4342 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1910
Location:Stoveland, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.121219 N 7.529758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46.3 meters (151.9 feet) estimated
Deck width:2.5 meters, expanded in 1948 to 3+ meters


  • Removed at some point in 2009-2014 time frame.

1910: Swinging

Spelter, West Virginia, USA - West Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:1983 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1910
Location:Spelter, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:West Fork River
Status:Dismantled, 1951
Main Cables:Wire


  • The book "Harrison County" in the "Images of America" series by Robert F. Stealey shows an image of this bridge stating it was "replaced by a new concrete span in the early 1960s".

External Links:

  • Asturian-American Migration Forum :: Lleendu tema - History of Spelter, an American Asturian Community. Mentions: "The [Grasselli Company] built a swinging footbridge across the West Fork River in 1910 to connect the town of Spelter with the Fairmont-Clarksburg interurban trolley line. The trolley stop was called 'Ziesing'. Wagons forded the river to bring supplies not carried into the town by the B.&O. Railroad. A school house was built on the hill… DuPont sold the townsite in 1950, including the swinging bridge, to John J. Moschetta who immediately sold the houses to the employees occupying them at the time. Mr. Moschetta dismantled the swinging bridge in 1951… In 1962 a new cement bridge was constructed north of the old vehicular bridge."

1911: Affonso Penna

Itumbiara, Goiás and Araporã, Minas Gerais, Brazil - Paranaíba River
Bridgemeister ID:7455 (added 2022-12-24)
Year Completed:1911
Name:Affonso Penna
Also Known As:Afonso Pena
Location:Itumbiara, Goiás and Araporã, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Crossing:Paranaíba River
Coordinates:18.426530 S 49.206316 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet) estimated

1911: Attargu

Lingti (लिंगती) vicinity, Himachal Pradesh, India - Spiti River
Bridgemeister ID:8783 (added 2024-09-01)
Year Completed:1911
Also Known As:Attargo, अटार्गो ब्रिज
Location:Lingti (लिंगती) vicinity, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Spiti River
Coordinates:32.124333 N 78.162111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

1911: Cameron

Cameron, Arizona, USA - Little Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:125 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Cameron, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Little Colorado River
Coordinates:35.875733 N 111.412567 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Midland Bridge Co., W.H. Code, John Charles
Use:Vehicular and Pipeline
Status:Closed (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 201.2 meters (660 feet)


  • The bridge currently carries a pipeline, but the road deck is closed to all traffic.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David McDonald Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1911: Coronation

Pitlochry, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tummel
Bridgemeister ID:2621 (added 2018-12-30)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Pitlochry, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tummel
At or Near Feature:Linn of Tummel vicinity
Coordinates:56.720118 N 3.793993 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper

1911: Dryburgh Abbey

Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:6218 (added 2021-07-16)
Year Completed:1911
Name:Dryburgh Abbey
Location:Dryburgh and St. Boswells, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
Coordinates:55.580452 N 2.654235 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by Douglas Harper Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg

1911: Kaiwarra

Ethelton vicinity, North Canterbury, New Zealand - Hurunui River
Bridgemeister ID:691 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Ethelton vicinity, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Crossing:Hurunui River
Principals:Arthur Falkner, T. Ridley
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46.8 meters (153.5 feet)

External Links:

1911: King George V

Newton Stewart, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Cree
Bridgemeister ID:2468 (added 2008-12-19)
Year Completed:1911
Name:King George V
Location:Newton Stewart, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Cree
Coordinates:54.967048 N 4.485349 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:D. H. and F. Reid Engineers, Victoria Bridge Works
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Plaques posted at the bridge indicate major refurbishments in 1982 and 2001.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1911: Massena

Saint-Blaise, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Bridgemeister ID:7202 (added 2022-07-05)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Saint-Blaise, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Coordinates:43.822410 N 7.241796 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

1911: Pessac-sur-Dordogne

Pessac-sur-Dordogne, Gironde and Dordogne, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:2333 (added 2007-07-09)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Pessac-sur-Dordogne, Gironde and Dordogne, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1911: Prinzregent-Luitpoldbrücke

Passau, Bavaria, Germany - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:2300 (added 2007-04-26)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Passau, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Danube River
Status:Destroyed, 1945
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1911: Sponga

Setermoen, Bardu, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Barduelva
Bridgemeister ID:4082 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1911
Location:Setermoen, Bardu, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:68.872685 N 18.370350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)
Deck width:2 meters

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1911: Swing

Llandeilo, Wales, United Kingdom - Towy River
Bridgemeister ID:1399 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1911
Also Known As:King's, Shaky
Location:Llandeilo, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:Towy River
Coordinates:51.884462 N 3.986061 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1911: Treyz

Cooks Falls, New York, USA - Beaver Kill
Bridgemeister ID:6776 (added 2021-10-27)
Year Completed:1911
Also Known As:George I. Treyz
Location:Cooks Falls, New York, USA
Crossing:Beaver Kill
Coordinates:41.956829 N 74.992559 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Facility served by the bridge closed in 1925 at which time the bridge was likely abandoned. Towers appear to still be standing (in late 2010s).

External Links:

  • A Delaware County Primer complied by Sue Hudson. "West of Cooks Falls and east of Horton, on the O&W. Acid plant built here by Eugene King burned in June 1888, was rebuilt, and was later bought by local entrepreneur, George I. Treyz. Railroad suspension bridge constructed in 1911 by John A. Roebling's Sons Company of Trenton, NJ to connect Treyz's acid factory, saw mill, and planing mill on Russell Brook to the O&W, which ran on the other side of the Beaver Kill."
  • Cooks Falls - Colchester Historical Society. "Arthur Leighton and George I. Treyz developed the acid factory industries in Cook's Falls... Treyz had a close relationship with the O&W Railroad, which helped both to prosper. Treyz installed a Roebling suspension bridge between his plant and the O&W Railroad. This siding was known as the Grove Switch. A narrow gauge railway was constructed and ran up Russell Brook to the Russell School. This line carried logs and sawed lumber down to the Treyz plant and the O&W Railroad."

1912: (flume bridge)

Rudsmoen, Kongsberg, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4097 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1912
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Rudsmoen, Kongsberg, Viken, Norway
At or Near Feature:Gravenfoss
Coordinates:59.615535 N 9.677242 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


1912: (flume bridge)

Sunnegrenda, Kongsberg, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4095 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1912
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Sunnegrenda, Kongsberg, Viken, Norway
At or Near Feature:Labrofossen
Coordinates:59.617045 N 9.667134 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet)


1912: (flume bridge)

Sunnegrenda, Kongsberg, Viken, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:4096 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1912
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Sunnegrenda, Kongsberg, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.620334 N 9.667028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 20.75 meters (68.1 feet) estimated


1912: Branstetter

Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:2042 (added 2006-05-07)
Year Completed:1912
Also Known As:Peal Bend
Location:Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 182.9 meters (600 feet)


  • Heavily damaged by wind, 1924. Rebuilt.
  • Location inundated by the Harry S. Truman Reservoir.

External Links:

1912: County Line

Henry County and St. Clair County, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:3518 (added 2019-12-24)
Year Completed:1912
Name:County Line
Also Known As:Gilbert-Harris
Location:Henry County and St. Clair County, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Location inundated by the Harry S. Truman Reservoir.

External Links:

  • Bridgehunter - County Line Bridge. Robert Hayden (BOTO) describes the County Line bridge briefly as being the first steel-towered Joe Dice bridge but the image at shows large timber towers like other pre-steel towered Dice bridges.

1912: Groslée

Groslée, Ain and Brangues, Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1536 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1912
Location:Groslée, Ain and Brangues, Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.712333 N 5.548533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 177 meters (580.7 feet) estimated


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1912: Hagwilget

Hagwilget, British Columbia, Canada - Bulkley River
Bridgemeister ID:1229 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1912
Also Known As:Bulkley Canyon
Location:Hagwilget, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Bulkley River
At or Near Feature:Hagwilget Canyon
Coordinates:55.257347 N 127.604616 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1931
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 137.5 meters (451 feet)
Deck width:9 feet


Magazine article, collection of David Denenberg

1912: Howley

Howley, Warrington, Cheshire and Latchford, England, United Kingdom - River Mersey
Bridgemeister ID:1836 (added 2005-07-02)
Year Completed:1912
Location:Howley, Warrington, Cheshire and Latchford, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Mersey
At or Near Feature:Victoria Park
Coordinates:53.387333 N 2.57845 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper

1912: Ireland's Road

Ashley Clinton vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:693 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1912
Name:Ireland's Road
Also Known As:Wilson Cutting Road
Location:Ashley Clinton vicinity, New Zealand
Principals:Joseph Dawson
Status:Replaced, 1968
Main Span:1 x 43.4 meters (142.4 feet)


1912: Kirkesnes

Rundhaug, Målselv, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Målselv
Bridgemeister ID:3131 (added 2019-11-02)
Year Completed:1912
Location:Rundhaug, Målselv, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.019334 N 18.897597 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 2010: Abutments remain.

1912: Mangatewai Road

Ashley Clinton vicinity, New Zealand - Mangatewai River
Bridgemeister ID:692 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1912
Name:Mangatewai Road
Also Known As:Boyle Road
Location:Ashley Clinton vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangatewai River
Principals:Joseph Dawson
Status:Demolished, 1970
Main Span:1 x 53.1 meters (174.2 feet)


  • GAP: Completed c.1912. Destroyed by earthquake, 1931.
  • Hamish Kynoch writes: "This bridge over the Mangatewai River was located on Boyle Road. It was damaged in the large earthquake in 1931, but stood for many years, and was used occasionally for livestock, with wooden planking over the crack in the concrete deck. It was demolished about 1970 by dynamiting the anchor blocks at one end of the bridge. There was no replacement and the old road is now closed. Another bridge of the same design was located about three miles away on Wilson Cutting Road."
  • See 1912 Ireland's Road (Wilson Cutting Road) - Ashley Clinton vicinity, New Zealand.

1912: Miller

Miller, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA - Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1073 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1912
Location:Miller, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Little Red River
Principals:Henry Churchill
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 114.3 meters (375 feet) estimated
Deck width:~10 feet


External Links:

1912: Miret

Saint-Denis-lès-Martel and Floirac, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1986 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1912
Also Known As:Mezels
Location:Saint-Denis-lès-Martel and Floirac, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.927380 N 1.670215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)


  • Possibly completed 1914, not 1912.
  • In vicinity of Mezels and Floirac.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1912: Orleans

Orleans, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:126 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1912
Location:Orleans, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1936?
Main Cables:Wire


  • Some accounts state this bridge was destroyed by fire in 1921. A brief mention in the July 18, 1926 edition of The Fresno Bee implies it was destroyed in June of 1926.
  • Replaced by 1940 Orleans - Orleans, California, USA.

External Links:

  • Catalog Number 1983/001/SBPM01034 - Sacramento Bee. This "Center for Sacramento History" catalog entry suggests the bridge survived until 1936. Given the bridge was ultimately replaced in 1940, this later date makes more sense than some of the earlier claims of it being destroyed in the 1920s unless there were some intermediate reconstructions.
  • Klamath River at Orleans - California State Library. This image shows a bridge of similar construction but apparently shorter span than the other images linked here. However, matching buildings seen in the background of multiple images place it at the same location. Given the muddled suspension bridge chronology at this location and frequency of Klamath River floods, it seems likely there were multiple reconstructions of this bridge.
  • Orleans Bridge 1910 - California State Library. Image purporting to be the Orleans bridge under construction in 1910, but it does not appear to be the same location.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1912: Sauro

Vicenza, Veneto, Italy - Bacchiglione River
Bridgemeister ID:3228 (added 2019-11-11)
Year Completed:1912
Location:Vicenza, Veneto, Italy
Crossing:Bacchiglione River
Coordinates:45.547632 N 11.550810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1912: Sewell's Road

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada - Rouge River
Bridgemeister ID:831 (added 2003-06-01)
Year Completed:1912
Name:Sewell's Road
Location:Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Rouge River
Coordinates:43.82754 N 79.19962 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Frank Barber, Lewis Construction
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 9.1 meters (30 feet) estimated


  • Restoration completed April, 1981.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1912: Sidi M'Cid

Constantine, Algeria - Oued Rhumel
Bridgemeister ID:1101 (added 2004-01-02)
Year Completed:1912
Name:Sidi M'Cid
Location:Constantine, Algeria
Crossing:Oued Rhumel
Coordinates:36.372592 N 6.614448 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164.6 meters (540 feet)
Deck width:19.5 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1912: Spruce Street

Hillcrest, San Diego, California, USA - Kate Sessions Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:635 (added 2003-01-20)
Year Completed:1912
Name:Spruce Street
Location:Hillcrest, San Diego, California, USA
Crossing:Kate Sessions Canyon
At or Near Feature:Bankers Hill Canyon
Coordinates:32.73878 N 117.16541 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Edwin Capp
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Side Span:1

Photo by Eric Sakowski Photo by Allison Denenberg

1912: Tumbling Shoals

Tumbling Shoals, Arkansas, USA - Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1072 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1912
Name:Tumbling Shoals
Location:Tumbling Shoals, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Little Red River
Principals:Henry Churchill
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 134.1 meters (440 feet) estimated


External Links:

1912: Winkley

Heber Springs, Arkansas, USA - Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:127 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1912
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Heber Springs, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Little Red River
Coordinates:35.489833 N 91.973918 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Henry Churchill
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, 1989
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 167.6 meters (550 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1913: (footbridge)

Ithaca, New York, USA - Fall Creek Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:260 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Ithaca, New York, USA
Crossing:Fall Creek Gorge
At or Near Feature:Cornell University campus


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1913: Øvre Salangen

Prestbakklia, Salangen, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Salangsdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4083 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1913
Name:Øvre Salangen
Location:Prestbakklia, Salangen, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:68.867263 N 18.014549 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet)

External Links:

1913: Bellingmo

Bellingmo, Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3920 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Bellingmo, Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.02715 N 10.78453 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

1913: Brilliant

Castlegar vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Kootenay River
Bridgemeister ID:128 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1913
Also Known As:Doukhobor
Location:Castlegar vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Kootenay River
Coordinates:49.31793 N 117.63023 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. R. Grant
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100.9 meters (331 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


External Links:

1913: Desmons

Brignon, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:6983 (added 2022-04-03)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Brignon, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Status:Demolished, March, 1989
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1913: Flakkebrua

Flakk, Birkenes, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4316 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Flakk, Birkenes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.338842 N 8.220412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 2001
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Translated from Norwegian: "The bridge came in 1913. It soon became clear that the bridge was built of poor materials. It was too late, so the logs could tear it down in flood times. It was therefore reinforced with new cables... In 1935, a major improvement was made to the bridge. It got plank deck so it could be run by horse and carriage over it. At the same time, a new road was worked up through the Tollenesholta from Flakkebrua to Osen. The bridge was also used by smaller private cars until the 1960s. Then it was closed to all motorized traffic. It was still used as a walking and cycling route."
  • Replaced by 2001 Flakkebrua - Flakk, Birkenes, Agder, Norway.

1913: Grängesberg

Grängesberg, Sweden - Skärningen Grängesberg
Bridgemeister ID:8152 (added 2024-02-03)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Grängesberg, Sweden
Crossing:Skärningen Grängesberg
Coordinates:60.082389 N 14.998528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, 1925
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Coordinates indicate approximate location of the bridge over the large mine cut (Skärningen) at Grängesberg. The bridge was dismantled in 1925 so that the cut could be widened. It was reassembled at Vansbro.
  • Moved to Vansbro (Saltviksbro) - Vansbro, Sweden.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1913: Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend, Millers Flat vicinity, New Zealand - Clutha River
Bridgemeister ID:695 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1913
Name:Horseshoe Bend
Location:Horseshoe Bend, Millers Flat vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Clutha River
Coordinates:45.722574 S 169.471335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Edie, Jimmy Doake
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Olwyn Whitehouse Photo by David Denenberg

1913: Kerman

Ksar el-Kebir (Alcazarquivir), Morocco - Oued Loukos
Bridgemeister ID:5847 (added 2021-05-13)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Ksar el-Kebir (Alcazarquivir), Morocco
Crossing:Oued Loukos

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1913: Makarovskiy

Kronstadt (Кронштадт), Kotlin Island, St. Petersburg, Russia - Петровского дока
Bridgemeister ID:7121 (added 2022-06-13)
Year Completed:1913
Also Known As:Макаровский, Makarov
Location:Kronstadt (Кронштадт), Kotlin Island, St. Petersburg, Russia
Crossing:Петровского дока
At or Near Feature:Ravine Park (Овражный парк)
Coordinates:59.990911 N 29.775796 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable


  • Braced chain suspension system.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1913: Middle

Warsaw, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:149 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:J.S. Kidwell, C.F. Bibb
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 140.8 meters (462 feet)
Side Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)
Deck width:12 feet


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1913: Peninsula

Ngatimoti, New Zealand - Motueka River
Bridgemeister ID:694 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Ngatimoti, New Zealand
Crossing:Motueka River
Principals:D.F. Whiteside
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (191.9 feet)


  • GAP: Reconstructed, 1938.

External Links:

1913: Port-na-Craig

Pitlochry and Port-na Craig, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tummel
Bridgemeister ID:547 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Pitlochry and Port-na Craig, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tummel
Coordinates:56.698167 N 3.733017 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1913: South Fork Mule

Hyampom vicinity, California, USA - South Fork Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:1993 (added 2005-12-10)
Year Completed:1913
Name:South Fork Mule
Also Known As:Limestairs
Location:Hyampom vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork Trinity River
At or Near Feature:Six Rivers National Forest
Coordinates:40.719083 N 123.523217 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2006: The bridge is closed. Marilyn Renaker of the "Committee to Save the Mule Bridge" writes in late August, 2006: "Trinity County and the Forest Service would like to abandon the Mule Bridge. Hyampom had a town meeting about this and everyone was opposed to the removal of the bridge which has been a part of our community since 1913."
  • 2010: Multi-year repair and reconstruction project started.
  • 2013: Bridge is reopened.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo courtesy of Jennifer Lance

1913: Swing

Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, USA - Sheboygan River
Bridgemeister ID:314 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Sheboygan River
At or Near Feature:River Park
Status:Replaced, 1987
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1913: Swinging

Tishomingo, Oklahoma, USA - Pennington Creek
Bridgemeister ID:129 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Tishomingo, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Pennington Creek
Principals:Western Bridge Company


  • The description on the back of a postcard reads: "The only remaining swinging bridge in the state of Oklahoma crossable by automobile spans beautiful Pennington Creek in Tishomingo. The guaranteed strength of the bridge is 164 tons and is located 3 blocks south of the old Chickasaw Capitol on South Capitol Avenue. The bridge was built by Western Bridge Company of Sherman, Texas and was dedicated November 28, 1913."
  • Destroyed by flood.
  • An article in the April 7, 1964 issue of The Ada Evening News (Oklahoma) titled "Tishomingo Acts To Save Famed Bridge": "Tishomingo's Swinging Bridge, a landmark since Territorial days, may yet be saved from the junk man. Indeed, with a little luck, it may be put back into service to carry traffic across Pennington Creek as it did in its heyday. Some 25 persons attended a regular city council meeting Monday night to urge that the bridge be repaired; and the council appointed a committee to look into the cost of such a project. "It looks favorable," Mayor Lee butler said Tuesday. "It looks like we might get it repaired." The old suspension bridge has been closed to traffic for several years. Floor planks have rotted and fallen away, and the whole structure was condemned as unsafe. The problem of financing has held the city back from repairing the ancient structure. However, Butler said the county commissioners have offered to help, and quite a few individual citizens have promised donations to assist the project. When the committee reports back on the cost, Butler said, the council will be ready to take action."
  • The bridge must have been repaired in the mid-1960's and reopened. An article in the July 9, 1978 issue of The Ada Evening News (Oklahoma) titled "Repair of Tishomingo's Suspension Bridge Slated": "Work is expected to begin in the near future on the renovation of the suspension bridge here which spans Pennington Creek. The landmark structure and last swinging bridge in the state open to vehicular traffic was closed last May when city officials deemed it was 'too dangerous' to keep open due to its deteriorated state. In an effort to reopen the bridge as soon as possible, the Tishomingo City Council acted last week to approve funding for materials necessary to repair the 65-year-old structure and has arranged for participants in the Young Adult Conservation Corps camp at Sulphur to provide the manpower needed for the work. Frank Glover, head of the Tishomingo street department, said the Johnston County commissioners have also promised to aid in the repair of the bridge. Glover said he hopes the renovation will be completed this summer. He estimated materials for the work will cost the city about $5,000- $6,000. The bridge will have to be renovated from the bottom up, including the replacement of the entire wooden floor, Glover said. He said city officials are still looking for someone knowledgeable about the construction of suspension bridges to aid in the repair of the structure."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1913: Whitesville

Whitesville, West Virginia, USA - Coal River
Bridgemeister ID:2142 (added 2006-11-04)
Year Completed:1913
Location:Whitesville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Coal River
Status:Collapsed, July 24, 1926
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 65.2 meters (214 feet)
Deck width:5 feet


  • Collapsed July 24, 1926 while overloaded with people watching a carnival performance. The July 25, 1926 edition of The Charleston Gazette reports the incident in an article with headline "Half Hundred Hurt When Crowded Bridge Collapses at Whitesville, Five Dead, Three More May Die" and sub-headline "Span Fall Under Weight of Hundreds Assembled to Watch Fire Fighting Event on River Bank in Connection with Carnival Celebration; Governor Gore Accompanies Physicians and Nurses on Special Relief Train from Here."
  • AAJ cites an Engineering News-Record article from July 29, 1926: "Failure of the bridge was caused by the parting of the turnbuckle on the north end of the east cable. The bridge was built in 1913 and repaired in 1925."

1913: Wind River

Carson, Washington, USA - Wind River
Bridgemeister ID:1005 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1913
Name:Wind River
Location:Carson, Washington, USA
Crossing:Wind River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The bridge appears identical in the two photos except for the tops of the towers. In one of the photos, it appears some protective housing has been added to cover the cable saddles and an extra brace has been added across the tower.
  • Replaced by 1925 Wind River - Carson, Washington, USA.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1914: (suspension bridge)

Mangaweka vicinity, New Zealand - Rangitikei River
Bridgemeister ID:697 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1914
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mangaweka vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Rangitikei River
At or Near Feature:'Meeting of the Waters'
Coordinates:39.754594 S 175.835543 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:S.A.R. Mair
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain, since 1961 (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • GAP: Located at junction of Rangitikei and Hautapu rivers. Replaced, 1961, but original towers remain at the site as of 2017.
Photo by David Denenberg

1914: 98th Meridian

Byers, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:600 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1914
Name:98th Meridian
Also Known As:Byers
Location:Byers, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:34.124507 N 98.214251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
References:AUB, HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1923
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:3 x 172.8 meters (567 feet)
Side Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet)


  • Destroyed by tornado, 1923.
  • Coordinates are the exact location of one of the remaining (as of 2020) piers of either this bridge or its replacement suspension bridge. Additional piers, south of that location, are also visible in satellite images.
  • Replaced by 1923 98th Meridian (Byers) - Byers vicinity, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA.
  • See (suspension bridge) - Texas, USA. The 98th Meridian bridge may match this unknown "Red River" bridge photo. AUB describes the Byers bridge, "This bridge, three spans of 567' each, one side span of 107', and a 16' roadway, had originally been built in 1914."

1914: Bergheim

Bergheim, Bromma, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4044 (added 2020-03-29)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Bergheim, Bromma, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.47212 N 9.23048 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1975
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62.5 meters (205.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

1914: Churn Creek

Gang Ranch, British Columbia, Canada - Fraser River
Bridgemeister ID:131 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1914
Name:Churn Creek
Location:Gang Ranch, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Fraser River
Coordinates:51.527494 N 122.285082 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Waddell & Harrington
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Steve Shulhan

1914: Dresden

Dresden, Ohio, USA - Muskingum River
Bridgemeister ID:132 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Dresden, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Muskingum River
Coordinates:40.12079 N 82.00000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bellefontaine Bridge and Steel Co.
References:GBD, OCEN198202, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (443 feet)
Side Span:1


Annotated Citations:

  • Hannahs, Nichole. "ODOT Recommends Removal of Suspension Bridge." WHIZ News, 25 Jan. 2022,

    "…ODOT recommended the removal of the structure, which would cost between $1-$2 million, which would be funded by the state. Other more costly options include more than $6 million to make it structurally sound for pedestrians to walk on and over $3.5 million to rehab it and then it still couldn’t be used."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg. Photo by Donny Oliver Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo, collection of David Denenberg

1914: Mokai

Taoroa Junction, New Zealand - Rangitikei River
Bridgemeister ID:696 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Taoroa Junction, New Zealand
Crossing:Rangitikei River
Principals:Joseph Dawson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1963
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet)


  • GAP: Replaced, 1963, after overloaded sheep truck fell through deck.

External Links:

1914: Mountain Moon

Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan - Liwu River
Bridgemeister ID:4931 (added 2020-07-31)
Year Completed:1914
Name:Mountain Moon
Also Known As:山月吊橋, Yamatsuki
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Crossing:Liwu River
At or Near Feature:Taroko Gorge at Buluowan Terraces
Status:Demolished, 1940-1941


1914: Old

Lillooet, British Columbia, Canada - Fraser River
Bridgemeister ID:130 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Lillooet, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Fraser River
Coordinates:50.711493 N 121.911333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Waddell & Harrington
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet) estimated


  • Known locally as "The Old Bridge."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1914: Pênsil

São Vicente, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:902 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1914
Also Known As:Pensil
Location:São Vicente, Brazil
Coordinates:23.974960 S 46.388756 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1914: Scotia-Rio Dell

Scotia and Rio Dell, California, USA - Eel River
Bridgemeister ID:1150 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1914
Name:Scotia-Rio Dell
Location:Scotia and Rio Dell, California, USA
Crossing:Eel River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1915
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • 1915: Destroyed by flood.

1914: Swing

Oudtshoorn, South Africa - Grobbelaarsriver
Bridgemeister ID:4715 (added 2020-06-26)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Oudtshoorn, South Africa
Coordinates:33.588007 S 22.200611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1914: Swinging

Allison, Arkansas, USA - South Sylamore Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5856 (added 2021-05-15)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Allison, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:South Sylamore Creek
Coordinates:35.935672 N 92.121123 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1943
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1914: Verdalle

Verdalle, Ayssenes vicinity, Aveyron, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:3164 (added 2019-11-03)
Year Completed:1914
Location:Verdalle, Ayssenes vicinity, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:44.058557 N 2.788122 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1915: (footbridge)

Chiwaukum vicinity, Washington, USA - Wenatchee River
Bridgemeister ID:1424 (added 2004-07-18)
Year Completed:1915
Location:Chiwaukum vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Wenatchee River
Principals:National Forest Service
References:AAJ, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet)

1915: (suspension bridge)

Esbly and Isles-lès-Villenoy, Seine-et-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:8086 (added 2023-12-25)
Year Completed:1915
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Esbly and Isles-lès-Villenoy, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:48.911917 N 2.815222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Temporary footbridge or pipeline bridge (or both) built after the destruction of the vehicular bridge at this location during WWI in 1914. Likely in service until a replacement bridge was completed in 1922.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1915: (suspension bridge)

Landquart vicinity, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:5675 (added 2021-02-27)
Year Completed:1915
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Landquart vicinity, Switzerland
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1915: Alexandrino de Alencar

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:947 (added 2003-10-30)
Year Completed:1915
Name:Alexandrino de Alencar
Location:Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Status:Demolished, 1935
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1915: Brown's Ford

Brown's Ford and Lowry City vicinity, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:2325 (added 2007-05-06)
Year Completed:1915
Name:Brown's Ford
Location:Brown's Ford and Lowry City vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Main Cables:Wire


  • The June 22, 1940 edition of The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune (Chillicothe, Missouri) has an article titled "Three Killed in Bridge Collapse, Workmen were repairing the structure near Lowry City, Mo." describing a fatal collapse of the bridge: "Three men were killed, three injured critically and an 8-year old boy believed drowned when cribbing on a wooden suspension bridge across the Osage River six miles east of Lowry City collapsed about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The bridge, on a farm-to-market road in St. Clair County, was being remodeled. Of the ten men working and bystanders on and near the structure when it fell, only one escaped without injury. All those killed or injured lived in St. Clair County. On the west side of the bridge a framework of heavy timbers had been inserted between one of the suspension cables and an old wooden pier, which originally had supported the cable. The workmen were attempting to slide a steel pier under the cable, to replace the wooden pier. The cribbing suddenly gave way, and the pressure from the cable hurled the wood supports in all directions. The bridge floor dropped into the river, except for a small section near the east end."

1915: Deutz

Köln (Cologne), Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:432 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1915
Also Known As:Deutzer, Hindenburg
Location:Köln (Cologne), Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
References:AAJ, BRU
Status:Collapsed, 1945
Main Cables:Chain (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 184.4 meters (605 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 92.2 meters (302.5 feet)
Deck width:59.6 feet


  • First long-span self-anchored suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo, courtesy of Peter Munson Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1915: Saint-Jean

Saint-Jean-les-Deux-Jumeaux and Changis-sur-Marne, Seine-et-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:8545 (added 2024-03-31)
Year Completed:1915
Location:Saint-Jean-les-Deux-Jumeaux and Changis-sur-Marne, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • This temporary bridge pictured here at "Saint-Jean" in Seine-et-Marne was presumably located at present-day Saint-Jean-les-Deux-Jumeaux.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1916: (suspension bridge)

Tørdal, Drangedal, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Loneelva
Bridgemeister ID:4111 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:1916
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tørdal, Drangedal, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.188715 N 8.802022 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1965
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

1916: Belpre-Parkersburg

Parkersburg, West Virginia and Belpre, Ohio, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:134 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1916
Location:Parkersburg, West Virginia and Belpre, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:39.270500 N 81.566528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Hermann Laub
References:AAJ, BPL, PTS2, SJR
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Demolished, March 16, 1980
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 236.2 meters (775 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 114.3 meters (375 feet),
1 x 83.8 meters (275 feet)
Deck width:22 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1916: Dewey

Moab vicinity, Utah, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:135 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1916
Location:Moab vicinity, Utah, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:38.81187 N 109.30333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict, since April, 2008 (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 151.2 meters (496 feet) estimated


  • Restored as footbridge, 2000.
  • Deck destroyed by fire April 6, 2008. News reports stated a nearby brush fire (started by a young boy playing with matches) ignited the bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Dick and Alice Whalen Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1916: Innsteg

Passau, Germany - Inn River
Bridgemeister ID:4575 (added 2020-06-03)
Year Completed:1916
Also Known As:Hindenburg, Fünferlsteg
Location:Passau, Germany
Crossing:Inn River
Coordinates:48.569943 N 13.459694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 75.25 meters (246.9 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1916: Katsuyama

Bridgemeister ID:1140 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1916
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet)

1916: Mino

Mino, Gifu, Japan - Nagara River
Bridgemeister ID:7908 (added 2023-10-21)
Year Completed:1916
Also Known As:美濃橋
Location:Mino, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Nagara River
Coordinates:35.552417 N 136.910267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since c. 1960s (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1916: Swinging

Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA - Big Horn River
Bridgemeister ID:301 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1916
Location:Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Big Horn River
At or Near Feature:Hot Springs State Park
Coordinates:43.654733 N 108.196167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 58.8 meters (193 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 10.7 meters (35 feet) estimated


  • According to sign at the bridge: condemned 1984, removed 1991, restored 1992.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Ronald Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photos courtesy of Polly Oliver

1916: Te Koura

Okahukura vicinity, New Zealand - Ongarue River
Bridgemeister ID:718 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1916
Name:Te Koura
Location:Okahukura vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Ongarue River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1917: (suspension bridge)

Skhirat, Rabat vicinity, Morocco - Oued Cherrat
Bridgemeister ID:529 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1917
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Skhirat, Rabat vicinity, Morocco
Crossing:Oued Cherrat
Coordinates:33.814930 N 7.110061 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102.4 meters (336 feet)

External Links:

1917: Alderpoint

Alderpoint, California, USA - North Fork Eel River
Bridgemeister ID:2232 (added 2007-03-19)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Alderpoint, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork Eel River
Coordinates:40.173364 N 123.603832 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, November, 1972
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The Sunday November 5, 1972 edition of The Times Standard (Eureka, California) has three photos of the bridge collapsing. The caption is "Old Alderpoint Bridge Crashes into River." It continues: "Cables, securing the old Alderpoint Bridge across the North Fork of the Eel River, were cut Friday to send the structure splashing to the feet of the new concrete span that is replacing it. The $1-million new bridge was dedicated Saturday. The old suspension bridge was constructed in 1917."
  • Coordinates are for the present-day (2021) bridge at this location. The suspension bridge was immediately adjacent.

1917: Bolombolo

Bolombolo, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:433 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Bolombolo, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.967033 N 75.843217 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118.9 meters (390 feet)
Deck width:10 feet

External Links:

1917: Maoribank

Maoribank, Upper Hutt, New Zealand - Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River
Bridgemeister ID:699 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1917
Also Known As:Whiteman's
Location:Maoribank, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Crossing:Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River
Principals:Joseph Dawson
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, September 14, 1988
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1988, September 14: Collapsed due to flood.

External Links:

1917: Morrison

Morrison vicinity, Oklahoma, USA - Black Bear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2238 (added 2007-03-24)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Morrison vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Black Bear Creek
Coordinates:36.30811 N 96.95164 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:N.H. Sturgis
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

1917: Rio Chiriquí

Panama - Rio Chiriquí
Bridgemeister ID:1425 (added 2004-07-18)
Year Completed:1917
Name:Rio Chiriquí
Crossing:Rio Chiriquí
Principals:A. S. Zinn
References:AAJ, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410 feet)
Deck width:7.7 feet

1917: Rock Church

Tolar vicinity, Hood County, Texas, USA - Paluxy River
Bridgemeister ID:136 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1917
Name:Rock Church
Location:Tolar vicinity, Hood County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Paluxy River
Coordinates:32.301402 N 97.957657 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1917: Schulweg

Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Datteln-Hamm Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1948 (added 2005-11-04)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Datteln-Hamm Canal
Coordinates:51.694985 N 7.870143 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1917: Terral-Ringgold

Ringgold, Texas and Terral, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:595 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Ringgold, Texas and Terral, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.878143 N 97.934776 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AUB, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3 x 137.2 meters (450 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • 1931: Replacement opened.

1917: Thusis

Thusis, Switzerland - Hinterrhein River
Bridgemeister ID:3634 (added 2020-01-01)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Thusis, Switzerland
Crossing:Hinterrhein River
Coordinates:46.701886 N 9.446884 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

1918: (footbridge)

Wakefield vicinity, New Zealand - Dove River
Bridgemeister ID:700 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1918
Location:Wakefield vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Dove River

1918: Camp Sherman

Chillicothe, Ohio, USA - Scioto River
Bridgemeister ID:4956 (added 2020-08-08)
Year Completed:1918
Name:Camp Sherman
Location:Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Scioto River
Principals:U.S. Army
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Provided access to the Camp Sherman rifle range which sat across the Scioto River from the main part of the campl.
  • From an article "Came the False Armistice but Weary Soldiers Unaware” in the September 7, 1968 edition of the Xenia Daily Gazette: "The firing range at old Camp Sherman during World War 1 was a long march from camp to the base of historic Mt. Logan. It was reached by way of a narrow suspension bridge which swayed sickeningly to the measured tempo of the marching soldiers and was an experience in itself."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1918: Ookui

Yamaura, Komoro City, Nagano, Japan - Chikuma River
Bridgemeister ID:6958 (added 2022-02-19)
Year Completed:1918
Also Known As:Ookui-bashi, 大杭橋
Location:Yamaura, Komoro City, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Chikuma River
Coordinates:36.302159 N 138.422041 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • 2019: Heavily damaged by typhoon. Appears to have already been closed to all traffic prior.

1918: Opiki Toll

Rangitane, New Zealand - Manawatu River
Bridgemeister ID:698 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1918
Name:Opiki Toll
Also Known As:Akers Toll
Location:Rangitane, New Zealand
Crossing:Manawatu River
Coordinates:40.431841 S 175.468575 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph Dawson
References:AAJ, GAP, PTS2
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 1969: Bypassed.
  • 2023, September: After many years of the main cables and suspenders hanging with no deck, one of the main cables collapsed.
  • 2024, March: The collapsed main cable is raised back into position. The bridge, however, is still a just derelict monument with no deck.

External Links:

1918: Rånåsfoss

Rånåsfoss, Viken, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:4084 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1918
Location:Rånåsfoss, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.030429 N 11.329303 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 184 meters (603.7 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes: "This bridge was built in 1918 as a provisional suspension bridge to facilitate the construction of the dam a little less than a half kilometer downstream. Then it was built over and transformed into the 1927 Rånåsfoss bridge. It appears everything of the original bridge was replaced or new, except the lattice towers which in effect became rebar and are now encased in concrete. New anchorage pits were dug and new anchor eyebars placed within to accept the new main cables."
  • Replaced by 1927 Rånåsfoss - Rånåsfoss, Viken, Norway.

External Links:

1918: Swinging

Old Hickory, Nashville and Goodlettsville, Nashville, Tennessee, USA - Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:587 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1918
Location:Old Hickory, Nashville and Goodlettsville, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Cumberland River
At or Near Feature:Hadley Bend
Coordinates:36.289002 N 86.685355 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William G. Grove, American Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Dismantled, 1928
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164.6 meters (540 feet)
Deck width:8 feet


  • Coordinates provided are approximate based on current-day (2021) location of Swinging Bridge Road.

External Links:

  • | Old Hickory Suspension Bridge
  • DuPont High School Alumni Association - The Swinging Bridge. According to the description in this article provided by Old Hickory Branch Library this large bridge had a 540-foot main span and was used for vehicular traffic. "The suspension bridge... Was diverted from its original destination in South America because of the urgency of the war effort. It was built for pedestrian traffic and used only for that purpose at first... Upon determination that the bridge was capable of handling light traffic, a flagman was stationed at each end of the bridge on a 24-hour-a-day basis and cars began using the one-lane span." Kris Brummett adds: "The 540 foot span had no supports to prevent sideways movement and literally swayed back and forth. The bridge was used until 1929." Other sources say the bridge was dismantled in 1928.
  • Photograph of the Old Hickory Swinging Bridge - Tennessee Virtual Archive. High resolution image of the bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1918: Turkey Run State Park

Parke County, Indiana, USA - Sugar Creek
Bridgemeister ID:269 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1918
Name:Turkey Run State Park
Location:Parke County, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Sugar Creek
At or Near Feature:Turkey Run State Park
Coordinates:39.88926 N 87.19948 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (192 feet) estimated


  • IMB states, "The original bridge collapsed into Sugar Creek in 1917... the state's Department of Natural Resources promptly replaced the old with current structure."
  • James Rader writes in 2008: "Three years ago flooding came up high enough to allow a couple of uprooted Sycamore trees to hit the bridge ripping out a large section of the wood railing and flooring from the middle of the bridge. Bridge was immediately closed. Structural analysis was completed and repairs were made including all new floor planks. Bridge is in great condition and should serve for many many more years to come."

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1919: Beebe

Beebe and Chelan, Washington, USA - Columbia River
Bridgemeister ID:1188 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1919
Location:Beebe and Chelan, Washington, USA
Crossing:Columbia River
Coordinates:47.81308 N 119.97245 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:A. Munster, Wenatchee-Beebe Orchard Co.
References:AAJ, PTS2, SPW
Use:Pipeline and Vehicular
Status:Only towers remain, since 1963 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 192.6 meters (632 feet)
Deck width:12 feet


  • The towers are still standing next to the current US97 crossing at Beebe.
  • AAJ: Private bridge, built primarily to carry water to the owner's orchard, but also carried a roadway.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1919: Boyacá

Irra, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2019 (added 2006-01-14)
Year Completed:1919
Also Known As:Irra
Location:Irra, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)

1919: Coon Box Fork

Lorman, Fayette vicinity, Mississippi, USA - Shankstown Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6426 (added 2021-08-10)
Year Completed:1919
Name:Coon Box Fork
Location:Lorman, Fayette vicinity, Mississippi, USA
Crossing:Shankstown Creek
Coordinates:31.789613 N 91.068857 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schuster and Jacob, Robert Taylor
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1990
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Some sources suggest the bridge survived until 2010, but this appears to be unlikely. Coordinates provided are for the current Shankstown Creek crossing of Coon Box Road. The suspension bridge may have been on a slightly different alignment.
  • 1927: Repaired by W.H. Groome and Son incorporating an improved anchoring system.

External Links:

  • MDAH Historic Resources Inventory Fact Sheet - Coon Box Fork Suspension Bridge. Photographs available here suggest remnants of the bridge are visible in the creek.
  • NPGallery Asset Detail - Coon Box Fork Bridge. National Register of Historic Places site survey. Presents a brief history of the bridge, but perhaps confuses the matter of its location. States: "Swinging suspension bridge and county road right-of-way along Coon Box Road where the said bridge crosses North Fork Coles Creek." Current-day (2021) Coon Box Road crosses Shankstown Creek near North Fork Coles Creek, but never crosses North Fork Coles Creek. Historic maps of the area place the mid-1900s Shankstown Creek crossing of Coon Box Fork at roughly the same location as the current crossing (the coordinates provided in this record). Looking at historic satellite images of the location, the suspension bridge was probably on an alignment no more than 100 feet north of the current Coon Box Road Shankstown Creek bridge.

1919: Gordon

Gordon, New South Wales, Australia - Stony Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8163 (added 2024-02-03)
Year Completed:1919
Location:Gordon, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Stony Creek
Coordinates:33.750472 S 151.156917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet)

External Links:

  • 23 Jun 1919 - GORDON SUSPENSION BRIDGE. - Trove. Article from The Sydney Morning Herald dated Monday June 23 1919 titled "Gordon Suspension Bridge" regarding the grand opening of the bridge. The article indicates the bridge was on the alignment of Rosedale Road over Stony Creek.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1919: Greenwood Cemetery

Shelbyville, Illinois, USA
Bridgemeister ID:267 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1919
Name:Greenwood Cemetery
Location:Shelbyville, Illinois, USA
Principals:L. E. Fish Bridge Company
Status:Removed, 1929
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1919: Hansen

Twin Falls vicinity, Idaho, USA - Snake River
Bridgemeister ID:334 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1919
Location:Twin Falls vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Snake River
Principals:Freygang and Trocon
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1966
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 185.3 meters (608 feet)
Deck width:17 feet

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1919: Morgan's

Parinui, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand - Mangapurua Stream
Bridgemeister ID:7655 (added 2023-06-10)
Year Completed:1919
Location:Parinui, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangapurua Stream
At or Near Feature:Bridge to Nowhere Walk
Coordinates:39.270940 S 174.972349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since c. 1930s
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • 2022: Remnants are still visible adjacent to its replacement concrete deck arch bridge (1936) known as the "Bridge to Nowhere".

External Links:

1919: Parys

Parys, South Africa - Vaal River
Bridgemeister ID:2900 (added 2019-09-13)
Year Completed:1919
Location:Parys, South Africa
Crossing:Vaal River
Coordinates:26.894181 S 27.457217 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1920: (footbridge)

Follebu, Innlandet, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:1564 (added 2004-11-27)
Year Completed:1920
Location:Follebu, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.2153 N 10.269267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Restored, 1977 and 1995.

1920: (suspension bridge)

Petrolia vicinity, California, USA - Mattole River
Bridgemeister ID:4932 (added 2020-08-01)
Year Completed:1920
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Petrolia vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Mattole River
Coordinates:40.276827 N 124.242913 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1974
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • The June 29, 1974 edition of The Times-Standard of Eureka, California ran an article "Petrolia plans dedication" describing a new bridge dedicated to Elwyn "Ole" Lindley located 4.6 miles east of Petrolia: "the new re-enforced concrete girder with four bays replaced an old cable suspension bridge built in 1920." There is no other mention of the suspension bridge in the article. The location indicated by the coordinates given here is the location of the present day (2020) Lindley bridge crossing the Mattole River. It is unclear if this was the same Petrolia-area suspension bridge dismantled in 1962.
  • See (suspension bridge) - Petrolia, California, USA. This entry may represent the same bridge.

1920: Alves Lima

Irapé, Chavantes, São Paulo and Ribeirão Claro, Paraná, Brazil - Paranapanema River
Bridgemeister ID:3887 (added 2020-03-13)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Alves Lima
Also Known As:Pênsil
Location:Irapé, Chavantes, São Paulo and Ribeirão Claro, Paraná, Brazil
Crossing:Paranapanema River
Coordinates:23.098928 S 49.742944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, c. November 2020 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2020, November: Heavily damaged by fire. Closed indefinitely.

1920: Bridge of Smiles

Marlborough Township, Pennsylvania, USA - Unami Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8794 (added 2024-09-14)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Bridge of Smiles
Location:Marlborough Township, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Unami Creek
At or Near Feature:Camp Delmont, Musser Scout Reservation
Suspended Spans:1


  • Located on the grounds of Camp Delmont which is now part of the Musser Scout Reservation. Presumably no longer in existence.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image and history of the bridge.

1920: Colgante

Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:3366 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:1920
Location:Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:53.835799 S 67.792507 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict, since December 13, 2010 (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2010, December 13: Wrecked by wind.

External Links:

1920: Double

Forks of Coal, Alum Creek vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Little Coal River
Bridgemeister ID:2121 (added 2006-09-17)
Year Completed:1920
Location:Forks of Coal, Alum Creek vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Coal River
Coordinates:38.27243 N 81.80020 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Oregonia Bridge Co.
Status:Closed (last checked: February 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 15.5 meters (51 feet) estimated,
1 x 17.7 meters (58 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1920: Double

Forks of Coal, Alum Creek vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Big Coal River
Bridgemeister ID:2122 (added 2006-09-17)
Year Completed:1920
Location:Forks of Coal, Alum Creek vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Big Coal River
Coordinates:38.27248 N 81.79935 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Oregonia Bridge Co.
Status:Closed (last checked: February 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 27.7 meters (91 feet),
1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1920: Fort Seward

Fort Seward, California, USA - Eel River
Bridgemeister ID:5671 (added 2021-01-30)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Fort Seward
Location:Fort Seward, California, USA
Crossing:Eel River
Coordinates:40.227599 N 123.646996 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1920: Hyde Park Walking

Hyde Park and Leechburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Kiskiminetas River
Bridgemeister ID:5842 (added 2021-05-13)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Hyde Park Walking
Location:Hyde Park and Leechburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Kiskiminetas River
Coordinates:40.627771 N 79.597369 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons
Status:Destroyed, March 17, 1936
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


1920: Jøssundbrua

Jøssund, Ørland, Trøndelag, Norway - Jøssundstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:4466 (added 2020-04-26)
Year Completed:1920
Location:Jøssund, Ørland, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.842912 N 9.811104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

1920: Kaibab Trail

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:2186 (added 2007-01-15)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Kaibab Trail
Location:Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Principals:George C. Goodwin
Status:Replaced, 1928
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:701 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1920
Location:New Zealand
Crossing:Retaruke River


1920: Les Andelys

Les Andelys, Eure, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1597 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Les Andelys
Location:Les Andelys, Eure, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.236737 N 1.399657 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Status:Demolished, June 9, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed in 1914 but not opened until 1920.
  • The present-day Les Andelys bridge appears to have been constructed on the same piers as this predecessor.
  • Demolished in June 1940 by the French army to slow advancing German troops during WWII.
  • At former location of 1838 Les Andelys - Les Andelys, Eure, France. The 1920 bridge was not an immediate replacement. A stone arch bridge replaced the 1838 suspension bridge destroyed in 1870. The arch bridge was replaced by this (1920) suspension bridge.
  • Replaced by 1947 Les Andelys - Les Andelys, Eure, France.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1920: Old Hill Place

Fayette vicinity, Mississippi, USA - Coles Creek South Fork
Bridgemeister ID:137 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Old Hill Place
Location:Fayette vicinity, Mississippi, USA
Crossing:Coles Creek South Fork
Coordinates:31.669433 N 91.180917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Joseph Frank

1920: Reeth Swing

Reeth vicinity, Swaledale, England, United Kingdom - River Swale
Bridgemeister ID:807 (added 2003-03-30)
Year Completed:1920
Name:Reeth Swing
Location:Reeth vicinity, Swaledale, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Swale
Coordinates:54.385673 N 1.952474 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. Hird
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed by flood, rebuilt in 2002.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1920: Swinging

Millersburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Wiconisco Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1924 (added 2005-10-23)
Year Completed:1920
Location:Millersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Wiconisco Creek
Status:Destroyed, 1972


1921: (footbridge)

Oregon City and West Linn, Oregon, USA - Willamette River
Bridgemeister ID:4954 (added 2020-08-08)
Year Completed:1921
Location:Oregon City and West Linn, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Willamette River
Status:Removed, 1922
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

1921: Amposta

Amposta, Spain - Ebro River
Bridgemeister ID:935 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1921
Also Known As:Penjant
Location:Amposta, Spain
Crossing:Ebro River
Coordinates:40.714866 N 0.581695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:José Eugenio Ribera
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Damaged during Spanish Civil War, restored 1941.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo courtesy of Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1921: Bagni di Lucca

Bagni di Lucca, Italy - Torrente Luna
Bridgemeister ID:1473 (added 2004-09-02)
Year Completed:1921
Name:Bagni di Lucca
Location:Bagni di Lucca, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Luna
Coordinates:44.0092 N 10.5908 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1921: Bridgeport

Bridgeport and Geary, Oklahoma, USA - South Canadian River
Bridgemeister ID:1660 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1921
Also Known As:Key, Postal
Location:Bridgeport and Geary, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:South Canadian River
Coordinates:35.567306 N 98.374731 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Remnants of at least one pier still standing, 2019.

1921: Høistad

Høistad, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3908 (added 2020-03-15)
Year Completed:1921
Location:Høistad, Norway
Coordinates:62.50644 N 11.26111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, removed 1953-1963.

External Links:

1921: Kingston-Port Ewen

Kingston, New York, USA - Rondout Creek
Bridgemeister ID:138 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1921
Name:Kingston-Port Ewen
Also Known As:Wurts Street, Rondout Creek
Location:Kingston, New York, USA
Crossing:Rondout Creek
Coordinates:41.916129 N 73.983999 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Holton D. Robinson, Daniel E. Moran, William Yates
References:AAJ, PTS, PTS2, SJR, SSS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 214.9 meters (705 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 53.7 meters (176.25 feet)
Deck width:37 feet


  • 2008, March: Closed for ten weeks for cable inspection.
  • 2018, December: Closed for maintenance. Expected to reopen February, 2019.
  • 2019: Major rehabilitation continues to be delayed for several years.
  • 2020, September: Closed temporarily. Major renovation project continues to be delayed.
  • 2020, December: Closed indefinitely.
  • 2021, May: Bids for renovation to be sought in June. Work expected to start in September.
  • 2021, October: Groundbreaking ceremony for long-anticipated restoration project. Expected to be completed in 2023 at a cost of US$44.6M
  • 2024, July: The bridge reopens following the completion of the multi-year restoration project.

Annotated Citations:

  • Kirby, Paul. "Bids for Rondout Creek Bridge overhaul to be sought next month; work expected to start in September." Daily Freeman, 5 May 2021, Bids for Rondout Creek Bridge overhaul to be sought next month; work expected to start in September.

    "Bids for the planned overhaul of the Rondout Creek Bridge will be sought in June, and the state Department of Transportation expects to award contracts for the work in August, the office of state Assemblyman Kevin Cahill said this week... The rehabilitation of the suspension bridge, which carries Wurts Street over the creek between Kingston and Port Ewen, could cost as much as $37 million, Cahill said previously. The state will pay for the project, which is expected to begin this fall."

External Links:

Photo by Douglas Kerr Photo by David Denenberg Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1921: Monowai

Monowai, New Zealand - Waiau River
Bridgemeister ID:7593 (added 2023-05-07)
Year Completed:1921
Location:Monowai, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiau River
Status:Destroyed, 1959
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

1921: Niyodo

Bridgemeister ID:1141 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1921
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet)

1921: St. Marien

St. Marien, Budelière vicinity, Évaux-les-Bains and Budelière, Creuse, France - Tardes River
Bridgemeister ID:1159 (added 2004-01-18)
Year Completed:1921
Name:St. Marien
Location:St. Marien, Budelière vicinity, Évaux-les-Bains and Budelière, Creuse, France
Crossing:Tardes River
Coordinates:46.233320 N 2.508124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Located just before the Tardes flows into the Cher. Sometimes noted as near Evaux-les-Bains.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1922: (footbridge)

Bexley, Ohio, USA - Alum Creek
Bridgemeister ID:819 (added 2003-05-31)
Year Completed:1922
Location:Bexley, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Alum Creek
At or Near Feature:Wolfe Park
Coordinates:39.963831 N 82.947491 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Deck width:6.25 feet


  • Closed 2013 for major refurbishment including a new deck. Reopened March. 2014.
  • April 2015: Two main cables snap, causing a partial collapse of the bridge deck. Repaired and reopened August 5, 2016. Failure speculated to have been caused by the weight of the new deck installed 2013-2014.
Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1922: Arauca

Arauca, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2017 (added 2006-01-14)
Year Completed:1922
Location:Arauca, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Status:Replaced, 1957
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet)


1922: Carlos Holguín

Juanchito, Cali vicinity and Candelaria vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2007 (added 2006-01-04)
Year Completed:1922
Name:Carlos Holguín
Location:Juanchito, Cali vicinity and Candelaria vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Status:Dismantled, 1956
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1922: Cortazar

Cortazar, Guanajuato, Mexico - Laja River
Bridgemeister ID:6930 (added 2022-01-22)
Year Completed:1922
Also Known As:Arquitecto Ernesto Brunel
Location:Cortazar, Guanajuato, Mexico
Crossing:Laja River
Coordinates:20.491846 N 100.962915 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1922: During inauguration event, one end of the bridge dipped 1-2 feet, possibly due to the weight of the crowd. The bridge was repaired and entered into service.
  • 2020-2021: Disassembled, rehabilitated, reassembled and reopened

1922: Dodge

Sweetwater County, Wyoming, USA - Green River
Bridgemeister ID:5557 (added 2020-12-18)
Year Completed:1922
Location:Sweetwater County, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Green River
Principals:Harold H. Dodge
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • This bridge was located northwest of the present-day Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge before Fontenelle. Appears to have been primarily a "sheep" bridge.

1922: Duck Run

Truebada, Glenville vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Little Kanawha River
Bridgemeister ID:139 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1922
Name:Duck Run
Also Known As:Truebada Swinging
Location:Truebada, Glenville vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Kanawha River
Coordinates:38.92830 N 80.78731 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William M. Moss, Fred Lewis
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 62.5 meters (205 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 20.1 meters (66 feet) estimated,
1 x 23.5 meters (77 feet) estimated


  • Bypassed, 1991.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1922: Glaize

Brumley vicinity, Missouri, USA - Grand Glaize Creek
Bridgemeister ID:332 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1922
Also Known As:Auglaize, Grand Glaize, Grand Auglaize
Location:Brumley vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Grand Glaize Creek
Coordinates:38.077098 N 92.526488 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, January 6, 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 126.2 meters (414 feet) estimated
Side Span:1
Deck width:12 feet


  • 2020, October 8: Added to National Register of Historic Places.
  • 2021, January 6: Closed due to structural issues with the bridge's anchors.
  • 2021, February 6: New inspection of the current issue ("loose cables"). Bridge is still closed.
  • Near 1925 Mill Creek - Brumley vicinity, Missouri, USA.

External Links:

Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg

1922: Kawamoto

Bridgemeister ID:1142 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1922
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

1922: Kyrkälv

Dala-Floda, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sweden - Västerdalälven
Bridgemeister ID:8294 (added 2024-02-08)
Year Completed:1922
Also Known As:Kyrkälvbro, Kyrkbron
Location:Dala-Floda, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sweden
Coordinates:60.507000 N 14.800972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1922: Llanstephan

Llanstephan, Wales, United Kingdom - River Wye
Bridgemeister ID:1964 (added 2005-11-12)
Year Completed:1922
Location:Llanstephan, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wye
Coordinates:52.06604 N 3.29614 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1922: Momosuke

Nagiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:1051 (added 2003-12-07)
Year Completed:1922
Also Known As:桃介橋
Location:Nagiso-cho, Kiso-gun, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.600776 N 137.606515 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 104.5 meters (342.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 23.9 meters (78.4 feet)


  • Rebuilt 1993.

External Links:

1922: Porthill

Shrewsbury, England, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:434 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1922
Location:Shrewsbury, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
Coordinates:52.708233 N 2.763083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1922: Robert Lowe

Whitehorse vicinity, Yukon, Canada - Miles Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:1054 (added 2003-12-13)
Year Completed:1922
Name:Robert Lowe
Also Known As:Miles Canyon
Location:Whitehorse vicinity, Yukon, Canada
Crossing:Miles Canyon
Coordinates:60.66223 N 135.02921 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1922: Strandvoldbrua

Trysil, Innlandet, Norway - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:4499 (added 2020-05-02)
Year Completed:1922
Location:Trysil, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.343151 N 12.230457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


1922: Teigen

Mebonden, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3884 (added 2020-03-08)
Year Completed:1922
Also Known As:Vikvar
Location:Mebonden, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.222013 N 11.013363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


1923: (footbridge)

Kirschbaumwasen, Germany - Murg River
Bridgemeister ID:1882 (added 2005-09-24)
Year Completed:1923
Location:Kirschbaumwasen, Germany
Crossing:Murg River
Coordinates:48.6233 N 8.354967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Karl Gotsch

1923: (suspension bridge)

Karaka, New Zealand - Marokopa River
Bridgemeister ID:703 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1923
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karaka, New Zealand
Crossing:Marokopa River

1923: (suspension bridge)

Murchison vicinity, New Zealand - Buller River
Bridgemeister ID:702 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1923
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Murchison vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Buller River
Coordinates:41.741556 S 172.401472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 47.5 meters (155.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 6.7 meters (22 feet)


  • Coordinates indicate the approximate location of this bridge. GAP describes it as located where Nuggety Creek flows into the Buller. The current (as of the 2020s) Nuggety Creek Road crosses the Buller about one kilometer north of the coordinates.

1923: 98th Meridian

Byers vicinity, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:5589 (added 2020-12-22)
Year Completed:1923
Name:98th Meridian
Also Known As:Byers
Location:Byers vicinity, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:34.127249 N 98.214114 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Status:Destroyed, 1938
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo, courtesy of David Turner

1923: Atna

Atna, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3921 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1923
Location:Atna, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.72890 N 10.82639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated


  • Rehabilitated, 1989.

1923: Blagnac

Blagnac, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2959 (added 2019-10-06)
Year Completed:1923
Location:Blagnac, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.624930 N 1.401531 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1983
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1923: Kaneyama

Bridgemeister ID:1143 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1923
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet)

1923: McKeown

Tyrola, Ada vicinity and Konawa, Oklahoma, USA - Canadian River
Bridgemeister ID:2146 (added 2006-11-11)
Year Completed:1923
Also Known As:Ada-Konawa
Location:Tyrola, Ada vicinity and Konawa, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Canadian River
Status:Removed, 1936
Main Cables:Wire


  • J.W. Pigg (of Mitchell & Pigg, prominent Texas suspension bridge builders of the early 20th century) was reportedly involved in the construction of the bridge. Steinman gives a date of 1922, but newspaper articles from mid-1923 describe the plans as still under consideration. The bridge was likely completed in 1923 or 1924.
  • A photograph of the bridge appears in the December 16, 1934 issue of The Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City) with caption: "This Old Bridge Is Doomed," sub-caption "Suspension Bridge on Highway 48 North of Ada," and a blurb: "This old bridge, known as the McKeown bridge, across the Canadian River between Ada and Konawa, is being condemned and will be rebuilt. It is a suspension bridge, one of the few in the state, but when the bridge is rebuilt it will be minus its 'suspenders.'"
  • The November 12, 1936 edition of The Ada Evening News reports: "The old suspension, bridge across the river north ot Ada is being torn down, but no one knew just where it will be located when and if it is rebuilt. Konawa wants to build it west of the city of Konawa. Mr. Clark [division engineer for the state highway department] did not know if any provisions have yet been made for its erection."

1923: Memorial Swinging

Winamac, Indiana, USA - Tippecanoe River
Bridgemeister ID:849 (added 2003-07-27)
Year Completed:1923
Name:Memorial Swinging
Also Known As:Soldiers and Sailors Memorial
Location:Winamac, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Tippecanoe River
At or Near Feature:City Park
Coordinates:41.05245 N 86.59936 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Edward Windhorst Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photos courtesy of the Memorial Swinging Bridge Project

1923: Oued Yquem

Skhirat and Temara, Morocco - Oued Yquem
Bridgemeister ID:4610 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:1923
Name:Oued Yquem
Location:Skhirat and Temara, Morocco
Crossing:Oued Yquem
Coordinates:33.873400 N 6.995066 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1923: Queens Park

Chester and Handbridge, England, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:435 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1923
Name:Queens Park
Location:Chester and Handbridge, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:53.18796 N 2.88421 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Greenwood, David Rowell & Co., William E. Barker
References:BRB, NTB
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83.8 meters (275 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1923: Svanfoss

Brårud, Nes, Viken, Norway - Vorma
Bridgemeister ID:3956 (added 2020-03-22)
Year Completed:1923
Location:Brårud, Nes, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.21450 N 11.35531 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated


  • Originally constructed as a stayed bridge in 1905, rebuilt as a suspension bridge in 1923.
  • Based on historic aerial images, removed between 1972 and 2005.

External Links:

1923: Twin

Mangaweka vicinity, New Zealand - Kaiwhatau River
Bridgemeister ID:704 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1923
Location:Mangaweka vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Kaiwhatau River

1924: (footbridge)

Oklahoma, USA - Baron Fork Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1804 (added 2005-05-18)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Baron Fork Creek
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)

Photo by Andy Anderson

1924: (suspension bridge)

Cattle Flat, West Wanaka, Wanaka vicinity, New Zealand - Matukituki River
Bridgemeister ID:715 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cattle Flat, West Wanaka, Wanaka vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Matukituki River
Coordinates:44.636005 S 168.992132 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, September 10, 1970
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Papers Past | Newspapers | Press | 12 September 1970 | BRIDGE DOWN. Article dated September 11, 1970: "The single-span suspension bridge across the West Matukituki River, 13 miles from Wanaka, was blown away by gale-force winds yesterday afternoon, cutting the only road access to West Wanaka station, where 10 persons are now isolated."

1924: (suspension bridge)

Moorefield, West Virginia, USA - South Fork South Branch Potomac River
Bridgemeister ID:5584 (added 2020-12-21)
Year Completed:1924
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Moorefield, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:39.027926 N 78.947506 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, After 1974
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Coordinates indicate likely location of this bridge, destroyed by flood debris at some point after 1974.

External Links:

1924: (suspension bridge)

Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand - Mangaheia River
Bridgemeister ID:712 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangaheia River
Principals:Tom Ryan


  • GAP: completed circa 1924, in addition to "The Five Bridges" also spanning the Mangaheia

1924: Agness

Agness, Oregon, USA - Rogue River
Bridgemeister ID:273 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Agness, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Rogue River
At or Near Feature:Singing Springs Ranch
Coordinates:42.551639 N 124.063722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:U.S. Forest Service
Status:Destroyed, 1964
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 92.7 meters (304 feet)
Side Span:1


  • A postcard reads, "This historic forestry suspension bridge over the Rogue River was... constructed of steel carried piece by piece up-river from Gold Beach by the mail boats. This bridge was swept away by flood waters 100 feet over flood stage during December 1964."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Bear Mountain

Anthony's Nose and Bear Mountain, New York, USA - Hudson River
Bridgemeister ID:141 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Bear Mountain
Location:Anthony's Nose and Bear Mountain, New York, USA
Crossing:Hudson River
Coordinates:41.32 N 73.985 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Howard C. Baird
References:AAJ, BAAW, BBR, CPW, PTS2, SJR
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 497.4 meters (1,632 feet)
Deck width:48 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Robert Derderian Photo by Michele Sisak Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Burrator Reservoir

Sheepstor, England, United Kingdom - Burrator Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:2314 (added 2007-05-05)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Burrator Reservoir
Location:Sheepstor, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Burrator Reservoir
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Large temporary bridge built to carry traffic across the reservoir while work was underway to raise Burrator Dam. Possibly completed 1925.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Curry

Curry, Alaska, USA - Susitna River
Bridgemeister ID:1189 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Curry, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Susitna River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Long narrow footbridge with timber towers. Deck replaced, 1926.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Eikernsund

Darbu, Eikeren, Viken, Norway - Strait separating Eikeren and Fiskumvannet
Bridgemeister ID:4085 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1924
Also Known As:Eikernsundet, Eikern Strait
Location:Darbu, Eikeren, Viken, Norway
Crossing:Strait separating Eikeren and Fiskumvannet
Coordinates:59.699851 N 9.844541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters


  • Out of service, circa 1980. Subsequently removed.

External Links:

1924: Invercauld

Braemar vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:1906 (added 2005-10-08)
Year Completed:1924
Also Known As:Ballochbuie, Garbh Allt Shiel
Location:Braemar vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:57.001768 N 3.322743 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Abernethy & Co.
References:HARPER, HBR
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by William Munter Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Kemna

St. Elizabeth, Missouri, USA - Tavern Creek
Bridgemeister ID:611 (added 2003-01-14)
Year Completed:1924
Location:St. Elizabeth, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Tavern Creek
Coordinates:38.247265 N 92.245431 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.9 meters (167 feet)
Deck width:11.1 feet


External Links:

Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Paul Boudreau

1924: Komnes

Komnes, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4094 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Komnes, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.506986 N 9.890720 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

1924: Larry's River

Larry's River, Nova Scotia, Canada - Larry's River Estuary
Bridgemeister ID:7594 (added 2023-05-07)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Larry's River
Location:Larry's River, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crossing:Larry's River Estuary
Status:Dismantled, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1924: Longmire

Packwood vicinity, Washington, USA - Nisqually River
Bridgemeister ID:142 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1924
Also Known As:Nisqually
Location:Packwood vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Nisqually River
At or Near Feature:Mt. Rainier National Park
Coordinates:46.74903 N 121.80777 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James A. French
Use:Vehicular (one-lane) and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55.8 meters (183 feet) estimated


  • 1950: Reconstructed.
  • 2024, August: Weight restrictions imposed due to concerns over the bridge's age and condition.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1924: Mangaheia I

Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand - Mangaheia River
Bridgemeister ID:707 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Mangaheia I
Location:Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangaheia River
Principals:Tom Ryan
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet)


  • GAP: completed circa 1924. One of "The Five Bridges" that spanned the Mangaheia on the Tauwhareparae Road.

1924: Mangaheia II

Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand - Mangaheia River
Bridgemeister ID:708 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Mangaheia II
Location:Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangaheia River
Principals:Tom Ryan
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • GAP: completed circa 1924. One of "The Five Bridges" that spanned the Mangaheia on the Tauwhareparae Road.

1924: Mangaheia III

Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand - Mangaheia River
Bridgemeister ID:709 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Mangaheia III
Location:Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangaheia River
Principals:Tom Ryan
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • GAP: completed circa 1924. One of "The Five Bridges" that spanned the Mangaheia on the Tauwhareparae Road.

1924: Mangaheia IV

Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand - Mangaheia River
Bridgemeister ID:710 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Mangaheia IV
Location:Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangaheia River
Principals:Tom Ryan
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • GAP: completed circa 1924. One of "The Five Bridges" that spanned the Mangaheia on the Tauwhareparae Road.

1924: Mangaheia V

Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand - Mangaheia River
Bridgemeister ID:711 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1924
Name:Mangaheia V
Location:Tauwhareparae Road, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangaheia River
Principals:Tom Ryan
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • GAP: completed circa 1924. One of "The Five Bridges" that spanned the Mangaheia on the Tauwhareparae Road.

1924: Nocona

Nocona vicinity, Texas and Jefferson County, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:140 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1924
Also Known As:Bluff, Ketchum Bluff, Ketchum's Bluff
Location:Nocona vicinity, Texas and Jefferson County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
At or Near Feature:Ketchum Bluff
Coordinates:33.93579 N 97.75869 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)


  • Legend has it the bridge was burned during a dispute. This likely occurred before 1955. Some sources suggest it occurred before or during 1950. The road that leads to the Texas side of the former crossing is "Burned Out Bridge Road." Follow the image of the derelict tower to see the remains of the bridge.
  • AUB mentions: "In January 1924, a contract was entered into with Nocona Bridge Company for a bridge across Red River, nine miles north of Nocona, connecting Texas and Oklahoma. The plans called for a 700' span, 16' roadway, and the main cables to contain 1,000 No. 9 galvanized wires each. The building of this, [the Austin Bridge Company's] first complete cable bridge, and the experience gained therefrom helped to launch Austin Bridge Company into an interesting and profitable line of work."

External Links:

Photo by Tony King

1924: Otowi

Otowi, New Mexico, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:143 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Otowi, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:35.874725 N 106.141861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James A. French
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (174 feet)
Deck width:10 feet


  • Bypassed, 1948.

External Links:

Photo by Eric Sakowski Photo by David Denenberg

1924: Saint-Leu

Saint-Leu-d'Esserent, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:1947 (added 2005-11-04)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Saint-Leu-d'Esserent, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.213680 N 2.422861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Shoki

Bridgemeister ID:1144 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1924
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet)

1924: Skutskär

Skutskär, Sweden - Dalälven
Bridgemeister ID:3355 (added 2019-12-15)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Skutskär, Sweden
Coordinates:60.611988 N 17.442079 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1924: Swinging

Thomson, Minnesota, USA - St. Louis River
Bridgemeister ID:2103 (added 2006-08-19)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Thomson, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:St. Louis River
At or Near Feature:Jay Cooke State Park
Coordinates:46.653649 N 92.370458 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:U.S. Forest Service
Status:Replaced, 1935
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1924: Villemur-sur-Tarn

Villemur-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:1851 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:1924
Location:Villemur-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Status:Destroyed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1925: (pipeline bridge)

Byers vicinity, Texas, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1856 (added 2005-07-17)
Year Completed:1925
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Byers vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Red River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire


  • In AUB, two main spans and part of another suspended span are visible.

1925: (suspension bridge)

Forshaga, Sweden - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:5676 (added 2021-02-27)
Year Completed:1925
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Forshaga, Sweden
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (420 feet)

1925: (suspension bridge)

Hakis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6716 (added 2021-10-09)
Year Completed:1925
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hakis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.218917 N 73.510083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60.4 meters (198 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Post with several images of the bridge. September 12, 2021.

1925: A.A. Hadley

Honeydew vicinity, California, USA - Mattole River
Bridgemeister ID:589 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1925
Name:A.A. Hadley
Also Known As:Mattole River, Lindley
Location:Honeydew vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Mattole River
Coordinates:40.25 N 124.165 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1925: Blair Grove

Miranda vicinity, California, USA - South Fok Eel River
Bridgemeister ID:5667 (added 2021-01-30)
Year Completed:1925
Name:Blair Grove
Location:Miranda vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:South Fok Eel River
Coordinates:40.258954 N 123.841625 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

1925: Bodie Creek

Falkland Islands
Bridgemeister ID:1922 (added 2005-10-09)
Year Completed:1925
Name:Bodie Creek
Location:Falkland Islands
Coordinates:51.853916 S 59.016884 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co., Charles Peters
Use:Vehicular (one-lane) and Stock
Status:Closed, 1997 (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by David Owen Photo by Rex Eagle

1925: Buechter

St. Anthony vicinity, Missouri, USA - Tavern Creek
Bridgemeister ID:610 (added 2003-01-14)
Year Completed:1925
Location:St. Anthony vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Tavern Creek
Coordinates:38.141573 N 92.297910 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet)
Deck width:12.1 feet


External Links:

Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Paul Boudreau

1925: Elvenes

Elvenes, Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Pasvikelva
Bridgemeister ID:3765 (added 2020-02-29)
Year Completed:1925
Location:Elvenes, Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.679423 N 30.113124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet)
Deck width:2.6 meters


External Links:

1925: Grimma

Grimma, Saxony, Germany - Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:1504 (added 2004-10-08)
Year Completed:1925
Location:Grimma, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Mulde River
Coordinates:51.22805 N 12.72555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)
Deck width:1.8 meters between side rails


  • Rebuilt, 1949. Reconstruction, 1989, 1998, and in 2003 after 2002 flood damage.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1925: Kliethermes

St. Anthony vicinity, Missouri, USA - Tavern Creek
Bridgemeister ID:609 (added 2003-01-14)
Year Completed:1925
Also Known As:Brumley
Location:St. Anthony vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Tavern Creek
Coordinates:38.178223 N 92.322981 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, March, 2008
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.8 meters (215.8 feet)
Deck width:10.8 feet


External Links:

Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Paul Boudreau

1925: Luzancy

Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:4920 (added 2020-07-26)
Year Completed:1925
Location:Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
References:AAJ, PTS2
Main Cables:Reinforced Concrete
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1925: Mellah Slimane

Constantine, Algeria - Oued Rhumel
Bridgemeister ID:1117 (added 2004-01-05)
Year Completed:1925
Name:Mellah Slimane
Also Known As:Perrégaux
Location:Constantine, Algeria
Crossing:Oued Rhumel
Coordinates:36.366261 N 6.615007 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Arnodin
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet)
Deck width:2.4 meters

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1925: Mill Creek

Brumley vicinity, Missouri, USA - Mill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:342 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1925
Name:Mill Creek
Location:Brumley vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Mill Creek
Coordinates:38.078408 N 92.524264 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 29.3 meters (96 feet) estimated
Side Span:1
Deck width:11.1 feet


External Links:

Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1925: Pandora

Pandora, Limón, Costa Rica - Estrella River
Bridgemeister ID:436 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1925
Also Known As:Southeast Passage
Location:Pandora, Limón, Costa Rica
Crossing:Estrella River
Coordinates:9.736861 N 82.962167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:PTS2, USS
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet)


Photo courtesy of Nora Ovares

1925: Powhatan

Powhatan, Arkansas, USA - Black River
Bridgemeister ID:144 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1925
Location:Powhatan, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Black River
Coordinates:36.081556 N 91.116222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, AUB
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 116.4 meters (382 feet)

External Links:

1925: Springvale

Taihape vicinity, New Zealand - Rangitikei River
Bridgemeister ID:713 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1925
Location:Taihape vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Rangitikei River
Coordinates:39.488097 S 176.033601 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1925: Swinging

River Falls, Wisconsin, USA - Kinnickinnic River South Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1193 (added 2004-01-25)
Year Completed:1925
Location:River Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Kinnickinnic River South Fork
At or Near Feature:Glen Park
Coordinates:44.853817 N 92.6333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 9.1 meters (30 feet)


  • Rehabilitated, 1985.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg

1925: Térénez

Landévennec vicinity and Rosnoen vicinity, Finistère, France - Aulne River
Bridgemeister ID:1912 (added 2005-10-08)
Year Completed:1925
Location:Landévennec vicinity and Rosnoen vicinity, Finistère, France
Crossing:Aulne River
Coordinates:48.269120 N 4.262766 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 272 meters (892.4 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1925: Wind River

Carson, Washington, USA - Wind River
Bridgemeister ID:1004 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1925
Name:Wind River
Location:Carson, Washington, USA
Crossing:Wind River
Status:Replaced, 1961
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: (suspension bridge)

Arero, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:720 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1926
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Arero, Tolaga Bay vicinity, New Zealand

1926: (suspension bridge)

Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - Cache La Poudre River
Bridgemeister ID:2327 (added 2007-06-11)
Year Completed:1926
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Cache La Poudre River
Coordinates:40.578366 N 105.045251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Suspended flume, carried waste material away from the Great Western Sugar Co. factory. Has not been used since 1950s.

1926: Andy Warhol

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:148 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Andy Warhol
Also Known As:Seventh Street
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:40.44626 N 80.00145 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Vernon R. Covell, T.J. Wilkerson, A.D. Nutter, H.E. Dodge, Stanley L. Roush
References:AAJ, BOP, BPL, PBR, PTS2, USS
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 134.7 meters (442 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 67.4 meters (221 feet)
Deck width:62 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Arapuni

Arapuni Power Station, New Zealand - Waikato River
Bridgemeister ID:714 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Arapuni Power Station, New Zealand
Crossing:Waikato River
Coordinates:38.070585 S 175.644480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co., Armstrong Whitworth
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Benjamin Franklin

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Camden, New Jersey, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:145 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Benjamin Franklin
Also Known As:Philadelphia-Camden
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Camden, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:39.95333 N 75.135 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Modjeski, Webster, Ball, Moiseff
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail (subway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 533.4 meters (1,750 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 219.3 meters (719.5 feet)
Deck width:125.5 feet


External Links:

Photo by Bill Campbell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Bertrand Road

Huirangi, New Zealand - Waitara River
Bridgemeister ID:716 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Bertrand Road
Location:Huirangi, New Zealand
Crossing:Waitara River
Coordinates:39.047336 S 174.254549 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:N.C. Fookes
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use, 2006 (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet)


External Links:

1926: Boeckman

St. Elizabeth, Missouri, USA - Big Tavern Creek
Bridgemeister ID:608 (added 2003-01-14)
Year Completed:1926
Location:St. Elizabeth, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Big Tavern Creek
Coordinates:38.22667 N 92.24 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Status:Replaced, 2003
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)
Deck width:12.4 feet


  • Federal Highway Administration year 2000 data listed 1910 as the year of completion.
  • Original timber towers replaced with steel towers, 1988.
Photo by Miriam Buechter

1926: Corbett

Corbett, New York, USA - East Branch Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:324 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Also Known As:Corbett and Stuart
Location:Corbett, New York, USA
Crossing:East Branch Delaware River
Coordinates:42.04633 N 75.02768 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Blaise Blabac Photo by David Denenberg

1926: Dhakuria

Rabindra Sarovar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Rabindra Sarovar Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2847 (added 2019-07-07)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Rabindra Sarovar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Rabindra Sarovar Lake
Coordinates:22.511127 N 88.355322 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Eustaquio Palacios

Roldanillo vicinity and Zarzal vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2012 (added 2006-01-04)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Eustaquio Palacios
Location:Roldanillo vicinity and Zarzal vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.405070 N 76.101374 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1926: Fron

Fron, Llandyssil, Wales, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:4617 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Fron, Llandyssil, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
Coordinates:52.568132 N 3.207281 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1926: Henmo

Østeraunet, Aunet, Tydal and Henmo, Aunet, Tydal, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3880 (added 2020-03-08)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Østeraunet, Aunet, Tydal and Henmo, Aunet, Tydal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.04982 N 11.58648 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1975
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


1926: Hercilio Luz

Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:437 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Hercilio Luz
Also Known As:Florianopolis
Location:Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Coordinates:27.59393 S 48.56619 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David B. Steinman, Holton D. Robinson
References:AAJ, ADDS, BBR, PTS2, USS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 339.5 meters (1,113.75 feet)
Deck width:37 feet

External Links:

Photo by Evandro Boff de Mello Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Hidalgo-Reynosa International

Hidalgo, Texas, USA and Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:146 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Hidalgo-Reynosa International
Location:Hidalgo, Texas, USA and Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:26.095389 N 98.272000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, AUB, HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1960's
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 137.2 meters (450 feet)


  • Damaged by flood, 1933. Rebuilt, 1934. Cables failed, 1939. Rebuilt.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: La Guasca

El Peñol and Policarpa, Narino, Colombia - Patia River
Bridgemeister ID:7648 (added 2023-06-03)
Year Completed:1926
Name:La Guasca
Also Known As:Puerto Rico
Location:El Peñol and Policarpa, Narino, Colombia
Crossing:Patia River
Coordinates:1.594139 N 77.429486 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Julio Souza Alves
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 2003 and 2020-2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 2003: Much of the bridge is dynamited. Stone towers remain.
  • 2020 (or early 2021): The stone towers are demolished to make way for a replacement bridge.

External Links:

1926: Laon

Laon, Aisne, France
Bridgemeister ID:8219 (added 2024-02-06)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Laon, Aisne, France
Coordinates:49.571000 N 3.635639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Reinforced Concrete
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Lower Hurunui

North Canterbury, New Zealand - Hurunui River
Bridgemeister ID:719 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Lower Hurunui
Location:North Canterbury, New Zealand
Crossing:Hurunui River
Coordinates:42.907226 S 173.273596 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:H.F. Toogood
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • GAP: Refurbished, 1983.
  • Not entirely clear the bridge described in GAP as the "Lower Hurunui" bridge near the mouth of the Hurunui is the same bridge as the present day bridge carrying Blythe Road. The detailed description of the 1926 bridge does not seem to match the current structure. However, Thornton also implied major changes to the bridge during the 1983 refurbishment.
Photo by David Denenberg

1926: Nassau

Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:1133 (added 2004-01-16)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Coordinates:50.311299 N 7.795710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 2004
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74.9 meters (245.75 feet)


  • The "cables" of this bridge appear to have been steel plates riveted together. The deck is plate girder. Not surprisingly, recent photos of the bridge show it resting on two intermediate piers. AAJ describes the cables: "'laminated chains' made of flat iron plates, there being two such chains to a side, each of five plates riveted together."
  • Replaced 1830 (suspension bridge) - Nassau, Germany.
  • Replaced by 2005 Nassau - Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Oiselay

Sorgues, Vaucluse, France
Bridgemeister ID:7273 (added 2022-07-22)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Sorgues, Vaucluse, France
Coordinates:44.023850 N 4.843694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 151 meters (495.4 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Oriente

Oriente, Jiménez, Cartago, Costa Rica - Pejibaye River
Bridgemeister ID:438 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Oriente, Jiménez, Cartago, Costa Rica
Crossing:Pejibaye River
Coordinates:9.834250 N 83.681556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:PTS2, USS
Status:Removed, c. 2002-2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)


  • Built with a set of tram tracks designed for cars hauling fruit.
  • Older sources refer to the "Pejivalle" river.
  • Removed at some point in the 2002-2015 time frame.

1926: Satok

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia - Sarawak River
Bridgemeister ID:1574 (added 2004-12-12)
Year Completed:1926
Also Known As:Yellow
Location:Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Crossing:Sarawak River
Coordinates:1.554709 N 110.324370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:Collapsed, 2004
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)


  • 1992: Closed to pedestrian traffic.
  • 2004, October 7: Collapsed. Was still closed to pedestrian traffic at the time of the collapse, but was still carrying the local water supply.
  • Later at same location 2021 Satok - Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Second Alexandra

Spuzzum, British Columbia, Canada - Fraser River
Bridgemeister ID:147 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Second Alexandra
Location:Spuzzum, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Fraser River
At or Near Feature:Caribou Highway
Coordinates:49.70739 N 121.41669 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1926: Shirakawa

Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3206 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1926
Also Known As:白川橋
Location:Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.579518 N 137.186653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 74.6 meters (244.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 20 meters (65.6 feet)

External Links:

1926: Swinging

Pawhuska, Oklahoma, USA - Bird Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3061 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:1926
Location:Pawhuska, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Bird Creek
Coordinates:36.659110 N 96.341366 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J.M. Buckley
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by Wes Kinsler

1926: Yunguita

Colombia - Suaza River
Bridgemeister ID:439 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Crossing:Suaza River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103.3 meters (339 feet)
Deck width:10 feet

External Links:

1927: (footbridge)

Forst, Germany - Lusatian Neisse River
Bridgemeister ID:5562 (added 2020-12-19)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Forst, Germany
Crossing:Lusatian Neisse River
Coordinates:51.748356 N 14.659815 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (129.89 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 19.8 meters (64.94 feet)


  • Coordinates are for likely alignment of this former bridge, with at least one pier remaining (as of 2020).

1927: (footbridge)

Töpeln and Wöllsdorf, Saxony, Germany - Zschopau River
Bridgemeister ID:2301 (added 2007-04-26)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Töpeln and Wöllsdorf, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zschopau River
Status:Destroyed, 2002, by flood
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced by a cable-stayed bridge April, 2004.

1927: Bingsfoss

Sørumsand, Lillestrøm, Viken, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3931 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Sørumsand, Lillestrøm, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.98854 N 11.26129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1978
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

1927: Briollay

Briollay, Maine-et-Loire, France - Sarthe River
Bridgemeister ID:6700 (added 2021-10-03)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Briollay, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Sarthe River
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Bryan-Fannin

Telephone, Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Bryan County, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:602 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Telephone, Snow's Ferry, Bryant-Fannin
Location:Telephone, Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Bryan County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.844484 N 96.011125 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, December, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Sometimes referenced as "Bryant-Fannin". The bridge unquestionably connected Fannin County to Bryan County, Oklahoma, but according to a article (Fannin County TXGenWeb - Ferry's in Fannin County, from Pat Pryor, by Kathy J. Ellis) it was erected at a site known as "Bryant's Crossing" named for a local, Dave Bryant. The Steinman inventory lists it as "Bryan-Fannin". AUB mentions it as "Bryant-Fannin". The Rootsweb article also mentions it collapsed in 1940 under weight of a truck.
  • An article in the December 6, 1940 issue of The Port Arthur News (Texas) titled: "Suspension Bridge Plunges Into Red River" describes the collapse: "Owners of a $75,000 tollbridge which plunged into the Red River Wednesday when a suspension cable anchor pulled loose were undecided today whether it would be rebuilt. The bridge, owned by the Austin Bridge company of Dallas, was near Telephone, Tex., 12 miles north of here, and was several miles from a principal highway. Most of the traffic from the Bonham area toward Oklahoma is across a structure built recently to replace a toll bridge at nearby Sowell's bluff that collapsed in 1930. Mrs. Jim Freeman, toll keeper, said she heard a 'rumble' and looked up to see the 'deadman anchor' pull loose, throwing the entire weight of the 1,300 foot span on the other cable. It snapped, and the flooring and steel framework of the bridge sagged into the water. No one was on the structure when it fell."
  • Remains of three piers are still visible, 2019.

1927: Chartrouse

Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:4846 (added 2020-07-11)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Rhône River
At or Near Feature:Lône des Pilotes
Coordinates:43.463752 N 4.743590 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1927: Durant-Bonham

Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Yuba/Durant vicinity, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:603 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Sowell's Bluff
Location:Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Yuba/Durant vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, 1934
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • According to a rootsweb article (Fannin County TXGenWeb - Ferry's in Fannin County, from Pat Pryor, by Kathy J. Ellis), "when in 1932 this bridge fell, many people said that acid had been put on the cables to break them so that people from Oklahoma could not cross to Bonham." However, the true date of collapse may have been in 1934. The February 2, 1934 issue of The Daily Oklahoman has a front-page article with a photo of the bridge with collapsed deck. The photo is captioned: "The Red River Bridge on Highway 22 Near Durant After the Midnight Crash," and the article reads: "Here Is the debris of a $60,000 investment made by the states of Oklahoma and Texas eight months ago when they purchased the Bonham-Durant bridge across the Red river on highway 22. Three of the five spans of the 1,500-foot suspension bridge turned upside down and dropped into the river bed when a four-Inch wire cable rusted and broke in two about 15 feet from the ground on the Texas side. A lull in the usual heavy traffic across the bridge prevented accidents. The crash came at midnight, and one motorist had barely reached the Texas side when the cable gave away. Other motorists stopped their cars just in time to witness the spans of the bridge crash 40 feet into the stream. The bridge was built in 1926 and was operated as a toll bridge until 1933 when the two states bought it and made it a free crossing."
  • In the October 1989 edition of the Oklahoma Water News an article (excerpted from an article in The Chronicles of Oklahoma by Dr. Bernice N. Crockett) states: "On January 15, 1934, a norther of terrific force came up which cause the Sowell's Bluff Bridge to fall. At 1 a.m. the wire cables on the Fannin side of the river became twisted, then snapped, broken in half, and the entire massive structure fell into the river below -- a complete wreck."

1927: General U.S. Grant

Portsmouth, Ohio and Fullerton, Kentucky, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:151 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1927
Name:General U.S. Grant
Location:Portsmouth, Ohio and Fullerton, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:38.725 N 82.99833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman, J.E. Greiner, Dravo Co.
References:AAJ, PTS2, SSS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:Demolished, July 2001
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 106.7 meters (350 feet)
Deck width:28.5 feet


  • AAJ: "Recabled" in 1939.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Hellestraumen

Helle, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Hellestraumen
Bridgemeister ID:4412 (added 2020-04-19)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Helle, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.564000 N 5.753306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated

1927: Hugo Preuss

Berlin, Germany - Berlin-Spandau Ship Canal
Bridgemeister ID:2090 (added 2006-07-02)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Hugo Preuss
Also Known As:Hugo Preuß, Humboldthafen, Admiral Scheer
Location:Berlin, Germany
Crossing:Berlin-Spandau Ship Canal
Coordinates:52.523580 N 13.372238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1945
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Jargeau

Jargeau and Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6805 (added 2021-11-21)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel
Location:Jargeau and Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.868650 N 2.124035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1965
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Limestone Ford

Awatere Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:722 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Limestone Ford
Location:Awatere Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand


  • GAP: Replaced, early 1970's.

1927: Mediacanoa

Buga, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2010 (added 2006-01-04)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Buga, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

1927: Miyoshi

Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:1145 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 139.9 meters (459 feet)


  • BAAW: suspension cables removed, 1989, replaced by arches. However, the modified structure (pictured in BAAW) appears to be more of a continuous truss than an arch-based structure. The bridge appears to have been subsequently removed entirely as there are no current (as of 2020) Yoshino River bridges near Myoshi resembling the bridge.

1927: Montjean-sur-Loire

Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1602 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.395958 N 0.858340 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1936
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:4
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Neals Landing

Neals Landing, Donalsonville vicinity, Georgia and Jackson County, Florida, USA - Chattahoochee River
Bridgemeister ID:2145 (added 2006-11-05)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Neals Landing
Location:Neals Landing, Donalsonville vicinity, Georgia and Jackson County, Florida, USA
Crossing:Chattahoochee River
Coordinates:30.977306 N 85.006000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:PTS2, RRC
Status:Removed, c. 1954
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Condemned, 1953, due to sinking foundation.
  • Follow the image for more information about this bridge and location.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo courtesy of Jen McDaniel

1927: Orellana

El Rancho, El Progresso, Guatemala - Rio Motagua
Bridgemeister ID:1481 (added 2004-09-04)
Year Completed:1927
Location:El Rancho, El Progresso, Guatemala
Crossing:Rio Motagua
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

1927: Port à l'Anglais

Alfortville and Vitry-sur-Seine, Val-de-Marne, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1114 (added 2004-01-05)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Port à l'Anglais
Location:Alfortville and Vitry-sur-Seine, Val-de-Marne, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:48.797333 N 2.41875 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BC3, BPF, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (three-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet),
1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)
Deck width:40 feet


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Rachel Carson

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:150 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Rachel Carson
Also Known As:Ninth Street
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:40.44669 N 79.99980 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Vernon R. Covell, T.J. Wilkerson, A.D. Nutter, H.E. Dodge, Stanley L. Roush
References:AAJ, BOP, BPL, PBR, PTS2, USS
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 131.1 meters (430 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 65.5 meters (215 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Ravine

Douglass College Campus, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Bridgemeister ID:877 (added 2003-08-31)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Old Bouncer, Kissing
Location:Douglass College Campus, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Coordinates:40.485867 N 74.43495 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.8 meters (101 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1927: Rånåsfoss

Rånåsfoss, Viken, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3930 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1927
Location:Rånåsfoss, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.031390 N 11.327592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 184 meters (603.7 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Saint Jo

Illinois Bend, Saint Jo vicinity, Texas and Wilson vicinity, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:601 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Saint Jo
Also Known As:Airline, Air-Line
Location:Illinois Bend, Saint Jo vicinity, Texas and Wilson vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.917051 N 97.486010 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)

External Links:

1927: San Pablo

Soná, Veraguas, Panama - Rio San Pablo
Bridgemeister ID:7981 (added 2023-12-02)
Year Completed:1927
Name:San Pablo
Location:Soná, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio San Pablo
Coordinates:8.000111 N 81.296694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Shaky

Cork, Ireland - River Lee
Bridgemeister ID:553 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Shakey, Daly's
Location:Cork, Ireland
Crossing:River Lee
At or Near Feature:Sunday's Well, Fitzgerald's Park
Coordinates:51.896585 N 8.499218 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2019, September: Dismantled for refurbishment, expected to be completed in early 2020.
  • 2020, September: Refurbishment stalled during contract negotiations with contract. Bridge has been reassembled with new cables but work is not completed.
  • 2020, October: Completion of refurbishment still on hold as two companies involved in the project go into examinership.
  • 2020, December: Restored bridge reopens.

External Links:

Photo by Johnny Ryan Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Upper

Warsaw, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:1070 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Coordinates:38.244110 N 93.388767 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 29 meters (95 feet) estimated


  • Joseph Dice supervised the construction of this bridge to replace the 1904 structure destroyed in a tornado in 1924. A postcard of this bridge reads: "built in 1927 by the Benton County Court and by popular subscription of citizens to replace a similar bridge destroyed by a windstorm two years earlier. Structure swings on two wire cables imbedded and anchored in concrete and stone. The towers and floor beams are of steel while the floor is of wood. A state highway crosses this bridge."
  • Reopened for pedestrians, 2007, after being closed for several years.
  • Replaced 1904 Upper (Swinging) - Warsaw, Missouri, USA.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Ben Prusia Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Jim Neill Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Waiho Gorge

Franz Josef Glacier vicinity, New Zealand - Waiho River
Bridgemeister ID:721 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Waiho Gorge
Location:Franz Josef Glacier vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiho River
Coordinates:43.393202 S 170.180682 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1990
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: White Star

Dayhoit, Kentucky, USA - Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:2556 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:1927
Name:White Star
Location:Dayhoit, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Cumberland River
Coordinates:36.841500 N 83.377194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


  • The town of Dayhoit has also been known as Day, White Star, and Wilhoit.

External Links:

1928: (suspension bridge)

Galesburg, Illinois, USA - Lake Bracken
Bridgemeister ID:280 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Galesburg, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Lake Bracken
At or Near Feature:Lake Bracken Country Club Boat Harbor
Coordinates:40.861999 N 90.350571 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

1928: (suspension bridge)

Rio Rico, Mexico and Mercedes, Texas, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:1077 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1928
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio Rico, Mexico and Mercedes, Texas, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
References:HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1941
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet)


  • Destroyed by flood 1941.

1928: Åbrua

Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3914 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1928
Also Known As:Aaen
Location:Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.288617 N 10.823438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1980
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

1928: Bernardo Arango

La Virginia vicinity and Cerritos vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2016 (added 2006-01-14)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Bernardo Arango
Location:La Virginia vicinity and Cerritos vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.891980 N 75.882927 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 190 meters (623.4 feet)

1928: Colfax-Iowa Hill

Colfax vicinity, California, USA - North Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:588 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Colfax-Iowa Hill
Location:Colfax vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork American River
Coordinates:39.09993 N 120.92480 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

1928: Des Arc

Des Arc, Arkansas, USA - White River
Bridgemeister ID:152 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Des Arc
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Des Arc, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:White River
Coordinates:34.974811 N 91.487684 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co
References:AUB, PTS2
Status:Demolished, August 1970
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 198.1 meters (650 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 97.5 meters (320 feet)


  • The coordinates provided here indicate the approximate alignment of the bridge, about 0.5 miles southeast of the current (2020s) Des Arc White River crossing. The bridge delivered traffic near the east end of East Chester Street in Des Arc.

External Links:

1928: Fort Steuben

Steubenville, Ohio and Weirton, West Virginia, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:154 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Fort Steuben
Location:Steubenville, Ohio and Weirton, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:40.37833 N 80.615 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Dravo Co.
References:AAJ, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Demolished, February 2012 (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 209.9 meters (688.75 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 86.3 meters (283 feet)
Deck width:20.25 feet


External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Donny Oliver Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Kaibab Trail

Bright Angel Campground vicinity, Arizona, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:155 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Kaibab Trail
Also Known As:Black, South Kaibab
Location:Bright Angel Campground vicinity, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
At or Near Feature:Grand Canyon National Park
Coordinates:36.10076 N 112.08918 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ward P. Webber, John H. Lawrence
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 126.8 meters (416 feet) estimated
Deck width:5 feet


External Links:

Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Kiyosu

Chuo City, Tokyo, Japan - Sumida River
Bridgemeister ID:440 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Also Known As:清洲橋
Location:Chuo City, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Sumida River
Coordinates:35.682395 N 139.792022 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Yutaka Tanaka
References:AAJ, BAAW, PTS2, SSS
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (299.9 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:85 feet


  • Self-anchored.
  • 2019: Major rehabilitation in progress.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Morca

Morca and Balangera, Italy - Sesia River
Bridgemeister ID:2677 (added 2019-03-30)
Year Completed:1928
Location:Morca and Balangera, Italy
Crossing:Sesia River
Coordinates:45.821768 N 8.214935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Giuseppe Magistrini
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

Morca Suspension Bridge

1928: Point Pleasant

Point Pleasant, West Virginia and Kanauga, Gallipolis vicinity, Ohio, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:156 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Point Pleasant
Also Known As:Silver
Location:Point Pleasant, West Virginia and Kanauga, Gallipolis vicinity, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:38.845 N 82.141111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J.E. Greiner Co.
References:AAJ, BDO, ENR19290620a, ENR19290620b, GBD, LAB, PTS2, SSS
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Collapsed, 1967
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 115.8 meters (380 feet)
Deck width:27 feet


External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Roberto Clemente

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:158 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Roberto Clemente
Also Known As:Sixth Street
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:40.44558 N 80.00332 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Vernon R. Covell, T.J. Wilkerson, A.D. Nutter, H.E. Dodge, Stanley L. Roush
References:AAJ, BOP, BPL, PBR, PTS2, SSS, USS
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 131.1 meters (430 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 65.5 meters (215 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Roma-Miguel Alemán International

Roma, Texas, USA and Ciudad Miguel Alemán, Mexico - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:157 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Roma-Miguel Alemán International
Also Known As:Roma-San Pedro International
Location:Roma, Texas, USA and Ciudad Miguel Alemán, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:26.403821 N 99.018856 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:George Cole, Starr County Bridge Co., Compañía del Puente de San Pedro de Roma
References:HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Closed, 1979 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 192 meters (629.9 feet)
Deck width:6.9 meters


  • Closed. Scheduled to be restored as pedestrian crossing.

External Links:

1928: Saint Marys

Saint Marys, West Virginia and Newport, Ohio, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:159 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Saint Marys
Also Known As:Hi Carpenter, Short Route
Location:Saint Marys, West Virginia and Newport, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Principals:J.E. Greiner Co.
References:BPL, GBD, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1971
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2


Photo by Ralph Trepal

1928: Saint-Hubert

Port Saint-Hubert, Plouër-sur-Rance vicinity and La Ville-es-Nonais, Côtes-d'Armor, France - Rance River
Bridgemeister ID:1492 (added 2004-09-19)
Year Completed:1928
Location:Port Saint-Hubert, Plouër-sur-Rance vicinity and La Ville-es-Nonais, Côtes-d'Armor, France
Crossing:Rance River
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Senumstad

Væting, Birkenes, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4320 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:1928
Location:Væting, Birkenes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.417324 N 8.291204 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1957


1928: Tamate

Kashiwara, Osaka, Japan - Ishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4651 (added 2020-06-17)
Year Completed:1928
Also Known As:玉手橋
Location:Kashiwara, Osaka, Japan
Crossing:Ishi River
Coordinates:34.566634 N 135.621691 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1928: Tarassac

St. Martin-de-l'Arcon vicinity, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:1449 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1928
Location:St. Martin-de-l'Arcon vicinity, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.564766 N 2.974529 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104.2 meters (342 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1928: Ulvøya

Oslo, Norway - Ulvøysund
Bridgemeister ID:2731 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:1928
Also Known As:Ulvøybrua
Location:Oslo, Norway
Coordinates:59.872686 N 10.777882 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 143 meters (469.2 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:2004 (added 2005-12-26)
Year Completed:1928
Location:Volonne, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Status:Destroyed, 1944


External Links:

1928: Zapata

Zapata, Texas, USA and Ciudad Guerrero, Mexico - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:1445 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1928
Location:Zapata, Texas, USA and Ciudad Guerrero, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:26.878472 N 99.326563 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Inundated, 1953
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 165 meters (541.3 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Inundated during creation of Falcon Reservoir.
Image courtesy of Stephen Taylor and Zapata Historical Society Image courtesy of Stephen Taylor and TXDOT

1929: (suspension bridge)

Gol, Viken, Norway - Vesleåne
Bridgemeister ID:4463 (added 2020-04-26)
Year Completed:1929
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gol, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.698535 N 8.951871 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26 meters (85.3 feet) estimated


  • Removed at some point between 1972 and 2006.

External Links:

1929: (suspension bridge)

Ngapakira, New Zealand - Ruakituri River
Bridgemeister ID:725 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1929
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ngapakira, New Zealand
Crossing:Ruakituri River

1929: (suspension bridge)

Waimata Valley, Gisborne vicinity, New Zealand - Waimata River
Bridgemeister ID:728 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1929
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Waimata Valley, Gisborne vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waimata River

1929: Ambassador

Detroit, Michigan, USA and Windsor, Ontario, Canada - Detroit River
Bridgemeister ID:160 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Detroit, Michigan, USA and Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Detroit River
Coordinates:42.31210 N 83.07402 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jonathan Jones, McClintic-Marshall
References:AAJ, AMB, GBD, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 563.9 meters (1,850 feet)
Deck width:55 feet


External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Auburn-Coloma

Auburn and Coloma, California, USA - North Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:1624 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Auburn and Coloma, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork American River
Principals:Smith Brothers
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1948
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, courtesy of Kevin Walsh

1929: Borglund

Borglund, Veme, Ringerike, Viken, Norway - Sogna
Bridgemeister ID:4017 (added 2020-03-28)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Borglund, Veme, Ringerike, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.20807 N 10.05918 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (214.9 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Major rehabilitation completed, 2017, including complete replacement of towers.

1929: Chainbridge

Berwyn, Llangollen, Wales, United Kingdom - River Dee
Bridgemeister ID:1303 (added 2004-04-09)
Year Completed:1929
Also Known As:Chain
Location:Berwyn, Llangollen, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dee
Coordinates:52.98025 N 3.1946 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Henry Robertson
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Crosses both River Dee and Llangollen Canal
  • A thorough report on these bridges was published in 2010 by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales (RCAHMW), Chain Bridge, Llantysilio, Denbighshire. The Pickering bridge (built 1817, according to the report) was contructed with the deck laid on the chains. This bridge was removed in 1870 but appears not to have been replaced until at least 1876. The new bridge, not simply refurbished, was constructed with the deck supported by the chains underneath, but in an "underspanned" fashion with small pillars resting on the chains, supporting a level deck. This bridge was destroyed by flood on Feb. 16, 1928. The report also investigates whether the chains of the current (1929) bridge are the original chains from the 1817 Pickering bridge and concludes there is evidence "supporting the hypothesis that the chains we see on the bridge today are same as those put on the bridge in 1817" and adds "If the present chains are the originals, there is little reason to doubt that they are the oldest suspension bridge chains in the western world."
  • 2015: Underwent major restoration and reopened.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Creighton's

Inangahua County, New Zealand - Maruia River
Bridgemeister ID:724 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Inangahua County, New Zealand
Crossing:Maruia River

1929: Fox River

Fox Glacier, New Zealand - Fox River
Bridgemeister ID:729 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Fox River
Location:Fox Glacier, New Zealand
Crossing:Fox River
Coordinates:43.487188 S 170.029302 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)

External Links:

1929: Grand Mère

Grand-Mère, Quebec, Canada - St. Maurice River
Bridgemeister ID:162 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Grand Mère
Location:Grand-Mère, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. Maurice River
Coordinates:46.620117 N 72.6794 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
References:AAJ, BC3, BPL, PTS2, SJR
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 289.2 meters (948.8 feet)
Deck width:26 feet

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Hinckesman's Access Road

Frasertown vicinity, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Mangapoike River
Bridgemeister ID:726 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Hinckesman's Access Road
Location:Frasertown vicinity, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangapoike River
Principals:T. Delaney
Status:Destroyed, 1935


1929: Hipólito Yrigoyen

Necochea and Quequén, Argentina - Rio Quequén
Bridgemeister ID:441 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Hipólito Yrigoyen
Also Known As:Rio Quequén
Location:Necochea and Quequén, Argentina
Crossing:Rio Quequén
Coordinates:38.552048 S 58.725680 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:P. Palazzo
References:AAJ, SSS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 59.7 meters (196 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Idabel-Clarksville

Idabel vicinity, Oklahoma and Clarksville vicinity, Texas, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:2378 (added 2007-10-21)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Idabel vicinity, Oklahoma and Clarksville vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Red River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Status:Destroyed, 1933
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


  • The November 1933 issue of The Wisconsin Engineer (a publication of the University of Wisconsin) has an article by C.W.P. Walter about research that was being performed by the University of Wisconsin's Engineering Department: "The particular hardware laden contrivance [in the Engineering Building] is a half-model of the Red River Bridge which carried light highway traffic between Clarksville, Texas, and Idabel, Oklahoma. In the early part of this year movement of the Red River as a result of flood waters washed away one of the intermediate piers supporting the end spans, and cause the cable to drop and be subjected to impact loading. It was contended by the company owning the bridge that the cable was overstressed and injured to such an extent that it would be necessary for the insurance company to replace the cable as well as the pier. A committee... was appointed to investigate the questions involved. While the investigation proceeded the Red River continued to scour away the foundation of the existing piers, ultimately causing the bridge to collapse completely."
  • AUB mentions this bridge very briefly: "In 1928, [Jim Diamond] was employed by Austin Bridge Company as a consultant on the super-structure and cable work for the White River bridge at Des Arc. Later in the same year, he represented the owners as job engineer on the bridge built by the Company across Red River above Clarksville, Texas."
  • Apparently this bridge was damaged by flood the same week it was supposed to open. In the October 1989 edition of the Oklahoma Water News an article (excerpted from an article in The Chronicles of Oklahoma by Dr. Bernice N. Crockett) writes: "The Austin Bridge Company completed the bridge May 19, 1929, but on May 23, when more than 400 people went to see the new bridge opened, an estimated 40 feet of the Red River bank had caved in near the bridge. Heavy rains continued to hinder road construction. A resident near the bridge recalled the night of May 19, 1929, as the night the river changed its course, and by morning had moved the entire structure into Oklahoma." The bridge eventually opened on June 20.
  • The Friday December 30, 1932 edition of The Port Arthur News ran an article "Red River Bridge Damaged By Water". Texarkana, Dec. 30 (1932).: "High stages in Red River, that earlier this week demolished the Texas side approach to the privately owned suspension bridge [?] miles north of Clarksville on highway 37 to Idabel have been in recession since Wednesday but indicated continued heavy rains such as last night are expected to bring additional high water with probably further damage to the bridge. More than 50 feet of the approach is gone and the ground piers have crumpled, leaving the anchor cables alone holding the bridge in place."
  • It appears the final end to this short-lived bridge didn't come until late May, 1933 when it was completely destroyed by flood.

External Links:

  • Historic Suspension Bridges: Advent of the State Highway Department. This Texas Department of Transportation page mentions: "Five of the eleven suspension bridges built by [Austin Bridge Company] were toll bridges over the Red River. The Red River is notorious for its volatile, melting, red clay banks. The bridge between Clarksville, Texas, and Idabel, Oklahoma, was built by ABC in 1928, and washed out during flooding in 1932."

1929: Kane's

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Yarra River
Bridgemeister ID:443 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Yarra River
At or Near Feature:Yarra Bend Park, Studley Park
Coordinates:37.80006 S 145.00966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated


  • Rebuilt 1935.

1929: Köln-Mülheim

Köln (Cologne) and Mülheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:1426 (added 2004-07-18)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Köln (Cologne) and Mülheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:50.963968 N 6.996659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Adolf Abel
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 317 meters (1,040 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Deck width:91.5 feet


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Lakshman Jhula

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:442 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Lakshman Jhula
Location:Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.126454 N 78.329753 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:P.H. Tillard
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: McPhaul

Yuma, Arizona, USA - Gila River
Bridgemeister ID:161 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Also Known As:Dome, Gila River
Location:Yuma, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Gila River
Coordinates:32.75969 N 114.42158 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Levy Construction Company
References:AAJ, SJR, YS20041217
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 283.5 meters (930.1 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


  • YS20041217: Renamed McPhaul Bridge in honor of Henry Harrison "Harry" McPhaul, "the only Yuma resident who ever became an Arizona Ranger." Bypassed, 1968. 150 feet of deck damaged by fire, 1990.

External Links:

Photo by Wynne Johnson Photo by Don Sayenga

1929: Mount Hope

Bristol and Portsmouth, Rhode Island, USA - Mount Hope Bay
Bridgemeister ID:163 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Mount Hope
Location:Bristol and Portsmouth, Rhode Island, USA
Crossing:Mount Hope Bay
Coordinates:41.64 N 71.25833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
References:AAJ, ADDS, ENR19290411a, ENR19290411b, ENR19290411c, GBD, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 365.8 meters (1,200 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 153.6 meters (504 feet)
Deck width:34 feet

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

Photo by Steven Smith Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Ogden Park

Chicago, Illinois, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1657 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Ogden Park
Location:Chicago, Illinois, USA
At or Near Feature:Ogden Park
Principals:Linn White, C.R. Hoyt, George T. Donahue
References:AAJ, ENR19290808
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118 feet)
Deck width:8.5 feet


  • Looking at a picture of this bridge spanning about 150 feet of water, and looking at present-day maps and images of Ogden Park, it can be confusing trying to reconcile the location of this bridge as present-day Ogden Park has no waterways. The Chicago Park District web site explains, "Additionally, each [of several city parks] had a beautiful landscape with a meandering waterway near a meadow of ballfields. Ogden Park's waterway was drained and filled in 1940."

1929: Roberto Delgado

Anacaro, Ansermanuevo vicinity and Cartago vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2015 (added 2006-01-14)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Roberto Delgado
Also Known As:Anacaro
Location:Anacaro, Ansermanuevo vicinity and Cartago vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.784574 N 75.968443 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)

1929: Royal Gorge

Canon City, Colorado, USA - Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:164 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Name:Royal Gorge
Location:Canon City, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Arkansas River
Coordinates:38.46129 N 105.32541 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:George F. Cole, O.K. Peck
References:AAJ, BC3, BMA, GBD
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 268.2 meters (880 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:18 feet


  • This bridge was built solely as a tourist attraction.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1929: Springbank

London, Ontario, Canada - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:290 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1929
Location:London, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:River Thames
At or Near Feature:Springbank Park
Principals:J. R. Rostron
Status:Replaced, 2002
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.6 meters (235 feet)
Deck width:5 feet


  • Replaced by truss, 2002.

1930: (footbridge)

Grey Valley, Slaty Creek vicinity, New Zealand - Big River
Bridgemeister ID:734 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Grey Valley, Slaty Creek vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Big River

1930: (footbridge)

Hartola, Finland - Tainionvirta
Bridgemeister ID:5544 (added 2020-12-13)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Hartola, Finland
Coordinates:61.568078 N 26.019536 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1930: (pipeline bridge)

Hollenberg, Kansas, USA - Little Blue River
Bridgemeister ID:167 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1930
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Hollenberg, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Little Blue River
Principals:Matthews & Kenan
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 70.1 meters (230 feet)

1930: (suspension bridge)

Anderson's farm, New Zealand - Tangarakau River
Bridgemeister ID:733 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1930
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anderson's farm, New Zealand
Crossing:Tangarakau River

1930: (suspension bridge)

Te Araroa vicinity, New Zealand - Kopuapounamu River
Bridgemeister ID:730 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1930
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Te Araroa vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Kopuapounamu River

1930: (suspension bridge)

Whangaehu Valley, Kakatahi, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:731 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1930
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Whangaehu Valley, Kakatahi, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
At or Near Feature:Field's Track
Coordinates:39.621392 S 175.422532 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 53.5 meters (175.5 feet)


  • GAP: "On Field's Track, which links the Parapara (Wanganui-Raethi) Road at Kakatahi with the Whangaehu Valley."
  • Coordinates are for the current (2020) Field's Track crossing of the Whangaehu River.

1930: Alexandra

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia - South Esk River
Bridgemeister ID:444 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1930
Also Known As:Basin
Location:Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Crossing:South Esk River
At or Near Feature:First Basin Water, Cataract Gorge Reserve
Coordinates:41.44681 S 147.11813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (149.9 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 16.8 meters (55.1 feet),
1 x 10.7 meters (35.1 feet)


External Links:

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Bolko

Opole, Poland - Oder River
Bridgemeister ID:7903 (added 2023-10-15)
Year Completed:1930
Also Known As:Bolkobrücke
Location:Opole, Poland
Crossing:Oder River
Coordinates:50.658406 N 17.921887 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1945
Suspended Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Capens

Capens, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:6742 (added 2021-10-23)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Capens, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Colfax-Foresthill

Yankee Jims, Colfax vicinity, California, USA - North Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:165 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1930
Also Known As:Yankee Jims
Location:Yankee Jims, Colfax vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork American River
Coordinates:39.040306 N 120.902667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated


External Links:

Photo by Brian Renken Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Gary Pesselt

1930: Cranberry Lake

Cranberry Lake, Byram, New Jersey, USA - Cranberry Lake
Bridgemeister ID:153 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1930
Name:Cranberry Lake
Location:Cranberry Lake, Byram, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Cranberry Lake
Coordinates:40.95401 N 74.73714 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BONJ, PQU
Status:Closed, 2019 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 61.5 meters (201.7 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 21.8 meters (71.5 feet) estimated


  • 1928 and 1931 also sometimes cited as years of completion. Construction appears to have completed in December 1930, possibly opening in early 1931.
  • 2019: Closed pending repairs and rehabilitation.

External Links:

  • Save Our Bridge. "Dedicated to restoring and preserving the historic Cranberry Lake footbridge - one of the oldest pedestrian footbridges in the state of New Jersey."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1930: Diffloo Hanging

Panbari N.C., Assam, India - Diffloo River
Bridgemeister ID:7422 (added 2022-12-09)
Year Completed:1930
Name:Diffloo Hanging
Also Known As:ডিফলু হ্যাংগিং ব্রিজ
Location:Panbari N.C., Assam, India
Crossing:Diffloo River
Coordinates:26.605922 N 93.581004 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1930: General Juan Vicente Gómez

El Dorado, Bolívar, Venezuela - Rio Cuyuní
Bridgemeister ID:4772 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:1930
Name:General Juan Vicente Gómez
Location:El Dorado, Bolívar, Venezuela
Crossing:Rio Cuyuní
Coordinates:6.715560 N 61.610438 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1930: Horse Creek

Horse Creek, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:586 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1930
Name:Horse Creek
Location:Horse Creek, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Coordinates:41.824678 N 122.997667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1930: Kamoro

Antanambazaha, Madagascar - Mahajamba River
Bridgemeister ID:4750 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Antanambazaha, Madagascar
Crossing:Mahajamba River
Coordinates:16.460751 S 47.168838 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gaston Leinekugel Le Cocq
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 206.5 meters (677.5 feet)
Side Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet)
Deck width:4 meters


External Links:

1930: Klenklen

Pilot Grove vicinity, Missouri, USA - Lamine River
Bridgemeister ID:1570 (added 2004-12-05)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Pilot Grove vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Lamine River
Coordinates:38.828284 N 93.034299 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 1996
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)
Side Span:1 x 9.1 meters (30 feet)


  • Partially collapsed. Closed and replaced 1994, demolished c. 1996.
  • Coordinates are approximate, showing location of replacement.
  • Sometimes spelled as "Klenken."
  • Sometimes cited as having been completed in 1929, HAER MO-91 (reference HAERMO91) states construction began September 1929 and completed in April 1930.

1930: Layrac-sur-Tarn

Layrac-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:7184 (added 2022-07-02)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Layrac-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Le Guétin

Le Guétin, Cuffy vicinity, Cher and Gimouille, Nièvre, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:2844 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1930
Name:Le Guétin
Location:Le Guétin, Cuffy vicinity, Cher and Gimouille, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.947881 N 3.073013 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Libertador

San Cristobal and Táriba, Táchira, Venezuela - Rio Torbes
Bridgemeister ID:4580 (added 2020-06-05)
Year Completed:1930
Location:San Cristobal and Táriba, Táchira, Venezuela
Crossing:Rio Torbes
Coordinates:7.810055 N 72.232265 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Mid-Hudson

Poughkeepsie and Highland, New York, USA - Hudson River
Bridgemeister ID:166 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1930
Also Known As:Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mid-Hudson
Location:Poughkeepsie and Highland, New York, USA
Crossing:Hudson River
Coordinates:41.702933 N 73.946683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ralph Modjeski
References:AAJ, BPL, PTS2, SJR, USS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 457.2 meters (1,500 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 228.6 meters (750 feet)
Deck width:39 feet


  • Although the length of the main span of the bridge is officially 1,500 feet, the actual length is 1,495 feet. During construction one of the caissons slid and tilted from its intended location. While efforts were made to move the caisson back, it was ultimately fixed in a position that left the main span five feet short of 1,500. Not wanting to lose the claim of having a 1,500-foot bridge, the shortfall has been kept out of official records since.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Douglas Kerr Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Riscle

Riscle, Gers, France - Adour River
Bridgemeister ID:7316 (added 2022-08-28)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Riscle, Gers, France
Crossing:Adour River
Coordinates:43.663878 N 0.081895 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Sappers'

Betws-y-Coed, Wales, United Kingdom - River Conwy
Bridgemeister ID:445 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Betws-y-Coed, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Conwy
Coordinates:53.09221 N 3.79928 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:Closed, December 2021 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, December: Closed due to deteriorating condition. Repairs expected to start in April 2022.
  • 2023, February: Still closed. May be replaced.

Annotated Citations:

  • Evans, Hari. "Near century old Snowdonia wobbly bridge that's rotting away and may soon be replaced." North Wales Live, 9 Feb. 2023,

    "The suspension bridge used to be renowned for its wobbly midpoint and was a key shortcut across the River Conwy for locals and tourists. However, structural reviews conducted last year found that virtually the entire bridge would need to be refurbished, with the entire timber deck as well as other parts replaced completely."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Brian Duguid Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1930: Slade's

Rockville vicinity, Rhode Island, USA - Yawgoog Pond
Bridgemeister ID:1642 (added 2005-03-14)
Year Completed:1930
Location:Rockville vicinity, Rhode Island, USA
Crossing:Yawgoog Pond
Principals:Paul W. Slade
Status:Removed, 1948
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet)

1930: Tsoelike

Lesotho - Orange River
Bridgemeister ID:1994 (added 2005-12-10)
Year Completed:1930
Crossing:Orange River
Coordinates:30.002343 S 28.662395 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1931: (suspension bridge)

Murchison District, New Zealand - Matiri River
Bridgemeister ID:737 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1931
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Murchison District, New Zealand
Crossing:Matiri River


  • GAP: Maybe completed early 1932, no longer in existence.

1931: (suspension bridge)

Wakarara, Tikokino vicinity, New Zealand - Waipawa River
Bridgemeister ID:736 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1931
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wakarara, Tikokino vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waipawa River
Principals:S.T. Silver

1931: Anthony Wayne

Toledo, Ohio, USA - Maumee River
Bridgemeister ID:168 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Anthony Wayne
Location:Toledo, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Maumee River
Coordinates:41.64086 N 83.53361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Waddell and Hardesty
References:AAJ, SJR, SSS
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 239.3 meters (785 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 71.2 meters (233.5 feet)
Deck width:60 feet

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Bemis

Notchland, Hart's Location vicinity, New Hampshire, USA - Saco River
Bridgemeister ID:316 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Notchland, Hart's Location vicinity, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Saco River
At or Near Feature:Davis Path trail, White Mountain National Park
Coordinates:44.12047 N 71.35367 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2001
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 32.9 meters (108 feet)
Side Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet)


  • Replaced by a small single-towered cable-stayed bridge, circa 2001.

External Links:

1931: Buchanan Dam

Buchanan Dam, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:2514 (added 2009-12-30)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Buchanan Dam
Location:Buchanan Dam, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Large one-lane suspension bridge built during the construction of Buchanan Dam.

1931: Cavaillon

Cavaillon, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:1013 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Cavaillon, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Status:Destroyed, 1944
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Châtillon-sur-Loire

Châtillon-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1018 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Châtillon-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.598786 N 2.761769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:4


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Feneyrols

Feneyrols, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Aveyron River
Bridgemeister ID:1551 (added 2004-11-13)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Feneyrols, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Aveyron River
Coordinates:44.129389 N 1.819662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Gamlebrua

Kongsberg, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:536 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Kongsberg, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.662620 N 9.652555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: George Washington

New York, New York and Fort Lee, New Jersey, USA - Hudson River
Bridgemeister ID:169 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Name:George Washington
Also Known As:GWB
Location:New York, New York and Fort Lee, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Hudson River
Coordinates:40.85333 N 73.955 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:O.H. Ammann, Leon Moisseiff, Dana, Gilbert
References:AAJ, AOB, ARF, BBR, BC3, BFL, BMA, BONJ, BOU, BPL, BRU, COB, CTW, ENR19270811a, ENR19270811b, ENR19290411c, GBD, LAB, LACE, PTS2, SIX, SJR
Use:Vehicular (double-deck), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,066.8 meters (3,500 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 198.1 meters (650 feet)
Deck width:120 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by John Hall Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Hagwilget

Hagwilget, British Columbia, Canada - Bulkley River
Bridgemeister ID:170 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Also Known As:Bulkley Canyon
Location:Hagwilget, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Bulkley River
At or Near Feature:Hagwilget Canyon
Coordinates:55.25740 N 127.60380 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:BC Department of Public Works
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140.2 meters (460 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1931: Long Shoal

Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:3517 (added 2019-12-24)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Long Shoal
Location:Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice
Status:Collapsed, September 21, 1965
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Collapsed, killing three people, September 1965.

1931: Mata River

Makarika, Ruatoria vicinity, New Zealand - Mata River
Bridgemeister ID:735 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Mata River
Location:Makarika, Ruatoria vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mata River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 151 meters (495.4 feet)

External Links:

1931: Ponkila

Muhos, Finland - Muhosjoki
Bridgemeister ID:1560 (added 2004-11-26)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Muhos, Finland
Coordinates:64.808996 N 26.005233 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:L. Iloniemi
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1931: Raensbrua

Kråkebumoen vicinity, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4314 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Kråkebumoen vicinity, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.277040 N 8.176805 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated


  • In a derelict state by late 2000s. Only the towers remain by late 2010s.

1931: Rubens

Los Angeles vicinity, Natales, Chile - Rio Rubens
Bridgemeister ID:6917 (added 2022-01-21)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Los Angeles vicinity, Natales, Chile
Crossing:Rio Rubens
Coordinates:52.036240 S 71.947632 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated

External Links:

1931: Saint-Pierre

Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2049 (added 2006-05-21)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.602833 N 1.435199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1986
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Saint-Sulpice

Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe, Tarn, France - Agout River
Bridgemeister ID:7489 (added 2022-12-30)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe, Tarn, France
Crossing:Agout River
Coordinates:43.777048 N 1.686685 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Sidaway

Cleveland, Ohio, USA - Kingsbury Run
Bridgemeister ID:171 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Kingsbury Run
Coordinates:41.477805 N 81.642944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wilbur Watson, Fred Plummer. New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railroad Co.
Status:Derelict, since 1966 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 42.7 meters (140 feet)
Deck width:6 feet


  • 2023, February: Given landmark status by the Cleveland City Council so that it is eligible to receive grants for preservation.
  • BMC describes a feud between the neighborhoods on either side of the bridge that led to events in July 1966: "someone set fire to the wooden deck and ripped out fifteen feet of the southern portion. The bridge now is considered a nuisance."
  • 2022, October: Added to National Register of Historic Places.

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1931: Simon Kenton Memorial

Maysville, Kentucky and Aberdeen, Ohio, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:172 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Simon Kenton Memorial
Also Known As:Maysville
Location:Maysville, Kentucky and Aberdeen, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:38.649890 N 83.759670 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Modjeski, Masters & Chase
References:AAJ, SJR, SSS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 323.1 meters (1,060 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 141.7 meters (464.9 feet)
Deck width:28 feet


  • 2022, March: USD$23.4 million budgeted for rehabilitation project including suspender cable replacements, steel repairs, and painting.
  • 2019: Closed late 2019 due to suspender cable corrosion. Short-term fixes applied to reduce the stress on the suspenders and to prevent rusting.
  • 2020, June: Reopened with a 15-ton weight limit after installation of temporary support rods and brackets to reduce the stress on damaged cables.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Stephen Schutte Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: South Tenth Street

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Monongahela River
Bridgemeister ID:173 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Name:South Tenth Street
Also Known As:South Side, Tenth Street, Philip Murray
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Monongahela River
Coordinates:40.43166 N 79.989 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sydney A. Shubin
References:AAJ, BOP, BPL, PBR, SSS, USS
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 228.6 meters (750 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 83.8 meters (275 feet)
Deck width:54 feet

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg

1931: St. Johns

Portland, Oregon, USA - Willamette River
Bridgemeister ID:174 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Name:St. Johns
Location:Portland, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Willamette River
Coordinates:45.585 N 122.76333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 367.9 meters (1,207 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 131.1 meters (430.25 feet)
Deck width:52 feet


  • Substantially rehabilitated, 2003-2005.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Jason Hamm Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Star Mine

Rosedale, Drumheller vicinity, Alberta, Canada - Red Deer River
Bridgemeister ID:350 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Star Mine
Also Known As:Rosedale Swinging
Location:Rosedale, Drumheller vicinity, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Red Deer River
Coordinates:51.420021 N 112.614473 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:George Lester MacKenzie
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (383.9 feet)


  • 1958: Rebuilt.
  • 2020, May: Closed indefinitely due to safety concerns. During an inspection of the bridge "it was determined the northeast timber bridge support was in extremely poor condition."
  • 2023, October: Contract to repair bridge awarded. Expected to reopen in April 2024.

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1931: Teil

Le Teil, Ardèche and Montélimar, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1549 (added 2004-11-13)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Le Teil, Ardèche and Montélimar, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.5519 N 4.692617 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BPF
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 235 meters (771 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Verdun-sur-Garonne

Verdun-sur-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2347 (added 2007-08-18)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Verdun-sur-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.854713 N 1.242315 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2010
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Vicq-sur-Gartempe

Vicq-sur-Gartempe, Vienne, France - Gartempe River
Bridgemeister ID:3997 (added 2020-03-27)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Vicq-sur-Gartempe, Vienne, France
Crossing:Gartempe River
Status:Replaced, 1989
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Waldo-Hancock

Verona and Bucksport vicinity, Maine, USA - Penobscot River
Bridgemeister ID:175 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Verona and Bucksport vicinity, Maine, USA
Crossing:Penobscot River
Coordinates:44.56 N 68.80333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
References:AAJ, ADDS, GBD, SSS, USS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Demolished, 2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 106.7 meters (350 feet)
Deck width:27 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by R.T. Dowling Photo by Mike Seligman Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1931: Yagi-yama

Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:446 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1931
Location:Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Coordinates:38.250273 N 140.852256 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Yagi Kyubei
Status:Replaced, 1965
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350.1 feet)
Deck width:3.7 meters

1932: (suspension bridge)

Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada - Bella Coola River
Bridgemeister ID:1436 (added 2004-07-30)
Year Completed:1932
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Bella Coola River
Status:Removed, before 1966
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Image courtesy of Peter Solhjell

1932: (suspension bridge)

Mangaohutu-Retaruke Road, New Zealand - Wanganui River
Bridgemeister ID:738 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1932
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mangaohutu-Retaruke Road, New Zealand
Crossing:Wanganui River

1932: (suspension bridge)

Placer County and El Dorado County, California, USA - Rubicon River
Bridgemeister ID:5595 (added 2020-12-23)
Year Completed:1932
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Placer County and El Dorado County, California, USA
Crossing:Rubicon River
Coordinates:38.984847 N 120.694431 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Lawrence, US Forest Service
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict, since 1965 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)


  • Damaged by flood resulting from Hell Hole Dam failure in 1965. Never repaired.
  • The September 30, 1932 edition of The Mountain Democrat (of Placerville, California) describes how a high line cable hanging 240 feet above the bridge site to transport people and material to the bridge site since the road (a now abandoned section of the Rubicon Road) had not been built yet: "They have a cable (Mr. Lawrence calls it a high-line") stretched across the Rubicon canyon a distance of more than 1100 feet. The cable has a "sag" of 165 feet, and some 240 feet straight down from the middle of the cable is the site of the 160-foot suspension bridge. And so, when a bridge worker goes to work, he climbs into a wooden cage, which travels out on the high-line until it is directly over the bridge site, and then the cage descends to the bottom of the canyon." About the bridge: "And that was no easy job, for the bridge is of the suspension type, has a 160-foot span, has one traffic lane and is designed to support a fifteen ton load."

External Links:

1932: (suspension bridge)

Rakautangi-Kohara Road, Waimarino County, New Zealand - Rakautangi Stream
Bridgemeister ID:739 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1932
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rakautangi-Kohara Road, Waimarino County, New Zealand
Crossing:Rakautangi Stream

1932: Bonneuil-Matours

Bonneuil-Matours, Vienne, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:2356 (added 2007-08-19)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Bonneuil-Matours, Vienne, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Coordinates:46.681758 N 0.575535 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Closed, January 4, 2021 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, January: Closed for replacement of deck and suspension system.
  • 2021: While undergoing reconstruction, one of the piers settles abnormally.
  • 2022, September: Work expected to be completed in November 2023.
  • At former location of Bonneuil-Matours - Bonneuil-Matours, Vienne, France. Unclear if the newer bridge was a direct replacement.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Boyd Park

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA - Eau Claire River
Bridgemeister ID:1803 (added 2005-05-18)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Boyd Park
Also Known As:Uniroyal
Location:Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Eau Claire River
Status:Removed (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Photo by Jim Lucht

1932: Dawki

Dawki, Meghalaya, India - Dawki River
Bridgemeister ID:3019 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Dawki, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Dawki River
Coordinates:25.190051 N 92.018947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1932: Dazhuoshui

Nan'ao Township, Yilan County and Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan - Heping River
Bridgemeister ID:5915 (added 2021-05-23)
Year Completed:1932
Also Known As:大濁水橋
Location:Nan'ao Township, Yilan County and Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Crossing:Heping River
Coordinates:24.323766 N 121.742706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Framnesbrua

Brumunddal, Ringsaker, Innlandet, Norway - Furnesfjorden

1932: Gennes

Gennes and Les Rosiers-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1173 (added 2004-01-23)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Gennes and Les Rosiers-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.345895 N 0.230081 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1940


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Gué de Senac

Les Peintures and Chamadelle, Gironde, France - Dronne River
Bridgemeister ID:7850 (added 2023-09-09)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Gué de Senac
Location:Les Peintures and Chamadelle, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dronne River
Coordinates:45.078922 N 0.087016 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Horse

Milford Sound vicinity, New Zealand - Cleddau River
Bridgemeister ID:741 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Milford Sound vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Cleddau River
Coordinates:44.703778 S 167.967861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.5 meters (119.8 feet)

1932: Lacy's

Retaruke, New Zealand - Retaruke River
Bridgemeister ID:740 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Retaruke, New Zealand
Crossing:Retaruke River
Coordinates:39.108536 S 175.075048 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bill Baker
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (149.9 feet)


External Links:

1932: Les Rosiers-sur-Loire

Les Rosiers-sur-Loire and Gennes, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6763 (added 2021-10-25)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Les Rosiers-sur-Loire
Location:Les Rosiers-sur-Loire and Gennes, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.348253 N 0.227990 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Lewis River

Yale, Washington, USA - Lewis River
Bridgemeister ID:176 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Lewis River
Also Known As:Yale
Location:Yale, Washington, USA
Crossing:Lewis River
Coordinates:45.96167 N 122.37167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harold H. Gilbert, Gilpin Construction Co.
References:AAJ, SPW, SSS
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Deck width:17 feet


  • Rebuilt 1957, 1958.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1932: Marmande

Marmande, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1604 (added 2005-02-06)
Year Completed:1932
Also Known As:Renaud Jean
Location:Marmande, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.498957 N 0.155951 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Poujol

Le Poujol-sur-Orb, Lamalou-les-Bains vicinity, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:4546 (added 2020-05-30)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Le Poujol-sur-Orb, Lamalou-les-Bains vicinity, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.575381 N 3.063561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 114.5 meters (375.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Prairie du Chien

Praire du Chien, Wisconsin and Marquette, Iowa, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:177 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Prairie du Chien
Location:Praire du Chien, Wisconsin and Marquette, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:43.046 N 91.17 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, AUB, BPL
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Removed, 1974
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 144.2 meters (473 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo by Tolly (Natalia) Engles, provided courtesy of Kelly Allen

1932: Prairie du Chien

Praire du Chien, Wisconsin and Marquette, Iowa, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:1256 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Prairie du Chien
Location:Praire du Chien, Wisconsin and Marquette, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:43.05 N 91.162 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, AUB, BPL
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Removed, 1974
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 144.2 meters (473 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Prestefossen

Valle, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4343 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Valle, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:59.212189 N 7.529565 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2016
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Sultan Ismail

Kuala Krai, Kelantan, Myanmar - Nal River
Bridgemeister ID:8455 (added 2024-03-13)
Year Completed:1932
Name:Sultan Ismail
Also Known As:Kuala Krai, Gertak Gantung Sungai Nal
Location:Kuala Krai, Kelantan, Myanmar
Crossing:Nal River
Coordinates:5.602694 N 102.191778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • A monument at the bridge states it was opened in April 1932. Most other sources state it was completed at some point in the 1920s.

External Links:

1932: Villebrumier

Villebrumier, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:1708 (added 2005-03-30)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Villebrumier, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.903905 N 1.453091 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Villemur-sur-Tarn

Villemur-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:1852 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Villemur-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.862459 N 1.505214 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Viterbe

Viterbe, Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux vicinity and Brazis, Tarn, France - Agout River
Bridgemeister ID:2312 (added 2007-05-03)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Viterbe, Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux vicinity and Brazis, Tarn, France
Crossing:Agout River
Coordinates:43.67635 N 1.93136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2024, June: Repairs completed to fix an issue with one of the main cables and several suspenders.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1932: Vrengen

Kjøpmannskjær, Nøtterøy and Tjøme, Færder, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Vrengen
Bridgemeister ID:3904 (added 2020-03-14)
Year Completed:1932
Location:Kjøpmannskjær, Nøtterøy and Tjøme, Færder, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.16666 N 10.38559 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1983
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 162 meters (531.5 feet) estimated


  • Bypassed, 1981. Removed, 1983.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1933: (footbridge)

Buhølen, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway - Skarpesvingen
Bridgemeister ID:4392 (added 2020-04-18)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Buhølen, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.118716 N 7.341573 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in 1933 or soon after. The bridge was built to provide access to a school built in 1933.
  • Based on historic aerial images, removed at some point in time frame 1968-2004.

1933: (footbridge)

Palatka, Florida, USA
Bridgemeister ID:178 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Palatka, Florida, USA
At or Near Feature:Ravine Gardens State Park
Coordinates:29.63481 N 81.64594 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


1933: (footbridge)

Palatka, Florida, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2425 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Palatka, Florida, USA
At or Near Feature:Ravine Gardens State Park
Coordinates:29.63343 N 81.64323 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1933: (suspension bridge)

Carluke vicinity, New Zealand - Tunakino River
Bridgemeister ID:746 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1933
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Carluke vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Tunakino River


  • Distinct from other 1933 bridge in same vicinity.

1933: (suspension bridge)

Carluke vicinity, New Zealand - Tunakino River
Bridgemeister ID:747 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1933
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Carluke vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Tunakino River

1933: (suspension bridge)

Happy Camp vicinity, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:1011 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1933
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Happy Camp vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


  • Moved to Cassidy - Sierra National Forest, California, USA. The bridge was disassembled, shortened, and relocated in the 1950's to the Ansel Adams Wilderness, Minarets Ranger District, Sierra National Forest, California as the "Cassidy" suspension bridge.

1933: (suspension bridge)

S.J. Butt's property, Marlborough, New Zealand - Rai River
Bridgemeister ID:749 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1933
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:S.J. Butt's property, Marlborough, New Zealand
Crossing:Rai River


  • GAP: completed circa 1933.

1933: (suspension bridge)

Totoro Road, New Zealand - Mokau River
Bridgemeister ID:743 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1933
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Totoro Road, New Zealand
Crossing:Mokau River


  • GAP: Replaced.

1933: Andervag

Engenes vicinity, Ibestad, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:2737 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Engenes vicinity, Ibestad, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:68.913494 N 17.188251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1933: Colonial

Guamo, Tolima, Colombia - Rio Luisa
Bridgemeister ID:7086 (added 2022-05-29)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Guamo, Tolima, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Luisa
Coordinates:4.036234 N 74.969426 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

1933: Dalton's

New Zealand - Pelorus River
Bridgemeister ID:744 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1933
Location:New Zealand
Crossing:Pelorus River

1933: Denham

Garraway Stream, Mahdia vicinity, Guyana - Potaro River
Bridgemeister ID:2979 (added 2019-10-12)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Garraway Stream, Mahdia vicinity, Guyana
Crossing:Potaro River
Coordinates:5.380437 N 59.120818 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Aldi
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates are suspected location of this bridge, but not confirmed.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1933: Green's Mill

Camden County, Missouri, USA - Little Niangua River
Bridgemeister ID:179 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1933
Name:Green's Mill
Also Known As:Little Niangua, J Road
Location:Camden County, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Little Niangua River
Coordinates:38.065326 N 92.909309 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Howard Mullins, Scully Steel Co., American Steel & Wire Co., Clinton Bridge Works
References:AAJ, SSS, USS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:Bypassed, 2020 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 34.3 meters (112.5 feet),
1 x 34.3 meters (112.4 feet)
Deck width:20 feet


  • Self-anchored.
  • 2007, October: Closed for a few weeks for emergency repairs. According to an October 4, 2007 article in the Lake Sun Leader (Missouri): "a routine inspection revealed a problem in the substructure... too much movement was detected at a location underneath the north side of the bridge." Other sources mentioned a faulty "pin."
  • 2018: Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) plans to replace the bridge and is seeking groups to take ownership of the bridge and possibly relocate it.
  • 2020: A new bridge is completed, bypassing the suspension bridge.
  • 2023, March: Ownership transferred from Missouri Department of Transportation to Green's Mill Historic Bridge, Inc. to preserve the since bypassed bridge.
Photo by Brian Flowers Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Paul Boudreau

1933: Lamagistère

Lamagistère, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2963 (added 2019-10-06)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Lamagistère, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.123552 N 0.819466 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1933: Moan

Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3935 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.11163 N 10.61047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 1983
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

1933: Mont-Olympe

Charleville-Mézières, Ardennes, France - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:1052 (added 2003-12-08)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Charleville-Mézières, Ardennes, France
Crossing:Meuse River
Coordinates:49.776650 N 4.722679 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2
Side Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1933: Pertuiset

Pertuiset, Firminy vicinity, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1166 (added 2004-01-19)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Pertuiset, Firminy vicinity, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.408785 N 4.248029 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 1990
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1933: Rutland's

New Zealand - Pelorus River
Bridgemeister ID:745 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1933
Location:New Zealand
Crossing:Pelorus River

1933: Sablons

Sablons, Isère and Serrières, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:891 (added 2003-09-06)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Sablons, Isère and Serrières, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Status:Destroyed, 1944


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:447 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1933
Name:San Rafael
Location:Mao, Dominican Republic
Crossing:Rio Yakue Del Norte
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
References:AAJ, SJR, SSS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 137.6 meters (451.5 feet)
Deck width:18 feet

1933: Sims

Sims, California, USA - Sacramento River
Bridgemeister ID:650 (added 2003-02-22)
Year Completed:1933
Also Known As:CCC
Location:Sims, California, USA
Crossing:Sacramento River
At or Near Feature:Sims Camp
Coordinates:41.063433 N 122.360067 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Raymond Huber, Civilian Conservation Corps
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)


  • CCC is "Civilian Conservation Corps".
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1933: Sparke Evans Park

Saint Philips, Bristol, England, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:2506 (added 2009-03-27)
Year Completed:1933
Name:Sparke Evans Park
Location:Saint Philips, Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon
Coordinates:51.44485 N 2.56314 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper

1933: Veurey

Veurey-Voroize, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:4881 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:1933
Location:Veurey-Voroize, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1934: (footbridge)

Green Valley vicinity, California, USA - Bouquet Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:1890 (added 2005-10-01)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Green Valley vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Bouquet Reservoir
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)


  • CE193408: "A bridge 276 ft long, consisting of a 200-ft suspension span and two equal shore spans, connects the [gate control] tower with the shore. The suspended span is supported by two prestressed cable strands and by arc-welded structural steel stiffening trusses." Article includes photo of the bridge and tower.
  • Access bridge for the Bouquet Reservoir gate control tower. Likely completed 1933 or 1934.

1934: (footbridge)

Grey Valley, New Zealand - Slaty Creek
Bridgemeister ID:750 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Grey Valley, New Zealand
Crossing:Slaty Creek

1934: (footbridge)

Ilkley, England, United Kingdom - River Wharfe
Bridgemeister ID:1261 (added 2004-03-13)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Ilkley, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wharfe
Coordinates:53.93241 N 1.81483 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Refurbished, 2001.
Photo by Dave Cooper

1934: (footbridge)

Rollag, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4099 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Rollag, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.017909 N 9.276293 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet) estimated
Deck width:1.5 meters

1934: King Alexander I

Belgrade, Serbia - Sava River
Bridgemeister ID:957 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1934
Name:King Alexander I
Also Known As:King Aleksandar
Location:Belgrade, Serbia
Crossing:Sava River
Coordinates:44.814946 N 20.448665 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Société de Construction des Batignolles
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Destroyed, April 12, 1941
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 260.9 meters (856 feet)
Deck width:72 feet
Characteristics:Rocker towers


  • 1941, April 12: Partially demolished in an attempt to slow advancing German troops.
  • 1944, April 16: Remainder of the bridge is demolished.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1934: Leppiniemi

Leppiniemi, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:8080 (added 2023-12-24)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Leppiniemi, Finland
Status:Demolished, 1947
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1934: Rio Higuamo

San Pedro de Macoris vicinity, Dominican Republic - Rio Higuamo
Bridgemeister ID:448 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1934
Name:Rio Higuamo
Also Known As:Ramfis
Location:San Pedro de Macoris vicinity, Dominican Republic
Crossing:Rio Higuamo
Coordinates:18.503230 N 69.336561 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
References:AAJ, SSS
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 168.9 meters (554 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 56.7 meters (186 feet)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1934: Rugslandsbrua

Svaland, Birkenes, Agder, Norway - Tavdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4315 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Svaland, Birkenes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.289171 N 8.183323 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters

1934: Sifton Boulevard

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Elbow River
Bridgemeister ID:802 (added 2003-03-29)
Year Completed:1934
Name:Sifton Boulevard
Also Known As:Riverdale Avenue, Sifton-Riverdale
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Elbow River
Coordinates:51.019060 N 114.083178 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Wrecked, 2013
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

1934: Stewart Park I

Ithaca, New York, USA - Fall Creek arm
Bridgemeister ID:839 (added 2003-06-28)
Year Completed:1934
Name:Stewart Park I
Location:Ithaca, New York, USA
Crossing:Fall Creek arm
At or Near Feature:Stewart Park
Coordinates:42.458961 N 76.505590 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Civil Works Administration
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1934: Stewart Park II

Ithaca, New York, USA - Fall Creek
Bridgemeister ID:840 (added 2003-06-28)
Year Completed:1934
Name:Stewart Park II
Location:Ithaca, New York, USA
Crossing:Fall Creek
At or Near Feature:Stewart Park
Coordinates:42.458281 N 76.505359 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Civil Works Administration
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.8 meters (111 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1934: Tonnay-Charente

Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France - Charente River
Bridgemeister ID:7338 (added 2022-09-04)
Year Completed:1934
Location:Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France
Crossing:Charente River
Coordinates:45.939992 N 0.886099 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: (suspension bridge)

Hector vicinity, Stockton, West Coast, New Zealand - Ngakawau River
Bridgemeister ID:7614 (added 2023-05-26)
Year Completed:1935
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hector vicinity, Stockton, West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Ngakawau River
At or Near Feature:Mangatini Falls
Coordinates:41.607568 S 171.912836 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1981
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1935: Capitan Usterez

Villamontes, Tarija, Bolivia - Rio Pilcomayo
Bridgemeister ID:8429 (added 2024-03-09)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Capitan Usterez
Also Known As:Usteres
Location:Villamontes, Tarija, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Pilcomayo
Coordinates:21.258778 S 63.511528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Chaumont-sur-Loire

Chaumont-sur-Loire and Onzain, Loir-et-Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6719 (added 2021-10-16)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Chaumont-sur-Loire and Onzain, Loir-et-Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:6


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Châteauneuf-sur-Loire

Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6790 (added 2021-10-30)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.858608 N 2.223392 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 17, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Condrieu

Condrieu, Rhône and Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1494 (added 2004-09-19)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Condrieu, Rhône and Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.45655 N 4.768722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, June 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Devèze

Thérondels vicinity, Aveyron and Paulhenc, Cantal, France - Lac de Sarrans
Bridgemeister ID:2321 (added 2007-05-05)
Year Completed:1935
Also Known As:Laussac
Location:Thérondels vicinity, Aveyron and Paulhenc, Cantal, France
Crossing:Lac de Sarrans
At or Near Feature:Presqu'île De Laussac
Coordinates:44.861586 N 2.769710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Gaol Ferry

Bristol, England, United Kingdom - River Avon-New Cut
Bridgemeister ID:1917 (added 2005-10-09)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Gaol Ferry
Also Known As:Southville, St. Paul's, Coronation Road
Location:Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon-New Cut
Coordinates:51.445871 N 2.599464 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:Closed, August 2022 (last checked: August 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2023, September: The bridge is scheduled to reopen following repairs.

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1935: Gjølme

Orkanger, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3789 (added 2020-02-29)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Orkanger, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.30211 N 9.83417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

1935: Goyt Valley

Buxton, England, United Kingdom - River Goyt
Bridgemeister ID:520 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Goyt Valley
Also Known As:Buxton
Location:Buxton, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Goyt
Status:Removed, 1960s
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Dismantled during construction of the Errwood Reservoir.
Photo by Dr. Geoff Buck Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Grand Coulee Dam

Grand Coulee, Washington, USA - Columbia River
Bridgemeister ID:3157 (added 2019-11-03)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Grand Coulee Dam
Location:Grand Coulee, Washington, USA
Crossing:Columbia River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 438 meters (1,437 feet)

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1935: Granite Falls

Granite Falls, Minnesota, USA - Minnesota River
Bridgemeister ID:255 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Granite Falls
Location:Granite Falls, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Minnesota River
Coordinates:44.810108 N 95.537316 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Minneapolis Bridge Company
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Damaged by floods, 1997 and 2001. Refurbished, 2014-2015.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1935: Iowa-Illinois Memorial

Bettendorf, Iowa and Moline, Illinois, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:180 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Iowa-Illinois Memorial
Also Known As:Interstate 74 Bridge, I-74 Bridge
Location:Bettendorf, Iowa and Moline, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:41.520264 N 90.513034 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Modjeski, Masters, and Chase
References:AAJ, CMR
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Bypassed, 2020 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 225.6 meters (740 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 112.8 meters (370 feet)
Deck width:24.2 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: l'Île d'Orléans

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:183 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1935
Name:l'Île d'Orléans
Also Known As:Isle of Orleans, Orleans Island, Taschereau
Location:Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
Coordinates:46.880233 N 71.137883 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Monsarrat and Pratley
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 323 meters (1,059.7 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 127 meters (416.7 feet)
Deck width:30 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1935: La Réole

La Réole, Gironde, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1769 (added 2005-04-22)
Year Completed:1935
Name:La Réole
Also Known As:Rouergue
Location:La Réole, Gironde, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.578853 N 0.034028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Mælen

Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Stjørdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:1818 (added 2005-05-21)
Year Completed:1935
Also Known As:Maelen
Location:Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.448367 N 10.992617 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1935: Mirabeau

Mirabeau, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:900 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Mirabeau, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Principals:Auguste Rey
Status:Replaced, 1991
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175 meters (574.1 feet)
Deck width:8 meters


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Mirepoix-sur-Tarn

Mirepoix-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:3196 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Mirepoix-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.811976 N 1.571879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Collapsed, November 18, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 152 meters (498.7 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Remoulins

Remoulins, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:4910 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Remoulins, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Coordinates:43.937978 N 4.556684 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Remnants of this bridge are preserved in a car park at the eastern end of the present day (2020s) Pont de Remoulins.
  • Replaced 1830 Remoulins - Remoulins, Gard, France. The later bridge appears to have been built on an alignment about 175 meters north of the 1830 bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Stamser

Stams, Austria - Inn River
Bridgemeister ID:1103 (added 2004-01-02)
Year Completed:1935
Also Known As:Kanzler-Dollfuß, Kanzler-Dollfuss
Location:Stams, Austria
Crossing:Inn River
Coordinates:47.285914 N 10.985192 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Heinrich Kluibenschädl
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Long narrow footbridge with stone towers.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Swinging

Neligh, Nebraska, USA - Elkhorn River
Bridgemeister ID:181 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Crossing:Elkhorn River
Coordinates:42.123433 N 98.0277 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Byron Fuller
Status:Destroyed, June 13, 2010 (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed by flood.
Photo by Heidi White Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1935: Swinging

Thomson, Minnesota, USA - St. Louis River
Bridgemeister ID:286 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Thomson, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:St. Louis River
At or Near Feature:Jay Cooke State Park
Coordinates:46.653436 N 92.370438 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Oscar Newstrom, CCC
Status:Destroyed, 1950
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 38.4 meters (126 feet)


1935: Tréboul

Thérondels vicinity, Aveyron and Sainte-Marie, Cantal, France - Lac de Sarrans
Bridgemeister ID:1989 (added 2005-12-02)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Thérondels vicinity, Aveyron and Sainte-Marie, Cantal, France
Crossing:Lac de Sarrans
Coordinates:44.872780 N 2.867253 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1935: Trews Weir

Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom - River Exe
Bridgemeister ID:915 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1935
Name:Trews Weir
Also Known As:New Cricklepit
Location:Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Exe
Coordinates:50.71295 N 3.52333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Sean Creech (

1935: Trude

Trude, Washington, USA - Cedar River
Bridgemeister ID:1956 (added 2005-11-04)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Trude, Washington, USA
Crossing:Cedar River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely removed.

External Links:

Photo courtesy Seattle Municipal Archives

1935: Vizcainos

Arroyo Morote, Spain - Fuensanta Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:3075 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Arroyo Morote, Spain
Crossing:Fuensanta Reservoir
Coordinates:38.415262 N 2.276515 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1935: Vizcainos

Yeste, Spain - Fuensanta Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:3074 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:1935
Location:Yeste, Spain
Crossing:Fuensanta Reservoir
Coordinates:38.346582 N 2.284406 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1936: (footbridge)

Gisborne vicinity, New Zealand - Waimata River
Bridgemeister ID:752 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Gisborne vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waimata River

1936: (footbridge)

Hillsborough River State Park, Florida, USA - Hillsborough River
Bridgemeister ID:285 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Hillsborough River State Park, Florida, USA
Crossing:Hillsborough River
Coordinates:28.1499 N 82.23203 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dan Duerr Photo by James Adorno

1936: (footbridge)

Motumote, Southland, New Zealand - Waiau River
Bridgemeister ID:754 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Motumote, Southland, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiau River

1936: (footbridge)

Tower Lakes, Illinois, USA - Tower Lake
Bridgemeister ID:1306 (added 2004-04-10)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Tower Lakes, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Tower Lake
Coordinates:42.230815 N 88.154552 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


  • There is at least one other suspension footbridge in the Tower Lakes area, but this 1936 3-span bridge appears to be the largest and the only one with a level deck.

1936: (footbridge)

Waikino, New Zealand - Ohinemuri River
Bridgemeister ID:755 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Waikino, New Zealand
Crossing:Ohinemuri River
Principals:L.E. Shaw
Status:Destroyed, 1981
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 42.1 meters (138.1 feet)


  • GAP: Damaged by flood, 1964. Repaired. Destroyed by flood, 1981.

External Links:

1936: (suspension bridge)

Black Rock vicinity, Randolph County and Lawrence County, Arkansas, USA - Spring River
Bridgemeister ID:1075 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1936
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Black Rock vicinity, Randolph County and Lawrence County, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Spring River
Coordinates:36.13987 N 91.08400 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1936: (suspension bridge)

Grave Creek, Oregon, USA - Rogue River
Bridgemeister ID:281 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Grave Creek, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Rogue River
References:AAJ, HSDF
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 105.1 meters (344.75 feet)
Deck width:14 feet

1936: (suspension bridge)

Ohura vicinity, New Zealand - Waikaka Stream
Bridgemeister ID:751 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1936
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ohura vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waikaka Stream

1936: Androscoggin Pedestrian

Topsham and Brunswick, Maine, USA - Androscoggin River
Bridgemeister ID:182 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Name:Androscoggin Pedestrian
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Topsham and Brunswick, Maine, USA
Crossing:Androscoggin River
Coordinates:43.917500 N 69.972520 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Works Progress Administration
References:PPH19991019, PPH20050801
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 101.2 meters (332 feet)
Deck width:6 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Travis Sparks Photo by Steven Smith Photo by David Denenberg

1936: Bitan

HsinTien, New Taipei City, Taiwan - Pitan "Green Lake"
Bridgemeister ID:1680 (added 2005-03-25)
Year Completed:1936
Also Known As:碧潭吊橋, Green Lake, Pitan
Location:HsinTien, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Crossing:Pitan "Green Lake"
Coordinates:24.956483 N 121.53685 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Long, large footbridge. I've seen it spelled "Pitan" and "Bitan." Unclear which is correct.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1936: Cross Mound

Tarlton, Ohio, USA - Salt Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1460 (added 2004-08-21)
Year Completed:1936
Name:Cross Mound
Location:Tarlton, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Salt Creek
At or Near Feature:Cross Mound Park
Coordinates:39.563433 N 82.783167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1936: Elverum

Elverum, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3926 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1936
Also Known As:Nybrua
Location:Elverum, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.88287 N 11.55644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1936: Hinckesman's Access Road

Frasertown vicinity, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Mangapoike River
Bridgemeister ID:727 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1936
Name:Hinckesman's Access Road
Location:Frasertown vicinity, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangapoike River
Principals:T. Delaney


1936: Kellams

Kellams, New York and Stalker, Pennsylvania, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:97 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Also Known As:Little Equinunk, Kellams-Stalker, Kellam
Location:Kellams, New York and Stalker, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:41.82333 N 75.11333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BDR, HHP, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (384 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1936: Kindee

Kindee, Ellenborough vicinity, New South Wales, Australia - Hastings River
Bridgemeister ID:1296 (added 2004-03-19)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Kindee, Ellenborough vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Hastings River
Coordinates:31.42233 S 152.47044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 26.8 meters (88 feet)
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable,
Hinged cables


Photo by Brett Evill

1936: Krefeld-Uerdinger

Uerdingen, Krefeld vicinity and Duisburg, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:959 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Uerdingen, Krefeld vicinity and Duisburg, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:51.349835 N 6.659175 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 250 meters (820.25 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:64 feet


  • Destroyed 1945, rebuilt 1950.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1936: Kveberg

Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3919 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.07803 N 10.69445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

1936: Memorial

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA - Housatonic River
Bridgemeister ID:1572 (added 2004-12-11)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Housatonic River
Coordinates:42.2784 N 73.3073 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1936: Mornay-sur-Allier

Mornay-sur-Allier, Cher and St-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Nièvre, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1550 (added 2004-11-13)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Mornay-sur-Allier, Cher and St-Pierre-le-Moûtier, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:46.815265 N 3.043460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, circa 1970s
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 67.57 meters (221.7 feet),
1 x 64.27 meters (210.9 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1936: Otterstad

Mo, Modalen, Vestland, Norway - Moelva
Bridgemeister ID:4445 (added 2020-04-19)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Mo, Modalen, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.815923 N 5.800875 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters

1936: Pauley

Pikeville, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1068 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Pikeville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.492833 N 82.5355 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:O.S. Batten, WPA
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115.8 meters (380 feet) estimated


  • The National Register of Historic Places registration form is inconsistent regarding the completion year of this bridge stating (in one passage) it was completed in 1940 but also mentioning it was completed "circa 1940" a few times.
  • Closed to vehicular traffic, 1991. Closed to all traffic, September 2000. Restored and reopened to pedestrian traffic, 2006.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1936: S. Jijisaheb

Ambawade, Maharashtra, India
Bridgemeister ID:3170 (added 2019-11-08)
Year Completed:1936
Name:S. Jijisaheb
Also Known As:Ambawade
Location:Ambawade, Maharashtra, India
Coordinates:18.071836 N 73.791943 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1936: Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas

Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas, Ardèche, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:2930 (added 2019-09-16)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Coordinates:44.604219 N 4.419136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Collapsed, 1995
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1936: San Francisco-Oakland Bay

Oakland and San Francisco, California, USA - San Francisco Bay
Bridgemeister ID:184 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Name:San Francisco-Oakland Bay
Location:Oakland and San Francisco, California, USA
Crossing:San Francisco Bay
Coordinates:37.78667 N 122.39 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:C.H. Purcell, Glenn B. Woodruff
Use:Vehicular (double-deck)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:1 x 678 meters (2,224.4 feet),
1 x 673.6 meters (2,210 feet)
Side Spans:4
Deck width:66 feet (58 feet roadway)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1936: Skottleik

Bergsmoen, Grong, Trøndelag, Norway - Namsen
Bridgemeister ID:3719 (added 2020-02-15)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Bergsmoen, Grong, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.461520 N 12.164810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

1936: Smart's

Marlborough, New Zealand - Rai River
Bridgemeister ID:748 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Marlborough, New Zealand
Crossing:Rai River

1936: Støbrua

Røros, Trøndelag, Norway - Håelva
Bridgemeister ID:3906 (added 2020-03-14)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Røros, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.56898 N 11.35406 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1936: Swinging

Hazard, Kentucky, USA
Bridgemeister ID:185 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Hazard, Kentucky, USA
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

1936: Swinging

Skowhegan, Maine, USA - Kennebec River
Bridgemeister ID:363 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Skowhegan, Maine, USA
Crossing:Kennebec River
Coordinates:44.76244 N 69.72064 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gerald Marble
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet)


Photo by Robbin E. Lanpher Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1936: Swinging

Story City, Iowa, USA - Skunk River
Bridgemeister ID:1181 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Story City, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Skunk River
At or Near Feature:South Park
Coordinates:42.186517 N 93.586683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2019 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.6 meters (71 feet) estimated


  • Damaged by flood, early 2019. Repairs underway October, 2019, expected to reopen soon.
Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1936: Triborough

New York and Queens, New York, USA - East River
Bridgemeister ID:186 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Also Known As:Robert F. Kennedy
Location:New York and Queens, New York, USA
Crossing:East River
At or Near Feature:Randalls-Wards Island
Coordinates:40.781283 N 73.9273 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:O.H. Ammann, Allston Dana
References:AAJ, GBD, SIX
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 420.6 meters (1,380 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 214.8 meters (704.75 feet)
Deck width:96 feet

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1936: Walter Taylor

Indooroopilly and Chelmer, Queensland, Australia - Brisbane River
Bridgemeister ID:449 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1936
Name:Walter Taylor
Location:Indooroopilly and Chelmer, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Brisbane River
Coordinates:27.505467 S 152.9737 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, STC
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 182.9 meters (600.1 feet)


  • Hybrid truss-suspension where truss rises up to meet main cables.
  • Two-year refurbishment started, late 2007, to replace and strengthen joints along the cables and deck truss.

External Links:

1936: Waterloo

Waterloo, Oregon, USA - South Santiam River
Bridgemeister ID:1980 (added 2005-11-27)
Year Completed:1936
Location:Waterloo, Oregon, USA
Crossing:South Santiam River
Coordinates:44.497549 N 122.820969 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, May 1960
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Reconstructed, 1954.

External Links:

1937: (footbridge)

Bruce property, New Zealand - Maruia River
Bridgemeister ID:757 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Bruce property, New Zealand
Crossing:Maruia River

1937: (suspension bridge)

Briceburg, California, USA - Merced River
Bridgemeister ID:642 (added 2003-02-16)
Year Completed:1937
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Briceburg, California, USA
Crossing:Merced River
Coordinates:37.604833 N 119.9669 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Damaged by flood, 1999, when river level rose to approximately four feet above the bridge deck.
Photo by Bruce Holbrook Photo by Andrew Holbrook

1937: (suspension bridge)

Waitaria Bay, Havelock vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:758 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1937
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Waitaria Bay, Havelock vicinity, New Zealand
Main Span:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet)

1937: Aiguilly

Roanne vicinity and Vougy vicinity, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1567 (added 2004-11-28)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Roanne vicinity and Vougy vicinity, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
References:AAJ, BPF
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1937: Bryan's Crossing

Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA - South Grand River
Bridgemeister ID:1074 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Bryan's Crossing
Also Known As:Downing Bend
Location:Warsaw vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:South Grand River
Principals:Joseph A. Dice?
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely another Joseph A. Dice bridge.
  • Location inundated by the Harry S. Truman Reservoir.

External Links:

1937: Chelsea

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:450 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.48438 N 0.14984 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sir Pierson Frank, Rendel, Tritton and Palmer
References:AAJ, BTH
Use:Vehicular (three or more lanes), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 107.3 meters (352 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 52.7 meters (173 feet)
Deck width:64 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1937: Corbin's

Huntingdon vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Raystown Branch Juniata River
Bridgemeister ID:187 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Huntingdon vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Raystown Branch Juniata River
Coordinates:40.455 N 77.98333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1937: Fyksesund

Fykse, Kvam, Hordaland, Norway - Fyksesund
Bridgemeister ID:1041 (added 2003-12-06)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Fykse, Kvam, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.400028 N 6.260859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 230 meters (754.6 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1937: Golden Gate

San Francisco and Marin County, California, USA - San Francisco Bay
Bridgemeister ID:188 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Golden Gate
Location:San Francisco and Marin County, California, USA
Crossing:San Francisco Bay
Coordinates:37.82 N 122.47667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Joseph B. Strauss, Leon Moisseiff, Charles A. Ellis, Irving F. Morrow
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,280.2 meters (4,200 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 343 meters (1,125.41 feet)
Deck width:80 feet


External Links:

Photo courtesy Ronald and Elizabeth Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dean DeSantis Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1937: Hodder

Seddon vicinity, Marlborough, New Zealand - Hodder River
Bridgemeister ID:761 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Seddon vicinity, Marlborough, New Zealand
Crossing:Hodder River
Coordinates:41.884739 S 173.641185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet)


  • GAP: Refurbished 1982.
  • Strengthened, 2015.

External Links:

1937: Hvåra

Hvåra, Larvik, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4086 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Hvåra, Larvik, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.271796 N 9.938096 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet)


1937: Hyde Park Walking

Hyde Park and Leechburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Kiskiminetas River
Bridgemeister ID:5843 (added 2021-05-13)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Hyde Park Walking
Location:Hyde Park and Leechburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Kiskiminetas River
Coordinates:40.627834 N 79.596774 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1948-1950
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


1937: Kolobrua

Sjoa, Sel, Innlandet, Norway - Lågen
Bridgemeister ID:3960 (added 2020-03-22)
Year Completed:1937
Also Known As:Kollobrua
Location:Sjoa, Sel, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.68207 N 9.53778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

1937: Lacq

Lacq and Abidos, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Ousse River
Bridgemeister ID:7968 (added 2023-11-25)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Lacq and Abidos, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Ousse River
Coordinates:43.404111 N 0.624083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1937: Langeais

Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1029 (added 2003-11-30)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.319667 N 0.404217 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, BPF
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3 x 90 meters (295.29 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 45 meters (147.64 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Bruce and Suzie Holbrook Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo by Guillaume Delaunay

1937: Lenape Park I

Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA - East Branch Perkiomen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:189 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Lenape Park I
Location:Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:East Branch Perkiomen Creek
Coordinates:40.36658 N 75.29908 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

1937: Lenape Park II

Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA - East Branch Perkiomen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:190 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Lenape Park II
Location:Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:East Branch Perkiomen Creek
Coordinates:40.36691 N 75.29920 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

1937: Lorne

Lorne, Victoria, Australia - Erskine River
Bridgemeister ID:1656 (added 2005-03-19)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Lorne, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Erskine River
Coordinates:38.533600 S 143.977918 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

1937: Monymusk Farm

Leamington Valley, Cheviot vicinity, New Zealand - Leamington River
Bridgemeister ID:759 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Monymusk Farm
Location:Leamington Valley, Cheviot vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Leamington River
Principals:Ellis Upritchard
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1937: Redpath's

Waioeka Gorge, Opotiki vicinity, New Zealand - Waioeka River
Bridgemeister ID:756 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Waioeka Gorge, Opotiki vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Waioeka River

1937: Reichsbrücke

Vienna, Austria - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:4589 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Vienna, Austria
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:48.227267 N 16.407719 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, August 1, 1976
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 241.2 meters (791.3 feet)


  • Renovated 1948-1952.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1937: Rio Chiriquí

David, Panama - Rio Chiriquí
Bridgemeister ID:451 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Rio Chiriquí
Location:David, Panama
Crossing:Rio Chiriquí
Principals:Conde B. McCullough
References:AAJ, CBM
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)
Deck width:20 feet

External Links:

1937: Rio Choluteca

Choluteca, Honduras - Rio Choluteca
Bridgemeister ID:452 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Rio Choluteca
Location:Choluteca, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Choluteca
Coordinates:13.312089 N 87.191631 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Conde B. McCullough, R. Archibald
References:AAJ, CBM, MSSB
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 100.6 meters (330 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 33.5 meters (110 feet)
Deck width:30 feet

External Links:

Photo by Aaron Pankonin

1937: Rio Tamasalupa

Asuncíon Mita, Guatemala - Rio Tamasalupa
Bridgemeister ID:453 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Rio Tamasalupa
Location:Asuncíon Mita, Guatemala
Crossing:Rio Tamasalupa
Coordinates:14.304190 N 89.717344 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Conde B. McCullough, R. Archibald
References:AAJ, CBM
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:20 feet

External Links:

1937: San Rafael Swinging

San Rafael Bridge Recreation Site, Utah, USA - San Rafael River
Bridgemeister ID:362 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1937
Name:San Rafael Swinging
Also Known As:Buckhorn Wash
Location:San Rafael Bridge Recreation Site, Utah, USA
Crossing:San Rafael River
Coordinates:39.08112 N 110.66639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:CCC, Milton P. Greaves
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)


  • Restored, c.1994.
  • Some web sites state this bridge was destroyed by fire in 2008. This appears to be caused by confusion with Utah's Dewey bridge destroyed by a fire in 2008. The San Rafael bridge was not destroyed and was still in active use as of 2020.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1937: Stoddard Pack

Salmon and North Fork vicinity, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:641 (added 2003-02-15)
Year Completed:1937
Name:Stoddard Pack
Location:Salmon and North Fork vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
Coordinates:45.29601 N 114.60448 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:Replaced, 2014
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1937: Swinging

Red Hill vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Perkiomen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7367 (added 2022-11-04)
Year Completed:1937
Location:Red Hill vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Perkiomen Creek
Coordinates:40.353622 N 75.503263 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, Early 1950s
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced a much less substantial swinging bridge that was destroyed by flood in 1935.
  • The site of this bridge was inundated with the creation of the Green Lane Reservoir in the 1950s. The coordinates indicate the approximate location of the bridge which would have been near the current end of Swinging Bridge Rd.

1938: (suspension bridge)

Gerung, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3046 (added 2019-10-20)
Year Completed:1938
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gerung, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.692476 S 116.108842 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • In 2019, appears to be restricted to motorbike and pedestrian traffic.

External Links:

1938: Assat

Assat and Narcastet, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Ousse
Bridgemeister ID:4687 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Assat and Narcastet, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Coordinates:43.244390 N 0.308003 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Brae Doune

Brae Doune, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Oykel
Bridgemeister ID:2635 (added 2019-03-02)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Brae Doune
Also Known As:Tuitean
Location:Brae Doune, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Oykel
Coordinates:57.974258 N 4.638333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Henderson and Co. (Aberdeen)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by Dave Cooper

1938: Buker

Scott Bar vicinity, California, USA - Scott River
Bridgemeister ID:581 (added 2003-01-01)
Year Completed:1938
Also Known As:Canyon Creek, Scott River
Location:Scott Bar vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Scott River
At or Near Feature:Klamath National Forest
Coordinates:41.63408 N 123.10570 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Restored 1998 (per plaque posted on bridge).

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1938: Fox River

Fox Glacier valley, West Coast, New Zealand - Fox River
Bridgemeister ID:763 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Fox River
Location:Fox Glacier valley, West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Fox River
Coordinates:43.477723 S 170.008270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (359.9 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Eileen O'Grady

1938: James River

Buchanan, Virginia, USA - James River
Bridgemeister ID:337 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1938
Name:James River
Location:Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Crossing:James River
Coordinates:37.53038 N 79.67793 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Virginia State Highway Department (now VDOT)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


  • This oddly-proportioned bridge has a long side-span on one side and no side-span on the other.
  • Damaged by storm, November, 2003. Temporarily closed, February, 2004. Repaired and reopened March, 2004.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1938: Jerambah

Selindung, Pangkalpinang and Balunijuk, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia - Sungai Nielanding
Bridgemeister ID:8174 (added 2024-02-04)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Selindung, Pangkalpinang and Balunijuk, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Nielanding
Coordinates:2.086800 S 106.093350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 54.5 meters (178.8 feet) estimated


  • In 2021, a large faux suspension bridge was completed next to the remains of the suspension bridge. Patrick S. O'Donnell writes: "These remnants are overshadowed (physically, but not historically) by the relatively new (2021) concrete highway bridge designed to look like a suspension bridge. Built in homage to the original suspension bridge at this site, this new bridge's suspension elements are all decorative; from the main and suspender cables to the accompanying hardware, and the steel towers that are to their credit at least fixed to the ground and not the bridge itself. The new bridge's construction did have a setback when all the mainspan concrete girders collapsed into the river on October 16, 2020. The new bridge was inaugurated on March 4, 2021."

External Links:

1938: Kamui-Ohashi

Asahikawa vicinity, Hokkaido, Japan - Ishikari River
Bridgemeister ID:1877 (added 2005-09-22)
Year Completed:1938
Also Known As:神居大橋
Location:Asahikawa vicinity, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Ishikari River
Coordinates:43.732417 N 142.200883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 38.8 meters (127.3 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

1938: Krymsky

Moscow, Russia - Moskva River
Bridgemeister ID:960 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1938
Also Known As:Crimean
Location:Moscow, Russia
Crossing:Moskva River
Coordinates:55.734082 N 37.598721 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:B. P. Konstantinov, A. V. Vlasov
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Lake Mathews Outlet Tower

Corona vicinity, California, USA - Lake Mathews
Bridgemeister ID:1891 (added 2005-10-01)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Lake Mathews Outlet Tower
Location:Corona vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Lake Mathews
Coordinates:33.849279 N 117.455022 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Outlet tower access bridge. Likely completed 1938 with Cajalco (now Lake Matthews) Reservoir construction.

External Links:

1938: Manning

Riggins Hot Springs vicinity, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:1333 (added 2004-05-01)
Year Completed:1938
Also Known As:Crevasse
Location:Riggins Hot Springs vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
At or Near Feature:Manning Crevice
Coordinates:45.401517 N 116.11682 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. P. Martin, E. Myers
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Don McRitchie

1938: Montjean-sur-Loire

Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6422 (added 2021-08-09)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.392675 N 0.860650 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:4
Side Spans:2


Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Nengtan

Hunan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1277 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Hunan, China
Main Cables:Eyebar (iron)
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)

1938: Nengtan

Nengtan (能滩村), Luxi County, Xiangxi, Hunan, China - Nengtan River
Bridgemeister ID:8227 (added 2024-02-07)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Nengtan (能滩村), Luxi County, Xiangxi, Hunan, China
Crossing:Nengtan River
Coordinates:28.233306 N 109.984139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1938: Queanbeyan

Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia - Queanbeyan River
Bridgemeister ID:454 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Queanbeyan River
Coordinates:35.35567 S 149.23857 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1938: Roquefort-sur-Garonne

Fourc and Roquefort-sur-Garonne, Haute-Garonne, France - Salat River
Bridgemeister ID:7399 (added 2022-12-03)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Fourc and Roquefort-sur-Garonne, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Salat River
Coordinates:43.158060 N 0.968714 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated


1938: Saint-Gilles

Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, Gard, France - Petit Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6743 (added 2021-10-23)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, Gard, France
Crossing:Petit Rhône River
Coordinates:43.665675 N 4.452997 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1985
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Saula

Lafrançaise, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:7185 (added 2022-07-02)
Year Completed:1938
Location:Lafrançaise, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:44.113997 N 1.247532 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Te Reinga

Wairoa vicinity, New Zealand - Wairoa River
Bridgemeister ID:760 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Te Reinga
Location:Wairoa vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Wairoa River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2001)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Scheduled to be demolished, 2003.

External Links:

1938: Thousand Islands International I

Wellesley Island and Collins Landing, New York, USA - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:364 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Thousand Islands International I
Location:Wellesley Island and Collins Landing, New York, USA
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
At or Near Feature:American Channel
Coordinates:44.30333 N 75.98333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
References:AAJ, ADDS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 106.7 meters (350 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Thousand Islands International II

Georgina Island and Selton, Ontario, Canada - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:365 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Thousand Islands International II
Location:Georgina Island and Selton, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
Coordinates:44.36323 N 75.98271 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
References:AAJ, ADDS
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 228.6 meters (750 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1938: Veenker Golf Course

Ames, Iowa, USA - Squaw Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2690 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:1938
Name:Veenker Golf Course
Location:Ames, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Squaw Creek
Use:Golf cart
Status:Failed, November 2014
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1939: (footbridge)

Dannevirke vicinity, New Zealand - Mangatoro Stream
Bridgemeister ID:766 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Dannevirke vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangatoro Stream

1939: (footbridge)

Masterton, Wairarapa District, New Zealand - Waipoua River
Bridgemeister ID:742 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Masterton, Wairarapa District, New Zealand
Crossing:Waipoua River
At or Near Feature:Queen Elizabeth Park
Coordinates:40.947982 S 175.669994 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Appears to have replaced a suspension bridge of similar design, but slightly narrower towers.

External Links:

Photo by Jerry Glenn Photo by David Denenberg

1939: (footbridge)

West Bank, New Zealand - Maruia River
Bridgemeister ID:768 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1939
Location:West Bank, New Zealand
Crossing:Maruia River

1939: Avalon Dam

Carlsbad vicinity, New Mexico, USA - Headgate Channel
Bridgemeister ID:1960 (added 2005-11-05)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Avalon Dam
Location:Carlsbad vicinity, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Headgate Channel
Coordinates:32.491492 N 104.251506 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

1939: Bend

Bend, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:1616 (added 2005-02-26)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Bend, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:31.101306 N 98.514083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Crossed the Colorado River a bit north of the current (2020s) bridge at Bend.
  • Similar to 1939 Regency - Regency, Texas, USA. The Bend bridge is pictured in AUB. At first, I thought it was the nearby Regency bridge, but upon closer inspection, the Bend bridge had suspended approach spans. Regency did not. Otherwise, they are very similar in appearance, both having been built in the same year by the same company.

1939: Black River Harbor

Ottawa National Forest, Michigan, USA - Black River
Bridgemeister ID:1045 (added 2003-12-06)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Black River Harbor
Location:Ottawa National Forest, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Black River
Coordinates:46.66608 N 90.04611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:3601st Company CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) Camp Norrie
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58.8 meters (193 feet)


  • Reconstructed, 1968, but appears to have retained its original appearance. Improvements made, 2009.
  • Tom Haapoja provided information about this bridge. His father worked on its construction: "Built in 1938-39. They had a sawmill on site from which they took 'select' lumber for the bridge and boat docking area. I think the sawmill was located on the present-day parking lot. Each anchor for the suspension cables consisted of 44 tons of concrete. The concrete was transported to the forms via wheelbarrows. The construction of the East anchor was difficult because the wheelbarrows travelled uphill, and each were pushed by one man and pulled by another."

    "It was a WPA and CCC effort. The CCC Camp discipline and logistics were provided by the US Army, but the construction supervision was provided by the WPA. About 200 Men from the Norrie CCC camp (Ironwood, Michigan) participated in the construction of the bridge and surrounding park. They worked during the cold of winter and rode to and from Camp Norrie in open trucks. Each trip took 1 1/2 hours. The architect of the bridge was 'Oakey' Johnson. The WPA construction foreman was 'Charlie' Johnson."
Photo by Tom Haapoja Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1939: Bronx-Whitestone

The Bronx and Queens, New York, USA - East River
Bridgemeister ID:191 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Location:The Bronx and Queens, New York, USA
Crossing:East River
Coordinates:40.80167 N 73.83 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:O. H. Ammann, Allston Dana
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 701 meters (2,300 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 224 meters (735 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Chute du Brule

Grand-Remous, Quebec, Canada - Gatineau River
Bridgemeister ID:192 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Chute du Brule
Location:Grand-Remous, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Gatineau River
Principals:Dominion Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1939: Cook River

West Coast, New Zealand - Cook River
Bridgemeister ID:764 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Cook River
Location:West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Cook River
Coordinates:43.498923 S 169.966063 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.5 meters (264.1 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Eileen O'Grady

1939: Curran

Littleton, New Hampshire, USA - Ammonoosuc River
Bridgemeister ID:2583 (added 2013-09-22)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Littleton, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Ammonoosuc River
Coordinates:44.306115 N 71.778048 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Kenneth Curran
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 74.4 meters (244 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet) estimated,
1 x 7 meters (23 feet) estimated


1939: Deer Isle

Sedgwick, Maine, USA - Eggemoggin Reach
Bridgemeister ID:193 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Deer Isle
Location:Sedgwick, Maine, USA
Crossing:Eggemoggin Reach
Coordinates:44.290167 N 68.691383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robinson and Steinman
References:AAJ, BBR, IT1999F
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 329.2 meters (1,080 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 147.5 meters (484 feet)


  • Gained much media attention in July 2018 when a bracket broke loose connecting the maintenance access cables to the main cables even though it had no impact on the structural integrity of the bridge.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Duck Reach

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:1860 (added 2005-07-25)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Duck Reach
Location:Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Coordinates:41.459104 S 147.112028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1969, by flood


1939: Far Red Hill

Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia - Dee River
Bridgemeister ID:1748 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Far Red Hill
Location:Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Dee River
Coordinates:23.651006 S 150.376080 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

  • Mount Morgan web site (link reported not working). Notes: "At a special meeting of the Mount Morgan Shire Council in February 1939, the Council accepted a tender from Mr. W. Kerrigan to rebuild [the previous Far Red Hill bridge]. The bridge is now neglected and in a very bad state of repair and is unusable."

1939: Lions Gate

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Vancouver Harbor
Bridgemeister ID:194 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Lions Gate
Also Known As:First Narrows
Location:Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Vancouver Harbor
At or Near Feature:Burrard Inlet
Coordinates:49.31533 N 123.13846 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Monsarrat and Pratley
References:AAJ, BAR, BMA
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 472.4 meters (1,550 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 187.5 meters (615 feet)
Deck width:39 feet

External Links:

Photo courtesy Ronald and Elizabeth Denenberg Photo courtesy Russ Raine Photo courtesy of Gary Woodbury

1939: Manosque

Manosque, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:897 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Manosque, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.8047 N 5.8238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Replaced, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Målselv

Målselv, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Målselv
Bridgemeister ID:2733 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Målselv, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.139009 N 18.601639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Mosquito Road

Placerville, California, USA - South Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:346 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Mosquito Road
Location:Placerville, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork American River
Coordinates:38.77582 N 120.74854 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1939: Otto Beit

Makuti, Zimbabwe and Chirundu, Zambia - Zambezi River
Bridgemeister ID:937 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Otto Beit
Also Known As:Chirundu
Location:Makuti, Zimbabwe and Chirundu, Zambia
Crossing:Zambezi River
Coordinates:16.038006 S 28.852322 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ralph Freeman, Dorman Long & Co Ltd
References:AAJ, WOT
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 320 meters (1,049.9 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Regency

Regency, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:195 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Regency, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:31.41167 N 98.84667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103.6 meters (340 feet)


External Links:

Photo courtesy of Larry Calder Photo by Casey Hibler III Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1939: Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac

Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac and Lavagnac, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:7336 (added 2022-09-03)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac and Lavagnac, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Skoltefoss

Elvenes vicinity, Norway - Pasvikelva
Bridgemeister ID:3953 (added 2020-03-21)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Elvenes vicinity, Norway
Status:Destroyed, December 1939
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Opened September 9, 1939 and soon after destroyed in December 1939, bombed by Finland during the Winter War between Russia and Finland.
  • Unclear if this bridge, when constructed, was actually in Norway, Finland, or straddling the border between the two as it existed in 1939. It was constructed directly over falls in an area known as Skoltefoss where a dam has since been constructed. The current border at this location has changed as a result of the WWII-era hostilities between Finland and Russia and is now between Norway and Russia.

External Links:

1939: Sullivan-Hutsonville

Hutsonville, Illinois and Sullivan, Indiana, USA - Wabash River
Bridgemeister ID:196 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Hutsonville, Illinois and Sullivan, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Wabash River
Coordinates:39.1101 N 87.6551 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Steinman & Robinson, R.V. Milbank, Wisconsin Bridge & Iron Co., Charles J. Glasgow
References:AAJ, BPL, IMB, SJR19880926
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Demolished, 1989
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)
Deck width:20 feet


  • Demolished 1989. This bridge was Steinman's attempt at a self-anchored suspension bridge and met a controversial demise in 1989. An article in the September 26, 1988 issue of the Springfield, IL "The State Journal-Register" describes the ongoing controversy. The company to which the $100,000 demolition contract was let offered to turn the money over to save the bridge. The locals agreed, but the company's Chief Engineer Stephen Schneider was quoted, "I think Indiana really wants to tear it down. They've been ... forced to send inspectors out every two weeks. I think they just want the headache gone." Gary Abell, spokesman for the Indiana Dept. Of Highways said its design is "not one of the best. It works in theory, but not in practice. This is like trying to save a mistake." After a lot of back-and-forth, the locals gave up, "We've had it with them. We don't want anything more to do with it. They can tear the damn thing down." Animosity toward this bridge continues 13 years after its demolition. In 2002, in an email to Wayne Grodkiewicz (who provided me with much information about this bridge), an INDOT representative said, "I am not sure why you are interested in that bridge, but from our stand point, it was a very poorly designed bridge that had many many problems from the day that it was completed, until it was brought down."

External Links:

1939: Swinging

Tishomingo State Park, Mississippi, USA - Bear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:850 (added 2003-07-27)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Tishomingo State Park, Mississippi, USA
Crossing:Bear Creek
Coordinates:34.605183 N 88.17955 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated


  • Likely built by the CCC, this bridge has an interesting zig-zag pattern of suspenders. The suspenders are inclined and are continuous across the bridge like a shoelace with one set of eyelets at deck level and the other set of eyelets along the main cables.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1939: Thames Ditton Island

Thames Ditton, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:2089 (added 2006-07-02)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Thames Ditton Island
Location:Thames Ditton, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.39303 N 0.33127 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1939: Willowflat Road

Putere, New Zealand - Mohaka River
Bridgemeister ID:767 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1939
Name:Willowflat Road
Location:Putere, New Zealand
Crossing:Mohaka River
Coordinates:39.004232 S 176.946771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • Coordinates are for the current (2019) Willowflat Road crossing of the Mohaka River, likely the same location as the suspension bridge.

1940: (pipeline bridge)

Sioux City, Iowa and Dakota City vicinity, Nebraska, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:2252 (added 2007-03-31)
Year Completed:1940
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Sioux City, Iowa and Dakota City vicinity, Nebraska, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
Coordinates:42.43842 N 96.38387 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2005
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 404 meters (1,325.5 feet) estimated


  • Large pipeline suspension bridge located near the Big Soo terminal.

External Links:

1940: (suspension bridge)

Gulsvik, Granheim, Flå, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4052 (added 2020-03-29)
Year Completed:1940
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gulsvik, Granheim, Flå, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.386071 N 9.580834 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

1940: Changgan

Gongguo, Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1231 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1940
Also Known As:Gongguo
Location:Gongguo, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
References:BCG, BYU
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 158.05 meters (518.5 feet)

1940: Clear Creek Swinging

Pyatt vicinity, Arkansas, USA - Clear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1954 (added 2005-11-04)
Year Completed:1940
Name:Clear Creek Swinging
Location:Pyatt vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Clear Creek
Coordinates:36.2098 N 92.8598 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1975
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1940: Draht

Kassel, Hessen, Germany - Fulda River
Bridgemeister ID:926 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1940
Also Known As:Wire
Location:Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Crossing:Fulda River
Coordinates:51.312367 N 9.503317 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet)
Deck width:2.77 meters between side rails, 3.16 meters total


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1940: Friedrichsbrücke

Mannheim, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:8462 (added 2024-03-17)
Year Completed:1940
Location:Mannheim, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:49.494500 N 8.472417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, March 25, 1945
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • This bridge likely functioned more as a cantilever bridge than a suspension bridge.
  • Bombed multiple times during WWII and finaly destroyed March 25, 1945.
  • Replaced 1891 Friedrichsbrücke - Mannheim, Germany. Translated from the linked Wikipedia page, "Due to the constant increase in traffic, it became necessary to expand the Friedrichsbrücke. Instead of an expensive new building, an engineering balancing act was decided: between 1938 and 1940, the bridge was cut lengthwise, pushed two meters apart, filled in the middle and further structurally adapted. With a lane width of 13.5 m, a total of four lanes including tram tracks could be created."

External Links:

Photo, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1940: General Santander

Tuluá vicinity and Riofrio vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2011 (added 2006-01-04)
Year Completed:1940
Name:General Santander
Location:Tuluá vicinity and Riofrio vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.123901 N 76.269404 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:American Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130.15 meters (427 feet)


  • Partially collapsed, 1955. Rehabilitated, 1956. Dismantled, 2000.
  • Coordinates are for likely alignment. Pier and abutment visible in 2014.

1940: H. Wallace Caldwell Memorial

Riverside, Illinois, USA - Des Plaines River
Bridgemeister ID:775 (added 2003-03-14)
Year Completed:1940
Name:H. Wallace Caldwell Memorial
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Riverside, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Des Plaines River
Coordinates:41.826083 N 87.8176 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated


Annotated Citations:

  • Uphues, Bob. "Riverside Township confounded in effort to repaint bridge." Riverside-Brookfield Landmark, 19 October 2021,

    "What was thought to be a pretty straightforward project to refurbish the 210-foot long H. Wallace Caldwell Memorial Bridge – known to local residents as the Swinging Bridge – has turned into something of a nightmare for the Riverside Township Board of Trustees… It turns out that not only was the $75,000 earmarked in the 2021-22 budget far below what it’s going to take to do the job, the township board has had trouble getting companies to even submit bids."

  • Uphues, Bob. "Riverside Township confounded in effort to repaint bridge." Riverside-Brookfield Landmark, 21 March 2023,

    "A long-awaited project to overhaul the painted surfaces of the Swinging Bridge will start March 27 after Riverside Township trustees voted 4-0 on March 14 to approve an ordinance announcing their intention to issue up to $500,000 in alternate revenue bonds to fund the work…"

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1940: Hawkins Bar

Trinity Village and Hawkins Bar, California, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:2343 (added 2007-08-12)
Year Completed:1940
Name:Hawkins Bar
Location:Trinity Village and Hawkins Bar, California, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Coordinates:40.868361 N 123.518139 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


1940: Karangarua River

West Coast, New Zealand - Karangarua River
Bridgemeister ID:765 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1940
Name:Karangarua River
Location:West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Karangarua River
Coordinates:43.575031 S 169.805960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)
Deck width:4.29 meters


  • Several suspenders snapped during violent windstorm, April 17, 2004. Repaired and reopened with a few days.

External Links:

Photo by Eileen O'Grady

1940: Nolan Toll

Nolan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA - Tug Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2239 (added 2007-03-27)
Year Completed:1940
Name:Nolan Toll
Location:Nolan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork River
Coordinates:37.73986 N 82.33125 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2009)


  • The suspension bridge, and later the current adjacent beam and girder bridge, are privately owned and were previously operated as toll bridges. The current bridge was closed by West Virginia in late 2007.
  • Ron Thompson, a member of the family who owns these structures (the suspension bridge formerly, and now the current crossing) writes: "This was a private toll bridge constructed beginning in 1939 by the Big Creek Bridge Company, a privately held corporation headquartered first in Nolan, then in Williamson. The replacement bridge next to it was constructed by the same entity. My father, along with other relatives, inherited most of the corporate stock, and for the last several years he has owned it in its entirety... My grandfather built the original suspension bridge primarily to provide a way to get coal from the surrounding hills in Pike and Martin County, Kentucky to tipples and markets in West Virginia."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1940: Orleans

Orleans, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:197 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1940
Location:Orleans, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Principals:C.H. Purcell, Murphy Pacific Co.
References:BPL, WOT
Status:Destroyed, 1965


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1940: Tacoma Narrows

Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington, USA - Puget Sound
Bridgemeister ID:198 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1940
Name:Tacoma Narrows
Also Known As:Galloping Gertie
Location:Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington, USA
Crossing:Puget Sound
Coordinates:47.267015 N 122.548462 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Leon Moisseiff
References:AAJ, BAR, BBR, BFL, BMA, BPL, COB, CTT, GBD, IT1999F, SPW
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Collapsed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 853.4 meters (2,800 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 335.3 meters (1,100 feet)
Deck width:39 feet


External Links:

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, courtesy of Kevin Walsh Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1940: Tutoko

Milford Sound, New Zealand - Tutoko River
Bridgemeister ID:2664 (added 2019-03-15)
Year Completed:1940
Location:Milford Sound, New Zealand
Crossing:Tutoko River
At or Near Feature:Fiordland National Park
Coordinates:44.677972 S 167.963186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bypassed, 1981.
Photo by David Denenberg

1941: Belleperche

Cordes-Tolosannes, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:3193 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1941
Location:Cordes-Tolosannes, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.995616 N 1.125695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)


External Links:

1941: Carennac

Carennac, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:3067 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:1941
Location:Carennac, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.915186 N 1.743939 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 134 meters (439.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1941: Ebro

Zaragoza, Spain - Ebro River
Bridgemeister ID:8171 (added 2024-02-04)
Year Completed:1941
Location:Zaragoza, Spain
Crossing:Ebro River
Coordinates:41.658694 N 0.881194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1941: Haggard Ford

Harrison vicinity, Arkansas, USA - Bear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:199 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1941
Name:Haggard Ford
Location:Harrison vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Bear Creek
Coordinates:36.3458 N 93.1305 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:WPA, Jess Chaney
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)


  • Located about eight miles north of Harrison. According to plaque at bridge, restored 1977.
  • Gene McCluney writes: "I visited this bridge [in the Summer of 2007] and talked to an adjacent landowner a couple weeks ago. It seems this bridge was closed in 1962 due to instability in one of the piers, and the crossing reverted to a ford or low water crossing until about four years ago when the new vehicular bridge was built. So, there was a suspension bridge in-use there for 20 years, then 40 years of "low water" type crossing, then just recently a new vehicle bridge."
  • Similar to (suspension bridge) - Leslie vicinity, Arkansas, USA.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1941: Rangiport

Épône and Gargenville, Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:6421 (added 2021-07-31)
Year Completed:1941
Location:Épône and Gargenville, Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River
At or Near Feature:Île de Rangiport
Coordinates:48.971502 N 1.808905 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1965
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Large temporary footbridge built on the piers of the arch bridge destroyed in 1941. This was likely two separate, similar suspension bridges crossing the channels on both sides of Rangiport Island.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1941: Rodenkirchen

Köln (Cologne), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:455 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1941
Also Known As:Rodenkirchener, Köln-Rodenkirchen
Location:Köln (Cologne), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:50.898518 N 6.989139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Fritz Leonhardt, Paul Bonatz, Karl Schaechterle
References:BBR, BFL, BRU
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, January, 1945
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1941: Saint-Denis-de-Pile

Saint-Denis-de-Pile and Bonzac, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:2962 (added 2019-10-06)
Year Completed:1941
Location:Saint-Denis-de-Pile and Bonzac, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
Coordinates:44.993221 N 0.207261 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1942: Cuscatlán

San Vicente and Usulután, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:948 (added 2003-10-30)
Year Completed:1942
Also Known As:Rio Lempa
Location:San Vicente and Usulután, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:13.616536 N 88.563753 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:American Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Destroyed, January 1, 1984
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Bombed and destroyed by militants, January 1, 1984. Piers and abutments remain (as of 2021).

External Links:

Photo by Arturo Castro Butter Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo courtesy of Amy Bastian

1942: Margaret

Munnar, Kerala, India - Muthirapuzha River
Bridgemeister ID:3005 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:1942
Location:Munnar, Kerala, India
Crossing:Muthirapuzha River
Coordinates:10.078807 N 77.063246 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, August 14, 2018
Main Spans:2


  • Destroyed by flood, August 14, 2018.

1942: Shimian

Shimian County (石棉县), Ya'an (雅安市), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:1290 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1942
Location:Shimian County (石棉县), Ya'an (雅安市), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:29.241472 N 102.356167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet)


  • Rebuilt 1952, 1964.

1942: Storforshei

Storforshei, Rana, Nordland, Norway - Ranelva
Bridgemeister ID:3788 (added 2020-02-29)
Year Completed:1942
Location:Storforshei, Rana, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.40420 N 14.50999 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Temporary structure built 1942 or possibly 1943 to replace a large portion of a truss bridge destroyed in 1940 during WWII hostilities.

External Links:

1942: Trolljuv

Rafdal, Markhus vicinity, Etne, Vestland, Norway - Trollajuvet
Bridgemeister ID:4501 (added 2020-05-02)
Year Completed:1942
Location:Rafdal, Markhus vicinity, Etne, Vestland, Norway
At or Near Feature:Åkrafjorden
Coordinates:59.785424 N 6.158266 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1943: Izeron

Izeron and Saint-Sauveur, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7160 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1943
Location:Izeron and Saint-Sauveur, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.154525 N 5.364199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 166 meters (544.6 feet)


1943: Peace River

Taylor, British Columbia, Canada - Peace River
Bridgemeister ID:205 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1943
Name:Peace River
Location:Taylor, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Peace River
Coordinates:56.138123 N 120.674371 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 609.6 meters (2,000 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1943: Sheep

Sheep Crossing (Cave Creek vicinity), Arizona, USA - Verde River
Bridgemeister ID:201 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1943
Also Known As:Red Point Sheep, Verde River Sheep
Location:Sheep Crossing (Cave Creek vicinity), Arizona, USA
Crossing:Verde River
Coordinates:34.077674 N 111.707743 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flagstaff Sheep Co., Cyril O. Gilliam, Frank Auza, George W. Smith.
Use:Footbridge and Stock
Status:Replaced, 1988
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 145.1 meters (476 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


  • From a sign at the site: "The Old Verde River Sheep Bridge. The original Verde River Sheep Bridge, also known as the Red Point Sheep Bridge, was constructed at this location in 1943 by Flagstaff Sheep Company, which had been grazing sheep in the area under a Forest Service permit since 1926....

    "Erected with hand tools and a few mules during World War II, the bridge was constructed largely with salvaged materials. Overall length of the structure from cable anchorage to cable anchorage was 691 feet, and the distance between the towers was 568 feet. The walkway was 476 feet long and three feet wide. The towers originally were constructed with wood, as was the walkway. Soon after the bridge was completed, the wooden towers were reinforced with concrete buttresses. Each main suspension cable consisted of a pair of... lock-coil, spiral strands, which were obtained from an abandoned tramway that carted copper ore.... Only the towers of the old bridge remain.

    "Although several other bridges of this type previously had been built in Arizona, Verde River Sheep Bridge was the last of its kind in the Southwest when it was entered into the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. In 1988, weakened by years of service and floods, the bridge was disassembled. In 1989 the bridge found here today was erected. Reminiscent of the original structure, the new bridge recalls the ingenuity of the pioneer sheepmen and a way of ranching that has virtually disappeared from the Arizona scene."
  • Many remnants from this bridge are still visible at the site.
  • Replaced by 1989 Sheep - Sheep Crossing (Cave Creek vicinity), Arizona, USA.
Photo by Norm Johnson Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1943: Swinging

Allison, Arkansas, USA - South Sylamore Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5857 (added 2021-05-15)
Year Completed:1943
Location:Allison, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:South Sylamore Creek
Coordinates:35.935874 N 92.121329 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, December 3, 1982
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1943: Tynset

Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3912 (added 2020-03-15)
Year Completed:1943
Location:Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.28051 N 10.77184 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2000
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

1944: Canol

Ross River, Yukon, Canada - Ross River
Bridgemeister ID:833 (added 2003-06-01)
Year Completed:1944
Also Known As:Ross River
Location:Ross River, Yukon, Canada
Crossing:Ross River
Coordinates:61.98769 N 132.44722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 182.9 meters (600 feet)


  • Closed in 2013 due to deteriorating condition and risk of imminent failure. Rehabilitated 2017-2018 and subsequently reopened.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Mark Rogers

1944: Fossum

Askim and Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3932 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1944
Location:Askim and Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway
Coordinates:59.60155 N 11.09936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed (last checked: 1965)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet)


  • Built as a temporary replacement for the 1856 two-span wood Fossum bridge damaged during 1940 hostilities. The suspension bridge was built directly over the 1856 bridge resulting in an odd appearance with minimal clearance between the two bridges.
  • Replaced by 1961 Fossum - Askim and Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway.
Scan of a color slide, collection of David Denenberg

1944: Liard River

Liard River Hot Springs vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Liard River
Bridgemeister ID:339 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1944
Name:Liard River
Location:Liard River Hot Springs vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Liard River
Coordinates:59.41312 N 126.09541 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:American Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Russ Raine Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1945: Aiguilly

Roanne vicinity and Vougy vicinity, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:4923 (added 2020-07-26)
Year Completed:1945
Location:Roanne vicinity and Vougy vicinity, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Demolished, 1982
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet)


External Links:

1945: Ölfusá

Selfoss, Iceland - Ölfusá River
Bridgemeister ID:2921 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:1945
Location:Selfoss, Iceland
Crossing:Ölfusá River
Coordinates:63.938889 N 21.004853 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1945: College

Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6423 (added 2021-08-09)
Year Completed:1945
Also Known As:Collège
Location:Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.765661 N 4.840563 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BPF, PQL
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (359.9 feet)
Side Spans:2


Photo by David Denenberg

1945: Saint-Esprit

Pont-Saint-Esprit, Gard and Mondragon, Vaucluse, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:8139 (added 2024-01-20)
Year Completed:1945
Location:Pont-Saint-Esprit, Gard and Mondragon, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.258917 N 4.650833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1954
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This suspension span replaced one arch of the Saint-Espirit bridge that had been destroyed in 1944 during WWII. It was replaced by a new concrete arch in 1954.

External Links:

Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1945: Triel-sur-Seine

Triel-sur-Seine and Vernouillet, Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:7810 (added 2023-09-01)
Year Completed:1945
Location:Triel-sur-Seine and Vernouillet, Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:48.978374 N 2.001012 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1956
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1945: TVA Apalachia

Reliance vicinity, Tennessee, USA - Hiwassee River
Bridgemeister ID:790 (added 2003-03-22)
Year Completed:1945
Name:TVA Apalachia
Location:Reliance vicinity, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Hiwassee River
Coordinates:35.18269 N 84.43894 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120.4 meters (395 feet)


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes this footbridge is large, "its main span is 395 feet with 455 feet between the towers, as [one] tower is set back from the end of the deck."
  • Rebuilt 1975 and again in 2008.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Brian Lewis Photo by Brian Lewis

1946: Alta

Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Altaelva
Bridgemeister ID:3764 (added 2020-02-29)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.968215 N 23.375254 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes: Appears to have been a temporary motor vehicle suspension bridge, constructed following WWII and the destruction of a three span through truss that was opened in 1896. The suspension bridge appears to be timber towered and about half the length of the current Alta bridge. It appears they filled in half the waterway as it was not very deep or fast flowing.
  • Replaced by 1948 Alta - Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway.

External Links:

1946: Boran

Boran-sur-Oise, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:6952 (added 2022-02-13)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Boran-sur-Oise, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.168337 N 2.366662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

1946: Châteauneuf-sur-Loire

Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1015 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.8581 N 2.22345 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:2 x 49.15 meters (161.3 feet),
3 x 59.5 meters (195.2 feet)
Deck width:7 meters


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1946: Doveridge

Doveridge, England, United Kingdom - River Dove
Bridgemeister ID:2173 (added 2007-01-13)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Doveridge, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Dove
Coordinates:52.903057 N 1.836045 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Douglas Harper Photo by Dave Cooper

1946: Halfter

Halft, Eitorf vicinity, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Sieg River
Bridgemeister ID:1881 (added 2005-09-24)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Halft, Eitorf vicinity, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Sieg River
Coordinates:50.77129 N 7.47618 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 15 meters (49.2 feet)
Deck width:1.7 meters


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes the bridge was built by local residents after World War II using cables from cable cars.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1946: Monkey

Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1282 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Yunnan, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.54 meters (142.8 feet)

1946: Senkiw

Franklin, Manitoba, Canada - Roseau River
Bridgemeister ID:5177 (added 2020-10-03)
Year Completed:1946
Location:Franklin, Manitoba, Canada
Crossing:Roseau River
Coordinates:49.198470 N 96.882782 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Refurbished, 2004-2005.

External Links:

1947: (footbridge)

Driva, Oppdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3905 (added 2020-03-14)
Year Completed:1947
Location:Driva, Oppdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.53715 N 9.61297 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2003
Main Span:1 x 57.5 meters (188.6 feet) estimated


1947: (footbridge)

Krzyżanowice, Proszówki vicinity, Poland - Raba
Bridgemeister ID:6106 (added 2021-07-04)
Year Completed:1947
Location:Krzyżanowice, Proszówki vicinity, Poland
Coordinates:50.008323 N 20.434253 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1947: Grésin

Bellegarde-sur-Valserine vicinity, Ain and Haute-Savoie, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1003 (added 2003-11-18)
Year Completed:1947
Location:Bellegarde-sur-Valserine vicinity, Ain and Haute-Savoie, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:46.085407 N 5.861124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1947: Hal Adams

Mayo vicinity and Luraville, Florida, USA - Suwannee River
Bridgemeister ID:203 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1947
Name:Hal Adams
Location:Mayo vicinity and Luraville, Florida, USA
Crossing:Suwannee River
Coordinates:30.099 N 83.1715 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Florida DOT
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (420 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1947: Jean Jacquet

Rivesaltes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France - Agly River
Bridgemeister ID:2467 (added 2008-12-19)
Year Completed:1947
Name:Jean Jacquet
Also Known As:Jacquet
Location:Rivesaltes, Pyrénées-Orientales, France
Crossing:Agly River
Coordinates:42.771912 N 2.871446 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1947: Les Andelys

Les Andelys, Eure, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:456 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1947
Name:Les Andelys
Location:Les Andelys, Eure, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.236625 N 1.398946 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 146 meters (479 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1947: Lumberville-Raven Rock

Lumberville, Pennsylvania and Bulls Island State Park, New Jersey, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:204 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1947
Name:Lumberville-Raven Rock
Also Known As:Bulls Island
Location:Lumberville, Pennsylvania and Bulls Island State Park, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:40.407017 N 75.038183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
References:BDR, BONJ, SSB
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable,
Hinged cables


  • SSB has an old picture of the bridge from a "Roebling publication". The original caption inside the picture says: "Practical application of Roebling Bridge research is the Lumberville footbridge which spans the Delaware River about twenty miles above Trenton. Pictured below, it utilizes four slabs of Roebling prestressed concrete and the Roebling-developed cable stiffening principle for the first time in the Western Hemisphere." and the authors of SSB go on to describe it asa "two-hinged braced cable suspension footbridge."

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1947: Mitchell County Bridge 223

Red Hill vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Big Rock Creek
Bridgemeister ID:788 (added 2003-03-22)
Year Completed:1947
Name:Mitchell County Bridge 223
Location:Red Hill vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Big Rock Creek
Coordinates:36.04363 N 82.22528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:North Carolina Bridge Maintenance Unit
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28.2 meters (92.5 feet)


  • From the NCDOT page about this bridge: "According to state records, the western deadman was replaced in 2002 along with several hangers. The anchor cable at the deadman was replaced in 1974, but otherwise records do not identify any major repairs to or rebuilding of the structure."

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1947: Rideau Park

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Elbow River
Bridgemeister ID:968 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1947
Name:Rideau Park
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Elbow River
At or Near Feature:Wood's Park-Elbow Island Park
Coordinates:51.02491 N 114.0781 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2013
Main Cables:Wire


Photo by David Denenberg

1948: (footbridge)

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA - South Chickamauga Creek
Bridgemeister ID:248 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:South Chickamauga Creek
At or Near Feature:Elise Chapin Wildlife Sanctuary
Coordinates:34.99694 N 85.18442 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, July 16, 2000


1948: (footbridge)

Stockport and Columbiaville, New York, USA - Kinderhook Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8793 (added 2024-09-13)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Stockport and Columbiaville, New York, USA
Crossing:Kinderhook Creek
Coordinates:42.317444 N 73.746083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, 2010
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Crossed Kinderhook Creek just a few feet north of the confluence of Kinderhook, Claverack, and Stockport Creeks. Said to have replaced multiple prior suspension bridges built in the 1914, the 1920s, and 1938.
  • 1983: Closed.
  • 2010, February: Collapsed due to snow and ice accumulation.

External Links:

1948: (suspension bridge)

Awa, Nigeria and Ekok, Cameroon - Cross River
Bridgemeister ID:7142 (added 2022-06-25)
Year Completed:1948
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Awa, Nigeria and Ekok, Cameroon
Crossing:Cross River
Coordinates:5.811633 N 8.847657 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

1948: Alta

Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Altaelva
Bridgemeister ID:2739 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.968701 N 23.374410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Chalonnes

Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1014 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.354367 N 0.761583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109.65 meters (359.7 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Ennery

Ennery and Hauconcourt, Maizières-lès-Metz vicinity, Moselle, France - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:2377 (added 2007-10-14)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Ennery and Hauconcourt, Maizières-lès-Metz vicinity, Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Coordinates:49.223593 N 6.197988 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2012-2014
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Removed, c. 2012-2014. Replaced with a non-suspension bridge in 2014.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Gennes

Gennes and Les Rosiers-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1174 (added 2004-01-23)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Gennes and Les Rosiers-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.345283 N 0.230567 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Jicheng

Baoshan and Tengchong, Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1230 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1948
Also Known As:Huiren, Dongfeng
Location:Baoshan and Tengchong, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:24.986196 N 98.872567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BCG, BYU
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)


  • Bypassed in 1988 by Dongfeng cable-stayed bridge. The Jicheng bridge was also previously known as "Dongfeng".

1948: Kapaia

Kapaia, Hawaii, USA - Hanamaulu Stream
Bridgemeister ID:2470 (added 2008-12-20)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Kapaia, Hawaii, USA
Crossing:Hanamaulu Stream
Coordinates:21.990740 N 159.364568 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2018
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1948: Keikyän

Niemenmäki, Finland - Kokemäenjoki
Bridgemeister ID:3290 (added 2019-11-24)
Year Completed:1948
Also Known As:Keikyä
Location:Niemenmäki, Finland
Coordinates:61.278435 N 22.704704 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated,
1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:4

1948: Les Rosiers-sur-Loire

Les Rosiers-sur-Loire and Gennes, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1534 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1948
Name:Les Rosiers-sur-Loire
Location:Les Rosiers-sur-Loire and Gennes, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.348533 N 0.2277 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Luitpoldbrücke

Passau, Bavaria, Germany - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:932 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Passau, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:48.5756 N 13.4716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Rocker towers


External Links:

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Meung-sur-Loire

Meung-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1175 (added 2004-01-23)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Meung-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.822517 N 1.7026 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 74 meters (242.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 70.5 meters (231.3 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Tana

Tana, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Tana
Bridgemeister ID:2738 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:1948
Location:Tana, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:70.199153 N 28.199913 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2020-2021 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 194 meters (636.5 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1948: Victoria

San Ramón, Peru - Rio Tarma
Bridgemeister ID:7875 (added 2023-10-01)
Year Completed:1948
Location:San Ramón, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tarma
Coordinates:11.119570 S 75.367177 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

1948: Wolffs Road

West Eyreton, North Canterbury, New Zealand - Eyre River N. Branch
Bridgemeister ID:762 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1948
Name:Wolffs Road
Location:West Eyreton, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Crossing:Eyre River N. Branch
Coordinates:43.336539 S 172.291641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:R. G. Wolff
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet)

External Links:

1949: (footbridge)

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2087 (added 2006-06-24)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
At or Near Feature:University of Minnesota
Principals:Joseph A. Wise, Mid-West Engineering Inc.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


1949: (footbridge)

Valence, Drôme and Guilherand-Granges, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6517 (added 2021-08-27)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Valence, Drôme and Guilherand-Granges, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.931773 N 4.883700 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1960s
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1949: (pipeline bridge)

Purcell vicinity, Oklahoma, USA - Canadian River
Bridgemeister ID:1447 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1949
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Purcell vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Canadian River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Unusual for a pipeline suspension bridge, this bridge has at least two main spans.

1949: Åbacka

Åbacka, Finland - Perhonjoki
Bridgemeister ID:4335 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Åbacka, Finland
Coordinates:63.732500 N 23.312316 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gilmar Ånäs
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

1949: Beaver

Beaver, Arkansas, USA - White River
Bridgemeister ID:200 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Beaver, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:White River
At or Near Feature:Table Rock Reservoir
Coordinates:36.4708 N 93.76856 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Pioneer Construction Co., Arkansas State Highway Department
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, October, 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 95.1 meters (312 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 32 meters (105 feet)
Deck width:11.1 feet


  • 1981: Deck replaced.
  • 1990: Added to National Register of Historic Places
  • 2002: Deck replaced.
  • 2020: Timber deck and railings replaced, September.
  • 2021, October: Closed again for repairs.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1949: Brandval

Brandval, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3928 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Brandval, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.31928 N 12.01030 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 187 meters (613.5 feet) estimated

1949: Foss

Tveit, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:1613 (added 2005-02-20)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Tveit, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.259667 N 8.159376 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (214.9 feet) estimated


1949: Hawkesworth

San Ignacio and Santa Elena, Belize - Macal River
Bridgemeister ID:1634 (added 2005-03-12)
Year Completed:1949
Location:San Ignacio and Santa Elena, Belize
Crossing:Macal River
Coordinates:17.156828 N 89.068307 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1949: Higden

Higden and Greers Ferry, Arkansas, USA - Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1821 (added 2005-05-21)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Higden and Greers Ferry, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Little Red River
Coordinates:35.571472 N 92.197972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Location inundated when the Greers Ferry Lake reservoir was created in the 1960s.
  • The Arkansas History Commission's image archive contains an image of this bridge. The abstract mentions the bridge "is a temporary 'low-water' bridge built when the old suspension bridge nearby was declared unsafe"

1949: Kongsvinger

Kongsvinger, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3929 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Kongsvinger, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.18934 N 11.99692 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1949: Lacroix-Saint-Ouen

Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:7082 (added 2022-05-28)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.352884 N 2.767171 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

1949: Montjean-sur-Loire

Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1538 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Montjean-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.393783 N 0.859783 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:4
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:1491 (added 2004-09-19)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Volonne, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:44.108633 N 6.00785 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Removed, c. 2006
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1949: Wehlen

Wehlen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:533 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1949
Location:Wehlen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Coordinates:49.943276 N 7.045824 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 37 meters (121.4 feet)
Deck width:8.8 meters


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1950: (footbridge)

Ellamore, West Virginia, USA - Middle Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:1186 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1950
Location:Ellamore, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork River
At or Near Feature:Boy Scout Camp Mahonegon
Coordinates:38.950796 N 80.073675 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Brian McQueen

1950: (footbridge)

New Hamburg vicinity, Ontario, Canada - Nith River
Bridgemeister ID:803 (added 2003-03-30)
Year Completed:1950
Location:New Hamburg vicinity, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Nith River
Coordinates:43.398709 N 80.707671 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

1950: (pipeline bridge)

Clanton vicinity, Alabama, USA - Coosa River
Bridgemeister ID:1446 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1950
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Clanton vicinity, Alabama, USA
Crossing:Coosa River
Coordinates:32.794583 N 86.429267 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1950: (suspension bridge)

Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d'Or, Métropole de Lyon, France
Bridgemeister ID:3214 (added 2019-11-11)
Year Completed:1950
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d'Or, Métropole de Lyon, France
Coordinates:45.898758 N 4.794597 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1950: Burgate

Burgate, Fordingbridge vicinity, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:820 (added 2003-05-31)
Year Completed:1950
Location:Burgate, Fordingbridge vicinity, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon
Coordinates:50.938883 N 1.781117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:E.W.H. Gifford
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper

1950: Dumarsais Estimé

Jérémie, Haiti - Grande-Anse River
Bridgemeister ID:535 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1950
Name:Dumarsais Estimé
Location:Jérémie, Haiti
Crossing:Grande-Anse River
Coordinates:18.630483 N 74.112004 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1950: El Jobo

Las Chinamas, Ahuachapán, El Salvador and Las Pilas, Guatemala - Rio Paz
Bridgemeister ID:4606 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:1950
Name:El Jobo
Location:Las Chinamas, Ahuachapán, El Salvador and Las Pilas, Guatemala
Crossing:Rio Paz
Coordinates:14.017589 N 89.906447 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1950: Elvenes

Elvenes, Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Pasvikelva
Bridgemeister ID:3050 (added 2019-10-20)
Year Completed:1950
Location:Elvenes, Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.679308 N 30.111960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1950: Glomstadfoss

Åsta, Åmot, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3925 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1950
Location:Åsta, Åmot, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.07884 N 11.36695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

1950: Hyde Park

Hyde Park and Leechburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Kiskiminetas River
Bridgemeister ID:776 (added 2003-03-15)
Year Completed:1950
Name:Hyde Park
Also Known As:Walking
Location:Hyde Park and Leechburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Kiskiminetas River
Coordinates:40.627633 N 79.59835 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:1 x 47.5 meters (156 feet) estimated,
1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated,
1 x 47.9 meters (157 feet) estimated


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Guy Learn Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by David Denenberg

1950: Ospina Perez

Girardot, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:2901 (added 2019-09-13)
Year Completed:1950
Name:Ospina Perez
Location:Girardot, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:4.288280 N 74.809032 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

1950: Rognonas

Rognonas, Bouches-du-Rhône and Avignon, Vaucluse, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:549 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1950
Location:Rognonas, Bouches-du-Rhône and Avignon, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.914624 N 4.808279 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BC2, BPF
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 255 meters (836.6 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1950: Tacoma Narrows

Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington, USA - Puget Sound
Bridgemeister ID:206 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1950
Name:Tacoma Narrows
Also Known As:Sturdy Gertie, Second Tacoma Narrows
Location:Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington, USA
Crossing:Puget Sound
Coordinates:47.270540 N 122.552895 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Dexter R. Smith
References:BBR, BC3, BCO, BFL, COB, CTT, SPW
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 853.4 meters (2,800 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 335.3 meters (1,100 feet)
Deck width:46f 8in


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1950: Takayama

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan - Toyohira River
Bridgemeister ID:1872 (added 2005-08-06)
Year Completed:1950
Also Known As:高山橋, Koyama
Location:Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Toyohira River
Coordinates:42.968122 N 141.166456 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters

External Links:

1950: Tournus

Tournus, Saône-et-Loire, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:5659 (added 2021-01-01)
Year Completed:1950
Location:Tournus, Saône-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.564335 N 4.913185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1950: Warragamba Dam

Warragamba, New South Wales, Australia - Warragamba River
Bridgemeister ID:2687 (added 2019-05-26)
Year Completed:1950
Name:Warragamba Dam
Location:Warragamba, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Warragamba River
Coordinates:33.882494 S 150.598102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2005
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Heavily damaged by brush fire, 2001. Removed 2005 or later.

1951: (suspension bridge)

Røyknes, Vennesla and Skisland, Iveland, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4338 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1951
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Røyknes, Vennesla and Skisland, Iveland, Agder, Norway
At or Near Feature:west channel between Røyknesfjorden and Nedrefjorden
Coordinates:58.3437653 N 7.901795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


External Links:

1951: (suspension bridge)

Røyknes, Vennesla and Skisland, Iveland, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4339 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1951
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Røyknes, Vennesla and Skisland, Iveland, Agder, Norway
At or Near Feature:east channel between Røyknesfjorden and Nedrefjorden
Coordinates:58.345079 N 7.906170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


External Links:

1951: Bonny-sur-Loire

Bonny-sur-Loire and Beaulieu-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1783 (added 2005-05-13)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Bonny-sur-Loire and Beaulieu-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.5505 N 2.835633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)
Deck width:7.9 meters


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Bouchemaine

Bouchemaine, Maine-et-Loire, France - Maine River
Bridgemeister ID:1782 (added 2005-05-12)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Bouchemaine, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Maine River
Coordinates:47.420383 N 0.608567 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Brion

Roissard and Lavars, Isère, France - Ebron River
Bridgemeister ID:1805 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Roissard and Lavars, Isère, France
Crossing:Ebron River
Coordinates:44.868143 N 5.670883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Châtillon-sur-Loire

Châtillon-sur-Loire, Loiret, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1925 (added 2005-10-23)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Châtillon-sur-Loire, Loiret, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.597657 N 2.760439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 92 meters (301.8 feet),
2 x 76 meters (249.3 feet)
Deck width:6.9 meters


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Delaware Memorial I

New Castle, Delaware and Pennsville, New Jersey, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:207 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1951
Name:Delaware Memorial I
Location:New Castle, Delaware and Pennsville, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:39.689227 N 75.520800 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Homer R. Seely, Enoch R. Needles, Othmar Ammann, et. al.
References:BONJ, BPL, CTD, GBD
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 655.3 meters (2,150 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 228.6 meters (750 feet)
Deck width:59.1 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Dinckley

Dinckley, Lancashire and Hurst Green, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom - River Ribble
Bridgemeister ID:914 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Dinckley, Lancashire and Hurst Green, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ribble
Coordinates:53.82456 N 2.4788 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, April 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Damaged by flood and subsequently closed, December 2015.
  • Replaced with a non-suspension bridge, April 2019.
Photo by Dave Cooper Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

1951: Festival

Aberhafesp, Wales, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:1921 (added 2005-10-09)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Aberhafesp, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
Coordinates:52.521329 N 3.389172 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

1951: Köln-Mülheimer

Köln (Cologne) and Mülheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:457 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Köln (Cologne) and Mülheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:50.964427 N 6.995124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Fritz Leonhardt
Use:Vehicular (four-lane) and Rail, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 315 meters (1,033.5 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 85 meters (278.9 feet)
Deck width:27.2 meters


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Luding

Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:1280 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)

1951: Lushan Feixianguan

Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1281 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1951
Name:Lushan Feixianguan
Location:Sichuan, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 76.6 meters (251.3 feet)

1951: Marias River

Chester vicinity, Montana, USA - Marias River
Bridgemeister ID:6486 (added 2021-08-15)
Year Completed:1951
Name:Marias River
Also Known As:Pugsley
Location:Chester vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Marias River
Coordinates:48.291043 N 111.046520 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88.4 meters (290 feet)
Characteristics:Hinged cables


External Links:

1951: Noresund

Noresund, Krødsherad, Viken, Norway - Noresund
Bridgemeister ID:4053 (added 2020-03-29)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Noresund, Krødsherad, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.18141 N 9.61900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 1993
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Rio Damuji

Cienfuegos vicinity and Abreus vicinity, Cuba - Rio Damuji
Bridgemeister ID:6245 (added 2021-07-18)
Year Completed:1951
Name:Rio Damuji
Location:Cienfuegos vicinity and Abreus vicinity, Cuba
Crossing:Rio Damuji
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Likely removed. Appears to have been located at one of the first two present day (2021) Rio Damuji crossing locations north of Cienfuegos Bay.

External Links:

1951: Sablons

Sablons, Isère and Serrières, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:892 (added 2003-09-06)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Sablons, Isère and Serrières, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.318183 N 4.766867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 185 meters (607 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1951: Yenne

Yenne, Savoie and Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1969 (added 2005-11-26)
Year Completed:1951
Location:Yenne, Savoie and Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.705713 N 5.750965 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: François Baud

Morzine, Haute-Savoie, France
Bridgemeister ID:2447 (added 2008-04-23)
Year Completed:1952
Name:François Baud
Location:Morzine, Haute-Savoie, France
Coordinates:46.184141 N 6.704373 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: Karasjok

Karasjok, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Karasjohka
Bridgemeister ID:2740 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:1952
Also Known As:Kárásjohka. Kaarasjok
Location:Karasjok, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:69.468355 N 25.508052 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: Mile High Swinging

Grandfather Mountain, Linville, North Carolina, USA
Bridgemeister ID:341 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1952
Name:Mile High Swinging
Location:Grandfather Mountain, Linville, North Carolina, USA
Coordinates:36.095054 N 81.832238 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Charles Hartman, Jr.
References:PQU, WSJ20060128
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69.5 meters (228 feet)


  • Major refurbishing, 1999, but soon after was wrecked by winds. WSJ20060128: "...winds blew it off its moorings. It might have been blown down the mountain if it hadn't wedged against the steel-frame supports." Reopened April 2000 with 21 new stabilizer cables on each side. Survived 200+ mph wind gust, January 2006.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: Ose

Ose, Bygland, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4340 (added 2020-04-11)
Year Completed:1952
Location:Ose, Bygland, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.947303 N 7.687335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

1952: Pertuis

Pertuis, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:901 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1952
Location:Pertuis, Vaucluse and Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:43.66735 N 5.496117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Removed, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: Saarbrücke Mettlach

Mettlach, Saarland, Germany - Saar River
Bridgemeister ID:2213 (added 2007-02-11)
Year Completed:1952
Name:Saarbrücke Mettlach
Location:Mettlach, Saarland, Germany
Crossing:Saar River
Coordinates:49.49277 N 6.58867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet)
Deck width:12.1 meters between side rails, 12.3 meters total

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: Térénez

Landévennec vicinity and Rosnoen vicinity, Finistère, France - Aulne River
Bridgemeister ID:1454 (added 2004-08-14)
Year Completed:1952
Location:Landévennec vicinity and Rosnoen vicinity, Finistère, France
Crossing:Aulne River
Coordinates:48.268980 N 4.262381 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:Removed, 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 272 meters (892.4 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1952: William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial I

Sandy Point, Maryland, USA - Chesapeake Bay
Bridgemeister ID:208 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1952
Name:William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial I
Also Known As:Chesapeake Bay
Location:Sandy Point, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Chesapeake Bay
Coordinates:38.993267 N 76.382312 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:J. E. Greiner
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 487.7 meters (1,600 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1953: (footbridge)

Forgaria nel Friuli, Udine, Italy - Torrente Arzino
Bridgemeister ID:5180 (added 2020-10-04)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Forgaria nel Friuli, Udine, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Arzino
Coordinates:46.225500 N 12.958499 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1953: (footbridge)

Ivanovo (Иваново), Ivanovo Oblast, Russia - Reka Uvod
Bridgemeister ID:5823 (added 2021-04-14)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Ivanovo (Иваново), Ivanovo Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Uvod
Coordinates:57.003389 N 40.980845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1953: (footbridge)

Richland Center, Wisconsin, USA - Pine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:263 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Richland Center, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Pine Creek
Coordinates:43.33931 N 90.39205 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:10
Main Spans:8 x 22.9 meters (75 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 9.8 meters (32 feet),
1 x 10.4 meters (34 feet)


  • Long low-level footbridge across marshy Pine Creek. Larry Beranek writes: "A flood in Spring 1951, just after I was born, washed out the original bridge. The [current bridge pictured here] was built in 1953. The dam [mentioned here] is gone now so the river remains a trickle til heavy rains or snow melt beef it up as happened in September of [2007]. The water was up to the stringer which supports the walking surface and the police had it taped off so no one would go on it."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1953: Ancenis

Ancenis, Loire-Atlantique and Le Fourneau, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1037 (added 2003-12-03)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Ancenis, Loire-Atlantique and Le Fourneau, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.36195 N 1.176417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 238 meters (780.8 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1953: Azumabashi

Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan - Nishiki River
Bridgemeister ID:7807 (added 2023-08-26)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan
Crossing:Nishiki River
Coordinates:34.263870 N 131.959515 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Twitter. Several photos of the bridge, posted August 25, 2023.

1953: Øybrua

Mosjøen, Vefsn, Nordland, Norway - Vefsna
Bridgemeister ID:3721 (added 2020-02-15)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Mosjøen, Vefsn, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.828510 N 13.20754 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

1953: Baring

Baring, Washington, USA - Skykomish River
Bridgemeister ID:894 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Baring, Washington, USA
Crossing:Skykomish River
Coordinates:47.765158 N 121.480893 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1953: Guynemer

Elbeuf and Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf, Seine-Maritime, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1518 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Elbeuf and Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf, Seine-Maritime, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.29415 N 1.00475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 152 meters (498.7 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1953: Paseo

Kansas City, Missouri, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:636 (added 2003-02-02)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
Coordinates:39.122783 N 94.5661 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:Demolished, July, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 188.4 meters (618 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Self-anchored. Carried I-29, I-35, and US71 across the Missouri River. Closed for several months in 2005 for major refurbishment. Reopened, September, 2005. Closed November, 2010. Demolished, July, 2011.

External Links:

Photo by Peter Whitlock Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Peter Whitlock Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1953: Risøybrua

Risøya, Tvedestrand, Agder, Norway - Minne
Bridgemeister ID:4218 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Risøya, Tvedestrand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.651616 N 9.140268 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated


  • Major rehabilitation September 2014 thru April 2015, reopened April 2015.

1953: Rossnes

Rosnes, Farestad vicinity, Mandal, Agder, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:4220 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:1953
Also Known As:Rosnes
Location:Rosnes, Farestad vicinity, Mandal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:57.986197 N 7.533148 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated
Deck width:0.8 meters


1953: Ryfetten

Grimsbu, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3938 (added 2020-03-21)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Grimsbu, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.16826 N 10.19325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

1953: Swinging

Thomson, Minnesota, USA - St. Louis River
Bridgemeister ID:2104 (added 2006-08-19)
Year Completed:1953
Location:Thomson, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:St. Louis River
At or Near Feature:Jay Cooke State Park
Coordinates:46.653842 N 92.370471 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 20, 2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg

1954: (footbridge)

Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Nahe River
Bridgemeister ID:1132 (added 2004-01-16)
Year Completed:1954
Location:Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Nahe River
Coordinates:49.838188 N 7.851235 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet)
Deck width:1.8 meters


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1954: Friedrich Ebert

Duisburg and Homberg, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:459 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1954
Name:Friedrich Ebert
Also Known As:Duisburg-Homberg
Location:Duisburg and Homberg, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:51.456384 N 6.723034 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 285.5 meters (936.7 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Self-anchored.
  • 1999-2003: Bridge overhauled and strengthened.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1954: Mariano Ospina Perez

La Victoria vicinity and La Unión, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2013 (added 2006-01-04)
Year Completed:1954
Name:Mariano Ospina Perez
Also Known As:13 de Junio
Location:La Victoria vicinity and La Unión, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.525439 N 76.043608 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538.1 feet)


1954: Point Bonita Lighthouse

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:882 (added 2003-09-06)
Year Completed:1954
Name:Point Bonita Lighthouse
Location:Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA
Coordinates:37.815980 N 122.528878 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1954: Rochsburg

Rochsburg, Lunzenau, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2166 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:1954
Location:Rochsburg, Lunzenau, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.945681 N 12.761975 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)
Deck width:1.6 meters


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1954: Rodenkirchen

Köln (Cologne), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:458 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1954
Also Known As:Rodenkirchener, Köln-Rodenkirchen
Location:Köln (Cologne), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:50.90135 N 6.99335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Fritz Leonhardt
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 378 meters (1,240.2 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:52.8 meters (after retrofit)


  • Substantial retrofit completed 1994, doubled the width of the bridge and towers and added extra cable. The bridge's 52.8 meter width makes this the widest catenary suspension bridge in the world (the Boston's Zakim-Bunker Hill cable-stayed bridge is wider) with ten vehicular lanes (eight lanes for highway and two service lanes) and two lanes for pedestrians and bicycles. It may also be the only large suspension bridge with three main cables. The unusual proportion of deck width to main span (52.8 meters/378 meters) is also interesting.
  • Replaced 1941 Rodenkirchen (Rodenkirchener, Köln-Rodenkirchen) - Köln (Cologne), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1954: Skonseng

Skonseng, Rana and Røssvoll, Rana, Nordland, Norway - Ranelva
Bridgemeister ID:3723 (added 2020-02-15)
Year Completed:1954
Location:Skonseng, Rana and Røssvoll, Rana, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.358340 N 14.333160 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated

External Links:

1954: Tanize

Totsukawa, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:1620 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1954
Also Known As:Tanise, 谷瀬の吊り橋
Location:Totsukawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:34.101943 N 135.762696 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 297 meters (974.4 feet)

1954: Varades

Varades, Loire-Atlantique and Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1106 (added 2004-01-03)
Year Completed:1954
Location:Varades, Loire-Atlantique and Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.36965 N 1.015717 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1954: Viviers

Viviers, Ardèche and Châteauneuf-Du-Rhône, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1545 (added 2004-11-05)
Year Completed:1954
Location:Viviers, Ardèche and Châteauneuf-Du-Rhône, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.481583 N 4.698717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: (footbridge)

Jersey Shore vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Pine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:591 (added 2003-01-05)
Year Completed:1955
Location:Jersey Shore vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Pine Creek
At or Near Feature:Boy Scouts Camp Kline
Coordinates:41.273683 N 77.323883 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Williamsport Technical Institute students
Status:Destroyed, 1972
Main Cables:Wire


  • The postcard (postmarked 1961) showing the bridge says, "The largest foot-suspension bridge in the East crosses Pine Creek at the Boy Scouts' Camp Kline, north of Jersey Shore, Pa. Built in 1955 by Williamsport Technical Institute students with materials donated by area industries. Valued over $25,000, the 409-foot span has concrete anchors and a 14-ton capacity. For 35 years previous, boats were used to reach the popular 360-acre camp-site, donated to the Scouts in 1920 by James N. Kline, a Williamsport merchant." It's doubtful this was anywhere close to being a 409-foot bridge.
  • The message written on the postcard is amusing (though unrelated to the bridge): "Hi Mom and Dad, I had a fine time up here. I went on a boat trip Monday around the island. We got half way around and Tiny tiped [sic] his boat then we tiped ours. I didn't get to sleep until 2:00 Monday night. I am going to try to swim a mile today. I don't do nothing but lay in my bunk and listen to records. Ken."
  • Patrick O'Donnell is familiar with this area and notes that the bridge is gone, but the concrete footings are still visible. He suspects 1972's Hurricane Agnes brought down this bridge. Denny Keller confirms Patrick's suspicion with a firsthand account of Hurricane Agnes' impact on this bridge: "21 June 1972 is a date that I will never forget. I along with 340+ kids and adults were at Camp Kline during our yearly 4-H camp. I was the very last (along with the National Guard that performed the rescue) to leave and walk across the bridge that once stood at 11PM on the evening of June 21st. I along with two other senior 4-H counselors. I can remember the last trip across the bridge while mobile homes, trees, and all type of debris were floating down the creek and hitting the bridge underneath."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1955: Angus L. Macdonald

Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada - Halifax Harbour
Bridgemeister ID:209 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1955
Name:Angus L. Macdonald
Location:Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crossing:Halifax Harbour
Coordinates:44.66116 N 63.5868 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Philip Pratley
Use:Vehicular (three-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 441 meters (1,447 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 160.3 meters (526 feet)
Deck width:11.5 meters

External Links:

Photo by Michael Levy Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Bessières

Bessières, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:3197 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1955
Location:Bessières, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.801612 N 1.609436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 119.4 meters (391.7 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Buzet-sur-Tarn

Buzet-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:6612 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:1955
Location:Buzet-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:43.781136 N 1.634988 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Baudin Chateauneuf
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Camp Saukenauk

Tioga vicinity, Adams County, Illinois, USA - Camp Saukenauk Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5593 (added 2020-12-23)
Year Completed:1955
Name:Camp Saukenauk
Location:Tioga vicinity, Adams County, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Camp Saukenauk Lake
Coordinates:40.183546 N 91.319748 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:W.H. Klingner & Associates, Rose Construction Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1955: Futami-Tsurihashi

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan - Toyohira River
Bridgemeister ID:1873 (added 2005-08-06)
Year Completed:1955
Also Known As:二見吊橋
Location:Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Toyohira River
Coordinates:42.963842 N 141.158148 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 23 meters (75.5 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters

External Links:

1955: Gateway

Clinton, Iowa and East Clinton, Illinois, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:331 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1955
Location:Clinton, Iowa and East Clinton, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:41.83785 N 90.18455 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 196.3 meters (644 feet)

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Grand Tower Pipeline

Grand Tower, Illinois and Wittenberg vicinity, Missouri, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:1028 (added 2003-11-30)
Year Completed:1955
Name:Grand Tower Pipeline
Location:Grand Tower, Illinois and Wittenberg vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:37.6417 N 89.513217 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 658.8 meters (2,161.5 feet)


  • Large pipeline bridge, sometimes claimed to be "world's largest pipeline suspension bridge".

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Juan Pablo Duarte

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Ozama River
Bridgemeister ID:4635 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:1955
Name:Juan Pablo Duarte
Location:Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Crossing:Ozama River
Coordinates:18.486357 N 69.882752 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175.5 meters (575.8 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Opphus

Opphus, Rena, Hedmark, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3924 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1955
Location:Opphus, Rena, Hedmark, Norway
Coordinates:61.330527 N 11.259730 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

1955: Oro

San Marcos Lempa and San Nicolas Lempa, El Salvador - Lempa River
Bridgemeister ID:927 (added 2003-10-19)
Year Completed:1955
Also Known As:San Marcos
Location:San Marcos Lempa and San Nicolas Lempa, El Salvador
Crossing:Lempa River
Coordinates:13.424671 N 88.699982 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Blair Birdsall, John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Status:Destroyed, October 15, 1981
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:2 x 158.5 meters (520 feet),
1 x 203.9 meters (669 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)


  • In BFL, Leonhardt described the unusual stiffening approach of this bridge: "An unusual bridge was built in 1955 by B. Birdsall of the firm Roebling, the San Marcos Bridge in El Salvador. The main girders are composed of ropes only. The ropes along the deck are stressed and create a truss action together with the upper suspended ropes and the crossing diagonals. The weight of the deck stiffens the rope truss. The upper cables must be sufficiently high above the deck."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1955: Riscle

Riscle, Gers, France - Adour River
Bridgemeister ID:7315 (added 2022-08-28)
Year Completed:1955
Location:Riscle, Gers, France
Crossing:Adour River
Coordinates:43.663989 N 0.081795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102.5 meters (336.3 feet) estimated


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1956: (footbridge)

Bousse and Richemont, Moselle, France - Moselle River
Bridgemeister ID:8577 (added 2024-05-04)
Year Completed:1956
Location:Bousse and Richemont, Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle River
Coordinates:49.280667 N 6.189139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, 2002
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1956: (footbridge)

Waldbreitbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2205 (added 2007-02-11)
Year Completed:1956
Location:Waldbreitbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.553032 N 7.426243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1987
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1956: 24 de Julio

Corral Quemado, Utcubamba, Amazonas and Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru - Rio Marañón
Bridgemeister ID:7472 (added 2022-12-25)
Year Completed:1956
Name:24 de Julio
Location:Corral Quemado, Utcubamba, Amazonas and Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Marañón
Coordinates:5.754558 S 78.693144 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 147.2 meters (483 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 60.4 meters (198 feet) estimated


External Links:

1956: Frances Zaunmiller Memorial

Campbell's Ferry, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:2379 (added 2007-11-03)
Year Completed:1956
Name:Frances Zaunmiller Memorial
Also Known As:Campbell's Ferry
Location:Campbell's Ferry, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
At or Near Feature:Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
Coordinates:45.48638 N 115.33467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1956: Kuznechevskiy

Arkhangelsk, Russia - Kuznechikha River
Bridgemeister ID:4646 (added 2020-06-16)
Year Completed:1956
Also Known As:Кузнечевский
Location:Arkhangelsk, Russia
Crossing:Kuznechikha River
Coordinates:64.567702 N 40.531346 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

1956: Lorois

Plouhinec vicinity, Morbihan, France - Etel River
Bridgemeister ID:1080 (added 2003-12-29)
Year Completed:1956
Location:Plouhinec vicinity, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Etel River
Coordinates:47.675905 N 3.200095 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 237 meters (777.6 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1956: Maoting

Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1287 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1956
Location:Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)

1956: Pete Mauthe

Poland, Ohio, USA - Yellow Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2359 (added 2007-09-08)
Year Completed:1956
Name:Pete Mauthe
Location:Poland, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Yellow Creek
At or Near Feature:Poland Village Park
Coordinates:41.01190 N 80.61908 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Closed in 2019 for "safety reasons". Repairs scheduled for March 2020.
Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1956: Triel-sur-Seine

Triel-sur-Seine and Vernouillet, Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1540 (added 2004-10-31)
Year Completed:1956
Location:Triel-sur-Seine and Vernouillet, Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:48.978517 N 2.0015 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 105.5 meters (346.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1956: Vajont Dam

Longarone, Belluno, Italy - Vajont River
Bridgemeister ID:8865 (added 2024-10-01)
Year Completed:1956
Name:Vajont Dam
Also Known As:Vaiont Dam
Location:Longarone, Belluno, Italy
Crossing:Vajont River
Coordinates:46.267472 N 12.328639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1963
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


  • Was located immediately downstream of the dam. Likely destroyed during the Vajont Dam catastrophe in 1963 (gigantic landslide into the reservoir causing the dam to be overtopped).

External Links:

1956: Varodd

Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Randesund
Bridgemeister ID:1108 (added 2004-01-03)
Year Completed:1956
Also Known As:Varodden
Location:Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.160617 N 8.059417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:Demolished (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 337 meters (1,105.6 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1957: (footbridge)

Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada - Bella Coola River
Bridgemeister ID:2437 (added 2008-04-22)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Bella Coola River
Principals:Allison Logging Co.
Main Cables:Wire


1957: Aquilino Villegas

Arauca, Palestina, Caldas, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2018 (added 2006-01-14)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Aquilino Villegas
Also Known As:Arauca
Location:Arauca, Palestina, Caldas, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.112300 N 75.704100 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1957: Babianjiang

Kunming-Jinghong Highway, Yunnan, China - Babian River
Bridgemeister ID:1215 (added 2004-02-14)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Kunming-Jinghong Highway, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Babian River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)

1957: Barbara

Schwechat, Austria - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:3099 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Schwechat, Austria
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:48.140833 N 16.552778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 506 meters (1,660.1 feet)

1957: Bernard Pack

Frank Church-River Of No Return Wilderness Area, Idaho, USA - Salmon River Middle Fork
Bridgemeister ID:640 (added 2003-02-15)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Bernard Pack
Location:Frank Church-River Of No Return Wilderness Area, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River Middle Fork
Coordinates:44.95800 N 114.73427 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet) estimated


  • Substantial repairs by Sahale, LLC in 2001 following fire damage.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1957: Carlos Holguín

Juanchito, Cali vicinity and Candelaria vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2008 (added 2006-01-04)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Carlos Holguín
Location:Juanchito, Cali vicinity and Candelaria vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:3.450412 N 76.475798 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


1957: Glen Canyon

Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:1191 (added 2004-01-25)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Glen Canyon
Location:Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Principals:Kiewit-Judson Pacific Murphy Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 390.1 meters (1,280 feet)


  • Very long, very high footbridge spanning the canyon. Originally built for bridge workers building the Glen Canyon Bridge (the large deck arch next to the dam). Survived at least until 1959.
  • From a Roebling ad in the July 1958 issue of Civil Engineering: "The bridge was completed in sixty days and features a steel mesh deck, to reduce wind resistance. Construction was started by lowering two 5/8 in. cables to the bottom of the west side of the gorge, transporting them across the river by boat and raising them on the east side by block and tackle. The six main suspension cables are 1 3/4 in. diameter prestretched galvanized bridge strands. From them are hung sixty-four 5/8 in. suspenders, attached to 7 ft-wide floor beams. The wire mesh floor is laid on eight 1 in. diameter deck cables. These in turn are supported every twenty feet by the floor beams. For safety, four handrail cables are attached to the suspenders. To add stability in strong winds, two 1 3/4 in. bridge strand wind brace cables run below the deck on either side for its length."

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1957: Little Kern River

Golden Trout Wilderness, California, USA - Little Kern River
Bridgemeister ID:2337 (added 2007-08-11)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Little Kern River
Location:Golden Trout Wilderness, California, USA
Crossing:Little Kern River
Coordinates:36.203814 N 118.457612 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

1957: Louhunsalmi

Lehtisaari and Säynätsalo, Finland - Lake Paijanne
Bridgemeister ID:1257 (added 2004-03-06)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Lehtisaari and Säynätsalo, Finland
Crossing:Lake Paijanne
Coordinates:62.13576 N 25.76411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)

External Links:

1957: Lover's

Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:5572 (added 2020-12-20)
Year Completed:1957
Also Known As:влюбленных
Location:Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
At or Near Feature:Саду имени Салавата
Coordinates:54.711995 N 55.954149 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1957: Mackinac

St. Ignace and Mackinaw City, Michigan, USA - Straits of Mackinac
Bridgemeister ID:210 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1957
Also Known As:Mighty Mac
Location:St. Ignace and Mackinaw City, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Straits of Mackinac
Coordinates:45.820533 N 84.727667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David B. Steinman
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,158.2 meters (3,800 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 548.6 meters (1,800 feet)

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Daniel Kostrubiec Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1957: Maly Kubansky

Sochi (Сочи), Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Sochi River
Bridgemeister ID:8121 (added 2024-01-08)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Maly Kubansky
Also Known As:Малый Кубанский
Location:Sochi (Сочи), Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Sochi River
Coordinates:43.595819 N 39.723364 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

1957: Presteid

Presteid, Hamarøy, Nordland, Norway - Presteidvika
Bridgemeister ID:3048 (added 2019-10-20)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Presteid, Hamarøy, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:68.083079 N 15.651087 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1957: Senumstad

Væting, Birkenes, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4321 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Væting, Birkenes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.417164 N 8.292593 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated


1957: Tenglong

Tengchong and Longling, Yunnan, China - Longjiang
Bridgemeister ID:1234 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Tengchong and Longling, Yunnan, China
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 96.9 meters (317.9 feet)

1957: Walt Whitman

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Camden, New Jersey, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:211 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1957
Name:Walt Whitman
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Camden, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:39.905 N 75.13 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Othmar Ammann
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 610 meters (2,001.3 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 234.7 meters (770 feet)
Deck width:83 feet


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1957: Wolkenburg-Kaufungen

Wolkenburg, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2256 (added 2007-04-18)
Year Completed:1957
Location:Wolkenburg, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.900368 N 12.677074 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 1996
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1957: Yuanjiang

Yunnan, China - Yuanjiang
Bridgemeister ID:1284 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1957
Also Known As:Yuanjiang Honghe
Location:Yunnan, China
References:BCG, BYU
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.6 meters (248 feet)

1958: (footbridge)

Glanamman, Ammanford, Wales, United Kingdom - Amman River
Bridgemeister ID:1398 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Glanamman, Ammanford, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:Amman River
Coordinates:51.8007 N 3.95425 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Allan Agate writes: "I was the Project Engineer for this footbridge and can therefore confirm it was designed and built by David Rowell Ltd and almost certainly the last suspension bridge they built. It was a hybrid of earlier bridges making use of new bolted hot rolled sections instead of riveted composite tower construction. The date was about 1962/3." I am not sure of the provenance of the 1958 date associated with this bridge and I don't have reason to question Mr. Agate's recollection of the bridge completed a few years later.
Photo by Brian Duguid Photo by Dave Cooper

1958: (footbridge)

Santa Rosa del Valle de Calamuchita, Cordoba, Argentina - Rio Santa Rosa
Bridgemeister ID:1211 (added 2004-02-07)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Santa Rosa del Valle de Calamuchita, Cordoba, Argentina
Crossing:Rio Santa Rosa
Coordinates:32.068913 S 64.541461 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

1958: (pipeline bridge)

Leoben, Austria - Mur River
Bridgemeister ID:3100 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1958
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Leoben, Austria
Crossing:Mur River
Coordinates:47.387642 N 15.104475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)

1958: Aamodt

Oslo, Norway - Akerselva
Bridgemeister ID:4518 (added 2020-05-03)
Year Completed:1958
Also Known As:Åmot, Aamot
Location:Oslo, Norway
Coordinates:59.92616 N 10.75325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)


External Links:

1958: Alversund

Alversund, Lindås, Hordaland, Norway - Alverstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:3233 (added 2019-11-15)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Alversund, Lindås, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.571032 N 5.229185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 198 meters (649.6 feet)

External Links:

1958: Chacanto

Balsas, Amazonas and Oxamarca, Cajamarca, Peru - Marañón River
Bridgemeister ID:7241 (added 2022-07-16)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Balsas, Amazonas and Oxamarca, Cajamarca, Peru
Crossing:Marañón River
Coordinates:6.844627 S 78.030167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

1958: Gonzalo Icaza Cornejo

Daule, Ecuador - Rio Daule
Bridgemeister ID:5926 (added 2021-06-20)
Year Completed:1958
Name:Gonzalo Icaza Cornejo
Location:Daule, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Daule
Coordinates:1.880776 S 80.001471 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1958: Gustave Toursier

Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche and Tain-L'Hermitage, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1455 (added 2004-08-14)
Year Completed:1958
Name:Gustave Toursier
Location:Tournon-sur-Rhône, Ardèche and Tain-L'Hermitage, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.066638 N 4.840666 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 144 meters (472.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1958: Mtwapa

Mtwapa, Kenya - Mtwapa Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5846 (added 2021-05-13)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Mtwapa, Kenya
Crossing:Mtwapa Creek
Coordinates:3.955164 S 39.741735 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:H. Young and Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1958: Nautesund

Nordagutu vicinity, Sauherad, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Nautsund
Bridgemeister ID:4199 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Nordagutu vicinity, Sauherad, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.460214 N 9.313766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Demolished, 2009-2010
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


  • Bypassed 1986 and restricted to pedestrians and bicycles. Later demolished.

External Links:

1958: Padingin

Jaakolanranta, Finland - Kalajoki
Bridgemeister ID:7539 (added 2023-02-03)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Jaakolanranta, Finland
Coordinates:63.978596 N 24.778736 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet) estimated

External Links:

1958: Sörnzig-Fischheim

Sörnzig and Fischheim, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2259 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Sörnzig and Fischheim, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:51.021455 N 12.790197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1958: Stormyrbrua

Os, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3910 (added 2020-03-15)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Os, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.48435 N 11.17481 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


  • Restored, 1995.

1958: Thierbach-Zinnberg

Thierbach, Penig and Zinnberg, Penig, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2246 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Thierbach, Penig and Zinnberg, Penig, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.917734 N 12.688116 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1958: Three Nations Crossing

Cornwall, Ontario, Canada and Massena, New York, USA - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:325 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1958
Name:Three Nations Crossing
Also Known As:Cornwall-Massena International, Seaway International
Location:Cornwall, Ontario, Canada and Massena, New York, USA
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
Coordinates:44.989962 N 74.739913 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Renamed "Three Nations Crossing" effective January 1, 2000 in recognition of the Mohawks of Akwesasne

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1958: Yachi River Iron Cable

Daguanzhen (大关镇) Qianxi (黔西县), Bijie (毕节市) and Xindianzhen (新店镇), Qingzhen (贵阳市), Guizhou, China - Yachi River
Bridgemeister ID:8449 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:1958
Name:Yachi River Iron Cable
Location:Daguanzhen (大关镇) Qianxi (黔西县), Bijie (毕节市) and Xindianzhen (新店镇), Qingzhen (贵阳市), Guizhou, China
Crossing:Yachi River
Coordinates:26.861778 N 106.166722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 112 meters (367.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

1958: Yuejin

Luzhangzhen (鲁掌镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1236 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1958
Location:Luzhangzhen (鲁掌镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.942472 N 98.836250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 98.4 meters (322.8 feet)

External Links:

1958: Zassnitzer

Rochlitz and Zassnitz, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2077 (added 2006-06-10)
Year Completed:1958
Also Known As:Rochlitz, Rochlitzer
Location:Rochlitz and Zassnitz, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:51.04447 N 12.79575 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60.85 meters (199.6 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1959: (footbridge)

Gornye Kliuchi (Горные Ключи), Primorsky Krai, Russia - Ussuri River
Bridgemeister ID:5239 (added 2020-10-25)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Gornye Kliuchi (Горные Ключи), Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crossing:Ussuri River
Coordinates:45.243029 N 133.510776 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1959: Cosne-sur-Loire

Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire, Nièvre and Cher, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:1179 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire, Nièvre and Cher, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.411367 N 2.921417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 157 meters (515.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 63 meters (206.7 feet)
Deck width:9.5 meters


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1959: Glomdals

Elverum, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3927 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Elverum, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.87215 N 11.55240 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated


  • Connects the Glomdals Museum and Norwegian Forestry Museum's open-air museum crossing the Prestfossen waterfalls.

External Links:

1959: Mannswörth

Schwechat, Austria - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:3101 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Schwechat, Austria
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:48.158084 N 16.516787 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 260 meters (853 feet)

External Links:

1959: Saint-Hubert

Port Saint-Hubert, Plouër-sur-Rance vicinity and La Ville-es-Nonais, Côtes-d'Armor, France - Rance River
Bridgemeister ID:1493 (added 2004-09-19)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Port Saint-Hubert, Plouër-sur-Rance vicinity and La Ville-es-Nonais, Côtes-d'Armor, France
Crossing:Rance River
Coordinates:48.535455 N 1.970929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1959: Sandy Beach

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Elbow River
Bridgemeister ID:606 (added 2003-01-14)
Year Completed:1959
Name:Sandy Beach
Also Known As:River Park, Riverpark
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Elbow River
At or Near Feature:Sandy Beach Park
Coordinates:51.011984 N 114.092351 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Kevin Evans Photo by David Denenberg

1959: Tancarville

Tancarville, Seine-Maritime and Marais-Vernier, Eure, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:460 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Tancarville, Seine-Maritime and Marais-Vernier, Eure, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.47 N 0.467267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AOB, BPF
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 608 meters (1,994.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 176 meters (577.4 feet)
Deck width:12.5 meters


  • Main cables replaced, 1999.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1959: Vernaison

Vernaison and Solaize, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1832 (added 2005-05-30)
Year Completed:1959
Location:Vernaison and Solaize, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.645621 N 4.816518 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1960: (footbridge)

Hrabusice vicinity, Slovakia - Hornád River
Bridgemeister ID:3087 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1960
Location:Hrabusice vicinity, Slovakia
Crossing:Hornád River
At or Near Feature:Slovakian Paradise National Park
Coordinates:48.953117 N 20.422883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1960: (footbridge)

Palazzolo dello Stella, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:2390 (added 2007-11-19)
Year Completed:1960
Location:Palazzolo dello Stella, Italy
Coordinates:45.80366 N 13.07428 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1960: Bifu

Liuku, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1214 (added 2004-02-14)
Year Completed:1960
Location:Liuku, Yunnan, China
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


  • Renovated in 1990's.

1960: Dunvegan

Dunvegan, Alberta, Canada - Peace River
Bridgemeister ID:212 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1960
Location:Dunvegan, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Peace River
Coordinates:55.921533 N 118.604033 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 274 meters (899 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:8.2 meters


  • Deck replacement project scheduled for 2008-2009.
  • Another Deck replacement project expected to be completed November 30, 2020.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Chad Anderson ( Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1960: Gustavo Rojas Pinilla

Montería, Córdoba, Colombia - Rio Sinu
Bridgemeister ID:6874 (added 2022-01-09)
Year Completed:1960
Name:Gustavo Rojas Pinilla
Location:Montería, Córdoba, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sinu
Coordinates:8.751342 N 75.892026 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated

1960: Iowa-Illinois Memorial

Bettendorf, Iowa and Moline, Illinois, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:213 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1960
Name:Iowa-Illinois Memorial
Also Known As:Interstate 74 Bridge, I-74 Bridge
Location:Bettendorf, Iowa and Moline, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:41.519372 N 90.513259 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Bypassed, December 2021 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1960: Ogdensburg-Prescott International

Ogdensburg, New York, USA and Prescott, Ontario, Canada - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:214 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1960
Name:Ogdensburg-Prescott International
Also Known As:Seaway Skyway
Location:Ogdensburg, New York, USA and Prescott, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
Coordinates:44.73 N 75.45667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Modjeski & Masters
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 350.75 meters (1,150.8 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1960: Roche-Bernard

La Roche-Bernard, Morbihan, France - Vilaine River
Bridgemeister ID:896 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1960
Location:La Roche-Bernard, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Vilaine River
Coordinates:47.524359 N 2.304873 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 244.8 meters (803.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 81 meters (265.7 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1960: Saint Paraskevi

Aghia Paraskevi, Tempi vicinity, Thessaly, Greece - Pineios River
Bridgemeister ID:1927 (added 2005-10-23)
Year Completed:1960
Name:Saint Paraskevi
Also Known As:Saint Paraskevi, Αγίας Παρασκευής, Chain
Location:Aghia Paraskevi, Tempi vicinity, Thessaly, Greece
Crossing:Pineios River
At or Near Feature:Tembi Valley
Coordinates:39.878934 N 22.585414 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Wrecked, September, 2023 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • 2023, September: Deck wrecked by flood. Likely will need to be rebuilt.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1960: Swinging

Selma vicinity, Oregon, USA - Illinois River
Bridgemeister ID:266 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1960
Location:Selma vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Illinois River
Coordinates:42.30253 N 123.77958 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, July, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Sometimes cited as completed in 1963.
  • 2002: Unclear if this bridge was damaged or destroyed by the "Biscuit Fire" that devastated this area in August. The suspension bridge occupying this location in the early 2020s appears to be the same bridge as observed before the fire.
  • 2021, July: Closed due to a "massive hole" in the deck, pending repairs. Photographs of the damage show one floorboard with a hole. Other repairs will be made while the bridge is closed.

1961: (pipeline bridge)

Jefferson vicinity, South Dakota and Ponca State Park, Nebraska, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:3809 (added 2020-03-01)
Year Completed:1961
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Jefferson vicinity, South Dakota and Ponca State Park, Nebraska, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
Coordinates:42.593000 N 96.698267 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2006 or 2007
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 823 meters (2,700 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo courtesy of Dale Harkness

1961: Finsås

Grane, Nordland, Norway - Vefsna
Bridgemeister ID:3718 (added 2020-02-14)
Year Completed:1961
Also Known As:Grane
Location:Grane, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.585131 N 13.387303 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.9 meters (262 feet) estimated

1961: Fossum

Askim and Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:1325 (added 2004-04-28)
Year Completed:1961
Location:Askim and Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway
Coordinates:59.603194 N 11.102166 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1961: Kåkern

Ramberg, Flakstad, Nordland, Norway - Kåkersundet
Bridgemeister ID:2730 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:1961
Location:Ramberg, Flakstad, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:68.018515 N 13.180384 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2002
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 228 meters (748 feet)

External Links:

1961: Konaruto

Naruto, Tokushima, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2937 (added 2019-09-17)
Year Completed:1961
Also Known As:小鳴門橋
Location:Naruto, Tokushima, Japan
Coordinates:34.192241 N 134.611933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1961: Lunday

Lunday and Kona, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2273 (added 2007-04-21)
Year Completed:1961
Also Known As:Mitchell County Bridge 225
Location:Lunday and Kona, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:35.95493 N 82.19544 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:North Carolina Bridge Maintenance Unit
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (192 feet) estimated


  • Deck and floorbeams replaced, 1988.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1961: Revelstoke

Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada - Columbia River
Bridgemeister ID:943 (added 2003-10-29)
Year Completed:1961
Location:Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Columbia River
Coordinates:51.00713 N 118.2189 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 300.2 meters (985 feet)
Side Span:1

External Links:

1961: Saint-Foy-la-Grande

Saint-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde and Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Dordogne, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1970 (added 2005-11-26)
Year Completed:1961
Location:Saint-Foy-la-Grande, Gironde and Port-Sainte-Foy-et-Ponchapt, Dordogne, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.840960 N 0.208675 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1961: Throgs Neck

The Bronx and Queens, New York, USA - East River
Bridgemeister ID:215 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1961
Name:Throgs Neck
Location:The Bronx and Queens, New York, USA
Crossing:East River
Coordinates:40.8 N 73.795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:O. H. Ammann
References:ARF, BCO, SIX, VNB
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 548.6 meters (1,800 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo courtesy Ronald and Elizabeth Denenberg

1961: Triphammer

Ithaca, New York, USA - Fall Creek Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:356 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1961
Also Known As:Fall Creek
Location:Ithaca, New York, USA
Crossing:Fall Creek Gorge
At or Near Feature:Cornell University campus
Coordinates:42.452017 N 76.486083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:S.C. Hollister, William McGuire
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1961: Tromøya

Arendal and Tromøya, Arendal, Agder, Norway - Tromøysundet
Bridgemeister ID:1199 (added 2004-01-29)
Year Completed:1961
Also Known As:Tromøybrua
Location:Arendal and Tromøya, Arendal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.47115 N 8.82273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 400 meters (1,312.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1962: (footbridge)

Henningsmoen, Dalsbygda vicinity, Os, Innlandet, Norway - Vangrøfta
Bridgemeister ID:1740 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Henningsmoen, Dalsbygda vicinity, Os, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.514033 N 11.12585 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated
Deck width:2.4 meters (estimated)

External Links:

1962: (pipeline bridge)

Aldingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:2153 (added 2006-11-21)
Year Completed:1962
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Aldingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:48.853198 N 9.249430 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Waagner-Biro Brückenbau AG
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet)
Deck width:0.35 meter walkway, 0.44 meter diameter pipe


  • Carries a fresh water pipeline.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1962: (pipeline bridge)

Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, Wyoming, USA - Green River
Bridgemeister ID:1309 (added 2004-04-10)
Year Completed:1962
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Green River
At or Near Feature:Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Coordinates:41.03215 N 109.55519 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 584.9 meters (1,919 feet)


  • Located two miles north of the Utah-Wyoming border.

External Links:

Photo by Eric Sakowski

1962: (pipeline bridge)

Grays Branch, Greenup vicinity, Kentucky and Franklin Furnace, Ohio, USA - Ohio River
Bridgemeister ID:880 (added 2003-09-01)
Year Completed:1962
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Grays Branch, Greenup vicinity, Kentucky and Franklin Furnace, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Ohio River
Coordinates:38.66058 N 82.85889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Weldon F. Appelt, P.E., Clear Span Engineering, Inc
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 609.6 meters (2,000 feet)


  • Just downstream of Greenup Dam. Built for Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. Carries two 30" gas pipelines.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1962: 14th of July

Baghdad, Iraq - Tigris River
Bridgemeister ID:519 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1962
Name:14th of July
Also Known As:Karradah, Arbataash Tamuz
Location:Baghdad, Iraq
Crossing:Tigris River
Coordinates:33.295998 N 44.399936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Steinman, Boynton, Gronquist & London
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 167.6 meters (550 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 83.8 meters (275 feet)


  • Destroyed 1991 during Gulf War, partially rebuilt, cables severed during war 2003, rebuilt 2003.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1962: Brevik

Brevik, Telemark, Norway - Brevikstrømmen
Bridgemeister ID:998 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Brevik, Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.049625 N 9.694286 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:4643 (added 2020-06-16)
Year Completed:1962
Also Known As:Suvom, Мост на сувом, Суви мост
Location:Zrenjanin, Serbia
Crossing:Begej River (former channel of)
Coordinates:45.381591 N 20.384070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Serves no purpose since river was diverted in 1985.

External Links:

1962: El Remolino

El Remolino, Veracruz, Mexico - Rio Tecolutla
Bridgemeister ID:7504 (added 2023-01-02)
Year Completed:1962
Name:El Remolino
Location:El Remolino, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Tecolutla
Coordinates:20.397481 N 97.239187 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular and Pipeline
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 172 meters (564.3 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1962: Elk Run Heights

Elk Run Heights and Evansdale, Iowa, USA - Elk Run
Bridgemeister ID:2626 (added 2018-12-31)
Year Completed:1962
Name:Elk Run Heights
Location:Elk Run Heights and Evansdale, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Elk Run
Coordinates:42.46863 N 92.264234 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1962: Mera

Saito, Miyazaki, Japan - Shiromi River
Bridgemeister ID:3866 (added 2020-03-07)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Saito, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Shiromi River
Coordinates:32.221314 N 131.268821 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1962: Ruilijiang

Ruili City, Yunnan, China - Ruili River
Bridgemeister ID:1220 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Ruili City, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Ruili River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet)

1962: Shudi

Shudi, Gucheng District, Lijiang and Ninglang, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:1221 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Shudi, Gucheng District, Lijiang and Ninglang, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.996180 N 100.436856 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2010-2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 111 meters (364.2 feet)


  • This location was inundated at some point in 2010 or 2011. Unclear if the bridge is still present or was removed prior to inundation.

1962: Tamar

Devon and Cornwall, England, United Kingdom - Tamar River estuary
Bridgemeister ID:461 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Devon and Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Tamar River estuary
Coordinates:50.40917 N 4.2033 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mott, Hay and Anderson
References:AOB, BBR, NTB, WOT
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 336.4 meters (1,103.7 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • 2001: Major strengthening and widening project completed.
  • 2021: Deck resurfacing project underway including replacement of expansion joints.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1962: Vamma

Askim and Skiptvet, Østfold, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3933 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1962
Location:Askim and Skiptvet, Østfold, Norway
Coordinates:59.53805 N 11.16776 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet) estimated

1962: Wakato

Kita-Kyusyu, Fukuoka, Japan - Dokai Bay
Bridgemeister ID:462 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1962
Also Known As:若戸大橋
Location:Kita-Kyusyu, Fukuoka, Japan
Crossing:Dokai Bay
Coordinates:33.902895 N 130.816602 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • BAAW: First suspension bridge in Japan with main span exceeding 300 meters.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1963: (suspension bridge)

Hope, British Columbia, Canada - Coquihalla River
Bridgemeister ID:2448 (added 2004-02-28)
Year Completed:1963
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hope, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Coquihalla River
Coordinates:49.386927 N 121.433118 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Emil Anderson Construction
Status:Destroyed, January 4, 1984


1963: Crooked River

Opal Springs vicinity, Oregon, USA - Crooked River at Lake Billy Chinook
Bridgemeister ID:216 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1963
Name:Crooked River
Location:Opal Springs vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Crooked River at Lake Billy Chinook
Coordinates:44.528882 N 121.264512 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:GBD, WOT
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 141.4 meters (464 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1963: Deschutes River

Opal Springs vicinity, Oregon, USA - Deschutes River at Lake Billy Chinook
Bridgemeister ID:338 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1963
Name:Deschutes River
Location:Opal Springs vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Deschutes River at Lake Billy Chinook
Coordinates:44.525672 N 121.299591 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BCO, WOT
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 111 meters (364.17 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1963: Einangsundet

Slidre, Innlandet, Norway - Einangsundet
Bridgemeister ID:4013 (added 2020-03-28)
Year Completed:1963
Location:Slidre, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.07298 N 8.99101 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 153.5 meters (503.6 feet) estimated

1963: Erfjord

Erfjord and Hålandsosen, Rogaland, Norway - Hålandsundet
Bridgemeister ID:2945 (added 2019-09-29)
Year Completed:1963
Location:Erfjord and Hålandsosen, Rogaland, Norway
Coordinates:59.354706 N 6.230082 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 228 meters (748 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1963: Kasai

Koto City, Tokyo, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6825 (added 2021-12-25)
Year Completed:1963
Also Known As:葛西橋
Location:Koto City, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
Coordinates:35.671444 N 139.845119 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 69 meters (226.4 feet)

External Links:

1963: Kravikfjord

Sunde, Nore og Uvdal, Viken, Norway - Kravikfjorden
Bridgemeister ID:4089 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1963
Also Known As:Sunde
Location:Sunde, Nore og Uvdal, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.099286 N 9.065351 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)

1963: Maitra

Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:3361 (added 2019-12-20)
Year Completed:1963
Also Known As:Ramban, Bailey
Location:Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.236913 N 75.238930 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated


  • Various sources cite construction in 1963 or "before 1960".
  • 2021, June: Weight restrictions imposed as a safety measure since 2019. Repairs and renovation will be considered.
  • 2021, October: Replacement suspension bridge planned.
  • Replaced by 2022 Maitra (Bailey) - Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

1963: Rävsund

Kaarina and Pargas, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:1621 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1963
Also Known As:Kirjalansalmi
Location:Kaarina and Pargas, Finland
Coordinates:60.365767 N 22.358533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 220 meters (721.8 feet)

External Links:

1963: Saint-Symphorien

Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7840 (added 2023-09-03)
Year Completed:1963
Location:Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
At or Near Feature:l'Île Aucard
Coordinates:47.399002 N 0.693011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1963: Saint-Symphorien

Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7841 (added 2023-09-03)
Year Completed:1963
Location:Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
At or Near Feature:l'Île Aucard
Coordinates:47.401695 N 0.693334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

1963: Sääksmäki

Valkeakoski vicinity, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:910 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1963
Location:Valkeakoski vicinity, Finland
Coordinates:61.184040 N 24.048287 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 206 meters (675.9 feet)


  • About four miles south of Valkeakoski. Two-lane auto bridge distinct from the other Valkeakoski area bridges on the inventory.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1963: Spjotsodd

Vrådal vicinity, Kviteseid, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Strauman
Bridgemeister ID:4105 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:1963
Location: Vrådal vicinity, Kviteseid, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.363463 N 8.522708 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated


  • Deck stiffened to accommodate heavier traffic, 2018-2019.

1963: Vincent Thomas

San Pedro, California, USA - Los Angeles Harbor
Bridgemeister ID:217 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1963
Name:Vincent Thomas
Also Known As:San Pedro-Terminal Island
Location:San Pedro, California, USA
Crossing:Los Angeles Harbor
Coordinates:33.75 N 118.27 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 457.2 meters (1,500 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 154.4 meters (506.5 feet)


  • 2023: US$706 million project to replace the bridge's deck expected to start in 2025 and complete in 2027.

External Links:

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Photo by Michael Levy Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eric Sakowski Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1964: (footbridge)

Wilmot vicinity and Dillsboro vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Tuckaseigee River
Bridgemeister ID:218 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1964
Location:Wilmot vicinity and Dillsboro vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Tuckaseigee River
Coordinates:35.40421 N 83.29348 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Roanoke Bridge Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 42.4 meters (139 feet),
1 x 41.8 meters (137 feet)


  • A 4/4/2002 article in The Sylva Herald And Ruralite ("Repairing Last Swinging Bridge") notes this bridge was completed 1964, but Patrick S. O'Donnell sent me a photo of a 1906 Roanoke Bridge Co. builder's plate attached to one of the towers.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1964: (suspension bridge)

Lebap, Uzbekistan and Danisher, Turkmenistan - Amu Darya
Bridgemeister ID:4773 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:1964
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lebap, Uzbekistan and Danisher, Turkmenistan
Crossing:Amu Darya
Coordinates:41.063079 N 61.898835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1964: Citizens Bank

East Alton, Illinois, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2544 (added 2011-12-31)
Year Completed:1964
Name:Citizens Bank
Location:East Alton, Illinois, USA
At or Near Feature:Citizens Bank building
Coordinates:38.884986 N 90.099109 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Small footbridge at the entrance to the circular Citizens Bank building in East Alton.
  • Demolition of bridge and building slated for 2016 halted following public outcry. Bridge still standing in 2018.

1964: Dalevatn

Dale, Flatanger and Lauvsnes, Flatanger, Trøndelag, Norway - Dalavatnet
Bridgemeister ID:3712 (added 2020-02-09)
Year Completed:1964
Also Known As:Dala, Dale
Location:Dale, Flatanger and Lauvsnes, Flatanger, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.452590 N 10.952020 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120.1 meters (394 feet) estimated

1964: Elisabeth

Budapest, Hungary - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:990 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1964
Also Known As:Erzsébet
Location:Budapest, Hungary
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:47.490795 N 19.048769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 290 meters (951.4 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1964: Forth Road

Queensferry, Scotland, United Kingdom - Firth of Forth
Bridgemeister ID:463 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1964
Name:Forth Road
Location:Queensferry, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Firth of Forth
Coordinates:56.004020 N 3.404095 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BBR, BC3, BDU, BFL, FRB, NTB, WOT
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,006 meters (3,300.5 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 408 meters (1,338.6 feet)


  • December 4, 2015: Closed to all traffic because of structural issues. Reopened for lighter traffic, December 23, 2015. Fully reopened February 20, 2016.
  • September 5, 2017: All traffic diverted to newly-opened nearby Queensferry Crossing. Closed completely for repairs. Reopened February 1, 2018 but restricted to public transportation (buses and taxis), pedestrians, and cyclists.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Bill Campbell Photo by Michael Levy Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1964: Gates Park Pack

Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA - North Fork of the Sun River
Bridgemeister ID:6349 (added 2021-07-25)
Year Completed:1964
Name:Gates Park Pack
Location:Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:North Fork of the Sun River
At or Near Feature:Bob Marshall Wilderness
Coordinates:47.553636 N 112.944389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:Replaced, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet)


External Links:

1964: Kroksund

Kroksund, Hole, Viken, Norway - Kroksund
Bridgemeister ID:3952 (added 2020-03-21)
Year Completed:1964
Location:Kroksund, Hole, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.61870 N 11.58737 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet) estimated

1964: Medicine Springs Pack

Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA - North Fork Sun River
Bridgemeister ID:6347 (added 2021-07-25)
Year Completed:1964
Name:Medicine Springs Pack
Location:Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:North Fork Sun River
At or Near Feature:Bob Marshall Wilderness
Coordinates:47.632222 N 112.857444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:Replaced, 2016
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet) estimated


External Links:

1964: Rombaks

Narvik vicinity, Nordland, Norway - Rombaksfjord
Bridgemeister ID:952 (added 2003-10-31)
Year Completed:1964
Location:Narvik vicinity, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:68.441673 N 17.705208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 325 meters (1,066.3 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1964: Saint-Bachi Aqueduct

Rians, Var, France - Ruisseau de Saint-Bachi
Bridgemeister ID:4691 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:1964
Name:Saint-Bachi Aqueduct
Location:Rians, Var, France
Crossing:Ruisseau de Saint-Bachi
Coordinates:43.613862 N 5.687426 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1964: Verrazzano Narrows

Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York, USA - Verrazano Narrows
Bridgemeister ID:219 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1964
Name:Verrazzano Narrows
Also Known As:Verrazano Narrows
Location:Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York, USA
Crossing:Verrazano Narrows
Coordinates:40.60667 N 74.045 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Othmar H. Ammann, Whitney
Use:Vehicular (double-deck)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,298.4 meters (4,260 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1965: Bidwell Bar

Oroville, California, USA - Feather River
Bridgemeister ID:220 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1965
Name:Bidwell Bar
Location:Oroville, California, USA
Crossing:Feather River
At or Near Feature:Oroville Reservoir
Coordinates:39.54816 N 121.43006 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:California Department of Water Resources
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1965: Currin

Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA - Willamette River Coast Fork
Bridgemeister ID:801 (added 2003-03-29)
Year Completed:1965
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Willamette River Coast Fork
At or Near Feature:Prospector Park
Coordinates:43.79385 N 123.06935 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2019 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 7.6 meters (25 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1965: Emmerich

Emmerich, Germany - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:991 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1965
Location:Emmerich, Germany
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:51.828918 N 6.226379 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 501 meters (1,643.7 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 151 meters (495.4 feet)
Deck width:21.8 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1965: Fraterstraat

Merelbeke, East Flanders, Belgium - Ringvaart
Bridgemeister ID:4571 (added 2020-06-02)
Year Completed:1965
Location:Merelbeke, East Flanders, Belgium
Coordinates:51.005227 N 3.760873 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:Removed, c. 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1965: Guy West

Sacramento, California, USA - American River
Bridgemeister ID:221 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1965
Name:Guy West
Location:Sacramento, California, USA
Crossing:American River
Coordinates:38.562367 N 121.42017 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 183 meters (600.4 feet)


  • WOT says completed 1968.
Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1965: Houqiao

Tengchong, Yunnan, China - Binlang River
Bridgemeister ID:1219 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1965
Location:Tengchong, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Binlang River
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)

1965: Hudson's Hope

Hudson's Hope, British Columbia, Canada - Peace River
Bridgemeister ID:222 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1965
Name:Hudson's Hope
Location:Hudson's Hope, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Peace River
Coordinates:55.988618 N 121.985539 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1965: Podeba

Pobeda (Победа), Adygea Republic, Russia - Reka Belaya
Bridgemeister ID:6291 (added 2021-07-22)
Year Completed:1965
Location:Pobeda (Победа), Adygea Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Belaya
Coordinates:44.559497 N 40.134366 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

1965: Strøno

Nordstrøno vicinity, Vestland, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:7974 (added 2023-11-26)
Year Completed:1965
Also Known As:Strønobrua
Location:Nordstrøno vicinity, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.177278 N 5.360167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1966: (footbridge)

Indiana Beach, Indiana, USA - Lake Shafer
Bridgemeister ID:879 (added 2003-09-01)
Year Completed:1966
Location:Indiana Beach, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Lake Shafer
Coordinates:40.787346 N 86.770724 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Large multi-span footbridge that serves as entrance to Indiana Beach amusement park.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1966: 25 de Abril

Lisbon, Portugal - Tagus River
Bridgemeister ID:464 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1966
Name:25 de Abril
Also Known As:Tagus, Salazar, April 25th
Location:Lisbon, Portugal
Crossing:Tagus River
Coordinates:38.6968 N 9.179 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David B. Steinman, Ray M. Boynton, et. al.
References:BAAW, BAR, BBR, BC3, BDU, BFL, BMA, CTW
Use:Rail and Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,012.9 meters (3,323 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 483.4 meters (1,586 feet)


  • Major retrofit completed in 1999 to add rail deck and extra vehicle lane.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1966: Älvsborg

Göteborg, Sweden - Göta älv
Bridgemeister ID:912 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1966
Location:Göteborg, Sweden
Crossing:Göta älv
Coordinates:57.690564 N 11.901944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1966: Fluberg

Fluberg, Søndre Land, Innlandet, Norway - Randsfjorden
Bridgemeister ID:3998 (added 2020-03-27)
Year Completed:1966
Location:Fluberg, Søndre Land, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.76127 N 10.23194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated

1966: Mangarere Road

Mangaweka vicinity, New Zealand - Rangitikei River
Bridgemeister ID:2616 (added 2018-12-30)
Year Completed:1966
Name:Mangarere Road
Location:Mangaweka vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Rangitikei River
Coordinates:39.82503 S 175.78428 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wall, Bogle, and Payne; Emmett Bros. Ltd.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet)

Photo by David Denenberg

1966: Presidente Ibañez

Aisén, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:1081 (added 2003-12-29)
Year Completed:1966
Name:Presidente Ibañez
Location:Aisén, Chile
Coordinates:45.404861 S 72.684361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1966: Severn

Aust and Beachley, England, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:465 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1966
Also Known As:First Severn Crossing
Location:Aust and Beachley, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
Coordinates:51.610422 N 2.641658 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 987.6 meters (3,240 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 304.8 meters (1,000 feet)

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Bill Campbell Photo by George Waite Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1966: Yajiang

Panzhihua City, Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:1286 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1966
Also Known As:Yalongjiang
Location:Panzhihua City, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:26.607857 N 101.800743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 171.8 meters (563.6 feet)

External Links:

1967: (pipeline bridge)

Neckargröningen, Remseck, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:2150 (added 2006-11-18)
Year Completed:1967
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Neckargröningen, Remseck, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:48.878357 N 9.277363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Waagner-Biro Brückenbau AG
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)
Deck width:0.75 meters


  • Carries two water pipelines (1 fresh water, 1 waste water) with a gated service walkway above the pipes. Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "it supplies Neckargröningen with fresh water and pipelines waste water back (central waterworks and waste water treatment plant are on the other side of Neckar river)."

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1967: (pipeline bridge)

Savage River, Tasmania, Australia - Savage River
Bridgemeister ID:4600 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:1967
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Savage River, Tasmania, Australia
Crossing:Savage River
Coordinates:41.475961 S 145.215867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 305 meters (1,000.7 feet)

External Links:

1967: (suspension bridge)

Bainham, Golden Bay, New Zealand - Aorere River
Bridgemeister ID:685 (added 2003-03-08)
Year Completed:1967
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bainham, Golden Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Aorere River
Status:Destroyed, December 28, 2010


1967: Angostura

Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela - Orinoco River
Bridgemeister ID:467 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1967
Location:Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela
Crossing:Orinoco River
Coordinates:8.144799 N 63.598021 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sverdrup & Parcel, Precompromido S.A, American Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 712 meters (2,336 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 280 meters (918.6 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Peter Sluszka, P.E. Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1967: Aquitaine

Bordeaux, Gironde, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:466 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1967
Location:Bordeaux, Gironde, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.879916 N 0.537012 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 394 meters (1,292.7 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 143 meters (469.2 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1967: Jökulsárlón

Laugarás, Iceland - Hvítá
Bridgemeister ID:1509 (added 2004-10-09)
Year Completed:1967
Location:Laugarás, Iceland
Coordinates:64.111012 N 20.510129 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1967: Orleans

Orleans, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:223 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1967
Location:Orleans, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Coordinates:41.30167 N 123.53333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ostap Bender, A.P. Bezzone, Jr.
References:BCO, BPL, WOT
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 131.1 meters (430 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1967: Tjeldsund

Skånland vicinity, Troms, Norway - Steinslandsstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:941 (added 2003-10-27)
Year Completed:1967
Also Known As:Tjeldsundsbru
Location:Skånland vicinity, Troms, Norway
Coordinates:68.627877 N 16.581751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1968: (footbridge)

Kriznica, Pitomaca vicinity, Croatia - Drava River
Bridgemeister ID:4601 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Kriznica, Pitomaca vicinity, Croatia
Crossing:Drava River
Coordinates:45.959868 N 17.311073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538.1 feet)

External Links:

1968: (footbridge)

Zagórze Śląskie, Poland - Bystrzyca
Bridgemeister ID:4693 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Zagórze Śląskie, Poland
Coordinates:50.752005 N 16.418261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2017-2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced in time frame 2017-2019.

External Links:

1968: (suspension bridge)

Mul'ta (Мульта), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6197 (added 2021-07-15)
Year Completed:1968
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mul'ta (Мульта), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:50.193069 N 85.960498 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


1968: Corpac

Tingo Maria and Castillo Grande, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7879 (added 2023-10-01)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Tingo Maria and Castillo Grande, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.302009 S 76.006431 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100.5 meters (329.7 feet)


  • 2023, April: New concerns over deteriorating condition of the bridge and threat of collapse.
  • 2020: Serious concerns raised the bridge was in danger of imminent collapse due to broken welds and structural cracks.
  • 2021, August: Traffic restricted to one lane while repairs are made.
  • Next to (suspension bridge) - Tingo Maria and Castillo Grande, Peru.

External Links:

1968: Delaware Memorial II

New Castle, Delaware and Pennsville, New Jersey, USA - Delaware River
Bridgemeister ID:224 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1968
Name:Delaware Memorial II
Location:New Castle, Delaware and Pennsville, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Delaware River
Coordinates:39.688633 N 75.516272 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BONJ, CTD, GBD
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 655.3 meters (2,150 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 228.6 meters (750 feet)
Deck width:58.7 feet


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1968: Gitwinksihlkw

Gitwinksihlkw (Canyon City), British Columbia, Canada - Nass River
Bridgemeister ID:254 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Gitwinksihlkw (Canyon City), British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Nass River
Coordinates:55.191403 N 129.221144 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103.3 meters (339 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1968: Hemenkou

Hemenkou (河门口), Panzhihua (攀枝花市), Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:1275 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Hemenkou (河门口), Panzhihua (攀枝花市), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.588000 N 101.600361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2003-2007 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet)


  • Removed at some point in the 2003-2007 time frame upon completion of an adjacent arch bridge. Remnants of the piers were still visible in the 2020s.

1968: Ptrukšianska

Ptrukša and Boťany, Slovakia - Latorica River
Bridgemeister ID:7641 (added 2023-05-28)
Year Completed:1968
Also Known As:Boťanská
Location:Ptrukša and Boťany, Slovakia
Crossing:Latorica River
Coordinates:48.474224 N 22.119790 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

1968: Sundfloen

Koppang, Stor-Elvda, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3923 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Koppang, Stor-Elvda, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.56972 N 11.02122 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 170 meters (557.7 feet)


  • Deck strengthened in 2015 to accommodate heavier timber trucks up to 60 tons.

1968: Tai'erzhuang Canal

Shandong, China - Tai'erzhuang Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1291 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1968
Name:Tai'erzhuang Canal
Location:Shandong, China
Crossing:Tai'erzhuang Canal
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)

1968: Weizhou

Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1276 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1968
Location:Sichuan, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet)

1969: (footbridge)

Mošnov, Czechia - Lubina River
Bridgemeister ID:4642 (added 2020-06-16)
Year Completed:1969
Location:Mošnov, Czechia
Crossing:Lubina River
Coordinates:49.681695 N 18.128000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1969: Chaoyang

Beibei District (北碚区), Chongqing, Sichuan, China - Jialing River
Bridgemeister ID:469 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1969
Also Known As:重庆朝阳嘉陵江大桥
Location:Beibei District (北碚区), Chongqing, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jialing River
Coordinates:29.818466 N 106.448424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Chongqing Bridge Engineering Co.
Status:Closed (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 186 meters (610.2 feet)


External Links:

1969: Claiborne Pell

Newport and Jamestown, Rhode Island, USA - Narragansett Bay
Bridgemeister ID:226 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1969
Name:Claiborne Pell
Also Known As:Newport, Newport-Pell
Location:Newport and Jamestown, Rhode Island, USA
Crossing:Narragansett Bay
Coordinates:41.505 N 71.34166 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Quade, Douglas
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 487.7 meters (1,600 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 209.4 meters (687 feet)


  • 2022, November: USD$82.5M grant awarded to fund improvements to deck and suspension system intended to extend the life of the bridge by 50-75 years.

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Michael Levy Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1969: Efjord

Ballangen, Nordland, Norway - Kjerringvikstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:3047 (added 2019-10-20)
Year Completed:1969
Location:Ballangen, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:68.297436 N 16.503399 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1969: Gorge Inn

Newhalem, Washington, USA - Skagit River
Bridgemeister ID:225 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1969
Name:Gorge Inn
Location:Newhalem, Washington, USA
Crossing:Skagit River
At or Near Feature:Trail of the Cedars
Coordinates:48.672167 N 121.246333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seattle City Light
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1969: Harka Bahadur

Kargil, Ladakh, India - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6385 (added 2021-07-27)
Year Completed:1969
Name:Harka Bahadur
Location:Kargil, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.593305 N 76.112350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1969: Herdla

Herdla, Vestland, Norway - Herdlesundet
Bridgemeister ID:4497 (added 2020-05-01)
Year Completed:1969
Location:Herdla, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.561609 N 4.960284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated

1969: Hermanos Carrera

San Antonio, Valparaiso, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:7928 (added 2023-10-22)
Year Completed:1969
Name:Hermanos Carrera
Location:San Antonio, Valparaiso, Chile
Coordinates:33.577701 S 71.611576 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

1969: Shin-tsue

Oita, Oita, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:470 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1969
Location:Oita, Oita, Japan

1969: Tsutsuji

Iida, Nagano, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4251 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:1969
Also Known As:つつじ橋
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.437473 N 137.820659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1970: A. Murray Mackay

Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada - Halifax Harbour
Bridgemeister ID:227 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1970
Name:A. Murray Mackay
Location:Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crossing:Halifax Harbour
Coordinates:44.67737 N 63.61219 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1970: Cangas del Narcea

Cangas del Narcea, Asturias, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:1456 (added 2004-08-14)
Year Completed:1970
Name:Cangas del Narcea
Location:Cangas del Narcea, Asturias, Spain
Coordinates:43.176488 N 6.552357 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1970: Chaijiatai

Chaijiatai (柴家台村), Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8128 (added 2024-01-13)
Year Completed:1970
Location:Chaijiatai (柴家台村), Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.115444 N 103.563389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)

1970: Jacob Alfredo Emmendöerfer

Vila Baependi, Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itapocu
Bridgemeister ID:5024 (added 2020-08-16)
Year Completed:1970
Name:Jacob Alfredo Emmendöerfer
Location:Vila Baependi, Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itapocu
Coordinates:26.487872 S 49.073418 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

1970: Jingyun

Midu and Lincang, Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1222 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1970
Location:Midu and Lincang, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)

1970: New Little Belt

Jutland and Funen, Denmark - Little Belt
Bridgemeister ID:471 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1970
Name:New Little Belt
Also Known As:New Lillebaelt, Nye Lillebæltsbro
Location:Jutland and Funen, Denmark
Crossing:Little Belt
Coordinates:55.518516 N 9.750336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ostenfeld and Jonson
References:BAR, BFL
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 600 meters (1,968.5 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1970: Pierre Laporte

Quebec City and Levis, Quebec, Canada - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:228 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1970
Name:Pierre Laporte
Location:Quebec City and Levis, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
Coordinates:46.741717 N 71.288333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 667.5 meters (2,190 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 186.5 meters (611.9 feet)


  • 2021, November: Weight and lane restrictions imposed pending urgent replacement of several suspender cables.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1970: Pingbaodiao

Pingbaoxiang (平堡镇), Jingyuan (靖远县), Baiyin (白银市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8133 (added 2024-01-13)
Year Completed:1970
Also Known As:Pingpu
Location:Pingbaoxiang (平堡镇), Jingyuan (靖远县), Baiyin (白银市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.416917 N 104.388250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 133 meters (436.4 feet)

1970: Tjønntveit

Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Bøelva
Bridgemeister ID:4209 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:1970
Location:Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.408794 N 8.959626 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.6 meters


  • Renovated, 2019, for continued use by pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

1971: Bjarne Ness Memorial

Fort Ransom, North Dakota, USA - Sheyenne River
Bridgemeister ID:1367 (added 2004-07-03)
Year Completed:1971
Name:Bjarne Ness Memorial
Location:Fort Ransom, North Dakota, USA
Crossing:Sheyenne River
Coordinates:46.51907 N 97.92599 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Lisbon National Guard
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1971: Castle

Ida Grove, Iowa, USA - Odebolt Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2982 (added 2019-10-12)
Year Completed:1971
Location:Ida Grove, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Odebolt Creek
At or Near Feature:Ida Grove Golf and Country Club
Coordinates:42.343539 N 95.458580 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1971: Dent

Orofino vicinity, Idaho, USA - Dworshak Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:229 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1971
Location:Orofino vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Dworshak Reservoir
Coordinates:46.605 N 116.179 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Army Corps of Engineers
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 320 meters (1,050 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Reservoir formed by damming of the North Fork of the Clearwater River.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1971: General De División Jose Cornelio Muñoz

Bruzual, Apure and Barinas, Venezuela - Rio Apure
Bridgemeister ID:7603 (added 2023-05-16)
Year Completed:1971
Name:General De División Jose Cornelio Muñoz
Location:Bruzual, Apure and Barinas, Venezuela
Crossing:Rio Apure
Coordinates:8.053919 N 69.333121 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Vandanca Company
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 260 meters (853 feet) estimated

1971: Revøysund

Lundegard and Revøy, Norway - Revøysundet
Bridgemeister ID:4216 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:1971
Location:Lundegard and Revøy, Norway
Coordinates:58.032413 N 7.014400 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)

1971: Save River

Save, Mozambique - Save River
Bridgemeister ID:5194 (added 2020-10-04)
Year Completed:1971
Name:Save River
Location:Save, Mozambique
Crossing:Save River
Coordinates:21.135212 S 34.565829 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3 x 210 meters (689 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Replacement announced, 2018. Expected to be completed in 2021.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1971: Shichuan

Shichuanzhen (什川镇), Gaolan County (皋兰县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8134 (added 2024-01-13)
Year Completed:1971
Location:Shichuanzhen (什川镇), Gaolan County (皋兰县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.151222 N 103.993583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet)

1971: Sotra

Bergen and Fjell, Hordaland, Norway - Knarreviksundet
Bridgemeister ID:1102 (added 2004-01-02)
Year Completed:1971
Location:Bergen and Fjell, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.372652 N 5.167047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 468 meters (1,535.4 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1971: Xiangyang

Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1223 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1971
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.851408 N 98.852680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 131.4 meters (431.1 feet)

1972: Pênsil

Bairro Trezidela, Grajaú, Maranhão, Brazil - Rio Grajaú
Bridgemeister ID:7003 (added 2022-05-08)
Year Completed:1972
Location:Bairro Trezidela, Grajaú, Maranhão, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Grajaú
Coordinates:5.818106 S 46.144946 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

1972: Skjomen

Narvik, Nordland, Norway - Skjomen
Bridgemeister ID:3038 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:1972
Location:Narvik, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:68.370865 N 17.241603 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 525 meters (1,722.4 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1973: (footbridge)

Lincoln, Illinois, USA - Kickapoo Creek
Bridgemeister ID:909 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1973
Location:Lincoln, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Kickapoo Creek
At or Near Feature:Kickapoo Creek County Park
Coordinates:40.17338 N 89.37623 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

1973: (footbridge)

Newtown, Wales, United Kingdom - River Severn
Bridgemeister ID:4616 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:1973
Location:Newtown, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Severn
At or Near Feature:Dolerw Park
Coordinates:52.514964 N 3.319958 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1973: Ben Tat

Truong Son, Vietnam - Ben Hai River
Bridgemeister ID:1801 (added 2005-05-17)
Year Completed:1973
Name:Ben Tat
Location:Truong Son, Vietnam
Crossing:Ben Hai River
Coordinates:16.955355 N 106.951413 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, October 8, 2005
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)


1973: Bosporus

Istanbul, Türkiye - Bosporus Strait
Bridgemeister ID:472 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1973
Also Known As:Bogaziçi, 15 July Martyrs, First, Bosphorus
Location:Istanbul, Türkiye
Crossing:Bosporus Strait
Coordinates:41.046655 N 29.033788 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BAR, BDU, BFL, BMA, CTW
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,073.8 meters (3,523 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestellee

1973: Cikai

Gongshan County, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1224 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1973
Location:Gongshan County, Yunnan, China
References:BCG, BYU
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (383.9 feet)

1973: Kanmon

Shimonoseki (下関市), Yamaguchi and Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City ( 北九州市), Fukuoka, Japan - Kanmon Straits
Bridgemeister ID:468 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1973
Also Known As:関門橋, Kanmonkyō
Location:Shimonoseki (下関市), Yamaguchi and Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City ( 北九州市), Fukuoka, Japan
Crossing:Kanmon Straits
Coordinates:33.961829 N 130.958562 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 712 meters (2,336 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1973: Kjærfjord

Kjerstad, Tjeldsund, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Kjærfjordstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:4496 (added 2020-05-01)
Year Completed:1973
Location:Kjerstad, Tjeldsund, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:68.445834 N 16.157278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet)

1973: Nam-Hae

Noryang and Namhae, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:473 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1973
Also Known As:Namhae
Location:Noryang and Namhae, South Korea
Coordinates:34.944605 N 127.871978 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 404 meters (1,325.5 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 125 meters (410.1 feet)
Deck width:12 meters


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1973: Samora Michel

Tete and Moatize, Mozambique - Zambezi River
Bridgemeister ID:1639 (added 2005-03-13)
Year Completed:1973
Name:Samora Michel
Also Known As:Tete
Location:Tete and Moatize, Mozambique
Crossing:Zambezi River
Coordinates:16.154794 S 33.593791 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Edgar Cardoso
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3
Side Spans:2


  • Large multi-span vehicular bridge with concrete towers and inclined suspenders.

External Links:

Photo by Albert van Niekerk

1973: William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial II

Sandy Point, Maryland, USA - Chesapeake Bay
Bridgemeister ID:230 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1973
Name:William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial II
Also Known As:Chesapeake Bay
Location:Sandy Point, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Chesapeake Bay
Coordinates:38.994433 N 76.381929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 487.7 meters (1,600 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1973: Yumenkou

Hancheng (韩城市), Weinan (渭南市), Shaanxi and Yumenkou (禹门口), Hejin (河津市), Yuncheng (运城市), Shanxi, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:1285 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1973
Location:Hancheng (韩城市), Weinan (渭南市), Shaanxi and Yumenkou (禹门口), Hejin (河津市), Yuncheng (运城市), Shanxi, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:35.659472 N 110.598778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 144 meters (472.4 feet)

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge (and several other bridges in the background). Dated May 2021.

1974: (footbridge)

Hayfork, California, USA - Hayfork Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6707 (added 2021-10-05)
Year Completed:1974
Location:Hayfork, California, USA
Crossing:Hayfork Creek
At or Near Feature:Bar 717 Ranch
Coordinates:40.628631 N 123.371112 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Paul Wills, Willy Wills, Ed Clark
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

1974: (pipeline bridge)

Kelif vicinity, Turkmenistan and Keleft, Afghanistan - Amu Darya
Bridgemeister ID:1430 (added 2004-07-25)
Year Completed:1974
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Kelif vicinity, Turkmenistan and Keleft, Afghanistan
Crossing:Amu Darya
Coordinates:37.345302 N 66.260926 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 660 meters (2,165.4 feet)

1974: Mestachibo

Beaupré, Quebec, Canada - Sainte-Anne River
Bridgemeister ID:231 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1974
Location:Beaupré, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Sainte-Anne River
At or Near Feature:Canyon Sainte-Anne
Coordinates:47.07486 N 70.87540 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet)
Side Spans:2

1974: Slattum-Hewett

Fort Ransom vicinity, North Dakota, USA - Sheyenne River
Bridgemeister ID:1366 (added 2004-07-03)
Year Completed:1974
Location:Fort Ransom vicinity, North Dakota, USA
Crossing:Sheyenne River
Coordinates:46.56435 N 97.90429 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.1 meters (125 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1975: (pipeline bridge)

Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Wax Lake Outlet
Bridgemeister ID:1807 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1975
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Wax Lake Outlet
Coordinates:29.693867 N 91.374017 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 1990)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1975: (suspension bridge)

Dong vicinity, Savannakhet, Laos - Nam Sepon
Bridgemeister ID:2752 (added 2019-06-29)
Year Completed:1975
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dong vicinity, Savannakhet, Laos
Crossing:Nam Sepon
Coordinates:16.625873 N 106.418546 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1975: Hang Tom

Lai Chau, Lai Chau Province, Vietnam - Da River
Bridgemeister ID:1870 (added 2005-08-06)
Year Completed:1975
Name:Hang Tom
Also Known As:Shrimp Cave
Location:Lai Chau, Lai Chau Province, Vietnam
Crossing:Da River
Coordinates:22.078645 N 103.173458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)


  • Location inundated in 2010s. Coordinates are approximate former location.

1975: Khaneyatal

Mohanyal (मोहन्याल) and Dhanglagau (धङलगौ), Nepal - Thuli Gad
Bridgemeister ID:8143 (added 2024-01-28)
Year Completed:1975
Location:Mohanyal (मोहन्याल) and Dhanglagau (धङलगौ), Nepal
Crossing:Thuli Gad
Coordinates:28.935397 N 80.909157 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 200.4 meters (657.5 feet)

1975: Kjellingstraum

Kjøpstad vicinity, Nordland, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:958 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1975
Location:Kjøpstad vicinity, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.078325 N 14.302455 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 260 meters (853 feet)

External Links:

1975: Mayoc

Mayoc, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:7764 (added 2023-08-05)
Year Completed:1975
Location:Mayoc, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.813461 S 74.385250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • At former location of Mayoc - Mayoc, Peru. The 1975 bridge replaced the concrete arch bridge destroyed by the same 1974 flood that destroyed the older suspension bridge.

External Links:

1975: Stádlecký

Stádlec, Czechia - Lužnice
Bridgemeister ID:8196 (added 2024-02-05)
Year Completed:1975
Also Known As:Stádleck
Location:Stádlec, Czechia
Coordinates:49.367400 N 14.514700 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1975: Tanana River

Big Delta vicinity, Alaska, USA - Tanana River
Bridgemeister ID:652 (added 2003-02-24)
Year Completed:1975
Name:Tanana River
Location:Big Delta vicinity, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Tanana River
Coordinates:64.15766 N 145.84964 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 365.8 meters (1,200 feet)


  • Large pipeline bridge carrying the Trans-Alaska pipeline.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1975: Tofterøy

Berge, Øygarden, Vestland, Norway - Austefjorden
Bridgemeister ID:4498 (added 2020-05-02)
Year Completed:1975
Location:Berge, Øygarden, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.205563 N 5.071923 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 143 meters (469.2 feet) estimated

External Links:

1975: Zabia Kladka

Wroclaw, Poland - Oder River
Bridgemeister ID:2349 (added 2007-08-18)
Year Completed:1975
Name:Zabia Kladka
Location:Wroclaw, Poland
Crossing:Oder River
Coordinates:51.117363 N 17.037060 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

1976: (footbridge)

Alexeyevka, Belgorod Oblast, Russia - Reka Tikhaya Sosna
Bridgemeister ID:6960 (added 2022-02-19)
Year Completed:1976
Location:Alexeyevka, Belgorod Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Tikhaya Sosna
Coordinates:50.629171 N 38.684831 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

1976: (footbridge)

Brest, Belarus - Mukhovets River
Bridgemeister ID:6207 (added 2021-07-16)
Year Completed:1976
Location:Brest, Belarus
Crossing:Mukhovets River
Coordinates:52.084229 N 23.668432 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet) estimated

1976: (footbridge)

Lampasas, Texas, USA - Sulphur Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1258 (added 2004-03-06)
Year Completed:1976
Location:Lampasas, Texas, USA
Crossing:Sulphur Creek
Coordinates:31.05598 N 98.18108 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Rod
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 19.8 meters (65 feet)


  • It is doubtful that this is a true suspension bridge. Follow the picture for more on this observation.
Photo by Eric Sakowski

1976: (pipeline bridge)

Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Wax Lake Outlet
Bridgemeister ID:1808 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1976
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Wax Lake Outlet
Coordinates:29.693233 N 91.3743 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 1990)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1976: (pipeline bridge)

Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Wax Lake Outlet
Bridgemeister ID:1809 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1976
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Wax Lake Outlet
Coordinates:29.691483 N 91.37495 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 1990)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 243.8 meters (800 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1976: Cheewhat River

British Columbia, Canada - Cheewhat River
Bridgemeister ID:1451 (added 2004-08-01)
Year Completed:1976
Name:Cheewhat River
Location:British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Cheewhat River
At or Near Feature:West Coast Trail
Coordinates:48.663340 N 124.811974 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1976: Kiwanis Club Bicentennial

Sulphur, Oklahoma, USA - Rock Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5588 (added 2020-12-22)
Year Completed:1976
Name:Kiwanis Club Bicentennial
Location:Sulphur, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Rock Creek
Coordinates:34.508043 N 96.974723 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • The November 28, 1976 edition of The Ada Sunday News ran an article titled "Sulphur Foot Bridge Dedication Scheduled": "SULPHUR — The Kiwanis Club Bicentennial Bridge, a swinging foot bridge across Rock Creek, will be dedicated at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday... The suspension bridge, which was built across Rock Creek near the south end of Bulldog Stadium, has been open since late October. It provides easy access to the school grounds for students coming from east Sulphur. Designed by Supt. Calvin Agee and elementary Principal DeLannom, the bridge was built as the bicentennial project of the Sulphur Kiwanis Club. Club members and students from Sulphur's vocational training classes performed the work on the structure…"
  • The Ada Sunday Newsarticle description leads one to believe this was not a very substantial structure and no trace of it appears to remain (in 2020). Coordinates provided here are, approximate, based on the location description in the article.

1976: Randøy

Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway - Olesundet
Bridgemeister ID:3234 (added 2019-11-15)
Year Completed:1976
Location:Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway
Coordinates:59.218697 N 6.097401 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 202 meters (662.7 feet)

External Links:

1976: Rosenstein

Stuttgart, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:922 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1976
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Coordinates:48.798233 N 9.20955 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 27 meters (88.6 feet),
1 x 57.1 meters (187.3 feet)


  • Monotower, self-anchored footbridge with inclined stays. Crosses a road.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1977: (suspension bridge)

Mariano Dámaso Beraun District, Peru - Monzon River
Bridgemeister ID:3102 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1977
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mariano Dámaso Beraun District, Peru
Crossing:Monzon River
Coordinates:9.324963 S 76.029128 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1977: (suspension bridge)

Tocache, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:944 (added 2003-10-29)
Year Completed:1977
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tocache, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:8.186801 S 76.507317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 219.6 meters (720.5 feet)

External Links:

1977: Cunyac

Estrella, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:3105 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1977
Location:Estrella, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.562583 S 72.575156 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


1977: Dry River

Bretton Woods vicinity, New Hampshire, USA - Dry River
Bridgemeister ID:2477 (added 2008-12-20)
Year Completed:1977
Name:Dry River
Location:Bretton Woods vicinity, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Dry River
At or Near Feature:Dry River Trail, Dry River Wilderness
Coordinates:44.177914 N 71.351531 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2009
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1977: Herrería

La Merced and Chunchuyacu, Peru - Rio Chanchamayo
Bridgemeister ID:3108 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1977
Location:La Merced and Chunchuyacu, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chanchamayo
Coordinates:11.077142 S 75.329422 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)

1977: Hirado

Hirado, Nagasaki and Japan - Hiradoseto Strait
Bridgemeister ID:474 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1977
Also Known As:平戸大橋
Location:Hirado, Nagasaki and Japan
Crossing:Hiradoseto Strait
Coordinates:33.356794 N 129.572374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 465.5 meters (1,527.2 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1977: Kvalsund

Kvalsund and Kvaløya, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Kvalsundet
Bridgemeister ID:961 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1977
Location:Kvalsund and Kvaløya, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:70.51271 N 23.95136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 525 meters (1,722.4 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1977: Lokkarbrua

Ramsvika, Namsos, Trøndelag, Norway - Lokkarsundet
Bridgemeister ID:3713 (added 2020-02-09)
Year Completed:1977
Also Known As:Lokkaren
Location:Ramsvika, Namsos, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.507036 N 11.442759 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 225 meters (738.2 feet)

External Links:

1977: Pizana

Puerto Pizana, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:3107 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1977
Location:Puerto Pizana, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:8.008642 S 76.649672 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1977: Punta Arenas

Punta Arenas, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:3106 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1977
Name:Punta Arenas
Location:Punta Arenas, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:7.529214 S 76.671460 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1977: San Ramón

San Ramón, Peru - Rio Tulumayo
Bridgemeister ID:3103 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1977
Name:San Ramón
Location:San Ramón, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tulumayo
Coordinates:11.125253 S 75.353022 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

1977: Toccoa River

Dahlonega vicinity, Georgia, USA - Toccoa River
Bridgemeister ID:250 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1977
Name:Toccoa River
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Dahlonega vicinity, Georgia, USA
Crossing:Toccoa River
At or Near Feature:Benton MacKaye Trail
Coordinates:34.736857 N 84.167320 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 80.8 meters (265 feet)

1978: (footbridge)

Avegno vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:1796 (added 2005-05-17)
Year Completed:1978
Location:Avegno vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
At or Near Feature:Valle Maggia
Coordinates:46.215524 N 8.744706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)
Side Span:1 x 24 meters (78.7 feet)
Deck width:1.3 meters


  • The side without a side span is anchored directly into rock.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1978: (footbridge)

Kloster Ehrenstein vicinity, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2211 (added 2007-02-11)
Year Completed:1978
Location:Kloster Ehrenstein vicinity, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.61750 N 7.45082 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.1 meters (98.8 feet)
Deck width:0.9 meters between side rails, 1.4 meters total

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1978: (footbridge)

Pontiac, Illinois, USA - Vermilion River
Bridgemeister ID:1710 (added 2005-04-02)
Year Completed:1978
Location:Pontiac, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Vermilion River
At or Near Feature:Humiston Riverside Park
Coordinates:40.876867 N 88.63325 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Edward Windhorst

1978: Bernier

Bromptonville, Sherbrooke vicinity, Quebec, Canada - St. François River
Bridgemeister ID:1162 (added 2004-01-19)
Year Completed:1978
Location:Bromptonville, Sherbrooke vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. François River
Use:Footbridge and Snowmobile
Status:Replaced, 2001
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet)


1978: Klosowski

Walcz, Poland - Raduń Lake
Bridgemeister ID:4968 (added 2020-08-15)
Year Completed:1978
Location:Walcz, Poland
Crossing:Raduń Lake
Coordinates:53.263965 N 16.431102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1978: Magapit

Magapit, Lallo vicinity, Cagayan, Philippines - Cagayan River
Bridgemeister ID:1444 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1978
Location:Magapit, Lallo vicinity, Cagayan, Philippines
Crossing:Cagayan River
Coordinates:18.122340 N 121.672697 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1979: (pipeline bridge)

Saporoshje (Zaporizzja) vicinity, Ukraine - Dnieper River
Bridgemeister ID:1431 (added 2004-07-25)
Year Completed:1979
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Saporoshje (Zaporizzja) vicinity, Ukraine
Crossing:Dnieper River
Coordinates:48.121897 N 35.068470 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 720 meters (2,362.2 feet)


  • This is likely the same bridge as the Pridneprovsk pipeline bridge referenced on Structurae.

External Links:

1979: Alpa Corral

Alpa Corral, Córdoba, Argentina - Rio De las Barrancas
Bridgemeister ID:8513 (added 2024-03-24)
Year Completed:1979
Name:Alpa Corral
Also Known As:Colgante
Location:Alpa Corral, Córdoba, Argentina
Crossing:Rio De las Barrancas
Coordinates:32.692472 S 64.713583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Hinged cables


External Links:

1979: Lau Luhung

Gunung Meriah, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Lau Kalimjubang
Bridgemeister ID:8460 (added 2024-03-17)
Year Completed:1979
Name:Lau Luhung
Location:Gunung Meriah, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lau Kalimjubang
Coordinates:3.185974 N 98.701131 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

1979: McNicoll

Beaupré, Quebec, Canada - Sainte-Anne River
Bridgemeister ID:232 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1979
Location:Beaupré, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Sainte-Anne River
At or Near Feature:Canyon Sainte-Anne
Coordinates:47.07333 N 70.87749 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet)

1980: (pipeline bridge)

Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Wax Lake Outlet
Bridgemeister ID:1810 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1980
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Wax Lake Outlet
Coordinates:29.69095 N 91.374967 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 1990)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 259.1 meters (850 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1980: (pipeline bridge)

Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Wax Lake Outlet
Bridgemeister ID:1811 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1980
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Wax Lake Outlet
Coordinates:29.710683 N 91.3673 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 304.8 meters (1,000 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1980: (pipeline bridge)

Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Wax Lake Outlet
Bridgemeister ID:1812 (added 2005-05-19)
Year Completed:1980
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Calumet vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Wax Lake Outlet
Coordinates:29.68845 N 91.375933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 1990)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 266.7 meters (875 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1980: Åbrua

Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3915 (added 2020-03-20)
Year Completed:1980
Also Known As:Aaen
Location:Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.288074 N 10.823862 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet) estimated


External Links:

1980: Cadereyta

Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico - Rio Santa Catarina
Bridgemeister ID:7085 (added 2022-05-29)
Year Completed:1980
Location:Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Santa Catarina
Coordinates:25.596181 N 99.992324 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, September, 1988
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 81.4 meters (267 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Destroyed during Hurricane Gilbert, September 1988.

External Links:

1980: Kennebecasis

Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada - Kennebecasis River
Bridgemeister ID:233 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1980
Location:Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:Kennebecasis River
Status:Demolished, October, 2002
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1980: Osijek

Osijek, Croatia - Drava River
Bridgemeister ID:936 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1980
Location:Osijek, Croatia
Crossing:Drava River
Coordinates:45.563540 N 18.685271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:GP "Mostogradnja", Branimir Tripalo, Vukan Njagulj
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 210 meters (689 feet)
Deck width:5 meters

External Links:

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg

1980: Shakin

Burnhervie, Inverurie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Don
Bridgemeister ID:1578 (added 2005-01-22)
Year Completed:1980
Location:Burnhervie, Inverurie vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Don
Coordinates:57.261031 N 2.440388 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2005
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


1980: Similkameen Ore Conveyor

Princeton, British Columbia, Canada - Similkameen Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:2100 (added 2006-07-07)
Year Completed:1980
Name:Similkameen Ore Conveyor
Location:Princeton, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Similkameen Canyon
Coordinates:49.351219 N 120.548909 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Buckland & Taylor Ltd., Robert McLellan & Co. Ltd.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 403.9 meters (1,325 feet)

External Links:

1980: Vantovyy

Yoshkar-Ola (Йошкар-Ола), Mari El Republic, Russia - Reka Malaya Kokshaga
Bridgemeister ID:7096 (added 2022-06-03)
Year Completed:1980
Location:Yoshkar-Ola (Йошкар-Ола), Mari El Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Malaya Kokshaga
Coordinates:56.626708 N 47.897903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet) estimated

1981: Humber

Hull, Humberside, England, United Kingdom - Humber River
Bridgemeister ID:475 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1981
Location:Hull, Humberside, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Humber River
Coordinates:53.70654 N 0.44997 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gilbert Roberts, Bill Harvey, Freeman Fox & Partners
References:AOB, BAR, BC3, BDU, BFL
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,410 meters (4,626 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 280 meters (918.6 feet),
1 x 530 meters (1,738.8 feet)
Deck width:28.5 meters


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1981: Nærøysundet

Rørvik, Nærøysund, Trøndelag, Norway - Nærøysund
Bridgemeister ID:1496 (added 2004-09-25)
Year Completed:1981
Location:Rørvik, Nærøysund, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.85033 N 11.21795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 325 meters (1,066.3 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1982: (footbridge)

Glen Nevis vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Nevis
Bridgemeister ID:1458 (added 2004-08-21)
Year Completed:1982
Location:Glen Nevis vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Nevis
Coordinates:56.811717 N 5.076033 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet)


  • This is not the popular wire rope crossing at Glen Nevis which is literally three ropes -- two to hold onto and one to walk on. Instead, this listing is a traditional suspension footbridge just north of Glen Nevis.
  • Don McGillivray worked on this bridge and sent information about its construction.
    "The Suspension bridge was principally built by five Royal Engineers from 15 Field Support Squadron Royal Engineers in the summer of 1982. They were Sapper Terry Bradley (Metal workworker) Sapper Paul Brookes (Draughtsman), Sapper Ian Duggan (Surveyor), Sapper Taff Green (Draughtsman) Sapper Don McGillivray (Blacksmith).
    "The pier footings and anchorages were excavated by hand as the plant machines were being used on another project at Caol and upriver at the priority bridge opposite the YMCA.The Accrow shuttering and Re-bar was humped and Concrete was pumped across the river over a series of aluminium Mk4 assualt boats. Once the concrete cured, the steel work, provided by Highland Engineering was manhandled across the river using the same boats. The steel uprights and main cable were raised and positioned using a block and tackle from a wooden Gyn. The main cables were anchored on the east bank and were tensioned on the west bank using two tirfor winches. The hangers and stringers were strung out from the west bank in a series like stepping stones until the decking could be positioned.
    "The Bridge took five weeks start to finish the best part of the build was the weather which was hot and as we were constantly dropping tools etc. in the river, you had to jump in after it. We later moved up to finish the two span through deck bridge at the YMCA. This bridge replaced an old narrow bridge that used to be a part of a WW2 Mulberry Harbour section."
Photo by Dave Cooper

1982: (footbridge)

Zhytomyr (Житомир), Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine - Teteriv
Bridgemeister ID:7793 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:1982
Location:Zhytomyr (Житомир), Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
At or Near Feature:Gagarin Park
Coordinates:50.243169 N 28.662776 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 159 meters (521.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

1982: (pipeline bridge)

Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Rhein-Herne Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1963 (added 2005-11-12)
Year Completed:1982
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Rhein-Herne Canal
Coordinates:51.534661 N 7.065796 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1982: (pipeline bridge)

Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA - Snake River
Bridgemeister ID:1513 (added 2004-10-09)
Year Completed:1982
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Snake River
Coordinates:43.46399 N 112.07037 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering, Inc.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 167.6 meters (550 feet)


  • Carries a 24-inch sewer pipe.

1982: (suspension bridge)

Tyungur (Тюнгур), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:3090 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:1982
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tyungur (Тюнгур), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:50.158762 N 86.302831 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 162 meters (531.5 feet) estimated


  • Large suspension bridge featured in viral images (in mid-2010s) often misattributed to various locations around the world.

External Links:

1982: Hagelsund

Flatøy, Alver, Vestland and Knarvik, Lindås, Hordaland, Norway - Hagelsundet
Bridgemeister ID:3200 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1982
Location:Flatøy, Alver, Vestland and Knarvik, Lindås, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.543487 N 5.273555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 250 meters (820.2 feet)

External Links:

1982: Shirakawa

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan - Toyohira River
Bridgemeister ID:1874 (added 2005-08-06)
Year Completed:1982
Location:Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Toyohira River
Coordinates:42.966342 N 141.301643 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters

External Links:

1983: (footbridge)

Glenlivet, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Livet
Bridgemeister ID:2638 (added 2019-03-02)
Year Completed:1983
Location:Glenlivet, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Livet
At or Near Feature:Speyside Way - Tomintoul Spur
Coordinates:57.347297 N 3.331187 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg

1983: Edlewogen Crossing

Holderville, Kingston Peninsula, New Brunswick, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:816 (added 2003-05-30)
Year Completed:1983
Name:Edlewogen Crossing
Location:Holderville, Kingston Peninsula, New Brunswick, Canada
At or Near Feature:Camp Holderville Boy Scout Camp

1983: Flat Rock

Ithaca, New York, USA - Fall Creek
Bridgemeister ID:864 (added 2003-08-23)
Year Completed:1983
Name:Flat Rock
Also Known As:Eva Howe Stevens, Rifle Range
Location:Ithaca, New York, USA
Crossing:Fall Creek
At or Near Feature:Cornell Botanic Gardens
Coordinates:42.454983 N 76.45545 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Cornell Student Chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet) estimated


  • 2023: Renovated by students in the same ASCE chapter that built the bridge in 1983.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1983: Innoshima

Onomichi, Hiroshima, Japan - Mekariseto Strait
Bridgemeister ID:476 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1983
Also Known As:因島大橋
Location:Onomichi, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Mekariseto Strait
Coordinates:34.357320 N 133.180017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:BAAW, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 770 meters (2,526.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 250 meters (820.2 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1983: Jiake

Jiakedixiang (架科底乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1241 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1983
Location:Jiakedixiang (架科底乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.765472 N 98.889738 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet)

1983: Lammetunbrua

Lammetun, Fjaler, Vestland, Norway - Lammetusundet
Bridgemeister ID:4087 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:1983
Location:Lammetun, Fjaler, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.269033 N 4.974068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated


1983: Manjiedu

Fengqing County, Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1225 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1983
Location:Fengqing County, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet)

Bridgemeister ID:477 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1983
Location:Matadi, Dem. Rep. of the Congo (Zaire)
Crossing:Congo River
Coordinates:5.825215 S 13.434341 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 520 meters (1,706 feet)


  • Longest suspension bridge in Africa when completed.
  • Designed to carry a railway on deck below the roadway, but it does not appear the railway was ever operational. From photos of the site, it doesn't appear rail approaches could have been accomodated unless there are tunnels on both sides of the bridge.

External Links:

1983: Odo Dam

Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan - Niyodo River
Bridgemeister ID:4650 (added 2020-06-17)
Year Completed:1983
Name:Odo Dam
Also Known As:大渡ダム大橋
Location:Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Niyodo River
Coordinates:33.545547 N 133.100352 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 238 meters (780.8 feet)

External Links:

1983: Yeoman's

Titusville, New Brunswick, Canada - Hammond River
Bridgemeister ID:234 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1983
Location:Titusville, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:Hammond River
Coordinates:45.482525 N 65.773381 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1984: (footbridge)

Martensdale vicinity, Iowa, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1866 (added 2005-08-02)
Year Completed:1984
Location:Martensdale vicinity, Iowa, USA
At or Near Feature:Zo-El Annett Woods
Coordinates:41.395367 N 93.698733 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Iowa Youth Conservation Corp
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated


  • Lisa Youngblut writes: "My husband and his summer crew, the Iowa Youth Conservation Corp, built this bridge in the summer 1984. They used spades, shovels, hammers and nails, a handsaw and a brace and bit. Half of the materials, including 4 yards of concrete, were shipped to the other side of the ravine on a zip line. The cement was bucket brigaded from the zip line to the piling and the anchors."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1984: (suspension bridge)

Hope, British Columbia, Canada - Coquihalla River
Bridgemeister ID:1253 (added 2004-02-28)
Year Completed:1984
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hope, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Coquihalla River
Coordinates:49.387210 N 121.432464 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Emil Anderson Construction
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1984: (suspension bridge)

Oliana and Peramola, Lleida, Spain - El Segre
Bridgemeister ID:4649 (added 2020-06-17)
Year Completed:1984
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Oliana and Peramola, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:El Segre
Coordinates:42.064619 N 1.296664 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet)

External Links:

1984: Aya Teruha

Aya, Miyazaki, Japan - Aya Minami River
Bridgemeister ID:478 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1984
Name:Aya Teruha
Also Known As:綾の照葉大吊橋
Location:Aya, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Aya Minami River
Coordinates:32.029677 N 131.194746 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 240 meters (787.4 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Raffi

1984: Dazi

Lasa, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:479 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1984
Location:Lasa, Tibet, China
Principals:Highway Bureau of Xizang Autonomous Region
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 415 meters (1,361.5 feet)


  • BCG says completed 1983.

External Links:

1984: Margaret Baker Memorial

Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA - Pickering Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7371 (added 2022-11-06)
Year Completed:1984
Name:Margaret Baker Memorial
Location:Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Pickering Creek
At or Near Feature:Phoenixville YMCA
Coordinates:40.108065 N 75.519473 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since September, 2021
Main Cables:Chain (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, September: Damaged by Hurricane Ida.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1984: Ohnaruto

Awajishima, Hyogo and Naruto, Tokushima, Japan - Naruto Strait
Bridgemeister ID:480 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1984
Also Known As:Onaruto
Location:Awajishima, Hyogo and Naruto, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Naruto Strait
Coordinates:34.238877 N 134.651243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:BAAW, BAR, BBR, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 876 meters (2,874 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 330 meters (1,082.7 feet)
Deck width:34 meters

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1984: Zuckerberg Island Heritage Park

Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada - Columbia River
Bridgemeister ID:913 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1984
Name:Zuckerberg Island Heritage Park
Location:Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Columbia River
Coordinates:49.31616 N 117.65898 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:44th Field Engineer Squadron
Status:Closed (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


1985: (footbridge)

Salina, Kansas, USA - Smoky Hill River
Bridgemeister ID:1847 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:1985
Location:Salina, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Smoky Hill River
At or Near Feature:Oakdale Park
Coordinates:38.833167 N 97.6041 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Frank R. Weinhold
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 13.7 meters (45 feet) estimated

1985: Harding Road

Preston, Victoria, Australia - Merri Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2696 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:1985
Name:Harding Road
Location:Preston, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Merri Creek
At or Near Feature:W.H. Robinson Reserve
Coordinates:37.746454 S 144.980239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1985: Ka Latamu

Ka Latamu (喀拉塔木), Ghulja, Ili, Xinjiang, China - Yili River
Bridgemeister ID:6869 (added 2022-01-02)
Year Completed:1985
Name:Ka Latamu
Also Known As:Kalatamu
Location:Ka Latamu (喀拉塔木), Ghulja, Ili, Xinjiang, China
Crossing:Yili River
Coordinates:43.649432 N 81.689586 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

1985: Kaligang

Qinghai, China
Bridgemeister ID:1278 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1985
Location:Qinghai, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet)

1985: Menglun

Menglun (Jinghong vicinity), Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1216 (added 2004-02-14)
Year Completed:1985
Location:Menglun (Jinghong vicinity), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)


  • In vicinity of Xishuangbanna Botanical Research Institute. The English translation in BCG puts this over the "Buyuan River" but several web sites show this bridge over the Lancang. Feel free to email me if this is a matter of translation or multiple accepted names.

1985: Niuwan

Guangxi, China
Bridgemeister ID:1279 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:1985
Location:Guangxi, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 274 meters (899 feet)

1985: Raumseilbrücke

Munich, Bavaria, Germany - Schenkendorfstraße
Bridgemeister ID:899 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1985
Location:Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Coordinates:48.174717 N 11.59445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Richard Johann Dietrich, Suess-Staller-Schmitt
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)
Deck width:3.5 meters between side rails, 4.3 meters total


  • Monocable over A-shaped towers.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1985: Sylamore Creek

Allison, Arkansas, USA - South Sylamore Creek
Bridgemeister ID:202 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1985
Name:Sylamore Creek
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Allison, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:South Sylamore Creek
Coordinates:35.936067 N 92.121528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)


  • Some references locate this bridge over North Sylamore Creek and most have it "north of Mountain View". The bridge is located over South Sylamore Creek about one-half mile due west of Allison, Arkansas on what is now Stone County route 283 and appropriately named Swinging Bridge Road.
  • Replaced 1943 Swinging - Allison, Arkansas, USA.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1985: Val-Joly

Eppe-Sauvage vicinity, Nord, France - Lac du Val-Joly
Bridgemeister ID:2137 (added 2006-10-28)
Year Completed:1985
Location:Eppe-Sauvage vicinity, Nord, France
Crossing:Lac du Val-Joly
Coordinates:50.122243 N 4.124874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1986: (pipeline bridge)

Summit Bridge, Delaware, USA - Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1515 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1986
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Summit Bridge, Delaware, USA
Crossing:Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Coordinates:39.54241 N 75.72397 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering, Inc., Trinity Steel Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 371.9 meters (1,220 feet)


  • Carries a 12-inch natural gas line.
Photo by David Denenberg

1986: Lancang River

Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1061 (added 2003-12-13)
Year Completed:1986
Name:Lancang River
Location:Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538.1 feet)

1986: Qihama Yellow River

Qihamaxiang (齐哈玛镇), Maqu (玛曲县), Gannan (甘南州), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:1062 (added 2003-12-13)
Year Completed:1986
Name:Qihama Yellow River
Location:Qihamaxiang (齐哈玛镇), Maqu (玛曲县), Gannan (甘南州), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:33.446889 N 101.930139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 195.25 meters (640.6 feet)

1986: Rex Creek

Mossman Gorge, Queensland, Australia - Rex Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2623 (added 2018-12-31)
Year Completed:1986
Name:Rex Creek
Location:Mossman Gorge, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Rex Creek
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


1986: Te Rata

King Country, New Zealand - Retaruke River
Bridgemeister ID:2097 (added 2006-07-04)
Year Completed:1986
Name:Te Rata
Also Known As:Berryman
Location:King Country, New Zealand
Crossing:Retaruke River
Coordinates:39.113030 S 175.096169 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:New Zealand Army, John Armstrong
Status:Derelict, since March 22, 1994 (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Collapsed under weight of a light truck driven by Kenneth Richards killing Richards. Built by the New Zealand Army for the Berryman family, the bridge's collapse precipitated a long legal battle between the Berrymans (on whose land the bridge was built), the Occupation Safety and Health Department (suing the Berrymans over Richards' death) and the Army (accused of concealing a report stating the bridge's collapse was partially due to a design flaw).
  • Replaced Hayes - Retaruke, King Country, New Zealand.

1987: (footbridge)

Criglersville, Virginia, USA - Robinson River
Bridgemeister ID:1331 (added 2004-04-30)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Criglersville, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Robinson River
Coordinates:38.4633 N 78.309933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg

1987: (footbridge)

Kelheim, Germany - Rhine-Main-Danube Channel
Bridgemeister ID:955 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Kelheim, Germany
Crossing:Rhine-Main-Danube Channel
Coordinates:48.920467 N 11.8731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1987: (footbridge)

Waldbreitbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2206 (added 2007-02-11)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Waldbreitbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.552841 N 7.426353 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Lermer GmbH
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.7 meters (97.4 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters between side rails, 1.5 meters total


Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1987: Beida

Dalian (大连市), Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:482 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1987
Also Known As:North
Location:Dalian (大连市), Liaoning, China
Coordinates:38.864585 N 121.663324 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Dalian 1st Construction Engineering Co.
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)

External Links:

1987: Beida

Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:1063 (added 2003-12-13)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Liaoning, China
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet)

1987: Carl XVI Gustafs I

Älvkarleby, Sweden - Dalälven
Bridgemeister ID:1009 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1987
Name:Carl XVI Gustafs I
Location:Älvkarleby, Sweden
Coordinates:60.570243 N 17.443392 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1987: Carl XVI Gustafs II

Älvkarleby, Sweden - Dalälven
Bridgemeister ID:1010 (added 2003-11-21)
Year Completed:1987
Name:Carl XVI Gustafs II
Location:Älvkarleby, Sweden
Coordinates:60.569625 N 17.441710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

1987: Grabensaal

Fribourg, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:4548 (added 2020-05-30)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Fribourg, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Coordinates:46.807646 N 7.164400 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1987: Kita Bisan-Seto

Yoshima Island and Sakaide, Kagawa, Japan - Seto Inland Sea
Bridgemeister ID:481 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1987
Name:Kita Bisan-Seto
Also Known As:北備讃瀬戸大橋
Location:Yoshima Island and Sakaide, Kagawa, Japan
Crossing:Seto Inland Sea
Coordinates:34.379065 N 133.820065 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:BAAW, BAR, BBR, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 990 meters (3,248 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 274 meters (899 feet)
Deck width:35 meters upper deck, 30 meters lower deck


External Links:

Photo by Bruce Holbrook

1987: Konohana

Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:541 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1987
Also Known As:此花大橋
Location:Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Coordinates:34.666526 N 135.414947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 300 meters (984.3 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)
Deck width:26.5 meters


  • Monocable.

External Links:

1987: Swing

Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, USA - Sheboygan River
Bridgemeister ID:1802 (added 2005-05-18)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Sheboygan River
At or Near Feature:River Park
Coordinates:43.72765 N 87.81647 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Donohue & Associates, Pheifer Brothers Construction Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1987: Xiluodu

Sichuan and Yongshan County, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:1064 (added 2003-12-13)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Sichuan and Yongshan County, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
References:BCG, BYU
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)

1987: Yangjiawan

Gansu, China
Bridgemeister ID:1065 (added 2003-12-13)
Year Completed:1987
Location:Gansu, China
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet)

1988: (footbridge)

Dayton, Tennessee, USA - Richland Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1263 (added 2004-03-13)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Dayton, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Richland Creek
Coordinates:35.49 N 85.013667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by James Adorno

1988: (footbridge)

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:905 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
At or Near Feature:Ness Islands
Coordinates:57.462946 N 4.233579 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Cruden and Tough
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper

1988: (footbridge)

Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Ness
Bridgemeister ID:906 (added 2003-10-11)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ness
At or Near Feature:Ness Islands
Coordinates:57.465699 N 4.228247 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper

1988: (footbridge)

Richmond, Indiana, USA - Whitewater River
Bridgemeister ID:2307 (added 2007-04-30)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Richmond, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Whitewater River
At or Near Feature:Whitewater Gorge
Coordinates:39.83331 N 84.89902 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by Stuart Brorson

1988: (footbridge)

Sanger vicinity, North Dakota, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1319 (added 2004-04-25)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Sanger vicinity, North Dakota, USA
At or Near Feature:Cross Ranch State Park
Coordinates:47.198983 N 100.99675 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:North Dakota National Guard
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Short footbridge with simple tubular metal towers. Crosses a small river just upstream of where the river flows into the Missouri.

1988: (pipeline bridge)

Cody, Wyoming, USA - Sulphur Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3325 (added 2019-12-01)
Year Completed:1988
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Cody, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Sulphur Creek
Coordinates:44.523354 N 109.084426 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 137.2 meters (450 feet)


  • Carries a 16-inch sewer line.

1988: (suspension bridge)

San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain - Rio Jarama
Bridgemeister ID:4717 (added 2020-06-26)
Year Completed:1988
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Crossing:Rio Jarama
Coordinates:40.413190 N 3.511548 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1988: (suspension bridge)

Untereggersberg, Bavaria, Germany - Rhine-Main-Danube Channel
Bridgemeister ID:2241 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:1988
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Untereggersberg, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Rhine-Main-Danube Channel
Coordinates:48.975310 N 11.654543 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:S.E.H. Stahlbau Engineering
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77.2 meters (253.3 feet)
Deck width:9.24 meters


  • This bridge only has three sets of suspenders on each side of the deck along the 77-meter main span.

External Links:

1988: Bangjie

Lianghe County, Yunnan, China - Longjiang
Bridgemeister ID:1242 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Lianghe County, Yunnan, China
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 24 meters (78.7 feet)


  • Multi-span vehicular bridge.

1988: Coaticook

Coaticook, Quebec, Canada - Coaticook River
Bridgemeister ID:249 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Coaticook, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Coaticook River
At or Near Feature:Le Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook
Coordinates:45.145983 N 71.8112 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 52.1 meters (171 feet) estimated


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1988: Dunmanu Samba

Luoxuzhen (洛须镇), Sêrxü County (石渠县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州) and Dengkexiang (邓柯乡), Jomda County (江达县), Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8505 (added 2024-03-23)
Year Completed:1988
Name:Dunmanu Samba
Also Known As:邓玛奴桑巴桥, Luoxu Jinsha River, Dengmanu Samba,
Location:Luoxuzhen (洛须镇), Sêrxü County (石渠县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州) and Dengkexiang (邓柯乡), Jomda County (江达县), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:32.461111 N 97.996222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)

External Links:

1988: Exeter Quay

Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:1104 (added 2004-01-03)
Year Completed:1988
Name:Exeter Quay
Also Known As:Cricklepit
Location:Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Coordinates:50.71811 N 3.53233 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This is a distinct footbridge from the nearby Trews Weir (New Cricklepit) bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Sean Creech (

1988: Fatih Sultan Mehmet

Istanbul, Türkiye - Bosporus Strait
Bridgemeister ID:483 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1988
Name:Fatih Sultan Mehmet
Also Known As:Bosporus II
Location:Istanbul, Türkiye
Crossing:Bosporus Strait
Coordinates:41.091363 N 29.061628 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BBR, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,091.2 meters (3,580 feet)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1988: Lago

Seville, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:3211 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:1988
Location:Seville, Spain
Coordinates:37.405481 N 6.002739 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (three-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1988: Max-Eyth

Stuttgart-Mühlhausen and Stuttgart-Hofen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:577 (added 2002-12-31)
Year Completed:1988
Also Known As:Neckar River
Location:Stuttgart-Mühlhausen and Stuttgart-Hofen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
At or Near Feature:Max-Eyth-See
Coordinates:48.834163 N 9.208899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
References:BAR, BBU
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet)
Side Span:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet)
Deck width:3.16 meters between side rails, 3.67 meters total

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1988: Minami Bisan-Seto

Yoshima Island (与島) and Sakaide (坂出市), Kagawa, Japan - Seto Inland Sea
Bridgemeister ID:485 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1988
Name:Minami Bisan-Seto
Also Known As:南備讃瀬戸大橋
Location:Yoshima Island (与島) and Sakaide (坂出市), Kagawa, Japan
Crossing:Seto Inland Sea
Coordinates:34.364167 N 133.825278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:BAAW, BAR, BBR, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,100 meters (3,608.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 274 meters (899 feet)
Deck width:35 meters upper deck, 30 meters lower deck


External Links:

Photo by Bruce Holbrook Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1988: Ohshima

Hakata Island, Imabari and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:484 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1988
Also Known As:伯方・大島大橋
Location:Hakata Island, Imabari and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Coordinates:34.192724 N 133.072966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:BAAW, BAR
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 560 meters (1,837.3 feet)
Deck width:23.7 meters

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1988: Shimotsui-Seto

Kojima, Okayama and Hitsuishijima (櫃石島), Kagawa, Japan - Seto Inland Sea
Bridgemeister ID:486 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1988
Also Known As:下津井瀬戸大橋
Location:Kojima, Okayama and Hitsuishijima (櫃石島), Kagawa, Japan
Crossing:Seto Inland Sea
Coordinates:34.431483 N 133.807833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:AOB, BAAW, BAR, BBR, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 940 meters (3,084 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Bruce Holbrook

1988: York Swing

York, Western Australia, Australia - Avon River
Bridgemeister ID:1300 (added 2004-04-03)
Year Completed:1988
Name:York Swing
Location:York, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Avon River
Coordinates:31.8868 S 116.770717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Replaced a 1906 structure that was likely a suspension bridge.

1989: Amechuru

Aranthodu (ಅರಂತೋಡು) and Peraje (ಆಲಟ್ಟಿ), Karnataka, India - Payaswini River
Bridgemeister ID:7690 (added 2023-07-04)
Year Completed:1989
Location:Aranthodu (ಅರಂತೋಡು) and Peraje (ಆಲಟ್ಟಿ), Karnataka, India
Crossing:Payaswini River
Coordinates:12.512009 N 75.458217 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Girish Bharadwaj
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1989: Baji

Deqin County, Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1239 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1989
Location:Deqin County, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet)

1989: Jinhu

Taining, Fujian, China
Bridgemeister ID:487 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1989
Location:Taining, Fujian, China
Principals:Communication Bureau of Taining County
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 215.41 meters (706.7 feet)

External Links:

1989: Kochenhof

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Am Kochenhof
Bridgemeister ID:923 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1989
Location:Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Am Kochenhof
Coordinates:48.798917 N 9.17 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.5 meters (139.4 feet)
Deck width:3 meters


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes the bridge has "only one Pylon at one end of span, but [it is a] real suspension bridge, gravity anchored at both ends of span."

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by David Denenberg

1989: Sheep

Sheep Crossing (Cave Creek vicinity), Arizona, USA - Verde River
Bridgemeister ID:235 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1989
Location:Sheep Crossing (Cave Creek vicinity), Arizona, USA
Crossing:Verde River
Coordinates:34.077578 N 111.707317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Stock
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1989: Wullesteg

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - B14/Willy-Brandt-Straße
Bridgemeister ID:1627 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1989
Location:Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Coordinates:48.783971 N 9.188608 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet)
Deck width:varies 3.4-11.5 meters


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "Asymmetric self-anchored bridge. Horizontal rest force and vertical force at highest point of cable conducted to walls of hotel (tower function)."

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by David Denenberg

1990: (conveyor bridge)

Nantenbach, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:938 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:1990
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Nantenbach, Germany
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Large narrow bridge carrying an industrial conveyor belt across a river.
  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes that this was a temporary bridge: "This bridge was built only to support construction of a big railway bridge (arch bridge) for high speed ICE trains and then removed."

External Links:

1990: Dilljohka

Lakselv vicinity, Porsanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Dilljohka
Bridgemeister ID:3759 (added 2020-02-29)
Year Completed:1990
Location:Lakselv vicinity, Porsanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Stabbursdalen National Park
Coordinates:70.14477 N 24.77765 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated

1990: Hennepin Avenue

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:336 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1990
Name:Hennepin Avenue
Also Known As:Father Louis Hennepin
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
Coordinates:44.985 N 93.26333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Henn. Co. Pub. Wrks., HNTB Corp
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 190.5 meters (625 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg

1990: Holbeinsteg

Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany - Main River
Bridgemeister ID:965 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1990
Location:Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Crossing:Main River
Coordinates:50.10335 N 6.67266 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Albert Speer & Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet)
Deck width:5.5 meters


  • Two cables over A-shaped towers. Longest suspension footbridge in Germany.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1990: Kadu

Mojiang, Yunnan, China - Kadu River
Bridgemeister ID:1240 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1990
Location:Mojiang, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Kadu River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 99 meters (324.8 feet)

1990: Meixi

Fengjie (奉节县), Sichuan, China - Meixi River
Bridgemeister ID:488 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1990
Also Known As:Meixihe
Location:Fengjie (奉节县), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Meixi River
Coordinates:31.059702 N 109.519328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Communication Bureau of Wanxian Prefecture
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:Demolished, c. 2004-2006
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 222.5 meters (730 feet)


  • Inclined hangers. No towers. Cables anchored directly into hills on either side of the crossing.

External Links:

1990: Shangpa

Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1237 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1990
Location:Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.903846 N 98.865043 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)


1990: Vinton Swinging

Vinton, Ohio, USA - Raccoon Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1190 (added 2004-01-25)
Year Completed:1990
Name:Vinton Swinging
Location:Vinton, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Raccoon Creek
At or Near Feature:Vinton Community Park
Coordinates:38.977952 N 82.339157 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:James Baird, Carl DeWitt, Tony Werry, Mark Beaver, Kermit Brown
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1991: (suspension bridge)

Mul'ta (Мульта), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6198 (added 2021-07-15)
Year Completed:1991
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mul'ta (Мульта), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:50.192911 N 85.960899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 154 meters (505.2 feet) estimated


1991: Berching

Berching, Bavaria, Germany - Main Donau Channel
Bridgemeister ID:1849 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:1991
Location:Berching, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Main Donau Channel
Coordinates:49.105676 N 11.437238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet)
Deck width:3.5 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1991: Diable

Avrieux vicinity, Modane, Savoie, France - Arc River
Bridgemeister ID:1416 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1991
Also Known As:Devil's
Location:Avrieux vicinity, Modane, Savoie, France
Crossing:Arc River
Coordinates:45.210240 N 6.738880 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet)


External Links:

1991: Hauser

Washington vicinity, Connecticut, USA - Shepaug River
Bridgemeister ID:1711 (added 2005-04-02)
Year Completed:1991
Location:Washington vicinity, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Shepaug River
At or Near Feature:Steep Rock State Park, The Clamshell
Coordinates:41.604933 N 73.333617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Crosses the river at the "bottom" of an interesting geological formation known as "The Clamshell."
Photo by Bert Boyson

1991: Notvarpsbron

Baggböle and Klabböle, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:2488 (added 2008-12-23)
Year Completed:1991
Location:Baggböle and Klabböle, Sweden
Coordinates:63.83603 N 20.12609 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)

1991: Richardson Golden Gate

Mulvane, Kansas, USA - Cowskin Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2576 (added 2013-02-03)
Year Completed:1991
Name:Richardson Golden Gate
Location:Mulvane, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Cowskin Creek
Coordinates:37.46457 N 97.30021 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Larry Richardson
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 5.5 meters (18 feet),
1 x 6.1 meters (20 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1991: Stokes Crossing

Defiance, Ohio, USA - Powell Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1400 (added 2004-07-04)
Year Completed:1991
Name:Stokes Crossing
Location:Defiance, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Powell Creek
At or Near Feature:Boy Scout Camp
Coordinates:41.25265 N 84.375983 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Located in a scout camp along Powell Creek.
Photo by Stuart Brorson

1991: Thimmannakudru

Tonse West, Karnataka, India - Suvarna River
Bridgemeister ID:3639 (added 2020-01-19)
Year Completed:1991
Location:Tonse West, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Suvarna River
Coordinates:13.410013 N 74.715600 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1992: (footbridge)

Bohuslav, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine - Ros River
Bridgemeister ID:7056 (added 2022-05-27)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Bohuslav, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Ros River
Coordinates:49.539549 N 30.882699 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

External Links:

1992: (footbridge)

Chauffard, Haiti
Bridgemeister ID:1020 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Chauffard, Haiti
Principals:Michael Baker International
Status:In use
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

External Links:

1992: (footbridge)

Pforzheim, Germany - Enz River
Bridgemeister ID:924 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Pforzheim, Germany
Crossing:Enz River
Coordinates:48.895202 N 8.724250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

1992: (footbridge)

Pforzheim, Germany - Enz River
Bridgemeister ID:925 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Pforzheim, Germany
Crossing:Enz River
Coordinates:48.897727 N 8.730578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


External Links:

1992: (pipeline bridge)

Watson, Oklahoma, USA - Mountain Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:1514 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:1992
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Watson, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Mountain Fork River
Coordinates:34.461641 N 94.554642 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Clear Span Engineering, Inc.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 236.2 meters (775 feet)


  • Carries a 48-inch gas pipeline.

1992: Askøy

Askøy, Vestland and Olsvik, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway - Byfjorden
Bridgemeister ID:489 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Askøy, Vestland and Olsvik, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.396143 N 5.214690 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
References:BAR, BC3
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 850 meters (2,788.7 feet)

External Links:

1992: Bombay

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - B27/Heilbronner Straße
Bridgemeister ID:2154 (added 2006-12-09)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:B27/Heilbronner Straße
Coordinates:48.804300 N 9.183533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3


  • Eckhard Bernstorff describes the bridge as having a "Central single tower with self-anchored spans to three directions. Anchored to the ground is only rest force at tower because of unequal forces from spans."
  • Connects to 1992 Brünner - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by David Denenberg

1992: Brünner

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Rail tracks at Nordbahnhof
Bridgemeister ID:2155 (added 2006-12-09)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Rail tracks at Nordbahnhof
Coordinates:48.804781 N 9.184726 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3


  • Eckhard Bernstorff describes the bridge as having a "Central single tower with self-anchored spans to three directions. Anchored to the ground is only rest force at tower because of unequal forces from spans."
  • Connects to 1992 Bombay - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by David Denenberg

1992: Cowpasture River

Williamsville vicinity, Virginia, USA - Cowpasture River
Bridgemeister ID:236 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1992
Name:Cowpasture River
Location:Williamsville vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cowpasture River
At or Near Feature:George Washington National Forest
Coordinates:38.16573 N 79.57665 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1992: Gjemnessund

Bergsøya, Gjemnes, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Gjemnessundet
Bridgemeister ID:1002 (added 2003-11-17)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Bergsøya, Gjemnes, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.971171 N 7.779706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1992: Jordan

Jordan, Arlington vicinity, Washington, USA - Stillaguamish River South Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1669 (added 2005-03-21)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Jordan, Arlington vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Stillaguamish River South Fork
At or Near Feature:Jordan Bridge County Park
Coordinates:48.147583 N 122.0382 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78.6 meters (258 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1992: Kimberling Creek

Mechanicsburg vicinity, Virginia, USA - Kimberling Creek
Bridgemeister ID:237 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1992
Name:Kimberling Creek
Location:Mechanicsburg vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Kimberling Creek
At or Near Feature:Appalachian Trail
Coordinates:37.1708 N 80.9032 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1992: Neuperlach

Munich, Germany - Ständlerstraße
Bridgemeister ID:1631 (added 2005-03-12)
Year Completed:1992
Location:Munich, Germany
Coordinates:48.105899 N 11.641232 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Richard J. Dietrich
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 18.879 meters (61.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 9.427 meters (30.9 feet)
Deck width:4 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1992: Qileharen'eerqisihe

Habahexian, Xinjiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:490 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1992
Also Known As:Qideharen E'rqisi
Location:Habahexian, Xinjiang, China
Principals:Hwy Planning, Survey & Design Institute of Xinjiang Aut. Reg.
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 36 meters (118.1 feet)

External Links:

1993: Lava Canyon

Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Washington, USA - Muddy River
Bridgemeister ID:895 (added 2003-09-07)
Year Completed:1993
Name:Lava Canyon
Location:Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Washington, USA
Crossing:Muddy River
At or Near Feature:Lava Canyon Falls
Coordinates:46.169267 N 122.0832 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:Closed, 2019 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


  • Closed in 2019 (or perhaps soon before) after a cable snapped. Cause of the damage is unclear.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1993: Melbourne Road

Wodonga, Victoria, Australia - House River
Bridgemeister ID:2619 (added 2018-12-30)
Year Completed:1993
Name:Melbourne Road
Location:Wodonga, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:House River
Coordinates:36.119260 S 146.877882 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2018 (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1993: Smokey's Dream

Hartland, Maine, USA - Sebasticook River
Bridgemeister ID:352 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1993
Name:Smokey's Dream
Location:Hartland, Maine, USA
Crossing:Sebasticook River
Coordinates:44.88943 N 69.46198 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1993: Vranov Lake

Lake Vranov, Czechia - Lake Vranov
Bridgemeister ID:572 (added 2002-12-31)
Year Completed:1993
Name:Vranov Lake
Also Known As:Swiss Bay
Location:Lake Vranov, Czechia
Crossing:Lake Vranov
Coordinates:48.9117 N 15.820183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jiri Strasky
References:BBU, THB
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • A-shaped towers.

External Links:

1994: Green Mountain Roamers Gateway

North Duxbury, Vermont, USA - Winooski River
Bridgemeister ID:244 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1994
Name:Green Mountain Roamers Gateway
Also Known As:Winooski Wonder
Location:North Duxbury, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Winooski River
Coordinates:44.3603 N 72.8032 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1994: Greenbrier

Hosterman, West Virginia, USA - Greenbrier River
Bridgemeister ID:238 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1994
Location:Hosterman, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Greenbrier River
Coordinates:38.46898 N 79.86879 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1994: Kanchey

Kanchey, Gahkuch vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6724 (added 2021-10-16)
Year Completed:1994
Location:Kanchey, Gahkuch vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.172756 N 73.814397 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

1994: Puwen

Jinghong, Yunnan, China - Puwen River
Bridgemeister ID:1243 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1994
Location:Jinghong, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Puwen River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)

1994: Rainbow

Minato City, Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Bay
Bridgemeister ID:491 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1994
Also Known As:レインボーブリッジ
Location:Minato City, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tokyo Bay
Coordinates:35.636808 N 139.762576 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (double-deck)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 570 meters (1,870.1 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by Audrey Chang Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1994: Ryujin

Suifu, Ibarakai, Japan - Ryujin Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:777 (added 2003-03-16)
Year Completed:1994
Also Known As:Ryujinotsuri, 竜神大吊橋
Location:Suifu, Ibarakai, Japan
Crossing:Ryujin Gorge
At or Near Feature:Okukuji Prefectural Nature Park
Coordinates:36.684164 N 140.465490 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 375 meters (1,230.3 feet)


  • This is one of the longest footbridges in the world.

External Links:

Photo by Calvin Seaman Photo by Ageev Alexey

1994: Wanjiazhai Dam

Wanjiazhaizhen, Shanxi and Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:5098 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:1994
Name:Wanjiazhai Dam
Location:Wanjiazhaizhen, Shanxi and Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:39.580653 N 111.428462 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 467 meters (1,532.2 feet)

External Links:

1994: Wehlen

Wehlen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:4636 (added 2020-06-09)
Year Completed:1994
Location:Wehlen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Coordinates:49.942531 N 7.045049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 37 meters (121.4 feet)


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1995: (footbridge)

Gundelfingen and Vörstetten, Germany - Vörstetter Strasse
Bridgemeister ID:1837 (added 2005-07-02)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Gundelfingen and Vörstetten, Germany
Crossing:Vörstetter Strasse
Coordinates:48.050217 N 7.859667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1995: (footbridge)

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2533 (added 2011-12-25)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
At or Near Feature:Pittsburgh Zoo
Coordinates:40.481856 N 79.919181 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:American Bridge Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by David Denenberg

1995: Chongyang

Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1238 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.859417 N 98.850111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)

1995: Duck Reach

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:1861 (added 2005-07-25)
Year Completed:1995
Name:Duck Reach
Location:Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Coordinates:41.459291 S 147.112215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


1995: Ganyu

Ganyuxiang, Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4762 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:1995
Also Known As:鳡鱼大桥
Location:Ganyuxiang, Sichuan, China
Coordinates:26.961204 N 101.599534 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain, since 2015 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 245 meters (803.8 feet)

External Links:

1995: Glacisbrücke

Minden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Weser River
Bridgemeister ID:578 (added 2002-12-31)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Minden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Weser River
Coordinates:52.28607 N 8.92190 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
References:BAR, BBU
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 37 meters (121.4 feet)
Deck width:3.1 meters between side rails, 3.55 meters total

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1995: Kakum Canopy Walk

Kakum National Park, Ghana
Bridgemeister ID:6188 (added 2021-07-10)
Year Completed:1995
Name:Kakum Canopy Walk
Location:Kakum National Park, Ghana
Coordinates:5.353424 N 1.383828 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:7
Main Spans:7


  • Tree canopy network of seven suspension spans.

1995: Pitzenklammbrücke

Arzl im Piztal, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:1438 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Arzl im Piztal, Austria
Coordinates:47.20288 N 10.76999 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ferdinand Tschemmernegg, Helmut Hammer, Henrik Wahlberg
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 137.7 meters (451.8 feet)
Deck width:1.7 meters

External Links:

1995: Shantou Bay

Shantou, Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:492 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1995
Name:Shantou Bay
Location:Shantou, Guangdong, China
Coordinates:23.330008 N 116.749487 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Major Bridge Eng. Bureau, Ministry of Railways
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 452 meters (1,482.9 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1995: Tahoma Creek

Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA - Tahoma Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1433 (added 2004-07-30)
Year Completed:1995
Name:Tahoma Creek
Location:Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
Crossing:Tahoma Creek
At or Near Feature:Wonderland Trail
Coordinates:46.80479 N 121.84812 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61.9 meters (203 feet) estimated


  • Damaged by flooding, November 2006. From a News Tribune (Tacoma, Washington) article on June 11, 2007: "Trail crews last week discovered that supporting cables at one end of the suspension bridge may have been weakened by flooding last November."
  • Replaced a drooping catwalk-style suspension bridge that was anchored on different foundations still present at the bridge site. Both bridges appear to have coexisted for some time around 1995.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1995: Tawlks-Foster

Mazama vicinity, Washington, USA - Methow River
Bridgemeister ID:240 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Mazama vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Methow River
Coordinates:48.570617 N 120.369183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 85.3 meters (280 feet)
Deck width:11 feet

External Links:

  • Sahale, LLC. The Sahale site shows the bridge being load tested with a Chevy Suburban, so the deck is wide enough for vehicular traffic, but the bridge appears to be restricted to foot and hoof traffic.
  • Structurae - Structure ID 20008196
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1995: Timber

Laidley, Queensland, Australia - Narda Lagoon
Bridgemeister ID:838 (added 2003-06-28)
Year Completed:1995
Location:Laidley, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Narda Lagoon
Coordinates:27.647895 S 152.391248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John Wilson and Partners
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

1995: Ville De Causapscal

Causapscal, Quebec, Canada - Matapédia River
Bridgemeister ID:2593 (added 2014-04-14)
Year Completed:1995
Name:Ville De Causapscal
Location:Causapscal, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Matapédia River
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated


  • Renovated 2010.

1996: (footbridge)

Hooversville, Pennsylvania, USA - Stony Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1302 (added 2004-04-03)
Year Completed:1996
Location:Hooversville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Stony Creek
Coordinates:40.147959 N 78.914295 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, July 2024
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.1 meters (138 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1996: (footbridge)

Tegna and Losone, Ticino, Switzerland - Melezza River
Bridgemeister ID:1798 (added 2005-05-17)
Year Completed:1996
Location:Tegna and Losone, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Melezza River
Coordinates:46.180795 N 8.748574 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)
Deck width:2.7 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by Tim Lord

1996: Laxbron

Byske, Skellefteå vicinity, Sweden - Byske River
Bridgemeister ID:1000 (added 2003-11-16)
Year Completed:1996
Also Known As:Byske
Location:Byske, Skellefteå vicinity, Sweden
Crossing:Byske River
Coordinates:64.948477 N 21.211744 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Svenska Träbroar AB
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88.7 meters (291 feet)
Deck width:2 meters

External Links:

1996: Möbelhaus Bietigheim

Bietigheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:2303 (added 2007-04-26)
Year Completed:1996
Name:Möbelhaus Bietigheim
Location:Bietigheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Coordinates:48.955632 N 9.145985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 31.8 meters (104.3 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 16.5 meters (54.1 feet)
Deck width:2.64 meters


  • Self-anchored. This is an enclosed footbridge that connects two buildings crossing a roadway.

1996: Myaungmya

Myaungmya, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar - Ywe River
Bridgemeister ID:1022 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1996
Location:Myaungmya, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar
Crossing:Ywe River
Coordinates:16.600241 N 94.946072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, April 1, 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1996: Pochuck Quagmire

Vernon Valley, New Jersey, USA - Pochuck Creek
Bridgemeister ID:239 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1996
Name:Pochuck Quagmire
Location:Vernon Valley, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Pochuck Creek
At or Near Feature:Appalachian Trail
Coordinates:41.2353 N 74.472083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Tibor Latincsics
References:BONJ, PQU
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1996: Swinging

Millersburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Wiconisco Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1533 (added 2004-10-30)
Year Completed:1996
Location:Millersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Wiconisco Creek
Coordinates:40.53588 N 76.96490 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.7 meters (186 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1996: Waimea Swinging

Waimea, Hawaii, USA - Waimea River
Bridgemeister ID:643 (added 2003-02-16)
Year Completed:1996
Name:Waimea Swinging
Location:Waimea, Hawaii, USA
Crossing:Waimea River
Coordinates:21.96979 N 159.65652 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)


  • Replaced a suspension bridge destroyed by Hurricane Iniki in 1992.
  • 2022, January: Closed due to mudslide that occurred at one end of the bridge destroying the road next to the bridge and possibly damaging part of the bridge.
  • 2022, February: Project started to repair the bridge and provide temporary pedestrian access.

Annotated Citations:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1996: Xiling

Yichang, Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:493 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1996
Also Known As:西陵长江大桥
Location:Yichang, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.828472 N 111.046667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Major Bridge Eng. Bureau, Ministry of Railways
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 900 meters (2,952.8 feet)

External Links:

1997: (footbridge)

Giumaglio vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:1794 (added 2005-05-17)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Giumaglio vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
At or Near Feature:Valle Maggia
Coordinates:46.271237 N 8.676774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3 x 83 meters (272.3 feet)
Deck width:0.6 meters (path), 0.9 meters (between side rails)


  • Deck rests on secondary cables instead of deck stringers.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1997: (footbridge)

Motta vicinity, Brione and Lavertezzo vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland - Verzasca River
Bridgemeister ID:1109 (added 2004-01-03)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Motta vicinity, Brione and Lavertezzo vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Verzasca River
At or Near Feature:Val Verzasca
Coordinates:46.271641 N 8.812424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Passera and Pedretti
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)
Deck width:1 meter


  • Narrow modern footbridge with unconventional H-shaped towers.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1997: Barito

Banjarmasin vicinity, South Kalimantan, Indonesia - Barito River
Bridgemeister ID:494 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Banjarmasin vicinity, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Crossing:Barito River
Coordinates:3.215687 S 114.558853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:MBK, Transfield
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:2 x 240 meters (787.4 feet)
Side Spans:4


  • Large vehicular bridge. Two back-to-back suspension bridges meeting at center pier.

External Links:

1997: Bayreuth

Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany - B22/Hohenzollernring
Bridgemeister ID:2156 (added 2006-12-10)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany
Coordinates:49.945296 N 11.571219 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 26 meters (85.3 feet)
Side Span:1 x 15 meters (49.2 feet)
Deck width:3.9 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1997: Colores

Málaga, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:7867 (added 2023-09-17)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Málaga, Spain
Coordinates:36.767059 N 4.426405 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 17 meters (55.8 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1997: Drift Creek Falls

Lincoln City vicinity, Oregon, USA - Drift Creek
Bridgemeister ID:241 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Name:Drift Creek Falls
Location:Lincoln City vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Drift Creek
At or Near Feature:Siuslaw National Forest
Coordinates:44.93320 N 123.85038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:U.S. Forest Service, Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet)
Deck width:3 feet

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

1997: Fengdu

Fengdu County (丰都县), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:1288 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Fengdu County (丰都县), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.855915 N 107.670045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 450 meters (1,476.4 feet)

External Links:

1997: Flora

Haldensleben, Germany - Mittelland Canal
Bridgemeister ID:8022 (added 2023-12-17)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Haldensleben, Germany
Crossing:Mittelland Canal
Coordinates:52.292361 N 11.383472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64.25 meters (210.8 feet)

External Links:

1997: Hakucho

Muroran City, Hokkaido, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:495 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Also Known As:Shiratori, 白鳥大橋
Location:Muroran City, Hokkaido, Japan
Coordinates:42.353507 N 140.949909 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Matsuo Co., Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 720 meters (2,362.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 330 meters (1,082.7 feet)
Deck width:14.25 meters


  • Matsuo site says completed 1997. Kawasaki Heavy Industries site says completed 1998.

External Links:

1997: Hastings Trail

Hastings, Maine, USA - Wild River
Bridgemeister ID:335 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Name:Hastings Trail
Location:Hastings, Maine, USA
Crossing:Wild River
Coordinates:44.35558 N 70.9923 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet)


1997: Höga Kusten

Veda, Sweden - Ångermanälven River
Bridgemeister ID:496 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Name:Höga Kusten
Also Known As:High Coast
Location:Veda, Sweden
Crossing:Ångermanälven River
Coordinates:62.7984 N 17.93915 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BC3, BDU
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,210 meters (3,969.8 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:17.8 meters

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1997: Humen Pearl River

Dongguan, Guangdong, China - Pearl River
Bridgemeister ID:497 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Name:Humen Pearl River
Also Known As:虎门大桥
Location:Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Crossing:Pearl River
Coordinates:22.797346 N 113.616360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Highway Eng. Co. of Guangdong Province
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 888 meters (2,913.4 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1997: Lysefjord

Forsand, Rogaland, Norway - Lysefjorden
Bridgemeister ID:499 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Forsand, Rogaland, Norway
Coordinates:58.9218 N 6.101367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 446 meters (1,463.3 feet)

External Links:

1997: Naqarawai

Naqarawai, Namosi, Fiji
Bridgemeister ID:8435 (added 2024-03-09)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Naqarawai, Namosi, Fiji
Coordinates:17.982222 S 178.079333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


  • 2024, February: Restoration project completed.

External Links:

1997: Osterøy

Tunes, Hordaland, Norway - Sørfjord
Bridgemeister ID:545 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Tunes, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.426223 N 5.536329 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 595 meters (1,952.1 feet)

External Links:

1997: Thanlwin

Tantyan, Shan State, Myanmar - Thanlwin River
Bridgemeister ID:1023 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1997
Also Known As:Tarkawat
Location:Tantyan, Shan State, Myanmar
Crossing:Thanlwin River
Status:In use


  • Small vehicular bridge.

1997: Tsing Ma

Hong Kong, China - Ma Wan Channel
Bridgemeister ID:500 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Name:Tsing Ma
Location:Hong Kong, China
Crossing:Ma Wan Channel
Coordinates:22.351220 N 114.072636 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Ltd
References:BAR, BCG, SA199712a
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail (light rail)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,377 meters (4,517.7 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

1997: Wentzell's Crossing

Dixfield and Mexico, Maine, USA - Webb River
Bridgemeister ID:242 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1997
Name:Wentzell's Crossing
Location:Dixfield and Mexico, Maine, USA
Crossing:Webb River
Coordinates:44.556269 N 70.462605 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mexico Trailblazers, Poodunck Snowmobile Club
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

1997: Wolkenburg-Kaufungen

Wolkenburg, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2165 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Wolkenburg, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.900573 N 12.676935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Metallbau Michaelis
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet)
Deck width:1.1 meters


Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1997: Wujiang

Guizhou, China - Wujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1289 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1997
Location:Guizhou, China
Coordinates:27.315893 N 106.790825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 288 meters (944.9 feet)


  • This is a combination of a cable-stayed and traditional suspension bridge with an interesting profile. The stays suspend the backspans and about two-fifths of the main span. The traditional cables and vertical suspenders suspend the center three-fifths of the main span.

1998: (footbridge)

Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:2370 (added 2007-09-29)
Year Completed:1998
Location:Munich, Bavaria, Germany
At or Near Feature:Deutsches Museum
Coordinates:48.129894 N 11.582539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • This appears to be a real mast-style suspension bridge inside the "Bridge Room" at the Deutsches Museum.

External Links:

Photo by Andrew Holbrook

1998: (footbridge)

Tumut vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:1676 (added 2005-03-25)
Year Completed:1998
Location:Tumut vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Coordinates:35.389083 S 148.248133 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Waldren Bridges, Australian Army 21 Construction Regiment Royal Australian Engineers
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60.2 meters (197.5 feet)


  • A sign at the bridge reads, "The construction of the pedestrian suspension bridge has allowed The Hume and Hovell Walking Track to be re-routed off the Snowy Mountains Highway and Blowering Dam access road onto a now disused section of the old hightway. The bridge was designed by Waldren Bridges Pty Ltd of Yackandandah Victoria and has a span of 60.2 metres. Ironbark timber decking which is supported from two 30mm steel cables. End supports are made from 4 ironbark timber poles 9.3 meters in height. The bridge was constructed by the Australian Army 21 Construction Regiment Royal Australian Engineers as a training program in 7 days."

1998: Akashi Kaikyo

Maiko, Tarumi-ward, Kobe and Matsuho, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan - Akashi Strait
Bridgemeister ID:501 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Akashi Kaikyo
Also Known As:明石海峡大橋
Location:Maiko, Tarumi-ward, Kobe and Matsuho, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Akashi Strait
Coordinates:34.630617 N 135.0327 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
References:BAR, BBR, BDU, CTW, PS199803, SA199712b
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,991 meters (6,532.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 960 meters (3,149.6 feet)
Deck width:35.5 meters


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1998: Bingsu

Shangjiangzhen (上江镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州) and Yunlong County (云龙县), Dali (大理州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:1226 (added 2004-02-15)
Year Completed:1998
Location:Shangjiangzhen (上江镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州) and Yunlong County (云龙县), Dali (大理州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.691134 N 98.872903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 145 meters (475.7 feet)

1998: Dry Gully Creek

Omeo, Victoria, Australia - Dy Gully Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2867 (added 2019-09-08)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Dry Gully Creek
Also Known As:Ah Fong
Location:Omeo, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Dy Gully Creek
Coordinates:37.108319 S 147.576992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

1998: Great Belt

Korsør and Nyborg, Denmark - Great Belt
Bridgemeister ID:502 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Great Belt
Also Known As:Great Belt Fixed Link, Storebaelt, East, Storebælt, East Belt
Location:Korsør and Nyborg, Denmark
Crossing:Great Belt
At or Near Feature:Storebaelt
Coordinates:55.342087 N 11.036430 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BAR, BBR, BC3, BDU, COB, CTW
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,624 meters (5,328.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 535 meters (1,755.2 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1998: Herrenkrugsteg

Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:1147 (added 2004-01-17)
Year Completed:1998
Also Known As:Buga
Location:Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Crossing:Elbe River
Coordinates:52.15435 N 11.67372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Planungsgruppe Professor Laage, Ingenieurgemeinschaft Setzpfandt
Use:Footbridge and Vehicular
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 143 meters (469.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)
Deck width:4.1 meters between side rails, 5.3 meters total


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1998: Hongqiqu Buyun

Anyang, Henan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4712 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Hongqiqu Buyun
Location:Anyang, Henan, China
Coordinates:36.352368 N 113.756053 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 146 meters (479 feet)

1998: Ile Falcon

Sierre, Switzerland - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:2047 (added 2006-05-10)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Ile Falcon
Location:Sierre, Switzerland
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:46.284582 N 7.550457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet)

External Links:

1998: Laputtar

Ka Nyin Kaing, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar - Pinlelay River
Bridgemeister ID:1024 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1998
Also Known As:Pinlelay
Location:Ka Nyin Kaing, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar
Crossing:Pinlelay River
Coordinates:16.396131 N 94.836384 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

1998: Lyman Run

Galeton vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Lyman Run
Bridgemeister ID:2400 (added 2007-12-02)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Lyman Run
Location:Galeton vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lyman Run
At or Near Feature:Lyman Run State Park
Coordinates:41.72169 N 77.78674 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Susquehannock Trail Club
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1998: Neigles

Fribourg, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:4549 (added 2020-05-30)
Year Completed:1998
Location:Fribourg, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Coordinates:46.811816 N 7.160525 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

1998: Neuer Waschhaussteg

Lübz, Germany - Mühlenstrom
Bridgemeister ID:1626 (added 2005-02-27)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Neuer Waschhaussteg
Location:Lübz, Germany
Coordinates:53.462139 N 12.028472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet) estimated


  • Very short self-anchored underspanned footbridge.

External Links:

1998: Rotary

Pisew Falls, Manitoba, Canada - Grass River
Bridgemeister ID:1185 (added 2004-01-24)
Year Completed:1998
Also Known As:Pisew Falls
Location:Pisew Falls, Manitoba, Canada
Crossing:Grass River
At or Near Feature:Pisew Falls Provincial Park
Coordinates:55.198642 N 98.395169 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)

1998: Tanjong Rhu

Kallang, Singapore - Geylang River
Bridgemeister ID:4238 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Tanjong Rhu
Location:Kallang, Singapore
Crossing:Geylang River
Coordinates:1.299275 N 103.873814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1998: Terry Riley

Portland, Oregon, USA
Bridgemeister ID:835 (added 2003-06-28)
Year Completed:1998
Name:Terry Riley
Location:Portland, Oregon, USA
At or Near Feature:Lewis and Clark Trail, Tryon Creek State Park
Coordinates:45.444556 N 122.682212 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14.6 meters (48 feet) estimated


  • 2020, July: Closed due to safety concerns. Removed at some point in the 2020-2023 time frame. One steel tower remains.

1998: Zini

Zinizhen (紫泥镇), Longhai (龙海市), Zhangzhou (漳州市), Fujian, China - Jiulong River
Bridgemeister ID:1292 (added 2004-03-16)
Year Completed:1998
Also Known As:紫泥桥
Location:Zinizhen (紫泥镇), Longhai (龙海市), Zhangzhou (漳州市), Fujian, China
Crossing:Jiulong River
Coordinates:24.449056 N 117.822028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 72 meters (236.2 feet)

External Links:

1999: (footbridge)

Monteviot, Ancrum vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Teviot
Bridgemeister ID:1434 (added 2004-07-30)
Year Completed:1999
Location:Monteviot, Ancrum vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Teviot
Coordinates:55.512985 N 2.555607 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69.8 meters (229 feet)
Deck width:3 feet

Photo by Dave Cooper

1999: Basques

Rivière-Trois-Pistoles, Quebec, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:4842 (added 2020-07-11)
Year Completed:1999
Location:Rivière-Trois-Pistoles, Quebec, Canada
Coordinates:48.072136 N 69.185936 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1999: Convertible

Duisburg, Germany - Inner Harbor
Bridgemeister ID:576 (added 2002-12-31)
Year Completed:1999
Also Known As:Inner Harbor
Location:Duisburg, Germany
Crossing:Inner Harbor
Coordinates:51.43861 N 6.76413 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
References:AR200003, BAR, BBU
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.72 meters (241.9 feet) estimated
Deck width:3.5 meters


  • This footbridge is "convertible" because it can be raised to make way for boats. The backstays are shortened using jacks causing the towers to tilt back and the deck to arch up and out of the way. Eckhard Bernstorff notes, "the deck (weight 150 tons) has 14 segments. When the towers tilt back by shortening the main cables about 2.5 meters, the deck lifts 9 meters."

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

1999: Forrest and Maxie Preston Memorial Pedestrian

River, Johnson County, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:329 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1999
Name:Forrest and Maxie Preston Memorial Pedestrian
Location:River, Johnson County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.86015 N 82.726117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bush and Burchett Inc., Bocook Engineering, S.E.A. Engineers Inc., Issam Harik
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 96.3 meters (316 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 14.3 meters (47 feet) estimated


  • From an old Kentucky Transportation Cabinet web page: "Interested in seeing the world's longest plastic bridge? Visit Johnson County, where the 410-ft-long Forest and Maxie Preston Memorial Pedestrian Bridge recently opened. The bridge was built from a high performance composite material - glass fiber that is reinforced with plastic resins."
  • A University of Kentucky web page refers to the deck material as "glass fiber-reinforced polymer composites."

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1999: Gyaing

Ta Pyin, Myanmar - Gyaing River
Bridgemeister ID:4666 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:1999
Location:Ta Pyin, Myanmar
Crossing:Gyaing River
Coordinates:16.563718 N 97.732273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 460 meters (1,509.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

1999: Haicang

Xiamen (厦门市) and Haicang District (海沧区), Fujian, China
Bridgemeister ID:963 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:1999
Also Known As:厦门市海沧大桥
Location:Xiamen (厦门市) and Haicang District (海沧区), Fujian, China
Coordinates:24.497106 N 118.067964 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 648 meters (2,126 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 230 meters (754.6 feet)

External Links:

1999: Jai

Phaann, Kayin State, Myanmar - Jai River
Bridgemeister ID:1025 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:1999
Also Known As:Zarthabyin
Location:Phaann, Kayin State, Myanmar
Crossing:Jai River
Status:In use


  • Large vehicular bridge.

External Links:

1999: Jiangyin

Jiangyin (江阴市), Wuxi (无锡市) and Jingjiang (靖江市), Taizhou (泰州市), Jiangsu, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:498 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1999
Location:Jiangyin (江阴市), Wuxi (无锡市) and Jingjiang (靖江市), Taizhou (泰州市), Jiangsu, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:31.943965 N 120.273911 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BC3, BCG, BDU
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,385 meters (4,544 feet)

External Links:

1999: Kurushima Kaikyō I

Ōshima (大島) and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:503 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1999
Name:Kurushima Kaikyō I
Also Known As:来島海峡大橋
Location:Ōshima (大島) and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Coordinates:34.125903 N 133.013167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 600 meters (1,968.5 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet),
1 x 170 meters (557.7 feet)
Deck width:27 meters


External Links:

1999: Kurushima Kaikyō II

Onomichi and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:504 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1999
Name:Kurushima Kaikyō II
Also Known As:来島海峡大橋
Location:Onomichi and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Coordinates:34.121616 N 133.001921 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 1,020 meters (3,346.5 feet)
Side Span:1 x 250 meters (820.2 feet)
Deck width:27 meters


External Links:

1999: Kurushima Kaikyō III

Onomichi and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:505 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1999
Name:Kurushima Kaikyō III
Also Known As:来島海峡大橋
Location:Onomichi and Imabari (今治市), Ehime, Japan
Coordinates:34.115198 N 132.984055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,030 meters (3,379.3 feet)
Deck width:27 meters


External Links:

1999: Peter DeFazio

Eugene, Oregon, USA - Willamette River
Bridgemeister ID:573 (added 2002-12-31)
Year Completed:1999
Name:Peter DeFazio
Also Known As:Ferry Street
Location:Eugene, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Willamette River
Coordinates:44.056083 N 123.084533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jiri Strasky, OBEC Consulting Engineers, Mowat Construction Company
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 23 meters (75.5 feet)
Deck width:6.5 meters


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2000: (footbridge)

Bramwell, West Virginia, USA - Bluestone River
Bridgemeister ID:2518 (added 2009-12-30)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Bramwell, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Bluestone River
Coordinates:37.32488 N 81.31427 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.4 meters (67 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2000: (footbridge)

Langenargen, Germany - Argen River
Bridgemeister ID:930 (added 2003-10-25)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Langenargen, Germany
Crossing:Argen River
Coordinates:47.59018 N 9.55693 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)


  • Modern footbridge distinct from 1898 Langenargen bridge.
Photo by David Denenberg

2000: (footbridge)

Lázně Toušeň, Prague vicinity, Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:855 (added 2003-08-07)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Lázně Toušeň, Prague vicinity, Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Coordinates:50.173496 N 14.722408 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet)

External Links:

2000: (suspension bridge)

Gharm (Garm) vicinity, Tajikistan - Vakhsh River
Bridgemeister ID:945 (added 2003-10-30)
Year Completed:2000
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gharm (Garm) vicinity, Tajikistan
Crossing:Vakhsh River
Coordinates:39.005556 N 70.312667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated


  • Road bridge, carries the Kalak-Gharm-Jirgital Road.

External Links:

2000: Akinada

Kawajirichokashiwa, Hiroshima, Japan - Menekonoseto Strait
Bridgemeister ID:506 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:2000
Also Known As:安芸灘大橋
Location:Kawajirichokashiwa, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Menekonoseto Strait
Coordinates:34.206374 N 132.679199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 750 meters (2,460.6 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 170 meters (557.7 feet),
1 x 255 meters (836.6 feet)

External Links:

2000: Chavanon Viaduct

Merlines, Corrèze and Messeix, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Chavanon Valley
Bridgemeister ID:509 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:2000
Name:Chavanon Viaduct
Location:Merlines, Corrèze and Messeix, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Chavanon Valley
Coordinates:45.62404 N 2.479349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 300 meters (984.3 feet)


  • Monocable across A-pylon towers.

External Links:

2000: Debbie's Dream Catcher

Owensboro vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Panther Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7024 (added 2022-05-15)
Year Completed:2000
Name:Debbie's Dream Catcher
Location:Owensboro vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Panther Creek
At or Near Feature:Panther Creek Park
Coordinates:37.716219 N 87.222361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


2000: Egongyan

Chongqing, Sichuan, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:1272 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:2000
Also Known As:鹅公岩大桥
Location:Chongqing, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.523321 N 106.528853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 600 meters (1,968.5 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

2000: Folkwang

Essen, Germany - Bismarckstraße
Bridgemeister ID:1614 (added 2005-02-21)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Essen, Germany
Coordinates:51.443306 N 7.005722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 27 meters (88.6 feet)
Deck width:3.1 meters


  • Monocable over A-shaped towers.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2000: La Manche

La Manche, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:853 (added 2003-08-06)
Year Completed:2000
Name:La Manche
Location:La Manche, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Coordinates:47.16658 N 52.86638 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Single-towered footbridge carrying the East Coast Trail. Plaque at the bridge the original suspension bridge (at or near this location) was destroyed January 28, 1966. The current bridge was officially opened June 17, 2000.

2000: Loch

Loch, Victoria, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:1691 (added 2005-03-27)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Loch, Victoria, Australia
Coordinates:38.368133 S 145.71105 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire


  • A sign at the bridge reads, "Loch Stock & Barrell - Pedestrian Suspension Bridge - A Loch Memorial Reserve Community Project."

2000: Luisa-Häuser

Marburg, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:1049 (added 2003-12-07)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Marburg, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Coordinates:50.80873 N 8.7747 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gerdum and Breuer
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 48.47 meters (159 feet)
Side Span:1
Deck width:3.5 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2000: McAllister

Ogden, Guysborough vicinity, Nova Scotia, Canada - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:2368 (added 2007-09-16)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Ogden, Guysborough vicinity, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crossing:Salmon River
Principals:Galeb Construction
Use:Footbridge and Snowmobile
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)

2000: Millennium

London, England, United Kingdom - River Thames
Bridgemeister ID:568 (added 2002-12-31)
Year Completed:2000
Location:London, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Thames
Coordinates:51.50964 N 0.09856 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Anthony Caro, Foster & Partners, Ove Arup & Partners
References:BAR, BBU
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by Michael Levy Photo by David Denenberg

2000: Minami Alps Sesso

Kawanehon (Honkawane), Haibara District, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:1923 (added 2005-10-22)
Year Completed:2000
Name:Minami Alps Sesso
Location:Kawanehon (Honkawane), Haibara District, Shizuoka, Japan
Coordinates:35.174071 N 138.189618 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 30 meters (98.4 feet)

2000: Ronda Norte

Elche, Valencia, Spain - Vinalopó River
Bridgemeister ID:889 (added 2003-09-06)
Year Completed:2000
Name:Ronda Norte
Also Known As:Vinalopó River
Location:Elche, Valencia, Spain
Crossing:Vinalopó River
Coordinates:38.279305 N 0.702661 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164.5 meters (539.7 feet)
Deck width:23 meters


  • Unusual asymmetrical structure with one tower.

External Links:

2000: Semey

Semipatalinsk, Kazakhstan - Irtysh River
Bridgemeister ID:1100 (added 2004-01-02)
Year Completed:2000
Also Known As:Semipatalinsk Irtysh River
Location:Semipatalinsk, Kazakhstan
Crossing:Irtysh River
Coordinates:50.410509 N 80.224928 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 750 meters (2,460.6 feet)

External Links:

2000: Storda

Bergen, Hordaland, Norway - Hardangerfjord
Bridgemeister ID:507 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:2000
Location:Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:59.747327 N 5.402815 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 677 meters (2,221.1 feet)


External Links:

2000: Yeongjong Grand

Incheon, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:883 (added 2003-09-06)
Year Completed:2000
Name:Yeongjong Grand
Also Known As:Youngjong
Location:Incheon, South Korea
Coordinates:37.544944 N 126.582769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Samsung Corporation
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 550 meters (1,804.5 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Two decks with 10 lanes for vehicles and 2 for rail. Two main cables over A-shaped pylons.

External Links:

2000: Yichang

Xiaoting District (猇亭区), Yichang (宜昌市), Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:1273 (added 2004-03-14)
Year Completed:2000
Also Known As:宜昌长江公路大桥
Location:Xiaoting District (猇亭区), Yichang (宜昌市), Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.569852 N 111.391768 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 960 meters (3,149.6 feet)

External Links:

2001: (footbridge)

Battambang vicinity, Cambodia - Sangker River
Bridgemeister ID:3199 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Battambang vicinity, Cambodia
Crossing:Sangker River
Coordinates:13.048928 N 103.196297 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2001: (footbridge)

Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8033 (added 2023-12-23)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.646139 N 99.817083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

2001: (footbridge)

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA - South Chickamauga Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2513 (added 2009-12-30)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:South Chickamauga Creek
At or Near Feature:Elise Chapin Sanctuary at Audobon Acres
Coordinates:34.996926 N 85.184675 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:S & R Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.1 meters (125 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2001: (footbridge)

Houston, Texas, USA - ravine along Lake Carter
Bridgemeister ID:967 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Houston, Texas, USA
Crossing:ravine along Lake Carter
Coordinates:29.77431 N 95.47557 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC.
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.1 meters (66 feet)
Deck width:4 feet


  • This bridge is located on private property.

External Links:

2001: (footbridge)

Sanghiang Tanjung, Lebak and Pasirtanjung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6468 (added 2021-08-14)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Sanghiang Tanjung, Lebak and Pasirtanjung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.393431 S 106.254467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

2001: (footbridge)

Sarreguemines, Moselle, France - Sarre River
Bridgemeister ID:1889 (added 2005-10-01)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Sarreguemines, Moselle, France
Crossing:Sarre River
Coordinates:49.110183 N 7.072017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2


  • Self-anchored. Inclined suspenders.

External Links:

2001: (footbridge)

Shepparton, Victoria, Australia - Goulburn River
Bridgemeister ID:1750 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Goulburn River
Coordinates:36.387517 S 145.393 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Wide footbridge.

2001: (footbridge)

Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:1019 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Cher River
Coordinates:47.37155 N 0.682467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Alain Spielmann
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Monocable from A-shaped towers.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

2001: Bømla

Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:508 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:59.737039 N 5.379233 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2001: Bernier

Bromptonville, Sherbrooke vicinity, Quebec, Canada - St. François River
Bridgemeister ID:1163 (added 2004-01-19)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Bromptonville, Sherbrooke vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. François River
Coordinates:45.483752 N 71.960675 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Canadian Military Engineers (CME)
Status:Destroyed, January, 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2001: Cross Fork

Cross Fork vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Cross Fork Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2401 (added 2007-12-08)
Year Completed:2001
Name:Cross Fork
Location:Cross Fork vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Cross Fork Creek
Coordinates:41.57235 N 77.78174 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Potter County Trailblazers, Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2001: Duona

Maolin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan - Zhuokou River
Bridgemeister ID:2487 (added 2008-12-22)
Year Completed:2001
Also Known As:多纳大桥, Duo-na, Dona, Duonagao
Location:Maolin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Crossing:Zhuokou River
At or Near Feature:Maolin National Scenic Area
Coordinates:22.914053 N 120.689410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 232 meters (761.2 feet)


  • Major renovation completed, 2015.

External Links:

2001: East Street

Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia - Dee River
Bridgemeister ID:2675 (added 2019-03-24)
Year Completed:2001
Name:East Street
Also Known As:Private Victor Stanley Jones
Location:Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Dee River
Coordinates:23.642740 S 150.389375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


2001: Farinet

Saillon and Leytron, Switzerland - Salentze Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:1871 (added 2005-08-06)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Saillon and Leytron, Switzerland
Crossing:Salentze Gorge
Coordinates:46.183344 N 7.182941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated
Deck width:1.2 meters


  • This bridge is 136 meters high.

External Links:

2001: Flakkebrua

Flakk, Birkenes, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4317 (added 2020-04-10)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Flakk, Birkenes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.338767 N 8.221410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) estimated
Deck width:~1.4 meters


2001: Halgavor

Bodmin, Cornwall and Lanhydrock, England, United Kingdom - A30 Highway
Bridgemeister ID:964 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Bodmin, Cornwall and Lanhydrock, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:A30 Highway
Coordinates:50.4503 N 4.697267 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flint & Neill Partnership, Wilkinson Eyre
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)
Deck width:3.5 meters


  • Unconventional design with swept-back towers. Wide deck, intended to carry pedestrians, cyclists, and horses.

External Links:

2001: Hornuyoc

Acopampa and Hornuyoc, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7893 (added 2023-10-14)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Acopampa and Hornuyoc, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.298338 S 77.629652 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

2001: Kutai Kartanegara

Teluk Dalam, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia - Mahakam River
Bridgemeister ID:8450 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:2001
Name:Kutai Kartanegara
Also Known As:Kukar
Location:Teluk Dalam, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Crossing:Mahakam River
Coordinates:0.444302 S 117.002891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:Collapsed, November 26, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 270 meters (885.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)


  • 2011, November 26: Bridge collapses killing 24 and injuring dozens of people.

External Links:

2001: Kutai Kertanegara I

Tenggarong and Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia - Mahakam River
Bridgemeister ID:1196 (added 2004-01-27)
Year Completed:2001
Name:Kutai Kertanegara I
Location:Tenggarong and Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Crossing:Mahakam River
Principals:Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, PT Hutama Karya, PT Perentjana Djaja
Status:Collapsed, Nov. 26, 2011
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 270 meters (885.8 feet)


  • Suspenders snapped and entire bridge deck collapsed November 26, 2011 while undergoing maintenance.

External Links:

2001: Luojiaohe

Shuangshanzhen (双山镇), Dafang (大方县), Bijie (毕节市), Guizhou, China - Luojiao River
Bridgemeister ID:4695 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:2001
Also Known As:贵毕公路落脚河大桥
Location:Shuangshanzhen (双山镇), Dafang (大方县), Bijie (毕节市), Guizhou, China
Crossing:Luojiao River
Coordinates:27.207948 N 105.531504 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 268 meters (879.3 feet)

External Links:

2001: Sightseeing

Tunxi District (屯溪区), Huangshan City (黄山市), Anhui, China - Xin'an River
Bridgemeister ID:8848 (added 2024-09-29)
Year Completed:2001
Also Known As:黄山市观光索桥
Location:Tunxi District (屯溪区), Huangshan City (黄山市), Anhui, China
Crossing:Xin'an River
Coordinates:29.715556 N 118.336639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2001: Skevington Crossing

Rogue River, Oregon, USA - Evans Creek
Bridgemeister ID:866 (added 2003-08-23)
Year Completed:2001
Name:Skevington Crossing
Location:Rogue River, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Evans Creek
At or Near Feature:Palmerton Park
Coordinates:42.439917 N 123.172683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg

2001: Wuchuan Nanmu

Fenglezhen, Guizhou, China - Fengle River
Bridgemeister ID:4741 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2001
Name:Wuchuan Nanmu
Also Known As:务川楠木吊桥
Location:Fenglezhen, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Fengle River
Coordinates:28.252200 N 107.843041 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)

External Links:

2001: Xixihe

Qianxi (黔西市), Bijie (毕节市) and Dafang (大方县), Bijie (毕节市), Guizhou, China - Xixi River
Bridgemeister ID:4566 (added 2020-06-02)
Year Completed:2001
Also Known As:Xi Xi, Xixi, 贵毕公路西溪河大桥
Location:Qianxi (黔西市), Bijie (毕节市) and Dafang (大方县), Bijie (毕节市), Guizhou, China
Crossing:Xixi River
Coordinates:27.030944 N 105.807306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 338 meters (1,108.9 feet)

External Links:

2001: Zhongxian

Zhongxian, Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:4598 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:2001
Also Known As:忠县长江大桥
Location:Zhongxian, Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.302000 N 108.049639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 560 meters (1,837.3 feet)

External Links:

2002: (footbridge)

Pliezhausen vicinity, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:2253 (added 2007-04-08)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Pliezhausen vicinity, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:48.558365 N 9.219604 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Holzbau Amann GmbH
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Rod
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2002: (suspension bridge)

Magee property, Blackwell vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:826 (added 2003-05-31)
Year Completed:2002
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Magee property, Blackwell vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.83143 N 81.90466 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet),
1 x 9.1 meters (30 feet)


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes this private residential bridge is wide enough (6 feet) for the owner to drive his golf cart across.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:1032 (added 2003-11-30)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Agen, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.201950 N 0.608290 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 174.25 meters (571.7 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 29.5 meters (96.8 feet),
1 x 20.6 meters (67.6 feet)
Deck width:2.3 meters


External Links:

2002: Antahuaya

Pacarán, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8609 (added 2024-05-26)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Pacarán, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.885083 S 76.077889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)

2002: Gwangandaegyo

Busan, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:962 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:2002
Also Known As:Kwang-An, Gwangan Diamond
Location:Busan, South Korea
Coordinates:35.145052 N 129.127909 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (double-deck)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 500 meters (1,640.4 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet),
1 x 400 meters (1,312.3 feet)

External Links:

2002: Islandwood

Islandwood, Port Blakely, Washington, USA
Bridgemeister ID:854 (added 2003-08-07)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Islandwood, Port Blakely, Washington, USA
Coordinates:47.60382 N 122.52683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet)
Deck width:4 feet

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2002: Kamimoku Yume

Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:7899 (added 2023-10-15)
Year Completed:2002
Name:Kamimoku Yume
Also Known As:上牧夢のブリッジ
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.735561 N 138.981120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

2002: Koovery Kadavu

Koovery (കൂവേരി), Kerala, India - Kuppam River
Bridgemeister ID:7773 (added 2023-08-17)
Year Completed:2002
Name:Koovery Kadavu
Also Known As:കൂവേരി കടവ് തൂക്കു പാലം
Location:Koovery (കൂവേരി), Kerala, India
Crossing:Kuppam River
Coordinates:12.118973 N 75.395421 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2002: Martinska Ves

Martinska Ves, Croatia - Sava River
Bridgemeister ID:4537 (added 2020-05-17)
Year Completed:2002
Name:Martinska Ves
Location:Martinska Ves, Croatia
Crossing:Sava River
Coordinates:45.586535 N 16.370627 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2002: Nagisa

Ajigasawa, Aomori, Japan - Nakamura River
Bridgemeister ID:1991 (added 2005-12-03)
Year Completed:2002
Also Known As:なぎさブリッジ
Location:Ajigasawa, Aomori, Japan
Crossing:Nakamura River
At or Near Feature:Hamanasu Park, Shinsetsu Seaside Park
Coordinates:40.779559 N 140.220842 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110.15 meters (361.4 feet)


  • In a paper title "Construction of Nagisa Bridge Hybrid System of Cable Stayed PC Bridge and Steel Suspension Bridge" (by Yuzuru Sato, et. al.) the bridge is described as "The structure of this bridge is a hybrid structure of cable-stayed prestressed concrete bridge and steel suspension bridge. It is the first application as this structure type of bridge in the world. Concrete girders near pylons are supported by stay cables. Steel girders are supported by suspension cables in the central part of the span. This is new type system for prestressed concrete bridges with longer span and has many structural features compared with ordinary cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge." and makes comparison to Arnodin suspension bridges where cable stays are the primary support for part of the deck.
  • See 1879 Saint-Ilpize - Saint-Ilpize, Haute-Loire, France.
  • See 1887 de l'Abîme - Cusy and Gruffy, Haute-Savoie, France.
  • See 1898 Rouen Transporter - Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France.

2002: Popolopen

Fort Montgomery, New York, USA - Popolopen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:951 (added 2003-10-31)
Year Completed:2002
Also Known As:William J. Moreau Popolopen
Location:Fort Montgomery, New York, USA
Crossing:Popolopen Creek
At or Near Feature:Bear Mountain Park, Appalachian Trail
Coordinates:41.323017 N 73.989017 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Cleveland Bridge USA, Dorman Long Technology, Creative Pultrusions Inc.
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102.4 meters (336 feet)
Deck width:11 feet


External Links:

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Peter Sluszka, P.E. Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

2002: Sangham

Komsing, Pangin vicinity and Boleng vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siyom River
Bridgemeister ID:6249 (added 2021-07-18)
Year Completed:2002
Also Known As:Sangam Bailey
Location:Komsing, Pangin vicinity and Boleng vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siyom River
Coordinates:28.233717 N 94.996286 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, June, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


2002: Sörnzig-Fischheim

Sörnzig and Fischheim, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2167 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Sörnzig and Fischheim, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:51.022007 N 12.789679 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Metallbau Michaelis
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)
Deck width:1.6 meters


Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2002: Shwe Laung

Shwelaung, Myanmar
Bridgemeister ID:3213 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:2002
Name:Shwe Laung
Location:Shwelaung, Myanmar
Coordinates:16.752990 N 95.307292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2002: Swinging

Basalt, Colorado, USA - Frying Pan River
Bridgemeister ID:2226 (added 2007-03-18)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Basalt, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Frying Pan River
Coordinates:39.36828 N 107.03178 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 19.8 meters (65 feet) estimated


  • A display at the bridge indicates this bridge was a replacement for another suspension bridge. Completion year of 2002 is taken from the dedication date, January 11, 2002. Bridge may have been completed earlier (in late 2001).
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2002: Tallulah Gorge

Tallulah Gorge State Park, Georgia, USA - Tallulah River
Bridgemeister ID:605 (added 2003-01-14)
Year Completed:2002
Name:Tallulah Gorge
Location:Tallulah Gorge State Park, Georgia, USA
Crossing:Tallulah River
At or Near Feature:Hurricane Falls
Coordinates:34.7387 N 83.391467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated

External Links:

2002: Tem

Tem, Tajikistan and Demogan, Afghanistan - Pyandzh "Pyanj" River
Bridgemeister ID:940 (added 2003-10-27)
Year Completed:2002
Location:Tem, Tajikistan and Demogan, Afghanistan
Crossing:Pyandzh "Pyanj" River
Coordinates:37.528056 N 71.503417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet)


External Links:

2003: (footbridge)

Cascine di tavola, Tuscany, Italy - Filimortula River
Bridgemeister ID:1039 (added 2003-12-06)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Cascine di tavola, Tuscany, Italy
Crossing:Filimortula River
Coordinates:43.828243 N 11.051458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use


  • Unconventional design. The main cable ends are anchored to the tops of posts that are inclined away from the bridge.

External Links:

2003: (footbridge)

Collingwood, Ontario, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:916 (added 2003-10-12)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Collingwood, Ontario, Canada
Coordinates:44.48883 N 80.31083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet)


  • Located at the Scenic Caves attraction, the owners claim this large (126-meter main span) footbridge is the longest footbridge in Ontario.

2003: (footbridge)

Henderson vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:827 (added 2003-05-31)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Henderson vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.83980 N 81.88095 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Spans:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet),
1 x 43.3 meters (142 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2003: A5 Nesscliffe Bypass

Nesscliffe, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom - A5 Roadway
Bridgemeister ID:1315 (added 2004-04-18)
Year Completed:2003
Name:A5 Nesscliffe Bypass
Location:Nesscliffe, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:A5 Roadway
Coordinates:52.76524 N 2.91796 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Sign at bridge notes it was officially opened March 21, 2003.
Photo by Dave Cooper

2003: Al Zampa Memorial

Crockett and Vallejo, California, USA - Carquinez Strait
Bridgemeister ID:878 (added 2003-09-01)
Year Completed:2003
Name:Al Zampa Memorial
Location:Crockett and Vallejo, California, USA
Crossing:Carquinez Strait
Coordinates:38.06097 N 122.22639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AZB, BAR
Use:Vehicular (major highway), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 728 meters (2,388.5 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 181 meters (593.8 feet),
1 x 147 meters (482.3 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Dick McCabe Jr. Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Mary Ann Clawson

2003: Azhihe

Changliuxiang, Guizhou, China
Bridgemeister ID:4568 (added 2020-06-02)
Year Completed:2003
Also Known As:阿志河大桥
Location:Changliuxiang, Guizhou, China
Coordinates:26.215657 N 105.196275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2003: Beipanjiang

Xingbeizhen, Guizhou, China - Beipan River
Bridgemeister ID:4663 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:2003
Also Known As:关兴公路北盘江大桥
Location:Xingbeizhen, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Beipan River
Coordinates:25.902029 N 105.319734 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 388 meters (1,273 feet)

External Links:

2003: Bob Mac's Crossing

Athens, Texas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2697 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:2003
Name:Bob Mac's Crossing
Location:Athens, Texas, USA
At or Near Feature:East Texas Arboretum
Coordinates:32.207487 N 95.878114 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bob McDonald, San Jacinto Engineering
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2003: Erzbahnschwinge

Bochum, Germany - Gahlensche Straße
Bridgemeister ID:1557 (added 2004-11-26)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Bochum, Germany
Crossing:Gahlensche Straße
Coordinates:51.48495 N 7.194383 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2003: Malimbong

Matande, Malimbong vicinity, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6828 (added 2021-12-26)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Matande, Malimbong vicinity, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.274167 S 119.379521 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated

External Links:

2003: McKenzie River

Eugene vicinity, Oregon, USA - McKenzie River
Bridgemeister ID:2147 (added 2006-11-18)
Year Completed:2003
Name:McKenzie River
Location:Eugene vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:McKenzie River
Coordinates:44.11687 N 123.08218 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:OBEC Consulting Engineers, Jiri Strasky
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 131 meters (429.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 37 meters (121.4 feet)


External Links:

2003: Potwisha

Three Rivers vicinity, California, USA - Middle Fork Kaweah River
Bridgemeister ID:2391 (added 2007-11-20)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Three Rivers vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Kaweah River
At or Near Feature:Sequioa National Park
Coordinates:36.512310 N 118.800187 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:MCS Construction, Blair, Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2003: San Francisco

Uchiza, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:7470 (added 2022-12-25)
Year Completed:2003
Name:San Francisco
Location:Uchiza, Peru
Coordinates:8.486166 S 76.463191 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 145 meters (475.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

2003: Wakema

Wakema, Myanmar - Wakema Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1026 (added 2003-11-22)
Year Completed:2003
Location:Wakema, Myanmar
Crossing:Wakema Creek
Coordinates:16.608000 N 95.182418 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2004: (footbridge)

Charlton, Victoria, Australia - Avoca River
Bridgemeister ID:1501 (added 2004-10-08)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Charlton, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Avoca River
Coordinates:36.26725 S 143.351283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire

2004: (footbridge)

Conner vicinity and Darby vicinity, Montana, USA - Bitterroot River
Bridgemeister ID:1516 (added 2004-10-10)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Conner vicinity and Darby vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Bitterroot River
Coordinates:45.95001 N 114.13475 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)
Deck width:5 feet

2004: (footbridge)

Frankenberg, Sachsenburg vicinity, Saxony, Germany - Zschopau River
Bridgemeister ID:2163 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Frankenberg, Sachsenburg vicinity, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zschopau River
Coordinates:50.931877 N 13.025694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Montage & Stahlbau Standke
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)
Deck width:1.1 meters between side rails, 1.4 meters total


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2004: Am Hasennest

Klein Limmritz, Döbeln vicinity, Saxony, Germany - Zschopau River
Bridgemeister ID:2250 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:2004
Name:Am Hasennest
Location:Klein Limmritz, Döbeln vicinity, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zschopau River
Coordinates:51.112008 N 13.043936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:STM Montage
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet)

External Links:

2004: Berber

Superior, Arizona, USA - Queen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2443 (added 2008-04-23)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Superior, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Queen Creek
At or Near Feature:Boyce Arboretum
Coordinates:33.277250 N 111.153117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Rodney Duke

2004: Doll

Doll vicinity, Brora, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Brora
Bridgemeister ID:2613 (added 2014-04-15)
Year Completed:2004
Also Known As:Ford
Location:Doll vicinity, Brora, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Brora
At or Near Feature:Brora Ford
Coordinates:58.01495 N 3.91287 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper

2004: Fushun Tianhu

Xinfu District (新抚区), Fushun (抚顺市), Liaoning, China - Hun River
Bridgemeister ID:8106 (added 2023-12-28)
Year Completed:2004
Name:Fushun Tianhu
Location:Xinfu District (新抚区), Fushun (抚顺市), Liaoning, China
Crossing:Hun River
Coordinates:41.876556 N 123.975528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2004: Gröna

Gröna, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - Saale River
Bridgemeister ID:1844 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Gröna, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Crossing:Saale River
Coordinates:51.76250 N 11.69556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 63.1 meters (207 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 19.4 meters (63.6 feet)
Deck width:2.5 meters


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "Main span gravity anchored because of tilted position of towers (similar to bridges without backstays like the Italian bridge over Filimortula River, 2003); side spans self anchored."

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2004: Kangji

Jindong District (金东区), Jinhua (金华市), Zhejiang, China - Yiwu River
Bridgemeister ID:8228 (added 2024-02-07)
Year Completed:2004
Also Known As:金华市康济桥
Location:Jindong District (金东区), Jinhua (金华市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Yiwu River
Coordinates:29.109139 N 119.698278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 30 meters (98.4 feet)

External Links:

2004: Liberty

Greenville, South Carolina, USA - Reedy River
Bridgemeister ID:1524 (added 2004-10-16)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Greenville, South Carolina, USA
Crossing:Reedy River
At or Near Feature:Falls Park
Coordinates:34.844568 N 82.401113 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

Photo by James Groome

2004: Mamleshwar

Omkareshwar (ओम्कारेश्वर), Madhya Pradesh, India - Narmada River
Bridgemeister ID:7567 (added 2023-04-16)
Year Completed:2004
Also Known As:Omkareshwar
Location:Omkareshwar (ओम्कारेश्वर), Madhya Pradesh, India
Crossing:Narmada River
Coordinates:22.244110 N 76.152239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 167 meters (547.9 feet) estimated


  • 2023, February: A cable snaps and the bridge is closed while repairs are made. Expected to reopen in 2023.

2004: Myittha

Kalewa, Myanmar - Myittha River
Bridgemeister ID:1845 (added 2005-07-16)
Year Completed:2004
Also Known As:Myit Thar
Location:Kalewa, Myanmar
Crossing:Myittha River
Coordinates:23.196464 N 94.291296 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2004: Reno

Casalecchio di Reno, Italy - Reno River
Bridgemeister ID:4561 (added 2020-06-01)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Casalecchio di Reno, Italy
Crossing:Reno River
Coordinates:44.480553 N 11.283519 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet)

External Links:

2004: Riley

Delphi, Indiana, USA - Deer Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1785 (added 2005-05-17)
Year Completed:2004
Location:Delphi, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Deer Creek
At or Near Feature:Riley Park
Coordinates:40.585167 N 86.669383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This is (at least) the third suspension bridge at this site. The previous bridges were built in 1911, 1988, and 1998. All three were destroyed by flood. It is unclear if the previous suspension bridges qualify for the Bridgemeister inventory.
Photo by Edward Windhorst Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

2004: Second Wanzhou

Wanzhou, Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:4664 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:2004
Name:Second Wanzhou
Also Known As:万州长江二桥
Location:Wanzhou, Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.825715 N 108.404273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 580 meters (1,902.9 feet)

External Links:

2004: Tajik-Afghan Friendship

Darwaz, Tajikistan and Darwaz, Afghanistan - Pyandzh "Pyanj" River
Bridgemeister ID:2412 (added 2007-12-31)
Year Completed:2004
Name:Tajik-Afghan Friendship
Location:Darwaz, Tajikistan and Darwaz, Afghanistan
Crossing:Pyandzh "Pyanj" River
Coordinates:38.453111 N 70.827056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet) estimated


External Links:

2004: Xiqiang Jiuhuang Mountain

Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:5048 (added 2020-08-25)
Year Completed:2004
Name:Xiqiang Jiuhuang Mountain
Location:Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.927378 N 104.678912 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet)


  • Damaged in 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Rebuilt, 2010.

External Links:

2005: (footbridge)

Cambridge City, Indiana, USA - Whitewater River
Bridgemeister ID:2306 (added 2007-04-30)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Cambridge City, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Whitewater River
At or Near Feature:Creitz Park
Coordinates:39.81527 N 85.16978 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Milestone Construction Co., Jim Sweet
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced a 1928 suspension bridge at the same location which had been destroyed by heavy snow and debris, December 2004. This predecessor appears to have been a drooping bridge.
Photo by Stuart Brorson Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

2005: (footbridge)

Gainesville, Georgia, USA - Walnut Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2462 (added 2008-09-27)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Gainesville, Georgia, USA
Crossing:Walnut Creek
At or Near Feature:Elachee Nature Center
Coordinates:34.233920 N 83.831655 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2005: (footbridge)

Ithiel Falls, Vermont, USA - Lamoille River
Bridgemeister ID:1966 (added 2005-11-26)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Ithiel Falls, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Lamoille River
At or Near Feature:Long Trail
Coordinates:44.651508 N 72.728753 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 41.5 meters (136 feet)

Photo by Matthew Wels

2005: (footbridge)

Kolin, Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:4614 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Kolin, Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Coordinates:50.031968 N 15.196795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 99.5 meters (326.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2005: (footbridge)

Rockford, Illinois, USA - Kent Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1839 (added 2005-07-03)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Rockford, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Kent Creek
At or Near Feature:Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum
Coordinates:42.2645 N 89.101667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Photo by William Bridges Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

2005: Beiguan

Jiangshan (江山市), Quzhou (衢州市), Zhejiang, China - Jiangshan Gang
Bridgemeister ID:8114 (added 2024-01-07)
Year Completed:2005
Also Known As:江山市北关大桥
Location:Jiangshan (江山市), Quzhou (衢州市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Jiangshan Gang
Coordinates:28.745028 N 118.633833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)

External Links:

2005: Dhodhara-Chandani

Dhodhara and Chandani, Kanchanpur District, Nepal - Mahakali River
Bridgemeister ID:2044 (added 2006-05-07)
Year Completed:2005
Also Known As:Dodhara-Chandani, Mahakali Jholunga
Location:Dhodhara and Chandani, Kanchanpur District, Nepal
Crossing:Mahakali River
Coordinates:28.923679 N 80.113766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:12
Main Spans:4
Side Spans:8


External Links:

2005: Elizabeth Furnace

Elizabeth Furnace Campground, Dilbeck vicinity, Virginia, USA - Passage Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2482 (added 2008-12-21)
Year Completed:2005
Name:Elizabeth Furnace
Location:Elizabeth Furnace Campground, Dilbeck vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Passage Creek
Coordinates:38.921 N 78.3308 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Tri-State Company (Huntington, West Virginia)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet)

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Jobie Watson

2005: Hegigio Gorge Pipeline

Otoma, Papua New Guinea - Tagari River
Bridgemeister ID:3064 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:2005
Name:Hegigio Gorge Pipeline
Location:Otoma, Papua New Guinea
Crossing:Tagari River
Coordinates:6.328351 S 143.105199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:KBR, Clough
Status:Derelict, since 2018 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 470 meters (1,542 feet)


  • 2018: Damaged by the magnitude 7.5 Papua New Guinea earthquake
  • 2023, May: Demolition of the derelict bridge is in progress.

External Links:

2005: Jiaolongba

Quzikaxiang (曲孜卡乡), Markam County (芒康县), Qamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:2493 (added 2008-12-23)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Quzikaxiang (曲孜卡乡), Markam County (芒康县), Qamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China
Coordinates:29.129101 N 98.642393 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 345 meters (1,131.9 feet)

External Links:

2005: Kanne

Kanne, Belgium - Albert Canal
Bridgemeister ID:2136 (added 2006-10-28)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Kanne, Belgium
Crossing:Albert Canal
Coordinates:50.810612 N 5.671073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2005: Nassau

Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:2149 (added 2006-11-18)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Coordinates:50.311773 N 7.796654 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schnorpfeil Bau GmbH, Ruffert & Partner
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.5 meters (247.7 feet)
Deck width:10.7 meters


External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2005: Nieva

Tayuntsa, Nieva, Condorcanqui, Peru - Rio Nieva
Bridgemeister ID:8826 (added 2024-09-28)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Tayuntsa, Nieva, Condorcanqui, Peru
Crossing:Rio Nieva
Coordinates:4.838278 S 77.951333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 155 meters (508.5 feet)

External Links:

2005: Pinslsteg

Trostberg, Germany - Alzkanal
Bridgemeister ID:4915 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Trostberg, Germany
Coordinates:48.025946 N 12.549297 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Richard J. Dietrich
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.5 meters (80.4 feet)

External Links:

2005: Poètes

Dole, Jura, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:4904 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Dole, Jura, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Coordinates:47.088697 N 5.498601 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2005: Runyang

Zhenjiang and Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:1757 (added 2005-04-20)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Zhenjiang and Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:32.208610 N 119.362796 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,490 meters (4,888.5 feet)

External Links:

2005: Tannenhegerbrücke

Dessau, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2080 (added 2006-06-10)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Dessau, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Crossing:Mulde River
Coordinates:51.82055 N 12.25110 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Böger + Jäckle, Bau- und Haustechnik Bad Düben GmbH
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet)
Deck width:2.5 meters between side rails, 4.3 meters total

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2005: Textimasteg

Gera, Thüringen, Germany - White Elster River
Bridgemeister ID:2245 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Gera, Thüringen, Germany
Crossing:White Elster River
At or Near Feature:Hofwiesenpark
Coordinates:50.877029 N 12.069380 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:GreMont, Erfurt
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet)

External Links:

2005: Værdalske Befestninger

Stormoen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Inna
Bridgemeister ID:4067 (added 2020-04-04)
Year Completed:2005
Name:Værdalske Befestninger
Location:Stormoen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.700280 N 11.891222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell shares: "[This is a] bridge to the north and south galleries/fortifications of the Værdalske Fortifications - a group of fortifications along Jamtlandsvegen (Fylkesvei 72) in Verdal municipality in Nord-Trøndelag. These facilities were built as a result of the strained situation between Norway and Sweden following the dissolution of the union in 1905. The fortresses are part of Stjør- and Værdalske fortifications, and should protect Trøndelag against any attack from the east."
  • Near former location of Værdalske Befestninger - Stormoen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway.

2005: WiHa-dukt

Wilkau-Haßlau, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2162 (added 2007-01-12)
Year Completed:2005
Location:Wilkau-Haßlau, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.67583 N 12.51472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet)
Side Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)
Deck width:3 meters between side rails, 5.3 meters total


  • "WiHa-dukt," a play on the word "Viaduct," is constructed from "Wilkau-Haßlau - damit uns keiner trennt."
  • Eckhard Bernstorff describes the bridge: "Horizontal curved deck, monotower beside deck; Cable connection to anchors at first view looks similar to some self anchored bridges." Though, also notes the bridge is gravity-anchored.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

2006: (footbridge)

Esslingen and Mettingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:2247 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Esslingen and Mettingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:48.744594 N 9.271616 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner, Ed. Züblin AG
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet)
Deck width:3.1 meters

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

2006: (footbridge)

Green Lane, Pennsylvania, USA - Unami Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4831 (added 2020-07-05)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Green Lane, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Unami Creek
Coordinates:40.340001 N 75.438839 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Frank Neeld, Hart Mechanical
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2006: (footbridge)

Mount Hermon, California, USA - Zayante Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2222 (added 2007-03-15)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Mount Hermon, California, USA
Crossing:Zayante Creek
At or Near Feature:Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center
Coordinates:37.05149 N 122.06182 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Ronald Bourret

2006: (footbridge)

Plauen, Germany - White Elster River
Bridgemeister ID:3235 (added 2019-11-16)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Plauen, Germany
Crossing:White Elster River
Coordinates:50.491470 N 12.139265 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet)

External Links:

2006: (footbridge)

Tamiang, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8036 (added 2023-12-23)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Tamiang, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.651111 N 99.767167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2006: Fedafjorden

Feda, Kvinesdal, Agder, Norway - Fedafjorden
Bridgemeister ID:4397 (added 2020-04-18)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Feda, Kvinesdal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.261193 N 6.845630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 331 meters (1,086 feet)

External Links:

2006: Gureumdari

Yeongam, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:4543 (added 2020-05-23)
Year Completed:2006
Also Known As:Cloud
Location:Yeongam, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Wolchulsan National Park
Coordinates:34.769023 N 126.712204 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2006: Jinjiang

Jinjiangzhen (金江镇), Shangri-La City, Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8215 (added 2024-02-06)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Jinjiangzhen (金江镇), Shangri-La City, Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.152750 N 99.824306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)

External Links:

2006: Keshu

Tongluo Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3411 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Tongluo Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.475239 N 120.806644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

2006: Kokonoe Yume

Kokonoe, Oita, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2517 (added 2009-12-30)
Year Completed:2006
Name:Kokonoe Yume
Also Known As:九重“夢”大吊橋
Location:Kokonoe, Oita, Japan
At or Near Feature:Naruko Gorge
Coordinates:33.173899 N 131.226751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 390 meters (1,279.5 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters


  • Longest suspension footbridge in Japan at time of completion.

External Links:

2006: Mariensteg

Neuburg, Bavaria, Germany and Wernstein, Oberösterreich, Austria - Inn River
Bridgemeister ID:2249 (added 2007-03-28)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Neuburg, Bavaria, Germany and Wernstein, Oberösterreich, Austria
Crossing:Inn River
Coordinates:48.506350 N 13.454062 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Erhard Kargel
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 144 meters (472.4 feet)
Deck width:2.7 meters

External Links:

2006: Nescio

Amsterdam, Netherlands - Rhine Canal
Bridgemeister ID:2483 (added 2008-12-21)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Amsterdam, Netherlands
Crossing:Rhine Canal
Coordinates:52.35656 N 4.96946 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Bicycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 168 meters (551.2 feet)

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

2006: Radbrücke

Halbenrain, Austria and Apace, Slovenia - Mur River
Bridgemeister ID:4592 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:2006
Also Known As:Steirerbrücke, Stajerski, Donnersdorf
Location:Halbenrain, Austria and Apace, Slovenia
Crossing:Mur River
Coordinates:46.713915 N 15.893029 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2006: Rattlesnake Creek

Missoula, Montana, USA - Rattlesnake Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2030 (added 2006-04-22)
Year Completed:2006
Name:Rattlesnake Creek
Location:Missoula, Montana, USA
Crossing:Rattlesnake Creek
Coordinates:46.90980 N 113.96633 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:HDR Inc.
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Brad Miller Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2006: Sanchaji

Changsha (长沙市), Hunan, China - Xiang River
Bridgemeister ID:8444 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:2006
Also Known As:Xiangjiang Sanchaji
Location:Changsha (长沙市), Hunan, China
Crossing:Xiang River
Coordinates:28.280205 N 112.957593 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 328 meters (1,076.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 132 meters (433.1 feet)

External Links:

2006: Sanchaji

Yuelu District and Kaifu District, Hunan, China - Xiang River
Bridgemeister ID:7619 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:2006
Also Known As:三汊矶大桥, Xiangjiangsanchaji
Location:Yuelu District and Kaifu District, Hunan, China
Crossing:Xiang River
Coordinates:28.279799 N 112.956678 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 732 meters (2,401.6 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2006: Taichang

Dachangzhen (大昌镇), Wushan, Chongqing, China - Daning River
Bridgemeister ID:8214 (added 2024-02-06)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Dachangzhen (大昌镇), Wushan, Chongqing, China
Crossing:Daning River
Coordinates:31.2517629 N 109.8118901 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 210 meters (689 feet)

External Links:

2006: Urstein

Rif and Puch bei Hallein, Austria - Salzach River
Bridgemeister ID:4587 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:2006
Location:Rif and Puch bei Hallein, Austria
Crossing:Salzach River
Coordinates:47.725129 N 13.083050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)
Deck width:3.6 meters

External Links:

2006: William O. Lee

Frederick, Maryland, USA - Carroll Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2088 (added 2006-07-01)
Year Completed:2006
Name:William O. Lee
Also Known As:Carroll Creek Park
Location:Frederick, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Carroll Creek
Coordinates:39.412783 N 77.409267 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:HNTB Corp.
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2 x 18.11 meters (59.4 feet)


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Guy Decorges Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2007: (footbridge)

Madrid, Spain - R-3 Motorway
Bridgemeister ID:5086 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Madrid, Spain
Crossing:R-3 Motorway
At or Near Feature:Parque de la Maceta and Parque de la Cuña Verde de Vicalvaro
Coordinates:40.413714 N 3.615467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Carlos Fernández Casado S.L.
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

2007: (footbridge)

Madrid, Spain - M-40 Motorway
Bridgemeister ID:5087 (added 2020-09-04)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Madrid, Spain
Crossing:M-40 Motorway
At or Near Feature:Parque de la Cuña Verde de Vicalvaro
Coordinates:40.416779 N 3.614191 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Carlos Fernández Casado S.L.
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2007: (footbridge)

Solothurn, Switzerland - Aare River
Bridgemeister ID:4760 (added 2020-06-28)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Solothurn, Switzerland
Crossing:Aare River
Coordinates:47.200455 N 7.530966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet)

External Links:

2007: Aroostook Riders ATV Club

Houlton, Maine, USA - Meduxnekeag River
Bridgemeister ID:2543 (added 2011-12-31)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Aroostook Riders ATV Club
Location:Houlton, Maine, USA
Crossing:Meduxnekeag River
Coordinates:46.143899 N 67.822960 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Intended for ATV and snowmobile traffic. Likely completed in 2007, possibly 2008.

2007: Caguitas River

Caguas, Puerto Rico, USA - Caguitas River
Bridgemeister ID:2382 (added 2007-11-07)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Caguitas River
Location:Caguas, Puerto Rico, USA
Crossing:Caguitas River
At or Near Feature:Jardin Botanico y Cultural
Coordinates:18.23840 N 66.06245 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53.3 meters (175 feet)
Deck width:5 feet

External Links:

2007: College

Kortrijk, Flanders, Belgium - Leie River
Bridgemeister ID:3333 (added 2019-12-07)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Kortrijk, Flanders, Belgium
Crossing:Leie River
Coordinates:50.833342 N 3.267162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2007: Elvastien

Batnfjordsøra, Gjemnes, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Batnfjordelva
Bridgemeister ID:4486 (added 2020-04-27)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Batnfjordsøra, Gjemnes, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
At or Near Feature:Larsakerhølen
Coordinates:62.876463 N 7.640541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27 meters (88.6 feet) estimated

2007: Hackett Track

Aniseed Valley vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:2373 (added 2007-09-29)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Hackett Track
Location:Aniseed Valley vicinity, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Mt. Richmond Forest Park
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)


  • Opened 2007. Replaced a sagging suspension bridge that had been built in the 1960s.

2007: Masalani

Tana River District, Kenya
Bridgemeister ID:2442 (added 2008-04-22)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Tana River District, Kenya
Coordinates:1.677771 S 40.118833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92.3 meters (302.8 feet)

External Links:

2007: Pipal Dali

Tehri Dam vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Bhilangana River
Bridgemeister ID:2494 (added 2008-12-23)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Pipal Dali
Also Known As:Peepal Daali, Pipaldali, Piplaldal
Location:Tehri Dam vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhilangana River
At or Near Feature:Tehri Dam Reservoir
Coordinates:30.372612 N 78.555397 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 390 meters (1,279.5 feet)


External Links:

2007: Polvorines

Toledo, Spain - Tagus River
Bridgemeister ID:2965 (added 2019-10-12)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Toledo, Spain
Crossing:Tagus River
Coordinates:39.862785 N 4.041083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2007: Rock Cut Farm

Baoba, Pennsylvania, USA - Lackawaxen River
Bridgemeister ID:3794 (added 2020-03-01)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Rock Cut Farm
Also Known As:Baoba
Location:Baoba, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lackawaxen River
Coordinates:41.479214 N 75.093931 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Photo by Glenn Snowden

2007: Syansu

Syansu (स्यांसू) vicinity, Majholi (मझोली) and Bhald Gaon (भालड गांव), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:2723 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:2007
Also Known As:Shyansu, श्यांसू ब्रिज
Location:Syansu (स्यांसू) vicinity, Majholi (मझोली) and Bhald Gaon (भालड गांव), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
At or Near Feature:Tehri Dam Reservoir
Coordinates:30.485700 N 78.403738 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 375 meters (1,230.3 feet)


External Links:

2007: Third Tacoma Narrows

Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington, USA - Puget Sound
Bridgemeister ID:1952 (added 2005-11-04)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Third Tacoma Narrows
Location:Tacoma and Gig Harbor, Washington, USA
Crossing:Puget Sound
Coordinates:47.26803 N 122.55121 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 853.4 meters (2,800 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 365.8 meters (1,200 feet),
1 x 426.7 meters (1,400 feet)
Deck width:78 feet


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2007: Top

Parksville, British Columbia, Canada - Englishman River
Bridgemeister ID:2498 (added 2008-12-24)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Parksville, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Englishman River
At or Near Feature:Top Bridge Regional Park
Coordinates:49.297840 N 124.266962 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

2007: Waiohine Gorge

Carterton vicinity, Wairarapa District, New Zealand - Waiohine Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:2486 (added 2008-12-22)
Year Completed:2007
Name:Waiohine Gorge
Location:Carterton vicinity, Wairarapa District, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiohine Gorge
At or Near Feature:Tararua Forest Park
Coordinates:40.995437 S 175.388170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by Jerry Glenn

2007: Waiotauru

Otaki Forks, Otaki vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:2416 (added 2008-01-05)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Otaki Forks, Otaki vicinity, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Tararua Forest Park
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62.5 meters (205.1 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters

2007: Yangluo

Yangluo, Xinzhou District, Wuhan City and Xiangjiawei, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:2548 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:2007
Also Known As:武汉市阳逻大桥
Location:Yangluo, Xinzhou District, Wuhan City and Xiangjiawei, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.63714 N 114.55560 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,280 meters (4,199.5 feet)

External Links:

2007: Ybbs

Amstetten, Austria - Ybbs River
Bridgemeister ID:4586 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:2007
Location:Amstetten, Austria
Crossing:Ybbs River
Coordinates:48.087811 N 14.826422 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Bicycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.8 feet)

External Links:

2008: (footbridge)

Guadalajara, Spain - Autovía A-2
Bridgemeister ID:4734 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Guadalajara, Spain
Crossing:Autovía A-2
Coordinates:40.622582 N 3.164038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:2

External Links:

2008: (footbridge)

Sondrio and Albosaggia, Italy - Adda River
Bridgemeister ID:5687 (added 2021-03-28)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Sondrio and Albosaggia, Italy
Crossing:Adda River
Coordinates:46.158386 N 9.860458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2008: Delicias

Zaragoza, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:4735 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Zaragoza, Spain
Coordinates:41.659190 N 0.908191 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2008: Fumin

Tianjin (天津市), Tianjin, China - Haihe River
Bridgemeister ID:7809 (added 2023-08-27)
Year Completed:2008
Also Known As:天津市富民桥
Location:Tianjin (天津市), Tianjin, China
Crossing:Haihe River
Coordinates:39.083741 N 117.246610 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2008: Huangpu

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China - Pearl River
Bridgemeister ID:2549 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Crossing:Pearl River
Coordinates:23.071921 N 113.475967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,108 meters (3,635.2 feet)

External Links:

2008: Jiangdong

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China - Qiantang River
Bridgemeister ID:5196 (added 2020-10-07)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Qiantang River
Coordinates:30.320371 N 120.408192 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2008: Jiangdong

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China - Qiantang River
Bridgemeister ID:5197 (added 2020-10-07)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Qiantang River
Coordinates:30.317408 N 120.415667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

2008: Kapalua

Kapalua Resort, Maui, Hawaii, USA - Kaopala Gulch
Bridgemeister ID:2451 (added 2008-07-13)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Kapalua Resort, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Crossing:Kaopala Gulch
Coordinates:20.96236 N 156.63227 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC (including Patrick S. O'Donnell)
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2008: La Borrera

Liure, El Paraíso Department, Honduras
Bridgemeister ID:4211 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:2008
Name:La Borrera
Location:Liure, El Paraíso Department, Honduras
Coordinates:13.570412 N 87.047617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet)

2008: Lloyd's

Yungaburra, Queensland, Australia - Peterson's Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4747 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Yungaburra, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Peterson's Creek
At or Near Feature:Peterson Creek Wildlife and Botanical Walking Track
Coordinates:17.270106 S 145.579070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2008: Lullwater Preserve

Decatur, Georgia, USA - Peachtree Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2452 (added 2008-08-11)
Year Completed:2008
Name:Lullwater Preserve
Location:Decatur, Georgia, USA
Crossing:Peachtree Creek
At or Near Feature:Emory University
Coordinates:33.80195 N 84.31518 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2008: Needleton

Needleton vicinity, Colorado, USA - Animas River
Bridgemeister ID:2665 (added 2008-04-12)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Needleton vicinity, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Animas River
At or Near Feature:Chicago Basin Trail
Coordinates:37.633320 N 107.692475 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet)


External Links:

2008: North Avenue

Chicago, Illinois, USA - North Branch Chicago River
Bridgemeister ID:3286 (added 2019-11-23)
Year Completed:2008
Name:North Avenue
Location:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Crossing:North Branch Chicago River
Coordinates:41.910792 N 87.656883 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Hybrid cable-stayed and suspension bridge,

External Links:

2008: Pingsheng

Foshan, Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:4669 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Foshan, Guangdong, China
Coordinates:23.012018 N 113.167277 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2008: Qingfeng

Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:4670 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:29.891808 N 121.567241 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 282 meters (925.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2008: Quechcap

Huaraz, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7887 (added 2023-10-08)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Huaraz, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.548581 S 77.537361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet) estimated

2008: Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert

Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:3232 (added 2019-11-15)
Year Completed:2008
Also Known As:Grand
Location:Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.516882 N 4.248869 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2008: Sorok

Goheung, Jeolla, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:4602 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Goheung, Jeolla, South Korea
Coordinates:34.526811 N 127.122736 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 250 meters (820.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)
Deck width:15.7 meters

External Links:

2008: Toyoshima

Teshima Island, Kure and Kami-Kamagari Island, Kure, Hiroshima, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:7872 (added 2023-09-23)
Year Completed:2008
Also Known As:豊島大橋
Location:Teshima Island, Kure and Kami-Kamagari Island, Kure, Hiroshima, Japan
Coordinates:34.177049 N 132.767549 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 540 meters (1,771.7 feet)

External Links:

2008: Tuti

Khartoum, Sudan - Blue Nile River
Bridgemeister ID:2430 (added 2008-04-12)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Khartoum, Sudan
Crossing:Blue Nile River
At or Near Feature:Tuti Island
Coordinates:15.608504 N 32.512823 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 210 meters (689 feet)

External Links:

2008: VfA-Energiebrücke

Buchs, Switzerland and Schaan, Liechtenstein - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:8830 (added 2024-09-28)
Year Completed:2008
Location:Buchs, Switzerland and Schaan, Liechtenstein
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:47.175167 N 9.487750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2008: Wengxi

Wuchuan, Guizhou, China
Bridgemeister ID:4694 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:2008
Also Known As:翁熙桥
Location:Wuchuan, Guizhou, China
Coordinates:28.602879 N 107.947592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet)

External Links:

2009: (footbridge)

Ba'ba Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7189 (added 2022-07-04)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Ba'ba Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.273312 S 119.219228 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet)

External Links:

2009: (footbridge)

Dalen, Tokke, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tokke
Bridgemeister ID:4107 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Dalen, Tokke, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.451213 N 7.951819 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.25 meters (118.9 feet) estimated

2009: (footbridge)

Tobang, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8031 (added 2023-12-23)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Tobang, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.641111 N 99.833944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2009: (snowmobile bridge)

Saint-Martin, Quebec, Canada - Chaudière River
Bridgemeister ID:2555 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:2009
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Saint-Martin, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Chaudière River
Coordinates:45.94855 N 70.65539 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2009: (suspension bridge)

Malimbong vicinity, Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6829 (added 2021-12-26)
Year Completed:2009
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malimbong vicinity, Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.278197 S 119.381764 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet) estimated

External Links:

2009: Ayjah

Sur, Oman
Bridgemeister ID:4091 (added 2020-04-05)
Year Completed:2009
Also Known As:Khor Al Batah
Location:Sur, Oman
Coordinates:22.563679 N 59.538943 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet),

External Links:

2009: Balinghe

Guanling County, Guizhou, China - Baling River
Bridgemeister ID:2550 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:2009
Also Known As:坝陵河特大桥, Ba Lin He
Location:Guanling County, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Baling River
Coordinates:25.962140 N 105.631658 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,088 meters (3,569.6 feet)

External Links:

2009: Beipan River

Qinglong (晴隆县) vicinity, Qianxinan (黔西南州), Guizhou, China - Beipan River
Bridgemeister ID:2647 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Beipan River
Also Known As:Beipanjiang, 沪昆高速北盘江大桥
Location:Qinglong (晴隆县) vicinity, Qianxinan (黔西南州), Guizhou, China
Crossing:Beipan River
Coordinates:25.899518 N 105.323667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 636 meters (2,086.6 feet)

External Links:

2009: Chaoyang Qilin

Shuangta District (双塔区), Chaoyang (朝阳市), Liaoning, China - Daling River
Bridgemeister ID:8105 (added 2023-12-28)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Chaoyang Qilin
Also Known As:朝阳市麒麟大桥, Chaoyang Huanghe Road
Location:Shuangta District (双塔区), Chaoyang (朝阳市), Liaoning, China
Crossing:Daling River
Coordinates:41.580222 N 120.470583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 179 meters (587.3 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2009: Dry River

Hart's Location vicinity, New Hampshire, USA - Dry River
Bridgemeister ID:2667 (added 2019-03-15)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Dry River
Location:Hart's Location vicinity, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Dry River
At or Near Feature:Dry River Trail, Dry River Wilderness
Coordinates:44.177890 N 71.351410 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet)


External Links:

2009: Grimberger Sichel

Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Rhein-Herne Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3574 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Grimberger Sichel
Location:Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Rhein-Herne Canal
Coordinates:51.547222 N 7.113056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals: Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2009: Gushan

Fuzhou (福州市), Fujian, China - Min River
Bridgemeister ID:5198 (added 2020-10-07)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Fuzhou (福州市), Fujian, China
Crossing:Min River
Coordinates:26.045068 N 119.353111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2009: Jiajiang

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Bridgemeister ID:5195 (added 2020-10-07)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Coordinates:32.032875 N 118.705344 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2009: Keystone Gorge

Telluride, Colorado, USA - San Miguel River
Bridgemeister ID:2521 (added 2009-12-31)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Keystone Gorge
Location:Telluride, Colorado, USA
Crossing:San Miguel River
At or Near Feature:Keystone Gorge
Coordinates:37.945772 N 107.893521 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Chris Haaland
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

Photo by Chris Haaland

2009: Kinu-Tateiwa

Nikko, Tochigi, Japan - Kinugawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3119 (added 2019-11-02)
Year Completed:2009
Also Known As:鬼怒楯岩大吊橋, Kinutateiwaotsuri
Location:Nikko, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Kinugawa River
Coordinates:36.820661 N 139.708437 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2009: La Mina

Sayán District, Huaura, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:7101 (added 2022-06-04)
Year Completed:2009
Name:La Mina
Location:Sayán District, Huaura, Peru
Coordinates:11.155335 S 77.121977 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 29.4 meters (96.5 feet) estimated


2009: Las Pataguas

El Hoyo vicinity, Chubut, Argentina - Epuyén River
Bridgemeister ID:2524 (added 2010-01-10)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Las Pataguas
Location:El Hoyo vicinity, Chubut, Argentina
Crossing:Epuyén River
Coordinates:42.13935 S 71.41795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.7 meters (117.1 feet)

Photo by Ricardo Flak

2009: Liede

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China - Pearl River
Bridgemeister ID:4765 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2009
Also Known As:猎德大桥
Location:Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Crossing:Pearl River
Coordinates:23.112381 N 113.328395 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2

External Links:

2009: Ligang Avenue Mulan River

Licheng District, Putian (莆田市), Fujian, China - Mulan River
Bridgemeister ID:8104 (added 2023-12-27)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Ligang Avenue Mulan River
Also Known As:莆田市木兰溪大桥, Mulan Creek
Location:Licheng District, Putian (莆田市), Fujian, China
Crossing:Mulan River
Coordinates:25.415361 N 119.054833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Lin Yuanpei
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2009: Lujiangshuyuan

Liling (醴陵市), Zhuzhou (株洲市), Hunan, China - Lujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8425 (added 2024-03-07)
Year Completed:2009
Also Known As:Lujiang Academy
Location:Liling (醴陵市), Zhuzhou (株洲市), Hunan, China
Coordinates:27.654151 N 113.489774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated

External Links:

2009: Mailand

Lørenskog, Viken, Norway - E159 Highway and Solheim Road
Bridgemeister ID:3971 (added 2020-03-22)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Lørenskog, Viken, Norway
Crossing:E159 Highway and Solheim Road
Coordinates:59.92843 N 10.96051 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Aas-Jakobsen, Arkitektskap, Eco Bygg
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated,
1 x 33.25 meters (109.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

2009: Müller

Ivry-sur-Seine, Val-de-Marne, France
Bridgemeister ID:4912 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Ivry-sur-Seine, Val-de-Marne, France
Coordinates:48.817871 N 2.388870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2009: Qingpu

Qingjiangpu (清江浦区), Huaian (淮安市), Jiangsu, China - Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal
Bridgemeister ID:8454 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Qingjiangpu (清江浦区), Huaian (淮安市), Jiangsu, China
Crossing:Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal
Coordinates:33.569292 N 119.006669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 132.5 meters (434.7 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 47 meters (154.2 feet)

External Links:

2009: Rock Springs

Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2666 (added 2019-03-15)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Rock Springs
Location:Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA
At or Near Feature:Rock Springs Park
Principals:Sahale LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

External Links:

2009: Senker

Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria - Ybbs River
Bridgemeister ID:4588 (added 2020-06-06)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria
Crossing:Ybbs River
Coordinates:47.950419 N 14.792266 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 24 meters (78.7 feet),
1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)
Deck width:3.3 meters

External Links:

2009: Si Du River

Yesanguan vicinity, Badong County, Hubei, China - Si Du River
Bridgemeister ID:2551 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Si Du River
Also Known As:四渡河特大桥, Siduhe River, Sidu River
Location:Yesanguan vicinity, Badong County, Hubei, China
Crossing:Si Du River
Coordinates:30.620540 N 110.395035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 900 meters (2,952.8 feet)


  • When completed was recognized as the "highest" bridge (of any kind) with roadway 496 meters above the lowest point (the Si Du River) below the bridge. Its height has since been surpassed.

External Links:

2009: Strakonice

Strakonice, Czechia - Otava River
Bridgemeister ID:4007 (added 2020-03-28)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Strakonice, Czechia
Crossing:Otava River
Coordinates:49.259280 N 13.899715 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2009: Stubnerkogel

Bad Gastein, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:4248 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Bad Gastein, Austria
Coordinates:47.112604 N 13.098814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)
Deck width:1 meter

External Links:

2009: Suyukou Forest Park

Yinchuan, Ningxia, China
Bridgemeister ID:4763 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Suyukou Forest Park
Also Known As:苏峪口森林公园悬索桥
Location:Yinchuan, Ningxia, China
Coordinates:38.742235 N 105.919158 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 220 meters (721.8 feet)

External Links:

2009: Thuan Phuoc

Da Nang, Vietnam - Han River
Bridgemeister ID:1833 (added 2005-06-05)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Thuan Phuoc
Location:Da Nang, Vietnam
Crossing:Han River
Coordinates:16.095207 N 108.220720 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 405 meters (1,328.7 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:18 meters

External Links:

2009: Tingo de Saposoa

Tingo de Saposoa, Huallaga, Peru - Rio Saposoa
Bridgemeister ID:8717 (added 2024-06-30)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Tingo de Saposoa
Location:Tingo de Saposoa, Huallaga, Peru
Crossing:Rio Saposoa
Coordinates:7.090972 S 76.642472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted January 29, 2024.

2009: Victor Neels

Gemünd, Germany - Urft River
Bridgemeister ID:4744 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Victor Neels
Also Known As:Viktor Neels
Location:Gemünd, Germany
Crossing:Urft River
Coordinates:50.592611 N 6.451901 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2009: Vollan

Yset, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3850 (added 2020-03-07)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Yset, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.569735 N 10.308261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.5 meters (149.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

2009: Xiangyang

Baishan City (白山市), Jilin, China - Hunjiang River
Bridgemeister ID:8099 (added 2023-12-25)
Year Completed:2009
Also Known As:向阳桥, Shixiangjiang
Location:Baishan City (白山市), Jilin, China
Crossing:Hunjiang River
Coordinates:41.934583 N 126.402444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 112 meters (367.5 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2009: Xihoumen

Zhoushan and Ningbo, Zhejiang, China - Hangzhou Bay
Bridgemeister ID:2547 (added 2012-01-01)
Year Completed:2009
Location:Zhoushan and Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Hangzhou Bay
Coordinates:30.064432 N 121.918653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 1,650 meters (5,413.4 feet)
Side Span:1


  • Upon completion, had the second longest main span of any bridge.

External Links:

2009: Yesanhe Pipeline

Gaopingzhen, Hubei, China - Yesanhe River
Bridgemeister ID:4764 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Yesanhe Pipeline
Also Known As:野三河管线桥
Location:Gaopingzhen, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yesanhe River
Coordinates:30.673204 N 110.103870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 240 meters (787.4 feet)

External Links:

2009: Yuzui Yangtze River

Yuzuizhen (鱼嘴镇), Jiangbei (江北区), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:2645 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2009
Name:Yuzui Yangtze River
Also Known As:重庆鱼嘴长江大桥, Youxi Yangtze River
Location:Yuzuizhen (鱼嘴镇), Jiangbei (江北区), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.611306 N 106.772556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 616 meters (2,021 feet)

External Links:

2010: (footbridge)

Lake City, Colorado, USA - Lake San Cristobal
Bridgemeister ID:2612 (added 2014-04-15)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Lake City, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Lake San Cristobal
Coordinates:37.96624 N 107.29273 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Chris Haaland
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet)

Photo by Chris Haaland

2010: (footbridge)

Padua, Italy - Via Venezia
Bridgemeister ID:4719 (added 2020-06-26)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Padua, Italy
Crossing:Via Venezia
Coordinates:45.409987 N 11.898991 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2010: (footbridge)

Witryrów and Ulucz, Poland - San River
Bridgemeister ID:4605 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Witryrów and Ulucz, Poland
Crossing:San River
Coordinates:49.668268 N 22.256491 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters

External Links:

2010: (suspension bridge)

Fæmundssundet, Engerdal, Engerdal, Norway - Femundselva
Bridgemeister ID:3950 (added 2020-03-21)
Year Completed:2010
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fæmundssundet, Engerdal, Engerdal, Norway
Coordinates:61.83583 N 11.71845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 51.5 meters (169 feet) estimated,
1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated

2010: Big Branch

Mount Tabor, Danby vicinity, Vermont, USA - Big Branch of Otter Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2608 (added 2014-04-15)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Big Branch
Location:Mount Tabor, Danby vicinity, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Big Branch of Otter Creek
At or Near Feature:Appalachian/Long Trails - Big Branch Wilderness
Coordinates:43.363047 N 72.944433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


  • Matthew Wels notes the 2010 bridge replaced a 1968 suspension bridge.
Photo by Matthew Wels

2010: Chain

Bamberg, Germany - Main-Danube Canal
Bridgemeister ID:2911 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:2010
Also Known As:Kettenbrücke
Location:Bamberg, Germany
Crossing:Main-Danube Canal
Coordinates:49.896186 N 10.891204 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2010: Cuatro Cayos

Cuatro Cayos, Guatemala
Bridgemeister ID:4198 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Cuatro Cayos
Location:Cuatro Cayos, Guatemala
Coordinates:15.727373 N 88.987758 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)

2010: Das Japukay

Gitch, Das Japukay vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6780 (added 2021-10-29)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Das Japukay
Location:Gitch, Das Japukay vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.102544 N 73.925394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet) estimated

External Links:

2010: Diamond Gate

Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Bridgemeister ID:3088 (added 2019-10-27)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Diamond Gate
Location:Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Coordinates:11.556407 N 104.939379 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Demolished 2012 in reaction to the tragic events of November 22, 2010 when 347 people were killed (and hundreds more injured) during a panic in a large crowd on and around the bridge.

External Links:

2010: Ghatgaun

Ghatgaun (घाटगाउँ) and Tatopani (तातोपानी), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:8147 (added 2024-01-28)
Year Completed:2010
Also Known As:घाटगाउँ झोलुङ्गे पुल
Location:Ghatgaun (घाटगाउँ) and Tatopani (तातोपानी), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.748969 N 81.277864 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 271 meters (889.1 feet)


2010: La Taña

La Taña and Tesoro Chiquito, San Miguel Uspantán, Guatemala
Bridgemeister ID:4197 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2010
Name:La Taña
Location:La Taña and Tesoro Chiquito, San Miguel Uspantán, Guatemala
Coordinates:15.580552 N 90.824211 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)

2010: Mousam River Crossing

Sanford, Maine, USA - Mousam River
Bridgemeister ID:2542 (added 2011-12-31)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Mousam River Crossing
Location:Sanford, Maine, USA
Crossing:Mousam River
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 31.7 meters (104 feet)

2010: Nezha

Xingfu Village (幸福村), Beichuan County (北川县), Mianyang and Qinghecun (清合村), Jiangyou, Mianyang, Sichuan, China - Tongkou River
Bridgemeister ID:8140 (added 2024-01-21)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Xingfu Village (幸福村), Beichuan County (北川县), Mianyang and Qinghecun (清合村), Jiangyou, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Tongkou River
At or Near Feature:Qianyuan Mountain Scenic Area
Coordinates:31.828611 N 104.581306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 252 meters (826.8 feet)

External Links:

2010: Orbazai

Lugo, Spain - Minho River
Bridgemeister ID:3032 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:2010
Also Known As:San Lázaro
Location:Lugo, Spain
Crossing:Minho River
Coordinates:43.001063 N 7.572099 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2010: Portillo

Iberia, Madre de Dios, Peru - Rio Tahuamanu
Bridgemeister ID:8584 (added 2024-05-18)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Iberia, Madre de Dios, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tahuamanu
Coordinates:11.415444 S 69.499750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


  • Appears to have been damaged by flood multiple times after it was opened.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge in questionable condition. Posted December 8, 2015.
  • Facebook. Video of the bridge (from the 2:00 mark forward), heavily damaged by flood. Posted February 26, 2024.
  • Facebook. Short video of the bridge being battered by flood debris. Posted February 18, 2021.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge clearly damaged by flood but apparently still in use. Dated August 2013.

2010: Rex Creek

Mossman Gorge, Queensland, Australia - Rex Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2622 (added 2018-12-31)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Rex Creek
Location:Mossman Gorge, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Rex Creek
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

2010: Rossnes

Rosnes, Farestad vicinity, Mandal, Agder, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:4221 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:2010
Also Known As:Rosnes
Location:Rosnes, Farestad vicinity, Mandal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:57.985969 N 7.534150 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated
Deck width:0.8 meters


2010: Ruinaulta

Trin vicinity, Switzerland - Vorderrhein
Bridgemeister ID:2840 (added 2019-07-06)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Trin vicinity, Switzerland
At or Near Feature:Ruinaulta Gorge
Coordinates:46.816374 N 9.357050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2010: Santo Domingo

Oxapampa, Peru - Rio Huancabamba
Bridgemeister ID:6897 (added 2022-01-16)
Year Completed:2010
Name:Santo Domingo
Location:Oxapampa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Huancabamba
Coordinates:10.580709 S 75.407663 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2010: Verdun-sur-Garonne

Verdun-sur-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2939 (added 2019-09-23)
Year Completed:2010
Location:Verdun-sur-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.855042 N 1.243785 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Rocker towers


External Links:

2011: (footbridge)

Sigmaringen, Germany - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:5551 (added 2020-12-14)
Year Completed:2011
Location:Sigmaringen, Germany
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:48.085564 N 9.208066 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2011: (footbridge)

Woodstock, Virginia, USA - North Fork Shenandoah River
Bridgemeister ID:3748 (added 2020-02-17)
Year Completed:2011
Location:Woodstock, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Shenandoah River
Coordinates:38.860609 N 78.501585 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Photo by Jason Crowder

2011: (snowmobile bridge)

Nipi Katakuat vicinity, Quebec, Canada - Betsiamites River
Bridgemeister ID:8572 (added 2024-04-28)
Year Completed:2011
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Nipi Katakuat vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Betsiamites River
Coordinates:48.955333 N 68.809083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

2011: El Bosque

El Tunco, El Salvador
Bridgemeister ID:4195 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2011
Name:El Bosque
Location:El Tunco, El Salvador
Coordinates:13.494472 N 89.373528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Flatiron Construction, McNary Bergeron and Associates
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)

2011: Fort Edmonton

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - North Saskatchewan River
Bridgemeister ID:2707 (added 2019-06-16)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Fort Edmonton
Location:Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:North Saskatchewan River
Coordinates:53.495304 N 113.590800 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2011: Galana River Community

Bridgemeister ID:4196 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Galana River Community
Coordinates:3.087904 S 39.480739 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 112 meters (367.5 feet)

2011: Gates Park Pack

Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA - North Fork of the Sun River
Bridgemeister ID:6350 (added 2021-07-25)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Gates Park Pack
Location:Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:North Fork of the Sun River
At or Near Feature:Continental Divide Trail, Bob Marshall Wilderness
Coordinates:47.553624 N 112.944214 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet)


2011: Grand Canal City

Rencheng (任城区), Jining (济宁市), Shandong, China - Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal
Bridgemeister ID:8512 (added 2024-03-24)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Grand Canal City
Also Known As:Canal City Extra Large
Location:Rencheng (任城区), Jining (济宁市), Shandong, China
Crossing:Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal
At or Near Feature:Lu Canal section
Coordinates:35.3784468 N 116.5507113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 156 meters (511.8 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2011: Harbor Drive

San Diego, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:3252 (added 2019-11-16)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Harbor Drive
Location:San Diego, California, USA
Coordinates:32.705049 N 117.156972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2011: Hongqi

Xiaoduchuan Residential District, Enshi City (恩施土家族苗族自治州), Hubei, China - Qingjiang
Bridgemeister ID:8141 (added 2024-01-21)
Year Completed:2011
Also Known As:恩施市红旗大桥
Location:Xiaoduchuan Residential District, Enshi City (恩施土家族苗族自治州), Hubei, China
Coordinates:30.324444 N 109.471056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 152 meters (498.7 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2011: Jiaozhou Bay

Jiaozhou City, Qingdao and Licang District, Qingdao, Shandong, China - Yellow Sea
Bridgemeister ID:4698 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Jiaozhou Bay
Also Known As:Qingdao Haiwan
Location:Jiaozhou City, Qingdao and Licang District, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Crossing:Yellow Sea
Coordinates:36.132799 N 120.179970 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Single-tower self-anchored suspension span along the 26.7-kilometer Jiaozhou Bay bridge complex.

External Links:

2011: Jinjigu

Pinglezhen, Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4841 (added 2020-07-10)
Year Completed:2011
Location:Pinglezhen, Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.346247 N 103.302208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet)

External Links:

2011: Maramataha

Waimiha, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand - Maramataha River
Bridgemeister ID:7654 (added 2023-06-10)
Year Completed:2011
Location:Waimiha, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand
Crossing:Maramataha River
Coordinates:38.656248 S 175.482722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 141 meters (462.6 feet)

2011: Nanping Jianzhou

Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China
Bridgemeister ID:8084 (added 2023-12-24)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Nanping Jianzhou
Also Known As:南平市剑州大桥, 剑州大桥, Jianzhou
Location:Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China
Coordinates:26.637361 N 118.177417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Asymmetrical bridge with one tower and two half-spans. The longer half-span is a suspension span. The shorter half-span is cable-stayed.

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:3557 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:2011
Location:Derry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Foyle
Coordinates:54.997957 N 7.315452 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2011: President Guillermo Billinghurst

Madre de Dios, Peru - Rio Madre de Dios
Bridgemeister ID:2743 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:2011
Name:President Guillermo Billinghurst
Location:Madre de Dios, Peru
Crossing:Rio Madre de Dios
Coordinates:12.589987 S 69.173242 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 320 meters (1,049.9 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 104 meters (341.2 feet)

External Links:

2011: Rime

Jilin City (吉林市), Jilin, China - Songhua River
Bridgemeister ID:8102 (added 2023-12-27)
Year Completed:2011
Also Known As:吉林市雾凇大桥, Jilin Risong
Location:Jilin City (吉林市), Jilin, China
Crossing:Songhua River
Coordinates:43.864694 N 126.592056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2011: Rochsburg

Rochsburg, Lunzenau, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:4551 (added 2020-05-31)
Year Completed:2011
Location:Rochsburg, Lunzenau, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.945371 N 12.762114 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

2011: Turunan Baji

Terasa, Sinjai Regency and Turunan Baji, Tompobulu vicinity, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6561 (added 2021-08-31)
Year Completed:2011
Name:Turunan Baji
Location:Terasa, Sinjai Regency and Turunan Baji, Tompobulu vicinity, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:5.128083 S 120.060889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet)

2011: Yangmingtan

Harbin (哈尔滨市), Daoli District, Heilongjiang, China - Songhua River
Bridgemeister ID:4581 (added 2020-06-05)
Year Completed:2011
Also Known As:陽明灘大橋
Location:Harbin (哈尔滨市), Daoli District, Heilongjiang, China
Crossing:Songhua River
Coordinates:45.771720 N 126.519252 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 427 meters (1,400.9 feet)

External Links:

2012: (footbridge)

Bau Selatan, Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6610 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Bau Selatan, Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.349188 S 119.694813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 66.4 meters (218 feet) estimated

External Links:

2012: (footbridge)

Bøen, Rjukan, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Måna
Bridgemeister ID:4487 (added 2020-04-28)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Bøen, Rjukan, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.878079 N 8.596104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


External Links:

2012: (footbridge)

Chekaguda, Rayagada and Mariguda, Odisha, India - Nagavali River
Bridgemeister ID:3227 (added 2019-11-11)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Chekaguda, Rayagada and Mariguda, Odisha, India
Crossing:Nagavali River
Coordinates:19.167376 N 83.432883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)

External Links:

  • New Indian Express - Mishap-prone hanging bridge will not be closed in Odisha. "Residents of more than 30 villages in Rayagada district heaved a sigh of relief after the administration revoked its decision to close the mishap-prone hanging bridge over Nagavali river. The district administration had decided to close the bridge for public till its renovation following a spate of fatal mishaps involving tourists at the site… the bridge became a major attraction for tourists. With the rise in tourist footfall, the number of mishaps near the bridge too increased."

2012: (footbridge)

Jucuapa Abajo, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4250 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Jucuapa Abajo, Nicaragua
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Flatiron Construction, E.E. Cruz, Turner Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet)

2012: (footbridge)

Nájera, La Rioja, Spain - Río Najerilla
Bridgemeister ID:4774 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Nájera, La Rioja, Spain
Crossing:Río Najerilla
Coordinates:42.419783 N 2.732036 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2012: (footbridge)

Ralle Anak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6884 (added 2022-01-15)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Ralle Anak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.912302 S 119.127848 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted 2018.

2012: (footbridge)

Sanghiang Tanjung, Lebak and Pasirtanjung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6469 (added 2021-08-14)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Sanghiang Tanjung, Lebak and Pasirtanjung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.393086 S 106.254386 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

2012: (pipeline bridge)

Cayma and Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa, Peru - Rio Chili
Bridgemeister ID:3302 (added 2019-11-27)
Year Completed:2012
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Cayma and Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chili
Coordinates:16.324340 S 71.525940 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet)

2012: Aizhai

Jishou (吉首市) vicinity, Hunan, China
Bridgemeister ID:2582 (added 2013-09-01)
Year Completed:2012
Also Known As:矮寨特大桥
Location:Jishou (吉首市) vicinity, Hunan, China
Coordinates:28.32950 N 109.60133 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,146 meters (3,759.8 feet)


  • Completed December 2011, but opened March 31, 2012. At the time it opened, held record as the "longest highest" bridge in that it had the longest main span of any of the highest bridges in the world (it was considered the sixth-highest bridge in 2012).

External Links:

2012: Bellevue Botanical Garden

Bellevue, Washington, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2668 (added 2019-03-15)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Bellevue Botanical Garden
Location:Bellevue, Washington, USA
At or Near Feature:Ravine Experience Trail
Coordinates:47.606556 N 122.176972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seattle Bridge LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46.3 meters (152 feet)

External Links:

2012: Cannes Bay

Huayang, Shuangliu, Chengdu, Sichuan, China - Fuhe River
Bridgemeister ID:5640 (added 2020-12-29)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Cannes Bay
Location:Huayang, Shuangliu, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Fuhe River
Coordinates:30.521170 N 104.049616 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • This bridge "goes viral" every few years based on some (apparently spurious) claim that it was built to resemble London's Tower Bridge. Maybe some aspects of its design were mildly inspired by London's Tower Bridge, but there is universal agreement that the Huayang bridge does not resemble the Tower Bridge.

2012: Daqing Road

Bengbu City, Anhui, China - Huaihe River
Bridgemeister ID:8076 (added 2023-12-24)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Daqing Road
Location:Bengbu City, Anhui, China
Crossing:Huaihe River
Coordinates:32.952528 N 117.312000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2,
1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)

External Links:

2012: Dele Chaibuxi Glass

Dawankou, Hubei, China
Bridgemeister ID:4878 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Dele Chaibuxi Glass
Location:Dawankou, Hubei, China
Coordinates:30.219669 N 110.909203 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet)

External Links:

2012: El Rodeo

San José De Pire, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Pire
Bridgemeister ID:4193 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2012
Name:El Rodeo
Location:San José De Pire, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Pire
Coordinates:13.285863 N 86.440208 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)

2012: Fourth Nanjing Yangtze

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:2580 (added 2013-09-01)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Fourth Nanjing Yangtze
Location:Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:32.17826 N 118.94016 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,418 meters (4,652.2 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2012: Inchathotty

Inchathotty, Kerala, India - Periyar River
Bridgemeister ID:2719 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:2012
Also Known As:Inchathotti, ഇഞ്ചത്തൊട്ടി തൂക്കുപാലം
Location:Inchathotty, Kerala, India
Crossing:Periyar River
Coordinates:10.095736 N 76.722999 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 183 meters (600.4 feet) estimated

2012: Lancangjiang Pipeline

Shanyangxiang vicinity, Yongping County, Yunnan, China - Lancangjiang
Bridgemeister ID:5130 (added 2020-09-06)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Lancangjiang Pipeline
Also Known As:澜沧江油气管线桥
Location:Shanyangxiang vicinity, Yongping County, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.290117 N 99.347627 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 280 meters (918.6 feet)


External Links:

2012: Liujiaxia

Liujiaxiazhen (刘家峡镇), Yongjing County, Gansu, China
Bridgemeister ID:4696 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:2012
Also Known As:刘家峡黄河大桥
Location:Liujiaxiazhen (刘家峡镇), Yongjing County, Gansu, China
Coordinates:35.845405 N 103.266047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 536 meters (1,758.5 feet)

External Links:

2012: Matethar Ghat

Arjun Chaupari (अर्जुन चौपारी), Syangja (स्याङ्जा), Nepal - Daraun Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8753 (added 2024-07-05)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Matethar Ghat
Location:Arjun Chaupari (अर्जुन चौपारी), Syangja (स्याङ्जा), Nepal
Crossing:Daraun Khola
Coordinates:28.091617 N 83.781615 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)


External Links:

2012: Mii-Soyokaze

Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Sagami River
Bridgemeister ID:5052 (added 2020-08-29)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Sagami River
Coordinates:35.588856 N 139.267925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 230 meters (754.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

2012: Point Bonita Lighthouse

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:4550 (added 2020-05-30)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Point Bonita Lighthouse
Location:Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA
Coordinates:37.815823 N 122.529254 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction
Status:Closed, August 2024 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2012: Sanhuangzhai

Dengfeng, Henan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4770 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Dengfeng, Henan, China
At or Near Feature:Songshan Huangzhai Scenic Area
Coordinates:34.470463 N 112.926939 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet)

External Links:

2012: Santa Lucia

Valle Santa Lucia, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Pire
Bridgemeister ID:4192 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Santa Lucia
Location:Valle Santa Lucia, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Pire
Coordinates:13.347247 N 86.41514 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Flatiron Construction, E. E. Cruz, Turner Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)

2012: Sigriswil

Sigriswil, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:3052 (added 2019-10-20)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Sigriswil, Switzerland
Coordinates:46.718247 N 7.707540 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2012: Taizhou

Taizhou, Jiangsu, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:2579 (added 2013-09-01)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Taizhou, Jiangsu, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:32.24661 N 119.87669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 1,080 meters (3,543.3 feet)

External Links:

2012: Theppadakandi

Guddehosur, Kushalnagar, Karnataka, India - Kaveri River
Bridgemeister ID:3007 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Guddehosur, Kushalnagar, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Kaveri River
Coordinates:12.436650 N 75.925369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Motorbikes banned, 2020. Motorbike traffic had risen to levels that led officials to believe the safety of the bridge may be compromised.

2012: Tutuluru

Same, Timor-Leste
Bridgemeister ID:4194 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Same, Timor-Leste
Coordinates:8.994597 S 125.689706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet)

2012: Volcano

Shanlin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:7618 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:2012
Also Known As:火山橋, Houshan
Location:Shanlin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.013928 N 120.575618 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Riveted plate


  • Odd hybrid structure. Main cables are partially trussed riveted steel box girders with traditional suspenders. Side spans are stayed.

External Links:

2012: West 11th Cross-River

Dongan (东安区), Mudanjiang (牡丹江市), Heilongjiang, China - Mudan River
Bridgemeister ID:8523 (added 2024-03-24)
Year Completed:2012
Name:West 11th Cross-River
Also Known As:Xinglong
Location:Dongan (东安区), Mudanjiang (牡丹江市), Heilongjiang, China
Crossing:Mudan River
Coordinates:44.5453495 N 129.5934803 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 137 meters (449.5 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2012: Yangxi

Yangxi (洋溪), Jiande (建德市), Hangzhou (杭州市), Zhejiang - Xin'an River
Bridgemeister ID:8387 (added 2024-02-18)
Year Completed:2012
Location:Yangxi (洋溪), Jiande (建德市), Hangzhou (杭州市), Zhejiang
Crossing:Xin'an River
Coordinates:29.512842 N 119.329312 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2012: Yi Sun-sin

Yeosu, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:2578 (added 2013-09-01)
Year Completed:2012
Name:Yi Sun-sin
Location:Yeosu, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Coordinates:34.89924 N 127.7048 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,545 meters (5,068.9 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2013: (footbridge)

Driva, Oppdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3901 (added 2020-03-14)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Driva, Oppdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.53801 N 9.61389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.5 meters (172.2 feet) estimated


2013: (footbridge)

Ducuale Grande, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Pueblo Nuevo
Bridgemeister ID:4121 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Ducuale Grande, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Pueblo Nuevo
Coordinates:13.384222 N 86.410598 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet)

2013: (footbridge)

Rangoan, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7163 (added 2022-06-26)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Rangoan, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.124789 S 119.201523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated

External Links:

2013: (suspension bridge)

Bari, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6677 (added 2021-09-12)
Year Completed:2013
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bari, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.135741 N 75.393334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 324 meters (1,063 feet) estimated

2013: (suspension bridge)

Layee, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6676 (added 2021-09-12)
Year Completed:2013
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Layee, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.289380 N 76.113620 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

2013: (suspension bridge)

Zamana Abad vicinity, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:8187 (added 2024-02-05)
Year Completed:2013
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamana Abad vicinity, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.612917 N 73.423528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been completed in 2013, but maybe in early 2014.

2013: CONSOL Energy Wing Tip

Glen Jean, Oak Hill vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Turley Branch
Bridgemeister ID:6139 (added 2021-07-06)
Year Completed:2013
Name:CONSOL Energy Wing Tip
Also Known As:Wingtip
Location:Glen Jean, Oak Hill vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Turley Branch
At or Near Feature:Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve
Coordinates:37.917343 N 81.119230 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Hatch Mott MacDonald, Schlaich Bergermann Partner, Freyssinet
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 177.4 meters (582 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 31.1 meters (102 feet) estimated


  • Large, unconventional suspension bridge with a large underspanned section, walkways running along the tops of the main cables, and rigid suspenders.

External Links:

  • CONSOL Energy Wing Tip Bridge - Mott MacDonald. "Each end of the bridge passes through a V-shaped structure made of six steel masts, raked outward at the top. Between the masts and abutments, the cables are splayed to provide extra stability against lateral motion. The resemblance of the slanting masts to the wing tip feathers of a flying eagle inspired the name Wing Tip Bridge… A unique feature of the bridge is that pedestrians can cross in one of two ways: on a traditional level deck or on secondary walkways that follow the cables and pass above and then below the deck, sometimes at an angle of up to 10 degrees."
  • Consol Energy Wingtip Bridge (Boy Scouts Bridge) - schlaich bergermann partner. "The design of the bridge was to be adventurous and the crossing of the bridge was to be an experience in itself. To that end, the scouts are able to walk not only on the bridge deck but also along the cables of the bridge on a steel walkway. The cables pass over the tops of the masts and below the main deck of the bridge allowing the scouts to see the bridge from multiple perspectives. The masts are spread to form a V in section which evokes the tips of eagle’s wings, the symbol of the Boy Scouts."
  • Structurae - Structure ID 20066259
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2013: Dachstein Skywalk

Ramsau am Dachstein vicinity, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:2940 (added 2019-09-28)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Dachstein Skywalk
Location:Ramsau am Dachstein vicinity, Austria
Coordinates:47.469311 N 13.624799 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2013: Dalsfjord

Dale, Fjaler and Askvoll, Vestland, Norway - Dalsfjorden
Bridgemeister ID:3902 (added 2020-03-14)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Dale, Fjaler and Askvoll, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.37392 N 5.39644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 523 meters (1,715.9 feet)

External Links:

2013: El Aserradero

Case Aserradero, Limoncillo, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8693 (added 2024-06-28)
Year Completed:2013
Name:El Aserradero
Location:Case Aserradero, Limoncillo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:5.885667 S 78.149028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated

2013: El Dorado

Esteli, Nicaragua - Rio La Sirena
Bridgemeister ID:4118 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2013
Name:El Dorado
Location:Esteli, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio La Sirena
Coordinates:13.166582 N 86.373158 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction, Turner Construction, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

2013: El Progreso

Támara, Casanare, Colombia - Río Pauto
Bridgemeister ID:7427 (added 2022-12-09)
Year Completed:2013
Name:El Progreso
Also Known As:Eccehomo
Location:Támara, Casanare, Colombia
Crossing:Río Pauto
Coordinates:5.78860 N 72.20746 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5


  • 2015, April: The deck and one tower collapses under the weight of cattle.
  • 2017, October 22: The rebuilt bridge is reopened.

External Links:

2013: Fleish

Fleish, Mystic vicinity, California, USA - Truckee River
Bridgemeister ID:6144 (added 2021-07-07)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Fleish, Mystic vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Truckee River
At or Near Feature:Tahoe-Pyramid Trail
Coordinates:39.452421 N 120.005687 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2013: Hardanger

Ullensvang and Ulvik, Hordaland, Norway - Hardangerfjord
Bridgemeister ID:2581 (added 2013-09-01)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Ullensvang and Ulvik, Hordaland, Norway
Coordinates:60.47944 N 6.83139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,310 meters (4,297.9 feet)

External Links:

2013: Hatoon

Damas vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6751 (added 2021-10-23)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Damas vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.225264 N 73.703890 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 111.6 meters (366 feet) estimated


External Links:

2013: Heaphy Track

West Coast, New Zealand - Heaphy River
Bridgemeister ID:7057 (added 2022-05-27)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Heaphy Track
Location:West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Heaphy River
Coordinates:40.941348 S 172.148530 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, March 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2022, March: Destroyed by flood.

2013: Himalayenne

Rochemaure, Ardèche, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:6717 (added 2021-10-12)
Year Completed:2013
Also Known As:Rochemaure, Himalayan
Location:Rochemaure, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Rhône River
At or Near Feature:ViaRhôna Cycle Path
Coordinates:44.582660 N 4.711102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

2013: Lishui

Zhangjiajie (张家界市), Hunan, China - Lishui River
Bridgemeister ID:3381 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Zhangjiajie (张家界市), Hunan, China
Crossing:Lishui River
Coordinates:29.115313 N 110.259322 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 856 meters (2,808.4 feet)

External Links:

2013: Los Estanquillos

Santa Lucia and Antigua Ocotepeque, Honduras - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7508 (added 2023-01-07)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Los Estanquillos
Location:Santa Lucia and Antigua Ocotepeque, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.410378 N 89.2 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet)

External Links:

2013: Luozhou

Luozhouzhen (螺洲镇), Cangshan District (仓山区), Fuzhou (福州市) and Xiangqianzhen (祥谦镇), Minhou County (闽侯县), Fuzhou, Fujian, China - Wulong River
Bridgemeister ID:5094 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Luozhouzhen (螺洲镇), Cangshan District (仓山区), Fuzhou (福州市) and Xiangqianzhen (祥谦镇), Minhou County (闽侯县), Fuzhou, Fujian, China
Crossing:Wulong River
Coordinates:25.979600 N 119.341546 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 186 meters (610.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 85 meters (278.9 feet)

External Links:

2013: Ma'anshan

Ma'anshan, Anhui, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:3377 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Ma'anshan, Anhui, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:31.610111 N 118.392056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2 x 1,080 meters (3,543.3 feet)

External Links:

2013: Moulin

Vernosc-lès-Annonay, Ardèche, France - Cance River
Bridgemeister ID:3195 (added 2019-11-10)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Vernosc-lès-Annonay, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Cance River
Coordinates:45.210761 N 4.703166 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2013: Mtilizisa

Petauke vicinity, Zambia
Bridgemeister ID:4191 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Petauke vicinity, Zambia
Coordinates:14.3846 S 30.86045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

2013: Muregeya

Mabanza, Karongi, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4190 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Mabanza, Karongi, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.024871 S 29.380443 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Arup
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

2013: Nanxi

Nanxi, Sichuan, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:2652 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Nanxi, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:28.783694 N 104.945694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 820 meters (2,690.3 feet)

2013: Nelson Mandela

Décines-Charpieu, Métropole de Lyon, France - Jonage Canal
Bridgemeister ID:4918 (added 2020-07-26)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Nelson Mandela
Location:Décines-Charpieu, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Jonage Canal
At or Near Feature:Réservoir du Grand-Large
Coordinates:45.775461 N 4.953934 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2013: Neuse River Greenway

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - Neuse River
Bridgemeister ID:2691 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Neuse River Greenway
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Neuse River
At or Near Feature:Neuse River Greenway Trail
Coordinates:35.817608 N 78.539325 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2013: Neuse River Greenway

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - Neuse River
Bridgemeister ID:2692 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Neuse River Greenway
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Neuse River
At or Near Feature:Neuse River Greenway Trail
Coordinates:35.884492 N 78.528419 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2013: North Fork Skokomish River Trail

Olympic National Park, Washington, USA - North Fork Skokomish River
Bridgemeister ID:3991 (added 2020-03-22)
Year Completed:2013
Name:North Fork Skokomish River Trail
Also Known As:Staircase Rapids Trail
Location:Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
Crossing:North Fork Skokomish River
At or Near Feature:Skokomish River Trail
Coordinates:47.524521 N 123.341875 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:MACNAK Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated

2013: Qingcaobei

Fuling, Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:2651 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Fuling, Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.714306 N 107.281306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 788 meters (2,585.3 feet)

2013: Rethel

Rethel, Ardennes, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:4558 (added 2020-06-01)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Rethel, Ardennes, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Coordinates:49.511419 N 4.356874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

2013: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Eastern Span

Oakland and Yerba Buena Island, California, USA - San Francisco Bay
Bridgemeister ID:2695 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:2013
Name:San Francisco-Oakland Bay Eastern Span
Location:Oakland and Yerba Buena Island, California, USA
Crossing:San Francisco Bay
Coordinates:37.816217 N 122.356859 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

2013: San Jose de Pire

San José De Pire, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Pire
Bridgemeister ID:4119 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2013
Name:San Jose de Pire
Location:San José De Pire, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Pire
Coordinates:13.286319 N 86.448056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction, E.E. Cruz, Turner Construction, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet)

2013: Santa Elena

Pachalum, Joyabaj, Guatemala - Motagua River
Bridgemeister ID:4189 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Santa Elena
Location:Pachalum, Joyabaj, Guatemala
Crossing:Motagua River
Coordinates:14.908795 N 90.703885 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)

2013: Swinging

Thomson, Minnesota, USA - St. Louis River
Bridgemeister ID:3338 (added 2019-12-14)
Year Completed:2013
Location:Thomson, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:St. Louis River
At or Near Feature:Jay Cooke State Park
Coordinates:46.653997 N 92.370472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2013: Taohuayu

Wuzhi County (武陟县), Jiaozuo (焦作市), Henan, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:4697 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:2013
Also Known As:桃花峪黄河大桥, Tao Hua Yu
Location:Wuzhi County (武陟县), Jiaozuo (焦作市), Henan, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:34.959280 N 113.481261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 406 meters (1,332 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)

External Links:

2013: Wujiang ZhongGui Pipeline

Wujiangzhen vicinity, Guizhou, China - Wu River
Bridgemeister ID:4582 (added 2020-06-05)
Year Completed:2013
Name:Wujiang ZhongGui Pipeline
Also Known As:中贵联络线 乌江跨越大桥
Location:Wujiangzhen vicinity, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Wu River
Coordinates:27.317985 N 106.846407 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 310 meters (1,017.1 feet)

External Links:

2014: (footbridge)

Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA - Accotink Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3693 (added 2020-02-08)
Year Completed:2014
Location:Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Accotink Creek
At or Near Feature:Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge
Principals:Western Wood Structures
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2014: (footbridge)

Gießen, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:4753 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2014
Location:Gießen, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Coordinates:50.596327 N 8.671094 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet)

External Links:

2014: (footbridge)

Jauljibi (जौलजीबी), Uttarakhand, India and Jadani, Uku, Nepal - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:8195 (added 2024-02-05)
Year Completed:2014
Location:Jauljibi (जौलजीबी), Uttarakhand, India and Jadani, Uku, Nepal
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.749853 N 80.379217 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2015
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted November 15, 2014: "People waiting at Nepal side to get fixed the temporary suspense bridge constructed by Nepalese people for Jauljibi Mela at Jauljibi, Uttrakhanda. India."
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted December 9, 2014.

2014: (pipeline bridge)

Taipingzhen (太平镇), Shidian County (施甸县), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8363 (added 2024-02-11)
Year Completed:2014
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Taipingzhen (太平镇), Shidian County (施甸县), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:24.836000 N 98.911806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 316 meters (1,036.7 feet) estimated

2014: (suspension bridge)

Chanderkote, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6680 (added 2021-09-12)
Year Completed:2014
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chanderkote, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.205254 N 75.292800 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

2014: (suspension bridge)

Gawana Talla (गवाना तल्ला) and Talgal (तलगल), Uttarakhand, India - Machlad River
Bridgemeister ID:8142 (added 2024-01-28)
Year Completed:2014
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gawana Talla (गवाना तल्ला) and Talgal (तलगल), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Machlad River
Coordinates:29.877167 N 78.837008 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.8 meters (147 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted September 7, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted May 9, 2014.

2014: (suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5020 (added 2020-08-16)
Year Completed:2014
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.195455 S 49.618779 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • May have replaced another suspension bridge removed prior to 2011.

2014: Ciricito

Ciricito, Capira District, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4187 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2014
Location:Ciricito, Capira District, Panama
Coordinates:8.785356 N 80.084469 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet)

2014: El Limon

La Esperanza, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4185 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2014
Name:El Limon
Location:La Esperanza, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Coordinates:12.663856 N 85.758397 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet)

2014: El Paso Real

El Paso Real, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Estelí
Bridgemeister ID:4186 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2014
Name:El Paso Real
Location:El Paso Real, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Estelí
Coordinates:13.381258 N 86.38179 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105.1 meters (344.8 feet)

External Links:

2014: Glen Willow

Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia - Cudgegong River
Bridgemeister ID:2843 (added 2019-07-06)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Glen Willow
Location:Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Cudgegong River
Coordinates:32.586267 S 149.582181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2014: King Mill Tailrace

Augusta, Georgia, USA - King Mill Tailrace
Bridgemeister ID:5841 (added 2021-05-13)
Year Completed:2014
Name:King Mill Tailrace
Location:Augusta, Georgia, USA
Crossing:King Mill Tailrace
At or Near Feature:River Levee Trail
Coordinates:33.486881 N 81.988253 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet)

2014: La Conga

La Florida, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4188 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2014
Name:La Conga
Location:La Florida, Panama
Coordinates:8.847319 N 79.996544 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)

2014: Pioneer Crossing

West Valley City, Utah, USA - Jordan River
Bridgemeister ID:2628 (added 2018-12-31)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Pioneer Crossing
Location:West Valley City, Utah, USA
Crossing:Jordan River
At or Near Feature:Jordan River Parkway Trail
Coordinates:40.703250 N 111.927649 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2014: Rideau Park

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Elbow River
Bridgemeister ID:2936 (added 2019-09-16)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Rideau Park
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Elbow River
At or Near Feature:Wood's Park
Coordinates:51.024959 N 114.077580 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Photo by Jean Renner Photo by David Denenberg

2014: Riverdale Avenue

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Elbow River
Bridgemeister ID:2935 (added 2019-09-16)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Riverdale Avenue
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Elbow River
Coordinates:51.018727 N 114.083141 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Photo by Jean Renner Photo by David Denenberg

2014: Rumichuco

Rumichuco, Huaraz, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7886 (added 2023-10-07)
Year Completed:2014
Location:Rumichuco, Huaraz, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.564401 S 77.539386 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

2014: Sandy Beach

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Elbow River
Bridgemeister ID:2704 (added 2019-06-15)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Sandy Beach
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Elbow River
At or Near Feature:Sandy Beach Park
Coordinates:51.012232 N 114.092064 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Jean Renner Photo by David Denenberg

2014: Stoddard Pack

Salmon and North Fork vicinity, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:7028 (added 2022-05-15)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Stoddard Pack
Location:Salmon and North Fork vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
Coordinates:45.296224 N 114.604197 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:Destroyed, March 15, 2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103.6 meters (340 feet) estimated


External Links:

2014: Swift Creek

Valemount, British Columbia, Canada - Swift Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3280 (added 2019-11-23)
Year Completed:2014
Name:Swift Creek
Location:Valemount, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Swift Creek
Coordinates:52.862358 N 119.241536 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Robson Energy Services, G. Carson Logging
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2014: Wujiang

Houshanxiang (后山镇), Jinsha County (金沙县), Bijie (毕节市) and Liuchangzhen (流长镇), Xifeng County (息烽县), Guiyang (贵阳市), Guizhou, China - Wujiang
Bridgemeister ID:4711 (added 2020-06-20)
Year Completed:2014
Also Known As:Qian Zhuangfei
Location:Houshanxiang (后山镇), Jinsha County (金沙县), Bijie (毕节市) and Liuchangzhen (流长镇), Xifeng County (息烽县), Guiyang (贵阳市), Guizhou, China
Coordinates:27.277411 N 106.613960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 325 meters (1,066.3 feet)

External Links:

2014: Yinghua

Jiangnan District (江南区), Nanning (南宁市), Guangxi, China - Yong River
Bridgemeister ID:8864 (added 2024-10-01)
Year Completed:2014
Also Known As:英华大桥
Location:Jiangnan District (江南区), Nanning (南宁市), Guangxi, China
Crossing:Yong River
Coordinates:22.776431 N 108.325464 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 409 meters (1,341.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

2014: Youtiaozhou

Wuhan, Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:3382 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2014
Also Known As:武汉鹦鹉洲长江大桥, Yingwuzhou, Xiongchu Street, Parrot Island
Location:Wuhan, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.532638 N 114.279116 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 850 meters (2,788.7 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2015: (footbridge)

Kedungsari, Kebumen Regency and Wanatawang, Rantewringin, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7016 (added 2022-05-14)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Kedungsari, Kebumen Regency and Wanatawang, Rantewringin, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.740013 S 109.653594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

2015: (suspension bridge)

San Lorenzo, Panama - Rio Fonseca
Bridgemeister ID:2942 (added 2019-09-29)
Year Completed:2015
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Lorenzo, Panama
Crossing:Rio Fonseca
Coordinates:8.312387 N 82.102036 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2015: Aux Arc Wilderness

Marshall, Arkansas, USA - Rush Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5558 (added 2020-12-18)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Aux Arc Wilderness
Location:Marshall, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Rush Creek
Coordinates:35.965972 N 92.669250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use, 2019 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28.7 meters (94 feet)

2015: Balulang

Buakayu, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6826 (added 2021-12-25)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Buakayu, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.193390 S 119.741389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Photo showing the new bridge alongside the bridge it replaced.
  • Facebook. Photo showing the new bridge under construction alongside the bridge it replaced.

2015: Bear Canyon

Draper, Utah, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2926 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Bear Canyon
Location:Draper, Utah, USA
Coordinates:40.524024 N 111.826085 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co. Inc.
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet)

2015: Chameau

Moron vicinity, Jérémie, Grand'Anse, Haiti - Grande-Anse River
Bridgemeister ID:4171 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Moron vicinity, Jérémie, Grand'Anse, Haiti
Crossing:Grande-Anse River
Coordinates:18.547792 N 74.2586 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet)

2015: Dandeung

Sinsido-ri, Okdo-myeon and Munyeodo-ri, Okdo-myeon, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:4521 (added 2020-05-17)
Year Completed:2015
Also Known As:Gogunsan
Location:Sinsido-ri, Okdo-myeon and Munyeodo-ri, Okdo-myeon, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Coordinates:35.811691 N 126.442254 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2015: Donnelly River

Glenoran, Western Australia, Australia - Donnelly River
Bridgemeister ID:2694 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Donnelly River
Location:Glenoran, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Donnelly River
Coordinates:34.213859 S 115.941370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2015: Gaseke

Byumba, Rwanda - Mwange
Bridgemeister ID:4149 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Byumba, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.765778 S 30.127389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Balfour Beatty, Flint Neill
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet)

2015: Gasura

Gasura, Kigali, Rwanda - Nyabugogo
Bridgemeister ID:4147 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Gasura, Kigali, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.820833 S 30.113889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, CH2M
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet)

2015: Gobbins

Whitehead vicinity, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:2682 (added 2019-05-26)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Whitehead vicinity, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Gobbins Cliff Path
Coordinates:54.808021 N 5.691815 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

2015: Guambuyaco

Taminango vicinity and El Peñol vicinity, Narino, Colombia - Rio Juanambu
Bridgemeister ID:7671 (added 2023-06-11)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Taminango vicinity and El Peñol vicinity, Narino, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Juanambu
Coordinates:1.541880 N 77.396349 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Unusually tall towers.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge towers during construction. Posted June 3, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image taken during construction of the bridge. Posted June 3, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image taken during construction of the bridge. Posted November 5, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image taken during construction of the bridge. Posted January 14, 2015.
  • Facebook. Post with several images of the completed bridge. Posted November 23, 2015.
  • Google Maps - Puente Guambuyaco y Rio Juanambu. Image of the bridge. May 2022.

2015: Gutian

Wuhan (武汉市), Hubei, China - Han River
Bridgemeister ID:8386 (added 2024-02-18)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Wuhan (武汉市), Hubei, China
Crossing:Han River
Coordinates:30.586629 N 114.179215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 252 meters (826.8 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

External Links:

2015: Henry David Thoreau

Washington, Connecticut, USA - Shepaug River
Bridgemeister ID:2669 (added 2019-03-15)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Henry David Thoreau
Location:Washington, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Shepaug River
At or Near Feature:Hidden Valley Preserve
Coordinates:41.656833 N 73.316306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seattle Bridge LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 40.8 meters (134 feet)

External Links:

2015: Jocote Arriba

Valle El Jocote, Nicaragua - El Jocote
Bridgemeister ID:4181 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Jocote Arriba
Location:Valle El Jocote, Nicaragua
Crossing:El Jocote
Coordinates:13.359572 N 86.261927 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Flatiron Construction, E. E. Cruz
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet)

2015: Las Calderas

La Caldera, Matagalpa, Nicaragua - Rio Olama
Bridgemeister ID:4183 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Las Calderas
Location:La Caldera, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Olama
Coordinates:12.654567 N 85.645633 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Arup, American Bridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet)

2015: Los Cañones

Loma el Nispero, Capira District, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4184 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Los Cañones
Location:Loma el Nispero, Capira District, Panama
Coordinates:8.932058 N 80.065136 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

2015: Meshgin Shahr

Meshgin Shahr, Iran
Bridgemeister ID:3281 (added 2019-11-23)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Meshgin Shahr
Also Known As:Meshginshahr, Meshkinshahr
Location:Meshgin Shahr, Iran
Coordinates:38.375193 N 47.683966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 365 meters (1,197.5 feet)

External Links:

2015: Mishima Sky Walk

Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:3112 (added 2019-10-29)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Mishima Sky Walk
Also Known As:三島スカイウォーク
Location:Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
Coordinates:35.152804 N 138.980564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 400 meters (1,312.3 feet)

External Links:

2015: Nam Cong

Thanh Tan, Thanh Lien, Ha Nam, Vietnam - Day River
Bridgemeister ID:3183 (added 2019-11-09)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Nam Cong
Location:Thanh Tan, Thanh Lien, Ha Nam, Vietnam
Crossing:Day River
Coordinates:20.459024 N 105.888728 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2015: Nelson Mandela

Creil, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:4914 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Nelson Mandela
Location:Creil, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.259205 N 2.466867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2015: Puli

Pulixiang, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:2646 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Pulixiang, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.325278 N 104.583944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 628 meters (2,060.4 feet)

External Links:

2015: Qingshui

Jianzhongzhen (建中镇), Weng'an (瓮安县), Qiannan (黔南州) and Maoyunxiang (毛云乡), Kaiyang (开阳县), Guiyang (贵阳市), Guizhou, China - Qingshui River
Bridgemeister ID:3375 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2015
Also Known As:Guiweng Expressway Bridge
Location:Jianzhongzhen (建中镇), Weng'an (瓮安县), Qiannan (黔南州) and Maoyunxiang (毛云乡), Kaiyang (开阳县), Guiyang (贵阳市), Guizhou, China
Crossing:Qingshui River
Coordinates:27.028974 N 107.189533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,130 meters (3,707.3 feet)

External Links:

2015: Rancheria

El Corozo, Matagalpa, Nicaragua - Rio Compasagua
Bridgemeister ID:4182 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2015
Location:El Corozo, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Compasagua
Coordinates:12.772057 N 85.569327 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)

2015: Rio Abajo

Rio Abajo, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Pueblo Nuevo
Bridgemeister ID:3323 (added 2019-12-01)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Rio Abajo
Location:Rio Abajo, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Pueblo Nuevo
Coordinates:13.371676 N 86.458836 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Buckland and Taylor, COWI, Kiewit Bridge and Marine, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet)


  • Completed late 2014 or 2015.

2015: San Ignacio

Guapotá and Chima, Santander, Colombia - Rio Suarez
Bridgemeister ID:7494 (added 2022-12-30)
Year Completed:2015
Name:San Ignacio
Location:Guapotá and Chima, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Suarez
Coordinates:6.310700 N 73.374841 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2015: Tarimiat

Proveeduría, Gualaquiza, Ecuador - Rio Bomboiza
Bridgemeister ID:7719 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:2015
Location:Proveeduría, Gualaquiza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Bomboiza
Coordinates:3.409722 S 78.484333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Wrecked, c. 2020 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

2015: Tongmai

Tongmai (塘麦), Pome (波密县), Nyingchi (林芝市), Tibet, China - Yiong Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6162 (added 2021-07-07)
Year Completed:2015
Also Known As:Tong Mai
Location:Tongmai (塘麦), Pome (波密县), Nyingchi (林芝市), Tibet, China
Crossing:Yiong Tsangpo
Coordinates:30.098073 N 95.064624 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

2015: Ulsan Harbor

Ulsan, South Korea - Ulsan Bay
Bridgemeister ID:2644 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Ulsan Harbor
Also Known As:Ulsan Grand Harbor
Location:Ulsan, South Korea
Crossing:Ulsan Bay
Coordinates:35.511629 N 129.390690 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,150 meters (3,773 feet)

External Links:

2015: Wanfu

Guangling (广陵区), Yangzhou (扬州市), Jiangsu, China
Bridgemeister ID:8521 (added 2024-03-24)
Year Completed:2015
Also Known As:扬州市万福大桥
Location:Guangling (广陵区), Yangzhou (扬州市), Jiangsu, China
Coordinates:32.4207060 N 119.5075865 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 184 meters (603.7 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2015: Xinghai Bay

Dalian City, Liaoning, China - Dalian Xinghai Bay
Bridgemeister ID:7801 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2015
Name:Xinghai Bay
Also Known As:星海湾跨海大桥, Xinghai Bay Cross Sea, Dalian Southern Binhai Avenue Cross-sea Bridge
Location:Dalian City, Liaoning, China
Crossing:Dalian Xinghai Bay
Coordinates:38.866368 N 121.580071 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 460 meters (1,509.2 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2016: (footbridge)

Khati (खाती) vicinity and Wachham (वाछाम) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6966 (added 2022-03-13)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Khati (खाती) vicinity and Wachham (वाछाम) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.106814 N 79.938394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated

External Links:

2016: (footbridge)

San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador - Rio Copinula
Bridgemeister ID:7456 (added 2022-12-24)
Year Completed:2016
Location:San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Copinula
Coordinates:13.956942 N 89.364483 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 25, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 25, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 25, 2016.

2016: (footbridge)

Shelby, North Carolina, USA - First Broad River
Bridgemeister ID:5582 (added 2020-12-21)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Shelby, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:First Broad River
At or Near Feature:First Broad River Trail
Coordinates:35.302521 N 81.565729 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, February, 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2020, February: Destroyed by flood.
  • 2020, July: Grant funds received for replacement.

2016: (footbridge)

Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia - Rio Charte
Bridgemeister ID:7439 (added 2022-12-17)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Charte
Coordinates:5.256656 N 72.485903 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, September 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2016: (suspension bridge)

Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6299 (added 2021-07-23)
Year Completed:2016
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.957670 N 72.021827 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated


2016: (suspension bridge)

Nakuri (नकुरी) and Athali (अथाली), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5427 (added 2020-11-25)
Year Completed:2016
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nakuri (नकुरी) and Athali (अथाली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.737892 N 78.353379 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92.5 meters (303.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of construction of the bridge.

2016: 35th Street

Chicago, Illinois, USA
Bridgemeister ID:3058 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:2016
Name:35th Street
Location:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Coordinates:41.831468 N 87.606227 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2016: Andvordsbrua

Lom, Innlandet, Norway - Bøvra
Bridgemeister ID:3962 (added 2020-03-22)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Lom, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.83458 N 8.55858 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet) estimated,
1 x 12 meters (39.4 feet) estimated

2016: Casili

Rizal, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:2902 (added 2019-09-13)
Year Completed:2016
Also Known As:Mapua Alumni
Location:Rizal, Philippines
At or Near Feature:Casili Elementary School vicinity
Coordinates:14.702128 N 121.209179 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

2016: Chambellan

Granger vicinity, Jérémie, Grand'Anse, Haiti
Bridgemeister ID:4172 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Granger vicinity, Jérémie, Grand'Anse, Haiti
Coordinates:18.550083 N 74.299444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83.5 meters (274 feet)

2016: Chárte

Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia - Rio Charte
Bridgemeister ID:7438 (added 2022-12-17)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Charte
Coordinates:5.256633 N 72.485867 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, September 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the temporary structures, posted October 15, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the permanent replacement bridge under construction alongside the suspension bridges, posted July 14, 2020.
  • Facebook. Image of the permanent replacement bridge with the two temporary adjacent suspension bridges and another temporary suspension bridge for truck traffic in the background, posted September 18, 2020.
  • Facebook - Así Quedó El Puente Sobre El Rio, Charte. La Vía #Yopal-#Aguazul, Se Encuentra Incomunicada. Image of the collapsed bridge that necessitated the temporary suspension bridges, posted August 23, 2016.
  • Twitter. Image showing the bridge and the adjacent footbridge, posted November 15, 2016.
  • Twitter. Images from the opening of the permanent replacement bridge, posted September 19, 2020.

2016: Chiguirí Arriba

Chiguirí Arriba, Penonomé District, Coclé, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4179 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Chiguirí Arriba
Location:Chiguirí Arriba, Penonomé District, Coclé, Panama
Coordinates:8.678111 N 80.195306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, COWI, Traylor Bros.
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet)

2016: Chinese Herbal Medicine Cultural Park

Wuqing District (武清区), Tianjin, China - Jinghang Yunhe
Bridgemeister ID:8112 (added 2024-01-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Chinese Herbal Medicine Cultural Park
Also Known As:天津市武清区中草药文化园观光吊桥
Location:Wuqing District (武清区), Tianjin, China
Crossing:Jinghang Yunhe
At or Near Feature:Traditional Chinese Medicine Park - 中药园
Coordinates:39.559000 N 116.992778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

2016: Columbia River Skywalk

Trail, British Columbia, Canada - Columbia River
Bridgemeister ID:4957 (added 2020-08-09)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Columbia River Skywalk
Location:Trail, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Columbia River
Coordinates:49.094381 N 117.702046 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:COWI North America Ltd., Graham Infrastructure LP
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 225 meters (738.2 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2016: Cub Creek

Wilkesboro, North Carolina, USA - Cub Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2918 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Cub Creek
Location:Wilkesboro, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cub Creek
Coordinates:36.140573 N 81.153038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Douglas E. McClure

2016: Dimuhe

Liupanshui, Guizhou, China - Sancha River
Bridgemeister ID:4567 (added 2020-06-02)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Liupanshui, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Sancha River
Coordinates:26.655764 N 105.069196 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 538 meters (1,765.1 feet)

External Links:

2016: Dos Aguas

Los Aguas, Capira District, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4178 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Dos Aguas
Location:Los Aguas, Capira District, Panama
Coordinates:8.957097 N 80.098831 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Manhattan Construction Company
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.3 meters (122.4 feet)

2016: El Corozo

El Portille del Jícaro, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4175 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:El Corozo
Location:El Portille del Jícaro, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Coordinates:12.79225 N 85.855083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet)

2016: El Triangulo

Tuma-La Dalia vicinity, Matagalpa, Nicaragua - Rio el Bijao River
Bridgemeister ID:4123 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2016
Name:El Triangulo
Location:Tuma-La Dalia vicinity, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio el Bijao River
Coordinates:13.178417 N 85.602083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)

2016: El Zarzal

El Zarzal and El Corozo, Nicaragua - Rio Calico
Bridgemeister ID:4177 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:El Zarzal
Location:El Zarzal and El Corozo, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Calico
Coordinates:12.787806 N 85.879472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Michael Baker International
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet)

2016: Fengxi

Tianyuan District (天元区), Zhuzhou (株洲市), Hunan, China - Xiangjiang
Bridgemeister ID:8426 (added 2024-03-07)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Tianyuan District (天元区), Zhuzhou (株洲市), Hunan, China
Coordinates:27.7984625 N 113.1293199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 297 meters (974.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

2016: Ghonti

Ghonti (घोंटी) and Gaujiyana (गौजियाना), Uttarakhand, India - Bhilangna River
Bridgemeister ID:5429 (added 2020-11-25)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Ghonti (घोंटी) and Gaujiyana (गौजियाना), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhilangna River
Coordinates:30.412067 N 78.613771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 209 meters (685.7 feet) estimated


2016: Hamaca

La Palmita, La Palma, El Salvador - Rio Nunuapa
Bridgemeister ID:7499 (added 2023-01-01)
Year Completed:2016
Location:La Palmita, La Palma, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Nunuapa
Coordinates:14.309247 N 89.186464 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge and announcement construction is complete. Posted October 1, 2016.

2016: Huaro

Buenos Aires, Morropón, Peru - Rio Piura
Bridgemeister ID:8716 (added 2024-06-30)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Buenos Aires, Morropón, Peru
Crossing:Rio Piura
Coordinates:5.256611 S 79.965861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

2016: Jeokgeum

Jeokgeum and Ucheonudu, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:3383 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Jeokgeum and Ucheonudu, South Korea
Coordinates:34.631584 N 127.502309 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 850 meters (2,788.7 feet)

External Links:

2016: Jijiang Yangtze River Bridge

Jiangjin District (江津区), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7798 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Jijiang Yangtze River Bridge
Also Known As:几江长江大桥
Location:Jiangjin District (江津区), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.297754 N 106.257523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 600 meters (1,968.5 feet)

2016: Kigohe

Colline Cyabakamyi, Nyanza, Rwanda - Umujura River
Bridgemeister ID:4180 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Colline Cyabakamyi, Nyanza, Rwanda
Crossing:Umujura River
Coordinates:2.311972 S 29.630944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Tony Gee and Partners, Raymond Brown Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.4 meters (96.5 feet)

2016: Kukibuye

Kukibuye, Nyabihu, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4249 (added 2020-04-09)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Kukibuye, Nyabihu, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.602056 S 29.636083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges To Prosperity, Arup, Bechtel
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet)

2016: La Belle Liégeoise

Liége, Belgium - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:6551 (added 2021-08-29)
Year Completed:2016
Name:La Belle Liégeoise
Location:Liége, Belgium
Crossing:Meuse River
At or Near Feature:Parc de la Boverie
Coordinates:50.627863 N 5.573774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

2016: La Brisa

Las Brisas, Estelí, Nicaragua - Quebrada El Cianuro
Bridgemeister ID:4176 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:La Brisa
Location:Las Brisas, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Quebrada El Cianuro
Coordinates:13.182472 N 86.560056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, CH2M
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet)

2016: La Guaya

Tenza vicinity, Boyaca, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:4173 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2016
Name:La Guaya
Location:Tenza vicinity, Boyaca, Colombia
Coordinates:5.073583 N 73.396222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet)

2016: Longjiang

Baoshan vicinity, Yunnan, China - Long River
Bridgemeister ID:2643 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2016
Also Known As:Long River
Location:Baoshan vicinity, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Long River
Coordinates:24.838806 N 98.672194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,196 meters (3,923.9 feet)

External Links:

2016: Lura

Tucué, Penonomé District, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4125 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Tucué, Penonomé District, Panama
Coordinates:8.757278 N 80.360053 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet)

2016: Medicine Springs Pack

Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA - North Fork Sun River
Bridgemeister ID:6348 (added 2021-07-25)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Medicine Springs Pack
Location:Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:North Fork Sun River
At or Near Feature:Bob Marshall Wilderness
Coordinates:47.632292 N 112.857250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet) estimated


External Links:

2016: Nordbybrua

Ljørdalen, Innlandet, Norway - Ljøra
Bridgemeister ID:4476 (added 2020-04-26)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Ljørdalen, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.393248 N 12.669272 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.5 meters (142.7 feet) estimated


2016: Osman Gazi

Gebze and Yalova Province, Türkiye - Gulf of Izmit
Bridgemeister ID:2640 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Osman Gazi
Also Known As:Osmangazi
Location:Gebze and Yalova Province, Türkiye
Crossing:Gulf of Izmit
Coordinates:40.753593 N 29.515567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,550 meters (5,085.3 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 566 meters (1,857 feet)
Deck width:35.93 meters

External Links:

2016: Prestefossen

Valle, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4112 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Valle, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:59.212514 N 7.528269 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2016: Saulteaux

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:3187 (added 2019-11-09)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
At or Near Feature:Wakamow Valley, Paashkwow Park
Coordinates:50.377028 N 105.540583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2016: Sérignan

Sérignan, Béziers, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:7386 (added 2022-11-24)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Sérignan, Béziers, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.283630 N 3.282533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2016: Sharavathi

Uppooni vicinity, Karnataka, India - Sharavathi River
Bridgemeister ID:3014 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:2016
Also Known As:Samshi
Location:Uppooni vicinity, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Sharavathi River
Coordinates:14.238791 N 74.613340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 221 meters (725.1 feet) estimated

2016: Sudama

Dwarka, Gujarat, India - Gomti River
Bridgemeister ID:3547 (added 2019-12-25)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Dwarka, Gujarat, India
Crossing:Gomti River
Coordinates:22.236866 N 68.968520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

2016: Uichteritz-Leissling

Weißenfels, Germany - Saale River
Bridgemeister ID:4745 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Weißenfels, Germany
Crossing:Saale River
Coordinates:51.187194 N 11.907292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 18 meters (59.1 feet)

External Links:

2016: Windsor

Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Bridgemeister ID:2879 (added 2019-09-13)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Coordinates:36.130293 N 5.347615 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bovis Koala
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet)

2016: Wuhe

Wuhecun (伍合村), Xide County, Liangshan Yi (凉山彝族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8181 (added 2024-02-05)
Year Completed:2016
Location:Wuhecun (伍合村), Xide County, Liangshan Yi (凉山彝族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:28.340139 N 102.335694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2016: Yavuz Sultan Selim

Garipçe and Poyrazköy, Türkiye - Bosporus Strait
Bridgemeister ID:2642 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Yavuz Sultan Selim
Also Known As:Third Bosporus
Location:Garipçe and Poyrazköy, Türkiye
Crossing:Bosporus Strait
Coordinates:41.202900 N 29.111600 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular and Rail
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,408 meters (4,619.4 feet)


  • Hybrid cable-stayed and suspension bridge. Traditional suspension cables and suspenders partially support the main span. The side spans are entirely supported by cable stays.

External Links:

2016: Yichang Zhixi

Dianjun (点军区), Yichang (宜昌市), Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:3384 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Yichang Zhixi
Location:Dianjun (点军区), Yichang (宜昌市), Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.715756 N 111.262645 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 838 meters (2,749.3 feet)

External Links:

2016: Yinchuan Binhe

Xingqing District, Yinchuan (银川市), Ningxia, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:5237 (added 2020-10-12)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Yinchuan Binhe
Also Known As:银川市滨河黄河大桥, Binhe Yellow River Great
Location:Xingqing District, Yinchuan (银川市), Ningxia, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:38.404864 N 106.488580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 218 meters (715.2 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 88 meters (288.7 feet)

External Links:

2016: Yinzuotianmeng

Feixian, Shandong, China
Bridgemeister ID:4667 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:2016
Also Known As:沂蒙山银座天蒙索桥
Location:Feixian, Shandong, China
Coordinates:35.468463 N 118.034188 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 420 meters (1,378 feet)

External Links:

2016: Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass

Sanguansixiang, Wulingyuan vicinity, Hunan, China
Bridgemeister ID:3063 (added 2019-10-26)
Year Completed:2016
Name:Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass
Also Known As:张家界大峡谷玻璃桥
Location:Sanguansixiang, Wulingyuan vicinity, Hunan, China
Coordinates:29.398668 N 110.696985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 430 meters (1,410.8 feet)

External Links:

2017: (footbridge)

Johannesburg, South Africa - N17 highway
Bridgemeister ID:4768 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Johannesburg, South Africa
Crossing:N17 highway
Coordinates:26.236267 S 28.070071 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2017: (footbridge)

Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7181 (added 2022-07-02)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.240719 S 119.215733 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 2018.
  • Twitter. Image of the bridge, posted December 2017.

2017: (suspension bridge)

Kil, Chapursan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6359 (added 2021-07-26)
Year Completed:2017
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kil, Chapursan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.820286 N 74.548660 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46.6 meters (153 feet) estimated


2017: (suspension bridge)

Lenggo, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency and Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6878 (added 2022-01-09)
Year Completed:2017
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lenggo, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency and Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.246200 S 119.077742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 8, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 99.1 meters (325 feet) estimated


  • 2019, June 8: Destroyed by flood. Wrecked towers are still present as of mid-2021.

External Links:

2017: (suspension bridge)

Ricaurte, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Páez
Bridgemeister ID:8680 (added 2024-06-23)
Year Completed:2017
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ricaurte, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Páez
Coordinates:2.5233941 N 75.9616497 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 185 meters (607 feet)


2017: (suspension bridge)

Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5424 (added 2020-11-25)
Year Completed:2017
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.728675 N 78.435796 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 155 meters (508.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

2017: Animas

Matalaque, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8625 (added 2024-06-02)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Matalaque, Peru
Coordinates:16.462722 S 70.815444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)

2017: Arenales

Sabana Larga, Estelí and San Pedro, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Estelí
Bridgemeister ID:4166 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Sabana Larga, Estelí and San Pedro, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Estelí
Coordinates:13.318426 N 86.360054 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 129.5 meters (424.9 feet)


2017: Auerswalde

Lichtenau, Germany - Chemnitz River
Bridgemeister ID:5561 (added 2020-12-19)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Lichtenau, Germany
Crossing:Chemnitz River
Coordinates:50.906393 N 12.897279 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3

External Links:

2017: Baiheyundu Glass

Rongxian, Guangxi, China
Bridgemeister ID:4779 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Baiheyundu Glass
Also Known As:白鹤云渡桥
Location:Rongxian, Guangxi, China
Coordinates:22.807629 N 110.585530 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 300 meters (984.3 feet)

External Links:

2017: Bajo Cobre

Viguí vicinity, Cañazas District, Panama - Rio Cobre
Bridgemeister ID:4168 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Bajo Cobre
Location:Viguí vicinity, Cañazas District, Panama
Crossing:Rio Cobre
Coordinates:8.356306 N 81.481472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet)

2017: Budende

Kayenzi, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4143 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Kayenzi, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.875830 S 29.806810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet)

2017: Castagnetoli

Castagnetoli, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:4757 (added 2020-06-28)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Castagnetoli, Italy
Coordinates:44.338986 N 9.881017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2017: Chárte

Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia - Rio Charte
Bridgemeister ID:7440 (added 2022-12-17)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Charte
Coordinates:5.258722 N 72.486978 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted January 14, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 15, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge opening ceremony, posted January 15, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge opening ceremony, posted January 16, 2017.

2017: Cun Tan

Jiangbei (江北区), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:3380 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Cun Tan
Also Known As:Cuntan, 重庆市寸滩长江大桥
Location:Jiangbei (江北区), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.620895 N 106.606551 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 880 meters (2,887.1 feet)

External Links:

2017: Dafne Schippers

Utrecht, Netherlands
Bridgemeister ID:3285 (added 2019-11-23)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Dafne Schippers
Location:Utrecht, Netherlands
Coordinates:52.087179 N 5.079016 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2017: El Jobo

El Plantel, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4165 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:El Jobo
Location:El Plantel, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Coordinates:12.894667 N 85.61118 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet)

2017: El Libico

San Francisco, Matagalpa, Nicaragua - Rio Yasica
Bridgemeister ID:4127 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2017
Name:El Libico
Location:San Francisco, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Yasica
Coordinates:13.00545 N 85.78975 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet)

2017: Fuma

Wanzhou, Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:3378 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Wanzhou, Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.834694 N 108.467644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,050 meters (3,444.9 feet)

External Links:

2017: Ghatgaun

Ghatgaun (घाटगाउँ) and Tatopani (तातोपानी), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:8146 (added 2024-01-28)
Year Completed:2017
Also Known As:घाटगाउँ झोलुङ्गे पुल
Location:Ghatgaun (घाटगाउँ) and Tatopani (तातोपानी), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.748781 N 81.277999 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 350 meters (1,148.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

2017: Guabal Saliente

Cañazas, Cañazas District, Panama - Rio Corita
Bridgemeister ID:4162 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Guabal Saliente
Location:Cañazas, Cañazas District, Panama
Crossing:Rio Corita
Coordinates:8.309083 N 81.163333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet)

2017: Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Cedar Point

Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2670 (added 2019-03-15)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Cedar Point
Location:Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA
Coordinates:30.391250 N 88.776583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Seattle Bridge LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61.6 meters (202 feet)

External Links:

2017: Inkana

Sulphur, Oklahoma, USA - Rock Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3044 (added 2019-10-19)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Sulphur, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Rock Creek
At or Near Feature:Chickasaw Cultural Center
Coordinates:34.491860 N 96.992191 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2017: Jinshajiang Huluku

Hulukouzhen, Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:2648 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Jinshajiang Huluku
Also Known As:金沙江葫芦口大桥
Location:Hulukouzhen, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.971222 N 102.891722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 656 meters (2,152.2 feet)

External Links:

2017: Jinshajiang Jindong

Gele, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:2650 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Jinshajiang Jindong
Also Known As:金沙江金东大桥
Location:Gele, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.509250 N 103.040194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 730 meters (2,395 feet)

External Links:

2017: Kamoro

Antanambazaha, Madagascar - Mahajamba River
Bridgemeister ID:5653 (added 2020-12-31)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Antanambazaha, Madagascar
Crossing:Mahajamba River
Coordinates:16.460942 S 47.168337 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2017: Los Encuentros

El Naranjo, Nicaragua - Rio Achuapa
Bridgemeister ID:4161 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Los Encuentros
Location:El Naranjo, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Achuapa
Coordinates:13.626972 N 86.397000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2017: Marenqifeng Glass

Zhongmingzhen vicinity, Anhui, China
Bridgemeister ID:4583 (added 2020-06-05)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Marenqifeng Glass
Location:Zhongmingzhen vicinity, Anhui, China
Coordinates:30.968786 N 118.162932 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)

External Links:

2017: Monte Frio

Loma las Tablas vicinity, León, Nicaragua - Rio Achuapita
Bridgemeister ID:4170 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Monte Frio
Location:Loma las Tablas vicinity, León, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Achuapita
Coordinates:13.050516 N 86.656911 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet)

2017: Monte Verde

Rio Grande, Palacagüina, Nicaragua - Rio Estelí
Bridgemeister ID:4169 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Monte Verde
Location:Rio Grande, Palacagüina, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Estelí
Coordinates:13.4262 N 86.3864 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet)

2017: Mulazzo

Mulazzo, Italy - Mangiola River
Bridgemeister ID:4559 (added 2020-06-01)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Mulazzo, Italy
Crossing:Mangiola River
Coordinates:44.319028 N 9.894335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)
Side Span:1 x 24 meters (78.7 feet)

External Links:

2017: Naranjillo

Naranjillo, Rioja, Peru - Rio Naranjillo
Bridgemeister ID:8718 (added 2024-06-30)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Naranjillo, Rioja, Peru
Crossing:Rio Naranjillo
Coordinates:5.808444 S 77.393639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

2017: New Yellow

Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan, Bali, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:2711 (added 2019-06-16)
Year Completed:2017
Name:New Yellow
Also Known As:Bridge of Love
Location:Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan, Bali, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.694163 S 115.450982 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2017: Nubo

Yingkiong vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siang River
Bridgemeister ID:2747 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Yingkiong vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siang River
Coordinates:28.577167 N 95.071025 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 218 meters (715.2 feet)

2017: Nyirakibehe

Kigali, Rwanda - Nyabugogo
Bridgemeister ID:4144 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Kigali, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.848167 S 30.097000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)

2017: Pamay

Mariposa, Satipo, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5931 (added 2021-06-27)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Mariposa, Satipo, Peru
Coordinates:11.448739 S 74.781266 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240.2 feet)

2017: Pardisla

Chur and Haldenstein, Switzerland - Rhine River
Bridgemeister ID:6775 (added 2021-10-27)
Year Completed:2017
Also Known As:Pardislabrücke
Location:Chur and Haldenstein, Switzerland
Crossing:Rhine River
Coordinates:46.866695 N 9.515785 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet)

External Links:

2017: Preddy Creek

Rivanna, Virginia, USA - Preddy Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3571 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Preddy Creek
Location:Rivanna, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Preddy Creek
At or Near Feature:Preddy Creek Trail Park
Coordinates:38.178779 N 78.362761 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

2017: Río Grande

Pinzón, Soná District, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4164 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Río Grande
Location:Pinzón, Soná District, Panama
Coordinates:7.714056 N 81.334556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet)

2017: Seguidules

Corozal, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4163 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Corozal, Panama
Coordinates:8.078 N 81.390694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet)

2017: Shiyanhu Glass

Changsha, Hunan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4781 (added 2020-07-04)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Shiyanhu Glass
Also Known As:石燕湖玻璃桥
Location:Changsha, Hunan, China
Coordinates:28.015689 N 113.083540 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)


External Links:

2017: Stadano

Aulla, Italy - Magra River
Bridgemeister ID:4560 (added 2020-06-01)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Aulla, Italy
Crossing:Magra River
Coordinates:44.187154 N 9.924525 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet)
Side Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet)

External Links:

2017: Taiping

Meishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2755 (added 2019-06-30)
Year Completed:2017
Also Known As:Tai-Ping
Location:Meishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Tai-Ping 36 Bends (太平三十六彎)
Coordinates:23.559296 N 120.597514 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 281 meters (921.9 feet)

External Links:

2017: Tarewa Swing

Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Tukituki River
Bridgemeister ID:7052 (added 2022-05-26)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Tarewa Swing
Location:Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Crossing:Tukituki River
Coordinates:39.975456 S 176.601383 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, March 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Likely completed in 2017, possbily 2016. Destroyed by flood, March 2022.

2017: Tianxiu

Maiji District (麦积区), Tianshui (天水市), Gansu, China - Xihe River
Bridgemeister ID:8235 (added 2024-02-07)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Maiji District (麦积区), Tianshui (天水市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Xihe River
Coordinates:34.575934 N 105.811369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated,
1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

2017: Wanakena

Wanakena, New York, USA - Oswegatchie River
Bridgemeister ID:2751 (added 2019-06-29)
Year Completed:2017
Location:Wanakena, New York, USA
Crossing:Oswegatchie River
Coordinates:44.132886 N 74.921365 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2017: Wanshan Glass

Tongren, Guizhou, China
Bridgemeister ID:5097 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:2017
Name:Wanshan Glass
Also Known As:万山玻璃吊桥
Location:Tongren, Guizhou, China
Coordinates:27.529562 N 109.217192 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet)

External Links:

2018: (footbridge)

Gadsden, Alabama, USA - Black Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3317 (added 2019-11-30)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Gadsden, Alabama, USA
Crossing:Black Creek
At or Near Feature:Noccalula Falls Park
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2018: (footbridge)

Kaseralau, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6637 (added 2021-09-11)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Kaseralau, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.482212 S 119.701209 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet)


  • 2018, October 18: Damaged while still under construction, possibly due to one of the main cables slipping. Construction was targeted to be completed in October before the damage. Likely was still completed within 2018.

Annotated Citations:

  • Syahrullah, Hery. "Belum Rampung, Jembatan Gantung di Perbatasan Paleleng-Caku Pinrang Sudah Rusak.", 18 Oct. 2018,

    Translated: "Not Completed, The Suspension Bridge on the Paleng-Caku Pinrang Border Has Been Damaged - The suspension bridge built right on the border of Paleleng-Caku Hamlet, Kaseralau Village , Batu Lappa District , Pinrang Regency, was damaged, Thursday (18/10/2018). In fact, the infrastructure that takes up a budget of Rp 700 million is still under construction and must be completed in October 2018."

2018: (footbridge)

Khati (खाती) vicinity and Khaljhuni (खल्झुनी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6967 (added 2022-03-13)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Khati (खाती) vicinity and Khaljhuni (खल्झुनी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.124539 N 79.951836 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.3 meters (247 feet) estimated


  • Completed in early 2018 but the bridge was passable and in use as of late 2017.

External Links:

2018: (footbridge)

Rawada (रवाडा), Uttron and Kuflon, Uttarakhand, India - Assi Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:8012 (added 2023-12-10)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Rawada (रवाडा), Uttron and Kuflon, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Assi Ganga
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108.2 meters (355 feet) estimated

External Links:

2018: (suspension bridge)

Jamak (जमक), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5422 (added 2020-11-25)
Year Completed:2018
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jamak (जमक), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.742257 N 78.545499 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated


2018: (suspension bridge)

Khunnu (खुन्नू), Uttarakhand, India - Kali Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:7043 (added 2022-05-21)
Year Completed:2018
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khunnu (खुन्नू), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kali Ganga
Coordinates:30.586515 N 79.078965 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated

2018: (suspension bridge)

Tanggulwelahan, Besuki, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6859 (added 2022-01-02)
Year Completed:2018
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanggulwelahan, Besuki, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.210037 S 111.789136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2018: (suspension bridge)

Ticumpinia, Sabeti, Peru - Kivitsari River
Bridgemeister ID:7670 (added 2023-06-11)
Year Completed:2018
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ticumpinia, Sabeti, Peru
Crossing:Kivitsari River
Coordinates:11.932981 S 72.933870 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)

External Links:

2018: Agua Blanca

San Luis de Chucarima, Chitagá, North Santander, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:7425 (added 2022-12-09)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Agua Blanca
Location:San Luis de Chucarima, Chitagá, North Santander, Colombia
Coordinates:7.114830 N 72.498570 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images of the bridge, posted May 21, 2018.

2018: Banacito

Penonomé District, Coclé, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4150 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Penonomé District, Coclé, Panama
Coordinates:8.809012 N 80.338959 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet)

2018: Benxi Grand Canyon

Qiaotouzhen, Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:4783 (added 2020-07-04)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Benxi Grand Canyon
Location:Qiaotouzhen, Liaoning, China
Coordinates:41.139871 N 123.677916 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 265 meters (869.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Calgary Zoo

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Bow River
Bridgemeister ID:6980 (added 2022-03-27)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Calgary Zoo
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Bow River
At or Near Feature:Calgary Zoo, St. George's Island
Coordinates:51.046454 N 114.030951 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


2018: Caloveborita

Rio Luis, Santa Fe District, Panama - Rio Caloveborita
Bridgemeister ID:4156 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Rio Luis, Santa Fe District, Panama
Crossing:Rio Caloveborita
Coordinates:8.670431 N 81.184365 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet)

2018: Cococho

Lluyllucucha, Moyobamba, Moyobamba, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8719 (added 2024-06-30)
Year Completed:2018
Also Known As:Emilio Acosta
Location:Lluyllucucha, Moyobamba, Moyobamba, Peru
Coordinates:6.027972 S 76.976111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)
Side Spans:2

2018: Dandong Phoenix Mountain Glass

Fengcheng, Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:4906 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Dandong Phoenix Mountain Glass
Also Known As:丹东凤凰山玻璃悬索桥
Location:Fengcheng, Liaoning, China
Coordinates:40.398891 N 124.073384 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 183 meters (600.4 feet)

2018: Divino Niño

La Flor, Jinotega, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4126 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Divino Niño
Location:La Flor, Jinotega, Nicaragua
Coordinates:13.158660 N 86.059910 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet)

2018: Dongting Lake

Yueyang City (岳阳市), Hunan, China - Dongting Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2641 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Dongting Lake
Also Known As:Hangrui Expressway Dongting Lake
Location:Yueyang City (岳阳市), Hunan, China
Crossing:Dongting Lake
Coordinates:29.423952 N 113.124451 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,480 meters (4,855.6 feet)

External Links:

2018: El Macho

El María, Panama - Rio Tuancle
Bridgemeister ID:4153 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:El Macho
Location:El María, Panama
Crossing:Rio Tuancle
Coordinates:8.003004 N 81.438333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet)

2018: El Paredón

Los Valles, Cañazas District, Panama
Bridgemeister ID:4151 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:El Paredón
Location:Los Valles, Cañazas District, Panama
Coordinates:8.448444 N 81.198556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet)

2018: El Riito

Palacagüina, Nicaragua - Rio Palacagüina
Bridgemeister ID:4139 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:El Riito
Location:Palacagüina, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Palacagüina
Coordinates:13.463000 N 86.406611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, COWI, Traylor Bros.
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet)

2018: Fengdu Lianhuashan Glass

Fengdu, Chongqing, China
Bridgemeister ID:6419 (added 2021-07-30)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Fengdu Lianhuashan Glass
Also Known As:丰都莲花山玻璃桥
Location:Fengdu, Chongqing, China
Coordinates:29.788476 N 107.808953 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 215 meters (705.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Germano Poffo

Progresso, Ibirama and Ponto Chic, Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Hercílio
Bridgemeister ID:6283 (added 2021-07-19)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Germano Poffo
Location:Progresso, Ibirama and Ponto Chic, Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Hercílio
Coordinates:27.043222 S 49.546776 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2018: Gulongxia Glass

Qingyuan, Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:4907 (added 2020-07-19)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Gulongxia Glass
Location:Qingyuan, Guangdong, China
Coordinates:23.774886 N 112.957218 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 190 meters (623.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Gunsight

Crested Butte, Colorado, USA - Slate River
Bridgemeister ID:2919 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Crested Butte, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Slate River
Coordinates:38.908224 N 107.025381 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Canyon Bridge LLC
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

Photo by Chris Haaland

2018: Hålogaland

Narvik and Øyjord, Nordland, Norway - Rombaken Fjord
Bridgemeister ID:2910 (added 2019-09-15)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Narvik and Øyjord, Nordland, Norway
Crossing:Rombaken Fjord
Coordinates:68.459754 N 17.482272 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,145 meters (3,756.6 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 240 meters (787.4 feet),
1 x 149 meters (488.8 feet)

External Links:

2018: Hemlock

Logan vicinity, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:5861 (added 2021-05-15)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Logan vicinity, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Hocking Hills State Park
Principals:Woolpert, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Deck width:16 inches

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

2018: Jiahe

Fulaishan (福莱山), Fushan (福山区), Yantai (烟台市), Shandong, China - Jiahe River
Bridgemeister ID:8508 (added 2024-03-24)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Fulaishan (福莱山), Fushan (福山区), Yantai (烟台市), Shandong, China
Crossing:Jiahe River
Coordinates:37.576237 N 121.298732 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2018: Kagarama

Kirambo, Nyamasheke, Rwanda - Karundura
Bridgemeister ID:4142 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Kirambo, Nyamasheke, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.322534 S 29.141944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)

2018: Kaituo Avenue

Luoyang (洛阳市), Henan, China - Yi River
Bridgemeister ID:8385 (added 2024-02-16)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Kaituo Avenue
Location:Luoyang (洛阳市), Henan, China
Crossing:Yi River
Coordinates:34.639361 N 112.566806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2018: Kapaia

Kapaia, Hawaii, USA - Hanamaulu Stream
Bridgemeister ID:2938 (added 2008-12-20)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Kapaia, Hawaii, USA
Crossing:Hanamaulu Stream
Coordinates:21.990874 N 159.364376 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2018: Kazabe

Kanama, Rubavu, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4140 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Kanama, Rubavu, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.723639 S 29.366194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet)

2018: La Patriota

La Patriota, Matagalpa, Nicaragua - Rio Muy Muy Viejo
Bridgemeister ID:4120 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:La Patriota
Location:La Patriota, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Muy Muy Viejo
Coordinates:12.980534 N 85.360809 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flatiron Construction, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet)

2018: Laknavaram

Laknavaram, Telangana, India - Laknavaram Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2718 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Laknavaram, Telangana, India
Crossing:Laknavaram Lake
Coordinates:18.158390 N 80.079530 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Girish Bharadwaj
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2018: Lingjiangyuan Glass

Weixinxiang, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:4780 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Lingjiangyuan Glass
Also Known As:灵江源玻璃桥
Location:Weixinxiang, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:28.965632 N 120.647508 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 290 meters (951.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Longfengshanzhuang Glass

Longgang, Shenzen, Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:4917 (added 2020-07-26)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Longfengshanzhuang Glass
Also Known As:龙凤山庄玻璃桥
Location:Longgang, Shenzen, Guangdong, China
Coordinates:22.719917 N 114.189906 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175 meters (574.1 feet)

External Links:

2018: Longmenshuidu Glass

Nanning, Guangxi, China
Bridgemeister ID:4840 (added 2020-07-10)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Longmenshuidu Glass
Also Known As:龙门水都玻璃桥
Location:Nanning, Guangxi, China
Coordinates:22.902109 N 108.258683 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 265 meters (869.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Los Cerrones

Abisinia, Jinotega, Nicaragua - Rio Gusaneras
Bridgemeister ID:4152 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Los Cerrones
Location:Abisinia, Jinotega, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Gusaneras
Coordinates:13.304010 N 85.787770 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)

2018: Los Cruces - Palmarito

Aguacatal, San Francisco District, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:4154 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Los Cruces - Palmarito
Location:Aguacatal, San Francisco District, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.292049 N 81.102752 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Louis Berger, American Bridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet)

2018: Manning Crevice

Riggins Hot Springs vicinity, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:5546 (added 2020-12-13)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Manning Crevice
Location:Riggins Hot Springs vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
Coordinates:45.401611 N 116.116483 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


2018: Maputo-Katembe

Maputo and Katembe, Mozambique - Maputo Bay
Bridgemeister ID:2631 (added 2019-01-01)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Maputo and Katembe, Mozambique
Crossing:Maputo Bay
Coordinates:25.972714 S 32.557226 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 680 meters (2,231 feet)

External Links:

2018: Minigo

Rubavu, Rwanda - Sebeya
Bridgemeister ID:4141 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Rubavu, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.692028 S 29.294444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Balfour Beatty, Mott MacDonald, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet)

2018: Mutovu

Colline Munini, Nyaruguru, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4148 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Colline Munini, Nyaruguru, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.682306 S 29.481194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet)

2018: Nanjianyan Cloud Glass

Ankouxiang, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:4848 (added 2020-07-12)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Nanjianyan Cloud Glass
Also Known As:南尖岩云端玻璃桥
Location:Ankouxiang, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:28.364176 N 119.082219 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 285 meters (935 feet) estimated

External Links:

2018: Narayanbagar

Dungari (दंगारी), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6924 (added 2022-01-21)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Dungari (दंगारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.140416 N 79.377938 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)


External Links:

2018: Pelangi Cibuntu

Cibuntu, Simpenan, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Cimandiri River
Bridgemeister ID:5624 (added 2020-12-28)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Pelangi Cibuntu
Also Known As:Rainbow
Location:Cibuntu, Simpenan, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cimandiri River
Coordinates:7.014651 S 106.617238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, March, 2020 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)
Deck width:2 meters


  • 2020, March: Floodwaters erode much of the foundation for one of the bridge's towers.

2018: Qingjiang Shuibuya

Shuibuyazhen (水布垭镇), Hubei, China - Qingjiang
Bridgemeister ID:4748 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Qingjiang Shuibuya
Location:Shuibuyazhen (水布垭镇), Hubei, China
Coordinates:30.434079 N 110.320721 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 420 meters (1,378 feet)

External Links:

2018: Rulakes

Taimali Township, Taitung County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:8123 (added 2024-01-13)
Year Completed:2018
Also Known As:魯拉克斯吊橋
Location:Taimali Township, Taitung County, Taiwan
Coordinates:22.522944 N 120.923583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated

2018: San Vicente

San Vicente, Jinotega, Nicaragua - Rio Gusanera
Bridgemeister ID:4122 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2018
Name:San Vicente
Location:San Vicente, Jinotega, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Gusanera
Coordinates:13.435012 N 85.783800 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:FHECOR, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 67.8 meters (222.4 feet)

2018: Sanshui Nanshan Glass

Sanshui District (三水区), Foshan (佛山市), Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:8862 (added 2024-10-01)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Sanshui Nanshan Glass
Location:Sanshui District (三水区), Foshan (佛山市), Guangdong, China
Coordinates:23.524444 N 112.876417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 280 meters (918.6 feet)

External Links:

2018: Santa Maria

Las Collinas, Jinotega, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4155 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Santa Maria
Location:Las Collinas, Jinotega, Nicaragua
Coordinates:13.374440 N 86.086940 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.9 meters (272 feet)

2018: Second Namhae

Noryang and Namhae, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:4604 (added 2020-06-07)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Second Namhae
Location:Noryang and Namhae, South Korea
Coordinates:34.943376 N 127.867108 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 890 meters (2,919.9 feet)


External Links:

2018: Seymour River

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Seymour River
Bridgemeister ID:2653 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Seymour River
Location:North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Seymour River
Coordinates:49.342497 N 123.002236 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2018: Shuanglongwan Glass

Lushi, Henan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4877 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Shuanglongwan Glass
Also Known As:双龙湾玻璃桥
Location:Lushi, Henan, China
Coordinates:34.006750 N 110.828897 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 210 meters (689 feet)

External Links:

2018: Shuilianxia Scenic Area Glass

Liubuzhen, Shandong, China
Bridgemeister ID:4836 (added 2020-07-10)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Shuilianxia Scenic Area Glass
Also Known As:济南水帘峡
Location:Liubuzhen, Shandong, China
Coordinates:36.418109 N 117.223523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2018: Stan Melo

Kaliguwo, Wonosobo Regency and Kalidadap, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6984 (added 2022-04-03)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Stan Melo
Also Known As:Setana Melokan
Location:Kaliguwo, Wonosobo Regency and Kalidadap, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.494093 S 109.772430 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2018: Strandvoldbrua

Trysil, Innlandet, Norway - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:4500 (added 2020-05-02)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Trysil, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.342829 N 12.231350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


  • Replaced 1922 Strandvoldbrua - Trysil, Innlandet, Norway. Patrick S. O'Donnell summarizes: "In 2015 a group came together to rebuild the bridge and open it for recreational use. They were successful and on May 21, 2018 they had their Grand Opening. The only remnants from the previous bridge were the towers and foundations and anchorages. New anchorages were formed (west end) or drilled (east end). All new cabling and a new deck were added to the preexisting towers. Portion of an old anchorage is still visible."

2018: Sukanegara

Sukanegara, Jonggol, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6624 (added 2021-09-06)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Sukanegara, Jonggol, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.536118 S 107.034769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (383.9 feet) estimated

2018: Sunxihe

Bailinzhen, Jiangjin District, Chongqing, China
Bridgemeister ID:2649 (added 2019-03-03)
Year Completed:2018
Also Known As:笋溪河特大桥
Location:Bailinzhen, Jiangjin District, Chongqing, China
Coordinates:28.712417 N 106.462333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 660 meters (2,165.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Tianqiaogou Glass

Shuangshanzizhen, Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:4876 (added 2020-07-18)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Tianqiaogou Glass
Also Known As:天桥沟玻璃栈道
Location:Shuangshanzizhen, Liaoning, China
Coordinates:41.053995 N 124.640748 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

2018: Urgam

Urgam (उरगाम), Uttarakhand, India - Kalpganga
Bridgemeister ID:6882 (added 2022-01-15)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Urgam (उरगाम), Uttarakhand, India
At or Near Feature:Kalpeshwar Waterfall (कल्पेश्वर वॉटरफॉल)
Coordinates:30.549150 N 79.450217 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)


External Links:

2018: Wildline

Bad Wildbad, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:3023 (added 2019-10-13)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Bad Wildbad, Germany
Coordinates:48.743332 N 8.532978 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 380 meters (1,246.7 feet)

External Links:

2018: Wiratman Karkasa

Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta, Jakarta and Depok City, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:7558 (added 2023-03-24)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Wiratman Karkasa
Location:Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta, Jakarta and Depok City, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.343332 S 106.838215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (133 feet) estimated


  • Replaced a simple suspension bridge.

External Links:

  • Jembatan Wiratman Karkasa, Penghubung Baru Jaksel dan Depok. August 17, 2018 article about the new bridge. Translated from the article: "The permanent bridge to replace the 'Indiana Jones' bridge that connects Srengseng Sawah Village, South Jakarta, with Pasir Gunung Selatan Village, Depok, has been completed. The suspension bridge was inaugurated on Thursday (16/8/2018) under the name Wiratman Karkasa Bridge. The bridge was built using PT Wiratman's corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds with sponsoring companies."

2018: Wulongtan Glass

Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:4839 (added 2020-07-10)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Wulongtan Glass
Also Known As:五龙潭玻璃桥
Location:Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:29.796511 N 121.240287 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 112 meters (367.5 feet)

External Links:

2018: Xingkang

Luding County, Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:3376 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2018
Also Known As:大渡河兴康特大桥, Luding Yaye Expressway, Daduhe
Location:Luding County, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:29.965400 N 102.214900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,100 meters (3,608.9 feet)

External Links:

2018: Xiyoudong Glass

Kunming, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4837 (added 2020-07-10)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Xiyoudong Glass
Also Known As:西游洞玻璃桥
Location:Kunming, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.143312 N 102.639556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 190 meters (623.4 feet)

External Links:

2018: Yayule

Verapaz, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:4157 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2018
Location:Verapaz, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Coordinates:13.021555 N 85.740133 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet)

2018: Yinglongxia Glass

Banan, Chongqing, China
Bridgemeister ID:4849 (added 2020-07-12)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Yinglongxia Glass
Location:Banan, Chongqing, China
Coordinates:29.448005 N 106.664958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet)

External Links:

2018: Yinxianshanzhuang Glass

Dongguan, Shandong, China
Bridgemeister ID:4742 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2018
Name:Yinxianshanzhuang Glass
Also Known As:隐贤山庄玻璃桥
Location:Dongguan, Shandong, China
Coordinates:22.977236 N 114.019644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 225 meters (738.2 feet)

External Links:

2019: (footbridge)

Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6851 (added 2022-01-01)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.881632 S 119.148872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


2019: (footbridge)

Hasis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Karambar River
Bridgemeister ID:6811 (added 2021-12-04)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Hasis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Karambar River
Coordinates:36.298774 N 73.791845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (133 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Bridge under construction in 2019.
  • Facebook. Bridge recently opened, June 2019.

2019: (footbridge)

Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6905 (added 2022-01-21)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.219983 S 119.030886 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 66.8 meters (219 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of people on the bridge, posted in 2021.
  • Facebook. Image of the builder's plate at the bridge, posted in 2021.

2019: (footbridge)

Pulau, Kampar Regency and Sipungguk, Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8401 (added 2024-03-03)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Pulau, Kampar Regency and Sipungguk, Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.346070 N 100.982817 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 72.5 meters (237.9 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 16 meters (52.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

2019: (footbridge)

Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7187 (added 2022-07-04)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.253676 S 119.206241 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

2019: (pipeline bridge)

Fuling, Chongqing, China - Wujiang
Bridgemeister ID:3636 (added 2020-01-05)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Fuling, Chongqing, China
Coordinates:29.587410 N 107.452185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 355 meters (1,164.7 feet)

2019: (suspension bridge)

Boragarh (बोरागढ़), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6950 (added 2022-01-29)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boragarh (बोरागढ़), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.029441 N 79.652294 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1


External Links:

2019: (suspension bridge)

Dhunamani (धुनामानी), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:7278 (added 2022-07-23)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhunamani (धुनामानी), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.017134 N 80.319189 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated

2019: (suspension bridge)

Jokhanalagga Bura (जोखानालाग्गा बुरा), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6993 (added 2022-04-09)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jokhanalagga Bura (जोखानालाग्गा बुरा), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.279594 N 79.551147 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

2019: (suspension bridge)

Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8346 (added 2024-02-10)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.482944 N 98.829472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated

2019: (suspension bridge)

Ratura (रतुरा) and Kamera (कमेरा), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7114 (added 2022-06-10)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ratura (रतुरा) and Kamera (कमेरा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.304461 N 79.049917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)


External Links:

2019: (suspension bridge)

Rekcha (रेग्चा), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:7329 (added 2022-09-02)
Year Completed:2019
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rekcha (रेग्चा), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:31.150056 N 78.241814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 88.7 meters (291 feet) estimated


2019: Aarudi-Paturdi

Arurhi Paruri (अरुर्ही परुरी) and Nayachutti, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7138 (added 2022-06-21)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:Arurhi Paruri
Location:Arurhi Paruri (अरुर्ही परुरी) and Nayachutti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.648372 N 79.529508 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet)


External Links:

2019: Bailu

Xinshe District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5899 (added 2021-05-22)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:白鹿吊橋
Location:Xinshe District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.175182 N 120.910463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 247 meters (810.4 feet) estimated


2019: Balahu Glass

Qianjiang, Chongqing, China
Bridgemeister ID:4778 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Balahu Glass
Location:Qianjiang, Chongqing, China
Coordinates:29.509355 N 108.810107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet)

External Links:

2019: Baoji League

Jintai (金台区), Baoji (宝鸡市), Shaanxi, China - Weihe River
Bridgemeister ID:8445 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Baoji League
Also Known As:宝鸡市联盟大桥, Lianmeng
Location:Jintai (金台区), Baoji (宝鸡市), Shaanxi, China
Crossing:Weihe River
Coordinates:34.352472 N 107.175861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 82 meters (269 feet)

External Links:

2019: Buluh Nipis

Cempedak, Pangkalan Baru, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:3650 (added 2020-01-26)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Buluh Nipis
Location:Cempedak, Pangkalan Baru, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.309747 N 101.585200 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Likely completed 2019, but possibly late 2018.

2019: Byorung

Yingkiong vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siang River
Bridgemeister ID:2749 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Yingkiong vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siang River
Coordinates:28.662549 N 95.012086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 300 meters (984.3 feet)

2019: Catapalla

Lunahuaná, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8606 (added 2024-05-26)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Lunahuaná, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.919000 S 76.101167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

2019: Cheonsa-Daegyo

Mokpo vicinity, Jeollanam, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:3385 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:Second Saecheonnyeon
Location:Mokpo vicinity, Jeollanam, South Korea
Coordinates:34.860540 N 126.205692 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2 x 650 meters (2,132.5 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2019: Chepado

Doding Laga Chepadon (दोडिंग लागा चेपादों), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6944 (added 2022-01-29)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Doding Laga Chepadon (दोडिंग लागा चेपादों), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.047863 N 79.537270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


External Links:

2019: Chishuihe

Chishuihe, Xijiuzhen, Guizhou, China - Chishui River
Bridgemeister ID:3374 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:Chajiaotan, 习古高速赤水河大桥
Location:Chishuihe, Xijiuzhen, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Chishui River
Coordinates:28.165972 N 106.135298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,200 meters (3,937 feet)

External Links:

2019: Curug

Curug, Bogor Regency, Depok City, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7550 (added 2023-03-18)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Curug, Bogor Regency, Depok City, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.387231 S 106.728372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (192 feet) estimated


  • Single-towered suspension bridge.

External Links:

2019: Egongyan Rail Transit

Chongqing, Sichuan, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:4541 (added 2020-05-23)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Egongyan Rail Transit
Also Known As:Egongyan Metro Line
Location:Chongqing, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.522611 N 106.528349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:T.Y. Lin International, SMEDI
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 600 meters (1,968.5 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

2019: Gashyushya

Kivumu, Muhanga, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4137 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Kivumu, Muhanga, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.012115 S 29.762123 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet)

2019: Guanshan

Daishan County (岱山县), Zhoushan (舟山市), Zhejiang, China - East China Sea
Bridgemeister ID:8113 (added 2024-01-07)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:官山大桥, 岱山县官山大桥
Location:Daishan County (岱山县), Zhoushan (舟山市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:East China Sea
Coordinates:30.224139 N 122.202583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 580 meters (1,902.9 feet)


External Links:

2019: Haishitianjie Glass

Gaizhou, Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:4769 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Haishitianjie Glass
Location:Gaizhou, Liaoning, China
Coordinates:40.415048 N 122.200822 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 170 meters (557.7 feet)

External Links:

2019: Huailai

Sanyingcun (三营村), Huailai County (怀来县), Zhangjiakou (张家口市), Hebei, China - Guanting Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:8847 (added 2024-09-29)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:怀来县怀来大桥
Location:Sanyingcun (三营村), Huailai County (怀来县), Zhangjiakou (张家口市), Hebei, China
Crossing:Guanting Reservoir
Coordinates:40.344444 N 115.714028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 724 meters (2,375.3 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in 2019, but possibly 2020. Not in use yet, as of mid-2021 with connecting roads still under construction.

External Links:

2019: Huanghe Sanxia Glass

Xiayezhen, Henan, China - Fengshi River
Bridgemeister ID:4749 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Huanghe Sanxia Glass
Also Known As:黄河三峡玻璃桥
Location:Xiayezhen, Henan, China
Crossing:Fengshi River
Coordinates:35.041559 N 112.131483 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 330 meters (1,082.7 feet)

External Links:

2019: Huaxi Glass

Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu, China
Bridgemeister ID:4743 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Huaxi Glass
Also Known As:华西玻璃桥
Location:Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu, China
Coordinates:31.853938 N 120.444793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 280 meters (918.6 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2019: J. Polk Currin Swinging

Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA - Willamette River Coast Fork
Bridgemeister ID:5638 (added 2020-12-29)
Year Completed:2019
Name:J. Polk Currin Swinging
Location:Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Willamette River Coast Fork
At or Near Feature:Prospector Park
Coordinates:43.793857 N 123.069210 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Ausland Group, Hamilton Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


2019: Jinshajiang Yueliangwan

Yongshan County, Yunnan and Daxingzhen, Jinyang County, Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:5099 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Jinshajiang Yueliangwan
Also Known As:月亮湾金沙江大桥
Location:Yongshan County, Yunnan and Daxingzhen, Jinyang County, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.686178 N 103.351369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 465 meters (1,525.6 feet)

External Links:

2019: Juanito

Bojongsawah, Buniwangi, Geger Bitung, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5619 (added 2020-12-28)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Bojongsawah, Buniwangi, Geger Bitung, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.955968 S 106.975581 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2019: Karambi

Karambi, Huye, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4146 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Karambi, Huye, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.513333 S 29.612778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:American Bridge, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

2019: Kawuswo

Bukwo and Kween, Uganda
Bridgemeister ID:4212 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Bukwo and Kween, Uganda
Coordinates:1.419135 N 34.72236 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet)

2019: Kibembe

Buhugu, Uganda - Sironko River
Bridgemeister ID:4158 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Buhugu, Uganda
Crossing:Sironko River
Coordinates:1.2043 N 34.28912 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)

2019: Kirumbi

Kirumbi, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4135 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Kirumbi, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.940958 S 29.514561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Balfour Beatty, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet)

2019: Kivomo

Gishari, Ngororero, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4136 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Gishari, Ngororero, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.026393 S 29.576393 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Balfour Beatty, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet)

2019: Kodak

Tuting, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siang River
Bridgemeister ID:2748 (added 2019-06-23)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Tuting, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siang River
Coordinates:29.015317 N 94.903695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 210 meters (689 feet)

2019: Komati Cheruvu

Siddipet, Telangana, India
Bridgemeister ID:3316 (added 2019-11-30)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Komati Cheruvu
Location:Siddipet, Telangana, India
Coordinates:18.094336 N 78.839381 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2019: La Marca

Azurduy, Bolivia
Bridgemeister ID:4160 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2019
Name:La Marca
Location:Azurduy, Bolivia
Coordinates:20.11359444 S 64.40594722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

2019: Lapinsalmi

Repovesi National Park, Finland - Kapiavesi
Bridgemeister ID:3746 (added 2020-02-16)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Repovesi National Park, Finland
Coordinates:61.164796 N 26.835543 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced a simple suspension bridge that partially failed in 2018 while nine people were crossing. One cable anchor failed causing the bridge to tilt precariously.

2019: Longchuanxia Glass

Tiantai, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:4850 (added 2020-07-12)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Longchuanxia Glass
Location:Tiantai, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:29.266568 N 120.989858 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)

External Links:

2019: Longmen Glass

Majinzhen, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:5093 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Longmen Glass
Also Known As:龙门玻璃桥
Location:Majinzhen, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:29.468483 N 118.324343 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)

External Links:

2019: Lundabron

Umeå, Sweden - Umeälven
Bridgemeister ID:5682 (added 2021-03-25)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Umeå, Sweden
Coordinates:63.826213 N 20.219922 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 179 meters (587.3 feet)

2019: Maitri

Chuchot Yakma vicinity, Ladakh, India - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3575 (added 2019-12-26)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Chuchot Yakma vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.098428 N 77.595288 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2019: Mengganghe

Xujiexiang, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4668 (added 2020-06-19)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:勐岗河跨越
Location:Xujiexiang, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.619646 N 101.638677 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 360 meters (1,181.1 feet)

External Links:

2019: Nansha East

Guangzhou and Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:3372 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Nansha East
Location:Guangzhou and Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Coordinates:22.885193 N 113.564377 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,688 meters (5,538.1 feet)


2019: Nansha West

Guangzhou and Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Bridgemeister ID:3373 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Nansha West
Location:Guangzhou and Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Coordinates:22.883278 N 113.518889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,200 meters (3,937 feet)


2019: Old Noarlunga Swing

Old Noarlunga, South Australia, Australia - Onkaparinga River
Bridgemeister ID:5100 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Old Noarlunga Swing
Location:Old Noarlunga, South Australia, Australia
Crossing:Onkaparinga River
Coordinates:35.181591 S 138.504563 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2019: Panyindangan Gunasari

Gunasari, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Cihonje River
Bridgemeister ID:6926 (added 2022-01-21)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Panyindangan Gunasari
Location:Gunasari, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cihonje River
Coordinates:6.878457 S 107.938352 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


  • Completed in late 2018. Officially inaugurated January 23, 2019.

2019: Phuktal

Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7272 (added 2022-07-22)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
At or Near Feature:Phuktar Gompa (Phuktal Monastery)
Coordinates:33.261519 N 77.173956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

2019: Pocheon Hantan River Sky

Yeongbuk-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea - Hantan River
Bridgemeister ID:5228 (added 2020-10-12)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Pocheon Hantan River Sky
Also Known As:포천한탄강하늘다리, Hantangang Sky
Location:Yeongbuk-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Crossing:Hantan River
Coordinates:38.084346 N 127.218090 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

2019: Rashit

Rashit, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6363 (added 2021-07-26)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Rashit, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
At or Near Feature:Chapursan Valley
Coordinates:36.825612 N 74.513681 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.6 meters (166 feet) estimated

2019: Rio Chili

Cayma and Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa, Peru - Rio Chili
Bridgemeister ID:8624 (added 2024-06-02)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Rio Chili
Location:Cayma and Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chili
At or Near Feature:Bosques del Chili
Coordinates:16.331722 S 71.532778 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Inprocon Asociados S.A.
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)

2019: Rufuha

Kivumu, Muhanga, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4138 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Kivumu, Muhanga, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.012167 S 29.763889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:HOCHTIEF, Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.7 meters (110.6 feet)

2019: Rukurazo

Rukurazo, Rwanda - Miguramo River
Bridgemeister ID:4117 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Rukurazo, Rwanda
Crossing:Miguramo River
Coordinates:2.114778 S 29.700594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity, Rosendin, Webcor
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet)

2019: Shiyanhu Glass

Changsha, Hunan, China
Bridgemeister ID:4782 (added 2020-07-04)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Shiyanhu Glass
Also Known As:石燕湖玻璃桥
Location:Changsha, Hunan, China
Coordinates:28.015763 N 113.086205 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2019: Sola-Kumala

Solta, Mohanyal (मोहन्याल) and Ghatgaun (घाटगाउँ), Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:8145 (added 2024-01-28)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Solta, Mohanyal (मोहन्याल) and Ghatgaun (घाटगाउँ), Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:28.786056 N 81.233194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 360 meters (1,181.1 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

2019: Tongole

Manafwa, Uganda
Bridgemeister ID:4159 (added 2020-04-07)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Manafwa, Uganda
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74.8 meters (245.4 feet)

2019: Tuyobei

Amudat, Lokales vicinity, Bukwa, Uganda
Bridgemeister ID:4213 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Amudat, Lokales vicinity, Bukwa, Uganda
Coordinates:1.439188 N 34.726114 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)

2019: Uwarukara

Colline Nyarutsi, Nyanza, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4145 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Colline Nyarutsi, Nyanza, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.308722 S 29.604778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)

2019: Val digl Guert

Alvaneu, Switzerland - Val digl Guert
Bridgemeister ID:3632 (added 2020-01-01)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Val digl Guert
Location:Alvaneu, Switzerland
Crossing:Val digl Guert
Coordinates:46.695354 N 9.635260 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet)

2019: Xiushan

Daishan County (岱山县), Zhoushan (舟山市), Zhejiang, China - East China Sea
Bridgemeister ID:3379 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2019
Also Known As:舟山市秀山大桥, 秀山大桥
Location:Daishan County (岱山县), Zhoushan (舟山市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:East China Sea
Coordinates:30.210215 N 122.184018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 926 meters (3,038.1 feet)
Side Spans:2


External Links:

2019: Yancen

Codo del Pozuzo, Huanuco, Peru - Rio Pozuzo
Bridgemeister ID:7340 (added 2022-09-06)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Codo del Pozuzo, Huanuco, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pozuzo
Coordinates:9.766550 S 75.374142 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)

External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images of the completed bridge, posted September 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted October 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge tower foundations under construction, posted November 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of a tower foundation under construction, posted November 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of a tower foundation under construction, posted November 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of a tower foundation under construction, posted November 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of a tower foundation under construction, posted November 2018.

2019: Yangsigang

Wuhan, Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:3371 (added 2019-12-21)
Year Completed:2019
Location:Wuhan, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.507703 N 114.260370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 1,700 meters (5,577.4 feet)

External Links:

2019: Yedang Reservoir

Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea - Yedang Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:5335 (added 2020-11-11)
Year Completed:2019
Name:Yedang Reservoir
Also Known As:Yedangho, 예당호 출렁다리
Location:Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
Crossing:Yedang Reservoir
Coordinates:36.638858 N 126.802082 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2

2020: (footbridge)

El Zope, El Salvador - Rio Suquiapa
Bridgemeister ID:7451 (added 2022-12-24)
Year Completed:2020
Location:El Zope, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Suquiapa
Coordinates:13.985964 N 89.383506 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Twitter. Image taken on the bridge during its inauguration ceremony, posted October 4, 2020.

2020: (footbridge)

Kattan Payeen, Darora vicinity and Landi Shah, Darora vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Ushiri River
Bridgemeister ID:6293 (added 2021-07-23)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Kattan Payeen, Darora vicinity and Landi Shah, Darora vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Ushiri River
Coordinates:35.118663 N 71.996236 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet)

2020: (footbridge)

Koto Panjang Ikua Koto, Koto Tangah, Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Lubuk Menturun
Bridgemeister ID:8240 (added 2024-02-07)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Koto Panjang Ikua Koto, Koto Tangah, Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Lubuk Menturun
Coordinates:0.840611 S 100.367583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

2020: (footbridge)

Spanish Fork, Utah, USA - Spanish Fork
Bridgemeister ID:5110 (added 2020-09-05)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Spanish Fork, Utah, USA
Crossing:Spanish Fork
At or Near Feature:Dripping Rock Trail
Coordinates:40.084505 N 111.596595 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2020: (suspension bridge)

Bibyawar (ببیاوڑ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6294 (added 2021-07-23)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bibyawar (ببیاوڑ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.124331 N 71.940436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2020: (suspension bridge)

Bikou, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China - Bailong River
Bridgemeister ID:5232 (added 2020-10-12)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bikou, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Crossing:Bailong River
Coordinates:32.751861 N 105.244667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, August 19, 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2020: (suspension bridge)

Karnaprayag (कर्णप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6919 (added 2022-01-21)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karnaprayag (कर्णप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.252742 N 79.221642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in 2020, but maybe early 2021.

External Links:

2020: (suspension bridge)

Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8323 (added 2024-02-09)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.521639 N 98.900250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in 2020, possibly 2021.

2020: (suspension bridge)

Sipali Chilaune (सिपाली चिलाउने) and Khanalthok (खनालथोक), Nepal - Roshi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6440 (added 2021-08-12)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sipali Chilaune (सिपाली चिलाउने) and Khanalthok (खनालथोक), Nepal
Crossing:Roshi Khola
Coordinates:27.510644 N 85.668375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


2020: (suspension bridge)

Trstenik (Трстеник), Serbia - Zapadna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6239 (added 2021-07-17)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Trstenik (Трстеник), Serbia
Crossing:Zapadna Morava
Coordinates:43.617645 N 20.989313 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2020: (suspension bridge)

Zamdang, Purne vicinity and Char, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7271 (added 2022-07-17)
Year Completed:2020
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamdang, Purne vicinity and Char, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.239869 N 77.123345 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 65.2 meters (214 feet) estimated


2020: Agatare

Bridgemeister ID:4767 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2020
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2020: Balekambang Cihoe

Balekambang, Jonggol, Bogor and Mekarwangi, Cariu, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6651 (added 2021-09-11)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Balekambang Cihoe
Location:Balekambang, Jonggol, Bogor and Mekarwangi, Cariu, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.527204 S 107.097010 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

2020: Battang Barat

West Battang, West Wara, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6838 (added 2022-01-01)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Battang Barat
Also Known As:Palopo-Toraja, Palopo-Rantepao
Location:West Battang, West Wara, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.954044 S 120.089938 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Motorcycle
Status:Bypassed, 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet)


  • Temporary bridge spanning a landslide. From Patrick S. O'Donnell: "The landside occurred June 26, 2020. Thankfully nobody died. 9 families totaling 32 people had their homes and businesses taken away as a result of the landslide. Eventually the remainder of the village was razed, and everybody relocated. The suspension bridge was officially opened September 25, 2020, less than three months following the landslide.
    The landslide is now spanned by a two lane through truss bridge. Imagery from November 2021 shows a completed bridge."

External Links:

2020: Benteng Cisadane

Benteng, Bogor Regency and Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Cisadane River
Bridgemeister ID:7664 (added 2023-06-11)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Benteng Cisadane
Location:Benteng, Bogor Regency and Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cisadane River
Coordinates:6.541145 S 106.706214 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated

2020: Bisse du Rô

Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:7770 (added 2023-08-17)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Bisse du Rô
Also Known As:Noir, Bisse du Rho
Location:Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Coordinates:46.326750 N 7.456052 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

2020: Capitán Meza

Capitán Meza, Paraguay - Yaguarasapá Stream
Bridgemeister ID:7617 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Capitán Meza
Location:Capitán Meza, Paraguay
Crossing:Yaguarasapá Stream
Coordinates:26.938081 S 55.239232 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated


  • Replaced a drooping footbridge that had been damaged by flood.

External Links:

2020: Chanthi Dobra

Tehri Dam vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:2722 (added 2019-06-22)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Chanthi Dobra
Location:Tehri Dam vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
At or Near Feature:Tehri Dam Reservoir
Coordinates:30.447123 N 78.439288 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


2020: Dublin Link

Dublin, Ohio, USA - Scioto River
Bridgemeister ID:3903 (added 2020-03-14)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Dublin Link
Location:Dublin, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Scioto River
Coordinates:40.102094 N 83.111697 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Endrestudio, T.Y. Lin International, Kokosing Construction Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

2020: El Saltillo

Canillas de Aceituno, Málaga, Spain - Rio Almanchares
Bridgemeister ID:6786 (added 2021-10-29)
Year Completed:2020
Name:El Saltillo
Location:Canillas de Aceituno, Málaga, Spain
Crossing:Rio Almanchares
Coordinates:36.875376 N 4.061988 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet)

2020: Fengchu

Xiangyang, Hubei, China - Hanshui River
Bridgemeister ID:4738 (added 2020-06-27)
Year Completed:2020
Also Known As:Panggong
Location:Xiangyang, Hubei, China
Crossing:Hanshui River
Coordinates:32.037044 N 112.157138 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 378 meters (1,240.2 feet)

2020: Gunungsari

Cangko, Indramayu Regency and Gunungsari, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Kali Cimanuk
Bridgemeister ID:7019 (added 2022-05-15)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Cangko, Indramayu Regency and Gunungsari, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Cimanuk
Coordinates:6.569123 S 108.307471 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (383.9 feet) estimated

2020: Harapan

Kedawung, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7015 (added 2022-05-14)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Kedawung, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.683231 S 109.658219 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated

2020: Himmelhausmattesteg

Trubschachen, Switzerland - River Trub
Bridgemeister ID:6141 (added 2021-07-06)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Trubschachen, Switzerland
Crossing:River Trub
Coordinates:46.921708 N 7.843647 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Jakob AG, Thuner Bau AG, Kambly SA
Use:Footbridge and Bicycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.5 meters (70.5 feet)


  • This bridge employs a mesh system, "Webnet," instead of traditional deck suspenders. From Jakob Rope Systems-Jakob AG literature about the project: "The wire mesh Webnet consists of 3 mm stainless steel ropes, with a construction of 6 × 19 + WC, which with sleeves, forms a mesh width of 80 mm. The Webnet is connected to 26 mm diameter suspension cables, which are 1 x 37 open spiral strand stainless cables, with Jakob Forte turnbuckles fitted at both ends."

External Links:

2020: Janki Setu

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5363 (added 2020-11-22)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Janki Setu
Also Known As:Janaki Setu
Location:Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.116467 N 78.308734 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (three-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 274 meters (899 feet)

2020: Jin'an

Lijiang, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:6804 (added 2021-10-31)
Year Completed:2020
Also Known As:金安金沙江特大桥, Jinshajiang
Location:Lijiang, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.822222 N 100.441667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,386 meters (4,547.2 feet)

External Links:

2020: Jinshajiang Hutiaoxia

Hutiaoxia Town, Shangri-La City, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:7735 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Jinshajiang Hutiaoxia
Also Known As:香丽高速虎跳峡金沙江大桥
Location:Hutiaoxia Town, Shangri-La City, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.173637 N 100.084576 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 681 meters (2,234.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

2020: Kagogo

Rutsiro, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4214 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Rutsiro, Rwanda
Coordinates:1.903292 S 29.369892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet)

2020: Mountain Moon

Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan - Liwu River
Bridgemeister ID:4930 (added 2020-07-31)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Mountain Moon
Also Known As:山月吊橋, Yamatsuki
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Crossing:Liwu River
At or Near Feature:Taroko Gorge at Buluowan Terraces
Coordinates:24.173804 N 121.569655 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 196 meters (643 feet)


2020: Munshithang

Yuigang, Chungthang vicinity, Sikkim, India - Lachen River
Bridgemeister ID:7620 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Yuigang, Chungthang vicinity, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Lachen River
Coordinates:27.626822 N 88.619182 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated


  • Replaced a non-suspension bridge destroyed by flood in 2019.

2020: Neby

Neby, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:4515 (added 2020-05-02)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Neby, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.28211 N 10.75636 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2 x 30.25 meters (99.2 feet),
1 x 33 meters (108.3 feet)

External Links:

  • DigitaltMuseum - Tynset, Neby bru. Patick S. O'Donnell writes: "The 2020 Neby bridge is being built on the same alignment of the last bridge to stand here from 1843 to 1943. That century old bridge was demolished upon completion of the 1943 Tynset suspension bridge less than a mile upstream. The 1843 bridge was the third bridge here and consisted of three timber arch spans with stone abutments on the banks, and a pair of stone piers within the river. Sediment had formed tiny islands where those pair of piers once stood and from these islets two piers will rise to support two of the four suspension bridge towers, with the other two towers close to where the abutments were."

2020: Pharsaghat Jho Pu

Kumarwarti (कुमारवर्ती), Nepal - Pathar Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8144 (added 2024-01-28)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Pharsaghat Jho Pu
Location:Kumarwarti (कुमारवर्ती), Nepal
Crossing:Pathar Khola
Coordinates:27.608339 N 84.080894 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2021-2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet)


  • Appears to have been destroyed by flood at some point in the 2021-2022 time frame.

External Links:

2020: Port Campbell

Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia - Port Campbell Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7344 (added 2022-10-07)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Port Campbell
Also Known As:Campbells Creek
Location:Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Port Campbell Creek
Coordinates:38.617883 S 142.993342 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated


2020: Rugeti

Musebeya, Nyamagabe, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4129 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Musebeya, Nyamagabe, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.473144 S 29.424983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet)

2020: Runyani

Huye vicinity, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4128 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Huye vicinity, Rwanda
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2020: Rweru

Colline Kizi, Nyamagabe, Rwanda
Bridgemeister ID:4130 (added 2020-04-06)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Colline Kizi, Nyamagabe, Rwanda
Coordinates:2.52613 S 29.56947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet)

2020: Ryakanyamiganda

Bridgemeister ID:4766 (added 2020-07-03)
Year Completed:2020
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2020: Slachtetille

Herbaijum, Netherlands - A31 Motorway
Bridgemeister ID:7627 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:2020
Also Known As:Slaughterhouse
Location:Herbaijum, Netherlands
Crossing:A31 Motorway
Coordinates:53.196175 N 5.510207 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2020: Taihong Yangtze River

Maliuzuizhen (麻柳嘴镇), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7796 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Taihong Yangtze River
Also Known As:太洪长江大桥
Location:Maliuzuizhen (麻柳嘴镇), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.663444 N 106.893417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 808 meters (2,650.9 feet)

External Links:

2020: Tambacan

Barangay Tambacan, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines - Tubod River
Bridgemeister ID:5354 (added 2020-11-21)
Year Completed:2020
Location:Barangay Tambacan, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines
Crossing:Tubod River
Coordinates:8.227923 N 124.234425 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

2020: Tunas Vinto

Tapacarí, Bolivia
Bridgemeister ID:4210 (added 2020-04-08)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Tunas Vinto
Location:Tapacarí, Bolivia
Coordinates:17.529275 S 66.547356 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet)

2020: Whitton Malt House

Whitton, New South Wales, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:8420 (added 2024-03-04)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Whitton Malt House
Location:Whitton, New South Wales, Australia
Coordinates:34.589583 S 146.165806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction. Posted July 8, 2020.

2020: Wufengshan Yangtze River

Jingkou District, Zhenjiang and Dantu District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:5639 (added 2020-12-29)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Wufengshan Yangtze River
Also Known As:五峰山长江大桥
Location:Jingkou District, Zhenjiang and Dantu District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:32.226977 N 119.675096 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,092 meters (3,582.7 feet)


  • Double-decked bridge carrying eight lanes of vehicular traffic and four high-speed rail tracks (designed for rail speeds of 250 km/hour).
  • Eric Sakowski notes "Two of Akashi Kaikyo's world records [for suspension bridges] will fall in 2020. The massive deck of Wufengshan will require cables 1.3 meters in diameter, exceeding Akashi Kaikyo's 1.1 meter thick cables. The second world record will be for the 16-meter deep trusses that will surpass the 14-meter depth of the Kobe, Japan span."

2020: Yingliu Road Quanhe

Yingquan District, Fuyang (阜阳市), Anhui, China - Quanhe River
Bridgemeister ID:8103 (added 2023-12-27)
Year Completed:2020
Name:Yingliu Road Quanhe
Also Known As:阜阳市颍柳路泉河大桥
Location:Yingquan District, Fuyang (阜阳市), Anhui, China
Crossing:Quanhe River
Coordinates:32.935167 N 115.763944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2


  • Asymmetric single-tower suspension bridge.

External Links:

2020: Yunlongwan

Shuangliu (双流区), Chengdu (成都市), Sichuan, China - Fuhe River
Bridgemeister ID:8446 (added 2024-03-10)
Year Completed:2020
Also Known As:Yunlong Bay
Location:Shuangliu (双流区), Chengdu (成都市), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Fuhe River
Coordinates:30.461722 N 104.040833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2020: Zhaoyun

Yangliu Town (杨柳镇), Yun'An (云安区), Yunfu (云浮市) and Deqing County (德庆县), Guangdong, China - Xi River
Bridgemeister ID:8850 (added 2024-09-29)
Year Completed:2020
Also Known As:肇云大桥
Location:Yangliu Town (杨柳镇), Yun'An (云安区), Yunfu (云浮市) and Deqing County (德庆县), Guangdong, China
Crossing:Xi River
Coordinates:23.0962036 N 112.2066951 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 738 meters (2,421.3 feet)
Side Span:1 x 202 meters (662.7 feet)

External Links:

2021: (footbridge)

Antechamber Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia - Chapman River
Bridgemeister ID:5987 (added 2021-07-01)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Antechamber Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia
Crossing:Chapman River
At or Near Feature:Lashmar Conservation Park
Coordinates:35.784974 S 138.066628 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Photo by Peter Stokes

2021: (footbridge)

Guthega vicinity, New South Wales, Australia - Spencer Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5924 (added 2021-06-16)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Guthega vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Spencer Creek
At or Near Feature:Snowies Alpine Walk, Kosciuszko National Park
Coordinates:36.399539 S 148.348952 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Danny Corcoran

2021: (footbridge)

Pueblo, Colorado, USA - Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:5923 (added 2021-06-15)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Pueblo, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Arkansas River
Coordinates:38.267861 N 104.623417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Opened for one weekend in early June 2021 as part of ceremonies commemorating those that lost their lives during the flood that devasted Pueblo 100 years ago, on June 3, 1921. Bridge is expected to be fully open to the public in July 2021.

External Links:

2021: (footbridge)

Sajira Mekar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6607 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Sajira Mekar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.499897 S 106.358669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


2021: (footbridge)

Ōmokoroa and Pahoia, New Zealand - Waipapa River
Bridgemeister ID:8858 (added 2024-09-30)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Ōmokoroa and Pahoia, New Zealand
Crossing:Waipapa River
Coordinates:37.645944 S 176.013694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

2021: (suspension bridge)

El Padmi, Los Encuentros vicinity and El Pindal, Los Encuentros vicinity, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:8839 (added 2024-09-28)
Year Completed:2021
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Padmi, Los Encuentros vicinity and El Pindal, Los Encuentros vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.755472 S 78.619750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

2021: (suspension bridge)

Jipapad, Eastern Samar, Philippines - Oras River
Bridgemeister ID:5833 (added 2021-04-24)
Year Completed:2021
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jipapad, Eastern Samar, Philippines
Crossing:Oras River
Coordinates:12.284350 N 125.237151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2021: (suspension bridge)

Raini Chak Lata (रैनी चाक लता), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7063 (added 2022-05-27)
Year Completed:2021
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Raini Chak Lata (रैनी चाक लता), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.488511 N 79.691569 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


External Links:

2021: (suspension bridge)

Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8314 (added 2024-02-09)
Year Completed:2021
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.871500 N 98.869528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 111 meters (364.2 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be a new suspension bridge built in 2021 at the location of, possibly, a prior suspension bridge.

2021: Arifin Ruslan

Pulau Belimbing, Kuok, Kampar Regency and Pulau Jambu, Kuok, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:8400 (added 2024-03-03)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Arifin Ruslan
Location:Pulau Belimbing, Kuok, Kampar Regency and Pulau Jambu, Kuok, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.337761 N 100.958469 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 147 meters (482.3 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

2021: Aryowet

Uganda - Siit River
Bridgemeister ID:6237 (added 2021-07-17)
Year Completed:2021
Crossing:Siit River
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2021: Banjar Irigasi

Banjar Irigasi, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6605 (added 2021-09-05)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Banjar Irigasi
Location:Banjar Irigasi, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.566698 S 106.410844 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:PT Bukaka Teknik Utama
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

2021: Bolivia

San Luis de Chucarima, Chitagá, North Santander, Colombia - Río Valegra
Bridgemeister ID:7410 (added 2022-12-04)
Year Completed:2021
Location:San Luis de Chucarima, Chitagá, North Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Río Valegra
Coordinates:7.11991 N 72.49790 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)


External Links:

  • Construcción del puente Bolivia, en el municipio de Chitagá, avanza en un 70% - Noticias Gobernación Norte de Santander. Article and photos regarding construction progress, August 5, 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge under construction, posted August 5, 2019.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction, posted August 4, 2019.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction, posted August 5, 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge under construction, posted April 25, 2020.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction, posted March 3, 2019.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction, posted April 12, 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge under construction, posted June 29, 2020.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction, posted July 11, 2020.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge under construction, posted July 22, 2020.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, nearly completed, posted November 1, 2020.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, nearly completed, posted November 1, 2020.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, undergoing load testing, posted December 10, 2020.
  • Facebook. Images of the open bridge, posted February 28, 2021.
  • Facebook. Image of a schematic of the bridge, posted May 21, 2018.
  • Twitter. Images of the bridge under construction, posted November 18, 2020.

2021: Changshou Economic Development Zone

Changshou District (长寿区), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7797 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Changshou Economic Development Zone
Also Known As:长寿经开区长江大桥, Second Changshou Yangtze River Bridge
Location:Changshou District (长寿区), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.775951 N 107.011162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 739 meters (2,424.5 feet)

External Links:

2021: Ciwaru

Sanghiang Tanjung, Lebak and Pasirtanjung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6470 (added 2021-08-14)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Sanghiang Tanjung, Lebak and Pasirtanjung, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.393555 S 106.254575 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Annotated Citations:

  • Piri, Desy Rosalia. "UAE Builds Suspension Bridge in Indonesia’s Rural Area.", 25 April 2021,

    "The Ciwaru Suspension Bridge, a 100-meter-long bridge that connects Ciwaru village and Pasir Tanjung village, is divided by Ciberang River. The construction of the bridge was completed in 70 days, involving 30 workers and three engineers. All workers were the villagers."

2021: Curug Bandung

Sukamulya, Lebak Regency and Cikotok, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7551 (added 2023-03-18)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Curug Bandung
Location:Sukamulya, Lebak Regency and Cikotok, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.850461 S 106.279867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Single-towered suspension bridge.
  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes the previous bridge at this location was definitely not a suspension bridge despite news articles referring to it as one.

External Links:

  • Chandra Asri Bangun Jembatan Gantung Warga Curug Bandung Tak Lagi Terisolir - BANTEN POS. March 17, 2021 article about the inaguration of the bridge. Translated: "Chandra Asri Builds Suspension Bridge for Bandung Curug Residents No Longer Isolated - Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, together with the Lebak Regency Government realized the dream of the residents of Kampung Curug Bandung, Sukamulya Village, Cibeber District, Lebak Regency, Banten by building a village connecting bridge. The suspension wooden bridge that was originally unfit and dangerous has now been replaced with an iron girder bridge. Now residents around Kampung Curug Bandung can smile with relief and not feel anxious when crossing the suspension bridge. The inauguration of the iron girder suspension bridge was carried out on March 10, 2021. In its construction took approximately three months."
  • Facebook. Images of the inaguration of the bridge, posted March 21, 2021.
  • Twitter. Images of the bridge, posted August 8, 2021.

2021: Jinshajiang Hutiaoxia Railway

Hutiaoxia Town, Shangri-La City, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:7736 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Jinshajiang Hutiaoxia Railway
Also Known As:丽香铁路虎跳峡金沙江大桥
Location:Hutiaoxia Town, Shangri-La City, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.174767 N 100.090550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 660 meters (2,165.4 feet)


External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:6466 (added 2021-08-13)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Kaitoke Park
Location:New Zealand
Crossing:Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River
At or Near Feature:Kaitoke Regional Park
Coordinates:41.056522 S 175.192651 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Opened August 2021 replacing a narrow, drooping suspension bridge. The new bridge is wheelchair accessible allowing greater access to the popular park.

2021: Kaliregoyo

Sumberkajar, Jugosari, Lumajang and South Kebondeli, Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6465 (added 2021-08-13)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Sumberkajar, Jugosari, Lumajang and South Kebondeli, Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.208123 S 113.042246 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet)


  • 2023, July: Damaged by flood. Repaired.

External Links:

2021: Kihumuro

Uganda - Ngusi River
Bridgemeister ID:6243 (added 2021-07-18)
Year Completed:2021
Crossing:Ngusi River
Principals:Bridges to Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet)

2021: Mankar

Mānkar, Baranwai, Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Swat River
Bridgemeister ID:7634 (added 2023-05-28)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Mānkar, Baranwai, Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Swat River
Coordinates:35.176846 N 72.535860 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.5 meters (224.7 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in 2021 replacing a drooping suspension bridge. Destroyed by flood, mid-2022.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the destroyed bridge, posted September 11, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of the destroyed bridge, posted September 11, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of the previous, drooping suspension bridge at this location. Posted May 23, 2021.
  • Facebook - Mankar Bridge. Images of the bridge, posted November 21, 2021.

2021: Megote

Paraíso, Cholón, Marañón, Huánuco and Nuevo Progreso, Tocache, San Martin, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7471 (added 2022-12-25)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Paraíso, Cholón, Marañón, Huánuco and Nuevo Progreso, Tocache, San Martin, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:8.426696 S 76.336182 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 134 meters (439.6 feet)

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images from the inauguration of the bridge, posted March 26, 2021.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted March 28, 2021.
  • Facebook. Images from the inauguration of the bridge, posted March 27, 2021.
  • Twitter. Image during construction of the bridge, posted August 21, 2020.

2021: Meppajang

Bau, Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Sadang
Bridgemeister ID:6618 (added 2021-09-06)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Bau, Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Sadang
Coordinates:3.287443 S 119.685743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced a somewhat drooping smaller suspension bridge.

External Links:

2021: Mihani

Kasese District and Bunyangabu District, Uganda - Rwimi River
Bridgemeister ID:6755 (added 2021-10-23)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Kasese District and Bunyangabu District, Uganda
Crossing:Rwimi River
Principals:Bridges To Prosperity
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet)

2021: Mohican Cable Pedestrian

Loudounville, Ohio, USA - Clear Fork Mohican River
Bridgemeister ID:6244 (added 2021-07-18)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Mohican Cable Pedestrian
Location:Loudounville, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Clear Fork Mohican River
At or Near Feature:Mohican State Park
Coordinates:40.612051 N 82.286537 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Woolpert, The Righter Company
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)

2021: Pak-Italy Friendship

Khairabad, Drosh vicinity, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5504 (added 2020-11-27)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Pak-Italy Friendship
Location:Khairabad, Drosh vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
At or Near Feature:Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Coordinates:35.608177 N 71.799770 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated


External Links:

2021: Qipanzhou Yangtze River

Huangshi City (黄石市) and Huanggang City (黄冈市), Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7800 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Qipanzhou Yangtze River
Location:Huangshi City (黄石市) and Huanggang City (黄冈市), Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.152756 N 115.267904 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,038 meters (3,405.5 feet)

External Links:

2021: Rawayan Taruma Nagara

Ciaruteun Ilir, Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency and Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Cisadane River
Bridgemeister ID:7658 (added 2023-06-11)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Rawayan Taruma Nagara
Location:Ciaruteun Ilir, Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency and Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cisadane River
Coordinates:6.527918 S 106.692859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2021: Rumbio

Rumbio, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Gadis
Bridgemeister ID:8056 (added 2023-12-24)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Rumbio, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Gadis
Coordinates:0.902528 N 99.520944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

2021: Samuel Hayes

Rathdrum, County Wicklow, Ireland - River Avonmore
Bridgemeister ID:7436 (added 2022-12-10)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Samuel Hayes
Location:Rathdrum, County Wicklow, Ireland
Crossing:River Avonmore
Coordinates:52.943589 N 6.232533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated

2021: Satok

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia - Sarawak River
Bridgemeister ID:3576 (added 2019-12-28)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Crossing:Sarawak River
Coordinates:1.554226 N 110.325033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 2019: Anchor block tilted during load test. As of October 2019, the bridge was not formally completed.
  • 2020, October: Work underway to correct the issues found in 2019. May be completed by November 2020.
  • At former location of 1926 Satok (Yellow) - Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

External Links:

  • Public hope Satok Suspension Bridge Project can be completed on time | Borneo Post Online. From the article: "According to the Public Works Department (JKR) Sarawak Corporate Communication Facebook page, the road closure is to dismantle bridge deck and other accessories, to complete the Satok Anchor Block and Matang Anchor Block, replace the saddles for both towers, complete the cable transferring works to the new Anchor Blocks, reinstall the bridge deck and other accessories, and the project is expected to be delivered by end of November. The purpose of the dismantling is to reduce the loadings to the cables in order to increase the safety factor during the cable transferring works and saddle replacement works on top of the tower. The bridge itself is safe as confirmed by the recent load tests carried out on the bridge towers."

2021: Skye Walk

Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:7025 (added 2022-05-15)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Skye Walk
Location:Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
At or Near Feature:Amaya View
Coordinates:8.423423 N 124.657315 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2021: Stillwater Prairie Connector

Covington, Ohio, USA - Stillwater River
Bridgemeister ID:5860 (added 2021-05-15)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Stillwater Prairie Connector
Location:Covington, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Stillwater River
At or Near Feature:Maple Ridge Reserve, Stillwater Prairie Reserve
Coordinates:40.156364 N 84.398538 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Woolpert, Brumbaugh Construction
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.8 meters (170 feet)
Deck width:32 inches

2021: Tapjeongho

Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea - Topjeong Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6914 (added 2022-01-21)
Year Completed:2021
Also Known As:탑정호 출렁다리, Nonsan Tapjeongho
Location:Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
Crossing:Topjeong Lake
Coordinates:36.182170 N 127.158855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Side Spans:4 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated


  • May have been completed in late 2020 but not officially opened until November 2021.
  • The bridge is essentially two back-to-back single-tower suspension bridges.

2021: Virignin

La Balme, Savoie and Virignin, Ain, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7575 (added 2023-04-21)
Year Completed:2021
Location:La Balme, Savoie and Virignin, Ain, France
Crossing:Rhône River
At or Near Feature:Véloroute ViaRhôna
Coordinates:45.710808 N 5.705120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538.1 feet) estimated

2021: Waitakere/Nile River

Charleston, New Zealand - Nile (Waitakere) River
Bridgemeister ID:8232 (added 2024-02-07)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Waitakere/Nile River
Location:Charleston, New Zealand
Crossing:Nile (Waitakere) River
Coordinates:41.899278 S 171.443639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet)


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the new bridge. Posted May 30, 2021.

2021: Welch Ditch

Clear Creek Canyon Park, Golden, Colorado, USA - Clear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7687 (added 2023-07-04)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Welch Ditch
Location:Clear Creek Canyon Park, Golden, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Clear Creek
At or Near Feature:Welch Ditch Trail, Peaks to Plains Trail
Coordinates:39.744912 N 105.248592 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2021: Wujiagang

Yichang, Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:6428 (added 2021-08-10)
Year Completed:2021
Also Known As:伍家岗长江大桥
Location:Yichang, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.617486 N 111.360031 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,160 meters (3,805.8 feet)

External Links:

2021: Yidu Yangtze River

Yidu, Yichang, Hubei, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7975 (added 2023-11-26)
Year Completed:2021
Name:Yidu Yangtze River
Also Known As:Baiyang Yangtze River
Location:Yidu, Yichang, Hubei, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.409306 N 111.515861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,000 meters (3,280.8 feet)

External Links:

2021: Zawlliensuo

Patpuihmun and Taithu, Manipur, India - Barak River
Bridgemeister ID:8859 (added 2024-09-30)
Year Completed:2021
Location:Patpuihmun and Taithu, Manipur, India
Crossing:Barak River
Coordinates:24.366139 N 93.104111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated

2022: (footbridge)

Chapimarca, Peru - Rio Pachachaca
Bridgemeister ID:8808 (added 2024-09-27)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Chapimarca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pachachaca
Coordinates:13.924944 S 73.066833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

2022: (footbridge)

Emiliano Zapata, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Guayalejo River
Bridgemeister ID:7366 (added 2022-11-04)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Emiliano Zapata, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Crossing:Guayalejo River
Coordinates:23.021991 N 98.888132 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

2022: (footbridge)

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico - Rio Cuale
Bridgemeister ID:7454 (added 2022-12-24)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Cuale
Coordinates:20.605843 N 105.235450 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

2022: (footbridge)

Shepparton, Victoria, Australia - Broken River
Bridgemeister ID:7161 (added 2022-06-26)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Broken River
At or Near Feature:Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton
Coordinates:36.398024 S 145.381404 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

2022: (pipeline bridge)

Qurgonteppa (Қӯрғонтеппа) vicinity, Tajikistan - Vakhsh River
Bridgemeister ID:8416 (added 2024-03-03)
Year Completed:2022
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Qurgonteppa (Қӯрғонтеппа) vicinity, Tajikistan
Crossing:Vakhsh River
Coordinates:37.881889 N 68.884583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

2022: (suspension bridge)

Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8329 (added 2024-02-09)
Year Completed:2022
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.352056 N 98.886361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet) estimated


  • Assuming completed in 2022 based on satellite images showing a (likely) complete bridge with approach construction ongoing.

2022: (suspension bridge)

Thooti, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kondia River
Bridgemeister ID:7835 (added 2023-09-02)
Year Completed:2022
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thooti, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kondia River
Coordinates:35.469405 N 73.157710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of a child on the bridge. Posted October 10, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image with the bridge in the distance. Posted October 28, 2022.

2022: Amanda Trail

Yachats, Oregon, USA - Amanda Grotto
Bridgemeister ID:7051 (added 2022-05-26)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Amanda Trail
Location:Yachats, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Amanda Grotto
At or Near Feature:Amanda Statue
Coordinates:44.291975 N 124.106961 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2022: Ayin

Bahrain, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Swat River
Bridgemeister ID:7635 (added 2023-05-28)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:Ayeen
Location:Bahrain, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Swat River
Coordinates:35.186959 N 72.538385 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


External Links:

2022: Çanakkale 1915

Sütlüce, Gelibolu and Lapseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye - Dardanelles Strait
Bridgemeister ID:6968 (added 2022-03-19)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Çanakkale 1915
Location:Sütlüce, Gelibolu and Lapseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye
Crossing:Dardanelles Strait
Coordinates:40.340000 N 26.636111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 2,023 meters (6,637.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 770 meters (2,526.2 feet)
Deck width:45.06 meters


External Links:

2022: Bach Long

Mộc Châu District, Son La, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:7054 (added 2022-05-27)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Bach Long
Location:Mộc Châu District, Son La, Vietnam
Coordinates:20.849357 N 104.570304 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2022: Badahara-Khururiya

Badahara, Dang and Khururiya (खुरुरिया), Lalmatiya (लालमटिया), Dang, Lumbini, Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:7417 (added 2022-12-07)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:Rapti, बडहरा खुरुरीया झोलुङ्गे पूल
Location:Badahara, Dang and Khururiya (खुरुरिया), Lalmatiya (लालमटिया), Dang, Lumbini, Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:27.822265 N 82.713945 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:1 x 315.7 meters (1,035.8 feet) estimated,
1 x 317 meters (1,040 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 92 meters (301.8 feet) estimated

External Links:

2022: Birchville

Birchville, Upper Hutt, New Zealand - Clarks Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7420 (added 2022-12-08)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Birchville, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Crossing:Clarks Creek
Coordinates:41.094606 S 175.091801 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

2022: Chimadachit

Chimadachit, East Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India - Simsang River
Bridgemeister ID:7452 (added 2022-12-24)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Chimadachit, East Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Simsang River
Coordinates:25.474577 N 90.669710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Twitter. Photos of the inauguration ceremony, posted April 30, 2022.

2022: Diamond

Dashbashi, Georgia - Khrami / Ktsia River
Bridgemeister ID:7626 (added 2023-05-27)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Dashbashi, Georgia
Crossing:Khrami / Ktsia River
Coordinates:41.594595 N 44.122725 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Tourist attraction with glass deck panels and a diamond-shaped structure suspended at mid-span which contains a restaurant.

External Links:

2022: Fenghuang Road Yellow River

Jiyang District, Jinan, Shandong, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:7521 (added 2023-01-14)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Fenghuang Road Yellow River
Location:Jiyang District, Jinan, Shandong, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.807428 N 117.118089 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2 x 427.9 meters (1,404 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Upon completion, claimed to have the longest self-anchored suspension spans ever built.

External Links:

2022: Girpasang

Tegalmulyo, Kemalang, Klaten Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7173 (added 2022-06-28)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Tegalmulyo, Kemalang, Klaten Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.569716 S 110.479204 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2022: Gladak Perak

Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8257 (added 2024-02-08)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Gladak Perak
Location:Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.181609 S 113.019089 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes: "This suspension bridge was built in the months following the destruction by cold lava due to the eruption of Mount Semeru on December 4, 2021 of both a 1998 concrete arch bridge in use at the time, and the 1925-1930 era deck truss bridge that had been bypassed by the concrete arch bridge, but left open to pedestrians. That deck truss bridge had been destroyed in 1947 as a result of war, then rebuilt in 1952."
  • At former location of Gladak Perak - Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of construction progress. Translated caption: "Walking test across the Gladak Perak Suspension Bridge in Lumajang." Posted April 15, 2022.
  • Google Maps. Image of the arch and deck truss bridges prior to their destruction and construction of the suspension bridge. It was a popular spot for photos.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge and the new adjacent truss bridge. Dated May 2023.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated May 2023.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated November 2023.
  • X (Twitter). Several images of construction progress. Posted April 8, 2022.
  • X (Twitter). Images of the completed bridge to-be-opened in a few days. Posted April 19, 2022.
  • X (Twitter). Images of the grand opening of the bridge. Posted April 23, 2022.
  • X (Twitter). Image of another volcanic eruption impacting, but not destroying, the bridge. Translated caption: "The Perak Gladak Bridge, which was starting to be built, has now been hit by the eruption of Mount Semeru again." Posted December 4, 2022.
  • X (Twitter). Images of the aftermath of the December eruption. Posted December 8, 2022.

2022: Guihua

Wushan (巫山县), Chongqing, China - Daning River
Bridgemeister ID:8516 (added 2024-03-24)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:Osmanthus
Location:Wushan (巫山县), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Daning River
Coordinates:31.126048 N 109.895480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 550 meters (1,804.5 feet)

External Links:

2022: Hidden Lake Gardens

Tipton, Michigan, USA
Bridgemeister ID:7577 (added 2023-04-23)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Hidden Lake Gardens
Location:Tipton, Michigan, USA
At or Near Feature:Hidden Lake Gardens
Principals:Phoenix Experiential Designs
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Annotated Citations:

External Links:

2022: Jakkukylä

Jakkukylä, Finland - Jakkusuvanto
Bridgemeister ID:7053 (added 2022-05-26)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Jakkukylä, Finland
Coordinates:65.302653 N 25.627157 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

2022: Jiangjin Baisha Yangtze River Bridge

Baisha (白沙镇), Jiangjin District (江津区), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7799 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Jiangjin Baisha Yangtze River Bridge
Also Known As:江津白沙长江大桥
Location:Baisha (白沙镇), Jiangjin District (江津区), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.090095 N 106.139720 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 590 meters (1,935.7 feet)

2022: L'Hortillonne

Amiens, Somme, France - Somme River
Bridgemeister ID:8829 (added 2024-09-28)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Amiens, Somme, France
Crossing:Somme River
Coordinates:49.894250 N 2.314639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Unconventional suspension bridge. Structurae describes it as a "three-span semi-self-anchored suspension bridge"

External Links:

2022: La Mina

Sayán District, Huaura, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:7102 (added 2022-06-04)
Year Completed:2022
Name:La Mina
Location:Sayán District, Huaura, Peru
Coordinates:11.155306 S 77.121938 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated


2022: Lakaram Lake

Khammam (ఖమ్మం), Telangana, India - Lakaram Lake (లకారం లేక్)
Bridgemeister ID:6844 (added 2022-01-01)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Lakaram Lake
Location:Khammam (ఖమ్మం), Telangana, India
Crossing:Lakaram Lake (లకారం లేక్)
Coordinates:17.243322 N 80.155778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 189 meters (620.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed in late 2021, inaugurated January 2, 2022.

External Links:

2022: Lvzhijiang

Lvzhizhen, Yunnan, China - Lvzhi River
Bridgemeister ID:7734 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:绿汁江大桥
Location:Lvzhizhen, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lvzhi River
Coordinates:24.707356 N 101.947125 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 780 meters (2,559.1 feet)

External Links:

2022: Maitra

Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:7412 (added 2022-12-06)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:Bailey
Location:Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.237084 N 75.239049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Twitter. Video of construction progress, posted October 14, 2022.

2022: Nugong

Komsing, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siang River
Bridgemeister ID:6254 (added 2021-07-18)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Komsing, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siang River
Coordinates:28.234867 N 95.003034 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 224 meters (734.9 feet)


External Links:

2022: Oujiang Beikou

Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:7055 (added 2022-05-27)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Oujiang Beikou
Location:Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:27.980077 N 120.929181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (double-deck)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

2022: Rawayan Cikaniki

Leuwi Batu, Bogor Regency and Karehkel, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Cikaniki River
Bridgemeister ID:7659 (added 2023-06-11)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Rawayan Cikaniki
Location:Leuwi Batu, Bogor Regency and Karehkel, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cikaniki River
Coordinates:6.545949 S 106.633574 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

2022: Rawayan Kedung Curug

Bojonggede, Bogor Regency and Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:7667 (added 2023-06-11)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Rawayan Kedung Curug
Location:Bojonggede, Bogor Regency and Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.497299 S 106.802811 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely replaced an older suspension bridge

External Links:

2022: Rockies

Euroa, Victoria, Australia - Seven Creeks
Bridgemeister ID:8860 (added 2024-10-01)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Euroa, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Seven Creeks
Coordinates:36.762556 S 145.586167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2022: Tambakboyo

Tambakboyo, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia - Solo River
Bridgemeister ID:7111 (added 2022-06-04)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Tambakboyo, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Solo River
Coordinates:7.684622 S 110.780181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, December: Collapsed before opened. Repaired and opened in early March 2022.

2022: Tinmukhe

Ridi, Ruru vicinity, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:7418 (added 2022-12-07)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:तिनमुखे पुल, Tridge
Location:Ridi, Ruru vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.934795 N 83.439644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


  • Unique "Y-shaped" three-way suspension bridge with three spans radiating from a central tower. Also referred to as the "Gulmi, Palpa & Syangja Sangam Trail" bridge.

2022: Ulleong Sogeumsan

Wonju, Gangwon, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:7600 (added 2023-05-13)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Ulleong Sogeumsan
Also Known As:소금산 울렁다리
Location:Wonju, Gangwon, South Korea
Coordinates:37.366264 N 127.818876 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 404 meters (1,325.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

2022: Whitipoua

Masterton, New Zealand - Waipoua River
Bridgemeister ID:8573 (added 2024-04-28)
Year Completed:2022
Location:Masterton, New Zealand
Crossing:Waipoua River
Coordinates:40.942250 S 175.662917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Whitipoua Bridge - Masterton District Council. "The bridge was erected in 2022 and houses more than 20 unique paewhiri panels. The panels are made of recovered swamp totara, carved by CNC machine with the artwork of nine Māori artists. The stories contained in these pieces tell the story of the river’s past, present and future."

2022: Xintian Yangtze River

Wanzhou (万州区), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7795 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2022
Name:Xintian Yangtze River
Also Known As:新田长江大桥
Location:Wanzhou (万州区), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:30.645075 N 108.348625 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 1,020 meters (3,346.5 feet)

External Links:

2022: Yangbaoshan

Xinbazhen, Guizhou, China - Qingshui River
Bridgemeister ID:7737 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:2022
Also Known As:阳宝山特大桥
Location:Xinbazhen, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Qingshui River
Coordinates:26.726307 N 107.237538 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 650 meters (2,132.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

2023: (footbridge)

Umdalong, Lalong, West Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, India - Myntdu River
Bridgemeister ID:7866 (added 2023-09-17)
Year Completed:2023
Location:Umdalong, Lalong, West Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Myntdu River
At or Near Feature:Lalong Park
Coordinates:25.448260 N 92.256463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

2023: (suspension bridge)

Pamijahan, Bogor Regency and Tenjolaya, West Java, Indonesia - Ciampea
Bridgemeister ID:7778 (added 2023-08-18)
Year Completed:2023
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pamijahan, Bogor Regency and Tenjolaya, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.630331 S 106.684765 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


2023: (suspension bridge)

Satipo, Peru - Rio de Satipo
Bridgemeister ID:7767 (added 2023-08-16)
Year Completed:2023
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio de Satipo
Coordinates:11.252106 S 74.633358 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Failed, January, 2023
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2022: The bridge is dismantled from Yanango and erected at Satipo.
  • 2023, January: Bridge collapses before it is opened to traffic.
  • Moved from Yanango - Yanango, Peru.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the collapsed bridge. Posted January 12, 2023.
  • Facebook. Image of the collapsed bridge with comment (translated): "Be careful that this [doesn't happen] with the Mantaro Union Bridge, watch out for that, gentlemen". This refers to the Maripunto Bridge that was nearing completion at the time of the Satipo bridge collapse. Posted January 12, 2023.
  • Facebook. Image of the collapsed bridge. Posted January 12, 2023.
  • Junín: un trabajador herido de gravedad deja el colapso de puente sobre el río Satipo | Noticias | Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina. Article regarding the collapse with some details on the timeline of the bridge's relocation. Translated: "Finally, it was reported that the name Yanango bridge was given because the metallic structures of this bridge were dismantled from the Yanango sector (San Ramón-Chanchamayo), where it served as a provisional bridge after the original bridge collapsed in 2005; The efforts and budgets for the construction of this bridge over the Satipo River date back to 2018, during the administration of former mayor Teodulo Santos Arana; Due to inexplicable factors, the start of this work was extended until 2021."

2023: (suspension bridge)

Sipungguk, Kampar Regency and Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:3642 (added 2020-01-23)
Year Completed:2023
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sipungguk, Kampar Regency and Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.342932 N 100.999186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • 2017, December: A main cable fails during construction. Construction resumes but is not completed.
  • 2023, January: Construction expected to resume.
  • 2023, December: Bridge is in use with final constrruction activity continuing through earliy 2024.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Video announcing construction will be resumed and completed. Posted January 10, 2023. Translated: "Good news for the people of Salo District. Insya Allah the suspension bridge connecting Sipungguk Desa and Salo Timur Desa that has been cracked and abandoned for about 8 years, said Governor Riau in 2023 will soon be worked on until it is finished. HOPEFULLY..."
  • - Breaking News:Jembatan Gantung Desa Sipungguk Ambruk ..!!!. Article covering the collapse of the bridge. Dated December 29, 2017.
  • Google Maps. Image of of the unfinished bridge. Dated September 2022.
  • TikTok. Video of the bridge. Posted December 31, 2023.
  • TikTok. Video of the bridge. Posted January 30, 2024.
  • TikTok. Video of the bridge. Posted February 7, 2024.

2023: Brăila

Brăila and Smârdan, Romania - Danube River
Bridgemeister ID:7689 (added 2023-07-04)
Year Completed:2023
Location:Brăila and Smârdan, Romania
Crossing:Danube River
Coordinates:45.314520 N 28.003370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Webuild SpA, IHI Corporation
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 1,120 meters (3,674.5 feet)
Side Spans:2

External Links:

2023: Da Lat

Da Lat, Lam Dong, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:7870 (added 2023-09-23)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Da Lat
Also Known As:Cầu kính Đà Lạt
Location:Da Lat, Lam Dong, Vietnam
Coordinates:11.978632 N 108.446471 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 246 meters (807.1 feet) estimated


  • Glass bridge tourist attraction connecting the Valley of Love tourist area and Thong Nhat Hill.

2023: Dwaarlindjirraap

Dwellingup, Western Australia, Australia - Murray River
Bridgemeister ID:7865 (added 2023-09-17)
Year Completed:2023
Location:Dwellingup, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Murray River
Coordinates:32.772495 S 116.083750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Arup, Bocol Constructions
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2023: Guojiatuo Yangtze River

Guojiatuo (郭家沱), Chongqing, China - Yangtze River
Bridgemeister ID:7794 (added 2023-08-21)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Guojiatuo Yangtze River
Also Known As:郭家沱长江大桥
Location:Guojiatuo (郭家沱), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Yangtze River
Coordinates:29.566853 N 106.672440 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (major highway) and Rail
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 720 meters (2,362.2 feet)

External Links:

2023: Interregional Unión Mantaro

Unión Mantaro, Ayacucho and José Olaya, Junin, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:7766 (added 2023-08-15)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Interregional Unión Mantaro
Also Known As:Mapirunto
Location:Unión Mantaro, Ayacucho and José Olaya, Junin, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.282444 S 74.092333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 155.5 meters (510.2 feet)

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of plans for the bridge. Posted May 6, 2019.
  • Facebook. Images of early construction progress. Posted May 28, 2022.
  • Facebook. Images of construction progress. Posted December 19, 2022.
  • Facebook. Images of construction progress. Posted December 25, 2022.
  • Facebook. Aerial view of construction progress. Posted December 31, 2022.
  • Facebook. Images of construction progress. Posted January 4, 2023.
  • Facebook. Post announcing construction is 99% complete. Posted January 7, 2023.

2023: La Victoria

La Victoria, Cantagallo, Bolívar, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:8857 (added 2024-09-30)
Year Completed:2023
Name:La Victoria
Location:La Victoria, Cantagallo, Bolívar, Colombia
Coordinates:7.343306 N 73.983000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • The coordinates appear to be the location of the bridge mentioned in the linked article.

External Links:

2023: Mini Tank Bund

Mahbubnagar, Telangana, India
Bridgemeister ID:7871 (added 2023-09-23)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Mini Tank Bund
Also Known As:మిని ట్యాంక్ బండ్ సుస్పెంసిఒన్ బ్రిడ్జ్
Location:Mahbubnagar, Telangana, India
Coordinates:16.741874 N 77.998582 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Images of the bridge, posted September 2, 2023.

2023: Mount Bohyeon Dam

Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:8285 (added 2024-02-08)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Mount Bohyeon Dam
Also Known As:Bohyeonsan
Location:Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang, South Korea
Coordinates:36.134861 N 128.947333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 350 meters (1,148.3 feet)
Side Spans:2

2023: Santa Elena

Santa Elena, Congüime, Ecuador - Rio Nangaritza
Bridgemeister ID:7723 (added 2023-07-07)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Santa Elena
Location:Santa Elena, Congüime, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Nangaritza
Coordinates:4.075609 S 78.641241 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

2023: Villivakkam Lake

Villivakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - Villivakkam Lake
Bridgemeister ID:7691 (added 2023-07-04)
Year Completed:2023
Name:Villivakkam Lake
Location:Villivakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Crossing:Villivakkam Lake
Coordinates:13.104526 N 80.196337 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Glass-decked tourist attraction.
  • 2023: Unclear if the bridge is actually open for use yet, but construction has completed after many delays.

2023: Warrawee

Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia - Mersey River
Bridgemeister ID:8795 (added 2024-09-14)
Year Completed:2023
Location:Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia
Crossing:Mersey River
At or Near Feature:Wild Mersey Mountain Bike Trails, Warrawee Conservation Area
Coordinates:41.282250 S 146.425694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:BridgePro Engineering
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

2023: Zent

Corina, Limón, Costa Rica - Rio Zent
Bridgemeister ID:7609 (added 2023-05-19)
Year Completed:2023
Location:Corina, Limón, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Zent
Coordinates:9.987827 N 83.297933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

2023: Zhongzhuang

Daxi District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan - Dahan River
Bridgemeister ID:7596 (added 2023-05-08)
Year Completed:2023
Also Known As:中庄吊橋
Location:Daxi District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Crossing:Dahan River
Coordinates:24.905625 N 121.302267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 328 meters (1,076.1 feet)

2024: (footbridge)

Weyba Downs, Queensland, Australia - Horsemen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8782 (added 2024-09-01)
Year Completed:2024
Location:Weyba Downs, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Horsemen Creek
Coordinates:26.448750 S 153.054056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 24 meters (78.7 feet)

2024: Crabtree Creek

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - Crabtree Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8827 (added 2024-09-28)
Year Completed:2024
Name:Crabtree Creek
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Crabtree Creek
At or Near Feature:Crabtree Creek Trail
Coordinates:35.843444 N 78.710472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated

2024: Fishtrap Creek

Lynden, Washington, USA - Fishtrap Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8638 (added 2024-06-16)
Year Completed:2024
Name:Fishtrap Creek
Location:Lynden, Washington, USA
Crossing:Fishtrap Creek
At or Near Feature:Jim Kaemingk Sr. Trail
Coordinates:48.948399 N 122.457232 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

2024: Ganting

Ganting, Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:8437 (added 2024-03-09)
Year Completed:2024
Location:Ganting, Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.332986 N 100.977444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

2024: Grey Gully

Hallett Cove, South Australia, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:8784 (added 2024-09-01)
Year Completed:2024
Name:Grey Gully
Location:Hallett Cove, South Australia, Australia
At or Near Feature:Marion Coastal Walkway
Coordinates:35.059806 S 138.503250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2024: Kuranabinna Gully

Hallett Cove, South Australia, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:8785 (added 2024-09-02)
Year Completed:2024
Name:Kuranabinna Gully
Location:Hallett Cove, South Australia, Australia
At or Near Feature:Marion Coastal Walkway
Coordinates:35.062972 S 138.501667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


2024: Manganui Gorge

Egmont National Park/Te Papakura o Taranaki, New Zealand - Manganui River
Bridgemeister ID:8796 (added 2024-09-14)
Year Completed:2024
Name:Manganui Gorge
Also Known As:Taranaki Crossing
Location:Egmont National Park/Te Papakura o Taranaki, New Zealand
Crossing:Manganui River
At or Near Feature:Taranaki Maunga, Manganui Ski Area
Coordinates:39.305250 S 174.091556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Coordinates are approximate location of the bridge.

External Links:

2024: Pagar Batu

Kuba, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:8250 (added 2024-02-07)
Year Completed:2024
Name:Pagar Batu
Location:Kuba, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.847272 S 103.528497 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.8 feet)


External Links:

(conveyor bridge)

Beverly vicinity, Ohio, USA - Muskingum River
Bridgemeister ID:2572 (added 2012-11-17)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Beverly vicinity, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Muskingum River
At or Near Feature:Muskingum River Power Plant
Coordinates:39.59230 N 81.68519 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2015-2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Approaches were dismantled by 2015. Another portion of the beltway collapsed during preparations for demolition in December 2015 killing the CEO of the demolition company. Unclear if the suspension span was completely demolished at this time.
  • By 2021, the bridge appears to have been completely demolished.

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

(conveyor bridge)

Gary vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Tug Fork
Bridgemeister ID:6681 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Gary vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork
Coordinates:37.373622 N 81.558375 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(conveyor bridge)

Gary, West Virginia, USA
Bridgemeister ID:7391 (added 2022-11-25)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Gary, West Virginia, USA
Coordinates:37.373762 N 81.558262 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 179 meters (587.3 feet) estimated

(conveyor bridge)

Joliet, Illinois, USA - Des Plaines River
Bridgemeister ID:2574 (added 2012-11-18)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Joliet, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Des Plaines River
At or Near Feature:Joliet 29 Generating Station
Coordinates:41.494281 N 88.119729 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(conveyor bridge)

Loisy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:4716 (added 2020-06-26)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Loisy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Coordinates:48.874604 N 6.095162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

(conveyor bridge)

Pasco vicinity, Washington, USA - Snake River
Bridgemeister ID:2034 (added 2006-05-01)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Pasco vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Snake River
At or Near Feature:Ice Harbor Lock and Dam
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 304.8 meters (1,000 feet)


  • Built late 1950s or 1960. Pictured and described in Roebling ad in July 1960 issue of Civil Engineering. Built to transport concrete aggregate during construction of the dam. Likely removed.

(conveyor bridge)

Starbrick, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:1951 (added 2005-11-04)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Starbrick, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:41.837083 N 79.20475 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115.8 meters (380 feet) estimated


  • Crossed a portion of the Allegheny River to Mead Island.
  • Appears to have been removed 2006-2008. Jason Oliphant writes in early 2009: "The north shore suspension supports still exist but the bridge doesn't. I have no idea when it was taken down but I can say that it wasn't there in summer 2008."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(conveyor bridge)

Takahashi, Okayama, Japan - Nariwa River
Bridgemeister ID:6062 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Takahashi, Okayama, Japan
Crossing:Nariwa River
Coordinates:34.786127 N 133.479621 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet) estimated

(conveyor bridge)

Thornton, Colorado, USA - South Platte River
Bridgemeister ID:1615 (added 2005-02-22)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Thornton, Colorado, USA
Crossing:South Platte River
Coordinates:39.86809 N 104.92068 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(conveyor bridge)

Thornton, Colorado, USA - South Platte River
Bridgemeister ID:1630 (added 2005-03-11)
Name:(conveyor bridge)
Location:Thornton, Colorado, USA
Crossing:South Platte River
Coordinates:39.87968 N 104.90335 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Conveyor and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(flume bridge)

Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:2971 (added 2019-10-12)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.309513 N 7.966079 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(flume bridge)

Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:2977 (added 2019-10-12)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.317199 N 7.953377 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(flume bridge)

Nissedal vicinity, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Fyresdalsåna
Bridgemeister ID:4103 (added 2020-04-05)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Nissedal vicinity, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:58.948861 N 8.375068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images built prior to 1972 and removed between 1980 and 2004.

(flume bridge)

Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tinnåa
Bridgemeister ID:4200 (added 2020-04-08)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Svelgfoss Gorge
Coordinates:59.583446 N 9.267132 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated


(flume bridge)

Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tinnåa
Bridgemeister ID:4201 (added 2020-04-08)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Svelgfossjuvet
Coordinates:59.589983 N 9.271374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


(flume bridge)

Proctor, Vermont, USA - Otter Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1692 (added 2005-03-27)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Proctor, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Otter Creek
At or Near Feature:Sutherland Falls
Main Cables:Wire


  • The postcard presented here doesn't show much, but other photos show a large wood-shingled tower at one end of the bridge. The bridge was likely completed in the late 1800s.
  • Robert Ratti provided the following information: "it was a carrier of marble slurry from the Vermont Marble Co. and ended in the swamp nearby... In 1936, I lived right at the end of the swamp and climbed on that waste carrier many times."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(flume bridge)

Skotfoss, Skien, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Meierelva
Bridgemeister ID:4468 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Skotfoss, Skien, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.207814 N 9.527592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


External Links:

(flume bridge)

Skotfoss, Skien, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Meierelva
Bridgemeister ID:4469 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(flume bridge)
Location:Skotfoss, Skien, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.207638 N 9.527812 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated,
1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


External Links:


Kinokawa, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4860 (added 2020-07-12)
Also Known As:きしべはし
Location:Kinokawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.203697 N 135.311855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Aanbu Khaireni and Deurali, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4824 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Aanbu Khaireni and Deurali, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.929268 N 84.482577 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Aanbu Khaireni and Deurali, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4896 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Aanbu Khaireni and Deurali, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.915488 N 84.523710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Abadzekhskaya (Абадзехская), Adygea Republic, Russia - Reka Belaya
Bridgemeister ID:6267 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Abadzekhskaya (Абадзехская), Adygea Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Belaya
Coordinates:44.389362 N 40.212834 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 105.2 meters (345 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet) estimated


Abbanuangnge, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5736 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Abbanuangnge, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.161476 S 120.075402 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Abbanuangnge, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5738 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Abbanuangnge, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.149211 S 120.088925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Aberlour, Scotland, United Kingdom - Burn of Aberlour
Bridgemeister ID:2529 (added 2010-05-19)
Location:Aberlour, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Burn of Aberlour
At or Near Feature:Speyside Way
Coordinates:57.4688 N 3.2317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 23.2 meters (76 feet)


Photo by Dave Cooper


Abisko vicinity, Abisko National Park, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:1246 (added 2004-02-16)
Location:Abisko vicinity, Abisko National Park, Sweden
Coordinates:68.28423 N 18.59086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Narrow metal footbridge. Has link chains for suspenders.


Acharisaghmarti, Georgia
Bridgemeister ID:6172 (added 2021-07-08)
Location:Acharisaghmarti, Georgia
Coordinates:41.519608 N 41.792892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Aco, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7885 (added 2023-10-07)
Location:Aco, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.644386 S 77.488165 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2014-2016 time frame.


Adana, Türkiye - Seyhan River
Bridgemeister ID:2558 (added 2012-01-15)
Location:Adana, Türkiye
Crossing:Seyhan River
Coordinates:37.00017 N 35.33750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Photo by Stephen Greer


Adana, Türkiye - Seyhan River
Bridgemeister ID:2559 (added 2012-01-15)
Location:Adana, Türkiye
Crossing:Seyhan River
Coordinates:36.99724 N 35.33793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Photo by Stephen Greer


Adana, Türkiye - Seyhan River
Bridgemeister ID:3181 (added 2019-11-09)
Location:Adana, Türkiye
Crossing:Seyhan River
Coordinates:37.026803 N 35.328498 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Adana, Türkiye - Seyhan River
Bridgemeister ID:3182 (added 2019-11-09)
Location:Adana, Türkiye
Crossing:Seyhan River
Coordinates:37.030039 N 35.329353 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Addingham, England, United Kingdom - River Wharfe
Bridgemeister ID:1208 (added 2004-02-07)
Location:Addingham, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wharfe
Coordinates:53.94536 N 1.87446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Dave Cooper


Aek Libung, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8057 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:Aek Libung, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.155222 N 99.421056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Aek Libung, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8058 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:Aek Libung, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.154639 N 99.422139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Aek Silaiya, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8059 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:Aek Silaiya, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.167389 N 99.410556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1



Aek Silaiya, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8060 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:Aek Silaiya, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.170167 N 99.409444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Agoyán, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:6909 (added 2022-01-21)
Location:Agoyán, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
At or Near Feature:Cascada Manto de la Novia
Coordinates:1.403847 S 78.334456 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Agua Caliente, Padilla, Bolivia
Bridgemeister ID:8282 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Agua Caliente, Padilla, Bolivia
Coordinates:19.563972 S 64.104250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1


Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3438 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.187022 S 72.529714 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3439 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
At or Near Feature:Inca Trail 104 Km Checkpoint
Coordinates:13.186273 S 72.508611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ajmeer, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6500 (added 2021-08-22)
Location:Ajmeer, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.078937 N 72.757762 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.9 meters (75 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in 2011-2013 time frame.


Akhaldaba (ახალდაბა), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7994 (added 2023-12-08)
Location:Akhaldaba (ახალდაბა), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.924056 N 43.485861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


Akron and Rothsville, Pennsylvania, USA - Cocalico Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2393 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Akron and Rothsville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Cocalico Creek
Coordinates:40.14121 N 76.21860 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have been damaged by flood in the 2018-2019 time frame.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Akron, Ohio, USA - Cuyahoga River
Bridgemeister ID:1151 (added 2004-01-18)
Location:Akron, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Cuyahoga River
At or Near Feature:High Bridge Glens Park, now Gorge Metro Park
Main Cables:Wire


  • This bridge is visible in the foreground of a popular late 19th century stereoview showing the "high bridge" and falls. No longer in existence.


Akron, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1784 (added 2005-05-16)
Location:Akron, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:F.A. Seiberling Nature Realm, Sand Run Metro Park
Coordinates:41.135883 N 81.5735 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Stuart Brorson Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Alamadevi, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4680 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Alamadevi, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.928551 N 83.527879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Adjacent to Ranighat Palace (Rani Mahal).


Alatyr (Алатырь), Chuvashia Republic, Russia - Reka Alatyr
Bridgemeister ID:6758 (added 2021-10-24)
Location:Alatyr (Алатырь), Chuvashia Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Alatyr
Coordinates:54.870633 N 46.584543 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Alexandra, Victoria, Australia - UT Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5361 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Alexandra, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:UT Creek
Coordinates:37.190245 S 145.707783 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Alice, West Virginia, USA - Leading Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8812 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Alice, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Leading Creek
Coordinates:38.999139 N 80.819972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Rope
Main Span:1


Alijosiskes, Lithuania
Bridgemeister ID:3223 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Alijosiskes, Lithuania
Coordinates:55.390022 N 22.233411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • There are several small bridges in the park at this location. A small level deck suspension bridge was observed at the coordinates indicated in the late 2010s. There is at least one other droopy suspension bridge in the park.


Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5810 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Shipangu Falls - 石盤谷瀑布
Coordinates:23.599119 N 120.745541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5811 (added 2021-04-11)
Location:Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.592602 N 120.746110 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Alishan Township, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2744 (added 2019-06-23)
Location:Alishan Township, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Danaiku Nature Ecological Park
Coordinates:23.381680 N 120.682677 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Alnasca, Brione, Ticino, Switzerland - Verzasca River
Bridgemeister ID:1792 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Alnasca, Brione, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Verzasca River
At or Near Feature:Val Verzasca
Coordinates:46.304296 N 8.795310 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet)
Deck width:1.1 meters


  • Only one tower. On one side the cables are anchored directly into rock.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Aloban, Rondaman Lombang, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Pane
Bridgemeister ID:8622 (added 2024-06-02)
Location:Aloban, Rondaman Lombang, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Pane
Coordinates:1.435833 N 99.686361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Altapass vicinity, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2271 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Altapass vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:35.90085 N 82.03152 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Altja, Lääne-Viru County, Estonia
Bridgemeister ID:3027 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Altja, Lääne-Viru County, Estonia
At or Near Feature:Lahemaa National Park
Coordinates:59.585815 N 26.117792 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed 2012 or 2013.
Photo by Marieke Wijsman


Altusried, Germany - Iller River
Bridgemeister ID:3054 (added 2019-10-20)
Location:Altusried, Germany
Crossing:Iller River
Coordinates:47.827773 N 10.209338 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Alum Springs, Virginia, USA - Little Walker Creek
Bridgemeister ID:787 (added 2003-03-22)
Location:Alum Springs, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Walker Creek
Coordinates:37.15938 N 80.80502 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 28 meters (92 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Alum Wells vicinity and Craigs Mill vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1342 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Alum Wells vicinity and Craigs Mill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
At or Near Feature:Buffalo Ford
Coordinates:36.74740 N 82.18636 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 58.2 meters (191 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Amberg, Bavaria, Germany - Vils River
Bridgemeister ID:1742 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Amberg, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Vils River
Coordinates:49.439033 N 11.8616 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:


Amden vicinity, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:1926 (added 2005-10-23)
Location:Amden vicinity, Switzerland
Coordinates:47.141933 N 9.14025 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Narrow footbridge with A-shaped towers.


Anikovo (Аниково) and Karinskoye (Каринское), Moscow Oblast, Russia - Moskva River
Bridgemeister ID:3885 (added 2020-03-13)
Location:Anikovo (Аниково) and Karinskoye (Каринское), Moscow Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Moskva River
Coordinates:55.705680 N 36.688922 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Annapolis, California, USA - Wheatfield Fork Gualala River
Bridgemeister ID:7672 (added 2023-06-15)
Location:Annapolis, California, USA
Crossing:Wheatfield Fork Gualala River
At or Near Feature:Camp Liahona Redwoods
Coordinates:38.678412 N 123.285527 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1


Ansonia, Pennsylvania, USA - Pine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4830 (added 2020-07-05)
Location:Ansonia, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Pine Creek
Coordinates:41.712839 N 77.456030 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Antes Fort vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Antes Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1689 (added 2005-03-27)
Location:Antes Fort vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Antes Creek
Coordinates:41.179603 N 77.226050 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.8 meters (101 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Antonio Stomayor, Los Rios, Ecuador - Rio Vinces
Bridgemeister ID:7248 (added 2022-07-16)
Location:Antonio Stomayor, Los Rios, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Vinces
Coordinates:1.639569 S 79.802726 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 159 meters (521.7 feet) estimated


Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5839 (added 2021-05-09)
Location:Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
At or Near Feature:Kodomo no Kuni
Coordinates:35.562558 N 139.490068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Apartadó
Bridgemeister ID:7404 (added 2022-12-04)
Location:Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Apartadó
Coordinates:7.881961 N 76.627881 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2017-2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Twitter. March 19, 2015: Photos of the inauguration of a nearby replacement bridge and one image of the suspension bridge.


Apertin, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:1629 (added 2005-03-11)
Location:Apertin, Sweden
Coordinates:59.51675 N 13.36985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)


Apopa, El Salvador - Rio Acelhuate
Bridgemeister ID:7381 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:Apopa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Acelhuate
Coordinates:13.797794 N 89.186269 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:


Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6850 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.881599 S 119.148929 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted in 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted in 2017.


Arando, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shigar River
Bridgemeister ID:7335 (added 2022-09-03)
Location:Arando, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shigar River
Coordinates:35.868625 N 75.334283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49.4 meters (162 feet) estimated

External Links:


Aranzazu vicinity, Colombia - Páez River
Bridgemeister ID:3618 (added 2019-12-31)
Location:Aranzazu vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Páez River
Coordinates:2.479102 N 75.930574 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Arashiyama Kitamatsuoyama, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan - Katsura River
Bridgemeister ID:7475 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Arashiyama Kitamatsuoyama, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan
Crossing:Katsura River
At or Near Feature:Hozukyō Gorge - 保津峡
Coordinates:35.026157 N 135.645702 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Archidona, Ecuador - Rio Misahualli
Bridgemeister ID:2888 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Archidona, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Misahualli
Coordinates:0.892101 S 77.802470 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Arden, Manitoba, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:3339 (added 2019-12-14)
Location:Arden, Manitoba, Canada
At or Near Feature:Lansdowne Centennial Park and Campground
Coordinates:50.277673 N 99.271874 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Aribe, Spain - Rio Irati
Bridgemeister ID:5547 (added 2020-12-13)
Location:Aribe, Spain
Crossing:Rio Irati
Coordinates:42.941963 N 1.270251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4224 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.107668 N 135.479246 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4225 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.118910 N 135.494725 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4226 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.125489 N 135.506440 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4230 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.051282 N 135.337517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4231 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.056019 N 135.333119 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Yukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:4233 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Yukawa River
Coordinates:34.082291 N 135.424915 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia - Reka Solombalka
Bridgemeister ID:5573 (added 2020-12-20)
Location:Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Solombalka
Coordinates:64.587903 N 40.532004 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:5574 (added 2020-12-20)
Location:Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:64.574199 N 40.529797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Arkhipo-Osipovka (Архипо-Осиповка), Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Reka Vulan
Bridgemeister ID:6762 (added 2021-10-24)
Location:Arkhipo-Osipovka (Архипо-Осиповка), Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Vulan
Coordinates:44.365995 N 38.521985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Arnhem, Netherlands
Bridgemeister ID:4236 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Arnhem, Netherlands
At or Near Feature:Stadsblokken-Meinerswijk
Coordinates:51.977847 N 5.878371 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Arroyito, Cordoba, Argentina - Segundo River
Bridgemeister ID:5352 (added 2020-11-15)
Location:Arroyito, Cordoba, Argentina
Crossing:Segundo River
Coordinates:31.409600 S 63.064538 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Damaged by flood, February 2016. Appears to have since been repaired.


Artrip, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:2367 (added 2007-09-08)
Location:Artrip, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.96490 N 82.11193 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ary, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3782 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Ary, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.368240 N 83.141350 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ary, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3783 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Ary, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.385960 N 83.169710 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ary, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3817 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Ary, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.383740 N 83.167130 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ary, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3819 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Ary, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.357490 N 83.136850 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ary, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3821 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Ary, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.380444 N 83.149273 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ary, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3823 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Ary, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.381630 N 83.166180 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ashino Lake, Goshogawara, Aomori, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2913 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Ashino Lake, Goshogawara, Aomori, Japan
At or Near Feature:Ashinochishogun Prefectural Natural Park
Coordinates:40.914930 N 140.452633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Asrang (अस्रंग) and Manthali (मन्थली), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6367 (added 2021-07-26)
Location:Asrang (अस्रंग) and Manthali (मन्थली), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.438371 N 85.325775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated


Asrang (अस्रंग), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6376 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Asrang (अस्रंग), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.449395 N 85.302769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Atwell, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA - Dry Fork of the Tug Fork Big Sandy River
Bridgemeister ID:2509 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Atwell, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Dry Fork of the Tug Fork Big Sandy River
Coordinates:37.34525 N 81.76831 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 10.1 meters (33 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Auberives-en-Royans, Isère and Drôme, France - Bourne River
Bridgemeister ID:5564 (added 2020-12-19)
Location:Auberives-en-Royans, Isère and Drôme, France
Crossing:Bourne River
Coordinates:45.055189 N 5.325440 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Auburn, Washington, USA - Green River
Bridgemeister ID:2169 (added 2007-01-12)
Location:Auburn, Washington, USA
Crossing:Green River
At or Near Feature:Isaac Evans Park
Coordinates:47.32745 N 122.21021 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Aucará, Lucanas, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8749 (added 2024-07-04)
Location:Aucará, Lucanas, Peru
Coordinates:14.247056 S 74.042944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


Aukland, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:2976 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Aukland, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.208090 N 7.931710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Aulnay, Châtenay-Malabry, Hauts-de-Seine, France
Bridgemeister ID:5576 (added 2020-12-20)
Location:Aulnay, Châtenay-Malabry, Hauts-de-Seine, France
At or Near Feature:Arboretum de la Vallée aux Loups
Coordinates:48.771694 N 2.271225 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This small garden footbridge appears to currently (2020) be aided by a substantial steel beam supporting the deck.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Aurec-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:6806 (added 2021-11-21)
Location:Aurec-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.369532 N 4.197222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2



Aurigeno vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:1795 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Aurigeno vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
At or Near Feature:Valle Maggia
Coordinates:46.231664 N 8.721555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 96 meters (315 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 12 meters (39.4 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters (path), 1.6 meters (between side rails)


  • Side rails are secondary main cables.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Aurora, Illinois, USA - Blackberry Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1559 (added 2004-11-26)
Location:Aurora, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Blackberry Creek
At or Near Feature:Virgil L. Gilman Trail
Coordinates:41.760533 N 88.388141 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33 meters (108.3 feet) estimated
Deck width:2.7 meters


  • On the Virgil L. Gilman Trail near the intersection of Orchard Rd. and Prairie St. At mile marker 6.5 on the trail.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Sul
Bridgemeister ID:5011 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Sul
Coordinates:27.302514 S 49.640170 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2011-2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Sul
Bridgemeister ID:5012 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Sul
Coordinates:27.302807 S 49.640347 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Auzat-la-Combelle, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Bridgemeister ID:7538 (added 2023-01-22)
Location:Auzat-la-Combelle, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Location known as Auzat-sur-Allier at the time the bridge was completed.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Avignonet, Isère, France - Drac River
Bridgemeister ID:8220 (added 2024-02-06)
Location:Avignonet, Isère, France
Crossing:Drac River
At or Near Feature:Avignonet Hydroelectric Plant
Main Span:1


  • Exact location of this bridge is unclear, but likely in close proximity to the current (as of 2023) Drac River dam at Avignonet.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Avoca vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Bridgemeister ID:5587 (added 2020-12-22)
Location:Avoca vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Coordinates:35.002361 N 96.970450 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5975 (added 2021-07-01)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.095281 S 74.212794 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5978 (added 2021-07-01)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.077508 S 74.235558 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire


Aying Muri and Dingser, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Subansiri River
Bridgemeister ID:7265 (added 2022-07-17)
Location:Aying Muri and Dingser, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.368736 N 93.944903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 102.1 meters (335 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted April 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted April 2019.


Ayun, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:7192 (added 2022-07-04)
Location:Ayun, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.706519 N 71.773531 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 80.5 meters (264 feet) estimated

External Links:


Ålefjær, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:4460 (added 2020-04-25)
Location:Ålefjær, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.224771 N 7.994212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between 1978 and 2002.


Årlifoss, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tinne
Bridgemeister ID:4204 (added 2020-04-08)
Location:Årlifoss, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.684278 N 9.147484 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 56.5 meters (185.4 feet)


  • Based on historic aerial images, removed at some point between 1971 and 1991.


Çirali, Türkiye
Bridgemeister ID:3466 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Çirali, Türkiye
Coordinates:36.390158 N 30.465431 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Île de Bercy and Île de Reuilly, Paris, France - Lac Daumesnil
Bridgemeister ID:7904 (added 2023-10-15)
Location:Île de Bercy and Île de Reuilly, Paris, France
Crossing:Lac Daumesnil
Coordinates:48.831052 N 2.412569 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Île de Reuilly, Paris, France - Lac Daumesnil
Bridgemeister ID:7905 (added 2023-10-15)
Location:Île de Reuilly, Paris, France
Crossing:Lac Daumesnil
Coordinates:48.829803 N 2.415193 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ørsta, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Follestaddalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4510 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Ørsta, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.182703 N 6.166850 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42.75 meters (140.3 feet) estimated


Ba'ba Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7188 (added 2022-07-04)
Location:Ba'ba Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.275485 S 119.225259 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2013 or 2014.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images of the bridge, posted May 25, 2015. One image clearly shows the year "2013" painted on a tower, but in this area that sometimes designates the year the tower was erected not the year the bridge was completed.


Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:6888 (added 2022-01-15)
Location:Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.387133 S 78.413061 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Baños vicinity, Ecuador - Pastaza River
Bridgemeister ID:2024 (added 2006-02-11)
Location:Baños vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Pastaza River
At or Near Feature:on the road to Puyo
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg


Baños, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:3118 (added 2019-10-29)
Location:Baños, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.394176 S 78.424923 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Baños, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:7148 (added 2022-06-25)
Location:Baños, Ecuador
At or Near Feature:Agoyan Waterfall
Coordinates:1.402204 S 78.368902 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador - Rio San Pablo
Bridgemeister ID:7225 (added 2022-07-10)
Location:Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio San Pablo
Coordinates:1.796872 S 79.528713 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Bad Axe vicinity, Michigan, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2484 (added 2008-12-22)
Location:Bad Axe vicinity, Michigan, USA
Coordinates:43.78363 N 82.94364 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2008)
Main Span:1

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg


Bad Hütten and Unterlangnau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Argen River
Bridgemeister ID:2244 (added 2007-03-28)
Location:Bad Hütten and Unterlangnau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Argen River
Coordinates:47.630887 N 9.649808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Bad Sobernheim, Germany - Nahe River
Bridgemeister ID:1401 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Bad Sobernheim, Germany
Crossing:Nahe River
Coordinates:49.781333 N 7.6654 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Rope


  • This cables, suspenders, and deck of this bridge are entirely hemp rope. At first quick glance, it has the appearance of any ordinary short-span suspension footbridge, but except for the towers, it's all rope.


Bad Windsheim, Bavaria, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:2160 (added 2006-12-11)
Location:Bad Windsheim, Bavaria, Germany
Coordinates:49.506743 N 10.413097 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Schlaich Bergermann Partner
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 19.5 meters (64 feet)
Side Span:1 x 12.9 meters (42.3 feet)
Deck width:2.2 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Badintagairt, Lairg, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Cassley
Bridgemeister ID:7131 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Badintagairt, Lairg, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Cassley
Coordinates:58.050790 N 4.665025 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since c. 2019-2021 (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have been largely destroyed at some point in the 2019-2021 time frame.


Bagope, Peña Blanca vicinity, Honduras
Bridgemeister ID:5684 (added 2021-03-26)
Location:Bagope, Peña Blanca vicinity, Honduras
At or Near Feature:Lake Yojoa
Coordinates:14.935128 N 88.007859 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Baireni and Kalleri, Nepal - Trishuli River
Bridgemeister ID:4899 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Baireni and Kalleri, Nepal
Crossing:Trishuli River
Coordinates:27.816705 N 84.954932 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bridgemeister ID:2857 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Baiyin, Gansu, China
Crossing:Baiyin Nonferrous (BNMC) Rail Yard
Coordinates:36.561282 N 104.203441 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bajo Laguna, San Luis, San José Province, Costa Rica - Rio Turrobares
Bridgemeister ID:7656 (added 2023-06-10)
Location:Bajo Laguna, San Luis, San José Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Turrobares
Coordinates:9.855294 N 84.512401 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet) estimated


Bakertown vicinity, New York, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2060 (added 2006-06-03)
Location:Bakertown vicinity, New York, USA
Coordinates:43.402783 N 74.127383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Suspended Spans:1


Bakola (बकोला), Uttarakhand, India - Lan Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7013 (added 2022-05-14)
Location:Bakola (बकोला), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Lan Gad
Coordinates:30.432333 N 79.020581 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated

External Links:


Balakhu (बलखु) and Solpathana (सोल्पाठाना), Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8525 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Balakhu (बलखु) and Solpathana (सोल्पाठाना), Nepal
Coordinates:27.230956 N 86.330011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 180.7 meters (593 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2013 or 2014.

External Links:


Balakhu (बलखु) and Solpathana (सोल्पाठाना), Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8526 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Balakhu (बलखु) and Solpathana (सोल्पाठाना), Nepal
Coordinates:27.201181 N 86.356200 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 184.1 meters (604 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2008-2020 time frame.


Baldwin vicinity, Iowa, USA - Bear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1875 (added 2005-09-22)
Location:Baldwin vicinity, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Bear Creek
At or Near Feature:Eden Valley County Refuge
Coordinates:42.04455 N 90.86093 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ballindalloch vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - Allt a'Gheallaidh
Bridgemeister ID:2530 (added 2010-05-19)
Location:Ballindalloch vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Allt a'Gheallaidh
At or Near Feature:Speyside Way
Coordinates:57.4225 N 3.3745 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.8 meters (81.5 feet)

Photo by Dave Cooper


Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1864 (added 2005-08-01)
Location:Baltimore, Maryland, USA
At or Near Feature:Druid Hill Park
Coordinates:39.326730 N 76.646482 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Bame, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:4369 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Bame, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.586629 N 82.000248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 180.5 meters (592.2 feet) estimated


Ban Na, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5040 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Ban Na, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.164695 N 99.835829 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:7077 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines
Coordinates:16.933529 N 121.141050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:7078 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines
Coordinates:16.912427 N 121.061670 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bandipur, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4894 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Bandipur, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.953869 N 84.424188 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • There are two closely adjacent suspension bridges at this location as of the late 2010s. This entry represents the older of the two, which is derelict. The other bridge is newer, in use, but is of the "drooping" style typically omitted from the inventory.


Bangapani (बुन्गापनी), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:8160 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Bangapani (बुन्गापनी), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.95926 N 80.30458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Bangapani's suspension bridge is in a dilapidated condition - Article about the poor condition of the bridge. Dated January 19, 2016. Translated from the article: "The condition of the suspension bridge built on Gori in Bangapani has become very bad. The asphalt on the bridge has started falling apart. There are holes on the bridge at many places. The feet of pedestrians and animals are getting stuck in these holes…"
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge after recent flooding. June 28, 2013.
  • Google Maps. Image of three men posing on the bridge. October 2022.
  • Google Maps - Bangapani Guest House. Image with the bridge visible. January 2022.


Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vrbas River
Bridgemeister ID:4597 (added 2020-06-06)
Location:Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Crossing:Vrbas River
Coordinates:44.751187 N 17.160879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Banjh (बाँझ), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6368 (added 2021-07-26)
Location:Banjh (बाँझ), Nepal
Coordinates:29.564439 N 80.862567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Bantjah, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3656 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bantjah, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.528290 S 100.676145 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Bantjah, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3657 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bantjah, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.488913 S 100.635845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Baoshan, Hsinchu County, Taiwan - Pao-shan Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:2830 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Baoshan, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Crossing:Pao-shan Reservoir
Coordinates:24.747207 N 121.052170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2



Barath (भरथ), Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:7956 (added 2023-11-19)
Location:Barath (भरथ), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.855061 N 78.861044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 69.5 meters (228 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of a person on the bridge. Posted May 12, 2015.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted December 2, 2015.


Barawal Bandi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6269 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Barawal Bandi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.088809 N 71.767442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:1 x 74.1 meters (243 feet) estimated,
1 x 70.7 meters (232 feet) estimated



Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Baraul Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:6289 (added 2021-07-22)
Location:Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Baraul Khwar
Coordinates:35.103265 N 71.778643 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 50.6 meters (166 feet) estimated



Barbours Creek vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1375 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Barbours Creek vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.54998 N 80.01515 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61.3 meters (201 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Barcis, Pordenone, Italy - Torrente Pentina
Bridgemeister ID:5181 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Barcis, Pordenone, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Pentina
Coordinates:46.188938 N 12.542967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Barra do Itapocu, Araquari, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Lagoa da Cruz
Bridgemeister ID:4996 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Barra do Itapocu, Araquari, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Lagoa da Cruz
Coordinates:26.552829 S 48.654915 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Barra Velha, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Lagoa de Barra Velha
Bridgemeister ID:4997 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Barra Velha, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Lagoa de Barra Velha
Coordinates:26.599758 S 48.674018 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


Barrio Flaminia, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Costa Rica - Río Puerto Viejo
Bridgemeister ID:7779 (added 2023-08-18)
Location:Barrio Flaminia, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Río Puerto Viejo
At or Near Feature:Estación Biológica La Selva
Coordinates:10.431271 N 84.005016 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Barruera, Vall de Boí, Lleida, Spain - Noguera de Tor
Bridgemeister ID:8553 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Barruera, Vall de Boí, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:Noguera de Tor
Coordinates:42.502111 N 0.799333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated



Barwick, Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:2445 (added 2008-04-23)
Location:Barwick, Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.37142 N 83.35669 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet),
1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet),
1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Basi, Alpurai vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Ghorband Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:6521 (added 2021-08-28)
Location:Basi, Alpurai vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Ghorband Khwar
Coordinates:34.899041 N 72.665587 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 31.1 meters (102 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2011-2013 time frame. Replaced a bridge slightly to the west that may have been a suspension bridge.


Batavia, Illinois, USA - Fox River
Bridgemeister ID:808 (added 2003-05-28)
Location:Batavia, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Fox River
At or Near Feature:Clark Park
Coordinates:41.846869 N 88.307962 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2005-2007
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated
Deck width:1.5 meters


  • There were two small footbridges at this location. This record represents the bridge that connected from the Batavia side (west) of the Fox River to a small island. The other bridge is about 200 feet away and connects the first island to another island.
  • Removed at some point between 2005 and 2007.
  • Connects to (footbridge) - Batavia, Illinois, USA.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Batavia, Illinois, USA - Fox River
Bridgemeister ID:1840 (added 2005-07-09)
Location:Batavia, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Fox River
At or Near Feature:Clark Park
Coordinates:41.846270 N 88.307685 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated
Deck width:1.5 meters


Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff Photo by William Bridges


Batoegadang, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia - Indragiri River
Bridgemeister ID:3653 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Batoegadang, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Indragiri River
Coordinates:0.582371 S 100.883722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Batoegadang, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia - Indragiri River
Bridgemeister ID:3654 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Batoegadang, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Indragiri River
Coordinates:0.617065 S 100.867202 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Batoegadang, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia - Indragiri River
Bridgemeister ID:3655 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Batoegadang, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Indragiri River
Coordinates:0.639690 S 100.847761 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico
Bridgemeister ID:3356 (added 2019-12-15)
Location:Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico
Coordinates:27.026366 N 107.738538 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Batu Katak, Lau Damak, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5609 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Batu Katak, Lau Damak, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.446021 N 98.148367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Baturaden, Banyumas District, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:2229 (added 2007-03-19)
Location:Baturaden, Banyumas District, Central Java, Indonesia
Status:Collapsed, October, 2006
Main Cables:Wire


  • Collapsed October, 2006 under weight of sightseers, reportedly killing 5 and injuring 24.


Bau, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6586 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Bau, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.284708 S 119.693944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Bau, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6587 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Bau, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.284866 S 119.694045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.1 meters (194 feet) estimated


External Links:


Bauska, Latvia - Musa River
Bridgemeister ID:3082 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Bauska, Latvia
Crossing:Musa River
Coordinates:56.400216 N 24.197436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bauska, Latvia - Nemunėlis River
Bridgemeister ID:3083 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Bauska, Latvia
Crossing:Nemunėlis River
Coordinates:56.414227 N 24.199763 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bø, Telemark, Norway - Bøelva
Bridgemeister ID:1532 (added 2004-10-30)
Location:Bø, Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.410263 N 8.927475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Bøelva
Bridgemeister ID:4207 (added 2020-04-08)
Location:Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.410216 N 8.927449 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 59.25 meters (194.4 feet) estimated


Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Bøelva
Bridgemeister ID:4208 (added 2020-04-08)
Location:Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.408759 N 8.959738 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated
Deck width:~1 meter


Bøen, Rjukan, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Måna
Bridgemeister ID:4516 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Bøen, Rjukan, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.877932 N 8.596171 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


External Links:


Beatrice vicinity, Nebraska, USA - Cub Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2267 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Beatrice vicinity, Nebraska, USA
Crossing:Cub Creek
At or Near Feature:Homestead National Monument
Coordinates:40.29049 N 96.83587 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2457 (added 2008-09-20)
Location:Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Coordinates and photos of this private bridge have been withheld at the request of the owner.


Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2458 (added 2008-09-26)
Location:Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.07895 N 81.15855 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2459 (added 2008-09-26)
Location:Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.08709 N 81.14710 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Beatrice vicinity, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:3795 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Beatrice vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.078270 N 81.160490 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Belaya Kalitva, Rostov Oblast, Russia - Reka Kalitva
Bridgemeister ID:4702 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Belaya Kalitva, Rostov Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Kalitva
Coordinates:48.180509 N 40.793238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Belcher vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Russell Fork
Bridgemeister ID:2265 (added 2007-04-20)
Location:Belcher vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Russell Fork
Coordinates:37.33305 N 82.38559 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Belcher, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Russell Fork
Bridgemeister ID:2264 (added 2007-04-20)
Location:Belcher, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Russell Fork
Coordinates:37.34046 N 82.37359 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Beli Iskar, Bulgaria - Cherni Iskar
Bridgemeister ID:5862 (added 2021-05-16)
Location:Beli Iskar, Bulgaria
Crossing:Cherni Iskar
At or Near Feature:Чакърови поляни
Coordinates:42.294807 N 23.541663 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Belimbing, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:8396 (added 2024-03-02)
Location:Belimbing, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.430256 S 103.991300 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, January 17, 2016
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 185 meters (607 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the damaged bridge. Posted January 18, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the damaged bridge. Posted January 17, 2016.
  • Jembatan Gantung di Muaraenim Putus, Dua Warga Nyaris Tewas. Article dated January 19, 2016, translated: "Two residents of Belimbing Village almost died when they were swept away by the current after the suspension bridge they were crossing broke when they were hit by the overflowing waters of the Lematang River, in Belimbing Village, Belimbing District, Muaraenim Regency, Sunday (17/1) at around 17.30…"


Belimbing, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:8397 (added 2024-03-02)
Location:Belimbing, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.430256 S 103.991250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 205 meters (672.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the approach to the new bridge. Posted October 17, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. A tower for the bridge destroyed in January 2016 is visible to the left of the new bridge tower in the background. Posted July 28, 2018.
  • Facebook. Several images of people on the bridge soon after it opened. Posted January 3, 2018.


Bellamy vicinity, Virginia, USA - Copper Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1372 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Bellamy vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Copper Creek
Coordinates:36.66061 N 82.68509 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 26.5 meters (87 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 6.1 meters (20 feet) estimated,
1 x 7.3 meters (24 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Bellamy vicinity, Virginia, USA - Copper Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1378 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Bellamy vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Copper Creek
Coordinates:36.66067 N 82.67929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 14 meters (46 feet) estimated


  • Private footbridge.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Belle Haven, Connecticut, USA - Long Island Sound
Bridgemeister ID:2545 (added 2011-12-31)
Location:Belle Haven, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Long Island Sound
Coordinates:41.00501 N 73.62444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Carries a private pier that extends into the Long Island Sound.


Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, USA - Spring Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1622 (added 2005-02-27)
Location:Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Spring Creek
At or Near Feature:Talleyrand Park
Coordinates:40.910683 N 77.781517 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Bellepoint vicinity, Ohio, USA - Mill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2220 (added 2007-03-11)
Location:Bellepoint vicinity, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Mill Creek
Coordinates:40.248596 N 83.163559 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Ron Jones


Bellipady, Kerala, India - Payaswini River
Bridgemeister ID:3462 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Bellipady, Kerala, India
Crossing:Payaswini River
Coordinates:12.574331 N 75.318178 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Belton vicinity, Texas, USA - Lampasas River
Bridgemeister ID:1056 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Belton vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Lampasas River
At or Near Feature:Chalk Ridge Falls Park
Coordinates:31.018 N 97.525 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Short footbridge with wood towers near Stillhouse Hollow Lake Dam.


Benedito Novo, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Benedito
Bridgemeister ID:5002 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Benedito Novo, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Benedito
Coordinates:26.783978 S 49.365241 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Benešov u Semil and Slaná, Czechia - Jizera River
Bridgemeister ID:4615 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Benešov u Semil and Slaná, Czechia
Crossing:Jizera River
Coordinates:50.595235 N 15.361863 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

External Links:


Beni, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4114 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Beni, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:28.347829 N 83.568607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Benighat and Ghyalchok, Nepal - Trishuli River
Bridgemeister ID:4900 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Benighat and Ghyalchok, Nepal
Crossing:Trishuli River
Coordinates:27.808944 N 84.756091 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Benighat, Nepal - Trishuli River
Bridgemeister ID:4825 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Benighat, Nepal
Crossing:Trishuli River
Coordinates:27.817172 N 84.809304 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2411 (added 2007-12-25)
Location:Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
At or Near Feature:Eastman Springs

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Bergoo vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1688 (added 2005-03-27)
Location:Bergoo vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.49306 N 80.29407 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Berlevåg, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Gentjejgohka
Bridgemeister ID:4478 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Berlevåg, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:70.652143 N 29.174046 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1970.
  • Claimed to be Europe's northernmost suspension bridge.

External Links:


Beroun, Czechia - Berounka
Bridgemeister ID:7352 (added 2022-10-22)
Location:Beroun, Czechia
Coordinates:49.977854 N 14.072694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Berriedale, Scotland, United Kingdom - Berriedale Water
Bridgemeister ID:7132 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Berriedale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Berriedale Water
Coordinates:58.182341 N 3.497737 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Besheti (ბეშეთი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7999 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Besheti (ბეშეთი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.889500 N 43.436528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


Bethel, Marshfield vicinity, Wisconsin, USA - Dexter Lake
Bridgemeister ID:292 (added before 2003)
Location:Bethel, Marshfield vicinity, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Dexter Lake
At or Near Feature:North Wood County Park
Coordinates:44.5186 N 90.14035 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA - Monocacy Creek
Bridgemeister ID:805 (added 2003-03-30)
Location:Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Monocacy Creek
At or Near Feature:Monocacy Park
Coordinates:40.64248 N 75.38225 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2004: Damaged by flooding during Hurricane Ivan. Remained closed through 2005.
  • Built in 1920s.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA - Saucon Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1495 (added 2004-09-24)
Location:Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Saucon Creek
At or Near Feature:Saucon Park
Coordinates:40.603255 N 75.346362 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Don Sayenga Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Betung, Pagar Dewa, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Benakat
Bridgemeister ID:4816 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Betung, Pagar Dewa, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Benakat
Coordinates:3.422912 S 103.817998 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bhagawati, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5628 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Bhagawati, Nepal
Coordinates:28.874432 N 82.490111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bhairabanath (भैरबनाथ), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6438 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Bhairabanath (भैरबनाथ), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.476622 N 81.008113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Bheriganga and Dasarathpur, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:4370 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Bheriganga and Dasarathpur, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.461272 N 81.777431 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Bheriganga and Satakhani, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:4371 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Bheriganga and Satakhani, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.505846 N 81.727706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Bhiman (भिमान), Kamalamai, Nepal - Kamla Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:7133 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Bhiman (भिमान), Kamalamai, Nepal
Crossing:Kamla Nadi
Coordinates:27.104525 N 85.972935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 203 meters (666 feet) estimated,
1 x 204 meters (669.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2019 or 2020.


Bhirkot and Pawati, Nepal - Tamakoshi
Bridgemeister ID:5322 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Bhirkot and Pawati, Nepal
Coordinates:27.577348 N 86.084298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Bhorletar, Nepal - Madi Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:6328 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Bhorletar, Nepal
Crossing:Madi Nadi
Coordinates:28.145796 N 84.223746 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bhorletar, Nepal - Madi Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:6329 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Bhorletar, Nepal
Crossing:Madi Nadi
Coordinates:28.161984 N 84.218650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Bhorletar, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6330 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Bhorletar, Nepal
Coordinates:28.154870 N 84.226940 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bibyawar (ببیاوڑ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6295 (added 2021-07-23)
Location:Bibyawar (ببیاوڑ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.124261 N 71.940465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1



Bimalnagar, Bandipur, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:5644 (added 2020-12-31)
Location:Bimalnagar, Bandipur, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.953908 N 84.424319 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • As of 2017 there are two suspension bridges at this location (very closely adjacent). One is a newer simple suspension bridge excluded from the inventory. The other is an older suspended deck footbridge represented by this record.


Birkelid, Volleberg, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Songdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4341 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Birkelid, Volleberg, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.125056 N 7.846654 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34.25 meters (112.4 feet) estimated


  • Damaged by flood, 2017. Subsequently removed and scheduled to be replaced by a non-suspension bridge.


Birta Besi, Ramechhap (रामेछाप) and Murki Besi (मुर्की बेसी), Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8527 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Birta Besi, Ramechhap (रामेछाप) and Murki Besi (मुर्की बेसी), Nepal
Coordinates:27.275442 N 86.078578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 268 meters (879.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2018 or 2019.


Birtadeurali (बिर्तादेउराली) and Saramthali (सरमथली), Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8528 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Birtadeurali (बिर्तादेउराली) and Saramthali (सरमथली), Nepal
Coordinates:27.554000 N 85.749789 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

External Links:


Bishalgarh vicinity, Golaghati, Tripura, India
Bridgemeister ID:3345 (added 2019-12-14)
Location:Bishalgarh vicinity, Golaghati, Tripura, India
Coordinates:23.689034 N 91.350278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Bispgarden vicinity, Österede, Sweden - Indalsälven
Bridgemeister ID:5227 (added 2020-10-12)
Location:Bispgarden vicinity, Österede, Sweden
Coordinates:63.032314 N 16.541366 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)


Blackburn vicinity, Arkansas, USA - Lee Creek
Bridgemeister ID:911 (added 2003-10-11)
Location:Blackburn vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Lee Creek
At or Near Feature:Devil's Den State Park
Coordinates:35.777113 N 94.253950 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, April, 2004
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • An April 28, 2004 AP wire story mentions: "Weekend flooding did an estimated $3 million in damage at Devil's Den State Park... A suspension bridge at the park was taken down by the flood waters." It appears to have since been rebuilt.
  • Replaced by (footbridge) - Blackburn vicinity, Arkansas, USA.


Blackburn vicinity, Arkansas, USA - Lee Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2495 (added 2003-10-11)
Location:Blackburn vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Lee Creek
At or Near Feature:Devil's Den State Park
Coordinates:35.777184 N 94.254335 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Blackford vicinity, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1457 (added 2004-08-15)
Location:Blackford vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:37.00014 N 81.92902 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.1 meters (194 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Blackwell vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:825 (added 2003-05-31)
Location:Blackwell vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.84036 N 81.87080 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Blankenloch vicinity, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Pfinz-Entlastungskanal
Bridgemeister ID:1466 (added 2004-08-28)
Location:Blankenloch vicinity, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Coordinates:49.063133 N 8.436317 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.6 meters (74.1 feet)
Deck width:1.3 meters between side rails, 1.6 meters total

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Blue Bend, West Virginia, USA - Anthony Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2339 (added 2007-08-11)
Location:Blue Bend, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Anthony Creek
Coordinates:37.92093 N 80.26550 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bluff City, Tennessee, USA - South Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:2341 (added 2007-08-11)
Location:Bluff City, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:South Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.47584 N 82.25487 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bobby Brown State Park, Georgia, USA - Clarks Hill Lake arm
Bridgemeister ID:2235 (added 2007-03-19)
Location:Bobby Brown State Park, Georgia, USA
Crossing:Clarks Hill Lake arm
Coordinates:33.97296 N 82.57752 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Jerry Wallens


Bochnia, Poland - Raba
Bridgemeister ID:5863 (added 2021-05-16)
Location:Bochnia, Poland
Coordinates:49.985235 N 20.399971 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


Bogøya, Frøya and Smaløya, Frøya, Trøndelag, Norway - Bogøysund
Bridgemeister ID:4495 (added 2020-05-01)
Location:Bogøya, Frøya and Smaløya, Frøya, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.871138 N 8.551365 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 27.5 meters (90.2 feet) estimated,
1 x 13.5 meters (44.3 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1968.


Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:7660 (added 2023-06-11)
Location:Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.575581 S 106.802658 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3669 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.585859 S 106.798392 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3672 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
At or Near Feature:Bogor Botanical Gardens
Coordinates:6.601632 S 106.801733 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3673 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.607545 S 106.806394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bogutovac, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4529 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Bogutovac, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.656469 N 20.562745 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire


Bojongsawah, Buniwangi, Geger Bitung, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5618 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Bojongsawah, Buniwangi, Geger Bitung, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.956062 S 106.975570 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2019-2020
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Bongdeok-ri, Jangseong-eup, Jangseong-gun, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:3370 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Bongdeok-ri, Jangseong-eup, Jangseong-gun, South Korea
Coordinates:35.366823 N 126.823649 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bonneville vicinity, Oregon, USA - Eagle Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1608 (added 2005-02-13)
Location:Bonneville vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Eagle Creek
Coordinates:45.63995 N 121.92358 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Eric Sakowski


Borjomi (ბორჯომი) and Larebi (ლარები), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7997 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Borjomi (ბორჯომი) and Larebi (ლარები), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.809222 N 43.334306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1


Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7985 (added 2023-12-04)
Location:Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.835855 N 43.378699 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7986 (added 2023-12-04)
Location:Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.839989 N 43.379649 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Boulder, Utah, USA - Calf Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5990 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Boulder, Utah, USA
Crossing:Calf Creek
At or Near Feature:Grand Escalante National Monument
Coordinates:37.794371 N 111.413965 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Bout-du-Monde vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:1318 (added 2004-04-25)
Location:Bout-du-Monde vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Coordinates:46.40765 N 73.07795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Tall timber towers, possibly made from telephone poles.

Bridgemeister ID:3796 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Bradshaw, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Dry Fork of the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River
Coordinates:37.350760 N 81.797710 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:2386 (added 2007-11-18)
Location:Brake vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:38.88185 N 79.04349 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet)
Side Span:1 x 7.9 meters (26 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Bramwell, West Virginia, USA - Bluestone River
Bridgemeister ID:2519 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Bramwell, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Bluestone River
Coordinates:37.32769 N 81.31976 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Bramwell, West Virginia, USA - Bluestone River
Bridgemeister ID:3797 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Bramwell, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Bluestone River
Coordinates:37.334670 N 81.302670 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Brandon, South Dakota, USA - Big Sioux River
Bridgemeister ID:1842 (added 2005-07-15)
Location:Brandon, South Dakota, USA
Crossing:Big Sioux River
At or Near Feature:Big Sioux State Recreation Area
Coordinates:43.577467 N 96.6051 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Brandon, South Dakota, USA
Bridgemeister ID:5545 (added 2020-12-13)
Location:Brandon, South Dakota, USA
At or Near Feature:Beaver Creek State Nature Area
Coordinates:43.551489 N 96.542894 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Branxholm, Hawick, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Teviot
Bridgemeister ID:8210 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Branxholm, Hawick, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Teviot
At or Near Feature:Branxholme Castle
Coordinates:55.395528 N 2.845694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Bratislava and Vrakuna, Slovakia - Maly Dunaj "Little Danube"
Bridgemeister ID:1581 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Bratislava and Vrakuna, Slovakia
Crossing:Maly Dunaj "Little Danube"
Coordinates:48.14425 N 17.199633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA - Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2431 (added 2008-04-22)
Location:Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.56341 N 83.16221 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Rope
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA - Middle Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:3804 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.391820 N 83.475160 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Brest, Belarus - Bug River
Bridgemeister ID:3209 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Brest, Belarus
Crossing:Bug River
Coordinates:52.084815 N 23.642788 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Bridgewater, Virginia, USA - North River arm
Bridgemeister ID:2338 (added 2007-08-11)
Location:Bridgewater, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North River arm
At or Near Feature:Wildwood Park
Coordinates:38.38494 N 78.98827 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 23.8 meters (78 feet)


  • Replaced a bridge destroyed by flood in 1996.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Bright, Victoria, Australia - Ovens River
Bridgemeister ID:2709 (added 2019-06-16)
Location:Bright, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Ovens River
Coordinates:36.726115 S 146.953136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Brightwater vicinity, New Zealand - Wairoa River
Bridgemeister ID:2672 (added 2019-03-23)
Location:Brightwater vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Wairoa River
Coordinates:41.356351 S 173.116505 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by David Denenberg

Bridgemeister ID:1317 (added 2004-04-20)
Location:British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Tsocowis Creek
At or Near Feature:West Coast Trail
Coordinates:48.713740 N 125.017662 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Broad Bottom, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1468 (added 2004-08-28)
Location:Broad Bottom, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.536417 N 82.594967 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Broadalbin, New York, USA - Kennyetto Creek
Bridgemeister ID:246 (added before 2003)
Location:Broadalbin, New York, USA
Crossing:Kennyetto Creek
Coordinates:43.060575 N 74.192652 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1125 (added 2004-01-11)
Location:Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA
At or Near Feature:Ray Harral Nature Park
Coordinates:35.98443 N 95.78731 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Kevin Weaver


Brookville, Pennsylvania, USA - North Fork Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2084 (added 2006-06-18)
Location:Brookville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:North Fork Creek
At or Near Feature:Dr. Walter Dick Memorial Park
Coordinates:41.168117 N 79.074767 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, February, 2021 (last checked: July, 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.3 meters (178 feet) estimated


  • 2021, February: Closed indefinitely after failing a safety inspection.
  • 2023, October: Brookville awarded grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the replacement of the bridge. Work expected to commence in mid-2024.

Annotated Citations:

  • Nelson, Alex. "Good news for the swinging bridge." Jeffersonian Democrat, 14, Apr. 2021,

    "Borough Manager Dana Rooney provided a positive update to the swinging bridge at the Walter Dick Memorial Park, saying there is a way for council to repair the existing bridge during last Tuesday’s meeting." Article discusses the council's plan to repair the bridge, rather than replace it, and their progress engaging an engineer to approve the repairs.

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Brugg, Switzerland - Aare River
Bridgemeister ID:999 (added 2003-11-16)
Location:Brugg, Switzerland
Crossing:Aare River
Coordinates:47.483249 N 8.196140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


  • This interesting bridge is suspended from the four towers of a larger highway viaduct. The footpath passes through the viaduct towers.

External Links:


Bruland, Førde, Vestland, Norway - Jølstra
Bridgemeister ID:4104 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Bruland, Førde, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.434333 N 5.920401 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28.5 meters (93.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1957. Reported as closed, mid-to-late 2010s.


Bryansk (Брянск), Bryansk Oblast, Russia - Desna River
Bridgemeister ID:6077 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Bryansk (Брянск), Bryansk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Desna River
Coordinates:53.273622 N 34.373667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Bryson City, North Carolina, USA - Nantahalah River
Bridgemeister ID:1506 (added 2004-10-09)
Location:Bryson City, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Nantahalah River
Coordinates:35.43123 N 83.44296 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Leads to island across a very narrow section of the river.


Brzi Brod (Брзи Брод), Niš, Serbia - Nišava
Bridgemeister ID:6970 (added 2022-03-26)
Location:Brzi Brod (Брзи Брод), Niš, Serbia
Coordinates:43.315853 N 21.966607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia - Rio de Oro
Bridgemeister ID:8183 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio de Oro
Coordinates:7.148028 N 73.151333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia - Rio de Oro
Bridgemeister ID:8184 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio de Oro
Coordinates:7.125361 N 73.160917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated


Buckhannon, West Virginia, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1661 (added 2005-03-20)
Location:Buckhannon, West Virginia, USA
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Long footbridge circa early 1900's, unsure of river. Likely removed.


Budhimorang, Dhankuta District, Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:5796 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Budhimorang, Dhankuta District, Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:26.931118 N 87.331517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Buhølen, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway - Skarpesvingen
Bridgemeister ID:4391 (added 2020-04-18)
Location:Buhølen, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.114695 N 7.340361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 10 meters (32.8 feet) estimated


Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:5602 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.549945 N 98.122830 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire



Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:5603 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.549860 N 98.124439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:5605 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.548339 N 98.125424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:5606 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Bukit Lawang, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.546194 N 98.125412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3659 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.310581 S 100.362635 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Buluagung, Karangan, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6854 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Buluagung, Karangan, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.055462 S 111.680326 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bungurmekar, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6646 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Bungurmekar, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.456537 S 106.326363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Buntu Tallunglipu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Sadan
Bridgemeister ID:6569 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Buntu Tallunglipu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Sadan
Coordinates:2.952426 S 119.921097 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet) estimated


Burlington, North Dakota, USA - Des Lacs River
Bridgemeister ID:2625 (added 2018-12-31)
Location:Burlington, North Dakota, USA
Crossing:Des Lacs River
At or Near Feature:Old Settlers Park
Coordinates:48.282898 N 101.429323 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4381 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4382 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4383 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4384 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4385 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4386 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4387 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:4388 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Burnsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville, West Virginia, USA - Little Kanawha River
Bridgemeister ID:2284 (added 2007-04-22)
Location:Burnsville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Kanawha River
Coordinates:38.85243 N 80.64827 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 37.5 meters (123 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville, West Virginia, USA - Little Kanawha River
Bridgemeister ID:2285 (added 2007-04-22)
Location:Burnsville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Kanawha River
Coordinates:38.85705 N 80.65621 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42.4 meters (139 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnsville, West Virginia, USA - Little Kanawha River
Bridgemeister ID:3798 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Burnsville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Kanawha River
Coordinates:38.863880 N 80.675760 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Burnt Ranch vicinity, California, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:2408 (added 2007-12-24)
Location:Burnt Ranch vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
At or Near Feature:Six Rivers National Forest
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed 1915-1917, likely removed, 1970s.
  • An article in the October 29, 1971 edition of The Times-Standard (Eureka, California) describes this bridge as being located over the Trinity River at New River. USGS topographical maps show a footbridge a few hundred yards north of the intersection of the two rivers at Gray Falls. The article has a photograph of the bridge and describes its possible replacement. The bridge was already closed at the time of the article: "A 50 year-old picturesque footbridge across the Trinity River at New River will be replaced if special funds can be obtained by the Six Rivers Nalional Forest, the federal agency has decided. 'Strong supportive response from people throughout the area to the continued need for a bridge' was reported by Forest Supervisor Bob Allison. The responses came after the Forest Service solicited comments in August on the replacement need for the span. The new bridge would be nearly as possible a replica of the present bridge constructed sometime between 1915 - 1917 by Jim and John Larson. It served as the main link between Denny and the outside world."


Burton, Michigan, USA - Kearsley Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3086 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Burton, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Kearsley Creek
At or Near Feature:For-Mar Nature Preserve
Coordinates:43.039600 N 83.607800 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Butwal (बुटवल), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:3156 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Butwal (बुटवल), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.711999 N 83.462995 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Butwal (बुटवल), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6583 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Butwal (बुटवल), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.707884 N 83.462227 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Butwal (बुटवल), Nepal - Dano River
Bridgemeister ID:6584 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Butwal (बुटवल), Nepal
Crossing:Dano River
Coordinates:27.686191 N 83.445957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bystre, Slovakia - Topla River
Bridgemeister ID:1057 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Bystre, Slovakia
Crossing:Topla River
Coordinates:49.01941 N 21.54663 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


  • Narrow footbridge with steel towers.


Caño, Asturias, Spain - Sella River
Bridgemeister ID:6401 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Caño, Asturias, Spain
Crossing:Sella River
Coordinates:43.327392 N 5.140429 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use


Calabacito, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:7950 (added 2023-11-18)
Location:Calabacito, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.258306 N 81.082306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated


Caldera vicinity, Chiriqui, Panama - Rio Chiriqui Nuevo
Bridgemeister ID:3220 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Caldera vicinity, Chiriqui, Panama
Crossing:Rio Chiriqui Nuevo
At or Near Feature:Caldera Hot Springs
Coordinates:8.667561 N 82.349550 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Cali and Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:6016 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Cali and Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:3.446939 N 76.474629 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Calungbungur, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6649 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Calungbungur, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.469384 S 106.324995 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Calungbungur, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6650 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Calungbungur, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.470882 S 106.330237 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Cameron, Ohio, USA - Sunfish Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6684 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Cameron, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Sunfish Creek
Coordinates:39.760249 N 80.934763 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Cameron, Ohio, USA - Sunfish Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6685 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Cameron, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Sunfish Creek
Coordinates:39.754098 N 80.921516 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Cameron, Ohio, USA - Sunfish Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6686 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Cameron, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Sunfish Creek
Coordinates:39.763205 N 80.930582 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Camp 1 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8275 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Camp 1 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.244167 N 120.537028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1



Camp 1 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8276 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Camp 1 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.244194 N 120.537306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1



Camp 3 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8271 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Camp 3 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.296028 N 120.598083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated


Camp 3 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8272 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Camp 3 vicinity, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.286944 N 120.583250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91 meters (298.6 feet) estimated


Camp Italiano vicinity, Torres del Paine, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:2507 (added 2009-12-29)
Location:Camp Italiano vicinity, Torres del Paine, Chile
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Andrew Holbrook


Cancura, Osorno, Chile - Rahue River
Bridgemeister ID:6231 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Cancura, Osorno, Chile
Crossing:Rahue River
Coordinates:40.760684 S 72.966358 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Cannobio, Italy - Cannobino River
Bridgemeister ID:1800 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Cannobio, Italy
Crossing:Cannobino River
Coordinates:46.062843 N 8.691344 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet)
Side Span:1 x 19 meters (62.3 feet)
Deck width:1.3 meters


  • Appears to have been rebuilt in late 2000s or early 2010s. The height of the towers were extended and the suspended side span eliminated.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Cantón El Gramal, La Palma, El Salvador - Rio Nunuapa
Bridgemeister ID:7498 (added 2023-01-01)
Location:Cantón El Gramal, La Palma, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Nunuapa
Coordinates:14.296743 N 89.175150 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Canton La Ruda vicinity, Masahuat, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7492 (added 2022-12-30)
Location:Canton La Ruda vicinity, Masahuat, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.154030 N 89.407071 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated


Canton vicinity, South Dakota, USA - Sargeant Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2105 (added 2006-08-26)
Location:Canton vicinity, South Dakota, USA
Crossing:Sargeant Creek
At or Near Feature:Newton Hills State Park
Coordinates:43.2241 N 96.5803 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 16.2 meters (53 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Canton vicinity, South Dakota, USA - Sargeant Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2106 (added 2006-08-26)
Location:Canton vicinity, South Dakota, USA
Crossing:Sargeant Creek
At or Near Feature:Newton Hills State Park
Coordinates:43.227333 N 96.57695 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14.9 meters (49 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Cap-Rouge, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:1899 (added 2005-10-02)
Location:Cap-Rouge, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Coordinates:46.76315 N 71.355333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Carnation, Washington, USA - Snoqualmie River
Bridgemeister ID:773 (added 2003-03-14)
Location:Carnation, Washington, USA
Crossing:Snoqualmie River
At or Near Feature:Tolt-McDonald Park
Coordinates:47.64391 N 121.9251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90.5 meters (297 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Carrol Mill vicinity, Virginia, USA - Hardy Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1356 (added 2004-05-15)
Location:Carrol Mill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Hardy Creek
Coordinates:36.66879 N 83.25842 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Carrol Mill, Virginia, USA - Hardy Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1355 (added 2004-05-15)
Location:Carrol Mill, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Hardy Creek
Coordinates:36.67238 N 83.26071 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 12.2 meters (40 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Carter Ferry, Clinchport vicinity, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1381 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Carter Ferry, Clinchport vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.69280 N 82.69012 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 29 meters (95 feet) estimated,
1 x 18.9 meters (62 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Castellar de Tost vicinity, Lleida, Spain - Segre River
Bridgemeister ID:3198 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Castellar de Tost vicinity, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:Segre River
Coordinates:42.264975 N 1.357872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Cathedral Peak vicinity, South Africa - Mlambonja
Bridgemeister ID:3073 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Cathedral Peak vicinity, South Africa
Coordinates:28.945999 S 29.208995 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Causapscal, Quebec, Canada - Matapédia River
Bridgemeister ID:2594 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Causapscal, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Matapédia River
Coordinates:48.352598 N 67.223151 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 6.1 meters (20 feet) estimated,
1 x 4.6 meters (15 feet) estimated


Cazones de Herrera, Veracruz, Mexico - Cazones River
Bridgemeister ID:7207 (added 2022-07-08)
Location:Cazones de Herrera, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Cazones River
Coordinates:20.706484 N 97.313810 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


  • 2021: Damaged by Hurricane Grace. Closed awaiting repairs or replacement.


Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1853 (added 2005-07-16)
Location:Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
At or Near Feature:Ellis Park
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Celje, Slovenia - Savinja
Bridgemeister ID:5917 (added 2021-05-29)
Location:Celje, Slovenia
Coordinates:46.232912 N 15.219454 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Celo vicinity, North Carolina, USA - South Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2274 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Celo vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:South Toe River
Coordinates:35.86893 N 82.17425 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ceneya, Asturias, Spain - Sella River
Bridgemeister ID:4134 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Ceneya, Asturias, Spain
Crossing:Sella River
Coordinates:43.235895 N 5.092046 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Centurion, South Africa - Hennops River
Bridgemeister ID:1690 (added 2005-03-27)
Location:Centurion, South Africa
Crossing:Hennops River
At or Near Feature:Centurion Mall
Coordinates:25.856017 S 28.18965 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Chacaltianguis, Veracruz, Mexico - Rio Papaloapan
Bridgemeister ID:8844 (added 2024-09-29)
Location:Chacaltianguis, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Papaloapan
Coordinates:18.310917 N 95.844194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 149 meters (488.8 feet) estimated


Chainpur and Pakarbas, Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:5291 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Chainpur and Pakarbas, Nepal
Coordinates:27.386419 N 85.962636 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Chamac, Moquegua, Peru - Rio Moquegua
Bridgemeister ID:8600 (added 2024-05-24)
Location:Chamac, Moquegua, Peru
Crossing:Rio Moquegua
Coordinates:17.300278 S 70.989806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Chame, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:6380 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Chame, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:28.552013 N 84.241436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Chancellorsville, Virginia, USA - Clear Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2481 (added 2008-12-21)
Location:Chancellorsville, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clear Lake
Coordinates:38.30128 N 77.65755 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6357 (added 2021-07-26)
Location:Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.884520 N 83.868364 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Chapre and Tumarkhad, Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:4372 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Chapre and Tumarkhad, Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:28.902829 N 81.388890 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Charlotte, North Carolina, USA - Little Sugar Creek
Bridgemeister ID:772 (added 2003-03-14)
Location:Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Little Sugar Creek
At or Near Feature:Freedom Park
Coordinates:35.188381 N 80.844521 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Charlton vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1387 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Charlton vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.58205 N 79.99082 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Chatham Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1335 (added 2004-05-01)
Location:Chatham Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.95624 N 81.49294 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.6 meters (74 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Chatham Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1339 (added 2004-05-02)
Location:Chatham Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.95690 N 81.49520 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28.3 meters (93 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Chaucalla, Yanaquihua, Condesuyos, Peru - Rio Ocoña
Bridgemeister ID:7362 (added 2022-10-29)
Location:Chaucalla, Yanaquihua, Condesuyos, Peru
Crossing:Rio Ocoña
Coordinates:15.593640 S 73.090480 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since January, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Chaudandi and Pauwasera, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5297 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Chaudandi and Pauwasera, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:26.899106 N 86.885279 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Chauga Heights vicinity, South Carolina, USA - Chauga River
Bridgemeister ID:1260 (added 2004-03-13)
Location:Chauga Heights vicinity, South Carolina, USA
Crossing:Chauga River
At or Near Feature:Chau Ram County Park
Coordinates:34.68241 N 83.1468 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53.3 meters (175 feet)


  • Douglas E. McClure writes (in 2009): "This bridge span is 175 feet and was constructed a few years ago. The earlier bridge was also a swinging bridge at the same location and type, but was washed out during heavy rains. The new bridge was raised 5 feet."
Photo by Douglas E. McClure


Chaughada, Nepal - Likhu River
Bridgemeister ID:4056 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Chaughada, Nepal
Crossing:Likhu River
Coordinates:27.895730 N 85.232686 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Chayofa, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:5821 (added 2021-04-14)
Location:Chayofa, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
At or Near Feature:Jungle Park
Coordinates:28.078989 N 16.696127 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Rope
Suspended Spans:1


Châtel-sur-Montsalvens vicinity and Gruyère vicinity, Switzerland - Lac de Montsalvens
Bridgemeister ID:3053 (added 2019-10-20)
Location:Châtel-sur-Montsalvens vicinity and Gruyère vicinity, Switzerland
Crossing:Lac de Montsalvens
Coordinates:46.619407 N 7.148535 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Cheat Lake vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Cheat River
Bridgemeister ID:2562 (added 2012-02-04)
Location:Cheat Lake vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cheat River
At or Near Feature:Lake Lynn Power House and Dam
Coordinates:39.72056 N 79.85580 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire


Chemal (Чемал), Altai Republic, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:3886 (added 2020-03-13)
Location:Chemal (Чемал), Altai Republic, Russia
Coordinates:51.391291 N 86.003713 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Chemal (Чемал), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6075 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Chemal (Чемал), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
At or Near Feature:Ostrov Patmos (Остров Патмос)
Coordinates:51.398186 N 86.000859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Chemal (Чемал), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:8415 (added 2024-03-03)
Location:Chemal (Чемал), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.390917 N 85.999167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Instagram. Image of the derelict bridge. Posted September 22, 2021.


Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia - Angrapa River
Bridgemeister ID:5314 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Angrapa River
Coordinates:54.640392 N 21.822244 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cherokee vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Oconaluftee River
Bridgemeister ID:2604 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Cherokee vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Oconaluftee River
At or Near Feature:Chief Saunooke Trading Post
Coordinates:35.499332 N 83.304113 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 12.2 meters (40 feet) estimated


Cherokee, North Carolina, USA - Oconaluftee River
Bridgemeister ID:1953 (added 2005-11-04)
Location:Cherokee, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Oconaluftee River
Coordinates:35.481217 N 83.319 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Cherry Grove vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Tionesta Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2726 (added 2019-06-22)
Location:Cherry Grove vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Tionesta Creek
At or Near Feature:Chapman State Park
Coordinates:41.744371 N 79.182978 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Chhangchhangdi (छाङ्छाङ्दी) and Waling (वालिङ), Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6281 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Chhangchhangdi (छाङ्छाङ्दी) and Waling (वालिङ), Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.005677 N 83.777517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Chhatanga (छतंगा), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7584 (added 2023-04-30)
Location:Chhatanga (छतंगा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.824427 N 78.244032 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


  • Southern approach appears to have been damaged by flooding around 2012.

External Links:


Chhepetar and Satdobato, Nepal - Daraudi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8101 (added 2023-12-25)
Location:Chhepetar and Satdobato, Nepal
Crossing:Daraudi Khola
Coordinates:27.996861 N 84.567194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the nearby road bridge with the suspension bridge visible in the distance. March 2020.


Chhintang (छिन्ताङ) and Belaka, Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8154 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Chhintang (छिन्ताङ) and Belaka, Nepal
Coordinates:26.913531 N 87.156328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 243 meters (797.2 feet) estimated


External Links:


Chhipchhipe and Bandipur, Nepal - Seti Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4902 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Chhipchhipe and Bandipur, Nepal
Crossing:Seti Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.849848 N 84.407261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Chhoprak (छोप्राक) and Gorkha (गोरखा), Nepal - Daraudi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8100 (added 2023-12-25)
Location:Chhoprak (छोप्राक) and Gorkha (गोरखा), Nepal
Crossing:Daraudi Khola
Coordinates:28.026333 N 84.591833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 300 meters (984.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2021-2023 time frame.


Chichibu, Saitama, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:4727 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Chichibu, Saitama, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
Coordinates:35.941604 N 138.892125 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Chilamate, Costa Rica - Rio Sarapiquí
Bridgemeister ID:7780 (added 2023-08-18)
Location:Chilamate, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Sarapiquí
Coordinates:10.449370 N 84.068292 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Chillca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:2435 (added 2008-04-22)
Location:Chillca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
At or Near Feature:Inca Trail 82 Km Checkpoint
Coordinates:13.215849 S 72.384193 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Andrew Holbrook


Chillca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3440 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Chillca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.225443 S 72.436606 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Chisinau, Moldova
Bridgemeister ID:3210 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Chisinau, Moldova
At or Near Feature:La Izvor Park
Coordinates:47.046556 N 28.791656 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Chisopani (चिसोपानी) and Singtam (सिंगतम), Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8634 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Chisopani (चिसोपानी) and Singtam (सिंगतम), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.235378 N 88.508053 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 83.2 meters (273 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted June 16, 2018.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated January 2021.


Chitakhevi (ჩითახევი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7996 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Chitakhevi (ჩითახევი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.791493 N 43.303340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2019 time frame.


Chmyrivka, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine - Ros' River
Bridgemeister ID:4672 (added 2020-06-19)
Location:Chmyrivka, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Ros' River
Coordinates:49.772093 N 30.021136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Chontabamba District, Oxapampa, Peru - Rio Chontabamba
Bridgemeister ID:6898 (added 2022-01-16)
Location:Chontabamba District, Oxapampa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chontabamba
Coordinates:10.599071 S 75.437196 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Christchurch, New Zealand - Otukaikino Stream
Bridgemeister ID:1854 (added 2005-07-16)
Location:Christchurch, New Zealand
Crossing:Otukaikino Stream
At or Near Feature:Waimairi Walkway, The Groynes Recreation Reserve
Coordinates:43.451467 S 172.606467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Churchtown, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom - River Wyre
Bridgemeister ID:3140 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Churchtown, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wyre
Coordinates:53.877182 N 2.791870 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Chusovoy (Чусово́й), Perm Krai, Russia - Chusovaya River
Bridgemeister ID:5828 (added 2021-04-15)
Location:Chusovoy (Чусово́й), Perm Krai, Russia
Crossing:Chusovaya River
Coordinates:58.282156 N 57.801246 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


Ciampea, Bogor Regency and Benteng, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Ciampea River
Bridgemeister ID:7662 (added 2023-06-11)
Location:Ciampea, Bogor Regency and Benteng, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciampea River
Coordinates:6.539766 S 106.699310 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Ci Kalawing
Bridgemeister ID:7541 (added 2023-03-04)
Location:Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Ci Kalawing
Coordinates:6.902074 S 106.776189 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7542 (added 2023-03-04)
Location:Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.891043 S 106.775127 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7546 (added 2023-03-12)
Location:Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.895111 S 106.778680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 29.9 meters (98 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2014 or 2015.

External Links:


Cibinong, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3668 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Cibinong, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.445413 S 106.812824 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cibunarjaya, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7543 (added 2023-03-05)
Location:Cibunarjaya, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.85253 S 106.765298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with bridge barely visible behind buildings, October 2015.


Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6643 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.442054 S 106.223532 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Cisco vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - North Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2454 (added 2008-09-20)
Location:Cisco vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.15388 N 81.23820 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 38.1 meters (125 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 9.8 meters (32 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Cisco vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - North Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2455 (added 2008-09-20)
Location:Cisco vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.13368 N 81.27738 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clanezzo, Bergamo, Italy - Brembo
Bridgemeister ID:5804 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Clanezzo, Bergamo, Italy
Coordinates:45.761153 N 9.603957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Clarendon vicinity and Kangarilla vicinity, South Australia, Australia - Onkaparinga River
Bridgemeister ID:511 (added before 2003)
Location:Clarendon vicinity and Kangarilla vicinity, South Australia, Australia
Crossing:Onkaparinga River
At or Near Feature:Mt. Bold Reservoir
Coordinates:35.124283 S 138.6829 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Suspended Spans:1


Clarksville, Pennsylvania, USA - Ten Mile Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2503 (added 2009-03-02)
Location:Clarksville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Ten Mile Creek
Coordinates:39.98081 N 80.03347 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Clayhole, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3784 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Clayhole, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.469720 N 83.281660 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • 2007: Failed when one of the main cables snapped. Subsequently repaired.
  • 2022: Destroyed by flood.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clayhole, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3820 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Clayhole, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.476530 N 83.274250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clayhole, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3824 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Clayhole, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.474070 N 83.280920 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clearwater Park vicinity, Virginia, USA - Jackson River
Bridgemeister ID:1389 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Clearwater Park vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Jackson River
Coordinates:37.86373 N 79.98956 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62.2 meters (204 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifftop vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Glade Creek
Bridgemeister ID:873 (added 2003-08-31)
Location:Clifftop vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Glade Creek
At or Near Feature:Babcock State Park
Coordinates:37.98300 N 80.94377 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet) estimated


  • There is at least one 'droopy' swinging bridge in this park that is excluded from the Bridgemeister inventory.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1670 (added 2005-03-22)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.57102 N 80.48879 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70.1 meters (230 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1671 (added 2005-03-22)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.56377 N 80.48884 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1672 (added 2005-03-22)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.55854 N 80.48617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63.4 meters (208 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1673 (added 2005-03-22)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.52709 N 80.47652 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72.5 meters (238 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1674 (added 2005-03-22)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.52487 N 80.48331 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55.8 meters (183 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1675 (added 2005-03-22)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.51794 N 80.48419 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1682 (added 2005-03-26)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.59299 N 80.49238 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • gives you the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1683 (added 2005-03-26)
Location:Clifton Ford vicinity and Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.50829 N 80.47778 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77.1 meters (253 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clifton Forge, Virginia, USA - Jackson River
Bridgemeister ID:7400 (added 2022-12-03)
Location:Clifton Forge, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Jackson River
Coordinates:37.814197 N 79.824391 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Clinchport, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1391 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Clinchport, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.673533 N 82.747483 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Clintonville, Wisconsin, USA - Pigeon River
Bridgemeister ID:2384 (added 2007-11-08)
Location:Clintonville, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Pigeon River
At or Near Feature:Walter A. Olen Park
Coordinates:44.61846 N 88.75838 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Coaticook, Quebec, Canada - Coaticook River
Bridgemeister ID:2588 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Coaticook, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Coaticook River
At or Near Feature:Le Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 19.8 meters (65 feet) estimated



Colombo, Sri Lanka
Bridgemeister ID:4993 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Colombo, Sri Lanka
At or Near Feature:Viharamahadevi Park
Coordinates:6.914225 N 79.861322 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Colville vicinity, Washington, USA - Mill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1884 (added 2005-09-24)
Location:Colville vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Mill Creek
At or Near Feature:Douglas Falls Grange Park
Coordinates:48.6146 N 117.899917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)


Condoto, Choco, Colombia - Rio Condoto
Bridgemeister ID:7408 (added 2022-12-04)
Location:Condoto, Choco, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Condoto
Coordinates:5.096590 N 76.694830 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. 2021, August 11: Image of the bridge.
  • Facebook. 2021, November 3: Aerial image of the bridge.


Constantine, Algeria
Bridgemeister ID:8217 (added 2024-02-06)
Location:Constantine, Algeria
At or Near Feature:Rhumel Gorge


  • Appears to have been located somewhere within the network of tunnels of the Rhumel Gorge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Contin vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - Black Water River
Bridgemeister ID:907 (added 2003-10-11)
Location:Contin vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Black Water River
At or Near Feature:Rogie Falls
Coordinates:57.589014 N 4.603213 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2014
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Dave Cooper


Contin vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - Black Water River
Bridgemeister ID:2932 (added 2003-10-11)
Location:Contin vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Black Water River
At or Near Feature:Rogie Falls
Coordinates:57.588906 N 4.603127 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper


Cooksburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Toms Run
Bridgemeister ID:2366 (added 2007-09-08)
Location:Cooksburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Toms Run
At or Near Feature:Cook Forest State Park
Coordinates:41.34104 N 79.21433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Copake, New York, USA
Bridgemeister ID:7204 (added 2022-07-07)
Location:Copake, New York, USA
At or Near Feature:Camp Pontiac
Coordinates:42.082996 N 73.594446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Norman Horowitz
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed at some point in the 1960s.

External Links:


Corcapolo vicinity, Intragna, Ticino, Switzerland - Melezza River
Bridgemeister ID:1797 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Corcapolo vicinity, Intragna, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Melezza River
Coordinates:46.166807 N 8.676307 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Corina, Limón, Costa Rica - Rio Zent
Bridgemeister ID:7608 (added 2023-05-19)
Location:Corina, Limón, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Zent
Coordinates:9.987867 N 83.298014 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of a group of bicyclists on and around the bridge. Posted July 7, 2021.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted July 19, 2020.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge with the replacement bridge above it. Posted November 1, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of collapsed bridge. Posted January 1, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of the scene of the collapse. Posted January 1, 2022. Translated: "Limón, Zent, indigenous area, hammock bridge that communicates Chumico. They indicate that the bridge collapsed and there are about 30 people who rushed into the river. Multiple patients on scene. Red Cross and Firefighters en route."
  • Twitter. Image of the new (2023) vehicular suspension bridge with the narrow footbridge visible in the foreground.
  • Twitter. Video of a group of people shaking the bridge, reportedly just before it collapsed. Posted January 2, 2022.


Cortes, Bohol, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:7211 (added 2022-07-09)
Location:Cortes, Bohol, Philippines
Coordinates:9.741557 N 123.914636 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Coupvray, Seine-et-Marne, France - Chalifert Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1517 (added 2004-10-10)
Location:Coupvray, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Chalifert Canal
Coordinates:48.896971 N 2.796701 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Freyssinet International
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet)

External Links:


Cuena, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6221 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Cuena, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.409226 S 75.041351 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Cuevas, Spain - Sella River
Bridgemeister ID:4133 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Cuevas, Spain
Crossing:Sella River
Coordinates:43.426687 N 5.074758 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cwmcrawnon, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom - River Usk
Bridgemeister ID:2933 (added 2019-09-16)
Location:Cwmcrawnon, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Usk
At or Near Feature:Buckland Old Mill
Coordinates:51.873303 N 3.257608 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dachnoe (Дачное), Leningrad Oblast, Russia - Reka Mga
Bridgemeister ID:7401 (added 2022-12-03)
Location:Dachnoe (Дачное), Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Mga
Coordinates:59.777232 N 30.969781 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated


Daedunsan Provincial Park, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:2502 (added 2008-12-24)
Location:Daedunsan Provincial Park, South Korea
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Along a popular Daedun Mountain trail that includes this bridge and a long steel staircase.


Daejeon, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:3077 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Daejeon, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Ppuri Park
Coordinates:36.284627 N 127.385568 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Dagomys, Russia - Dagomys River
Bridgemeister ID:3147 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Dagomys, Russia
Crossing:Dagomys River
Coordinates:43.653888 N 39.653440 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Dahlin (धलिन), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7944 (added 2023-11-11)
Location:Dahlin (धलिन), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.536672 N 77.908211 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (174 feet) estimated


  • Cables and remnants of an earlier suspension appear to be adjacent to the current bridge.


Dal'niy Kut, Primorsky Krai, Russia - Reka Bol'shaya Ussurka
Bridgemeister ID:5989 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Dal'niy Kut, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Bol'shaya Ussurka
Coordinates:45.832619 N 135.275420 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Dalnegorsk (Дальнегорск) vicinity, Primorsky Krai, Russia - Reka Rudnaya
Bridgemeister ID:6819 (added 2021-12-23)
Location:Dalnegorsk (Дальнегорск) vicinity, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Rudnaya
Coordinates:44.548661 N 135.646399 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)


Damas vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6752 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Damas vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.218906 N 73.715492 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.7 meters (186 feet) estimated


  • Likely replaced another suspension bridge damaged in 2010 floods.

External Links:


Danaglar Castle, Scotland, United Kingdom - Shee Water
Bridgemeister ID:6248 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Danaglar Castle, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Shee Water
At or Near Feature:Danaglar Ford
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely removed. Exact location unknown but appears to have been in the vicinity of Danaglar Castle.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Darang Dura, Meghalaya, India - Simsang River
Bridgemeister ID:7804 (added 2023-08-21)
Location:Darang Dura, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Simsang River
Coordinates:25.419921 N 90.760465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


Darechok and Makaising, Nepal - Trishuli River
Bridgemeister ID:4901 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Darechok and Makaising, Nepal
Crossing:Trishuli River
Coordinates:27.860051 N 84.639810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Darlamchaur (दर्लामचौर), Nepal - Chhalli Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8836 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Darlamchaur (दर्लामचौर), Nepal
Crossing:Chhalli Khola
Coordinates:28.121917 N 83.194444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1


Darmo, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4806 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Darmo, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.804827 S 103.798115 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines - Imus River
Bridgemeister ID:7466 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Crossing:Imus River
Coordinates:14.328394 N 120.956422 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2014-2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 29 meters (95.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2



Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines - Imus River
Bridgemeister ID:7467 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Crossing:Imus River
Coordinates:14.328177 N 120.956527 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2014-2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2



Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines - Ylang Ylang River
Bridgemeister ID:7468 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines
Crossing:Ylang Ylang River
Coordinates:14.333049 N 120.923056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire


Deadwood, Oregon, USA - Lake Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1394 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Deadwood, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Lake Creek
Coordinates:44.09525 N 123.764483 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Debelja, Serbia
Bridgemeister ID:5135 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Debelja, Serbia
Coordinates:43.471985 N 19.904907 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


Deer Park vicinity, Michigan, USA - Two Hearted River
Bridgemeister ID:1834 (added 2005-07-02)
Location:Deer Park vicinity, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Two Hearted River
At or Near Feature:North Country Trail
Coordinates:46.69857 N 85.422817 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Dego, Savona, Italy - Bormida di Spigno
Bridgemeister ID:4573 (added 2020-06-03)
Location:Dego, Savona, Italy
Crossing:Bormida di Spigno
Coordinates:44.449014 N 8.311554 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.5 meters (185.4 feet) estimated

External Links:


Del Rio, Texas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1352 (added 2004-05-14)
Location:Del Rio, Texas, USA
Coordinates:29.369034 N 100.884902 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)

Photo by Eric Sakowski


Deloraine, Tasmania, Australia - Meander River
Bridgemeister ID:4958 (added 2020-08-09)
Location:Deloraine, Tasmania, Australia
Crossing:Meander River
Coordinates:41.522748 S 146.659433 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Delray, West Virginia, USA - North River
Bridgemeister ID:2404 (added 2007-12-22)
Location:Delray, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North River
Coordinates:39.20732 N 78.59352 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Delray, West Virginia, USA - North River
Bridgemeister ID:3799 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Delray, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North River
Coordinates:39.180610 N 78.619300 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Depok, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3662 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.408724 S 106.819735 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Depok, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3663 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.422708 S 106.819960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire


Depok, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3666 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.433711 S 106.812301 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)



DeSoto, Missouri, USA - Joachim Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2322 (added 2007-05-06)
Location:DeSoto, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Joachim Creek
Main Cables:Wire


  • Crossed Joachim Creek at East Clement Street.


Devpur and Gaindakot, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4826 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Devpur and Gaindakot, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.754639 N 84.419473 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dexter vicinity, Michigan, USA - Mill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1483 (added 2004-09-04)
Location:Dexter vicinity, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Mill Creek
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by William Bridges


Dhaula, Uttarakhand, India - Rupin River
Bridgemeister ID:7313 (added 2022-08-27)
Location:Dhaula, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Rupin River
Coordinates:31.131267 N 78.077372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated

External Links:


Dhuwakot, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4895 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Dhuwakot, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.941327 N 84.467924 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Diablo vicinity, Washington, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1955 (added 2005-11-04)
Location:Diablo vicinity, Washington, USA
Main Cables:Wire


  • Circa 1930's, distinct from other Diablo-area suspension bridges listed.


Dile, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8378 (added 2024-02-11)
Location:Dile, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.748917 S 121.727417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)


Dir Upper, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:6287 (added 2021-07-22)
Location:Dir Upper, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.226595 N 71.870076 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Dirang River
Bridgemeister ID:7644 (added 2023-05-29)
Location:Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Dirang River
Coordinates:27.342187 N 92.276127 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Dirang River
Bridgemeister ID:7645 (added 2023-05-29)
Location:Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Dirang River
Coordinates:27.376196 N 92.238642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Dobhan (दोभान), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6581 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Dobhan (दोभान), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
At or Near Feature:Ramapithecus Park
Coordinates:27.736194 N 83.464768 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Dobhan (दोभान), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6582 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Dobhan (दोभान), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
At or Near Feature:Ramapithecus Park
Coordinates:27.735724 N 83.464170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Dolni Pasarel, Bulgaria
Bridgemeister ID:3363 (added 2019-12-20)
Location:Dolni Pasarel, Bulgaria
Coordinates:42.549048 N 23.480921 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dona vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1380 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Dona vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Clinch River
Coordinates:36.60260 N 82.96255 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Doni (डोनी) and Bari, Uttarakhand, India - Rupin River
Bridgemeister ID:7312 (added 2022-08-27)
Location:Doni (डोनी) and Bari, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Rupin River
Coordinates:31.151414 N 78.092389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120.7 meters (396 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been under construction since 2004 or earlier, but not completed until some point between late 2011 and 2013.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the bridge in the background, March 2021.


Dorrigo Mountain, New South Wales, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:3324 (added 2019-12-01)
Location:Dorrigo Mountain, New South Wales, Australia
At or Near Feature:Crystal Shower Falls
Coordinates:30.380666 S 152.729510 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dorter Mill, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1350 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Dorter Mill, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.61721 N 82.51891 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 85.3 meters (280 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 5.2 meters (17 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5066 (added 2020-08-29)
Location:Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.503456 N 138.990390 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7665 (added 2023-06-11)
Location:Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.554191 S 106.736073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)


Družiniće, Serbia - Uvac River
Bridgemeister ID:4775 (added 2020-07-03)
Location:Družiniće, Serbia
Crossing:Uvac River
At or Near Feature:Uvac Special Nature Reserve
Coordinates:43.338333 N 19.982355 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dryden vicinity, Virginia, USA - Powell River
Bridgemeister ID:1403 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Dryden vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Powell River
Coordinates:36.76043 N 82.94509 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.1 meters (148 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Dubai Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3051 (added 2019-10-20)
Location:Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Crossing:Dubai Canal
Coordinates:25.186486 N 55.248004 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Dubuque vicinity, Iowa, USA - Catfish Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3095 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Dubuque vicinity, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Catfish Creek
At or Near Feature:Swiss Valley Nature Preserve
Coordinates:42.414786 N 90.766344 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Dubuque vicinity, Iowa, USA - Catfish Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5727 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Dubuque vicinity, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Catfish Creek
At or Near Feature:Swiss Valley Nature Preserve
Coordinates:42.420553 N 90.764417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet) estimated



Dubuque vicinity, Iowa, USA - Catfish Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5728 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Dubuque vicinity, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Catfish Creek
At or Near Feature:Swiss Valley Nature Preserve
Coordinates:42.422724 N 90.757699 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.4 meters (67 feet) estimated



Duchally, Lairg, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Cassley
Bridgemeister ID:7130 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Duchally, Lairg, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Cassley
Coordinates:58.108786 N 4.736285 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


Duible vicinity, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Helmsdale
Bridgemeister ID:2698 (added 2019-05-27)
Location:Duible vicinity, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Helmsdale
Coordinates:58.149375 N 3.819557 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Dumfries vicinity, Virginia, USA - South Fork Quantico Creek
Bridgemeister ID:559 (added before 2003)
Location:Dumfries vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Quantico Creek
At or Near Feature:Prince William Forest
Coordinates:38.5666 N 77.353167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • August 2020: Damaged by flood, closed. Reopened at some point.
Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg


Dunbeath, Scotland, United Kingdom - Houstry Burn
Bridgemeister ID:1914 (added 2005-10-09)
Location:Dunbeath, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Houstry Burn
Coordinates:58.254200 N 3.439300 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Wm. Smith and Son
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Dave Cooper


Dunderland vicinity, Rana, Nordland, Norway - Ranelva
Bridgemeister ID:3727 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Dunderland vicinity, Rana, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.500741 N 14.897418 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


Durbil (दुर्बिल) and Banas, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7739 (added 2023-07-15)
Location:Durbil (दुर्बिल) and Banas, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.951017 N 78.413197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps - Yamuna Bridge. Image with the bridge visible in the foreground next to a newer suspension bridge. Part of the suspension bridge deck is missing. October 2018.


Durham, North Carolina, USA - Eno River
Bridgemeister ID:806 (added 2003-03-30)
Location:Durham, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Eno River
At or Near Feature:Eno River State Park
Coordinates:36.075453 N 79.007745 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated

Photo by Andrew Holbrook

Bridgemeister ID:2261 (added 2007-04-19)
Location:Dwale, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.62283 N 82.72169 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 300 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Новомлинськ (Novomlyns'k), Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine - Oskil River
Bridgemeister ID:4737 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Новомлинськ (Novomlyns'k), Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Oskil River
Coordinates:49.873590 N 37.731758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Eagle Lake vicinity, Minnesota, USA - LeSueur River
Bridgemeister ID:1894 (added 2005-10-01)
Location:Eagle Lake vicinity, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:LeSueur River
At or Near Feature:Wildwood County Park
Coordinates:44.12445 N 93.864117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet)


East End vicinity, Arkansas, USA - Mary Lake
Bridgemeister ID:1638 (added 2005-03-13)
Location:East End vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Mary Lake
At or Near Feature:Carmelite Novitiate
Coordinates:34.538468 N 92.342199 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


East Fultonham, Ohio, USA - Jonathan Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2436 (added 2008-04-22)
Location:East Fultonham, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Jonathan Creek
Coordinates:39.85526 N 82.10929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Coordinates given here are the likely location of the bridge, but it may be completely on private property.


East Lynn, West Virginia, USA - East Fork Twelvepole Creek
Bridgemeister ID:814 (added 2003-05-30)
Location:East Lynn, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:East Fork Twelvepole Creek
Coordinates:38.166467 N 82.3783 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Michael Tabor


East Taieri, Otago, New Zealand - Silver Stream
Bridgemeister ID:5238 (added 2020-10-20)
Location:East Taieri, Otago, New Zealand
Crossing:Silver Stream
Coordinates:45.877880 S 170.299059 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, June, 2020 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Damaged by flood, 2017, but remained open.
  • Believed to have been built in the 1950s.
  • May-June 2020: Declared unsafe and closed. Dunedin City Council announced plans to remove the bridge as "unsafe" causing complaints by local residents upset about the possible removal.


Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3452 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.762056 S 72.585393 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Eden Township, Utica vicinity, Ohio, USA - Rocky Fork Stream
Bridgemeister ID:8530 (added 2024-03-29)
Location:Eden Township, Utica vicinity, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Rocky Fork Stream
At or Near Feature:Camp Ohio
Main Span:1


  • The bridge pictured here at "Camp Ohio" is usually attributed to Utica, Ohio (USA). The bridge was likely located within the 4-H "Camp Ohio" found about 10 miles east of Utica. However, historic photos of that Camp Ohio show a different short suspension bridge.

External Links:

  • 4-H Camp Ohio History - 1930s. The short suspension footbridge pictured on this page does not match the bridge in the postcard image linked here. Perhaps the bridge was rebuilt at some point or the postcard illustrator took liberties with the depiction.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Egeskov Castle, Kværndrup, Egeskov, Denmark - castle moat
Bridgemeister ID:1123 (added 2004-01-11)
Location:Egeskov Castle, Kværndrup, Egeskov, Denmark
Crossing:castle moat
Coordinates:55.176203 N 10.490566 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


  • Wide footbridge crossing the castle's moat.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


El Ahogado, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7481 (added 2022-12-28)
Location:El Ahogado, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.220889 N 89.378592 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 90.2 meters (296 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 19, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 19, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 19, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 19, 2016.


El Cañalon, Santa Rita Cimarrón and Santa Rosa Guachipilín, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7482 (added 2022-12-28)
Location:El Cañalon, Santa Rita Cimarrón and Santa Rosa Guachipilín, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.242597 N 89.317543 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 81.7 meters (268 feet) estimated

External Links:


El Dorado de Cascales vicinity, Ecuador - Rio Aguarico
Bridgemeister ID:3134 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:El Dorado de Cascales vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Aguarico
Coordinates:0.071470 N 77.250980 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


El Hoyo, Chubut, Argentina - Epuyén River
Bridgemeister ID:8403 (added 2024-03-03)
Location:El Hoyo, Chubut, Argentina
Crossing:Epuyén River
Coordinates:42.094778 S 71.477472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of people on the bridge. Dated September 2019.


El Jaral, Peña Blanca vicinity, Honduras
Bridgemeister ID:5683 (added 2021-03-26)
Location:El Jaral, Peña Blanca vicinity, Honduras
At or Near Feature:Parque Arqueológico Los Naranjos
Coordinates:14.940485 N 88.032548 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


El Jute, Guarnecia, El Salvador - Rio Amayo
Bridgemeister ID:7465 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:El Jute, Guarnecia, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Amayo
Coordinates:14.098989 N 89.449964 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.1 meters (171 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2004-2012 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted August 27, 2015.
  • Facebook. Post encouraging the community to help repair the bridge, including several images of the bridge. Posted July 1, 2019.
  • Facebook. Post with several images of repair work in progress. Posted August 31, 2019.


El Paso, Texas, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:1562 (added 2004-11-27)
Location:El Paso, Texas, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Narrow long footbridge circa early 1900s.

External Links:


El Traum, Troyo vicinity, Lonquimay, Chile - Rio Biobío
Bridgemeister ID:4093 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:El Traum, Troyo vicinity, Lonquimay, Chile
Crossing:Rio Biobío
Coordinates:38.211070 S 71.296577 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Elekmonar (Элекмонар), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6073 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Elekmonar (Элекмонар), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.475600 N 85.986399 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Eleutherian Mills, Wilmington vicinity, Delaware, USA - Brandywine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2539 (added 2011-12-30)
Location:Eleutherian Mills, Wilmington vicinity, Delaware, USA
Crossing:Brandywine Creek


  • In existence in early 1900s, likely at or near Hagley Yard area of du Pont Eleutherian Mills property.


Elle Valle, Bahía Solano, Choco, Colombia - Río Valle
Bridgemeister ID:7426 (added 2022-12-09)
Location:Elle Valle, Bahía Solano, Choco, Colombia
Crossing:Río Valle
Coordinates:6.10064 N 77.42355 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:3

External Links:


Ellijay, Georgia, USA - Coosawattee River
Bridgemeister ID:2461 (added 2008-09-27)
Location:Ellijay, Georgia, USA
Crossing:Coosawattee River
At or Near Feature:Coosawattee River Resort
Coordinates:34.674655 N 84.529773 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1,


Elnes vicinity, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Skjækra
Bridgemeister ID:4074 (added 2020-04-04)
Location:Elnes vicinity, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.867094 N 12.073933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 27.5 meters (90.2 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between 2010 and 2017.


Englehart vicinity, Ontario, Canada - High Falls of the Englehart River
Bridgemeister ID:870 (added 2003-08-30)
Location:Englehart vicinity, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:High Falls of the Englehart River
At or Near Feature:Kap-Kig-Iwan ProvincIal Park
Coordinates:47.7964 N 79.88803 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Two-span footbridge with an interesting bend in the middle (forming a shallow V-shaped bridge).
Photo by Paul Lantz


Esholt, Apperley Bridge vicinity, England, United Kingdom - River Aire
Bridgemeister ID:1254 (added 2004-02-28)
Location:Esholt, Apperley Bridge vicinity, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Aire
Coordinates:53.84566 N 1.71667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg


Eskdale, England, United Kingdom - River Esk
Bridgemeister ID:2464 (added 2008-09-28)
Location:Eskdale, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Esk
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Esopus, New York, USA - Black Creek
Bridgemeister ID:251 (added before 2003)
Location:Esopus, New York, USA
Crossing:Black Creek
At or Near Feature:Black Creek Forest Preserve
Coordinates:41.8211 N 73.96285 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 4 meters (13 feet),
1 x 8.2 meters (27 feet)

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Estacada vicinity, Oregon, USA - Clear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1397 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Estacada vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Clear Creek
At or Near Feature:Metzler Park
Coordinates:45.228333 N 122.367333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Estevan vicinity, Saskatchewan, Canada - Souris River
Bridgemeister ID:5686 (added 2021-03-26)
Location:Estevan vicinity, Saskatchewan, Canada
Crossing:Souris River
Coordinates:49.112326 N 102.580018 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Estherville, Iowa, USA - West Fork Des Moines River
Bridgemeister ID:2041 (added 2006-05-07)
Location:Estherville, Iowa, USA
Crossing:West Fork Des Moines River
Coordinates:43.403883 N 94.844167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46.3 meters (152 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Farragut, Pennsylvania, USA - Mill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2402 (added 2007-12-22)
Location:Farragut, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Mill Creek
Coordinates:41.27277 N 76.91025 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Findlay vicinity, Ohio, USA - Eagle Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2221 (added 2007-03-11)
Location:Findlay vicinity, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Eagle Creek
At or Near Feature:Camp Berry
Coordinates:40.95892 N 83.65817 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Suspended Spans:1


Fine, Wanakena vicinity, New York, USA - Oswegatchie River Inlet
Bridgemeister ID:1758 (added 2005-04-21)
Location:Fine, Wanakena vicinity, New York, USA
Crossing:Oswegatchie River Inlet
Coordinates:44.125075 N 74.959212 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Photo by Bill Cole


Finnerud, Oslo, Norway - Langlielva
Bridgemeister ID:3973 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Finnerud, Oslo, Norway
Coordinates:60.04544 N 10.60091 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 17 meters (55.8 feet) estimated


Fiordland National Park, New Zealand - Arthur River
Bridgemeister ID:3283 (added 2019-11-23)
Location:Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Crossing:Arthur River
At or Near Feature:Milford Track
Coordinates:44.736950 S 167.804401 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:3284 (added 2019-11-23)
Location:Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Milford Track, Giant Gate Falls
Coordinates:44.706041 S 167.852262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Fishhook Island, West Cook, Minnesota, USA - Sea Gull Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6852 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Fishhook Island, West Cook, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Sea Gull Lake
Coordinates:48.145055 N 90.888263 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Fjordland National Park, Southland, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:7568 (added 2023-04-16)
Location:Fjordland National Park, Southland, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Helena Falls
Coordinates:45.471122 S 167.166154 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated


Fleish, Mystic vicinity, California, USA - Truckee River
Bridgemeister ID:1262 (added 2004-03-13)
Location:Fleish, Mystic vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Truckee River
Coordinates:39.452067 N 120.00555 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • Crosses some a spillway just east of I-80 just before I-80 crosses from California to Nevada. North of Mystic in Sierra County.
  • Jan Claire sends observations about the structure the bridge crosses: "The dam is a diverter. Water from the Truckee river is diverted into a canal which runs over to Verdi, Nevada at which point it is pumped up and over a hill and down into another river. Because this dam does not appear on the California Department of Water Resources inventory, I assume it is a long-ago-grandfathered dam operated under treaty with the state of Nevada for irrigation purposes. Satellite photos show this diverter-canal runs through what may still be, or probably was, farmland west of Verdi."
  • Replaced by 2013 Fleish - Fleish, Mystic vicinity, California, USA.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Folldals Verk, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3940 (added 2020-03-21)
Location:Folldals Verk, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.127297 N 10.018207 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire



Folldals Verk, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3941 (added 2020-03-21)
Location:Folldals Verk, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.127484 N 10.018376 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated



Fords Branch, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1479 (added 2004-09-03)
Location:Fords Branch, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.43476 N 82.50923 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 350 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA - Accotink Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2541 (added 2011-12-31)
Location:Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Accotink Creek
At or Near Feature:Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - Cache La Poudre River
Bridgemeister ID:811 (added 2003-05-29)
Location:Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Cache La Poudre River
At or Near Feature:Environmental Learning Center
Coordinates:40.55705 N 105.019417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Fort Jennings, Ohio, USA - Auglaize River
Bridgemeister ID:5192 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Fort Jennings, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Auglaize River
Coordinates:40.904724 N 84.295338 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Fort Kent, Maine, USA and Clair, New Brunswick, Canada - St. John River
Bridgemeister ID:252 (added before 2003)
Location:Fort Kent, Maine, USA and Clair, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:St. John River
Main Cables:Wire

Print, collection of David Denenberg


Fort Pillow Historic Park, Tennessee, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2392 (added 2007-11-20)
Location:Fort Pillow Historic Park, Tennessee, USA
Coordinates:35.64206 N 89.83880 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA - St. Mary's River
Bridgemeister ID:644 (added 2003-02-16)
Location:Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Crossing:St. Mary's River
At or Near Feature:Foster Park
Coordinates:41.04716 N 85.16566 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway - Fortunselvi
Bridgemeister ID:3966 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.51521 N 7.70495 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2017-2018
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33 meters (108.3 feet) estimated



Frankenberg, Sachsenburg vicinity, Saxony, Germany - Zschopau River
Bridgemeister ID:2255 (added 2007-04-18)
Location:Frankenberg, Sachsenburg vicinity, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zschopau River
Coordinates:50.931556 N 13.025557 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, August 2002, by flood
Suspended Spans:1



Franklin vicinity and Cave vicinity, West Virginia, USA - South Branch Potomac River
Bridgemeister ID:2385 (added 2007-11-18)
Location:Franklin vicinity and Cave vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:38.60056 N 79.37812 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.1 meters (138 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Frasco, Ticino, Switzerland - Verzasca River
Bridgemeister ID:1790 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Frasco, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Verzasca River
At or Near Feature:Val Verzasca
Coordinates:46.339056 N 8.801326 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)
Deck width:1.1 meters

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA - Hazel Run
Bridgemeister ID:778 (added 2003-03-16)
Location:Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Hazel Run
At or Near Feature:Alum Springs Park
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have been removed in late 1990's or early 2000's.


Fribourg vicinity, Switzerland - Sarine River
Bridgemeister ID:2615 (added 2014-04-16)
Location:Fribourg vicinity, Switzerland
Crossing:Sarine River
Coordinates:46.81183 N 7.16050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire


Friendship, Virginia, USA - South Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:824 (added 2003-05-31)
Location:Friendship, Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.71700 N 81.74703 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 36.3 meters (119 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 7 meters (23 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Fulks Run vicinity, Virginia, USA - Little Dry River
Bridgemeister ID:1330 (added 2004-04-30)
Location:Fulks Run vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Dry River
Coordinates:38.65450 N 78.93848 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.4 meters (172 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan - Shih-men Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:5895 (added 2021-05-21)
Location:Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Crossing:Shih-men Reservoir
Coordinates:24.801072 N 121.286394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gardiner vicinity, Montana, USA - Yellowstone River
Bridgemeister ID:2000 (added 2005-12-25)
Location:Gardiner vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Yellowstone River
At or Near Feature:Blacktail Deer Creek Trail, Yellowstone National Park
Coordinates:44.996583 N 110.578867 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Gates Mills, Ohio, USA - Chagrin River
Bridgemeister ID:6687 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Gates Mills, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Chagrin River
Coordinates:41.506583 N 81.399896 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2018-2019
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (151 feet) estimated


  • Removed at some point in late 2018 or early 2019.
Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Gawana Talla (गवाना तल्ला) and Kamargarh (कमार्गढ़), Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:8119 (added 2024-01-07)
Location:Gawana Talla (गवाना तल्ला) and Kamargarh (कमार्गढ़), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.869972 N 78.83588 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet) estimated


External Links:


General Terán, Nuevo Leon, Mexico - Rio Pilón
Bridgemeister ID:7342 (added 2022-09-30)
Location:General Terán, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Pilón
Coordinates:25.254674 N 99.684713 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Germantown, Queensland, Australia - Mena Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5777 (added 2021-04-08)
Location:Germantown, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Mena Creek
At or Near Feature:Mena Creek Falls, Paronella Park
Coordinates:17.653107 S 145.956446 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gero vicinity, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3202 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Gero vicinity, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.768254 N 137.227652 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Gero vicinity, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3203 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Gero vicinity, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.749028 N 137.218280 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Gero, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3201 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Gero, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.914450 N 137.203422 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Gero, Gifu, Japan - Maze River
Bridgemeister ID:3990 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Gero, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Maze River
Coordinates:35.710779 N 137.141005 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Gerra, Ticino, Switzerland - Verzasca River
Bridgemeister ID:1791 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Gerra, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Verzasca River
At or Near Feature:Val Verzasca
Coordinates:46.318696 N 8.804561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Ghulmet, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Rakaposhi Nala
Bridgemeister ID:6615 (added 2021-09-06)
Location:Ghulmet, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Rakaposhi Nala
Coordinates:36.240482 N 74.489085 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in late 2015 or early 2016.


Gimdi (गिम्दी) and Betini (बेतिनि), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6338 (added 2021-07-25)
Location:Gimdi (गिम्दी) and Betini (बेतिनि), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.425569 N 85.363277 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Girón, Santander, Colombia - Rio de Oro
Bridgemeister ID:8186 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Girón, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio de Oro
Coordinates:7.065000 N 73.169889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated



Girón, Santander, Colombia - Rio de Oro
Bridgemeister ID:8770 (added 2024-08-30)
Location:Girón, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio de Oro
Coordinates:7.064917 N 73.169861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Giseong-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:5851 (added 2021-05-14)
Location:Giseong-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Daejeon Jangtaesan Recreational Forest - 대전 장태산 휴양림
Coordinates:36.218208 N 127.338410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Gjøra, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3899 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Gjøra, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.561610 N 9.072330 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, built prior to 1971.


Glade House vicinity and Lake Te Anau vicinity, New Zealand - Clinton River
Bridgemeister ID:1633 (added 2005-03-12)
Location:Glade House vicinity and Lake Te Anau vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Clinton River
At or Near Feature:Milford Track
Coordinates:44.919363 S 167.930113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Carries the Milford Track (a popular trail) across the Clinton River.


Glen Brittle, Skye, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Brittle
Bridgemeister ID:3163 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Glen Brittle, Skye, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Brittle
Coordinates:57.206041 N 6.292533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2011-2021
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Removed at some point in the 2011-2021 time frame and replaced with a non-suspension bridge.


Gobardiya (गोबरडिहा), Dang Deukhuri District and Juluke (जुलुके), Arghakhanchi District, Nepal - Ransing River
Bridgemeister ID:6873 (added 2022-01-06)
Location:Gobardiya (गोबरडिहा), Dang Deukhuri District and Juluke (जुलुके), Arghakhanchi District, Nepal
Crossing:Ransing River
Coordinates:27.797552 N 82.783320 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 148 meters (485.6 feet) estimated


Gohpur, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siyom River
Bridgemeister ID:6253 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Gohpur, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siyom River
Coordinates:28.194193 N 94.736035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Gojo, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3397 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Gojo, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.153827 N 135.744407 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Gojo, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3398 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Gojo, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.203768 N 135.732808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Golani (गोलानी), Uttarakhand, India - Jalkur River
Bridgemeister ID:8043 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Golani (गोलानी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Jalkur River
Coordinates:30.476833 N 78.451333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 47.5 meters (156 feet) estimated


Golani (गोलानी), Uttarakhand, India - Jalkur River
Bridgemeister ID:8044 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Golani (गोलानी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Jalkur River
Coordinates:30.481639 N 78.464722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


Gomi (გომი) and Kaspi (კასპი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7992 (added 2023-12-08)
Location:Gomi (გომი) and Kaspi (კასპი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.921975 N 44.393490 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Spans:5 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated


Gorham, New Hampshire, USA - Peabody River
Bridgemeister ID:1547 (added 2004-11-13)
Location:Gorham, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Peabody River
Coordinates:44.3835 N 71.169117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Snowmobile
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Gorki, Voronezh Oblast, Russia - Reka Usman
Bridgemeister ID:6912 (added 2022-01-21)
Location:Gorki, Voronezh Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Usman
Coordinates:51.716947 N 39.595303 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Goshen Pass Gorge, Virginia, USA - Maury River
Bridgemeister ID:794 (added 2003-03-28)
Location:Goshen Pass Gorge, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Maury River
At or Near Feature:Little North Mountain Wildlife Management Area
Coordinates:37.94831 N 79.45969 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Govind Ghat (गोविंद घाट), Toli Naga Chiae (टोली नागा चिए), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7127 (added 2022-06-18)
Location:Govind Ghat (गोविंद घाट), Toli Naga Chiae (टोली नागा चिए), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.624739 N 79.558053 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.2 meters (158 feet)


  • Destroyed by the catastrophic Uttarakhand flooding in June 2013.

External Links:


Graham, Texas, USA - Salt Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1464 (added 2004-08-28)
Location:Graham, Texas, USA
Crossing:Salt Creek
At or Near Feature:Fireman's Park
Coordinates:33.113059 N 98.597555 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Grantham, Pennsylvania, USA - Yellow Breeches Creek
Bridgemeister ID:256 (added before 2003)
Location:Grantham, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Yellow Breeches Creek
At or Near Feature:Messiah College
Coordinates:40.155317 N 76.988383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo courtesy of Messiah College


Granvin, Vestland, Norway - Granvinelva
Bridgemeister ID:4507 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Granvin, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.522217 N 6.721664 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.5 meters (67.3 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point before 1958.

External Links:


Gratsch, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:1846 (added 2005-07-16)
Location:Gratsch, Italy
Coordinates:46.691467 N 11.1417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Suspended Spans:1


Grøa, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3894 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Grøa, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.64620 N 8.72212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (214.9 feet) estimated


Grøa, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3895 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Grøa, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.64499 N 8.73639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated


Great Falls vicinity, Montana, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:2111 (added 2006-09-03)
Location:Great Falls vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
At or Near Feature:Ryan Island Day Use Area
Coordinates:47.568717 N 111.119083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Located just below Ryan Dam.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA - Duck Creek
Bridgemeister ID:257 (added before 2003)
Location:Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Duck Creek
At or Near Feature:Pamperin Park
Coordinates:44.54537 N 88.10242 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Griffith, Virginia, USA - Cowpasture River
Bridgemeister ID:798 (added 2003-03-28)
Location:Griffith, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cowpasture River
Coordinates:37.86683 N 79.73335 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.1 meters (184 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Griffith, Virginia, USA - Pads Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1365 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Griffith, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Pads Creek
Coordinates:37.86571 N 79.73183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.6 meters (74 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4336 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.314776 N 7.963524 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:4337 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Grovane vicinity, Vennesla, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.314667 N 7.963424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire



Groveport, Ohio, USA - Little Walnut Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6745 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Groveport, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Little Walnut Creek
Coordinates:39.847459 N 82.874600 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

Bridgemeister ID:3801 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Grundy, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.286200 N 82.122450 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Guadalupe, Ecuador - Rio Yacuambi
Bridgemeister ID:7697 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Guadalupe, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Yacuambi
Coordinates:3.846337 S 78.890452 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


Guage, Kentucky, USA - Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3781 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Guage, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.571730 N 83.196140 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Guaguayme Bajo, La Saquea, Ecuador - Rio Yacuambi
Bridgemeister ID:7696 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Guaguayme Bajo, La Saquea, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Yacuambi
Coordinates:3.906817 S 78.864694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Gualaceo, Ecuador - Rio Paute
Bridgemeister ID:7284 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Gualaceo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Paute
Coordinates:2.856600 S 78.801995 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Gualaceo, Ecuador - Rio Santa Barbara
Bridgemeister ID:7717 (added 2023-07-07)
Location:Gualaceo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Santa Barbara
Coordinates:2.895440 S 78.775679 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated


Guamiranga, Guaramirim, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itapocu
Bridgemeister ID:4998 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Guamiranga, Guaramirim, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itapocu
Coordinates:26.484450 S 48.924291 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)


Guantian District, Tainan City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:1876 (added 2005-09-22)
Location:Guantian District, Tainan City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Longtian Park
Coordinates:23.1973 N 120.295567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)


Guarnecia, El Salvador - Rio Amayo
Bridgemeister ID:7464 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Guarnecia, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Amayo
Coordinates:14.094208 N 89.42605 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34.1 meters (112 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2002-2012 time frame.

External Links:


Guayabetal, Cundinamarca, Colombia - Rio Negro
Bridgemeister ID:8563 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Guayabetal, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Negro
Coordinates:4.216028 N 73.815750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Guaza
Bridgemeister ID:7378 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Guaza
Coordinates:13.878222 N 89.162325 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2010
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


External Links:


Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Speed River
Bridgemeister ID:836 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Speed River
At or Near Feature:Riverside Park
Status:Closed, 2003. Removed by 2004.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • This bridge was closed April 2003. Wayne Grodkiewicz reports that it has since been replaced by a truss bridge.


Gukeng Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:1632 (added 2005-03-12)
Location:Gukeng Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Zhanghu Shell Fossil Zone
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Long footbridge crossing above a river and the "ZhangHu Shell Fossil Zone".


Gunung Tua Tonga, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Pane
Bridgemeister ID:8237 (added 2024-02-07)
Location:Gunung Tua Tonga, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Pane
Coordinates:1.511028 N 99.642333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gunung, Ebya vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Subansiri River
Bridgemeister ID:7266 (added 2022-07-17)
Location:Gunung, Ebya vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.367046 N 93.986570 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 101.5 meters (333 feet) estimated


Haapajärvi, Finland - Kortejärvi
Bridgemeister ID:7540 (added 2023-03-04)
Location:Haapajärvi, Finland
At or Near Feature:Siiponkosken Jokikeskus
Coordinates:63.778816 N 25.294072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted October 2021.
  • Facebook. The nearby bridge that looks like a suspension bridge, but appears to be functioning as a girder bridge with a midspan pier.
  • Siiponkosken Jokikeskus. Several images of the bridge and another nearby footbridge that has suspension cables but does not appear to be functioning as a suspension bridge.


Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2499 (added 2008-12-24)
Location:Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Mount Takao trail
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6101 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
Coordinates:35.628162 N 139.248918 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Haddix, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:2444 (added 2008-04-23)
Location:Haddix, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.48066 N 83.37641 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet)
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Haflong, Assam, India - Haflong Lake
Bridgemeister ID:3349 (added 2019-12-14)
Location:Haflong, Assam, India
Crossing:Haflong Lake
Coordinates:25.165727 N 93.016258 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Halls Ford, North Carolina, USA - Little Tennessee River
Bridgemeister ID:845 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Halls Ford, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Little Tennessee River
Coordinates:35.35505 N 83.50540 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet),
1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Halstead, Kansas, USA - Little Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:1085 (added 2004-01-01)
Location:Halstead, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Little Arkansas River
At or Near Feature:Riverside Park
Coordinates:38.00838 N 97.50696 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 35.4 meters (116 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 9.1 meters (30 feet) estimated


  • Small footbridge with steel towers. Evidently located in the park where the 1956 William Holden movie "Picnic" was filmed.


Haltdalen, Holtålen, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3874 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Haltdalen, Holtålen, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.91475 N 11.17653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, completed prior to 1955 and removed by 1993.


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Keta River
Bridgemeister ID:4302 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Keta River
Coordinates:34.969871 N 137.900579 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Keta River
Bridgemeister ID:4304 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Keta River
Coordinates:35.024900 N 137.917659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Kumakiri River
Bridgemeister ID:4311 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Kumakiri River
Coordinates:34.977110 N 137.912241 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4414 (added 2020-04-19)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.554350 N 6.015072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 36.5 meters (119.8 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and removed by 2007.


Hamrick vicinity, North Carolina, USA - South Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2275 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Hamrick vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:South Toe River
Coordinates:35.78000 N 82.20553 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hamrick vicinity, North Carolina, USA - South Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2276 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Hamrick vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:South Toe River
Coordinates:35.81276 N 82.19618 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.6 meters (97 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hardenburgh vicinity, New York, USA - Beaverkill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2607 (added 2014-04-15)
Location:Hardenburgh vicinity, New York, USA
Crossing:Beaverkill Creek
At or Near Feature:Mongaup Hardenburgh Trail
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire


Hardshell, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3818 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Hardshell, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.465050 N 83.269670 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hardshell, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3822 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Hardshell, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.449223 N 83.236257 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hardshell, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3825 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Hardshell, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.450200 N 83.228820 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hasarvalli, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3015 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Hasarvalli, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:14.060516 N 74.629954 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hasis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Karambar River
Bridgemeister ID:6810 (added 2021-12-04)
Location:Hasis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Karambar River
Coordinates:36.298825 N 73.791733 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (133 feet) estimated


External Links:


Haskell, New Jersey, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2540 (added 2011-12-30)
Location:Haskell, New Jersey, USA
Main Cables:Wire


  • Was in existence in 1914, on site of du Pont "Haskell Works" munitions facility.


Hawesville vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Vastwood Park Lake
Bridgemeister ID:1414 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Hawesville vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Vastwood Park Lake
At or Near Feature:Vastwood Park
Coordinates:37.908467 N 86.790283 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:5141 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
At or Near Feature:Minami Alps Murayacho Park
Coordinates:35.471410 N 138.337956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated


Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:5142 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.483012 N 138.331139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:5145 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.555442 N 138.305333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hayfork vicinity, California, USA - Hayfork Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2023 (added 2006-02-05)
Location:Hayfork vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Hayfork Creek
Coordinates:40.592680 N 123.262755 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hayfork, California, USA - Hayfork Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1480 (added 2004-09-04)
Location:Hayfork, California, USA
Crossing:Hayfork Creek
Coordinates:40.552217 N 123.1815 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hector vicinity, Stockton, West Coast, New Zealand - Ngakawau River
Bridgemeister ID:7615 (added 2023-05-26)
Location:Hector vicinity, Stockton, West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Ngakawau River
At or Near Feature:Mangatini Falls
Coordinates:41.607652 S 171.912838 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Heggelbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Argen River
Bridgemeister ID:2243 (added 2007-03-28)
Location:Heggelbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Argen River
Coordinates:47.634725 N 9.682643 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.1 meters (128.3 feet)


Helper, Utah, USA - Price River
Bridgemeister ID:1415 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Helper, Utah, USA
Crossing:Price River
Coordinates:39.688467 N 110.855617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.8 meters (124 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Helper, Utah, USA - Price River
Bridgemeister ID:2216 (added 2007-02-13)
Location:Helper, Utah, USA
Crossing:Price River
Coordinates:39.68397 N 110.85598 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.1 meters (79 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hendricks, West Virginia, USA - Dry Fork Cheat River
Bridgemeister ID:1582 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Hendricks, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Dry Fork Cheat River
Coordinates:39.07212 N 79.63324 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 33.5 meters (110 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hennef, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Sieg River
Bridgemeister ID:2212 (added 2007-02-11)
Location:Hennef, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Crossing:Sieg River
Coordinates:50.78816 N 7.28245 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)
Deck width:2.5 meters between side rails, 3.0 meters total


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes of this self-anchored bridge: "Two chains on each side of main span, only running from one tower to mid of main span. There, all four chains are fixed at the deck."
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3243 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Taoshan Falls Trail
Coordinates:24.397973 N 121.307851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Herdecke, Germany - Ruhr River
Bridgemeister ID:3218 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Herdecke, Germany
Crossing:Ruhr River
At or Near Feature:Niedernhof Castle
Coordinates:51.416834 N 7.463870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • Connected two castellated towers, one sitting on a tiny island in the Ruhr River, at Niedernhof Castle. Removed in 1926 (or soon after) during construction of nearby dam.


Heron Lake State Park, New Mexico, USA - Rio Chama
Bridgemeister ID:2516 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Heron Lake State Park, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Rio Chama
Coordinates:36.66036 N 106.70000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hetauda, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6511 (added 2021-08-22)
Location:Hetauda, Nepal
Coordinates:27.448106 N 85.035787 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Higgins, North Carolina, USA - Cane River
Bridgemeister ID:857 (added 2003-08-08)
Location:Higgins, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cane River
Coordinates:35.96742 N 82.38952 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


High Springs vicinity, Florida, USA - Santa Fe River
Bridgemeister ID:1461 (added 2004-08-21)
Location:High Springs vicinity, Florida, USA
Crossing:Santa Fe River
At or Near Feature:O'Leno State Park
Coordinates:29.914417 N 82.579472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, August 2022 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Hiji Falls, Okuma vicinity, Okinawa, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:1865 (added 2005-08-02)
Location:Hiji Falls, Okuma vicinity, Okinawa, Japan
Coordinates:26.711183 N 128.183183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Hilham, Tennessee, USA
Bridgemeister ID:6988 (added 2022-04-03)
Location:Hilham, Tennessee, USA
At or Near Feature:Standing Stone State Park
Coordinates:36.470954 N 85.418240 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hinokage, Miyazaki, Japan - Hinokage River
Bridgemeister ID:3277 (added 2019-11-23)
Location:Hinokage, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Hinokage River
Coordinates:32.699559 N 131.403163 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hinokage, Miyazaki, Japan - Hinokage River
Bridgemeister ID:3278 (added 2019-11-23)
Location:Hinokage, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Hinokage River
Coordinates:32.777562 N 131.439672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hita, Oita, Japan - Kawabaru River
Bridgemeister ID:5331 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Hita, Oita, Japan
Crossing:Kawabaru River
Coordinates:33.113181 N 130.961153 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hoelsand, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3893 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Hoelsand, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.661740 N 8.630130 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


Hog Springs Rest Area, Utah, USA - North Wash
Bridgemeister ID:2217 (added 2007-02-13)
Location:Hog Springs Rest Area, Utah, USA
Crossing:North Wash
At or Near Feature:Glen Canyon Nat. Rec. Area vicinity
Coordinates:37.96283 N 110.49188 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.6 meters (71 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hogenakkal, Tamil Nadu, India - Kaveri River
Bridgemeister ID:3009 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Hogenakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Crossing:Kaveri River
Coordinates:12.115435 N 77.777940 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Holme, Peterborough, England, United Kingdom - Great Northern Railway track
Bridgemeister ID:5082 (added 2020-09-02)
Location:Holme, Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Great Northern Railway track
Coordinates:52.474283 N 0.237478 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Harper & Co.
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • HARPER: Likely constructed in 1870s.
  • Coordinates indicate likely approximate former location of the bridge.

External Links:


Holtwood, Pennsylvania, USA - Susquehanna River
Bridgemeister ID:3331 (added 2019-12-07)
Location:Holtwood, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Susquehanna River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Scan of a slide, collection of David Denenberg


Homtang, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5284 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Homtang, Nepal
Coordinates:27.044246 N 87.178389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Horse Creek, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:585 (added 2003-01-05)
Location:Horse Creek, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Main Cables:Wire



Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2414 (added 2007-12-31)
Location:Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA
At or Near Feature:Lake Catherine State Park
Coordinates:34.429010 N 92.910986 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1


Hualaihué, Chile - Estero Pichicolo
Bridgemeister ID:4019 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Hualaihué, Chile
Crossing:Estero Pichicolo
Coordinates:41.985445 S 72.564372 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Huallanca vicinity, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7896 (added 2023-10-14)
Location:Huallanca vicinity, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:8.861868 S 77.828972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Private bridge providing access to the energy company that operates a nearby hydroelectric dam.


Huamancaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:6007 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Huamancaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.059575 S 75.253866 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Huánuco, Peru - Rio Higueras
Bridgemeister ID:2916 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Huánuco, Peru
Crossing:Rio Higueras
Coordinates:9.929863 S 76.280545 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Huentemo, Chiloé, Chile - Rio Colecole
Bridgemeister ID:3508 (added 2019-12-24)
Location:Huentemo, Chiloé, Chile
Crossing:Rio Colecole
Coordinates:42.507064 S 74.183216 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hungi and Jagatradevi, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4681 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Hungi and Jagatradevi, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.927429 N 83.676831 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Hungi and Malunga, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4724 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Hungi and Malunga, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.919022 N 83.664443 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hunsur, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3010 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Hunsur, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:12.302908 N 76.286144 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA - Standing Stone Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6979 (added 2022-03-27)
Location:Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Standing Stone Creek
Coordinates:40.555069 N 77.944703 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


Ichar, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7290 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Ichar, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.299961 N 77.000842 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Ichar, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7291 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Ichar, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.300105 N 77.000849 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, May 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.8 meters (111 feet) estimated


External Links:


Ichar, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7292 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Ichar, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.299825 N 77.000819 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46.3 meters (152 feet) estimated


External Links:


Igbaras, Iloilo, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:7651 (added 2023-06-10)
Location:Igbaras, Iloilo, Philippines
Coordinates:10.740539 N 122.242926 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was adjacent to a low-water vehicle crossing. Appears to have been removed in 2019 or 2020 upon completion of a higher-level automobile bridge.


Iida, Nagano, Japan - Nosoko River
Bridgemeister ID:7167 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Nosoko River
At or Near Feature:Nosokoyama Forest Park (野底山森林公園)
Coordinates:35.541114 N 137.818050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


Iida, Nagano, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:7168 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Illano vicinity, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:1307 (added 2004-04-10)
Location:Illano vicinity, Spain


Imphal, Manipur, India - Nambul River
Bridgemeister ID:3344 (added 2019-12-14)
Location:Imphal, Manipur, India
Crossing:Nambul River
Coordinates:24.804439 N 93.924027 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Bridgemeister ID:2876 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


  • There have been at least two suspension bridges at the speedway. This was a larger three-span wide footbridge that was in existence in 1909.


Indobanua, Mambi, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6866 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Indobanua, Mambi, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.975330 S 119.080360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Ingalls, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2269 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Ingalls, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:35.97301 N 82.01494 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 100 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Injoux-Génissiat, Ain and Franclens, Haute-Savoie, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7403 (added 2022-12-03)
Location:Injoux-Génissiat, Ain and Franclens, Haute-Savoie, France
Crossing:Rhône River
At or Near Feature:Barrage de Génissiat
Coordinates:46.050202 N 5.811581 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely built around 1946-1947 during construction of the Génissiat dam.
Postcard, Collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ino, Kochi, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:6049 (added 2021-07-03)
Location:Ino, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.771567 N 133.314817 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:7624 (added 2023-05-27)
Location:Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
Coordinates:63.720294 N 68.523049 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. "Street view" image with bridge visible in the distance, to the right, taken while mushing across a frozen bay. Dated 2013.
  • Twitter. Image of the bridge, posted October 4, 2022.


Isumi, Chiba, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6029 (added 2021-07-03)
Location:Isumi, Chiba, Japan
At or Near Feature:Tsubaki Park - 椿公園
Coordinates:35.255293 N 140.382663 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated



Isumi, Chiba, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6030 (added 2021-07-03)
Location:Isumi, Chiba, Japan
At or Near Feature:Tsubaki Park - 椿公園
Coordinates:35.256046 N 140.382650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated



Jackson, Kentucky, USA - Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3810 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Jackson, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.563010 N 83.291030 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Jagannath (जगन्नाथ), Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:6485 (added 2021-08-14)
Location:Jagannath (जगन्नाथ), Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:29.470062 N 81.710523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Jagatipur vicinity, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:3154 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Jagatipur vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.634019 N 82.188139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Jalbire (जल्बिरे), Sindhupalchok and Batase (बतासे), Sindhupalchok, Bagmati, Nepal - Bhotekoshi
Bridgemeister ID:7354 (added 2022-10-22)
Location:Jalbire (जल्बिरे), Sindhupalchok and Batase (बतासे), Sindhupalchok, Bagmati, Nepal
Coordinates:27.811839 N 85.767932 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Jalcomulco, Veracruz, Mexico - Rio La Antiqua
Bridgemeister ID:8856 (added 2024-09-30)
Location:Jalcomulco, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Rio La Antiqua
Coordinates:19.330658 N 96.763536 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated


  • 2023: Deck and cables replaced in extensive renovation project.


Jambenenggang, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5617 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Jambenenggang, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.958416 S 106.966813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Jamestown vicinity, Tennessee, USA - Thompson Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2627 (added 2018-12-31)
Location:Jamestown vicinity, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Thompson Creek
At or Near Feature:Pickett CCC Memorial State Park
Coordinates:36.55035 N 84.801530 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Jandoli, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6746 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Jandoli, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.264508 N 73.643811 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (174 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2007-2013 time frame.


Janji Maria, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8630 (added 2024-06-09)
Location:Janji Maria, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.310306 N 99.746111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Jarayotar and Ankhibhui, Nepal - Arun River
Bridgemeister ID:5296 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Jarayotar and Ankhibhui, Nepal
Crossing:Arun River
Coordinates:27.184788 N 87.257516 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Jasper vicinity, Alberta, Canada - Maligne River
Bridgemeister ID:2376 (added 2007-10-10)
Location:Jasper vicinity, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Maligne River
At or Near Feature:Maligne Canyon Trailhead
Coordinates:52.921546 N 118.016911 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replaced by a cable-stayed bridge at some point between 2007 and 2018.


Jati, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6224 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Jati, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.825895 S 103.526078 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Jauljibi (जौलजीबी), Uttarakhand, India and Jadani, Uku, Nepal - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:8193 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Jauljibi (जौलजीबी), Uttarakhand, India and Jadani, Uku, Nepal
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.749847 N 80.377489 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image with the one remaining tower visible across the river under the current (as of 2023) simple suspension bridge. Posted February 7, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the temporary suspension bridge erected after the 2013 destruction of the two bridges here.
  • Google Maps. Image with the one remaining tower visible across the river under the current (as of 2023) simple suspension bridge. Dated February 2018.
  • - Bridge to Nepal. | Photo. Image of the bridge. Dated February 19, 2011. Adjacent older suspension bridge also visible to the right.


Jauljibi (जौलजीबी), Uttarakhand, India and Jadani, Uku, Nepal - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:8194 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Jauljibi (जौलजीबी), Uttarakhand, India and Jadani, Uku, Nepal
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.749847 N 80.377489 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 2013
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Jayaram Ghat, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5230 (added 2020-10-12)
Location:Jayaram Ghat, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.177031 N 86.473944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Jüriküla, Estonia - Pedja River
Bridgemeister ID:4834 (added 2020-07-07)
Location:Jüriküla, Estonia
Crossing:Pedja River
At or Near Feature:Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve
Coordinates:58.539049 N 26.197478 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Jenison, Michigan, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2927 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Jenison, Michigan, USA
At or Near Feature:Grand Ravines Park
Coordinates:42.946855 N 85.879794 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Jenkins Corner vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Octoraro Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2021 (added 2006-01-22)
Location:Jenkins Corner vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Octoraro Creek
At or Near Feature:Camp Horseshoe and Camp Ware
Coordinates:39.7268 N 76.125 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Jenkins Corner vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Octoraro Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2022 (added 2006-01-22)
Location:Jenkins Corner vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Octoraro Creek
At or Near Feature:Camp Horseshoe
Coordinates:39.7225 N 76.1276 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Rush Wickes writes: "It collapsed once during the mid-1980s due to being overloaded by mischievous Scout campers. It was subsequently rebuilt, explaining the mismatched steel and wood tower combination. The "W" in the tower may very well refer to the phrase, 'Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui', or WWW, a motto of the Order of the Arrow honor group. The Octararo lodge of the honor group has its ceremonial fire pit just beyond the steel tower."
  • Near (footbridge) - Jenkins Corner vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Jhal, Bheladi (भेलादी), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:7957 (added 2023-11-19)
Location:Jhal, Bheladi (भेलादी), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.845814 N 78.865650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.6 meters (166 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2012 time frame.

External Links:


Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3766 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.738471 N 121.254994 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire


Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3767 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.704941 N 121.208162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Jimbun, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3587 (added 2019-12-30)
Location:Jimbun, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.716526 S 110.838539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Johannesburg, South Africa
Bridgemeister ID:1829 (added 2005-05-30)
Location:Johannesburg, South Africa
Coordinates:26.231317 S 28.003033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Joliette, Quebec, Canada - L'Assomption River
Bridgemeister ID:1741 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Joliette, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:L'Assomption River
Coordinates:46.0082 N 73.419917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Jonesville vicinity, Virginia, USA - Powell River
Bridgemeister ID:1412 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Jonesville vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Powell River
Coordinates:36.67621 N 83.05527 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.8 meters (242 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Jordan Mines, Virginia, USA - Potts Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1363 (added 2004-07-02)
Location:Jordan Mines, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Potts Creek
Coordinates:37.66552 N 80.12227 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Jordan Mines, Virginia, USA - Potts Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1385 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Jordan Mines, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Potts Creek
Coordinates:37.66542 N 80.11738 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.8 meters (124 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Joué-lèz-Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Bridgemeister ID:7758 (added 2023-07-23)
Location:Joué-lèz-Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Coordinates:47.335385 N 0.668899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates provided appear to be the approximate vicinity of the bridge, crossing the north/south rail line.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Jowai, Meghalaya, India - Myntdu River
Bridgemeister ID:4538 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Jowai, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Myntdu River
Coordinates:25.436725 N 92.216439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Jowai, Meghalaya, India - Myntdu River
Bridgemeister ID:4630 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Jowai, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Myntdu River
Coordinates:25.419662 N 92.184161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Joya de Ceren, El Salvador - Río Sucio
Bridgemeister ID:7380 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:Joya de Ceren, El Salvador
Crossing:Río Sucio
Coordinates:13.817269 N 89.358369 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet) estimated


  • Deck or entire bridge replaced at some point in the 2011-2013 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted June 22, 2019.


Julian, West Virginia, USA - Little Coal River
Bridgemeister ID:2283 (added 2007-04-22)
Location:Julian, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Coal River
Coordinates:38.16285 N 81.85135 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.3 meters (247 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Jwalpa, Thapala (थपाला), Uttarakhand, India - Pashchimi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:7965 (added 2023-11-23)
Location:Jwalpa, Thapala (थपाला), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pashchimi Nayar River
Coordinates:30.000138 N 78.813530 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.1 meters (194 feet) estimated

External Links:


Kabu, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siyom River
Bridgemeister ID:6519 (added 2021-08-28)
Location:Kabu, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siyom River
Coordinates:28.195174 N 94.766346 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 191.4 meters (628 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2007-2010 time frame.


Kaga Laga Dronagiri (कागा लागा द्रोनागिरी), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7067 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Kaga Laga Dronagiri (कागा लागा द्रोनागिरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.611922 N 79.809406 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.8 meters (170 feet) estimated


  • May have been closed in the 2017-2019 time frame.

External Links:


Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6336 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan
At or Near Feature:Sumiyakinomori Myo-gajima Camping Ground
Coordinates:34.901316 N 138.012529 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kalam viciinty, Pakistan - Swat River
Bridgemeister ID:6225 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Kalam viciinty, Pakistan
Crossing:Swat River
Coordinates:35.435523 N 72.604925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kalamboor, Kerala, India - Muvattupuzha River
Bridgemeister ID:2989 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Kalamboor, Kerala, India
Crossing:Muvattupuzha River
Coordinates:9.843195 N 76.475237 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kalasa vicinity, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3458 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Kalasa vicinity, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:13.242794 N 75.339537 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kalasa, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3011 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Kalasa, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:13.241334 N 75.365374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kalegaun, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:4368 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Kalegaun, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.688892 N 82.228925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 283.5 meters (930.1 feet) estimated


Kalkatak, Drosh (دروش) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:7217 (added 2022-07-10)
Location:Kalkatak, Drosh (دروش) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.514001 N 71.747124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 66.8 meters (219 feet) estimated

External Links:


Kalmia, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2270 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Kalmia, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:35.91802 N 82.00521 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.5 meters (123 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kam'yanytsya (Кам'яниця) Uzgorod vicinity, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine - Uzh River
Bridgemeister ID:1895 (added 2005-10-01)
Location:Kam'yanytsya (Кам'яниця) Uzgorod vicinity, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Uzh River
Coordinates:48.685333 N 22.4036 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kamennomostsky (Каменномостский), Adygea Republic, Russia - Reka Belaya
Bridgemeister ID:6068 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Kamennomostsky (Каменномостский), Adygea Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Belaya
Coordinates:44.298824 N 40.175779 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kamganka, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Bridgemeister ID:4361 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Kamganka, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Coordinates:27.285240 N 90.001476 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kamikawa, Hokkaido, Japan - Ishikari River
Bridgemeister ID:6892 (added 2022-01-16)
Location:Kamikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Ishikari River
Coordinates:43.848328 N 142.708864 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Spans:2


Kamikawa, Hokkaido, Japan - Ishikari River
Bridgemeister ID:6893 (added 2022-01-16)
Location:Kamikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Ishikari River
Coordinates:43.725949 N 142.955749 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan - Sakamoto Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:4887 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Sakamoto Reservoir
Coordinates:34.130981 N 136.080729 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan - Sakamoto Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:4888 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Sakamoto Reservoir
Coordinates:34.095810 N 136.065848 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 190 meters (623.4 feet) estimated


Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan - Sakamoto Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:6240 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Sakamoto Reservoir
Coordinates:34.095835 N 136.052211 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kamphaeng Din, Sam Ngam District, Phichit, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5069 (added 2020-08-30)
Location:Kamphaeng Din, Sam Ngam District, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:16.637555 N 100.204962 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kandalaksha (Кандалакша), Murmansk Oblast, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:6726 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Kandalaksha (Кандалакша), Murmansk Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:67.153788 N 32.430017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet) estimated


Kandersteg, Gasterntal, Switzerland - Kander
Bridgemeister ID:6736 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Kandersteg, Gasterntal, Switzerland
Coordinates:46.444604 N 7.724130 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2854 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Jhongdou (Zhongdu) Wetlands Park
Coordinates:22.646417 N 120.284415 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2855 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Jhongdou (Zhongdu) Wetlands Park
Coordinates:22.646915 N 120.284774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2856 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Jhongdou (Zhongdu) Wetlands Park
Coordinates:22.647294 N 120.285589 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Karangahake viciinty, New Zealand - Waitawheta River
Bridgemeister ID:3092 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Karangahake viciinty, New Zealand
Crossing:Waitawheta River
At or Near Feature:Crown Tramway Track
Coordinates:37.427753 S 175.725183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Karangahake, New Zealand - Ohinemuri River
Bridgemeister ID:841 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Karangahake, New Zealand
Crossing:Ohinemuri River
Coordinates:37.42323 S 175.721367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1



Karangahake, New Zealand - Waitawheta River
Bridgemeister ID:2868 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Karangahake, New Zealand
Crossing:Waitawheta River
Coordinates:37.423776 S 175.722069 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4790 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.768042 S 102.824642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4791 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.768511 S 102.827946 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4792 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.768057 S 102.827123 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4794 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.778080 S 102.839482 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4795 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.779571 S 102.841215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4796 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.780310 S 102.855073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4797 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.781101 S 102.876386 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4798 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.784187 S 102.887121 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karimpuzha, Kerala, India - Kunthi River
Bridgemeister ID:3001 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Karimpuzha, Kerala, India
Crossing:Kunthi River
Coordinates:10.933090 N 76.429269 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karyabinayak and Kirtipur (कीर्तिपुर), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6339 (added 2021-07-25)
Location:Karyabinayak and Kirtipur (कीर्तिपुर), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
At or Near Feature:Sikali Mandir
Coordinates:27.644692 N 85.286239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kashiwara, Osaka, Japan - Yamato River
Bridgemeister ID:4653 (added 2020-06-17)
Location:Kashiwara, Osaka, Japan
Crossing:Yamato River
Coordinates:34.568880 N 135.654750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Katari (कटारी), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6600 (added 2021-09-05)
Location:Katari (कटारी), Nepal
Coordinates:26.935177 N 86.413492 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 146 meters (479 feet) estimated


Katari and Bahuni Danda (बाहुनी डाँडा), Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8524 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Katari and Bahuni Danda (बाहुनी डाँडा), Nepal
Coordinates:27.136779 N 86.427210 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 220 meters (721.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2018-2020 time frame.


Katimbang, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7165 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Katimbang, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.127897 S 119.215132 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted July 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted October 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted June 2021. The deck was replaced since the earlier images.


Katomato, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6472 (added 2021-08-14)
Location:Katomato, Nepal
Coordinates:29.111782 N 80.680615 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated


Katsuragi, Wakayama, Japan - Kinokawa River
Bridgemeister ID:4859 (added 2020-07-12)
Location:Katsuragi, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kinokawa River
Coordinates:34.278278 N 135.454587 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated


Kattinamane, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3460 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Kattinamane, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:13.206019 N 75.282508 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Kawaguchi, Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4232 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Kawaguchi, Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.052749 N 135.319066 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3310 (added 2019-11-29)
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.092830 N 138.111769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3311 (added 2019-11-29)
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.091272 N 138.115298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3312 (added 2019-11-29)
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:34.998750 N 138.089444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Sumata River
Bridgemeister ID:4300 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Sumata River
Coordinates:35.142797 N 138.127563 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Keban, Padang Tepong, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4789 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Keban, Padang Tepong, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.767847 S 102.817487 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kebo, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5724 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Kebo, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.322308 S 119.987992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Keboer, Muara Maung, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4810 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Keboer, Muara Maung, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.765334 S 103.653604 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Keila-Joa, Estonia
Bridgemeister ID:2501 (added 2008-12-24)
Location:Keila-Joa, Estonia
Coordinates:59.39522 N 24.29505 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1


  • Short footbridge with main cables partially link chain and partially flat eyebars. The chains are adorned with dozens of padlocks. It appears to be a local tradition for newlyweds to attach engraved padlocks to the bridge.


Keinovuopio, Sweden and Enontekiö, Finland - Peerasuvanto
Bridgemeister ID:7172 (added 2022-06-28)
Location:Keinovuopio, Sweden and Enontekiö, Finland
Coordinates:68.882037 N 21.028187 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Instagram. Image of the bridge, posted June 2022.


Kendalbulur, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6860 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Kendalbulur, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.117619 S 111.871580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA - Dennison Run
Bridgemeister ID:2396 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Dennison Run
At or Near Feature:Kittanning State Forest
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA - Dennison Run
Bridgemeister ID:2397 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Dennison Run
At or Near Feature:Kittanning State Forest
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA - Dennison Run
Bridgemeister ID:2398 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Dennison Run
At or Near Feature:Kittanning State Forest
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA - Dennison Run
Bridgemeister ID:2399 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Kennerdell, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Dennison Run
At or Near Feature:Kittanning State Forest
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kerala, India - Pamba River
Bridgemeister ID:8218 (added 2024-02-06)
Location:Kerala, India
Crossing:Pamba River


  • Exact location unknown, but somewhere on the Pamba River in Kerala.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Keris, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6754 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Keris, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.226603 N 75.939735 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 156 meters (511.8 feet) estimated


Kerjo, Trenggalek Regency and Buluagung, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6855 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Kerjo, Trenggalek Regency and Buluagung, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.052058 S 111.674049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Keshena, Wisconsin, USA - Wolf River
Bridgemeister ID:7675 (added 2023-06-17)
Location:Keshena, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Wolf River
Coordinates:44.886710 N 88.654358 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kewanee, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1478 (added 2004-09-03)
Location:Kewanee, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.445933 N 82.5153 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Khandbari, Nepal - Arun River
Bridgemeister ID:5280 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Khandbari, Nepal
Crossing:Arun River
Coordinates:27.347685 N 87.192128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Khati (खाती) and Wachham (वाछाम), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6965 (added 2022-03-13)
Location:Khati (खाती) and Wachham (वाछाम), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.113086 N 79.929425 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.6 meters (235 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2015-2016 time frame.

External Links:


Khertvisi (ხერთვისი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8006 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Khertvisi (ხერთვისი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.478139 N 43.284639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Khokana, Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:4061 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Khokana, Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.631884 N 85.292820 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kholuy (Холуй), Kirov Oblast, Russia - Reka Ivkina
Bridgemeister ID:6260 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Kholuy (Холуй), Kirov Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Ivkina
Coordinates:58.243669 N 49.540281 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Khouzh, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:5492 (added 2020-11-27)
Location:Khouzh, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.389988 N 72.618824 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Khurkot and Baluwajor, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5293 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Khurkot and Baluwajor, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.328430 N 86.008197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Kibungan, Benguet, Philippines - Tanap River
Bridgemeister ID:8289 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Kibungan, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Tanap River
Coordinates:16.716944 N 120.655194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kilbraur, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Brora
Bridgemeister ID:6764 (added 2021-10-26)
Location:Kilbraur, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Brora
Coordinates:58.066959 N 3.996902 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely built in 1960s or 1970s.


Kildonan Lodge vicinity, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Helmsdale
Bridgemeister ID:2906 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Kildonan Lodge vicinity, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Helmsdale
Coordinates:58.184200 N 3.871900 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Kildonan Lodge, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Helmsdale
Bridgemeister ID:2907 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Kildonan Lodge, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Helmsdale
Coordinates:58.1767 N 3.8664 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Killian, Louisiana, USA - Tickfaw River
Bridgemeister ID:7673 (added 2023-06-17)
Location:Killian, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Tickfaw River
At or Near Feature:Tickfaw State Park
Coordinates:30.379685 N 90.650688 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kilphedir, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Helmsdale
Bridgemeister ID:2908 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Kilphedir, Helmsdale, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Helmsdale
Coordinates:58.1431 N 3.7222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan - Mishima Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6032 (added 2021-07-03)
Location:Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Crossing:Mishima Lake
Coordinates:35.213042 N 140.033639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kingsland and Eyton, England, United Kingdom - River Lugg
Bridgemeister ID:2745 (added 2019-06-23)
Location:Kingsland and Eyton, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Lugg
Coordinates:52.247378 N 2.785220 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Closed 2006, pending repairs.


Kinloch vicinity, New Zealand - Route Burn North Branch
Bridgemeister ID:3081 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Kinloch vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Route Burn North Branch
Coordinates:44.719738 S 168.234157 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • May have been completely rebuilt at some point between 2013-2015.


Kirov, Adygea Republic and Temirgoevskaya, Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Laba River
Bridgemeister ID:5368 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Kirov, Adygea Republic and Temirgoevskaya, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Laba River
Coordinates:45.105639 N 40.272466 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Kirtipur and Lalitpur, Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:4060 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Kirtipur and Lalitpur, Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.674449 N 85.293147 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kiso, Nagano, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5119 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Kiso, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.880012 N 137.751017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Knipe, Bampton, England, United Kingdom - River Lowther
Bridgemeister ID:7302 (added 2022-08-07)
Location:Knipe, Bampton, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Lowther
Coordinates:54.566764 N 2.751081 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Ko Phlappla, Mueang Ratchaburi, Ratchaburi, Thailand
Bridgemeister ID:6932 (added 2022-01-22)
Location:Ko Phlappla, Mueang Ratchaburi, Ratchaburi, Thailand
At or Near Feature:Khao Ngu Stone Park (อุทยานหินเขางู)
Coordinates:13.568855 N 99.775248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Koiteli, Syväys, Finland - Kiiminkijoki
Bridgemeister ID:3089 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Koiteli, Syväys, Finland
Coordinates:65.097569 N 25.820695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kolumage, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3459 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Kolumage, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:13.223491 N 75.322363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Komnes, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4100 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Komnes, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.502267 N 9.921024 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1959.


Kootenay National Park, British Columbia, Canada - Kootenay River
Bridgemeister ID:1471 (added 2004-08-29)
Location:Kootenay National Park, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Kootenay River
Coordinates:51.17053 N 116.15066 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Replaced at some point between 2005 and 2018.


Kortaneti (კორტანეთი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7995 (added 2023-12-08)
Location:Kortaneti (კორტანეთი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.894306 N 43.438694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kosuge, Yamanashi, Japan - Kosuge River
Bridgemeister ID:5998 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Kosuge, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Kosuge River
Coordinates:35.759992 N 138.975669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kota and Ratanpur, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4903 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Kota and Ratanpur, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.766372 N 84.315482 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Kotë vicinity, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7749 (added 2023-07-21)
Location:Kotë vicinity, Albania
Coordinates:40.397371 N 19.592280 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Koteshwar (कोटेश्वर), Uttarakhand, India - Balkhila Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:7153 (added 2022-06-25)
Location:Koteshwar (कोटेश्वर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Balkhila Nadi
Coordinates:30.451900 N 79.281261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 79.9 meters (262 feet) estimated

External Links:


Koto Baru, Luhak Nan Duo, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8399 (added 2024-03-02)
Location:Koto Baru, Luhak Nan Duo, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.019386 N 99.814022 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Street view image of the bridge. Dated July 2023.


Koto Boru, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8028 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Koto Boru, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.624972 N 99.846611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4030 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.604537 N 135.692811 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4032 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.666969 N 135.713816 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4033 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.668333 N 135.713275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hirai River
Bridgemeister ID:4034 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hirai River
Coordinates:33.610483 N 135.681758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Soino River
Bridgemeister ID:4035 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Soino River
Coordinates:33.602460 N 135.677463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Mio River
Bridgemeister ID:4036 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Mio River
Coordinates:33.555008 N 135.687903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Mio River
Bridgemeister ID:4037 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Mio River
Coordinates:33.551559 N 135.690396 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kralanh, Cambodia
Bridgemeister ID:6112 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Kralanh, Cambodia
Coordinates:13.577350 N 103.417144 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kralanh, Cambodia
Bridgemeister ID:6114 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Kralanh, Cambodia
Coordinates:13.616346 N 103.397338 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Krasnaya Gora (Красная Гора), Bryansk Oblast, Russia - Besed
Bridgemeister ID:6078 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Krasnaya Gora (Красная Гора), Bryansk Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:53.007635 N 31.597707 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:10


  • Appears to have ten main spans, most of which are approximately 28 meters in length. May also have one or two side spans.


Krasnodar, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:5213 (added 2020-10-11)
Location:Krasnodar, Russia
Coordinates:45.003284 N 39.054055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Krepostnaya (Крепостная), Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Reka Afips
Bridgemeister ID:6868 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Krepostnaya (Крепостная), Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Afips
Coordinates:44.708167 N 38.680611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Krong Battambang, Cambodia - Sangker River
Bridgemeister ID:4786 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Krong Battambang, Cambodia
Crossing:Sangker River
Coordinates:13.020632 N 103.172327 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Krong Battambang, Cambodia - Sangker River
Bridgemeister ID:4787 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Krong Battambang, Cambodia
Crossing:Sangker River
Coordinates:13.032041 N 103.190857 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Krupa na Vrbasu, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vrbas River
Bridgemeister ID:4585 (added 2020-06-05)
Location:Krupa na Vrbasu, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Crossing:Vrbas River
Coordinates:44.639368 N 17.147149 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine - Inhulets River
Bridgemeister ID:4673 (added 2020-06-19)
Location:Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Inhulets River
Coordinates:47.893587 N 33.280249 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine - Inhulets River
Bridgemeister ID:4674 (added 2020-06-19)
Location:Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Inhulets River
Coordinates:47.897565 N 33.337189 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine - Saksahan
Bridgemeister ID:5200 (added 2020-10-10)
Location:Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Coordinates:47.978114 N 33.428635 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:842 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
At or Near Feature:Tun Ismail Recreational Park


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:4520 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
At or Near Feature:KL Forest Eco Park
Coordinates:3.149947 N 101.701594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Canopy walk with at least five connected suspension spans.


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:5922 (added 2021-06-11)
Location:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Principals:Louis Harper
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kuerima, Hato Pilón and Susama, Ngäbe-Buglé, Panama - Rio San Felix
Bridgemeister ID:8283 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Kuerima, Hato Pilón and Susama, Ngäbe-Buglé, Panama
Crossing:Rio San Felix
Coordinates:8.354917 N 81.818833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1


Kuerima, Hato Pilón and Susama, Ngäbe-Buglé, Panama - Rio San Felix
Bridgemeister ID:8284 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Kuerima, Hato Pilón and Susama, Ngäbe-Buglé, Panama
Crossing:Rio San Felix
Coordinates:8.345500 N 81.831861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1


  • As of January 2024, a large bridge appears to be under construction immediately adjacent to the suspension bridge. There is also a simple suspension bridge near this location, about 60 meters west, on perpendicular alignment.


Kuet Chang, Mae Taeng Distrinct, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Mae Taeng River
Bridgemeister ID:2865 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Kuet Chang, Mae Taeng Distrinct, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Crossing:Mae Taeng River
Coordinates:19.213818 N 98.858051 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kuhankoski, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:4752 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Kuhankoski, Finland
At or Near Feature:Kuhankoski Water Power Plant
Coordinates:62.376680 N 25.948339 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire



Kulsliseteren, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Skjækra
Bridgemeister ID:4504 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Kulsliseteren, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.914633 N 12.205044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 24.25 meters (79.6 feet) estimated

External Links:


Kuma, Kumamoto, Japan - Kuma River
Bridgemeister ID:5209 (added 2020-10-10)
Location:Kuma, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Kuma River
Coordinates:32.275448 N 130.613345 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Omogo River
Bridgemeister ID:6053 (added 2021-07-03)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Omogo River
Coordinates:33.538332 N 133.030308 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated


Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia - Reka Iren
Bridgemeister ID:6732 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Iren
Coordinates:57.435284 N 56.923233 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia - Reka Sylva
Bridgemeister ID:6733 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Sylva
Coordinates:57.442188 N 56.933028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia - Reka Sylva
Bridgemeister ID:6734 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Sylva
Coordinates:57.442219 N 56.933307 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia - Reka Sylva
Bridgemeister ID:6735 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Kungur (Кунгур), Perm Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Sylva
Coordinates:57.442282 N 56.933412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Kunna (कुन्ना), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7942 (added 2023-10-29)
Location:Kunna (कुन्ना), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.679157 N 78.067238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted April 28, 2012.


Kurgan (Курган), Kurgan Oblast, Russia - Reka Tobol
Bridgemeister ID:7107 (added 2022-06-04)
Location:Kurgan (Курган), Kurgan Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Tobol
Coordinates:55.418123 N 65.303797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kurgan (Курган), Kurgan Oblast, Russia - Reka Tobol
Bridgemeister ID:7221 (added 2022-07-10)
Location:Kurgan (Курган), Kurgan Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Tobol
Coordinates:55.464263 N 65.427324 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Wrecked, April 2024 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • 2024, April: Damaged by flood.

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Video of the bridge during a flood, April 18, 2024: "In the Voronovka microdistrict in Kurgan, a suspension bridge completely went under water. Local residents say that rescuers cut off part of the cables to make the structure softer and to prevent the bridge from being carried away by the flow."


Kurintza, Ecuador - Rio Yacuambi
Bridgemeister ID:7700 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Kurintza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Yacuambi
Coordinates:3.769394 S 78.891523 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kurobe, Toyama, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2948 (added 2019-09-30)
Location:Kurobe, Toyama, Japan
Coordinates:36.815350 N 137.588779 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kurobe, Toyama, Japan - Kurobe River
Bridgemeister ID:2949 (added 2019-09-30)
Location:Kurobe, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Kurobe River
Coordinates:36.818243 N 137.577577 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kurotaki, Nara, Japan - Nyu River
Bridgemeister ID:4856 (added 2020-07-12)
Location:Kurotaki, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Nyu River
Coordinates:34.310675 N 135.828580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kvam, Nord-Fron, Innlandet, Norway - Lågen
Bridgemeister ID:3959 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Kvam, Nord-Fron, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.64139 N 9.71874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121 meters (397 feet) estimated


Kvarstein, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:2973 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Kvarstein, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.242480 N 7.944790 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kvarstein, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:2974 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Kvarstein, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.236060 N 7.934410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Kvinnherad, Vestland, Norway - Blåelva
Bridgemeister ID:4454 (added 2020-04-25)
Location:Kvinnherad, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:59.896843 N 6.109809 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated

External Links:


Kyamin, Nepal - Madi Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:4115 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Kyamin, Nepal
Crossing:Madi Nadi
Coordinates:28.043809 N 84.233205 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kyamin, Nepal - Madi Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:4116 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Kyamin, Nepal
Crossing:Madi Nadi
Coordinates:28.072434 N 84.236072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


La Antigua, Veracruz, Mexico - Rio La Antigua
Bridgemeister ID:2438 (added 2008-04-22)
Location:La Antigua, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Rio La Antigua
Coordinates:19.319318 N 96.323015 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Large, long footbridge.


La Isla, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7480 (added 2022-12-28)
Location:La Isla, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.228094 N 89.385206 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:


La Junta, La Isla vicinity, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7479 (added 2022-12-28)
Location:La Junta, La Isla vicinity, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.225861 N 89.395172 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:


La Junta, La Isla vicinity, El Salvador - Rio Tahuilapa
Bridgemeister ID:7483 (added 2022-12-28)
Location:La Junta, La Isla vicinity, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Tahuilapa
Coordinates:14.226367 N 89.395728 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


La Palma, Chalatenango, El Salvador - Rio La Palma
Bridgemeister ID:6941 (added 2022-01-23)
Location:La Palma, Chalatenango, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio La Palma
Coordinates:14.317638 N 89.168568 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2007-2011 time frame.

External Links:


La Puerta, Catamarca, Argentina - Rio del Valle
Bridgemeister ID:7932 (added 2023-10-22)
Location:La Puerta, Catamarca, Argentina
Crossing:Rio del Valle
Coordinates:28.1735661 S 65.7919006 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


La Virgen, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Costa Rica - Rio Sarapiquí
Bridgemeister ID:7781 (added 2023-08-18)
Location:La Virgen, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Sarapiquí
At or Near Feature:Trimbina Rainforest National Wildlife Refuge
Coordinates:10.415863 N 84.121866 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Lago Pueblo, Chubut, Argentina - Rio Azul
Bridgemeister ID:2914 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Lago Pueblo, Chubut, Argentina
Crossing:Rio Azul
Coordinates:42.040626 S 71.606382 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Lagu Wadi, Fugong County, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1218 (added 2004-02-15)
Location:Lagu Wadi, Fugong County, Yunnan, China
Suspended Spans:1


Lahat, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4808 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Lahat, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.782290 S 103.580442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lai Chau Province, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:1869 (added 2005-08-06)
Location:Lai Chau Province, Vietnam


Lairg vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Shin
Bridgemeister ID:1463 (added 2004-08-28)
Location:Lairg vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Shin
Coordinates:58.003383 N 4.407083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper Photo by David Denenberg


Lajas, Peru - Rio Chotano
Bridgemeister ID:7729 (added 2023-07-07)
Location:Lajas, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chotano
Coordinates:6.558376 S 78.733499 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lake Tawarewa, New Zealand - Tawarewa River
Bridgemeister ID:843 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Lake Tawarewa, New Zealand
Crossing:Tawarewa River
Coordinates:38.18288 S 176.5011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


Lakeville, Connecticut, USA
Bridgemeister ID:8762 (added 2024-07-21)
Location:Lakeville, Connecticut, USA
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Lambric, Kentucky, USA - South Fork Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3778 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Lambric, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:South Fork Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.560660 N 83.134170 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lambric, Kentucky, USA - Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3780 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Lambric, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.568500 N 83.141290 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lander, Wyoming, USA - Middle Popo Agie River
Bridgemeister ID:7205 (added 2022-07-07)
Location:Lander, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Middle Popo Agie River
At or Near Feature:Popo Agie Campground
Coordinates:42.741043 N 108.823235 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Landetty, Talybont-on-Usk vicinity, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom - River Usk
Bridgemeister ID:917 (added 2003-10-12)
Location:Landetty, Talybont-on-Usk vicinity, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Usk
At or Near Feature:Brecon Beacons National Park
Coordinates:51.88075 N 3.26747 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Langley City, British Columbia, Canada - Newlands Brook
Bridgemeister ID:4776 (added 2020-07-03)
Location:Langley City, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Newlands Brook
At or Near Feature:Nickomekl Park
Coordinates:49.098535 N 122.650566 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Langnes, Arendal and Buøya, Arendal, Agder, Norway - Bleksund
Bridgemeister ID:4217 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Langnes, Arendal and Buøya, Arendal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.501884 N 8.887298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (109.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed 1913 or earlier. Removed at some point in 1946-1949 time frame.

External Links:


Lankupiai, Lithuania - Minija
Bridgemeister ID:3318 (added 2019-11-30)
Location:Lankupiai, Lithuania
Coordinates:55.487440 N 21.366007 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Lantz Mills, Wakemans Grove vicinity, Virginia, USA - Stoney Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1328 (added 2004-04-29)
Location:Lantz Mills, Wakemans Grove vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Stoney Creek
Coordinates:38.84015 N 78.59558 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34.1 meters (112 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Paul Stoneburner Photo by Margo Mead Photo by David Denenberg


Lardo, Ladakh, India - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:7561 (added 2023-03-25)
Location:Lardo, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.239715 N 77.118712 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated

External Links:


Laskap, Malili, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5697 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Laskap, Malili, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.676523 S 121.149845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lawson and Vancleve, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:2043 (added 2006-05-07)
Location:Lawson and Vancleve, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.60233 N 83.45424 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:American Bridge Co., Mt. Carmel High School
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 74.6 meters (244.625 feet)
Side Span:1
Deck width:6 feet


  • According to an American Bridge Co. ad: Built for Mt. Carmel High School, fabricated by American Bridge Co, erected by the school's faculty and students.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Långedrag and Äspholmen, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:1066 (added 2003-12-27)
Location:Långedrag and Äspholmen, Sweden
Coordinates:57.66403 N 11.85266 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Löhnberg, Hessen, Germany - Lahn River
Bridgemeister ID:1510 (added 2004-10-09)
Location:Löhnberg, Hessen, Germany
Crossing:Lahn River
Coordinates:50.509968 N 8.276808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.5 meters (188.6 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:2 meters


  • Self-anchored. The main "cables" of this bridge appear to be rigid rectangular steel members.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Lebanon vicinity, Virginia, USA - Big Cedar Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2403 (added 2007-12-22)
Location:Lebanon vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Big Cedar Creek
At or Near Feature:Pinnacle Nature Preserve
Coordinates:36.95995 N 82.05195 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lebanon, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2561 (added 2012-02-04)
Location:Lebanon, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Colonial Park
Coordinates:39.440741 N 84.204230 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Legau, Germany - Iller River
Bridgemeister ID:5838 (added 2021-05-09)
Location:Legau, Germany
Crossing:Iller River
Coordinates:47.869580 N 10.177214 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated


Legship, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6229 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Legship, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.278421 N 88.275465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Legship, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6230 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Legship, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.278408 N 88.275195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Lembang Mesakada, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:5709 (added 2021-04-02)
Location:Lembang Mesakada, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.363816 S 119.534906 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Lenggo Village, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7154 (added 2022-06-25)
Location:Lenggo Village, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.237595 S 119.116044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 52.4 meters (172 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2015 or 2016.

External Links:


Lepenicë, Selenicë, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7746 (added 2023-07-21)
Location:Lepenicë, Selenicë, Albania
Coordinates:40.298472 N 19.662611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated


Lepenicë, Selenicë, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7747 (added 2023-07-21)
Location:Lepenicë, Selenicë, Albania
Coordinates:40.303694 N 19.652333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lewisburg vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Buffalo Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4829 (added 2020-07-05)
Location:Lewisburg vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Buffalo Creek
Coordinates:40.981093 N 76.951261 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Lichkiramche, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5299 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Lichkiramche, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.004958 N 86.753390 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Likani (ლიკანი), Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7998 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Likani (ლიკანი), Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
At or Near Feature:Peter's Castle (პეტრეს ციხე)
Coordinates:41.824806 N 43.362861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lilli, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7178 (added 2022-07-02)
Location:Lilli, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.185317 S 119.183607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point between late 2014 and January 2015.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images of the bridge, posted January 2015.


Lima, Peru - Rio Chillon
Bridgemeister ID:3838 (added 2020-03-06)
Location:Lima, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chillon
Coordinates:11.910101 S 77.070218 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Limgha, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6215 (added 2021-07-16)
Location:Limgha, Nepal
Coordinates:28.009950 N 83.450506 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Lincoln vicinity, New Hampshire, USA - Pemigewasset River E. Branch
Bridgemeister ID:288 (added before 2003)
Location:Lincoln vicinity, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Pemigewasset River E. Branch
At or Near Feature:Pemigewasset Wilderness, Lincoln Woods trail
Coordinates:44.06425 N 71.58815 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


Lincoln, Nebraska, USA - Haines Branch
Bridgemeister ID:1058 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Crossing:Haines Branch
At or Near Feature:Pioneers Park
Coordinates:40.77086 N 96.77576 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lisbon, New Hampshire, USA - Ammonoosuc River
Bridgemeister ID:261 (added before 2003)
Location:Lisbon, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Ammonoosuc River
Coordinates:44.210489 N 71.917350 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • One pier survives (as of 2020) along Young Road.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Lisbon, North Dakota, USA - Sheyenne River
Bridgemeister ID:7678 (added 2023-06-24)
Location:Lisbon, North Dakota, USA
Crossing:Sheyenne River
Coordinates:46.438540 N 97.679893 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, September 24, 2008
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Likely built in the 1970s.
  • 2008, September 24: Collapsed with five people on it. All five were injured, but no fatalities.

External Links:


Lisitsite (Лисиците) and Shiroko Pole (Широко поле), Kardzhali, Bulgaria
Bridgemeister ID:7348 (added 2022-10-15)
Location:Lisitsite (Лисиците) and Shiroko Pole (Широко поле), Kardzhali, Bulgaria
Coordinates:41.612645 N 25.460640 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 259 meters (849.7 feet) estimated


Little Falls, Minnesota, USA - Mississippi River
Bridgemeister ID:2102 (added 2006-08-19)
Location:Little Falls, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Mississippi River
At or Near Feature:Little Falls Hydro Electric Station
Coordinates:45.976983 N 94.369717 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Little vicinity, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:3806 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Little vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.455390 N 83.371840 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Appears to be derelict in 2010s satellite images. Was in use in 2007.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Little, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:3807 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Little, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.437320 N 83.372160 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ljubno ob Savinji, Slovenia - Savinja
Bridgemeister ID:6214 (added 2021-07-16)
Location:Ljubno ob Savinji, Slovenia
Coordinates:46.344175 N 14.830027 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Llanilar, Wales, United Kingdom - River Ystwyth
Bridgemeister ID:2355 (added 2007-08-19)
Location:Llanilar, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ystwyth
Coordinates:52.35817 N 4.01410 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper


Loafers Glory vicinity, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:2272 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Loafers Glory vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:35.98999 N 82.19151 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (192 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Loch Raven, Maryland, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2909 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Loch Raven, Maryland, USA
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lochmaddy, Isle of North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:2741 (added 2019-06-23)
Location:Lochmaddy, Isle of North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Hut of the Shadows Camera Obscura
Coordinates:57.609180 N 7.155199 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Logansport, Indiana, USA - Wabash River
Bridgemeister ID:1695 (added 2005-03-27)
Location:Logansport, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Wabash River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Lohari (लोहड़ी) and Jakhnoj Bhisto (जख्नोज भिस्तो), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7943 (added 2023-10-29)
Location:Lohari (लोहड़ी) and Jakhnoj Bhisto (जख्नोज भिस्तो), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.514378 N 77.947244 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


  • Adjacent to a large retaining wall built to contain landslides at this location.

External Links:


Long Hollow, Staffordsville vicinity, Virginia, USA - Walker Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1593 (added 2005-02-05)
Location:Long Hollow, Staffordsville vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Walker Creek
Coordinates:37.25769 N 80.71242 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet) estimated


  • Removed at some point between 2008 and 2020.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Los Jobos, Cantón El Jute and Cantón Las Tablas, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7469 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Los Jobos, Cantón El Jute and Cantón Las Tablas, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.085278 N 89.415617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge being repaired. Posted January 29, 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted February 23, 2013.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted January 14, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted February 21, 2021.


Los Naranjos, Panama - Caldera River
Bridgemeister ID:7761 (added 2023-07-23)
Location:Los Naranjos, Panama
Crossing:Caldera River
At or Near Feature:The Lost Waterfalls (Las Tres Cascadas)
Coordinates:8.842539 N 82.481016 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Los Planes, La Palma, El Salvador - Rio Chiquito
Bridgemeister ID:7500 (added 2023-01-01)
Location:Los Planes, La Palma, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Chiquito
Coordinates:14.311869 N 89.079936 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge. Posted January 13, 2018.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge. Posted February 4, 2016.


Los Planes, La Palma, El Salvador - Rio Chiquito
Bridgemeister ID:7501 (added 2023-01-01)
Location:Los Planes, La Palma, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Chiquito
Coordinates:14.317289 N 89.075547 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted August 24, 2021.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted September 5, 2021.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted April 3, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted April 3, 2017.


Losby, Viken, Norway - Mønevannet
Bridgemeister ID:4473 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Losby, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.875808 N 10.997912 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


  • Built during 1930s. Removed, early 1970s.

External Links:


Loubcroy, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Oykel
Bridgemeister ID:2637 (added 2019-03-02)
Location:Loubcroy, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Oykel
Coordinates:57.983621 N 4.789704 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Dave Cooper


Loves Mill, Virginia, USA - South Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:823 (added 2003-05-31)
Location:Loves Mill, Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.74687 N 81.68242 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:BHC20041106, BHC20050125
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated


  • BHC20041106: Closed by VDOT May, 2004 "because of deterioration of its wood support poles". Funds and schedule for repair unknown.
  • BHC20050125: Reopened by VDOT January, 2005 after "State road crews spent two weeks and about $25,000 putting in steel and concrete footings and replacing floorboards."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lugu Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:6915 (added 2022-01-21)
Location:Lugu Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Fenghuanggu Bird and Ecological Park (國立自然科學博物館鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區)
Coordinates:23.730361 N 120.796035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Luhansk (Луганськ), Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine - Luhan River
Bridgemeister ID:7100 (added 2022-06-04)
Location:Luhansk (Луганськ), Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Luhan River
Coordinates:48.571738 N 39.262781 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Luke vicinity, Maryland, USA - Savage River
Bridgemeister ID:1486 (added 2004-09-07)
Location:Luke vicinity, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Savage River
At or Near Feature:Savage River State Forest
Coordinates:39.50085 N 79.11467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:121st Engineer Battalion (CBT) of the Maryland Army National Guard (Companies B and C)
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Lumdung, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:7769 (added 2023-08-17)
Location:Lumdung, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:27.278277 N 93.073176 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2014-2019 time frame.


Lunahuaná, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8603 (added 2024-05-26)
Location:Lunahuaná, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:13.015667 S 76.171278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2004-2009 time frame.


Lunden, Gjerstad, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:1349 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Lunden, Gjerstad, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.245967 N 7.952617 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Luster, Vestland, Norway - Jostedøla
Bridgemeister ID:3963 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.53257 N 7.29168 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55.5 meters (182.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964.


Lynchburg, Virginia, USA - Blackwater Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2028 (added 2006-04-08)
Location:Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Blackwater Creek
Coordinates:37.4209 N 79.1741 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lynchburg, Virginia, USA - Blackwater Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2485 (added 2008-12-22)
Location:Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Blackwater Creek
Coordinates:37.41550 N 79.17759 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.9 meters (98 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Lyngdal, Agder, Norway - Lygne
Bridgemeister ID:4393 (added 2020-04-18)
Location:Lyngdal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.139553 N 7.067764 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.5 meters (169 feet) estimated



Lyngdal, Agder, Norway - Lygne
Bridgemeister ID:4394 (added 2020-04-18)
Location:Lyngdal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.139441 N 7.068658 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Deck width:~1.25 meters



Lytton, British Columbia, Canada - Stein River
Bridgemeister ID:2956 (added 2019-10-05)
Location:Lytton, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Stein River
At or Near Feature:Stein Valley Nlaka'pamux Heritage Park
Coordinates:50.289630 N 121.778241 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Macfarlan, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2456 (added 2008-09-20)
Location:Macfarlan, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.08021 N 81.20510 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Machinatza Bajo, El Pangui, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7710 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Machinatza Bajo, El Pangui, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.624722 S 78.556694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed in late 2010s or possibly early 2020.
  • 2020, October: The deck partially collapses under weight of a motorbike. The local government is committed to fixing the bridge.

External Links:


Magadan, Magadan Oblast, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:5218 (added 2020-10-12)
Location:Magadan, Magadan Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:59.575313 N 150.922935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Mahadevsthan Mandan (महादेवस्थान मन्डन), Nepal - Indrawati River
Bridgemeister ID:6333 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Mahadevsthan Mandan (महादेवस्थान मन्डन), Nepal
Crossing:Indrawati River
Coordinates:27.747525 N 85.606049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia - Manuk River
Bridgemeister ID:4736 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Manuk River
Coordinates:6.869635 S 108.197196 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Majong, Jepara Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3660 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Majong, Jepara Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.757558 S 110.759443 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Makawao vicinity, Hawaii, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2504 (added 2009-03-02)
Location:Makawao vicinity, Hawaii, USA
At or Near Feature:Piiholo Ranch
Coordinates:20.845529 N 156.293467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 96.6 meters (317 feet)


Makhnyovo (Махнево), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia - Reka Tagil
Bridgemeister ID:5824 (added 2021-04-14)
Location:Makhnyovo (Махнево), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Tagil
Coordinates:58.450866 N 61.702550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 202 meters (662.7 feet) estimated


Malá Skála and Rakousy, Czechia - Jizera River
Bridgemeister ID:4621 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Malá Skála and Rakousy, Czechia
Crossing:Jizera River
At or Near Feature:Jizera Greenway
Coordinates:50.626426 N 15.181366 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated



Malá Skála, Czechia - Jizera River
Bridgemeister ID:4622 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Malá Skála, Czechia
Crossing:Jizera River
Coordinates:50.629785 N 15.188730 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated



Malimbong, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6820 (added 2021-12-25)
Location:Malimbong, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.254022 S 119.361648 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 59.7 meters (196 feet) estimated

External Links:


Malimbong, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6821 (added 2021-12-25)
Location:Malimbong, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.263335 S 119.369840 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46.9 meters (154 feet) estimated

External Links:


Malimbong, Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6823 (added 2021-12-25)
Location:Malimbong, Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.260729 S 119.350284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated

External Links:


Malimbu, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5722 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Malimbu, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.595311 S 120.205352 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Malka (Малка), Kamchatka Krai, Russia - Reka Bystraya
Bridgemeister ID:7075 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Malka (Малка), Kamchatka Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Bystraya
At or Near Feature:Malkinskiye Hot Springs
Coordinates:53.337284 N 157.468947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Mambu Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7179 (added 2022-07-02)
Location:Mambu Tapua, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.258585 S 119.257746 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 29.3 meters (96 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted January 2017.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted January 2018.


Mammoth, Pennsylvania, USA - Welty Run
Bridgemeister ID:2085 (added 2006-06-24)
Location:Mammoth, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Welty Run
At or Near Feature:Mammoth Park
Coordinates:40.212267 N 79.458667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:2877 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:32.144529 N 77.157237 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Manchester vicinity, Iowa, USA - Spring Branch
Bridgemeister ID:5726 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Manchester vicinity, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Spring Branch
At or Near Feature:Manchester Trout Hatchery
Coordinates:42.460648 N 91.397808 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Mangaltar (मंगलटार), Nepal - Roshi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6442 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Mangaltar (मंगलटार), Nepal
Crossing:Roshi Khola
Coordinates:27.498799 N 85.715107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Mangnam, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6259 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Mangnam, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
At or Near Feature:Ralong Hot Springs (रालोंग हॉट स्प्रिंग्स)
Coordinates:27.367239 N 88.328601 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Marbach am Neckar, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Neckar River
Bridgemeister ID:898 (added 2003-09-07)
Location:Marbach am Neckar, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Crossing:Neckar River
Coordinates:48.942221 N 9.252534 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 206)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet)
Deck width:2.3 meters

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Marikina, Metro Manila, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:5362 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Marikina, Metro Manila, Philippines
Coordinates:14.625518 N 121.081590 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 16.5 meters (54.1 feet) estimated


  • May be a former road bridge. Currently (2020) has a substantial truss, especially given the extremely short span (~16.5 meters) supporting the deck.


Marlbrook vicinity, Virginia, USA - South River
Bridgemeister ID:1383 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Marlbrook vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:South River
Coordinates:37.84764 N 79.27338 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been rebuilt in 2004, likely due to flood damage.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Michael Smith


Marpleton vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Right Fork Holly River
Bridgemeister ID:2417 (added 2008-01-05)
Location:Marpleton vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Right Fork Holly River
Coordinates:38.65504 N 80.52314 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire


Marrowbone vicinity, Pike County, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Russell Fork
Bridgemeister ID:2266 (added 2007-04-21)
Location:Marrowbone vicinity, Pike County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Russell Fork
Coordinates:37.35653 N 82.40935 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 200 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Marshalltown vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1377 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Marshalltown vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.53598 N 80.03417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Mart'yanovo (Мартьяново), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia - Chusovaya River
Bridgemeister ID:5829 (added 2021-04-15)
Location:Mart'yanovo (Мартьяново), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Chusovaya River
Coordinates:57.396559 N 59.185555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Martam vicinity, Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8775 (added 2024-09-01)
Location:Martam vicinity, Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.263297 N 88.570925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Martam, Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8774 (added 2024-09-01)
Location:Martam, Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.261458 N 88.561214 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated March 2016.
  • Google Maps. Image with bridge visible in the background. Dated May 2018.


Martin Brod, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Una River
Bridgemeister ID:4542 (added 2020-05-23)
Location:Martin Brod, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Crossing:Una River
At or Near Feature:Una National Park
Coordinates:44.488581 N 16.141218 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Masahuat, Cantón Honduritas and Texistepeque, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7459 (added 2022-12-24)
Location:Masahuat, Cantón Honduritas and Texistepeque, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.136603 N 89.410925 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


Masahuat, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7457 (added 2022-12-24)
Location:Masahuat, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.184206 N 89.429636 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted August 8, 2016.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted May 28, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted August 4, 2016.


Mastuj, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4721 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Mastuj, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.268601 N 72.515634 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Masyam (मस्याम) and Koldada (कोलडाँडा), Nepal - Tinau Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6802 (added 2021-10-31)
Location:Masyam (मस्याम) and Koldada (कोलडाँडा), Nepal
Crossing:Tinau Khola
Coordinates:27.767342 N 83.537941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Adjacent to a newer simple suspension bridge.


Matane, Quebec, Canada - Matane River
Bridgemeister ID:8645 (added 2024-06-21)
Location:Matane, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Matane River
At or Near Feature:Îles de Matane
Coordinates:48.842972 N 67.529472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • This bridge appears to have crossed the Matane to the Îles de Matane (an island in the Matane River) on an alignment similar to the cable-stayed bridge present in the 2020s.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Matangnga and Katimbang, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7166 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Matangnga and Katimbang, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.129263 S 119.220977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.9 meters (75 feet) estimated

External Links:


Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska, USA - Chulitna River
Bridgemeister ID:2571 (added 2012-02-05)
Location:Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Chulitna River
Main Cables:Wire


  • Alaska Digital Archives identifier UAF-2003-63-314 is a photograph from the Walter W. Hodge Papers collection (ca. 1925-1948) showing this bridge titled: " Chulitna suspension bridge, mile 287, Alaska Railroad".


Mataruska Spa, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4528 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Mataruska Spa, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.692365 N 20.609912 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Matela and Kotjahari (कोटजहारी), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6479 (added 2021-08-14)
Location:Matela and Kotjahari (कोटजहारी), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.670929 N 82.194512 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Matsusaka, Mie, Japan - Naguratani River
Bridgemeister ID:4969 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Matsusaka, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Naguratani River
Coordinates:34.374371 N 136.209295 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


Matsusaka, Mie, Japan - Kushida River
Bridgemeister ID:4970 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Matsusaka, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Kushida River
Coordinates:34.421119 N 136.141469 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mawjyndem, Meghalaya, India
Bridgemeister ID:3870 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Mawjyndem, Meghalaya, India
Coordinates:25.250587 N 91.673825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Max Meadows and Fort Chiswell, Virginia, USA - Reed Creek
Bridgemeister ID:6683 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Max Meadows and Fort Chiswell, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Reed Creek
Coordinates:36.938076 N 80.888817 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


Mayal Gaon Talla (मायाल गांव तल्ला), Uttarakhand, India - Machlad River
Bridgemeister ID:7958 (added 2023-11-19)
Location:Mayal Gaon Talla (मायाल गांव तल्ला), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Machlad River
Coordinates:29.90482 N 78.889969 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

External Links:


Maykop (Майкоп), Adygea Republic, Russia - Reka Belaya
Bridgemeister ID:5813 (added 2021-04-11)
Location:Maykop (Майкоп), Adygea Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Belaya
Coordinates:44.599351 N 40.093213 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Mayong, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6257 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Mayong, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
At or Near Feature:Khado Sangphug - खाडो संगफुग
Coordinates:27.250076 N 88.303481 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Mårdseleforsen Nature Reserve, Västerbotten County, Sweden - Vindel River
Bridgemeister ID:2941 (added 2019-09-28)
Location:Mårdseleforsen Nature Reserve, Västerbotten County, Sweden
Crossing:Vindel River
Coordinates:64.681354 N 19.233736 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


McConnell vicinity, Virginia, USA - Copper Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1353 (added 2004-05-15)
Location:McConnell vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Copper Creek
Coordinates:36.73020 N 82.46878 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 26.8 meters (88 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 4.3 meters (14 feet) estimated,
1 x 8.8 meters (29 feet) estimated


  • Located at the Scott County route 714 low-water vehicular crossing of Copper Creek.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


McConnell vicinity, Virginia, USA - Copper Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1360 (added 2004-05-16)
Location:McConnell vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Copper Creek
Coordinates:36.73500 N 82.46173 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 25.9 meters (85 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 9.1 meters (30 feet) estimated,
1 x 7.3 meters (24 feet) estimated


  • Located about 1/4-mile walk from the intersection of Scott County routes 670 and 673.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Meadowvale, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - Credit River
Bridgemeister ID:1405 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Meadowvale, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Credit River
At or Near Feature:CVC Credit Valley Conservation Authority
Coordinates:43.628933 N 79.737567 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Mechukha vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6271 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.617927 N 94.071607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Mechukha vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6272 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.613466 N 94.080961 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 83.5 meters (274 feet) estimated


Mechukha vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6278 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.584500 N 94.155476 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6273 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.607954 N 94.106689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Spans:2


Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6274 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.608091 N 94.121536 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6275 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.604570 N 94.125139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6276 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.609083 N 94.130838 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Yargap Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6277 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Mechukha, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Yargap Chhu
Coordinates:28.609083 N 94.130838 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Deli River
Bridgemeister ID:3737 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Deli River
Coordinates:3.553180 N 98.686291 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Deli River
Bridgemeister ID:3738 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Deli River
Coordinates:3.728796 N 98.675136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Deli River
Bridgemeister ID:3740 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Deli River
Coordinates:3.621118 N 98.669957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Medvode vicinity, Slovenia - Sora
Bridgemeister ID:6143 (added 2021-07-06)
Location:Medvode vicinity, Slovenia
Coordinates:46.146872 N 14.388647 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mehelkuna, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:3153 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Mehelkuna, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.440573 N 81.854220 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Mekarsari, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6662 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Mekarsari, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.457760 S 106.305835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2019-2021 (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Removed or destroyed at some point between late 2019 and early 2021.


Melamchi, Nepal - Indrawati River
Bridgemeister ID:4057 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Melamchi, Nepal
Crossing:Indrawati River
Coordinates:27.828982 N 85.577630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Menglee, Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:5875 (added 2021-05-18)
Location:Menglee, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.273063 N 88.439039 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


Merrillville, Indiana, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2546 (added 2011-12-31)
Location:Merrillville, Indiana, USA
At or Near Feature:Hidden Lake Park
Coordinates:41.50220 N 87.32817 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, July 4, 2009
Main Cables:Wire


  • Collapsed July 4, 2009 under weight of crowd attending an Independence Day celebration. Main span is said to have been about 90 feet.


Merthyr Mawr, Wales, United Kingdom - Ogmore River
Bridgemeister ID:1879 (added 2005-09-24)
Location:Merthyr Mawr, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:Ogmore River
Coordinates:51.48425 N 3.609 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Michigan Bluff vicinity and Last Chance vicinity, California, USA - North Fork of the Middle Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:2139 (added 2006-10-28)
Location:Michigan Bluff vicinity and Last Chance vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork of the Middle Fork American River
At or Near Feature:Last Chance Trail
Coordinates:39.10149 N 120.65495 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Bridgemeister ID:3805 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Milam, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:38.812430 N 79.098160 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 12.2 meters (40 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Millboro Springs vicinity, Virginia, USA - Cowpasture River
Bridgemeister ID:797 (added 2003-03-28)
Location:Millboro Springs vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cowpasture River
At or Near Feature:Walton Tract/Beards Mountain Trail
Coordinates:37.96136 N 79.71183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Millesimo, Savona, Italy - Zemola
Bridgemeister ID:4638 (added 2020-06-10)
Location:Millesimo, Savona, Italy
Coordinates:44.361938 N 8.208261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.7 meters (172.9 feet) estimated


External Links:


Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:6090 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.790350 N 138.982536 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:6092 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.853413 N 139.055362 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Takara River
Bridgemeister ID:6093 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Takara River
Coordinates:36.847320 N 139.047459 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 17 meters (55.8 feet) estimated


Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:6094 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.803551 N 139.005583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:6096 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.799555 N 138.990813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Minami, Yamanashi, Japan - Noro River
Bridgemeister ID:5140 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Minami, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Noro River
Coordinates:35.697627 N 138.269066 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Misvær, Bodø, Nordland, Norway - Lakselva
Bridgemeister ID:3754 (added 2020-02-28)
Location:Misvær, Bodø, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.12114 N 15.00000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


  • Damaged by wind, early 2019. Fixed and reopened by mid-March 2019.


Miyakonojo, Miyazaki, Japan - Shonai River
Bridgemeister ID:7108 (added 2022-06-04)
Location:Miyakonojo, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Shonai River
At or Near Feature:Sekinoo Falls (関之尾滝)
Coordinates:31.761403 N 130.987835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4254 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.944308 N 133.759818 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan - Dōzan River
Bridgemeister ID:6039 (added 2021-07-03)
Location:Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Dōzan River
Coordinates:33.968855 N 133.739195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


Mizukami, Kumamoto, Japan - Kuma River
Bridgemeister ID:5206 (added 2020-10-10)
Location:Mizukami, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Kuma River
Coordinates:32.398127 N 131.007503 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mizur (Мизур), North Ossetia - Alania Republic, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:6808 (added 2021-11-25)
Location:Mizur (Мизур), North Ossetia - Alania Republic, Russia
Coordinates:42.843373 N 44.036516 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Mocoa
Bridgemeister ID:8567 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Mocoa
Coordinates:1.213583 N 76.657750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Mocoa
Bridgemeister ID:8568 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Mocoa
Coordinates:1.125194 N 76.631972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Molochny (Молочный), Murmansk Oblast, Russia - Reka Kola
Bridgemeister ID:7171 (added 2022-06-28)
Location:Molochny (Молочный), Murmansk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Kola
Coordinates:68.852299 N 33.026213 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


Momchilgrad, Bulgaria - Varbitsa
Bridgemeister ID:4577 (added 2020-06-05)
Location:Momchilgrad, Bulgaria
Coordinates:41.526882 N 25.392956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Monobecho Yamasaki, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3124 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Monobecho Yamasaki, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.693212 N 133.877467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • May be a very narrow single-lane vehicular bridge.


Montagna in Valtellina vicinity, Sondrio, Italy - Adda
Bridgemeister ID:6123 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Montagna in Valtellina vicinity, Sondrio, Italy
Coordinates:46.164048 N 9.899283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Monte Alverne, Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:5004 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Monte Alverne, Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Coordinates:29.551872 S 52.332043 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Montenegro, Quindio, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:6849 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:Montenegro, Quindio, Colombia
At or Near Feature:Parque del Café - National Coffee Park
Coordinates:4.539473 N 75.768394 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Within the grounds of a theme park devoted to coffee.


Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Bridgemeister ID:7791 (added 2023-08-21)
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.336564 N 84.810611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Bridgemeister ID:7792 (added 2023-08-21)
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.337318 N 84.810960 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Montour Falls, New York, USA - L'Hommedieu Diversion Channel
Bridgemeister ID:1337 (added 2004-05-01)
Location:Montour Falls, New York, USA
Crossing:L'Hommedieu Diversion Channel
At or Near Feature:Frederick L. Warder Academy of Fire Science
Coordinates:42.34221 N 76.83645 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Moorehead, Montana, USA - Powder River
Bridgemeister ID:1789 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Moorehead, Montana, USA
Crossing:Powder River
Coordinates:45.055883 N 105.87705 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2005)


Mooretown, Virginia, USA - Little Back Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1388 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Mooretown, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Back Creek
Coordinates:38.10547 N 79.90070 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Moquegua, Peru - Rio Tumilaca
Bridgemeister ID:8601 (added 2024-05-24)
Location:Moquegua, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tumilaca
Coordinates:17.186722 S 70.953389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated


Morioka, Iwate, Japan - Kitakami River
Bridgemeister ID:3192 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Morioka, Iwate, Japan
Crossing:Kitakami River
At or Near Feature:Shibutami Park
Coordinates:39.849187 N 141.166385 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Motosu, Gifu, Japan - Neo River
Bridgemeister ID:3857 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Motosu, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Neo River
Coordinates:35.612363 N 136.623522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire


Moumoukai vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:817 (added 2003-05-30)
Location:Moumoukai vicinity, New Zealand
Coordinates:37.111535 S 175.121705 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mount Aspiring, Otago, New Zealand - Matukituki River
Bridgemeister ID:7135 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Mount Aspiring, Otago, New Zealand
Crossing:Matukituki River
At or Near Feature:East Matukituki Valley Track
Coordinates:44.496310 S 168.785008 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mount Aspiring, Otago, New Zealand - Matukituki River
Bridgemeister ID:7136 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Mount Aspiring, Otago, New Zealand
Crossing:Matukituki River
At or Near Feature:Rob Roy Track
Coordinates:44.505887 S 168.726758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mount Brydges vicinity, Ontario, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:1472 (added 2004-08-29)
Location:Mount Brydges vicinity, Ontario, Canada
At or Near Feature:Longwoods Road Conservation Area
Coordinates:42.88338 N 81.47578 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mount Hermon, California, USA - Bean Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1838 (added 2005-07-03)
Location:Mount Hermon, California, USA
Crossing:Bean Creek
At or Near Feature:Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center
Coordinates:37.052667 N 122.06005 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.6 meters (84 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Mount Hermon, California, USA - Zayante Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1996 (added 2005-12-24)
Location:Mount Hermon, California, USA
Crossing:Zayante Creek
At or Near Feature:Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2006)



Mount Hermon, California, USA - Zayante Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2223 (added 2007-03-15)
Location:Mount Hermon, California, USA
Crossing:Zayante Creek
At or Near Feature:Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Photo by Ronald Bourret


Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia - Dee River
Bridgemeister ID:1745 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Dee River
Status:Destroyed, 1928, by flood.
Main Cables:Wire


  • According to a sign at one of the remaining Mount Morgan suspension bridges, "[this bridge] spanned from Tipperary Road to the 'lower yards' of the mine, 100 metres past where the western end of Morgan Street crosses the Dee. It was destroyed in 1928."


Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia - Dee River
Bridgemeister ID:1746 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Dee River
Status:Destroyed, 1928, by flood.
Main Cables:Wire


  • According to a sign at one of the remaining Mount Morgan suspension bridges, "[this bridge] crossed from the mine side of the Dee, west of the gold sheds, to Tipperary Road, opposite where Mountain View and Sunburst Hotels once stood. It too was swept away in 1928."


Mountain Park, Oklahoma, USA - East Otter Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1059 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Mountain Park, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:East Otter Creek
Coordinates:34.691902 N 98.949943 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA - Carbon River
Bridgemeister ID:262 (added before 2003)
Location:Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
Crossing:Carbon River
At or Near Feature:Carbon Glacier Trail
Coordinates:46.94956 N 121.79537 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA - Ohanapecosh River
Bridgemeister ID:651 (added 2003-02-22)
Location:Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
Crossing:Ohanapecosh River
At or Near Feature:Grove of the Patriarchs vicinity
Coordinates:46.76299 N 121.55637 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, November 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34.4 meters (113 feet) estimated


  • 2021, November: Closed due to recent flood damage. Timeline for repair or replacement unclear.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Mtskheta (მცხეთა), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8281 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Mtskheta (მცხეთა), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.839333 N 44.673139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Muadzam Shah vicinity, Pahang, Malaysia - Rompin River
Bridgemeister ID:6118 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Muadzam Shah vicinity, Pahang, Malaysia
Crossing:Rompin River
Coordinates:3.063937 N 103.011845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Muara Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8034 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Muara Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.646139 N 99.809556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1


Muara Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8035 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Muara Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.644722 N 99.811250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4812 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.656874 S 103.776995 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4813 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.644862 S 103.769966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4814 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.625105 S 103.766579 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Muara Kumpulan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8029 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Muara Kumpulan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.632583 N 99.840111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Muara Meo, Tanjung Agung, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4893 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Muara Meo, Tanjung Agung, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.032886 S 103.784599 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Muara Temiang, Merapi Barat, Lahat, Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:8192 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Muara Temiang, Merapi Barat, Lahat, Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.786382 S 103.631708 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2012 time frame.

External Links:


Muaradua, Cikular, Lebak Regency and Jayasari, Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6652 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Muaradua, Cikular, Lebak Regency and Jayasari, Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.440939 S 106.133143 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Mueang Sawankhalok, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5044 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Mueang Sawankhalok, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.322233 N 99.832028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128.5 meters (421.6 feet) estimated


Munson vicinity, Florida, USA - Sweetwater Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2375 (added 2007-09-29)
Location:Munson vicinity, Florida, USA
Crossing:Sweetwater Creek
At or Near Feature:Sweetwater Trail - Blackwater State Forest
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet)

Photo by Ben Wolcott


Murante, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5721 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Murante, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.024372 S 120.158018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Muriwai, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:5334 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Muriwai, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Goldie Bush Walkway
Coordinates:36.847463 S 174.455739 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Murrurundi, New South Wales, Australia - Pages River
Bridgemeister ID:1338 (added 2004-05-01)
Location:Murrurundi, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Pages River
Coordinates:31.762522 S 150.830908 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Nachikatsuura, Wakayama, Japan - Ota River
Bridgemeister ID:4039 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Nachikatsuura, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Ota River
Coordinates:33.592633 N 135.888142 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)

Bridgemeister ID:7264 (added 2022-07-17)
Location:Nacho, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.397833 N 93.840611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2013-2016 (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 127.4 meters (418 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • YouTube - Nacho Circle. Video showing the tower still standing from the footbridge and the newer adjacent road bridge. Posted October 2019.


Nagaizumi, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4851 (added 2020-07-12)
Location:Nagaizumi, Shizuoka, Japan
At or Near Feature:Surugadaira Natural Park
Coordinates:35.172779 N 138.869722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Nagaizumi, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4852 (added 2020-07-12)
Location:Nagaizumi, Shizuoka, Japan
At or Near Feature:Surugadaira Natural Park
Coordinates:35.172951 N 138.870418 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan - Tsukechi River
Bridgemeister ID:5123 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Tsukechi River
Coordinates:35.705115 N 137.420343 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan - Tsukechi River
Bridgemeister ID:5124 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Tsukechi River
Coordinates:35.701031 N 137.424597 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2019-2020
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan - Tsukechi River
Bridgemeister ID:5125 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Tsukechi River
Coordinates:35.701244 N 137.424812 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5165 (added 2020-09-07)
Location:Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Coordinates:35.580153 N 137.538699 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Namaxia District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3773 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Namaxia District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.253890 N 120.697223 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nambija Bajo, El Chamica, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7693 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Nambija Bajo, El Chamica, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.960832 S 78.848776 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Namli (नमली), Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8776 (added 2024-09-01)
Location:Namli (नमली), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.268551 N 88.589040 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2012-2016
Main Span:1 x 40.8 meters (134 feet) estimated



Namli (नमली), Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8777 (added 2024-09-01)
Location:Namli (नमली), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.267428 N 88.589019 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 47.9 meters (157 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of a person on the bridge. Dated April 2024.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated February 2024.
  • Google Maps. Image of a person on the bridge. Dated April 2024.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated March 2017.


Namsskogan, Trøndelag, Norway - Namsen
Bridgemeister ID:4464 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Namsskogan, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:65.058559 N 13.328878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1938.
  • Patrick S. O'Donnell observes: "Timber A-frame tower with a mono main cable. This explains the angled inward railing posts on the bridge. Their angles increasing inward with the inclination of the suspenders progressing toward midspan. The maximum main cable sag at the midspan would had to have been well above the deck so as to allow sufficient space to walk through between the railing posts there."

External Links:


Namthang (नामथाङ), Namchi and Bagheykhola (बघेय्खोला), Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:8578 (added 2024-05-11)
Location:Namthang (नामथाङ), Namchi and Bagheykhola (बघेय्खोला), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.204503 N 88.484879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 116.1 meters (381 feet) estimated


External Links:


Namthang (नामथाङ), Namchi and Bagheykhola (बघेय्खोला), Sikkim, India - Burul Samardung Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8579 (added 2024-05-11)
Location:Namthang (नामथाङ), Namchi and Bagheykhola (बघेय्खोला), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Burul Samardung Khola
Coordinates:27.201703 N 88.481467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 78.9 meters (259 feet) estimated


External Links:


Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3768 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.621094 N 121.006046 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3770 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.558400 N 120.979059 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5214 (added 2020-10-11)
Location:Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:七分醉瀑布
Coordinates:24.545687 N 121.030435 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Naran, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5306 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Naran, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.912313 N 73.653254 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Nasu, Tochigi, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:1395 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Nasu, Tochigi, Japan
At or Near Feature:Yanome Dam
Coordinates:37.073417 N 140.148333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Large footbridge.


Nasu, Tochigi, Japan - Nigato River
Bridgemeister ID:6107 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Nasu, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Nigato River
Coordinates:37.119193 N 139.988137 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:2955 (added 2019-10-04)
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.981979 N 139.791802 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire


Nathrop, Colorado, USA - Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:6140 (added 2021-07-06)
Location:Nathrop, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Arkansas River
At or Near Feature:Chateau Chaparral
Coordinates:38.743944 N 106.067806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Natural Bridge State Park, Kentucky, USA - Middle Fork Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1361 (added 2004-06-30)
Location:Natural Bridge State Park, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Red River
Coordinates:37.775383 N 83.6773 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire


Nayagati, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6506 (added 2021-08-22)
Location:Nayagati, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.603625 S 106.247695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Needmore, North Carolina, USA - Little Tennessee River
Bridgemeister ID:846 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Needmore, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Little Tennessee River
Coordinates:35.32544 N 83.52328 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet),
1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Neela Sandh, Rawalpindi vicinity, Punjab, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:3068 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Neela Sandh, Rawalpindi vicinity, Punjab, Pakistan
Coordinates:33.661770 N 73.383915 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Coordinates are approximate.


Neendapara, Kerala, India - Periyar River
Bridgemeister ID:2991 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Neendapara, Kerala, India
Crossing:Periyar River
Coordinates:10.031247 N 76.824201 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Negata, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:3840 (added 2020-03-06)
Location:Negata, Shizuoka, Japan
Coordinates:34.849944 N 137.788566 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Negeri Agung, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:6115 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Negeri Agung, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.784635 S 103.655053 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Negeri Lama Seberang, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Bila
Bridgemeister ID:8635 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Negeri Lama Seberang, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Bila
Coordinates:2.308139 N 100.070278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Nelayan, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia - Sungai Seguntor
Bridgemeister ID:7346 (added 2022-10-08)
Location:Nelayan, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
Crossing:Sungai Seguntor
Coordinates:5.921023 N 118.018658 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated


  • 2022, January: Bridge is the subject of viral news reports showing young children using the bridge to get to school despite many missing floorboards. Repairs initiated soon after.


Nepalthok, Dumja, Nepal - Roshi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:3868 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Nepalthok, Dumja, Nepal
Crossing:Roshi Khola
Coordinates:27.443944 N 85.808249 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Nesby, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway - Luonosjåhkå
Bridgemeister ID:3752 (added 2020-02-28)
Location:Nesby, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.053910 N 15.39050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


Nesbyen, Nes, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4046 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Nesbyen, Nes, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.621550 N 9.05852 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1962.

External Links:


Neustadt an der Wied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2210 (added 2007-02-11)
Location:Neustadt an der Wied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.62044 N 7.42420 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.4 meters (83.3 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters between side rails, 1.3 meters total


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "Side spans (not suspended) have separated girders. Cables are anchored at connection point of these separated girders to the ground (at the end of side span girders). Suspended main span girder is free of horizontal forces. Hangers are 'plates' with cross-section 1 x 4 cm."
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


New Luce vicinity, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, United Kingdom - Water of Luce
Bridgemeister ID:6981 (added 2022-04-02)
Location:New Luce vicinity, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Water of Luce
At or Near Feature:Southern Upland Way
Coordinates:54.920573 N 4.852780 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


New Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA - Whiting River
Bridgemeister ID:4523 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:New Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Whiting River
At or Near Feature:Thousand Acre Swamp
Coordinates:42.071662 N 73.201265 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Small footbridge around the perimeter of Thousand Acre Swamp reservoir.


Newhalem, Washington, USA - Skagit River
Bridgemeister ID:1305 (added 2004-04-09)
Location:Newhalem, Washington, USA
Crossing:Skagit River
Coordinates:48.67490 N 121.24074 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 112.8 meters (370 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Ngadirejo, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6857 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Ngadirejo, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.126337 S 111.768899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ngio Rai, Taphan Hin District, Phichit, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:5074 (added 2020-08-30)
Location:Ngio Rai, Taphan Hin District, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:16.298261 N 100.410674 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bridgemeister ID:5670 (added 2021-01-30)
Location:Nictau, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:Sisson Branch Reservoir
At or Near Feature:Sisson Generating Station
Coordinates:47.268123 N 67.247341 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, January, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Vandalized January, 2021, causing the bridge to collapse.


Niederbuchenau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2208 (added 2007-02-11)
Location:Niederbuchenau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.57682 N 7.40954 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.2 meters (89.2 feet)
Deck width:1.1 meters between side rails, 1.3 meters total


  • Completed circa 1935. New towers circa 1975. Renovation, 2005.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Nikeli, Laajakoski vicinity and Pernoo, Finland - Kymi River
Bridgemeister ID:3289 (added 2019-11-24)
Location:Nikeli, Laajakoski vicinity and Pernoo, Finland
Crossing:Kymi River
Coordinates:60.569631 N 26.826901 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nilambur, Kerala, India - Chaliyar River
Bridgemeister ID:2699 (added 2019-06-01)
Location:Nilambur, Kerala, India
Crossing:Chaliyar River
Coordinates:11.268018 N 76.206239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nimeta (નિમેટા), Vadodara (વડોદરા) vicinity, Gujarat, India
Bridgemeister ID:8138 (added 2024-01-14)
Location:Nimeta (નિમેટા), Vadodara (વડોદરા) vicinity, Gujarat, India
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • This bridge was likely located on the grounds of the famous gardens at Nimeta. It appears it may have been a Harper bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ninglang County, Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:1227 (added 2004-02-15)
Location:Ninglang County, Yunnan, China
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • H-shaped concrete towers.


Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada - Saskatchewan River
Bridgemeister ID:1452 (added 2004-08-08)
Location:Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada
Crossing:Saskatchewan River
At or Near Feature:Nipawin & District Regional Park
Coordinates:53.3923 N 104.008317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


Nisargadhama, Karnataka, India - Kaveri River
Bridgemeister ID:3006 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Nisargadhama, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Kaveri River
At or Near Feature:Nisargadhama Reserve
Coordinates:12.445962 N 75.937370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nore og Uvdal vicinity, Viken, Norway - Heinelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4101 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Nore og Uvdal vicinity, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.361570 N 8.130197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.5 meters (90.2 feet) estimated


Norman, Oklahoma, USA - Duck Pond
Bridgemeister ID:812 (added 2003-05-29)
Location:Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Duck Pond
At or Near Feature:University of Oklahoma
Coordinates:35.207327 N 97.436762 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Tiny footbridge. Main span likely less than 30 feet.


North Adams, Massachusetts, USA - Hoosic River
Bridgemeister ID:4832 (added 2020-07-05)
Location:North Adams, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Hoosic River
Coordinates:42.701063 N 73.165003 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


North Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6901 (added 2022-01-20)
Location:North Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.898624 S 119.124004 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 21 meters (69 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image with the bridge visible in the background, posted in 2020.


North Riverside, Illinois, USA - Des Plaines River
Bridgemeister ID:861 (added 2003-08-09)
Location:North Riverside, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Des Plaines River
At or Near Feature:Riverside Golf Club
Coordinates:41.84336 N 87.82781 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


  • This bridge employs an interesting system of cable stays and inclined suspenders. It accomodates foot and golf cart traffic.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Northam, Western Australia, Australia - Avon River
Bridgemeister ID:2118 (added 2006-09-13)
Location:Northam, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Avon River
Coordinates:31.652167 S 116.6705 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Nouvelle, Quebec, Canada - Nouvelle River
Bridgemeister ID:1887 (added 2005-09-24)
Location:Nouvelle, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Nouvelle River
Coordinates:48.130833 N 66.30605 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Snowmobile
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Novalukomĺ, Belarus - Lukomskaye Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5916 (added 2021-05-27)
Location:Novalukomĺ, Belarus
Crossing:Lukomskaye Lake
Coordinates:54.660122 N 29.138697 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated


Novolativka, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine - Inhulets River
Bridgemeister ID:5888 (added 2021-05-20)
Location:Novolativka, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Inhulets River
Coordinates:47.766028 N 33.238580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Novomikhailovskii (Новомихайловский), Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Reka Nechepsukho
Bridgemeister ID:6761 (added 2021-10-24)
Location:Novomikhailovskii (Новомихайловский), Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Nechepsukho
Coordinates:44.240969 N 38.834299 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Novoselija, Banja Luka vicinity, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vrbas River
Bridgemeister ID:4596 (added 2020-06-06)
Location:Novoselija, Banja Luka vicinity, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Crossing:Vrbas River
Coordinates:44.737129 N 17.156616 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Nowra, New South Wales, Australia - Nowra Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5351 (added 2020-11-15)
Location:Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Nowra Creek
Coordinates:34.874960 S 150.588932 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Nunu, Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Palu River
Bridgemeister ID:5743 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Nunu, Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Palu River
Coordinates:0.909075 S 119.869029 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Nyköping vicinity and Trosa vicinity, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:1453 (added 2004-08-08)
Location:Nyköping vicinity and Trosa vicinity, Sweden
At or Near Feature:Stendörren Nature Reserve
Coordinates:58.747283 N 17.377517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Nyköping vicinity and Trosa vicinity, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:3362 (added 2019-12-20)
Location:Nyköping vicinity and Trosa vicinity, Sweden
At or Near Feature:Stendörren Nature Reserve
Coordinates:58.743617 N 17.387682 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Oak Grove vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Little Tennessee River
Bridgemeister ID:832 (added 2003-06-01)
Location:Oak Grove vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Little Tennessee River
Coordinates:35.27858 N 83.44881 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.7 meters (173 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Oberhoppen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2209 (added 2007-02-11)
Location:Oberhoppen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.60500 N 7.38721 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.5 meters (96.8 feet)
Deck width:1.1 meters between side rails, 1.5 meters total


  • Completed circa 1955.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:6147 (added 2021-07-07)
Location:Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:55.092625 N 36.594117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Odai, Mie, Japan - Miya River
Bridgemeister ID:4975 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Odai, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Miya River
Coordinates:34.212521 N 136.160653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Odai, Mie, Japan - Miya River
Bridgemeister ID:4977 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Odai, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Miya River
At or Near Feature:Kakure Falls
Coordinates:34.201390 N 136.149913 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Odai, Mie, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4978 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Odai, Mie, Japan
At or Near Feature:Dogura Falls
Coordinates:34.198463 N 136.142355 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Odda vicinity, Vestland, Norway - Strandsfossen
Bridgemeister ID:4447 (added 2020-04-22)
Location:Odda vicinity, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.024619 N 6.540613 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.25 meters (79.6 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between 1964 and 2003.


Oguni, Yamagata, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:6102 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Oguni, Yamagata, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:37.954823 N 139.669253 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 22.5 meters (73.8 feet) estimated


Oil City vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Read Run
Bridgemeister ID:2395 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Oil City vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Read Run
At or Near Feature:Camp Singing Hills
Coordinates:41.45763 N 79.75185 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Oinila vicinity, Finland - Paimio River "Paimionjoki"
Bridgemeister ID:1610 (added 2005-02-19)
Location:Oinila vicinity, Finland
Crossing:Paimio River "Paimionjoki"
Coordinates:60.504867 N 22.691367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2925 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Coordinates:35.511623 N 97.478257 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Oktyabr'skiy Rayon, Leningrad Oblast, Russia - Ladoga Canal
Bridgemeister ID:7060 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Oktyabr'skiy Rayon, Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Ladoga Canal
Coordinates:59.934631 N 31.257669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5158 (added 2020-09-07)
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
At or Near Feature:Hatonosu Canyon
Coordinates:35.813273 N 139.128264 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Minedani River
Bridgemeister ID:6002 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Minedani River
Coordinates:35.788687 N 139.013280 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8556 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.880917 S 60.313222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated



Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8557 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.887306 S 60.322194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated



Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8558 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.887972 S 60.323000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated



Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8559 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.889306 S 60.324639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated



Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8560 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.890861 S 60.325972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated



Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8561 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.891722 S 60.326583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated



Olavarria, Argentina - Arroyo Tapalqué
Bridgemeister ID:8562 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Olavarria, Argentina
Crossing:Arroyo Tapalqué
Coordinates:36.899611 S 60.341722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1



Oldoy (Ольдо́й), Amur Oblast, Russia - Reka Malyy Oldoy
Bridgemeister ID:6727 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Oldoy (Ольдо́й), Amur Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Malyy Oldoy
Coordinates:54.087278 N 123.519853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Oldsmar, Florida, USA
Bridgemeister ID:4950 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:Oldsmar, Florida, USA
Coordinates:28.027206 N 82.660163 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be part of a private adventure course.


Olympic National Park, Washington, USA - Elwha River
Bridgemeister ID:2336 (added 2007-08-11)
Location:Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
Crossing:Elwha River
At or Near Feature:Long Ridge Trail
Coordinates:47.94223 N 123.54115 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.5 meters (123 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Opoki (Опоки), Pskov Oblast, Russia - Reka Shelon
Bridgemeister ID:6759 (added 2021-10-24)
Location:Opoki (Опоки), Pskov Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Shelon
Coordinates:57.962098 N 29.690037 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1369 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.61221 N 79.98092 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.2 meters (168 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1374 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.61505 N 79.98825 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1376 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.60470 N 79.99361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70.1 meters (230 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1591 (added 2005-02-05)
Location:Oriskany vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.60917 N 79.96701 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Orlando, Florida, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2610 (added 2014-04-15)
Location:Orlando, Florida, USA
At or Near Feature:Animal Kingdom
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Os vicinity, Sweden - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:1677 (added 2005-03-25)
Location:Os vicinity, Sweden
Coordinates:62.484333 N 11.175233 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Osango, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6842 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:Osango, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.949113 S 119.366872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:


Oslo vicinity, Norway - Lake Hakkloa
Bridgemeister ID:1301 (added 2004-04-03)
Location:Oslo vicinity, Norway
Crossing:Lake Hakkloa
Coordinates:60.119389 N 10.677222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Osogbo, Nigeria - Osun River
Bridgemeister ID:5689 (added 2021-03-28)
Location:Osogbo, Nigeria
Crossing:Osun River
At or Near Feature:Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove
Coordinates:7.754236 N 4.552828 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Possibly completed in 1935.


Osorno, Chile - Rio Damas
Bridgemeister ID:6122 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Osorno, Chile
Crossing:Rio Damas
Coordinates:40.568974 S 73.131853 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Osugi, Odai, Mie, Japan - Miya River
Bridgemeister ID:4976 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Osugi, Odai, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Miya River
Coordinates:34.214539 N 136.152304 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Otoyo, Kochi, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4252 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Otoyo, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.784135 N 133.683354 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated


Ovcar Banja (Овчар Бања), Čačak, Serbia - Zapadna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6971 (added 2022-03-26)
Location:Ovcar Banja (Овчар Бања), Čačak, Serbia
Crossing:Zapadna Morava
Coordinates:43.896644 N 20.185151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ozolnieki, Latvia - Iecava River
Bridgemeister ID:3084 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Ozolnieki, Latvia
Crossing:Iecava River
Coordinates:56.702633 N 23.769250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pañanalapa, Cantón Potrero Sula and El Amatal, Cantón Potrero Sula, El Salvador - Rio Pañanalapa
Bridgemeister ID:7463 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Pañanalapa, Cantón Potrero Sula and El Amatal, Cantón Potrero Sula, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Pañanalapa
Coordinates:14.105289 N 89.384939 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Paclla, Peru - Rio Huaruro
Bridgemeister ID:6448 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Paclla, Peru
Crossing:Rio Huaruro
Coordinates:15.581725 S 72.007181 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Paddupa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5733 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Paddupa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.135291 S 120.028080 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Padure, Latvia
Bridgemeister ID:4771 (added 2020-07-03)
Location:Padure, Latvia
Coordinates:57.015358 N 21.905755 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Page Cutoff, Pineville vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Yellow Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2351 (added 2007-08-18)
Location:Page Cutoff, Pineville vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Yellow Creek
Main Cables:Wire


  • Built circa 1957. Damaged by flood, 1977. Partially repaired by December, 1977. Descriptions and photographs of the 1977 flood damage and repairs appear in the December 2 and 30, 1977 editions of the Daily News newspaper (Middlesboro, Kentucky).


Pahaska vicinity, Wyoming, USA - North Fork Shoshone River
Bridgemeister ID:2110 (added 2006-09-03)
Location:Pahaska vicinity, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:North Fork Shoshone River
At or Near Feature:Sleeping Giant Campground and Winter Sports Area
Coordinates:44.490833 N 109.938767 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Pajyana (पाजयाना) and Gandasu (गंदासु), Uttarakhand, India - Nandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6977 (added 2022-03-27)
Location:Pajyana (पाजयाना) and Gandasu (गंदासु), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Nandakini River
Coordinates:30.294853 N 79.369731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


Pak Phra, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5029 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Pak Phra, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:16.934812 N 99.828539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pakhribas and Sano Dumma, Nepal - Arun River
Bridgemeister ID:5281 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Pakhribas and Sano Dumma, Nepal
Crossing:Arun River
Coordinates:27.090272 N 87.203924 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Palapu (पालापू), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6445 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Palapu (पालापू), Nepal
Coordinates:27.251567 N 86.205098 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Palapu, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5301 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Palapu, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.245744 N 86.212560 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


Palatta, Tapango, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7180 (added 2022-07-02)
Location:Palatta, Tapango, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.262850 S 119.253449 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some poitn in late 2018 or early 2019.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted October 2020.
  • Facebook. Images of the bridge, posted October 2020


Palma Real, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7829 (added 2023-09-02)
Location:Palma Real, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.622250 S 72.693000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since c. 2010s (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the dilapidated bridge. January 2019.


Palmer vicinity, Washington, USA - Green River
Bridgemeister ID:1619 (added 2005-02-26)
Location:Palmer vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Green River
At or Near Feature:Tacoma Water Supply Intake Diversion Dam
Coordinates:47.301141 N 121.842975 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Pambe, Mamasa Regency and Malabo, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6835 (added 2021-12-31)
Location:Pambe, Mamasa Regency and Malabo, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.016295 S 119.309917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 25.9 meters (85 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been completed at some point in 2017-2018.


Pambe, Mamasa Regency and Malabo, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6837 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:Pambe, Mamasa Regency and Malabo, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.024913 S 119.303430 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated

External Links:


Pamoseang Pangga, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6864 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Pamoseang Pangga, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.941111 S 119.090972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 54.3 meters (178 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted 2020.


Panamaram, Kerala, India - Panamaram River
Bridgemeister ID:3321 (added 2019-11-30)
Location:Panamaram, Kerala, India
Crossing:Panamaram River
Coordinates:11.734596 N 76.057854 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Panauti, Nepal - Punyamata River
Bridgemeister ID:3155 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Panauti, Nepal
Crossing:Punyamata River
Coordinates:27.585878 N 85.518011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1


Pandeygaon, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India - Kalsa River
Bridgemeister ID:7582 (added 2023-04-30)
Location:Pandeygaon, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kalsa River
Coordinates:29.352117 N 79.597794 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

External Links:


Pandora, Limón, Costa Rica - Estrella River
Bridgemeister ID:8491 (added 2024-03-22)
Location:Pandora, Limón, Costa Rica
Crossing:Estrella River
Coordinates:9.736944 N 82.962222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Panetean, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6881 (added 2022-01-15)
Location:Panetean, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.857429 S 119.146891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet) estimated


Pano, Ecuador - Rio Jatunyacu
Bridgemeister ID:2893 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Pano, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Jatunyacu
Coordinates:1.081319 S 77.880657 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Parakanlima, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5615 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Parakanlima, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.003561 S 106.834393 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Parakanlima, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5616 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Parakanlima, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.003715 S 106.834442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Parcines, South Tyrol, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:3251 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Parcines, South Tyrol, Italy
Coordinates:46.682278 N 11.065056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Parco, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5959 (added 2021-06-30)
Location:Parco, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.815734 S 75.619887 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Parco, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5960 (added 2021-06-30)
Location:Parco, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.807273 S 75.597316 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Parco, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5961 (added 2021-06-30)
Location:Parco, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.798739 S 75.593508 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1



Parco, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5962 (added 2021-06-30)
Location:Parco, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.798440 S 75.593111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Parigi, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Jeneberang River
Bridgemeister ID:8786 (added 2024-09-02)
Location:Parigi, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Jeneberang River
Coordinates:5.268556 S 119.794944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated


Parma, Ohio, USA - Big Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2573 (added 2012-11-18)
Location:Parma, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Big Creek
At or Near Feature:Fern Hill Picnic Area
Coordinates:41.413165 N 81.754445 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Paro, Bhutan - Paro Chu
Bridgemeister ID:4378 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Paro, Bhutan
Crossing:Paro Chu
Coordinates:27.384565 N 89.437706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Paro, Bhutan - Paro Chu
Bridgemeister ID:4884 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Paro, Bhutan
Crossing:Paro Chu
Coordinates:27.450781 N 89.366296 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Parsley Bay, Sydney vicinity, New South Wales, Australia - Parsley Bay
Bridgemeister ID:517 (added before 2003)
Location:Parsley Bay, Sydney vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Parsley Bay
Coordinates:33.8498803 S 151.2758018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by Joel Barnes Photo by David Denenberg


Pasar Muara Sipongi, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8027 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Pasar Muara Sipongi, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.618500 N 99.855167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Pasir Tuntung, Kota Pinang, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8722 (added 2024-07-04)
Location:Pasir Tuntung, Kota Pinang, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Barumun
Coordinates:1.834361 N 100.071611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Patambanua, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7155 (added 2022-06-25)
Location:Patambanua, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.153872 S 119.140642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Pathisain (पथिसैन) and Amotha (अमोठा), Uttarakhand, India - Pashchimi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:7959 (added 2023-11-19)
Location:Pathisain (पथिसैन) and Amotha (अमोठा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pashchimi Nayar River
Coordinates:29.982573 N 78.780658 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.1 meters (125 feet) estimated

External Links:


Pati, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Godi
Bridgemeister ID:3026 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Pati, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Godi
Coordinates:6.757558 S 111.075542 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Paute, Ecuador - Rio Paute
Bridgemeister ID:7282 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Paute, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Paute
Coordinates:2.779883 S 78.754641 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 99.5 meters (326.4 feet) estimated


Paute, Ecuador - Rio Paute
Bridgemeister ID:7283 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Paute, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Paute
Coordinates:2.806717 S 78.768998 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 172 meters (564.3 feet) estimated


Pavlohrad, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine - Vovcha River
Bridgemeister ID:4671 (added 2020-06-19)
Location:Pavlohrad, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Vovcha River
Coordinates:48.556214 N 35.815800 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Párnica vicinity, Slovakia - Orava River
Bridgemeister ID:2557 (added 2012-01-15)
Location:Párnica vicinity, Slovakia
Crossing:Orava River
Coordinates:49.17945 N 19.14863 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Peel vicinity, Oregon, USA - Little River
Bridgemeister ID:1245 (added 2004-02-16)
Location:Peel vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Little River
Coordinates:43.2322 N 122.97111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pejibaye District, Cartago Province, Costa Rica - Rio Pejibaye
Bridgemeister ID:8658 (added 2024-06-22)
Location:Pejibaye District, Cartago Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Pejibaye
Coordinates:9.821139 N 83.691278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, USA - Pelican River
Bridgemeister ID:1459 (added 2004-08-21)
Location:Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Pelican River
Coordinates:46.569583 N 96.082 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1417 (added 2004-07-17)
Location:Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire, USA
At or Near Feature:Cedar Brook Trail
Status:Removed, 2009
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet)

Photo by Matthew Wels


Penza, Russia - Sura River
Bridgemeister ID:4647 (added 2020-06-16)
Location:Penza, Russia
Crossing:Sura River
Coordinates:53.191529 N 45.027152 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175.5 meters (575.8 feet) estimated

External Links:


Peoria, Illinois, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1694 (added 2005-03-27)
Location:Peoria, Illinois, USA
At or Near Feature:Madison Park
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Perry County, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2419 (added 2008-02-16)
Location:Perry County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.42995 N 83.21446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Perry County, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2420 (added 2008-02-16)
Location:Perry County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.41746 N 83.20749 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Perry County, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2421 (added 2008-02-22)
Location:Perry County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.38502 N 83.15154 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated,
1 x 16.8 meters (55 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:3808 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Peru, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:38.860180 N 79.053010 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 77.4 meters (254 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 12.2 meters (40 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Peta, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5720 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Peta, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.028254 S 120.139137 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Petersburg, Kentucky, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2406 (added 2007-12-23)
Location:Petersburg, Kentucky, USA
At or Near Feature:Creation Museum
Coordinates:39.085137 N 84.782340 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Pha Lueat, Tha Pla District, Uttaradit, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:5757 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Pha Lueat, Tha Pla District, Uttaradit, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:17.743414 N 100.555882 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Phander, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:3167 (added 2019-11-07)
Location:Phander, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.167683 N 72.926971 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Phander, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:3168 (added 2019-11-08)
Location:Phander, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.169429 N 72.937418 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Pheirij (फेइरिज), Uttarakhand and Up Mahal Kiyarla (अप महल कियार्ला), Himachal Pradesh, India - Shallu Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7774 (added 2023-08-18)
Location:Pheirij (फेइरिज), Uttarakhand and Up Mahal Kiyarla (अप महल कियार्ला), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Shallu Gad
Coordinates:30.827588 N 77.761111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Phnom Srok, Cambodia
Bridgemeister ID:6113 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Phnom Srok, Cambodia
Coordinates:13.648531 N 103.397626 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Pia (ფია), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8005 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Pia (ფია), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.435500 N 43.313028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pibcha, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7288 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Pibcha, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.392061 N 76.928864 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.6 meters (143 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted March 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted March 2014.


Piešťany, Slovakia - Biskupický Canal
Bridgemeister ID:4641 (added 2020-06-13)
Location:Piešťany, Slovakia
Crossing:Biskupický Canal
Coordinates:48.592650 N 17.841172 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Pikeville, Kentucky, USA - Pikeville City Pond
Bridgemeister ID:1462 (added 2004-08-22)
Location:Pikeville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Pikeville City Pond
Coordinates:37.48575 N 82.520067 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 96.9 meters (318 feet) estimated
Side Span:1


  • Crosses a pond formed by the Pikeville Cut-Thru project's diversion of the Levisa Fork of the Big Sandy River.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Pilang, Sragen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia - Solo River
Bridgemeister ID:7212 (added 2022-07-09)
Location:Pilang, Sragen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Solo River
Coordinates:7.461356 S 110.899601 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet) estimated


Pili Makujawa, South Kulawi, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Salo Karangan
Bridgemeister ID:6568 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Pili Makujawa, South Kulawi, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Salo Karangan
Coordinates:1.706580 S 120.064550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet) estimated

External Links:


Pilsen, Czechia - Berounka
Bridgemeister ID:7353 (added 2022-10-22)
Location:Pilsen, Czechia
Coordinates:49.764995 N 13.418950 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated


Pinang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5710 (added 2021-04-02)
Location:Pinang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.595164 S 119.765605 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Pinang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5711 (added 2021-04-02)
Location:Pinang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.599161 S 119.764741 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Pine Grove vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1344 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Pine Grove vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
At or Near Feature:Fleenor Mill Ford
Coordinates:36.71495 N 82.26497 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.3 meters (234 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Pine Grove vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1345 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Pine Grove vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
At or Near Feature:Hobbs Ford
Coordinates:36.71058 N 82.28812 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55.5 meters (182 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 12.2 meters (40 feet) estimated,
1 x 17.7 meters (58 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Pine Grove, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Fishing Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3041 (added 2019-10-19)
Location:Pine Grove, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Fishing Creek
Coordinates:39.554479 N 80.677816 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pineville vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:4933 (added 2020-08-04)
Location:Pineville vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Cumberland River
Status:In use (last checked: 1975)
Main Cables:Wire


  • The January 3, 1975 edition of the Middlesboro Daily News (Middlesboro, Kentucky) ran a front page photo with description: "As this young woman gazes out over the water of the Cumberland River she may be contemplating the first day of sunshine In the new year. The scenic suspension bridge from which she is gazing at the icy water below is located about two miles past Bell High School on the Harlan Road." That appears to place the bridge in Pineville or very nearby based on the present day (2020) locations of Bell County High School and Harlan Road (US119).
  • Likely removed.


Piniava, Lithuania - Lėvuo River
Bridgemeister ID:5312 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Piniava, Lithuania
Crossing:Lėvuo River
Coordinates:55.787352 N 24.358315 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Pinjarra, Western Australia, Australia - Murray River
Bridgemeister ID:860 (added 2003-08-09)
Location:Pinjarra, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Murray River
Coordinates:32.62923 S 115.87603 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)


Pisac, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3423 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Pisac, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.421392 S 71.861127 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Pittsfield, Maine, USA - Sebasticook River
Bridgemeister ID:852 (added 2003-08-06)
Location:Pittsfield, Maine, USA
Crossing:Sebasticook River
At or Near Feature:Manson Park
Coordinates:44.77880 N 69.37425 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Snowmobile
Status:In use (last checked: 2002)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Plattsburgh, New York, USA - Saranac River
Bridgemeister ID:1787 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Plattsburgh, New York, USA
Crossing:Saranac River
Coordinates:44.6991 N 73.449467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 23.8 meters (78 feet) estimated


Pleasant Run, Porterwood vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Shavers Fork
Bridgemeister ID:2027 (added 2006-04-08)
Location:Pleasant Run, Porterwood vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Shavers Fork
Coordinates:39.0472 N 79.7201 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Plovdiv, Bulgaria - Dermendere
Bridgemeister ID:6961 (added 2022-02-19)
Location:Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Coordinates:42.139548 N 24.693671 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


Poing, Bavaria, Germany - Plieninger Straße
Bridgemeister ID:1411 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Poing, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Plieninger Straße
Coordinates:48.17555 N 11.81055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.5 meters (67.3 feet)
Deck width:2.9 meters between side rails, 3.3 meters total

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Pompey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France - Moselle River
Bridgemeister ID:8547 (added 2024-04-01)
Location:Pompey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle River
Coordinates:48.768917 N 6.133306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pompey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France - Moselle River
Bridgemeister ID:8548 (added 2024-04-01)
Location:Pompey, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle River
Coordinates:48.770278 N 6.133694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pondler, Laguna de Perlas, Nicaragua
Bridgemeister ID:6787 (added 2021-10-29)
Location:Pondler, Laguna de Perlas, Nicaragua
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, October: Refurbishment of the bridge is completed.

External Links:


Pont-Canavese, Turin, Italy - Orco River
Bridgemeister ID:6916 (added 2022-01-21)
Location:Pont-Canavese, Turin, Italy
Crossing:Orco River
Coordinates:45.419956 N 7.574769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Poplar Island, Colfax vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Tygart Valley River
Bridgemeister ID:2405 (added 2007-12-23)
Location:Poplar Island, Colfax vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Tygart Valley River
Coordinates:39.41763 N 80.14833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83.8 meters (275 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Port Renfrew vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Harris Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3078 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Port Renfrew vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Harris Creek
Coordinates:48.648517 N 124.221750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Port-Daniel, Quebec, Canada - Petite Rivière Port-Daniel
Bridgemeister ID:1407 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Port-Daniel, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Petite Rivière Port-Daniel
Coordinates:48.177817 N 64.971483 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Portinscale vicinity and Keswick vicinity, England, United Kingdom - River Derwent
Bridgemeister ID:1499 (added 2004-10-08)
Location:Portinscale vicinity and Keswick vicinity, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Derwent
Coordinates:54.60362 N 3.15692 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Portland vicinity, Oregon, USA - Eagle Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1348 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Portland vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Eagle Creek
At or Near Feature:Eagle Fern Park
Coordinates:45.324267 N 122.28895 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Poteet Ford, Jonesville vicinity, Virginia, USA - Powell River
Bridgemeister ID:1368 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Poteet Ford, Jonesville vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Powell River
Coordinates:36.66681 N 83.08469 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Closed at some point between 2004 and 2020.

Annotated Citations:

  • Quon, Kristin. "Future of historic Lee County bridge up in the air." WCYB News 5, 11 March 2021,

    "On Tuesday, March 16th, the Lee County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to talk about the proposed abandonment of 1.1 miles of State Route 739 (Harris Hollow Road and Hunting Club Road) from State Route 783 to .95 miles south of State Route 617... The proposed abandonment also includes the abandonment of the swinging pedestrian bridge, which is currently not in use…"

  • Arintok, Angelique. "Historic swinging bridge and surrounding road in Lee County won't be under new supervision." WCYB News 5, 1 May 2021,

    Discussed local controversy regarding the proposed abandonment of the segment of road leading up to the bridge and the abandonment of the bridge. Local citizens were against abandonment citing historical value of the bridge.

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Potts Creek vicinity, Virginia, USA - Potts Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1373 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Potts Creek vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Potts Creek
Coordinates:37.63544 N 80.17103 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Potts Creek vicinity, Virginia, USA - Potts Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1379 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Potts Creek vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Potts Creek
Coordinates:37.62819 N 80.17810 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.1 meters (89 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Pravdinsk (Правдинск), Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia - Reka Lava
Bridgemeister ID:6730 (added 2021-10-17)
Location:Pravdinsk (Правдинск), Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Lava
Coordinates:54.436236 N 21.012910 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Pravia, Spain - Nalón River
Bridgemeister ID:4733 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Pravia, Spain
Crossing:Nalón River
Coordinates:43.497565 N 6.095404 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2

External Links:


Presque Isle Falls vicinity, Michigan, USA - Presque Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:1197 (added 2004-01-27)
Location:Presque Isle Falls vicinity, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Presque Isle River
At or Near Feature:Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park
Status:In use


Prestfoss, Viken, Norway - Simoa
Bridgemeister ID:4080 (added 2020-04-04)
Location:Prestfoss, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.029692 N 9.687113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 35.5 meters (116.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1969.


Pretoria vicinity, South Africa - Hennops River
Bridgemeister ID:2236 (added 2007-03-19)
Location:Pretoria vicinity, South Africa
Crossing:Hennops River
Coordinates:25.80067 S 27.98992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)


Pretoria, South Africa - Lynwood Road
Bridgemeister ID:1752 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Pretoria, South Africa
Crossing:Lynwood Road
At or Near Feature:University of Pretoria
Coordinates:25.75645 S 28.22835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Pretoria, South Africa
Bridgemeister ID:1823 (added 2005-05-28)
Location:Pretoria, South Africa
At or Near Feature:Pretoria Zoological Gardens
Coordinates:25.7349 S 28.188967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Prijepolje (Пријепоље), Zlatibor (Златиборски), Serbia - Lim River
Bridgemeister ID:5106 (added 2020-09-05)
Location:Prijepolje (Пријепоље), Zlatibor (Златиборски), Serbia
Crossing:Lim River
Coordinates:43.388851 N 19.644907 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada - Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:4847 (added 2020-07-11)
Location:Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
Crossing:Little Red River
At or Near Feature:Little Red River Park
Coordinates:53.223489 N 105.721042 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Pryvillya, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine - Siverskyi Donets River
Bridgemeister ID:6940 (added 2022-01-23)
Location:Pryvillya, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Siverskyi Donets River
Coordinates:49.025677 N 38.284821 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated


  • Very unconventional suspension system. Main cables are strapped to the top chord of the deck truss for six panels. Suspender cables are inclined and very sparse.


Pskov, Russia - Pskova River
Bridgemeister ID:3189 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Pskov, Russia
Crossing:Pskova River
Coordinates:57.822670 N 28.389457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pskov, Russia - Pskova River
Bridgemeister ID:3190 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Pskov, Russia
Crossing:Pskova River
Coordinates:57.836742 N 28.415970 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)


Puerto Napo, Tena vicinity, Ecuador - Rio Anzu
Bridgemeister ID:2892 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Puerto Napo, Tena vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Anzu
Coordinates:1.072969 S 77.796849 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico - Rio Cuale
Bridgemeister ID:6953 (added 2022-02-13)
Location:Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Cuale
Coordinates:20.605882 N 105.235449 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2021
Suspended Spans:1



Pughtown, Pennsylvania, USA - French Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2450 (added 2008-06-22)
Location:Pughtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:French Creek
At or Near Feature:Camp Sankanac
Coordinates:40.15698 N 75.65073 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • James Boxmeyer writes: "I was involved in a small way in the bridge's construction... Here are a few details about the design. I think it was constructed in the late 1990's or maybe 2000-2001. The camp director said it was designed by people who are familiar with construction of similar bridges by Christian missionaries in other countries where resources are limited and suspension bridges are easier to construct. I used to work for an elevator company. I gave the cable to Camp Sankanac that they said would be used in the main suspension cables as well as the vertical cables that support the walking surface. I think they might have also used some of the cable I donated to hold up the walking surface, but have not seen the bridge in person, so cannot verify that. The main suspension cables had been used in an elevator. They are called traction steel 1/2 inch diameter hoist cables 8x19 construction with a fiber core. Tensile strength of each cable is about 14,500 pounds. The vertical cables are 3/8 inch (without a fiber core) and had been used in a construction hoist."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Punakha, Bhutan
Bridgemeister ID:4366 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Punakha, Bhutan
Coordinates:27.631990 N 89.815987 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Not the famous huge simple suspension bridge in Punakha.


Purba Kalyanpur, Tripura, India - Khowai River
Bridgemeister ID:3020 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Purba Kalyanpur, Tripura, India
Crossing:Khowai River
Coordinates:23.916090 N 91.625042 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Putalibazar, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:4705 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Putalibazar, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.084821 N 83.832532 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Putalibazar, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6226 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Putalibazar, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.115812 N 83.861199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Puvočiai, Lithuania - Merkys River
Bridgemeister ID:4785 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Puvočiai, Lithuania
Crossing:Merkys River
Coordinates:54.117027 N 24.302919 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6526 (added 2021-08-28)
Location:Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.121578 N 82.885959 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet) estimated


Pālsrikgiri, Meghalaya, India - Simsang River
Bridgemeister ID:7037 (added 2022-05-21)
Location:Pālsrikgiri, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Simsang River
Coordinates:25.296551 N 90.659562 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 261 meters (856.3 feet) estimated


Qaderna, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Marau River
Bridgemeister ID:6721 (added 2021-10-16)
Location:Qaderna, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Marau River
Coordinates:33.651732 N 75.715549 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Quellouno, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3453 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Quellouno, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.671830 S 72.526510 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Quevedo, Los Rios, Ecuador - Rio Quevedo
Bridgemeister ID:7222 (added 2022-07-10)
Location:Quevedo, Los Rios, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Quevedo
Coordinates:1.027675 S 79.465049 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 170 meters (557.7 feet) estimated


Racine, Wisconsin, USA - Root River
Bridgemeister ID:1505 (added 2004-10-09)
Location:Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Root River
At or Near Feature:Washington Park
Coordinates:42.72005 N 87.807933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Raipur (रायपुर), Chhattisgarh, India - Kharun River
Bridgemeister ID:7110 (added 2022-06-04)
Location:Raipur (रायपुर), Chhattisgarh, India
Crossing:Kharun River
Coordinates:21.214987 N 81.590449 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Rakathum, Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:5289 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Rakathum, Nepal
Coordinates:27.457943 N 85.808846 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6900 (added 2022-01-20)
Location:Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.907436 S 119.124877 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 18.6 meters (61 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted in 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted in 2017.


Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6907 (added 2022-01-21)
Location:Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.915481 S 119.125497 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

External Links:


Ramechhap and Baseshwor, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5294 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Ramechhap and Baseshwor, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.298634 N 86.039523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Rampur and Ramghat, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4682 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Rampur and Ramghat, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.872145 N 83.911823 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Rampur, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5310 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Rampur, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.268375 N 86.119053 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Rang Nok, Sam Ngam District, Phichit, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5071 (added 2020-08-30)
Location:Rang Nok, Sam Ngam District, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:16.407825 N 100.221406 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rangoan, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7164 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Rangoan, Matangnga, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.126575 S 119.198869 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 36.3 meters (119 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2017 or 2018.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted February 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted May 2021.


Ranipool (रानीपुल), Sikkim, India - Rorochu
Bridgemeister ID:8779 (added 2024-09-01)
Location:Ranipool (रानीपुल), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.289858 N 88.598258 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.1 meters (194 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted August 26, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of people posing with the bridge in the background. Posted June 7, 2015.


Ranipool (रानीपुल), Sikkim, India - Rorochu
Bridgemeister ID:8780 (added 2024-09-01)
Location:Ranipool (रानीपुल), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.292556 N 88.601256 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 45.1 meters (148 feet) estimated


External Links:


Ransing, Siddhara (सिद्धरा), Arghakhanchi District, Nepal - Ransing River
Bridgemeister ID:6872 (added 2022-01-06)
Location:Ransing, Siddhara (सिद्धरा), Arghakhanchi District, Nepal
Crossing:Ransing River
Coordinates:27.794738 N 82.808842 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Raru, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7289 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Raru, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.323799 N 76.969380 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28 meters (92 feet) estimated

External Links:


Raudfjellfors, Bjeldaanaes, Nordland, Norway - Ranelva
Bridgemeister ID:3728 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Raudfjellfors, Bjeldaanaes, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.500120 N 14.988129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, December, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Raudfjellfors, Bjeldaanaes, Nordland, Norway - Ranelva
Bridgemeister ID:3729 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Raudfjellfors, Bjeldaanaes, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.500040 N 14.987370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated



Rawa Panjang, Bogor Regency and Pondok Rajeg, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:8373 (added 2024-02-11)
Location:Rawa Panjang, Bogor Regency and Pondok Rajeg, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.451000 S 106.815944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Río Villegas, Bariloche, Argentina - Rio Manso
Bridgemeister ID:4784 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Río Villegas, Bariloche, Argentina
Crossing:Rio Manso
Coordinates:41.596888 S 71.582380 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Red Hill vicinity, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:789 (added 2003-03-22)
Location:Red Hill vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:36.00779 N 82.24653 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Rehra, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Nala Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:6233 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Rehra, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Nala Mahl River
Coordinates:33.930874 N 73.868731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


Reimegrend, Voss, Vestland, Norway - Raundalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4483 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Reimegrend, Voss, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.672123 N 6.811877 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


  • Very narrow footbridge.


Rembo-Rembo, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Sadang
Bridgemeister ID:6822 (added 2021-12-25)
Location:Rembo-Rembo, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Sadang
Coordinates:3.051804 S 119.588967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118 feet) estimated

External Links:


Rembon, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Sadang
Bridgemeister ID:6566 (added 2021-09-04)
Location:Rembon, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Sadang
Coordinates:3.082758 S 119.798106 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:4624 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.072052 N 121.194767 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5805 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.162643 N 121.179630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Renfors, Vindeln, Sweden - Vindel River
Bridgemeister ID:5566 (added 2020-12-19)
Location:Renfors, Vindeln, Sweden
Crossing:Vindel River
Coordinates:64.216371 N 19.705263 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Near (footbridge) - Renfors, Vindeln, Sweden. The two bridges connect to the same small island in the Vindel River (Vindelälven). There may be a third suspension bridge at the northwest corner edge of the island.


Renfors, Vindeln, Sweden - Vindel River
Bridgemeister ID:5567 (added 2020-12-19)
Location:Renfors, Vindeln, Sweden
Crossing:Vindel River
Coordinates:64.211446 N 19.702051 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Near (footbridge) - Renfors, Vindeln, Sweden. The two bridges connect to the same small island in the Vindel River (Vindelälven). There may be a third suspension bridge at the northwest corner edge of the island.


Rengkai (রেন্গ্কাই) and Neihsial Veng (নেইহ্সিয়াল ভেঙ), Manipur, India - Tuitha River
Bridgemeister ID:7606 (added 2023-05-19)
Location:Rengkai (রেন্গ্কাই) and Neihsial Veng (নেইহ্সিয়াল ভেঙ), Manipur, India
Crossing:Tuitha River
Coordinates:24.345725 N 93.706381 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Appears to have a midspan support.

External Links:

  • Twitter. "A picture of the Z. Lamka - Neihsial Veng suspension bridge after completion of repair." Posted April 4, 2023.


Renke, Slovenia - Sava River
Bridgemeister ID:4535 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Renke, Slovenia
Crossing:Sava River
Coordinates:46.092412 N 14.946045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Rewarangga, Ende and Mautapaga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8374 (added 2024-02-11)
Location:Rewarangga, Ende and Mautapaga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.820417 S 121.677778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:


Rewarangga, Ende and Mautapaga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8375 (added 2024-02-11)
Location:Rewarangga, Ende and Mautapaga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.820361 S 121.677889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:


Rewarangga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8376 (added 2024-02-11)
Location:Rewarangga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.810056 S 121.672972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet) estimated


Rewarangga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8377 (added 2024-02-11)
Location:Rewarangga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.801750 S 121.671056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated


Rhododendron, Oregon, USA - Zigzag River
Bridgemeister ID:1867 (added 2005-08-06)
Location:Rhododendron, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Zigzag River
Coordinates:45.3304 N 121.914517 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Major renovation completed, 2017.


Richfield Center, Michigan, USA - Flint River
Bridgemeister ID:821 (added 2003-05-31)
Location:Richfield Center, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Flint River
At or Near Feature:Richfield Park
Coordinates:43.105184 N 83.530717 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Richfield, North Carolina, USA - Curl Tail Creek Pond
Bridgemeister ID:1886 (added 2005-09-24)
Location:Richfield, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Curl Tail Creek Pond
At or Near Feature:Richfield Park
Coordinates:35.478383 N 80.2626 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


Ridgedale, Missouri, USA - Devil's Pool Ravine
Bridgemeister ID:3065 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Ridgedale, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Devil's Pool Ravine
Coordinates:36.534011 N 93.273654 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Rod
Suspended Spans:1


Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5018 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.148355 S 49.532031 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire



Rio Pingo, Lago Grey vicinity, Torres de Paine, Chile - Rio Avutardas
Bridgemeister ID:1206 (added 2004-02-06)
Location:Rio Pingo, Lago Grey vicinity, Torres de Paine, Chile
Crossing:Rio Avutardas
Coordinates:51.123452 S 73.129797 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rippung, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:5693 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Rippung, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.248572 S 119.338891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rippung, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:5694 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Rippung, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.226574 S 119.327510 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rippung, Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:5695 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Rippung, Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.211956 S 119.317608 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Riverside vicinity and Cisco vicinity, West Virginia, USA - North Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2602 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Riverside vicinity and Cisco vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.16069 N 81.22007 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Riverside, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - North Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2453 (added 2008-08-31)
Location:Riverside, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.17252 N 81.17680 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Roßbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2207 (added 2007-02-11)
Location:Roßbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.57111 N 7.41444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.4 meters (83.3 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters between side rails, 1.3 meters total


  • Eckhard Bernstorff notes: "Side spans (not suspended) have separated girders. Cables are anchored at connection point of these separated girders to the ground (at the end of side span girders). Suspended main span girder is free of horizontal forces. Hangers are 'plates' with cross-section 1 x 4 cm."
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Robbinsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Cheoah River
Bridgemeister ID:7676 (added 2023-06-17)
Location:Robbinsville vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Cheoah River
Coordinates:35.397926 N 83.874163 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rockbridge Baths, Virginia, USA - Maury River
Bridgemeister ID:5356 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Rockbridge Baths, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Maury River
Coordinates:37.900290 N 79.409980 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:


Rockford vicinity, Illinois, USA - Kishwaukee River
Bridgemeister ID:862 (added 2003-08-09)
Location:Rockford vicinity, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Kishwaukee River
At or Near Feature:Atwood Park
Coordinates:42.183113 N 89.055943 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64.9 meters (213 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Roebuck vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1341 (added 2004-05-03)
Location:Roebuck vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.76827 N 82.11185 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.3 meters (224 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Romfo, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3898 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Romfo, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.6185 N 8.89789 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, built prior to 1971.


Rorathang (रोरथंग), Sikkim, India - Rangpo Chu
Bridgemeister ID:8542 (added 2024-03-31)
Location:Rorathang (रोरथंग), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangpo Chu
Coordinates:27.196693 N 88.621525 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2019 or 2020.

External Links:


Rossbach, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:3055 (added 2019-10-20)
Location:Rossbach, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.571067 N 7.414600 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Rosspoint vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Poor Fork Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:4935 (added 2020-08-04)
Location:Rosspoint vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Poor Fork Cumberland River
Coordinates:36.893125 N 83.265826 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Rotorua, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:5820 (added 2021-04-14)
Location:Rotorua, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Redwoods – Whakarewarewa Forest
Coordinates:38.156880 S 176.273001 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • This site features a complex of multiple connected and almost-connected suspension bridges as part of a treetop walk attraction.


Rousseau, Kentucky, USA - Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3779 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Rousseau, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.585230 N 83.241210 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Rovaniemi, Finland - Vaattunkijoki
Bridgemeister ID:2970 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Rovaniemi, Finland
Coordinates:66.618567 N 26.184083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rowdy vicinity, Perry County, Kentucky, USA - Troublesome Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5655 (added 2021-01-01)
Location:Rowdy vicinity, Perry County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Troublesome Creek
Coordinates:37.419410 N 83.210633 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Rošci (Рошци), Ovcar Banja (Овчар Бања) vicinity, Čačak, Serbia - Zapadna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:7030 (added 2022-05-21)
Location:Rošci (Рошци), Ovcar Banja (Овчар Бања) vicinity, Čačak, Serbia
Crossing:Zapadna Morava
Coordinates:43.904673 N 20.195271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, October 13, 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • 2022, October 13: Collapsed killing 2, injuring 10.


Ruma Rupu Lama, Padang Lawas Regency and Hotang Sasa, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Pane
Bridgemeister ID:8845 (added 2024-09-29)
Location:Ruma Rupu Lama, Padang Lawas Regency and Hotang Sasa, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Pane
Coordinates:1.411278 N 99.719139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated


Ruma Rupu Lama, Padang Lawas Regency and Padang Hasior Dolok, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Pane
Bridgemeister ID:8846 (added 2024-09-29)
Location:Ruma Rupu Lama, Padang Lawas Regency and Padang Hasior Dolok, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Pane
Coordinates:1.401861 N 99.733667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated


Rumford, Maine, USA - Androscoggin River
Bridgemeister ID:265 (added before 2003)
Location:Rumford, Maine, USA
Crossing:Androscoggin River
At or Near Feature:Rumford Falls
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Rumford, Maine, USA - Androscoggin River
Bridgemeister ID:1696 (added 2005-03-27)
Location:Rumford, Maine, USA
Crossing:Androscoggin River
Coordinates:44.55148 N 70.54430 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


  • John A Roebling's Son Co. added the pipeline onto an existing footbridge. From a Roebling ad: "... supports a 400 foot section of the 30 inch diameter water line (capacity 12,000,000 gpd) across the Androscoggin River. A substantial saving was accomodated by erecting this bridge with its 300 ft. center span adjacent to and attached to an existing footbridge."
  • See (pipeline bridge) - Rumford, Maine, USA. The pipelines were constructed as part of the same project.
Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Rupit I Pruit, Spain - Riera de Rupit
Bridgemeister ID:2905 (added 2019-09-14)
Location:Rupit I Pruit, Spain
Crossing:Riera de Rupit
Coordinates:42.024739 N 2.464887 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ruru (रूरू), Nepal - Ridi River
Bridgemeister ID:6373 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Ruru (रूरू), Nepal
Crossing:Ridi River
Coordinates:27.937637 N 83.433252 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Russellville, Arkansas, USA - Prairie Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1320 (added 2004-04-25)
Location:Russellville, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Prairie Creek
At or Near Feature:Bona Dea Trails System
Coordinates:35.301683 N 93.159617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed (or dismantled) sometime between 2005 and 2009.
Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Rustavi (რუსთავი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8009 (added 2023-12-09)
Location:Rustavi (რუსთავი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.613611 N 43.138222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated


Rutland, Vermont, USA
Bridgemeister ID:7345 (added 2022-10-07)
Location:Rutland, Vermont, USA
At or Near Feature:Pine Hill Park
Coordinates:43.624189 N 73.003795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Ryan vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Moyie River
Bridgemeister ID:1868 (added 2005-08-06)
Location:Ryan vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Moyie River
Coordinates:49.121617 N 116.043633 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Rybnyk, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine - Stryi River
Bridgemeister ID:5580 (added 2020-12-21)
Location:Rybnyk, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Stryi River
Coordinates:49.183083 N 23.309000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


Rygnestad, Valle, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:1531 (added 2004-10-30)
Location:Rygnestad, Valle, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:59.262417 N 7.47135 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Rygnestad, Valle, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:8569 (added 2024-04-07)
Location:Rygnestad, Valle, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:59.262417 N 7.471778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Sabah, Malaysia - Danum River
Bridgemeister ID:4009 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Sabah, Malaysia
Crossing:Danum River
At or Near Feature:Danum Valley Conservation Area
Coordinates:4.965361 N 117.803054 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sabana Larga, Estelí and San Pedro, Estelí, Nicaragua - Rio Estelí
Bridgemeister ID:4167 (added 2020-04-07)
Location:Sabana Larga, Estelí and San Pedro, Estelí, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Estelí
Coordinates:13.319311 N 86.359826 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire



Sabina, Czechia - Ohre River
Bridgemeister ID:1612 (added 2005-02-20)
Location:Sabina, Czechia
Crossing:Ohre River
Coordinates:50.134891 N 12.579131 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Short footbridge with tall green towers.


Sahare (सहरे), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6473 (added 2021-08-14)
Location:Sahare (सहरे), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.428684 N 81.873554 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Saint-Juste-du-Lac, Quebec, Canada - Touladi River
Bridgemeister ID:2589 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Saint-Juste-du-Lac, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Touladi River
Coordinates:47.675142 N 68.795619 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated


Saint-Thibéry, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:4555 (added 2020-06-01)
Location:Saint-Thibéry, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.398414 N 3.422952 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Sajira Mekar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6606 (added 2021-09-05)
Location:Sajira Mekar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.499803 S 106.358602 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Wrecked, December 31, 2019 - January 1, 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Saldee, Kentucky, USA - South Fork Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3813 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Saldee, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:South Fork Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.538170 N 83.304140 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Saldee, Kentucky, USA - South Fork Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3814 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Saldee, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:South Fork Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.534120 N 83.333790 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Saldee, Kentucky, USA - South Fork Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3815 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Saldee, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:South Fork Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.539120 N 83.307150 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Salem, Utah, USA - Salem Lake
Bridgemeister ID:869 (added 2003-08-30)
Location:Salem, Utah, USA
Crossing:Salem Lake
Coordinates:40.05256 N 111.67755 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.9 meters (85 feet) estimated


  • After collapse, main span rebuilt by suspending a large donated highway overhead sign truss making an effective through truss.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Salida, Colorado, USA - Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:1554 (added 2004-11-23)
Location:Salida, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Arkansas River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Call numbers X-13282 and CHS.X5149 of the Denver Public Library's Western History Photos collection show a suspension footbridge (circa 1890-1910) near the base of Tenderfoot Hill.


Salimbongan, Lembang, Pinrang Regency and Mesakada, Batulappa, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6692 (added 2021-09-26)
Location:Salimbongan, Lembang, Pinrang Regency and Mesakada, Batulappa, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.402054 S 119.579808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Annotated Citations:


Salina vicinity, Kansas, USA - Mulberry Creek
Bridgemeister ID:872 (added 2003-08-30)
Location:Salina vicinity, Kansas, USA
Crossing:Mulberry Creek
Coordinates:38.88861 N 97.59963 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 23.5 meters (77 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 11.6 meters (38 feet) estimated,
1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet) estimated


Salitre, Guayas, Ecuador - Rio Vinces
Bridgemeister ID:7232 (added 2022-07-16)
Location:Salitre, Guayas, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Vinces
Coordinates:1.832370 S 79.810956 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Salo, Finland - Uskelanjoki
Bridgemeister ID:3294 (added 2019-11-24)
Location:Salo, Finland
Coordinates:60.391354 N 23.131615 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)


Salurindu, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6885 (added 2022-01-15)
Location:Salurindu, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.841889 S 119.150639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 23.8 meters (78 feet) estimated


Salyer vicinity, California, USA - South Fork Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:7129 (added 2022-06-19)
Location:Salyer vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork Trinity River
Coordinates:40.841942 N 123.567809 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

Photo by Peter Canclini


Samari (समारी) vicinity, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6437 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Samari (समारी) vicinity, Nepal
Coordinates:27.947441 N 84.988637 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Sambirejo, Trenggalek Regency and Pogalan, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6853 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Sambirejo, Trenggalek Regency and Pogalan, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.062699 S 111.730974 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Samdrup Jongkhar, Bhutan - Darranga Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:7421 (added 2022-12-09)
Location:Samdrup Jongkhar, Bhutan
Crossing:Darranga Nadi
At or Near Feature:Samdrup Jongkhar Primary School
Coordinates:26.803383 N 91.501170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. August 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated


  • 2015, August: Deck wrecked by flood.


Sampe Raya, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:5607 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Sampe Raya, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.541611 N 98.127003 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


San Antonio de Guadalupe, Ecuador - Rio Yacuambi
Bridgemeister ID:7698 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:San Antonio de Guadalupe, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Yacuambi
Coordinates:3.805917 S 78.899250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


San Antonio de Sonomoro, Satipo, Peru - Rio Sonomoro
Bridgemeister ID:8706 (added 2024-06-29)
Location:San Antonio de Sonomoro, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Sonomoro
Coordinates:11.446056 S 74.441806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


San Cristóbal and Cuchumbaya, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8602 (added 2024-05-24)
Location:San Cristóbal and Cuchumbaya, Peru
Coordinates:16.750172 S 70.684288 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2007-2010 time frame.


San Felipe Tejalapam, Oaxaca, Mexico
Bridgemeister ID:8790 (added 2024-09-02)
Location:San Felipe Tejalapam, Oaxaca, Mexico
Coordinates:17.108417 N 96.852833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


San Fransisco, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8064 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:San Fransisco, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.378889 N 81.063806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated



San Fransisco, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8065 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:San Fransisco, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.378833 N 81.063750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated



San Isidro Lempa, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:3143 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:San Isidro Lempa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.044687 N 89.363449 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire


San Jacinto, El Salvador - Rio Suquiapa
Bridgemeister ID:7448 (added 2022-12-24)
Location:San Jacinto, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Suquiapa
Coordinates:13.993408 N 89.436522 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2005-2009 time frame.

External Links:


San Jose Guayabal vicinity, El Salvador - El Sillero
Bridgemeister ID:7379 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:San Jose Guayabal vicinity, El Salvador
Crossing:El Sillero
Coordinates:13.853428 N 89.141571 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Twitter. Images of the bridge, posted November 1, 2019.


San Lorenzo, El Salvador and Jerez, Guatemala - Rio Chalchuapa
Bridgemeister ID:4623 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:San Lorenzo, El Salvador and Jerez, Guatemala
Crossing:Rio Chalchuapa
Coordinates:14.033805 N 89.775243 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Perhaps the smallest suspension bridge serving as an international crossing.


San Miguel Ocotepeque and Antigua Ocotepeque, Honduras - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7505 (added 2023-01-02)
Location:San Miguel Ocotepeque and Antigua Ocotepeque, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.405619 N 89.204375 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, c. June 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 62.2 meters (204 feet) estimated


  • 2022, June: Destroyed by flood.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted November 1, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted December 31, 2017.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted May 13, 2012.
  • Facebook. Image of the collapsed bridge, posted June 21, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of the collapsed bridge, posted June 21, 2022.


San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador - Rio Suquiapa
Bridgemeister ID:7449 (added 2022-12-24)
Location:San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Suquiapa
Coordinates:13.982125 N 89.329325 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.4 meters (139 feet) estimated


  • Likely wrecked by Tropical Storm Amanda in 2020.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted July 1, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted September 13, 2016.


San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador - Rio Suquiapa
Bridgemeister ID:7450 (added 2022-12-24)
Location:San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Suquiapa
Coordinates:14.002931 N 89.321839 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge taken just after Tropical Storm Amanda floods devastated the area. Posted June 14, 2020.


San Pablo, Panama Canal Zone - Chagres River
Bridgemeister ID:8038 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:San Pablo, Panama Canal Zone
Crossing:Chagres River
Coordinates:9.115583 N 79.779333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates indicate the approximate location at the former town of San Pablo. The area was inundated by the formation of Gatun Lake.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


San Pietro al Natisone, Udine, Italy - Natisone River
Bridgemeister ID:8773 (added 2024-08-31)
Location:San Pietro al Natisone, Udine, Italy
Crossing:Natisone River
Coordinates:46.130111 N 13.483639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated



San Ramón De Pangoa, San Martín de Pangoa, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru - Rio San Ramón
Bridgemeister ID:8712 (added 2024-06-29)
Location:San Ramón De Pangoa, San Martín de Pangoa, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio San Ramón
Coordinates:11.428083 S 74.485000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated



San Ramón De Pangoa, San Martín de Pangoa, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru - Rio San Ramón
Bridgemeister ID:8713 (added 2024-06-29)
Location:San Ramón De Pangoa, San Martín de Pangoa, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio San Ramón
Coordinates:11.429028 S 74.485194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated



San Salvador, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3424 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:San Salvador, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.471298 S 71.813245 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire


San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, USA
Bridgemeister ID:4953 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, USA
At or Near Feature:Hacienda La Fe Adventure Park
Coordinates:18.345750 N 66.992278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, San Vicente, Chile - Estero Zamprano
Bridgemeister ID:7643 (added 2023-05-29)
Location:San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, San Vicente, Chile
Crossing:Estero Zamprano
Coordinates:34.452551 S 71.153271 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sangkhola (संग्खोला), Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8765 (added 2024-08-12)
Location:Sangkhola (संग्खोला), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.251261 N 88.541000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 38.6 meters (126.6 feet) estimated



Sanglakoti, Uttarakhand, India - Machlad River
Bridgemeister ID:5414 (added 2020-11-25)
Location:Sanglakoti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Machlad River
Coordinates:29.899621 N 78.856609 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sankhar, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4683 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Sankhar, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.870592 N 83.928358 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1


Sankt Daniel and Weidenburg, Austria - Gail River
Bridgemeister ID:1957 (added 2005-11-05)
Location:Sankt Daniel and Weidenburg, Austria
Crossing:Gail River
Coordinates:46.657590 N 13.053811 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:


Sano Gemela, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5241 (added 2020-11-01)
Location:Sano Gemela, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.736349 N 86.711629 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Adjacent to a newer simple suspension bridge not listed in the inventory.


Sant Esteve de la Sarga vicinity, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:515 (added before 2003)
Location:Sant Esteve de la Sarga vicinity, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
At or Near Feature:Mont-rebei Gorge
Coordinates:42.088969 N 0.685679 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Santa Cruz da Figueira, Águas Mornas, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Cubatão
Bridgemeister ID:5003 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Santa Cruz da Figueira, Águas Mornas, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Cubatão
Coordinates:27.720997 S 48.887940 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Santa Rosa, Huancabamba, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6895 (added 2022-01-16)
Location:Santa Rosa, Huancabamba, Peru
Coordinates:10.454470 S 75.495485 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Santa Rosa, Huancabamba, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6896 (added 2022-01-16)
Location:Santa Rosa, Huancabamba, Peru
Coordinates:10.460370 S 75.489043 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Santa Teresa District, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3451 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Santa Teresa District, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.095828 S 72.610192 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Santianes de Tornín, Spain - Sella River
Bridgemeister ID:4132 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Santianes de Tornín, Spain
Crossing:Sella River
Coordinates:43.307162 N 5.131203 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Santillán, Asturias, Spain - Sella River
Bridgemeister ID:6383 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Santillán, Asturias, Spain
Crossing:Sella River
Coordinates:43.273513 N 5.143758 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5339 (added 2020-11-12)
Location:Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi, Japan
Coordinates:34.033180 N 131.188667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3577 (added 2019-12-29)
Location:Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:25.261619 N 121.489722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2013-2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Removed at some point between August 2013 and November 2015. Replaced with an arch pedestrian bridge.


Saping and Dolalghat, Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:5288 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Saping and Dolalghat, Nepal
Coordinates:27.640947 N 85.709766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sarasota vicinity, Florida, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2383 (added 2007-11-07)
Location:Sarasota vicinity, Florida, USA
At or Near Feature:Myakka River State Park
Coordinates:27.245110 N 82.302434 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sardis, West Virginia, USA - Ten Mile Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3812 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Sardis, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Ten Mile Creek
Coordinates:39.348730 N 80.415250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to be removed or derelict in 2010s satellite imagery.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Sarov (Саров), Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia - Reka Satis
Bridgemeister ID:5827 (added 2021-04-15)
Location:Sarov (Саров), Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Satis
Coordinates:54.928714 N 43.329557 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1
Characteristics:Hinged cables



Sarya, Vitebskaya, Belarus - Sar'yanka
Bridgemeister ID:4603 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Sarya, Vitebskaya, Belarus
Coordinates:55.910743 N 27.888797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Satbariya, Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:5530 (added 2020-11-28)
Location:Satbariya, Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:27.889434 N 82.377915 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Satipo, Peru - Rio de Satipo
Bridgemeister ID:5935 (added 2021-06-27)
Location:Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio de Satipo
Coordinates:11.255506 S 74.634601 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Sayaji Baug, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - Vishwamitri River
Bridgemeister ID:7162 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Sayaji Baug, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Crossing:Vishwamitri River
Coordinates:22.314750 N 73.190683 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Sazava, Czechia - Sazava River
Bridgemeister ID:1950 (added 2005-11-04)
Location:Sazava, Czechia
Crossing:Sazava River
Coordinates:49.881533 N 14.911067 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)


Sazin vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3256 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Sazin vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.531944 N 73.564395 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)



São Paulo, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:4994 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:São Paulo, Brazil
Coordinates:23.207771 S 47.296369 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to connect the rooftop Memorial do Rio Tietê to a trail alongside the Tietê River effectively crossing the rooftop of an adjacent building, not actually crossing the river. Its bridge, cables, and deck are painted a color similar to the brickwork of the building making this large footbridge somewhat camouflaged and very difficult to discern in present day (2020) satellite images.
  • Near (footbridge) - São Paulo, Brazil.


São Paulo, Brazil - Tietê River
Bridgemeister ID:4995 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:São Paulo, Brazil
Crossing:Tietê River
Coordinates:23.207963 S 47.297981 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain



Sölden, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:6891 (added 2022-01-16)
Location:Sölden, Austria
Coordinates:46.954182 N 11.013118 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Sørgefoss, Viken, Norway - Sogna
Bridgemeister ID:4015 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Sørgefoss, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.14824 N 10.20097 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, constructed prior to 1947.


Schramm Park State Recreation Area, Sarpy County, Nebraska, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2469 (added 2008-12-19)
Location:Schramm Park State Recreation Area, Sarpy County, Nebraska, USA
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28.3 meters (93 feet)


Sedona vicinity, Arizona, USA - Oak Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2286 (added 2007-04-23)
Location:Sedona vicinity, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Oak Creek
Coordinates:34.96007 N 111.75343 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 120 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Seema (सीमा) and Osla, Uttarakhand, India - Barasu Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7311 (added 2022-08-27)
Location:Seema (सीमा) and Osla, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Barasu Gad
Coordinates:31.118111 N 78.351533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60.7 meters (199 feet) estimated

External Links:


Sekarwangi, Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7547 (added 2023-03-18)
Location:Sekarwangi, Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.909446 S 106.778335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Possibly two suspension bridges at this location starting in the mid-2010s.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with one, possibly two, suspension bridges in the distance.


Seki, Gifu, Japan - Itadori River
Bridgemeister ID:4725 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Seki, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Itadori River
Coordinates:35.671062 N 136.818839 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire


Sem (सेम) and Nandaprayag (नंदप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India - Nandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6974 (added 2022-03-27)
Location:Sem (सेम) and Nandaprayag (नंदप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Nandakini River
Coordinates:30.330939 N 79.317942 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. June, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been destroyed by the catastrophic Uttarakhand flooding in June 2013.

External Links:


Semboku, Akita, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5115 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Semboku, Akita, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:39.924127 N 140.772060 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Semboku, Akita, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5116 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Semboku, Akita, Japan
Coordinates:39.610407 N 140.665680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Semikarakorsk (Семикаракорск), Rostov Oblast, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:7097 (added 2022-06-03)
Location:Semikarakorsk (Семикаракорск), Rostov Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:47.528528 N 40.814294 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


Sengkang, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5734 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Sengkang, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.140720 S 120.029101 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Seoraksan National Park, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:3091 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Seoraksan National Park, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Yukdam Falls
Coordinates:38.164863 N 128.501127 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sepporraki, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7177 (added 2022-07-02)
Location:Sepporraki, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.224115 S 119.177368 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2014-2016 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images showing the bridge, posted April 2020.


Sepporraki, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7190 (added 2022-07-04)
Location:Sepporraki, Bulo, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.196177 S 119.172548 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point between late 2016 and 2018.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted November 2020.


Setidobhan, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:4897 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Setidobhan, Nepal
Coordinates:28.140347 N 83.844258 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Seven Fountains, Virginia, USA - Narrow Passage Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1327 (added 2004-04-28)
Location:Seven Fountains, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Narrow Passage Creek
Coordinates:38.85500 N 78.40410 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


  • Adjacent to Seven Fountains Rd. low-water vehicle crossing.

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Sharlow, West Virginia, USA - Big Coal River
Bridgemeister ID:1470 (added 2004-08-29)
Location:Sharlow, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Big Coal River
Coordinates:38.13316 N 81.63335 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire


Shattuck Clearing vicinity and Long Lake vicinity, New York, USA - Moose River
Bridgemeister ID:1636 (added 2005-03-13)
Location:Shattuck Clearing vicinity and Long Lake vicinity, New York, USA
Crossing:Moose River
At or Near Feature:Northville-Lake Placid Trail
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire



Shattuck Clearing vicinity and Long Lake vicinity, New York, USA - Cold River
Bridgemeister ID:1637 (added 2005-03-13)
Location:Shattuck Clearing vicinity and Long Lake vicinity, New York, USA
Crossing:Cold River
At or Near Feature:Northville-Lake Placid Trail
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire



Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, USA - Deerfield River
Bridgemeister ID:2476 (added 2008-12-20)
Location:Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Deerfield River
Coordinates:42.62021 N 72.73731 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2011-2014
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated


  • Located at a hydroelectrical plant.
  • 2011, September: At this point, the bridge is in a derelict state with large sections of the deck missing.
  • 2014: At some point since 2011, the bridge is removed except for the abutments.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Shimogawakami, Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Yasu River
Bridgemeister ID:4274 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Shimogawakami, Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Yasu River
Coordinates:33.749098 N 135.611810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Shimogo, Fukushima, Japan - Aga River
Bridgemeister ID:5338 (added 2020-11-12)
Location:Shimogo, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Aga River
Coordinates:37.274212 N 139.906206 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shimokitayama, Nara, Japan - Nishino River
Bridgemeister ID:4886 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Shimokitayama, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Nishino River
Coordinates:34.002138 N 135.961669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shinano, Nagano, Japan - Seki River
Bridgemeister ID:5102 (added 2020-09-05)
Location:Shinano, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Seki River
At or Near Feature:Naena Falls, 妙高 苗名滝
Coordinates:36.849128 N 138.134554 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Shinano, Nagano, Japan - Seki River
Bridgemeister ID:5332 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Shinano, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Seki River
Coordinates:36.848485 N 138.138371 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan - Hiki River
Bridgemeister ID:4260 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hiki River
Coordinates:33.674291 N 135.543856 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan - Hiki River
Bridgemeister ID:4261 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hiki River
Coordinates:33.669004 N 135.521700 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 99 meters (324.8 feet) estimated


Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3207 (added 2019-11-10)
Location:Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.565571 N 137.186784 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5844 (added 2021-05-13)
Location:Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Harafudō Falls, 原不動滝
Coordinates:35.199819 N 134.503872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Shivaraj (शिवराज), Kapilvastu District, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6871 (added 2022-01-06)
Location:Shivaraj (शिवराज), Kapilvastu District, Nepal
Coordinates:27.702804 N 82.819518 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 263 meters (862.9 feet) estimated


Shlisselburg (Шлиссельбург), Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:6959 (added 2022-02-19)
Location:Shlisselburg (Шлиссельбург), Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Coordinates:59.944382 N 31.029646 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1


Shnongpdeng, Meghalaya, India - Dawki River
Bridgemeister ID:3031 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Shnongpdeng, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Dawki River
Coordinates:25.208254 N 92.006041 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Shreekrishna Gandaki, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:4679 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Shreekrishna Gandaki, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:27.978886 N 83.588797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Shymplong, Meghalaya, India
Bridgemeister ID:3346 (added 2019-12-14)
Location:Shymplong, Meghalaya, India
Coordinates:25.099921 N 92.354410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Siavonga, Zambia and Kariba, Zimbabwe - Zambezi River
Bridgemeister ID:8085 (added 2023-12-25)
Location:Siavonga, Zambia and Kariba, Zimbabwe
Crossing:Zambezi River
At or Near Feature:Kariba Dam
Coordinates:16.521417 S 28.762750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely a temporary bridge built for use during the construction of Kariba Dam (1955-1959).
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Sideman, Sangkan Gunung, Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia - Tukad Yeh Unda
Bridgemeister ID:3319 (added 2019-11-30)
Location:Sideman, Sangkan Gunung, Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia
Crossing:Tukad Yeh Unda
Coordinates:8.459855 S 115.445700 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Siding, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5342 (added 2020-11-14)
Location:Siding, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Coordinates:1.231353 N 110.007394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Signal Mountain, Tennessee, USA - North Suck Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4955 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:Signal Mountain, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:North Suck Creek
Coordinates:35.161600 N 85.391151 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Sigyel, Bhutan - Thimphu Chu
Bridgemeister ID:6480 (added 2021-08-14)
Location:Sigyel, Bhutan
Crossing:Thimphu Chu
Coordinates:27.404672 N 89.609766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Sikhar (शिखर) and Rudreswor (रुद्रेश्वर), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6460 (added 2021-08-13)
Location:Sikhar (शिखर) and Rudreswor (रुद्रेश्वर), Nepal
Coordinates:29.681674 N 80.648120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Silent Dell, Virginia, USA - Craig Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1592 (added 2005-02-05)
Location:Silent Dell, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Craig Creek
Coordinates:37.64643 N 79.94933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.2 meters (168 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Simaninggir, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8631 (added 2024-06-09)
Location:Simaninggir, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.221917 N 99.750889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Simatai Great Wall, Hebei, China
Bridgemeister ID:2091 (added 2006-07-03)
Location:Simatai Great Wall, Hebei, China
Coordinates:40.662083 N 117.274767 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Eric Sakowski


Simpani (सिम्पानी) and Khudi (खुदी), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6334 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Simpani (सिम्पानी) and Khudi (खुदी), Nepal
Coordinates:28.281599 N 84.354496 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Sindangsari, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6647 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Sindangsari, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.485126 S 106.345000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Bridgemeister ID:5991 (added 2021-07-02)
At or Near Feature:Chestnut Nature Park
Coordinates:1.374466 N 103.780285 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sinharaja Forest Reserve vicinity, Sri Lanka - Gin Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:3573 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Sinharaja Forest Reserve vicinity, Sri Lanka
Crossing:Gin Ganga
Coordinates:6.364548 N 80.478834 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2
Side Span:1


Sipali Chilaune (सिपाली चिलाउने) and Khanalthok (खनालथोक), Nepal - Roshi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6441 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Sipali Chilaune (सिपाली चिलाउने) and Khanalthok (खनालथोक), Nepal
Crossing:Roshi Khola
Coordinates:27.510703 N 85.667954 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Siparau, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8627 (added 2024-06-09)
Location:Siparau, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.396000 N 99.758778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Sippi vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Subansiri River
Bridgemeister ID:7226 (added 2022-07-12)
Location:Sippi vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.074075 N 94.161919 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 158.5 meters (520 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2011-2013 time frame.


Siri Gaon (सीरी गांव) and Bharkot (भरकोट), Uttarakhand, India - Jalkur River
Bridgemeister ID:8045 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Siri Gaon (सीरी गांव) and Bharkot (भरकोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Jalkur River
Coordinates:30.618469 N 78.537689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 89.9 meters (295 feet) estimated


Sirča (Сирча) and Kraljevo (Краљево), Serbia - Zapadna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6972 (added 2022-03-26)
Location:Sirča (Сирча) and Kraljevo (Краљево), Serbia
Crossing:Zapadna Morava
Coordinates:43.736543 N 20.719472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Sithdipur, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5298 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Sithdipur, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:26.891823 N 86.857874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Sitka, Alaska, USA - Indian River
Bridgemeister ID:2570 (added 2012-02-05)
Location:Sitka, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Indian River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Alaska Digital Archives identifier UAA-HMC-0518-20b is a photograph of this bridge from the 1890s.


Skippers vicinity, New Zealand - Shotover River
Bridgemeister ID:2671 (added 2019-03-23)
Location:Skippers vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Shotover River
Coordinates:44.876467 S 168.679026 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Slabtown vicinity, Virginia, USA - Big Moccasin Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1351 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Slabtown vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Big Moccasin Creek
Coordinates:36.64503 N 82.56230 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 7.3 meters (24 feet) estimated,
1 x 11 meters (36 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Slanesville vicinity, West Virginia, USA - North River
Bridgemeister ID:3802 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Slanesville vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North River
At or Near Feature:Ice Mountain Preserve
Coordinates:39.341870 N 78.495390 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Slanesville vicinity, West Virginia, USA - North River
Bridgemeister ID:3803 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Slanesville vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:North River
At or Near Feature:Ice Mountain Preserve
Coordinates:39.34545 N 78.49895 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Smithburg, West Virginia, USA - Middle Island Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4952 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:Smithburg, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Middle Island Creek
Status:Destroyed, June 24, 1950
Main Cables:Wire


  • Destroyed by major flood that ravaged the town, June 24, 1950.

External Links:


Smithville vicinity, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2603 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Smithville vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire


Snodgrass Ford, Wilson Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA - Powell River
Bridgemeister ID:1370 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Snodgrass Ford, Wilson Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Powell River
Coordinates:36.61987 N 83.25140 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 67.7 meters (222 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 10.1 meters (33 feet) estimated,
1 x 11.9 meters (39 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Snoqualmie Falls, Washington, USA - Snoqualmie River
Bridgemeister ID:893 (added 2003-09-07)
Location:Snoqualmie Falls, Washington, USA
Crossing:Snoqualmie River
Coordinates:47.54112 N 121.83679 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Eric Sakowski


Sokna, Ringerike, Viken, Norway - Sogna
Bridgemeister ID:4511 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Sokna, Ringerike, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.238088 N 9.918854 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 19 meters (62.3 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point before 1966. Removed and replaced 2013-2015.

External Links:


Soko, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6858 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Soko, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.144841 S 111.768979 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Someo vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:1793 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Someo vicinity, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
At or Near Feature:Valle Maggia
Coordinates:46.285998 N 8.656939 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2 x 106 meters (347.8 feet),
1 x 107 meters (351 feet)
Deck width:0.4 meters (path), 1.0 meters (between side rails)


  • Deck rests on secondary cables instead of deck stringers.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Sona, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Stjørdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3736 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Sona, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.440121 N 11.220736 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Sonogno, Ticino, Switzerland - Verzasca River
Bridgemeister ID:1799 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Sonogno, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Verzasca River
At or Near Feature:Val Verzasca
Status:Removed, circa 2003-2005
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26 meters (85.3 feet)


Sori Madingin, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8062 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:Sori Madingin, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.296500 N 99.344000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated


South Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6879 (added 2022-01-09)
Location:South Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.891556 S 119.149472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118 feet) estimated


South Buffalo, New York, USA - Cazenovia Creek
Bridgemeister ID:868 (added 2003-08-30)
Location:South Buffalo, New York, USA
Crossing:Cazenovia Creek
At or Near Feature:Cazenovia Park
Coordinates:42.84315 N 78.80165 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Works Progress Administration
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)


  • Constructed by WPA in the 1930s, rebuilt in 1989.


South Freeport, Maine, USA - Spar Creek
Bridgemeister ID:268 (added before 2003)
Location:South Freeport, Maine, USA
Crossing:Spar Creek
At or Near Feature:Casco Castle and Amusement Park
Coordinates:43.818492 N 70.114426 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photos by John J. Turner, courtesy of David Emmith


South Wallins, Kentucky, USA - Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:4934 (added 2020-08-04)
Location:South Wallins, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Cumberland River
Coordinates:36.840721 N 83.394699 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Sperryville, Virginia, USA - Thornton River
Bridgemeister ID:2394 (added 2007-12-02)
Location:Sperryville, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Thornton River
Coordinates:38.653168 N 78.248300 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Spivey Ford, Bellamy vicinity, Virginia, USA - Copper Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1382 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Spivey Ford, Bellamy vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Copper Creek
Coordinates:36.65955 N 82.70329 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 10.1 meters (33 feet) estimated,
1 x 13.7 meters (45 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Sprigg vicinity, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA - Tug Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2227 (added 2007-03-18)
Location:Sprigg vicinity, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork River
At or Near Feature:Tug Valley Country Club
Coordinates:37.63102 N 82.18641 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet) estimated


  • Wide footbridge used by golf carts.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Sqoyaw vicinity, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3241 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Sqoyaw vicinity, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.325210 N 121.291723 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sqoyaw, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3240 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Sqoyaw, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.319873 N 121.287983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sri Satchanalai, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:1201 (added 2004-01-31)
Location:Sri Satchanalai, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.401966 N 99.801661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Sringeri, Karnataka, India - Tunga River
Bridgemeister ID:3012 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Sringeri, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Tunga River
Coordinates:13.415893 N 75.254323 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sripatam, Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:5876 (added 2021-05-18)
Location:Sripatam, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.296157 N 88.444121 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


St-Norbert-de-Mont-Brun vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:1712 (added 2005-04-03)
Location:St-Norbert-de-Mont-Brun vicinity, Quebec, Canada
At or Near Feature:Parc d'Aiguebelle
Coordinates:48.463686 N 78.702162 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


St. Charles, Illinois, USA - Fox River arm
Bridgemeister ID:1841 (added 2005-07-10)
Location:St. Charles, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Fox River arm
At or Near Feature:Pottawatomie Golf Course
Coordinates:41.924122 N 88.318123 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated
Deck width:2.1 meters

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


St. Gallen, Switzerland - Sitter River
Bridgemeister ID:5836 (added 2021-05-02)
Location:St. Gallen, Switzerland
Crossing:Sitter River
Coordinates:47.418310 N 9.338512 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


St. John's Town of Dalry, Scotland, United Kingdom - Water of Ken
Bridgemeister ID:2575 (added 2012-12-29)
Location:St. John's Town of Dalry, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Water of Ken
Coordinates:55.10654 N 4.16751 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


St. Joseph, Missouri, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1901 (added 2005-10-07)
Location:St. Joseph, Missouri, USA
At or Near Feature:Hyde Park
Coordinates:39.71055 N 94.852683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 17.1 meters (56 feet)


  • Crosses a bicycle trail.


St. Leon vicinity, Indiana, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2587 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:St. Leon vicinity, Indiana, USA
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1477 (added 2004-09-02)
Location:St. Louis, Missouri, USA
At or Near Feature:Forest Park
Coordinates:38.64124 N 90.28813 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg


Staffordsville vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Paint Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2598 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Staffordsville vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Paint Creek
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Staffordsville vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Paint Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2599 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Staffordsville vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Paint Creek
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Starnes Slant, Kerns vicinity, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1392 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Starnes Slant, Kerns vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.73696 N 82.61993 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 18.9 meters (62 feet) estimated,
1 x 26.2 meters (86 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Stellenbosch, South Africa - Eerste River
Bridgemeister ID:5771 (added 2021-04-08)
Location:Stellenbosch, South Africa
Crossing:Eerste River
Coordinates:33.940517 S 18.889798 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Stikkaåsen vicinity, Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway - Ågårdselva
Bridgemeister ID:4474 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Stikkaåsen vicinity, Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway
At or Near Feature:Sølvstufoss
Coordinates:59.351519 N 11.026848 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1947. Removed at some point between 1963 and 2003.

External Links:


Stonington and Moose Island, Maine, USA
Bridgemeister ID:3062 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Stonington and Moose Island, Maine, USA
Coordinates:44.151120 N 68.680937 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Storlien vicinity, Sweden - Enäalven
Bridgemeister ID:1469 (added 2004-08-28)
Location:Storlien vicinity, Sweden
Coordinates:63.2319 N 12.159383 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Stormoen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Seterbekken Falls
Bridgemeister ID:4069 (added 2020-04-04)
Location:Stormoen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Crossing:Seterbekken Falls
Coordinates:63.702660 N 11.900068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet) estimated



Strasburg vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Shenandoah River
Bridgemeister ID:1267 (added 2004-03-14)
Location:Strasburg vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Shenandoah River
Coordinates:38.95416 N 78.37521 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Adjacent to Deer Rapids Rd. low-water vehicular crossing.
Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Jobie Watson


Strathyre, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Balvaig
Bridgemeister ID:5193 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Strathyre, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Balvaig
Coordinates:56.321848 N 4.331051 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Crosses the waterway connecting Loch Voil and Loch Lubnaig.
  • Damaged by flood and subsequently rebuilt, 2017.
Photo by Dave Cooper


Strelitsa (Стрелица), Voronezh Oblast, Russia - Reka Devitsa
Bridgemeister ID:6807 (added 2021-11-24)
Location:Strelitsa (Стрелица), Voronezh Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Devitsa
Coordinates:51.602625 N 38.915793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1


Stuckless Pond vicinity, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada - Lomond River
Bridgemeister ID:1195 (added 2004-01-27)
Location:Stuckless Pond vicinity, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Crossing:Lomond River
At or Near Feature:Gros Morne National Park


Studley, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:2055 (added 2006-06-02)
Location:Studley, England, United Kingdom
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Stvoridla, Dobrovítova Lhota, Trpišovice, Czechia
Bridgemeister ID:3085 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Stvoridla, Dobrovítova Lhota, Trpišovice, Czechia
Coordinates:49.669933 N 15.319083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sudunglakha (सुदुन्ग्लाखा) and Takchang (तक्चंग), Sikkim, India - Rangpo Chu
Bridgemeister ID:8543 (added 2024-03-31)
Location:Sudunglakha (सुदुन्ग्लाखा) and Takchang (तक्चंग), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangpo Chu
At or Near Feature:Gati Hydro Electric Power House, Chuzachen Hydroelectric Project
Coordinates:27.209264 N 88.663521 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 73.8 meters (242 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted July 23, 2016.


Sugarkhal, Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:3151 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Sugarkhal, Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:28.819908 N 81.197219 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Sukajaya, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6648 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Sukajaya, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.475959 S 106.343473 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Sukajor, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5295 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Sukajor, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.268029 N 86.100977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Sukamekarsari, Kalanganyar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6633 (added 2021-09-09)
Location:Sukamekarsari, Kalanganyar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.374322 S 106.245672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Sukorame, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6856 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Sukorame, Trenggalek Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.122852 S 111.762374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sukute, Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:5287 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Sukute, Nepal
Coordinates:27.700295 N 85.755124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sumak Yaku, Ecuador - Rio Nangaritza
Bridgemeister ID:7722 (added 2023-07-07)
Location:Sumak Yaku, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Nangaritza
Coordinates:4.144833 S 78.640917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated

External Links:


Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:4777 (added 2020-07-03)
Location:Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Gangcheonsan County Park
Coordinates:35.395912 N 127.052596 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sundby, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway - Luonosjåhkå
Bridgemeister ID:3751 (added 2020-02-28)
Location:Sundby, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.04126 N 15.38486 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated


Superior, Arizona, USA - Queen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2611 (added 2014-04-15)
Location:Superior, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Queen Creek
Coordinates:33.290709 N 111.105738 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.4 meters (116 feet) estimated

Photo by Doug Evans Photo,by Anonymous Contributor


Superior, Arizona, USA - Queen Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2920 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Superior, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Queen Creek
Coordinates:33.292711 N 111.098853 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Suppirang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6813 (added 2021-12-05)
Location:Suppirang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.317361 S 119.475063 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 35.4 meters (116 feet) estimated


  • c. 2014-2016: Refurbished including new clamps, new suspenders, new siding, and a new deck.


Suppirang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6814 (added 2021-12-05)
Location:Suppirang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.334428 S 119.514108 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 53.6 meters (176 feet) estimated


Suppirang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6824 (added 2021-12-25)
Location:Suppirang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.314551 S 119.444604 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44.8 meters (147 feet) estimated

External Links:


Surviliškis and Kazokai, Lithuania - Nevėžis River
Bridgemeister ID:5369 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Surviliškis and Kazokai, Lithuania
Crossing:Nevėžis River
Coordinates:55.444155 N 24.038226 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Svarstad, Larvik, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4090 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Svarstad, Larvik, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.438139 N 9.998268 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964.


Svosov and Hubova, Slovakia - Vah River
Bridgemeister ID:1529 (added 2004-10-30)
Location:Svosov and Hubova, Slovakia
Crossing:Vah River
Coordinates:49.122017 N 19.193833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Svračkovo, Arilje (Ариље) vicinity, Serbia - Veliki Rzav
Bridgemeister ID:5873 (added 2021-05-18)
Location:Svračkovo, Arilje (Ариље) vicinity, Serbia
Crossing:Veliki Rzav
Coordinates:43.743993 N 20.035444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Syansu (स्यांसू) vicinity, Majholi (मझोली) and Bhald Gaon (भालड गांव), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8041 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Syansu (स्यांसू) vicinity, Majholi (मझोली) and Bhald Gaon (भालड गांव), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.486361 N 78.404194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, 2006
Main Span:1 x 105.5 meters (346 feet) estimated



Syava (Сява), Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia - Reka Bolshaya Kaksha
Bridgemeister ID:5826 (added 2021-04-15)
Location:Syava (Сява), Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Bolshaya Kaksha
Coordinates:58.010313 N 46.315808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Syunsi (स्युन्सी) and Bangar, Masi (मासी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:5474 (added 2020-11-26)
Location:Syunsi (स्युन्सी) and Bangar, Masi (मासी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar River
Coordinates:29.894203 N 79.022438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Syunsi (स्युन्सी) and Bangar, Masi (मासी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:7953 (added 2023-11-18)
Location:Syunsi (स्युन्सी) and Bangar, Masi (मासी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar River
Coordinates:29.894267 N 79.022446 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49.4 meters (162 feet) estimated


External Links:


Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan - Taba River
Bridgemeister ID:6004 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Taba River
At or Near Feature:Kobu Camp Village - 甲武キャンプ村
Coordinates:35.787849 N 138.932462 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan - Taba River
Bridgemeister ID:6005 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Taba River
At or Near Feature:Tabayama Spa - 丹波山温泉 のめこい湯
Coordinates:35.788825 N 138.924855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Tabo-Tabo, Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5762 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Tabo-Tabo, Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.773065 S 119.644068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Taborivka, Ukraine - Mervovid River
Bridgemeister ID:3022 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Taborivka, Ukraine
Crossing:Mervovid River
Coordinates:47.625458 N 31.390972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Images from 2016 show people crossing this bridge despite many large gaps in the deck and the bridge in an overall derelict state.


Tachi Bagarchhap (बगरछाप), Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:6381 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Tachi Bagarchhap (बगरछाप), Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:28.534421 N 84.333924 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Tadangpalie, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5737 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Tadangpalie, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.156527 S 120.110750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tadongkon, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5699 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Tadongkon, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.026958 S 119.870312 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 2019 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have lost its deck at some point in 2019.


Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3413 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.468243 N 120.919072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tajur, Bogor City and Katulampa, Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:7661 (added 2023-06-11)
Location:Tajur, Bogor City and Katulampa, Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.625980 S 106.824689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Takane, Murakami, Niigata, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5852 (added 2021-05-14)
Location:Takane, Murakami, Niigata, Japan
At or Near Feature:Suzuka Falls - 鈴ヶ滝
Coordinates:38.344038 N 139.663671 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Takayama, Gifu, Japan - Takahara River
Bridgemeister ID:4966 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Takayama, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Takahara River
Coordinates:36.277749 N 137.571925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated


Takchang (तक्चंग), Pakyong, Sikkim, India - Rangpo Chu
Bridgemeister ID:8574 (added 2024-05-04)
Location:Takchang (तक्चंग), Pakyong, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangpo Chu
Coordinates:27.208055 N 88.64941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. "View of Danak Byasi and River Rangpo from Bandey Pokhrel View Point, Takchang Tareythang East Sikkim under Pakyong Sub-division." Bridge is visible in the middle of the image. Posted March 28, 2021.
  • Facebook. Images of the barricaded bridge, posted July 17, 2020. "Covid 19: Villagers Of Tareythang, Bering, Kaijaley Village in East Sikkim takes a giant step ahead to tackle Coronavirus transmission in respective areas. So, villagers have put barricade of Bamboo on entry of the connecting wooden bridges to their village in order to curb people movement."
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated June 2020.


Talagakulon, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Manuk River
Bridgemeister ID:7023 (added 2022-05-15)
Location:Talagakulon, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Manuk River
Coordinates:6.991481 S 108.300455 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Built in 2018-2019 time frame.


Talbert, Kentucky, USA - Middle Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:3785 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Talbert, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.411760 N 83.475680 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Talbert, Kentucky, USA - Middle Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:3786 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Talbert, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.401790 N 83.468470 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Talion, Rembon, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5700 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Talion, Rembon, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.085837 S 119.806859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Another set of old suspension bridge towers can be seen next to this bridge (in 2019).


Talipukki, Mambi, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6815 (added 2021-12-05)
Location:Talipukki, Mambi, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.952934 S 119.148696 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Tallu Bamba, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5715 (added 2021-04-02)
Location:Tallu Bamba, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.427707 S 119.703104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Tallu Bamba, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6640 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Tallu Bamba, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.476969 S 119.714806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet) estimated

External Links:


Tambangan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8054 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Tambangan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.690333 N 99.656167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1



Tambillo Grande vicinity, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7878 (added 2023-10-01)
Location:Tambillo Grande vicinity, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.419137 S 75.969879 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Tonda River
Bridgemeister ID:4258 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Tonda River
At or Near Feature:Kasuga Shrine
Coordinates:33.811348 N 135.550151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Kumano River
Bridgemeister ID:4263 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kumano River
Coordinates:33.711607 N 135.613849 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4264 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.670324 N 135.580100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4265 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.663461 N 135.586541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4266 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.660525 N 135.590493 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4267 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.670522 N 135.621041 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4268 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.651476 N 135.602311 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4269 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.681677 N 135.612131 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hiki River
Bridgemeister ID:4271 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hiki River
Coordinates:33.735600 N 135.574027 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Yasu River
Bridgemeister ID:4272 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Yasu River
Coordinates:33.747985 N 135.597194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Yasu River
Bridgemeister ID:4275 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Yasu River
Coordinates:33.750433 N 135.625506 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Aikawa Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:4277 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Aikawa Reservoir
Coordinates:33.669346 N 135.563480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Aikawa Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:4278 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Aikawa Reservoir
Coordinates:33.686118 N 135.569717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538.1 feet) estimated


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hiki River
Bridgemeister ID:4279 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hiki River
Coordinates:33.703312 N 135.576156 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4282 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.874494 N 135.450762 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4283 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.873317 N 135.458705 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Nyuno River
Bridgemeister ID:4298 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Nyuno River
Coordinates:33.896772 N 135.547735 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tandjungrindu, Lesung Batu, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4805 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Tandjungrindu, Lesung Batu, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.974932 S 103.799466 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tanjungsari, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5613 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Tanjungsari, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.988272 S 106.853375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire



Tanjungsari, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5614 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Tanjungsari, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.988313 S 106.853330 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Tankhuwa and Khuwaphok, Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:5282 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Tankhuwa and Khuwaphok, Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:26.945514 N 87.383791 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Taobat, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3538 (added 2019-12-25)
Location:Taobat, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.730911 N 74.702752 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tauranga vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:1548 (added 2004-11-13)
Location:Tauranga vicinity, New Zealand
Coordinates:37.732917 S 176.145983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Táriba, Táchira, Venezuela
Bridgemeister ID:5837 (added 2021-05-03)
Location:Táriba, Táchira, Venezuela
At or Near Feature:Plaza Miranda de Táriba
Coordinates:7.816165 N 72.227723 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Tebing Linggahara, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Bila
Bridgemeister ID:8636 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Tebing Linggahara, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Bila
Coordinates:2.117889 N 99.907194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Tebing Linggahara, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Bila
Bridgemeister ID:8637 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Tebing Linggahara, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Bila
Coordinates:2.116389 N 99.904167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Temban, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6690 (added 2021-09-26)
Location:Temban, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.506907 S 119.736436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2106-2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Post with several images of the bridge. Construction of the replacement bridge has already started. Posted July 28, 2016.


Temban, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6691 (added 2021-09-26)
Location:Temban, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.507062 S 119.736024 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 135.3 meters (444 feet) estimated


External Links:


Tena, Ecuador - Rio Pano
Bridgemeister ID:2898 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pano
Coordinates:1.004646 S 77.822510 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3399 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.202428 N 135.753491 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3400 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.194042 N 135.802012 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3401 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.196056 N 135.811797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3402 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.197875 N 135.816976 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3403 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.212703 N 135.830039 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3404 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.227924 N 135.843872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3405 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.243931 N 135.855612 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan - Amano River
Bridgemeister ID:3406 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Amano River
Coordinates:34.243073 N 135.859578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4855 (added 2020-07-12)
Location:Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Coordinates:34.271291 N 135.881445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Kawahaza River
Bridgemeister ID:3407 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Kawahaza River
Coordinates:34.234163 N 135.874808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Kawahaza River
Bridgemeister ID:3408 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Kawahaza River
Coordinates:34.227564 N 135.876933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Kawahaza River
Bridgemeister ID:3409 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Kawahaza River
Coordinates:34.209447 N 135.908178 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:3410 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Tenkawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Coordinates:34.201831 N 135.928396 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tepeagua, Chalatenango and Col Atiocoyo Manuel Jose Arce, La Libertad, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7364 (added 2022-10-29)
Location:Tepeagua, Chalatenango and Col Atiocoyo Manuel Jose Arce, La Libertad, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.046955 N 89.286918 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 114.9 meters (377 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Flickr - Rio Lempa, Atiocoyo. Image of the bridge taken January, 2009: "Este puente hamaca une la comunidad de Atiocoyo (La libertad) con Tepeagua (Chalatenango)."
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge, November 2019.


Terra Nova National Park, Charlottetown vicinity, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:8851 (added 2024-09-29)
Location:Terra Nova National Park, Charlottetown vicinity, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Coordinates:48.535889 N 53.981111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Image of the bridge. Described as on the way from Big Brook to Pissamere Falls. Posted July 6, 2022.


Tersnaus and Uors, Switzerland - Tersnausbach
Bridgemeister ID:3635 (added 2020-01-01)
Location:Tersnaus and Uors, Switzerland
Coordinates:46.697771 N 9.186299 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Teteloloya, Puebla, Mexico - Rio San Marcos
Bridgemeister ID:7245 (added 2022-07-16)
Location:Teteloloya, Puebla, Mexico
Crossing:Rio San Marcos
Coordinates:20.361334 N 97.950981 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Tettegouche State Park, Minnesota, USA - Baptism River
Bridgemeister ID:2135 (added 2006-10-28)
Location:Tettegouche State Park, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Baptism River
Coordinates:47.351708 N 91.210297 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Monocable suspension bridge.
  • 2022: Closed due to flood damage, but still intact.
  • 2024, June: Destroyed by flood. The bridge had not been repaired since the 2022 flood damage.
Photo by Beth Holbrook


Tha Wang Pha, Tha Wang Pha District, Nan, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:5759 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Tha Wang Pha, Tha Wang Pha District, Nan, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:19.105965 N 100.806743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Deck removed or failed at some point in 2019-2021 time frame. Bridge appears to have been closed since at least as far back as 2013.


Tha Wang Pha, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:3273 (added 2019-11-17)
Location:Tha Wang Pha, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:19.106037 N 100.806645 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)


Thap Phueng, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5034 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Thap Phueng, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.069970 N 99.836935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Thap Phueng, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5035 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Thap Phueng, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.080715 N 99.833982 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Thap Phueng, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5036 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Thap Phueng, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.095550 N 99.820306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Thorgu, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3266 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Thorgu, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.308329 N 75.747144 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)



Timbang Lawan, Bohorok, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:5604 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Timbang Lawan, Bohorok, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.510039 N 98.155165 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Timbang Lawan, Bohorok, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Bohorok River
Bridgemeister ID:7560 (added 2023-03-25)
Location:Timbang Lawan, Bohorok, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Bohorok River
Coordinates:3.512700 N 98.152262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 105.2 meters (345 feet) estimated


External Links:


Tinongdan, Itogon, Benguet, Philippines - Agno River
Bridgemeister ID:3056 (added 2019-10-20)
Location:Tinongdan, Itogon, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Agno River
Coordinates:16.365636 N 120.722662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tmogvi (თმოგვი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8280 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Tmogvi (თმოგვი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.402194 N 43.323889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Todalen, Aure, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Toåa
Bridgemeister ID:3892 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Todalen, Aure, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.79959 N 8.76153 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated


Tofte, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3897 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Tofte, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.62379 N 8.88419 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 50.5 meters (165.7 feet) estimated


Toksel, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5300 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Toksel, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.180156 N 86.388270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Tolantongo, Hidalgo, Mexico
Bridgemeister ID:7784 (added 2023-08-18)
Location:Tolantongo, Hidalgo, Mexico
Coordinates:20.649343 N 99.006801 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Tongmai (塘麦), Pome (波密县), Nyingchi (林芝市), Tibet, China - Yiong Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6163 (added 2021-07-07)
Location:Tongmai (塘麦), Pome (波密县), Nyingchi (林芝市), Tibet, China
Crossing:Yiong Tsangpo
Coordinates:30.097159 N 95.064470 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Toonerville, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:2263 (added 2007-04-20)
Location:Toonerville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.36810 N 82.23335 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 175 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Toonerville, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:3816 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Toonerville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.369177 N 82.246554 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 38.1 meters (125 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Toronto, Ontario, Canada - West Don River
Bridgemeister ID:1474 (added 2004-09-02)
Location:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:West Don River
At or Near Feature:Serena Gundy Park
Coordinates:43.71918 N 79.35383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain - Besaya River
Bridgemeister ID:5776 (added 2021-04-08)
Location:Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain
Crossing:Besaya River
Coordinates:43.345117 N 4.064800 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Torres del Paine, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:2508 (added 2009-12-29)
Location:Torres del Paine, Chile
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Andrew Holbrook


Tosa, Kochi, Japan - Seto River
Bridgemeister ID:4708 (added 2020-06-20)
Location:Tosa, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Seto River
Coordinates:33.754091 N 133.451017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Totsukawa, Nara and Shingu, Wakayama, Japan - Katsura River
Bridgemeister ID:7909 (added 2023-10-21)
Location:Totsukawa, Nara and Shingu, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Katsura River
At or Near Feature:Doro Hotel, Doro Gorge
Coordinates:33.909937 N 135.880842 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Totsukawa, Nara, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4040 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Totsukawa, Nara, Japan
Coordinates:33.978244 N 135.713164 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3391 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:33.939328 N 135.772288 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3393 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:34.020229 N 135.779203 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3395 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:34.060755 N 135.735892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3396 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:34.083752 N 135.757117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France - Canal de Brienne
Bridgemeister ID:4565 (added 2020-06-02)
Location:Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Canal de Brienne
Coordinates:43.608793 N 1.423906 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Tovarkovo, Kaluga Oblast, Russia - Ugra River
Bridgemeister ID:5884 (added 2021-05-20)
Location:Tovarkovo, Kaluga Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Ugra River
Coordinates:54.675521 N 35.922511 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


Tramonti di Sopra, Pordenone, Italy - Torrente Meduna
Bridgemeister ID:5183 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Tramonti di Sopra, Pordenone, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Meduna
Coordinates:46.300698 N 12.785855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Treka (Трека), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia - Chusovaya River
Bridgemeister ID:6076 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Treka (Трека), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Chusovaya River
Coordinates:57.126005 N 59.512432 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Trenton, New Jersey, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2305 (added 2007-04-29)
Location:Trenton, New Jersey, USA
Coordinates:40.20902 N 74.75405 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14.3 meters (47 feet) estimated


  • This bridge connects two office buildings (former Roebling buildings).
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Trilj, Croatia - River Cetina
Bridgemeister ID:4024 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Trilj, Croatia
Crossing:River Cetina
Coordinates:43.614092 N 16.726302 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Trockau vicinity, Bavaria, Germany - Autobahn A9
Bridgemeister ID:1482 (added 2004-09-04)
Location:Trockau vicinity, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Autobahn A9
Principals:Köhler + Seitz GmbH, neuner + graf Ingenieur GmbH
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet)


  • Asymmetric single-tower self-anchored structure.

External Links:

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff


Troitskoye (Троицкое) and Kremyonki (Кременки), Kaluga Oblast, Russia - Reka Protva
Bridgemeister ID:6174 (added 2021-07-08)
Location:Troitskoye (Троицкое) and Kremyonki (Кременки), Kaluga Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Protva
Coordinates:54.878729 N 37.117330 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • In 2019, cables and suspenders are still hanging, but the deck is completely gone.


Trollhättan, Sweden - Göta Älv River
Bridgemeister ID:1580 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Trollhättan, Sweden
Crossing:Göta Älv River
Coordinates:58.274483 N 12.267033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA - Fink Creek
Bridgemeister ID:558 (added before 2003)
Location:Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Fink Creek
Coordinates:39.03230 N 80.74106 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 41.8 meters (137 feet) estimated
Side Span:1


Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA - Fink Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2288 (added 2007-04-23)
Location:Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Fink Creek
Coordinates:39.03254 N 80.73385 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA - Cove Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2520 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cove Creek
Coordinates:39.03336 N 80.76961 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Troy, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA - Leading Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2511 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Troy, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Leading Creek
Coordinates:39.01879 N 80.76152 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Troy, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA - Leading Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2512 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Troy, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Leading Creek
Coordinates:39.01724 N 80.75551 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Tsubame, Niigata, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6104 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Tsubame, Niigata, Japan
Coordinates:37.664033 N 138.813016 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet) estimated


Tsukechicho, Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5114 (added 2020-09-05)
Location:Tsukechicho, Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Coordinates:35.697412 N 137.443429 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tsurugi, Tokushima, Japan - Sadamitsu River
Bridgemeister ID:4632 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Tsurugi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Sadamitsu River
Coordinates:33.961555 N 134.081093 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan - Todaitori
Bridgemeister ID:5222 (added 2020-10-12)
Location:Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan
Coordinates:38.400740 N 139.802310 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tuipui D, Mizoram, India
Bridgemeister ID:5701 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Tuipui D, Mizoram, India
Coordinates:22.902157 N 92.933225 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire



Tula de Allende, Hidalgo, Mexico - Rio Tula
Bridgemeister ID:7686 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Tula de Allende, Hidalgo, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Tula
Coordinates:20.060476 N 99.341784 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since September 2021 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, September: Deck wrecked by flood.

External Links:


Tungka, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6694 (added 2021-09-26)
Location:Tungka, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.504023 S 119.725884 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 85.3 meters (280 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 19.8 meters (65 feet) estimated


Tunxi District (屯溪区), Huangshan City (黄山市), Anhui, China - Xin'an River
Bridgemeister ID:8626 (added 2024-06-09)
Location:Tunxi District (屯溪区), Huangshan City (黄山市), Anhui, China
Crossing:Xin'an River
At or Near Feature:Huashan Mysterious Grottoes - 花山谜窟
Coordinates:29.749167 N 118.386417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet) estimated


Turkeypen Gap vicinity, South Carolina, USA - South Mills River
Bridgemeister ID:2618 (added 2018-12-30)
Location:Turkeypen Gap vicinity, South Carolina, USA
Crossing:South Mills River
At or Near Feature:South Mills River Trail
Coordinates:35.343850 N 82.665317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Turku vicinity, Finland - Aura River "Aurajoki"
Bridgemeister ID:1609 (added 2005-02-19)
Location:Turku vicinity, Finland
Crossing:Aura River "Aurajoki"
Coordinates:60.4762 N 22.362033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Tvedestrand, Agder, Norway - Storelva
Bridgemeister ID:4485 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Tvedestrand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.656510 N 8.954680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1969.


Tveit, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:2051 (added 2006-06-02)
Location:Tveit, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.222767 N 8.11275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2005-2009
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Tveito, Rjukan, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Måna
Bridgemeister ID:4465 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Tveito, Rjukan, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.878142 N 8.629825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 36.5 meters (119.8 feet) estimated


  • Build prior to 1961. Removed at some point between 1975 and 2006.

External Links:


Twin Falls, Idaho, USA - Snake River
Bridgemeister ID:7349 (added 2022-10-15)
Location:Twin Falls, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Snake River
At or Near Feature:Shoshone Falls
Coordinates:42.596689 N 114.400463 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated


Twin Peaks, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8273 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Twin Peaks, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.258500 N 120.552694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Twin Peaks, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8274 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Twin Peaks, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
At or Near Feature:Bridal Veil Falls
Coordinates:16.248861 N 120.543167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Tyro vicinity, Virginia, USA - Tye River
Bridgemeister ID:786 (added 2003-03-22)
Location:Tyro vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Tye River
At or Near Feature:Appalachian Trail
Coordinates:37.83738 N 79.02061 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.6 meters (248 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Tyssedal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Tysso
Bridgemeister ID:4455 (added 2020-04-25)
Location:Tyssedal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.117841 N 6.555941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:


Tyssedal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Tysso
Bridgemeister ID:4488 (added 2020-04-28)
Location:Tyssedal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
At or Near Feature:former channel of
Coordinates:60.117140 N 6.557148 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Uhailanu, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6863 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Uhailanu, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.912426 S 119.140450 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

External Links:


Uhailanu, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6865 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Uhailanu, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.913337 S 119.136711 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.1 meters (125 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted 2018.


Uitto, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:3421 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Uitto, Finland
At or Near Feature:Tiilikkajarvi National Park
Coordinates:63.649037 N 28.312298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


Ulakmengkudu, Ulak Dabuk, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Musi River
Bridgemeister ID:4799 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Ulakmengkudu, Ulak Dabuk, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Musi River
Coordinates:3.694955 S 102.977143 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ulakmengkudu, Ulak Dabuk, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Musi River
Bridgemeister ID:4800 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Ulakmengkudu, Ulak Dabuk, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Musi River
Coordinates:3.680736 S 103.004048 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ulakmengkudu, Ulak Dabuk, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Musi River
Bridgemeister ID:4801 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Ulakmengkudu, Ulak Dabuk, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Musi River
Coordinates:3.671971 S 103.014901 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ullapool, Scotland, United Kingdom - Rhidorroch River
Bridgemeister ID:2845 (added 2019-07-07)
Location:Ullapool, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Rhidorroch River
At or Near Feature:East Rhidorroch Lodge
Coordinates:57.897378 N 4.976504 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2014: Heavily damaged by a storm. Repaired.


Ulvila, Finland - Kokemäenjoki
Bridgemeister ID:5028 (added 2020-08-22)
Location:Ulvila, Finland
Coordinates:61.451047 N 21.888652 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ulyanovsk (Ульяновск), Ulyanovsk Oblast, Russia - Reka Sviyaga
Bridgemeister ID:5825 (added 2021-04-15)
Location:Ulyanovsk (Ульяновск), Ulyanovsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Sviyaga
Coordinates:54.340004 N 48.322257 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2,
1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


Umegashima, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Abe River
Bridgemeister ID:7916 (added 2023-10-22)
Location:Umegashima, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Abe River
Coordinates:35.300887 N 138.341125 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Umhausen, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:4590 (added 2020-06-06)
Location:Umhausen, Austria
At or Near Feature:Stuibenfall
Coordinates:47.125684 N 10.948807 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Up Mahal Bandar (अप महल बंदर), Himachal Pradesh and Kandoi (कंडोई), Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:7307 (added 2022-08-15)
Location:Up Mahal Bandar (अप महल बंदर), Himachal Pradesh and Kandoi (कंडोई), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:30.821550 N 77.751972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141 feet) estimated

External Links:


Uppoor (ಉಪ್ಪೂರು) and Bramavara (ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾವರ), Karnataka, India - Madisalu Hole
Bridgemeister ID:7805 (added 2023-08-21)
Location:Uppoor (ಉಪ್ಪೂರು) and Bramavara (ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾವರ), Karnataka, India
Crossing:Madisalu Hole
Coordinates:13.407745 N 74.756614 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Upsete vicinity, Voss, Vestland, Norway - Kleivelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4482 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Upsete vicinity, Voss, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.701744 N 6.936201 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27 meters (88.6 feet) estimated


  • Derelict since some point between 2013-2016. Deck is wrecked, probably by flood.
  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1958.


Ust'-Koksa (Усть-Кокса), Altai Republic, Russia - Reka Koksa
Bridgemeister ID:6200 (added 2021-07-15)
Location:Ust'-Koksa (Усть-Кокса), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Koksa
Coordinates:50.267049 N 85.616621 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ustron, Poland - Vistula River
Bridgemeister ID:3725 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Ustron, Poland
Crossing:Vistula River
Coordinates:49.696820 N 18.833516 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Vadaktėliai, Lithuania - Vadaktis
Bridgemeister ID:5313 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Vadaktėliai, Lithuania
Coordinates:55.630264 N 24.118562 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Valdivia, Antioquia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:7638 (added 2023-05-28)
Location:Valdivia, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.338668 N 75.346602 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Valkeakoski, Finland - Apia Canal
Bridgemeister ID:531 (added before 2003)
Location:Valkeakoski, Finland
Crossing:Apia Canal
Coordinates:61.272471 N 24.047243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Valkeakoski, Finland - Apia Canal vicinity
Bridgemeister ID:804 (added 2003-03-30)
Location:Valkeakoski, Finland
Crossing:Apia Canal vicinity
Coordinates:61.271898 N 24.049225 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Vang, Innlandet, Norway - Dingla
Bridgemeister ID:4514 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Vang, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.289214 N 8.580259 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 12.5 meters (41 feet) estimated

External Links:


Varreddes, Seine-et-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:7811 (added 2023-09-02)
Location:Varreddes, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:48.994274 N 2.941771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Appears to have been a temporary footbridge following the destruction of a multi-span arch bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Vålådalen, Sweden - Vålån River
Bridgemeister ID:7868 (added 2023-09-17)
Location:Vålådalen, Sweden
Crossing:Vålån River
Coordinates:63.142072 N 12.968548 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Looks like it may be used by snowmobiles.

External Links:

  • Instagram. Image of the bridge, posted July 31, 2022.


Vélez de Benaudalla, Spain - Guadalfeo River
Bridgemeister ID:2732 (added 2019-06-22)
Location:Vélez de Benaudalla, Spain
Crossing:Guadalfeo River
Coordinates:36.838276 N 3.517984 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria - Yantra River
Bridgemeister ID:2978 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Crossing:Yantra River
Coordinates:43.087219 N 25.654068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Veme, Ringerike, Viken, Norway - Sogna
Bridgemeister ID:4016 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Veme, Ringerike, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.19972 N 10.11270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1959.


Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Helgåa
Bridgemeister ID:4512 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.827063 N 12.269431 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, built at some point between 1967 and 1983.


Verkhnedneprovskii (Верхнеднепровский) and Martynkovo (Мартынково), Smolensk Oblast, Russia - Dnieper River
Bridgemeister ID:7630 (added 2023-05-27)
Location:Verkhnedneprovskii (Верхнеднепровский) and Martynkovo (Мартынково), Smolensk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Dnieper River
Coordinates:54.991927 N 33.377791 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Villa Lanquin, Rio Negro and Neuquen, Argentina - Rio Limay
Bridgemeister ID:6119 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Villa Lanquin, Rio Negro and Neuquen, Argentina
Crossing:Rio Limay
Coordinates:40.894819 S 71.039442 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Vinces, Ecuador - River Vinces
Bridgemeister ID:8299 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Vinces, Ecuador
Crossing:River Vinces
Coordinates:1.554222 S 79.753333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 131 meters (429.8 feet) estimated


Viruppakka, Kerala, India - Aloor River
Bridgemeister ID:3364 (added 2019-12-20)
Location:Viruppakka, Kerala, India
Crossing:Aloor River
At or Near Feature:Vazhani Dam
Coordinates:10.633921 N 76.305940 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Vojska (Војска), Serbia - Great Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6969 (added 2022-03-26)
Location:Vojska (Војска), Serbia
Crossing:Great Morava
Coordinates:44.083564 N 21.190873 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175 meters (574.1 feet) estimated


Vranie, Slovakia - Kysuca River
Bridgemeister ID:1571 (added 2004-12-11)
Location:Vranie, Slovakia
Crossing:Kysuca River
Coordinates:49.258083 N 18.7504 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Vulcan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA - Tug Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2262 (added 2007-04-20)
Location:Vulcan, West Virginia and Pike County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork River
Coordinates:37.55934 N 82.11506 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2010s
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Vythiri, Kerala, India
Bridgemeister ID:3002 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Vythiri, Kerala, India
Coordinates:11.557448 N 76.045292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Wadsworth, Nevada, USA - Truckee River
Bridgemeister ID:1124 (added 2004-01-11)
Location:Wadsworth, Nevada, USA
Crossing:Truckee River
Coordinates:39.63488 N 119.28208 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Narrow footbridge with short timber towers. Appears to also carry a narrow pipeline across the deck.


Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA - Verdigris River
Bridgemeister ID:2683 (added 2019-05-26)
Location:Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Verdigris River
Coordinates:35.902837 N 95.473832 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


  • One of two nearby likely derelict suspension bridges across arms of the Verdigris. May be a third nearby suspension bridge across the arm of the Verdigris into which Strawberry Creek flows.
  • Near (footbridge) - Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA.

External Links:


Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA - Verdigris River
Bridgemeister ID:2684 (added 2019-05-26)
Location:Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Verdigris River
Coordinates:35.903865 N 95.477601 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire


  • One of two nearby likely derelict suspension bridges across arms of the Verdigris. May be a third nearby suspension bridge across the arm of the Verdigris into which Strawberry Creek flows.
  • Near (footbridge) - Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA.

External Links:


Waimana Gorge, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand - Waimana Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:753 (added 2003-03-08)
Location:Waimana Gorge, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Crossing:Waimana Gorge


Waimiha, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:8813 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Waimiha, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Harrison Creek Shelter - Te Araroa Timber Trail
Coordinates:38.596000 S 175.575278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Wairoa Valley, New Zealand - Roding River
Bridgemeister ID:2673 (added 2019-03-24)
Location:Wairoa Valley, New Zealand
Crossing:Roding River
Coordinates:41.407018 S 173.131424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Waitakere, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:3070 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Waitakere, New Zealand
Coordinates:36.886752 S 174.519026 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Near Cascades Falls at the Falls Road parking area.


Walcha, New South Wales, Australia - Apsley River
Bridgemeister ID:5556 (added 2020-12-17)
Location:Walcha, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Apsley River
At or Near Feature:Oxley Walking Track
Coordinates:31.050426 S 151.766863 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Waldbreitbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Wied River
Bridgemeister ID:2204 (added 2007-02-11)
Location:Waldbreitbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Wied River
Coordinates:50.553218 N 7.426136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1956
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Wamena vicinity, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:2987 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Wamena vicinity, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.188537 S 139.010867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Wanfeng, Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2835 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Wanfeng, Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.951163 N 121.073658 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire


Wang Thong, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5038 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Wang Thong, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.127496 N 99.823439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Wang Thong, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5039 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Wang Thong, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.142442 N 99.828910 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Wang Yai, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5037 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Wang Yai, Si Samrong District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.109271 N 99.822596 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan - Puna Tsang Chu
Bridgemeister ID:4365 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Crossing:Puna Tsang Chu
Coordinates:27.456866 N 89.906665 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Warburton, Victoria, Australia - Yarra River
Bridgemeister ID:1579 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Warburton, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Yarra River
Coordinates:37.7542 S 145.686433 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Warburton, Victoria, Australia - Yarra River
Bridgemeister ID:1880 (added 2005-09-24)
Location:Warburton, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Yarra River
Coordinates:37.751167 S 145.69895 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - Menomonee River
Bridgemeister ID:1067 (added 2003-12-27)
Location:Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Menomonee River
At or Near Feature:Hoyt Park
Coordinates:43.05428 N 88.02231 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.3 meters (83 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA - Twelvemile Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2983 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Twelvemile Creek
Coordinates:34.935784 N 80.782029 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Back Fork Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:1406 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Webster Springs vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Back Fork Elk River
At or Near Feature:Sycamore Park
Coordinates:38.5105 N 80.364433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Webster Springs, West Virginia, USA - Back Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:1484 (added 2004-09-07)
Location:Webster Springs, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Back Fork River
Coordinates:38.48053 N 80.40888 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Webster Springs, West Virginia, USA - Back Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:1485 (added 2004-09-07)
Location:Webster Springs, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Back Fork River
Coordinates:38.48041 N 80.39865 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Welado, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5740 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Welado, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.233253 S 120.185823 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Welch, West Virginia, USA - Tug Fork
Bridgemeister ID:6682 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Welch, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork
Coordinates:37.414504 N 81.586626 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


Wellington, New South Wales, Australia - Bell River
Bridgemeister ID:6234 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Wellington, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Bell River
At or Near Feature:Bell Park
Coordinates:32.553357 S 148.941165 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2017 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2017: Closed due to safety concerns.
  • 2021: Non-suspension replacement construction expected to start in late 2021.


Wellington, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:5775 (added 2021-04-08)
Location:Wellington, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Zealandia Ecosanctuary
Coordinates:41.297664 S 174.746791 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Weng'an, Guizhou, China
Bridgemeister ID:1697 (added 2005-03-28)
Location:Weng'an, Guizhou, China
Main Cables:Wire


  • This bridge was adjacent to the Jiangjiehe arch bridge completed in 1995. Eric Sakowski notes that the arch bridge is 863 feet above the valley floor and this suspension bridge was likely about 650 feet high.


Wesser vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Nantahala River
Bridgemeister ID:792 (added 2003-03-22)
Location:Wesser vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Nantahala River
Coordinates:35.33163 N 83.60677 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


West Creston vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Summit Creek
Bridgemeister ID:903 (added 2003-10-11)
Location:West Creston vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Summit Creek
At or Near Feature:Dewdney Trail
Coordinates:49.14233 N 116.6446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated


West Monroe, Louisiana, USA
Bridgemeister ID:3787 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:West Monroe, Louisiana, USA
Coordinates:32.546234 N 92.162354 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


West Union, West Virginia, USA - Middle Island Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4939 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:West Union, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Middle Island Creek
Coordinates:39.297712 N 80.776627 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Coordinates are suspected location of this bridge along the alignment of the present day (2020) non-suspension footbridge in West Union.

External Links:


Weston, West Virginia, USA - West Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:3145 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Weston, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:West Fork River
Coordinates:39.026069 N 80.473931 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Wests Mill vicinity, North Carolina, USA - Little Tennessee River
Bridgemeister ID:810 (added 2003-05-29)
Location:Wests Mill vicinity, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Little Tennessee River
Coordinates:35.26383 N 83.41654 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wewang Riu, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5698 (added 2021-04-01)
Location:Wewang Riu, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.637392 S 121.091412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Weybridge, Vermont, USA - Otter Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5858 (added 2021-05-15)
Location:Weybridge, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Otter Creek
At or Near Feature:Belden Falls
Coordinates:44.051929 N 73.177332 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Weybridge, Vermont, USA - Otter Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5859 (added 2021-05-15)
Location:Weybridge, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Otter Creek
At or Near Feature:Belden Falls
Coordinates:44.051998 N 73.177593 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Whick, Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:5656 (added 2021-01-01)
Location:Whick, Breathitt County, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.422370 N 83.374900 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Whistler, British Columbia, Canada - Cheakamus River
Bridgemeister ID:5358 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Cheakamus River
Coordinates:50.067139 N 123.032569 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada - Yukon River
Bridgemeister ID:1053 (added 2003-12-12)
Location:Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Crossing:Yukon River
At or Near Feature:Kishwoot Island Park
Coordinates:60.72929 N 135.05673 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Whitneyville, Connecticut, USA - Lake Whitney
Bridgemeister ID:305 (added before 2003)
Location:Whitneyville, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Lake Whitney
At or Near Feature:New Haven Country Club
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo by Raymond K. Johnson Photo by Tom Sokira


Wiang Thong, Sung Men District, Phrae, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:8179 (added 2024-02-05)
Location:Wiang Thong, Sung Men District, Phrae, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:18.119222 N 100.113833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Wiang Thong, Sung Men District, Phrae, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:8263 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Wiang Thong, Sung Men District, Phrae, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:18.116889 N 100.124833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2024, January: Deck damaged when a driver accidentally attempted to drive a car across the footbridge instead of using the adjacent road bridge.

External Links:


Wiang, Chiang Saen Distrct, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Bridgemeister ID:3556 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Wiang, Chiang Saen Distrct, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Coordinates:20.373665 N 100.074420 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • On the grounds of the Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle resort.


Wichita Falls, Texas, USA - Wichita River
Bridgemeister ID:1060 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Wichita Falls, Texas, USA
Crossing:Wichita River
At or Near Feature:Lucy Park
Coordinates:33.917 N 98.51218 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire


Williamson, West Virginia, USA - Williamson Rail Yard
Bridgemeister ID:2277 (added 2007-04-22)
Location:Williamson, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Williamson Rail Yard
Coordinates:37.66431 N 82.26774 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This private bridge spans 16 sets of rail tracks at Williamson. Patrick S. O'Donnell provided a rough main span estimate of 175 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Williamsville, Virginia, USA - Cowpasture River
Bridgemeister ID:795 (added 2003-03-28)
Location:Williamsville, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cowpasture River
Coordinates:38.18913 N 79.56386 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Willow Grove, Virginia, USA - North Fork Shenandoah River
Bridgemeister ID:1269 (added 2004-03-14)
Location:Willow Grove, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Shenandoah River
Coordinates:38.84426 N 78.53328 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


  • Adjacent to Chapman Landing Rd. low-water vehicular crossing near area known as "Narrow Passage" where Narrow Passage Creek flows into the Shenandoah.
  • The side span against the hillside is suspended.
Photo by David Denenberg


Wilmore, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA - Tug Fork Big Sandy River
Bridgemeister ID:2510 (added 2009-12-30)
Location:Wilmore, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Tug Fork Big Sandy River
Coordinates:37.45758 N 81.75380 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet)
Side Span:1 x 6.7 meters (22 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wilson Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA - Powell River
Bridgemeister ID:1354 (added 2004-05-15)
Location:Wilson Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Powell River
Coordinates:36.61521 N 83.29997 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 15.8 meters (52 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wilson Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA - Powell River
Bridgemeister ID:1364 (added 2004-07-02)
Location:Wilson Hill vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Powell River
Coordinates:36.63608 N 83.22846 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 74.7 meters (245 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wilstacy, Kentucky, USA - South Fork Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3777 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Wilstacy, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:South Fork Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.518470 N 83.236130 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wilstacy, Kentucky, USA - Quicksand Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3811 (added 2020-03-01)
Location:Wilstacy, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Quicksand Creek
Coordinates:37.558230 N 83.285530 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wing, North Carolina, USA - North Toe River
Bridgemeister ID:856 (added 2003-08-07)
Location:Wing, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:North Toe River
Coordinates:35.93782 N 82.14224 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.9 meters (144 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Winterset, Iowa, USA - North River
Bridgemeister ID:2746 (added 2019-06-23)
Location:Winterset, Iowa, USA
Crossing:North River
At or Near Feature:Guye Woods County Park
Coordinates:41.416563 N 93.957499 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Wiring Palenae, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5732 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Wiring Palenae, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.143120 S 120.012994 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Wisla, Poland - Vistula River
Bridgemeister ID:3726 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Wisla, Poland
Crossing:Vistula River
Coordinates:49.680450 N 18.847450 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Wolfhurst, Bridgeport, Ohio, USA - Wheeling Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7095 (added 2022-05-29)
Location:Wolfhurst, Bridgeport, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Wheeling Creek
Coordinates:40.067440 N 80.788920 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 37.5 meters (123 feet) estimated


Wonotirto, Karanggayam, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6987 (added 2022-04-03)
Location:Wonotirto, Karanggayam, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.542555 S 109.669444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Wood vicinity, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1371 (added 2004-07-03)
Location:Wood vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.78314 N 82.56162 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 11.6 meters (38 feet) estimated,
1 x 14 meters (46 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Bob Taylor


Wood, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:1362 (added 2004-07-02)
Location:Wood, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.79557 N 82.53400 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 74.4 meters (244 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 11.6 meters (38 feet) estimated,
1 x 15.8 meters (52 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Woodstock, Virginia, USA - North Fork Shenandoah River
Bridgemeister ID:1268 (added 2004-03-14)
Location:Woodstock, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Shenandoah River
Coordinates:38.860289 N 78.501842 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2010
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg.


Woodstock, Virginia, USA - North Fork Shenandoah River
Bridgemeister ID:1270 (added 2004-03-14)
Location:Woodstock, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Shenandoah River
Coordinates:38.87105 N 78.49601 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Adjacent to Lupton Rd. low-water vehicular crossing.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Worrell, Pennsylvania, USA - Springton Lake
Bridgemeister ID:847 (added 2003-06-28)
Location:Worrell, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Springton Lake
Coordinates:39.95421 N 75.39321 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


  • Connects the roadway to an intake tower in the Springton reservoir.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3416 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Qingquan Hot Spring
Coordinates:24.575037 N 121.104774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3417 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.576312 N 121.105155 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3418 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.573923 N 121.104867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Appears to have been built in the late 2010s.


Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3419 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.600170 N 121.114436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)


Xabariz vicinity, Spain - Rio Eume
Bridgemeister ID:3132 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Xabariz vicinity, Spain
Crossing:Rio Eume
At or Near Feature:Fragas do Eume
Coordinates:43.416476 N 8.103553 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Xicoténcatl, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Guayalejo River
Bridgemeister ID:7572 (added 2023-04-16)
Location:Xicoténcatl, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Crossing:Guayalejo River
Coordinates:23.037937 N 98.846354 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Completed at some point in late 2020 or 2021. May be some kind of industrial bridge.


Xinshe District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5898 (added 2021-05-22)
Location:Xinshe District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.175533 N 120.910552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2019-2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3774 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.577814 N 120.906041 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3775 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.563607 N 120.917712 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire


Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3570 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Wenshan Hot Springs
Coordinates:24.202120 N 121.490514 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire



Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:4730 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.220447 N 121.485438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Yagry, Severodvinsk, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:5778 (added 2021-04-09)
Location:Yagry, Severodvinsk, Russia
Coordinates:64.597278 N 39.827931 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Yakusugi Cedar Land, Yakushima, Kagoshima, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2389 (added 2007-11-19)
Location:Yakusugi Cedar Land, Yakushima, Kagoshima, Japan
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Yanaquihua and Charco, Condesuyos, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:7361 (added 2022-10-29)
Location:Yanaquihua and Charco, Condesuyos, Peru
Coordinates:15.772212 S 72.881882 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84.7 meters (278 feet) estimated

External Links:


Yanque, Peru - Rio Colca
Bridgemeister ID:6451 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Yanque, Peru
Crossing:Rio Colca
Coordinates:15.652896 S 71.668195 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Yantaza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7705 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Yantaza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.850731 S 78.760618 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 112 meters (367.5 feet) estimated


Yantaza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7706 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Yantaza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.827482 S 78.755579 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Yantaza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7707 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Yantaza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.805972 S 78.743639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


Yea, Victoria, Australia - Yea River
Bridgemeister ID:7416 (added 2022-12-07)
Location:Yea, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Yea River
At or Near Feature:Yea Wetlands John Cummins Reserve
Coordinates:37.209540 S 145.428938 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Yelanda (Еланда), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6203 (added 2021-07-15)
Location:Yelanda (Еланда), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.229078 N 86.086313 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Ytre Mosby, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway - Otra
Bridgemeister ID:2975 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Ytre Mosby, Kristiansand, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.217071 N 7.930015 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Yubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan - Lake Saroma
Bridgemeister ID:5212 (added 2020-10-11)
Location:Yubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
Crossing:Lake Saroma
Coordinates:44.183807 N 143.669009 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Yumthang, Sikkim, India - Lachung River
Bridgemeister ID:7621 (added 2023-05-27)
Location:Yumthang, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Lachung River
Coordinates:27.793445 N 88.707533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Yumthang, Sikkim, India - Lachung River
Bridgemeister ID:7622 (added 2023-05-27)
Location:Yumthang, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Lachung River
Coordinates:27.794735 N 88.706957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Zakościele, Poland - Pilica River
Bridgemeister ID:5047 (added 2020-08-23)
Location:Zakościele, Poland
Crossing:Pilica River
Coordinates:51.527565 N 20.249570 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zamcanje, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4530 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Zamcanje, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.611365 N 20.552794 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zangla vicinity, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Zanskar River
Bridgemeister ID:7295 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Zangla vicinity, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Zanskar River
Coordinates:33.619932 N 77.007012 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated

External Links:


Zapsilla, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine - Psel River
Bridgemeister ID:4519 (added 2020-05-03)
Location:Zapsilla, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Psel River
Coordinates:49.210127 N 33.564971 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zeebrugge, Belgium - North Sea
Bridgemeister ID:7900 (added 2023-10-15)
Location:Zeebrugge, Belgium
Crossing:North Sea
Coordinates:51.342407 N 3.173718 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Temporary bridge built across the gap in the Zeebrugge Mole created during the Zeebrugge Raid (April 23, 1918). Presumably erected in 1918. Coordinates provided here are approximate.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Zelzate, East Flanders, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:4584 (added 2020-06-05)
Location:Zelzate, East Flanders, Belgium
Coordinates:51.198797 N 3.814564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 8.25 meters (27.1 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters


  • ISFF: Built 1880-1885 in a private garden and noted (in 2006) the bridge was in poor condition.

External Links:


Zenobia vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1343 (added 2004-05-08)
Location:Zenobia vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.73956 N 82.20114 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49.4 meters (162 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Zestafoni (ზესტაფონი) and Shorapani (შორაპანი), Georgia - Kvirila River
Bridgemeister ID:8018 (added 2023-12-10)
Location:Zestafoni (ზესტაფონი) and Shorapani (შორაპანი), Georgia
Crossing:Kvirila River
Coordinates:42.099833 N 43.074389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Zhongliao Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5806 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Zhongliao Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.955777 N 120.802912 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Zhuqi, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3567 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Zhuqi, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.496765 N 120.505862 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5809 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Songlong Rock WaterFall - 松瀧岩瀑布
Coordinates:23.619593 N 120.802472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2014: Deck and cables completely removed. Unclear if bridge was damaged or was just undergoing restoration. Later reopened.


Zhydachiv vicinity, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine - Stryi River
Bridgemeister ID:5178 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Zhydachiv vicinity, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Stryi River
Coordinates:49.400087 N 24.152094 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire



Zhydachiv vicinity, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine - Stryi River
Bridgemeister ID:5179 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Zhydachiv vicinity, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Stryi River
Coordinates:49.399689 N 24.152062 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Zlot, Serbia - Zlotska Reka
Bridgemeister ID:3315 (added 2019-11-30)
Location:Zlot, Serbia
Crossing:Zlotska Reka
Coordinates:44.028984 N 21.962502 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zmiiv (Зміїв), Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine - Siverskyi Donets
Bridgemeister ID:6116 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Zmiiv (Зміїв), Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Crossing:Siverskyi Donets
Coordinates:49.670904 N 36.366375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Zubtsov (Зубцов), Tver Oblast, Russia - Volga River
Bridgemeister ID:6757 (added 2021-10-24)
Location:Zubtsov (Зубцов), Tver Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Volga River
Coordinates:56.172661 N 34.587765 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Zumwalt Meadow, Cedar Grove, California, USA - Kings River
Bridgemeister ID:6525 (added 2021-08-28)
Location:Zumwalt Meadow, Cedar Grove, California, USA
Crossing:Kings River
At or Near Feature:Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
Coordinates:36.791148 N 118.600442 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan - Aga River
Bridgemeister ID:5148 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Aga River
Coordinates:37.403093 N 139.923350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Albasuyoc, Echarate, La Convención, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8715 (added 2024-06-30)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Albasuyoc, Echarate, La Convención, Peru
Coordinates:12.814056 S 72.597250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Alsip, Illinois, USA - Calumet Sag Channel
Bridgemeister ID:3246 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Alsip, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Calumet Sag Channel
Coordinates:41.651809 N 87.699943 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Alsip, Illinois, USA - Calumet Sag Channel
Bridgemeister ID:3247 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Alsip, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Calumet Sag Channel
Coordinates:41.651663 N 87.703783 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Alsip, Illinois, USA - Calumet Sag Channel
Bridgemeister ID:3248 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Alsip, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Calumet Sag Channel
Coordinates:41.651633 N 87.706524 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Alsip, Illinois, USA - Calumet Sag Channel
Bridgemeister ID:3249 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Alsip, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Calumet Sag Channel
Coordinates:41.651614 N 87.713846 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Antioch vicinity, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:3327 (added 2019-12-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Antioch vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Coordinates:31.061728 N 95.651119 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 2019: Appears to be flood damaged.

(pipeline bridge)

Argancy, Moselle, France - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:4688 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Argancy, Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Coordinates:49.193081 N 6.194095 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Aurora, Colorado, USA - Cherry Creek Reservoir spillway
Bridgemeister ID:1588 (added 2005-01-24)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Aurora, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Cherry Creek Reservoir spillway
Coordinates:39.65919 N 104.82509 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Carrys a 66-inch water pipeline. Patrick O'Donnell estimates the length of the suspended portion of the span at 250 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador - Babahoyo River
Bridgemeister ID:7229 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador
Crossing:Babahoyo River
Coordinates:1.797178 S 79.533913 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 171 meters (561 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Benson, Arizona, USA - San Pedro River
Bridgemeister ID:2328 (added 2007-06-11)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Benson, Arizona, USA
Crossing:San Pedro River
Coordinates:31.975290 N 110.278883 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Benson, Arizona, USA - San Pedro River
Bridgemeister ID:3303 (added 2019-11-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Benson, Arizona, USA
Crossing:San Pedro River
Coordinates:31.980649 N 110.281095 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Benson, Arizona, USA - San Pedro River
Bridgemeister ID:3304 (added 2019-11-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Benson, Arizona, USA
Crossing:San Pedro River
Coordinates:31.974698 N 110.278894 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Benteng, Bogor Regency and Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Cisadane River
Bridgemeister ID:7663 (added 2023-06-11)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Benteng, Bogor Regency and Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cisadane River
Coordinates:6.536846 S 106.699151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Small pipeline suspension bridge between two road bridges.

(pipeline bridge)

Billère and Jurançon, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Ousse River
Bridgemeister ID:4564 (added 2020-06-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Billère and Jurançon, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Ousse River
Coordinates:43.293272 N 0.395823 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson and Loisy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France - Moselle/Mosel River
Bridgemeister ID:4731 (added 2020-06-27)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson and Loisy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Crossing:Moselle/Mosel River
Coordinates:48.878972 N 6.087439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Blythe, California and Ehrenberg, Arizona, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:2522 (added 2010-01-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Blythe, California and Ehrenberg, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:33.60182 N 114.53324 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:6788 (added 2021-10-29)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
At or Near Feature:Bogor Botanical Gardens
Coordinates:6.601567 S 106.801665 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Bridgemeister ID:4827 (added 2020-07-05)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Coordinates:41.967963 N 78.625340 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA - Tunungwant Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4828 (added 2020-07-05)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Tunungwant Creek
Coordinates:41.967349 N 78.629287 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Burbank, California, USA - Los Angeles River
Bridgemeister ID:2523 (added 2010-01-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Burbank, California, USA
Crossing:Los Angeles River
Coordinates:34.15051 N 118.32908 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Burgess Falls, Sparta vicinity, Tennessee, USA - Falling Water River
Bridgemeister ID:2346 (added 2007-08-12)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Burgess Falls, Sparta vicinity, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Falling Water River
At or Near Feature:Burgess Falls State Park
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Likely constructed in 1920s as part of the dam and powerhouse project at Burgess Falls. There may have been two of these bridges at this location. The current map for Burgess Falls State Park shows two historical "pipeline bridges." I have only seen images of one derelict suspension bridge.

(pipeline bridge)

Burstall vicinity, Alberta, Canada - South Saskatchewan River
Bridgemeister ID:2048 (added 2006-05-13)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Burstall vicinity, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:South Saskatchewan River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Burstall is in Saskatchewan, but the bridge appears to be located west of Burstall in Alberta.

(pipeline bridge)

Bydgoszcz, Poland - Brda
Bridgemeister ID:5705 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Bydgoszcz, Poland
Coordinates:53.117059 N 18.061958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Canyon Country, California, USA - Soledad Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:1259 (added 2004-03-06)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Canyon Country, California, USA
Crossing:Soledad Canyon
Coordinates:34.43219 N 118.39074 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 187.5 meters (615 feet) estimated
Side Span:1

Photo by Eric Sakowski Photo by David Denenberg

(pipeline bridge)

Casper, Wyoming, USA - North Platte River
Bridgemeister ID:2107 (added 2006-09-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Casper, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:North Platte River
Coordinates:42.859117 N 106.327517 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Castaic vicinity, California, USA - Castaic Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2329 (added 2007-07-04)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Castaic vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Castaic Creek
Coordinates:34.47552 N 118.61212 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eric Sakowski

(pipeline bridge)

Cayma and Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa, Peru - Rio Chili
Bridgemeister ID:8623 (added 2024-06-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Cayma and Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chili
Coordinates:16.371861 S 71.535139 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Central Sauzal vicinity, Machali, Chile - Cachapoal River
Bridgemeister ID:8019 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Central Sauzal vicinity, Machali, Chile
Crossing:Cachapoal River
Coordinates:34.269139 S 70.584722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Chalat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:6395 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Chalat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.256315 N 74.351727 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 144.5 meters (474 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Charleston, Tennessee, USA - Hiwassee River
Bridgemeister ID:2036 (added 2006-05-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Charleston, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Hiwassee River
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co., Pittsburgh Bridge & Iron Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Built to connect Blaw-Knox chemical plan to nearby Bowaters Southern Paper Corp. Described in Roebling ad in March 1963 issue of Civil Engineering.

(pipeline bridge)

Chula Vista vicinity, California, USA - Otay River
Bridgemeister ID:1573 (added 2004-12-11)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Chula Vista vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Otay River
Coordinates:32.6003 N 116.92888 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Chupaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5984 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Chupaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.056637 S 75.273844 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Colimes, Guayas, Ecuador - Rio Daule
Bridgemeister ID:7783 (added 2023-08-18)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Colimes, Guayas, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Daule
Coordinates:1.548917 S 80.003660 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 188 meters (616.8 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA - Mosquito Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2268 (added 2007-04-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Mosquito Creek
Coordinates:41.20985 N 95.82730 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell estimated the main span of this bridge at roughly 550 feet.

(pipeline bridge)

Covington, Virginia, USA - Potts Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1413 (added 2004-07-04)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Covington, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Potts Creek
Coordinates:37.75240 N 79.99713 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • Just barely visible to the north as your cross over Potts Creek on VA18 heading into Covington.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Cremona, Cremona, Italy - Po River
Bridgemeister ID:7939 (added 2023-10-29)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Cremona, Cremona, Italy
Crossing:Po River
Coordinates:45.127917 N 9.995194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Built at some point in the 1960s. Removed prior to 2003, but likely much earlier. Main span was likely 225-235 meters.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(pipeline bridge)

Curtis vicinity, Arkansas, USA - South Boat Ditch
Bridgemeister ID:2432 (added 2008-04-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Curtis vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:South Boat Ditch
Status:Extant (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Fred Garcia

(pipeline bridge)

Dahimal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6696 (added 2021-10-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Dahimal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.201420 N 73.246198 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point after mid-2017. Immediately adjacent to a drooping suspension footbridge that is not included in the inventory.

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Dayton Lakes vicinity, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:3326 (added 2019-12-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Dayton Lakes vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Coordinates:30.213426 N 94.825076 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Dearborn, Michigan, USA - Rouge River
Bridgemeister ID:7125 (added 2022-06-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Rouge River
Coordinates:42.290501 N 83.166260 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

(pipeline bridge)

Durkee, Worland vicinity, Wyoming, USA - Big Horn River
Bridgemeister ID:2108 (added 2006-09-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Durkee, Worland vicinity, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Big Horn River
Coordinates:44.125767 N 107.927817 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Durkee, Worland vicinity, Wyoming, USA - Big Horn River
Bridgemeister ID:2601 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Durkee, Worland vicinity, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Big Horn River
Coordinates:44.126801 N 107.928528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Eagle Creek Township and Keener Township, Indiana, USA - Kankakee River
Bridgemeister ID:8412 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Eagle Creek Township and Keener Township, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Kankakee River
Coordinates:41.220361 N 87.270806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Spans:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated,
1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Eagle Creek Township, Indiana, USA - Singleton Ditch
Bridgemeister ID:8409 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Eagle Creek Township, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Singleton Ditch
Coordinates:41.260667 N 87.300861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated


Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

(pipeline bridge)

Eagle Creek Township, Indiana, USA - Little Ditch
Bridgemeister ID:8410 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Eagle Creek Township, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Little Ditch
Coordinates:41.257639 N 87.298583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21 meters (68.9 feet) estimated


Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

(pipeline bridge)

Eagle Creek Township, Indiana, USA - Brown Ditch
Bridgemeister ID:8411 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Eagle Creek Township, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Brown Ditch
Coordinates:41.239583 N 87.285444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 16 meters (52.5 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Eccles, Worland vicinity, Wyoming, USA - Big Horn River
Bridgemeister ID:2109 (added 2006-09-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Eccles, Worland vicinity, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Big Horn River
Coordinates:44.15685 N 107.928117 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell estimates the main span at 400 feet based on aerial imagery.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

El Doce vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:7731 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:El Doce vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.459880 N 75.316432 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire

(pipeline bridge)

Elk, California, USA - Greenwood Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5685 (added 2021-03-26)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Elk, California, USA
Crossing:Greenwood Creek
Coordinates:39.126247 N 123.714382 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Elk County Water District
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Escobal, Alajuela and San Pablo, San José Province, Costa Rica - Rio Tárcoles
Bridgemeister ID:7768 (added 2023-08-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Escobal, Alajuela and San Pablo, San José Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Tárcoles
Coordinates:9.922923 N 84.430955 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Eugene vicinity, Oregon, USA - McKenzie River
Bridgemeister ID:2148 (added 2006-11-18)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Eugene vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:McKenzie River
At or Near Feature:Armitage State Park vicinity
Coordinates:44.11456 N 123.05380 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire


(pipeline bridge)

Fortalecillas, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3609 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Fortalecillas, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:3.028211 N 75.259552 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Fortalecillas, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3610 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Fortalecillas, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:3.028217 N 75.259089 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

(pipeline bridge)

Fulton, Arkansas, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1820 (added 2005-05-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Fulton, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.60368 N 93.81316 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Call numbers ECD0860-1 and ECD0860-2 of the Arkansas History Commission's image archives show this large pipeline bridge.

External Links:

Photo by Fred Garcia

(pipeline bridge)

Gary, Indiana, USA - Grand Calumet River
Bridgemeister ID:7122 (added 2022-06-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Gary, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Grand Calumet River
Coordinates:41.608340 N 87.349447 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Gary, Indiana, USA - Grand Calumet River
Bridgemeister ID:7123 (added 2022-06-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Gary, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Grand Calumet River
Coordinates:41.608436 N 87.349509 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Gary, Indiana, USA - Grand Calumet River
Bridgemeister ID:7124 (added 2022-06-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Gary, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Grand Calumet River
Coordinates:41.608849 N 87.348776 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(pipeline bridge)

Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:1928 (added 2005-10-23)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
At or Near Feature:Gelsenkirchen Port
Coordinates:51.533124 N 7.067890 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Girón, Santander, Colombia - Rio Frio
Bridgemeister ID:8185 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Girón, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Frio
Coordinates:7.066056 N 73.166333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:2225 (added 2007-03-18)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:39.55085 N 107.31878 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • Span length of approximately 200 feet is for the suspended pipeline. Patrick O'Donnell estimates the anchorage-to-anchorage distance is 450 feet.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Grassobbio, Bergamo, Italy - Serio
Bridgemeister ID:7869 (added 2023-09-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Grassobbio, Bergamo, Italy
Coordinates:45.657637 N 9.732027 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

(pipeline bridge)

Greåker, Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway - Visterflo
Bridgemeister ID:3975 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Greåker, Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.26354 N 11.02993 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Halle, Germany - Saale River
Bridgemeister ID:2966 (added 2019-10-12)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Halle, Germany
Crossing:Saale River
Coordinates:51.520727 N 11.938966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Helper vicinity, Utah, USA - Price River
Bridgemeister ID:2215 (added 2007-02-13)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Helper vicinity, Utah, USA
Crossing:Price River
Coordinates:39.70666 N 110.86906 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4432 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.970918 N 135.360611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Hominy, Oklahoma, USA - Hominy Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3621 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Hominy, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Hominy Creek
Coordinates:36.473875 N 96.378850 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Honda, Colombia - Rio Guali
Bridgemeister ID:3604 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Honda, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Guali
Coordinates:5.203928 N 74.741455 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(pipeline bridge)

Huntington, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:2686 (added 2019-05-26)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:38.412309 N 82.386252 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2017-2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The bridge was adjacent to, and clearly visible from, the Washington Boulevard bridge. It was removed at some point between 2017 and 2019.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Huzhou (湖州市), Zhejiang, China - Xitiao River
Bridgemeister ID:8555 (added 2024-04-06)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Huzhou (湖州市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Xitiao River
Coordinates:30.880300 N 120.039878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

(pipeline bridge)

Iijima, Nagano, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:8259 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Iijima, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.682028 N 137.948333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Jauja, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5964 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Jauja, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.819608 S 75.506841 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • The structure(s) at this location may be two separate but adjacent suspended pipelines.

(pipeline bridge)

Jefferson vicinity, South Dakota and Ponca State Park, Nebraska, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:646 (added 2003-02-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Jefferson vicinity, South Dakota and Ponca State Park, Nebraska, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
Coordinates:42.60534 N 96.71001 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • The postcard says "Suspension Bridge. Jefferson, S.D." The bridge pictured here may be a predecessor to the current pipeline suspension bridge at Ponca, Nebraska, eight miles west of Jefferson. Patrick S. O'Donnell visited this area in 2006 to photograph the Ponca bridge, but could not locate a pipeline bridge matching the postcard.
  • In late 2006, Pete Rissell writes that one of the piers from this pipeline bridge is still visible in the middle of the Missouri River: "In the early 1970s I visited the Ponca State Park and noticed a single concrete bridge support in the middle of the Missouri River. I always thought it was strange because there were no abandoned road or rail right-of-ways in that location... I'm sure that this concrete support matches the one in the foreground shown on your website's postcard labeled "Suspension Bridge, Jefferson SD". My guess is that the current Ponca Pipeline bridge (photographed in 2006) is the replacement because the former suspension bridge had to be relocated due to river flooding. The old concrete support is located approximately 1 mile up-river (to the northwest) from the current pipeline bridge." This pier is visible in satellite imagery at the location provided with this inventory entry.
  • In 2009, Dale Harkness writes: "I grew up on a farm only a few miles from the existing pipeline. I believe you are correct that the cement pier does belong to the original gas pipeline. My aunt told me that my grandfather was present while the bridge was being constructed. From my understanding, my grandfather had been filming the construction and almost photographed an unusual event where one of the piers crashed down to the ground after a failed attempt to raise it using a pivot." Dale also provided photos of the construction of the newer bridge in 1961.
  • The replacement span appears to have been demolished in late 2006 or 2007.
  • Replaced by 1961 (pipeline bridge) - Jefferson vicinity, South Dakota and Ponca State Park, Nebraska, USA.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(pipeline bridge)

Jenesano, Boyaca, Colombia - Rio Jenesano
Bridgemeister ID:6887 (added 2022-01-15)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Jenesano, Boyaca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Jenesano
Coordinates:5.384360 N 73.361741 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Junction City, California, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:6708 (added 2021-10-05)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Junction City, California, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Likely built in late 1800s, maybe early 1900s.

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Karolin, Poznań, Poland - Warta River
Bridgemeister ID:7303 (added 2022-08-07)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Karolin, Poznań, Poland
Crossing:Warta River
Coordinates:52.440219 N 16.975219 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Keener Township, Indiana, USA - Brent Ditch
Bridgemeister ID:8413 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Keener Township, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Brent Ditch
Coordinates:41.206889 N 87.261222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Keener Township, Indiana, USA - Dehaan Ditch
Bridgemeister ID:8414 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Keener Township, Indiana, USA
Crossing:Dehaan Ditch
Coordinates:41.202500 N 87.258056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14.5 meters (47.6 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Khairabad, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5328 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Khairabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:33.896931 N 72.235425 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(pipeline bridge)

Krotz Springs, Louisiana, USA - Atchafalaya River
Bridgemeister ID:1814 (added 2005-05-19)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Krotz Springs, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Atchafalaya River
Coordinates:30.553583 N 91.756017 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Just north of the US-190 Atchafalaya River crossing.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

La Oroya, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5954 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:La Oroya, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.516175 S 75.921634 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

La Oroya, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5963 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:La Oroya, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.522438 S 75.897436 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

La Oroya, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:8820 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:La Oroya, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.521500 S 75.905611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

La Victoria, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3594 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:La Victoria, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.527396 N 76.041640 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Lacq and Abidos, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Ousse River
Bridgemeister ID:7969 (added 2023-11-25)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Lacq and Abidos, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Ousse River
Coordinates:43.404000 N 0.624194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Lacq and Abidos, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Ousse River
Bridgemeister ID:7970 (added 2023-11-25)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Lacq and Abidos, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Ousse River
Coordinates:43.403083 N 0.624667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Libiš, Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:6310 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Libiš, Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Coordinates:50.278064 N 14.525232 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 99 meters (324.8 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Long Beach, California, USA - Los Angeles River
Bridgemeister ID:1525 (added 2004-10-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Long Beach, California, USA
Crossing:Los Angeles River
Coordinates:33.82366 N 118.20550 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Located a few hundred yards southeast of the I-710/I-405 intersection. Visible to the south as you cross the Los Angeles River on I-405.
Photo by David Denenberg

(pipeline bridge)

Long Beach, California, USA - San Gabriel River
Bridgemeister ID:2170 (added 2007-01-12)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Long Beach, California, USA
Crossing:San Gabriel River
Coordinates:33.76792 N 118.09772 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg

(pipeline bridge)

Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3176 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.134005 S 113.214070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Lunahuaná, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8608 (added 2024-05-26)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Lunahuaná, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.919056 S 76.101028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(pipeline bridge)

Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:3631 (added 2020-01-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
Coordinates:46.243668 N 8.704117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Marriott-Slaterville, Ogden vicinity, Utah, USA - Weber River
Bridgemeister ID:7518 (added 2023-01-13)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Marriott-Slaterville, Ogden vicinity, Utah, USA
Crossing:Weber River
Coordinates:41.237267 N 112.013819 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.4 meters (149 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Melville, Louisiana, USA - Atchafalaya River
Bridgemeister ID:1815 (added 2005-05-19)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Melville, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Atchafalaya River
Coordinates:30.70815 N 91.738933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 609.9 meters (2,001 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell estimates the total suspended length of this huge pipeline bridge is 3,600 feet (2000-foot main span, 600- and 1050-foot side spans).
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Midori (みどり市), Gunma, Japan - Watarase River
Bridgemeister ID:7915 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Midori (みどり市), Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Watarase River
Coordinates:36.534639 N 139.338611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Sangoyaco
Bridgemeister ID:8565 (added 2024-04-06)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sangoyaco
Coordinates:1.148944 N 76.648167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Mojave Heights, Victorville vicinity, California, USA - Mojave River
Bridgemeister ID:2354 (added 2007-08-19)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Mojave Heights, Victorville vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Mojave River
Coordinates:34.56782 N 117.31254 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Mokelumne City vicinity, California, USA - Cosumnes River
Bridgemeister ID:2129 (added 2006-10-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Mokelumne City vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Cosumnes River
Coordinates:38.25772 N 121.43273 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

(pipeline bridge)

Montebello and Pico Rivera, California, USA - Rio Hondo
Bridgemeister ID:2361 (added 2007-09-08)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Montebello and Pico Rivera, California, USA
Crossing:Rio Hondo
At or Near Feature:Whittier Narrows Dam vicinity
Coordinates:34.01791 N 118.08627 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2009-2011
Main Span:1


  • Removed at some point in the 2009-2011 time frame.

(pipeline bridge)

Natakhtari (ნატახტარი) and Saguramo (საგურამო), Georgia - Aragvi River
Bridgemeister ID:8010 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Natakhtari (ნატახტარი) and Saguramo (საგურამო), Georgia
Crossing:Aragvi River
Coordinates:41.910806 N 44.739444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Spans:6 x 159 meters (521.7 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Nelahozeves, Mělník and Kralupy nad Vltavou, Mělník, Czechia - Vltava River
Bridgemeister ID:8082 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Nelahozeves, Mělník and Kralupy nad Vltavou, Mělník, Czechia
Crossing:Vltava River
Coordinates:50.266222 N 14.306028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

New Haven, Connecticut, USA - Quinnipiac River
Bridgemeister ID:2040 (added 2006-05-07)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Crossing:Quinnipiac River
Coordinates:41.320917 N 72.89015 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

North Cowichan, Chemainus vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:5173 (added 2020-10-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:North Cowichan, Chemainus vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Coordinates:48.904068 N 123.757119 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Novomikhailovskii (Новомихайловский), Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Reka Nechepsukho
Bridgemeister ID:6781 (added 2021-10-29)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Novomikhailovskii (Новомихайловский), Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Nechepsukho
Coordinates:44.255891 N 38.852097 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Orchard vicinity, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2656 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Orchard vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.636886 N 95.980795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Orotina vicinity, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica - Rio Tárcoles
Bridgemeister ID:6222 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Orotina vicinity, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Tárcoles
Coordinates:9.912271 N 84.479721 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 82.9 meters (272 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Osorno, Chile - Rahue River
Bridgemeister ID:6121 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Osorno, Chile
Crossing:Rahue River
Coordinates:40.584360 S 73.154973 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(pipeline bridge)

Padang Bulan, Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Gadis
Bridgemeister ID:8051 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Padang Bulan, Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Gadis
Coordinates:0.657917 N 99.726889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(pipeline bridge)

Palisade vicinity, Colorado, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:2240 (added 2007-03-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Palisade vicinity, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:39.12223 N 108.32207 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Pamuruyan, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5627 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pamuruyan, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.881199 S 106.778098 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Demolished at some point in 2022. Appears to have carried an electrical or communications conduit track, possibly an pipeline.

(pipeline bridge)

Parwak, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5514 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Parwak, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.266966 N 72.376722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


(pipeline bridge)

Paso Agres, Orotina vicinity, Costa Rica - Rio Tárcoles
Bridgemeister ID:5928 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Paso Agres, Orotina vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Tárcoles
Coordinates:9.879692 N 84.527795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(pipeline bridge)

Paterson, New Jersey, USA - Passaic Falls
Bridgemeister ID:1727 (added 2005-04-05)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Paterson, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Passaic Falls
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The 1950's-era postcard shows a small suspension bridge behind the arch.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(pipeline bridge)

Pavia, Italy - Ticino River
Bridgemeister ID:4758 (added 2020-06-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pavia, Italy
Crossing:Ticino River
Coordinates:45.172989 N 9.170309 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 240 meters (787.4 feet)

(pipeline bridge)

Plains vicinity and Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA - Clark Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2124 (added 2006-10-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Plains vicinity and Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Clark Fork River
Coordinates:47.52982 N 115.05720 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 274.3 meters (900 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Plandaan, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6862 (added 2022-01-02)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Plandaan, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.055110 S 111.897790 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Plattsmouth, Nebraska and Pacific Junction vicinity, Iowa, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:2038 (added 2006-05-07)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Plattsmouth, Nebraska and Pacific Junction vicinity, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
Coordinates:41.0028 N 95.8679 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 457.2 meters (1,500 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 228.6 meters (750 feet) estimated

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Ponte San Giovanni, Perugia, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:3229 (added 2019-11-11)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Ponte San Giovanni, Perugia, Italy
Coordinates:43.093200 N 12.451178 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Pori, Finland - Kokemäenjoki
Bridgemeister ID:3293 (added 2019-11-24)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pori, Finland
Coordinates:61.491666 N 21.810125 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Prackovice nad Labem, Czechia - Elbe River
Bridgemeister ID:2841 (added 2019-07-06)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Prackovice nad Labem, Czechia
Crossing:Elbe River
Coordinates:50.579858 N 14.036253 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Pyramid Lake vicinity and Liebre Gulch vicinity, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2293 (added 2007-04-26)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pyramid Lake vicinity and Liebre Gulch vicinity, California, USA
Coordinates:34.68632 N 118.73605 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 114.3 meters (375 feet)


(pipeline bridge)

Pyramid Lake vicinity, California, USA - Liebre Gulch
Bridgemeister ID:2294 (added 2007-04-26)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pyramid Lake vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Liebre Gulch
Coordinates:34.69553 N 118.73782 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 152.4 meters (500 feet)


Photo by Eric Sakowski

(pipeline bridge)

Pyramid Lake vicinity, California, USA - Liebre Gulch
Bridgemeister ID:2295 (added 2007-04-26)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pyramid Lake vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Liebre Gulch
Coordinates:34.69357 N 118.73703 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)


Photo by Eric Sakowski

(pipeline bridge)

Pyramid Lake vicinity, California, USA - Canada de Los Alamos
Bridgemeister ID:2331 (added 2007-07-04)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Pyramid Lake vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Canada de Los Alamos
At or Near Feature:Hungry Valley State Vehicular Rec. Area
Coordinates:34.70264 N 118.79825 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Eric Sakowski

(pipeline bridge)

Quinindé, Ecuador - Quinindé River
Bridgemeister ID:3184 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Quinindé, Ecuador
Crossing:Quinindé River
Coordinates:0.328014 N 79.477727 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Quinindé, Ecuador - Quinindé River
Bridgemeister ID:3185 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Quinindé, Ecuador
Crossing:Quinindé River
Coordinates:0.327751 N 79.477665 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Rayland, Ohio, USA - Short Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2560 (added 2012-01-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Rayland, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Short Creek
Coordinates:40.18757 N 80.68730 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

(pipeline bridge)

Redding, California, USA - Sacramento River
Bridgemeister ID:1429 (added 2004-07-25)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Redding, California, USA
Crossing:Sacramento River
Coordinates:40.59165 N 122.38395 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 140.2 meters (460 feet) estimated


  • Visible from the Sundial cable-stayed bridge.
Photo by Eric Sakowski

(pipeline bridge)

Redfield, Arkansas, USA - Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:4951 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Redfield, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Arkansas River
Coordinates:34.480073 N 92.124041 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2823 (added 2019-07-04)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.917088 N 121.055192 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire


(pipeline bridge)

Roldanillo vicinity and Zarzal vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3593 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Roldanillo vicinity and Zarzal vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:4.405403 N 76.101366 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Roseville, Ohio, USA - Moxahala Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7094 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Roseville, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Moxahala Creek
Coordinates:39.800219 N 82.081253 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Rumford, Maine, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2035 (added 2006-05-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Rumford, Maine, USA
Principals:John A. Roebling's Sons Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:8


  • Described in a Roebling ad: "...carries 900 ft. of a 14 inch diameter stainless steel pulpline [built for Oxford Paper Co.] over a canal and uneven terrain. It has eight spans, the longest of which is 166 ft. Rigidity of the suspension system was achieved by running a pair of tie cables from one anchorage to the other, connecting all tower tops. The cost of a steel trestle to support this pulpline would have been much higher."
  • See (footbridge) - Rumford, Maine, USA. The pipelines were constructed as part of the same project.

(pipeline bridge)

Santa Clarita and Valencia, California, USA - Santa Clara River
Bridgemeister ID:2330 (added 2007-07-04)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Santa Clarita and Valencia, California, USA
Crossing:Santa Clara River
Coordinates:34.42707 N 118.57484 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by David Denenberg

(pipeline bridge)

Santa Maria de Nieva, Peru - Nieva River
Bridgemeister ID:3110 (added 2019-10-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Santa Maria de Nieva, Peru
Crossing:Nieva River
Coordinates:4.593157 S 77.863501 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire


(pipeline bridge)

Santiago de Méndez, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Paute
Bridgemeister ID:7261 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Santiago de Méndez, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Paute
Coordinates:2.712519 S 78.325938 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Savona, British Columbia, Canada - Thompson River
Bridgemeister ID:1511 (added 2004-10-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Savona, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Thompson River
Status:Extant (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 182.9 meters (600 feet)

Photo by Eric Sakowski

(pipeline bridge)

Sealy and Brookshire, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2655 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Sealy and Brookshire, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.772165 N 96.036434 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Adjacent to I-10 Brazos River crossing.

(pipeline bridge)

Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3982 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.254784 N 136.896063 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3983 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.254666 N 136.896181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


(pipeline bridge)

Skawina, Poland
Bridgemeister ID:2597 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Skawina, Poland
Coordinates:49.975852 N 19.783271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)

(pipeline bridge)

Spokane, Washington, USA - Spokane River
Bridgemeister ID:2132 (added 2006-10-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Spokane, Washington, USA
Crossing:Spokane River
Coordinates:47.69664 N 117.47906 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Sukasirna, Jonggol, Bogor and Sirnagalih, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6623 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Sukasirna, Jonggol, Bogor and Sirnagalih, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.479375 S 107.075284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1

(pipeline bridge)

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3833 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.299689 S 112.737081 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Taketa, Oita, Japan - Tamarai River
Bridgemeister ID:5202 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Taketa, Oita, Japan
Crossing:Tamarai River
Coordinates:32.955276 N 131.386809 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Taylor, British Columbia, Canada - Peace River
Bridgemeister ID:919 (added 2003-10-18)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Taylor, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Peace River
Coordinates:56.13737 N 120.66919 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Thimphu Chu, Bhutan - Thimphu Chu
Bridgemeister ID:4379 (added 2020-04-12)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Thimphu Chu, Bhutan
Crossing:Thimphu Chu
Coordinates:27.452146 N 89.653199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA - Clark Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2125 (added 2006-10-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Clark Fork River
Coordinates:47.57957 N 115.20910 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 274.3 meters (900 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA - Clark Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2126 (added 2006-10-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Clark Fork River
Coordinates:47.57604 N 115.19292 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 176.8 meters (580 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA - Clark Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2127 (added 2006-10-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Thompson Falls vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:Clark Fork River
Coordinates:47.56988 N 115.17832 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 189 meters (620 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Thompson Falls, Montana, USA - Clark Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:2128 (added 2006-10-21)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Thompson Falls, Montana, USA
Crossing:Clark Fork River
Coordinates:47.58064 N 115.32105 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 304.8 meters (1,000 feet) estimated


(pipeline bridge)

Tinta, Peru - Highway 3S
Bridgemeister ID:3435 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Tinta, Peru
Crossing:Highway 3S
Coordinates:14.121610 S 71.414306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Tonjong, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5626 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Tonjong, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.997694 S 106.606586 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Topock, Arizona and Needles vicinity, California, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:1507 (added 2004-10-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Topock, Arizona and Needles vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:34.71531 N 114.48255 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Topock, Arizona and Needles vicinity, California, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:1508 (added 2004-10-09)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Topock, Arizona and Needles vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:34.71587 N 114.48617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Ubrug, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5620 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Ubrug, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.948058 S 106.758202 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Ubrug, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5621 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Ubrug, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.948169 S 106.758258 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(pipeline bridge)

Urcos, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:8279 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Urcos, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.676083 S 71.628722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(pipeline bridge)

Vemork, Våer vicinity, Telemark, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:3643 (added 2020-01-25)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Vemork, Våer vicinity, Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.873593 N 8.495355 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • See Vemork - Vemork, Våer vicinity, Telemark, Norway. The pipeline was effectively a separate suspension bridge built on top of the main suspension bridge at Vemork resulting in a unique "stack" of two suspension bridges. The pipeline structure was removed at some point in the 1900s.

(pipeline bridge)

Villagarzón, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Mocoa
Bridgemeister ID:8673 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Villagarzón, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Mocoa
Coordinates:1.039944 N 76.610889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


(pipeline bridge)

Villesse, Gorizia, Italy - Soča
Bridgemeister ID:5309 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Villesse, Gorizia, Italy
Coordinates:45.855609 N 13.458577 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2016
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3


  • Appears to have been removed or destroyed around 2016.

(pipeline bridge)

Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2657 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.649584 N 96.024012 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2658 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.648674 N 96.022830 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Watertown, New York, USA - Black River
Bridgemeister ID:2039 (added 2006-05-07)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Watertown, New York, USA
Crossing:Black River
Coordinates:43.9967 N 75.9336 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Whisky Bay, Henderson vicinity, Louisiana, USA - Whisky Bay Pilot Channel
Bridgemeister ID:1813 (added 2005-05-19)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Whisky Bay, Henderson vicinity, Louisiana, USA
Crossing:Whisky Bay Pilot Channel
Coordinates:30.356383 N 91.632983 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Just south of the I-10 Whisky Bay Pilot Channel crossing.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(pipeline bridge)

Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Serayu
Bridgemeister ID:3584 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Serayu
Coordinates:7.420316 S 109.838472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Wroclaw, Poland - Oder River
Bridgemeister ID:7926 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Wroclaw, Poland
Crossing:Oder River
Coordinates:51.0973479 N 17.0856074 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 318 meters (1,043.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

(pipeline bridge)

Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8127 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.158750 N 103.432750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 297 meters (974.4 feet) estimated

(pipeline bridge)

Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia - Rio Charte
Bridgemeister ID:7437 (added 2022-12-16)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Yopal and Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Charte
Coordinates:5.255028 N 72.484250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 178.3 meters (585 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image with bridge visible in the background, posted August 25, 2016.

(snowmobile bridge)

Cambridgeport, Vermont, USA - Saxtons River
Bridgemeister ID:2606 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Cambridgeport, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Saxtons River
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes the suspended span is aided by an intermediate pier not original to the bridge.

(snowmobile bridge)

Causapscal, Quebec, Canada - Causapscal River
Bridgemeister ID:2592 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Causapscal, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Causapscal River
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.8 meters (170 feet) estimated

(snowmobile bridge)

Newry vicinity, Maine, USA - Bear River
Bridgemeister ID:2478 (added 2008-12-21)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Newry vicinity, Maine, USA
Crossing:Bear River
Coordinates:44.52933 N 70.82639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet)


  • Possibly built 1996. Sign on bridge says "Windy Valleys Sno-Mobile Club 1996".
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(snowmobile bridge)

North Leeds vicinity, Maine, USA - Dead River
Bridgemeister ID:2480 (added 2008-12-21)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:North Leeds vicinity, Maine, USA
Crossing:Dead River
Coordinates:44.35437 N 70.15510 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(snowmobile bridge)

Roxbury, Maine, USA - Swift River
Bridgemeister ID:2479 (added 2008-12-21)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Roxbury, Maine, USA
Crossing:Swift River
Coordinates:44.67360 N 70.60651 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(snowmobile bridge)

Saxtons River, Vermont, USA - Saxtons River
Bridgemeister ID:2605 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:Saxtons River, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Saxtons River
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

(snowmobile bridge)

West Palmyra, Maine, USA
Bridgemeister ID:851 (added 2003-08-06)
Name:(snowmobile bridge)
Location:West Palmyra, Maine, USA
Coordinates:44.83099 N 69.40539 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

(suspension bridge)

Aga, Niigata, Japan - Agano River
Bridgemeister ID:5149 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Also Known As:鹿瀬橋
Location:Aga, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Agano River
Coordinates:37.695035 N 139.482878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130.5 meters (428.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Aarughat (आरुघाट), Nepal - Buri Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6282 (added 2021-07-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aarughat (आरुघाट), Nepal
Crossing:Buri Gandaki River
Coordinates:28.041885 N 84.811104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Abkhazia, Georgia - Bzipi (Bzyb) River
Bridgemeister ID:3148 (added 2019-11-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Abkhazia, Georgia
Crossing:Bzipi (Bzyb) River
Coordinates:43.313696 N 40.408447 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


  • 2019: Deck is in very rough shape, maintained with assortment of loose logs and wood planks.

(suspension bridge)

Abran, Ladakh, India - Stod River
Bridgemeister ID:7267 (added 2022-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Abran, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Stod River
Coordinates:33.700522 N 76.548795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated


  • One approach appears to have been washed away at some point in the 2013-2016 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Achaxiang (阿察镇), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8479 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Achaxiang (阿察镇), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.016941 N 99.555301 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Achaxiang (阿察镇), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8480 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Achaxiang (阿察镇), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.993992 N 99.551425 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Aeta, Uttarakhand, India - Khoh River
Bridgemeister ID:5886 (added 2021-05-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aeta, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Khoh River
Coordinates:29.810058 N 78.594580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Afiyatabad, Sost, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6355 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Afiyatabad, Sost, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.688751 N 74.817530 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Afrai Khet (अफ्री खेत), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:7151 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Afrai Khet (अफ्री खेत), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.206744 N 78.959672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Aga, Niigata, Japan - Agano River
Bridgemeister ID:5150 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aga, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Agano River
Coordinates:37.703962 N 139.475629 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91 meters (298.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Aga, Niigata, Japan - Tokonami River
Bridgemeister ID:5188 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aga, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Tokonami River
Coordinates:37.553510 N 139.371353 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Aga, Niigata, Japan - Tokonami River
Bridgemeister ID:5189 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aga, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Tokonami River
Coordinates:37.616101 N 139.443965 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Aga, Niigata, Japan - Agano River
Bridgemeister ID:7628 (added 2023-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aga, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Agano River
Coordinates:37.695458 N 139.417009 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)

(suspension bridge)

Agastmuni (अगस्तमुनी), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:5449 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Agastmuni (अगस्तमुनी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.394019 N 79.029602 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Agastmuni (अगस्तमुनी), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6996 (added 2022-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Agastmuni (अगस्तमुनी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.394369 N 79.029869 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since June 2013
Main Span:1 x 69.8 meters (229 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Photo posted in 2020 showing a remnant suspension bridge tower next to the current (as of 2020) suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Agematsu, Nagano, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5120 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Agematsu, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.762307 N 137.704729 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Agematsu, Nagano, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5121 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Agematsu, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.739283 N 137.715045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Agua Caliente, Bolivia - Rio Azero
Bridgemeister ID:8546 (added 2024-03-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Agua Caliente, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Azero
Coordinates:19.611528 S 64.083333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:2434 (added 2008-04-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.161395 S 72.536844 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Andrew Holbrook

(suspension bridge)

Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India - Ahmednagar Fort moat
Bridgemeister ID:5353 (added 2020-11-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Crossing:Ahmednagar Fort moat
Coordinates:19.095502 N 74.758122 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Chain
Suspended Spans:1


  • Chains and suspenders still hanging, 2010s. Located on east side of the fort.

(suspension bridge)

Ajax, West Virginia, USA - Pigeon Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2278 (added 2007-04-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ajax, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Pigeon Creek
Coordinates:37.79835 N 82.30072 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 32.3 meters (106 feet) estimated
Side Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Akiota, Hiroshima, Japan - Ota River
Bridgemeister ID:6097 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Akiota, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Ota River
Coordinates:34.576531 N 132.277527 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Akiota, Hiroshima, Japan - Ota River
Bridgemeister ID:6098 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Akiota, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Ota River
Coordinates:34.559791 N 132.332154 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Akpa, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:4818 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Akpa, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.581490 N 78.386507 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Albertina, Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Sul
Bridgemeister ID:5013 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Albertina, Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Sul
Coordinates:27.270439 S 49.654627 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:4655 (added 2020-06-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.448101 N 120.707766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to be a single-lane vehicular suspension bridge, bypassed in the late 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Alla, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Bridgemeister ID:4362 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Alla, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Coordinates:27.329870 N 89.933070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Alla, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Bridgemeister ID:4363 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Alla, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Coordinates:27.359617 N 89.912982 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Alla, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Bridgemeister ID:4364 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Alla, Wangdue Phodrang, Bhutan
Coordinates:27.403315 N 89.903955 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Allai, Batagram, Pakistan - Allai Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:5333 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Allai, Batagram, Pakistan
Crossing:Allai Khwar
Coordinates:34.843677 N 73.034102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Allai, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3469 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Allai, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.848398 N 72.983522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Allai, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3470 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Allai, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.823570 N 73.521545 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Altai Krai and Izvestkovyy, Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:5855 (added 2021-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Altai Krai and Izvestkovyy, Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.786986 N 85.743819 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 148 meters (485.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Alto Koribeni, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7828 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Alto Koribeni, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.606500 S 72.801278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3934 (added 2020-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.10813 N 10.62148 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1969.

(suspension bridge)

Amkholi, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5390 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Amkholi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.067062 N 78.490899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Amphary, Gilgit and Konodas, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6797 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Amphary, Gilgit and Konodas, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.926281 N 74.297106 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 118.3 meters (388 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2005-2010 time frame.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Amurskoye (Амурское), Altai Republic, Russia - Reka Koksa
Bridgemeister ID:6202 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Amurskoye (Амурское), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Koksa
Coordinates:50.390155 N 85.129706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)

(suspension bridge)

Anan, Nagano, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4329 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anan, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.346379 N 137.841552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Andrassi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:6216 (added 2021-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Andrassi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.586940 N 73.256723 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Andrassi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:6217 (added 2021-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Andrassi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.571620 N 73.253378 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Andrassi, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:5908 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Andrassi, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.564225 N 73.253159 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Anning District (安宁区), Lanzhou (兰州市) and Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8130 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anning District (安宁区), Lanzhou (兰州市) and Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.103194 N 103.673417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 149 meters (488.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Anning District (安宁区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8129 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anning District (安宁区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.127444 N 103.589333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 179 meters (587.3 feet) estimated


  • May carry an industrial conveyor belt.

(suspension bridge)

Anningxiang (安宁镇), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dijan River
Bridgemeister ID:8209 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anningxiang (安宁镇), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dijan River
Coordinates:31.303778 N 102.015750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Anraozhen, Gyaca County, Shannan, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6157 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anraozhen, Gyaca County, Shannan, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.128611 N 92.595361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Anraozhen, Gyaca County, Shannan, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6158 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Anraozhen, Gyaca County, Shannan, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.128470 N 92.595535 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (383.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:5216 (added 2020-10-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.209425 N 138.220463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


  • Appears to be a pipeline bridge or a very narrow footbridge.

(suspension bridge)

Apiúna, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5015 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Apiúna, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.034213 S 49.392710 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:4

(suspension bridge)

Apollo, Pennsylvania, USA - Kiskiminetas River
Bridgemeister ID:4928 (added 2020-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Apollo, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Kiskiminetas River
Status:Collapsed, February, 1884
Main Cables:Wire


  • Many American newspapers carried a brief story on February 29, 1884 or March 1, 1884 noting the failure of a wire suspension bridge at Apollo that sent two men and their horses into the river, killing one man and drowning the horses. The accounts are all similar, but with various misspellings and slight inconsistencies. From a Dakota Territory newspaper: "A wire bridge spanning the Kiskaminet river at Apollo, Pa., parted immediately over the pier in the middle of the river, and went down with a crash. William Henderson and Harry Yeneins were crossing the rivor with a load of sheet iron, and were thrown into the river. Henderson escaped with a cold bath, but Yenkins and the two horses were drowned." A Kansas newspaper: "A wire bridge spanning the Kiskamingo river, at Apollo, Pa., parted its wire cables on Tuesday, immediately over the pier in the middle of the river, and went down with a crash. Wm. Henderson and Harry Jenkins who were crossing with a loaded team, were thrown into the river. Jenkins and tho two horses were drowned."

(suspension bridge)

Arapiccos, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:3113 (added 2019-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Arapiccos, Ecuador
Coordinates:1.914863 S 77.826844 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Araypallpa, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:6194 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Araypallpa, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.814442 S 71.833578 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4223 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.084337 N 135.431851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Unclear if this bridge ever functioned as a vehicular bridge, but it is currently configured for pedestrian traffic only.

(suspension bridge)

Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4229 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aridagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.048081 N 135.346023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Arja vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5902 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Arja vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.956601 N 73.614023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Armen vicinity, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7750 (added 2023-07-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Armen vicinity, Albania
Coordinates:40.532916 N 19.568140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:6 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:1038 (added 2003-12-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Arunachal Pradesh, India
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet)

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Arurhi Paruri (अरुर्ही परुरी) and Nayachutti, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7139 (added 2022-06-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Arurhi Paruri (अरुर्ही परुरी) and Nayachutti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.648592 N 79.529411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Span:1 x 60.4 meters (198 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Arvola, Haapajärvi, Finland - Lassikoski River
Bridgemeister ID:7522 (added 2023-01-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Arvola, Haapajärvi, Finland
Crossing:Lassikoski River
Coordinates:63.812015 N 25.182706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Asahi, Yamagata, Japan - Mogami River
Bridgemeister ID:5075 (added 2020-08-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Asahi, Yamagata, Japan
Crossing:Mogami River
Coordinates:38.246162 N 140.095277 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ashiomachi Mukaihara (足尾町向原), Nikko, Tochigi, Japan - Watarase River
Bridgemeister ID:7913 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ashiomachi Mukaihara (足尾町向原), Nikko, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Watarase River
Coordinates:36.636972 N 139.444630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Asker, Viken, Norway - Bondivannet
Bridgemeister ID:4078 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Asker, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.820948 N 10.433874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2011-2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated


  • Built in late 1950s, closed in late 2000s, removed in 2011 or 2012.

(suspension bridge)

Asmar vicinity, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5766 (added 2021-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Asmar vicinity, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.004797 N 71.319887 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Atali, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5389 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Atali, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.085853 N 78.434357 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Atenville, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:2527 (added 2010-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Atenville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:38.04645 N 82.14121 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Athmuqam, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3529 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Athmuqam, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.588685 N 73.916023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Atna, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Atna
Bridgemeister ID:3946 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Atna, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.75566 N 10.724970 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated
Deck width:~1.6 meters

(suspension bridge)

Atnmoen, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Atna
Bridgemeister ID:3945 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Atnmoen, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.74578 N 10.74650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.2 meters

(suspension bridge)

Autsho, Bhutan - Kuri Chhu River
Bridgemeister ID:4375 (added 2020-04-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Autsho, Bhutan
Crossing:Kuri Chhu River
Coordinates:27.437221 N 91.173022 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Avanos, Türkiye - Kizilirmak River
Bridgemeister ID:3175 (added 2019-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Avanos, Türkiye
Crossing:Kizilirmak River
Coordinates:38.717681 N 34.848034 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Axia (阿夏), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8468 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Axia (阿夏), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.5969839 N 96.5913372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


  • Likely remnants of an older, smaller suspension bridge are still standing next to this bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Aya, Miyazaki, Japan - Aya Minami River
Bridgemeister ID:2360 (added 2007-09-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aya, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Aya Minami River
Coordinates:32.028709 N 131.192445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire


(suspension bridge)

Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5970 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.114497 S 74.153846 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)


  • 2013: The bridge is observed with both towers tilting significantly. Presumably the bridge had been battered or undermined by floodwaters.

(suspension bridge)

Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5971 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.115039 S 74.175784 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5972 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.103087 S 74.202667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)

(suspension bridge)

Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5973 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.076255 S 74.241046 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire


(suspension bridge)

Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5974 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.076164 S 74.240586 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)


  • Derelict remnants of a wrecked or incomplete suspensiopn bridge are present at this location. In 2013 one tower is observed as tilted at a 45-degree angle.
  • Next to (suspension bridge) - Ayacucho, Peru.

(suspension bridge)

Ayanca, Yanaquihua, Condesuyos, Peru - Rio Ocoña
Bridgemeister ID:7360 (added 2022-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ayanca, Yanaquihua, Condesuyos, Peru
Crossing:Rio Ocoña
Coordinates:15.781874 S 73.084458 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.2 meters (214 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted June 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Aysén, Chile - Rio Palena
Bridgemeister ID:3514 (added 2019-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Aysén, Chile
Crossing:Rio Palena
Coordinates:43.810956 S 72.354821 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ål, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4051 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ål, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.61929 N 8.53553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • Closed for rehabilitation, 2011.

(suspension bridge)

Ålvundeid vicinity, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Svartelva
Bridgemeister ID:4505 (added 2020-05-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ålvundeid vicinity, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.746384 N 8.645412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26.75 meters (87.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Åslibygda, Nordre Land, Innlandet, Norway - Etna
Bridgemeister ID:4000 (added 2020-03-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Åslibygda, Nordre Land, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.83157 N 9.92199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Åslibygda, Nordre Land, Innlandet, Norway - Etna
Bridgemeister ID:4001 (added 2020-03-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Åslibygda, Nordre Land, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.83760 N 9.86782 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3.2 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1969 and in a derelict state by 2002 with the entire deck gone.

(suspension bridge)

Çarshovë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8726 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Çarshovë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.112194 N 20.539833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Øverlibygdi, Etnedal, Innlandet, Norway - Etna
Bridgemeister ID:4002 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Øverlibygdi, Etnedal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.95618 N 9.62442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bad Oeynhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:2299 (added 2007-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bad Oeynhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


  • Completed c.1902.

(suspension bridge)

Badagaun, Gulmi, Nepal - Chhaldi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5918 (added 2021-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badagaun, Gulmi, Nepal
Crossing:Chhaldi Khola
Coordinates:28.120004 N 83.320857 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Badëlonjë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8734 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badëlonjë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.207444 N 20.387444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Badeth (बड़ेथ), Uttarakhand, India - Basti Damaar Gaad
Bridgemeister ID:7040 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badeth (बड़ेथ), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Basti Damaar Gaad
Coordinates:30.469250 N 79.041739 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Badharamal (बधरामल), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6594 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badharamal (बधरामल), Nepal
Coordinates:26.932820 N 86.158196 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 351 meters (1,151.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Badimalika (बडीमालिका), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6491 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badimalika (बडीमालिका), Nepal
Coordinates:29.437623 N 81.453809 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Badixiang (巴底镇), Danba County, Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8213 (added 2024-02-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badixiang (巴底镇), Danba County, Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.107833 N 101.877583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8241 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.140111 N 101.894278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8242 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.140000 N 101.894167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8243 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.071361 N 101.872056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8244 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badixiang (巴底乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.056028 N 101.873361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Badrinath (बद्रीनाथ) and Bamni (बमनी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5440 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badrinath (बद्रीनाथ) and Bamni (बमनी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.740956 N 79.492716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


(suspension bridge)

Badrinath (बद्रीनाथ) and Bamni (बमनी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7144 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Badrinath (बद्रीनाथ) and Bamni (बमनी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.739414 N 79.492614 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.6 meters (179 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bagatela, Vinces, Los Rios and Guayas, Ecuador - Rio Vinces
Bridgemeister ID:7244 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagatela, Vinces, Los Rios and Guayas, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Vinces
Coordinates:1.677254 S 79.826977 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between 2018 and 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Bageshwar (बागेश्वर), Uttarakhand, India - Saryu River
Bridgemeister ID:6634 (added 2021-09-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bageshwar (बागेश्वर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Saryu River
Coordinates:29.849964 N 79.784155 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bageshwar, Uttarakhand, India - Sarayu River
Bridgemeister ID:4356 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bageshwar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Sarayu River
Coordinates:29.838676 N 79.773340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5881 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.959327 N 73.802643 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bagi and Kandi, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5392 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagi and Kandi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.061588 N 78.566736 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway - Begna
Bridgemeister ID:4010 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.72777 N 9.70930 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.5 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1972 and removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Bagnoter, Pakistan - Dor River
Bridgemeister ID:3842 (added 2020-03-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagnoter, Pakistan
Crossing:Dor River
Coordinates:34.137111 N 73.322350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bagwan Laga Chaupda (बागवान लागा चौपाड़ा) and Haidi (हिदी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5455 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagwan Laga Chaupda (बागवान लागा चौपाड़ा) and Haidi (हिदी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.246983 N 78.898908 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Bagwan Laga Chaupda (बागवान लागा चौपाड़ा) and Haidi (हिदी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7092 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bagwan Laga Chaupda (बागवान लागा चौपाड़ा) and Haidi (हिदी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.246175 N 78.899375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2012-2014
Main Span:1 x 102.4 meters (336 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bahalkote (बहल्कोते) and Nargwari (नार्ग्वारी), Uttarakhand, India - Ram Gar
Bridgemeister ID:6457 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bahalkote (बहल्कोते) and Nargwari (नार्ग्वारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ram Gar
Coordinates:29.666953 N 80.145899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bahar Abad, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3506 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bahar Abad, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.247782 N 74.623931 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Baishugong (白树贡), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8499 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baishugong (白树贡), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.920159 N 99.430305 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2014 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Baiso, Pakistan - Kondia River
Bridgemeister ID:5323 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baiso, Pakistan
Crossing:Kondia River
Coordinates:35.483750 N 72.932333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Baiwanxiang (白湾乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8490 (added 2024-03-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baiwanxiang (白湾乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:31.849139 N 101.946500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bajh Kanda (बाझकाँडा), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6534 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bajh Kanda (बाझकाँडा), Nepal
Coordinates:28.426357 N 82.233841 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bajo Manugali, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7820 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bajo Manugali, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.504222 S 73.007083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2012 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Bakaru, Ulusaddang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6642 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bakaru, Ulusaddang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.480806 S 119.654775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, Feb. 5, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Annotated Citations:

  • "Bakaru Berduka, Pemerintah Harus Sigap Dalam Menangani Bencana."/"Bakaru Grieving, Government Must Be Alert in Handling Disasters." Binocular News South Sulawesi, Java, 7 Feb. 2021,

    Translated: "PINRANG, TEROPONGSULSELJAYA.Com - The landslide that surrounded Bakaru village and its surroundings resulted in the disconnection of several connecting road accesses in several villages, Bakaru, Lembang sub-district, Pinrang district. [Feb. 7, 2021]. One of the suspension bridges that serve as the only road access connecting Kariango Village and Bakaru Village collapsed on Friday [Feb. 5]."

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bale Gond, Pakistan - Hushe River
Bridgemeister ID:4020 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bale Gond, Pakistan
Crossing:Hushe River
Coordinates:35.284010 N 76.395105 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Baleshwar, Uttarakhand, India - Bal Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:5394 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baleshwar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bal Ganga
Coordinates:30.460371 N 78.634208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Balielo, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5741 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Balielo, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.222698 S 120.133719 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Balim and Laspur, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5510 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Balim and Laspur, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.059548 N 72.452136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Balla Satanetean, Balla, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6840 (added 2022-01-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Balla Satanetean, Balla, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.988680 S 119.333853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Balmara, Garali (गरली), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:8190 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Balmara, Garali (गरली), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.796972 N 80.355778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 93.9 meters (308 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Balti, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Balti Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6695 (added 2021-10-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Balti, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Balti Gol
Coordinates:36.110825 N 73.324717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bana vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Bichom River
Bridgemeister ID:4629 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bana vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Bichom River
Coordinates:27.275918 N 92.886949 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Banahar and Tundal, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5372 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banahar and Tundal, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.335963 N 77.344475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bypassed by an immediately adjacent substantial pony truss bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Banaruawal (बनारुँवल) and Kun (कुन), Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:8458 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banaruawal (बनारुँवल) and Kun (कुन), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.829215 N 76.840056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the derelict bridge during a flood. Dated July 2023.
  • Google Maps. Image of the derelict bridge. Dated May 2022.
  • Google Maps. Image of the derelict bridge. Dated May 2019.
  • Google Maps. Image of the derelict bridge. Dated October 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Banaul and Jagar, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5249 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banaul and Jagar, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.695033 N 77.043548 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bandar Kumbul, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Bila
Bridgemeister ID:8650 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bandar Kumbul, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Bila
Coordinates:2.044167 N 99.755639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2017-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Bandi Syedan, Pakistan - Dhund Haro River
Bridgemeister ID:5599 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bandi Syedan, Pakistan
Crossing:Dhund Haro River
Coordinates:33.889557 N 73.186665 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bandırma, Türkiye
Bridgemeister ID:6889 (added 2022-01-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bandırma, Türkiye
Coordinates:40.356464 N 27.968511 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Bang Khlan, Pho Thale District, Phichit, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5072 (added 2020-08-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bang Khlan, Pho Thale District, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:15.987725 N 100.263349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bangkinang, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:3648 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bangkinang, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.349135 N 101.137716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bani, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Sewa River
Bridgemeister ID:5245 (added 2020-11-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bani, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Sewa River
Coordinates:32.707956 N 75.812908 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Banjar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Ghorband Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:7191 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banjar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Ghorband Khwar
Coordinates:34.866837 N 72.746372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point between 2018 and early 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3580 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.413097 S 109.585622 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Serayu
Bridgemeister ID:3582 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Serayu
Coordinates:7.391200 S 109.760594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Serayu
Bridgemeister ID:3583 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Serayu
Coordinates:7.413775 S 109.809804 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Baoyancun (宝岩村), Caodengxiang (草登乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8473 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baoyancun (宝岩村), Caodengxiang (草登乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.183028 N 101.778944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bar Kunar, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:3858 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bar Kunar, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.149239 N 71.397382 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Bar Sholtan vicinity, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5767 (added 2021-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bar Sholtan vicinity, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:34.983835 N 71.303381 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bar Valley, Chalt vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Bar Budalas River
Bridgemeister ID:6636 (added 2021-09-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bar Valley, Chalt vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Bar Budalas River
Coordinates:36.349561 N 74.288011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.3 meters (70 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bara Kamba (बारा काम्बा), Chhota Kamba (छोटा काम्बा) vicinity, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:7559 (added 2023-03-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bara Kamba (बारा काम्बा), Chhota Kamba (छोटा काम्बा) vicinity, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.565203 N 77.878702 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88.1 meters (289 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Barali, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4992 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barali, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.472485 N 73.869867 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Baram (बरमा) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:8189 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baram (बरमा) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.863653 N 80.339761 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3505 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.207772 N 74.350330 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5782 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.071413 N 71.716419 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5783 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.071535 N 71.716490 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5787 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.124217 N 71.819768 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5788 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.122377 N 71.825675 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5789 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.123684 N 71.832470 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5790 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.123671 N 71.832611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 48.5 meters (159.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5791 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.123728 N 71.832662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6270 (added 2021-07-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.089021 N 71.767094 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Baraul Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:6290 (added 2021-07-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Baraul Khwar
Coordinates:35.102338 N 71.777461 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5785 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.095459 N 71.770682 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5786 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barawal Bandi, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.114536 N 71.794249 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Barbosa, Antioquia, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:6816 (added 2021-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barbosa, Antioquia, Colombia
Coordinates:6.465925 N 75.334513 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bargo Bala, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6792 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bargo Bala, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.048836 N 74.152243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in 2019 or 2020.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bargo Bala, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6794 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bargo Bala, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.043917 N 74.160989 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2016 or 2017.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Barigaon and Chamlekh, Uttarakhand, India - Gori Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:5367 (added 2020-11-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barigaon and Chamlekh, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Gori Ganga
Coordinates:29.769660 N 80.358474 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Barkot (बरकोट), Uttarakhand, India - Bhilangna River
Bridgemeister ID:8089 (added 2023-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barkot (बरकोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhilangna River
Coordinates:30.372217 N 78.539458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, 2006
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated


  • Location inundated behind Tehri Dam in 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Barmau, Uttarakhand, India and Lali, Nepal - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:5366 (added 2020-11-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barmau, Uttarakhand, India and Lali, Nepal
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.659167 N 80.398478 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Barruera, Vall de Boí, Lleida, Spain - Noguera de Tor
Bridgemeister ID:8554 (added 2024-04-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barruera, Vall de Boí, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:Noguera de Tor
Coordinates:42.503528 N 0.803889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Barsauli vicinity, Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6576 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Barsauli vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.479554 N 83.363309 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Baryun and Dhaniyar (धनियर), Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:7297 (added 2022-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baryun and Dhaniyar (धनियर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:30.002565 N 78.633253 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 55.5 meters (182 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Baseen, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Kar Gah
Bridgemeister ID:6795 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baseen, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Kar Gah
Coordinates:35.917203 N 74.256972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.2 meters (158 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Baseen, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6796 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baseen, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.930139 N 74.258694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Baseri Basnal, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5404 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baseri Basnal, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.741699 N 79.246775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Batakundi vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5302 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Batakundi vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.932933 N 73.829719 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Batlian, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3496 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Batlian, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.211996 N 73.632273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Batunayak Rain (बतुनायक रेन), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6948 (added 2022-01-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Batunayak Rain (बतुनायक रेन), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.035381 N 79.635792 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 2013
Main Span:1 x 70.7 meters (232 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been destroyed by the catastrophic Uttarakhand flooding in June 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Baturidjal, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Indragiri River
Bridgemeister ID:3652 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Baturidjal, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Indragiri River
Coordinates:0.534991 S 101.975634 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Bauska vicinity, Latvia - Musa River
Bridgemeister ID:1076 (added 2003-12-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bauska vicinity, Latvia
Crossing:Musa River
Coordinates:56.383478 N 24.250173 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bawangxiang (巴旺乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8245 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bawangxiang (巴旺乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.004556 N 101.869250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bazette Crossing and Trinidad, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:598 (added 2003-01-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bazette Crossing and Trinidad, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Main Cables:Wire


  • Repaired by Austin Bridge Company, 1922.

(suspension bridge)

Bárðardalsvegur, Eystri, Iceland
Bridgemeister ID:4713 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bárðardalsvegur, Eystri, Iceland
Coordinates:65.494735 N 17.448819 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bø vicinity, Telemark, Norway - Bøelva
Bridgemeister ID:1530 (added 2004-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bø vicinity, Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.40895 N 8.9607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to be a very narrow vehicular bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Bøelva
Bridgemeister ID:4206 (added 2020-04-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.413630 N 8.916710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.5 meters (172.2 feet) estimated


  • Deck in a very derelict state by 1969 and completely gone by 1990. Rebuilt as a footbridge by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA - South Fork Hughes River
Bridgemeister ID:2460 (added 2008-09-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beatrice vicinity, Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Hughes River
Coordinates:39.08096 N 81.13366 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Bebo, Guayas and Los Rios, Ecuador - Rio Vinces
Bridgemeister ID:7732 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bebo, Guayas and Los Rios, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Vinces
Coordinates:1.719672 S 79.793573 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Beechu, Sikkim, India - Lachung River
Bridgemeister ID:7652 (added 2023-06-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beechu, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Lachung River
Coordinates:27.651968 N 88.726809 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Beena Gaon, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6938 (added 2022-01-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beena Gaon, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.108257 N 79.432227 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.9 meters (272 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Beer, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:3162 (added 2019-11-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beer, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.165800 N 72.951418 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Behlt Gaon and Bhagoti, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5398 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Behlt Gaon and Bhagoti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.848823 N 79.297485 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Beibengxiang, Mêdog County, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:6150 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beibengxiang, Mêdog County, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Coordinates:29.246405 N 95.164823 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Belalcazar, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Páez
Bridgemeister ID:8677 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Belalcazar, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Páez
Coordinates:2.643222 N 75.974056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bellamaria, El Oro, Ecuador - Rio Las Cañas
Bridgemeister ID:7251 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bellamaria, El Oro, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Las Cañas
Coordinates:3.503918 S 79.883073 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Post with photos announcing completion of renovation of the bridge. Posted February 20, 2022.

(suspension bridge)

Bellamaria, El Oro, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:7252 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bellamaria, El Oro, Ecuador
Coordinates:3.501991 S 79.894366 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Belleville, Ontario, Canada - Moira River
Bridgemeister ID:275 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Crossing:Moira River
Coordinates:44.165340 N 77.386448 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was located near (or exactly) the present-day footbridge at the foot of Catharine Street.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Benzilanzhen (奔子栏镇), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8495 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Benzilanzhen (奔子栏镇), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:28.240215 N 99.306140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 190 meters (623.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Betrawati Bazaar, Nepal - Betrawati River
Bridgemeister ID:6354 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Betrawati Bazaar, Nepal
Crossing:Betrawati River
Coordinates:27.974163 N 85.185470 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 2017 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have been mostly demolished in 2017.

(suspension bridge)

Beydakho and Obigarm, Tajikistan - Vakhsh River
Bridgemeister ID:8419 (added 2024-03-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beydakho and Obigarm, Tajikistan
Crossing:Vakhsh River
Coordinates:38.726806 N 69.808639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 166 meters (544.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Beydakho, Tajikistan - Vakhsh River
Bridgemeister ID:8723 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Beydakho, Tajikistan
Crossing:Vakhsh River
Coordinates:38.806250 N 69.883917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2019 time frame and immediately adjacent to what is likely an older suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Bhadratar (भद्रटार), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6382 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhadratar (भद्रटार), Nepal
Coordinates:27.863976 N 85.293222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)


  • Appears to have been completed in late 2016 or 2017.

(suspension bridge)

Bhadua, Himachal Pradesh, India - Ravi River
Bridgemeister ID:5252 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhadua, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
Coordinates:32.478188 N 76.305673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bhainga (भैंगा), Uttarakhand, India - Jalkur River
Bridgemeister ID:8042 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhainga (भैंगा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Jalkur River
Coordinates:30.479911 N 78.429911 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be inundated behind Tehri Dam most of the year, but satellite images show this Bhagirathi River tributary usually dry in April and May revealing the derelict bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Bhairgarh, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5393 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhairgarh, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.113103 N 78.434843 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bhajani Trishakti (भजनी त्रिशक्ति), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6592 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhajani Trishakti (भजनी त्रिशक्ति), Nepal
Coordinates:28.522794 N 80.932795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)


  • Completed at some point in the 2019-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Bhald Gaon (भालड गांव), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8040 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhald Gaon (भालड गांव), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.493111 N 78.403861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, 2006
Main Span:1 x 65.8 meters (216 feet) estimated


  • Location inundated behind Tehri Dam in 2006

(suspension bridge)

Bhalubang, Lalmatiya, Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:5365 (added 2020-11-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhalubang, Lalmatiya, Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:27.845234 N 82.782946 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bhanauli (भनौली), Uttarakhand, India - Koirala Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7580 (added 2023-04-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhanauli (भनौली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Koirala Gad
Coordinates:29.227382 N 80.045854 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bhangul (भंगुल) and Tapovan (तपोवन), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7045 (added 2022-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhangul (भंगुल) and Tapovan (तपोवन), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.494122 N 79.627824 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2006-2011
Main Span:1 x 88.4 meters (290 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bhangul (भंगुल) and Tapovan (तपोवन), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7046 (added 2022-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhangul (भंगुल) and Tapovan (तपोवन), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.494094 N 79.628356 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2006-2011
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bhangul (भंगुल) and Tapovan (तपोवन), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7047 (added 2022-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhangul (भंगुल) and Tapovan (तपोवन), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.493047 N 79.63 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since February 7, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bharkot (भरकोट), Uttarakhand, India - Jalkur River
Bridgemeister ID:8046 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bharkot (भरकोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Jalkur River
Coordinates:30.625392 N 78.548022 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 39.9 meters (131 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2006-2009 time frame. Likely replaced another suspension bridge.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Bharsoli, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5395 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bharsoli, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.887347 N 79.225252 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bhatgarhi, Uttarakhand, India - Pabbar River
Bridgemeister ID:7301 (added 2022-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhatgarhi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pabbar River
Coordinates:30.955132 N 77.853195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bhatoli, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5407 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhatoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.653097 N 79.228591 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bheladi, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5470 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bheladi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.837215 N 78.868891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bheriganga (भेरीगंगा) and Dashrathpur, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6477 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bheriganga (भेरीगंगा) and Dashrathpur, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.487746 N 81.748754 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bheriganga (भेरीगंगा) and Lekhpharsa (लेखफर्सा), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6475 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bheriganga (भेरीगंगा) and Lekhpharsa (लेखफर्सा), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.449663 N 81.809797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bheriganga (भेरीगंगा) and Satakhani (सातखानी), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6476 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bheriganga (भेरीगंगा) and Satakhani (सातखानी), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.496221 N 81.735389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bhikiyasan, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5406 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhikiyasan, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.699993 N 79.262024 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire


  • One of the towers has a small plaque with the year "1987." Likely this represents a reconstruction of the towers as they appear to be relatively recent construction whereas the suspension system is clearly much older.

(suspension bridge)

Bhikiyasan, Uttarakhand, India - Gagas River
Bridgemeister ID:5444 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhikiyasan, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Gagas River
Coordinates:29.692397 N 79.264697 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bhogarmong, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:5906 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhogarmong, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.538624 N 73.252780 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bhorletar (भोर्लेटार), Nepal - Madi Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:6375 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhorletar (भोर्लेटार), Nepal
Crossing:Madi Nadi
Coordinates:28.131127 N 84.218754 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 267 meters (876 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bhuntar, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5263 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhuntar, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.882718 N 77.151454 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Bhyudar (भ्युदार) and Hemkund (हेमकुंट साहिब), Uttarakhand, India - Bhunder Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:7128 (added 2022-06-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bhyudar (भ्युदार) and Hemkund (हेमकुंट साहिब), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhunder Ganga
Coordinates:30.677933 N 79.592686 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet)


  • Likely completed in 2020 or 2021.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the completed bridge, August 2021.
  • Google Maps. July 2019. Patrick S. O'Donnell writes: "Images showing structural members of the bridge strewn about at the bridge's east end site. Some pieces are stacked nicely, others are bent and twisted. Those didn't leave the shop that way! Both tower top main cable saddles with channels for the individual cables are visible front and center in one image, and in a couple more."
  • Google Maps. More July 2019 images of the construction site.

(suspension bridge)

Biangsa vicinity, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5519 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Biangsa vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.689763 N 75.563703 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Biangsa vicinity, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5520 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Biangsa vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.693224 N 75.603656 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Biangsa vicinity, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5521 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Biangsa vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.710547 N 75.608120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Biar, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6137 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Biar, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.372349 N 72.149220 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Biar, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6138 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Biar, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.355573 N 72.120642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • This location appears to have remnants from multiple suspension bridges, but it is unclear how many suspension bridges have been at this location. Current (early 2020s) satellite imagery appears to show one standing suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Bidur, Nepal - Trishuli River
Bridgemeister ID:4898 (added 2020-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bidur, Nepal
Crossing:Trishuli River
Coordinates:27.892287 N 85.136345 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Bijar (बिजार), Uttarakhand, India - Chufula Gaad
Bridgemeister ID:6990 (added 2022-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bijar (बिजार), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Chufula Gaad
Coordinates:30.269789 N 79.433114 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (233 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2014 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Bijar (बिजार), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6991 (added 2022-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bijar (बिजार), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.268067 N 79.439292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 68.3 meters (224 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bikou, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China - Bailong River
Bridgemeister ID:5231 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bikou, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Crossing:Bailong River
Coordinates:32.751944 N 105.244250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, July 12, 2018
Main Cables:Wire


(suspension bridge)

Bikou, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Bridgemeister ID:5236 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bikou, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Coordinates:32.760202 N 105.177534 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bilkanai, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5834 (added 2021-04-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bilkanai, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.035003 N 72.744978 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Binanga, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8646 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Binanga, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.448778 N 99.845667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1


  • Built at some point in 2017 or 2018.

(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8361 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.976139 N 98.656250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8366 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:28.065583 N 98.590056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8367 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:28.065278 N 98.590167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8368 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:28.017139 N 98.631000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8369 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:28.017278 N 98.631417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8370 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:28.006444 N 98.643611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8371 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bingzhongluoxiang (丙中洛乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.984417 N 98.649556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 151 meters (495.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Binwal Gaon and Nautha, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:5436 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Binwal Gaon and Nautha, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.123004 N 79.397491 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Birendranagar (बिरेन्द्रनगर) vicinity, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6483 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Birendranagar (बिरेन्द्रनगर) vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.578689 N 81.525170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Birendranagar, Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:3152 (added 2019-11-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Birendranagar, Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.517759 N 81.663116 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Birluwa, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5890 (added 2021-05-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Birluwa, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.794600 N 79.605460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bisian, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3478 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bisian, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.465328 N 73.348554 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Bizhaixiang (碧寨乡), Longling County (龙陵县), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8364 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bizhaixiang (碧寨乡), Longling County (龙陵县), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:24.555389 N 99.039528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 213 meters (698.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2014 or 2015.

(suspension bridge)

Bjørnli, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3830 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bjørnli, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.141350 N 9.639660 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, it was built before 1937.

(suspension bridge)

Black Bottom, Kentucky, USA - Clover Fork Cumberland River
Bridgemeister ID:4936 (added 2020-08-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Black Bottom, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Clover Fork Cumberland River
Coordinates:36.910344 N 83.083958 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Bochang and Kalhog, Himachal Pradesh, India - Uhl River
Bridgemeister ID:5244 (added 2020-11-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bochang and Kalhog, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Uhl River
Coordinates:32.004933 N 76.860943 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Boden, Sweden - Lule River
Bridgemeister ID:3314 (added 2019-11-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boden, Sweden
Crossing:Lule River
Coordinates:65.800772 N 21.667581 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Bogdang, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3690 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bogdang, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.803481 N 77.031623 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7587 (added 2023-05-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • See linked image. Exact location unknown, but the postcard is attributed to "Buitenzorg", the Dutch name for Bogor.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Boi Bazaar, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5754 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boi Bazaar, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.309401 N 73.446120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Boleng, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:6251 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boleng, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:28.334322 N 94.958734 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bolzano, Italy - Adige River
Bridgemeister ID:4237 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bolzano, Italy
Crossing:Adige River
Coordinates:46.466899 N 11.303437 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bome, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yiong Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6164 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bome, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yiong Tsangpo
Coordinates:30.162889 N 94.972429 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Bonto Lerung, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Jeneberang River
Bridgemeister ID:5761 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bonto Lerung, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Jeneberang River
Coordinates:5.280364 S 119.857140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Booni, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4243 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Booni, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.260783 N 72.227711 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Booni, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4244 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Booni, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.278599 N 72.251497 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Booni, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6086 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Booni, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.304768 N 72.311314 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Boquintallin, Troyo vicinity, Lonquimay, Chile - Rio Biobío
Bridgemeister ID:4092 (added 2020-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boquintallin, Troyo vicinity, Lonquimay, Chile
Crossing:Rio Biobío
Coordinates:38.308321 S 71.333573 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Boragarh (बोरागढ़), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6949 (added 2022-01-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boragarh (बोरागढ़), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.029301 N 79.652138 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June, 2013
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 87.8 meters (288 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7984 (added 2023-12-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.824139 N 43.349111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8032 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Botung, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.646833 N 99.822222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Boyel (बोयेल), Uttarakhand, India - Ram Gar
Bridgemeister ID:6453 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boyel (बोयेल), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ram Gar
Coordinates:29.628471 N 80.123063 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • A derelict suspension bridge is still hanging here as of the early 2020s. An adjacent active crossing at this location may also be a suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Boyong, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3590 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Boyong, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.615896 S 110.415675 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Braljina (Браљина), Serbia - Juzna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6817 (added 2021-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Braljina (Браљина), Serbia
Crossing:Juzna Morava
Coordinates:43.657037 N 21.480808 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Brataj, Selenicë, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7745 (added 2023-07-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Brataj, Selenicë, Albania
Coordinates:40.280417 N 19.674667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 91 meters (298.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Breen, Østerdalen, Innlandet, Norway - Vangrøfta
Bridgemeister ID:3909 (added 2020-03-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Breen, Østerdalen, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.55584 N 11.04892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1937 and removed after 1969.

(suspension bridge)

Briceño, Antioquia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:7639 (added 2023-05-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Briceño, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.139212 N 75.645156 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bridgeville, California, USA - Van Duzen River
Bridgemeister ID:2144 (added 2006-11-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bridgeville, California, USA
Crossing:Van Duzen River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 87.8 meters (288 feet)


(suspension bridge)

Brok vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6314 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Brok vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.947460 N 76.217170 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Budalas, Chalt vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Bar Budalas River
Bridgemeister ID:6638 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Budalas, Chalt vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Bar Budalas River
Coordinates:36.277539 N 74.332145 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.9 meters (98 feet) estimated


  • Built in 2000s. Bypassed with a concrete girder bridge at some at point 2014-2017. Deck and cables gone by some point in 2018-2021. One tower destroyed by flood, July 2021.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Buddhabatika (बुद्धवाटीका) vicinity, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6800 (added 2021-10-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Buddhabatika (बुद्धवाटीका) vicinity, Nepal
Coordinates:27.687026 N 82.981324 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Buddhabatika (बुद्धवाटीका) vicinity, Nepal - Gudung Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6801 (added 2021-10-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Buddhabatika (बुद्धवाटीका) vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Gudung Khola
Coordinates:27.634985 N 82.998306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have been completed in 2019 or 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Buddhabatika (बुद्धवाटीका), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6588 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Buddhabatika (बुद्धवाटीका), Nepal
Coordinates:27.714958 N 83.002508 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bukit Jaya, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Salo Tuli
Bridgemeister ID:5760 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bukit Jaya, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Salo Tuli
Coordinates:1.451708 S 122.244193 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2017)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3658 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.332870 S 100.366342 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Bumbagh, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:5911 (added 2021-05-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bumbagh, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.243226 N 72.172187 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Bumbagh, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:5912 (added 2021-05-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bumbagh, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.266790 N 72.187442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Buras (बरस), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7068 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Buras (बरस), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.700878 N 79.882456 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Buri, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Sadang
Bridgemeister ID:6564 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Buri, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Sadang
Coordinates:3.070719 S 119.784418 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (133 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Burnsville, West Virginia, USA - Little Kanawha River
Bridgemeister ID:2281 (added 2007-04-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burnsville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Kanawha River
Coordinates:38.84409 N 80.63163 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Burnsville, West Virginia, USA - Little Kanawha River
Bridgemeister ID:2282 (added 2007-04-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burnsville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Little Kanawha River
Coordinates:38.84956 N 80.63578 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.9 meters (85 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Burqin County (布尔津县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China - Irtysh River
Bridgemeister ID:8697 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burqin County (布尔津县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China
Crossing:Irtysh River
Coordinates:47.836500 N 86.661611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 161 meters (528.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Burqin County (布尔津县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China - Irtysh River
Bridgemeister ID:8698 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burqin County (布尔津县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China
Crossing:Irtysh River
Coordinates:47.862528 N 86.546306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Burqin County (布尔津县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China - Irtysh River
Bridgemeister ID:8699 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burqin County (布尔津县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China
Crossing:Irtysh River
Coordinates:47.868278 N 86.545389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 148 meters (485.6 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Burqin County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:7220 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burqin County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang, China
Coordinates:48.536933 N 87.127921 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Burul (बुरुल), Sikkim, India - Burul Samadung Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8632 (added 2024-06-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Burul (बुरुल), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Burul Samadung Khola
Coordinates:27.195967 N 88.456098 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 50.6 meters (166 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted April 14, 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Buttu Batu, Enrekang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6617 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Buttu Batu, Enrekang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.492481 S 119.752897 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 135.3 meters (444 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cabramayo, Peru - Rio Chamaya
Bridgemeister ID:8688 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cabramayo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chamaya
Coordinates:6.025306 S 78.944056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Caiye (菜叶村), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8466 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caiye (菜叶村), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.553920 N 96.621766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Caiye (菜叶村), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8467 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caiye (菜叶村), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.553944 N 96.621278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 147 meters (482.3 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Calabacito and Boca de Corita, Panama - Rio Corita
Bridgemeister ID:7951 (added 2023-11-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Calabacito and Boca de Corita, Panama
Crossing:Rio Corita
Coordinates:8.261615 N 81.103289 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Calca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3448 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Calca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.322518 S 71.990520 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Calca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3449 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Calca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.328191 S 71.979044 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Calca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:8177 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Calca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.326750 S 71.955972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Caldera vicinity, Chiriqui, Panama - Rio Chiriqui Nuevo
Bridgemeister ID:3221 (added 2019-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caldera vicinity, Chiriqui, Panama
Crossing:Rio Chiriqui Nuevo
Coordinates:8.659299 N 82.348728 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Calobre, Panama - Rio San Juan
Bridgemeister ID:8838 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Calobre, Panama
Crossing:Rio San Juan
Coordinates:8.322917 N 80.850722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, USA - French Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1007 (added 2003-11-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:French Creek
Status:Replaced, 1906


  • Completed, 1870s.

(suspension bridge)

Camp One, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8120 (added 2024-01-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Camp One, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.239306 N 120.521611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates are for the current (2020s) Bued River crossing at Camp One, the likely location of this suspension bridge.
Photo, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Canto Ñujchu, Yotala, Bolivia - Rio Cachimayu
Bridgemeister ID:8433 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Canto Ñujchu, Yotala, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Cachimayu
Coordinates:19.207222 S 65.281694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Photo taken on the bridge. Dated March 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Canto Ñujchu, Yotala, Bolivia - Rio Cachimayu
Bridgemeister ID:8434 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Canto Ñujchu, Yotala, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Cachimayu
Coordinates:19.204611 S 65.284444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Video taken standing on the bridge. Dated April 2021.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated December 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Caodengxiang (草登乡) vicinity, Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8476 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caodengxiang (草登乡) vicinity, Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.198944 N 101.960222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Caodengxiang (草登乡) vicinity, Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8477 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caodengxiang (草登乡) vicinity, Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.187250 N 101.987278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Caodengxiang (草登乡) vicinity, Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8478 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caodengxiang (草登乡) vicinity, Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.165917 N 102.008167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Caodengxiang (草登乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8475 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caodengxiang (草登乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.196028 N 101.835944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Capitanejo, Santander and Covarachía, Boyaca, Colombia - Rio Chimomocha
Bridgemeister ID:7240 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Capitanejo, Santander and Covarachía, Boyaca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Chimomocha
Coordinates:6.554170 N 72.720850 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 119 meters (390.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Caraybamba, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru - Rio Cotaruse
Bridgemeister ID:8759 (added 2024-07-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Caraybamba, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cotaruse
Coordinates:14.373222 S 73.171917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Casa Pangue, Puerto Varas, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:8151 (added 2024-02-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Casa Pangue, Puerto Varas, Chile
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Casas Nuevas, Temuco, Chile - Cautin River
Bridgemeister ID:3509 (added 2019-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Casas Nuevas, Temuco, Chile
Crossing:Cautin River
Coordinates:38.770435 S 72.878837 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Case Aserradero vicinity, Limoncillo, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8695 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Case Aserradero vicinity, Limoncillo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:5.884500 S 78.177194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2014-2016 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Case Aserradero, Limoncillo, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8694 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Case Aserradero, Limoncillo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:5.885639 S 78.161306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Case Mollebamba, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3428 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Case Mollebamba, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.726978 S 71.602045 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Castillon-de-Castets, Gironde, France - Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Bridgemeister ID:8384 (added 2024-02-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Castillon-de-Castets, Gironde, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Catacocha vicinity, Ecuador - Rio Catamayo
Bridgemeister ID:8381 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Catacocha vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Catamayo
Coordinates:4.074167 S 79.532500 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ccapa, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:5942 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ccapa, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.932573 S 71.777893 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cepitá, Santander, Colombia - Rio Umpala
Bridgemeister ID:7238 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cepitá, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Umpala
Coordinates:6.752016 N 72.981233 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated


  • Remains of another bridge are visible at the site, possibly a similar-sized suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Cepitá, Santander, Colombia - Rio Perchiquez
Bridgemeister ID:8674 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cepitá, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Perchiquez
Coordinates:6.755028 N 72.974889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Cerje, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4525 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cerje, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.492245 N 20.610571 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Cerje, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4526 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cerje, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.531531 N 20.608333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Cerje, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4527 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cerje, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.513129 N 20.614374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chaba, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5371 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaba, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
At or Near Feature:Chaba Power Station
Coordinates:31.230811 N 77.157723 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chacapalpa, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5957 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chacapalpa, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.724032 S 75.752205 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chacapampa, Colcabamba, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8807 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chacapampa, Colcabamba, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.041083 S 73.229861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chahuares, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7834 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chahuares, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.648399 S 72.535802 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2010-2015 (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Chakothi vicinity, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3502 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chakothi vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.120158 N 73.880190 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chakothi vicinity, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3503 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chakothi vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.107827 N 73.902349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chalasu and Baroti, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6669 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalasu and Baroti, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.212895 N 75.798251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chalat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:3695 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.237090 N 74.304195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chalhuanca, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8798 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalhuanca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.315639 S 73.200028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28 meters (91.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chalhuanca, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8799 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalhuanca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.309028 S 73.217583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chalhuanca, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8801 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalhuanca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.292750 S 73.254167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chalipuquib, Peru - Rio Satipo
Bridgemeister ID:5936 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalipuquib, Peru
Crossing:Rio Satipo
Coordinates:11.180236 S 74.448850 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Chalt River
Bridgemeister ID:6653 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Chalt River
Coordinates:36.244956 N 74.320850 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Built at some point in 2010-2012 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Chalt River
Bridgemeister ID:6654 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Chalt River
Coordinates:36.251894 N 74.321172 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2018-2019
Main Span:1


  • Removed at some point in 2018 or 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Chalunka vicinity, Ladakh, India - Shayk River
Bridgemeister ID:3689 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalunka vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shayk River
Coordinates:34.804887 N 76.978935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chalunka, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3688 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chalunka, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.815988 N 76.955908 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chamali Laga Umatta (चमाली लागा उमत्ता), Barsali (बर्साली) vicinity and Maidhana Saimi (मेधना सैमी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7118 (added 2022-06-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chamali Laga Umatta (चमाली लागा उमत्ता), Barsali (बर्साली) vicinity and Maidhana Saimi (मेधना सैमी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.277381 N 79.235567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89.3 meters (293 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India - Ravi River
Bridgemeister ID:5248 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
Coordinates:32.525138 N 76.142738 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Chambara, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5980 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chambara, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.028619 S 75.403984 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chamiyon (चमियों), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:7150 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chamiyon (चमियों), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.232150 N 78.931114 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 47.2 meters (155 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chan Chich, Belize - Little Chan Chich Creek
Bridgemeister ID:521 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chan Chich, Belize
Crossing:Little Chan Chich Creek
Coordinates:17.537885 N 89.102716 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Micheal Mathews

(suspension bridge)

Chanderkote, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6679 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chanderkote, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.197283 N 75.301559 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chandpur, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5391 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chandpur, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.058435 N 78.513936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chandrapuri (चन्द्रपुरी), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:5633 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chandrapuri (चन्द्रपुरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.430530 N 79.069000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Chandrapuri (चन्द्रपुरी), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:7002 (added 2022-04-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chandrapuri (चन्द्रपुरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.430517 N 79.069092 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6378 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.903047 N 83.775650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6379 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.887942 N 83.786562 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chapakot (चापाकोट), Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6371 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chapakot (चापाकोट), Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.870349 N 83.834834 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chapalli, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:4246 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chapalli, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.339993 N 72.602411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chapdyun and Maithana, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5450 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chapdyun and Maithana, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.361134 N 79.311470 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chaprot, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6655 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaprot, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Coordinates:36.260772 N 74.284092 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Built at some point in the 2002-2010 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Chaprot, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6656 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaprot, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Coordinates:36.267328 N 74.272394 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Charbarav, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5408 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Charbarav, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.622237 N 79.215771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Charcoma, Chuquisaca, Bolivia - Rio Cachimayu
Bridgemeister ID:8440 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Charcoma, Chuquisaca, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Cachimayu
Coordinates:19.064250 S 65.331556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Charun, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4242 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Charun, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.224047 N 72.177096 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

(suspension bridge)

Chatigyala (चातिग्याला), Uttarakhand, India - Nandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6975 (added 2022-03-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chatigyala (चातिग्याला), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Nandakini River
Coordinates:30.304869 N 79.336933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 51.2 meters (168 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chaucalla, Chichas, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:7836 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaucalla, Chichas, Peru
Coordinates:15.585012 S 73.080922 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chaucalla, Yanaquihua, Condesuyos, Peru - Rio Ocoña
Bridgemeister ID:7363 (added 2022-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaucalla, Yanaquihua, Condesuyos, Peru
Crossing:Rio Ocoña
Coordinates:15.590984 S 73.092748 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Chaud (चौद), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6954 (added 2022-02-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaud (चौद), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.021703 N 79.686082 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 104.5 meters (343 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between 2003 and 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Chaudhari (चौधारी), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6406 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaudhari (चौधारी), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.490211 N 81.057647 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chauirara, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5969 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chauirara, Peru
Coordinates:13.132609 S 74.115439 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chaumala (चौमाला), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6602 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chaumala (चौमाला), Nepal
Coordinates:28.733694 N 80.760881 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Checacupe District, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3431 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Checacupe District, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:14.011314 S 71.459210 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chenani, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:5879 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chenani, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:33.031394 N 75.286828 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8330 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.260417 N 98.874583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8331 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.248889 N 98.870139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 133 meters (436.4 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2020 or 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8332 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.235722 N 98.869278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 121 meters (397 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8333 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.214444 N 98.867556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8335 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.147444 N 98.874722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chengguan District (城关区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8131 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengguan District (城关区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.065694 N 103.845861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2010
Main Span:1 x 178 meters (584 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chengguan District (城关区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8278 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chengguan District (城关区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.054250 N 103.945917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 177 meters (580.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chhamugarh, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:3546 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhamugarh, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.842909 N 74.526798 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chhana (छाना) and Ukhera (उखेरा), Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:6554 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhana (छाना) and Ukhera (उखेरा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.761521 N 80.127124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Chhana (छाना) and Ukhera (उखेरा), Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:6555 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhana (छाना) and Ukhera (उखेरा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.761503 N 80.127200 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 48.5 meters (159 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Chhani (छानी) and Purana Dang and Chak Kujwaha, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7520 (added 2023-01-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhani (छानी) and Purana Dang and Chak Kujwaha, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.841119 N 79.290295 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72.5 meters (238 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Chhara, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5770 (added 2021-04-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhara, Uttarakhand, India
At or Near Feature:Frog Point / Frog Stone
Coordinates:29.478246 N 79.478432 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chhau, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5258 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhau, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:32.923937 N 76.457340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Chhayakshetra (छायाँक्षेत्र), Nepal - Sarada River
Bridgemeister ID:6536 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhayakshetra (छायाँक्षेत्र), Nepal
Crossing:Sarada River
Coordinates:28.331797 N 82.231464 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 119 meters (390.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chhayakshetra (छायाँक्षेत्र), Nepal - Sarada River
Bridgemeister ID:6537 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhayakshetra (छायाँक्षेत्र), Nepal
Crossing:Sarada River
Coordinates:28.288663 N 82.208008 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 159 meters (521.7 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in 2018-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Chhuri, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5630 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhuri, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.757496 N 78.092727 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chhutuk, Ladakh, India - Suru River
Bridgemeister ID:6412 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chhutuk, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Suru River
Coordinates:34.496047 N 76.119003 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chiapa de Corzo vicinity, Chiapas, Mexico - Sumidero Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:1443 (added 2004-07-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chiapa de Corzo vicinity, Chiapas, Mexico
Crossing:Sumidero Canyon
Coordinates:16.742310 N 93.034537 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019, as pipeline bridge only)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • This bridge is adjacent to the large deck arch bridge that carries the Pan-American Highway across Sumidero Canyon. It appears to have originally been a vehicular suspension bridge, but now only has one cable carrying a small pipeline. No road or pedestrian deck remains.

(suspension bridge)

Chiba, Chiba, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6027 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chiba, Chiba, Japan
At or Near Feature:Fountain Spring Nature Park - 泉自然公園
Coordinates:35.579842 N 140.227851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chilas vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3544 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chilas vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.452135 N 73.977585 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chilas, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3257 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chilas, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.418348 N 74.127035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chilán, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7884 (added 2023-10-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chilán, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.630009 S 77.498423 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28 meters (91.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chinchavito, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7876 (added 2023-10-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chinchavito, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.508044 S 75.937037 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Chinchaypujio District and Colca, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:6196 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chinchaypujio District and Colca, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.698800 S 72.244198 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chincho, Chuyayacu, Angaraes, Peru - Rio Cachi
Bridgemeister ID:8704 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chincho, Chuyayacu, Angaraes, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cachi
Coordinates:12.969139 S 74.297361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2010-2013
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been removed or destroyed in the 2010-2013 time frame. Replaced with what was likely a temporary suspension bridge. The replacement was removed or destroyed in late 2021 or 2022. A new bridge was built about 100 meters south.

(suspension bridge)

Chindu (称多县), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8464 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chindu (称多县), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.329227 N 96.873888 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chingraliang, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Lohit River
Bridgemeister ID:6135 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chingraliang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Lohit River
Coordinates:28.059053 N 96.484771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chisopani (चिसोपानी), Singtam (सिंगतम) vicinity, Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8763 (added 2024-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chisopani (चिसोपानी), Singtam (सिंगतम) vicinity, Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.239383 N 88.518997 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with bridge visible. Dated March 2017.

(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:6247 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.836566 N 71.788737 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4239 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.837066 N 71.788870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4334 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.735565 N 71.775606 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5500 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.913649 N 71.839997 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5501 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.784517 N 71.770839 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5502 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.784451 N 71.771541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


(suspension bridge)

Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5503 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.660944 N 71.758403 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Chitrāl vicinity, Pakistan - Bamboret River
Bridgemeister ID:5830 (added 2021-04-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chitrāl vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Bamboret River
Coordinates:35.738538 N 71.725920 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Chogoria vicinity, Kenya - Tana River
Bridgemeister ID:8644 (added 2024-06-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chogoria vicinity, Kenya
Crossing:Tana River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Chontay, Peru - Rio Pachachaca
Bridgemeister ID:8810 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chontay, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pachachaca
Coordinates:13.775750 S 72.935389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chopra (चोपड़ा) and Diushi (दिउशी), Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:7298 (added 2022-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chopra (चोपड़ा) and Diushi (दिउशी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:30.030679 N 78.627429 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 64.6 meters (212 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chorbat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6520 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chorbat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.932742 N 76.634106 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 93.3 meters (306 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chuar, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3686 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chuar, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.925126 N 76.683141 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chuinj, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:4245 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chuinj, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.317003 N 72.560120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Chumarkhun Bala, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:7193 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chumarkhun Bala, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.803534 N 71.778018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chungthang, Sikkim, India - Lachung River
Bridgemeister ID:7653 (added 2023-06-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chungthang, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Lachung River
Coordinates:27.605952 N 88.650803 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chupaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5981 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chupaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.049637 S 75.313894 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chupaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5982 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chupaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.055446 S 75.292762 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chupaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5983 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chupaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.056294 S 75.289490 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chupaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5985 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chupaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.056657 S 75.273719 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Chupaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5986 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chupaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.060417 S 75.265772 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Churuja, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8689 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Churuja, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:6.029972 S 77.945833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Churumatas and Uyuni, Bolivia - Rio Icla
Bridgemeister ID:8430 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Churumatas and Uyuni, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Icla
Coordinates:19.441000 S 64.831806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Churumazú, Peru - Rio Paucartambo
Bridgemeister ID:6219 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Churumazú, Peru
Crossing:Rio Paucartambo
Coordinates:10.817423 S 75.328351 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Churumazú, Peru - Rio Paucartambo
Bridgemeister ID:6220 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Churumazú, Peru
Crossing:Rio Paucartambo
Coordinates:10.803227 S 75.337023 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Chutiatan, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5792 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chutiatan, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.142882 N 71.882406 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Chuyayacu, Puerto de Anyana vicinity, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6008 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chuyayacu, Puerto de Anyana vicinity, Peru
Coordinates:13.077503 S 74.410657 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Chuyayacu, Puerto de Anyana vicinity, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6009 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Chuyayacu, Puerto de Anyana vicinity, Peru
Coordinates:13.077446 S 74.410603 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Cijurey, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Manuk River
Bridgemeister ID:7020 (added 2022-05-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cijurey, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Manuk River
Coordinates:6.828168 S 108.161175 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated


  • Built in the 2019-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8352 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.684417 N 98.709500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8353 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.725000 N 98.683361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8354 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.747472 N 98.670806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8355 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.748583 N 98.671778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8356 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cikaizhen (茨开镇), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.796222 N 98.685583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 137 meters (449.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cikulur, Lebak Regency and Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6875 (added 2022-01-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cikulur, Lebak Regency and Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.408671 S 106.178673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Cimanintin, Sumedang Regency and Gununglarang, Bantarujeg, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Manuk River
Bridgemeister ID:7021 (added 2022-05-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cimanintin, Sumedang Regency and Gununglarang, Bantarujeg, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Manuk River
Coordinates:6.919600 S 108.217385 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.8 feet) estimated


  • Built in the 2019-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Cipurut, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7548 (added 2023-03-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cipurut, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.948242 S 106.998467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 37.5 meters (123 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the bridge visible in the background, June 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Cirialo, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7827 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cirialo, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.632152 S 72.924362 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Claremont, New Hampshire, USA - Sugar River?
Bridgemeister ID:881 (added 2003-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Claremont, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Sugar River?

External Links:

  • On This Date in New England Fire Rescue History (link reported not working). "Jul 04, 1856 - Claremont, NH - North Street - Mascoma Fire Company from Lebanon fell through wire suspension bridge during holiday parade - A fifer broke his back during the fall and was removed from river, dead."

(suspension bridge)

Clarksburg vicinity, West Virginia, USA - West Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:3146 (added 2019-11-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Clarksburg vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:West Fork River
At or Near Feature:Clarksburg Country Club
Coordinates:39.241973 N 80.364126 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

(suspension bridge)

Claut, Pordenone, Italy - Torrente Cellina
Bridgemeister ID:5201 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Claut, Pordenone, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Cellina
Coordinates:46.239492 N 12.487710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Cobras Sul, Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Sul
Bridgemeister ID:5010 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cobras Sul, Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Sul
Coordinates:27.334124 S 49.619754 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Cobriza, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6012 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cobriza, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.594884 S 74.363424 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Cobriza, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6195 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cobriza, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.593524 S 74.364851 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Codo del Pozuzo, Huanuco, Peru - Rio Pozuzo
Bridgemeister ID:7339 (added 2022-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Codo del Pozuzo, Huanuco, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pozuzo
Coordinates:9.880525 S 75.531294 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 80.8 meters (265 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2006-2014 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Colombia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3595 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Colombia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.160832 N 75.667541 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Colpa, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5977 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Colpa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:11.994859 S 75.472631 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Colpa, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:5979 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Colpa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:11.999729 S 75.452428 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Combapata District, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3433 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Combapata District, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:14.074754 S 71.439463 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Combapata District, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3434 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Combapata District, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:14.090900 S 71.443280 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Condoto, Choco, Colombia - Rio Condoto
Bridgemeister ID:7087 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Condoto, Choco, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Condoto
Coordinates:5.095250 N 76.654194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Suspension system replaced or significantly strengthened at some point between 2013 and 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Constitucion, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5944 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Constitucion, Peru
Coordinates:9.850630 S 75.016119 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 181 meters (593.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:6767 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Coordinates:31.566559 S 64.710096 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:6768 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Coordinates:31.563971 S 64.711612 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:6769 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Coordinates:31.571683 S 64.710533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:6770 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Coordinates:31.563131 S 64.707039 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:6771 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Copina, Cordoba, Argentina
Coordinates:31.570867 S 64.709625 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Cornell, Illinois, USA - Vermilion River
Bridgemeister ID:1693 (added 2005-03-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cornell, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Vermilion River
At or Near Feature:Valley View Acres
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The postcard says, "Valley View Acres. Cornell, Illinois. Located on Illinois Rte 23 between Streator, Illinois and Pontiac, Illinois. The picturesque suspension bridge spanning the old Vermilion River at Valley View Acres joining the camping area on both sides of river..."
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Cotundo, Ecuador - Rio Misahualli
Bridgemeister ID:2889 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cotundo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Misahualli
Coordinates:0.847474 S 77.795443 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)

(suspension bridge)

Couvin, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:7892 (added 2023-10-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Couvin, Belgium
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Coya, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3994 (added 2020-03-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Coya, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.389622 S 71.902912 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)

(suspension bridge)

Craigpark Bagicha, Assam, India
Bridgemeister ID:3348 (added 2019-12-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Craigpark Bagicha, Assam, India
Coordinates:25.011582 N 92.509710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Cumbaratza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7692 (added 2023-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cumbaratza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:4.004902 S 78.873917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Cusimarca, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:5943 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Cusimarca, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.774776 S 72.085087 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dabang village, Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:4656 (added 2020-06-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dabang village, Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.458442 N 120.750765 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Sucio
Bridgemeister ID:7393 (added 2022-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sucio
Coordinates:7.000303 N 76.263908 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2018: Major rehabilitation completed. Patrick S. O'Donnell observes: "It received an entirely new deck. The towers appear they were at least reinforced with another layer of concrete around the original legs. The walkway / ramp and stairway down to the bridge were totally redone. The anchorage block at the other end was reinforced."

External Links:

  • Facebook. Photos of the inauguration of the recently refurbished bridge, posted October 2, 2018.
  • Facebook. Photos of the bridge, posted October 2, 2018.
  • Facebook. Photo of the bridge prior to the rehabilitation project, posted March 3, 2018.
  • Twitter. Photos of the refurbished bridge, posted July 12, 2018.

(suspension bridge)

Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Sucio
Bridgemeister ID:7395 (added 2022-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sucio
Coordinates:7.024501 N 76.363267 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Dagaixiang (大盖乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8651 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dagaixiang (大盖乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.358930 N 100.215465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dagaixiang (大盖乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8652 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dagaixiang (大盖乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.390455 N 100.202385 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Daganzhen (大干镇), Shunchang County (顺昌县), Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China - Futunxi River
Bridgemeister ID:8288 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daganzhen (大干镇), Shunchang County (顺昌县), Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China
Crossing:Futunxi River
Coordinates:26.895222 N 117.754472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Spans:2 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dagar (डगर), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8049 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dagar (डगर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
At or Near Feature:Koteshwar Mahadev Temple - कोटेश्वर महादेव मंदिर
Coordinates:30.248194 N 78.528978 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image showing the bridge in the background. July 2016.
  • Google Maps. Image showing the bridge. January 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Daghoni Balgar, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3680 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daghoni Balgar, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.236910 N 76.200603 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Daghoni Balgar, Pakistan - Thalla River
Bridgemeister ID:5525 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daghoni Balgar, Pakistan
Crossing:Thalla River
Coordinates:35.247880 N 76.184308 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dagou Town (大沟乡), Mojiang County (墨江哈尼族自治县), Pu'er (普洱市), Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8654 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dagou Town (大沟乡), Mojiang County (墨江哈尼族自治县), Pu'er (普洱市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:23.023417 N 101.749000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dah, Ladakh, India - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:7563 (added 2023-03-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dah, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.603766 N 76.505614 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.5 meters (136 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dahimal vicinity and Balti vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Balti Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6689 (added 2021-09-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dahimal vicinity and Balti vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Balti Gol
Coordinates:36.163409 N 73.273685 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dahimal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6697 (added 2021-10-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dahimal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.201719 N 73.260683 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (233 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dahimal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Balti Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6698 (added 2021-10-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dahimal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Balti Gol
Coordinates:36.199061 N 73.244186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (133 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dahni Boi, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5753 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dahni Boi, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.318227 N 73.443570 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dakshinkali (दक्षिणकाली) and Karyabinayak (कार्यविनायक), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6312 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dakshinkali (दक्षिणकाली) and Karyabinayak (कार्यविनायक), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.606148 N 85.294189 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dakshinkali (दक्षिणकाली) and Karyabinayak (कार्यविनायक), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6313 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dakshinkali (दक्षिणकाली) and Karyabinayak (कार्यविनायक), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.596099 N 85.286467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dalbérgia, Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Hercílio
Bridgemeister ID:6284 (added 2021-07-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dalbérgia, Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Hercílio
Coordinates:27.031193 S 49.594520 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4408 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.566639 N 5.970236 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32.75 meters (107.4 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Giljaelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4409 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.574044 N 5.887356 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.5 meters (96.8 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4410 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.570965 N 5.918661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (109.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Giljaelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4411 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.581303 N 5.889634 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4417 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.573260 N 5.945692 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Spans:2 x 27.75 meters (91 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and removed by 2007.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4418 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.567575 N 5.928769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 29 meters (95.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and removed by 2007.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4419 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.571552 N 5.909272 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and removed by 2007.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Giljaelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4420 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.573637 N 5.901539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964 and removed by 2007.

(suspension bridge)

Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Giljaelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4421 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dale, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.588302 N 5.828180 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 36.5 meters (119.8 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between 2008 and 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Dalen, Tokke, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tokke
Bridgemeister ID:4106 (added 2020-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dalen, Tokke, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.442697 N 8.007744 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic images, built prior to 1960 and removed by 2004.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dalholen, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3943 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dalholen, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.162960 N 9.819410 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, removed at some point between 2009 and 2017.

(suspension bridge)

Damburacha, Tajikistan - Vakhsh River
Bridgemeister ID:8418 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Damburacha, Tajikistan
Crossing:Vakhsh River
Coordinates:39.268083 N 71.375417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Damchkhreula (დამჩხრეულა), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7989 (added 2023-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Damchkhreula (დამჩხრეულა), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.963778 N 43.561611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Damdwali, Kalimati Kalche (कालीमाटी काल्चे), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6546 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Damdwali, Kalimati Kalche (कालीमाटी काल्चे), Nepal
Coordinates:28.268312 N 81.915240 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 147 meters (482.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Damdwali, Kalimati Kalche (कालीमाटी काल्चे), Nepal - Babai River
Bridgemeister ID:6547 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Damdwali, Kalimati Kalche (कालीमाटी काल्चे), Nepal
Crossing:Babai River
Coordinates:28.263687 N 81.900270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 194 meters (636.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Damta, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5419 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Damta, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.652753 N 78.012640 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bypassed, possibly derelict, bridge immediately adjacent to the current truss bridge at this location.

(suspension bridge)

Danaubingkuang, Kuapan, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:3649 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Danaubingkuang, Kuapan, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.358982 N 101.179871 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Build late 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Dandigade vicinity, Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6481 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dandigade vicinity, Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.026802 N 81.144886 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dangbaxiang, Barkam, Ngawa (阿坝州) and Gebiji (格必基), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8201 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dangbaxiang, Barkam, Ngawa (阿坝州) and Gebiji (格必基), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.609806 N 102.061167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Daojie (道街乡), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8362 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daojie (道街乡), Baoshan (保山市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:24.986222 N 98.872472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Daporijo, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Subansiri River
Bridgemeister ID:7219 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daporijo, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:27.993932 N 94.223695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge, posted September 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Darora vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Shiri River
Bridgemeister ID:6266 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Darora vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Shiri River
Coordinates:35.138188 N 72.037558 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Darora, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:5818 (added 2021-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Darora, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.111496 N 71.977879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Darora, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:5819 (added 2021-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Darora, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.111421 N 71.977941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 53.5 meters (175.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Darsing Dahathum and Khilung Deurali, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:4704 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Darsing Dahathum and Khilung Deurali, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.038535 N 83.781402 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Darsing Dahathum and Sworek, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:4703 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Darsing Dahathum and Sworek, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.023916 N 83.775583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dasharathchanda (दशरथचन्द), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6455 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dasharathchanda (दशरथचन्द), Nepal
Coordinates:29.606589 N 80.417311 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dashuidongcun (大水洞村), Yuzhong County (榆中县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8137 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dashuidongcun (大水洞村), Yuzhong County (榆中县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.057444 N 103.977611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dawson, Yukon, Canada - Klondike River
Bridgemeister ID:2449 (added 2008-04-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dawson, Yukon, Canada
Crossing:Klondike River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was in existence in 1901.

(suspension bridge)

Daxingdixiang (大兴地镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8336 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daxingdixiang (大兴地镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.090778 N 98.866194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Daxingdixiang (大兴地镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8337 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daxingdixiang (大兴地镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.037306 N 98.848028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 131 meters (429.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Daxingdixiang (大兴地镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8338 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Daxingdixiang (大兴地镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.012111 N 98.850444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 148 meters (485.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8671 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.598361 N 99.093917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 91 meters (298.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dêqên, Dêqên Prefecture, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:7802 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dêqên, Dêqên Prefecture, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:28.171692 N 99.388318 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Decatur vicinity, Wise County, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:599 (added 2003-01-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Decatur vicinity, Wise County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River


  • Repaired by Austin Bridge Company, 1923.

(suspension bridge)

Deharna, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Marau River
Bridgemeister ID:6720 (added 2021-10-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Deharna, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Marau River
Coordinates:33.602213 N 75.735711 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Deje, Sweden - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:5681 (added 2021-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Deje, Sweden
Coordinates:59.608140 N 13.467558 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Depok, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3664 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.427688 S 106.814516 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8494 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:28.445517 N 99.185694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 143 meters (469.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Deskle, Slovenia - Soča
Bridgemeister ID:5277 (added 2020-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Deskle, Slovenia
Coordinates:46.064482 N 13.628029 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Deurali, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4823 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Deurali, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.905908 N 84.543236 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Devimanda (देविमंदा) and Paparasu (पपरासु), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7093 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Devimanda (देविमंदा) and Paparasu (पपरासु), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.257223 N 78.923803 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 98.1 meters (322 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Devimanda (देविमंदा) and Paparasu (पपरासु), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7103 (added 2022-06-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Devimanda (देविमंदा) and Paparasu (पपरासु), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.256778 N 78.924106 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 70.1 meters (230 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image dated July 2017. Remaining anchorage block visible in the distance, to the right of the replacement suspension bridge.
  • Google Maps. Image dated June 2021. Remaining anchorage block visible in the distance.

(suspension bridge)

Devithan and Dedgaun, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4685 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Devithan and Dedgaun, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.868700 N 84.088007 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Devprayag, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5461 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Devprayag, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.144504 N 78.601283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Devprayag, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5462 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Devprayag, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.147124 N 78.597883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Dewal (देवल), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6947 (added 2022-01-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dewal (देवल), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.053593 N 79.582165 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dewti (देवती), Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:7305 (added 2022-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dewti (देवती), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
At or Near Feature:Thadiyar Pawasi Maharaj Temple
Coordinates:30.972194 N 77.935056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64.9 meters (213 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge, June 2019.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge, June 2019.
  • Musings of a wanderer. 2012 travelog with photo of the damaged bridge, captioned "Tilting suspension bridge to the Thadiyar FRH."

(suspension bridge)

Dhajari (धजारी), Uttarakhand, India - Ram Gar
Bridgemeister ID:6454 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhajari (धजारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ram Gar
Coordinates:29.650866 N 80.140688 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dhamilikuwa, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4676 (added 2020-06-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhamilikuwa, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:28.077682 N 84.465510 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dhamtour, Pakistan - Dor River
Bridgemeister ID:3843 (added 2020-03-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhamtour, Pakistan
Crossing:Dor River
Coordinates:34.127427 N 73.274982 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant, 2019

(suspension bridge)

Dhanorh, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6705 (added 2021-10-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhanorh, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.159058 N 74.951907 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dhar Gaon (धार गांव), Saman Gaon (समन गांव), Uttarakhand, India - Bhilangna River
Bridgemeister ID:8118 (added 2024-01-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhar Gaon (धार गांव), Saman Gaon (समन गांव), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhilangna River
Coordinates:30.516828 N 78.756322 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 44.2 meters (145 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dhara Talla (धारा तल्ला), Chamoli, Gwaldam (ग्वालदाम) vicinity and Nand Keshari (नंन केशरी), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6946 (added 2022-01-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhara Talla (धारा तल्ला), Chamoli, Gwaldam (ग्वालदाम) vicinity and Nand Keshari (नंन केशरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.039371 N 79.566321 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Span:1 x 54.3 meters (178 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dharamkund, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6703 (added 2021-10-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dharamkund, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.243432 N 75.143785 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2016 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dharmana, Himachal Pradesh, India - Pabbar River
Bridgemeister ID:5382 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dharmana, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Pabbar River
Coordinates:31.101680 N 77.780358 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Dhok Bainar and Kangri, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Manawar Tawi
Bridgemeister ID:7564 (added 2023-03-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhok Bainar and Kangri, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Manawar Tawi
Coordinates:33.003713 N 74.401598 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 88.7 meters (291 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Dhok Bainar, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Manawar Tawi
Bridgemeister ID:5536 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhok Bainar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Manawar Tawi
Coordinates:33.000860 N 74.410084 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Dhulli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5867 (added 2021-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhulli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.926987 N 73.907099 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dhura, Uttarakhand, India - Sarayu River
Bridgemeister ID:4360 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhura, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Sarayu River
Coordinates:29.629570 N 79.977868 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Dhuwang (धुवाङ), Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5266 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhuwang (धुवाङ), Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.039830 N 82.852711 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Dhuwang (धुवाङ), Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:7218 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dhuwang (धुवाङ), Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:27.989083 N 82.831963 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Diablo vicinity, Washington, USA - Skagit River
Bridgemeister ID:1618 (added 2005-02-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Diablo vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Skagit River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • This bridge crossed the Skagit River near Ruby Creek prior to the inundation of the area.

(suspension bridge)

Dikchu, Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:6232 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dikchu, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.411613 N 88.515914 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dikholi (दिखोली) vicinity, Mukhem Renge (मुखेम रेंगे), Uttarakhand, India - Chaundiar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:8047 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dikholi (दिखोली) vicinity, Mukhem Renge (मुखेम रेंगे), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Chaundiar Gad
Coordinates:30.614278 N 78.506194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dilasaini (डिलाशैनी) and Gokuleshwor (गोकुलेश्वर), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6372 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dilasaini (डिलाशैनी) and Gokuleshwor (गोकुलेश्वर), Nepal
Coordinates:29.686588 N 80.607556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dillfossan vicinity, Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Inna
Bridgemeister ID:4073 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dillfossan vicinity, Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.761990 N 11.762720 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap


  • Observed in a photograph dated 1948 and labeled "Nedenfor Dillfossan" (below Dillfossan). Coordinates indicate possible location.

(suspension bridge)

Dingi Dhar, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5373 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dingi Dhar, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.359737 N 77.386593 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Dir Upper, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:6286 (added 2021-07-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dir Upper, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.228473 N 71.870657 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Dir Upper, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Pajkora River
Bridgemeister ID:5784 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dir Upper, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Pajkora River
Coordinates:35.209033 N 71.878751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant, 2020
Main Span:1 x 21.5 meters (70.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dir, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Pajkora River
Bridgemeister ID:5802 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dir, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Pajkora River
Coordinates:35.215810 N 71.871847 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Dirang River
Bridgemeister ID:7646 (added 2023-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Dirang River
Coordinates:27.385637 N 92.219086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dite Dime, Boleng vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siang River
Bridgemeister ID:6417 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dite Dime, Boleng vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siang River
Coordinates:28.355526 N 95.061909 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 129.5 meters (425 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dobhan (दोभान बजार), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6580 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dobhan (दोभान बजार), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.748648 N 83.461354 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dogram, Wari vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6297 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dogram, Wari vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.019228 N 72.015938 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Doko and Zil, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shigar River
Bridgemeister ID:7332 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Doko and Zil, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shigar River
Coordinates:35.793893 N 75.402065 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 87.5 meters (287 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Doko, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:7331 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Doko, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.794759 N 75.394665 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 36.9 meters (121 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Dom (डोम), Uttarakhand, India - Lastar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7008 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dom (डोम), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Lastar Gad
Coordinates:30.363047 N 78.938521 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Domel, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5308 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Domel, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.941185 N 73.710708 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Domkhar and Takmachik, Ladakh, India - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:7562 (added 2023-03-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Domkhar and Takmachik, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.385898 N 76.760805 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted December 10, 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted October 29, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted March 15, 2018.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted April 24, 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Dong and Tilam, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Lohit River
Bridgemeister ID:6134 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dong and Tilam, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Lohit River
Coordinates:28.160451 N 97.033475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dongshi District, Taichung City, Taiwan - Dajia River
Bridgemeister ID:5896 (added 2021-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dongshi District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Crossing:Dajia River
Coordinates:24.172662 N 120.838040 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Dongshi District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5897 (added 2021-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dongshi District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.160925 N 120.861212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 153 meters (502 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dorfee, Procious vicinity, Clay County, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:4938 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dorfee, Procious vicinity, Clay County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.451155 N 81.169155 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dorzong, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7293 (added 2022-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dorzong, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.293019 N 77.013831 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, May 2015
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Likely destroyed by flood, May 2015.

External Links:

  • Flickr - Alexander. Image of the bridge looking from south to north, taken July 2012.
  • Flickr - Alexander. Image with the bridge in the background looking north to south, taken July 2012.

(suspension bridge)

Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5061 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.530236 N 139.094343 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5064 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.515554 N 139.014188 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Draba, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:5485 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Draba, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.612835 N 74.320513 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Dragsetmoen, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3831 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dragsetmoen, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.118290 N 9.618100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial imagery it was built before 1937 and removed after 1977.

(suspension bridge)

Drang, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3259 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drang, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.481523 N 74.506054 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Drangedal, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tørneselva
Bridgemeister ID:4110 (added 2020-04-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drangedal, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.088117 N 8.986702 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.5 meters (116.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1975.
  • Deck damaged in 2012 when an SUV's rear wheels broke through some floor boards and stringers.

(suspension bridge)

Dras vicinity, Ladakh, India - Drass River
Bridgemeister ID:6409 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dras vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Drass River
Coordinates:34.418906 N 75.830770 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dras vicinity, Ladakh, India - Drass River
Bridgemeister ID:6410 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dras vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Drass River
Coordinates:34.416474 N 75.875079 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dras vicinity, Ladakh, India - Drass River
Bridgemeister ID:6414 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dras vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Drass River
Coordinates:34.424372 N 75.892136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dras, Ladakh, India - Drass River
Bridgemeister ID:6411 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dras, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Drass River
Coordinates:34.428639 N 75.750480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dras, Ladakh, India - Drass River
Bridgemeister ID:6413 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dras, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Drass River
Coordinates:34.428069 N 75.781609 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Drosh (دروش), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:7216 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drosh (دروش), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.626448 N 71.791565 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 81.7 meters (268 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Drosh vicinity, Pakistan - Shishi River
Bridgemeister ID:6124 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drosh vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Shishi River
Coordinates:35.601792 N 71.858517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Drosh, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5505 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drosh, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.567068 N 71.793324 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Drosh, Pakistan - Shishi River
Bridgemeister ID:5832 (added 2021-04-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drosh, Pakistan
Crossing:Shishi River
Coordinates:35.589901 N 71.825252 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Drosh, Pakistan - Shishi River
Bridgemeister ID:6125 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Drosh, Pakistan
Crossing:Shishi River
Coordinates:35.599408 N 71.842058 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dru, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3268 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dru, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.315285 N 75.856579 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Dubola Bitola, Uttarakhand, India - Ram Gar
Bridgemeister ID:4349 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dubola Bitola, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ram Gar
Coordinates:29.526370 N 80.102464 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Dubola Bitola, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4374 (added 2020-04-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dubola Bitola, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.523712 N 80.100043 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Dudhauli (दुधौली), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6595 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dudhauli (दुधौली), Nepal
Coordinates:26.928973 N 86.265103 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 350 meters (1,148.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dudhauli (दुधौली), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6596 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dudhauli (दुधौली), Nepal
Coordinates:26.961147 N 86.309010 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 218 meters (715.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dudhnial vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3530 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dudhnial vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.720378 N 74.053991 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Dudhnial vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3532 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dudhnial vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.722403 N 74.136951 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Dudishal, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3542 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dudishal, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.531506 N 73.720814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Dugadda (दुगड्डा), Uttarakhand, India - Khoh River
Bridgemeister ID:6210 (added 2021-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dugadda (दुगड्डा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Khoh River
Coordinates:29.805630 N 78.605941 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dum Duma, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5307 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dum Duma, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.930935 N 73.665496 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Dunai, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5480 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dunai, Nepal
Coordinates:28.954585 N 82.895546 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Dunda Range, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5426 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dunda Range, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.706112 N 78.350606 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Dunga Patli (दंगा पाटली) and Gariyagaon (गरियागओं), Uttarakhand, India - Saryu River
Bridgemeister ID:6461 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dunga Patli (दंगा पाटली) and Gariyagaon (गरियागओं), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Saryu River
Coordinates:29.818314 N 79.776824 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dungari (दंगारी) and Turachaura, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7299 (added 2022-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dungari (दंगारी) and Turachaura, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.772809 N 79.231477 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 86.6 meters (284 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dungari (दंगारी), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6923 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dungari (दंगारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.142208 N 79.376047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Dungri, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5430 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dungri, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.037321 N 79.282210 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Dunk (दुंक), Uttarakhand, India - Pashchimi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:7960 (added 2023-11-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dunk (दुंक), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pashchimi Nayar River
Coordinates:29.954283 N 78.758145 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Duntuxiang (墩土乡), Beichuan (北川县), Mianyang (绵阳市), Sichuan, China - Tongkou River
Bridgemeister ID:8489 (added 2024-03-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Duntuxiang (墩土乡), Beichuan (北川县), Mianyang (绵阳市), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Tongkou River
Coordinates:31.808361 N 104.168528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Durham, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:510 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Durham, England, United Kingdom
Principals:Sir Samuel Brown
Main Cables:Chain (iron)


  • This may be the same as the 1831 Whorlton bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Durnak, Sumal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6731 (added 2021-10-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Durnak, Sumal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.254879 N 73.603982 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Dusongxiang (独松乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8206 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dusongxiang (独松乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.375889 N 102.012694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Dusongxiang (独松乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8207 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dusongxiang (独松乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.355278 N 101.990000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Duttnagar, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5376 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Duttnagar, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.396989 N 77.580273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Dzhambul (Жамбыл) and Uryl (Өрел), Kazakhstan - Bukhtarma River
Bridgemeister ID:3638 (added 2020-01-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Dzhambul (Жамбыл) and Uryl (Өрел), Kazakhstan
Crossing:Bukhtarma River
Coordinates:49.240660 N 86.322647 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ebian County (峨边县), Leshan (乐山市), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8270 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ebian County (峨边县), Leshan (乐山市), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:29.257972 N 103.275333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 148 meters (485.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:8614 (added 2024-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.777250 S 72.615972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Egipto Praia, Angola - Balombo River
Bridgemeister ID:8382 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Egipto Praia, Angola
Crossing:Balombo River
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Based on the description, the bridge pictured was likely located near the mouth of the Balombo River at the area known as Egipto (or Egypto, or Egito).
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Eidslandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Storelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4440 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Eidslandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.765963 N 5.827772 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 38.25 meters (125.5 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964 and removed by 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Eidslandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Storelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4441 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Eidslandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.781730 N 5.953813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.5 meters (136.2 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964 and removed by 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Eidslandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Storelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4442 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Eidslandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.779666 N 6.027292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1958 and removed by 2006.

(suspension bridge)

El Arenal, Bomboiza and Proveeduría vicinity, Gualaquiza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7721 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Arenal, Bomboiza and Proveeduría vicinity, Gualaquiza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.398806 S 78.484417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

El Balseadero, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3614 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Balseadero, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:2.232436 N 75.647969 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Location may have been inundated at some point between 2015 and 2019.

(suspension bridge)

El Cairo, Montebello, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Buey
Bridgemeister ID:7039 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Cairo, Montebello, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Buey
Coordinates:5.860724 N 75.533574 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

El Ciruelar Arriba, San José, San Francisco, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8067 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Ciruelar Arriba, San José, San Francisco, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.359389 N 81.086722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

El Cortezo and Baja Viejo, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:7949 (added 2023-11-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Cortezo and Baja Viejo, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.239605 N 81.034309 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

El Doce, Tarazá, Antioquia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3602 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Doce, Tarazá, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.448611 N 75.306621 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

El Gavilán, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:3144 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Gavilán, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.033322 N 89.420086 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

El Hoyo, Chubut, Argentina - Epuyén River
Bridgemeister ID:8404 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Hoyo, Chubut, Argentina
Crossing:Epuyén River
Coordinates:42.110500 S 71.449250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

El Ideal, Ecuador - Rio Cuchipamba
Bridgemeister ID:7726 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Ideal, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Cuchipamba
At or Near Feature:Playa Unión del Ideal
Coordinates:3.428732 S 78.619335 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

El Peñol, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Negro
Bridgemeister ID:3335 (added 2019-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Peñol, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Negro
Coordinates:6.228503 N 75.259467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

El Peñol, Antioquia, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:4746 (added 2020-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Peñol, Antioquia, Colombia
Coordinates:6.205313 N 75.188482 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

El Valle, Toledo, Antioquia, Colombia - Quebrada La Honda
Bridgemeister ID:7640 (added 2023-05-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:El Valle, Toledo, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Quebrada La Honda
Coordinates:7.057685 N 75.673418 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Elekmonar (Элекмонар), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6074 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Elekmonar (Элекмонар), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.448649 N 85.983583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Elnes, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Helgåa
Bridgemeister ID:3709 (added 2020-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Elnes, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.837466 N 12.009936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Estrella, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:3104 (added 2019-10-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Estrella, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.562583 S 72.574850 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Bypassed, 1977
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Evergem, Gent vicinity, East Flanders, Belgium - Westbekesluis
Bridgemeister ID:4570 (added 2020-06-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Evergem, Gent vicinity, East Flanders, Belgium
Coordinates:51.087382 N 3.659881 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (three-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 99.7 meters (327.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Eyaxiang (俄亚纳西族乡), Muli County (木里县), Liangshan Yi (凉山彝族自治州), Sichuan, China - Shuilo River
Bridgemeister ID:8824 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Eyaxiang (俄亚纳西族乡), Muli County (木里县), Liangshan Yi (凉山彝族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Shuilo River
Coordinates:27.896528 N 100.455333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2012)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Fagsu and Kathawa, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6667 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fagsu and Kathawa, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.155345 N 75.739539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Faizabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kotkai Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:6522 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Faizabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kotkai Khwar
Coordinates:34.909864 N 72.633726 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 14 meters (46 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Faizabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Shain Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:6523 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Faizabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Shain Khwar
Coordinates:34.909787 N 72.634362 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 20.7 meters (68 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Falling Rock, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:3288 (added 2019-11-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Falling Rock, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.466899 N 81.401232 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Faltiya (फल्तिया), Uttarakhand, India - Panar Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:6462 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Faltiya (फल्तिया), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Panar Nadi
Coordinates:29.476608 N 79.930463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Fanbaxiang, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China - Bailong River
Bridgemeister ID:5234 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fanbaxiang, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Crossing:Bailong River
Coordinates:32.812059 N 105.139709 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Fanbaxiang, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China - Bikou Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:5235 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fanbaxiang, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Crossing:Bikou Reservoir
Coordinates:32.795572 N 105.154832 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ferrellsburg, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:2528 (added 2010-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ferrellsburg, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:38.01376 N 82.08271 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 15.8 meters (52 feet),
1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Fina, Astore, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Astore River
Bridgemeister ID:6558 (added 2021-08-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fina, Astore, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Astore River
Coordinates:35.335721 N 74.851298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 88.4 meters (290 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Firkola, Uttarakhand, India - Padamawati Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:4358 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Firkola, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Padamawati Nadi
Coordinates:29.488393 N 80.005505 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Flora vicinity, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3826 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Flora vicinity, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.112900 N 11.328900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.5 meters (270.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Flora, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3827 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Flora, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.111360 N 11.310300 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Flornes, Hegra vicinity, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Stjørdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:1828 (added 2005-05-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Flornes, Hegra vicinity, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.457367 N 11.435317 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Very narrow, very light vehicular bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Flornes, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Stjørdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3700 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Flornes, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.458350 N 11.295200 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Folldals Verk, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3939 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Folldals Verk, Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.12085 N 10.07187 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, removed between 1969 and 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Follebu, Innlandet, Norway - Gausa
Bridgemeister ID:4517 (added 2020-05-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Follebu, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.187895 N 10.299898 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Removed prior to 1959.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Fontet, Gironde, France - Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Bridgemeister ID:8383 (added 2024-02-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fontet, Gironde, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Fordell vicinity, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3702 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fordell vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.899530 S 175.289451 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, c. 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was still in use in 2015 while adjacent replacement arch bridge was nearing completion. Removed by 2019, likely earlier.

(suspension bridge)

Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway - Fortunselvi
Bridgemeister ID:3967 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.516150 N 7.70751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28 meters (91.9 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


(suspension bridge)

Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway - Fortunselvi
Bridgemeister ID:3968 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.519560 N 7.703700 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 26 meters (85.3 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Based on historical aerial images, built before 1965 and removed by 2010.

(suspension bridge)

Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway - Fortunselvi
Bridgemeister ID:3969 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fortun, Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.528190 N 7.709210 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1965. 2018 images show it in a derelict state with significant damage.

(suspension bridge)

Fossmoan, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3954 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fossmoan, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.9866 N 9.74559 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • Historic aerial images appear to show a suspension bridge at this location built prior to 1937 and removed by 1958.

(suspension bridge)

Franklin, West Virginia, USA - South Branch Potomac River
Bridgemeister ID:4924 (added 2020-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Franklin, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:38.639645 N 79.332320 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan - Shiba River
Bridgemeister ID:6317 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Shiba River
Coordinates:35.396635 N 138.562888 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Fujioka, Gunma, Japan - Kanna River
Bridgemeister ID:5169 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fujioka, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Kanna River
Coordinates:36.119473 N 138.974715 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Futa, Uttarakhand, India - Panar Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:4359 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Futa, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Panar Nadi
Coordinates:29.508490 N 79.837833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan - Shih-men Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:5894 (added 2021-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Crossing:Shih-men Reservoir
Coordinates:24.809328 N 121.346805 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1


  • Remains of a suspended deck suspension bridge are visible at the present-day (2021) Xikou Suspension Bridge (新溪口吊橋). The newer suspension bridge is currently omitted from the inventory because it's a drooping/simple suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Gagla and Mehla, Himachal Pradesh, India - Ravi River
Bridgemeister ID:5271 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gagla and Mehla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
Coordinates:32.484734 N 76.178367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Gahkuch Paeen, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6773 (added 2021-10-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gahkuch Paeen, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.186331 N 73.771464 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2013-2018
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Gailari (गैलरी) and Chinyalisaur (चिन्यलिसौर), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7597 (added 2023-05-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gailari (गैलरी) and Chinyalisaur (चिन्यलिसौर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.572561 N 78.333700 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.3 meters (247 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Photo of the arch bridge construction with two suspension bridges visible at bottom. Posted July 25, 2018.
  • Facebook. Photo with the mostly underwater stone suspension bridge tower visible in front of the steel frame suspension bridge. Posted June 29, 2014.
  • Google Maps - Devisaur Arch Bridge. Photo with two suspension bridges and remnant towers of a third suspension bridge all visible under the Devisaur arch bridge. March 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Gailari (गैलरी) and Chinyalisaur (चिन्यलिसौर), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7598 (added 2023-05-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gailari (गैलरी) and Chinyalisaur (चिन्यलिसौर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.572575 N 78.333508 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 104.2 meters (342 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Photo of the arch bridge construction with two suspension bridges visible at bottom. Posted July 25, 2018.
  • Facebook. Photo of the steel frame suspension bridge (also a mostly underwater stone suspension bridge tower visible). Posted June 29, 2014.
  • Google Maps - Devisaur Arch Bridge. Photo with two suspension bridges and remnant towers of a third suspension bridge all visible under the Devisaur arch bridge. March 2021.
  • Instagram. Photo of the suspension bridge under the newer arch bridge. Posted January 23, 2022.
  • Instagram. Photo of the suspension bridge. Posted January 22, 2022.

(suspension bridge)

Gailari (गैलरी) and Chinyalisaur (चिन्यलिसौर), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7599 (added 2023-05-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gailari (गैलरी) and Chinyalisaur (चिन्यलिसौर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.572531 N 78.333597 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Photo with remnant tower visible between the other two suspension bridges below construction of the newer arch bridge. Posted March 24, 2017.
  • Facebook. Photo taken from the deck of the arch bridge looking down to the remnant tower from the suspension bridge between the other two suspension bridges. Posted March 22, 2019.
  • Facebook - Old Devi Saur bridge, Chinyali Saur Uttarkashi.. Photo with remnant tower visible between the other two suspension bridges. Posted July 28, 2018.
  • Google Maps - Devisaur Arch Bridge. Photo with remnant tower visible between the other two suspension bridges under the newer arch bridge. March 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Gaindakot and Kota, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4686 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gaindakot and Kota, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.750957 N 84.354160 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gainesville vicinity, Texas and Love County, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:279 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gainesville vicinity, Texas and Love County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.718156 N 97.129504 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Galåa, Røros, Trøndelag, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3907 (added 2020-03-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Galåa, Røros, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.54824 N 11.28900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 66.5 meters (218.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, completed by 1937, still in existence in 1969, and removed by 2003.

(suspension bridge)

Galice, Oregon, USA - Rogue River
Bridgemeister ID:1666 (added 2005-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Galice, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Rogue River
Main Cables:Wire


  • Circa early 1900s. Open frame timber towers. Likely removed.

(suspension bridge)

Gangaou, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5412 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gangaou, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.986765 N 79.029648 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 59.3 meters (194.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gangarkote, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5387 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gangarkote, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.549285 N 79.547192 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Gangnani (गंगनानी) vicinity and Sukki (सुक्की) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7967 (added 2023-11-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gangnani (गंगनानी) vicinity and Sukki (सुक्की) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.963237 N 78.697417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.2 meters (263 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Gangtal and Falati, Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:5447 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gangtal and Falati, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.372754 N 78.995825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Gangtok (गान्तोक) vicinity, Sikkim, India - Tukchom Chu
Bridgemeister ID:8778 (added 2024-09-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gangtok (गान्तोक) vicinity, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Tukchom Chu
Coordinates:27.294906 N 88.655672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2012-2015
Main Span:1 x 248 meters (813.6 feet) estimated


  • Replaced by a truss bridge in the early 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Garayala, Nepal - Sani Beri River
Bridgemeister ID:4367 (added 2020-04-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Garayala, Nepal
Crossing:Sani Beri River
Coordinates:28.699545 N 82.280061 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)

(suspension bridge)

Garhi Habibullah, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5751 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Garhi Habibullah, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.362961 N 73.401296 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Garhi, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:6665 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Garhi, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:33.170902 N 74.775523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gari (गारी), Uttarakhand, India - Madhyamaheshwar Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:7041 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gari (गारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Madhyamaheshwar Ganga
Coordinates:30.536997 N 79.098522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Garnes, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Inna
Bridgemeister ID:4072 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Garnes, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.731340 N 11.760107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.5 meters (123 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1966 and removed by 1983.

(suspension bridge)

Garzê Town (甘孜镇), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8533 (added 2024-03-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Garzê Town (甘孜镇), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.615324 N 99.984426 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gauhana (गोहाना) and Gauna Chakdhar Kumar (गौना चकधर कुमार), Uttarakhand, India - Birahi Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:7069 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gauhana (गोहाना) and Gauna Chakdhar Kumar (गौना चकधर कुमार), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Birahi Ganga
Coordinates:30.371261 N 79.487853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 126.5 meters (415 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gauri, Dailekh, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5645 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gauri, Dailekh, Nepal
Coordinates:28.762885 N 81.662213 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gautamkot and Bhagawati, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5478 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gautamkot and Bhagawati, Nepal
Coordinates:28.903127 N 82.507627 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Güer Aike vicinity, Santa Cruz, Argentina - Gallegos River
Bridgemeister ID:7031 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Güer Aike vicinity, Santa Cruz, Argentina
Crossing:Gallegos River
At or Near Feature:Las Buitreras Fishing Lodge
Coordinates:51.720492 S 70.139580 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Geletuoxiang (歌乐沱乡), Sertar County (色达县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Sequ River
Bridgemeister ID:8746 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Geletuoxiang (歌乐沱乡), Sertar County (色达县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Sequ River
Coordinates:31.938833 N 100.929306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2011)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gemarang, Karanggeneng, Ngawi Regency and Balun, Karanggeneng, Ngawi Regency, East Java, Indonesia - Solo River
Bridgemeister ID:7112 (added 2022-06-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gemarang, Karanggeneng, Ngawi Regency and Balun, Karanggeneng, Ngawi Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Solo River
Coordinates:7.380141 S 111.351724 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gero vicinity, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3204 (added 2019-11-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gero vicinity, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.721414 N 137.196741 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Gero, Gifu, Japan - Maze River
Bridgemeister ID:3987 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gero, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Maze River
Coordinates:35.957885 N 137.118272 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Gero, Gifu, Japan - Maze River
Bridgemeister ID:3988 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gero, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Maze River
Coordinates:35.956980 N 137.133257 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Gero, Gifu, Japan - Maze River
Bridgemeister ID:3989 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gero, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Maze River
Coordinates:35.723085 N 137.135903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ghangit, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5255 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghangit, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.093952 N 76.365132 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Ghangit, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5256 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghangit, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.093613 N 76.364925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Ghanyur (घंयुर) and Dalgaon (दल्गओं), Bassar Patti (बस्सर पत्ती), Uttarakhand, India - Bal Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:8092 (added 2023-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghanyur (घंयुर) and Dalgaon (दल्गओं), Bassar Patti (बस्सर पत्ती), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bal Ganga
Coordinates:30.545239 N 78.647642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 77.7 meters (255 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2005-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Ghat (घाट), Uttarakhand, India - Nandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6992 (added 2022-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghat (घाट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Nandakini River
Coordinates:30.258600 N 79.449975 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 48.2 meters (158 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image posted 2019. The derelict suspension bridge is visible under the newer truss bridge.
  • Google Maps. Image posted 2016. The derelict suspension bridge's cables are seen under the newer truss bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Ghawari and Kuroo, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3679 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghawari and Kuroo, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.177256 N 76.072158 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Ghaziabad (गाजियाबाद), Uttar Pradesh, India - Hindon River
Bridgemeister ID:7285 (added 2022-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghaziabad (गाजियाबाद), Uttar Pradesh, India
Crossing:Hindon River
Status:Destroyed, 1857
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:5

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Ghonti (घोंटी) and Gaujiyana (गौजियाना), Uttarakhand, India - Bhilangna River
Bridgemeister ID:8090 (added 2023-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghonti (घोंटी) and Gaujiyana (गौजियाना), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhilangna River
Coordinates:30.408578 N 78.612361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, 2006
Main Span:1 x 55.5 meters (182 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Ghorg vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3267 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghorg vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.343813 N 75.823780 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Ghund Nanori, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:5831 (added 2021-04-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghund Nanori, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.429011 N 73.692542 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ghur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:4962 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ghur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:31.918811 N 76.452492 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6388 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.626232 N 75.906906 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6389 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.642058 N 75.860219 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6390 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.617514 N 75.820065 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6391 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.628419 N 75.777267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gilset, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3863 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gilset, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.96039 N 10.97795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, built prior to 1955 and removed by 1993.

(suspension bridge)

Gimdi (गिम्दी) and Betini (बेतिनि), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6374 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gimdi (गिम्दी) and Betini (बेतिनि), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.413980 N 85.383087 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gimdi (गिम्दी) and Manthali (मन्थली), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6366 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gimdi (गिम्दी) and Manthali (मन्थली), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.432695 N 85.337251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gintu, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Salo Karangan
Bridgemeister ID:5748 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gintu, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Salo Karangan
Coordinates:1.887236 S 120.235072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gjøra, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva
Bridgemeister ID:3992 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gjøra, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.544941 N 9.110295 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Gjerde, Luster, Vestland, Norway - Jostedøla
Bridgemeister ID:3965 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gjerde, Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.59012 N 7.27956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated


  • Historic aerial images appear to show a suspension bridge at this location, removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Glenwood, Minnesota, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2410 (added 2007-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Glenwood, Minnesota, USA
At or Near Feature:Pezhekee Golf Course

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Gobghat Bazzar (गोबघाट), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6471 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gobghat Bazzar (गोबघाट), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.298596 N 80.819341 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gojo, Nara, Japan - Nyu River
Bridgemeister ID:4858 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gojo, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Nyu River
Coordinates:34.290311 N 135.737324 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Gol, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3269 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gol, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.245530 N 75.869381 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Gomi (გომი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8002 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gomi (გომი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:42.010472 N 43.719611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gonaha (गोनाहा), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6577 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gonaha (गोनाहा), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.494560 N 83.367183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gongguan Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3412 (added 2019-12-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gongguan Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.463541 N 120.852019 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8365 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:28.135722 N 98.484444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2021 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Gongyaxiang (龚垭乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8506 (added 2024-03-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gongyaxiang (龚垭乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:31.692101 N 98.557126 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gornye Kliuchi (Горные Ключи), Primorsky Krai, Russia - Ussuri River
Bridgemeister ID:5240 (added 2020-10-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gornye Kliuchi (Горные Ключи), Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crossing:Ussuri River
Coordinates:45.240853 N 133.516261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Gothauligaun (गोथलीगाउ) and Dundra (दुन्द्रा), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6529 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gothauligaun (गोथलीगाउ) and Dundra (दुन्द्रा), Nepal
Coordinates:28.015909 N 82.371081 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 187 meters (613.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Govind Ghat (गोविंद घाट), Toli Naga Chiae (टोली नागा चिए), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5441 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Govind Ghat (गोविंद घाट), Toli Naga Chiae (टोली नागा चिए), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.625023 N 79.558042 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Granheim, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4041 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Granheim, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.39221 N 9.53409 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 58.5 meters (191.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed 1962-1970

(suspension bridge)

Grum, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6263 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Grum, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.773100 N 71.694512 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Grum, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6264 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Grum, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.767214 N 71.698823 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Guadualejo, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Páez
Bridgemeister ID:8678 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Guadualejo, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Páez
Coordinates:2.572639 N 75.968028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gualaquiza and Bomboiza, Ecuador - Rio Bomboiza
Bridgemeister ID:7727 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gualaquiza and Bomboiza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Bomboiza
Coordinates:3.435278 S 78.542944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)

(suspension bridge)

Gualaquiza and Bomboiza, Ecuador - Rio Bomboiza
Bridgemeister ID:7728 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gualaquiza and Bomboiza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Bomboiza
Coordinates:3.427059 S 78.520351 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Guale, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:7224 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Guale, Ecuador
Coordinates:1.633564 S 80.238068 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8326 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.387583 N 98.897444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8327 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.368722 N 98.889389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8328 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gudengxiang (古登乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.362639 N 98.888000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 123 meters (403.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2020 or 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Guguan, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2773 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Guguan, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.203646 N 121.003859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Guide County (贵德县), Hainan, Qinghai, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8124 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Guide County (贵德县), Hainan, Qinghai, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.057056 N 101.424250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2016 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Gujar Bandi vicinity, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3501 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gujar Bandi vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.134211 N 73.863594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Gulariya (गुलरिया), Nepal - Babai River
Bridgemeister ID:6591 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gulariya (गुलरिया), Nepal
Crossing:Babai River
Coordinates:28.284695 N 81.297813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 251 meters (823.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gullbrå vicinity, Eislandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Storelvi
Bridgemeister ID:4443 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gullbrå vicinity, Eislandet, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.810660 N 6.169108 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.5 meters (90.2 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.5 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1958 and removed by 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Gulpur vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4980 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gulpur vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.410903 N 73.824586 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Gulpur vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4981 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gulpur vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.407385 N 73.803340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Gultari, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6392 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gultari, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.654957 N 75.540336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Gultari, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6393 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gultari, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.654957 N 75.540336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Guojiaxiang, Dinggyê County, Shigatse, Tibet, China - Pum Qu
Bridgemeister ID:6504 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Guojiaxiang, Dinggyê County, Shigatse, Tibet, China
Crossing:Pum Qu
Coordinates:28.322442 N 87.455840 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 80.8 meters (265 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Gupis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6715 (added 2021-10-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gupis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.228331 N 73.465958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Side Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Guvachi, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:3696 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Guvachi, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.163182 N 74.284297 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Ha Tinh, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:3179 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ha Tinh, Vietnam
Coordinates:18.516967 N 105.485737 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Habahe County (哈巴河县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China - Irtysh River
Bridgemeister ID:8700 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Habahe County (哈巴河县), Altay Prefecture (阿勒泰地区), Xinjiang, China
Crossing:Irtysh River
Coordinates:47.869250 N 86.284389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hagfors, Sweden - Värmullen
Bridgemeister ID:8078 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hagfors, Sweden
Coordinates:60.044611 N 13.664861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, c. 2020
Suspended Spans:1


  • Hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridge. Closed since late 2010s or very early 2020s.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Haim, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Haim Gah
Bridgemeister ID:6749 (added 2021-10-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Haim, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Haim Gah
Coordinates:36.228694 N 73.696992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (215 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Haji Abad, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3622 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Haji Abad, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.850245 N 71.864276 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Hajira vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:4982 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hajira vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Coordinates:33.728817 N 73.946572 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Hajira vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4983 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hajira vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.703917 N 73.953235 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Hajira, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Hajira Rangar
Bridgemeister ID:5865 (added 2021-05-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hajira, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Hajira Rangar
Coordinates:33.797533 N 73.873454 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hakuba, Nagano, Japan - Himekawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6109 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hakuba, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Himekawa River
Coordinates:36.681389 N 137.860673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hakusan, Ishikawa, Japan - Tedori River
Bridgemeister ID:6126 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hakusan, Ishikawa, Japan
Crossing:Tedori River
Coordinates:36.438694 N 136.631674 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2018)

(suspension bridge)

Halon Kalan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:6167 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Halon Kalan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:31.901427 N 76.676552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Haltdalen vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3864 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Haltdalen vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.952110 N 11.040200 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial imagery, built prior to 1955 and removed by 2003.

(suspension bridge)

Haltdalen vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3865 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Haltdalen vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.94195 N 11.06576 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, built prior to 1955 and removed by 2003.

(suspension bridge)

Ham, Somerset, England, United Kingdom - River Tone
Bridgemeister ID:1467 (added 2004-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ham, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tone
Coordinates:51.022483 N 3.014533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Tony Ethridge

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Keta River
Bridgemeister ID:4301 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Keta River
Coordinates:34.936236 N 137.837402 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Keta River
Bridgemeister ID:4305 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Keta River
Coordinates:35.050101 N 137.914755 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Keta River
Bridgemeister ID:4306 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Keta River
Coordinates:35.061872 N 137.912718 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.5 meters (142.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Sugi River
Bridgemeister ID:4307 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Sugi River
Coordinates:35.024042 N 137.953851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Sugi River
Bridgemeister ID:4308 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Sugi River
Coordinates:35.040809 N 138.006269 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Sugi River
Bridgemeister ID:4310 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Sugi River
Coordinates:35.045943 N 138.023307 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.5 meters (146 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Kumakiri River
Bridgemeister ID:4313 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Kumakiri River
Coordinates:34.994149 N 137.939413 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4326 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.089622 N 137.795461 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4327 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.191077 N 137.816835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Ochise River
Bridgemeister ID:4330 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ochise River
Coordinates:35.056216 N 137.767093 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Ochise River
Bridgemeister ID:4331 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ochise River
Coordinates:35.056010 N 137.765733 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Hambiri, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Pane
Bridgemeister ID:8238 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hambiri, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Pane
Coordinates:1.523556 N 99.620194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hamburg, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:2302 (added 2007-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamburg, Germany
At or Near Feature:Stadtpark
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was in existence in the 1920s.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

(suspension bridge)

Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4404 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.538357 N 6.057060 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26.5 meters (86.9 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1972.

(suspension bridge)

Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4405 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.541505 N 6.049528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:1 x 8.5 meters (27.9 feet) estimated,
1 x 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4407 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.540450 N 6.030772 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 31 meters (101.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1972.

(suspension bridge)

Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4413 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.550977 N 6.027160 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 17.25 meters (56.6 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and replaced by 2007.

(suspension bridge)

Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4415 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.559309 N 5.994331 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Spans:2 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 18 meters (59.1 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and removed by 2007. Pier and abutment remnants still present, 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Bergsdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4416 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamlagrø vicinity, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.561677 N 5.980198 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1972 and removed by 2007.

(suspension bridge)

Hamuchal and Gohar Abad, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6783 (added 2021-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamuchal and Gohar Abad, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.092253 N 73.981750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 53.9 meters (177 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Hamzigond, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6344 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hamzigond, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.814770 N 76.190810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Handikhola (हाँडिखोला), Manahari (मनहरि), Nepal - East Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:6513 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Handikhola (हाँडिखोला), Manahari (मनहरि), Nepal
Crossing:East Rapti River
Coordinates:27.468142 N 84.875093 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 268 meters (879.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Handio, Mandian, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8598 (added 2024-05-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Handio, Mandian, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:1.006139 N 99.803667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Harabotey, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6620 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harabotey, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.181832 N 88.314413 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2014 or 2015.

(suspension bridge)

Harabotey, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6621 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harabotey, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.169252 N 88.299488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hardiya (हर्दिया), Nepal - Balan River
Bridgemeister ID:6601 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hardiya (हर्दिया), Nepal
Crossing:Balan River
Coordinates:26.760635 N 86.522520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 348 meters (1,141.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Harespo Das, Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:6616 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harespo Das, Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.245558 N 74.339503 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 141.7 meters (465 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Harespo Das, Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:6641 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harespo Das, Chalt, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.245510 N 74.338894 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Hariang, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6505 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hariang, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.629132 S 106.293696 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hariyali (हरियाली), Uttarakhand, India - Lastar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7007 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hariyali (हरियाली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Lastar Gad
Coordinates:30.351771 N 78.969682 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Harmal (हरमल) and Jhaliya (झालिया), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6963 (added 2022-02-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harmal (हरमल) and Jhaliya (झालिया), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.060650 N 79.798694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed by flood, June 2013.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Harunocho Chozoji, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Kumakiri River
Bridgemeister ID:4312 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harunocho Chozoji, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Kumakiri River
Coordinates:34.992967 N 137.930877 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Harunocho Keta, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Keta River
Bridgemeister ID:4303 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Harunocho Keta, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Keta River
Coordinates:35.013944 N 137.896864 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hasis and Hatoon, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Karambar River
Bridgemeister ID:6799 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hasis and Hatoon, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Karambar River
Coordinates:36.273828 N 73.773325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.5 meters (264 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Hattian Bala, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3499 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hattian Bala, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.171691 N 73.739544 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Hattian Bala, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3500 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hattian Bala, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.172381 N 73.747246 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Hatwal Gaon (हतवाल गांव), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8048 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hatwal Gaon (हतवाल गांव), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
At or Near Feature:Tehri Dam Reservoir
Coordinates:30.432017 N 78.437958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, 2006
Main Span:1 x 67.7 meters (222 feet) estimated


  • Location inundated behind Tehri Dam in 2006

(suspension bridge)

Haugsjåsund vicinity, Nissedal, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Nidelva
Bridgemeister ID:4480 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Haugsjåsund vicinity, Nissedal, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Høgefoss Kraftverk
Coordinates:58.952015 N 8.515339 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 21.5 meters (70.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1980.

(suspension bridge)

Hawalbagh Village (हवाल्बघ गाँव) and Udiyari (उदीयारी), Uttarakhand, India - Kosi River
Bridgemeister ID:6213 (added 2021-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hawalbagh Village (हवाल्बघ गाँव) and Udiyari (उदीयारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kosi River
Coordinates:29.647877 N 79.633126 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Hayakawa (早川町), Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:7919 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hayakawa (早川町), Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.456056 N 138.342556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)


  • 2023: Towers from an old suspension bridge are still standing next to the current bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Hayakawa (早川町), Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:7920 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hayakawa (早川町), Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.434196 N 138.335275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:5143 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.486757 N 138.329457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hà Lâu, Tiên Yên, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:6400 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hà Lâu, Tiên Yên, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
Coordinates:21.433003 N 107.298474 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hebeng, Kamporijo, Kamle District, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Kumey River
Bridgemeister ID:8159 (added 2024-02-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hebeng, Kamporijo, Kamle District, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Kumey River
Coordinates:27.837554 N 93.93594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 125.9 meters (413 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hegarmanah, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5623 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hegarmanah, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.002818 S 106.683528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hekuli (हेकुली) and Goltakuri (गोल्टाकुरी), Nepal - Sewa Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6543 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hekuli (हेकुली) and Goltakuri (गोल्टाकुरी), Nepal
Crossing:Sewa Khola
Coordinates:28.087726 N 82.180798 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hekuli (हेकुली) and Goltakuri (गोल्टाकुरी), Nepal - Sewa Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6544 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hekuli (हेकुली) and Goltakuri (गोल्टाकुरी), Nepal
Crossing:Sewa Khola
Coordinates:28.076091 N 82.194702 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 157 meters (515.1 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2017-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Helleland vicinity, Norway - Hedlandsåna
Bridgemeister ID:4403 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Helleland vicinity, Norway
Coordinates:58.514498 N 6.076482 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Helleland, Rogaland, Norway - Hedlandsåna
Bridgemeister ID:4402 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Helleland, Rogaland, Norway
Coordinates:58.520875 N 6.106802 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 31.5 meters (103.3 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1967, removed by 2003. Remnants of the bridge still visible at this location in 2010.

(suspension bridge)

Henache vicinity, Ladakh, India - Nubra River
Bridgemeister ID:5524 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Henache vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Nubra River
Coordinates:34.971011 N 77.393966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3420 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.658853 N 121.124097 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Henley, Hornbrook, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:1083 (added 2004-01-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Henley, Hornbrook, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Coordinates:41.88649 N 122.55474 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, c. 2010-2012
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have collapsed (or was dismantled) at some point between 2010 and 2012.
  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes (in the 2000s): "It looked at one time it may have carried one lane of traffic from the early 20th century. It was barely standing, I did manage to walk across it."
Photo by David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3242 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.342672 N 121.301430 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hepoxiang (河坡乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan and Jomda (江达县), Chamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8538 (added 2024-03-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hepoxiang (河坡乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan and Jomda (江达县), Chamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:31.435521 N 98.839887 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hepoxiang (河坡乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8539 (added 2024-03-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hepoxiang (河坡乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.376583 N 98.908722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hepoxiang (河坡乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8540 (added 2024-03-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hepoxiang (河坡乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.392389 N 99.032139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Herringen, Mosjøen, Vefsn, Nordland, Norway - Herringselva
Bridgemeister ID:4472 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Herringen, Mosjøen, Vefsn, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.859656 N 13.479795 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated


  • Coordinates indicate likely location of the bridge, based on analysis of historical images.
  • Built prior to 1929.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Hexixiang (河西乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8205 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hexixiang (河西乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.390528 N 102.027139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:3305 (added 2019-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.953574 N 135.384399 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4430 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.947833 N 135.370917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Removed at some point between 2014-2020.

(suspension bridge)

Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4431 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.970722 N 135.360417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4433 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.958444 N 135.376250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Remains of anchorages, a pier, and an approach span of a substantial suspension bridge is evident (in 2020) at this location.

(suspension bridge)

Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4438 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hidakagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.965826 N 135.394213 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 199 meters (652.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hildal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Grønsdalslona
Bridgemeister ID:4453 (added 2020-04-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hildal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:59.994670 N 6.565363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.5 meters (116.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964.

(suspension bridge)

Himola (हिमोला), Phali Phasalat (फ़ाली फसलत) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:7005 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Himola (हिमोला), Phali Phasalat (फ़ाली फसलत) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.491287 N 79.083712 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hin Long, Myanmar - Shweli River
Bridgemeister ID:3352 (added 2019-12-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hin Long, Myanmar
Crossing:Shweli River
Coordinates:23.812813 N 97.630343 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, 2020
Main Span:1 x 133 meters (436.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Hin Long, Myanmar - Shweli River
Bridgemeister ID:3353 (added 2019-12-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hin Long, Myanmar
Crossing:Shweli River
Coordinates:23.814560 N 97.631653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 152 meters (498.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Hinoemata, Fukushima, Japan - Ina River
Bridgemeister ID:5170 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hinoemata, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Ina River
Coordinates:37.078557 N 139.419585 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)

(suspension bridge)

Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan - Ota River
Bridgemeister ID:6099 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Ota River
Coordinates:34.547671 N 132.392405 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 119 meters (390.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan - Ota River
Bridgemeister ID:6100 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Ota River
Coordinates:34.511522 N 132.476878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hitaru (हितारू), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8015 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hitaru (हितारू), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.688053 N 78.355241 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.6 meters (166 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the bridge visible. October 2022.

(suspension bridge)

Honolulo, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7877 (added 2023-10-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Honolulo, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.453250 S 75.977833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Horali, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4357 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Horali, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.880467 N 79.941611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Hosteland vicinity, Masfjorden, Vestland, Norway - Risnesstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:4439 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hosteland vicinity, Masfjorden, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.844448 N 5.206984 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 66.5 meters (218.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1965 and removed by 2003. Large abutments still visible in 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Hot Springs Hotel, Canon City, Colorado, USA - Arkansas River
Bridgemeister ID:1553 (added 2004-11-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hot Springs Hotel, Canon City, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Arkansas River
Main Cables:Wire


  • Call number X-2456 of the Denver Public Library's Western History Photos collection shows a small suspension bridge (circa 1901-1905) at the Hot Springs Hotel. This bridge is not related to the Royal Gorge bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Hoting, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:6962 (added 2022-02-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hoting, Sweden
Coordinates:64.101375 N 16.190977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 149 meters (488.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hpakan, Myanmar - Uyu River
Bridgemeister ID:3762 (added 2020-02-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hpakan, Myanmar
Crossing:Uyu River
Coordinates:25.610450 N 96.311487 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


  • August 10, 2020: Deck battered and damaged by floodwaters, unclear what condition the bridge is in post-flood.

(suspension bridge)

Huamancaca, Peru - Rio Cunas
Bridgemeister ID:6006 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huamancaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cunas
Coordinates:12.059143 S 75.254572 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain


  • 2019: The bridge is visible with no deck. Unclear if it was undergoing construction, reconstruction, or had been damaged.
  • Next to (footbridge) - Huamancaca, Peru.

(suspension bridge)

Huambutio, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3427 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huambutio, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.554091 S 71.718554 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Huanipampa, San Pablo de Pillao and Pampamarca, Chinchao, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7874 (added 2023-10-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huanipampa, San Pablo de Pillao and Pampamarca, Chinchao, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.628943 S 75.857191 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Huarpa, Peru - Rio Warpa
Bridgemeister ID:6011 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huarpa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Warpa
Coordinates:12.867093 S 74.328340 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Huayllo, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8803 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huayllo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.127194 S 73.286028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hubball, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:2526 (added 2010-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hubball, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:38.19713 N 82.19012 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have carried light vehicular traffic.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Hum, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brijeg, Plužine, Montenegro - Tapa River
Bridgemeister ID:5104 (added 2020-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hum, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brijeg, Plužine, Montenegro
Crossing:Tapa River
Coordinates:43.348798 N 18.845199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain

(suspension bridge)

Hundurman, Kargil vicinity, Ladakh, India - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6361 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hundurman, Kargil vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.613302 N 76.125674 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 57.3 meters (188 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Hurase, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8061 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hurase, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.241944 N 99.373194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hushe River
Bridgemeister ID:6301 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hushe River
Coordinates:35.426700 N 76.359095 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hushe River
Bridgemeister ID:6302 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hushe River
Coordinates:35.452102 N 76.354804 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between late 2011 and early 2014.

(suspension bridge)

Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hushe River
Bridgemeister ID:6303 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hushe, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hushe River
Coordinates:35.376503 N 76.371129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Huta Gambir, Pakantan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8025 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huta Gambir, Pakantan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.553944 N 99.899972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Huta Lombang, Padang Sidempuan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Angkola
Bridgemeister ID:8063 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huta Lombang, Padang Sidempuan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Angkola
Coordinates:1.330833 N 99.321944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Huycho, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3447 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Huycho, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.325384 S 72.035210 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Hyttbakken, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3828 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Hyttbakken, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.196340 N 11.142850 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • Large central pier is still visible in the middle of the Nea.
  • Based on historical aerial images it was built before 1952 and removed after 1975.

(suspension bridge)

Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan - Sakauchi River
Bridgemeister ID:6128 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Sakauchi River
Coordinates:35.604301 N 136.364730 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan - Sakauchi River
Bridgemeister ID:6129 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Sakauchi River
Coordinates:35.594755 N 136.427120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan - Ibi River
Bridgemeister ID:6261 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Ibi River
Coordinates:35.569790 N 136.485200 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Iceland - Jökulsá á Fjöllum
Bridgemeister ID:2679 (added 2019-05-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Crossing:Jökulsá á Fjöllum
Coordinates:65.623479 N 16.190415 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Idaira, Shimogo, Fukushima, Japan - Tsurunuma River
Bridgemeister ID:5186 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Idaira, Shimogo, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Tsurunuma River
Coordinates:37.286501 N 139.961763 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Idumala (იდუმალა), Aspindza (ასპინძა), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8008 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Idumala (იდუმალა), Aspindza (ასპინძა), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.594500 N 43.212028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Iga, Mie, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4873 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Iga, Mie, Japan
Coordinates:34.699770 N 136.076164 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Iida, Nagano, Japan - Toyama River
Bridgemeister ID:7513 (added 2023-01-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Toyama River
Coordinates:35.305206 N 137.900502 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Iida, Nagano, Japan - Toyama River
Bridgemeister ID:7514 (added 2023-01-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Toyama River
Coordinates:35.310050 N 137.911928 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Iida, Nagano, Japan - Toyama River
Bridgemeister ID:7523 (added 2023-01-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Toyama River
Coordinates:35.363770 N 137.984599 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Illapani vicinity, Echarate and Quelloúno, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7832 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Illapani vicinity, Echarate and Quelloúno, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.650333 S 72.601833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Ina, Nagano, Japan - Mibu River
Bridgemeister ID:7744 (added 2023-07-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ina, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Mibu River
Coordinates:35.835246 N 138.055715 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Innset vicinity, Innlandet, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3848 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Innset vicinity, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.651120 N 10.182800 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 31 meters (101.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Innset, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3955 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Innset, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.70984 N 10.03916 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 23.5 meters (77.1 feet) estimated


  • Historic aerial images appear to show a suspension bridge at this location built prior to 1958 and removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Ino, Kochi, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4709 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ino, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.727506 N 133.242856 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ino, Kochi, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4710 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ino, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.727927 N 133.237861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Inshan, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Marau River
Bridgemeister ID:6723 (added 2021-10-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Inshan, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Marau River
Coordinates:33.796703 N 75.570043 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia - Angara River
Bridgemeister ID:6069 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Angara River
Coordinates:52.242329 N 104.312669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 296 meters (971.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia - Angara River
Bridgemeister ID:6070 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Angara River
Coordinates:52.239519 N 104.317186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 270 meters (885.8 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Iron Gate, Virginia, USA - Cowpasture River
Bridgemeister ID:8372 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Iron Gate, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cowpasture River
Coordinates:37.779889 N 79.746917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)

(suspension bridge)

Isfahan, Iran - Zayandeh River
Bridgemeister ID:4619 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Isfahan, Iran
Crossing:Zayandeh River
Coordinates:32.639806 N 51.607454 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Isfahan, Iran - Zayandeh River
Bridgemeister ID:4620 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Isfahan, Iran
Crossing:Zayandeh River
Coordinates:32.642145 N 51.571605 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Similar to a nearby suspension bridge, it appears to be substantial enough to support heavy vehicular traffic, but is configured as a pedestrian-only crossing.
  • See (suspension bridge) - Isfahan, Iran.

(suspension bridge)

Ishkoman, Pakistan - Karambar River
Bridgemeister ID:3253 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ishkoman, Pakistan
Crossing:Karambar River
Coordinates:36.533885 N 73.824289 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Istach, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:4247 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Istach, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.454803 N 72.676641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Istach, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:5491 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Istach, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.523493 N 72.773016 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Istach, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:5493 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Istach, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.483668 N 72.721975 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Itaibe, Páez, Cauca and Paicol, Huila, Colombia - Páez River
Bridgemeister ID:6335 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Itaibe, Páez, Cauca and Paicol, Huila, Colombia
Crossing:Páez River
Coordinates:2.476990 N 75.829033 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Itatori (板取), Seki, Gifu, Japan - Itadori River
Bridgemeister ID:7923 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Itatori (板取), Seki, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Itadori River
Coordinates:35.718917 N 136.771278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Itatori (板取), Seki, Gifu, Japan - Itadori River
Bridgemeister ID:7924 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Itatori (板取), Seki, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Itadori River
Coordinates:35.721591 N 136.779333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Itoigawa, Niigata and Otari, Nagano, Japan - Himekawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6227 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Itoigawa, Niigata and Otari, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Himekawa River
Coordinates:36.872309 N 137.878072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1


  • Located near Kambarazawa (Gamaharazawa) Debris Flow disaster monument (蒲原沢土石流災害の慰霊碑).

(suspension bridge)

Itsuki, Kumamoto, Japan - Kawabe River
Bridgemeister ID:5204 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Itsuki, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Kawabe River
Coordinates:32.433473 N 130.860054 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108.5 meters (356 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ituango and Briceño, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:7775 (added 2023-08-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ituango and Briceño, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.125049 N 75.664629 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, c. 2018
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated


  • c. 2018: Location of the bridge inundated behind the Ituango dam. Unclear if the bridge was removed beforehand.

(suspension bridge)

Ivochote vicinity, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7821 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ivochote vicinity, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.524018 S 73.031062 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 113 meters (370.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Izcuchaca District, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6017 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Izcuchaca District, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.491460 S 75.007512 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jabori, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:5907 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jabori, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.600787 N 73.260347 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jabori, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:5909 (added 2021-05-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jabori, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.604100 N 73.256642 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jabori, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:5910 (added 2021-05-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jabori, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.613959 N 73.237252 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jackson Bay, West Coast, New Zealand - Arawhata River
Bridgemeister ID:7591 (added 2023-05-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jackson Bay, West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Arawhata River
Coordinates:44.045694 S 168.725604 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 1971
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jaglot, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3260 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jaglot, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.665676 N 74.628086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Jagran vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3523 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jagran vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.498850 N 73.839017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Jagran vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3524 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jagran vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.451590 N 73.819055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Jagran vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3525 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jagran vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.442079 N 73.812973 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Jaikandi, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5451 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jaikandi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.289378 N 79.269255 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Jakh, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5889 (added 2021-05-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jakh, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.768470 N 79.493650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jalipur vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3258 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jalipur vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.409969 N 74.317028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Jamak (जमक), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8011 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jamak (जमक), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.742378 N 78.545661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 2013
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Jamalca, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8696 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jamalca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:5.836556 S 78.242556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jammu and Kashmir, India - Lidder River
Bridgemeister ID:8549 (added 2024-04-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Lidder River
Suspended Spans:1


  • The location of the pictured bridge is unclear but it is (or was) likely located in or around Pahalgam.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Jamro (جمرو) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Palas River
Bridgemeister ID:7194 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jamro (جمرو) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Palas River
Coordinates:35.037493 N 73.176349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Janakpur, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6530 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Janakpur, Nepal
Coordinates:28.745007 N 80.913775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 184 meters (603.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jandala vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5883 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jandala vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.967862 N 73.622490 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jandarot, Khalti vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6714 (added 2021-10-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jandarot, Khalti vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.247154 N 73.380141 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2010
Main Span:1 x 46.3 meters (152 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jandoli and Gamseng, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6747 (added 2021-10-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jandoli and Gamseng, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.265648 N 73.648448 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jangal Khas, Himachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:5270 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jangal Khas, Himachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:32.226042 N 76.058871 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Janki Chatti and Kharsali, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5416 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Janki Chatti and Kharsali, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.976170 N 78.439214 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Janwas, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6670 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Janwas, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.274370 N 75.766968 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Japukay, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6765 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Japukay, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.102325 N 73.952903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88.4 meters (290 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Jarayotar (जरायोटार), Nepal - Bhalukhola
Bridgemeister ID:6510 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jarayotar (जरायोटार), Nepal
Coordinates:27.105824 N 86.151586 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jardhar (जरधार) and Basanalgaon, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7519 (added 2023-01-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jardhar (जरधार) and Basanalgaon, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.861518 N 79.308491 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72.5 meters (238 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2009-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Jared, Mansehra, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5647 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jared, Mansehra, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.667604 N 73.541063 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jaspur (जसपुर), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8016 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jaspur (जसपुर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.630616 N 78.332122 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.5 meters (169 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Street view image of the bridge. November 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Jasrath and Lahaul and Spitti, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5260 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jasrath and Lahaul and Spitti, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:32.636920 N 76.856594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Jatiari, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:5534 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jatiari, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:33.232450 N 74.261526 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Jatkol, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5327 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jatkol, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.714991 N 72.803556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Jayaprithvi (जयपृथ्वी), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6407 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jayaprithvi (जयपृथ्वी), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.531487 N 81.168886 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • May have been replaced by a simple suspension bridge in the late 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Jayaram Ghat, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5229 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jayaram Ghat, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.176684 N 86.473514 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Jenesano, Boyaca, Colombia - Rio Jenesano
Bridgemeister ID:6886 (added 2022-01-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jenesano, Boyaca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Jenesano
Coordinates:5.384310 N 73.361692 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Jeori, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5374 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jeori, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.536147 N 77.777073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain

(suspension bridge)

Jerpstad, Fossmoan vicinity, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3836 (added 2020-03-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jerpstad, Fossmoan vicinity, Orkland, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.97904 N 9.76395 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial imagery, built before 1937 and removed by 1985.

(suspension bridge)

Jersey Shore vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Pine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1662 (added 2005-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jersey Shore vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Pine Creek
Coordinates:41.197030 N 77.291830 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Jevnaker, Viken, Norway - Randselva
Bridgemeister ID:4471 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jevnaker, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.220897 N 10.368769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 24 meters (78.7 feet) estimated


  • Was located at a paper/pulp mill that is now the Kistefos Museum and Sculpture Park.
  • Built prior to 1930.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Jhala Kudi, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5631 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jhala Kudi, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.195942 N 80.085022 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jhar Kot (झार कोट), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6456 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jhar Kot (झार कोट), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.869865 N 79.876561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jhimar, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5405 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jhimar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.720231 N 79.258578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Jhitand, Uttarakhand, India - Pabbar River
Bridgemeister ID:5381 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jhitand, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pabbar River
Coordinates:30.979395 N 77.840592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Jhla and Udalikhan, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5397 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jhla and Udalikhan, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.864676 N 79.326049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Jholing and Thirot, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5262 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jholing and Thirot, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:32.661256 N 76.774969 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Jialongba, Bome, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Parlung Zangbo
Bridgemeister ID:6165 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jialongba, Bome, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Parlung Zangbo
Coordinates:30.034660 N 95.252232 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jimbun, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3588 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jimbun, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.715971 S 110.840749 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Jimuxiang (集沐乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8198 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jimuxiang (集沐乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.739028 N 102.005472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jimuxiang (集沐乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8199 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jimuxiang (集沐乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.697694 N 102.029889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jimuxiang (集沐乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8200 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jimuxiang (集沐乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.718222 N 102.019694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Jinshaxiang (金沙乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan and Jomda (江达县), Chamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8487 (added 2024-03-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jinshaxiang (金沙乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan and Jomda (江达县), Chamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:31.319722 N 98.818583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet) estimated


  • Likely another suspension bridge adjacent to this bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Jinshaxiang (金沙乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan and Jomda (江达县), Chamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8488 (added 2024-03-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jinshaxiang (金沙乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan and Jomda (江达县), Chamdo (昌都市), Tibet, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:31.281111 N 98.735583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

José Boiteux, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Hercílio
Bridgemeister ID:5005 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:José Boiteux, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Hercílio
Coordinates:26.918199 S 49.655147 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

José Boiteux, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Hercílio
Bridgemeister ID:5006 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:José Boiteux, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Hercílio
Coordinates:26.970192 S 49.612469 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Josha (जोशा) and Madkote (मद्कोते), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:7206 (added 2022-07-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Josha (जोशा) and Madkote (मद्कोते), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:30.043960 N 80.305229 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2012 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted July 12, 2020.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted March 20, 2016.

(suspension bridge)

Jugajuchaklata (जुगाजुचाक्लाता), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7048 (added 2022-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jugajuchaklata (जुगाजुचाक्लाता), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.488758 N 79.674889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, February 7, 2021
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Built at some point in the 2006-2012 time frame. Destroyed by flash flood, February 7, 2021.

External Links:

  • Instagram. Image of the bridge posted in 2021. The image is mislabeled as "Dronagiri Parvat View Point" which is 13 miles away. The bridge pictured can be conclusively tied to the coordinates provided here based on the distinctive asymmetrical positioning of the sway cable anchorage blocks at the north end of the bridge which can be seen in both the photo and satellite images from before the bridge's destruction.

(suspension bridge)

Junction City, California, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:2345 (added 2007-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Junction City, California, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Main Cables:Wire


  • The reverse of the photograph says: "Old suspension bridge - Trinity Riv. 1 mile west of Junction City Ore. 9-16-57." The reference to Oregon appears to have been a mistake. Since Junction City, California is on the Trinity River it is assumed California's Junction City is the correct location. Junction City, Oregon is near the Willamette River.
  • The bridge pictured here has likely since been removed.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Junkerdal, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway - Junkerdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3730 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Junkerdal, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.80515 N 15.57949 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Junkerdal, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway - Junkerdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3731 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Junkerdal, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.810619 N 15.557742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Juppandang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Mata Allo
Bridgemeister ID:5696 (added 2021-04-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Juppandang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Mata Allo
Coordinates:3.562192 S 119.775442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Jutal, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:3697 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jutal, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.034823 N 74.290361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Jyamire (ज्यामिरे), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6507 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jyamire (ज्यामिरे), Nepal
Coordinates:27.735798 N 83.815696 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Jyamire (ज्यामिरे), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6508 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Jyamire (ज्यामिरे), Nepal
Coordinates:27.730734 N 83.833442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kabhrechaur (काभ्रेचौर), Nepal - Babai River
Bridgemeister ID:6548 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kabhrechaur (काभ्रेचौर), Nepal
Crossing:Babai River
Coordinates:28.302935 N 81.839660 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kabhrechaur (काभ्रेचौर), Nepal - Babai River
Bridgemeister ID:6589 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kabhrechaur (काभ्रेचौर), Nepal
Crossing:Babai River
Coordinates:28.310873 N 81.811977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 221 meters (725.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kabhrechaur (काभ्रेचौर), Nepal - Babai River
Bridgemeister ID:6590 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kabhrechaur (काभ्रेचौर), Nepal
Crossing:Babai River
Coordinates:28.340918 N 81.756758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 171 meters (561 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kachta, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5634 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kachta, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.588634 N 78.009335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kafoli Talli (कफोली तल्ली), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6922 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kafoli Talli (कफोली तल्ली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.171034 N 79.346167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 70.1 meters (230 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kaghan (کاغان) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7215 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaghan (کاغان) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.848683 N 73.572958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2014-2018
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


  • Removed or destroyed at some point between late 2014 and 2018.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kaghan (کاغان), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7210 (added 2022-07-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaghan (کاغان), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.791376 N 73.516292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46.9 meters (154 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kaghan vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5651 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaghan vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.809322 N 73.511006 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kaghan vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5652 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaghan vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.841228 N 73.545346 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kaghan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7198 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaghan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.761203 N 73.526130 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kaghan, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5650 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaghan, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.779957 N 73.519991 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kahgan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7200 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kahgan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.769044 N 73.524244 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge remains, posted October 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Kahokucho Nagano, Kami vicinity and Kahokucho Nezu, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3128 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kahokucho Nagano, Kami vicinity and Kahokucho Nezu, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.668745 N 133.824262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)


(suspension bridge)

Kahokucho Seizume, Kami vicinity and Kahokucho Warabino, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3130 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kahokucho Seizume, Kami vicinity and Kahokucho Warabino, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.687693 N 133.845472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kahokucho Shiraishi, Kami vicinity and Kahokucho Umenokubo, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3129 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kahokucho Shiraishi, Kami vicinity and Kahokucho Umenokubo, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.676158 N 133.832201 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kainan, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4861 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kainan, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.188630 N 135.299654 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kaindi (कैंडी) and Sirtham R.F. (सिर्थम R.F.), Uttarakhand, India - Rauntis Gad
Bridgemeister ID:8251 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaindi (कैंडी) and Sirtham R.F. (सिर्थम R.F.), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Rauntis Gad
Coordinates:29.807556 N 80.297361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.2 meters (263 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2005-2010 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Kakatahi, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3706 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kakatahi, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.743922 S 175.420662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kakshar, Ladakh, India - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6387 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kakshar, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.591262 N 76.002340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2010-2011
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kalam (کالام) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Swat River
Bridgemeister ID:6396 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kalam (کالام) vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Swat River
Coordinates:35.418239 N 72.603461 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kalapair Kappri (कलापैर कप्प्री), Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:6494 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kalapair Kappri (कलापैर कप्प्री), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.939544 N 80.142507 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kalika, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5479 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kalika, Nepal
Coordinates:28.989435 N 82.579904 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kaliwungu, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Sapi
Bridgemeister ID:8618 (added 2024-06-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaliwungu, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Sapi
Coordinates:7.490500 S 109.505639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2014 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Kalpani Kalay (کلپانی کلے), Pakistan - Barandu River
Bridgemeister ID:6211 (added 2021-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kalpani Kalay (کلپانی کلے), Pakistan
Crossing:Barandu River
Coordinates:34.471725 N 72.531007 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have been built between 2014-2016 and destroyed between 2019-2020.

(suspension bridge)

Kaludh, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8732 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaludh, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.176028 N 20.448861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2024)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Old suspension bridge immediately adjacent to a multi-span beam bridge built in 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Kalyasaur (कल्यासौङ), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7091 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kalyasaur (कल्यासौङ), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.258347 N 78.877139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2012-2013
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 58.2 meters (191 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kamahariya (कमहरिया), Nepal - Dano River
Bridgemeister ID:6572 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kamahariya (कमहरिया), Nepal
Crossing:Dano River
Coordinates:27.521568 N 83.346043 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kamahariya (कमहरिया), Nepal - Dano River
Bridgemeister ID:6573 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kamahariya (कमहरिया), Nepal
Crossing:Dano River
Coordinates:27.568821 N 83.334124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kamalamai (कमलामाई), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6515 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kamalamai (कमलामाई), Nepal
Coordinates:27.135472 N 85.949322 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 323 meters (1,059.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan - Sakamoto Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:4889 (added 2020-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Sakamoto Reservoir
Coordinates:34.090153 N 136.066858 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kamiyama, Tokushima, Japan - Akui River
Bridgemeister ID:6048 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kamiyama, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Akui River
Coordinates:34.030959 N 134.403926 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kampung Bukit Betong and Kampung Pamah Aur, Lipis, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:3330 (added 2019-12-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kampung Bukit Betong and Kampung Pamah Aur, Lipis, Malaysia
Coordinates:4.260135 N 101.922933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Replaced 2018 after having been derelict for several years. Gained some notoriety in early 2018 after videos went viral showing a father helping his young son across the wrecked bridge to get to school.
  • Coordinates are for the 2018 replacement span. Actual suspension bridge location may have been slightly west of this point.

(suspension bridge)

Kampung Seropak vicinity, Sarawak, Malaysia - Sungai Puak
Bridgemeister ID:5341 (added 2020-11-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kampung Seropak vicinity, Sarawak, Malaysia
Crossing:Sungai Puak
Coordinates:1.346251 N 110.177896 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The coordinates provided are believed to be the approximate location of this bridge based on reports by those having trekked into the remains of the 19th-century Tegora Mercury/Antimony Mine site. In general, its location has been a bit of a mystery given its remote location under dense tree cover. It very much appears to be a Harper bridge, but I've never seen it in any list of Harper bridges. Its towers appear almost identical to Harper's Doveridge bridge.
  • See 1898 Doveridge - Doveridge, England, United Kingdom.
  • See (footbridge) - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The two bridges are nearly identical in appearance.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kanayamacho Nakagiri, Gifu, Japan - Hida River
Bridgemeister ID:3205 (added 2019-11-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kanayamacho Nakagiri, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Hida River
Coordinates:35.692798 N 137.173506 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kanchanpur, Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:5481 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kanchanpur, Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:28.036109 N 81.964155 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Kanda Talla, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5472 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kanda Talla, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.817234 N 78.959710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Kandia, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:7578 (added 2023-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kandia, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.451845 N 73.061886 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 54.3 meters (178 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kandosu, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6664 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kandosu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.129248 N 75.628963 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kaneyama, Fukushima, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5612 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaneyama, Fukushima, Japan
Coordinates:37.436373 N 139.483056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kangshan (康山乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8471 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kangshan (康山乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.170306 N 101.668639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kangshan (康山乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8472 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kangshan (康山乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.149083 N 101.702944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kanhar, Pakistan - Shai Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:5717 (added 2021-04-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kanhar, Pakistan
Crossing:Shai Khwar
Coordinates:34.514887 N 72.824827 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kanikol, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8727 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kanikol, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.139639 N 20.490694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Kanikol, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8728 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kanikol, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.139806 N 20.490556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Karagithi (करागीठी) and Kavra (कभ्रा), Nepal - Sarada River
Bridgemeister ID:6538 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karagithi (करागीठी) and Kavra (कभ्रा), Nepal
Crossing:Sarada River
Coordinates:28.288980 N 82.190579 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Karanganyar, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Sapi
Bridgemeister ID:8616 (added 2024-06-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karanganyar, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Sapi
Coordinates:7.475917 S 109.562306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4793 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karangdapo, Paduraksa, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.774059 S 102.833550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Karchuli Bagar, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5608 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karchuli Bagar, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.814725 N 79.223553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Karezo Kelley, Pakistan - Barando River
Bridgemeister ID:5900 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karezo Kelley, Pakistan
Crossing:Barando River
Coordinates:34.445360 N 72.729980 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Karezo Kelley, Pakistan - Barando River
Bridgemeister ID:5901 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karezo Kelley, Pakistan
Crossing:Barando River
Coordinates:34.437167 N 72.746751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kargil, Ladakh, India - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6386 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kargil, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.594106 N 76.110421 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Kariango, Lembang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6658 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kariango, Lembang, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.486153 S 119.645508 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 19.5 meters (64 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 7.6 meters (25 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Karoli, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3494 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karoli, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.283461 N 73.565248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Karora Shangla, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5703 (added 2021-04-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karora Shangla, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.890379 N 72.766216 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Karuxiang, Nyêmo County, Lhasa, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6160 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karuxiang, Nyêmo County, Lhasa, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.350139 N 90.095694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Karyabinayak, Nepal - Nakkhu River
Bridgemeister ID:6309 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Karyabinayak, Nepal
Crossing:Nakkhu River
Coordinates:27.625823 N 85.311637 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kaseralau, Batulappa, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6657 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaseralau, Batulappa, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.533441 S 119.686128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kass Lilowani, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6518 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kass Lilowani, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.016622 N 72.642488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 41.5 meters (136 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kass Lilownai, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5779 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kass Lilownai, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.996205 N 72.637446 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Katari (कटारी), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6597 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Katari (कटारी), Nepal
Coordinates:26.948651 N 86.398998 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 280 meters (918.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Katari (कटारी), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6599 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Katari (कटारी), Nepal
Coordinates:26.933673 N 86.430118 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 119 meters (390.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kathur Markhola, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5469 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kathur Markhola, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.836229 N 78.894100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Katsuragi, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4227 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Katsuragi, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.134020 N 135.531334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Katsuragi, Wakayama, Japan - Arita River
Bridgemeister ID:4228 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Katsuragi, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Arita River
Coordinates:34.131974 N 135.560501 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Kavra (कभ्रा), Nepal - Sarada River
Bridgemeister ID:6539 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kavra (कभ्रा), Nepal
Crossing:Sarada River
Coordinates:28.278256 N 82.153637 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3298 (added 2019-11-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.141208 N 138.145311 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • May have originally carried automobiles. Currently functioning as a footbridge with a narrow deck.

(suspension bridge)

Kaying, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siyom River
Bridgemeister ID:6252 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaying, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siyom River
Coordinates:28.407952 N 94.693692 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kaytanak (Кайтанак), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6199 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kaytanak (Кайтанак), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:50.163942 N 85.472029 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 162 meters (531.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kärrbackstrand, Sweden - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:8640 (added 2024-06-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kärrbackstrand, Sweden
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Këlcyrë and Mbrezhdan, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8740 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Këlcyrë and Mbrezhdan, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.306139 N 20.205472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


  • Immediately adjacent to a bailey truss bridge built in 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Kearny, Arizona, USA - Gila River
Bridgemeister ID:2934 (added 2019-09-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kearny, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Gila River
Coordinates:33.054216 N 110.919548 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by William Powell from Pow Wow Sales

(suspension bridge)

Keeru, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6675 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Keeru, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.345359 N 75.958552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kelurahan Tiromanda, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5716 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kelurahan Tiromanda, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.104929 S 119.815119 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kemusu, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3589 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kemusu, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.304879 S 110.748402 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Keris vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3677 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Keris vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.213982 N 75.914883 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


(suspension bridge)

Keris vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6342 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Keris vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.214700 N 75.913434 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Keris, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3678 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Keris, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.218838 N 75.944608 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kha Mang, Chum Saeng District, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:6228 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kha Mang, Chum Saeng District, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:15.927628 N 100.292308 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Appears to be a hybrid suspension and stayed bridge. Not clear whether the suspension cables are the original or primary means of support.

(suspension bridge)

Khai Kot Talla, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4346 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khai Kot Talla, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.459475 N 80.195147 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Khaira and Dakhakwadi, Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5268 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khaira and Dakhakwadi, Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.086245 N 82.833114 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Khaira and Ramdi, Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5267 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khaira and Ramdi, Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.064000 N 82.820895 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Khairabad, Drosh vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:6300 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khairabad, Drosh vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.608282 N 71.799845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3625 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.892421 N 71.976397 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6322 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.895171 N 71.981494 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2010
Main Span:1 x 86.6 meters (284 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6323 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.895106 N 71.982802 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • A vehicular suspension bridge tower can be seen here in satellite imagery from the early 2010s. Most of the bridge was already removed before the devastating 2010 floods that destroyed several Panjkora River suspension bridges.
  • Next to (suspension bridge) - Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

(suspension bridge)

Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6326 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khall, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.892746 N 71.976070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2010
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (233 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Khalti, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6766 (added 2021-10-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khalti, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
At or Near Feature:Khalti Lake
Coordinates:36.247376 N 73.352848 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 133.8 meters (439 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Khanati, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5632 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khanati, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.616370 N 78.012731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Khanchamala (खंचामाला), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7044 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khanchamala (खंचामाला), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.535842 N 79.602161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Khane, Pakistan - Hushe River
Bridgemeister ID:4021 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khane, Pakistan
Crossing:Hushe River
Coordinates:35.330343 N 76.376742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Khanna and Wari (वारी), Uttarakhand, India - Manji Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7323 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khanna and Wari (वारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Manji Gad
Coordinates:31.158581 N 78.101208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 47.5 meters (156 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kharfaq and Yugo, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6319 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kharfaq and Yugo, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.185356 N 76.171837 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Kharjo Khar, Myanmar
Bridgemeister ID:3763 (added 2020-02-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kharjo Khar, Myanmar
Coordinates:27.382631 N 97.533343 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kharkholi (खर्खोली), Uttarakhand, India - Nandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6978 (added 2022-03-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kharkholi (खर्खोली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Nandakini River
Coordinates:30.282722 N 79.390236 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 62.5 meters (205 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kharwa and Barjand, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5522 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kharwa and Barjand, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.688169 N 75.731647 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Khashuri (ხაშური), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8001 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khashuri (ხაშური), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.976833 N 43.614472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Khaskusma, Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:5482 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khaskusma, Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:28.003743 N 82.114355 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Khasunder, Pingal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6710 (added 2021-10-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khasunder, Pingal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.170747 N 73.072953 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 69.8 meters (229 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Khánh Nam and Khánh Vinh, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:3336 (added 2019-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khánh Nam and Khánh Vinh, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
Coordinates:12.286177 N 108.903005 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kheta, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:5431 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kheta, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.032981 N 79.756065 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Khiroi (खिरोई), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7143 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khiroi (खिरोई), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.682811 N 79.507764 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed by catastrophic Uttarakhand flooding in June 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Khlong Krachong, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5041 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khlong Krachong, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.246214 N 99.852296 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Khureri, Uttarakhand, India - Gagas River
Bridgemeister ID:5443 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Khureri, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Gagas River
Coordinates:29.704564 N 79.295709 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Kil, Chapursan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6360 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kil, Chapursan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.820161 N 74.548720 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2016
Main Span:1 x 33.8 meters (111 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4862 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.145586 N 135.374614 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4863 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.144004 N 135.372992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4864 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.141349 N 135.385151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4865 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.134861 N 135.394374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4866 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.134521 N 135.400973 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4867 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.138430 N 135.412031 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4868 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.139375 N 135.436379 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4869 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.167100 N 135.466267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Makuni River
Bridgemeister ID:4885 (added 2020-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Makuni River
Coordinates:34.168432 N 135.379768 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kimino, Wakayama, Japan - Kishi River
Bridgemeister ID:4892 (added 2020-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimino, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kishi River
Coordinates:34.148580 N 135.367833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan - Obitsu River
Bridgemeister ID:6031 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Crossing:Obitsu River
Coordinates:35.228081 N 140.092910 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kirtinagar, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5459 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kirtinagar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.214305 N 78.751775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6671 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.305571 N 75.742112 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan - Sensui Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6957 (added 2022-02-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Sensui Lake
At or Near Feature:Odomari Dam (王泊ダム)
Coordinates:34.699544 N 132.313194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Kiteni, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7824 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kiteni, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.646492 S 73.045767 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2006-2019
Main Span:1


  • Removed at some point in the 2006-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Kithar and Samroli, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:5487 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kithar and Samroli, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:33.010182 N 75.227973 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Kiuñalla and Caserio Marampata, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:6192 (added 2021-07-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kiuñalla and Caserio Marampata, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.416675 S 72.882801 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kiwai, Balakot vicinity, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5269 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kiwai, Balakot vicinity, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.610638 N 73.431332 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kiyomicho Oppara, Takayama, Gifu, Japan - Maze River
Bridgemeister ID:3986 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kiyomicho Oppara, Takayama, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Maze River
Coordinates:35.948118 N 137.108157 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Klapasawit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8620 (added 2024-06-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Klapasawit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.729583 S 109.689583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kleppen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Helgåa
Bridgemeister ID:3735 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kleppen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.811967 N 12.133685 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 55.8 meters (183 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kneeland vicinity, California, USA - Mad River
Bridgemeister ID:6778 (added 2021-10-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kneeland vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Mad River
Coordinates:40.662591 N 123.838166 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Likely built in the 1910s, a suspension bridge once crossed the Mad River at the end of Jack Shaw Road. At least one tower is still standing as of the early 2020s.

(suspension bridge)

Koghuzi, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5509 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Koghuzi, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.943069 N 71.912548 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Kohatti, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3487 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kohatti, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:33.978552 N 73.533030 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kohatti, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3488 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kohatti, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:33.945806 N 73.544246 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kolori, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Salo Karangan
Bridgemeister ID:5747 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kolori, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Salo Karangan
Coordinates:1.851720 S 120.278235 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Komagane, Nagano, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:8260 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Komagane, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.703028 N 137.955278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Komsomol (Комсомол), Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia - Reka Yuryuzan
Bridgemeister ID:7073 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Komsomol (Комсомол), Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
Crossing:Reka Yuryuzan
Coordinates:55.275487 N 58.136889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 141 meters (462.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kongyuxiang (孔玉乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8247 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kongyuxiang (孔玉乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.441528 N 102.118167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Konis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6318 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Konis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.205047 N 76.129420 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Korbel vicinity, California, USA - North Fork Mad River
Bridgemeister ID:6737 (added 2021-10-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Korbel vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork Mad River
Coordinates:40.912293 N 123.915298 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The coordinates provided here appear to be the location of a 1920s/1930s-era suspension bridge that carried the former US 299 across the North Fork Mad River on the same alignment where California "Old Highway 200" now crosses.

(suspension bridge)

Korgen, Hemnes, Nordland, Norway - Røssåga
Bridgemeister ID:2729 (added 2019-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Korgen, Hemnes, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.078329 N 13.826371 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Korlian, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:5537 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Korlian, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:33.140440 N 74.395516 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kormang, Pakistan - Khan Khwar
Bridgemeister ID:5191 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kormang, Pakistan
Crossing:Khan Khwar
Coordinates:34.916313 N 72.824909 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Korphe and Askole, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5523 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Korphe and Askole, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.678790 N 75.808214 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Gadis
Bridgemeister ID:8052 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Gadis
Coordinates:0.673444 N 99.707750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated


  • 2023, October: Appears to be closed for deck repairs.

(suspension bridge)

Kotë, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7748 (added 2023-07-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotë, Albania
Coordinates:40.387250 N 19.603306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:9
Main Spans:9 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated


  • As of its addition to the inventory in 2023, this is the only vehicular suspension bridge ever identified by Bridgemeister with as many as nine main spans.

(suspension bridge)

Kotdwar, Uttarakhand, India - Khoh River
Bridgemeister ID:5885 (added 2021-05-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotdwar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Khoh River
Coordinates:29.743764 N 78.527756 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Koti (कोटी), Uttarakhand, India - Dharm Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:8117 (added 2024-01-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Koti (कोटी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dharm Ganga
Coordinates:30.612203 N 78.636550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2005-2009 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Kotli vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4989 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotli vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.545260 N 73.917834 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4990 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.530125 N 73.913045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4991 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.485963 N 73.881301 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Koto Baru, Luhak Nan Duo, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8398 (added 2024-03-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Koto Baru, Luhak Nan Duo, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.007278 S 99.783583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33 meters (108.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Video of the opening of an adjacent replacement bridge with people walking across both bridges. Posted February 2, 2024.
  • Facebook. Image of repair work in progress. Posted April 18, 2023.
  • Facebook. Several images of the bridge with construction of the new bridge starting. Posted August 8, 2023.
  • Google Maps. Street view image of the bridge. Dated July 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Kotura, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5399 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kotura, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.829060 N 79.285162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4027 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.550928 N 135.700653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4028 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.550613 N 135.697180 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4029 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.585591 N 135.689015 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Koza River
Bridgemeister ID:4031 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koza River
Coordinates:33.618574 N 135.702045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Soino River
Bridgemeister ID:6408 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Soino River
Coordinates:33.614937 N 135.673950 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kroonstad, South Africa - Vals River
Bridgemeister ID:5849 (added 2021-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kroonstad, South Africa
Crossing:Vals River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Krupski Młyn, Poland - Mała Panew
Bridgemeister ID:4692 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Krupski Młyn, Poland
Crossing:Mała Panew
Coordinates:50.573525 N 18.618519 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine - Saksahan
Bridgemeister ID:5199 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
Coordinates:47.990039 N 33.448539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kukrera (कुक्रेरा), Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:7308 (added 2022-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kukrera (कुक्रेरा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:30.946556 N 77.882722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kulian, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:3328 (added 2019-12-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kulian, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.345974 N 73.723835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Takanomoto River
Bridgemeister ID:6038 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Takanomoto River
Coordinates:33.534221 N 133.000891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Takanomoto River
Bridgemeister ID:6054 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Takanomoto River
Coordinates:33.540226 N 133.005775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Omogo River
Bridgemeister ID:6055 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Omogo River
Coordinates:33.593657 N 132.993229 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Omogo River
Bridgemeister ID:6056 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Omogo River
Coordinates:33.609321 N 132.982328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Omogo River
Bridgemeister ID:6057 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Omogo River
Coordinates:33.623534 N 132.979106 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan - Omogo River
Bridgemeister ID:6058 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumakogen, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Omogo River
Coordinates:33.672461 N 133.014515 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kumalti, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5420 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kumalti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.772735 N 78.601302 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Kunar, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:6565 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kunar, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:34.658577 N 70.869770 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2 x 142.6 meters (468 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kunigarh, Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:7304 (added 2022-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kunigarh, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:30.977817 N 77.969555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kunkuli (कुंकुली), Uttarakhand, India - Balkhila Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:7152 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kunkuli (कुंकुली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Balkhila Nadi
Coordinates:30.443483 N 79.283169 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Kunlong, Myanmar - Thanlyin River
Bridgemeister ID:3741 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kunlong, Myanmar
Crossing:Thanlyin River
Coordinates:23.410703 N 98.642249 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Kupra (कूपर), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7684 (added 2023-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kupra (कूपर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.901442 N 78.340014 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kushagba (Кушагба) vicinity, Tajikistan - Vakhsh River
Bridgemeister ID:8417 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kushagba (Кушагба) vicinity, Tajikistan
Crossing:Vakhsh River
Coordinates:39.190917 N 71.263111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kutal, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8736 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kutal, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.247694 N 20.332611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kutal, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8737 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kutal, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.257417 N 20.322917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kutwalt, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:3744 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kutwalt, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:33.013328 N 75.336766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kuyus (Куюс) vicinity, Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6204 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kuyus (Куюс) vicinity, Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:50.813507 N 86.451796 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Kuz Purwa, Kandia, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5325 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kuz Purwa, Kandia, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.432431 N 73.204436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Kuz Purwa, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3541 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kuz Purwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.381024 N 73.202879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Kvakhvreli (ქვახვრელი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7991 (added 2023-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kvakhvreli (ქვახვრელი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.963973 N 44.220274 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2020-2021
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


  • Replaced by a cable-stayed bridge at some point before 2010. Towers and cables survived until 2020 or 2021 when a new bridge was built next to the cable-stayed bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Kvemo Khandaki (ქვემო ხანდაკი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8003 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kvemo Khandaki (ქვემო ხანდაკი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.881694 N 44.512083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Kvibisi (ყვიბისი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7988 (added 2023-12-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kvibisi (ყვიბისი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.858806 N 43.416306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be aided by a midspan support.

(suspension bridge)

Kyaukpyok, Myanmar
Bridgemeister ID:6327 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Kyaukpyok, Myanmar
Coordinates:22.710455 N 94.116715 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 181.1 meters (594 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between late 2017 and late 2019.

(suspension bridge)

La Bodega, Remance, San Francisco, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8066 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Bodega, Remance, San Francisco, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.335500 N 81.099528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

La Concordia, Esmeraldas and 29 de Septiembre, Pichincha, Ecuador - Rio Blanco
Bridgemeister ID:7782 (added 2023-08-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Concordia, Esmeraldas and 29 de Septiembre, Pichincha, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Blanco
Coordinates:0.041962 N 79.367243 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2015)

(suspension bridge)

La Encarnacion, Honduras - Rio Jocomico
Bridgemeister ID:7509 (added 2023-01-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Encarnacion, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Jocomico
Coordinates:14.664327 N 89.085980 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell writes: "This simple bridge started out as a multiple span, concrete girder on piers. A couple of the spans in the middle were washed away in a flood, most likely as a result of the common pier collapsing / failing. They fixed that by building a pair of towers and bridged the gap with a suspended span. That eventually collapsed under the weight of an overloaded truck. The gap was re-spanned in a like manner, with a towered suspended span."
  • Near (suspension bridge) - La Encarnacion, Honduras.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

La Encarnacion, Honduras - Rio Jocomico
Bridgemeister ID:7516 (added 2023-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Encarnacion, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Jocomico
Coordinates:14.663392 N 89.085150 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. The bridge is visible in the background of the construction site of a nearby bridge. Posted March 2, 2022.
  • Facebook. Remnants visible at the extreme left of this panorama image which also shows the collapse (at right) of a nearby suspension bridge. Posted May 31, 2017.

(suspension bridge)

La Oroya, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5955 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Oroya, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.516177 S 75.919780 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated
Side Span:1


(suspension bridge)

La Oroya, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5956 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Oroya, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.516305 S 75.918775 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

La Peña de Los Hernández, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:7952 (added 2023-11-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Peña de Los Hernández, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.322861 N 81.111500 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

La Plata, Huila and Cauca, Colombia - Rio Páez
Bridgemeister ID:8683 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:La Plata, Huila and Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Páez
Coordinates:2.455528 N 75.914583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ladagada (लादागादा), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6484 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ladagada (लादागादा), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.188849 N 81.021161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Lago Verde, Aysén, Chile - Rio Pico
Bridgemeister ID:2500 (added 2008-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lago Verde, Aysén, Chile
Crossing:Rio Pico
Coordinates:44.198632 S 71.847055 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Laizibao Town (来紫堡乡), Yuzhong County (榆中县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8136 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Laizibao Town (来紫堡乡), Yuzhong County (榆中县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.059000 N 104.002111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 134 meters (439.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lake Arthur, New Mexico, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1047 (added 2003-12-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lake Arthur, New Mexico, USA
Coordinates:32.989306 N 104.325219 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021: The tower piers and one tower post are still standing on the alignment indicated by the coordinates given here, about 400 feet west of the current Buffalo Valley Road bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Lakså, Fauske, Nordland, Norway - Lakselva
Bridgemeister ID:3756 (added 2020-02-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lakså, Fauske, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.236299 N 15.702135 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lamay District, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3450 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lamay District, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.366327 S 71.924360 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Lamti, Trongsa, Bhutan - Mangde Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:4883 (added 2020-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lamti, Trongsa, Bhutan
Crossing:Mangde Chhu
Coordinates:27.219810 N 90.619018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Lamzang, Tedim vicinity, Myanmar - Manipur River
Bridgemeister ID:3644 (added 2020-01-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lamzang, Tedim vicinity, Myanmar
Crossing:Manipur River
Coordinates:23.365560 N 93.614529 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • In use in late 2010s. Replacement possibly under construction, 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Langarpura, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3493 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Langarpura, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.315555 N 73.531206 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8667 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.286278 N 99.005611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 96 meters (315 feet) estimated


  • Likely next to remains of another suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8668 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.291139 N 98.981806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8669 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.291167 N 98.982028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8670 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Langduoxiang (浪多乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.314611 N 98.957472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Langsi (लंग्सी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7126 (added 2022-06-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Langsi (लंग्सी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.494442 N 79.476069 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet)

(suspension bridge)

Laragne-Montéglin, Hautes-Alpes, France - Buëch River
Bridgemeister ID:8293 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Laragne-Montéglin, Hautes-Alpes, France
Crossing:Buëch River
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Lawua, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Lariang
Bridgemeister ID:5745 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lawua, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Lariang
Coordinates:1.608410 S 120.041308 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Lærdal, Vestland, Norway - Lærdalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4014 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lærdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.04461 N 7.62216 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lebang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5712 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lebang, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.616248 S 119.764641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Leira, Nord-Aurdal, Innlandet, Norway - Førssyndet
Bridgemeister ID:4012 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Leira, Nord-Aurdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.96867 N 9.27983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters


  • Built between 2007 and 2011.

(suspension bridge)

Lenore, West Virginia, USA - Pigeon Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2279 (added 2007-04-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lenore, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Pigeon Creek
Coordinates:37.79168 N 82.27318 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (133 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 11 meters (36 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Leo, Palas Tehsil, Kohistan, Pakistan - Palas River
Bridgemeister ID:5646 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Leo, Palas Tehsil, Kohistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Palas River
Coordinates:35.142114 N 73.083363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Leshnicë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8735 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Leshnicë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.218028 N 20.378944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Leslie vicinity, Arkansas, USA - Middle Fork Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:2363 (added 2007-09-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Leslie vicinity, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Little Red River
Coordinates:35.81585 N 92.55011 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Leslie, Arkansas, USA - Middle Fork Little Red River
Bridgemeister ID:2661 (added 2019-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Leslie, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Little Red River
Coordinates:35.815960 N 92.550206 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Liagardan, Gol, Viken, Norway - Halldalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4047 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Liagardan, Gol, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.68912 N 9.01645 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 28.5 meters (93.5 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.2 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1962, removed between 1972 and 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Lianhe (联合村), Luding County (泸定县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8268 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lianhe (联合村), Luding County (泸定县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:29.758222 N 102.215556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Liknes vicinity, Kvinesdal, Agder, Norway - Litleåna
Bridgemeister ID:4398 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Liknes vicinity, Kvinesdal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.342142 N 7.029879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.75 meters (150.1 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be a narrow, light, vehicular bridge. Built prior to 1966.

(suspension bridge)

Linda (林达), Shangzhan (上占乡), Xinlong (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8486 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Linda (林达), Shangzhan (上占乡), Xinlong (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.272500 N 100.260111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lishadi (利沙底乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8305 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lishadi (利沙底乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.275167 N 98.869556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 134 meters (439.6 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Lishadi (利沙底乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8306 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lishadi (利沙底乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.261444 N 98.882028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Liu, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5729 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Liu, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.249148 S 119.958387 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8340 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.815583 N 98.863361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 142 meters (465.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8341 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.848556 N 98.856556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 136 meters (446.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2012 or 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8342 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.814556 N 98.863056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since mid-2010s (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 148 meters (485.6 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Llocalla and Huarancalpa, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:6193 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Llocalla and Huarancalpa, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.310569 S 73.328785 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lodhoma, West Bengal, India - Lodhoma River
Bridgemeister ID:5540 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lodhoma, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Lodhoma River
Coordinates:27.102860 N 88.119416 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Logan vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:3043 (added 2019-10-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Logan vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:37.827222 N 81.948611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Logroño vicinity, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Upano
Bridgemeister ID:7258 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Logroño vicinity, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Upano
Coordinates:2.691560 S 78.216698 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet) estimated


  • Towers of an older bridge are still present (as of late 2010s) next to the bridge, likely from another suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Logroño, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Upano
Bridgemeister ID:7253 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Logroño, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Upano
Coordinates:2.601215 S 78.179269 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Logroño, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:7254 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Logroño, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Coordinates:2.622259 S 78.178683 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lohali, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5636 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lohali, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.499009 N 79.503620 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Lonaasmo, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Tunna
Bridgemeister ID:3913 (added 2020-03-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lonaasmo, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.33236 N 10.69925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lonåsen, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway - Tunna
Bridgemeister ID:3916 (added 2020-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lonåsen, Tynset, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.35139 N 10.56865 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 18.5 meters (60.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Londres, Puntarenas, Costa Rica - Rio Naranjo
Bridgemeister ID:4008 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Londres, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Naranjo
Coordinates:9.462677 N 84.069754 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Longkaikou Town, Heqing County, Dali, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:6894 (added 2022-01-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Longkaikou Town, Heqing County, Dali, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.483069 N 100.419385 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 170 meters (557.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Los Angeles and Glendale, California, USA - Los Angeles River
Bridgemeister ID:2362 (added 2007-09-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Los Angeles and Glendale, California, USA
Crossing:Los Angeles River
Coordinates:34.11150 N 118.26317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • USGS topographical maps note this is a "footbridge," but it is a pipeline bridge with maintenance foot access on top of the pipe.

(suspension bridge)

Luadh, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8741 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luadh, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.302194 N 20.116944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lucma, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7888 (added 2023-10-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lucma, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.419337 S 77.560004 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Lucma, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7889 (added 2023-10-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lucma, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.419484 S 77.559559 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Lucma, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7890 (added 2023-10-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lucma, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.419473 S 77.559466 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Luding County (泸定县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8269 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luding County (泸定县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:29.733083 N 102.200861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Luis Soto, Puerto Guadal vicinity, Aysén, Chile - Bertrand Lake
Bridgemeister ID:3513 (added 2019-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luis Soto, Puerto Guadal vicinity, Aysén, Chile
Crossing:Bertrand Lake
Coordinates:46.845118 S 72.802793 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Lumadengxiang (鹿马登乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8310 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lumadengxiang (鹿马登乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.990056 N 98.866389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2016-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Lumbini Sanskritik (लुम्बिनी साँस्कृतिक), Nepal - Dano River
Bridgemeister ID:6574 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lumbini Sanskritik (लुम्बिनी साँस्कृतिक), Nepal
Crossing:Dano River
Coordinates:27.429060 N 83.293956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 201 meters (659.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Lumti (लुमति), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:8188 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lumti (लुमति), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.893611 N 80.315639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2013
Main Span:1


  • Likely destroyed by the catastrophic Uttarakhand floods in June 2013. Remnants of the bridge were visible for several years around the bridge, but appear to have been washed away by an August 2020 flood.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Lunahuaná, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8604 (added 2024-05-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lunahuaná, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.977194 S 76.158333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2004-2009 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Lunchhay and Tambis, Ladakh, India - Suru River
Bridgemeister ID:6398 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lunchhay and Tambis, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Suru River
Coordinates:34.409827 N 76.037447 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Lunchhay vicinity, Ladakh, India - Suru River
Bridgemeister ID:6399 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lunchhay vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Suru River
Coordinates:34.447437 N 76.065273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Lund, Hemnes vicinity, Aurskog-Høland, Viken, Norway - Hølandselva
Bridgemeister ID:3951 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lund, Hemnes vicinity, Aurskog-Høland, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.70125 N 11.50104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 22.5 meters (73.8 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1968.
  • Deck wrecked, likely by flood, circa 2005. Appears to have been subsequently repaired.

(suspension bridge)

Luneta (लुनेता) and Dharkot (धरखोट), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7089 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luneta (लुनेता) and Dharkot (धरखोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.212915 N 78.679956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 143.9 meters (472 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Luneta (लुनेता) and Dharkot (धरखोट), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7090 (added 2022-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luneta (लुनेता) and Dharkot (धरखोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.212978 N 78.679936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Span:1 x 77.7 meters (255 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Lungrang, Myanmar
Bridgemeister ID:5749 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lungrang, Myanmar
Coordinates:22.217919 N 93.612621 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Lungrang, Myanmar
Bridgemeister ID:5750 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Lungrang, Myanmar
Coordinates:22.218424 N 93.612465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Luobenzhuoxiang (洛本卓白族乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8325 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luobenzhuoxiang (洛本卓白族乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.431778 N 98.892694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Luster, Vestland, Norway - Jostedøla
Bridgemeister ID:3964 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Luster, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.558650 N 7.299320 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated


  • Historic aerial images appear to show a suspension bridge at this location, removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Ma'erbangxiang (马尔帮乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8211 (added 2024-02-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ma'erbangxiang (马尔帮乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.265917 N 102.026444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2016-2019 time frame replacing an adjacent bridge that may have also been a suspended deck suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Ma'erbangxiang (马尔帮乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8212 (added 2024-02-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ma'erbangxiang (马尔帮乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.236000 N 102.009528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Macas, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Upano
Bridgemeister ID:7257 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Macas, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Upano
Coordinates:2.300702 S 78.104938 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (three or more lanes)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Machal, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3536 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Machal, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.814096 N 74.422981 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Machchhegaun (मच्छेगाउँ) and Bhimkhori (भीमखोरी), Nepal - Roshi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6444 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Machchhegaun (मच्छेगाउँ) and Bhimkhori (भीमखोरी), Nepal
Crossing:Roshi Khola
Coordinates:27.445278 N 85.782971 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Madhupur vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3852 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Madhupur vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.019588 N 76.127568 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Madhyanepal and Shyamgha, Nepal - Madi Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:4332 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Madhyanepal and Shyamgha, Nepal
Crossing:Madi Nadi
Coordinates:28.093344 N 84.227520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Maduretno, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7017 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maduretno, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.755444 S 109.657321 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Maglic, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4531 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maglic, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.591772 N 20.571977 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Mahandri vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5648 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mahandri vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.722521 N 73.570156 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Mahandri vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5649 (added 2020-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mahandri vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.722701 N 73.570452 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Mahandri, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3471 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mahandri, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.700346 N 73.577468 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Mahore vicinity, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Ansi River
Bridgemeister ID:5538 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mahore vicinity, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Ansi River
Coordinates:33.320800 N 74.833559 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mahran (مہران), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6557 (added 2021-08-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mahran (مہران), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.039417 N 72.944750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 141.1 meters (463 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mahran and Jijal, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5768 (added 2021-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mahran and Jijal, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.035103 N 72.934248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Maibengxiang (麦崩乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8248 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maibengxiang (麦崩乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.294194 N 102.173500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6151 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.708526 N 94.900273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Maithan, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5532 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maithan, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.957244 N 79.411073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Maito and Elias, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3615 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maito and Elias, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:2.035072 N 75.914665 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Maito and Elias, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3616 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maito and Elias, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)


(suspension bridge)

Majhgawaon, Pokhari (पोखरी) and Bhira (भीरा), Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:7947 (added 2023-11-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majhgawaon, Pokhari (पोखरी) and Bhira (भीरा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar River
Coordinates:29.993693 N 79.031505 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Majhitar, Sikkim and Rangli Forest, West Bengal, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:2859 (added 2019-09-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majhitar, Sikkim and Rangli Forest, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.107880 N 88.321110 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Majigaon, Uttarakhand, India - Sarayu River
Bridgemeister ID:4355 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majigaon, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Sarayu River
Coordinates:29.779696 N 79.823248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8303 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.396889 N 98.828444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8304 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.384472 N 98.835417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Majtulasht, Dahimal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6701 (added 2021-10-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majtulasht, Dahimal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.177450 N 73.180544 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Majuhan vicinity, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3483 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Majuhan vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.212673 N 73.494531 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Makar Gaon, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4350 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Makar Gaon, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.691849 N 80.127460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6298 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.957617 N 72.022184 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6307 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.932531 N 72.015210 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 110.3 meters (362 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2011-2013.

(suspension bridge)

Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6308 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malak Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.935573 N 72.018987 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 2010 (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 101.2 meters (332 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed or demolished in 2010, likely due to the devastating Panjkora flash flood events that year.

(suspension bridge)

Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3592 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.000615 S 112.637678 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Malino, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8781 (added 2024-09-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malino, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Maloyaz (Малояз), Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia - Reka Yuryuzan
Bridgemeister ID:7074 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maloyaz (Малояз), Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
Crossing:Reka Yuryuzan
Coordinates:55.176901 N 58.169161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 131 meters (429.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Maludhar, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5531 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maludhar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.900823 N 79.396274 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Malung, Dalarna, Sweden - Västerdalälven
Bridgemeister ID:8296 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Malung, Dalarna, Sweden
Coordinates:60.674556 N 13.717278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mamurogawa, Yamagata, Japan - Mamuro River
Bridgemeister ID:5221 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mamurogawa, Yamagata, Japan
Crossing:Mamuro River
Coordinates:38.955384 N 140.288875 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Mana, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5439 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mana, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.769552 N 79.495825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Manahari (मनहरि), Nepal - East Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:6514 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Manahari (मनहरि), Nepal
Crossing:East Rapti River
Coordinates:27.487078 N 84.860799 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 355 meters (1,164.7 feet) estimated
Side Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mangamahu, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3703 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mangamahu, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.815549 S 175.364045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Mangamahu, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3704 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mangamahu, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.835302 S 175.361470 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Mangamahu, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3705 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mangamahu, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.760692 S 175.395413 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Mangan, Sikkim, India
Bridgemeister ID:8286 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mangan, Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.427806 N 88.510722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


  • 2022: Bypassed by another bridge

(suspension bridge)

Manguriari vicinity, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7822 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Manguriari vicinity, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.547250 S 73.023444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 123 meters (403.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2012 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Mantalo, Malaquiato vicinity, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7814 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mantalo, Malaquiato vicinity, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.344278 S 72.869750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Manthokha vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6341 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Manthokha vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.088820 N 76.040630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Marcabelí, El Oro and Orianga, Loja, Ecuador - Rio Puyango
Bridgemeister ID:7250 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marcabelí, El Oro and Orianga, Loja, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Puyango
Coordinates:3.830907 S 79.945013 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Marcará, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7891 (added 2023-10-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marcará, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.327330 S 77.610076 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2009-2013 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Marcha vicinity, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3682 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marcha vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.013124 N 76.512149 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Marcha, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3683 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marcha, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.982046 N 76.533408 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Marchula vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5411 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marchula vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.597002 N 79.089869 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Marchula, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5410 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marchula, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.606273 N 79.091974 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)


  • Remains of one, possibly two, suspension bridges at this location.

(suspension bridge)

Marga Jaya, Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6644 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marga Jaya, Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.426980 S 106.236328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mariyang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:6250 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mariyang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:28.402947 N 95.247121 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Maroi, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5507 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Maroi, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.029792 N 72.012181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Marol and Olding vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3851 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marol and Olding vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.765860 N 76.203870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Marora, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5466 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Marora, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.990767 N 78.639104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Martres-Tolosane, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7397 (added 2022-12-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Martres-Tolosane, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.181757 N 0.991939 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Closed (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Masahan, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5752 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Masahan, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.352589 N 73.403587 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Masahuat, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7485 (added 2022-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Masahuat, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.191225 N 89.433169 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2004-2012
Main Span:1


  • Removed or destroyed at some point in the 2004-2012 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Mashar and Gindai, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Yasin River
Bridgemeister ID:7296 (added 2022-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mashar and Gindai, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Yasin River
Coordinates:36.306729 N 73.379972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Masi, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5400 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Masi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.816936 N 79.280188 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Mastuj, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5512 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mastuj, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.256036 N 72.512759 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Matela (मटेला) and Baijro (बैज्रो), Uttarakhand, India - Pasol Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7954 (added 2023-11-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Matela (मटेला) and Baijro (बैज्रो), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pasol Gad
Coordinates:29.923611 N 79.039064 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 29 meters (95 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the suspension bridge towers visible next to a newer truss bridge. August 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Matoli, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5629 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Matoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:30.059722 N 78.596756 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan - Azusa River
Bridgemeister ID:5217 (added 2020-10-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Azusa River
Coordinates:36.103173 N 137.688040 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan - Mizutono River
Bridgemeister ID:5224 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Mizutono River
Coordinates:36.154997 N 137.744897 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan - Azusa River
Bridgemeister ID:5225 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Azusa River
Coordinates:36.159864 N 137.757128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan - Azusa River
Bridgemeister ID:5226 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Azusa River
Coordinates:36.163579 N 137.760623 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Mawana and Nagrasu, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5453 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mawana and Nagrasu, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.295864 N 79.119879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Mayoc, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6223 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mayoc, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.809245 S 74.391061 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)


  • Images from 2013 show towers present with no cables or deck. A deck is visible in current (late 2010s or early 2020s, likely) satellite images.

(suspension bridge)

Méndez, Ecuador - Rio Namangoza
Bridgemeister ID:8239 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Méndez, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Namangoza
Coordinates:2.744250 S 78.303889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the suspension bridge visible in the distance. Dated November 2016.

(suspension bridge)

Mechuka, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:2852 (added 2019-09-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mechuka, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:28.600525 N 94.146648 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • May have undergone major refurbishment some time between 2015-2019.

(suspension bridge)

Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Deli River
Bridgemeister ID:3739 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Deli River
Coordinates:3.671605 N 98.665183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:7931 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Main Cables:Rod (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • James Dredge patent bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Mehendli, Himachal Pradesh, India - Pabbar River
Bridgemeister ID:5383 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mehendli, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Pabbar River
Coordinates:31.182957 N 77.729184 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Mendla, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Menthar River
Bridgemeister ID:5864 (added 2021-05-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mendla, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Menthar River
Coordinates:33.655646 N 73.999517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mengda Town (孟达乡), Xunhua County (循化撒拉族自治县), Haidong, Qinghai, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8125 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mengda Town (孟达乡), Xunhua County (循化撒拉族自治县), Haidong, Qinghai, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:35.836722 N 102.645361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, c. 2010-2013
Main Span:1


  • Location inundated at some point in the 2010-2013 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Meraker, Trøndelag, Norway - Stjørdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3701 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Meraker, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.436210 N 11.678340 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Merelbeke, East Flanders, Belgium - Ringvaart
Bridgemeister ID:4572 (added 2020-06-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Merelbeke, East Flanders, Belgium
Coordinates:51.007842 N 3.751466 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (three or more lanes), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 99 meters (324.8 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6836 (added 2021-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Messawa, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.260546 S 119.343561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 55.2 meters (181 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mexican Hat, Utah, USA - San Juan River
Bridgemeister ID:2552 (added 2012-01-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mexican Hat, Utah, USA
Crossing:San Juan River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo by Eric Sakowski

(suspension bridge)

Millares, Bolivia - Rio Mataca
Bridgemeister ID:8432 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Millares, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Mataca
Coordinates:19.419750 S 65.179639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mina Clavero, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:1488 (added 2004-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mina Clavero, Argentina
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:5853 (added 2021-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.713510 N 138.978740 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:6095 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
Coordinates:36.799449 N 138.990957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2014-2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:596 (added 2003-01-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.797500 N 98.186306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Minobu (身延町), Yamanashi, Japan - Fuji River
Bridgemeister ID:8225 (added 2024-02-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Minobu (身延町), Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Fuji River
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Mirveti (მირვეთი), Georgia - Chorokhi
Bridgemeister ID:5994 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mirveti (მირვეთი), Georgia
Coordinates:41.528430 N 41.718407 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Misato, Kumamoto, Japan - Midorikawa River
Bridgemeister ID:8405 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Misato, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Midorikawa River
Coordinates:32.637000 N 130.921583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175 meters (574.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mitanxiang (糜滩乡), Jingyuan County (靖远县), Baiyin (白银市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8132 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mitanxiang (糜滩乡), Jingyuan County (靖远县), Baiyin (白银市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.582583 N 104.679333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 179 meters (587.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Miyada, Nagano, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:8261 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Miyada, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.754250 N 137.960500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)

(suspension bridge)

Miyoshi, Hiroshima, Japan - Gōnokawa River
Bridgemeister ID:5279 (added 2020-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Miyoshi, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Gōnokawa River
Coordinates:34.810538 N 132.751948 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4256 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:34.031788 N 133.883446 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Mo vicinity, Modalen, Vestland, Norway - Moelva
Bridgemeister ID:4446 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mo vicinity, Modalen, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.837902 N 5.898947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 29.25 meters (96 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.5 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1964 and removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Mocoa
Bridgemeister ID:8564 (added 2024-04-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Mocoa
Coordinates:1.145806 N 76.642056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Mocoa
Bridgemeister ID:8566 (added 2024-04-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mocoa, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Mocoa
Coordinates:1.194389 N 76.644917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the mid-1970s.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge under construction in 1974.

(suspension bridge)

Mohan Malla, Masi vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5401 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mohan Malla, Masi vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.800334 N 79.272553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Molaabad Mushko, Raushan vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6725 (added 2021-10-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Molaabad Mushko, Raushan vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.237246 N 73.547141 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2010 time frame.
  • Replaced a bridge 45 meters upstream that was likely also a suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Momozha Village (莫莫扎村),Dusongxiang (独松乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Auto. Prefecture, Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8208 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Momozha Village (莫莫扎村),Dusongxiang (独松乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Auto. Prefecture, Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.322361 N 102.015306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mona and Otranto, Iowa, USA - Otter Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7026 (added 2022-05-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mona and Otranto, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Otter Creek
Coordinates:43.469410 N 92.960649 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Removed in 1920s. Coordinates are for the present day (2022) crossing at this location. The suspension bridge was located slightly east.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Monegaw Springs, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:1476 (added 2004-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Monegaw Springs, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Mongar, Bhutan - Manas River
Bridgemeister ID:4376 (added 2020-04-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mongar, Bhutan
Crossing:Manas River
Coordinates:26.992311 N 91.202226 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Monobecho Kohama, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3121 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Monobecho Kohama, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.712256 N 133.915498 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Monobecho Yamasaki, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3123 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Monobecho Yamasaki, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.692660 N 133.884050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Monobecho Yanaise, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Kaminirou River
Bridgemeister ID:3126 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Monobecho Yanaise, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Kaminirou River
Coordinates:33.720375 N 133.890611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Mont, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Ousse River
Bridgemeister ID:7971 (added 2023-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mont, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Ousse River
Coordinates:43.427944 N 0.679028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane) and Pipeline
Status:Removed, c. 2015-2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated


  • Industrial bridge removed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame. Appears to have carried two pipelines and one lane for vehicles.

(suspension bridge)

Monterrey, Ecuador - Rio Chuchumbletza
Bridgemeister ID:7725 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Monterrey, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Chuchumbletza
Coordinates:3.554976 S 78.669749 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Moolia, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3485 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Moolia, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.141957 N 73.491830 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Moorang and Jangi Khas, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:4821 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Moorang and Jangi Khas, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.606032 N 78.436197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Morasguaico, Azuay, Ecuador - Rio Collay
Bridgemeister ID:7281 (added 2022-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Morasguaico, Azuay, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Collay
Coordinates:2.754290 S 78.649527 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mori (मोरी) and Mautar (मोटर), Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:7310 (added 2022-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mori (मोरी) and Mautar (मोटर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:31.028638 N 78.048338 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49.7 meters (163 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Mori Payeen and Mori Chitral, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5508 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mori Payeen and Mori Chitral, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.981899 N 71.964469 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Muara Pungkut, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8037 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Muara Pungkut, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.651611 N 99.739722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2016-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Muaradua, Cikulur, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6661 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Muaradua, Cikulur, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.430036 S 106.146511 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mueang Chang, Phu Phiang District, Nan, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:5758 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mueang Chang, Phu Phiang District, Nan, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:18.885184 N 100.800185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Mukhawa, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5421 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mukhawa, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:31.042250 N 78.779334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Mulubagilu, Shimoga, Karnataka, India - Malathi River
Bridgemeister ID:3320 (added 2019-11-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mulubagilu, Shimoga, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Malathi River
Coordinates:13.661040 N 75.205199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Motorcycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Mululkey, Sikkim, India - Rangpo Chu
Bridgemeister ID:6659 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mululkey, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangpo Chu
Coordinates:27.199364 N 88.636686 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 64.3 meters (211 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Munjai and Danwa, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6325 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Munjai and Danwa, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.861778 N 71.899833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2004-2006 (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 70.1 meters (230 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Munkfors, Sweden - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:5679 (added 2021-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Munkfors, Sweden
Coordinates:59.847506 N 13.543047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Murari (मुरारी), Naugaon (नौगांव) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7741 (added 2023-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Murari (मुरारी), Naugaon (नौगांव) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.795747 N 78.146891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.5 meters (136 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Mutso, Aomori, Japan - Yuno River
Bridgemeister ID:3308 (added 2019-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mutso, Aomori, Japan
Crossing:Yuno River
Coordinates:41.271093 N 140.984353 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Muzaffarabad, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3492 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.328762 N 73.512403 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Muzzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:6131 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Muzzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.358838 N 73.471767 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Muzzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:6132 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Muzzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.335292 N 73.461011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Nabari, Mie, Japan - Nabari River
Bridgemeister ID:4875 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nabari, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Nabari River
Coordinates:34.577257 N 136.173614 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nacho, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Subansiri River
Bridgemeister ID:7263 (added 2022-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nacho, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.397989 N 93.839922 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 127.4 meters (418 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • YouTube - Nacho Circle. Video showing the bridge and the towers remaining from the adjacent footbridge. Posted October 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Nad (नाद), Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:7955 (added 2023-11-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nad (नाद), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.812208 N 78.917344 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 78.3 meters (257 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2012 time frame.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Nagar, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3543 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nagar, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.518866 N 73.786161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Naghar (Nagar), Chitral vicinity, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:522 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naghar (Nagar), Chitral vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
At or Near Feature:Nagar Fort
Coordinates:35.483596 N 71.744232 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nagiso, Nagano, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5122 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nagiso, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.649749 N 137.616538 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nagodi, Nittur vicinity and Hebbige, Karnataka, India - Linganamakki Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:4640 (added 2020-06-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nagodi, Nittur vicinity and Hebbige, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Linganamakki Reservoir
Coordinates:13.944085 N 74.900139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nagwain, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5321 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nagwain, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.816439 N 77.188028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Naini, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:4351 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naini, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.725884 N 80.128291 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Nakalakevi (ნაქალაქევი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8004 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nakalakevi (ნაქალაქევი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.422639 N 43.320139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan - Tsukechi River
Bridgemeister ID:5129 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Tsukechi River
Coordinates:35.570653 N 137.448635 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Nakot and Maletha, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5460 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nakot and Maletha, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.226820 N 78.726569 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Nakuri (नकुरी) and Athali (अथाली), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8014 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nakuri (नकुरी) and Athali (अथाली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.737953 N 78.353311 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Nalda, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5264 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nalda, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:32.641186 N 76.838028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Nalra (नाल्रा), Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:6418 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nalra (नाल्रा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.879870 N 80.161411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Nambija Bajo, El Chamica, Ecuador - Rio Nambija
Bridgemeister ID:7694 (added 2023-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nambija Bajo, El Chamica, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Nambija
Coordinates:3.962093 S 78.845784 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Namirez Bajo, El Chamica, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7695 (added 2023-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Namirez Bajo, El Chamica, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.944387 S 78.840779 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Nandgaon (नांदगांव) and Dukhyatgaon (दुख्यात्गओं), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5417 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nandgaon (नांदगांव) and Dukhyatgaon (दुख्यात्गओं), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.834162 N 78.256505 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Nandgaon (नांदगांव) and Dukhyatgaon (दुख्यात्गओं), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7681 (added 2023-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nandgaon (नांदगांव) and Dukhyatgaon (दुख्यात्गओं), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.834000 N 78.256692 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June, 2013
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Nanto, Toyama, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3977 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nanto, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.431820 N 136.951687 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Nanto, Toyama, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3978 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nanto, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.456810 N 136.968537 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Nanto, Toyama, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3980 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nanto, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.404122 N 136.883739 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nantou City, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5808 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nantou City, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.930415 N 120.731900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Naran vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5303 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naran vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.853700 N 73.588717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Naran vicinity, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5304 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naran vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.875999 N 73.620567 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Naran, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:5305 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naran, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.884144 N 73.634659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Naray, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:6148 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naray, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.223148 N 71.524334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Nargarh (नर्गढ़), Uttarakhand, India - Bhilangna River
Bridgemeister ID:8088 (added 2023-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nargarh (नर्गढ़), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhilangna River
Coordinates:30.384250 N 78.499367 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Inundated, 2006
Main Span:1 x 83.5 meters (274 feet) estimated


  • Location inundated behind Tehri Dam in 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Naspe vicinity, Bumthang, Bhutan - Bumthang Chhu River
Bridgemeister ID:6524 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naspe vicinity, Bumthang, Bhutan
Crossing:Bumthang Chhu River
Coordinates:27.669504 N 90.743533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:2953 (added 2019-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.967042 N 139.825018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8482 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.918868 N 99.628743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8483 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.8995061 N 99.6316020 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8484 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.899639 N 99.631583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8485 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nataxiang (纳塔乡), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.847989 N 99.635527 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Natsuze, Tazawa vicinity, Akita, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:3309 (added 2019-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Natsuze, Tazawa vicinity, Akita, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:39.627910 N 140.699000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Naugaon (नौगांव), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7742 (added 2023-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naugaon (नौगांव), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.792233 N 78.138811 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet) estimated


  • Deck has been gone since at least as far back as 2004.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Naula Pani, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5475 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naula Pani, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.203758 N 80.052741 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Nausadda, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3521 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nausadda, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.407957 N 73.714721 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Naushera, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:7355 (added 2022-10-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naushera, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:33.159323 N 74.252262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 143.3 meters (470 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Nawngpu-Awng, Myanmar - Uyu River
Bridgemeister ID:3835 (added 2020-03-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nawngpu-Awng, Myanmar
Crossing:Uyu River
Coordinates:24.826843 N 95.064859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Naxixiang (纳西民族乡), Tibet, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:6463 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Naxixiang (纳西民族乡), Tibet, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Coordinates:29.037556 N 98.595722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ndona, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8292 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ndona, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Neiva, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3611 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Neiva, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:2.942510 N 75.308717 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Neiwan, Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2785 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Neiwan, Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.706163 N 121.173513 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Nelson vicinity, New Zealand - Baton River area
Bridgemeister ID:672 (added 2003-03-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nelson vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Baton River area
At or Near Feature:Kahurangi National Park


  • GAP: Probably 1890's, maybe 1867.

(suspension bridge)

Nemizaque, Charala, Santander, Colombia - Rio Pienta
Bridgemeister ID:7343 (added 2022-09-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nemizaque, Charala, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Pienta
Coordinates:6.229461 N 73.171758 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Neoitasho (根尾板所), Motosu, Gifu, Japan - Neo River
Bridgemeister ID:7922 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Neoitasho (根尾板所), Motosu, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Neo River
Coordinates:35.631753 N 136.615748 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nes, Ringerike, Viken, Norway - Urula
Bridgemeister ID:4003 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nes, Ringerike, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.55273 N 9.90493 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated
Deck width:~1.7 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1968.

(suspension bridge)

Nesbyen, Nes, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4045 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nesbyen, Nes, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.52634 N 9.16230 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 77.5 meters (254.3 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1962 and removed by 2006.

(suspension bridge)

Netala, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5425 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Netala, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.741666 N 78.487027 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

New Thathri, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6668 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:New Thathri, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.146511 N 75.792983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

NHPC Quarters, Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:4631 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:NHPC Quarters, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.249695 N 88.458803 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nianguxiang (年古乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8659 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nianguxiang (年古乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.141806 N 99.356639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nianguxiang (年古乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8660 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nianguxiang (年古乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.165250 N 99.345889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 117 meters (383.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nianguxiang (年古乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8661 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nianguxiang (年古乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.189833 N 99.322778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nichagh, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:5488 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nichagh, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.574823 N 72.830887 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Nichagh, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:5489 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nichagh, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.594788 N 72.890528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nichagh, Pakistan - Yarkhun River
Bridgemeister ID:5490 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nichagh, Pakistan
Crossing:Yarkhun River
Coordinates:36.556179 N 72.811489 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nidhuradin, Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:5274 (added 2020-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nidhuradin, Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:27.273722 N 87.680261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Niesolo, Pakistan - Shigar River
Bridgemeister ID:5494 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niesolo, Pakistan
Crossing:Shigar River
Coordinates:35.766775 N 75.394300 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Niesolo, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5495 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niesolo, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.763764 N 75.389058 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


(suspension bridge)

Niihama, Ehime, Japan - Dōzan River
Bridgemeister ID:6043 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niihama, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Dōzan River
Coordinates:33.848460 N 133.369164 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Niihama, Ehime, Japan - Dōzan River
Bridgemeister ID:6044 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niihama, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Dōzan River
Coordinates:33.862227 N 133.410135 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Niimi, Okayama, Japan - Takahashi River
Bridgemeister ID:5919 (added 2021-05-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niimi, Okayama, Japan
Crossing:Takahashi River
Coordinates:34.939149 N 133.501347 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Nijgori (ნიჯგორი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8007 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nijgori (ნიჯგორი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.502917 N 43.262222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Nissedal, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Kjørull
Bridgemeister ID:4479 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nissedal, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:58.963292 N 8.554193 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1980.

(suspension bridge)

Nixixiang (尼西乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8497 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nixixiang (尼西乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:28.015071 N 99.412445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Nixixiang (尼西乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8498 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nixixiang (尼西乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.963913 N 99.412078 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated


  • Under construction in 2004. Likely completed at some point in the mid-2000s.

(suspension bridge)

Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan - Doi River
Bridgemeister ID:6051 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Doi River
Coordinates:33.588842 N 133.160360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan - Niyodo River
Bridgemeister ID:6052 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Niyodo River
Coordinates:33.572311 N 133.169857 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Noen Makok, Bang Mun Nak District, Phichit, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:5073 (added 2020-08-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Noen Makok, Bang Mun Nak District, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:15.986930 N 100.342251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Nongalbibra, South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India - Simsang River
Bridgemeister ID:7035 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nongalbibra, South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Simsang River
Coordinates:25.456925 N 90.701273 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

North Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6903 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:North Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.903331 S 119.124468 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 18.9 meters (62 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image with bridge visible in the background, posted in 2020.

(suspension bridge)

North Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6904 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:North Ralleanak, Aralle, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.901892 S 119.123919 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)


External Links:

  • Facebook. Photo posted 2020. Towers of the bridge are visible near the lower left edge of the photo. Another nearby suspension bridge is visible in the background toward the right side of the photo.

(suspension bridge)

Noshehra, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3497 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Noshehra, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.198930 N 73.654132 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Nova Stettin, Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Hercílio
Bridgemeister ID:5007 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nova Stettin, Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Hercílio
Coordinates:27.038647 S 49.562770 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Novi Knezevac, Serbia - Tisa River
Bridgemeister ID:1915 (added 2005-10-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Novi Knezevac, Serbia
Crossing:Tisa River
Coordinates:46.045095 N 20.085134 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Characteristics:Rocker towers

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg

(suspension bridge)

Nowgown Kamanada, Satpuli vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5468 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Nowgown Kamanada, Satpuli vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.926100 N 78.715008 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

O'Higgins, Aysén, Chile - Mayer River
Bridgemeister ID:3511 (added 2019-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:O'Higgins, Aysén, Chile
Crossing:Mayer River
Coordinates:48.415212 S 72.546255 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

O'Higgins, Aysén, Chile - Mayer River
Bridgemeister ID:3512 (added 2019-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:O'Higgins, Aysén, Chile
Crossing:Mayer River
Coordinates:48.482535 S 72.588396 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Odai, Mie, Japan - Miya River
Bridgemeister ID:4972 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odai, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Miya River
At or Near Feature:Miyagawa Reservoir
Coordinates:34.290813 N 136.182333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Odai, Mie, Japan - Miya River
Bridgemeister ID:4973 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odai, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Miya River
At or Near Feature:Miyagawa Reservoir
Coordinates:34.265194 N 136.186111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Odai, Mie, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4974 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odai, Mie, Japan
Coordinates:34.215909 N 136.177159 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Odata, Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:5380 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odata, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:30.985385 N 78.000965 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Opo
Bridgemeister ID:4448 (added 2020-04-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.071930 N 6.550361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Opo
Bridgemeister ID:4449 (added 2020-04-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.070828 N 6.550814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Opo
Bridgemeister ID:4450 (added 2020-04-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.068037 N 6.550630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 10 meters (32.8 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Opo
Bridgemeister ID:4451 (added 2020-04-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.067490 N 6.551797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between 1964 and 2003. Most likely damaged or destroyed by the October 29-30, 2014 flood event in Odda.
  • Replaced by (suspension bridge) - Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway. Patrick S. O'Donnell observed: "Two narrow suspension bridges near the same exact spot. Not sure of their purpose. It would appear the second one replaced the first on a slightly different alignment. Their north towers were about seven meters apart. Their southern towers would have been a bit further apart at about 22 meters."

(suspension bridge)

Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway - Opo
Bridgemeister ID:4452 (added 2020-04-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.067410 N 6.551966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between late 2014 (after October 29-30, 2014 flooding) and 2016.
  • Replaced (suspension bridge) - Odda, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway. Patrick S. O'Donnell observed: "Two narrow suspension bridges near the same exact spot. Not sure of their purpose. It would appear the second one replaced the first on a slightly different alignment. Their north towers were about seven meters apart. Their southern towers would have been a bit further apart at about 22 meters."

(suspension bridge)

Okhal Dhunga vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Kosi River
Bridgemeister ID:5386 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Okhal Dhunga vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kosi River
Coordinates:29.525297 N 79.214361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5156 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.811577 N 139.166150 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Minedani River
Bridgemeister ID:6001 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Minedani River
Coordinates:35.796564 N 139.000243 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Okuwa, Nagano, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5357 (added 2020-11-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Okuwa, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.675933 N 137.634710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)

(suspension bridge)

Olandar and Kuz Ganshal, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5529 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Olandar and Kuz Ganshal, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.050122 N 72.745452 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Olding vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shingo River
Bridgemeister ID:6345 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Olding vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shingo River
Coordinates:34.675147 N 76.150328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Oliyagaon, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5433 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Oliyagaon, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.540083 N 79.553563 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Ollantaytambo, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3443 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ollantaytambo, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.263200 S 72.260352 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Omachi, Nagano, Japan - Takase River
Bridgemeister ID:6108 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Omachi, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Takase River
Coordinates:36.503653 N 137.764081 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Ome, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5152 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ome, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.803716 N 139.194116 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ome, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5153 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ome, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.800947 N 139.185230 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Opelika, Henderson County, Texas, USA - Kickapoo Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2025 (added 2006-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Opelika, Henderson County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Kickapoo Creek
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Cecelia Viteri writes: "the bridge was built around 1920 over the Kickapoo Creek, Henderson County Texas, near a now defunct rural town of Opelika. My great-grandfather's farm bordered the creek, which is a tributary of the Neches River. I was on this bridge several times, and it was dismantled mid-1960s. It was wide enough for cars to cross it, one at a time."
Photos courtesy of Cecelia Viteri

(suspension bridge)

Oshika, Nagano, Japan - Koshibu River
Bridgemeister ID:7535 (added 2023-01-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Oshika, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Koshibu River
Coordinates:35.581147 N 138.022863 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Oslo, Norway - Sørkedalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3974 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Oslo, Norway
Coordinates:59.990760 N 10.626080 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 23.5 meters (77.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ostrozac, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Lake Jablanica
Bridgemeister ID:4595 (added 2020-06-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ostrozac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Crossing:Lake Jablanica
Coordinates:43.688640 N 17.821204 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 201 meters (659.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Otari, Nagano, Japan - Himekawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6111 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Otari, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Himekawa River
Coordinates:36.890497 N 137.862162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ouaouizeght, Morocco - Oued Laabid
Bridgemeister ID:4611 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ouaouizeght, Morocco
Crossing:Oued Laabid
Coordinates:32.132083 N 6.300526 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 141 meters (462.6 feet) estimated


  • Bypassed circa 2017-2018.

(suspension bridge)

Pa Kum Ko, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5045 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pa Kum Ko, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.375159 N 99.802967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pabali (पबली), Uttarakhand, India - Pashchimi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:7966 (added 2023-11-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pabali (पबली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pashchimi Nayar River
Coordinates:30.057233 N 78.852897 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the suspension bridge next to a truss bridge. July 2022.

(suspension bridge)

Paccerakkang, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5718 (added 2021-04-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paccerakkang, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.292155 S 120.316986 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Paccochaqui, Pampamarca, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru - Rio Cotaruse
Bridgemeister ID:8757 (added 2024-07-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paccochaqui, Pampamarca, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cotaruse
Coordinates:14.437611 S 73.219222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pachiri, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7817 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pachiri, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.395194 S 72.906361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pachiri, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7818 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pachiri, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.426722 S 72.908722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 136 meters (446.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2006-2023 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Paclla, Peru - Rio Colca
Bridgemeister ID:6449 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paclla, Peru
Crossing:Rio Colca
Coordinates:15.594546 S 72.000157 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Padam vicinity, Zanskar, Ladakh, India - Tsarap
Bridgemeister ID:6559 (added 2021-08-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Padam vicinity, Zanskar, Ladakh, India
Coordinates:33.392064 N 76.928885 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Padang Bulan, Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Gadis
Bridgemeister ID:8050 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Padang Bulan, Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Gadis
Coordinates:0.657861 N 99.726972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Short video showing both this bridge and adjacent pipelne suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Padinda and Syara Talli, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar River
Bridgemeister ID:5473 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Padinda and Syara Talli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar River
Coordinates:29.865343 N 79.029400 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Padoli and Kota, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4373 (added 2020-04-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Padoli and Kota, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.692684 N 79.931578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 106.5 meters (349.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Padum vicinity, Ladakh, India - Stod River
Bridgemeister ID:5610 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Padum vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Stod River
Coordinates:33.594704 N 76.727030 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Padum, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7287 (added 2022-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Padum, Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.462500 N 76.884331 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, May 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Destroyed by flood, May 2015.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image showing the remains of the destroyed bridge, posted September 2015.

(suspension bridge)

Pagrasu (पग्रासु), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7066 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pagrasu (पग्रासु), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.550928 N 79.753319 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 49.4 meters (162 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Painshill, Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:1489 (added 2004-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Painshill, Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Painshill. Constructed prior to 1863 by Bramah and Sons. Believed to have been removed by the mid-1900s.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Paja Peluda, El Cuay, Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8068 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paja Peluda, El Cuay, Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.410444 N 81.063306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)


  • Adjacent road bridge built at some point in the 2019-2021 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Paján vicinity, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:7223 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paján vicinity, Ecuador
Coordinates:1.594561 S 80.402856 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Pak Khwae, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5032 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pak Khwae, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.035369 N 99.822227 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Pak Khwae, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5033 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pak Khwae, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.060228 N 99.830391 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2010s
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was still in use in 2014. Appears to have been bypassed and removed in mid-to-late 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Pakala, Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5265 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pakala, Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.026329 N 82.913336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Pala Maradi (पाला मरदी) and Salang (सलंग), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7978 (added 2023-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pala Maradi (पाला मरदी) and Salang (सलंग), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.847469 N 78.635956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 60.4 meters (198 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India - Neugal Khadd
Bridgemeister ID:5242 (added 2020-11-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Neugal Khadd
Coordinates:32.124671 N 76.525452 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Palestina, Guayas, Ecuador - Rio Daule
Bridgemeister ID:7246 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palestina, Guayas, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Daule
Coordinates:1.619897 S 79.997371 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pali (पाली), Arghakhanchi, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6585 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pali (पाली), Arghakhanchi, Nepal
Coordinates:27.937198 N 83.226047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Palisade, Colorado, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:296 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palisade, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Palkot Range, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5891 (added 2021-05-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palkot Range, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.805641 N 78.652296 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Palmar, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6709 (added 2021-10-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palmar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.460362 N 75.726308 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Completed in late 2014 or 2015.

(suspension bridge)

Palora, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:3114 (added 2019-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palora, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.737198 S 77.882330 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Palora, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:3115 (added 2019-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palora, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.737517 S 77.882309 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Palot (पलोट), Uttarakhand, India - Hiluan Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7012 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palot (पलोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Hiluan Gad
Coordinates:30.367603 N 78.929133 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 51.5 meters (169 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Palungtar, Nepal - Marsyangdi River
Bridgemeister ID:4678 (added 2020-06-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Palungtar, Nepal
Crossing:Marsyangdi River
Coordinates:27.950142 N 84.431810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Pambe, Tanduk Kalua, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5708 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pambe, Tanduk Kalua, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.024730 S 119.298696 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Pamijahan, Bogor Regency and Tenjolaya, West Java, Indonesia - Ciampea
Bridgemeister ID:7777 (added 2023-08-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pamijahan, Bogor Regency and Tenjolaya, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.630313 S 106.684812 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Pampa Quehuar, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3429 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pampa Quehuar, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.778699 S 71.573277 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Pampamarca, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru - Rio Cotaruse
Bridgemeister ID:8758 (added 2024-07-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pampamarca, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cotaruse
Coordinates:14.430500 S 73.215333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 24 meters (78.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Panchakule (पञ्चकुले), Nepal - Sewa Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6540 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Panchakule (पञ्चकुले), Nepal
Crossing:Sewa Khola
Coordinates:28.150538 N 82.113065 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Built at some point in the 2018-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Panchakule (पञ्चकुले), Nepal - Sewa Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6541 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Panchakule (पञ्चकुले), Nepal
Crossing:Sewa Khola
Coordinates:28.141782 N 82.109792 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 224 meters (734.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pandan Dulang, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6171 (added 2021-07-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pandan Dulang, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.024639 S 103.794112 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Pandoh, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5254 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pandoh, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.669124 N 77.057077 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Pangjiahe Village (庞家河村), Feng County (凤县), Baoji (宝鸡市), Shaanxi, China
Bridgemeister ID:8421 (added 2024-03-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pangjiahe Village (庞家河村), Feng County (凤县), Baoji (宝鸡市), Shaanxi, China
Coordinates:34.037727 N 106.542184 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the mid-2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Pangoa, Malaquiato vicinity, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7815 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pangoa, Malaquiato vicinity, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.363278 S 72.887194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Panjgiran vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3520 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Panjgiran vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.455681 N 73.595591 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Pano, Ecuador - Rio Pano
Bridgemeister ID:2899 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pano, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pano
Coordinates:1.017876 S 77.868183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Pantar, Lanao Province, Mindanao, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:1706 (added 2005-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pantar, Lanao Province, Mindanao, Philippines
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Panthali (पंथाली), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga
Bridgemeister ID:8191 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Panthali (पंथाली), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.814573 N 80.362837 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of a man posing on the bridge. Dated June 2022.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated October 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Papaldo, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6337 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Papaldo, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.893584 N 76.194729 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Papanui Junction, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3707 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Papanui Junction, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.715505 S 175.421249 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Papanui Junction, New Zealand - Whangaehu River
Bridgemeister ID:3708 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Papanui Junction, New Zealand
Crossing:Whangaehu River
Coordinates:39.679752 S 175.416591 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

(suspension bridge)

Parai (पराई) and Banlekh (बंलेख), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6446 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parai (पराई) and Banlekh (बंलेख), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.870923 N 79.909018 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Parang, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3854 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parang, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.450715 N 75.455397 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Paras vicinity and Jared vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7197 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paras vicinity and Jared vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.657098 N 73.521607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 56.1 meters (184 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Paras, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7196 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paras, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.660309 N 73.471129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 41.8 meters (137 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Paras, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3472 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paras, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.660463 N 73.499030 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Paras, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3473 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paras, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.660700 N 73.487001 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Paras, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3474 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paras, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.663230 N 73.459404 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Parashuram (परशुराम), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6495 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parashuram (परशुराम), Nepal
Coordinates:29.126799 N 80.449083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Parashuram (परशुराम), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6603 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parashuram (परशुराम), Nepal
Coordinates:29.104421 N 80.347406 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Parco, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5958 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parco, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.815826 S 75.629538 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Parehna, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:5904 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parehna, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.364198 N 73.104371 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Parjot, Astore District, Pakistan - Astore River
Bridgemeister ID:6149 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parjot, Astore District, Pakistan
Crossing:Astore River
Coordinates:35.214454 N 74.824584 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Parque Sarmiento, Córdoba City, Córdoba, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:8514 (added 2024-03-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parque Sarmiento, Córdoba City, Córdoba, Argentina
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the late 1800s. Dismantled and moved to Alpa Corral where it was reassembled 1978-1979. At the new location its suspension system is hybrid cable-stayed and suspension with offset hinged main cables. It is unclear what the original configuration of the bridge was.
  • Moved to 1979 Alpa Corral (Colgante) - Alpa Corral, Córdoba, Argentina.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Parri vicinity, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:3545 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parri vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.766519 N 74.596826 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed (last checked: 2019)


  • Appears to have been removed in the 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Parsley Bottom, West Virginia, USA - Pigeon Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2280 (added 2007-04-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parsley Bottom, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Pigeon Creek
Coordinates:37.78695 N 82.26205 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 20.4 meters (67 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 9.8 meters (32 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Parwak, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5513 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parwak, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.266707 N 72.376764 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Parwak, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5515 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parwak, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.264382 N 72.348752 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Parwak, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5516 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parwak, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.262120 N 72.356475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Parwak, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5517 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parwak, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.274493 N 72.417725 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Parwak, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6085 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Parwak, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.307471 N 72.340842 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pasanggrahan Baru, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6986 (added 2022-04-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pasanggrahan Baru, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.864321 S 107.894107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Pasirsuren, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7544 (added 2023-03-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pasirsuren, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.984334 S 106.616792 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Patikka, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3519 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Patikka, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.448967 N 73.547711 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Pattharkot (पत्थरकोट), Lalbandi (लालबन्दी), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6531 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pattharkot (पत्थरकोट), Lalbandi (लालबन्दी), Nepal
Coordinates:27.112383 N 85.654263 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pattharkot (पत्थरकोट), Lalbandi (लालबन्दी), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6532 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pattharkot (पत्थरकोट), Lalbandi (लालबन्दी), Nepal
Coordinates:27.093831 N 85.687408 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Paurjuli (पौर्जुली), Uttarakhand, India - Lastar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7010 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Paurjuli (पौर्जुली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Lastar Gad
Coordinates:30.401569 N 78.921186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 49.7 meters (163 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2008-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Páez, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Simbola
Bridgemeister ID:8676 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Páez, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Simbola
Coordinates:2.671500 N 75.973417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pëllumbar, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8729 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pëllumbar, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.151250 N 20.481583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Pëllumbar, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8730 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pëllumbar, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.150917 N 20.481889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Pelileo, Ecuador - Rio Cutuchi
Bridgemeister ID:6911 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pelileo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Cutuchi
Coordinates:1.332171 S 78.511234 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Pelileo, Ecuador - Rio Cutuchi
Bridgemeister ID:7145 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pelileo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Cutuchi
Coordinates:1.393438 S 78.477507 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8357 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.830806 N 98.690389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 162 meters (531.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8358 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.894944 N 98.670806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 162 meters (531.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8359 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.895500 N 98.668500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 121 meters (397 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8360 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pengdangxiang (捧当乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.943167 N 98.654250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 156 meters (511.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2021 time frame. Appears to have replaced a simple suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Petran, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8733 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Petran, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.207333 N 20.417222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Petrolia, California, USA - Mattole River
Bridgemeister ID:2143 (added 2006-11-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Petrolia, California, USA
Crossing:Mattole River
Status:Dismantled, 1962
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 87.8 meters (288 feet)


  • There was an interesting saga regarding this bridge's dismantling and reconstruction at Bridgeville. Shirley Gundlach thought he had purchased the bridge from Humboldt County and proceeded to dismantle and move the bridge to Bridgeville. After he dismantled and moved the bridge, he was informed that multiple bids were being accepted and considered and he was not the high bidder. On August 14, 1962, Mr. Gundlach worked out a deal with the high bidder to take ownership of the bridge. The comedy of the situation was not lost on the locals. The August 11, 1962 edition of the Eureka Humboldt Standard ran an article that started:

    "Humboldt County has some loose bridgework today -- suspension type. It's not really missing, because everyone knows where it is, but the old bridge over the Mattole River near Petrolia isn't there any more, despite the fact the county hasn't actually sold it yet. The 'fiasco' as one county official termed it, boils down to the fact a man apparently thought he had purchased the ancient structure, had it torn down and moved, then discovered no one in county circles would admit to having given him the go-ahead. Removal of the bridge gave one supervisor, Melvin Bareilles, quite a start last Sunday when he journeyed to the Mattole to look the structure over and see if the purchaser was getting a good deal. When he got there the abutments were bare, so to speak. Bareilles' interest in the condition of the bridge stems from the fact the chagrined 'purchaser' is his brother-in-law, Shirley Gundlach of Bridgeville. Removal came as a complete surprise to him, he claims. Supervisor Elwyn L. Lindley within whose district the bridge is supposed to be located, did a 'double-take' on the bridge in Ferndale last Saturday. As he was walking down the main street of Ferndale with his wife, she noted a dismantled structure going by on a truck and commented it appeared a gas well drilling rig was being hauled away. Lindley gave it a glance and started to walk on, but then did the double-take and knew immediately it was the old bridge, with which he has been familiar since boyhood days. Charles Shaller, director of public works, says he gave no go-ahead to remove the bridge. However, he admits he 'sold' Gundlach the idea of obtaining the structure for access to subdivision land on the Van Duzen River. 'I've been trying to get rid of that old bridge for the past four years, and hadn't been able to do it anywhere,' he commented. 'I guess if any blame has to be laid on someone, it will have to be me, although I cautioned Gundlach not to remove the bridge until it was sold as required under the law.'"
  • Damaged by flood, 1955. Out of service, 1959.
  • Moved to (suspension bridge) - Bridgeville, California, USA.
  • See 1920 (suspension bridge) - Petrolia vicinity, California, USA. This entry may represent the same bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Petshal (पेटशाल) and Bajyoli (बज्योली), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6493 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Petshal (पेटशाल) and Bajyoli (बज्योली), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.626022 N 79.731198 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Phagala, Kaghan (کاغان), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7214 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phagala, Kaghan (کاغان), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.835764 N 73.533085 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2014-2018
Main Span:1 x 90.5 meters (297 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been destroyed or removed at some point between late 2014 and early 2018.

(suspension bridge)

Phagwari vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4988 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phagwari vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.556883 N 73.920035 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Phalawang (फलवाङ), Nepal - Sarada River
Bridgemeister ID:6533 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phalawang (फलवाङ), Nepal
Crossing:Sarada River
Coordinates:28.293150 N 82.266593 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 105 meters (344.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Phamthang, Sikkim, India
Bridgemeister ID:2870 (added 2019-09-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phamthang, Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.373612 N 88.366749 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Phander, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:3166 (added 2019-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phander, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.163815 N 72.918142 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Phindru, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5257 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phindru, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.027671 N 76.429463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Phort, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5511 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Phort, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.094018 N 72.461742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Pichirhua, Peru - Rio Pachachaca
Bridgemeister ID:8809 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pichirhua, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pachachaca
Coordinates:13.914000 S 73.055417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2018 or 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Pidmo and Honara, Ladakh, India - Zanskar River
Bridgemeister ID:7269 (added 2022-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pidmo and Honara, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Zanskar River
Coordinates:33.698364 N 76.924872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2014-2017
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78.9 meters (259 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8320 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.565861 N 98.902472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed in the 2020-2021 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8321 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.536750 N 98.896972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2020-2021
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8322 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.533333 N 98.895361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 133 meters (436.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8324 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pihexiang (匹河怒族乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.479361 N 98.898667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pincahuacho, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8806 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pincahuacho, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.279444 S 73.274639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pincocalla, Morcolla, Sucre, Peru - Rio Sondondo
Bridgemeister ID:8750 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pincocalla, Morcolla, Sucre, Peru
Crossing:Rio Sondondo
Coordinates:14.120278 S 73.912556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Pingal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6563 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pingal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.170750 N 73.072944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 69.8 meters (229 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pingal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6711 (added 2021-10-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pingal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.164472 N 73.115675 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 53.3 meters (175 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pisac vicinity, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:5590 (added 2020-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pisac vicinity, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.457920 S 71.820191 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 69.5 meters (228 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pisakerí, Tinguipaya, Bolivia - Rio Pilcomayo
Bridgemeister ID:8438 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pisakerí, Tinguipaya, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Pilcomayo
Coordinates:19.225889 S 65.724778 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Piskovë and Kosinë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8738 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Piskovë and Kosinë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.269778 N 20.283944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Piskovë and Kosinë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8739 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Piskovë and Kosinë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.269778 N 20.284083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2007-2011
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Piukar (पिउकर), Himachal Pradesh, India - Bhaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7309 (added 2022-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Piukar (पिउकर), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Bhaga River
Coordinates:32.559220 N 77.074740 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 40.8 meters (134 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Piun vicinity, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3685 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Piun vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.934342 N 76.612169 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Piun, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3684 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Piun, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.951042 N 76.592046 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Pocha (Поча), Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia - Reka Pocha
Bridgemeister ID:6818 (added 2021-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pocha (Поча), Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Pocha
Coordinates:62.191620 N 38.167417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Pochal and Chatroo, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6672 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pochal and Chatroo, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.336545 N 75.721959 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Poh (पोह) and Pomrang (पोमरेंग), Himachal Pradesh, India - Spiti River
Bridgemeister ID:8822 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Poh (पोह) and Pomrang (पोमरेंग), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Spiti River
Coordinates:32.047167 N 78.318056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pokhari, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5476 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pokhari, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.309475 N 79.865957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6906 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.251669 S 119.050956 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2014-2019 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted in 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted in 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted in 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6939 (added 2022-01-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pollewani, Tubbi Taramanu, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.237044 S 119.041111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2012-2014 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Polynikha (Полыниха) and Koksharovka (Кокшаровка), Primorsky Krai, Russia - Ussuri River
Bridgemeister ID:5988 (added 2021-07-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Polynikha (Полыниха) and Koksharovka (Кокшаровка), Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crossing:Ussuri River
Coordinates:44.540101 N 134.045465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict, since 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 154 meters (505.2 feet) estimated


  • 2021, June: Somewhat remarkable this bridge was still being regularly crossed by vehicles in 2020-2021 given its poor condition, but in June 2021 the deck appears to have been twisted and wrecked by wind.
  • 2021, August: The bridge deck is replaced, the bridge repaired, and the bridge reopened.

(suspension bridge)

Pompignan, Grisolles vicinity, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Bridgemeister ID:7462 (added 2022-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pompignan, Grisolles vicinity, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Pona vicinity, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3491 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pona vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:33.680666 N 73.578641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Pont-de-Salars, Aveyron, France - Pont-de-Salars Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5677 (added 2021-03-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pont-de-Salars, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Pont-de-Salars Lake
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have once crossed an arm of the Lac de Pont-de-Salars, a reservoir formed by damming the Viaur River.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Poochal, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6706 (added 2021-10-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Poochal, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.391546 N 75.695478 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Porjus, Sweden - Luleälven
Bridgemeister ID:7854 (added 2023-09-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Porjus, Sweden
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely a former bridge at or near the location of the current (2020s) suspension bridge at Porjus.
  • See Porjus - Porjus, Sweden.
Postcards, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Port Maria, Jamaica - Outram River
Bridgemeister ID:6425 (added 2021-08-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Port Maria, Jamaica
Crossing:Outram River
Coordinates:18.372631 N 76.892912 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Port Shepstone, South Africa - Umzimkulu River
Bridgemeister ID:5848 (added 2021-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Port Shepstone, South Africa
Crossing:Umzimkulu River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Portovelo vicinity, El Oro and El Rosario, Loja, Ecuador - Rio Pindo
Bridgemeister ID:7059 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Portovelo vicinity, El Oro and El Rosario, Loja, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pindo
Coordinates:3.764404 S 79.635621 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • 2022, February: Agreement to repair the bridge is reached.

(suspension bridge)

Portovelo, Ecuador - Rio Amarillo
Bridgemeister ID:7149 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Portovelo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Amarillo
Coordinates:3.728179 S 79.634046 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • A confusing mess of aging footbridge and pipes at this location. May be two separate suspension structures.

(suspension bridge)

Premnagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6666 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Premnagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.160145 N 75.686824 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Prestfoss, Viken, Norway - Sundet
Bridgemeister ID:4081 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Prestfoss, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.041589 N 9.590070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.4 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1969.

(suspension bridge)

Priboj (Прибој), Zlatibor (Златиборски), Serbia - Lim River
Bridgemeister ID:5105 (added 2020-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Priboj (Прибој), Zlatibor (Златиборски), Serbia
Crossing:Lim River
Coordinates:43.581778 N 19.524100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Priboj, Serbia - Lim River
Bridgemeister ID:5107 (added 2020-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Priboj, Serbia
Crossing:Lim River
Coordinates:43.562913 N 19.540855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Progorelica and Mataruge, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:5136 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Progorelica and Mataruge, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.680154 N 20.573494 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Promesa, Izcahuaca vicinity, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru - Rio Cotaruse
Bridgemeister ID:8756 (added 2024-07-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Promesa, Izcahuaca vicinity, Cotaruse, Aymaraes, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cotaruse
Coordinates:14.480583 S 73.243833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Proveeduría vicinity, Gualaquiza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7720 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Proveeduría vicinity, Gualaquiza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.410113 S 78.482712 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Pucará, Peru - Rio Huancabamba
Bridgemeister ID:8686 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pucará, Peru
Crossing:Rio Huancabamba
Coordinates:6.051306 S 79.116250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puchathang, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6497 (added 2021-08-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puchathang, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.893656 N 76.801138 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 107.3 meters (352 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pucon, Araucania, Chile - Trancura River
Bridgemeister ID:1293 (added 2004-03-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pucon, Araucania, Chile
Crossing:Trancura River
Coordinates:39.272781 S 71.922559 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Bypassed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Puea, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:3274 (added 2019-11-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puea, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:19.360658 N 100.837880 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Pueb Checacupe, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3432 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pueb Checacupe, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:14.055345 S 71.448324 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Puente Perené, Peru - Rio Paucartambo
Bridgemeister ID:6019 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puente Perené, Peru
Crossing:Rio Paucartambo
Coordinates:10.924392 S 75.282052 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Puente Sogamoso, Santander, Colombia - Rio Sogamoso
Bridgemeister ID:7237 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puente Sogamoso, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sogamoso
Coordinates:7.243182 N 73.788582 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Berrío, Antioquia, Colombia - Río Nus
Bridgemeister ID:7406 (added 2022-12-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Berrío, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Río Nus
Coordinates:6.343169 N 74.681127 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.3 meters (142 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Puerto de Anyana, Huamanga, Peru - Rio Cachi
Bridgemeister ID:8703 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto de Anyana, Huamanga, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cachi
Coordinates:13.066750 S 74.406944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Ipoki, Peru - Rio Ipoki
Bridgemeister ID:5946 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Ipoki, Peru
Crossing:Rio Ipoki
Coordinates:11.077085 S 74.766669 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Ipoki, Peru - Río Perené
Bridgemeister ID:5948 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Ipoki, Peru
Crossing:Río Perené
Coordinates:10.996287 S 74.758497 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 101.5 meters (333 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in late 2010s.

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Mainiqui, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3454 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Mainiqui, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.297025 S 72.866294 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador - Rio Misahualli
Bridgemeister ID:2895 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Misahualli
Coordinates:1.025042 S 77.671417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador - Rio Misahualli
Bridgemeister ID:2896 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Misahualli
Coordinates:1.036653 S 77.666912 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Morona, Ecuador - Rio Morona
Bridgemeister ID:8684 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Morona, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Morona
Coordinates:2.9242063 S 77.7245763 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 204 meters (669.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Nuevo, San José de Miraflores, Mazamari, Satipo, Peru - Rio Sonomoro
Bridgemeister ID:8709 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Nuevo, San José de Miraflores, Mazamari, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Sonomoro
Coordinates:11.371250 S 74.473972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Puerto Nuevo, San José de Miraflores, Mazamari, Satipo, Peru - Rio Sonomoro
Bridgemeister ID:8710 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Nuevo, San José de Miraflores, Mazamari, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Sonomoro
Coordinates:11.371861 S 74.474167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Puerto Ocopa, Peru - Rio Pangoa
Bridgemeister ID:5937 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Ocopa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pangoa
Coordinates:11.210806 S 74.386490 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Ocopa, Peru - Rio Pangoa
Bridgemeister ID:5938 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Ocopa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pangoa
Coordinates:11.190779 S 74.367104 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico - Ameca River
Bridgemeister ID:2742 (added 2019-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
Crossing:Ameca River
At or Near Feature:Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta Golf Course
Coordinates:20.682861 N 105.276049 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Constructed mid-2010s. Heralded as "longest golf cart suspension bridge in the world."

(suspension bridge)

Puerto Victoria and Bajo Toterani, Peru - Río Perené
Bridgemeister ID:5950 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puerto Victoria and Bajo Toterani, Peru
Crossing:Río Perené
Coordinates:10.929168 S 75.139088 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 132 meters (433.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puesto Puyango, El Oro and Loja, Ecuador - Rio Puyango
Bridgemeister ID:7146 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puesto Puyango, El Oro and Loja, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Puyango
Coordinates:3.882600 S 80.082040 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Puesto Puyango, El Oro and Loja, Ecuador - Rio Puyango
Bridgemeister ID:7147 (added 2022-06-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puesto Puyango, El Oro and Loja, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Puyango
Coordinates:3.883030 S 80.082025 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2015)


(suspension bridge)

Pukkala and Kiettare, Finland - Kokemäenjoki
Bridgemeister ID:3292 (added 2019-11-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pukkala and Kiettare, Finland
Coordinates:61.236241 N 22.492262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8347 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.514361 N 98.828028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8349 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.590306 N 98.783056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8350 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.598111 N 98.776528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 136 meters (446.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8351 (added 2024-02-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.629556 N 98.734333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 137 meters (449.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Pulau, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8424 (added 2024-03-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pulau, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.349417 N 100.975673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Remnant tower of the older suspension bridge visible along the left edge of this image showing a motorbike crossing a newer suspension bridge. Posted September 4, 2020.
  • Facebook. Remnant tower of an older suspension bridge visible in the background on the far shore. Posted March 9, 2022.
  • Facebook. Remnant tower of an older suspension bridge visible in the background on the far shore next to the current suspension bridge. Posted July 7, 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Pulkkila and Karilanmaa, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:1321 (added 2004-04-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pulkkila and Karilanmaa, Finland
Coordinates:61.293717 N 25.533383 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Pune, Maharashtra, India - Mula River
Bridgemeister ID:3169 (added 2019-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pune, Maharashtra, India
Crossing:Mula River
Coordinates:18.569265 N 73.733562 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Pungro and Kiphire, Nagaland, India - Zunki River
Bridgemeister ID:8621 (added 2024-06-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pungro and Kiphire, Nagaland, India
Crossing:Zunki River
Coordinates:25.826028 N 94.804472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Punmila (पुन्मिला) and Thirpak (थिर्पक), Uttarakhand, India - Nandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6976 (added 2022-03-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Punmila (पुन्मिला) and Thirpak (थिर्पक), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Nandakini River
Coordinates:30.305237 N 79.356019 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Purificación, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3607 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Purificación, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:3.851737 N 74.931029 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Purtimkanda (पुर्तिमकाडा) and Khalanga (खलङ्गा), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:6478 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Purtimkanda (पुर्तिमकाडा) and Khalanga (खलङ्गा), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.693512 N 82.272167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Purwoasri, Metro City, Lampung, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6241 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Purwoasri, Metro City, Lampung, Indonesia
Coordinates:5.064147 S 105.307988 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Pushangzhen (埔上镇), Shunchang County (顺昌县), Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China - Futunxi River
Bridgemeister ID:8287 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pushangzhen (埔上镇), Shunchang County (顺昌县), Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China
Crossing:Futunxi River
Coordinates:26.927306 N 117.772861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Side Spans:2 x 102 meters (334.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Putalibazar, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:4658 (added 2020-06-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Putalibazar, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.101250 N 83.869179 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Putalibazar, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6353 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Putalibazar, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:28.081556 N 83.824547 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Puthencavu and Edanadu, Kerala, India - Pampa River
Bridgemeister ID:7424 (added 2022-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puthencavu and Edanadu, Kerala, India
Crossing:Pampa River
Coordinates:9.326972 N 76.634072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Puttar and Gadakot, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4684 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puttar and Gadakot, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.859228 N 83.997327 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Puxixiang (蒲西乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Duke River
Bridgemeister ID:8742 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puxixiang (蒲西乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Duke River
Coordinates:31.754472 N 101.424556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Puxixiang (蒲西乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Duke River
Bridgemeister ID:8743 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puxixiang (蒲西乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Duke River
Coordinates:31.764667 N 101.374611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 38 meters (124.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2003-2010 time frame. Likely replaced another suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Puxixiang (蒲西乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Duke River
Bridgemeister ID:8744 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puxixiang (蒲西乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Duke River
Coordinates:31.778861 N 101.290611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)


  • Appears to have replaced another suspension bridge at some point in the 2014-2021 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Puyo, Ecuador
Bridgemeister ID:6908 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Puyo, Ecuador
Coordinates:1.496514 S 78.003484 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pyutar (प्युटार), Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:6311 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pyutar (प्युटार), Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.451842 N 85.287751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6527 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.091019 N 82.853286 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 215.8 meters (708 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2018-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6528 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.127656 N 82.897726 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 186.8 meters (613 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6553 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Pyuthan (प्यूठान), Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.101192 N 82.863422 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 127.4 meters (418 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qala, Malakand vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Swat River
Bridgemeister ID:6343 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qala, Malakand vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Swat River
Coordinates:34.639442 N 71.793914 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5793 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray vicinity, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.285261 N 71.849461 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:6288 (added 2021-07-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.245346 N 71.859102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5780 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.249949 N 71.862480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5794 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.275750 N 71.849752 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 49.5 meters (162.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5795 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.275452 N 71.849830 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 43.5 meters (142.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5797 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.274176 N 71.846809 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5798 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.267179 N 71.853710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 43.5 meters (142.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5799 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.272317 N 71.849334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5800 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.259003 N 71.857668 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan - Dir River
Bridgemeister ID:5801 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qashqaray, Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Crossing:Dir River
Coordinates:35.254799 N 71.860196 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 26.5 meters (86.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qayarpachi, Santiago de Pischa, Huamanga, Peru - Rio Cachi
Bridgemeister ID:8702 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qayarpachi, Santiago de Pischa, Huamanga, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cachi
Coordinates:13.047056 S 74.326444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qingningxiang (庆宁乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8202 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qingningxiang (庆宁乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.597361 N 102.078306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qingningxiang (庆宁乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8203 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qingningxiang (庆宁乡), Jinchuan County, Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.563306 N 102.069306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Quan Ba, Vietnam
Bridgemeister ID:3177 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Quan Ba, Vietnam
Coordinates:23.043843 N 105.010939 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Quellomayo, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7831 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Quellomayo, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.647222 S 72.641861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 101 meters (331.4 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Quillazú, Oxapampa, Peru - Rio Huancabamba
Bridgemeister ID:6899 (added 2022-01-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Quillazú, Oxapampa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Huancabamba
Coordinates:10.527235 S 75.445718 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • A set of towers from a likely former suspension bridge are adjacent to this bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Quiquijana, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3430 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Quiquijana, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.849852 S 71.533137 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Qumarlêb (曲麻莱县), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8469 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qumarlêb (曲麻莱县), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.739139 N 96.237472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 197 meters (646.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Qusum County, Shannan, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6159 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Qusum County, Shannan, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.235608 N 92.005271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Quyagongxiang (曲雅贡乡), Dêrong County (得荣县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8493 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Quyagongxiang (曲雅贡乡), Dêrong County (得荣县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:28.622977 N 99.164522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 193 meters (633.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Rabaat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3624 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rabaat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.877156 N 71.955942 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 150.6 meters (494 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Rabaat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6324 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rabaat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.878054 N 71.957229 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2010
Main Span:1 x 84.7 meters (278 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Rafael Uribe Uribe and Bocas, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3596 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rafael Uribe Uribe and Bocas, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.734029 N 75.599689 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Rafael Uribe Uribe and La Pintada, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3597 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rafael Uribe Uribe and La Pintada, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.744707 N 75.604588 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

(suspension bridge)

Raini Chak Lata (रैनी चाक लता), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7062 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Raini Chak Lata (रैनी चाक लता), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.489375 N 79.692761 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, February 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47.5 meters (156 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Raitoli, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5704 (added 2021-04-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Raitoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.747309 N 80.128277 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Rajdhani, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4979 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rajdhani, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.382198 N 73.790384 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:7357 (added 2022-10-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:33.376503 N 74.310706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2003-2010
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2 x 54.6 meters (179 feet) estimated


  • Suspension system replaced with through trusses at some point in the 2003-2010 time frame.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Rajwal, Kaghan (کاغان), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7213 (added 2022-07-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rajwal, Kaghan (کاغان), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.830036 N 73.526947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 115.8 meters (380 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been partially built through 2014-2018, completed at some point between late 2018 and early 2020.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Raman and Harchin, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:6365 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Raman and Harchin, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.123854 N 72.466880 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.7 meters (140 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ramanakot (रामनाकोट) and Nanikot (नानीकोट), Nepal - Karnali
Bridgemeister ID:6490 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ramanakot (रामनाकोट) and Nanikot (नानीकोट), Nepal
Coordinates:29.270839 N 81.713346 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rambay, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6285 (added 2021-07-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rambay, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.376615 S 106.815758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ramgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6678 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ramgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.166394 N 75.321291 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rampur Bushahr, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5375 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rampur Bushahr, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.455100 N 77.647432 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Ranachatti (रानाचात्ति) and Kuthar (कुठार), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7685 (added 2023-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ranachatti (रानाचात्ति) and Kuthar (कुठार), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.923261 N 78.376306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rang Nok, Sam Ngam District, Phichit, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5070 (added 2020-08-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rang Nok, Sam Ngam District, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:16.432224 N 100.209581 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ranibas (रानीबास), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6593 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ranibas (रानीबास), Nepal
Coordinates:27.070363 N 86.030251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 203 meters (666 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rante Puang, Mamasa Regency and Pebassian, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6841 (added 2022-01-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rante Puang, Mamasa Regency and Pebassian, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.984010 S 119.338737 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 20.4 meters (67 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rara, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3481 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rara, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.291304 N 73.476937 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Rope

(suspension bridge)

Raspurkot (रस्पुरकोट) and Pakala (पकला), Nepal - Jhimruk Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6552 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Raspurkot (रस्पुरकोट) and Pakala (पकला), Nepal
Crossing:Jhimruk Khola
Coordinates:28.028018 N 82.899499 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 153.6 meters (504 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Ratura (रतुरा) and Kamera (कमेरा), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7113 (added 2022-06-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ratura (रतुरा) and Kamera (कमेरा), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.304450 N 79.049847 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2019
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge prior to flood damage, posted January 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Ratura (रतुरा) and Saur Umrola (सौर उम्रोला), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7115 (added 2022-06-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ratura (रतुरा) and Saur Umrola (सौर उम्रोला), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.308814 N 79.035731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 85 meters (278.9 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been completed at some point in the 2019-2021 time frame.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the bridge visible in the distance, December 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Ratura, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:5437 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ratura, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.200972 N 79.279177 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Raudaskylä and Jylhä, Finland - Kalajoki
Bridgemeister ID:5543 (added 2020-12-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Raudaskylä and Jylhä, Finland
Coordinates:64.009689 N 24.759479 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Rautela, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5635 (added 2020-12-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rautela, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.937262 N 78.702962 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rawajaya, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6117 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rawajaya, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.569062 S 108.875936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Rawal Khet (रवल खेत), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6458 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rawal Khet (रवल खेत), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.597675 N 79.716317 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rawli, Bagh vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5882 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rawli, Bagh vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.947417 N 73.712284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 176 meters (577.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rayal (रायाल), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6403 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rayal (रायाल), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.452983 N 80.913225 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rayal (रायाल), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6404 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rayal (रायाल), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.457328 N 80.901024 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rayal (रायाल), Nepal - Seti River
Bridgemeister ID:6405 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rayal (रायाल), Nepal
Crossing:Seti River
Coordinates:29.462963 N 80.960081 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rayan, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6089 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rayan, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.452364 N 72.414686 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rødberg, Norway - Uvdalsåe
Bridgemeister ID:4102 (added 2020-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rødberg, Norway
Coordinates:60.259956 N 8.844986 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1977.

(suspension bridge)

Røvassåga vicinity, Norway - Røvassåga
Bridgemeister ID:3722 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Røvassåga vicinity, Norway
Coordinates:66.413560 N 14.23847 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Reckong Peo, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:4820 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Reckong Peo, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.544321 N 78.279546 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Recuay, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7883 (added 2023-10-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Recuay, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.717715 S 77.454598 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8585 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.391694 N 99.067000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8586 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.391694 N 99.067611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8587 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.383833 N 99.092417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8588 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rejiaxiang (热加乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.383694 N 99.092694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Rekcha (रेग्चा), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:7330 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rekcha (रेग्चा), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:31.150228 N 78.240611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2012
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Remala and Phey vicinity, Ladakh, India - Stod River
Bridgemeister ID:7268 (added 2022-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Remala and Phey vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Stod River
Coordinates:33.629381 N 76.684542 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Remala Kaisam vicinity, Ladakh, India - Stod River
Bridgemeister ID:5611 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Remala Kaisam vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Stod River
Coordinates:33.642380 N 76.646935 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Remolino and Puerto Valdivia, Valdivia, Antioquia, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3601 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Remolino and Puerto Valdivia, Valdivia, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:7.287532 N 75.396959 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2018
Main Cables:Wire


  • Removed, or possibly destroyed, at some point between late 2017 and early 2019. Replacement appears to be under construction as of mid-2022.

(suspension bridge)

Remolino Del Vicho, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3612 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Remolino Del Vicho, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:2.463053 N 75.567119 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bypassed by a large arch bridge at some point between 2015-2019.
  • There may have been a third suspension bridge at this location (in addition to the adjacent suspension bridge present in 2014) as older cable anchor points can be seen (in 2014) on the same alignment as this bridge.
  • Next to (suspension bridge) - Remolino Del Vicho, Colombia.

(suspension bridge)

Remolino Del Vicho, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3613 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Remolino Del Vicho, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:2.463001 N 75.567199 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan - Talurwan River
Bridgemeister ID:4626 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Crossing:Talurwan River
Coordinates:24.030806 N 121.197455 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Reshi Bazar vicinity, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6619 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Reshi Bazar vicinity, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.224332 N 88.304900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Rewarangga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8379 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rewarangga, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.786000 S 121.671111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)

(suspension bridge)

Ribecourt, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:5049 (added 2020-08-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ribecourt, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Ribuxiang (日部乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8470 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ribuxiang (日部乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.208806 N 101.617361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ricaurte, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Páez
Bridgemeister ID:8681 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ricaurte, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Páez
Coordinates:2.522778 N 75.961944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Ricaurte, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Páez
Bridgemeister ID:8682 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ricaurte, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Páez
Coordinates:2.522778 N 75.961778 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Richa vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Kameng River
Bridgemeister ID:6362 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Richa vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Kameng River
Coordinates:27.416596 N 93.008280 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 150.9 meters (495 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Riggins vicinity, Idaho, USA - Little Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:2214 (added 2007-02-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Riggins vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Little Salmon River
Coordinates:45.39347 N 116.34313 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Oeste
Bridgemeister ID:5014 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Oeste
Coordinates:27.234664 S 49.706080 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Oeste
Bridgemeister ID:5016 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Oeste
Coordinates:27.248191 S 49.687275 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5017 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.148250 S 49.532584 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5019 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.191368 S 49.603366 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5022 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.208039 S 49.643735 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • May have been rebuilt at some point in time frame 2011-2019.

(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5023 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.216024 S 49.648286 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Oeste
Bridgemeister ID:5026 (added 2020-08-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Oeste
Coordinates:27.233592 S 49.672632 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Rio dos Cedros, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio dos Cedros
Bridgemeister ID:5000 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio dos Cedros, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio dos Cedros
Coordinates:26.764115 S 49.266995 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Rio Negro, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:6910 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio Negro, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.413317 S 78.207486 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rio Seco, Peru - Rio Paucartambo
Bridgemeister ID:6018 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio Seco, Peru
Crossing:Rio Paucartambo
Coordinates:10.900923 S 75.278749 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2013: Under construction

(suspension bridge)

Riri Qwir, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5506 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Riri Qwir, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:36.125763 N 72.063304 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Robertsfor, Sweden - Rickleån
Bridgemeister ID:7537 (added 2023-01-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Robertsfor, Sweden
Coordinates:64.188503 N 20.851389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Rollong, Bhutan - Dangme Chu
Bridgemeister ID:6489 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rollong, Bhutan
Crossing:Dangme Chu
Coordinates:27.286150 N 91.459066 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)


  • Completed at some point in 2018-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Rongek, Gangtok (गान्तोक) and Bhusuk (भुसुक), Sikkim, India - Roro Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:8853 (added 2024-09-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rongek, Gangtok (गान्तोक) and Bhusuk (भुसुक), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Roro Chhu
Coordinates:27.336227 N 88.651128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Rosalina vicinity, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7830 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rosalina vicinity, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.630639 S 72.655472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Rosta, Örebro, Sweden - Svartan River
Bridgemeister ID:3341 (added 2019-12-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rosta, Örebro, Sweden
Crossing:Svartan River
Coordinates:59.268525 N 15.190111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Rudraprayag (रूद्रप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6994 (added 2022-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rudraprayag (रूद्रप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.288642 N 78.979522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.3 meters (142 feet) estimated


  • Damaged in June 2013, likely by the catastrophic Uttarakhand flood event that month. Eventually removed and replaced with a truss bridge.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:5591 (added 2020-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.368435 N 78.985375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Rugholt, Gransherad, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tinne
Bridgemeister ID:4205 (added 2020-04-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rugholt, Gransherad, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.692147 N 9.092868 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Built at some point in time frame 1953-1956.

(suspension bridge)

Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan - Keelung River
Bridgemeister ID:2791 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Crossing:Keelung River
Coordinates:25.058114 N 121.819872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Runde, South Lore, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Salo Karangan
Bridgemeister ID:6567 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Runde, South Lore, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Salo Karangan
Coordinates:1.908756 S 120.245695 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Rupin Range, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5379 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rupin Range, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:31.068383 N 78.099494 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Russånes, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway - Luonosjåhkå
Bridgemeister ID:3745 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Russånes, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.920410 N 15.320230 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2016-2018
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


  • Was closed and in a state of disrepair for 20-30 years prior to being removed circa 2016-2018. At some point in 2016 or later it was heavily damaged by a flood and blocked the river hastening its removal.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Russånes, Saltdal, Norway - Luonosjåhkå
Bridgemeister ID:593 (added 2003-01-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Russånes, Saltdal, Norway
Coordinates:66.927399 N 15.324673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Saeedabad, Bargo Bala vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6793 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saeedabad, Bargo Bala vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.034220 N 74.165698 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point between 2006 and 2010.

(suspension bridge)

Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5058 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.569818 N 139.199269 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5059 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.555874 N 139.156275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5060 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.553158 N 139.150813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sagara, Kumamoto, Japan - Kawabe River
Bridgemeister ID:5205 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagara, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Kawabe River
Coordinates:32.327544 N 130.840743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sagara, Kumamoto, Japan - Kawabe River
Bridgemeister ID:5207 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagara, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Kawabe River
Coordinates:32.216303 N 130.799804 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Sagara, Kumamoto, Japan - Kawabe River
Bridgemeister ID:5208 (added 2020-10-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagara, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Kawabe River
Coordinates:32.340624 N 130.842209 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 42.5 meters (139.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Sagorasera and Mangoli, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5467 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sagorasera and Mangoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.977463 N 78.659611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Sahib Abad, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6296 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sahib Abad, Upper Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.045430 N 72.000346 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2019, July: Large section of deck fails as a vehicle is crossing. Adjacent replacement bridge was already under construction but progressing slowly.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Saijo, Ehime, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:7432 (added 2022-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saijo, Ehime, Japan
Coordinates:33.847426 N 133.148046 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)

(suspension bridge)

Sainamaina (सैनामैना), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6570 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sainamaina (सैनामैना), Nepal
Coordinates:27.719292 N 83.303148 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sainamaina (सैनामैना), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6571 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sainamaina (सैनामैना), Nepal
Coordinates:27.703823 N 83.297584 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sainj, Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:5377 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sainj, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:30.842692 N 77.806026 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Saint-Alexis-des-Monts vicinity, Quebec, Canada - Loup River
Bridgemeister ID:1788 (added 2005-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saint-Alexis-des-Monts vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Loup River
Coordinates:46.56165 N 73.144883 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

(suspension bridge)

Saint-Perreux, Morbihan, France - Nantes-Brest Canal
Bridgemeister ID:8148 (added 2024-02-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saint-Perreux, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Nantes-Brest Canal
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Saint-Vit and Roset-Fluans, Doubs, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:3225 (added 2019-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saint-Vit and Roset-Fluans, Doubs, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Coordinates:47.165711 N 5.830071 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Sainte-Marguerite-Lafigère, Ardèche and Gard, France - Chassezac River
Bridgemeister ID:3180 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sainte-Marguerite-Lafigère, Ardèche and Gard, France
Crossing:Chassezac River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sakalana (सकलाना), Uttarakhand, India - Lastar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7009 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sakalana (सकलाना), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Lastar Gad
Coordinates:30.378264 N 78.926800 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 60.4 meters (198 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sakamoto Nagayasu, Naka and Kubo Nagayasu, Naka, Tokushima, Japan - Naka River
Bridgemeister ID:7532 (added 2023-01-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sakamoto Nagayasu, Naka and Kubo Nagayasu, Naka, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Naka River
At or Near Feature:Nagayasukuchi Reservoir
Coordinates:33.817769 N 134.360003 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sakdyani, Uttarakhand, India - Kosi River
Bridgemeister ID:6136 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sakdyani, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kosi River
Coordinates:29.508183 N 79.449036 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sakraun Pakari, Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6575 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sakraun Pakari, Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.467091 N 83.340391 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Salar, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4347 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salar, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.470151 N 80.161352 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Saling, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:5526 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saling, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.176859 N 76.388449 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Salkhala vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3528 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salkhala vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.578762 N 73.894514 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Salkhala, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3526 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salkhala, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.558581 N 73.877405 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Salkhala, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3527 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salkhala, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.569474 N 73.897993 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Salmeli, Kvinesdal, Agder, Norway - Kvina
Bridgemeister ID:4400 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salmeli, Kvinesdal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.742951 N 6.968495 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25.5 meters (83.7 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Salpat, Himachal Pradesh, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:5261 (added 2020-11-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salpat, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:32.732367 N 76.641651 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Salto Grande, Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Sul
Bridgemeister ID:5008 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salto Grande, Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Sul
Coordinates:27.396064 S 49.603750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appeared to be closed in 2018 or 2019 for deck replacement.

(suspension bridge)

Saltville vicinity, Virginia, USA - North Fork Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:830 (added 2003-06-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saltville vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:North Fork Holston River
Coordinates:36.84725 N 81.86802 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:1 x 25.9 meters (85 feet),
1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 10.7 meters (35 feet),
1 x 12.2 meters (40 feet)


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes the owners "drive their 4-wheeler with a trailer across this bridge."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Salu Paremang, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5719 (added 2021-04-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salu Paremang, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.300152 S 120.345743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Salyer and Willow Creek, California, USA - South Fork Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:1855 (added 2005-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Salyer and Willow Creek, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork Trinity River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, c. 1930
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Samaca, Peru - Rio Chamaya
Bridgemeister ID:8687 (added 2024-06-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Samaca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chamaya
Coordinates:6.032417 S 79.027167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Samborondón, Ecuador - Rio Vinces
Bridgemeister ID:7231 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Samborondón, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Vinces
Coordinates:1.932394 S 79.719784 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Samna Bhata, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6673 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Samna Bhata, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.362217 N 75.827963 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 2016-2017 (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Samna Bhata, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6674 (added 2021-09-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Samna Bhata, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.362284 N 75.828216 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

San Cristobal, Táchira, Venezuela - Rio Torbes
Bridgemeister ID:4578 (added 2020-06-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Cristobal, Táchira, Venezuela
Crossing:Rio Torbes
Coordinates:7.738415 N 72.241234 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

San Cristobal, Táchira, Venezuela - Rio Torbes
Bridgemeister ID:4579 (added 2020-06-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Cristobal, Táchira, Venezuela
Crossing:Rio Torbes
Coordinates:7.763977 N 72.245347 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

San Francisco de Palizada, Guayas, Ecuador - Rio Bobo
Bridgemeister ID:8300 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Francisco de Palizada, Guayas, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Bobo
Coordinates:1.665000 S 79.828444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San Francisco del Valle and La Laguna, Honduras - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:7496 (added 2022-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Francisco del Valle and La Laguna, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:14.443082 N 88.948194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44.8 meters (147 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2001-2011 time frame.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

San Isidro de Peñas Blancas, Costa Rica - Rio Peñas Blancas
Bridgemeister ID:2418 (added 2008-02-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Isidro de Peñas Blancas, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Peñas Blancas
Coordinates:10.36555 N 84.59393 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed circa 1966-1970.

External Links:

Photo by Richard Ehrenberg

(suspension bridge)

San Jerónimo de Tunán, Huancayo, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5929 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Jerónimo de Tunán, Huancayo, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Exact location of this bridge is unclear, but it appears likely it was at or near the same location of the Puente Centenario (Centennial) which is the current (2020s) river crossing closest to San Jerónimo de Tunán.
  • See Centenario (Centennial) - San Jerónimo de Tunán, Huancayo, Peru. The Centenario bridge may have replaced this older bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

San Jeronimo, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru - Rio Sonomoro
Bridgemeister ID:8711 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Jeronimo, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Sonomoro
Coordinates:11.395167 S 74.446111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San José, San Francisco, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Chico
Bridgemeister ID:7243 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San José, San Francisco, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Chico
Coordinates:8.493070 N 80.779337 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San Juan de Cacazu, Peru - Rio Cacazú
Bridgemeister ID:5968 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Juan de Cacazu, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cacazú
Coordinates:10.663121 S 75.122242 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San Juan de Chuccho, Peru - Rio Colca
Bridgemeister ID:6450 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Juan de Chuccho, Peru
Crossing:Rio Colca
Coordinates:15.598979 S 71.941394 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Apparent remains of another suspension bridge were visible at this location in the mid-2010s.

(suspension bridge)

San Juan de Muyuna, Ecuador - Rio Tena
Bridgemeister ID:2885 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Juan de Muyuna, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Tena
Coordinates:0.978976 S 77.854225 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

San Juan de Muyuna, Ecuador - Rio Tena
Bridgemeister ID:2886 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Juan de Muyuna, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Tena
Coordinates:0.979048 S 77.854203 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

San Lorenzo, Panama - Rio Fonseca
Bridgemeister ID:2943 (added 2019-09-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Lorenzo, Panama
Crossing:Rio Fonseca
Coordinates:8.312725 N 82.102346 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

San Luis, Philippines - Duongan River
Bridgemeister ID:8291 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Luis, Philippines
Crossing:Duongan River
Coordinates:15.723333 N 121.531083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

San Marcos, Peru - Rio Huayobamba
Bridgemeister ID:8675 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Marcos, Peru
Crossing:Rio Huayobamba
Coordinates:7.336083 S 78.177306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San Mateo, Ecuador - Rio Esmeraldas
Bridgemeister ID:3231 (added 2019-11-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Mateo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Esmeraldas
Coordinates:0.895049 N 79.637427 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

San Nicolás, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:3599 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Nicolás, Colombia
Coordinates:6.480035 N 75.819757 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

San Pablo de Kantesiya, Ecuador - Rio Aguarico
Bridgemeister ID:3135 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Pablo de Kantesiya, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Aguarico
Coordinates:0.254972 S 76.425097 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

San Rafael del Piñal and Naranjales, Táchira, Venezuela - Rio Apure
Bridgemeister ID:7605 (added 2023-05-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Rafael del Piñal and Naranjales, Táchira, Venezuela
Crossing:Rio Apure
Coordinates:7.511191 N 71.961128 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Span:1 x 154 meters (505.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San Ramón, Peru - Rio Tama
Bridgemeister ID:6026 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Ramón, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tama
Coordinates:11.119461 S 75.367231 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

San Ramón, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8226 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:San Ramón, Peru


  • As of the 2010s there are several suspension bridges in and near San Ramón but the bridge pictured here does not appear to exist anymore.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Sandra Range (सैंड्रा रेंज), Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:7306 (added 2022-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sandra Range (सैंड्रा रेंज), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:31.00864 N 78.028679 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72.2 meters (237 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sangiang Tanjung, Lebak Regency and Marga Jaya, Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6635 (added 2021-09-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sangiang Tanjung, Lebak Regency and Marga Jaya, Cimarga, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.407131 S 106.234816 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sangkalang, Mangan (मंगन), Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:8020 (added 2023-12-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sangkalang, Mangan (मंगन), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.509053 N 88.526450 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain, since 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 88.4 meters (290 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the two suspension bridges with the older suspension bridge (removed in 2018) in the background. Posted February 7, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the two suspension bridges with the older suspension bridge (removed in 2018) on the left. Posted May 12, 2013.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge being dismantled. Posted February 5, 2018.

(suspension bridge)

Sangkalang, Mangan (मंगन), Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:8021 (added 2023-12-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sangkalang, Mangan (मंगन), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.509085 N 88.526522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, October, 2023
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 94.5 meters (310 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Video showing construction of a temporary bamboo replacement bridge using the towers of the older suspension bridge. Posted October 12, 2023. "The locals in Sankalang, North Sikkim with the help of RDD Engineers undertook the remarkable task of constructing a cane bridge under perilous circumstances."
  • Facebook - Sang Sangkalang bridge collapsed. Image showing the larger, newer suspension bridge (metal towers) destroyed by floodwaters. A surviving tower from the adjacent, older suspension bridge is also visible. Posted October 4, 2023.
  • India Today NE - Sikkim: Construction of bamboo suspension foot bridge completed at Sangkalang. Article and photo of the completed temporary bamboo replacement bridge. October 13, 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Sangobatea, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7826 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sangobatea, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.608959 S 72.954468 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 157 meters (515.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Sangram, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Kurung River
Bridgemeister ID:8842 (added 2024-09-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sangram, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Kurung River
Coordinates:27.807444 N 93.555667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sankoo vicinity, Ladakh, India - Suru River
Bridgemeister ID:6397 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sankoo vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Suru River
Coordinates:34.326258 N 75.964338 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sannanitar (सान्नानीटार), Hetauda, Nepal - East Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:6512 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sannanitar (सान्नानीटार), Hetauda, Nepal
Crossing:East Rapti River
Coordinates:27.457071 N 84.916619 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 266 meters (872.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santa Ana, Peru - Rio Pampa Hermosa
Bridgemeister ID:5932 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Ana, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pampa Hermosa
Coordinates:11.336325 S 74.735076 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Ana, Peru - Rio Pampa Hermosa
Bridgemeister ID:5933 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Ana, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pampa Hermosa
Coordinates:11.326208 S 74.721615 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Ana, Peru - Rio Pampa Hermosa
Bridgemeister ID:5945 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Ana, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pampa Hermosa
Coordinates:11.350029 S 74.732514 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Elena, Echarate and Santoato, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7825 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Elena, Echarate and Santoato, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.629972 S 72.984694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fé and El Inglés, El Cuay, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8071 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fé and El Inglés, El Cuay, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.421944 N 81.052639 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8069 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.514750 N 81.067389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be an adjacent older derelict suspension bridge at this location, but unclear what kind of suspension bridge it is (or was).

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8070 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.527472 N 81.066583 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2026)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8073 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.500250 N 81.068611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Bermejo
Bridgemeister ID:8074 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Bermejo
Coordinates:8.529556 N 81.084444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8075 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.543778 N 81.051222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santa Fe vicinity and Concepción vicinity, Ocotepeque, Honduras - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7517 (added 2023-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Fe vicinity and Concepción vicinity, Ocotepeque, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.526064 N 89.240145 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 59.1 meters (194 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 11.9 meters (39 feet) estimated


  • There may have been another adjacent suspension bridge at this location in the early 2000s.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Three images of the bridge. Posted February 15, 2022.
  • Twitter. Video of the bridge. Posted July 16, 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Santa Lucia, Guayas, Ecuador - Rio Daule
Bridgemeister ID:7247 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Lucia, Guayas, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Daule
Coordinates:1.719484 S 79.991695 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santa María de Nieva, Peru - Rio Nieva
Bridgemeister ID:8685 (added 2024-06-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa María de Nieva, Peru
Crossing:Rio Nieva
Coordinates:4.604361 S 77.868111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santa Maria de Nieva, Peru - Nieva River
Bridgemeister ID:3111 (added 2019-10-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Maria de Nieva, Peru
Crossing:Nieva River
Coordinates:4.593453 S 77.863611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Santa Rosa de Mallma, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6015 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Rosa de Mallma, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.518604 S 74.708054 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santa Teresa, Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí do Sul
Bridgemeister ID:5009 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santa Teresa, Aurora, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí do Sul
Coordinates:27.352168 S 49.615510 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santaliestra y San Quílez, Spain - Ésera
Bridgemeister ID:4732 (added 2020-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santaliestra y San Quílez, Spain
Coordinates:42.304996 N 0.361542 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Santiago de Méndez, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Paute
Bridgemeister ID:7260 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santiago de Méndez, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Paute
Coordinates:2.712629 S 78.326090 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Santiago de Pischa, Ayacucho vicinity, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6010 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santiago de Pischa, Ayacucho vicinity, Peru
Coordinates:13.071821 S 74.274128 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Santo Domingo, Ecuador - Rio Toachi
Bridgemeister ID:7571 (added 2023-04-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Santo Domingo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Toachi
Coordinates:0.243065 S 79.138171 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain

(suspension bridge)

Sao vicinity, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5764 (added 2021-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sao vicinity, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.185079 N 71.490334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sao vicinity, Afghanistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:5765 (added 2021-04-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sao vicinity, Afghanistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.177453 N 71.475216 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Saranu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:7356 (added 2022-10-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saranu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:33.274578 N 74.302458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 2010s
Main Span:1 x 126.8 meters (416 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been largely destroyed at some point between 2010 and 2021. Remnants of the bridge are still visible at this location as of 2021.

(suspension bridge)

Sarat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:6384 (added 2021-07-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sarat, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.306475 N 74.792891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Saraya, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8802 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saraya, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.171389 S 73.323111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 23 meters (75.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sardi Bagaicha (सर्दी बगैचा), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6509 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sardi Bagaicha (सर्दी बगैचा), Nepal
Coordinates:27.661693 N 83.823158 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sarran, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3498 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sarran, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.186568 N 73.682077 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sarthala and Khanikot, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Chenab River
Bridgemeister ID:6704 (added 2021-10-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sarthala and Khanikot, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.155695 N 74.991542 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sasoma vicinity, Ladakh, India - Nubra River
Bridgemeister ID:5527 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sasoma vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Nubra River
Coordinates:35.175477 N 77.220488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sataun (सातों), Himachal Pradesh, India - Giri River
Bridgemeister ID:8178 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sataun (सातों), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Giri River
Coordinates:30.558306 N 77.632583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Satbariya, Nepal - West Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:5483 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Satbariya, Nepal
Crossing:West Rapti River
Coordinates:27.916903 N 82.295707 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Saterh and Chachroti, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5403 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saterh and Chachroti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.784563 N 79.233164 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Saterh, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5402 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saterh, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.785364 N 79.234994 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Satipo, Peru - Rio Pampa Hermosa
Bridgemeister ID:5934 (added 2021-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pampa Hermosa
Coordinates:11.301035 S 74.698367 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Satpuli, Dhounrighora, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5464 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Satpuli, Dhounrighora, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.917839 N 78.713000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Satte, Saitama, Japan - Naka River
Bridgemeister ID:4131 (added 2020-04-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Satte, Saitama, Japan
Crossing:Naka River
At or Near Feature:Gogendo Park
Coordinates:36.092046 N 139.725788 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Saturi (सतुरी), Uttarakhand, India - Supin River
Bridgemeister ID:7324 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saturi (सतुरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Supin River
Coordinates:31.119526 N 78.232965 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 66.8 meters (219 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Saturi (सतुरी), Uttarakhand, India - Supin River
Bridgemeister ID:7325 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saturi (सतुरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Supin River
Coordinates:31.119908 N 78.233586 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2012
Main Span:1 x 47.2 meters (155 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Sauni (सुनी) vicinity and Jakhol (जखोल) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Supin River
Bridgemeister ID:7326 (added 2022-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sauni (सुनी) vicinity and Jakhol (जखोल) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Supin River
Coordinates:31.132442 N 78.246933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2016-2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55.5 meters (182 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Saur, Gholtir vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5454 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saur, Gholtir vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.297519 N 79.088579 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sawangan, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7018 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sawangan, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.637707 S 109.708124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Saya (साया), Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:6482 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Saya (साया), Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:29.779569 N 81.948124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sazin vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3255 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sazin vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.531439 N 73.563836 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


(suspension bridge)

Sazin, Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3254 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sazin, Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.532182 N 73.509927 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sazin, Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:7579 (added 2023-04-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sazin, Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.532031 N 73.509453 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 193.9 meters (636 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sälen, Malung-Sälen, Dalarna, Sweden - Görälven
Bridgemeister ID:8295 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sälen, Malung-Sälen, Dalarna, Sweden
Coordinates:61.158500 N 13.260222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Søre Elvdal, Hedmark, Norway - Femundselva
Bridgemeister ID:3949 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Søre Elvdal, Hedmark, Norway
Coordinates:61.66642 N 11.78437 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sehot, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:5535 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sehot, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:33.064408 N 74.365102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sehra, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4984 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sehra, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.638102 N 73.955045 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Seimi, Uttarakhand, India - Machlad River
Bridgemeister ID:5413 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Seimi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Machlad River
Coordinates:29.902191 N 78.871429 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3829 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.214400 N 11.039370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images it was completed at some point 1952-1961 and removed 2009-2014

(suspension bridge)

Seo de Urgel, Spain - El Segre
Bridgemeister ID:6834 (added 2021-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Seo de Urgel, Spain
Crossing:El Segre
Coordinates:42.352397 N 1.459815 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Seppa, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Kameng River
Bridgemeister ID:4628 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Seppa, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Kameng River
Coordinates:27.357274 N 93.038963 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sera Chak Banswara (सेरा चाक बंसवारा) and Jakhni (जाखणी), Uttarakhand, India - Chufula Gaad
Bridgemeister ID:6989 (added 2022-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sera Chak Banswara (सेरा चाक बंसवारा) and Jakhni (जाखणी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Chufula Gaad
Coordinates:30.270286 N 79.419958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sesko vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Shigar River
Bridgemeister ID:7334 (added 2022-09-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sesko vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Shigar River
Coordinates:35.821497 N 75.414606 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 45.4 meters (149 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8536 (added 2024-03-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.465161 N 100.108885 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8537 (added 2024-03-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.458810 N 100.118653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8596 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.429889 N 100.149972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2003-2012
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8597 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.430361 N 100.149417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 79 meters (259.2 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8653 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shaduixiang (沙堆乡), Xinlong County (新龙县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.413027 N 100.172075 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shahdara vicinity, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3484 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shahdara vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.173024 N 73.491892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Shalfalam (شلفلام), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6304 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shalfalam (شلفلام), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.911957 N 71.997864 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Shamaran and Shingalath, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6712 (added 2021-10-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shamaran and Shingalath, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.182608 N 73.017853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 63.1 meters (207 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8312 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.907306 N 98.864306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8313 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shangpazhen (上帕镇), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.882861 N 98.873917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 136 meters (446.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed in the 2012-2013 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Shangzayü, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:5814 (added 2021-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shangzayü, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Coordinates:28.646425 N 96.898279 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shanyangxiang vicinity, Yongping County, Yunnan, China - Lancangjiang
Bridgemeister ID:5131 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shanyangxiang vicinity, Yongping County, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.290229 N 99.350860 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Shanyangxiang vicinity, Yongping County, Yunnan, China - Lancangjiang
Bridgemeister ID:5132 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shanyangxiang vicinity, Yongping County, Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.290450 N 99.351633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sharada (शारदा), Nepal - Sarada River
Bridgemeister ID:6535 (added 2021-08-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sharada (शारदा), Nepal
Crossing:Sarada River
Coordinates:28.362143 N 82.198972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sharan, Banpur (बानपुर) and Gamri, Uttarakhand, India - Pabbar River
Bridgemeister ID:7300 (added 2022-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sharan, Banpur (बानपुर) and Gamri, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pabbar River
Coordinates:31.003184 N 77.837477 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 69.5 meters (228 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sharda vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3533 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sharda vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.756317 N 74.138250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sharda, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3534 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sharda, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.794718 N 74.187727 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire


(suspension bridge)

Sharda, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3535 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sharda, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.794682 N 74.187950 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire


(suspension bridge)

Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8264 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.103917 N 102.174611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


  • Deck removed c. 2014. Unclear if the bridge was just reopened with a new deck or if the entire bridge was replaced with another suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8265 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.117139 N 102.177194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8266 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.092028 N 102.173000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8267 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shelianxiang (舍联乡), Kangding (康定市), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.065306 N 102.177917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shengkangxiang (生康乡), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8532 (added 2024-03-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shengkangxiang (生康乡), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.632655 N 99.872262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shengli Town (胜利乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8595 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shengli Town (胜利乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.147167 N 99.586083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated


  • Likely replaced an adjacent older suspension bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Sheridan, West Virginia, USA - Guyandotte River
Bridgemeister ID:2525 (added 2010-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sheridan, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Guyandotte River
Coordinates:38.24260 N 82.19645 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Listed as vehicular bridge due to "Jeep Bridge" notation on some topographical maps accompanying a footbridge symbol. The bridge appears to have been large enough to handle light vehicular traffic.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Sheringal vicinity, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3627 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sheringal vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.298133 N 72.013314 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sheringal, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6168 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sheringal, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.278330 N 72.006149 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sheringal, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6169 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sheringal, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:35.302944 N 72.024222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sherpur, Himachal Pradesh, India - Ravi River
Bridgemeister ID:5246 (added 2020-11-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sherpur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
Coordinates:32.590368 N 75.961033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Shetmerg, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6364 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shetmerg, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
At or Near Feature:Chapursan Valley
Coordinates:36.832883 N 74.442161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.3 meters (142 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between late 2016 and 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Shichuanzhen (什川镇), Gaolan County (皋兰县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8135 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shichuanzhen (什川镇), Gaolan County (皋兰县), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.148306 N 104.030222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shigar, Pakistan - Bauma-harel Lungma
Bridgemeister ID:5496 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shigar, Pakistan
Crossing:Bauma-harel Lungma
Coordinates:35.423628 N 75.735089 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Shigar, Pakistan - Shigar River
Bridgemeister ID:5497 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shigar, Pakistan
Crossing:Shigar River
Coordinates:35.421299 N 75.714471 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Shigenoshima (茂野島), Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Okitsu River
Bridgemeister ID:7912 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shigenoshima (茂野島), Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Okitsu River
Coordinates:35.115001 N 138.461874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shikokuchuo, Ehime, Japan - Dōzan River
Bridgemeister ID:6045 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shikokuchuo, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Dōzan River
Coordinates:33.900172 N 133.484185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shimada, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:7873 (added 2023-09-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shimada, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:34.979589 N 138.083049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Images of the towers, posted September 29, 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Shimogo, Fukushima, Japan - Aga River
Bridgemeister ID:5147 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shimogo, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Aga River
Coordinates:37.296958 N 139.901716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69.5 meters (228 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shingu, Wakayama, Japan - Oto River
Bridgemeister ID:5995 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shingu, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Oto River
Coordinates:33.797319 N 135.743242 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Shingu, Wakayama, Japan - Oto River
Bridgemeister ID:5996 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shingu, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Oto River
Coordinates:33.804858 N 135.749488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Shingu, Wakayama, Japan - Oto River
Bridgemeister ID:5997 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shingu, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Oto River
Coordinates:33.804237 N 135.752363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan - Hiki River
Bridgemeister ID:4259 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hiki River
Coordinates:33.683867 N 135.545833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3981 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shirakawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.258592 N 136.904754 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Shiyueliangxiang (石月亮乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8307 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shiyueliangxiang (石月亮乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.193917 N 98.884333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Shobara, Hiroshima, Japan - Nariwa River
Bridgemeister ID:6059 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shobara, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Nariwa River
Coordinates:34.939883 N 133.234124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shobara, Hiroshima, Japan - Nariwa River
Bridgemeister ID:6060 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shobara, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Nariwa River
Coordinates:34.873895 N 133.294313 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Shohal Mazullah, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3477 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shohal Mazullah, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.487244 N 73.356584 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Shorapani (შორაპანი) and Saghvine, Georgia - Kvirila River
Bridgemeister ID:8017 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shorapani (შორაპანი) and Saghvine, Georgia
Crossing:Kvirila River
At or Near Feature:Shorapani Castle - შორაპნის ციხე
Coordinates:42.098806 N 43.081528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Shout, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:4025 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shout, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.593003 N 75.169857 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Shuichuanzhen (水川镇), Baiyin (白银市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8277 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shuichuanzhen (水川镇), Baiyin (白银市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.357000 N 104.223472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 180 meters (590.6 feet) estimated


  • Removed at some point in the 2003-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Shuklagandaki, Nepal - Seti Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:4333 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shuklagandaki, Nepal
Crossing:Seti Gandaki River
Coordinates:28.021496 N 84.079652 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Shul'gin Log, Altai Krai and Mayma, Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:5854 (added 2021-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shul'gin Log, Altai Krai and Mayma, Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:52.069271 N 85.912213 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Shunan, Yamaguchi, Japan - Nishiki River
Bridgemeister ID:7808 (added 2023-08-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Shunan, Yamaguchi, Japan
Crossing:Nishiki River
Coordinates:34.180072 N 131.911427 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Siari, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3687 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Siari, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.929651 N 76.722771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sibayo Rumillacta, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6447 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sibayo Rumillacta, Peru
Coordinates:15.458858 S 71.460694 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sibontar, Lubuk Gonting vicinity, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8628 (added 2024-06-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sibontar, Lubuk Gonting vicinity, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.356444 N 99.739722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Siddharthanagar (सिद्धार्थनगर), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6578 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Siddharthanagar (सिद्धार्थनगर), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.530706 N 83.411938 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sidong-Dong, Lubuk Gonting vicinity, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8629 (added 2024-06-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sidong-Dong, Lubuk Gonting vicinity, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.333528 N 99.725944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have fallen into disrepair in the late 2010s after having been bypassed at some point in the 2015-2018 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Sierpe, Costa Rica
Bridgemeister ID:1135 (added 2004-01-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sierpe, Costa Rica
Coordinates:8.879056 N 83.469944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates indicate the suspected location of this bridge, in which case it would have been replaced in the early 2010s. However, this is not confirmed.
  • Very narrow light vehicular bridge.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sigaudi (सिगौदी), Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:6439 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sigaudi (सिगौदी), Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:28.981714 N 81.423974 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sigda, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4348 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sigda, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.501642 N 80.129188 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sikkip, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6256 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sikkip, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.202800 N 88.325854 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Silbu vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6340 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Silbu vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.647270 N 74.933010 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Silli, Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:5448 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Silli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.384111 N 79.009424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Silsu Malla, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5465 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Silsu Malla, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.080444 N 78.587186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Silwar, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5892 (added 2021-05-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Silwar, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.748435 N 78.737748 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Simpang Madepo, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8026 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Simpang Madepo, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.576389 N 99.888500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sinanjiangxiang (泗南江镇), Mojiang County (墨江哈尼族自治县), Pu'er (普洱市), Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8655 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sinanjiangxiang (泗南江镇), Mojiang County (墨江哈尼族自治县), Pu'er (普洱市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:23.056389 N 101.776611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sinanjiangxiang (泗南江镇), Mojiang County (墨江哈尼族自治县), Pu'er (普洱市), Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8656 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sinanjiangxiang (泗南江镇), Mojiang County (墨江哈尼族自治县), Pu'er (普洱市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:23.071083 N 101.776556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sindarwani Talli and Gauchar, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5452 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sindarwani Talli and Gauchar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.293298 N 79.147851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sindure (सिंदुरे), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6331 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sindure (सिंदुरे), Nepal
Coordinates:28.184869 N 84.282483 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Singsås vicinity, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:1885 (added 2005-09-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Singsås vicinity, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.981533 N 10.937667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.5 meters (185.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Singsås vicinity, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3860 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Singsås vicinity, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.95948 N 10.83299 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated
Deck width:2.6 meters


  • Based on historical aerial images, removed by 2001.

(suspension bridge)

Sipatuo, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5714 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sipatuo, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.675367 S 119.694781 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Siri, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6921 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Siri, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
At or Near Feature:Oldest Lord Shiva Temple Bableshwar Mahadev Bagoli (ओल्देस्ट लॉर्ड शिवा टेम्पल बब्लेश्वर महादेव बागलोई)
Coordinates:30.196122 N 79.304294 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 69.2 meters (227 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sirise (सिरिसे) vicinity, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6598 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sirise (सिरिसे) vicinity, Nepal
Coordinates:26.988438 N 86.488659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sirnajaya, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5622 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sirnajaya, Warung Kiara, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.007939 S 106.712314 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sirsoli (सिर्सोली), Uttarakhand, India - Saryu River
Bridgemeister ID:6402 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sirsoli (सिर्सोली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Saryu River
Coordinates:29.749254 N 79.836588 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sirswahi and Pina Kot, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5409 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sirswahi and Pina Kot, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
At or Near Feature:Raja Ji Temple - राजा जी मंदिर
Coordinates:29.619241 N 79.196572 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sirwadi (सिर्वादी), Uttarakhand, India - Lastar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7011 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sirwadi (सिर्वादी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Lastar Gad
Coordinates:30.465025 N 78.919031 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 43.6 meters (143 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sirča (Сирча) and Kraljevo (Краљево), Serbia - Zapadna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6973 (added 2022-03-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sirča (Сирча) and Kraljevo (Краљево), Serbia
Crossing:Zapadna Morava
Coordinates:43.748313 N 20.703830 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sissonville, West Virginia, USA - Pocatalico Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1329 (added 2004-04-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sissonville, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Pocatalico Creek
Coordinates:38.553546 N 81.632531 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Situmekar, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7549 (added 2023-03-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Situmekar, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.977213 S 106.901002 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Siuslaw vicinity, Oregon, USA - Lake Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1393 (added 2004-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Siuslaw vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Lake Creek
Coordinates:44.077817 N 123.7935 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Large private bridge adjacent to Oregon route 36.

(suspension bridge)

Siyum, Chepcha vicinity and Bacling, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Subansiri River
Bridgemeister ID:7262 (added 2022-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Siyum, Chepcha vicinity and Bacling, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.358397 N 94.035892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 157.3 meters (516 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2016 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Skagway, Alaska, USA
Bridgemeister ID:299 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Skagway, Alaska, USA

(suspension bridge)

Skardu, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3368 (added 2019-12-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Skardu, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.434749 N 75.468325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Skiple vicinity, Voss, Vestland, Norway - Raundalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4427 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Skiple vicinity, Voss, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.678499 N 6.673911 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 33 meters (108.3 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.25 meters

(suspension bridge)

Skjervengan, Mosjøen, Vefsn, Nordland, Norway - Skjervo
Bridgemeister ID:4467 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Skjervengan, Mosjøen, Vefsn, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.835270 N 13.213328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


  • Completed prior to 1955.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Snartemo vicinity, Hægebostad, Agder, Norway - Lygne
Bridgemeister ID:4395 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Snartemo vicinity, Hægebostad, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.353068 N 7.212281 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 9.1 meters (30 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.2 meters


  • Built prior to 1971.

(suspension bridge)

Snartemo, Hægebostad, Agder, Norway - Lygne
Bridgemeister ID:4396 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Snartemo, Hægebostad, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.345491 N 7.210513 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 28.25 meters (92.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1971 and removed by 2005.

(suspension bridge)

Sodankylä vicinity and Saariselkä vicinity, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:1893 (added 2005-10-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sodankylä vicinity and Saariselkä vicinity, Finland
Coordinates:68.104483 N 27.124117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2005)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Sokna, Ringerike, Viken, Norway - Sogna
Bridgemeister ID:4018 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sokna, Ringerike, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.23232 N 9.95061 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated
Deck width:~1.5 meters

(suspension bridge)

Solo, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5742 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Solo, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.236464 S 120.226777 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Solumnsmoen, Sigdal, Viken, Norway - Simoa
Bridgemeister ID:4079 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Solumnsmoen, Sigdal, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.949021 N 9.806504 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.5 meters (178.8 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, built before 1959 and removed by 2005.

(suspension bridge)

Somawangi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Sapi
Bridgemeister ID:8617 (added 2024-06-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Somawangi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Sapi
Coordinates:7.482722 S 109.518194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2001-2010 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Soná vicinity, Panama - Rio Tribique
Bridgemeister ID:7898 (added 2023-10-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Soná vicinity, Panama
Crossing:Rio Tribique
Coordinates:7.985643 N 81.366600 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain, since 2023 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated


  • 2023: Deck removed. Recently bypassed by a concrete girder bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Songaon Chauk, Uttarakhand, India - Kosi River
Bridgemeister ID:5388 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Songaon Chauk, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kosi River
Coordinates:29.542650 N 79.405358 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Soro, Peru - Rio Majes
Bridgemeister ID:7881 (added 2023-10-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Soro, Peru
Crossing:Rio Majes
Coordinates:15.579843 S 72.030637 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sorques, Montigny-sur-Loing, Seine-et-Marne, France
Bridgemeister ID:8612 (added 2024-05-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sorques, Montigny-sur-Loing, Seine-et-Marne, France
Coordinates:48.336667 N 2.762333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • The bridge pictured here at Sorques is possibly the same bridge still standing in the 2020s across the Loing River at the coordinates provided here.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Sost and Jamalabad, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:6320 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sost and Jamalabad, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.632893 N 74.850441 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Spituk, Ladakh, India - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5330 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Spituk, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.112785 N 77.557185 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Spydeberg vicinity, Viken, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:4457 (added 2020-04-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Spydeberg vicinity, Viken, Norway
At or Near Feature:Solbergfoss
Coordinates:59.637980 N 11.153810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Temporary suspension bridge used in the construction of the dam at Solbergfoss Coordinates are approximate.
  • An accident occurred in 1920 where it appears the bridge was overloaded and a main cable gave way causing a couple of trolley cars hauling rocks and workers to be thrown from the bridge including two men that disappeared.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Srikot Gaon (श्रीकोट गांव) and Gadar Siluri (गदर सिलुरी), Uttarakhand, India - Bal Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:8091 (added 2023-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Srikot Gaon (श्रीकोट गांव) and Gadar Siluri (गदर सिलुरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bal Ganga
Coordinates:30.525639 N 78.645167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 51.8 meters (170 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Srinagar, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5457 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Srinagar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.219739 N 78.806643 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Srinagar, Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5458 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Srinagar, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.228701 N 78.786623 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Stamneshella, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway - Nedre Bolstadstraumen
Bridgemeister ID:4428 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Stamneshella, Vaksdal, Vestland, Norway
Crossing:Nedre Bolstadstraumen
Coordinates:60.666315 N 5.769678 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell observes: "The approximately 45 meters (148 feet) the main cables travel from the northeast tower, over the roadway back to the anchorage within the hillside is the longest that comes to mind for such an arrangement. The deck at the northeast tower is considerably higher in elevation than at the southwest tower."

(suspension bridge)

Støren vicinity, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3856 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Støren vicinity, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.015940 N 10.386970 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Støren, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway - Sokna
Bridgemeister ID:3855 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Støren, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.01985 N 10.24773 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46.5 meters (152.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA - Housatonic River
Bridgemeister ID:2472 (added 2008-12-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Housatonic River
At or Near Feature:Stockbridge Golf Club
Coordinates:42.28139 N 73.32254 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (110 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA - Housatonic River
Bridgemeister ID:2473 (added 2008-12-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Housatonic River
At or Near Feature:Stockbridge Golf Club
Coordinates:42.28680 N 73.32323 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA - Housatonic River
Bridgemeister ID:2474 (added 2008-12-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Housatonic River
At or Near Feature:Stockbridge Golf Club
Coordinates:42.28743 N 73.32418 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA - Housatonic River
Bridgemeister ID:2475 (added 2008-12-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA
Crossing:Housatonic River
At or Near Feature:Stockbridge Golf Club
Coordinates:42.28655 N 73.32628 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

(suspension bridge)

Storforshei vicinity, Rana, Nordland, Norway - Ranelva
Bridgemeister ID:3724 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Storforshei vicinity, Rana, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.407939 N 14.711488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Storjord, Nordland, Norway - Lønselva
Bridgemeister ID:3732 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Storjord, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.814220 N 15.386560 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 33.5 meters (109.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Storjord, Nordland, Norway - Junkerdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:3733 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Storjord, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:66.816290 N 15.388880 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell notes: "Was built to replace a through truss that was destroyed by the Germans in May 1940. May have been removed with the completion of the E6 highway to the east." Coordinates are for the likely alignment of this bridge. A different "droopy" suspension bridge currently (2020) crosses the river next to this location.

(suspension bridge)

Straumen vicinity, Sørfold, Nordland, Norway - Norfjordelva
Bridgemeister ID:4513 (added 2020-05-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Straumen vicinity, Sørfold, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.440799 N 15.728814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Strëmbec, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8731 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Strëmbec, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.161389 N 20.475417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Strendene, Grane, Nordland, Norway - Svenningelva
Bridgemeister ID:4076 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Strendene, Grane, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.439617 N 13.399940 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Suadi, Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:5707 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suadi, Nepal
Coordinates:29.618566 N 80.630581 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Suárez, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3608 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suárez, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:4.042801 N 74.834412 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 151 meters (495.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sucre vicinity, Chuquisaca, Bolivia - Rio Cachimayu
Bridgemeister ID:8441 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sucre vicinity, Chuquisaca, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Cachimayu
Coordinates:19.100028 S 65.306750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sucua vicinity, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Upano
Bridgemeister ID:7255 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sucua vicinity, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Upano
Coordinates:2.531710 S 78.146359 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Sucua, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Upano
Bridgemeister ID:7256 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sucua, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Upano
Coordinates:2.453898 S 78.126713 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 123 meters (403.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Panorama image showing the bridge, posted January 2017.

(suspension bridge)

Bridgemeister ID:8150 (added 2024-02-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The location of the pictured bridge is unclear.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Sugihwaras, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Musi River
Bridgemeister ID:3661 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sugihwaras, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Musi River
Coordinates:3.480581 S 103.169960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Sukamekarsari, Kalanganyar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6632 (added 2021-09-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sukamekarsari, Kalanganyar, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.373952 S 106.245639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2016-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Sukarame, Lebak Regency and Sukajaya, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6608 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sukarame, Lebak Regency and Sukajaya, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.477577 S 106.346662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Suki (सुकी), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7064 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suki (सुकी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.516703 N 79.735697 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 153.3 meters (503 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2006-2011 time frame.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sul, Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Inna
Bridgemeister ID:4070 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sul, Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.665850 N 11.999878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 21 meters (68.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Sul, Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Inna
Bridgemeister ID:4071 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sul, Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.663798 N 12.003051 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 26.5 meters (86.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Sumal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6728 (added 2021-10-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sumal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.246167 N 73.568194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70.7 meters (232 feet) estimated


  • Likely completed in late 2010 or 2011.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted in 2015.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted in 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Sumal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6729 (added 2021-10-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sumal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.249686 N 73.578017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sumbisidoni, Peru - Río Perené
Bridgemeister ID:5947 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sumbisidoni, Peru
Crossing:Río Perené
Coordinates:10.981163 S 74.625613 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 107 meters (351 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sumdo, Himachal Pradesh, India - Pare Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:8837 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sumdo, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Pare Chhu
Coordinates:32.049583 N 78.611583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sumzom, Bome, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Parlung Zangbo
Bridgemeister ID:6556 (added 2021-08-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sumzom, Bome, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Parlung Zangbo
Coordinates:29.745902 N 96.095552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Sunaun, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:5432 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sunaun, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.091651 N 79.457488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Sungri, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Ansi River
Bridgemeister ID:5539 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sungri, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Ansi River
Coordinates:33.350462 N 74.773438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Suni and Thali, Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:5370 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suni and Thali, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.245872 N 77.126260 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Sunthan, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:3743 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sunthan, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:32.848221 N 75.112629 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Sunyura Talla (सुन्युरा तल्ला), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6474 (added 2021-08-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sunyura Talla (सुन्युरा तल्ला), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.868819 N 79.852395 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Suobaxiang (所巴乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8666 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suobaxiang (所巴乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.264361 N 99.057139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Suopoxiang (梭坡乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Dadu River
Bridgemeister ID:8246 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suopoxiang (梭坡乡), Danba County (丹巴县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dadu River
Coordinates:30.871556 N 101.907694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2005-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Suraitota (सुरैतोता), Uttarakhand, India - Dhauliganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7065 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Suraitota (सुरैतोता), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Dhauliganga River
Coordinates:30.531217 N 79.740889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 58.8 meters (193 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Surmo vicinity, Pakistan - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3681 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Surmo vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:35.062780 N 76.500523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Svelgfoss, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tinnåa
Bridgemeister ID:4202 (added 2020-04-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Svelgfoss, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Svelgfossjuvet
Coordinates:59.601137 N 9.274239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37.25 meters (122.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, removed at some point between 1971 and 2004.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Sweet Home, Oregon, USA - South Santiam River
Bridgemeister ID:2944 (added 2019-09-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Sweet Home, Oregon, USA
Crossing:South Santiam River
Coordinates:44.401135 N 122.740446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Tower foundations visible adjacent to present-day (2019) Pleasant Valley Road bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Syabaruma and Myanglung, Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:5275 (added 2020-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Syabaruma and Myanglung, Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:27.065618 N 87.564206 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan - Taba River
Bridgemeister ID:5999 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Taba River
Coordinates:35.793871 N 138.905195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan - Taba River
Bridgemeister ID:6003 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tabayama, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Taba River
Coordinates:35.785616 N 138.965128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tachengxiang (塔城乡), Yulong County (玉龙县), Lijiang (丽江市), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8503 (added 2024-03-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tachengxiang (塔城乡), Yulong County (玉龙县), Lijiang (丽江市), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.503119 N 99.558382 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2019-2021
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame, but removed (or destroyed) by 2021 and replaced by an arch bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Tadami, Fukushima, Japan - Tadami River
Bridgemeister ID:5171 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tadami, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Tadami River
Coordinates:37.313937 N 139.289670 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


  • Appears to be a pipeline bridge, but possibly a footbridge, at the Dengenkaihatsu Tagokura Power Station.

(suspension bridge)

Tadangpalie, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5730 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tadangpalie, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.252171 S 119.978285 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tadangpalie, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5739 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tadangpalie, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.169296 S 120.135023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tagveti (თაგვეთი) and Khashuri (ხაშური), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:8000 (added 2023-12-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tagveti (თაგვეთი) and Khashuri (ხაშური), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.969444 N 43.589833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Tahra, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:3742 (added 2020-02-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tahra, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:32.790368 N 74.969244 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3414 (added 2019-12-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.467195 N 120.966321 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Taili Paholi (ताइली पहोली), Uttarakhand, India - Khatal Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7583 (added 2023-04-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taili Paholi (ताइली पहोली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Khatal Gad
Coordinates:29.828767 N 78.976775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Tain Dhalkot, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3489 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tain Dhalkot, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:33.890851 N 73.593303 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, c. 2019 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • One of two suspension bridges at this location, both bypassed by a non-suspension bridge around 2019. This suspension bridge appears to have been partially or fully dismantled in 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Tain Dhalkot, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3490 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tain Dhalkot, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:33.890408 N 73.593411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The older of two suspension bridges at this location, both bypassed by a non-suspension bridge around 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Tain Dhalkot, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5903 (added 2021-05-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tain Dhalkot, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.922847 N 73.596459 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Takahashi, Okayama, Japan - Nariwa River
Bridgemeister ID:6061 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Takahashi, Okayama, Japan
Crossing:Nariwa River
Coordinates:34.795128 N 133.437603 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Takahashi, Okayama, Japan - Nariwa River
Bridgemeister ID:6063 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Takahashi, Okayama, Japan
Crossing:Nariwa River
Coordinates:34.776858 N 133.491182 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan - Koto River
Bridgemeister ID:6047 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Crossing:Koto River
Coordinates:34.198949 N 134.041186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Talhatta, Banda Balola, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3479 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Talhatta, Banda Balola, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.443876 N 73.358706 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Talkar Grant, Assam, India
Bridgemeister ID:3347 (added 2019-12-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Talkar Grant, Assam, India
Coordinates:25.002561 N 92.457103 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Talu, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3261 (added 2019-11-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Talu, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.597237 N 75.072324 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Taluk, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Indragiri River
Bridgemeister ID:3651 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taluk, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Indragiri River
Coordinates:0.530678 S 101.575141 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Tambak, Cimarga, Lebak Regency and Mekarsari, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6660 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tambak, Cimarga, Lebak Regency and Mekarsari, Sajira, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.445739 S 106.311747 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tambangan Jae, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Gadis
Bridgemeister ID:8055 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tambangan Jae, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Gadis
Coordinates:0.725972 N 99.641389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Appears to have been removed in 2021 soon after the completion of an adjacent truss bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Tambangan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Batang Gadis
Bridgemeister ID:8053 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tambangan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Batang Gadis
Coordinates:0.690500 N 99.656639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Oto River
Bridgemeister ID:3174 (added 2019-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Oto River
Coordinates:33.813038 N 135.771779 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Tonda River
Bridgemeister ID:4257 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Tonda River
Coordinates:33.752379 N 135.500107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 109.5 meters (359.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Kumano River
Bridgemeister ID:4262 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kumano River
Coordinates:33.689439 N 135.595349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Unclear if this bridge originally supported vehicular traffic. Currently functioning as a footbridge.

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Maeno River
Bridgemeister ID:4270 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Maeno River
Coordinates:33.685070 N 135.611377 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Yasu River
Bridgemeister ID:4273 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Yasu River
Coordinates:33.749340 N 135.609299 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4280 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.888062 N 135.458916 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4281 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.878187 N 135.447818 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4284 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.875957 N 135.465710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4285 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.883051 N 135.476326 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4286 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.889121 N 135.474644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4287 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.905236 N 135.488537 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4288 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.912747 N 135.485909 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4289 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.916145 N 135.495561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4290 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.920232 N 135.510948 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4291 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.921956 N 135.520090 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4292 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.928175 N 135.532129 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4293 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.933526 N 135.543459 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4294 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.944269 N 135.559466 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4295 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.948331 N 135.556981 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4296 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.958285 N 135.562422 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 46 meters (150.9 feet) estimated
Side Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Nyuno River
Bridgemeister ID:4297 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Nyuno River
Coordinates:33.896735 N 135.524595 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Nyuno River
Bridgemeister ID:4299 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Nyuno River
Coordinates:33.898988 N 135.560570 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Tonda River
Bridgemeister ID:4429 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Tonda River
Coordinates:33.801250 N 135.527375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


  • Removed prior to 2012. Towers were still standing then and removed by 2018.

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4434 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.904306 N 135.448028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)


  • One tower of a former suspension bridge is still standing at this location, as of 2012.

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Nyuno River
Bridgemeister ID:4435 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Nyuno River
Coordinates:33.900077 N 135.510447 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4436 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.910167 N 135.446000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 84.5 meters (277.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Hidaka River
Bridgemeister ID:4437 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Hidaka River
Coordinates:33.913083 N 135.438083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.8 meters (235.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tanagura, Fukushima, Japan - Kuji River
Bridgemeister ID:5601 (added 2020-12-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanagura, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Kuji River
Coordinates:37.028444 N 140.367028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tanca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3442 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.229274 S 72.308400 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Tanda (ٹانڈہ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:6212 (added 2021-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tanda (ٹانڈہ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.486841 N 73.258242 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tandjungrindu, Lesung Batu, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4803 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tandjungrindu, Lesung Batu, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.019848 S 103.796966 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Tandjungrindu, Lesung Batu, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4804 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tandjungrindu, Lesung Batu, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.999767 S 103.802113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Tang Valley, Bhutan - Tang Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:5565 (added 2020-12-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tang Valley, Bhutan
Crossing:Tang Chhu
Coordinates:27.602955 N 90.884775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Tangen, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Atna
Bridgemeister ID:3947 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tangen, Stor-Elvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.797000 N 10.614550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.2 meters

(suspension bridge)

Taplejung and Dhobhan, Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:5278 (added 2020-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taplejung and Dhobhan, Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:27.365981 N 87.622679 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Taravira vicinity, Colombia - Páez River
Bridgemeister ID:3620 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taravira vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Páez River
Coordinates:2.745492 N 76.039524 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Tarsali (तरसाली), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:7006 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tarsali (तरसाली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.591244 N 79.035564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47.2 meters (155 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed by the catastrophic Uttarakhand flooding in June 2013.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Tarula, Uttarakhand, India - Sarayu River
Bridgemeister ID:4354 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tarula, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Sarayu River
Coordinates:29.652352 N 79.963855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Tarwari (तरवारी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:6995 (added 2022-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tarwari (तरवारी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.316886 N 78.970344 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tash-Asty (Таш-Асты), Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia - Reka Zilim
Bridgemeister ID:7072 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tash-Asty (Таш-Асты), Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
Crossing:Reka Zilim
Coordinates:54.144529 N 56.780362 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated,
1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tashiding, Sikkim, India - Rangeet River
Bridgemeister ID:6443 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tashiding, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rangeet River
Coordinates:27.298705 N 88.305833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tashiskari (ტაშისკარი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7993 (added 2023-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tashiskari (ტაშისკარი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.957306 N 43.509222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tashot, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:3694 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tashot, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.262221 N 74.576523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Tatta Pani vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4987 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tatta Pani vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.578450 N 73.937791 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Tatta Pani, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4985 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tatta Pani, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.611470 N 73.946274 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 2017-2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Replacement under construction, 2017. Removed at some point in time frame 2017-2020.

(suspension bridge)

Tatta Pani, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Poonch River
Bridgemeister ID:4986 (added 2020-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tatta Pani, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Poonch River
Coordinates:33.601266 N 73.938766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Taucamarca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3425 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taucamarca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.524306 S 71.744924 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Taucamarca, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3426 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taucamarca, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.531184 S 71.740238 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)

(suspension bridge)

Taulan, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:5713 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Taulan, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.661044 S 119.783680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tayuza, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador - Rio Upano
Bridgemeister ID:7259 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tayuza, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Upano
Coordinates:2.706803 S 78.230996 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tùng Cầu, Bình Liêu District, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam - Sông Tiên Yên
Bridgemeister ID:6352 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tùng Cầu, Bình Liêu District, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
Crossing:Sông Tiên Yên
Coordinates:21.509587 N 107.380349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Teddaopu, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5735 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Teddaopu, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.130442 S 120.025875 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Teesta Bazar and Kalimpong, West Bengal, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:5871 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Teesta Bazar and Kalimpong, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.059664 N 88.425719 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Teesta Bazar and Kalimpong, West Bengal, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:5872 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Teesta Bazar and Kalimpong, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Tejam, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:4352 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tejam, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.949334 N 80.126014 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Tejam, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4353 (added 2020-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tejam, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.951171 N 80.125285 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Teli (तेली), Uttarakhand, India - Goriganga River
Bridgemeister ID:8161 (added 2024-02-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Teli (तेली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Goriganga River
Coordinates:30.089625 N 80.268117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2013
Main Span:1 x 70.1 meters (230 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been destroyed (or otherwise removed) in 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Teluk Rampah, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8648 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Teluk Rampah, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Barumun
Coordinates:1.767556 N 100.064056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Teluk Rampah, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Sungai Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8649 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Teluk Rampah, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Barumun
Coordinates:1.796778 N 100.063750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Temmassarangnge, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5763 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Temmassarangnge, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.778509 S 119.648342 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tena, Ecuador - Rio Tena
Bridgemeister ID:2884 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Tena
Coordinates:0.990238 S 77.825500 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tena, Ecuador - Rio Misahualli
Bridgemeister ID:2887 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Misahualli
Coordinates:0.982196 S 77.805524 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tena, Ecuador - Rio Napo
Bridgemeister ID:2890 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Napo
Coordinates:1.044426 S 77.795105 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Tena, Ecuador - Rio Napo
Bridgemeister ID:2891 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Napo
Coordinates:1.044493 S 77.796693 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Tena, Ecuador - Rio Misahualli
Bridgemeister ID:2894 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Misahualli
Coordinates:0.985341 S 77.783278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tena, Ecuador - Rio Tena
Bridgemeister ID:2897 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tena, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Tena
Coordinates:0.991751 S 77.815182 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tencin and La Terrasse, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:3194 (added 2019-11-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tencin and La Terrasse, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.315937 N 5.945173 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Tencin and La Terrasse, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:5666 (added 2021-01-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tencin and La Terrasse, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.315676 N 5.945550 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates are for the present day (2021) suspension bridge at this location. This older suspension bridge appears to have been built on the same alignment or extremely close to it.
  • Later at same location (suspension bridge) - Tencin and La Terrasse, Isère, France. Unclear if the later bridge was an immediate replacement.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Tenei, Fukushima, Japan - Tsurunuma River
Bridgemeister ID:5185 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tenei, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Tsurunuma River
Coordinates:37.281996 N 139.986234 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Terith vicinity, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:5528 (added 2020-11-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Terith vicinity, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.532048 N 77.684774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tha Chai, Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5046 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tha Chai, Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.430503 N 99.811806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tha Luang, Phichit, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:3272 (added 2019-11-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tha Luang, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:16.405299 N 100.373379 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)

(suspension bridge)

Thali (थाली), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7941 (added 2023-10-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thali (थाली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.778394 N 78.112192 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2006-2012 (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Thana Matena (थाना मातेना), Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:6459 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thana Matena (थाना मातेना), Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.598219 N 79.722985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Thang, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6502 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thang, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.902990 N 76.790590 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2005-2008
Main Span:1 x 108.5 meters (356 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Thang, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6503 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thang, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.902075 N 76.790817 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 83.5 meters (274 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Thapli (थपली), Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6920 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thapli (थपली), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.203026 N 79.286335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tharali, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:5435 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tharali, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.061439 N 79.515777 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Thasgam, Ladakh, India - Drass River
Bridgemeister ID:6416 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thasgam, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Drass River
Coordinates:34.485615 N 75.938084 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Thati (थाती), Uttarakhand, India - Bal Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:8115 (added 2024-01-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thati (थाती), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bal Ganga
Coordinates:30.580478 N 78.653131 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 64.6 meters (212 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Thawoos and Ghujalhti, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Ghizer River
Bridgemeister ID:7565 (added 2023-03-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thawoos and Ghujalhti, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Ghizer River
Coordinates:36.405583 N 73.355778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Thechambu, Nepal - Kabeli River
Bridgemeister ID:5273 (added 2020-11-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thechambu, Nepal
Crossing:Kabeli River
Coordinates:27.286220 N 87.723437 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)

(suspension bridge)

Thimphu vicinity, Bhutan - Thimphu Chu
Bridgemeister ID:6492 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thimphu vicinity, Bhutan
Crossing:Thimphu Chu
Coordinates:27.558675 N 89.649594 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Thingai, Dahimal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6702 (added 2021-10-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thingai, Dahimal vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.169611 N 73.172528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 52.1 meters (171 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Thingi vicinity, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3537 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thingi vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.767013 N 74.615949 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Thonoknyu, Nagaland, India - Zunki River
Bridgemeister ID:8841 (added 2024-09-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thonoknyu, Nagaland, India
Crossing:Zunki River
Coordinates:25.961083 N 94.861278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Photos of renovation of the bridge's deck. Posted June, 2022.

(suspension bridge)

Thovina and Khachan, Ladakh, India - Suru River
Bridgemeister ID:6415 (added 2021-07-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thovina and Khachan, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Suru River
Coordinates:34.359581 N 75.969825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Thumpokhara, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:4822 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Thumpokhara, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:27.978604 N 83.719229 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Ticapampa, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7882 (added 2023-10-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ticapampa, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.761721 S 77.440606 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tidding, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:3337 (added 2019-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tidding, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:27.972728 N 96.395467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tierra Hueca and El Higo, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:7948 (added 2023-11-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tierra Hueca and El Higo, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.193691 N 80.863959 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tigstun vicinity, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5518 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tigstun vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.713417 N 75.497936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Tilani (तिलानी), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7105 (added 2022-06-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tilani (तिलानी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.302077 N 79.008716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since July 2018
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • 2018, July: Heavily damaged due to a rock slide, possibly caused by heavy rain.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Tilottama (तिलोत्तमा), Nepal - Tinaau River
Bridgemeister ID:6579 (added 2021-09-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tilottama (तिलोत्तमा), Nepal
Crossing:Tinaau River
Coordinates:27.539120 N 83.424311 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tilwal Gaon, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:5463 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tilwal Gaon, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.117203 N 78.586789 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Timaukel, Tierra del Fuego, Chile - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:6918 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Timaukel, Tierra del Fuego, Chile
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:53.892564 S 68.881894 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Timira, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Suran River
Bridgemeister ID:5484 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Timira, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Suran River
Coordinates:33.723482 N 74.217872 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Tindobate (तीनदोबाटे) and Thumpokhara (थुमपोखरा), Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6279 (added 2021-07-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tindobate (तीनदोबाटे) and Thumpokhara (थुमपोखरा), Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:27.973960 N 83.733809 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tingo Maria and Castillo Grande, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:7880 (added 2023-10-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tingo Maria and Castillo Grande, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.302009 S 76.006431 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Tingua, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7894 (added 2023-10-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tingua, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.223888 S 77.690481 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant, 2023
Main Span:1 x 76 meters (249.3 feet) estimated


  • Bypassed at some point in the 2006-2009 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Tinta, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3436 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tinta, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:14.121786 S 71.416316 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tinta, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3437 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tinta, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:14.141226 S 71.403845 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)

(suspension bridge)

Tisar vicinity, Pakistan - Braldu River
Bridgemeister ID:5499 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tisar vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Braldu River
Coordinates:35.659811 N 75.493860 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Tisar, Pakistan - Shigar River
Bridgemeister ID:5498 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tisar, Pakistan
Crossing:Shigar River
Coordinates:35.659654 N 75.463453 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Tiuni, Uttarakhand, India - Tons River
Bridgemeister ID:5378 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tiuni, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Tons River
Coordinates:30.944785 N 77.851621 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tobang, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8030 (added 2023-12-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tobang, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.635944 N 99.836222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Toccarayoc, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6014 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Toccarayoc, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.748924 S 74.537822 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2013)


  • Coordinates are the location of a suspension bridge tower observed in 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Toli, Uttarakhand, India - Bal Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:8116 (added 2024-01-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Toli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bal Ganga
Coordinates:30.590156 N 78.682428 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tomintoul, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:1904 (added 2005-10-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tomintoul, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon


(suspension bridge)

Tomo, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Kali Cimanuk
Bridgemeister ID:7014 (added 2022-05-14)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tomo, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Cimanuk
Coordinates:6.773824 S 108.124593 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Built at some point in the 2015-2016 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Tompi Bugis, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Lariang
Bridgemeister ID:5744 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tompi Bugis, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Lariang
Coordinates:1.621635 S 120.045120 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Tonami, Toyama, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3979 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tonami, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.557291 N 137.010569 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Toormang (تورمنگ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6321 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Toormang (تورمنگ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.921336 N 72.018138 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 2010
Main Span:1 x 57.3 meters (188 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed or demolished in 2010, likely due to the devastating Panjkora flash flood events that year.

(suspension bridge)

Toraya, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8804 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Toraya, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.095056 S 73.281083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)

(suspension bridge)

Toraya, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8805 (added 2024-09-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Toraya, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.079944 S 73.265556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 13 meters (42.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Torpomoen, Ål, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4050 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Torpomoen, Ål, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.64749 N 8.66442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1963.

(suspension bridge)

Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3394 (added 2019-12-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:34.054024 N 135.745488 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Toutle, Washington, USA - Toutle River
Bridgemeister ID:1665 (added 2005-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Toutle, Washington, USA
Crossing:Toutle River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Vehicular bridge with small wooden towers. At least two main spans. Described as "on the Castle Rock and Spirit Lake wagon road." Likely removed.

(suspension bridge)

Trabathang, Garbidas vicinity, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3853 (added 2020-03-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Trabathang, Garbidas vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.523147 N 75.346730 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Traran Wali, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Bridgemeister ID:5486 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Traran Wali, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Coordinates:33.615094 N 74.381760 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Trbovlje, Slovenia - Sava River
Bridgemeister ID:4536 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Trbovlje, Slovenia
Crossing:Sava River
Coordinates:46.125905 N 15.053746 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Trstenik (Трстеник), Serbia - Zapadna Morava
Bridgemeister ID:6238 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Trstenik (Трстеник), Serbia
Crossing:Zapadna Morava
Coordinates:43.617453 N 20.989419 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:Removed, c. 2014
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Tsuno, Kochi, Japan - Kitagawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6040 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tsuno, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Kitagawa River
Coordinates:33.392691 N 133.014758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tsuru, Yamanashi, Japan - Katsura River
Bridgemeister ID:5057 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tsuru, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Katsura River
Coordinates:35.550734 N 138.902562 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan - Otori River
Bridgemeister ID:5223 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan
Crossing:Otori River
Coordinates:38.573773 N 139.830836 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2012)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tuantian, Tengchong City, Yunnan, China - Longchuan River
Bridgemeister ID:7803 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuantian, Tengchong City, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Longchuan River
Coordinates:24.671600 N 98.650670 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 92 meters (301.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tuguryuk (Тюгурюк), Altai Republic, Russia - Reka Koksa
Bridgemeister ID:6201 (added 2021-07-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuguryuk (Тюгурюк), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Reka Koksa
Coordinates:50.294177 N 85.394171 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Tuipui D, Hnahthial District, Mizoram, India
Bridgemeister ID:5702 (added 2021-04-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuipui D, Hnahthial District, Mizoram, India
Coordinates:22.902209 N 92.932855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Has two unusual piers supporting the main span near each tower respectively. Unclear if these extra support structures were part of the original design or added later.
  • Next to (footbridge) - Tuipui D, Mizoram, India.

(suspension bridge)

Tulsipur (तुलसीपुर) and Goltakuri (गोल्टाकुरी), Nepal - Sewa Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6545 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tulsipur (तुलसीपुर) and Goltakuri (गोल्टाकुरी), Nepal
Crossing:Sewa Khola
Coordinates:28.067018 N 82.202021 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 163 meters (534.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tunalka, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5418 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tunalka, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.801573 N 78.162342 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Tungka, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6688 (added 2021-09-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tungka, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.507778 S 119.726504 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 109.7 meters (360 feet) estimated


  • Images from the 2010s also show another set of suspension bridge towers at this location with this bridge's deck going through one of the 'extra' towers and adjacent to the other.

(suspension bridge)

Tungka, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6693 (added 2021-09-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tungka, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.518506 S 119.731622 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, April 29, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 161.5 meters (530 feet) estimated


  • Destroyed by flood, April 29, 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Tuobaxiang (拖坝乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8534 (added 2024-03-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuobaxiang (拖坝乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.571528 N 100.058194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2012-2015 (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tuobaxiang (拖坝乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8535 (added 2024-03-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuobaxiang (拖坝乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.571500 N 100.057972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2015 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Tuodingxiang (拖顶傈僳族乡), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8500 (added 2024-03-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuodingxiang (拖顶傈僳族乡), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.874093 N 99.444885 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2004-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Tuodingxiang (拖顶傈僳族乡), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8501 (added 2024-03-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuodingxiang (拖顶傈僳族乡), Deqen (德钦县), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.769707 N 99.428280 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2017-2020
Main Span:1 x 155 meters (508.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2004-2011 time frame, but was removed at some point between late 2017 and early 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Turbo, Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:7396 (added 2022-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Turbo, Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:7.945077 N 76.598858 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Turtuk vicinity, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6499 (added 2021-08-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Turtuk vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.866498 N 76.821804 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Turtuk, Ladakh, India
Bridgemeister ID:6498 (added 2021-08-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Turtuk, Ladakh, India
Coordinates:34.845238 N 76.825285 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47.9 meters (157 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Tuscumbia vicinity, Missouri, USA - Saline Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2365 (added 2007-09-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tuscumbia vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Saline Creek
Coordinates:38.27130 N 92.41936 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Tushkin, Ishkoman, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Karambar River
Bridgemeister ID:8380 (added 2024-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tushkin, Ishkoman, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Karambar River
Coordinates:36.515000 N 73.844000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2021-2023
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated


  • Likely destroyed by flood that changed the course of the river in the 2021-2023 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Tyssedal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:4456 (added 2020-04-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Tyssedal, Ullensvang, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.117051 N 6.557409 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 23.5 meters (77.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:530 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.504971 S 115.254459 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Bypassed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Uda, Nara, Japan - Uda River
Bridgemeister ID:5215 (added 2020-10-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uda, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Uda River
At or Near Feature:Murou Lake
Coordinates:34.553434 N 136.002804 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Udhampur and Yordu, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Marau River
Bridgemeister ID:6722 (added 2021-10-16)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Udhampur and Yordu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Marau River
Coordinates:33.664984 N 75.713743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2006-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Tawi River
Bridgemeister ID:5880 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Tawi River
Coordinates:32.912932 N 75.164688 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Uenotaira (上之平), Minobu, Yamanashi, Japan - Tokiwa River
Bridgemeister ID:7921 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uenotaira (上之平), Minobu, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Tokiwa River
Coordinates:35.423889 N 138.464639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


  • A midspan pier was added at some point.

(suspension bridge)

Uhailanu, Aralle vicinity, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6877 (added 2022-01-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uhailanu, Aralle vicinity, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.906470 S 119.146268 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 26.8 meters (88 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ujung Gading Julu, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia - Aek Barumun
Bridgemeister ID:8647 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ujung Gading Julu, North Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Aek Barumun
Coordinates:1.600028 N 100.028139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 99 meters (324.8 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2017-2022 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Ullikhola, Nepal - Badhighat River
Bridgemeister ID:4659 (added 2020-06-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ullikhola, Nepal
Crossing:Badhighat River
Coordinates:28.033811 N 83.412251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Ulvilla, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Helgåa
Bridgemeister ID:3710 (added 2020-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ulvilla, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.803794 N 11.864221 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated


  • Deck currently configured as a footbridge, but the structure appears to have been originally designed for light vehicular traffic.

(suspension bridge)

Ulvilla, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Helgåa
Bridgemeister ID:4075 (added 2020-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ulvilla, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
At or Near Feature:Grunnfossen Waterfall
Coordinates:63.791088 N 11.810592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 1981-1983
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1947. Removed at some point between 1981 and 1983.

(suspension bridge)

Ulvsby, Sweden - Klarälven
Bridgemeister ID:5680 (added 2021-03-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ulvsby, Sweden
Coordinates:59.658742 N 13.440475 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Uni Laga Kothi, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:5434 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uni Laga Kothi, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.035455 N 79.554049 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5781 (added 2021-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Upper Dir District, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.058382 N 71.623673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 44.5 meters (146 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Urbnisi (ურბნისი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7990 (added 2023-12-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Urbnisi (ურბნისი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:42.009031 N 43.978610 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Urgam (उरगाम), Uttarakhand, India - Kalpganga
Bridgemeister ID:6883 (added 2022-01-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Urgam (उरगाम), Uttarakhand, India
At or Near Feature:Kalpeshwar Waterfall (कल्पेश्वर वॉटरफॉल)
Coordinates:30.549269 N 79.449486 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.7 meters (186 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Urquillos, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3446 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Urquillos, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.328906 S 72.047732 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ursoon, Pakistan - Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Bridgemeister ID:4241 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ursoon, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.500857 N 71.736923 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Urubamba, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3445 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Urubamba, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.287855 S 72.156052 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Ushiri vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Shiri River
Bridgemeister ID:6265 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ushiri vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Shiri River
Coordinates:35.195052 N 72.197070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Ushiri, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6133 (added 2021-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ushiri, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.167939 N 72.148040 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Utrasu (उत्रासु) and Gwar (ग्वार), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7071 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Utrasu (उत्रासु) and Gwar (ग्वार), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.193317 N 78.643086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 57.6 meters (189 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with bridge visible in the valley, January 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Uttaraun (उत्तरों), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7119 (added 2022-06-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uttaraun (उत्तरों), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.310882 N 79.302390 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 72.2 meters (237 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Uttarkanya (उत्तरकन्या), Nepal
Bridgemeister ID:6332 (added 2021-07-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uttarkanya (उत्तरकन्या), Nepal
Coordinates:28.234765 N 84.270584 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5423 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.726196 N 78.439424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5428 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.733736 N 78.413942 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)

(suspension bridge)

Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:8013 (added 2023-12-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uttarkashi (उत्तरकाशी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.728661 N 78.435783 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, August 2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the wrecked bridge. Posted August 8, 2012.
  • Facebook. Image of the wrecked bridge. Posted October 4, 2012.
  • Facebook. Image of the wrecked bridge. Posted August 6, 2012.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge intact. Posted October 16, 2013.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge intact. Posted May 30, 2013.

(suspension bridge)

Uyuni, Bolivia - Rio Pilcomayo
Bridgemeister ID:8431 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Uyuni, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Pilcomayo
Coordinates:19.460556 S 64.840806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 169 meters (554.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Vado Ancho, Honduras - Rio Texiguat
Bridgemeister ID:6942 (added 2022-01-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vado Ancho, Honduras
Crossing:Rio Texiguat
Coordinates:13.611181 N 86.976993 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Valence-d'Agen, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Bridgemeister ID:2065 (added 2006-06-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Valence-d'Agen, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Valkeakoski, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:2967 (added 2019-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Valkeakoski, Finland
Coordinates:61.267178 N 24.035407 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Vang Vieng vicinity, Laos - Nam Song River
Bridgemeister ID:532 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vang Vieng vicinity, Laos
Crossing:Nam Song River
Coordinates:18.912145 N 102.442802 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Vansbro, Dalarna, Sweden - Västerdalälven
Bridgemeister ID:8297 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vansbro, Dalarna, Sweden
Coordinates:60.507444 N 14.233361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 104 meters (341.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Varsi, Italy - Ceno River
Bridgemeister ID:7936 (added 2023-10-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Varsi, Italy
Crossing:Ceno River
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Vermeå, Gol, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4049 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vermeå, Gol, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.66853 N 8.79284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • Closed in 2019 for repairs or rehabilitation.
  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1963.

(suspension bridge)

Vichitarpur, Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:5415 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vichitarpur, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.290957 N 78.491544 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Vikanes, Alver, Vestland, Norway - Holsundet
Bridgemeister ID:4444 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vikanes, Alver, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.699098 N 5.592207 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built at some point between 1965 and 2003.

(suspension bridge)

Vilaller, Lleida, Spain - Noguera Ribagorzana
Bridgemeister ID:8552 (added 2024-04-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vilaller, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:Noguera Ribagorzana
Coordinates:42.483861 N 0.716139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Vilca District, Peru - Rio Vilca
Bridgemeister ID:5951 (added 2021-06-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vilca District, Peru
Crossing:Rio Vilca
Coordinates:12.481673 S 75.182998 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Villagarzón, Putumayo, Colombia - Rio Mocoa
Bridgemeister ID:8672 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Villagarzón, Putumayo, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Mocoa
Coordinates:1.039778 N 76.610972 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2018-2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Vitoc, Peru - Rio Tulumayo
Bridgemeister ID:6023 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vitoc, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tulumayo
Coordinates:11.209398 S 75.334262 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Vitoc, Peru - Rio Tulumayo
Bridgemeister ID:6024 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vitoc, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tulumayo
Coordinates:11.208903 S 75.334662 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Vllaho-Psilloterë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8724 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vllaho-Psilloterë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.097278 N 20.559944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Vllaho-Psilloterë, Albania - Vjosa River
Bridgemeister ID:8725 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vllaho-Psilloterë, Albania
Crossing:Vjosa River
Coordinates:40.091917 N 20.568778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2014-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Vodicë, Albania - Shushicë
Bridgemeister ID:7751 (added 2023-07-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vodicë, Albania
Coordinates:40.416362 N 19.582412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

(suspension bridge)

Vogogna, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Italy - Toce River
Bridgemeister ID:7859 (added 2023-09-15)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vogogna, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Italy
Crossing:Toce River
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • The linked image appears to show the year 1918 in Roman numerals at the top of the bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

(suspension bridge)

Vorkuta (Воркута), Komi Republic, Russia
Bridgemeister ID:6067 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vorkuta (Воркута), Komi Republic, Russia
Coordinates:67.510405 N 64.035712 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 154 meters (505.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Voronezh, Russia - Voronezh River
Bridgemeister ID:5581 (added 2020-12-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Voronezh, Russia
Crossing:Voronezh River
Coordinates:51.674143 N 39.242103 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61.5 meters (201.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Voss, Vestland, Norway - Raundalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4425 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Voss, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.670594 N 6.560369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.25 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1958 and removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Voss, Vestland, Norway - Raundalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4426 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Voss, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.678740 N 6.608140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.25 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, built prior to 1958 and removed by 2004.

(suspension bridge)

Vueltas Largas, El Cuay, Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Santa Maria
Bridgemeister ID:8072 (added 2023-12-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vueltas Largas, El Cuay, Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Santa Maria
Coordinates:8.448528 N 81.065056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Inna
Bridgemeister ID:3876 (added 2020-03-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vuku, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.773320 N 11.764210 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Replaced, 1972
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Vučevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Piva River
Bridgemeister ID:5103 (added 2020-09-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Vučevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Crossing:Piva River
Coordinates:43.329918 N 18.851105 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Wachham (वाछाम), Uttarakhand, India - Suderdhunga River
Bridgemeister ID:6964 (added 2022-02-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wachham (वाछाम), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Suderdhunga River
Coordinates:30.115239 N 79.928553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in 2017-2018.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Wada, Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Wada River
Bridgemeister ID:4276 (added 2020-04-10)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wada, Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Wada River
Coordinates:33.767693 N 135.611989 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use, 2012
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Waddamana, Tasmania, Australia - River Ouse
Bridgemeister ID:5835 (added 2021-05-01)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Waddamana, Tasmania, Australia
Crossing:River Ouse
Coordinates:42.149948 S 146.753111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61.5 meters (201.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Waling (वालिङ), Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6280 (added 2021-07-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Waling (वालिङ), Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:27.993923 N 83.772360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Waling, Nepal - Aadhi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6173 (added 2021-07-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Waling, Nepal
Crossing:Aadhi Khola
Coordinates:27.984979 N 83.757431 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Wamizd, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6087 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wamizd, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.371890 N 72.369152 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Wamizd, Pakistan - Rich Gol
Bridgemeister ID:6088 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wamizd, Pakistan
Crossing:Rich Gol
Coordinates:36.414850 N 72.381693 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Wampore, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3539 (added 2019-12-25)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wampore, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.639511 N 74.808863 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Wang Krachae, Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi, Thailand - Kwai River
Bridgemeister ID:3365 (added 2019-12-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wang Krachae, Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Crossing:Kwai River
Coordinates:14.216482 N 99.055801 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Wanganui-Pipiriki Road, New Zealand - Ruapirau Stream
Bridgemeister ID:723 (added 2003-03-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wanganui-Pipiriki Road, New Zealand
Crossing:Ruapirau Stream
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • GAP: Probably built in late 1920's or early 1930's.

(suspension bridge)

Wangka, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sungai Lariang
Bridgemeister ID:5746 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wangka, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sungai Lariang
Coordinates:1.593024 S 120.030961 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Wari, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6292 (added 2021-07-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wari, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.991590 N 72.029298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Wari, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3626 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wari, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.976424 N 72.025085 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Warwick Farm, New South Wales, Australia - Georges River
Bridgemeister ID:6236 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Warwick Farm, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Georges River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 1982, iuly 1: Bridge is expected to be demolished soon.

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Wat Sam Kha, Phichit, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:3270 (added 2019-11-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wat Sam Kha, Phichit, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:16.378195 N 100.381360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2014)


  • An adjacent replacement bridge collapsed while under construction, July 2015. While described as a "suspension bridge" the replacement is likely of similar design to several other nearby Nan River cable-stayed bridges.

(suspension bridge)

Wayra May Lunthu (वायर मे लुन्त्हू), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7980 (added 2023-11-26)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wayra May Lunthu (वायर मे लुन्त्हू), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.756075 N 78.579092 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2013
Main Span:1 x 89.9 meters (295 feet) estimated


  • Deck appears to have been destroyed by the catastrophic Uttarakhand floods in June 2013. Replaced with a truss bridge.

(suspension bridge)

Wengdazhen (翁达镇), Sertar County (色达县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Sequ River
Bridgemeister ID:8747 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wengdazhen (翁达镇), Sertar County (色达县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Sequ River
Coordinates:31.8720341 N 100.7717175 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 35 meters (114.8 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wengdazhen (翁达镇), Sertar County (色达县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China - Sequ River
Bridgemeister ID:8748 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wengdazhen (翁达镇), Sertar County (色达县), Garzê (甘孜州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Sequ River
Coordinates:31.8722741 N 100.7698769 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8662 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.252778 N 99.289556 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Spans:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated,
1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8663 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.252833 N 99.289444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8664 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.279806 N 99.255278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8665 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wentuoxiang (温拖乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:32.280028 N 99.255250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

West Union, West Virginia, USA - Middle Island Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4940 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:West Union, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Middle Island Creek
Coordinates:39.338190 N 80.813029 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

White Hall vicinity, California, USA - South Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:2233 (added 2007-03-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:White Hall vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork American River
Principals:Walter Forbas
Status:Replaced, c. 1984
Main Cables:Wire


  • The May 9, 1984 edition of the Mountain Democrat and El Dorado News newspaper (Placerville, California) has a photo of this bridge with caption: "One of the old wooden suspension bridges that span the South Fork of the American River east of Whitehall is being replaced with a new I-beam bridge. The old bridge, built in the 1940s by Walter Forbas, was simply wearing out, according to Joe Rogers, who acquired the property in 1979 along with a partner, Gary Mahloch. The old bridge, built before rebars were available, had been beefed up with Model A frames. The new bridge will be 116 feet long and 12 feet wide and should be completed in about 45 days, said Rogers. The I-bars, two for each side bolted together, will be the base of the bridge. They will be covered with wooden planks and the sides will be of wrought iron."

(suspension bridge)

Williamnagar, Meghalaya, India - Simsang River
Bridgemeister ID:7038 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Williamnagar, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Simsang River
Coordinates:25.508563 N 90.590994 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in 2018 or 2019.

(suspension bridge)

Willow Creek vicinity, California, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:2344 (added 2007-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Willow Creek vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • The bridge pictured here appears to be similar to, but distinct from other Willow Creek vicinity bridges in the Bridgemeister inventory. The bridge does not match the bridges in images of the Salyer and Hawkins Bar bridges. The description on the reverse of this photo is: "Over Trinity River near Willow Creek, Cal. between Arcata and Redding. Nov. 21, 1951." Arcata and Redding are 141 miles apart, so that information is not helpful except to reinforce that the bridge was along the modern-day CA-299 corridor near Willow Creek. This bridge is likely no longer in existence.
  • See 1940 Hawkins Bar - Trinity Village and Hawkins Bar, California, USA.
  • See (suspension bridge) - Salyer and Willow Creek, California, USA.
Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

(suspension bridge)

Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6152 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.117583 N 93.820111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6153 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.117442 N 93.821044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 123 meters (403.5 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6154 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.168917 N 93.595028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6155 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wolongzhen, Mainling, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.168197 N 93.594805 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)


(suspension bridge)

Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Serayu
Bridgemeister ID:3585 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Serayu
Coordinates:7.422480 S 109.858933 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

(suspension bridge)

Wujingxiang (五境乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8502 (added 2024-03-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Wujingxiang (五境乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.697417 N 99.461389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 109 meters (357.6 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2003-2011 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:5815 (added 2021-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Coordinates:28.594884 N 96.922039 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:5816 (added 2021-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Coordinates:28.594816 N 96.922229 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1


(suspension bridge)

Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:5817 (added 2021-04-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Coordinates:28.536570 N 96.976742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (319.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Chayu River
Bridgemeister ID:6170 (added 2021-07-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xiachayu, Zayu, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Chayu River
Coordinates:28.384694 N 97.036167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8126 (added 2024-01-13)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xigu District (西固区), Lanzhou (兰州市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:36.144972 N 103.420972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 178 meters (584 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Xinduqiaozhen (新都桥镇), Kangding, Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8182 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xinduqiaozhen (新都桥镇), Kangding, Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.064028 N 101.486944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3776 (added 2020-02-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.555168 N 120.922465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire

(suspension bridge)

Xipozhen (西坡乡), Liangdang County (两当县), Longnan (陇南市), Gansu, China - Jialing River
Bridgemeister ID:8422 (added 2024-03-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xipozhen (西坡乡), Liangdang County (两当县), Longnan (陇南市), Gansu, China
Crossing:Jialing River
Coordinates:33.852486 N 106.423335 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2836 (added 2019-07-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.202863 N 121.489541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


(suspension bridge)

Yagulung vicinity, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3691 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yagulung vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.785591 N 77.112780 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Yagulung vicinity, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:3692 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yagulung vicinity, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.773695 N 77.152329 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

(suspension bridge)

Yamakita, Kanagawa, Japan - Kouchi River
Bridgemeister ID:5067 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yamakita, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Kouchi River
Coordinates:35.392313 N 139.036370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan - Fuefuki River
Bridgemeister ID:4729 (added 2020-06-27)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Fuefuki River
Coordinates:35.812320 N 138.750818 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan - Oya River
Bridgemeister ID:8406 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Oya River
Coordinates:32.685833 N 131.083583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21 meters (68.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan - Midorikawa River
Bridgemeister ID:8407 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Midorikawa River
Coordinates:32.641833 N 130.989472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan - Midorikawa River
Bridgemeister ID:8408 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Midorikawa River
Coordinates:32.641944 N 130.988528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2013)


(suspension bridge)

Yamazoe, Nara and Iga, Mie, Japan - Nabari River
Bridgemeister ID:4874 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yamazoe, Nara and Iga, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Nabari River
Coordinates:34.695820 N 136.075976 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 113 meters (370.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yan Yao, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5042 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yan Yao, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.265241 N 99.838859 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yan Yao, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5043 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yan Yao, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:17.284178 N 99.840656 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yanahuanca, Pozuzo, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5533 (added 2020-11-29)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yanahuanca, Pozuzo, Peru
Coordinates:10.032215 S 75.597180 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Yanaizu, Fukushima, Japan - Tadami River
Bridgemeister ID:5184 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yanaizu, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Tadami River
Coordinates:37.504420 N 139.683417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yanaizu, Fukushima, Japan - Tadami River
Bridgemeister ID:5187 (added 2020-10-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yanaizu, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Tadami River
Coordinates:37.532021 N 139.723810 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yang Sai, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5030 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yang Sai, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:16.959811 N 99.828267 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yang Sai, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand - Yom River
Bridgemeister ID:5031 (added 2020-08-23)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yang Sai, Mueang Sukhothai District, Sukhothai, Thailand
Crossing:Yom River
Coordinates:16.980371 N 99.831767 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yanggexiang (杨各乡), Sertar (色达县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Sequ River
Bridgemeister ID:8825 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yanggexiang (杨各乡), Sertar (色达县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Sequ River
Coordinates:31.927139 N 100.698389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 49 meters (160.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yangjiawan Village (杨家湾村), Jinchuan County,Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Dajin River
Bridgemeister ID:8204 (added 2024-02-05)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yangjiawan Village (杨家湾村), Jinchuan County,Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Dajin River
Coordinates:31.441972 N 102.072722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2010)
Main Span:1 x 91 meters (298.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yanque, Peru - Rio Colca
Bridgemeister ID:6452 (added 2021-08-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yanque, Peru
Crossing:Rio Colca
Coordinates:15.641964 S 71.661184 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Yantaza, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7708 (added 2023-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yantaza, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.768361 S 78.696417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Yaqiandou (亚前斗), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8481 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yaqiandou (亚前斗), Baiyü (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.948548 N 99.587803 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


  • Completed at some point in the 2013-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Yingxiu (映秀镇), Wenchuan County (汶川县), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Min River
Bridgemeister ID:8657 (added 2024-06-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yingxiu (映秀镇), Wenchuan County (汶川县), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Min River
Coordinates:31.061472 N 103.491444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yomentoni, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7823 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yomentoni, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.587333 S 73.046056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 143 meters (469.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2012 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Yotala, Chuquisaca, Bolivia - Rio Cachimayu
Bridgemeister ID:8443 (added 2024-03-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yotala, Chuquisaca, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Cachimayu
Coordinates:19.157139 S 65.299361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 73 meters (239.5 feet) estimated


  • There appears to have been at least one other suspension bridge at this location with towers and cables still visible in 2023.

(suspension bridge)

Yuksom, Sikkim, India - Rathong Chhu
Bridgemeister ID:6258 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yuksom, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rathong Chhu
Coordinates:27.368994 N 88.206409 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Yuleixiang, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China - Baishui River
Bridgemeister ID:5233 (added 2020-10-12)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yuleixiang, Wenxian, Longnan, Gansu, China
Crossing:Baishui River
Coordinates:32.812322 N 105.117694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)

(suspension bridge)

Yurahuanco, Santa Catalina vicinity, Chichas, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:7837 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yurahuanco, Santa Catalina vicinity, Chichas, Peru
Coordinates:15.545951 S 72.910406 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yusuhara, Kochi, Japan - Shimagawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6037 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yusuhara, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Shimagawa River
Coordinates:33.360989 N 132.949047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Yusuhara, Kochi, Japan - Yusuhara River
Bridgemeister ID:6041 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yusuhara, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yusuhara River
Coordinates:33.310833 N 132.964373 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Yuzawa, Akita, Japan - Minase River
Bridgemeister ID:5118 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Yuzawa, Akita, Japan
Crossing:Minase River
Coordinates:39.033987 N 140.641481 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

(suspension bridge)

Zamana Abad vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7195 (added 2022-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamana Abad vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.621639 N 73.402794 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zamana Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:8254 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamana Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.612917 N 73.423528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 68 meters (223 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated August 2020.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge with tower from an older suspension bridge visible in the background. Dated September 2017.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge with tower from an older suspension bridge visible in the foreground (lower left corner). Dated July 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Zamana Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:8255 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamana Abad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:34.613139 N 73.422903 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 50.6 meters (166 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the surviving tower from the bridge visible in the background behind the newer bridge. Dated September 2017.
  • Google Maps. Image with the surviving tower from the bridge visible in the foreground (extreme lower left corner). Dated July 2020.

(suspension bridge)

Zamcanje, Serbia - Ibar River
Bridgemeister ID:4524 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamcanje, Serbia
Crossing:Ibar River
Coordinates:43.649880 N 20.555884 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(suspension bridge)

Zamdang, Purne vicinity and Char, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7270 (added 2022-07-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zamdang, Purne vicinity and Char, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.239329 N 77.123952 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.3 meters (129 feet) estimated


External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8589 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.426972 N 99.215806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2011)
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8590 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.461222 N 99.256306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8591 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.463639 N 99.277083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8592 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.489778 N 99.349389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8593 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.490444 N 99.368667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 52 meters (170.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8594 (added 2024-05-19)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zengkexiang (赠科乡), Baiyü County (白玉县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:31.488694 N 99.421167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zhakexiang (扎科乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8518 (added 2024-03-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhakexiang (扎科乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.899306 N 99.640917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Zhakexiang (扎科乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8519 (added 2024-03-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhakexiang (扎科乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.899472 N 99.640972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated


(suspension bridge)

Zhakexiang (扎科乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8520 (added 2024-03-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhakexiang (扎科乡), Garzê County (甘孜县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.883626 N 99.660420 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zhaxigangxiang, Tingri County, Shigatse, Tibet, China - Pum Qu
Bridgemeister ID:6496 (added 2021-08-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhaxigangxiang, Tingri County, Shigatse, Tibet, China
Crossing:Pum Qu
Coordinates:28.15973 N 87.347187 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zhaxigangxiang, Tingri County, Shigatse, Tibet, China - Pum Qu
Bridgemeister ID:6501 (added 2021-08-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhaxigangxiang, Tingri County, Shigatse, Tibet, China
Crossing:Pum Qu
Coordinates:28.225566 N 87.35196 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 32.3 meters (106 feet) estimated


  • Built before 2004,

(suspension bridge)

Zhongda (仲达), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8463 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhongda (仲达), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.249803 N 97.011949 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zhongdazhen, Nang County, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Yarlung Tsangpo
Bridgemeister ID:6156 (added 2021-07-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhongdazhen, Nang County, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Yarlung Tsangpo
Coordinates:29.064539 N 92.941301 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 173 meters (567.6 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zhongjiang Town (中江乡), Heqing County, Dali, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:6902 (added 2022-01-20)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhongjiang Town (中江乡), Heqing County, Dali, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:26.495891 N 100.412460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 136 meters (446.2 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zhongzhake (中扎科乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Yalong River
Bridgemeister ID:8517 (added 2024-03-24)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhongzhake (中扎科乡), Dêgê County (德格县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Yalong River
Coordinates:31.955324 N 99.546585 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 96 meters (315 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2007-2010 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Zhubalongxiang, Batang County (巴塘县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8492 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhubalongxiang, Batang County (巴塘县), Garzê (甘孜藏族自治州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:29.867361 N 99.035500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 160 meters (524.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2020 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Zhulincun (珠林村), Caodengxiang (草登乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Jiaomuzu River
Bridgemeister ID:8474 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zhulincun (珠林村), Caodengxiang (草登乡), Barkam (马尔康市), Ngawa (阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Jiaomuzu River
Coordinates:32.187556 N 101.802972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)

(suspension bridge)

Zil vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:7333 (added 2022-09-03)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zil vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.805878 N 75.409578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 65.2 meters (214 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Zilijiaxiang (子里甲乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8317 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zilijiaxiang (子里甲乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.706278 N 98.895139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2019 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Zilijiaxiang (子里甲乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8318 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zilijiaxiang (子里甲乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.675167 N 98.897361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ziren (字仁), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州) and Buka (布喀), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8496 (added 2024-03-22)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ziren (字仁), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州) and Buka (布喀), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:28.119550 N 99.398924 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Span:1 x 140 meters (459.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Zonakishiato, Malaquiato vicinity, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7816 (added 2023-09-02)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zonakishiato, Malaquiato vicinity, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.375861 S 72.915222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


  • Completed at some point in the 2006-2023 time frame.

(suspension bridge)

Zongkexiang (宗科乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China - Duke River
Bridgemeister ID:8745 (added 2024-07-04)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zongkexiang (宗科乡), Zamthang County (壤塘县), Ngawa ((阿坝州), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Duke River
Coordinates:31.816472 N 101.159667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Zoquiapan, Puebla, Mexico - San Marcos River
Bridgemeister ID:7208 (added 2022-07-08)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zoquiapan, Puebla, Mexico
Crossing:San Marcos River
Coordinates:20.420250 N 97.822199 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

(suspension bridge)

Zuo Nieqiongdeng (佐涅琼登), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China - Tongtian River
Bridgemeister ID:8465 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Zuo Nieqiongdeng (佐涅琼登), Yushu (玉树市), Qinghai, China
Crossing:Tongtian River
Coordinates:33.320384 N 96.823482 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 219 meters (718.5 feet) estimated

(suspension bridge)

Ōsaki, Miyagi, Japan - Eai River
Bridgemeister ID:5146 (added 2020-09-07)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Ōsaki, Miyagi, Japan
Crossing:Eai River
Coordinates:38.782817 N 140.695835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet)

14th Street

Durango, Colorado, USA - Animas River
Bridgemeister ID:908 (added 2003-10-11)
Name:14th Street
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Durango, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Animas River
Coordinates:37.27936 N 107.88038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Scheduled for reconstruction starting April 2008. According to an article in the March 24, 2008 issue of The Durango Herald: "The wood support frames will be replaced with steel while the railing and deck will be replaced with a wood polymer such as Trex, which is made of recycled plastic and wood fibers."

15 Mile

15 Mile, Badgran (बद्गरण) and Hallan-I (हल्लन-इ), Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5318 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:15 Mile
Location:15 Mile, Badgran (बद्गरण) and Hallan-I (हल्लन-इ), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:32.144502 N 77.157258 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

24 de Julio

Corral Quemado, Utcubamba, Amazonas and Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru - Rio Marañón
Bridgemeister ID:7473 (added 2022-12-25)
Name:24 de Julio
Location:Corral Quemado, Utcubamba, Amazonas and Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Marañón
Coordinates:5.754081 S 78.692978 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 156.1 meters (512 feet) estimated


External Links:

Aaphsoti LSTB

Sahare (सहरे), Nepal - Bheri River
Bridgemeister ID:8256 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:Aaphsoti LSTB
Location:Sahare (सहरे), Nepal
Crossing:Bheri River
Coordinates:28.430211 N 81.904844 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 179.8 meters (589.9 feet)


  • Completed at some point in the 2018-2020 time frame.


Ablancourt, Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:7389 (added 2022-11-25)
Location:Ablancourt, Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Acme Conveyor

Chicago, Illinois, USA - Calumet River
Bridgemeister ID:2441 (added 2008-04-22)
Name:Acme Conveyor
Location:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Calumet River
Coordinates:41.69399 N 87.55206 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, August 22, 2005
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)


  • Large industrial structure. According to the August 22, 2005 U.S. Coast Guard press release on the demolition: "The suspended conveyor bridge is approximately 26 feet wide, 400 feet in length, and has a vertical clearance of 130 feet. It is located in an industrial area approximately 15 miles south of downtown Chicago on the old Acme Steel and Heckett Slag properties."


Addison, New York, USA - Canisteo River
Bridgemeister ID:272 (added before 2003)
Location:Addison, New York, USA
Crossing:Canisteo River
Coordinates:42.107917 N 77.226333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was located at the foot of Goodhue Street.
  • 1935: Damaged by flood. Restricted to foot traffic.
  • 1946: Further wrecked by flood and eventually removed.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Poovadka, Kerala, India - Payaswini River
Bridgemeister ID:3464 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Poovadka, Kerala, India
Crossing:Payaswini River
Coordinates:12.524298 N 75.172979 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Malla Tajpur, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:5396 (added 2020-11-25)
Location:Malla Tajpur, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.886455 N 79.343568 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Agua Fría

Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Acelhuate
Bridgemeister ID:7373 (added 2022-11-23)
Name:Agua Fría
Location:Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Acelhuate
Coordinates:13.877006 N 89.194169 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.9 meters (262 feet) estimated


  • Replaced a bridge located nearby (13.873925, -89.189553) destroyed by Hurricane Ida (2009) that may have also been a suspended deck suspension bridge.

External Links:


Aguaytía, Provincia de Padre Abad, Peru - Rio Aguaytía
Bridgemeister ID:1034 (added 2003-12-03)
Location:Aguaytía, Provincia de Padre Abad, Peru
Crossing:Rio Aguaytía
Coordinates:9.037190 S 75.504482 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


External Links:


Aguaytía, Provincia de Padre Abad, Peru - Rio Aguaytía
Bridgemeister ID:1035 (added 2003-12-03)
Location:Aguaytía, Provincia de Padre Abad, Peru
Crossing:Rio Aguaytía
Coordinates:9.037504 S 75.505019 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, September 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kuman Lampak, Imphal, Manipur, India - Imphal River
Bridgemeister ID:3343 (added 2019-12-14)
Location:Kuman Lampak, Imphal, Manipur, India
Crossing:Imphal River
Coordinates:24.816709 N 93.954456 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Warabino (蕨野), Aoi Ward and Aibuchi (相淵), Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Abe River
Bridgemeister ID:7917 (added 2023-10-22)
Also Known As:相渕の吊橋
Location:Warabino (蕨野), Aoi Ward and Aibuchi (相淵), Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Abe River
Coordinates:35.122263 N 138.358845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 113 meters (370.7 feet) estimated,
1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated


Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:7650 (added 2023-06-10)
Location:Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
Coordinates:35.735288 N 138.560043 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kawauchi, Shimokita District, Aomori, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2095 (added 2006-07-03)
Location:Kawauchi, Shimokita District, Aomori, Japan
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet)


Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4253 (added 2020-04-10)
Also Known As:赤川橋
Location:Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.921445 N 133.759571 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Uda, Nara, Japan - Uda River
Bridgemeister ID:5211 (added 2020-10-11)
Also Known As:赤人橋
Location:Uda, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Uda River
At or Near Feature:Murou Lake
Coordinates:34.544447 N 135.990481 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4322 (added 2020-04-10)
Also Known As:秋葉橋
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:34.939657 N 137.833360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 214 meters (702.1 feet) estimated


  • May have originally carried one lane of vehicular traffic, but now restricted to foot traffic and light motor bikes.


Dudhnial, Pakistan - Neelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3531 (added 2019-12-25)
Location:Dudhnial, Pakistan
Crossing:Neelum River
Coordinates:34.705105 N 74.105912 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Albas, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:1944 (added 2005-10-29)
Location:Albas, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.471604 N 1.236137 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 116 meters (380.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Segenhoe, Scone vicinity, New South Wales, Australia - Pages River
Bridgemeister ID:1402 (added 2004-07-04)
Location:Segenhoe, Scone vicinity, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Pages River
Coordinates:32.123321 S 150.925866 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2
Characteristics:Braced (trussed) chain/cable,
Hinged cables


Photo by Brett Evill


Mayoc, Peru - Rio Warpa
Bridgemeister ID:6013 (added 2021-07-02)
Location:Mayoc, Peru
Crossing:Rio Warpa
Coordinates:12.844715 S 74.331433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)


Luke vicinity, Maryland, USA - Savage River
Bridgemeister ID:1326 (added 2004-04-28)
Location:Luke vicinity, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Savage River
At or Near Feature:Savage River State Forest
Coordinates:39.501343 N 79.108957 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:121st Engineer Battalion (CBT) of the Maryland Army National Guard (Companies B and C)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • One of two similar bridges in this park. This one has a plaque "Allegany Bridge."
  • Al Schweizer, the operations officer for the project, wrote: "The bridge panels (that portion between the vertical suspender cables attached to the main cables) were prefabricated with deck beams, decking, sway braces, handrails. They were trolleyed across the river since we were not allowed to get into the river. The bridges were erected by Company B from Cumberland, Maryland and Company C from Oakland, Maryland. The erection, to include the forming and pouring of the deadmen cable supports, abutments, towers, cable installation (2” diameter) and all the decking took just two weeks! DNR added the lattice because of children crawling on the bridge."
  • Built as part of same project as (footbridge) - Luke vicinity, Maryland, USA.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

Alnwick Castle

Alnwick, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:2045 (added 2006-05-10)
Name:Alnwick Castle
Location:Alnwick, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Alnwick Garden
Coordinates:55.414198 N 1.697342 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Rope
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Alnwick Castle

Alnwick, England, United Kingdom
Bridgemeister ID:3093 (added 2019-10-27)
Name:Alnwick Castle
Location:Alnwick, England, United Kingdom
At or Near Feature:Alnwick Garden
Coordinates:55.414414 N 1.697201 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Rope
Suspended Spans:1



Anexo San Miguel De Chosón vicinity, Jazán, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8691 (added 2024-06-28)
Location:Anexo San Miguel De Chosón vicinity, Jazán, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:5.909917 S 78.047444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet)


Uji, Kyoto, Japan - Uji River
Bridgemeister ID:6084 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:天ヶ瀬吊橋
Location:Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Crossing:Uji River
Coordinates:34.881637 N 135.821044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Purnabas (पुनर्वास), Kanchanpur and Baise Bichawa (बैसे बिचवा), Kanchanpur, Nepal - Doda Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:8751 (added 2024-07-05)
Location:Purnabas (पुनर्वास), Kanchanpur and Baise Bichawa (बैसे बिचवा), Kanchanpur, Nepal
Crossing:Doda Nadi
Coordinates:28.698078 N 80.450555 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 203.8 meters (668.6 feet)


  • Completed in late 2020 or 2021.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Panoramic image of the bridge. Dated August 2021.
  • Google Maps. Panoramic image taken on the bridge. Dated August 2021.


Ambor, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3467 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Ambor, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.333402 N 73.466388 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan - Amehata Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5134 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:雨畑の吊橋
Location:Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Amehata Lake
Coordinates:35.404929 N 138.330813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Andrije Kazica

Podgorica (Подгорица), Montenegro - Moraca River
Bridgemeister ID:4609 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:Andrije Kazica
Location:Podgorica (Подгорица), Montenegro
Crossing:Moraca River
Coordinates:42.456444 N 19.261328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Anglars-Juillac, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:1946 (added 2005-11-04)
Location:Anglars-Juillac, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.482239 N 1.194641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Anglers Way Road

Flat Rock, Clinchport, Virginia, USA - Clinch River
Bridgemeister ID:988 (added 2003-11-15)
Name:Anglers Way Road
Location:Flat Rock, Clinchport, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Clinch River
Coordinates:36.6111 N 82.84273 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 80.8 meters (265 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 15.2 meters (50 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Anos (Анос), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6072 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:Анос
Location:Anos (Анос), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.501000 N 85.954205 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

  • Google Maps - Most V Anos. Image of the bridge showing multiple suspension bridge towers at one end, likely the result of multiple reconstructions of the bridge. February 2020.


Antananarivo, Madagascar - Ikopa River
Bridgemeister ID:2960 (added 2019-10-06)
Location:Antananarivo, Madagascar
Crossing:Ikopa River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Oneida, Kentucky, USA - Red Bird River
Bridgemeister ID:4945 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:Oneida, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Red Bird River
Coordinates:37.242900 N 83.636929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

Antioch Church

Woollum, Manchester vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Collins Fork
Bridgemeister ID:4959 (added 2020-08-09)
Name:Antioch Church
Location:Woollum, Manchester vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Collins Fork
Coordinates:37.033600 N 83.815568 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire

Antonio José de Sucre

Sucre, Chuquisaca, Bolivia - Rio Pilcomayo
Bridgemeister ID:2463 (added 2008-09-27)
Name:Antonio José de Sucre
Location:Sucre, Chuquisaca, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Pilcomayo
Coordinates:19.35535 S 65.17752 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Large suspension bridge, likely completed in 1890s or early 1900s.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ribeira de Pena, Portugal - Tâmega River
Bridgemeister ID:4613 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Ribeira de Pena, Portugal
Crossing:Tâmega River
Coordinates:41.539819 N 7.798453 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Monobecho Sendo, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Monobe River
Bridgemeister ID:3122 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Monobecho Sendo, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Monobe River
Coordinates:33.700179 N 133.896618 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • May be a very narrow single-lane vehicular bridge.

External Links:

Arjunchaupari Bazar

Arjun Chaupari (अर्जुन चौपारी), Syangja (स्याङ्जा), Nepal - Daraun Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8752 (added 2024-07-05)
Name:Arjunchaupari Bazar
Location:Arjun Chaupari (अर्जुन चौपारी), Syangja (स्याङ्जा), Nepal
Crossing:Daraun Khola
Coordinates:28.092463 N 83.77636 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2023-2024
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated


External Links:


Arnevik, Arendal, Agder, Norway - Arneviksundet
Bridgemeister ID:4219 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Arnevik, Arendal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.526098 N 8.903179 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82 meters (269 feet) estimated


  • Likely built in 1950s and removed by 1985.


Chubut, Argentina
Bridgemeister ID:3510 (added 2019-12-24)
Location:Chubut, Argentina
Coordinates:42.726037 S 71.742069 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Art Wilson Memorial

Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada - Little Saskatchewan River
Bridgemeister ID:2614 (added 2014-04-16)
Name:Art Wilson Memorial
Location:Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada
Crossing:Little Saskatchewan River
Coordinates:50.25261 N 99.82839 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire

Arung Sanghu

Dhading Besi (धादिङ बेसी), Nilkantha (निलकण्ठ), Nepal - Arung Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8754 (added 2024-07-06)
Name:Arung Sanghu
Location:Dhading Besi (धादिङ बेसी), Nilkantha (निलकण्ठ), Nepal
Crossing:Arung Khola
Coordinates:27.909217 N 84.893156 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet)


  • Likely completed in 1983 or 1984.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with the bridge visible in the foreground. A truck appears to be parked where a section of the bridge deck is missing. Dated September 2020.


Tehran, Iran
Bridgemeister ID:4740 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Tehran, Iran
At or Near Feature:Nahj al-Balagha Park
Coordinates:35.746648 N 51.342116 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 228 meters (748 feet) estimated


Odigram, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3028 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Odigram, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.867437 N 71.879087 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bridgemeister ID:5575 (added 2020-12-20)
Location:Assat, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Copacabana, Antioquia, Colombia - Medellin River
Bridgemeister ID:6845 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:Copacabana, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Medellin River
Coordinates:6.348237 N 75.512312 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Atahuayon, San Miguel de Huácar, Ambo, Peru - Rio Chaupihuaranga
Bridgemeister ID:8720 (added 2024-06-30)
Location:Atahuayon, San Miguel de Huácar, Ambo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chaupihuaranga
Coordinates:10.193111 S 76.237278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated


Loch Affric, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Affric
Bridgemeister ID:1907 (added 2005-10-08)
Location:Loch Affric, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Affric
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

Auguste Dubois

Massoins and Malaussène, Alpes-Maritimes, France - Var River
Bridgemeister ID:1995 (added 2005-12-18)
Name:Auguste Dubois
Also Known As:Massoins
Location:Massoins and Malaussène, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Crossing:Var River
Coordinates:43.933042 N 7.119215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Aunan Lodge

Grindal, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3837 (added 2020-03-06)
Name:Aunan Lodge
Location:Grindal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.93607 N 9.77114 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial imagery, completed prior to 1958.


Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau, Auriac vicinity, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:3066 (added 2019-10-26)
Also Known As:Chambon
Location:Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau, Auriac vicinity, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:45.219999 N 2.112607 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Austvoll, Stavn, Flå, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4042 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Austvoll, Stavn, Flå, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.42960 N 9.35839 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 59 meters (193.6 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1962.


Autevielle-Saint-Martin-Bideren, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Gave d'Oloron
Bridgemeister ID:7813 (added 2023-09-02)
Location:Autevielle-Saint-Martin-Bideren, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Gave d'Oloron
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Auvillar and Espalais, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:3716 (added 2020-02-14)
Location:Auvillar and Espalais, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.075099 N 0.897564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Oita, Oita, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2950 (added 2019-10-01)
Location:Oita, Oita, Japan
At or Near Feature:Nanasegawa Nature Park
Coordinates:33.181348 N 131.576471 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bahrain, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Swat River
Bridgemeister ID:4634 (added 2020-06-07)
Also Known As:Ayeen
Location:Bahrain, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Swat River
Coordinates:35.187824 N 72.538770 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 2022
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Oze, Seki, Gifu, Japan - Nagara River
Bridgemeister ID:7907 (added 2023-10-21)
Also Known As:鮎之瀬橋
Location:Oze, Seki, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Nagara River
Coordinates:35.503472 N 136.891444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Yamatsuri, Fukushima, Japan - Kuji River
Bridgemeister ID:5600 (added 2020-12-28)
Also Known As:あゆのつり橋
Location:Yamatsuri, Fukushima, Japan
Crossing:Kuji River
Coordinates:36.849572 N 140.395980 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ayyappancoil, Kerala, India
Bridgemeister ID:2994 (added 2019-10-13)
Also Known As:Ayyappankovil, അയ്യപ്പൻകോവിൽ
Location:Ayyappancoil, Kerala, India
Coordinates:9.716675 N 77.033302 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


Azángaro, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:3109 (added 2019-10-28)
Location:Azángaro, Peru
Coordinates:14.899137 S 70.190111 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ažutakis, Lithuania - Žeimena River
Bridgemeister ID:5311 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Ažutakis, Lithuania
Crossing:Žeimena River
Coordinates:54.953157 N 25.684196 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

Ángel Km. 29

Aguilares and Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Guaza
Bridgemeister ID:7375 (added 2022-11-23)
Name:Ángel Km. 29
Location:Aguilares and Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Guaza
Coordinates:13.921442 N 89.175447 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 30.2 meters (99 feet) estimated

External Links:


Poliçan, Albania - Osum River
Bridgemeister ID:7430 (added 2022-12-10)
Location:Poliçan, Albania
Crossing:Osum River
Coordinates:40.622670 N 20.067244 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire


Çorovoda, Albania - Osum River
Bridgemeister ID:7431 (added 2022-12-10)
Also Known As:Çorovoda
Location:Çorovoda, Albania
Crossing:Osum River
Coordinates:40.501206 N 20.225139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ötztal, Austria - Inn River
Bridgemeister ID:3676 (added 2020-02-08)
Location:Ötztal, Austria
Crossing:Inn River
Coordinates:47.240079 N 10.854293 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Ålen vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3872 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Ålen vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.848361 N 11.250722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated


  • Heavily damaged by flood, 2011. Rebuilt.


Øvindmoen, Haltdalen, Holtålen, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3873 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Øvindmoen, Haltdalen, Holtålen, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.927580 N 11.124520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 56.5 meters (185.4 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, completed prior to 1955 and removed by 2003.

Øvre Sæter Camping

Øvre Surnadal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Surna
Bridgemeister ID:3889 (added 2020-03-13)
Name:Øvre Sæter Camping
Location:Øvre Surnadal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.999365 N 8.988644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 15.5 meters (50.9 feet) estimated


Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2758 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:八八吊橋
Location:Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.638161 N 120.786309 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal - Jogbuda River
Bridgemeister ID:8452 (added 2024-03-10)
Location:Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal
Crossing:Jogbuda River
Coordinates:28.868997 N 80.073042 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)


External Links:

Bad Kreuznach

Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - Nahe River
Bridgemeister ID:2291 (added 2007-04-24)
Name:Bad Kreuznach
Location:Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Crossing:Nahe River
Coordinates:49.837993 N 7.851747 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Navilgone vicinity, Karnataka, India - Aghnashini River
Bridgemeister ID:3172 (added 2019-11-08)
Location:Navilgone vicinity, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Aghnashini River
Coordinates:14.442823 N 74.641643 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:6370 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
Coordinates:59.274544 N 18.311515 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Zayu, Zhuwagen Town, Chayu County, Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Zayu River
Bridgemeister ID:5812 (added 2021-04-11)
Also Known As:Shenzhen People's Heart Bridge, 深圳民心桥
Location:Zayu, Zhuwagen Town, Chayu County, Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Zayu River
Coordinates:28.600355 N 97.191897 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)

External Links:


Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2779 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:八卦力吊橋
Location:Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.527300 N 120.961275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gadherni, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5317 (added 2020-11-11)
Also Known As:Bhanu
Location:Gadherni, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:32.210706 N 77.190456 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Lagawe, Ifugao, Philippines - Ibulao River
Bridgemeister ID:7079 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Lagawe, Ifugao, Philippines
Crossing:Ibulao River
Coordinates:16.799753 N 121.111553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Baidi (बैडी), Gajarkot (गाजरकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6356 (added 2021-07-26)
Location:Baidi (बैडी), Gajarkot (गाजरकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.870737 N 83.946233 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Bailly, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:2985 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Bailly, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Baima (白马镇), Baxoi County (八宿县), Chamdo, Tibet, China
Bridgemeister ID:8233 (added 2024-02-07)
Location:Baima (白马镇), Baxoi County (八宿县), Chamdo, Tibet, China
Coordinates:30.059139 N 96.917583 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated

External Links:


Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2782 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:白石吊橋
Location:Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.554484 N 121.227375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Baiyang Falls

Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan - Baiyang Falls
Bridgemeister ID:1136 (added 2004-01-17)
Name:Baiyang Falls
Also Known As:白楊吊橋
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Crossing:Baiyang Falls
At or Near Feature:Taroko Gorge
Coordinates:24.178318 N 121.475306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • One of many suspension bridges in this area. This one is a short footbridge with simple rectangular red towers with one cross-bar.

Bajhgara Jhopu

Dangsing (दांगसिङ्), Kaski and Bhuktangle (भुक्तान्गले), Parbat, Nepal - Bhurungdi Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8755 (added 2024-07-07)
Name:Bajhgara Jhopu
Location:Dangsing (दांगसिङ्), Kaski and Bhuktangle (भुक्तान्गले), Parbat, Nepal
Crossing:Bhurungdi Khola
Coordinates:28.326760 N 83.748458 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 59 meters (193.6 feet)


  • Likely completed in 1982 or 1983.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with bridge visible in the background. Dated February 2015.

Bajo Pacuare

Bajo Pacuare, Cartago Province, Turrialba, Costa Rica - Rio Pacuare
Bridgemeister ID:2490 (added 2008-12-23)
Name:Bajo Pacuare
Location:Bajo Pacuare, Cartago Province, Turrialba, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Pacuare
Coordinates:9.827773 N 83.509871 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Bajo Pacuare

Bajo Pacuare. Turrialba, Cartago Province, Costa Rica - Rio Pacuare
Bridgemeister ID:7776 (added 2023-08-18)
Name:Bajo Pacuare
Location:Bajo Pacuare. Turrialba, Cartago Province, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Pacuare
Coordinates:9.887321 N 83.527088 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Ogdonia, Barbours vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Ogdonia Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2037 (added 2006-05-07)
Location:Ogdonia, Barbours vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Ogdonia Creek
At or Near Feature:Camp Lycogis
Coordinates:41.41165 N 76.7085 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Balakot (بالاکوٹ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3475 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Balakot (بالاکوٹ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.549146 N 73.353637 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Panorama of the bridge, posted February 2016.


Balakot (بالاکوٹ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:7199 (added 2022-07-04)
Location:Balakot (بالاکوٹ), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.548976 N 73.353755 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


External Links:


Balekambang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6622 (added 2021-09-06)
Location:Balekambang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.505996 S 107.110069 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This short vehicular bridge has multiple concrete piers supporting the deck. It is unclear how long those extra piers have been there, but this bridge has unusual proportions with large oversized metal-frame towers and (seemingly) unusually small main cables.


Sabang and Baler, Aurora, Philippines - Duongan River
Bridgemeister ID:2863 (added 2019-09-08)
Also Known As:Zabali
Location:Sabang and Baler, Aurora, Philippines
Crossing:Duongan River
Coordinates:15.750043 N 121.569412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Baling, Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3239 (added 2019-11-16)
Also Known As:老巴陵橋
Location:Baling, Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Fuba Cross-ridge Trail
Coordinates:24.681070 N 121.377845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Lalitpur, Nepal - Manohara River
Bridgemeister ID:4059 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Lalitpur, Nepal
Crossing:Manohara River
Coordinates:27.675493 N 85.338300 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Buakayu, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6827 (added 2021-12-25)
Location:Buakayu, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.193472 S 119.741465 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge as construction is underway on its adjacent replacement.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge as construction is underway on its adjacent replacement.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge with its replacement in the foreground.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge (left) as seen from the replacement bridge.


Baluwakot (बलुवाकोट), Sangari (संगरी), Suwa (सुवा), Uttarakhand, India and Dattu, Nepal - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:8252 (added 2024-02-07)
Location:Baluwakot (बलुवाकोट), Sangari (संगरी), Suwa (सुवा), Uttarakhand, India and Dattu, Nepal
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.796108 N 80.421429 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted February 16, 2013.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted February 25, 2020.


Bholnaon (भोल्नाओं) and Bamoth (बमोथ), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7117 (added 2022-06-12)
Location:Bholnaon (भोल्नाओं) and Bamoth (बमोथ), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.269579 N 79.170776 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

Ban Haad Ngew

Wang Krachae, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi, Thailand - Khwae Noi
Bridgemeister ID:6176 (added 2021-07-08)
Name:Ban Haad Ngew
Also Known As:สะพานแขวนบ้านหาดงิ้ว
Location:Wang Krachae, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Crossing:Khwae Noi
Coordinates:14.340045 N 98.938161 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Bang Pla Ma

Bang Pla Ma, Suphan Buri, Thailand - Tha Chin
Bridgemeister ID:4540 (added 2020-05-23)
Name:Bang Pla Ma
Location:Bang Pla Ma, Suphan Buri, Thailand
Crossing:Tha Chin
Coordinates:14.402199 N 100.156284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Okdo-myeon, Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:5571 (added 2020-12-20)
Location:Okdo-myeon, Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Cheongseom Island
Coordinates:35.847709 N 126.363794 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet)

Banjar Irigasi

Banjar Irigasi, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia - Ciberang River
Bridgemeister ID:6604 (added 2021-09-05)
Name:Banjar Irigasi
Location:Banjar Irigasi, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Crossing:Ciberang River
Coordinates:6.566736 S 106.410644 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Wrecked, December 31, 2019 - January 1, 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


External Links:

Bantar Baru

Klangon, Argosari, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia - Progo River
Bridgemeister ID:2924 (added 2019-09-15)
Name:Bantar Baru
Location:Klangon, Argosari, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Crossing:Progo River
Coordinates:7.822810 S 110.233709 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Baoshan, Hsinchu County, Taiwan - Pao-shan Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:2829 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:寶湖吊橋
Location:Baoshan, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Crossing:Pao-shan Reservoir
Coordinates:24.748764 N 121.046662 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2



Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2814 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Shih-men Reservoir
Coordinates:24.799582 N 121.240380 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bar Creek

Oneida, Kentucky, USA - Red Bird River
Bridgemeister ID:4943 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Bar Creek
Location:Oneida, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Red Bird River
Coordinates:37.228593 N 83.631545 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Varallo, Vercelli, Italy - Sesia River
Bridgemeister ID:3212 (added 2019-11-10)
Also Known As:Crevola
Location:Varallo, Vercelli, Italy
Crossing:Sesia River
Coordinates:45.818814 N 8.241911 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Barcis, Pordenone, Italy - Cellina
Bridgemeister ID:5182 (added 2020-10-04)
Location:Barcis, Pordenone, Italy
Coordinates:46.189601 N 12.549677 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bargo Bala

Sharote and Bargo Bala, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6791 (added 2021-10-30)
Name:Bargo Bala
Location:Sharote and Bargo Bala, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.050128 N 74.127358 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.6 meters (399 feet) estimated

External Links:

Barko Rukh LSTB

Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal - Jogbuda River
Bridgemeister ID:8451 (added 2024-03-10)
Name:Barko Rukh LSTB
Location:Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal
Crossing:Jogbuda River
Coordinates:28.916247 N 80.069689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 148.6 meters (487.5 feet)



Kragerø, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Barmskilen
Bridgemeister ID:4492 (added 2020-05-01)
Location:Kragerø, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:58.927564 N 9.478547 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 26.25 meters (86.1 feet) estimated


Baroon, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:3623 (added 2019-12-31)
Location:Baroon, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.862356 N 71.933181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Bas-en-Basset and Monistrol-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:3334 (added 2019-12-08)
Location:Bas-en-Basset and Monistrol-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:45.294889 N 4.118132 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2018)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Basha, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6753 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Basha, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.472537 N 75.360653 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Bath Estate

Roseau, Dominica - Roseau River
Bridgemeister ID:2663 (added 2019-03-09)
Name:Bath Estate
Location:Roseau, Dominica
Crossing:Roseau River
Coordinates:15.302524 N 61.381446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2015-2017
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Removed at some point in the 2015-2017 time frame.

Bridgemeister ID:2923 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Bawuran, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Crossing:Opak River
Coordinates:7.872083 S 110.412855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bømoen Leir

Voss, Vestland, Norway - Raundalselvi
Bridgemeister ID:4424 (added 2020-04-19)
Name:Bømoen Leir
Location:Voss, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:60.630399 N 6.499746 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1958.

External Links:

Bear Creek

Valdez vicinity, Alaska, USA - Bear Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1187 (added 2004-01-24)
Name:Bear Creek
Location:Valdez vicinity, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Bear Creek


  • Carried Richardson Highway across Bear Creek circa 1930's and earlier.
  • Alaska Digital Archives identifier UAF-2003-63-179 shows a very similar (or the same) suspension bridge as crossing Sheep Creek on the Valdez Trail but they also note a potential discrepancy with another image in the archive that labels the bridge as carrying the Richardson Highway.

Bridgemeister ID:994 (added 2003-11-16)
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Sion Mills, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Mourne
Coordinates:54.785578 N 7.461796 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62 meters (203.4 feet)

External Links:


Beauchastel, Ardèche, France - Eyrieux River
Bridgemeister ID:4063 (added 2020-03-30)
Location:Beauchastel, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Eyrieux River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • AAJ supposes this bridge was completed in 1842 based on a contract let in 1840 proposing a two-year construction period, but other material suggest the bridge was built later.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Melocheville, Quebec, Canada - St. Lawrence River
Bridgemeister ID:1146 (added 2004-01-17)
Location:Melocheville, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. Lawrence River
Coordinates:45.316050 N 73.908033 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Carries route 132 across a small arm of the St. Lawrence by the Canal de Beauharnois dam.
  • Major rehabilitation efforts completed in 2011 and 2012 including replacement of 56 vertical suspenders.

External Links:


Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1177 (added 2004-01-24)
Location:Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Beaver Creek

Caledonia vicinity, Minnesota, USA - Beaver Creek East
Bridgemeister ID:2629 (added 2019-01-01)
Name:Beaver Creek
Location:Caledonia vicinity, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Beaver Creek East
At or Near Feature:Beaver Creek Valley State Park
Coordinates:43.642983 N 91.581983 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Bedu Bagad

Bedu Bagad (बेडू बगड), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:7000 (added 2022-04-30)
Name:Bedu Bagad
Also Known As:Begubagad, Bedubagarh
Location:Bedu Bagad (बेडू बगड), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.406964 N 79.045850 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49.4 meters (162 feet) estimated


External Links:

Bedu Bagad

Bedu Bagad (बेडू बगड), Uttarakhand, India - Mandakini River
Bridgemeister ID:7001 (added 2022-04-30)
Name:Bedu Bagad
Also Known As:Begubagad, Bedubagarh
Location:Bedu Bagad (बेडू बगड), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Mandakini River
Coordinates:30.406886 N 79.045897 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 34.4 meters (113 feet) estimated


Beedelup Falls

Beedelup, Western Australia, Australia - Beedelup Falls
Bridgemeister ID:2912 (added 2019-09-15)
Name:Beedelup Falls
Location:Beedelup, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Beedelup Falls
Coordinates:34.418449 S 115.867800 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2786 (added 2019-06-30)
Location:Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.701500 N 121.197967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bel-Air Country Club

Los Angeles, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:6777 (added 2021-10-28)
Name:Bel-Air Country Club
Location:Los Angeles, California, USA
Coordinates:34.078701 N 118.450619 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58 meters (190.3 feet) estimated

Belimbing Besi

Medingin, Belandang, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4802 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:Belimbing Besi
Location:Medingin, Belandang, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:4.053892 S 103.767248 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Ben Salley

Viper and Cornettsville, Kentucky, USA - North Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:5913 (added 2021-05-23)
Name:Ben Salley
Location:Viper and Cornettsville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:North Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.152879 N 83.089478 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Deck may have been replaced in the 2010s.

Ben Tat

Truong Son, Vietnam - Ben Hai River
Bridgemeister ID:3178 (added 2019-11-09)
Name:Ben Tat
Location:Truong Son, Vietnam
Crossing:Ben Hai River
Coordinates:16.955016 N 106.950775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Benchmark Pack

Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA - South Fork Sun River
Bridgemeister ID:6351 (added 2021-07-25)
Name:Benchmark Pack
Location:Augusta vicinity, Montana, USA
Crossing:South Fork Sun River
At or Near Feature:Continental Divide Trail, Bob Marshall Wilderness
Coordinates:47.506399 N 112.890707 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet) estimated

Bengal Sikkim Border

Goke, West Bengal and Jorethang, Sikkim, India - Rammam River
Bridgemeister ID:6242 (added 2021-07-17)
Name:Bengal Sikkim Border
Also Known As:বেঙ্গল সিকিম বর্ডার ব্রিজ
Location:Goke, West Bengal and Jorethang, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rammam River
Coordinates:27.128267 N 88.272631 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Sagami River
Bridgemeister ID:5053 (added 2020-08-29)
Also Known As:弁天橋
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Sagami River
Coordinates:35.619755 N 139.202493 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Berat, Albania - Osum River
Bridgemeister ID:7429 (added 2022-12-10)
Location:Berat, Albania
Crossing:Osum River
Coordinates:40.703878 N 19.949729 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Berglern, Germany - Mittlere-Isar-Kanal
Bridgemeister ID:7688 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Berglern, Germany
Coordinates:48.388860 N 11.928390 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2009-2016 time frame.

External Links:


Berkåk, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3847 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Berkåk, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.813810 N 10.007180 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 52.5 meters (172.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial imagery, completed prior to 1958.


Lima, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5952 (added 2021-06-29)
Location:Lima, Peru
Coordinates:12.026920 S 76.992967 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shiramine, Hakusan, Ishikawa, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:7061 (added 2022-05-27)
Location:Shiramine, Hakusan, Ishikawa, Japan
Coordinates:36.124814 N 136.741428 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 115 meters (377.3 feet) estimated

Bharyang Bhurung

Samari (समारी), Nepal - Bharyang Bhurung
Bridgemeister ID:7973 (added 2023-11-26)
Name:Bharyang Bhurung
Location:Samari (समारी), Nepal
Crossing:Bharyang Bhurung
Coordinates:27.953556 N 85.009806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.7 meters (166.3 feet)
Deck width:1.2 meters


  • Completed at some point in the 1900-1909 time frame.

External Links:


Barakpur, West Bengal, India - Ichhamati River
Bridgemeister ID:3839 (added 2020-03-06)
Location:Barakpur, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Ichhamati River
Coordinates:23.067238 N 88.779585 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Dalapachan Khasmahal and Lolay Khasmahal, West Bengal, India
Bridgemeister ID:5259 (added 2020-11-07)
Location:Dalapachan Khasmahal and Lolay Khasmahal, West Bengal, India
Coordinates:27.076170 N 88.549858 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Big Beaver Creek

Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA - Big Beaver Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2185 (added 2007-01-14)
Name:Big Beaver Creek
Location:Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA
Crossing:Big Beaver Creek
At or Near Feature:North Cascades National Park
Coordinates:48.77475 N 121.06659 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.4 meters (126 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Big Creek

Concord Township, Ohio, USA - Big Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5555 (added 2020-12-17)
Name:Big Creek
Location:Concord Township, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Big Creek
At or Near Feature:Girdled Road Reservation
Coordinates:41.659951 N 81.184281 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Big Run

Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA - Cove Creek
Bridgemeister ID:557 (added before 2003)
Name:Big Run
Location:Troy vicinity, Gilmer County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cove Creek
Coordinates:39.04545 N 80.77028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Big Salmon River

Saint Martins, New Brunswick, Canada - Big Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:3558 (added 2019-12-26)
Name:Big Salmon River
Location:Saint Martins, New Brunswick, Canada
Crossing:Big Salmon River
Coordinates:45.422665 N 65.409299 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bill Perk Litteral Memorial

Paintsville, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:360 (added before 2003)
Name:Bill Perk Litteral Memorial
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Paintsville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.81233 N 82.80991 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 59.4 meters (195 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 27.1 meters (89 feet) estimated,
1 x 20.7 meters (68 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Becky Brown


Bing'anxiang (丙安乡), Chishui City, Guizhou, China - Chishui River
Bridgemeister ID:8097 (added 2023-12-25)
Also Known As:丙安铁索桥
Location:Bing'anxiang (丙安乡), Chishui City, Guizhou, China
Crossing:Chishui River
Coordinates:28.474250 N 105.818944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 89 meters (292 feet) estimated

External Links:


Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8343 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.766806 N 98.863417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 137 meters (449.5 feet) estimated



Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8344 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Liuku (六库镇), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.767028 N 98.863389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2015
Main Span:1 x 143 meters (469.2 feet) estimated



Birchville, Upper Hutt, New Zealand - Clarks Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7419 (added 2022-12-08)
Location:Birchville, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Crossing:Clarks Creek
Coordinates:41.094549 S 175.091704 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Birkhall, Ballater, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Muick
Bridgemeister ID:6435 (added 2021-08-12)
Location:Birkhall, Ballater, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Muick
Coordinates:57.028166 N 3.072770 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Birr Castle

Birr Castle, County Offaly, Ireland - Camcor River
Bridgemeister ID:1311 (added 2004-04-11)
Name:Birr Castle
Location:Birr Castle, County Offaly, Ireland
Crossing:Camcor River
Coordinates:53.095198 N 7.915938 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 13.4 meters (44 feet)


Photo by David Denenberg


Jinsekikogen, Hiroshima, Japan - Bitchu Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5344 (added 2020-11-14)
Also Known As:備中湖の吊橋
Location:Jinsekikogen, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Bitchu Lake
Coordinates:34.820162 N 133.336145 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


Rollag, Viken, Norway - Numedalslågen
Bridgemeister ID:4098 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Rollag, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.983021 N 9.294304 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


Bjørnholt, Oslo, Norway - Bjørnsjøelva
Bridgemeister ID:3972 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Bjørnholt, Oslo, Norway
Coordinates:60.04021 N 10.69927 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 16 meters (52.5 feet) estimated


Murrindindi, Victoria, Australia - Murrindindi River
Bridgemeister ID:5541 (added 2020-12-02)
Location:Murrindindi, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Murrindindi River
At or Near Feature:Murrindindi Scenic Reserve
Coordinates:37.388431 S 145.554292 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Bridgemeister ID:931 (added 2003-10-25)
Also Known As:Trinity Alps Resort
Location:Trinity Alps, California, USA
Crossing:Stuart Fork Trinity River
Coordinates:40.85663 N 122.88776 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51.2 meters (168 feet) estimated


  • Asymmetrical bridge with one tower much taller than the other. The larger tower appears to have been added in 2003 when the bridge was rebuilt following an August 2002 collapse due to a rusted cable. A sign on the current bridge reads "Blaney Bridge, Engineered by Colin Blaney, 2003," but there has been a suspension bridge at this location since before 2003. Follow the photo showing the damaged bridge for more information.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Bruce Gapinski

Blowout Creek

Detroit vicinity, Oregon, USA - Detroit Lake Reservoir, Blowout Creek arm
Bridgemeister ID:1998 (added 2005-12-25)
Name:Blowout Creek
Location:Detroit vicinity, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Detroit Lake Reservoir, Blowout Creek arm
Coordinates:44.676783 N 122.18655 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Blue Point Sheep

Mesa vicinity, Arizona, USA - Salt River
Bridgemeister ID:5050 (added 2020-08-25)
Name:Blue Point Sheep
Location:Mesa vicinity, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Salt River
Coordinates:33.555430 N 111.587640 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Pictured on page 464 of the 1956 series of National Geographic magazines. Some remnants appear to be present (as of 2020).

Blue Pools

Makarora, New Zealand - Makarora River
Bridgemeister ID:2860 (added 2019-09-08)
Name:Blue Pools
Location:Makarora, New Zealand
Crossing:Makarora River
Coordinates:44.161928 S 169.269293 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Boca Kiatari

Boca Kiatari, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru - Rio Sonomoro
Bridgemeister ID:8705 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:Boca Kiatari
Location:Boca Kiatari, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Sonomoro
Coordinates:11.533111 S 74.432167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 87 meters (285.4 feet) estimated

Bog Inn Creek

Waimiha, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:8815 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:Bog Inn Creek
Location:Waimiha, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Te Araroa Timber Trail
Coordinates:38.584556 S 175.608167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Taka, Hyogo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6080 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:冒険広場の吊橋
Location:Taka, Hyogo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Takacho Leisure Village Park - 多可町余暇村公園
Coordinates:35.077803 N 134.923879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Pikeville vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:318 (added before 2003)
Location:Pikeville vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Carried Kentucky route 1384 over the Levisa Fork. Likely removed in time frame 1985-1994.

External Links:


Bollène, Vaucluse, France - Donzère Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1583 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Bollène, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Donzère Canal
Coordinates:44.284683 N 4.732283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:1909 (added 2005-10-08)
Location:Bonawe, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Awe
Coordinates:56.434000 N 5.215000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Bonneuil-Matours, Vienne, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:7556 (added 2023-03-19)
Location:Bonneuil-Matours, Vienne, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Coordinates:46.681699 N 0.575330 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Koka, Shiga, Japan - Daido River
Bridgemeister ID:7033 (added 2022-05-21)
Also Known As:保良の宮橋
Location:Koka, Shiga, Japan
Crossing:Daido River
At or Near Feature:Gyokukeiji-Mae Station (玉桂寺前駅)
Coordinates:34.884988 N 136.069489 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:4470 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.274801 N 11.126999 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated


  • Built before 1938. Removed at some point between 1963 and 1978.
  • There was a simple (drooping) suspension bridge immediately adjacent to this pipeline bridge. The simple suspension bridge is not tracked in the Bridgemeister inventory.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bottcher's Landing

Big Flats, New York, USA - Chemung River
Bridgemeister ID:2632 (added 2019-02-24)
Name:Bottcher's Landing
Location:Big Flats, New York, USA
Crossing:Chemung River
Main Cables:Wire


Titusville vicinity, Venango County, Pennsylvania, USA - Oil Creek
Bridgemeister ID:867 (added 2003-08-23)
Location:Titusville vicinity, Venango County, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Oil Creek
At or Near Feature:Oil Creek State Park
Coordinates:41.59955 N 79.64521 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet)


  • The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources posted an advisory, effective February 28, 2005, that this bridge was closed until further notice. This is likely a temporary closing.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Boulder Creek Pack

Lowell vicinity, Idaho, USA - Boulder Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1384 (added 2004-07-03)
Name:Boulder Creek Pack
Location:Lowell vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Boulder Creek
At or Near Feature:Clearwater National Forest
Coordinates:46.33599 N 115.31319 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:Closed, September 14, 2007 (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated


  • Located approximately 23 miles east of Lowell near the junction of Boulder Creek and the Lochsa River.
  • According to an article in the September 13, 2007 edition of the Latah Eagle (Latah County, Idaho): "The suspension bridge that crosses Boulder Creek at Wilderness Gateway Campground 49 miles east of Kooskia, Idaho, off U.S. Highway 12 will be permanently closed Friday, September 14, due to structural weakness discovered recently on a routine engineering review."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Bouziès, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:2317 (added 2007-05-05)
Location:Bouziès, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.485815 N 1.642999 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Bowlin Camps, Patten, Maine, USA - Penobscot River E. Branch
Bridgemeister ID:277 (added before 2003)
Location:Bowlin Camps, Patten, Maine, USA
Crossing:Penobscot River E. Branch
Coordinates:46.033778 N 68.726833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Verdun-sur-le-Doubs and Bragny-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:7370 (added 2022-11-05)
Location:Verdun-sur-le-Doubs and Bragny-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:46.902546 N 5.022619 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Vera, Verdal and Kleppen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Helgåa
Bridgemeister ID:3734 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Vera, Verdal and Kleppen, Verdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.803750 N 12.170230 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Visible in 1967 satellite images. Was demolished after a replacement was completed crossing Helgåa at Kleppen, northwest of this location.

Breakfast Gorge

Laudat, Titou Gorge vicinity, Dominica - Breakfast River Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:1148 (added 2004-01-17)
Name:Breakfast Gorge
Location:Laudat, Titou Gorge vicinity, Dominica
Crossing:Breakfast River Gorge
Coordinates:15.321999 N 61.314684 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Footbridge with large steel towers.


Harpefoss, Sør-Fron, Innlandet, Norway - Lågen
Bridgemeister ID:3958 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Harpefoss, Sør-Fron, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.56418 N 9.90609 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated

Bridge of Beauty

Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia - Kura River
Bridgemeister ID:7987 (added 2023-12-04)
Name:Bridge of Beauty
Also Known As:სილამაზის ხიდი
Location:Borjomi (ბორჯომი), Georgia
Crossing:Kura River
Coordinates:41.842250 N 43.382000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (255.9 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridge of the Great Falls

Kinko, Kimotsuki, Kagoshima, Japan - Kono River
Bridgemeister ID:888 (added 2003-09-06)
Name:Bridge of the Great Falls
Location:Kinko, Kimotsuki, Kagoshima, Japan
Crossing:Kono River
At or Near Feature:Kamikawaotaki Park
Coordinates:31.256971 N 130.813565 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated



Bridgeport, Colorado, USA - Gunnison River
Bridgemeister ID:2371 (added 2007-09-29)
Location:Bridgeport, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Gunnison River
Coordinates:38.83782 N 108.38141 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire


Grøa, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3896 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Grøa, Sunndal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.64407 N 8.78574 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, built prior to 1971.

Brookside Park

Ames, Iowa, USA - Squaw Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1644 (added 2005-03-18)
Name:Brookside Park
Location:Ames, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Squaw Creek
At or Near Feature:Brookside Park
Coordinates:42.02895 N 93.62915 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated


  • Wrecked by flood May, 2008. Permanently replaced by a non-suspension bridge February, 2009.
Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Zavarzino (Заварзино), Tomsk Oblast, Russia - Reka Ushayka
Bridgemeister ID:6145 (added 2021-07-07)
Also Known As:Brooklyn, Бруклинский
Location:Zavarzino (Заварзино), Tomsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Ushayka
Coordinates:56.468649 N 85.075854 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Known as "Brooklyn Bridge in Zavarzino" as an homage to New York's Brooklyn Bridge.

Brushy Hollow Swinging

Clifton Forge, Virginia, USA - Wilson Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4853 (added 2020-07-12)
Name:Brushy Hollow Swinging
Location:Clifton Forge, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Wilson Creek
At or Near Feature:Brushy Hollow Trail, Douthat State Park
Coordinates:37.881186 N 79.807108 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bubur, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6774 (added 2021-10-27)
Location:Bubur, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.143838 N 73.857727 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100.6 meters (330 feet) estimated


  • 2010: Deck wrecked by flood. Eventually repaired.

External Links:

Buffalo Bayou

Houston, Texas, USA - Buffalo Bayou
Bridgemeister ID:2693 (added 2019-05-27)
Name:Buffalo Bayou
Location:Houston, Texas, USA
Crossing:Buffalo Bayou
At or Near Feature:Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens
Coordinates:29.758388 N 95.421279 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bhukki (भुक्की) and Tihar (तिहार), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7977 (added 2023-11-26)
Also Known As:Bukki, Bhukki
Location:Bhukki (भुक्की) and Tihar (तिहार), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.865856 N 78.653675 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.4 meters (185 feet) estimated

External Links:

Bukit Gasing

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:6913 (added 2022-01-21)
Name:Bukit Gasing
Also Known As:Steel
Location:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
At or Near Feature:Taman Rimba Bukit Kerinchi
Coordinates:3.096987 N 101.662530 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Buller Gorge

Inangahua Junction, New Zealand - Buller River
Bridgemeister ID:8550 (added 2024-04-05)
Name:Buller Gorge
Location:Inangahua Junction, New Zealand
Crossing:Buller River
Main Span:1


  • There were likely several suspension bridges across the long stretches of the Buller River known as "Buller Gorge" (there are both "lower" and "upper" stretches of Buller Gorge). The bridge pictured here appears to have been located at Inangahua Junction.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bunzten Lake

Anmore, British Columbia, Canada - Buntzen Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5174 (added 2020-10-03)
Name:Bunzten Lake
Location:Anmore, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Buntzen Lake
Coordinates:49.365787 N 122.858608 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 2022, September: Bridge is scheduled to be replaced by November 2022.


Sagwari, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5893 (added 2021-05-20)
Location:Sagwari, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.868026 N 78.709397 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Langholm, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Esk
Bridgemeister ID:7857 (added 2023-09-15)
Location:Langholm, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Esk
Coordinates:55.189486 N 3.042137 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • The coordinates provided here appear to be the likely location of this bridge. The current (as of the 2020s) bridge dates to 1902. The linked postcard image for "Suspension Bridge Burnfoot" is postmarked from nearby Langholm (in 1908).

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Butcher's Ford

Kaiapoi, New Zealand - Kaiapoi River
Bridgemeister ID:682 (added 2003-03-08)
Name:Butcher's Ford
Also Known As:Durrell's Ford, Hassall's Ford, Butchers
Location:Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Crossing:Kaiapoi River
Coordinates:43.382244 S 172.631183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2



Butuh, Karangbanyu, Widodaren, Ngawi Regency, East Java, Indonesia - Solo River
Bridgemeister ID:7280 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Butuh, Karangbanyu, Widodaren, Ngawi Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Solo River
Coordinates:7.369264 S 111.254370 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed at some point in 2014 or 2015.

C.B. Kidson

Appleby, New Zealand - Waimea River
Bridgemeister ID:2875 (added 2019-09-09)
Name:C.B. Kidson
Location:Appleby, New Zealand
Crossing:Waimea River
Coordinates:41.296995 S 173.138165 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Cacheuta, Luján de Cuyo vicinity, Mendoza, Argentina - Mendoza River
Bridgemeister ID:1558 (added 2004-11-26)
Location:Cacheuta, Luján de Cuyo vicinity, Mendoza, Argentina
Crossing:Mendoza River
Coordinates:33.012172 S 33.012172 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Chiusaforte, Udine, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:5108 (added 2020-09-05)
Location:Chiusaforte, Udine, Italy
Coordinates:46.428731 N 13.315500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2754 (added 2019-06-29)
Also Known As:彩虹吊橋, Rainbow
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.566231 N 120.934592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Maragondon, Cavite, Philippines - Maragondon River
Bridgemeister ID:2931 (added 2019-09-16)
Location:Maragondon, Cavite, Philippines
Crossing:Maragondon River
Coordinates:14.269427 N 120.736108 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Cajarc, Lot and Salvagnac-Cajarc, Aveyron, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:2315 (added 2007-05-05)
Location:Cajarc, Lot and Salvagnac-Cajarc, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.482974 N 1.844528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Cal Cheak

Cal Cheak, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:5360 (added 2020-11-22)
Name:Cal Cheak
Location:Cal Cheak, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Coordinates:50.059813 N 123.101920 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Calbiga National High School

Calbiga, Samar, Philippines - Calbiga River
Bridgemeister ID:7058 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:Calbiga National High School
Location:Calbiga, Samar, Philippines
Crossing:Calbiga River
Coordinates:11.621606 N 125.016794 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Wage, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5731 (added 2021-04-04)
Location:Wage, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.182620 S 120.014300 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Caraz, Peru - Rio Santa
Bridgemeister ID:7895 (added 2023-10-14)
Location:Caraz, Peru
Crossing:Rio Santa
Coordinates:9.055538 S 77.812614 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Franz Josef Glacier vicinity, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:771 (added 2003-03-13)
Location:Franz Josef Glacier vicinity, New Zealand
Coordinates:43.400787 S 170.186270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Eileen O'Grady


Calvelo, Spain - Rio Lérez
Bridgemeister ID:3641 (added 2020-01-23)
Location:Calvelo, Spain
Crossing:Rio Lérez
Coordinates:42.461338 N 8.570086 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Cambao, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3605 (added 2019-12-31)
Location:Cambao, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:4.905163 N 74.739833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Cambo-les-Bains, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Nive River
Bridgemeister ID:1170 (added 2004-01-23)
Location:Cambo-les-Bains, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Nive River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Caminito del Rey

El Chorro vicinity, Spain
Bridgemeister ID:3057 (added 2019-10-26)
Name:Caminito del Rey
Location:El Chorro vicinity, Spain
Coordinates:36.916111 N 4.772482 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Camp Four

Camp Four, Benguet, Philippines - Bued River
Bridgemeister ID:8109 (added 2024-01-06)
Name:Camp Four
Location:Camp Four, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Bued River
Coordinates:16.309028 N 120.613250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates indicate location of current (as of the 2020s) Camp Four bridge carrying the Kennon (Benguet) Road. Unclear if the suspension bridge was at this exact location.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:4557 (added 2020-06-01)
Location:Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.597574 N 3.492968 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 1930 or late 1920s.
  • 2017: A cable snaps. The bridge is closed for temporary repairs and reopened.
  • 2020, October: Closed for more substantial repairs including replacement of all of the suspender cables and reinforcement of the anchorages.
  • 2021, July: The bridge is reopened.
  • Replaced 1874 Canet - Canet and Le Pouget, Hérault, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Wimborne vicinity, Dorset, England, United Kingdom - River Stour
Bridgemeister ID:1126 (added 2004-01-11)
Location:Wimborne vicinity, Dorset, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Stour
Coordinates:50.78916 N 1.95831 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Danling County (丹棱县), Meishan (眉山市), Sichuan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8234 (added 2024-02-07)
Location:Danling County (丹棱县), Meishan (眉山市), Sichuan, China
Coordinates:30.011778 N 103.516389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2018-2021
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Completed at some point in the 2003-2009 time frame. Replaced at some point in the 2018-2021 time frame.

External Links:


Canlaon City, Negros Oriental, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:3329 (added 2019-12-07)
Location:Canlaon City, Negros Oriental, Philippines
At or Near Feature:Quipot Falls
Coordinates:10.345721 N 123.198158 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cercy-la-Tour, Nièvre, France - La Canne
Bridgemeister ID:7860 (added 2023-09-15)
Location:Cercy-la-Tour, Nièvre, France
Crossing:La Canne
Coordinates:46.867109 N 3.640361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 14 meters (45.9 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Cannes Écluse

Cannes Écluse, Montereau-Fault-Yonne vicinity, Seine-et-Marne, France - Yonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2115 (added 2006-09-09)
Name:Cannes Écluse
Location:Cannes Écluse, Montereau-Fault-Yonne vicinity, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Yonne River
Coordinates:48.366889 N 2.984011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 14, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • There may have been another suspension bridge in the Montereau vicinity crossing the Seine. The bridge pictured here was definitely located at the indicated coordinates, crossing the Yonne.
  • Destroyed by French troops to slow the progression of the German army.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Capdenac, Lot and Capdenac-Gare, Aveyron, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:1967 (added 2005-11-26)
Location:Capdenac, Lot and Capdenac-Gare, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Lot River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Puente Capelo, Peru - Rio Paucartambo
Bridgemeister ID:8223 (added 2024-02-06)
Location:Puente Capelo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Paucartambo
Coordinates:10.867694 S 75.273028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1


  • The bridge pictured here was presumably located in the village of Puente Capelo at the indicated coordinates, but this has not been confirmed.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Capriata d'Orba

Capriata d'Orba, Alessandria, Italy - Orba River
Bridgemeister ID:7858 (added 2023-09-15)
Name:Capriata d'Orba
Location:Capriata d'Orba, Alessandria, Italy
Crossing:Orba River
Coordinates:44.731839 N 8.678033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Apartadó
Bridgemeister ID:7405 (added 2022-12-04)
Location:Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Apartadó
Coordinates:7.864928 N 76.572171 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66.1 meters (217 feet) estimated

External Links:


Carahue, Chile - Imperial River
Bridgemeister ID:2254 (added 2007-04-09)
Location:Carahue, Chile
Crossing:Imperial River
Coordinates:38.71862 S 73.175371 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Large vehicular bridge.

Carlo Alberto

Pollenzo, Bra vicinity, Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy - Tanaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6189 (added 2021-07-10)
Name:Carlo Alberto
Also Known As:Albertino
Location:Pollenzo, Bra vicinity, Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy
Crossing:Tanaro River
Coordinates:44.684560 N 7.912520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 1945 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have been built in the late 1840s or early 1850s. Destroyed during World War II.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Carlos Castillo Peraza

Playa Vicente, Veracruz, Mexico - Rio Tesechoacan
Bridgemeister ID:7733 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:Carlos Castillo Peraza
Location:Playa Vicente, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Tesechoacan
Coordinates:17.833802 N 95.812130 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:3

External Links:

Casale Monferrato

Casale Monferrato, Italy - Po River
Bridgemeister ID:7554 (added 2023-03-18)
Name:Casale Monferrato
Location:Casale Monferrato, Italy
Crossing:Po River
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Caserío El Progreso

Aguilares and Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Acelhuate
Bridgemeister ID:7372 (added 2022-11-23)
Name:Caserío El Progreso
Location:Aguilares and Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Acelhuate
Coordinates:13.923739 N 89.198697 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.9 meters (180 feet) estimated


  • Replaced a bridge destroyed by Hurricane Ida (2009).
  • 2020, May: Deck heavily damaged by Tropical Storm Amanda floodwaters. Repaired soon after.

External Links:


Sierra National Forest, California, USA - Middle Fork San Joaquin River
Bridgemeister ID:321 (added before 2003)
Location:Sierra National Forest, California, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork San Joaquin River
At or Near Feature:Ansel Adams Wilderness, Minarets Ranger District
Coordinates:37.48328 N 119.20778 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)
Deck width:5 feet


External Links:


Castelfranc, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:1949 (added 2005-11-04)
Location:Castelfranc, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.499927 N 1.220113 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Castelfranc, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7478 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Castelfranc, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.500180 N 1.220295 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Castillon-la-Bataille, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:2961 (added 2019-10-06)
Location:Castillon-la-Bataille, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Castle Rock

Castle Rock, Washington, USA - Cowlitz River
Bridgemeister ID:7588 (added 2023-05-06)
Name:Castle Rock
Location:Castle Rock, Washington, USA
Crossing:Cowlitz River
Status:Destroyed, September 17, 1906
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Destroyed by fire, September 17, 1906.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Lunahuaná, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8605 (added 2024-05-26)
Location:Lunahuaná, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.919167 S 76.101056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 2017
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the damaged bridge. Posted September 19, 2018.
  • Google Maps. Street view image of the bridge. Dated April 2013.


Lunahuaná, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8607 (added 2024-05-26)
Location:Lunahuaná, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.918889 S 76.101528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 22 meters (72.2 feet) estimated


Catwalk Canyon

Glenwood, New Mexico, USA - Whitewater Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:1663 (added 2005-03-20)
Name:Catwalk Canyon
Location:Glenwood, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Whitewater Canyon
At or Near Feature:Catwalk National Recreation Trail
Coordinates:33.37611 N 108.82806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Cau Nà Làng

Tình Húc, Binh Liêu District, Quang Ninh, Vietnam - Sông Tiên Yên
Bridgemeister ID:4234 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:Cau Nà Làng
Location:Tình Húc, Binh Liêu District, Quang Ninh, Vietnam
Crossing:Sông Tiên Yên
Coordinates:21.533303 N 107.397442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)

Cau Phac Tha

Hua Cau, Tiên Yên District, Quang Ninh, Vietnam - Sông Tiên Yên
Bridgemeister ID:4235 (added 2020-04-09)
Name:Cau Phac Tha
Location:Hua Cau, Tiên Yên District, Quang Ninh, Vietnam
Crossing:Sông Tiên Yên
Coordinates:21.381504 N 107.370005 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 118.5 meters (388.8 feet) estimated


Caucalières, Tarn, France - Thoré River
Bridgemeister ID:4845 (added 2020-07-11)
Location:Caucalières, Tarn, France
Crossing:Thoré River
Coordinates:43.521887 N 2.312212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates indicate likely location. It appears the present day (2020) truss bridge was installed on the former suspension bridge's abutments.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Manito, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:2903 (added 2019-09-13)
Location:Manito, Philippines
Coordinates:13.127770 N 123.864854 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Completed c. 2016-2018.


Cazadero, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2352 (added 2007-08-18)
Location:Cazadero, California, USA
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire


  • Appears to provide access to the Cazadero Performing Arts Camp.

Bridgemeister ID:2348 (added 2007-08-18)
Location:Cazals, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Aveyron River
Coordinates:44.117162 N 1.722510 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Thézan-lès-Béziers, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:4545 (added 2020-05-30)
Also Known As:Gaston-Doumergue
Location:Thézan-lès-Béziers, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.412204 N 3.131734 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.5 meters (398.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Cézy and Saint-Aubin-sur-Yonne, Yonne, France - Yonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2054 (added 2006-06-02)
Also Known As:Jacques Cœur
Location:Cézy and Saint-Aubin-sur-Yonne, Yonne, France
Crossing:Yonne River
Coordinates:47.993878 N 3.343591 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Cedar Rapids Country Club

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA - Indian Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3275 (added 2019-11-17)
Name:Cedar Rapids Country Club
Location:Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Indian Creek
Coordinates:42.004703 N 91.624127 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Cedar Rapids Country Club

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA - Indian Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3350 (added 2019-12-14)
Name:Cedar Rapids Country Club
Location:Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Crossing:Indian Creek
Coordinates:41.999404 N 91.620777 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bridgemeister ID:3993 (added 2020-03-23)
Location:Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.573086 S 116.109058 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Othemars, Slite vicinity, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:5773 (added 2021-04-08)
Location:Othemars, Slite vicinity, Sweden
Coordinates:57.719961 N 18.755321 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cendrecourt, Haute-Saône, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:4720 (added 2020-06-26)
Location:Cendrecourt, Haute-Saône, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:47.840527 N 5.917462 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1940
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


San Jerónimo de Tunán, Huancayo, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5930 (added 2021-06-27)
Also Known As:Centennial
Location:San Jerónimo de Tunán, Huancayo, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.955931 S 75.296669 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Cercy-la-Tour, Nièvre, France - Aron River
Bridgemeister ID:2067 (added 2006-06-06)
Location:Cercy-la-Tour, Nièvre, France
Crossing:Aron River
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Cessenon-sur-Orb, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:2357 (added 2007-09-03)
Location:Cessenon-sur-Orb, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Coordinates:43.451300 N 3.046790 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by Robert Cortright Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:2660 (added 2019-03-09)
Location:Bampton, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Exe
Coordinates:50.977313 N 3.512944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1


  • Short one-lane suspension bridge apparently on private property near gate house for Stuckeridge House. Visible from route A396.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.


Matsusaka, Mie, Japan - Kushida River
Bridgemeister ID:4971 (added 2020-08-15)
Also Known As:ちゃくらばし
Location:Matsusaka, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Kushida River
Coordinates:34.460305 N 136.399619 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated


Challuayacu, Pizana and Nuevo Horizonte, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8583 (added 2024-05-18)
Location:Challuayacu, Pizana and Nuevo Horizonte, Peru
Coordinates:8.097889 S 76.629861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 152 meters (498.7 feet) estimated

Bridgemeister ID:7711 (added 2023-07-07)
Location:Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
Coordinates:32.555334 N 76.120818 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.


Gorham, New Hampshire, USA - Androscoggin River
Bridgemeister ID:322 (added before 2003)
Location:Gorham, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Androscoggin River
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 68.6 meters (225 feet)


  • Was located at the end of present-day Alpine Street.
Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg


Chanfi, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India - Kalsa River
Bridgemeister ID:7581 (added 2023-04-30)
Location:Chanfi, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kalsa River
Coordinates:29.377118 N 79.582109 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet) estimated

External Links:

Chanuwa Jarayotar

Jarayotar (जरायोटार), Bhojpur and Chanuwa (चनुवा), Dhankuta, Nepal - Arun River
Bridgemeister ID:8459 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:Chanuwa Jarayotar
Location:Jarayotar (जरायोटार), Bhojpur and Chanuwa (चनुवा), Dhankuta, Nepal
Crossing:Arun River
Coordinates:27.166942 N 87.272783 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 199 meters (652.9 feet)


  • Completed in 2014 or 2015.

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image with bridge barely visible along the right edge. Dated December 2020.

Charles Albert

La Roquette-sur-Var, Alpes-Maritimes, France - Var River
Bridgemeister ID:7861 (added 2023-09-15)
Name:Charles Albert
Location:La Roquette-sur-Var, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Crossing:Var River
Coordinates:43.838089 N 7.192564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Charleville-Mézières, Ardennes, France - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:7411 (added 2022-12-04)
Location:Charleville-Mézières, Ardennes, France
Crossing:Meuse River
Coordinates:49.775831 N 4.725261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Chatra Ghat

Mainamaine (मैनामैनी) and Barahakshetra (बराहक्षेत्र), Nepal - Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:8155 (added 2024-02-03)
Name:Chatra Ghat
Location:Mainamaine (मैनामैनी) and Barahakshetra (बराहक्षेत्र), Nepal
Coordinates:26.868525 N 87.151944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 167.8 meters (550.5 feet)


  • Completed at some point around 1997-1998.

External Links:

Chattar Park

Islamabad, Pakistan - Korang River
Bridgemeister ID:4607 (added 2020-06-07)
Name:Chattar Park
Location:Islamabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Korang River
At or Near Feature:Chattar Park
Coordinates:33.778848 N 73.242547 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Chaudière River

Charny, Quebec, Canada - Chaudière River
Bridgemeister ID:247 (added before 2003)
Name:Chaudière River
Location:Charny, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Chaudière River
Coordinates:46.717350 N 71.285937 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Châteauneuf-sur-Isère and Beaumont-Monteux, Drôme, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:4879 (added 2020-07-18)
Location:Châteauneuf-sur-Isère and Beaumont-Monteux, Drôme, France
Crossing:Isère River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Maniyanpara, Kerala, India - Periyar River
Bridgemeister ID:2993 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Maniyanpara, Kerala, India
Crossing:Periyar River
Coordinates:10.041373 N 76.800617 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2018
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Destroyed by flood, 2018.

Chemin de l'Ile

Montélimar, Drôme and Le Teil, Ardèche, France - Canal de Dérivation de Montélimar
Bridgemeister ID:2218 (added 2007-02-14)
Name:Chemin de l'Ile
Location:Montélimar, Drôme and Le Teil, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Canal de Dérivation de Montélimar
Coordinates:44.534814 N 4.726179 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Chemmappilly and Thriprayar, Kerala, India - Karuvannur River
Bridgemeister ID:2839 (added 2019-07-06)
Location:Chemmappilly and Thriprayar, Kerala, India
Crossing:Karuvannur River
Coordinates:10.424234 N 76.112438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Cheonjang Lake

Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea - Cheonjang Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5869 (added 2021-05-17)
Name:Cheonjang Lake
Also Known As:천장호 출렁다리, Cheongyang
Location:Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
Crossing:Cheonjang Lake
Coordinates:36.414838 N 126.915755 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • One suspension tower is formed in the shape of two red chili peppers (capsicum) and a red bell pepper


Doding Laga Chepadon (दोडिंग लागा चेपादों), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India - Pindar River
Bridgemeister ID:6945 (added 2022-01-29)
Location:Doding Laga Chepadon (दोडिंग लागा चेपादों), Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.047453 N 79.537489 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Span:1 x 76.2 meters (250 feet) estimated



Cheroor, Kerala, India - Payaswini River
Bridgemeister ID:3008 (added 2019-10-13)
Also Known As:Cherrur
Location:Cheroor, Kerala, India
Crossing:Payaswini River
Coordinates:12.493915 N 75.034104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Chester D. Wolfe Memorial

Barbours vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Loyalsock Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1878 (added 2005-09-24)
Name:Chester D. Wolfe Memorial
Location:Barbours vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Loyalsock Creek
Coordinates:41.38142 N 76.83792 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Cheyya Bagad

Hokara (होकर), Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7032 (added 2022-05-21)
Name:Cheyya Bagad
Location:Hokara (होकर), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:30.034419 N 80.071639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Bridgemeister ID:5286 (added 2020-11-08)
Also Known As:छतरू ब्रिज
Location:Chhatru, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:32.319258 N 77.364527 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated


Mathmalana (मथ्मलाना), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7120 (added 2022-06-12)
Also Known As:Chinka
Location:Mathmalana (मथ्मलाना), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.413322 N 79.366495 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge, posted October 2020.
  • Instagram. Video of the bridge, posted August 2019.


Chhintang (छिन्ताङ), Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:5283 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Chhintang (छिन्ताङ), Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:26.916174 N 87.161599 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bridgemeister ID:3646 (added 2020-01-25)
Location:Chicham, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Spiti River
Coordinates:32.343156 N 77.997446 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Chihani, Algeria - Oed Seybouse
Bridgemeister ID:4608 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Chihani, Algeria
Crossing:Oed Seybouse
Coordinates:36.652540 N 7.782742 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals: Ferdinand Arnodin
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Extensive renovation in late 2000s included complete replacement of suspension system, widening, and a new deck.

External Links:


Chihengdi (赤恒底村), Lumadengxiang (鹿马登乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8311 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Chihengdi (赤恒底村), Lumadengxiang (鹿马登乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.983889 N 98.864722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


Bhagotla (भागोतला) and Chimbalhar (चिम्बल्हर), Palumpar (पालमपुर) vicinity, Himachal Pradesh, India - Nyugal Khad
Bridgemeister ID:4963 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Bhagotla (भागोतला) and Chimbalhar (चिम्बल्हर), Palumpar (पालमपुर) vicinity, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Nyugal Khad
Coordinates:32.115047 N 76.499873 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2005-2009 time frame.

External Links:

China Flat Tract

Downiesville vicinity and Sierra City vicinity, California, USA - North Yuba River
Bridgemeister ID:1432 (added 2004-07-25)
Name:China Flat Tract
Location:Downiesville vicinity and Sierra City vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:North Yuba River
Coordinates:39.561033 N 120.754067 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.5 meters (136 feet) estimated


  • Off Route 49 about midway between Downiesville and Sierra City.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Hamardas and Gupis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6772 (added 2021-10-27)
Also Known As:China
Location:Hamardas and Gupis, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.239134 N 73.425963 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (420 feet) estimated

External Links:


Chinyingi, Zambia - Zambezi River
Bridgemeister ID:7027 (added 2022-05-15)
Location:Chinyingi, Zambia
Crossing:Zambezi River
Coordinates:13.352839 S 23.012503 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Choctaw Creek

Bells vicinity, Grayson County, Texas, USA - Choctaw Creek
Bridgemeister ID:133 (added before 2003)
Name:Choctaw Creek
Location:Bells vicinity, Grayson County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Choctaw Creek
Coordinates:33.650717 N 96.480981 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William H. C. Greer
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely built in the 1910s.
Photo by A.W. Vickrey


Chongos Bajo District and Viques District, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:6394 (added 2021-07-27)
Location:Chongos Bajo District and Viques District, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.154210 S 75.244333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2014: Towers remain with no deck or cables. Demolished by 2020.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Sucio
Bridgemeister ID:7392 (added 2022-11-25)
Location:Dabeiba, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sucio
Coordinates:7.020618 N 76.326122 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2019: Rehabilitation and deck replacement project completed

External Links:


Hiouchi, California, USA - South Fork Smith River
Bridgemeister ID:8854 (added 2024-09-30)
Location:Hiouchi, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork Smith River
Coordinates:41.795806 N 124.057361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4325 (added 2020-04-10)
Also Known As:中部橋
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.082517 N 137.801151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 161 meters (528.2 feet) estimated


San Luis de Chucarima, Chitagá, North Santander, Colombia - Río Valegra
Bridgemeister ID:7409 (added 2022-12-04)
Location:San Luis de Chucarima, Chitagá, North Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Río Valegra
Coordinates:7.11976 N 72.49793 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:


Huampuchaca, Chalhuanca, Aymaraes, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8760 (added 2024-07-13)
Location:Huampuchaca, Chalhuanca, Aymaraes, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.321861 S 73.192389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 28 meters (91.9 feet) estimated


Chuchumblezo, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7716 (added 2023-07-07)
Also Known As:Chuchumbleza
Location:Chuchumblezo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.531468 S 78.529385 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated


Shigesato, Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Imanishi River
Bridgemeister ID:3389 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Shigesato, Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Imanishi River
Coordinates:33.942308 N 135.744448 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Chulilla, Valencia, Spain - Turia
Bridgemeister ID:3226 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Chulilla, Valencia, Spain
Coordinates:39.668803 N 0.894004 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


San Ignacio, El Salvador - Rio de San Ignacio
Bridgemeister ID:7502 (added 2023-01-01)
Also Known As:Cerro Chuntrun
Location:San Ignacio, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio de San Ignacio
Coordinates:14.335781 N 89.209075 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48.8 meters (160 feet) estimated

External Links:


Churuja, Peru - Rio Utcubamba
Bridgemeister ID:8690 (added 2024-06-28)
Location:Churuja, Peru
Crossing:Rio Utcubamba
Coordinates:6.012306 S 77.956361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet)


  • Rooflike structure added to bridge at some point in the 2019-2021 time frame.


Filago, Bergamo, Italy - Brembo
Bridgemeister ID:5803 (added 2021-04-10)
Location:Filago, Bergamo, Italy
Coordinates:45.634927 N 9.559870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Depok, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3667 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.436561 S 106.814337 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Citarik, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia - Cimandiri River
Bridgemeister ID:5625 (added 2020-12-28)
Location:Citarik, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Cimandiri River
Coordinates:7.012544 S 106.567015 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Substructure and suspension system appear to be intact (in 2020) but deck has been removed.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Sukanegara, Jonggol, Bogor and Sukaresmi, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6625 (added 2021-09-06)
Location:Sukanegara, Jonggol, Bogor and Sukaresmi, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.523140 S 107.049485 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated


Bantargebang, Sukabumi Regency and Mekarasih, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7545 (added 2023-03-05)
Location:Bantargebang, Sukabumi Regency and Mekarasih, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.022849 S 106.664674 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 81.1 meters (266 feet) estimated


  • Appears to have been completed in the 2013-2014 time frame.

External Links:

City of Ghosts Gate

Fengdu County (丰都县), Chongqing, China
Bridgemeister ID:1561 (added 2004-11-27)
Name:City of Ghosts Gate
Location:Fengdu County (丰都县), Chongqing, China
At or Near Feature:Fengdu Ghost City - 丰都鬼城
Coordinates:29.886528 N 107.717056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1

Clarendon Gorge

Rutland vicinity, Vermont, USA - Mill River
Bridgemeister ID:323 (added before 2003)
Name:Clarendon Gorge
Also Known As:Robert Brugmann Memorial
Location:Rutland vicinity, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Mill River
At or Near Feature:Appalachian Trail
Coordinates:43.520240 N 72.925480 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Destroyed by flood 1973, rebuilt.
  • Welles Lobb writes: "Bob Brugmann, my best friend from high school, was attempting to cross an older damaged version of the bridge on July 4, 1973 during a flood when he was swept to death in the raging waters. Bob was 17, a brilliant budding environmentalist, and was attempting a southbound thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail the time of his accident. Later, the Green Mountain Club (a hiking organization) rebuilt the bridge and dedicated it to my late friend."
Photo by Sanford Bragg

Club Les Chevaliers De La Motoneige

New Richmond, Quebec, Canada - Little Cascapedia River
Bridgemeister ID:2595 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:Club Les Chevaliers De La Motoneige
Location:New Richmond, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Little Cascapedia River
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.9 meters (262 feet) estimated


Cohetando, Cauca, Colombia - Páez River
Bridgemeister ID:3619 (added 2019-12-31)
Location:Cohetando, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Páez River
Coordinates:2.579002 N 75.979841 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


Coiron, Salamanca, Chile - Rio Choapa
Bridgemeister ID:7604 (added 2023-05-16)
Location:Coiron, Salamanca, Chile
Crossing:Rio Choapa
Coordinates:31.897482 S 70.772009 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

Colònia Sedó

Esparreguera, Barcelona and Olesa de Montserrat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain - Llobregat River
Bridgemeister ID:8169 (added 2024-02-03)
Name:Colònia Sedó
Location:Esparreguera, Barcelona and Olesa de Montserrat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Crossing:Llobregat River
Coordinates:41.546694 N 1.873694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • The sequence of bridges at this location through the 1800s is unclear, but the current (as of 2023) derelict suspension system appears to date to the 1890s (possibly 1892 or 1896).
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Manganeses de la Polvorosa and Villabrázaro, Zamora, Spain - Eria River
Bridgemeister ID:7607 (added 2023-05-19)
Location:Manganeses de la Polvorosa and Villabrázaro, Zamora, Spain
Crossing:Eria River
Coordinates:42.054829 N 5.749975 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Toledo, Spain - Tagus River
Bridgemeister ID:8170 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Toledo, Spain
Crossing:Tagus River
Coordinates:39.862583 N 4.041194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Colima, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:3142 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Colima, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.065922 N 89.135671 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or, Métropole de Lyon, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:2964 (added 2019-10-10)
Location:Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Saône River
Status:Destroyed, September 2, 1944
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Colorados-Puerto Salgar

Puerto Salgar, Cundinamarca, Colombia - Rio Negro
Bridgemeister ID:6847 (added 2022-01-01)
Name:Colorados-Puerto Salgar
Location:Puerto Salgar, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Negro
Coordinates:5.469484 N 74.593308 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Condrieu, Rhône and Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Isère, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:7506 (added 2023-01-02)
Location:Condrieu, Rhône and Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Isère, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:45.456769 N 4.768646 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Conflandey, Haute-Saône, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:7388 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:Conflandey, Haute-Saône, France
Crossing:Saône River

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Cormery and Truyes, Indre-et-Loire, France - Indre River
Bridgemeister ID:1939 (added 2005-10-29)
Location:Cormery and Truyes, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Indre River
Principals:Joseph Chaley
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Stanhope, Durham, England, United Kingdom - River Wear
Bridgemeister ID:6235 (added 2021-07-17)
Location:Stanhope, Durham, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wear
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Balook, Victoria, Australia - Macks Creek
Bridgemeister ID:518 (added before 2003)
Location:Balook, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Macks Creek
At or Near Feature:Tarra-Bulga National Park
Coordinates:38.425584 S 146.572375 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Coudes, Montpeyroux vicinity and Parent, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:3230 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Coudes, Montpeyroux vicinity and Parent, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.615164 N 3.211313 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Coutras, Gironde, France - Dronne River
Bridgemeister ID:2099 (added 2006-07-06)
Location:Coutras, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dronne River
Coordinates:45.041857 N 0.132560 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Coutras, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:7447 (added 2022-12-23)
Location:Coutras, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
At or Near Feature:Canal de Laubardemont
Coordinates:45.033292 N 0.147358 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Créteil-sur-Marne and Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:2059 (added 2006-06-03)
Also Known As:Saint-Maur
Location:Créteil-sur-Marne and Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Crow Island

Osceola, Missouri, USA - Osage River
Bridgemeister ID:7925 (added 2023-10-22)
Name:Crow Island
Location:Osceola, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Osage River
Coordinates:38.061667 N 93.693472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Cuajimoloyas, Oaxaca, Mexico
Bridgemeister ID:8791 (added 2024-09-02)
Location:Cuajimoloyas, Oaxaca, Mexico
Coordinates:17.114417 N 96.459056 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 135 meters (442.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2016-2021 time frame.


Cuje, Zumbi, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7703 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Cuje, Zumbi, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.873722 S 78.764778 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Cuje, Zumbi, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7704 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Cuje, Zumbi, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.873508 S 78.764703 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2016)



Cumandá vicinity, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:3116 (added 2019-10-29)
Location:Cumandá vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.452518 S 78.153815 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Cumandá vicinity, Ecuador - Rio Pastaza
Bridgemeister ID:3117 (added 2019-10-29)
Location:Cumandá vicinity, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Pastaza
Coordinates:1.452591 S 78.153734 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2018)



Pinglin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2787 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:粗石斛吊橋
Location:Pinglin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.952830 N 121.749591 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Cuyca, Colasay, Peru - Rio Chamaya
Bridgemeister ID:7495 (added 2022-12-30)
Location:Cuyca, Colasay, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chamaya
Coordinates:6.009487 S 78.860944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since March 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated


  • 2022, March: Heavily damaged by flood.

External Links:


Sanxia District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2813 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:大豹吊橋
Location:Sanxia District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.869427 N 121.408924 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Dahan Gali

Pallal Mallahan, Rawalpindi, Punjab and Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:8110 (added 2024-01-06)
Name:Dahan Gali
Also Known As:Dhan Gali, Dangali
Location:Pallal Mallahan, Rawalpindi, Punjab and Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:33.361259 N 73.567533 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Inundated, c. 2010
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 199.6 meters (655 feet) estimated


  • Location partially inundated behind the Mangla Dam after the reservoir capacity was increased in 2009.

External Links:


Chatorkhand, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Karambar River
Bridgemeister ID:6812 (added 2021-12-04)
Also Known As:Chatorkhand
Location:Chatorkhand, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Karambar River
Coordinates:36.346528 N 73.834333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 186.2 meters (611 feet) estimated

External Links:


Sannidal, Kragerø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Lundereidelva
Bridgemeister ID:4109 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Sannidal, Kragerø, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:58.962502 N 9.321384 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated,


Dalsnes, Hegra vicinity, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Forra
Bridgemeister ID:3711 (added 2020-02-09)
Location:Dalsnes, Hegra vicinity, Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.48559 N 11.28784 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet) estimated


Bloomington, Texas, USA - Guadalupe River
Bridgemeister ID:4937 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:Bloomington, Texas, USA
Crossing:Guadalupe River
Coordinates:28.658664 N 96.962659 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:


Yaroslavskaya, Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Kotorosl River
Bridgemeister ID:4648 (added 2020-06-16)
Also Known As:Даманский, Damansky
Location:Yaroslavskaya, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Crossing:Kotorosl River
Coordinates:57.620478 N 39.898030 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 88 meters (288.7 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2826 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.787197 N 121.011677 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Bridge was still in use at least as late as 2007. Removed or destroyed at some point after. In 2019 only the towers remain.


Dangku, Tanah Abang, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4788 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Dangku, Tanah Abang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.383284 S 104.088670 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Shiding District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2819 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Shiding District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:25.004531 N 121.651588 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Xinpi Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2795 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Xinpi Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Coordinates:22.519956 N 120.629523 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Gilgit vicinity, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:537 (added before 2003)
Also Known As:Danyore
Location:Gilgit vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:35.92497 N 74.37201 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Darūnṭa, Jallabad vicinity, Afghanistan
Bridgemeister ID:2224 (added 2007-03-17)
Location:Darūnṭa, Jallabad vicinity, Afghanistan
Principals:Rushworth Halliday
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 93.3 meters (306 feet)
Deck width:10 feet


  • Sometimes spelled "Diroontah" in older sources.
Photo courtesy of Peter Halliday Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Datong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3244 (added 2019-11-16)
Also Known As:多望吊橋
Location:Datong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.546160 N 121.507448 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

David Scott Trail

Mawmyrsiang, Meghalaya, India
Bridgemeister ID:3016 (added 2019-10-13)
Name:David Scott Trail
Location:Mawmyrsiang, Meghalaya, India
Coordinates:25.427530 N 91.752336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Daxi, Taoyuan City, Taiwan - Dahan River
Bridgemeister ID:3237 (added 2019-11-16)
Also Known As:大溪橋
Location:Daxi, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Crossing:Dahan River
Coordinates:24.884920 N 121.283372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:7983 (added 2023-12-02)
Also Known As:Deanhugh, River Lossie
Location:Elgin, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Lossie
At or Near Feature:Cooper Park
Coordinates:57.654333 N 3.310278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Deer View

Bang Luek, Mueang Chumphon District, Chumphon, Thailand
Bridgemeister ID:7249 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:Deer View
Also Known As:สะพานชมกวาง
Location:Bang Luek, Mueang Chumphon District, Chumphon, Thailand
Coordinates:10.547492 N 99.196661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Sugi River
Bridgemeister ID:4309 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Sugi River
Coordinates:35.045013 N 138.010321 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Twitter. Several images of the bridge. Posted October 13, 2023.


Kaiwhakauka Falls vicinity, Retaruke, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:3555 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Kaiwhakauka Falls vicinity, Retaruke, New Zealand
Coordinates:39.132533 S 175.074265 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, December 2014
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates are approximate.
  • This footbridge had been built in the early 2000s over and through the remains of the historic Depot truss bridge. In December 2014, the remains of the older bridge collapsed destroying the suspension bridge.


Derani, Sherqilla vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Sher Gah
Bridgemeister ID:6798 (added 2021-10-30)
Location:Derani, Sherqilla vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Sher Gah
Coordinates:36.127927 N 74.035919 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

External Links:

Des Chutes Du Ruisseau Creux

Saint-Alphonse-de-Caplan, Quebec, Canada - Bonaventure River
Bridgemeister ID:2596 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:Des Chutes Du Ruisseau Creux
Location:Saint-Alphonse-de-Caplan, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Bonaventure River
Coordinates:48.192363 N 65.563592 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Snowmobile and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet) estimated


Devghat, Nepal - Seti Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:2407 (added 2007-12-24)
Location:Devghat, Nepal
Crossing:Seti Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.742206 N 84.428806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Motorcycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Large footbridge.

Devils Creek

Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA - Devils Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2183 (added 2007-01-14)
Name:Devils Creek
Location:Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA
Crossing:Devils Creek
At or Near Feature:North Cascades National Park
Coordinates:48.82405 N 121.03226 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55.5 meters (182 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Dhabaleswar Temple

Mancheswar, Odisha, India - Mahanadi River
Bridgemeister ID:2849 (added 2019-07-07)
Name:Dhabaleswar Temple
Location:Mancheswar, Odisha, India
Crossing:Mahanadi River
Coordinates:20.505423 N 85.803024 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ghanghol, Himachal Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:6166 (added 2021-07-07)
Also Known As:हैंगिंग फूट ब्रिज धन्दोले
Location:Ghanghol, Himachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:31.948347 N 76.684777 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Dhari Devi

Kalyasaur (कल्यासौङ), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:5456 (added 2020-11-26)
Name:Dhari Devi
Also Known As:Dharidevi
Location:Kalyasaur (कल्यासौङ), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
At or Near Feature:Dhari Devi Temple
Coordinates:30.258213 N 78.877268 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Avrieux, L'Esseillon, and Modane vicinity, Savoie, France - Arc River
Bridgemeister ID:7350 (added 2022-10-21)
Also Known As:Devil's
Location:Avrieux, L'Esseillon, and Modane vicinity, Savoie, France
Crossing:Arc River
Coordinates:45.210125 N 6.738907 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Diablo Lake Trail

Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA - Skagit River
Bridgemeister ID:2184 (added 2007-01-14)
Name:Diablo Lake Trail
Location:Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA
Crossing:Skagit River
At or Near Feature:North Cascades National Park
Coordinates:48.72857 N 121.07277 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75.9 meters (249 feet)


  • Spans the Skagit River at the extreme northern end of Lake Diablo near the Ross Dam power house.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Dikiuram, Tamenglong District, Manipur, India - Barak River
Bridgemeister ID:6929 (added 2022-01-22)
Location:Dikiuram, Tamenglong District, Manipur, India
Crossing:Barak River
Coordinates:25.195102 N 93.602497 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2086 (added 2006-06-24)
Also Known As:M Bridge
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
At or Near Feature:University of Minnesota
Coordinates:44.98 N 93.238267 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, c. 2018-2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Connects University of Minnesota campus to Dinkytown neighborhood.
  • Closed March 2008 for fear some heavily rusted plates could fail. Restored and reopened by early 2009, possibly sooner.
  • Closed June 2018 due to "structural deterioration". Expected to be demolished in 2019.
  • Moved from 1949 (footbridge) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The bridge was moved to its current location from the Bierman Field area of the same campus.
Photo by David Denenberg

Bridgemeister ID:6663 (added 2021-09-12)
Location:Doda, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Chenab River
Coordinates:33.140592 N 75.558400 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet) estimated


Dodderi, Karnataka, India - Payaswini River
Bridgemeister ID:3461 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Dodderi, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Payaswini River
Coordinates:12.575275 N 75.384344 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dogna, Udine, Italy - Torrente Dogna
Bridgemeister ID:5109 (added 2020-09-05)
Location:Dogna, Udine, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Dogna
Coordinates:46.447863 N 13.318000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Par Nadi
Bridgemeister ID:8843 (added 2024-09-29)
Location:Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Par Nadi
Coordinates:27.146833 N 93.745917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet) estimated


Dolamara, Assam, India
Bridgemeister ID:7423 (added 2022-12-09)
Location:Dolamara, Assam, India
Coordinates:26.565472 N 93.539351 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:7358 (added 2022-10-29)
Also Known As:Domal
Location:Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.353661 N 73.470630 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2020s: A truss span is sitting in on the piers of the former suspension bridge.

External Links:


Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2783 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:東河吊橋
Location:Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.599301 N 121.038996 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 185 meters (607 feet) estimated


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2753 (added 2019-06-29)
Also Known As:東埔吊橋, Dongbudiao
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.560004 N 120.922835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)

External Links:


Nantou City, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:5807 (added 2021-04-10)
Also Known As:東山吊橋
Location:Nantou City, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.936003 N 120.727422 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since c. 2019 (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


  • 2014: Deck damaged at some point in 2013 or 2014. Bridge closed.
  • 2017: Repaired at some point since 2014, open.
  • 2019: Deck appears to have completely failed, unclear if it was due to flood or another reason. Bridge is closed.


Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:1130 (added 2004-01-15)
Location:Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:49.075499 N 3.636878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:1897 (added 2005-10-01)
Location:Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:49.075382 N 3.637095 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:7402 (added 2022-12-03)
Location:Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:49.075584 N 3.636702 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:7552 (added 2023-03-18)
Location:Dormans, Marne and Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Coordinates:49.075526 N 3.636749 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan - Obitsu River
Bridgemeister ID:6028 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:堂沢橋
Location:Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Crossing:Obitsu River
Coordinates:35.201057 N 140.139528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Doshi Kubo

Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5063 (added 2020-08-29)
Name:Doshi Kubo
Also Known As:道志 久保つり橋
Location:Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.535608 N 139.085717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Double Ten

Caotun, Nantou, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3029 (added 2019-10-13)
Name:Double Ten
Also Known As:雙十吊橋, Shuangshi, Shuang-Dong
Location:Caotun, Nantou, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.984570 N 120.780614 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Dashi Village, Guoxing Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:1898 (added 2005-10-02)
Also Known As:斗山吊橋, Dosang, Doosan
Location:Dashi Village, Guoxing Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.985117 N 120.863117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Long narrow footbridge with tall narrow concrete towers.

External Links:

  • Nantou Dosang Suspension Bridge. Translated from page: "The Doosan Suspension Bridge was first built around 1961. It was destroyed by floods in 1986. In 1987, a new bridge was built about 50 meters upstream, and then it was disturbed by a typhoon. It was renovated again in 2011."

Dry Fork

Hendricks vicinity, West Virginia, USA - Dry Fork Cheat River
Bridgemeister ID:1336 (added 2004-05-01)
Name:Dry Fork
Location:Hendricks vicinity, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Dry Fork Cheat River
At or Near Feature:Otter Creek Trail trailhead
Coordinates:39.04241 N 79.60825 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Hadoli (हडोली), Dugoli (दुगोली) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Ramganga River
Bridgemeister ID:7945 (added 2023-11-11)
Location:Hadoli (हडोली), Dugoli (दुगोली) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ramganga River
Coordinates:29.680237 N 79.249861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Span:1 x 66.8 meters (219 feet) estimated


Dulai and Garry, Abbottabad, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3482 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Dulai and Garry, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.234554 N 73.479064 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Glen Lyon, Perthshire, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Lyon
Bridgemeister ID:2584 (added 2013-11-03)
Location:Glen Lyon, Perthshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Lyon
Coordinates:56.598316 N 4.040413 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Rezina, Moldova
Bridgemeister ID:7116 (added 2022-06-12)
Location:Rezina, Moldova
Coordinates:47.760396 N 28.954568 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 324 meters (1,063 feet) estimated


  • Popular bungee jumping site.

Eagle Falls

Great Falls, Montana, USA - Missouri River
Bridgemeister ID:6358 (added 2021-07-26)
Name:Eagle Falls
Location:Great Falls, Montana, USA
Crossing:Missouri River
At or Near Feature:Eagle Falls, Black Eagle Dam
Coordinates:47.519905 N 111.262229 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 6, 1908
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


  • Completed early 1890s.
  • 1908, June: Destroyed by flood.

External Links:

  • Black Eagle Dam - Wikipedia. From the article (retrieved 2021): "A 200-foot-long (61 m), 10-foot-wide (3.0 m) pedestrian suspension bridge ran from the bluffs above each powerhouse over the river." However, historic images of the bridge show it wa significantly longer with main and side spans of roughly 400 and 200 feet respectively.
  • | Eagle Falls Suspension Bridge

Eagle Mountain Pack

Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA - Lochsa River
Bridgemeister ID:326 (added before 2003)
Name:Eagle Mountain Pack
Location:Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Lochsa River
Coordinates:46.430033 N 115.133567 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

East Street

Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia - Dee River
Bridgemeister ID:1744 (added 2005-04-20)
Name:East Street
Location:Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Dee River
Coordinates:23.642281 S 150.389351 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Dismantled, 1904
Main Cables:Wire


Ecklon Toll

Folsom, California, USA - American River
Bridgemeister ID:1552 (added 2004-11-14)
Name:Ecklon Toll
Location:Folsom, California, USA
Crossing:American River
Coordinates:38.682343 N 121.175714 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Collapsed, 1892
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Folsom's Rainbow Bridge occupies the location where this bridge stood.
  • IHS: Bridge is purchased by Christian L. Ecklon (a local butcher) in 1872 from "Kinsey & Whitely."
Photo courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Eco Park

Sheeri, Baramulla and Khadinyar, Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3504 (added 2019-12-23)
Name:Eco Park
Location:Sheeri, Baramulla and Khadinyar, Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.194906 N 74.297907 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Annotated Citations:

  • Mohi-ud-din, Noor. "Damaged suspension footbridge at Eco Park Baramulla poses risk to commuters." Rising Kashmir, 17 Feb. 2023,

    "Locals said the bridge has been neglected by the department responsible for its maintenance and that no steps have been taken to repair the damage. The bridge, which is a popular attraction for tourists and locals, has now become a cause for alarm. The safety of pedestrians, particularly during peak hours, is at risk as the damage has rendered the footbridge unsafe for use, locals said."


Tidioute, Pennsylvania, USA - Allegheny River
Bridgemeister ID:302 (added before 2003)
Location:Tidioute, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Allegheny River
Coordinates:41.680713 N 79.412452 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

Photograph, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Edelmira, Pedro Gálvez, San Marcos, Peru - Rio Cajamarquino
Bridgemeister ID:8721 (added 2024-06-30)
Location:Edelmira, Pedro Gálvez, San Marcos, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cajamarquino
Coordinates:7.339222 S 78.196944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Spans:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated,
1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated


Arrow Junction, New Zealand - Arrow River
Bridgemeister ID:3071 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Arrow Junction, New Zealand
Crossing:Arrow River
At or Near Feature:Queenstown Trail - Arrow River Bridges Ride
Coordinates:45.001332 S 168.873649 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Efirds Lake

Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA
Bridgemeister ID:6782 (added 2021-10-29)
Name:Efirds Lake
Location:Waxhaw, North Carolina, USA
Coordinates:34.994126 N 80.743614 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Giza, Egypt
Bridgemeister ID:1001 (added 2003-11-17)
Location:Giza, Egypt
At or Near Feature:Giza Zoo
Coordinates:30.023836 N 31.214587 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Gustave Eiffel
Status:Closed, 1990s (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2020: Egypt's Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation announced a partnership between Egypt and France to restore the bridge.
  • The early history of this bridge is unclear. Some sources claim it was "designed" in the late 1870s. Others imply it was present when the Giza Zoo opened in 1891. Some sources claim it was built by Eiffel prior to the Eiffel Tower (1887-1889). A Cairo Times article (June 12, 1997) by Samir Raafat describes it as a "light suspension bridge built by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel and brought to Cairo when [Khedive] Ismail visited the Paris Exhibition" which possibly dates it to the 1889 Paris Exposition (aligning somewhat with the 1891 zoo opening) or perhaps the 1900 Paris Exposition. The related postcard image may show the same bridge at the 1900 exposition.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Herad, Gol, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4048 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Herad, Gol, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.69664 N 9.01183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet) estimated


  • Appeared to be closed for repairs or rehabilitation in 2019.


Eltmann vicinity, Bavaria, Germany - Main River
Bridgemeister ID:1699 (added 2005-03-28)
Location:Eltmann vicinity, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Main River
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet)
Deck width:1.5 meters

Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

El Cabo

Gualaceo and El Cabo, Ecuador - Rio Paute
Bridgemeister ID:7718 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:El Cabo
Location:Gualaceo and El Cabo, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Paute
Coordinates:2.862069 S 78.776452 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

El Paso

Aurra, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3600 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:El Paso
Location:Aurra, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:6.513724 N 75.817929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

El Recreo

El Recreo, Nicaragua - Rio Mico
Bridgemeister ID:3628 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:El Recreo
Location:El Recreo, Nicaragua
Crossing:Rio Mico
Coordinates:12.172746 N 84.315098 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

El Salto

Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador - Babahoyo River
Bridgemeister ID:7230 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:El Salto
Location:Babahoyo, Los Rios, Ecuador
Crossing:Babahoyo River
Coordinates:1.797506 S 79.535459 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


El Torbes

El Torbes, Táchira, Venezuela
Bridgemeister ID:7209 (added 2022-07-08)
Name:El Torbes
Location:El Torbes, Táchira, Venezuela
Coordinates:7.844487 N 72.196598 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated

El Vado

El Vado, Cantón Potrero Sula vicinity, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7458 (added 2022-12-24)
Name:El Vado
Location:El Vado, Cantón Potrero Sula vicinity, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.113753 N 89.408081 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge posted October 7, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge nearing completion of comprehensive rehabilitation project. Posted September 12, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge nearing completion of comprehensive rehabilitation project. Posted September 12, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge nearing completion of comprehensive rehabilitation project. Posted September 12, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge nearing completion of comprehensive rehabilitation project. Posted September 12, 2016.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge prior to rehabilitation. Posted September 25, 2015.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge prior to rehabilitation. Posted September 25, 2015.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge prior to rehabilitation. Posted September 25, 2015.


Hattfjelldal, Nordland, Norway - Susna
Bridgemeister ID:4508 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Hattfjelldal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.331850 N 14.319635 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 40.5 meters (132.9 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 2005.


Elkhurst, Clay County, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:327 (added before 2003)
Location:Elkhurst, Clay County, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.45182 N 81.15428 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, 2003 (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Very narrow vehicular suspension bridge.
  • 4,200-pound weight limit imposed, 1968.
Photo by David Denenberg


Elvanfoot, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Clyde
Bridgemeister ID:3674 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Elvanfoot, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Clyde
Coordinates:55.441074 N 3.654928 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:Closed, 2007 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 38.5 meters (126.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed 1920s.

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

Emílio Méier

Jaraguá Esquerdo, Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:4999 (added 2020-08-16)
Name:Emílio Méier
Location:Jaraguá Esquerdo, Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Coordinates:26.503567 S 49.092458 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Emilio Meier

Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Bridgemeister ID:5025 (added 2020-08-17)
Name:Emilio Meier
Location:Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Coordinates:26.510215 S 49.113843 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:5597 (added 2020-12-23)
Location:Emma, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.634650 N 82.699258 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

External Links:

Enchanted Valley

Jefferson County, Washington, USA - Quinault River
Bridgemeister ID:875 (added 2003-08-31)
Name:Enchanted Valley
Location:Jefferson County, Washington, USA
Crossing:Quinault River
At or Near Feature:Olympic National Forest
Coordinates:47.667470 N 123.394488 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2005
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2005: Reported as damaged. Appears to have been replaced with a non-suspension bridge.
  • Coordinates provided here are likely location of the former suspension bridge.

External Links:


Manaduka, Kerala, India - Kudumbur River
Bridgemeister ID:3465 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Manaduka, Kerala, India
Crossing:Kudumbur River
Coordinates:12.456608 N 75.289058 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Eruvatty (എരുവട്ടി) and Manikkal (മണിക്കൽ), Kerala, India - Kuppam River
Bridgemeister ID:7771 (added 2023-08-17)
Also Known As:എരുവാട്ടി - മണിക്കൽ തൂക്കുപാലം
Location:Eruvatty (എരുവട്ടി) and Manikkal (മണിക്കൽ), Kerala, India
Crossing:Kuppam River
Coordinates:12.176194 N 75.418139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Ervedal, Portugal - Maranhão Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:1203 (added 2004-02-01)
Location:Ervedal, Portugal
Crossing:Maranhão Reservoir
Coordinates:39.047416 N 7.804091 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:1448 (added 2004-07-31)
Location:Esbly, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Chalifert Canal
Coordinates:48.90003 N 2.81762 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Estuari Gardens

Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:6890 (added 2022-01-16)
Name:Estuari Gardens
Location:Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia
Coordinates:1.430377 N 103.653455 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Rope
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Appears to have been completed in 2017 or 2018.

External Links:

  • Twitter. Thread with several images of the bridge.

Euchre Bar

Casa Loma vicinity, California, USA - North Fork American River
Bridgemeister ID:2119 (added 2006-09-17)
Name:Euchre Bar
Location:Casa Loma vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:North Fork American River
At or Near Feature:Tahoe National Forest
Coordinates:39.18558 N 120.7612 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pack
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:1892 (added 2005-10-01)
Also Known As:長青橋
Location:Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.17565 N 120.79165 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Étiolles, Soisy-sur-Seine vicinity and Évry, Essonne, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:2715 (added 2019-06-21)
Location:Étiolles, Soisy-sur-Seine vicinity and Évry, Essonne, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:48.63661 N 2.455212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • Abutments still standing as of 2022.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Lagrand and Eyguians, Hautes-Alpes, France - Buëch River
Bridgemeister ID:2372 (added 2007-09-29)
Location:Lagrand and Eyguians, Hautes-Alpes, France
Crossing:Buëch River
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Martin-la-Méanne vicinity, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:3160 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Saint-Martin-la-Méanne vicinity, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:45.165692 N 2.007450 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Location inundated behind Chastang Dam. Coordinates are approximate location in the Dordogne valley. Unclear if the bridge was removed before the valley was inundated.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Hadano, Kanagawa, Japan - Mizunashi River
Bridgemeister ID:3133 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Hadano, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Mizunashi River
Coordinates:35.405529 N 139.171457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 158.7 meters (520.7 feet) estimated


Shiiba, Miyazaki, Japan - Omaru River
Bridgemeister ID:5220 (added 2020-10-12)
Location:Shiiba, Miyazaki, Japan
Crossing:Omaru River
Coordinates:32.415320 N 131.251231 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Up Mahal Kufar (अप महल कुफर), Himachal Pradesh and Pheirij (फेइरिज), Uttarakhand, India - Shallu Gad
Bridgemeister ID:5446 (added 2020-11-26)
Also Known As:Feddis, फेडिस पुल
Location:Up Mahal Kufar (अप महल कुफर), Himachal Pradesh and Pheirij (फेइरिज), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Shallu Gad
Coordinates:30.850191 N 77.744509 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, 2021-2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021-2022: Replaced by an arch bridge.


Fairview, California, USA - Kern River
Bridgemeister ID:3354 (added 2019-12-15)
Also Known As:McNally's
Location:Fairview, California, USA
Crossing:Kern River
Coordinates:35.927731 N 118.494214 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated

Photo by


Fallmo and Turmo, Nordland, Norway - Vefsna
Bridgemeister ID:3717 (added 2020-02-14)
Location:Fallmo and Turmo, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.67760 N 13.25036 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (197 feet) estimated

Falls River Swing

Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand - Falls River
Bridgemeister ID:1635 (added 2005-03-12)
Name:Falls River Swing
Location:Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand
Crossing:Falls River
Coordinates:40.9287808 S 173.0486477 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2021, May-June: possibly replaced by a new bridge.
Photo by David Denenberg

Fangdong Yandang Mountain

Yandangzhen (雁荡镇), Yueqing (乐清市), Wenzhou (温州市), Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:8863 (added 2024-10-01)
Name:Fangdong Yandang Mountain
Also Known As:方洞雁荡山悬索桥
Location:Yandangzhen (雁荡镇), Yueqing (乐清市), Wenzhou (温州市), Zhejiang, China
At or Near Feature:Yandang Mountain - 雁荡山
Coordinates:28.362583 N 121.073806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

Far Red Hill

Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia - Dee River
Bridgemeister ID:1747 (added 2005-04-20)
Name:Far Red Hill
Location:Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia
Crossing:Dee River
Status:Destroyed, 1928, by flood.
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

  • Mount Morgan (link reported not working). Notes that this bridge was destroyed by flood in 1928 and later replaced. A sign at one of the remaining Mount Morgan suspension bridges says this bridge "spanned the river on the far side of Red Hill, from Baldwin Street on the south to School Street on the west."

Farlig Norsk

Ospelonin, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Austbygdåe
Bridgemeister ID:4477 (added 2020-04-26)
Name:Farlig Norsk
Location:Ospelonin, Tinn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:60.049435 N 8.816480 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26.75 meters (87.8 feet) estimated

Farmer Road

Big Creek, Kentucky, USA - Red Bird River
Bridgemeister ID:4947 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Farmer Road
Location:Big Creek, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Red Bird River
Coordinates:37.124294 N 83.570737 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Inverleigh, Victoria, Australia - Leigh River
Bridgemeister ID:3021 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Inverleigh, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Leigh River
Coordinates:38.097643 S 144.054283 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Ninghai (宁海县), Ningbo (宁波市), Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:8453 (added 2024-03-10)
Location:Ninghai (宁海县), Ningbo (宁波市), Zhejiang, China
At or Near Feature:Tianhe Scenic Area
Coordinates:29.230448 N 121.239751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 184 meters (603.7 feet) estimated

External Links:


Gurtnellen, Switzerland - Fellibach
Bridgemeister ID:7106 (added 2022-06-04)
Location:Gurtnellen, Switzerland
Coordinates:46.740381 N 8.639588 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Toufen City, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2828 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:楓林吊橋
Location:Toufen City, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.691179 N 120.950266 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bridgemeister ID:6430 (added 2021-08-11)
Location:Feyzin, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône Canal
Coordinates:45.666664 N 4.837612 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Organyà and Figols, Lleida, Spain - Segre River
Bridgemeister ID:3216 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Organyà and Figols, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:Segre River
Coordinates:42.211103 N 1.333711 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Organyà and Figols, Lleida, Spain - Segre River
Bridgemeister ID:8581 (added 2024-05-18)
Location:Organyà and Figols, Lleida, Spain
Crossing:Segre River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Nesset, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Aura
Bridgemeister ID:4458 (added 2020-04-25)
Location:Nesset, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.420526 N 8.319360 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 22.5 meters (73.8 feet) estimated


Marnadal, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway - Marna
Bridgemeister ID:4389 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Marnadal, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.212081 N 7.525245 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely removed by 1960s.

External Links:


Foldereid, Nærøysund, Trøndelag, Norway - Foldereidsundet
Bridgemeister ID:1896 (added 2005-10-01)
Location:Foldereid, Nærøysund, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.954905 N 12.184916 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 225 meters (738.2 feet)
Side Span:1

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:8643 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine, France
Crossing:Nantes-Brest Canal
Coordinates:47.650833 N 2.093556 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Forêt Ouareau

Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci, Quebec, Canada - Ouareau River
Bridgemeister ID:2423 (added 2008-03-02)
Name:Forêt Ouareau
Location:Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Ouareau River
At or Near Feature:Ouareau Forest
Coordinates:46.252520 N 73.974730 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Forchach, Austria - Lech River
Bridgemeister ID:8570 (added 2024-04-07)
Location:Forchach, Austria
Crossing:Lech River
Coordinates:47.425583 N 10.581694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Forrests Ford

New Zealand - Kaiapoi River
Bridgemeister ID:681 (added 2003-03-08)
Name:Forrests Ford
Location:New Zealand
Crossing:Kaiapoi River
Status:Destroyed, July 1963


  • GAP: Similar construction to 1900 Mafeking bridge at Raven Quay, NZ. Destroyed by flood July, 1963.


Fourc, Roquefort-sur-Garonne vicinity and Boussens, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7398 (added 2022-12-03)
Location:Fourc, Roquefort-sur-Garonne vicinity and Boussens, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.160816 N 0.962040 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Fourc, Roquefort-sur-Garonne vicinity and Boussens, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7759 (added 2023-07-23)
Location:Fourc, Roquefort-sur-Garonne vicinity and Boussens, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:43.160855 N 0.962032 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Fourth of July Pack

Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA - North Fork Clearwater River
Bridgemeister ID:1323 (added 2004-04-26)
Name:Fourth of July Pack
Location:Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA
Crossing:North Fork Clearwater River
At or Near Feature:Bear Butte Trail
Coordinates:46.6635 N 115.37843 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:1209 (added 2004-02-07)
Location:Foy, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Wye
Coordinates:51.952822 N 2.576809 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône and Jassans-Riottier, Ain, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:5657 (added 2021-01-01)
Location:Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône and Jassans-Riottier, Ain, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:45.984570 N 4.750048 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1900
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Frazier Road Swinging

Tanksley, Kentucky, USA - Goose Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3137 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:Frazier Road Swinging
Location:Tanksley, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Goose Creek
Coordinates:37.215129 N 83.718991 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bucyrus, Ohio, USA - Sandusky River
Bridgemeister ID:2114 (added 2006-09-09)
Location:Bucyrus, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Sandusky River
At or Near Feature:Aumiller Park
Coordinates:40.802678 N 82.992352 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated


  • Eric Powell estimates the main span at approximately 100 feet.

External Links:

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Frutigen, Switzerland
Bridgemeister ID:2851 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Frutigen, Switzerland
Coordinates:46.560196 N 7.617164 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kiyokawa, Kanagawa, Japan - Fu River
Bridgemeister ID:5065 (added 2020-08-29)
Location:Kiyokawa, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Fu River
Coordinates:35.460987 N 139.213159 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Omachi, Nagano, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4965 (added 2020-08-15)
Location:Omachi, Nagano, Japan
Coordinates:36.477104 N 137.683751 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Marnadal, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway - Marna
Bridgemeister ID:4390 (added 2020-04-18)
Location:Marnadal, Lindesnes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.217949 N 7.522247 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated


  • In existence in 1930s. Removed at some point in time frame 1969-2004.

External Links:


Tsurugi, Tokushima, Japan - Sadamitsu River
Bridgemeister ID:5210 (added 2020-10-11)
Also Known As:ふじばし
Location:Tsurugi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Sadamitsu River
Coordinates:33.955458 N 134.068314 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Hakusan, Ishikawa, Japan - Tedori Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6127 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:深瀬大橋, Fukaze
Location:Hakusan, Ishikawa, Japan
Crossing:Tedori Lake
Coordinates:36.231728 N 136.640024 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 218 meters (715.2 feet) estimated

Fukuchikeikokukyuyo Center

Shiso, Hyogo, Japan - Fukuchi River
Bridgemeister ID:6081 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:Fukuchikeikokukyuyo Center
Also Known As:福知渓谷休養センターの吊橋
Location:Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Fukuchi River
Coordinates:35.159809 N 134.658138 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:2951 (added 2019-10-04)
Also Known As:福渡不動吊橋
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.962811 N 139.839459 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Zhongdian and Deqin, Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:1235 (added 2004-02-15)
Location:Zhongdian and Deqin, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet)

Bridgemeister ID:2309 (added 2007-04-30)
Location:Fumel, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Furuheim Gård

Hattfjelldal, Nordland, Norway - Susna
Bridgemeister ID:4509 (added 2020-05-02)
Name:Furuheim Gård
Location:Hattfjelldal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.365005 N 14.053160 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.5 meters (172.2 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point before 2005.

Futatsuno Ohashi

Totsukawa, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:7910 (added 2023-10-21)
Name:Futatsuno Ohashi
Also Known As:二津野大橋
Location:Totsukawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:33.913667 N 135.785333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Fuxing, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3238 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Fuxing, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.801231 N 121.366369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Namaxia District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3772 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Namaxia District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.238619 N 120.694264 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Radovljica, Slovenia - Sava River
Bridgemeister ID:4534 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Radovljica, Slovenia
Crossing:Sava River
Coordinates:46.328723 N 14.186610 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Fuzhou River Central Park

Taijiang District, Fuzhou, Fujian, China - Min River
Bridgemeister ID:8861 (added 2024-10-01)
Name:Fuzhou River Central Park
Location:Taijiang District, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
Crossing:Min River
At or Near Feature:River Central Park
Coordinates:26.046583 N 119.300972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 144 meters (472.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

Gaarden Hummervold

Håmmålvoll, Os Kommune, Innlandet, Norway - Glåma
Bridgemeister ID:4406 (added 2020-04-18)
Name:Gaarden Hummervold
Location:Håmmålvoll, Os Kommune, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.447686 N 11.121575 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2 x 37.5 meters (123 feet) estimated


  • Built prior to 1927.

External Links:


Millesimo, Savona, Italy - Zemola
Bridgemeister ID:4639 (added 2020-06-10)
Location:Millesimo, Savona, Italy
Coordinates:44.363288 N 8.204768 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Gaillac, Cajarc and Andressac, Cajarc, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7176 (added 2022-07-02)
Location:Gaillac, Cajarc and Andressac, Cajarc, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.469016 N 1.829985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 2002
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97 meters (318.2 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Galatea Trail

Kananaskis Village vicinity, Alberta, Canada - Kananaskis River
Bridgemeister ID:815 (added 2003-05-30)
Name:Galatea Trail
Location:Kananaskis Village vicinity, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Kananaskis River
At or Near Feature:Galatea Trailhead
Coordinates:50.8634 N 115.178917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Jean Renner Photo by David Denenberg


Girard, Galgon, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:7158 (added 2022-06-25)
Location:Girard, Galgon, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Rio Itajaí-Açu
Bridgemeister ID:5021 (added 2020-08-16)
Location:Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crossing:Rio Itajaí-Açu
Coordinates:27.207318 S 49.635855 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Austervefsen, Grane, Nordland, Norway - Vefsna
Bridgemeister ID:3875 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Austervefsen, Grane, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:65.51956 N 13.53378 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated


Zhoushan Island and Xiaogan Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China
Bridgemeister ID:7762 (added 2023-07-23)
Location:Zhoushan Island and Xiaogan Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China
Coordinates:29.974403 N 122.208258 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 370 meters (1,213.9 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Likely completed in 2018, or maybe early 2019, but unclear when the bridge opened. Connecting roads on the south end of the bridge weren't completed until 2022 or later.

External Links:


Manzhou Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2797 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:港口吊橋
Location:Manzhou Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Coordinates:21.988548 N 120.841904 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 129 meters (423.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


Ganji, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3844 (added 2020-03-06)
Location:Ganji, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.626004 N 75.008279 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

Ganquan Lake

Chunhua County (淳化县), Xianyang (咸阳市), Shaanxi, China
Bridgemeister ID:8515 (added 2024-03-24)
Name:Ganquan Lake
Location:Chunhua County (淳化县), Xianyang (咸阳市), Shaanxi, China
Coordinates:34.794622 N 108.5798566 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Span:1 x 84 meters (275.6 feet) estimated

External Links:


Ganting, Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia - Kampar River
Bridgemeister ID:3647 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Ganting, Salo, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Crossing:Kampar River
Coordinates:0.333149 N 100.977380 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

  • Facebook. Images of the bridge. Posted July 16, 2021.
  • Facebook. Photos and information about a planned replacement suspension bridge. Posted February 14, 2023.
  • Facebook. Posts and video of the old bridge and beginning of construction of the replacement bridge. Posted May 15, 2023.
  • Facebook. Progress on the south tower foundation. Posted July 10, 2023.
  • YouTube - GENTING, Jembatan Gantung Desa Ganting. Video of the bridge. Posted January 13, 2022.


Kuala Kubu Bharu vicinity, Selangor, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:7341 (added 2022-09-30)
Location:Kuala Kubu Bharu vicinity, Selangor, Malaysia
Coordinates:3.691576 N 101.748731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Garjiya, Uttarakhand, India - Kosi River
Bridgemeister ID:2848 (added 2019-07-07)
Location:Garjiya, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kosi River
At or Near Feature:Jim Corbett National Park
Coordinates:29.487381 N 79.142439 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Suspended Spans:1


Snåsa vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway - Gauna
Bridgemeister ID:4506 (added 2020-05-02)
Location:Snåsa vicinity, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.016925 N 12.663650 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100.1 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in time frame 2010-2017.


Shangjiangxiang (上江乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China - Jinsha River
Bridgemeister ID:8504 (added 2024-03-23)
Also Known As:Shangjiang Grand
Location:Shangjiangxiang (上江乡), Shangri-La City (香格里拉市), Diqing (迪庆藏族自治州), Yunnan, China
Crossing:Jinsha River
Coordinates:27.368785 N 99.647026 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet)


  • Completed at some point in the 2017-2019 time frame.

External Links:

George C. King

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Bow River
Bridgemeister ID:2705 (added 2019-06-15)
Name:George C. King
Location:Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Crossing:Bow River
Coordinates:51.048159 N 114.047009 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Demolished late 2012 or early 2013, since replaced with a new George C. King bridge completed 2014.

Gervais Lacasse

Causapscal vicinity, Quebec, Canada - Assemetquagan River
Bridgemeister ID:2591 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:Gervais Lacasse
Location:Causapscal vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Assemetquagan River
Use:ATV and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 36.6 meters (120 feet) estimated


Majyanisain, Uttarakhand, India - Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Bridgemeister ID:5471 (added 2020-11-26)
Also Known As:घिरोली मजयादी झ्हुला पुल
Location:Majyanisain, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Purvi Nayar Ghati River
Coordinates:29.809772 N 78.908879 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:1

GIC Bhatwari

Dwari (द्वारी) and Bhatwari (भटवारी), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7979 (added 2023-11-26)
Name:GIC Bhatwari
Location:Dwari (द्वारी) and Bhatwari (भटवारी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:30.807817 N 78.620969 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71.3 meters (234 feet) estimated


  • Referred to as GIC (Government Inter College) Bhatwari Bridge due to the school at the east end of the bridge.

External Links:


Gignac and Lagamas, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:3188 (added 2019-11-10)
Also Known As:Lagamas
Location:Gignac and Lagamas, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.663873 N 3.537615 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely completed in 1869 or early 1870s.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Gilgit, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:2563 (added 2012-02-04)
Location:Gilgit, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.92561 N 74.30793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Gladak Perak

Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8258 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:Gladak Perak
Location:Sumberwuluh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.181611 S 113.019083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1


External Links:


Gløymem, Skogmo vicinity, Overhalla, Trøndelag, Norway - Bjøra
Bridgemeister ID:3714 (added 2020-02-09)
Location:Gløymem, Skogmo vicinity, Overhalla, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.524100 N 12.081680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated

Glemmtaler Baumzipfelweg

Hinterglemm vicinity, Austria - Saalach
Bridgemeister ID:5340 (added 2020-11-12)
Name:Glemmtaler Baumzipfelweg
Location:Hinterglemm vicinity, Austria
Coordinates:47.365234 N 12.509284 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Pilar, New Mexico, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:300 (added before 2003)
Location:Pilar, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
At or Near Feature:Rio Grande Gorge State Park vicinity
Coordinates:36.2467 N 105.825 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.3 meters (165 feet)

Photo courtesy of Eileen O'Grady Photo by Eric Sakowski


Gluges, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1584 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Gluges, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:44.907676 N 1.627499 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This is the modern suspension bridge of 20th-century construction at Gluges. It is unclear if this bridge is at the same location as the older Gluges suspension bridge.
  • See Gluges - Gluges, Lot, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Gluges, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:2326 (added 2007-05-12)
Location:Gluges, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River


  • This is an older bridge of 19th-century construction that has likely been removed. It is unclear if this bridge was at the same location as the current Gluges suspension bridge.
  • See Gluges - Gluges, Lot, France.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Yaotsu and Mizunami, Gifu, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5128 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:五月橋
Location:Yaotsu and Mizunami, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.458699 N 137.239661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be a former one-lane vehicular bridge retrofit to be a pedestrian-only span.

Gokseong Duga

Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:4522 (added 2020-05-17)
Name:Gokseong Duga
Location:Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Coordinates:35.229328 N 127.369536 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 37.5 meters (123 feet)

Golden Hairpin

Yunxi County (郧西县), Shiyan (十堰市), Hubei, China
Bridgemeister ID:8236 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:Golden Hairpin
Location:Yunxi County (郧西县), Shiyan (十堰市), Hubei, China
Coordinates:32.9913292 N 110.3987461 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2014 time frame.

External Links:


Goncelin, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:7137 (added 2022-06-20)
Location:Goncelin, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Misato, Shimane, Japan - Gōnokawa River
Bridgemeister ID:7528 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:信喜橋, Shiki
Location:Misato, Shimane, Japan
Crossing:Gōnokawa River
Coordinates:35.035246 N 132.626740 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 152 meters (498.7 feet) estimated

Goodwin Dam

Jamestown, California, USA - Stanislaus River
Bridgemeister ID:4941 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Goodwin Dam
Location:Jamestown, California, USA
Crossing:Stanislaus River
Coordinates:37.862621 N 120.630156 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Goodwin Dam

Jamestown, California, USA - Stanislaus River
Bridgemeister ID:4942 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Goodwin Dam
Location:Jamestown, California, USA
Crossing:Stanislaus River
Coordinates:37.862536 N 120.630411 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Later at same location Goodwin Dam - Jamestown, California, USA. Coordinates given here are for approximate location of this bridge which appeared to be slightly further downstream from Goodwin Dam as the present day (2020) suspension bridge.

Goose Creek Swinging

Manchester, Kentucky, USA - Goose Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3136 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:Goose Creek Swinging
Location:Manchester, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Goose Creek
Coordinates:37.153261 N 83.759536 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Genbicho, Ichinoseki, Iwate, Japan - Iwai River
Bridgemeister ID:2981 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Genbicho, Ichinoseki, Iwate, Japan
Crossing:Iwai River
At or Near Feature:Genbikei Gorge
Coordinates:38.943352 N 141.050579 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Gorge Trail (Lower)

Rostraver, Pennsylvania, USA - Cedar Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1958 (added 2005-11-05)
Name:Gorge Trail (Lower)
Location:Rostraver, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Cedar Creek
At or Near Feature:Cedar Creek Park
Coordinates:40.1781 N 79.780533 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Gorge Trail (Upper)

Rostraver, Pennsylvania, USA - Cedar Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1992 (added 2005-12-03)
Name:Gorge Trail (Upper)
Location:Rostraver, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Cedar Creek
At or Near Feature:Cedar Creek Park
Coordinates:40.171717 N 79.7834 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 12.8 meters (42 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Gorset, Jerpstad, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3882 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Gorset, Jerpstad, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.960885 N 9.784172 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated



Gorset, Jerpstad, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3883 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Gorset, Jerpstad, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.96099 N 9.78389 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


Goryeong Daegaya

Goryeong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:5569 (added 2020-12-20)
Name:Goryeong Daegaya
Location:Goryeong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea
Coordinates:35.726309 N 128.277835 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2 x 105 meters (344.5 feet)


  • Symmetric single tower suspension bridge.


Burley and Armley, England, United Kingdom - River Aire
Bridgemeister ID:1194 (added 2004-01-26)
Location:Burley and Armley, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Aire
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2007)
Suspended Spans:1



Goudargues and La Vérune, Gard, France - Cèze River
Bridgemeister ID:7715 (added 2023-07-07)
Location:Goudargues and La Vérune, Gard, France
Crossing:Cèze River
Coordinates:44.218805 N 4.477071 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.


Llanrwst and Trefriw, Wales, United Kingdom - River Conwy
Bridgemeister ID:514 (added before 2003)
Also Known As:Gower Road
Location:Llanrwst and Trefriw, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Conwy
Coordinates:53.14310 N 3.80687 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Slaterville, Alaska, USA - Noyes Slough
Bridgemeister ID:2569 (added 2012-02-05)
Location:Slaterville, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Noyes Slough
Main Cables:Wire


  • See Alaska Digital Archives identifiers UAF-2003-63-255 and UAF-2003-63-256 for photos of this bridge from the Walter W. Hodge Papers collection dated 1925-1948.


Gramazú, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:6178 (added 2021-07-08)
Location:Gramazú, Peru
Coordinates:10.512456 S 75.449030 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet)

Grand Canyon

Capilano, British Columbia, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:1006 (added 2003-11-21)
Name:Grand Canyon
Also Known As:Second Canyon
Location:Capilano, British Columbia, Canada


  • Level footbridge with large timber towers, not the famous Capilano swinging bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Granite Plant

Andeer, Switzerland - Hinterrhein River
Bridgemeister ID:2678 (added 2019-03-30)
Name:Granite Plant
Location:Andeer, Switzerland
Crossing:Hinterrhein River
Coordinates:46.596664 N 9.426572 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Great Gulf Wilderness

Dolly Copp Campground vicinity, New Hampshire, USA - Peabody River
Bridgemeister ID:333 (added before 2003)
Name:Great Gulf Wilderness
Location:Dolly Copp Campground vicinity, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Peabody River
At or Near Feature:Appalachian Trail
Coordinates:44.31248 N 71.22038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

Great Volkhov

Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russia - Volkhov River
Bridgemeister ID:8221 (added 2024-02-06)
Name:Great Volkhov
Location:Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Volkhov River
Coordinates:58.520417 N 31.280000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Great Woods Park

Beausejour vicinity, Manitoba, Canada - Brokenhead River
Bridgemeister ID:1502 (added 2004-10-08)
Name:Great Woods Park
Location:Beausejour vicinity, Manitoba, Canada
Crossing:Brokenhead River
Coordinates:50.078129 N 96.468661 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gressli, Tydal, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3791 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Gressli, Tydal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.054650 N 11.455210 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated


Limal, Wavre vicinity, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:6628 (added 2021-09-07)
Also Known As:Limal, Limale
Location:Limal, Wavre vicinity, Belgium
At or Near Feature:Limal Castle
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • IBB: One of earliest known wire suspension bridges in Belgium. Bridge was in existence in 1830, presumably built in mid-to-late 1820s.


Begnadalen, Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway - Begna
Bridgemeister ID:4005 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Begnadalen, Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.675530 N 9.749180 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141.1 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 11 meters (36.1 feet) estimated
Deck width:~3 meters

External Links:


Groléjac, Dordogne, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1930 (added 2005-10-27)
Location:Groléjac, Dordogne, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


  • AAJ estimates completed in 1844 because of source indicating contract was let in 1841 with construction time set at three years.
  • Currently, there is a bridge at Groléjac that has the shape of a suspension bridge, but appears to be a concrete cantilever. This newer bridge was completed in 1932.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Grum, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:6262 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Grum, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.775817 N 71.692299 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan - Keelung River
Bridgemeister ID:2790 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:觀瀑吊橋
Location:Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Crossing:Keelung River
Coordinates:25.048738 N 121.785301 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:5570 (added 2020-12-20)
Also Known As:구봉산 구름다리
Location:Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea
Coordinates:35.927800 N 127.424350 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)


Guguan, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2775 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:谷關吊橋
Location:Guguan, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.203938 N 121.008805 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2820 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:桂花吊橋
Location:Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:25.025724 N 121.661763 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Very short footbridge.

Gullhaug Turisthotell

Hovet, Hol, Viken, Norway - Storåne
Bridgemeister ID:4503 (added 2020-05-02)
Name:Gullhaug Turisthotell
Location:Hovet, Hol, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.624368 N 8.189202 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


  • Removed at some point before 1962.
  • Spanned a channel of Storåne that has since been filled.

External Links:


Skjerve, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3841 (added 2020-03-06)
Location:Skjerve, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.842850 N 9.901260 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial imagery, completed prior to 1958.

Gunung Perak

Gunung Perak, West Sinjai, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6560 (added 2021-08-31)
Name:Gunung Perak
Location:Gunung Perak, West Sinjai, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:5.262847 S 119.982372 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, c. 2017-2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gurunjar, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6779 (added 2021-10-29)
Location:Gurunjar, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.161244 N 73.839989 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90.5 meters (297 feet) estimated

External Links:


Deqin, Yunnan, China - Lancang River
Bridgemeister ID:1228 (added 2004-02-15)
Location:Deqin, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Lancang River
Suspended Spans:1


Godeffroy, Cuddebackville vicinity and Guymard, New York, USA - Neversink River
Bridgemeister ID:282 (added before 2003)
Also Known As:Cuddebackville
Location:Godeffroy, Cuddebackville vicinity and Guymard, New York, USA
Crossing:Neversink River
Coordinates:41.441 N 74.602 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Completed circa 1850. Deck failed, 1927.
Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Minamiyamashiro, Kyoto and Nara, Japan - Nabari River
Bridgemeister ID:4872 (added 2020-07-12)
Also Known As:八幡橋
Location:Minamiyamashiro, Kyoto and Nara, Japan
Crossing:Nabari River
At or Near Feature:Tsukigase Lake
Coordinates:34.707958 N 136.015405 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 161 meters (528.2 feet) estimated


Hacienda Vieja, Cantón El Gavilán and Los Apoyos, El Salvador - Rio Lempa
Bridgemeister ID:7493 (added 2022-12-30)
Also Known As:Asienda
Location:Hacienda Vieja, Cantón El Gavilán and Los Apoyos, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Lempa
Coordinates:14.052492 N 89.433883 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 118.6 meters (389 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2002-2010 time frame.

External Links:


Ono, Fukui, Japan - Kuzuryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4654 (added 2020-06-17)
Also Known As:箱ケ瀬橋, Dream, Hakoke
Location:Ono, Fukui, Japan
Crossing:Kuzuryu River
Coordinates:35.874213 N 136.752033 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

Hakuryu Kisaki

Eshiro, Mizukami, Kumamoto, Japan - Shiramuzuno Falls
Bridgemeister ID:887 (added 2003-09-06)
Name:Hakuryu Kisaki
Also Known As:Queen of the White Dragon, 白龍妃橋
Location:Eshiro, Mizukami, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Shiramuzuno Falls
Coordinates:32.375540 N 131.037947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet)



Eshiro, Mizukami, Kumamoto, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:886 (added 2003-09-06)
Also Known As:King of the White Dragon, Takiminotsuri, 滝見の吊橋
Location:Eshiro, Mizukami, Kumamoto, Japan
Coordinates:32.373756 N 131.035092 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 164 meters (538.1 feet)


Halfway Brook

Barryville and Eldred, New York, USA - Halfway Brook
Bridgemeister ID:863 (added 2003-08-09)
Name:Halfway Brook
Also Known As:Cable, Half Way
Location:Barryville and Eldred, New York, USA
Crossing:Halfway Brook
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • This is a different bridge than the better-known Delaware crossing between Barryville and Shohola, Pennsylvania. The Halfway Brook bridge was a short, squat suspension bridge with stone towers, probably not longer than 75 feet.
  • Was in use in 1917.


Kandy, Sri Lanka - Mahaweli Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:3313 (added 2019-11-29)
Location:Kandy, Sri Lanka
Crossing:Mahaweli Ganga
Coordinates:7.287941 N 80.608617 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Malpaneca, San Pablo Tacachico and Los Naranjos, San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador - Río Suquiapa
Bridgemeister ID:7441 (added 2022-12-17)
Location:Malpaneca, San Pablo Tacachico and Los Naranjos, San Pablo Tacachico, El Salvador
Crossing:Río Suquiapa
Coordinates:13.978853 N 89.346458 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet) estimated


  • 2020, June: Deck is wrecked by floodwaters from Tropical Storm Amanda just before the bridge is scheduled to be reopened following repair work.

External Links:


Parcelas Nuevas, Cidra and Cayey, Puerto Rico, USA - Rio de la Plata
Bridgemeister ID:7084 (added 2022-05-29)
Location:Parcelas Nuevas, Cidra and Cayey, Puerto Rico, USA
Crossing:Rio de la Plata
Coordinates:18.139683 N 66.204144 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since January 5, 1992 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


  • Heavily damaged by flood, January 5, 1992.

External Links:

  • Facebook - Puente Hamaca, Cidra PR - Gracias al Sr. Edgardo Sanchez. Many close-up images of the derelict bridge.
  • Flickr - Puente de hamaca. Photo of the bridge from 1961, posted in 2007. Translation of description: "In the Honduras neighborhood, the old hammock bridge is located. It was in use in the 1940s. It was repaired at a cost of $15,000.00. The communication between the Toíta neighborhoods of Cayey and Honduras, of Cidra, was established across this bridge. After the heavy rains of January 5, 1992, the bridge was out of use. The waters of the Río La Plata washed away half of it. Although it was incredible to many, the water level managed to reach to the bridge, collapsing part of it."
  • Puente de Hamaca, Cidra. Several images of the derelict bridge.

Hamilton Dam

Blufton, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:4949 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Hamilton Dam
Location:Blufton, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Completed 1930s during construction of the Hamilton (now Buchanan) Dam. Appears to have been a large one-lane bridge. Likely removed during 1930s.


Una, Bangana and Nella (नेल्ला), Himachal Pradesh, India - Sutlej River
Bridgemeister ID:3040 (added 2019-10-19)
Also Known As:Nehla, हंडोला सस्पेंशन ब्रिज
Location:Una, Bangana and Nella (नेल्ला), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.418609 N 76.394136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 232 meters (761.2 feet) estimated
Side Span:1


Arnhem, Netherlands - St. Jansbeek
Bridgemeister ID:6867 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Arnhem, Netherlands
Crossing:St. Jansbeek
At or Near Feature:Sonsbeek Park
Coordinates:51.992101 N 5.899451 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Very short suspension bridge, likely less than 15 meters. Originally built in the late 1800s. The cables appear to be only decorative at this point with the deck replaced with a solid steel girder.
  • Similar to Kasteel Enghuizen - Hummelo, Netherlands.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Tabuc Norte, Oroquieta City and Poblacion II, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines - Layawan River
Bridgemeister ID:8855 (added 2024-09-30)
Location:Tabuc Norte, Oroquieta City and Poblacion II, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Crossing:Layawan River
Coordinates:8.483611 N 123.809111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, December, 2022
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2022, December: Destroyed by a storm in late December.

External Links:

  • X (Twitter). Image of the destroyed bridge, posted December 26, 2022.

Hanuman Chatti

Hanuman Chatti, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7738 (added 2023-07-15)
Name:Hanuman Chatti
Location:Hanuman Chatti, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.934089 N 78.402092 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

External Links:


Datong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2831 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:寒溪吊橋
Location:Datong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.612401 N 121.687683 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5774 (added 2021-04-08)
Location:Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Harafudō Falls, 原不動滝
Coordinates:35.197873 N 134.502023 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • There appear to be two suspension bridges right at the falls with at least one more suspension bridge closer to the nearby Harafudō campground. This entry represents one of the two bridges very close to the falls. The coordinates provided here may not be exact.
  • Near (footbridge) - Shiso, Hyogo, Japan.
  • Near Harafudō - Shiso, Hyogo, Japan.


Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5845 (added 2021-05-13)
Location:Shiso, Hyogo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Harafudō Falls, 原不動滝
Coordinates:35.198081 N 134.501896 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • There appear to be two suspension bridges right at the falls with at least one more suspension bridge closer to the nearby Harafudō campground. This entry represents one of the two bridges very close to the falls. The coordinates provided here may not be exact.
  • Near (footbridge) - Shiso, Hyogo, Japan.
  • Near Harafudō - Shiso, Hyogo, Japan.


Hardwick, Vermont, USA - Lamoille River
Bridgemeister ID:7365 (added 2022-11-03)
Location:Hardwick, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Lamoille River
Coordinates:44.504374 N 72.367150 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, c. 2020-2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 31 meters (101.7 feet) estimated


Hariharapura, Karnataka, India - Tunga River
Bridgemeister ID:4723 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Hariharapura, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Tunga River
Coordinates:13.527164 N 75.302779 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Khadang, Lhan (ल्ह्ना), Nepal - Thuli Bheri
Bridgemeister ID:8158 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Khadang, Lhan (ल्ह्ना), Nepal
Crossing:Thuli Bheri
Coordinates:28.990581 N 82.664137 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44.9 meters (147.3 feet)


  • Completed at some point around 1988-1989.

External Links:

  • The Himalayan - Crossing Bheri River by 'tuin'. Image showing a vehicle crossing the the river via "tuin" (a cable and pulley system) between a drooping suspension bridge and the suspended deck bridge tracked by this record. Posted January 4, 2020.

Harold Chapman

Kananaskis Village vicinity, Alberta, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:1863 (added 2005-08-01)
Name:Harold Chapman
Location:Kananaskis Village vicinity, Alberta, Canada
Coordinates:50.791133 N 114.858333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bagori, Harsil (हर्षिल), Uttarakhand, India - Bhagirathi River
Bridgemeister ID:7976 (added 2023-11-26)
Also Known As:Harshil
Location:Bagori, Harsil (हर्षिल), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Bhagirathi River
Coordinates:31.038339 N 78.739208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62.8 meters (206 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. June 2021.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge and a lot of sheep. October 2018.

Hartman Bar

Hartman Bar, Plumas County, California, USA - Middle Fork Feather River
Bridgemeister ID:5668 (added 2021-01-30)
Name:Hartman Bar
Location:Hartman Bar, Plumas County, California, USA
Crossing:Middle Fork Feather River
Coordinates:39.777210 N 121.158777 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Batacar Hasa, Pakistan - Kunhar River
Bridgemeister ID:3476 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Batacar Hasa, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunhar River
Coordinates:34.510859 N 73.349276 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Yawatano, Ito, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2858 (added 2019-09-08)
Also Known As:橋立吊橋
Location:Yawatano, Ito, Shizuoka, Japan
Coordinates:34.870828 N 139.107411 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Hastings Trail

Hastings, Maine, USA - Wild River
Bridgemeister ID:3222 (added 2019-11-11)
Name:Hastings Trail
Location:Hastings, Maine, USA
Crossing:Wild River
Status:Destroyed, October 22, 1995
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3295 (added 2019-11-24)
Also Known As:畑薙大吊橋
Location:Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.348065 N 138.183369 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Damas vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6750 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Damas vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.225528 N 73.704017 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 2010
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Hawk Creek

Wood Creek Lake vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Hawk Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1183 (added 2004-01-24)
Name:Hawk Creek
Location:Wood Creek Lake vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Hawk Creek
At or Near Feature:Sheltowee Trace Trail
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Retaruke, King Country, New Zealand - Retaruke River
Bridgemeister ID:2098 (added 2006-07-04)
Location:Retaruke, King Country, New Zealand
Crossing:Retaruke River
Status:Collapsed, 1982, under weight of sheep
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

Photo by Stan Jelley


Hector vicinity, Stockton, West Coast, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:7613 (added 2023-05-26)
Location:Hector vicinity, Stockton, West Coast, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Charming Creek Walkway
Coordinates:41.598457 S 171.923891 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Hác Sá

Coloane Village, Macau - Hác Sá Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:5772 (added 2021-04-08)
Name:Hác Sá
Location:Coloane Village, Macau
Crossing:Hác Sá Reservoir
Coordinates:22.125114 N 113.570257 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60.5 meters (198.5 feet) estimated


Håhellervatnet, Agder, Norway - Håhellervatnet
Bridgemeister ID:4491 (added 2020-04-30)
Location:Håhellervatnet, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:59.028773 N 7.156328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


  • May have been built 1938 or earlier.


Tjonnefoss, Haugsjåsund vicinity, Nissedal, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway - Nidelva
Bridgemeister ID:4481 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Tjonnefoss, Haugsjåsund vicinity, Nissedal, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Illekleivfossen
Coordinates:58.958023 N 8.518958 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated

External Links:


Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8348 (added 2024-02-10)
Location:Puladixiang (普拉底乡), Gongshan County (贡山县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.548778 N 98.826222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 168 meters (551.2 feet) estimated


Salna Chak Urgam (सलना चाक उरगाम) and Hailang (हैलंग), Uttarakhand, India - Alakanada River
Bridgemeister ID:6880 (added 2022-01-09)
Location:Salna Chak Urgam (सलना चाक उरगाम) and Hailang (हैलंग), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakanada River
Coordinates:30.525969 N 79.501264 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 97.5 meters (320 feet) estimated


  • Patrick S. O'Donnell observes: "The north end has no tower with the main cables anchored directly into a mountainside anchorage with the deck end stopping short. At the south end there is a separate tower and anchorage block with the deck stopping considerably shy of the tower."

External Links:

Hell's Gate

Boston Bar, British Columbia, Canada - Fraser River
Bridgemeister ID:1244 (added 2004-02-16)
Name:Hell's Gate
Location:Boston Bar, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Fraser River
At or Near Feature:Hell's Gate
Coordinates:49.780421 N 121.449785 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.3 meters (270 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be wide enough to have once carried vehicles, but is now restricted to pedestrians.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Hermanos Patiño

Santiago De Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic - Rio Yaque Del Norte
Bridgemeister ID:4739 (added 2020-06-27)
Name:Hermanos Patiño
Location:Santiago De Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic
Crossing:Rio Yaque Del Norte
Coordinates:19.448122 N 70.708532 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 121 meters (397 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Heuilley-sur-Saône, Côte-d'Or, France - Canal entre Champagne et Bourgogne
Bridgemeister ID:8395 (added 2024-02-18)
Location:Heuilley-sur-Saône, Côte-d'Or, France
Crossing:Canal entre Champagne et Bourgogne
Suspended Spans:1


  • The canal at this location was previously known as "Canal de la Marne à la Saône".
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Hibberdene, South Africa - Mzimayi River
Bridgemeister ID:5927 (added 2021-06-21)
Location:Hibberdene, South Africa
Crossing:Mzimayi River
Coordinates:30.583848 S 30.568249 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated


  • 2021: Undergoing renovation.
Photos courtesy of Anchors Aweigh Body Corporate


Takasaki, Gunma, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5167 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:ひびきばし 吊り橋
Location:Takasaki, Gunma, Japan
Coordinates:36.307074 N 138.981180 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated

Hidden River Cave Swinging

Horse Cave, Kentucky, USA
Bridgemeister ID:8835 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:Hidden River Cave Swinging
Location:Horse Cave, Kentucky, USA
At or Near Feature:Hidden River Cave
Coordinates:37.179167 N 85.905944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • This bridge is located within the Hidden River Cave attraction.

External Links:

  • Hidden River Cave. Main site for the Hidden River Cave attraction with images of the bridge.

Hidden Valley Trail

Warm Springs vicinity, Virginia, USA - Jackson River
Bridgemeister ID:2026 (added 2006-02-12)
Name:Hidden Valley Trail
Location:Warm Springs vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Jackson River
At or Near Feature:George Washington National Forest
Coordinates:38.1165 N 79.7916 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kurobe, Toyama, Japan - Kurobe River
Bridgemeister ID:5159 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:東谷吊橋
Location:Kurobe, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Kurobe River
Coordinates:36.645404 N 137.684755 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Higashiyama Park

Tatsuno, Hyogo, Japan - Ibo River
Bridgemeister ID:3871 (added 2020-03-08)
Name:Higashiyama Park
Location:Tatsuno, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Ibo River
Coordinates:34.916624 N 134.552448 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

High Cliff Park

Galesville, Wisconsin, USA - Beaver Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1386 (added 2004-07-03)
Name:High Cliff Park
Location:Galesville, Wisconsin, USA
Crossing:Beaver Creek
Coordinates:44.08065 N 91.348517 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet) estimated


  • Rebuilt 1976.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Nippara River
Bridgemeister ID:5151 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:氷川小橋
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Nippara River
Coordinates:35.807294 N 139.096749 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tamba, Hyogo, Japan - Sasayama River
Bridgemeister ID:6064 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:Hirota, 広田のつり橋
Location:Tamba, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Sasayama River
Coordinates:35.086410 N 135.096276 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Tamba, Hyogo, Japan - Sasayama River
Bridgemeister ID:6065 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:Hirota, 広田のつり橋
Location:Tamba, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Sasayama River
Coordinates:35.086650 N 135.096328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, c. 2019-2021
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Hissmofors, Krokom vicinity, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:8768 (added 2024-08-16)
Location:Hissmofors, Krokom vicinity, Sweden
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Hokitika Gorge

Hokitika Gorge, New Zealand - Hokitika River
Bridgemeister ID:1192 (added 2004-01-25)
Name:Hokitika Gorge
Location:Hokitika Gorge, New Zealand
Crossing:Hokitika River
Coordinates:42.95543 S 171.01688 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Holden Arboretum

Kirtland, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2880 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:Holden Arboretum
Location:Kirtland, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Judith and Maynard H. Murch IV Canopy Walk
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Holden Arboretum

Kirtland, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2881 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:Holden Arboretum
Location:Kirtland, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Judith and Maynard H. Murch IV Canopy Walk
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Holden Arboretum

Kirtland, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2882 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:Holden Arboretum
Location:Kirtland, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Judith and Maynard H. Murch IV Canopy Walk
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Holden Arboretum

Kirtland, Ohio, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2883 (added 2019-09-13)
Name:Holden Arboretum
Location:Kirtland, Ohio, USA
At or Near Feature:Judith and Maynard H. Murch IV Canopy Walk
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hollyford Track

Milford Sound vicinity, Southland, New Zealand - Hollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka
Bridgemeister ID:7570 (added 2023-04-16)
Name:Hollyford Track
Location:Milford Sound vicinity, Southland, New Zealand
Crossing:Hollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka
At or Near Feature:Hollyford Track Trailhead
Coordinates:44.692732 S 168.126448 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Holzarte, Larrau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Bridgemeister ID:2928 (added 2019-09-16)
Location:Holzarte, Larrau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Coordinates:43.004626 N 0.923098 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Zhongdian, Yunnan, China - Shangqiaotou River
Bridgemeister ID:1233 (added 2004-02-15)
Also Known As:Red Army
Location:Zhongdian, Yunnan, China
Crossing:Shangqiaotou River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Zhuqi, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3569 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Zhuqi, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.526686 N 120.551135 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 207 meters (679.1 feet) estimated

Hooker Bluff

Aoraki Mount Cook Village vicinity, New Zealand - Hooker River
Bridgemeister ID:2713 (added 2019-06-16)
Name:Hooker Bluff
Location:Aoraki Mount Cook Village vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Hooker River
At or Near Feature:Hooker Valley Track
Coordinates:43.705495 S 170.099967 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 20195)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hopewell Heritage

Hopewell, Nova Scotia, Canada - East River
Bridgemeister ID:5101 (added 2020-09-05)
Name:Hopewell Heritage
Location:Hopewell, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crossing:East River
Coordinates:45.477334 N 62.697679 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan - Yasui River
Bridgemeister ID:6035 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:蓬莱橋
Location:Niyodogawa, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yasui River
Coordinates:33.670024 N 133.190992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated


Tassajara Hot Springs vicinity, California, USA - Arroyo Seco
Bridgemeister ID:1715 (added 2005-04-04)
Location:Tassajara Hot Springs vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Arroyo Seco
At or Near Feature:Los Padres National Forest
Coordinates:36.218867 N 121.502183 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, January 9, 2023
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.6 meters (97 feet) estimated


  • Located near confluence of Willow Creek and Arroyo Seco.
  • 2023, January 9: Destroyed by flood.

External Links:

Photo by Barry Parr Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Horseshoe Dam

Horseshoe Dam, Arizona, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1959 (added 2005-11-05)
Name:Horseshoe Dam
Location:Horseshoe Dam, Arizona, USA
Status:Removed, 1944
Suspended Spans:1

Hoshi no Buranko

Katano, Osaka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:3422 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:Hoshi no Buranko
Also Known As:星のブランコ
Location:Katano, Osaka, Japan
Coordinates:34.753624 N 135.685773 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Do (渡), Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Abe River
Bridgemeister ID:7918 (added 2023-10-22)
Also Known As:細野橋
Location:Do (渡), Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Abe River
Coordinates:35.191306 N 138.359444 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

HSBC Tree Top Walk

MacRitchie Reservoir Park, Singapore
Bridgemeister ID:1611 (added 2005-02-20)
Name:HSBC Tree Top Walk
Location:MacRitchie Reservoir Park, Singapore
At or Near Feature:Central Catchment Nature Reserve
Coordinates:1.360667 N 103.812667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, August, 2020 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Long narrow footbridge.
  • 2020, August: Closed for maintenance. Expected to reopen late May, 2021.


Huancapuquio and Zúñiga, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8610 (added 2024-05-26)
Location:Huancapuquio and Zúñiga, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.851444 S 76.007750 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 57 meters (187 feet) estimated

External Links:


Madera vicinity, Chihuahua, Mexico - Sirupa River
Bridgemeister ID:291 (added before 2003)
Location:Madera vicinity, Chihuahua, Mexico
Crossing:Sirupa River
At or Near Feature:Huapoca Canyon
Coordinates:29.184149 N 108.326139 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Photo courtesy of

Huashan Creek

Gukeng Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2756 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:Huashan Creek
Also Known As:華山溪吊橋
Location:Gukeng Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.593734 N 120.609010 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:6870 (added 2022-01-06)
Also Known As:華陽吊橋
Location:Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.068820 N 120.555072 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Huánuco, Peru - Huallaga River
Bridgemeister ID:2915 (added 2019-09-15)
Location:Huánuco, Peru
Crossing:Huallaga River
Coordinates:9.910078 S 76.234569 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Panguintza and Hueca, Ecuador - Rio Zamora
Bridgemeister ID:7701 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:Panguintza and Hueca, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Zamora
Coordinates:3.906468 S 78.810982 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 123 meters (403.5 feet) estimated


Carmen, Santa Bárbara, Bio Bio, Chile - Rio Huequecura
Bridgemeister ID:4113 (added 2020-04-06)
Location:Carmen, Santa Bárbara, Bio Bio, Chile
Crossing:Rio Huequecura
Coordinates:37.707859 S 71.776444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated

Huka Falls

Taupō, Waikato, New Zealand - Waikato River
Bridgemeister ID:6549 (added 2021-08-29)
Name:Huka Falls
Location:Taupō, Waikato, New Zealand
Crossing:Waikato River
Coordinates:38.649635 S 176.089391 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pinglin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2817 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:虎寮潭吊橋
Location:Pinglin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.950246 N 121.740518 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2702 (added 2019-06-15)
Location:Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Hushan Hot Springs
Coordinates:24.467235 N 120.940557 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Folla
Bridgemeister ID:3942 (added 2020-03-21)
Location:Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.13427 N 9.95062 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 26 meters (85.3 feet) estimated

Huzhou Feifeng

Huzhou (湖州市), Zhejiang, China - Xitiao River
Bridgemeister ID:8832 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:Huzhou Feifeng
Also Known As:湖州飞凤大桥
Location:Huzhou (湖州市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Xitiao River
Coordinates:30.8784601 N 120.0957564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 86 meters (282.2 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


  • Completed at some point in the 2004-2006 time frame.

External Links:

Huzhou Fuyu

Huzhou (湖州市), Zhejiang, China - Dongtiao River
Bridgemeister ID:8831 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:Huzhou Fuyu
Also Known As:湖州市浮玉大桥
Location:Huzhou (湖州市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Dongtiao River
Coordinates:30.8480141 N 120.1010119 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (four or more lanes), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed in 2015 or 2016.

External Links:


Głuchołazy, Poland - Biała Głuchołaska
Bridgemeister ID:8828 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Głuchołazy, Poland
Crossing:Biała Głuchołaska
Coordinates:50.307639 N 17.379361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since September 2024
Main Cables:Eyebar
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2024, September: Deck wrecked by flood

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:6925 (added 2022-01-21)
Location:Hyampom, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork Trinity River
Coordinates:40.617562 N 123.463327 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • The vehicular suspension bridge at Hyampom, not to be confused with the locally famous Hyampom Mule Bridge, was likely located at the coordinates provided here and likely destroyed by the Christmas flood of 1964.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Hyèvre-Magny and Hyèvre-Paroisse, Doubs, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:7754 (added 2023-07-23)
Location:Hyèvre-Magny and Hyèvre-Paroisse, Doubs, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Coordinates:47.367019 N 6.437186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Oigawa Dam vicinity, Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3297 (added 2019-11-24)
Also Known As:市代吊橋
Location:Oigawa Dam vicinity, Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.165962 N 138.144181 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Iglesias, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:3598 (added 2019-12-31)
Location:Iglesias, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.829893 N 75.707923 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Ignacio Rengifo

Cali vicinity and Palmira vicinity, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2009 (added 2006-01-04)
Name:Ignacio Rengifo
Location:Cali vicinity and Palmira vicinity, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:3.492513 N 76.483247 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Bypassed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 110 meters (360.9 feet)

External Links:


Longarone, Italy
Bridgemeister ID:2838 (added 2019-07-06)
Location:Longarone, Italy
Coordinates:46.263873 N 12.275717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 124 meters (406.8 feet)

External Links:


Ikawa Lake, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3296 (added 2019-11-24)
Location:Ikawa Lake, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.239922 N 138.249947 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 258 meters (846.5 feet) estimated

Indo-Nepal International

Dharchula, Uttarakhand, India and Api, Nepal - Sharda River
Bridgemeister ID:5364 (added 2020-11-22)
Name:Indo-Nepal International
Location:Dharchula, Uttarakhand, India and Api, Nepal
Crossing:Sharda River
Coordinates:29.846371 N 80.543336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Inya (Иня), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6487 (added 2021-08-15)
Also Known As:Ининский
Location:Inya (Иня), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:50.456666 N 86.623624 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1
Characteristics:Hinged cables



Inkūnai, Lithuania - Šventoji River
Bridgemeister ID:5347 (added 2020-11-14)
Also Known As:Inkūnų-Mikierių
Location:Inkūnai, Lithuania
Crossing:Šventoji River
Coordinates:55.658377 N 25.178863 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Insua de Seivane

Piago, Spain - Minho River
Bridgemeister ID:3369 (added 2019-12-21)
Name:Insua de Seivane
Location:Piago, Spain
Crossing:Minho River
Coordinates:43.074855 N 7.637281 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Ishi Pishi

Orleans vicinity, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:5672 (added 2021-01-30)
Name:Ishi Pishi
Location:Orleans vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Coordinates:41.378467 N 123.496315 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, December, 1964
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Likely completed in the 1930s.
  • 1964, December: Destroyed by flood.


Les Issoux, Vals-des-Bains and Lalevade-d'Ardèche, Ardèche, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:7856 (added 2023-09-15)
Location:Les Issoux, Vals-des-Bains and Lalevade-d'Ardèche, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Chalhuanca, Peru - Rio Chalhuanca
Bridgemeister ID:8800 (added 2024-09-27)
Location:Chalhuanca, Peru
Crossing:Rio Chalhuanca
Coordinates:14.300333 S 73.236389 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 34 meters (111.5 feet) estimated

Bridgemeister ID:7760 (added 2023-07-23)
Location:Itxassou, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Nive River
Coordinates:43.327361 N 1.390138 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ivochote, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7819 (added 2023-09-02)
Location:Ivochote, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.460944 S 72.966333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 95 meters (311.7 feet) estimated
Side Span:1


Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan - Ishite River
Bridgemeister ID:5112 (added 2020-09-05)
Also Known As:岩堰
Location:Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Ishite River
Coordinates:33.847605 N 132.800188 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Jackson Mills

Nashua, New Hampshire, USA - Nashua River
Bridgemeister ID:2639 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:Jackson Mills
Location:Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Crossing:Nashua River
At or Near Feature:Jackson Mill Number 2
Coordinates:42.762681 N 71.456383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates provided are for approximate location of the bridge crossing the Nashua River from the railroad tracks north of Temple St., to Jackson Mill building number 2.
  • Bridge was in existence in 1875 when it was photographed for a popular stereoview image.


Jalatunda, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Sapi
Bridgemeister ID:8615 (added 2024-06-01)
Location:Jalatunda, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Sapi
Coordinates:7.477583 S 109.525056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2001-2010 (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 40 meters (131.2 feet) estimated


  • Large stone suspension bridge towers are present (as of 2024) at this location.

James Craig Bair Sheep Ranch

Dotsero vicinity, Colorado, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:822 (added 2003-05-31)
Name:James Craig Bair Sheep Ranch
Location:Dotsero vicinity, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
At or Near Feature:Glenwood Canyon vicinity
Coordinates:39.64485 N 107.07813 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Stock
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 64 meters (210 feet) estimated
Side Span:1 x 16.5 meters (54 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Jandarot, Khalti vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6713 (added 2021-10-09)
Location:Jandarot, Khalti vicinity, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.247222 N 73.379750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 57.9 meters (190 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2011-2013 time frame.


Kuz Purwa, Kandia, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5326 (added 2020-11-11)
Location:Kuz Purwa, Kandia, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.432599 N 73.204553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175.6 meters (576 feet) estimated


External Links:


San Rafael, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Guatape
Bridgemeister ID:6843 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:San Rafael, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Guatape
Coordinates:6.293217 N 75.027339 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated

Jardin des Plantes

Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France - Square Boulingrin
Bridgemeister ID:7557 (added 2023-03-19)
Name:Jardin des Plantes
Location:Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Square Boulingrin
Coordinates:43.594949 N 1.452085 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Jaulgonne and Varennes, Aisne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:8175 (added 2024-02-04)
Location:Jaulgonne and Varennes, Aisne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Jean Biondi

Verneuil-en-Halatte and Villers-Saint-Paul, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:4554 (added 2020-06-01)
Name:Jean Biondi
Location:Verneuil-en-Halatte and Villers-Saint-Paul, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.280330 N 2.509134 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

Jean-Luc Sylvain

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada - Montmorency River
Bridgemeister ID:2727 (added 2019-06-22)
Name:Jean-Luc Sylvain
Location:Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Montmorency River
Coordinates:46.927142 N 71.193853 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Snowmobile and ATV
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Jesús, Peru - Rio Cajamarquino
Bridgemeister ID:8639 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Jesús, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cajamarquino
Coordinates:7.246583 S 78.369861 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Jeulikat Reservoir

Jeulikat, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, Indonesia - Jeulikat Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:7757 (added 2023-07-23)
Name:Jeulikat Reservoir
Location:Jeulikat, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, Indonesia
Crossing:Jeulikat Reservoir
Coordinates:5.140775 N 97.104640 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91 meters (298.6 feet) estimated


Panchakule (पञ्चकुले), Nepal - Sewa Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6542 (added 2021-08-29)
Location:Panchakule (पञ्चकुले), Nepal
Crossing:Sewa Khola
Coordinates:28.134723 N 82.112067 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet) estimated


Wulai District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2815 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Wulai District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.883937 N 121.541440 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zhangjiakou (张家口市), Hebei, China - Qingshui River
Bridgemeister ID:8083 (added 2023-12-24)
Also Known As:建设桥
Location:Zhangjiakou (张家口市), Hebei, China
Crossing:Qingshui River
Coordinates:40.803944 N 114.875306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Completed in 2009 or 2010.

External Links:


Jicaltepec, Veracruz, Mexico - Rio Filobobos
Bridgemeister ID:7610 (added 2023-05-19)
Location:Jicaltepec, Veracruz, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Filobobos
Coordinates:20.169449 N 96.850697 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 128 meters (419.9 feet) estimated


  • Built at some point in the 2010s.


Jimighat (जिमिघट), Uttarakhand, India - Kwiri Gad
Bridgemeister ID:8172 (added 2024-02-04)
Location:Jimighat (जिमिघट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kwiri Gad
At or Near Feature:Milam Mule Track
Coordinates:30.134547 N 80.249225 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (233 feet) estimated

External Links:

Jincheon Sky

Hwasan-ri, Chopyeong-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea - Chopyeong Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:7730 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:Jincheon Sky
Also Known As:진천 하늘다리, Jincheon Nongdari
Location:Hwasan-ri, Chopyeong-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
Crossing:Chopyeong Reservoir
Coordinates:36.830760 N 127.503173 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Lengshuikeng, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:1678 (added 2005-03-25)
Also Known As:菁山吊橋, Jingshan
Location:Lengshuikeng, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Yangmingshan National Park
Coordinates:25.1664 N 121.565667 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan - Keelung River
Bridgemeister ID:2788 (added 2019-06-30)
Location:Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Crossing:Keelung River
Coordinates:25.041229 N 121.776166 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gilgit, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:2564 (added 2012-02-04)
Also Known As:Chinaar Bhagh
Location:Gilgit, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.92298 N 74.32843 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Gilgit, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:2565 (added 2012-02-04)
Also Known As:Chinaar Bhagh
Location:Gilgit, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:35.92316 N 74.32807 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Jinzhou District, Dalian, Liaoning, China
Bridgemeister ID:8098 (added 2023-12-25)
Location:Jinzhou District, Dalian, Liaoning, China
Coordinates:39.079167 N 122.014083 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Shanlin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2768 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:金興吊橋
Location:Shanlin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.001193 N 120.591485 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Jinyuan Shawan

Shawan (沙弯), Jinyuanxiang (金源乡), Xundian County (寻甸县), Kunming (昆明市), Yunnan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8231 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:Jinyuan Shawan
Location:Shawan (沙弯), Jinyuanxiang (金源乡), Xundian County (寻甸县), Kunming (昆明市), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:25.830738 N 103.126359 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Jinxiang County (金乡县), Jining (济宁市), Shandong, China
Bridgemeister ID:8510 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Jinxiang County (金乡县), Jining (济宁市), Shandong, China
Coordinates:35.076300 N 116.3205741 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Side Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


External Links:


Jinxiang County (金乡县), Jining (济宁市), Shandong, China
Bridgemeister ID:8511 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Jinxiang County (金乡县), Jining (济宁市), Shandong, China
Coordinates:35.076528 N 116.320111 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1
Side Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


External Links:


Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China
Bridgemeister ID:7806 (added 2023-08-21)
Location:Nanping (南平市), Fujian, China
Coordinates:26.636251 N 118.175995 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 197 meters (646.3 feet) estimated

External Links:

Jiulongshan Tongtian

Pinghu (乍浦镇), Jiaxing (嘉兴市), Zhejiang, China - Hangzhou Bay
Bridgemeister ID:8833 (added 2024-09-28)
Name:Jiulongshan Tongtian
Also Known As:通天桥
Location:Pinghu (乍浦镇), Jiaxing (嘉兴市), Zhejiang, China
Crossing:Hangzhou Bay
Coordinates:30.601266 N 121.142070 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 208 meters (682.4 feet) estimated

External Links:


Taroko National Park, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2497 (added 2008-12-24)
Location:Taroko National Park, Taiwan
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)


  • On Lianhua Pond trail.


Dukun, Magelang Regency and Mangunsoko, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:7629 (added 2023-05-27)
Location:Dukun, Magelang Regency and Mangunsoko, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.537180 S 110.356915 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Jordan y Los Santos

Jordan, Santander, Colombia - Rio Chicamocha
Bridgemeister ID:6846 (added 2022-01-01)
Name:Jordan y Los Santos
Location:Jordan, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Chicamocha
Coordinates:6.733326 N 73.095577 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 37 meters (121.4 feet) estimated


Pinjarra vicinity, Western Australia, Australia - Murray River
Bridgemeister ID:1264 (added 2004-03-13)
Location:Pinjarra vicinity, Western Australia, Australia
Crossing:Murray River
Coordinates:32.610466 S 115.868920 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Nieu-Bethesda, South Africa - Gats River
Bridgemeister ID:7435 (added 2022-12-10)
Also Known As:Sir Frederic
Location:Nieu-Bethesda, South Africa
Crossing:Gats River
Coordinates:31.870186 S 24.552747 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Raunlek (रौन्लेक), Ukhimath (उखीमठ) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Madhyamaheshwar Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:7042 (added 2022-05-21)
Location:Raunlek (रौन्लेक), Ukhimath (उखीमठ) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Madhyamaheshwar Ganga
Coordinates:30.564317 N 79.130133 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since 1998
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


  • 1998, August: Major landslide leads to the collapse of the bridge.

External Links:


Dugadda and Jugyana, Uttarakhand, India - Khoh River
Bridgemeister ID:5887 (added 2021-05-20)
Location:Dugadda and Jugyana, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Khoh River
Coordinates:29.808258 N 78.610457 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Morbi, Gujarat, India - Machhu River
Bridgemeister ID:2850 (added 2019-08-25)
Also Known As:Julto, Morbi, જુલતા બ્રિજ
Location:Morbi, Gujarat, India
Crossing:Machhu River
Coordinates:22.818299 N 70.842713 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, October 30, 2022 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 194 meters (636.5 feet) estimated


  • 2022, October 30: Collapsed under the weight of a large crowd killing more than 100 people. The bridge had reopened four days earlier after being closed for several months for repairs.

External Links:


Jumeaux, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:7170 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Jumeaux, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Junction Mountain Trail

Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA - Kelly Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1322 (added 2004-04-25)
Name:Junction Mountain Trail
Location:Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Kelly Creek
Coordinates:46.71925 N 115.23276 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Qidu District, Keelung City, Taiwan - Keelung River
Bridgemeister ID:2811 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:俊德吊橋
Location:Qidu District, Keelung City, Taiwan
Crossing:Keelung River
Coordinates:25.096785 N 121.708140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pedregal and Guadualejo, Cauca, Colombia - Rio Negro
Bridgemeister ID:8679 (added 2024-06-23)
Location:Pedregal and Guadualejo, Cauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Negro
Coordinates:2.5514890 N 75.9762797 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 122 meters (400.3 feet) estimated


Jeungpyeong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:5542 (added 2020-12-11)
Also Known As:좌구산 명상구름다리
Location:Jeungpyeong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
Coordinates:36.708536 N 127.650195 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Futo vicinity, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:3191 (added 2019-11-10)
Also Known As:門脇つり橋, Kadowakitsuri
Location:Futo vicinity, Shizuoka, Japan
At or Near Feature:Jogasaki Coast
Coordinates:34.890497 N 139.138726 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Kaeng Krachan

Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
Bridgemeister ID:3869 (added 2020-03-08)
Name:Kaeng Krachan
Also Known As:สะพานแขวนแก่งกระจาน
Location:Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
Coordinates:12.884272 N 99.626272 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Deck replaced at some point in the 2019-2022 time frame.


Naka, Tokushima, Japan - Naka River
Bridgemeister ID:7534 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:蔭平吊橋
Location:Naka, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Naka River
Coordinates:33.811380 N 134.272438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Payyanadam (പയ്യനടം) and Kaithachira (കൈതച്ചിറ), Kerala, India - Kunthipuzha River
Bridgemeister ID:7631 (added 2023-05-27)
Also Known As:Temple Hills
Location:Payyanadam (പയ്യനടം) and Kaithachira (കൈതച്ചിറ), Kerala, India
Crossing:Kunthipuzha River
Coordinates:11.015100 N 76.448538 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Kali Khola

Pokhara, Nepal - Kali Stream
Bridgemeister ID:3045 (added 2019-10-20)
Name:Kali Khola
Location:Pokhara, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Stream
Coordinates:28.244139 N 83.995442 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Kali Merah

Gununglarang, Bantarujeg, Majalengka Regency and Babakansari, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Manuk River
Bridgemeister ID:7022 (added 2022-05-15)
Name:Kali Merah
Location:Gununglarang, Bantarujeg, Majalengka Regency and Babakansari, Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Manuk River
Coordinates:6.953338 S 108.237043 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Parakan, Temanggung Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3578 (added 2019-12-29)
Also Known As:Sekrikil-Sanggen
Location:Parakan, Temanggung Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.289970 S 110.095449 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Likely completed in 2017.


Depok, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3665 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.433737 S 106.812245 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Smøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Kallarsundet
Bridgemeister ID:4489 (added 2020-04-28)
Location:Smøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:63.323417 N 8.047251 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Kalo Pul

Kathmandu, Nepal - Bagmati River
Bridgemeister ID:2680 (added 2019-05-11)
Name:Kalo Pul
Location:Kathmandu, Nepal
Crossing:Bagmati River
Coordinates:27.692779 N 85.304539 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Jikala, Kaisi (कलसी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:5870 (added 2021-05-18)
Also Known As:Khalsi
Location:Jikala, Kaisi (कलसी) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.511666 N 77.834239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Sandvika, Bærum, Viken, Norway - Oslofjorden
Bridgemeister ID:1500 (added 2004-10-08)
Location:Sandvika, Bærum, Viken, Norway
At or Near Feature:Kalvøya Nature Reserve
Coordinates:59.885899 N 10.533384 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Kainan, Wakayama, Japan - Kameike Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6756 (added 2021-10-24)
Also Known As:亀池つり橋, Kameike
Location:Kainan, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Kameike Lake
Coordinates:34.155405 N 135.260578 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Kami No Iwahashi

Semboku, Akita, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5117 (added 2020-09-06)
Name:Kami No Iwahashi
Also Known As:神の岩橋
Location:Semboku, Akita, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:39.609218 N 140.655293 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 78.5 meters (257.5 feet) estimated


Kumano, Mie, Japan - Kitayama River
Bridgemeister ID:4890 (added 2020-07-18)
Also Known As:上瀞橋
Location:Kumano, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Kitayama River
Coordinates:33.936868 N 135.951011 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 175 meters (574.1 feet) estimated


  • Narrow vehicular bridge. Posted weight limit is 1 ton.


Ome, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5155 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:神路橋
Location:Ome, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.801868 N 139.175992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Kamikawaotaki Koen Kotsuri

Kinko, Kimotsuki District, Kagoshima, Japan - Kono River
Bridgemeister ID:4706 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:Kamikawaotaki Koen Kotsuri
Also Known As:神川大滝公園小吊橋
Location:Kinko, Kimotsuki District, Kagoshima, Japan
Crossing:Kono River
At or Near Feature:Kamikawaotaki Park
Coordinates:31.259613 N 130.812034 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Sogawa, Hidakagawa, Hidaka District, Wakayama, Japan - Koyabu River
Bridgemeister ID:7530 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:上小薮川の吊橋
Location:Sogawa, Hidakagawa, Hidaka District, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Koyabu River
Coordinates:33.958618 N 135.507373 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:2
Side Span:1

Kamo Yurarinko

Nijo Town, Itoshima District, Fukuoka, Japan - Nijo Ravine
Bridgemeister ID:885 (added 2003-09-06)
Name:Kamo Yurarinko
Also Known As:加茂ゆらりんこ橋
Location:Nijo Town, Itoshima District, Fukuoka, Japan
Crossing:Nijo Ravine
Coordinates:33.492916 N 130.103341 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Monocable over A-shaped towers.


Argyle vicinity, Missouri, USA - Maries River
Bridgemeister ID:3540 (added 2019-12-25)
Location:Argyle vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Maries River
Coordinates:38.299768 N 91.992806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Destroyed by flood.

External Links:

Kampung Giam

Siburan, Sarawak, Malaysia - Sungai Sarawak Kanan
Bridgemeister ID:5343 (added 2020-11-14)
Name:Kampung Giam
Location:Siburan, Sarawak, Malaysia
Crossing:Sungai Sarawak Kanan
Coordinates:1.316176 N 110.269596 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Morong, Bataan, Philippines
Bridgemeister ID:3386 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Morong, Bataan, Philippines
Coordinates:14.718264 N 120.311902 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Ina, Nagano, Japan - Mibu River
Bridgemeister ID:7743 (added 2023-07-21)
Also Known As:神田橋
Location:Ina, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Mibu River
At or Near Feature:Miwa Lake
Coordinates:35.792831 N 138.080379 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 106 meters (347.8 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2


Chandni and Kandi, Himachal Pradesh, India - Ravi River
Bridgemeister ID:5247 (added 2020-11-06)
Location:Chandni and Kandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
At or Near Feature:Chamera Dam Reservoir
Coordinates:32.651173 N 76.019635 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Kaneri Kandadi

Ramgarh (रामगढ़) vicinity, Chhattisgarh, India
Bridgemeister ID:7109 (added 2022-06-04)
Name:Kaneri Kandadi
Also Known As:कनेरी कन्दाड़ी
Location:Ramgarh (रामगढ़) vicinity, Chhattisgarh, India
Coordinates:20.495657 N 80.719499 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet) estimated

External Links:


Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3769 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.596226 N 120.999414 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Kankakee River Trail

Altorf vicinity, Illinois, USA - Rock Creek
Bridgemeister ID:834 (added 2003-06-01)
Name:Kankakee River Trail
Location:Altorf vicinity, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Rock Creek
At or Near Feature:Kankakee River State Park
Coordinates:41.205533 N 87.984933 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kathmandu, Nepal - Bishnumati River
Bridgemeister ID:2681 (added 2019-05-11)
Location:Kathmandu, Nepal
Crossing:Bishnumati River
Coordinates:27.706948 N 85.302261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tateyama, Toyama, Japan - Lake Kurobe
Bridgemeister ID:5160 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:カンパ谷吊橋
Location:Tateyama, Toyama, Japan
Crossing:Lake Kurobe
Coordinates:36.563596 N 137.656793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kapaa, Hawaii, USA - Kapaa Stream
Bridgemeister ID:2471 (added 2008-12-20)
Location:Kapaa, Hawaii, USA
Crossing:Kapaa Stream
Coordinates:22.10394 N 159.32420 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kamikochi Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan - Azusa River
Bridgemeister ID:3307 (added 2019-11-29)
Also Known As:河童橋
Location:Kamikochi Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Azusa River
Coordinates:36.248872 N 137.637786 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Karakoram Dwar

Shyok, Ladakh, India - Shyok River
Bridgemeister ID:6464 (added 2021-08-13)
Name:Karakoram Dwar
Location:Shyok, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Shyok River
Coordinates:34.167638 N 78.158532 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet) estimated


Karangkemiri, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6985 (added 2022-04-03)
Location:Karangkemiri, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.374889 S 109.643005 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Azumino, Nagano, Japan - Karasu River
Bridgemeister ID:4967 (added 2020-08-15)
Also Known As:烏川吊橋
Location:Azumino, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Karasu River
Coordinates:36.316149 N 137.842281 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karuskose, Estonia - Raudna River
Bridgemeister ID:2853 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Karuskose, Estonia
Crossing:Raudna River
Coordinates:58.451091 N 25.037655 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shinshiro, Aichi, Japan - Toyokawa River
Bridgemeister ID:4652 (added 2020-06-17)
Also Known As:笠岩橋
Location:Shinshiro, Aichi, Japan
Crossing:Toyokawa River
At or Near Feature:Sakurabuchi Park
Coordinates:34.895108 N 137.505514 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Kasteel Cortewalle

Cortewalle Castle, Beveren, Belgium
Bridgemeister ID:1819 (added 2005-05-21)
Name:Kasteel Cortewalle
Location:Cortewalle Castle, Beveren, Belgium
Coordinates:51.21435 N 4.2651 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26.37 meters (86.5 feet)
Deck width:2.4 meters


  • ISFF: Completed in time frame 1900-1905. Renovated, 1970, and again in 1991.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Kasteel Enghuizen

Hummelo, Netherlands
Bridgemeister ID:7382 (added 2022-11-24)
Name:Kasteel Enghuizen
Location:Hummelo, Netherlands
Coordinates:52.014558 N 6.232077 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Katfos Fabrikker

Geithus, Modum, Viken, Norway - Drammenselva
Bridgemeister ID:4054 (added 2020-03-29)
Name:Katfos Fabrikker
Location:Geithus, Modum, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:59.93468 N 9.95775 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:1 x 81.5 meters (267.4 feet) estimated,
1 x 77 meters (252.6 feet) estimated


  • Industrial conveyor bridge at paper and cellulose processing plant. Completed prior to 1959. Plant operations discontinued in 1983. Bridge has since been removed.

Bridgemeister ID:7515 (added 2023-01-08)
Also Known As:川合橋
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Kamimura River
Coordinates:35.340879 N 137.954797 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan - Nishiki River
Bridgemeister ID:7525 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:川向橋
Location:Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan
Crossing:Nishiki River
Coordinates:34.251421 N 131.977913 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 44 meters (144.4 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

Kawashiro Koen

Tamba, Hyogo, Japan - Sasayama River
Bridgemeister ID:6066 (added 2021-07-03)
Name:Kawashiro Koen
Also Known As:川代公園の吊橋
Location:Tamba, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Sasayama River
Coordinates:35.078455 N 135.111582 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated
Side Span:1


Kedungsoko, Tulungagung Regency and Krajan, Waung, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6861 (added 2022-01-02)
Location:Kedungsoko, Tulungagung Regency and Krajan, Waung, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.085157 S 111.876364 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 51 meters (167.3 feet) estimated

Kelurahan Rangkasbitung Barat

West Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6626 (added 2021-09-06)
Name:Kelurahan Rangkasbitung Barat
Location:West Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.374363 S 106.251278 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Kendoon I

Kendoon, Scotland, United Kingdom - Water of Ken
Bridgemeister ID:987 (added 2003-11-15)
Name:Kendoon I
Location:Kendoon, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Water of Ken
Coordinates:55.16313 N 4.19360 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Dave Cooper

Kendoon II

Kendoon, Scotland, United Kingdom - Water of Deugh
Bridgemeister ID:2534 (added 2011-12-25)
Name:Kendoon II
Location:Kendoon, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Water of Deugh
Coordinates:55.16356 N 4.19224 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Dave Cooper


Sarasyunkhark (सर्स्युँखर्क) and Birtadeurali (बिर्तादेउराली), Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:8529 (added 2024-03-24)
Location:Sarasyunkhark (सर्स्युँखर्क) and Birtadeurali (बिर्तादेउराली), Nepal
Coordinates:27.573116 N 85.733387 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 124.6 meters (408.8 feet)

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image with the bridge visible in the foreground. Posted March 18, 2021.
  • Facebook. Image of the nearby road bridge with the suspension bridge visible in the background. Posted August 30, 2019.
  • Facebook. Image of man posing in front of the bridge. Posted February 17, 2016.

Khand Koti

Gangtari (गंग्तरी), Uttarakhand, India - Badyar Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7585 (added 2023-04-30)
Name:Khand Koti
Also Known As:खांद कोटी पुल
Location:Gangtari (गंग्तरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Badyar Gad
Coordinates:30.884769 N 78.238936 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 59.7 meters (196 feet) estimated


Mining (मिनिंग), Sikkim, India - Khani Khola
Bridgemeister ID:8541 (added 2024-03-31)
Location:Mining (मिनिंग), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Khani Khola
Coordinates:27.187486 N 88.516686 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:


Baglung, Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:5219 (added 2020-10-12)
Location:Baglung, Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:28.270888 N 83.605265 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Khao Phang

Khao Phang, Bhan Ta Khun, Surat Thani, Thailand
Bridgemeister ID:3359 (added 2019-12-20)
Name:Khao Phang
Location:Khao Phang, Bhan Ta Khun, Surat Thani, Thailand
Coordinates:8.948916 N 98.822435 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kharadi (खराडी) vicinity, Bhansari (भंसरी), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7682 (added 2023-07-04)
Also Known As:Khardi
Location:Kharadi (खराडी) vicinity, Bhansari (भंसरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.845881 N 78.276128 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2013
Main Span:1 x 46.9 meters (154 feet) estimated



Kharadi (खराडी) vicinity, Bhansari (भंसरी), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7683 (added 2023-07-04)
Also Known As:Khardi
Location:Kharadi (खराडी) vicinity, Bhansari (भंसरी), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.846125 N 78.275910 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 114.9 meters (377 feet) estimated


External Links:


Haripur vicinity, Pakistan - Siran River
Bridgemeister ID:3161 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Haripur vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Siran River
Coordinates:34.180581 N 72.964041 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use


Khndzoresk, Syunik Province, Armenia
Bridgemeister ID:2869 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Khndzoresk, Syunik Province, Armenia
Coordinates:39.500756 N 46.433126 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal - Kali Gandaki River
Bridgemeister ID:6377 (added 2021-07-27)
Also Known As:Khoriya Ghat
Location:Chapakot (चापाकोट) and Rampur (रामपुर), Nepal
Crossing:Kali Gandaki River
Coordinates:27.874278 N 83.853206 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1


Khurkot and Baluwajor, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5292 (added 2020-11-08)
Also Known As:खुर्कोट झोलुङ्गे पुल
Location:Khurkot and Baluwajor, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:27.338251 N 85.994151 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap


El Kiim and Muchime, Ecuador - Rio Yacuambi
Bridgemeister ID:7699 (added 2023-07-04)
Location:El Kiim and Muchime, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Yacuambi
Coordinates:3.785250 S 78.903139 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 71 meters (232.9 feet) estimated

Kincang Purwonegoro

Purwanegara, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3579 (added 2019-12-30)
Name:Kincang Purwonegoro
Location:Purwanegara, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.429023 S 109.557779 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

King Hans

Skjern and Tarm, Denmark - Skjern River
Bridgemeister ID:1421 (added 2004-07-17)
Name:King Hans
Also Known As:Kong Hans
Location:Skjern and Tarm, Denmark
Crossing:Skjern River
Coordinates:55.929384 N 8.499012 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.5 meters (178.8 feet) estimated

Kinnitty Castle

Kinnitty Castle, County Offaly, Ireland - Camcor River
Bridgemeister ID:1312 (added 2004-04-11)
Name:Kinnitty Castle
Location:Kinnitty Castle, County Offaly, Ireland
Crossing:Camcor River
Coordinates:53.102260 N 7.696501 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 8.2 meters (27 feet)


Photo by David Denenberg


Ino, Kochi, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4707 (added 2020-06-20)
Also Known As:木の根三里橋
Location:Ino, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.741119 N 133.334964 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mikkeli and Syrjälä, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:7553 (added 2023-03-18)
Also Known As:Kirkonvorkous
Location:Mikkeli and Syrjälä, Finland
Coordinates:61.665444 N 27.296778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Kitaharimayokamura Koen

Taka, Hyogo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6079 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:Kitaharimayokamura Koen
Also Known As:北播磨余暇村公園の吊橋
Location:Taka, Hyogo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Takacho Leisure Village Park - 多可町余暇村公園
Coordinates:35.077616 N 134.924178 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Miyada, Nagano, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:8262 (added 2024-02-08)
Also Known As:北の城橋
Location:Miyada, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.772361 N 137.961028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3141 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.874897 N 9.831168 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sivert Gunnes
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56 meters (183.7 feet) estimated


  • Major rehabilitation completed, 2014.

External Links:


Rauma, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Istra
Bridgemeister ID:4459 (added 2020-04-25)
Location:Rauma, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.480486 N 7.665235 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 16 meters (52.5 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between 1971 and 2006.


Staffen vicinity, Kössen, Austria - Grossache River
Bridgemeister ID:3079 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Staffen vicinity, Kössen, Austria
Crossing:Grossache River
Coordinates:47.688390 N 12.393899 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Knottly Hollow

Lancer, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:5596 (added 2020-12-23)
Name:Knottly Hollow
Location:Lancer, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Coordinates:37.671249 N 82.717030 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


  • Collapsed, July, 1962 while a car was crossing. Three adults were killed, one child was injured, but survived.
  • From a UPI wire news article appearing in July 1962 Kentucky newspapers: "The swinging bridge fell when a cable snapped afler being weakened by rubbing against a concrele abutment, [Commisioner of Highways Henry Ward] said."


Nakahechicho Hyozei, Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan - Tonda River
Bridgemeister ID:7531 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:小越の瀬の吊橋
Location:Nakahechicho Hyozei, Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Tonda River
Coordinates:33.849478 N 135.581287 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Kohala vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3486 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Kohala vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.116019 N 73.494825 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Kohala vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:7359 (added 2022-10-29)
Location:Kohala vicinity, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.116147 N 73.494633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1893
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photograph, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Koksilah River

Cowichan Station, British Columbia, Canada - Koksilah River
Bridgemeister ID:566 (added 2002-12-30)
Name:Koksilah River
Location:Cowichan Station, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Koksilah River
At or Near Feature:Bright Angel Provincial Park
Coordinates:48.73651 N 123.67823 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by Gary Woodbury


Kolelet Wetan, Lebak Regency and Kolelet Wetan, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6645 (added 2021-09-11)
Location:Kolelet Wetan, Lebak Regency and Kolelet Wetan, Lebak Regency, Banten, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.302264 S 106.271462 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Kolsrud, Stavn, Flå, Viken, Norway - Hallingdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4043 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Kolsrud, Stavn, Flå, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.44697 N 9.31353 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1962.


Kominoue, Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Totsukawa River
Bridgemeister ID:3392 (added 2019-12-21)
Also Known As:込之上橋
Location:Kominoue, Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Totsukawa River
Coordinates:33.941999 N 135.796014 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Kon Tum

Kon Tum and Kon K'Lor, Vietnam - Dak bla River
Bridgemeister ID:2439 (added 2008-04-22)
Name:Kon Tum
Also Known As:Kon K'Lor, Kon Klor
Location:Kon Tum and Kon K'Lor, Vietnam
Crossing:Dak bla River
Coordinates:14.347364 N 108.035293 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1 x 173 meters (567.6 feet) estimated


Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2809 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
At or Near Feature:Xiuluan Hot Springs
Coordinates:24.621474 N 121.286673 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Vindøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Surna
Bridgemeister ID:3878 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Vindøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.99242 N 8.83704 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, completed prior to 1963.


Asuke, Higashikamo District, Aichi, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:2093 (added 2006-07-03)
Location:Asuke, Higashikamo District, Aichi, Japan
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mitake, Gifu, Japan - Kiso River
Bridgemeister ID:5126 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:小和沢橋
Location:Mitake, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Kiso River
Coordinates:35.467577 N 137.169592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Minamiyamashiro, Kyoto, Japan - Nabari River
Bridgemeister ID:4871 (added 2020-07-12)
Also Known As:Takayama, 高山橋
Location:Minamiyamashiro, Kyoto, Japan
Crossing:Nabari River
At or Near Feature:Tsukigase Lake
Coordinates:34.740530 N 136.013871 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 195 meters (639.8 feet) estimated


Sirkandi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Sapi
Bridgemeister ID:8619 (added 2024-06-01)
Location:Sirkandi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Sapi
Coordinates:7.489806 S 109.463639 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Midori (みどり市), Gunma, Japan - Watarase River
Bridgemeister ID:7914 (added 2023-10-22)
Also Known As:下松嶋橋
Location:Midori (みどり市), Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Watarase River
Coordinates:36.534583 N 139.338750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Kuhankoski, Finland
Bridgemeister ID:4751 (added 2020-06-27)
Location:Kuhankoski, Finland
Coordinates:62.376939 N 25.949845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Tatopani, Nepal - Karnali River
Bridgemeister ID:3150 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Tatopani, Nepal
Crossing:Karnali River
Coordinates:28.721647 N 81.273349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Motorcycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Kuna Khet

Kuna Khet, Uttarakhand, India - Kosi River
Bridgemeister ID:5385 (added 2020-11-25)
Name:Kuna Khet
Location:Kuna Khet, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Kosi River
Coordinates:29.537912 N 79.156015 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Adoor, Kerala, India - Payaswini River
Bridgemeister ID:3463 (added 2019-12-22)
Location:Adoor, Kerala, India
Crossing:Payaswini River
Coordinates:12.567334 N 75.217100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Raghunathpur, West Bengal, India - Kunti River
Bridgemeister ID:2846 (added 2019-07-07)
Location:Raghunathpur, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Kunti River
Coordinates:23.018932 N 88.417344 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Eyebar (steel)


New Taipei City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:4532 (added 2020-05-17)
Also Known As:闊瀨吊橋
Location:New Taipei City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.964778 N 121.771127 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:2954 (added 2019-10-04)
Also Known As:Red, 紅の吊橋
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.972092 N 139.820137 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Torres del Paine and Amarga, Chile - Rio Paine
Bridgemeister ID:1205 (added 2004-02-05)
Location:Torres del Paine and Amarga, Chile
Crossing:Rio Paine
Coordinates:50.974692 S 72.802274 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:David Rowell & Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Bypassed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by Andrew Holbrook Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Kutiya Kapar

Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal - Jogbuda River
Bridgemeister ID:8457 (added 2024-03-17)
Name:Kutiya Kapar
Location:Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal
Crossing:Jogbuda River
Coordinates:28.828035 N 80.096334 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 136 meters (446.2 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in 2017 or 2018.

Kuz Kabulgram

Kuz Kabulgram, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:5329 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:Kuz Kabulgram
Location:Kuz Kabulgram, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:34.642440 N 72.797853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 176 meters (577.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Video showing significant flood damage to bridge deck. Dated July 2019.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated February 2019.

Bridgemeister ID:8642 (added 2024-06-16)
Location:Castelsarrasin, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Coordinates:44.049361 N 1.107167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates indicate likely former location of this bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

La Asunta

La Asunta and Boopi Motacal, Bolivia - Rio Boopi
Bridgemeister ID:8301 (added 2024-02-09)
Name:La Asunta
Location:La Asunta and Boopi Motacal, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Boopi
Coordinates:16.137083 S 67.187278 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 204 meters (669.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2004-2016 time frame.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted July 8, 2022.

La Auvernia

Auvernia and La Victoria, Peru - Rio Tarma
Bridgemeister ID:6022 (added 2021-07-02)
Name:La Auvernia
Location:Auvernia and La Victoria, Peru
Crossing:Rio Tarma
Coordinates:11.107733 S 75.384482 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42 meters (137.8 feet) estimated

La Grand-Combe

La Grand-Combe, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:2075 (added 2006-06-10)
Name:La Grand-Combe
Location:La Grand-Combe, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

La Laguna

La Laguna, Colombia - Magdalena River
Bridgemeister ID:3617 (added 2019-12-31)
Name:La Laguna
Location:La Laguna, Colombia
Crossing:Magdalena River
Coordinates:1.950643 N 76.059030 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

La Palisse

La Palisse, Cros-de-Géorand vicinity, Ardèche, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:2316 (added 2007-05-05)
Name:La Palisse
Location:La Palisse, Cros-de-Géorand vicinity, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:44.779846 N 4.102626 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

La Roche-Guyon

La Roche-Guyon, Val-d'Oise and Yvelines, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:1937 (added 2005-10-29)
Name:La Roche-Guyon
Location:La Roche-Guyon, Val-d'Oise and Yvelines, France
Crossing:Seine River
Coordinates:49.078932 N 1.631776 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • This record represents the bridge as rebuilt with the midspan pier in the 1880s.
  • Ann Saul sent a synopsis of this bridge's history from La Roche-Guyon, Bourg Feodal de l'Ancien Vexin Francais by Ernest Colas. "The author states that the bridge was built in 1838, originally with two pylons, one on each bank of the Seine. In 1882, gale force winds turned over a wide stretch of the bridge floor. Afterwards, another pylon was placed in the middle of the river; however, the bridge was not considered stable enough for modern transportation (the automobile, perhaps). Plans were made for a new bridge and the old one was demolished. The new bridge was never built because of World War I."
  • Replaced 1838 La Roche-Guyon - La Roche-Guyon, Val-d'Oise and Yvelines, France.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

La Saulce

La Saulce, Hautes-Alpes, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:2311 (added 2007-05-02)
Name:La Saulce
Location:La Saulce, Hautes-Alpes, France
Crossing:Durance River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

La Sône

La Sône, Isère, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:5563 (added 2020-12-19)
Name:La Sône
Location:La Sône, Isère, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.111177 N 5.280148 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

La Tuque

La Tuque, Quebec, Canada - St. Maurice River
Bridgemeister ID:1628 (added 2005-03-11)
Name:La Tuque
Location:La Tuque, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:St. Maurice River
Coordinates:47.449433 N 72.797383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Labelle Preparation Plant

Vestaburg and Labelle, Pennsylvania, USA - Monongahela River
Bridgemeister ID:2536 (added 2011-12-27)
Name:Labelle Preparation Plant
Location:Vestaburg and Labelle, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Monongahela River
Coordinates:40.01213 N 79.98867 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Likely built 1949-1953. Huge derelict industrial conveyor suspension bridge, mostly demolished by 2011. Patrick S. O'Donnell estimated the main span at approximately 750 feet.
  • Mostly demolished as of late 2011.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Lacort, Huesca, Spain - Rio Ara
Bridgemeister ID:6809 (added 2021-11-26)
Location:Lacort, Huesca, Spain
Crossing:Rio Ara
Coordinates:42.472622 N 0.028726 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Lago Garzas

Saltillo vicinity, Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, USA - Lago Garzas
Bridgemeister ID:7623 (added 2023-05-27)
Name:Lago Garzas
Location:Saltillo vicinity, Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, USA
Crossing:Lago Garzas
Coordinates:18.131952 N 66.741312 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Lago Senaiga

Lamon, Belluno, Italy - Lago del Senaiga
Bridgemeister ID:7852 (added 2023-09-15)
Name:Lago Senaiga
Location:Lamon, Belluno, Italy
Crossing:Lago del Senaiga
Coordinates:46.033608 N 11.736865 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8334 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Chengganxiang (称杆乡), Lushui (泸水市), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.212333 N 98.867222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 121 meters (397 feet) estimated


Lake Monowai Road

Monowai and Blackmount, New Zealand - Waiau River
Bridgemeister ID:7592 (added 2023-05-07)
Name:Lake Monowai Road
Location:Monowai and Blackmount, New Zealand
Crossing:Waiau River
Coordinates:45.794496 S 167.630901 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lake Pegasus

Pegasus, New Zealand - Lake Pegasus
Bridgemeister ID:2624 (added 2018-12-31)
Name:Lake Pegasus
Location:Pegasus, New Zealand
Crossing:Lake Pegasus
Coordinates:43.310571 S 172.696599 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

Photo by David Denenberg


Laknavaram, Telangana, India - Laknavaram Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2716 (added 2019-06-22)
Location:Laknavaram, Telangana, India
Crossing:Laknavaram Lake
Coordinates:18.158557 N 80.080564 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Laknavaram, Telangana, India - Laknavaram Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2717 (added 2019-06-22)
Location:Laknavaram, Telangana, India
Crossing:Laknavaram Lake
Coordinates:18.159255 N 80.080960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Lamarche-sur-Saône, Côte-d'Or, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:7812 (added 2023-09-02)
Location:Lamarche-sur-Saône, Côte-d'Or, France
Crossing:Saône River
Coordinates:47.270704 N 5.388976 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Langwell, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Oykel
Bridgemeister ID:2636 (added 2019-03-02)
Location:Langwell, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Oykel
Coordinates:57.972010 N 4.681621 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Photo by David Denenberg


Nanjing County (南靖县), Zhangzhou (漳州市), Fujian, China - Chuanchang River
Bridgemeister ID:8849 (added 2024-09-29)
Also Known As:南靖县兰陵桥
Location:Nanjing County (南靖县), Zhangzhou (漳州市), Fujian, China
Crossing:Chuanchang River
Coordinates:24.517603 N 117.357727 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

External Links:


Anting (安亭镇), Jiading District (嘉定区), Shanghai, China - Wusong River
Bridgemeister ID:8122 (added 2024-01-13)
Also Known As:Automobile City Expo Park
Location:Anting (安亭镇), Jiading District (嘉定区), Shanghai, China
Crossing:Wusong River
Coordinates:31.277528 N 121.169778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Lantian Baiyun

Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:7611 (added 2023-05-19)
Name:Lantian Baiyun
Location:Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.171287 N 120.728998 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Riveted plate
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Chunri Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2796 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:老七佳吊橋
Location:Chunri Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
Coordinates:22.439174 N 120.692870 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Las Delicias

Bajo San Joaquín, Delicias, Saravena, Arauca, Colombia - Rio Banadia
Bridgemeister ID:7486 (added 2022-12-30)
Name:Las Delicias
Location:Bajo San Joaquín, Delicias, Saravena, Arauca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Banadia
Coordinates:6.874941 N 71.810245 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since 2021 (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 150 meters (492.1 feet) estimated


  • Likely replaced another suspension bridge at the same location. A tower and anchorage from the former bridge were still extant in the early 2020s.
  • 2021: West approach of the bridge severely undermined and washed away by flood.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the damaged bridge and the adjacent tower of another older suspension bridge, posted June 6, 2021.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge before the flood damage, posted May 10, 2021. A tower from a former suspension bridge at this location is also visible.
  • Facebook - Puente la hamaca vereda las delicias. Video of the damaged bridge, posted August 12, 2021.
  • Twitter. Image of the damaged bridge, posted July 14, 2021.

Las Golondrinas

Las Golondrinas, Ecuador - Guayllabamba River
Bridgemeister ID:2006 (added 2006-01-04)
Name:Las Golondrinas
Location:Las Golondrinas, Ecuador
Crossing:Guayllabamba River
Coordinates:0.318999 N 79.212828 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)


  • Appears to have reinforced concrete main "cables".

Las Marías Km. 30

Aguilares and Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Guaza
Bridgemeister ID:7374 (added 2022-11-23)
Name:Las Marías Km. 30
Location:Aguilares and Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Guaza
Coordinates:13.927300 N 89.181006 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.9 meters (131 feet) estimated

External Links:

Las Veguillas

San Fabián, Ñuble, Chile - Ñuble River
Bridgemeister ID:5769 (added 2021-04-08)
Name:Las Veguillas
Location:San Fabián, Ñuble, Chile
Crossing:Ñuble River
Coordinates:36.655620 S 71.384376 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 138 meters (452.8 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Instagram. Several images of the bridge, posted November 5, 2022.


Skoganvarre, Porsanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Fielbmá
Bridgemeister ID:3757 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Skoganvarre, Porsanger, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Lasarettmoen Nature Trail
Coordinates:69.83026 N 25.13412 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

Bridgemeister ID:2387 (added 2007-11-18)
Name:Last Chance
Location:Brake, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Fork South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:38.90370 N 79.02941 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (215 feet)


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Laudenbach Conveyor

Laudenbach, Karlstadt am Main, Bavaria, Germany - Main River
Bridgemeister ID:1700 (added 2005-03-28)
Name:Laudenbach Conveyor
Location:Laudenbach, Karlstadt am Main, Bavaria, Germany
Crossing:Main River
Coordinates:49.952643 N 9.763726 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet)
Side Spans:2
Deck width:4.7 meters


  • Transports cement.
Photo by Eckhard Bernstorff

Laurel Branch

Oneida, Kentucky, USA - Red Bird River
Bridgemeister ID:4944 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Laurel Branch
Location:Oneida, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Red Bird River
Coordinates:37.236435 N 83.644349 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Grønvollfoss, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway - Tinne
Bridgemeister ID:4203 (added 2020-04-08)
Location:Grønvollfoss, Notodden, Vestfold Og Telemark, Norway
Coordinates:59.651457 N 9.220381 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 65.5 meters (214.9 feet) estimated


  • Completed in time frame 1913-1917.

External Links:

Lava Creek

Mammoth, Wyoming, USA - Lava Creek
Bridgemeister ID:5583 (added 2020-12-21)
Name:Lava Creek
Location:Mammoth, Wyoming, USA
Crossing:Lava Creek
At or Near Feature:Lava Creek Trail, Yellowstone National Park
Coordinates:44.973740 N 110.683292 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Bridgemeister ID:7477 (added 2022-12-25)
Location:Layrac, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Layrac-sur-Tarn and La Magdelaine-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:7183 (added 2022-07-02)
Location:Layrac-sur-Tarn and La Magdelaine-sur-Tarn, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Status:Destroyed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Zilijiaxiang (子里甲乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8319 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Zilijiaxiang (子里甲乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:26.633444 N 98.904972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 139 meters (456 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2019 time frame.


Längenfeld, Austria
Bridgemeister ID:4854 (added 2020-07-12)
Also Known As:Burgstein
Location:Längenfeld, Austria
Coordinates:47.062722 N 10.971271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet)


  • Likely built late 2010s.

Le Cheylard

Le Cheylard, Ardèche, France
Bridgemeister ID:8613 (added 2024-05-26)
Name:Le Cheylard
Location:Le Cheylard, Ardèche, France

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Lebak Kantin

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3671 (added 2020-01-26)
Name:Lebak Kantin
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.590530 S 106.798988 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Leiro, Ourense, Spain - Rio Avia
Bridgemeister ID:8168 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Leiro, Ourense, Spain
Crossing:Rio Avia
Coordinates:42.371000 N 8.123528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Islandsmoen, Bagn, Sør-Aurdal, Innlandet, Norway - Begna
Bridgemeister ID:4011 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Islandsmoen, Bagn, Sør-Aurdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.78448 N 9.60187 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2015
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.25 meters (125.5 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2.2 meters


  • Removed between 2013-2015. Replaced 2015 by a timber bowstring arch bridge.


Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2761 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:樂米吊橋
Location:Alishan Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.472398 N 120.714123 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Les Ormes

Les Ormes, Vienne, France - Vienne River
Bridgemeister ID:7276 (added 2022-07-22)
Name:Les Ormes
Location:Les Ormes, Vienne, France
Crossing:Vienne River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Les Taillades

Branoux-Les-Taillades and La Levade, Gard, France - Gardon d'Alès
Bridgemeister ID:2032 (added 2006-04-23)
Name:Les Taillades
Location:Branoux-Les-Taillades and La Levade, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon d'Alès
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Lesigny, Vienne and Indre-et-Loire, France - Creuse River
Bridgemeister ID:2230 (added 2007-03-19)
Location:Lesigny, Vienne and Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Creuse River
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Libourne, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:1975 (added 2005-11-27)
Location:Libourne, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Licantén, Curicó, Chile - Mataquito River
Bridgemeister ID:7428 (added 2022-12-10)
Also Known As:Los Escalones
Location:Licantén, Curicó, Chile
Crossing:Mataquito River
Coordinates:34.984763 S 72.009507 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 161 meters (528.2 feet) estimated

Lightning Creek

Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA - Lightning Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2182 (added 2007-01-14)
Name:Lightning Creek
Location:Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Washington, USA
Crossing:Lightning Creek
At or Near Feature:North Cascades National Park
Coordinates:48.87465 N 121.01784 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 59.6 meters (195.5 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2777 (added 2019-06-30)
Location:Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.166322 N 120.948985 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Lindsay Lane

Criglersville, Virginia, USA - Robinson River
Bridgemeister ID:1332 (added 2004-05-01)
Name:Lindsay Lane
Location:Criglersville, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Robinson River
Coordinates:38.4574 N 78.301833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, October, 2020 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


  • There are two suspension footbridges across the Robinson River at Criglersville. This one is located where Lindsay Lane fords Robinson River.
  • 2020, October: Closed after failing safety inspection.
  • 2021, February: VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) proposals to either rehabilitate or replace the bridge are being considered.
  • Near 1987 (footbridge) - Criglersville, Virginia, USA.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Lingtam (लागतं), Sikkim, India
Bridgemeister ID:8575 (added 2024-05-04)
Location:Lingtam (लागतं), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.223328 N 88.742980 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.8 meters (137 feet) estimated

External Links:

Linzhi Taizhao

Taizhao (太昭村), Nyingchi, Tibet, China - Niyang River
Bridgemeister ID:8024 (added 2023-12-17)
Name:Linzhi Taizhao
Also Known As:林芝太昭大桥
Location:Taizhao (太昭村), Nyingchi, Tibet, China
Crossing:Niyang River
Coordinates:29.9988637 N 93.0809710 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Deck removed at some point before 2010.

External Links:

Little Mac

Marilla vicinity, Michigan, USA - Manistee River
Bridgemeister ID:1316 (added 2004-04-18)
Name:Little Mac
Location:Marilla vicinity, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Manistee River
Coordinates:44.3654 N 85.826467 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.9 meters (167 feet)


  • This is the third Michigan suspension footbridge I've found nicknamed "Little Mac".
  • Stephen Quintana writes: "One of my first projects was to be the inspector on the construction of this bridge. This was somewhere between 1994 and 1996. I remember the contractor's only experience with any Forest Service projects was installing some toilets for us. He had never done anything like this before. I wasn't on the job site the day he pulled the cables across the river, so I asked him how he did it. He said he used a fishing pole with a small weight and cast it across the river. Then he used that to pull a larger rope, then a much larger rope, then finally the cables. I thought they did a pretty good job on this bridge. I remember the cost was somewhere around $100,000 for this project."
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Little Mac

Reed City, Michigan, USA - Hersey River
Bridgemeister ID:1055 (added 2003-12-13)
Name:Little Mac
Location:Reed City, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Hersey River
Coordinates:43.88466 N 85.51286 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Liujiadian Changshou

Liujiao, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3568 (added 2019-12-26)
Name:Liujiadian Changshou
Also Known As:六家佃長壽橋
Location:Liujiao, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.482533 N 120.295856 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Livinhac, Aveyron, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:2096 (added 2006-07-03)
Location:Livinhac, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Lot River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Demolished, 2004
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Lloró, Choco, Colombia - Rio Pasajero
Bridgemeister ID:7407 (added 2022-12-04)
Location:Lloró, Choco, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Pasajero
Coordinates:5.49969 N 76.54422 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Loch Achnamoine

Loch Achnamoine, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Helmsdale
Bridgemeister ID:1908 (added 2005-10-08)
Name:Loch Achnamoine
Location:Loch Achnamoine, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Helmsdale
Coordinates:58.263535 N 4.032381 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire


  • HBR notes several other light footbridges in this area. Dave Cooper noted there are likely five River Helmsdale suspension bridges (including this one) in this area.
Photo by Dave Cooper

Long Bottom

Hinton, West Virginia, USA - New River
Bridgemeister ID:2113 (added 2006-09-03)
Name:Long Bottom
Location:Hinton, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:New River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • From a sign at the New River Gorge visitors center: "Built in the 1920's, this suspension bridge connected the New River Lumber Company sawmill with the Long bottom train station on the other side of the New River. Rail cars pulled by a steel cable carried lumber to the railroad station."
Photo by Eric Sakowski

Long Creek

Melvern, Kansas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2061 (added 2006-06-03)
Name:Long Creek
Location:Melvern, Kansas, USA
At or Near Feature:Melvern Dam vicinity
Coordinates:38.513867 N 95.704033 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)


  • Sign at bridge reads: "Long Creek Suspension Bridge. This is a replica of the bridge that once spanned Long Creek at Francis Crossing approximately 2 miles southwest of Melvern. It was the only known bridge of this design in Kansas. The bridge was originally constructed between 1885 and 1890 by the Wilden Bridge Company. The original bridge was 100 feet long and 13 feet wide. It was designed for horse drawn hay wagons..."
  • See 1882 Long Creek - Melvern vicinity, Kansas, USA.


Gongliao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan - Shuang River
Bridgemeister ID:2818 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:龍門吊橋
Location:Gongliao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Crossing:Shuang River
Coordinates:25.022898 N 121.935492 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Longues, Vic-le-Comte and Les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:7590 (added 2023-05-06)
Location:Longues, Vic-le-Comte and Les Martres-de-Veyre, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Wanrong Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2832 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:龍吟吊橋
Location:Wanrong Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.589316 N 121.338364 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Lord Curzon

Jhinji, F-2 vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Birahi Ganga
Bridgemeister ID:7070 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:Lord Curzon
Also Known As:लॉर्ड कर्ज़न ब्रिज, Curzon's
Location:Jhinji, F-2 vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Birahi Ganga
At or Near Feature:Kuari Pass Trek - Lord Curzon's Trail
Coordinates:30.364545 N 79.570162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 60.4 meters (198 feet) estimated

External Links:


Plouhinec vicinity, Morbihan, France - Etel River
Bridgemeister ID:1739 (added 2005-04-19)
Location:Plouhinec vicinity, Morbihan, France
Crossing:Etel River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Los Mayorga

Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Guaza
Bridgemeister ID:7376 (added 2022-11-23)
Name:Los Mayorga
Also Known As:Caserío Los Ruanos
Location:Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Guaza
Coordinates:13.884197 N 89.162953 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 47.5 meters (156 feet) estimated

External Links:

Louis-Marie Gagnon

Grand-Fonds vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:2553 (added 2012-01-01)
Name:Louis-Marie Gagnon
Location:Grand-Fonds vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Coordinates:49.04213 N 66.69042 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Sign at bridge says "Passerelle - Louis-Marie Gagnon - Cap-Chat 2000"

Lover's Lake

Anle District, Keelung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:7076 (added 2022-05-27)
Name:Lover's Lake
Location:Anle District, Keelung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:25.159448 N 121.704904 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Lovers' Valley

Maolin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan - Zhuokou River
Bridgemeister ID:2769 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:Lovers' Valley
Also Known As:情人谷吊橋
Location:Maolin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Crossing:Zhuokou River
Coordinates:22.882282 N 120.665932 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Lower Hooker

Aoraki Mount Cook Village vicinity, New Zealand - Hooker River
Bridgemeister ID:2712 (added 2019-06-16)
Name:Lower Hooker
Location:Aoraki Mount Cook Village vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Hooker River
At or Near Feature:Hooker Valley Track
Coordinates:43.715830 S 170.103086 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Lubuk Mumpo

Lubuk Mumpo, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang
Bridgemeister ID:4817 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:Lubuk Mumpo
Location:Lubuk Mumpo, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.442474 S 103.917944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Luis I. Andrade

Honda (San Bartolomeo de Honda), Tolima, Colombia - Rio Magdalena
Bridgemeister ID:1105 (added 2004-01-03)
Name:Luis I. Andrade
Also Known As:Rio Magdalena
Location:Honda (San Bartolomeo de Honda), Tolima, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Magdalena
Coordinates:5.206923 N 74.734510 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Lujiao (鹿角镇), Pengshui (彭水县), Chongqing, China - Wu River
Bridgemeister ID:8447 (added 2024-03-10)
Location:Lujiao (鹿角镇), Pengshui (彭水县), Chongqing, China
Crossing:Wu River
Coordinates:29.132711 N 108.284067 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 250 meters (820.2 feet) estimated

External Links:


Lumadengxiang (鹿马登乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8309 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Lumadengxiang (鹿马登乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.028333 N 98.864500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated


Zhuoxi Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2764 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:鹿鳴吊橋
Location:Zhuoxi Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.318034 N 121.254424 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan - Talurwan River
Bridgemeister ID:4627 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Crossing:Talurwan River
Coordinates:24.022564 N 121.187218 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Luzech, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:8767 (added 2024-08-16)
Location:Luzech, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.477111 N 1.290944 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Lyseren Strandpark

Ytre Enebakk, Enebakk, Viken, Norway - Lyseren Lake
Bridgemeister ID:4493 (added 2020-05-01)
Name:Lyseren Strandpark
Location:Ytre Enebakk, Enebakk, Viken, Norway
Crossing:Lyseren Lake
Coordinates:59.707246 N 11.102365 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed before 1956.

Machraà Ben Abbou

Machraà Ben Abbou, Morocco
Bridgemeister ID:7443 (added 2022-12-23)
Name:Machraà Ben Abbou
Location:Machraà Ben Abbou, Morocco
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

MacIntosh Island

Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:2152 (added 2006-11-19)
Name:MacIntosh Island
Location:Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia
Coordinates:27.98602 S 153.42884 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2007
Main Cables:Wire


  • Closed due to safety concerns, late 2006. Replaced by a cable-stayed footbridge, 2007. New bridge opened October, 2007.

Mackay Bar

Mackay Bar, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:2380 (added 2007-11-03)
Name:Mackay Bar
Location:Mackay Bar, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
At or Near Feature:Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
Coordinates:45.38511 N 115.49917 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Pack and Footbridge
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Mae Kuang Dam

Luang Nuea, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Mae Kuang River
Bridgemeister ID:2866 (added 2019-09-08)
Name:Mae Kuang Dam
Location:Luang Nuea, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Crossing:Mae Kuang River
Coordinates:18.951784 N 99.136172 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Mae Kuang Dam

Luang Nuea, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai, Thailand - Mae Kuang River
Bridgemeister ID:4539 (added 2020-05-23)
Name:Mae Kuang Dam
Location:Luang Nuea, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Crossing:Mae Kuang River
Coordinates:18.951937 N 99.136202 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Akiyama River
Bridgemeister ID:5056 (added 2020-08-29)
Also Known As:前川橋
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Akiyama River
Coordinates:35.582933 N 139.126175 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:3629 (added 2020-01-01)
Location:Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
Coordinates:46.243473 N 8.705708 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland - Maggia River
Bridgemeister ID:3630 (added 2020-01-01)
Location:Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland
Crossing:Maggia River
Coordinates:46.243019 N 8.705354 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Villadossola, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy - Torrente Ovesca
Bridgemeister ID:7668 (added 2023-06-11)
Location:Villadossola, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy
Crossing:Torrente Ovesca
Coordinates:46.065891 N 8.256645 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China - Nujiang
Bridgemeister ID:8302 (added 2024-02-09)
Location:Majixiang (马吉乡), Fugong County (福贡县), Nujiang Lisu (怒江傈僳族自治州), Yunnan, China
Coordinates:27.407167 N 98.826333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Span:1 x 127 meters (416.7 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point in the 2012-2018 time frame.


Majitar, Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:4380 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Majitar, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.185443 N 88.496721 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Major Jones

Turangi vicinity, New Zealand - Tongariro River
Bridgemeister ID:2674 (added 2019-03-24)
Name:Major Jones
Location:Turangi vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Tongariro River
Coordinates:38.998972 S 175.813030 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Makarora, New Zealand - Makarora River
Bridgemeister ID:2861 (added 2019-09-08)
Location:Makarora, New Zealand
Crossing:Makarora River
Coordinates:44.161567 S 169.271767 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Malampuzha, Kerala, India
Bridgemeister ID:2998 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Malampuzha, Kerala, India
Coordinates:10.830380 N 76.683160 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Malampuzha, Kerala, India
Bridgemeister ID:2999 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Malampuzha, Kerala, India
Coordinates:10.829803 N 76.681505 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Chunda, Gilgit−Baltistan, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:7182 (added 2022-07-02)
Also Known As:Malturo
Location:Chunda, Gilgit−Baltistan, Pakistan
Coordinates:35.314801 N 75.485659 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Mananjary vicinity, Madagascar - Mananjary River
Bridgemeister ID:5654 (added 2020-12-31)
Location:Mananjary vicinity, Madagascar
Crossing:Mananjary River
Coordinates:21.218314 S 48.233091 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 159.4 meters (523 feet)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Maneyogma (मनेयोगमा), Himachal Pradesh, India - Spiti River
Bridgemeister ID:8823 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Maneyogma (मनेयोगमा), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Spiti River
Coordinates:32.034444 N 78.249611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated


Mangakino, New Zealand - Mangakino Stream
Bridgemeister ID:3069 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Mangakino, New Zealand
Crossing:Mangakino Stream
Coordinates:38.392827 S 175.762316 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hino, Tokyo, Japan - Asakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:4964 (added 2020-08-15)
Also Known As:万願寺歩道橋
Location:Hino, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Asakawa River
Coordinates:35.666393 N 139.413676 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:


Baie-Comeau vicinity, Quebec, Canada - Manicougan River
Bridgemeister ID:1883 (added 2005-09-24)
Location:Baie-Comeau vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Manicougan River
At or Near Feature:Reservoir Manic Deaux
Coordinates:49.202117 N 68.34245 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Snowmobile
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

External Links:


Saint-Thomas-en-Royans, Drôme and Saint-Just-de-Claix, Auberives-en-Royans vicinity, Isère, France - Bourne River
Bridgemeister ID:8079 (added 2023-12-24)
Location:Saint-Thomas-en-Royans, Drôme and Saint-Just-de-Claix, Auberives-en-Royans vicinity, Isère, France
Crossing:Bourne River
Coordinates:45.061056 N 5.280528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Presumably, a suspension bridge was built at this location in the 1840s. Later, the towers and abutments were reused for an unusual arch bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Manthali Ghat

Manthali (मन्थली) and Bhatauli (भटौली), Nepal - Tama Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:8253 (added 2024-02-08)
Name:Manthali Ghat
Location:Manthali (मन्थली) and Bhatauli (भटौली), Nepal
Crossing:Tama Koshi
Coordinates:27.383953 N 86.045973 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 124.6 meters (408.8 feet)


  • Completed at some point in 1983-1984.

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of man posing on the bridge. Posted January 15, 2015.


Manto Real, Echarate, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7833 (added 2023-09-02)
Location:Manto Real, Echarate, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:12.649711 S 72.569289 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 98 meters (321.5 feet)


Maquehue, Padre Las Casas, Chile - Rio Quepe
Bridgemeister ID:1044 (added 2003-12-06)
Location:Maquehue, Padre Las Casas, Chile
Crossing:Rio Quepe
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


Mareuil-sur-Ay, Marne, France - Marne River
Bridgemeister ID:2071 (added 2006-06-07)
Location:Mareuil-sur-Ay, Marne, France
Crossing:Marne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, c. 1910s (WWI)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Maries River

Argyle vicinity, Missouri, USA - Maries River
Bridgemeister ID:2133 (added 2006-10-22)
Name:Maries River
Location:Argyle vicinity, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Maries River
Coordinates:38.25798 N 91.99395 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, some remains still visible, 2006
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Mariposa Equestrian

Burbank, California, USA - Los Angeles River
Bridgemeister ID:2422 (added 2008-02-23)
Name:Mariposa Equestrian
Also Known As:Horse
Location:Burbank, California, USA
Crossing:Los Angeles River
Coordinates:34.15550 N 118.31265 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Equestrian and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet)

External Links:

Photo by Eric Sakowski

Martin Cemetary

Oneida, Kentucky, USA - Red Bird River
Bridgemeister ID:4946 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Martin Cemetary
Location:Oneida, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Red Bird River
Coordinates:37.248288 N 83.631116 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

Martins Ferry

Martins Ferry, Weitchpec vicinity, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:1046 (added 2003-12-06)
Name:Martins Ferry
Location:Martins Ferry, Weitchpec vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


Photograph, collection of David Denenberg

Martins Ferry

Martins Ferry, Weitchpec vicinity, California, USA - Klamath River
Bridgemeister ID:1658 (added 2005-03-19)
Name:Martins Ferry
Location:Martins Ferry, Weitchpec vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:Klamath River
Status:Destroyed, Jan. 1890
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:

  • Bird's eye view of Martins Ferry Bridge and buildings beyond. Undated high-resolution image of a Martins Ferry suspension bridge with open-frame timber towers. Unclear if this photo was taken before 1890, the purported destruction date of this early Martins Ferry suspension bridge. Despite the resolution, there is not much to see in the image to help date it. Twisted strand main cables are evident, but such cables were manufactured as early as the mid-1850s.


Hiradani, Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan - Nishi River
Bridgemeister ID:3388 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Hiradani, Totsukawa, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Nishi River
Coordinates:33.940329 N 135.748987 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Dobaru, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:884 (added 2003-09-06)
Location:Dobaru, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan
Coordinates:33.761023 N 130.835768 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Gojo, Nara, Japan - Nyu River
Bridgemeister ID:4857 (added 2020-07-12)
Also Known As:桝井橋
Location:Gojo, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Nyu River
Coordinates:34.290915 N 135.756632 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 38.5 meters (126.3 feet) estimated

Matukituki River

Cattle Flat, West Wanaka, Wanaka vicinity, Otago, New Zealand - Matukituki River
Bridgemeister ID:7134 (added 2022-06-19)
Name:Matukituki River
Location:Cattle Flat, West Wanaka, Wanaka vicinity, Otago, New Zealand
Crossing:Matukituki River
Coordinates:44.635819 S 168.992208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated



Mayoc, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:7763 (added 2023-08-05)
Location:Mayoc, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.813517 S 74.385397 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since April 25, 1974 (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet) estimated


  • 1974, April 25: Destroyed by floodwaters. At this point the suspension bridge had already been bypassed by a concrete arch bridge.
  • Later at same location 1975 Mayoc - Mayoc, Peru.

External Links:


Mazères-sur-Salat, Haute-Garonne, France - Salat River
Bridgemeister ID:3224 (added 2019-11-11)
Location:Mazères-sur-Salat, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Salat River
Coordinates:43.132484 N 0.976271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Mazeppa Bay Island

Mazeppa Bay, South Africa
Bridgemeister ID:2980 (added 2019-10-12)
Name:Mazeppa Bay Island
Location:Mazeppa Bay, South Africa
Coordinates:32.476801 S 28.655778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Medno, Slovenia - Sava River
Bridgemeister ID:4533 (added 2020-05-17)
Location:Medno, Slovenia
Crossing:Sava River
Coordinates:46.122885 N 14.440885 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, August 2023
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Unusual covered suspension bridge.
  • 2023, August: Destroyed by flood

External Links:


Huamancaca vicinity and Huancayo, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:7765 (added 2023-08-15)
Location:Huamancaca vicinity and Huancayo, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:12.052207 S 75.240174 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. 1970s image of Puente Breña (a truss bridge) with the suspension bridge visible in the background.
  • Facebook. Translated: "Beautiful photograph of the old suspension bridge La Mejorada (c. 1920), seen from east to west, you can see an entrance door and the person in charge of charging for the use of this. Currently this space is occupied by the La Breña bridge, which allows access to the city of Huancayo from the right bank."
  • Facebook. Another old photo of the bridge.
  • Facebook. More old photos of the bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Mendi, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3262 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Mendi, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.595236 N 75.217885 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

Menzies Creek

Bloedel vicinity, British Columbia, Canada - Menzies Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2427 (added 2008-04-12)
Name:Menzies Creek
Location:Bloedel vicinity, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Menzies Creek
Coordinates:50.11210 N 125.37409 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3591 (added 2019-12-30)
Location:Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:8.004047 S 112.633464 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia - Merri River
Bridgemeister ID:8551 (added 2024-04-06)
Location:Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Merri River
Coordinates:38.399972 S 142.471694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, 1920


  • Completed at some point in the 1890s. Was replaced by the current (as of the 2020s) Merri Bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Mertoun Estate

Mertoun, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Tweed
Bridgemeister ID:2531 (added 2011-12-24)
Name:Mertoun Estate
Location:Mertoun, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tweed
Coordinates:55.57507 N 2.60970 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John M. Henderson & Co. Ltd.
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Photo by Dave Cooper


Meyronne and Saint-Sozy, Lot, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:2313 (added 2007-05-05)
Location:Meyronne and Saint-Sozy, Lot, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Status:Demolished, c. 1969
Main Cables:Wire


  • Appears to have been dismantled following an accident that damaged the cables while the bridge was being restored, c. 1969.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5164 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:道所橋
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.792548 N 139.060878 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:1248 (added 2004-02-16)
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.960817 N 139.876383 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Large footbridge near much larger Momijidani footbridge.


Mikluszowice and Majkowice, Poland - Raba
Bridgemeister ID:6105 (added 2021-07-04)
Location:Mikluszowice and Majkowice, Poland
Coordinates:50.056667 N 20.465553 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 30 meters (98.4 feet) estimated


Tsunan, Niigata, Japan - Nakatsu River
Bridgemeister ID:5133 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:見倉橋
Location:Tsunan, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Nakatsu River
Coordinates:36.917004 N 138.639843 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Mill Run

Williamsville vicinity, Virginia, USA - Bullpasture River
Bridgemeister ID:796 (added 2003-03-28)
Name:Mill Run
Location:Williamsville vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Bullpasture River
At or Near Feature:Highland Wildlife Management Area
Coordinates:38.21390 N 79.59108 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 49.4 meters (162 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:1528 (added 2004-10-24)
Location:Dunbeath, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:Dunbeath Water
Coordinates:58.254417 N 3.4419 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Very short footbridge with small T-shaped towers.
  • Signs posted at the bridge (2010) state: "Previous bridge washed away Oct 06 spate. Bridge replaced and rebuilt by Dunbeath Estate Oct 07" and "Milton Suspension Bridge. You Cross This Bridge At Your Own Risk."
  • Near (footbridge) - Dunbeath, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Photo by Dave Cooper


Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan - Tenryu River
Bridgemeister ID:4324 (added 2020-04-10)
Also Known As:峰之澤橋
Location:Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Tenryu River
Coordinates:35.003020 N 137.835892 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 156 meters (511.8 feet) estimated

Ming-te Reservoir

Touwu Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan - Ming-te Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:2781 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:Ming-te Reservoir
Also Known As:明德水庫貳號吊橋
Location:Touwu Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Crossing:Ming-te Reservoir
Coordinates:24.588154 N 120.891893 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ming-te Reservoir

Touwu Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan - Ming-te Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:2780 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:Ming-te Reservoir
Also Known As:明德水庫壹號吊橋
Location:Touwu Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Crossing:Ming-te Reservoir
Coordinates:24.587616 N 120.889000 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Mining (मिनिंग), Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:8576 (added 2024-05-04)
Location:Mining (मिनिंग), Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.177486 N 88.514197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1 x 83.8 meters (275 feet) estimated

External Links:


Moquequa, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:2491 (added 2008-12-23)
Location:Moquequa, Peru
Coordinates:17.19889 S 70.93096 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Jauja, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5965 (added 2021-06-30)
Location:Jauja, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.823230 S 75.501242 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire


Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2784 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:彌榮吊橋
Location:Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.670600 N 121.365763 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Iida, Nagano, Japan - Toyama River
Bridgemeister ID:7512 (added 2023-01-08)
Also Known As:宮の前橋
Location:Iida, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Toyama River
Coordinates:35.301647 N 137.890223 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated


Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan - Ibi River
Bridgemeister ID:6130 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:宮山橋
Location:Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Ibi River
Coordinates:35.554228 N 136.507676 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated

Miyun Yunmeng

Miyun District (密云区), Beijing, China - Chaobal River
Bridgemeister ID:8230 (added 2024-02-07)
Name:Miyun Yunmeng
Also Known As:密云·云蒙大桥
Location:Miyun District (密云区), Beijing, China
Crossing:Chaobal River
Coordinates:40.3220337 N 116.7644683 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan - Kasu River
Bridgemeister ID:6931 (added 2022-01-22)
Also Known As:瑞岩寺橋
Location:Ibigawa, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Kasu River
Coordinates:35.473308 N 136.528348 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2)


Kiyokawa, Kanagawa, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5054 (added 2020-08-29)
Also Known As:水の郷大つり橋
Location:Kiyokawa, Kanagawa, Japan
Coordinates:35.523780 N 139.228743 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 316.4 meters (1,038.1 feet) estimated

External Links:

Mocus Point Pack

Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA - Lochsa River
Bridgemeister ID:344 (added before 2003)
Name:Mocus Point Pack
Location:Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Lochsa River
Coordinates:46.46130 N 115.01868 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:3173 (added 2019-11-08)
Location:Modage, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Ghataprabha River
Coordinates:16.055753 N 74.420487 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hikawa, Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5162 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:もえぎ橋
Location:Hikawa, Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.805768 N 139.101094 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Boudou and Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave, Tarn-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:5579 (added 2020-12-20)
Also Known As:Coudol, Boudou
Location:Boudou and Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.091900 N 1.028814 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:4


  • The older images linked here show the original configuration of the bridge. The pylons have since been heightened and the deck and suspension system have been completely replaced.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:1247 (added 2004-02-16)
Also Known As:森林の駅/もみじ谷大吊橋
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.954273 N 139.880218 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 320 meters (1,049.9 feet)


  • Huge footbridge.

External Links:


Monéteau, Yonne, France - Yonne River
Bridgemeister ID:2335 (added 2007-07-09)
Location:Monéteau, Yonne, France
Crossing:Yonne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Collapsed, September 1911
Main Cables:Wire


  • Appears to have collapsed due to a construction accident during the erection of its adjacent replacement (an arch bridge) causing both bridges to collapse.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Mondragon, Vaucluse, France - Donzère Canal
Bridgemeister ID:4547 (added 2020-05-30)
Location:Mondragon, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Donzère Canal
Coordinates:44.245210 N 4.701625 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 146 meters (479 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Monessie Gorge

Roy Bridge vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Spean
Bridgemeister ID:2466 (added 2008-10-05)
Name:Monessie Gorge
Location:Roy Bridge vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Spean
Coordinates:56.8894 N 4.7929 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Dave Cooper


Mongaup, New York, USA - Mongaup River
Bridgemeister ID:345 (added before 2003)
Location:Mongaup, New York, USA
Crossing:Mongaup River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Monsempron-Libos, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:2198 (added 2007-01-27)
Location:Monsempron-Libos, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Puente de Montañana, Huesca, Aragon, Spain - Noguera Ribagorzana
Bridgemeister ID:8166 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Puente de Montañana, Huesca, Aragon, Spain
Crossing:Noguera Ribagorzana
Coordinates:42.150722 N 0.694056 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have been largely reconstructed at least twice, once in 1938 and again in 2018.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Monthermé, Ardennes, France - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:1935 (added 2005-10-28)
Location:Monthermé, Ardennes, France
Crossing:Meuse River
Coordinates:49.887602 N 4.734902 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Chain (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Montmorency Falls

Quebec City vicinity, Quebec, Canada - Montmorency Falls
Bridgemeister ID:1418 (added 2004-07-17)
Name:Montmorency Falls
Location:Quebec City vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Montmorency Falls
Coordinates:46.890964 N 71.147429 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg

Montmorency Falls

Quebec City vicinity, Quebec, Canada - Montmorency Falls
Bridgemeister ID:1526 (added 2004-10-24)
Name:Montmorency Falls
Location:Quebec City vicinity, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Montmorency Falls
Coordinates:46.890706 N 71.147952 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AAJ, HBE
Status:Failed, April 30, 1856
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Towers from this bridge are still visible next to the towers of the current suspension footbridge. HBE, in 1911, notes that it "collapsed some years ago carrying a wagon and its driver into the cataract."
  • Jakkula (AAJ) cites an article tracing back to the Quebec Gazette stating the bridge failed on April 30, 1856 resulting in the loss of "several" lives and recounting the troubled history of the bridge: "There had been statements made before to the effect that the bridge was not to be trusted. People crossed it with terror. On the northern bank, 5 of the 7 strands of one of the wire cables had previously given way, and the cable had been repaired."
  • Later at same location Montmorency Falls - Quebec City vicinity, Quebec, Canada.


Tonse West, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:3640 (added 2020-01-19)
Location:Tonse West, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:13.404091 N 74.723381 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Moonan Flat

Moonan Flat, New South Wales, Australia - Hunter River
Bridgemeister ID:4714 (added 2020-06-25)
Name:Moonan Flat
Location:Moonan Flat, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Hunter River
Coordinates:31.925329 S 151.237098 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Sometimes referred to as the "Rex Collison" bridge, but that is the name of the adjacent low water road bridge.

Moraine Creek

Milford Sound vicinity, Southland, New Zealand - Hollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka
Bridgemeister ID:7569 (added 2023-04-16)
Name:Moraine Creek
Location:Milford Sound vicinity, Southland, New Zealand
Crossing:Hollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka
At or Near Feature:Moraine Creek Route
Coordinates:44.700787 S 168.122504 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Les Chères and Chazay-d'Azergues, Rhône, France - Azergues River
Bridgemeister ID:7390 (added 2022-11-25)
Also Known As:Moulin Pottier, Chères
Location:Les Chères and Chazay-d'Azergues, Rhône, France
Crossing:Azergues River
Coordinates:45.887722 N 4.729861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Minobu, Yamanashi, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5138 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Minobu, Yamanashi, Japan
At or Near Feature:Yamanashiken Fujikawa Craft Park
Coordinates:35.416663 N 138.434227 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Morningside Nature Preserve

Atlanta, Georgia, USA - South Fork Peachtree Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2703 (added 2019-06-15)
Name:Morningside Nature Preserve
Location:Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Crossing:South Fork Peachtree Creek
Coordinates:33.805718 N 84.356140 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Vasil'yevskoye (Васильевское), Moscow Oblast, Russia - Moskva River
Bridgemeister ID:5993 (added 2021-07-02)
Also Known As:Москва
Location:Vasil'yevskoye (Васильевское), Moscow Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Moskva River
Coordinates:55.609409 N 36.588661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Motu vicinity, New Zealand - Motu River
Bridgemeister ID:1786 (added 2005-05-17)
Location:Motu vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Motu River
At or Near Feature:Whinray Scenic Reserve Track
Coordinates:38.249267 S 177.596783 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Shamanka (Шаманка), Irkutsk Oblast, Russia - Irkut River
Bridgemeister ID:6071 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:Моты-Шаманка
Location:Shamanka (Шаманка), Irkutsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Irkut River
Coordinates:52.070388 N 103.828787 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Moussac, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:7497 (added 2022-12-30)
Location:Moussac, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Coordinates:43.978535 N 4.225417 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Muara Lawai

Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4811 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:Muara Lawai
Location:Muara Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.652306 S 103.743255 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Mugling, Darechok, Nepal - Trishuli River
Bridgemeister ID:4677 (added 2020-06-19)
Also Known As:मुग्लिङ पुल
Location:Mugling, Darechok, Nepal
Crossing:Trishuli River
Coordinates:27.853998 N 84.557266 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Mulashidi, Myanmar - Meulah Lol
Bridgemeister ID:3358 (added 2019-12-15)
Location:Mulashidi, Myanmar
Crossing:Meulah Lol
Coordinates:27.254383 N 97.424140 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Purano Jhangajholi, Nepal - Sunkoshi
Bridgemeister ID:5290 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Purano Jhangajholi, Nepal
Coordinates:27.402157 N 85.925595 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Thekkil, Kerala, India - Kudumbur River
Bridgemeister ID:3013 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Thekkil, Kerala, India
Crossing:Kudumbur River
Coordinates:12.480614 N 75.079520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Shijonawate, Osaka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5346 (added 2020-11-14)
Also Known As:むろいけ園地の吊橋
Location:Shijonawate, Osaka, Japan
Coordinates:34.733277 N 135.670736 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Murviel-lès-Béziers, Hérault, France - Orb River
Bridgemeister ID:7387 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:Murviel-lès-Béziers, Hérault, France
Crossing:Orb River
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kamikochi Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan - Azusa River
Bridgemeister ID:3306 (added 2019-11-29)
Also Known As:明神橋
Location:Kamikochi Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Azusa River
Coordinates:36.252351 N 137.666361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan - Sagami River
Bridgemeister ID:5055 (added 2020-08-29)
Also Known As:名手橋
Location:Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Sagami River
Coordinates:35.598334 N 139.242467 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 180.5 meters (592.2 feet) estimated


Totsukawa, Nara, Japan - Imanishi River
Bridgemeister ID:3387 (added 2019-12-21)
Location:Totsukawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Imanishi River
Coordinates:33.969201 N 135.734486 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Nagar River

Khaibar vicinity, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:3699 (added 2020-02-08)
Name:Nagar River
Location:Khaibar vicinity, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.544199 N 74.809275 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire


Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6033 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:長浦橋
Location:Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Coordinates:35.207598 N 140.038922 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Nanfeng County, Jiangxi, China
Bridgemeister ID:8096 (added 2023-12-25)
Location:Nanfeng County, Jiangxi, China
Coordinates:27.204667 N 116.532361 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 158 meters (518.4 feet) estimated


Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan - Mio River
Bridgemeister ID:4038 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Kozagawa, Wakayama, Japan
Crossing:Mio River
Coordinates:33.545108 N 135.673325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Tashiro, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:7946 (added 2023-11-11)
Also Known As:中ノ宿吊り橋, Nakano-shuku
Location:Tashiro, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.381185 N 138.207871 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet)


Deraniyagala, Sri Lanka
Bridgemeister ID:3097 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Deraniyagala, Sri Lanka
Coordinates:6.912204 N 80.365672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Shokawacho Ushimaru, Takayama, Gifu, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3984 (added 2020-03-22)
Also Known As:七間飛吊橋
Location:Shokawacho Ushimaru, Takayama, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.057384 N 136.940238 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan - Hoki River
Bridgemeister ID:2952 (added 2019-10-04)
Also Known As:七ツ岩吊橋
Location:Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Hoki River
Coordinates:36.967353 N 139.832536 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Nauman Pura

Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Mahl River
Bridgemeister ID:5874 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:Nauman Pura
Location:Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Crossing:Mahl River
Coordinates:33.963595 N 73.742104 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 175 meters (574.1 feet) estimated


Nauzenac, Mauriac vicinity, Cantal and Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:1973 (added 2005-11-27)
Location:Nauzenac, Mauriac vicinity, Cantal and Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Village of Nauzenac was apparently inundated after construction of L'Aigle Dam.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Hetauda, Nepal - East Rapti River
Bridgemeister ID:4058 (added 2020-03-29)
Location:Hetauda, Nepal
Crossing:East Rapti River
Coordinates:27.431340 N 84.989092 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5137 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:根原の吊橋
Location:Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Coordinates:35.426179 N 138.575415 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Needleton vicinity, Colorado, USA - Animas River
Bridgemeister ID:2429 (added 2008-04-12)
Location:Needleton vicinity, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Animas River
At or Near Feature:Chicago Basin Trail
Coordinates:37.633477 N 107.692765 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2008
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Neiwan, Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:1679 (added 2005-03-25)
Also Known As:內灣吊橋
Location:Neiwan, Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.702453 N 121.183349 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Large footbridge with concrete towers. Appears to be just wide enough to have once been a vehicular bridge.


Dapu Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2801 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:內葉翅吊橋
Location:Dapu Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.295885 N 120.642466 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Nelson Creek

Ngahere, West Coast, New Zealand - Nelson Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7612 (added 2023-05-26)
Name:Nelson Creek
Location:Ngahere, West Coast, New Zealand
Crossing:Nelson Creek
Coordinates:42.405981 S 171.520829 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2

External Links:


Nemmaru, Karnataka, India - Tunga River
Bridgemeister ID:4661 (added 2020-06-18)
Location:Nemmaru, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Tunga River
Coordinates:13.382030 N 75.216434 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Bridgemeister ID:5445 (added 2020-11-26)
Location:Nerwa, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Shallu Gad
Coordinates:30.917679 N 77.641194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Bridgemeister ID:4819 (added 2020-07-04)
Location:Nesang, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Sutlej River
Coordinates:31.669199 N 78.473764 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sjårdalen, Vågå, Innlandet, Norway - Otta
Bridgemeister ID:3961 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Sjårdalen, Vågå, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.87015 N 9.19107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 42.5 meters (139.4 feet) estimated


Bandla, Palampur (पालमपुर), Himachal Pradesh, India - Neugal River
Bridgemeister ID:4961 (added 2020-08-15)
Also Known As:Old Neugal, ओल्ड न्युगल ब्रिज
Location:Bandla, Palampur (पालमपुर), Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Neugal River
Coordinates:32.133394 N 76.533731 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


  • 2022, July-August: Collapsed due to heavy rain. Quickly repaired.
  • Constructed circa 1980.
  • 2020, August: Local officials trying to initiate repairs to one of the bridge foundations that was severely damaged by 2019 monsoon flooding. Bridge appears to remain open as a popular tourist site.

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:5243 (added 2020-11-01)
Location:Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Neugal Khadd
Coordinates:32.133367 N 76.533621 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 133 meters (436.4 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • X (Twiiter). Two minute video expressing concerns about the condition of the bridge. Posted July 6, 2023.


Neuvy-sur-Loire, Nièvre, France
Bridgemeister ID:1590 (added 2005-01-31)
Location:Neuvy-sur-Loire, Nièvre, France
Status:Extant (last checked: 2004)


  • Appears to cross a waste weir of the local power plant.


Ngakawau, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:3098 (added 2019-10-27)
Location:Ngakawau, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Charming Creek Walkway
Coordinates:41.609568 S 171.880262 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


Toei, Aichi, Japan - Ochise River
Bridgemeister ID:3859 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Toei, Aichi, Japan
Crossing:Ochise River
Coordinates:35.067242 N 137.742819 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Nike Kuningan

Negeri Agung, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia - Lematang River
Bridgemeister ID:4809 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:Nike Kuningan
Location:Negeri Agung, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Crossing:Lematang River
Coordinates:3.785987 S 103.653957 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan - Liwu River
Bridgemeister ID:2792 (added 2019-06-30)
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Crossing:Liwu River
Coordinates:24.172117 N 121.598821 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Monobecho Odochi, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan - Kaminirou River
Bridgemeister ID:3125 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Monobecho Odochi, Kami vicinity, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Kaminirou River
Coordinates:33.702896 N 133.876823 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Yamakita, Kanagawa, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5068 (added 2020-08-29)
Also Known As:西丹沢公園橋
Location:Yamakita, Kanagawa, Japan
Coordinates:35.472251 N 139.062438 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated

Nishizawa Valley Futamata

Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan - Fuefuki River
Bridgemeister ID:4728 (added 2020-06-27)
Name:Nishizawa Valley Futamata
Also Known As:西沢渓谷 二俣吊橋
Location:Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Fuefuki River
Coordinates:35.870451 N 138.741615 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Nogent-sur-Loir, Chateau-sur-Loir vicinity, Sarthe, France - Loir River
Bridgemeister ID:2068 (added 2006-06-07)
Location:Nogent-sur-Loir, Chateau-sur-Loir vicinity, Sarthe, France
Crossing:Loir River
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan - Doshi River
Bridgemeister ID:5062 (added 2020-08-29)
Also Known As:野原つり橋
Location:Doshi, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Doshi River
Coordinates:35.533739 N 139.091261 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Nome River

Nome vicinity, Alaska, USA - Nome River
Bridgemeister ID:2568 (added 2012-02-05)
Name:Nome River
Location:Nome vicinity, Alaska, USA
Crossing:Nome River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Likely removed. See Alaska digital archives identifiers ASL-P61-141-003, UAF-1980-68-295, and UAF-1980-68-296 which are photos of the bridge from the time period 1913-1939. One photo is captioned "Mile 3 - Nome River Susp. Br. - Rt. 8".

External Links:


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2806 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.626507 N 120.894654 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ljørdalen, Innlandet, Norway - Ljøra
Bridgemeister ID:4475 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Ljørdalen, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.392950 N 12.669047 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, May 23, 2016
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 43.5 meters (142.7 feet) estimated



Nore, Viken, Norway - Norefjorden
Bridgemeister ID:4088 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Nore, Viken, Norway
Coordinates:60.168740 N 9.014858 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130 meters (426.5 feet) estimated


  • Replaced, 1983.

External Links:

North Stoke

North Stoke, England, United Kingdom - River Arun
Bridgemeister ID:1643 (added 2005-03-18)
Name:North Stoke
Location:North Stoke, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Arun
Coordinates:50.88455 N 0.546417 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Crosses a former channel of the River Arun.
  • Damaged by falling tree, 2008. Repaired, 2009.
Photo by Tim Ralph

North York Moors Railway

Grosmont, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - Murk Esk
Bridgemeister ID:2585 (added 2013-11-03)
Name:North York Moors Railway
Location:Grosmont, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:Murk Esk
Coordinates:54.435413 N 0.724709 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Suspended Spans:1


  • A large steel girder can be seen under the bridge, circa 2012. Unclear if suspension elements are still supporting this bridge. Dave Cooper writes: "It is located over what used to be the trackbed for an early railway track alignment. The girders below the bridge may have carried the trackbed."

External Links:

Photo by Dave Cooper

Northville-Placid Trail

Whitehouse, Lake Pleasant, New York, USA - West Branch Sacandaga River
Bridgemeister ID:5673 (added 2021-01-31)
Name:Northville-Placid Trail
Location:Whitehouse, Lake Pleasant, New York, USA
Crossing:West Branch Sacandaga River
At or Near Feature:Northville-Placid Trail, Silver Lake Wilderness
Coordinates:43.372984 N 74.435520 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Spans:2


Nouvion-sur-Meuse, Ardennes, France - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:7228 (added 2022-07-15)
Location:Nouvion-sur-Meuse, Ardennes, France
Crossing:Meuse River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Novopokrovka (Новопокровка) and Novokreshchenka, Primorsky Krai, Russia - Reka Bol'shaya Ussurka
Bridgemeister ID:6760 (added 2021-10-24)
Also Known As:Новокрещенку
Location:Novopokrovka (Новопокровка) and Novokreshchenka, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crossing:Reka Bol'shaya Ussurka
Coordinates:45.872804 N 134.521463 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 205 meters (672.6 feet) estimated


Oguni, Kumamoto, Japan - Bairin Lake
Bridgemeister ID:5203 (added 2020-10-10)
Also Known As:貫見大橋
Location:Oguni, Kumamoto, Japan
Crossing:Bairin Lake
Coordinates:33.180244 N 130.992758 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 200 meters (656.2 feet) estimated


Bau Selatan, Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Sadang River
Bridgemeister ID:6611 (added 2021-09-05)
Location:Bau Selatan, Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Sadang River
Coordinates:3.326128 S 119.689506 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 94.5 meters (310 feet) estimated

External Links:

O Kun-de-kun Falls

Bruce Crossing vicinity, Michigan, USA - Baltimore River
Bridgemeister ID:2708 (added 2019-06-16)
Name:O Kun-de-kun Falls
Location:Bruce Crossing vicinity, Michigan, USA
Crossing:Baltimore River
Coordinates:46.651432 N 89.151181 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg


Chichibu, Saitama, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:4726 (added 2020-06-27)
Also Known As:Odogawa, 大洞川吊り橋
Location:Chichibu, Saitama, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
At or Near Feature:Chichibu Lake
Coordinates:35.935582 N 138.906139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Obuchiike Koen

Obuchicho, Nara, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5345 (added 2020-11-14)
Name:Obuchiike Koen
Also Known As:大渕池公園の吊橋
Location:Obuchicho, Nara, Japan
Coordinates:34.708121 N 135.744717 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 10.2 meters (33.5 feet) estimated


Thadikadavu (തടിക്കടവ്), Kerala, India - Kuppam River
Bridgemeister ID:7772 (added 2023-08-17)
Also Known As:ഹാങ്ങിങ്ങ് ബ്രിഡ്ജ് ഓടക്കടവ്
Location:Thadikadavu (തടിക്കടവ്), Kerala, India
Crossing:Kuppam River
Coordinates:12.156986 N 75.432877 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Oide, Hakuba, Nagano, Japan - Himekawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6110 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:大出の吊橋
Location:Oide, Hakuba, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Himekawa River
Coordinates:36.697028 N 137.873020 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated


Minami, Yamanashi, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5139 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:大樺沢吊橋
Location:Minami, Yamanashi, Japan
Coordinates:35.696941 N 138.268851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:4255 (added 2020-04-10)
Also Known As:大川橋
Location:Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:33.972756 N 133.782060 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Old Homeplace Swinging

Oneida vicinity, Kentucky, USA - Goose Creek
Bridgemeister ID:3138 (added 2019-11-02)
Name:Old Homeplace Swinging
Location:Oneida vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Goose Creek
Coordinates:37.259634 N 83.668837 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire

Old Noarlunga Swing

Old Noarlunga, South Australia, Australia - Onkaparinga River
Bridgemeister ID:837 (added 2003-06-28)
Name:Old Noarlunga Swing
Location:Old Noarlunga, South Australia, Australia
Crossing:Onkaparinga River
Coordinates:35.18185 S 138.5042 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, September, 2016
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Whitemouth, Manitoba, Canada - Whitemouth River
Bridgemeister ID:5176 (added 2020-10-03)
Location:Whitemouth, Manitoba, Canada
Crossing:Whitemouth River
Coordinates:50.018106 N 96.030656 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:


Molund, Porsanger, Lakselv vicinity, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Lakselva
Bridgemeister ID:3758 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Molund, Porsanger, Lakselv vicinity, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
At or Near Feature:Olderø Fly Fishing Lodge
Coordinates:70.05680 N 24.9179 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


Ujitawara, Kyoto, Japan - Seta River
Bridgemeister ID:6083 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:大峰橋
Location:Ujitawara, Kyoto, Japan
Crossing:Seta River
Coordinates:34.878636 N 135.846540 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 121 meters (397 feet) estimated


Onard, Landes, France - Adour River
Bridgemeister ID:2957 (added 2019-10-05)
Location:Onard, Landes, France
Crossing:Adour River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

Oneida Baptist Institute

Oneida, Kentucky, USA - Goose Creek
Bridgemeister ID:4948 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Oneida Baptist Institute
Also Known As:OBI
Location:Oneida, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Goose Creek
Coordinates:37.265185 N 83.648314 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kolkata, West Bengal, India - Circular Canal
Bridgemeister ID:3562 (added 2019-12-26)
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Circular Canal
Principals:Captain A.H.E. Boileau
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 31 meters (101.7 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • Completed 1841 or 1842.
  • ISB describes its location: " situated 1-1/4 miles from the mouth of the Circular Canal."

Orange County Golf Club

Middletown, New York, USA - Wallkill River
Bridgemeister ID:348 (added before 2003)
Name:Orange County Golf Club
Location:Middletown, New York, USA
Crossing:Wallkill River
Coordinates:41.432753 N 74.374064 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:John A. Roebling Sons, Co.
Use:Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet)


  • Completed in 1926 or 1928. Now known as Orange Country Club.
  • 2012: "Orange County Golf Club" renamed to "West Hills Country Club".


Waimiha, New Zealand
Bridgemeister ID:8814 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Waimiha, New Zealand
At or Near Feature:Te Araroa Timber Trail
Coordinates:38.588722 S 175.599472 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet) estimated



Orbeil and Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:7274 (added 2022-07-22)
Location:Orbeil and Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.563305 N 3.269521 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire


  • Part of the northern tower is still standing (as of 2021).
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Oregon Zoo

Portland, Oregon, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2724 (added 2019-06-22)
Name:Oregon Zoo
Location:Portland, Oregon, USA
At or Near Feature:Cascade Canyon Trail, Black Bear Ridge
Coordinates:45.510517 N 122.715200 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Ornavasso, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy - Toce
Bridgemeister ID:7897 (added 2023-10-14)
Location:Ornavasso, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy
Main Cables:Wire


  • Likely located at, or near, the current (as of the early 2020s) cable-stayed bridge at Ornavasso.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Edigan (Эдиган), Altai Republic, Russia - Katun River
Bridgemeister ID:6205 (added 2021-07-15)
Also Known As:Ороктойский
Location:Edigan (Эдиган), Altai Republic, Russia
Crossing:Katun River
Coordinates:51.122974 N 86.165353 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Paso Agres, Orotina vicinity and Turrubares vicinity, Costa Rica - Rio Tárcoles
Bridgemeister ID:2489 (added 2008-12-23)
Also Known As:Hamaca, Paso Agres
Location:Paso Agres, Orotina vicinity and Turrubares vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Rio Tárcoles
Coordinates:9.87953 N 84.52746 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane) and Pipeline
Status:Collapsed, October 22, 2009
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Nesby, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway - Luonosjåhkå
Bridgemeister ID:3753 (added 2020-02-28)
Location:Nesby, Saltdal, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.07224 N 15.38552 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 93 meters (305.1 feet) estimated


  • Repaired and reopened 2012 after having been closed for four years.

Bridgemeister ID:4240 (added 2020-04-09)
Location:Drosh, Pakistan
Crossing:Kunar/Chitral/Mastuj River
Coordinates:35.556201 N 71.792157 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Tsunboishi Otono, Naka and Donoo Hiradani, Naka, Tokushima, Japan - Naka River
Bridgemeister ID:7533 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:大殿の吊橋
Location:Tsunboishi Otono, Naka and Donoo Hiradani, Naka, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Naka River
Coordinates:33.798071 N 134.301095 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Ovejeria Bajo

Osorno, Chile - Rahue River
Bridgemeister ID:6120 (added 2021-07-04)
Name:Ovejeria Bajo
Location:Osorno, Chile
Crossing:Rahue River
Coordinates:40.584181 S 73.154793 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Overholt Distillery Swinging

Adelaide and Broad Ford, Pennsylvania, USA - Youghiogheny River
Bridgemeister ID:2358 (added 2007-09-08)
Name:Overholt Distillery Swinging
Location:Adelaide and Broad Ford, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Youghiogheny River
Coordinates:40.04610 N 79.61201 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:6
Main Spans:4
Side Spans:2

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kita Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan - Sensui Lake
Bridgemeister ID:7034 (added 2022-05-21)
Also Known As:大渡橋
Location:Kita Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Sensui Lake
Coordinates:34.714971 N 132.333561 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kampiri, Soppeng Regency and Barang, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5723 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Kampiri, Soppeng Regency and Barang, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.409575 S 119.998685 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 119 meters (390.4 feet) estimated


  • 2021, March: Replacement appears to be under construction

Pagar Batu

Kuba, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4807 (added 2020-07-04)
Name:Pagar Batu
Location:Kuba, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.849132 S 103.527635 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Filadelfia vicinity and El Torrente vicinity, Briceño, Antioquia, Colombia - Rio Cauca
Bridgemeister ID:7669 (added 2023-06-11)
Location:Filadelfia vicinity and El Torrente vicinity, Briceño, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Cauca
Coordinates:7.200399 N 75.566830 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since 2018 (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Puerto Aysén, Chile - Rio Pangal
Bridgemeister ID:3035 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Puerto Aysén, Chile
Crossing:Rio Pangal
Coordinates:45.395001 S 72.712269 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Plouguerneau and Lannilis, Finistère, France - L'Aber Wrac'h
Bridgemeister ID:1971 (added 2005-11-27)
Location:Plouguerneau and Lannilis, Finistère, France
Crossing:L'Aber Wrac'h
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pamerkiai, Lithuania - Merkys River
Bridgemeister ID:5315 (added 2020-11-11)
Also Known As:Pamerkių
Location:Pamerkiai, Lithuania
Crossing:Merkys River
Coordinates:54.310715 N 24.715747 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pamosean, Mambi vicinity, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6876 (added 2022-01-09)
Location:Pamosean, Mambi vicinity, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:2.968953 S 119.133013 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Damaged, November 2020 (last checked: October 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 45 meters (147.6 feet)


  • 2020, November: Deck destroyed by flood, yet students still managed to cross the bridge to get to school.
  • 2021, August-October: Repairs underway.

External Links:


Pancheshwar, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:4345 (added 2020-04-11)
Location:Pancheshwar, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.446565 N 80.234624 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Pandalam, Kerala, India
Bridgemeister ID:2996 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Pandalam, Kerala, India
Coordinates:9.235769 N 76.673940 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Guizhou, China
Bridgemeister ID:1294 (added 2004-03-19)
Location:Guizhou, China

Panorama Mountain Resort

Panorama, British Columbia, Canada - Toby Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2676 (added 2019-03-30)
Name:Panorama Mountain Resort
Location:Panorama, British Columbia, Canada
Crossing:Toby Creek
Coordinates:50.458872 N 116.240551 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Cotarma, Peru - Rio Pachachaca
Bridgemeister ID:8811 (added 2024-09-28)
Location:Cotarma, Peru
Crossing:Rio Pachachaca
Coordinates:13.801111 S 72.960306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20 meters (65.6 feet) estimated

Paradise Ranch

Lowell vicinity, Idaho, USA - Clearwater River
Bridgemeister ID:1404 (added 2004-07-04)
Name:Paradise Ranch
Location:Lowell vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Clearwater River
Coordinates:46.14862 N 115.73054 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 78 meters (256 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2 x 29.3 meters (96 feet) estimated


  • Private vehicular bridge.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Parakan Telu

Bolang, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4026 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:Parakan Telu
Location:Bolang, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.894973 S 106.621744 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Bridgemeister ID:5822 (added 2021-04-14)
Also Known As:పార్క్ సుస్పెంసిఒన్ బ్రిడ్జ్
Location:Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Coordinates:16.507380 N 80.625813 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Urcos, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:7647 (added 2023-06-03)
Location:Urcos, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.665270 S 71.634868 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 48 meters (157.5 feet) estimated

External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images of the bridge from what appears to be a ceremony commencing construction of a replacement bridge. October 25, 2022.


Pasarna, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:6268 (added 2021-07-19)
Location:Pasarna, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.784909 N 77.197199 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Pasir Jae

Siginduang, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8599 (added 2024-05-23)
Name:Pasir Jae
Location:Siginduang, Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Coordinates:1.039833 N 99.868806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Paso San Pedro

Guazapa, El Salvador - Rio Guaza
Bridgemeister ID:7377 (added 2022-11-24)
Name:Paso San Pedro
Location:Guazapa, El Salvador
Crossing:Rio Guaza
Coordinates:13.878219 N 89.162333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47.2 meters (155 feet) estimated


External Links:

Passerelle 132

Amqui, Quebec, Canada - Matapédia River
Bridgemeister ID:2590 (added 2014-04-14)
Name:Passerelle 132
Location:Amqui, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Matapédia River
Use:Snowmobile and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50.9 meters (167 feet) estimated


Pathein, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar - Pathein River
Bridgemeister ID:3139 (added 2019-11-02)
Location:Pathein, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar
Crossing:Pathein River
Coordinates:16.824393 N 94.732672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Patuk Pulo

Lebani Waras, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3832 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:Patuk Pulo
Location:Lebani Waras, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.392608 S 112.568620 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Gebo, Aalo vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India - Siyom River
Bridgemeister ID:6255 (added 2021-07-18)
Location:Gebo, Aalo vicinity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Siyom River
Coordinates:28.213979 N 94.829305 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Paunthi (पौन्थी) and Barkot (बरकोट), Uttarakhand, India - Yamuna River
Bridgemeister ID:7740 (added 2023-07-15)
Also Known As:Ponthi
Location:Paunthi (पौन्थी) and Barkot (बरकोट), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Yamuna River
Coordinates:30.815475 N 78.199592 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (197 feet) estimated

External Links:


Pavanna, Kerala, India - Chaliyar River
Bridgemeister ID:3000 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Pavanna, Kerala, India
Crossing:Chaliyar River
Coordinates:11.214637 N 76.097580 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Karki, Karnataka, India - Badagani River
Bridgemeister ID:7929 (added 2023-10-22)
Location:Karki, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Badagani River
Coordinates:14.308966 N 74.426720 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Pazhoor, Kerala, India - Muvattupuzha River
Bridgemeister ID:2995 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Pazhoor, Kerala, India
Crossing:Muvattupuzha River
Coordinates:9.885469 N 76.472016 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil - Piracicaba River
Bridgemeister ID:4612 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil
Crossing:Piracicaba River
Coordinates:22.718293 S 47.654655 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet)

External Links:

Peatonal Carapongo

Lurigancho-Chosica and Ate, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5953 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:Peatonal Carapongo
Also Known As:Foncodes
Location:Lurigancho-Chosica and Ate, Peru
Coordinates:12.006744 S 76.864700 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.3 feet) estimated

Peatonal Paucarbamba

Pachar, Peru - Urubamba River
Bridgemeister ID:3444 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:Peatonal Paucarbamba
Location:Pachar, Peru
Crossing:Urubamba River
Coordinates:13.282869 S 72.200724 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Pedestrian Swinging

Belvidere, Illinois, USA - Kishwaukee River
Bridgemeister ID:6562 (added 2021-09-02)
Name:Pedestrian Swinging
Location:Belvidere, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Kishwaukee River
Coordinates:42.255262 N 88.855792 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 54 meters (177.2 feet) estimated

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Oronoco vicinity, Virginia, USA - Pedlar River
Bridgemeister ID:2029 (added 2006-04-09)
Location:Oronoco vicinity, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Pedlar River
At or Near Feature:George Washington National Forest
Coordinates:37.6669 N 79.2849 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2006)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 35.1 meters (115 feet)


  • In 2005, the Appalachian Trail was rerouted over this bridge.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Chuck and Kate Wall

Peggy Sue

Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA - Acid Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:1358 (added 2004-05-16)
Name:Peggy Sue
Location:Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Acid Canyon
Use:Pipeline and Footbridge
Status:Removed, February 1997
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 167.6 meters (550 feet)
Deck width:3 feet


Penn Public Service Co.

Rockwood, Pennsylvania, USA - Casselman River
Bridgemeister ID:349 (added before 2003)
Name:Penn Public Service Co.
Location:Rockwood, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Casselman River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Chaussin and Peseux, Jura, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:1600 (added 2005-02-06)
Location:Chaussin and Peseux, Jura, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pessac-sur-Dordogne, Gironde, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:8176 (added 2024-02-04)
Location:Pessac-sur-Dordogne, Gironde, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Elbeuf and Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf, Seine-Maritime, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:7847 (added 2023-09-08)
Location:Elbeuf and Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeuf, Seine-Maritime, France
Crossing:Seine River
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Montézic vicinity, Aveyron, France - Truyère River - Lac de Couesque
Bridgemeister ID:1585 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Montézic vicinity, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Truyère River - Lac de Couesque
Coordinates:44.728645 N 2.625953 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Phil Houghton

Kariong, New South Wales, Australia - Piles Creek
Bridgemeister ID:7632 (added 2023-05-27)
Name:Phil Houghton
Location:Kariong, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Piles Creek
At or Near Feature:Piles Creek Loop Track
Coordinates:33.442680 S 151.265750 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Phillip Island

San Remo and Newhaven, Victoria, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:6246 (added 2021-07-18)
Name:Phillip Island
Location:San Remo and Newhaven, Victoria, Australia
Coordinates:38.517426 S 145.365328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 1969
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • Likely built in 1920s. Crossed the inlet to Phillip Island on an alignment a bit north of the current (2021) bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kenbah Syntein vicinity, Meghalaya, India - Phod-Umbah
Bridgemeister ID:3018 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Kenbah Syntein vicinity, Meghalaya, India
Coordinates:25.323746 N 91.550680 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India - Tsarap River
Bridgemeister ID:7286 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Zanskar, Kargil District, Ladakh, India
Crossing:Tsarap River
Coordinates:33.262582 N 77.177239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, May 7, 2015
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 29.3 meters (96 feet) estimated


External Links:

Piedra del Indio

Coyhaique, Chile - Rio Simpson
Bridgemeister ID:3033 (added 2019-10-13)
Name:Piedra del Indio
Location:Coyhaique, Chile
Crossing:Rio Simpson
Coordinates:45.577684 S 72.080090 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Pierrelatte, Drôme, France - Donzère Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1587 (added 2005-01-22)
Location:Pierrelatte, Drôme, France
Crossing:Donzère Canal
Coordinates:44.364983 N 4.73105 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Self-anchored.

External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg


Belaya Kalitva, Rostov Oblast, Russia - Reka Kalitva
Bridgemeister ID:4662 (added 2020-06-18)
Also Known As:Пигарька
Location:Belaya Kalitva, Rostov Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Kalitva
Coordinates:48.182889 N 40.815452 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire

Pilgrim Park

Princeton, Illinois, USA - Brush Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2634 (added 2019-02-26)
Name:Pilgrim Park
Location:Princeton, Illinois, USA
Crossing:Brush Creek
At or Near Feature:Pilgrim Park
Coordinates:41.340639 N 89.346194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Spring, 2011: Largely destroyed by flood.
  • October, 2011: Rebuilt.

Pillars of Hercules

Kaimanawa Forest Park, New Zealand - Tongariro River
Bridgemeister ID:2725 (added 2019-06-22)
Name:Pillars of Hercules
Location:Kaimanawa Forest Park, New Zealand
Crossing:Tongariro River
Coordinates:39.148500 S 175.816333 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Acos and Pillpinto, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:7636 (added 2023-05-28)
Location:Acos and Pillpinto, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.953790 S 71.754456 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated

External Links:


Begnadalen, Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway - Begna
Bridgemeister ID:4004 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Begnadalen, Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.65273 N 9.78167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 52.5 meters (172.2 feet) estimated
Deck width:~2 meters


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed prior to 1973.


Pinet, Aveyron, France - Tarn River
Bridgemeister ID:3165 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Pinet, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Tarn River
Coordinates:44.070434 N 2.809541 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Appears to have been located just below the downstream face of the dam at Pinet.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:4625 (added 2020-06-07)
Location:Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.060638 N 121.188689 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Pinglai Liuliguang

Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2759 (added 2019-06-30)
Name:Pinglai Liuliguang
Also Known As:坪瀨琉璃光之橋
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.683540 N 120.839943 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet)

External Links:


Patenggang, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:5359 (added 2020-11-22)
Location:Patenggang, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.166946 S 107.353771 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bridgemeister ID:5320 (added 2020-11-11)
Also Known As:पिरड़ी ब्रिज
Location:Pirdi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.923617 N 77.122683 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Plan Martín Chino

Plan Martín Chino and San José Mano Marqués, Oaxaca, Mexico - Rio Tesechoacan
Bridgemeister ID:8788 (added 2024-09-02)
Name:Plan Martín Chino
Location:Plan Martín Chino and San José Mano Marqués, Oaxaca, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Tesechoacan
Coordinates:17.789167 N 96.009528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 125 meters (410.1 feet) estimated

Playa Limón

Playa Limón and San Agustín, Oaxaca, Mexico - Rio Tesechoacan
Bridgemeister ID:8789 (added 2024-09-02)
Name:Playa Limón
Location:Playa Limón and San Agustín, Oaxaca, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Tesechoacan
Coordinates:17.779306 N 96.038194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Playa Rosalinas

Caserio Santa Rosa and Kiuñalla vicinity, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:6190 (added 2021-07-14)
Name:Playa Rosalinas
Location:Caserio Santa Rosa and Kiuñalla vicinity, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.421389 S 72.852945 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since c. 2008-2017
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Playa Rosalinas

Caserio Santa Rosa and Kiuñalla vicinity, Peru - Apurimac River
Bridgemeister ID:6191 (added 2021-07-14)
Name:Playa Rosalinas
Location:Caserio Santa Rosa and Kiuñalla vicinity, Peru
Crossing:Apurimac River
Coordinates:13.421666 S 72.852563 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pleasant Island

Elkview, West Virginia, USA - Elk River
Bridgemeister ID:3287 (added 2019-11-23)
Name:Pleasant Island
Location:Elkview, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Elk River
Coordinates:38.446935 N 81.462663 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Le Plessis-Brion and Thourotte, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:3158 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Le Plessis-Brion and Thourotte, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.470268 N 2.889529 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Le Plessis-Brion and Thourotte, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:3159 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Le Plessis-Brion and Thourotte, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Podgorica (Подгорица), Montenegro - Moraca River
Bridgemeister ID:8531 (added 2024-03-30)
Location:Podgorica (Подгорица), Montenegro
Crossing:Moraca River
Coordinates:42.444278 N 19.257833 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, September 23, 1968
Main Span:1


  • 1968, September 23: The bridge collapses with 30 pedestrians on it, killing five people.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Masty, Belarus - Neman River
Bridgemeister ID:3149 (added 2019-11-03)
Location:Masty, Belarus
Crossing:Neman River
Coordinates:53.410190 N 24.546423 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Pojok Kidul

Baran, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia - Solo River
Bridgemeister ID:7279 (added 2022-07-23)
Name:Pojok Kidul
Location:Baran, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Solo River
Coordinates:7.748842 S 110.853142 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67 meters (219.8 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2019 or 2020.

Bridgemeister ID:8394 (added 2024-02-18)
Location:Pommevic, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à la Garonne
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pommiers, Aisne, France - Aisne River
Bridgemeister ID:8216 (added 2024-02-06)
Location:Pommiers, Aisne, France
Crossing:Aisne River
Main Cables:Reinforced Concrete


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Ayacucho, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:5976 (added 2021-07-01)
Location:Ayacucho, Peru
Coordinates:13.086515 S 74.224344 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Konnathady, Kerala, India - Muthirapuzha River
Bridgemeister ID:5349 (added 2020-11-14)
Also Known As:പൊൻമുടി ഹാങ്ങിങ്ങ് ബ്രിഡ്ജ്
Location:Konnathady, Kerala, India
Crossing:Muthirapuzha River
At or Near Feature:Ponmudi Dam
Coordinates:9.963849 N 77.056851 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Pont des Iles

Rumilly, Haute-Savoie, France - Chéran River
Bridgemeister ID:8771 (added 2024-08-31)
Name:Pont des Iles
Location:Rumilly, Haute-Savoie, France
Crossing:Chéran River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Pont des Iles

Rumilly, Haute-Savoie, France - Chéran River
Bridgemeister ID:8772 (added 2024-08-31)
Name:Pont des Iles
Location:Rumilly, Haute-Savoie, France
Crossing:Chéran River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Pont-sur-Seine, Aube, France - Seine River
Bridgemeister ID:8761 (added 2024-07-20)
Location:Pont-sur-Seine, Aube, France
Crossing:Seine River
Status:Removed, 1904
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Porjus, Sweden - Luleälven
Bridgemeister ID:7855 (added 2023-09-15)
Location:Porjus, Sweden
Coordinates:66.957816 N 19.800167 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80 meters (262.5 feet) estimated


Port Campbell

Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia - Port Campbell Creek
Bridgemeister ID:8769 (added 2024-08-24)
Name:Port Campbell
Also Known As:Campbells Creek
Location:Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Port Campbell Creek
Main Span:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Port D'Agrès

Port D'Agrès, Aveyron, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:2187 (added 2007-01-18)
Name:Port D'Agrès
Location:Port D'Agrès, Aveyron, France
Crossing:Lot River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Replaced, 1924
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90 meters (295.29 feet)
Deck width:14.44 feet


  • AAJ suggests bridge was completed in 1837 based on contract being let in 1835 anticipating two years of construction.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Penne-d'Agenais and Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7327 (added 2022-09-02)
Location:Penne-d'Agenais and Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Vaahersalo, Savonlinna, Finland - Potkusalmi
Bridgemeister ID:7347 (added 2022-10-08)
Also Known As:Potkusalmen
Location:Vaahersalo, Savonlinna, Finland
Coordinates:61.786321 N 29.301617 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 96 meters (315 feet) estimated

External Links:


Pouilly-sous-Charlieu and Briennon, Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:2188 (added 2007-01-18)
Location:Pouilly-sous-Charlieu and Briennon, Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • AAJ suggests bridge was completed in 1836 based on contract for construction let in early 1835.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Préchacq-Navarrenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France - Gave d'Oloron
Bridgemeister ID:7294 (added 2022-07-23)
Location:Préchacq-Navarrenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Crossing:Gave d'Oloron
Coordinates:43.271653 N 0.714088 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Precy-sur-Oise, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:2053 (added 2006-06-02)
Location:Precy-sur-Oise, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Coordinates:49.202340 N 2.376107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Primer Corral

Llanada Grande, Cochamó, Llanquihue, Chile - Rio Puelo
Bridgemeister ID:8402 (added 2024-03-03)
Name:Primer Corral
Location:Llanada Grande, Cochamó, Llanquihue, Chile
Crossing:Rio Puelo
Coordinates:41.999139 S 71.908611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet)


La Promisora and Garibaldi, Peru - Rio Ulcamayo
Bridgemeister ID:5967 (added 2021-06-30)
Location:La Promisora and Garibaldi, Peru
Crossing:Rio Ulcamayo
Coordinates:11.054407 S 75.409569 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan - Taroko Gorge
Bridgemeister ID:1137 (added 2004-01-17)
Also Known As:Pu Tu
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Crossing:Taroko Gorge
Coordinates:24.181500 N 121.496028 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2837 (added 2019-07-05)
Also Known As:太魯閣菩渡橋, Pu Tu
Location:Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.181718 N 121.496064 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pueblo Canyon

Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA - Pueblo Canyon
Bridgemeister ID:1359 (added 2004-05-16)
Name:Pueblo Canyon
Location:Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
Crossing:Pueblo Canyon
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)


Photo by Eric Sakowski

Pueblo Nuevo

Pueblo Nuevo Chocos and Zúñiga, Peru - Rio Cañete
Bridgemeister ID:8611 (added 2024-05-26)
Name:Pueblo Nuevo
Location:Pueblo Nuevo Chocos and Zúñiga, Peru
Crossing:Rio Cañete
Coordinates:12.848944 S 75.959028 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 47 meters (154.2 feet) estimated


Puichéric, Aude, France - Aude River
Bridgemeister ID:2318 (added 2007-05-05)
Location:Puichéric, Aude, France
Crossing:Aude River
Coordinates:43.221745 N 2.627052 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1927
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 1927: Replaced with a concrete bridge resembling a suspension bridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Rara, Pakistan - Jhelum River
Bridgemeister ID:3480 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Rara, Pakistan
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.287405 N 73.481068 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

Pumong Barbotay

Pumong Tea Garden, West Bengal, India
Bridgemeister ID:2874 (added 2019-09-09)
Name:Pumong Barbotay
Location:Pumong Tea Garden, West Bengal, India
Coordinates:27.020896 N 88.339387 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Puncak Karomba

Suppirang, Lembang, Pinranang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:6639 (added 2021-09-11)
Name:Puncak Karomba
Also Known As:Karomba Peak
Location:Suppirang, Lembang, Pinranang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Coordinates:3.345467 S 119.481647 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2015 or 2016.


Bairabettu (ಬೈರಬೆಟ್ಟು) vicinity and Punchoor, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:7083 (added 2022-05-29)
Also Known As:ಪಂಚೂರು ಹ್ಯಾಂಗಿಂಗ್ ಬ್ರಿಡ್ಜ್, Punchoor
Location:Bairabettu (ಬೈರಬೆಟ್ಟು) vicinity and Punchoor, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:13.409756 N 74.829918 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Punta Bacood

Manila, Philippines - San Juan River
Bridgemeister ID:7677 (added 2023-06-24)
Name:Punta Bacood
Location:Manila, Philippines
Crossing:San Juan River
Coordinates:14.588361 N 121.016287 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Demolished, 2019
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2019: Demolished due to construction of the Metro Manila Skyway.

Purling Brook Falls

Springbook, Queensland, Australia
Bridgemeister ID:3976 (added 2020-03-22)
Name:Purling Brook Falls
Location:Springbook, Queensland, Australia
Coordinates:28.188949 S 153.271152 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Putrajaya Monorail

Putrajaya, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:2496 (added 2008-12-24)
Name:Putrajaya Monorail
Location:Putrajaya, Malaysia
Coordinates:2.91617 N 101.67902 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Under construction (last checked: 2008)


  • Work was halted on this bridge in 2004 due to funding issues. The bridge was intended to be part of a monorail system. As of 2004 the main span of the bridge was completed, but no approaches were built.

External Links:


Puy-l'Évêque, Lot, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7277 (added 2022-07-22)
Location:Puy-l'Évêque, Lot, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.501918 N 1.136404 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Bridgemeister ID:8582 (added 2024-05-18)
Location:Puybarban, Gironde, France
Crossing:Canal Latéral à La Garonne
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

Pyke River

Jamestown vicinity, New Zealand - Pyke River
Bridgemeister ID:7503 (added 2023-01-01)
Name:Pyke River
Location:Jamestown vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Pyke River
Coordinates:44.549111 S 168.134323 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2805 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.610769 N 120.887100 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Dounan Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2771 (added 2019-06-30)
Location:Dounan Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.684475 N 120.474315 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Chengdu (成都市), Sichuan, China - Qingshui River
Bridgemeister ID:8389 (added 2024-02-18)
Location:Chengdu (成都市), Sichuan, China
Crossing:Qingshui River
Coordinates:30.654494 N 104.019547 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Side Spans:2 x 65 meters (213.3 feet) estimated


  • Completed in 2007 or 2008.

External Links:


Baoting County (保亭黎族苗族自治县), Hainan, China
Bridgemeister ID:8229 (added 2024-02-07)
Location:Baoting County (保亭黎族苗族自治县), Hainan, China
Coordinates:18.637549 N 109.696522 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 33 meters (108.3 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:

Quebrada Pao

La Fuente, Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:7233 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:Quebrada Pao
Location:La Fuente, Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia
Coordinates:6.707546 N 73.286106 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Quebrada Seca

Quebrada Seca, Barinas, Venezuela - Quebrada Seca
Bridgemeister ID:8797 (added 2024-09-14)
Name:Quebrada Seca
Location:Quebrada Seca, Barinas, Venezuela
Crossing:Quebrada Seca
Coordinates:8.697000 N 70.316250 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2023: Heavily damaged by flood. Bridge remained in use despite one tower leaning significantly.


Shuili Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2808 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Shuili Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.733075 N 120.857123 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Carahue, Chile - Imperial River
Bridgemeister ID:3036 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Carahue, Chile
Crossing:Imperial River
Coordinates:38.719319 S 73.147705 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Rabi Khola

Bikmat, Sikkim, India
Bridgemeister ID:2873 (added 2019-09-09)
Name:Rabi Khola
Location:Bikmat, Sikkim, India
At or Near Feature:Melli-Phong Road
Coordinates:27.128904 N 88.442117 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bodyar (बोद्यर) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India - Jaulchhida Gad
Bridgemeister ID:8173 (added 2024-02-04)
Also Known As:Rargadi, Rargarhi, Rairgari
Location:Bodyar (बोद्यर) vicinity, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Jaulchhida Gad
At or Near Feature:Milam Mule Track, Milam Glacier Trek
Coordinates:30.183992 N 80.229431 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 58.8 meters (193 feet) estimated

External Links:


Raison and Nathan, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5285 (added 2020-11-08)
Also Known As:रईसों ब्रिज
Location:Raison and Nathan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:32.059145 N 77.135620 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2019)


  • In 2019, a simple suspension bridge (deck resting on the cables) was hanging between the towers of this older suspended deck bridge.

Rakanji Temple

Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:7657 (added 2023-06-11)
Name:Rakanji Temple
Also Known As:羅漢寺橋
Location:Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
Coordinates:35.737307 N 138.564012 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Ram Jhula

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India - Ganges River
Bridgemeister ID:548 (added before 2003)
Name:Ram Jhula
Also Known As:Shivanand
Location:Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Ganges River
Coordinates:30.123242 N 78.314528 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic, since 2023 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • 2023, August: Restricted to foot traffic (motorbikes prohibited) due to safety concerns after recent floods caused soil erosion around the abutments.

External Links:


Minbya Township, Myanmar - Lay Myo River
Bridgemeister ID:3637 (added 2020-01-12)
Location:Minbya Township, Myanmar
Crossing:Lay Myo River
Coordinates:20.399619 N 93.325441 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)

Rancho Palmar

Rancho Palmar, Oaxaca, Mexico - Rio Tesechoacan
Bridgemeister ID:8787 (added 2024-09-02)
Name:Rancho Palmar
Location:Rancho Palmar, Oaxaca, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Tesechoacan
Coordinates:17.730861 N 96.107333 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 112 meters (367.5 feet) estimated
Side Span:1

Rang Rang

Zimchung, Sikkim, India - Rang Rang River
Bridgemeister ID:2872 (added 2019-09-09)
Name:Rang Rang
Location:Zimchung, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Rang Rang River
At or Near Feature:Gangtok-Chungthang Road
Coordinates:27.477583 N 88.527044 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Bypassed (last checked: 2018)


Chaudandi, Nepal - Dudh Koshi
Bridgemeister ID:5276 (added 2020-11-08)
Location:Chaudandi, Nepal
Crossing:Dudh Koshi
Coordinates:26.902317 N 86.978302 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Raven Cliff Falls

Caesars Head State Park, South Carolina, USA - Matthew's Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2388 (added 2007-11-19)
Name:Raven Cliff Falls
Location:Caesars Head State Park, South Carolina, USA
Crossing:Matthew's Creek
At or Near Feature:Raven Cliff Falls
Coordinates:35.104862 N 82.661154 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by C. B. Calvin


Ránquil, Ñuble, Chile
Bridgemeister ID:7642 (added 2023-05-29)
Location:Ránquil, Ñuble, Chile
Coordinates:36.651574 S 72.594023 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Vindøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Surna
Bridgemeister ID:3879 (added 2020-03-08)
Location:Vindøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.99335 N 8.94423 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 62.5 meters (205.1 feet) estimated



Vindøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Surna
Bridgemeister ID:4108 (added 2020-04-05)
Location:Vindøla, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:62.993317 N 8.943704 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


External Links:


Pulau, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:8423 (added 2024-03-05)
Location:Pulau, Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia
Coordinates:0.349402 N 100.975584 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Facebook. Several images of the bridge. Posted March 9, 2022.
  • Facebook. Image of motorbike crossing the bridge. Posted September 4, 2020.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated May 2023

Red Hut

Turangi vicinity, New Zealand - Tongariro River
Bridgemeister ID:2413 (added 2007-12-31)
Name:Red Hut
Location:Turangi vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Tongariro River
Coordinates:39.031524 S 175.813669 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by David Denenberg

Bridgemeister ID:3059 (added 2019-10-26)
Location:Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine, France
Crossing:Nantes-Brest Canal
Coordinates:47.654028 N 2.101087 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Reetha Sahib

Reetha Sahib, Uttarakhand, India
Bridgemeister ID:5477 (added 2020-11-27)
Name:Reetha Sahib
Location:Reetha Sahib, Uttarakhand, India
Coordinates:29.287839 N 79.877762 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Reku Vel'

Solginskiy (Солгинский), Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia - Reka Vel'
Bridgemeister ID:6488 (added 2021-08-15)
Name:Reku Vel'
Location:Solginskiy (Солгинский), Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Crossing:Reka Vel'
Coordinates:61.050065 N 41.342402 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1
Characteristics:Hinged cables



Linggasari, Wanadadi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia - Kali Serayu
Bridgemeister ID:6943 (added 2022-01-23)
Location:Linggasari, Wanadadi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
Crossing:Kali Serayu
Coordinates:7.378764 S 109.649436 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Retournac, Haute-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:4065 (added 2020-03-31)
Location:Retournac, Haute-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Status:Destroyed, 1846


  • AAJ supposes this bridge was completed in 1841 based a contract let in early 1839 for a two-year construction duration. Other sources suggest 1838 or 1839, but appear to be based on the contract date and not the completion of construction.
  • Destroyed by flood, 1846.
  • Replaced by 1850 Retournac - Retournac, Haute-Loire, France.


Revin, Ardennes, France - Meuse River
Bridgemeister ID:1653 (added 2005-03-19)
Location:Revin, Ardennes, France
Crossing:Meuse River
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

Riggins Hot Springs Lodge

Riggins vicinity, Idaho, USA - Salmon River
Bridgemeister ID:1347 (added 2004-05-08)
Name:Riggins Hot Springs Lodge
Location:Riggins vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Salmon River
Coordinates:45.41820 N 116.17263 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 106.7 meters (350 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Rikimaru Dam Mizuminot

Miyakawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4701 (added 2020-06-20)
Name:Rikimaru Dam Mizuminot
Also Known As:力丸ダム湖の吊橋
Location:Miyakawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Coordinates:33.691347 N 130.623136 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

Rio Caguán

San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, Colombia - Rio Caguán
Bridgemeister ID:6789 (added 2021-10-29)
Name:Rio Caguán
Location:San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Caguán
Coordinates:2.109118 N 74.769234 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Rio Cobre

Los Bajos del Cobre, Soná District, Veraguas, Panama - Rio Cobre
Bridgemeister ID:7982 (added 2023-12-02)
Name:Rio Cobre
Location:Los Bajos del Cobre, Soná District, Veraguas, Panama
Crossing:Rio Cobre
Coordinates:8.047694 N 81.322722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Removed, c. 2008-2013
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 114 meters (374 feet) estimated


  • Moved from 1927 San Pablo - Soná, Veraguas, Panama. The bridge had been dismantled, likely in the late 1900s and reassembled across the Rio Cobre where it survived until some point in the 2008-2013 timeframe.


Ripley, Oklahoma, USA - Cimarron River
Bridgemeister ID:5586 (added 2020-12-22)
Location:Ripley, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Cimarron River
Coordinates:36.028302 N 96.905843 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Photo by Wes Kinsler

Risheng Penglai

Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan - A-kung-tien (Agongdian) Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:2689 (added 2019-05-26)
Name:Risheng Penglai
Also Known As:日昇蓬萊吊橋
Location:Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Crossing:A-kung-tien (Agongdian) Reservoir
Coordinates:22.807178 N 120.356520 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


External Links:


Risnes, Norway - Äkrogjen
Bridgemeister ID:4399 (added 2020-04-18)
Location:Risnes, Norway
Coordinates:58.655769 N 6.946164 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated

External Links:


Kingsport, Tennessee, USA - Holston River
Bridgemeister ID:1086 (added 2004-01-01)
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Holston River
At or Near Feature:Riverfront Park, Heritage Park
Coordinates:36.550017 N 82.586383 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 73.2 meters (240 feet) estimated


  • 2007, October: Closed due to structural issues.
  • 2009-2010: Repaired late 2009 or 2010 and reopened.
  • 2021, May: Closed due to "hazardous conditions" pending repairs. Work expected to start in July.
  • 2021, July: Bridge remains closed indefinitely. City of Kingsport soliciting more bids for repair work.
  • 2022, April: Repairs in progress.
  • 2022, June: Repairs completed, bridge reopened.

Annotated Citations:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Rivière St-Jean

Gaspé, Quebec, Canada
Bridgemeister ID:2554 (added 2012-01-01)
Name:Rivière St-Jean
Location:Gaspé, Quebec, Canada
Coordinates:48.77112 N 64.52019 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 80.5 meters (264.1 feet)


Théus, Hautes-Alpes, France - Durance River
Bridgemeister ID:7752 (added 2023-07-21)
Location:Théus, Hautes-Alpes, France
Crossing:Durance River
Coordinates:44.460137 N 6.198517 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.


Rochsburg, Lunzenau, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2258 (added 2007-04-18)
Also Known As:Schwankender
Location:Rochsburg, Lunzenau, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:50.945537 N 12.762093 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1954, by flood
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Rock Cut Farm

Baoba, Pennsylvania, USA - Lackawaxen River
Bridgemeister ID:3792 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:Rock Cut Farm
Also Known As:Baoba
Location:Baoba, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lackawaxen River
Coordinates:41.479527 N 75.094446 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

Rock Cut Farm

Baoba, Pennsylvania, USA - Lackawaxen River
Bridgemeister ID:3793 (added 2020-03-01)
Name:Rock Cut Farm
Also Known As:Baoba
Location:Baoba, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lackawaxen River
Coordinates:41.479367 N 75.094167 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, June 2006
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Rockbridge Baths

Rockbridge Baths, Virginia, USA - Maury River
Bridgemeister ID:793 (added 2003-03-28)
Name:Rockbridge Baths
Location:Rockbridge Baths, Virginia, USA
Crossing:Maury River
Coordinates:37.90029 N 79.40998 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 56.7 meters (186 feet) estimated


Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Michael Smith


Conyers vicinity, Georgia, USA
Bridgemeister ID:567 (added 2002-12-30)
Location:Conyers vicinity, Georgia, USA
At or Near Feature:South Rockdale Community Park
Coordinates:33.61648 N 84.11723 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rognes, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3890 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Rognes, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.003640 N 10.456500 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 69.5 meters (228 feet) estimated



Rognes, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula River
Bridgemeister ID:3891 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Rognes, Trøndelag, Norway
Crossing:Gaula River
Coordinates:63.00369 N 10.45654 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 81 meters (265.7 feet) estimated



Totsukawa, Nara, Japan - Kumano River
Bridgemeister ID:7911 (added 2023-10-21)
Also Known As:鹿淵の吊橋
Location:Totsukawa, Nara, Japan
Crossing:Kumano River
Coordinates:33.888843 N 135.760790 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Rollset, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway - Nea
Bridgemeister ID:3790 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Rollset, Selbu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:63.18308 N 11.18911 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 102 meters (334.6 feet) estimated


  • Completed at some point between 1952-1962.


Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Einunna
Bridgemeister ID:3944 (added 2020-03-21)
Location:Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.25965 N 10.19534 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41 meters (134.5 feet) estimated

Rong Chong

Rong Chong, West Bengal, India - Riyang Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5877 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:Rong Chong
Location:Rong Chong, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Riyang Khola
Coordinates:26.961946 N 88.414486 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


Rong Chong

Rong Chong, West Bengal, India - Riyang Khola
Bridgemeister ID:5878 (added 2021-05-18)
Name:Rong Chong
Location:Rong Chong, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Riyang Khola
Coordinates:26.962140 N 88.414509 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Roop's Mill

Roop's Mill, Westminster vicinity, Maryland, USA - Meadow Branch Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1497 (added 2004-09-26)
Name:Roop's Mill
Location:Roop's Mill, Westminster vicinity, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Meadow Branch Creek
Coordinates:39.590281 N 77.032552 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz

Rooster Branch

Oneida, Kentucky, USA - South Fork Kentucky River
Bridgemeister ID:4960 (added 2020-08-09)
Name:Rooster Branch
Location:Oneida, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:South Fork Kentucky River
Coordinates:37.321095 N 83.665840 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire


Kardzhali, Bulgaria - Arda River
Bridgemeister ID:4929 (added 2020-07-31)
Also Known As:Въжен
Location:Kardzhali, Bulgaria
Crossing:Arda River
Coordinates:41.630450 N 25.365551 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Despite being known as the "Rope" bridge, this is a large steel cabled suspension bridge with a main span that appears to exceed 180 meters.


Sandanski (Сандански), Bulgaria - Sandanska Bistritsa
Bridgemeister ID:8852 (added 2024-09-29)
Location:Sandanski (Сандански), Bulgaria
Crossing:Sandanska Bistritsa
At or Near Feature:Saint Vrach Park - Baikal Restaurant
Coordinates:41.570861 N 23.282194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Roquemaure, Gard and Orange, Vaucluse, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1736 (added 2005-04-19)
Location:Roquemaure, Gard and Orange, Vaucluse, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Coordinates:44.071967 N 4.768917 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane, heavy vehicles), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg


Roquestéron and La Roque-en-Provence, Alpes-Maritimes, France - L'Esteron
Bridgemeister ID:7933 (added 2023-10-28)
Location:Roquestéron and La Roque-en-Provence, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Coordinates:43.871917 N 7.005972 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Kempten, Germany - Iller River
Bridgemeister ID:4637 (added 2020-06-09)
Location:Kempten, Germany
Crossing:Iller River
Coordinates:47.719165 N 10.323338 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Dokka, Nordre Land, Innlandet, Norway - Etna
Bridgemeister ID:3999 (added 2020-03-27)
Location:Dokka, Nordre Land, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.82829 N 10.05281 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 52.2 meters (171.3 feet) estimated

External Links:


Mareuil-lès-Meaux, Voisins vicinity, Seine-et-Marne, France - Chalifert Canal
Bridgemeister ID:7369 (added 2022-11-05)
Location:Mareuil-lès-Meaux, Voisins vicinity, Seine-et-Marne, France
Crossing:Chalifert Canal
Coordinates:48.908282 N 2.849197 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


La Croix-sur-Roudoule, Puget-Théniers vicinity, Alpes-Maritimes, France - Roudoule River
Bridgemeister ID:4552 (added 2020-05-31)
Location:La Croix-sur-Roudoule, Puget-Théniers vicinity, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Crossing:Roudoule River
Coordinates:43.986245 N 6.869900 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Roussanes, Clairac vicinity, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:3747 (added 2020-02-16)
Also Known As:Clairac
Location:Roussanes, Clairac vicinity, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.372753 N 0.438374 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Rudraprayag (रूद्रप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India - Alakananda River
Bridgemeister ID:7104 (added 2022-06-04)
Location:Rudraprayag (रूद्रप्रयाग), Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Alakananda River
Coordinates:30.287639 N 78.984097 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


  • The suspension bridge was immediately adjacent to the present day (2022) truss bridge.

External Links:

  • Facebook - Rudraprayag. Image posted March, 2013, showing the current truss bridge with remnants of the adjacent suspension bridge visible.
  • Google Maps - Rudraprayag Bridge. Image date September, 2021, showing the current truss bridge with possible remnants of the adjacent suspension bridge visible on the far bank of the river.


Barichara and Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia - Rio Suárez
Bridgemeister ID:7234 (added 2022-07-16)
Location:Barichara and Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Suárez
Coordinates:6.713714 N 73.249301 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Span:1


External Links:


Barichara and Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia - Rio Suárez
Bridgemeister ID:7235 (added 2022-07-16)
Location:Barichara and Zapatoca, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Suárez
Coordinates:6.713675 N 73.249350 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:

Ruffey Trail

Templestowe Lower, Victoria, Australia - Yarra River
Bridgemeister ID:2862 (added 2019-09-08)
Name:Ruffey Trail
Location:Templestowe Lower, Victoria, Australia
Crossing:Yarra River
Coordinates:37.752838 S 145.117476 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Begnadalen, Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway - Begna
Bridgemeister ID:4006 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Begnadalen, Bagn vicinity, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:60.70094 N 9.72038 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2013)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 60 meters (196.9 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, constructed prior to 1973.


Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Ōi River
Bridgemeister ID:3299 (added 2019-11-24)
Also Known As:両国吊橋
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Ōi River
Coordinates:35.118492 N 138.140073 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Murayama, Yamagata, Japan - Mogami River
Bridgemeister ID:2092 (added 2006-07-03)
Also Known As:竜神の吊橋
Location:Murayama, Yamagata, Japan
Crossing:Mogami River
Coordinates:38.490794 N 140.347427 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Distinct from the huge same-named Ryujin footbridge located elsewhere in Japan.


Lompulle, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Walanae River
Bridgemeister ID:5725 (added 2021-04-03)
Location:Lompulle, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Walanae River
Coordinates:4.278863 S 119.973206 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)


Saghutar (साँघुटार), Ramechhap, Nepal - Likhu Khola
Bridgemeister ID:6433 (added 2021-08-12)
Also Known As:Sanghutar
Location:Saghutar (साँघुटार), Ramechhap, Nepal
Crossing:Likhu Khola
Coordinates:27.350639 N 86.218460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Louis Harper, Harpers Limited
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

External Links:


Harran, Grong, Trøndelag, Norway - Namsen
Bridgemeister ID:3720 (added 2020-02-15)
Location:Harran, Grong, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:64.556385 N 12.478902 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2010)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103 meters (337.9 feet) estimated


Sahasralinga, Sirsi vicinity, Karnataka, India
Bridgemeister ID:4838 (added 2020-07-10)
Location:Sahasralinga, Sirsi vicinity, Karnataka, India
Coordinates:14.721020 N 74.807039 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Sai Yok

Sai Yok, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi, Thailand - Khwae Noi
Bridgemeister ID:6175 (added 2021-07-08)
Name:Sai Yok
Also Known As:สะพานแขวนไทรโยค
Location:Sai Yok, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Crossing:Khwae Noi
At or Near Feature:Sai Yok National Park - อุทยานแห่งชาติไทรโยค
Coordinates:14.434858 N 98.851237 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Saint-Ambroix, Gard, France - Cèze River
Bridgemeister ID:4064 (added 2020-03-30)
Location:Saint-Ambroix, Gard, France
Crossing:Cèze River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1


  • AAJ supposes this bridge was completed in 1841 based on a contract let in 1840 proposing an 18-month construction period.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:1096 (added 2004-01-02)
Location:Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River
Coordinates:43.890409 N 3.731778 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, Hérault, France - Hérault River
Bridgemeister ID:1933 (added 2005-10-28)
Location:Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, Hérault, France
Crossing:Hérault River


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Denis-de-Pile and Bonzac, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:7507 (added 2023-01-02)
Location:Saint-Denis-de-Pile and Bonzac, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
Coordinates:44.993251 N 0.207369 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas, Ardèche, France - Ardèche River
Bridgemeister ID:2929 (added 2019-09-16)
Location:Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Ardèche River
Coordinates:44.603719 N 4.419774 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1936



Saint-Fontunat-sur-Eyrieux, Ardèche, France - Eyrieux River
Bridgemeister ID:1565 (added 2004-11-28)
Also Known As:Pourchaire
Location:Saint-Fontunat-sur-Eyrieux, Ardèche, France
Crossing:Eyrieux River
Coordinates:44.815748 N 4.707325 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Camille Seguin, Marc Seguin
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Main Span:1
Side Span:1


  • BPF and other sources list this bridge as having been completed in 1821 or 1823, but it is very unlikely the bridge was completed that early. An abandoned pier for another bridge is visible in some images of the bridge. It is possible there was another, earlier, bridge at this location for which the early 1820s completion date may be applicable. Other sources suggest the suspension bridge represented here was completed in 1893.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Gaultier, Indre, France - Creuse River
Bridgemeister ID:7384 (added 2022-11-24)
Location:Saint-Gaultier, Indre, France
Crossing:Creuse River
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Georges-de-Commiers and Vif, Isère, France - Drac River
Bridgemeister ID:7318 (added 2022-08-31)
Location:Saint-Georges-de-Commiers and Vif, Isère, France
Crossing:Drac River
Coordinates:45.043942 N 5.694915 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Georges-sur-Cher, Loir-et-Cher, France - Cher River
Bridgemeister ID:7321 (added 2022-09-01)
Location:Saint-Georges-sur-Cher, Loir-et-Cher, France
Crossing:Cher River
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Georges-sur-Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:8039 (added 2023-12-23)
Location:Saint-Georges-sur-Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Maine-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
Coordinates:47.368389 N 0.754194 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, Gard and Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France - Petit Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:4908 (added 2020-07-19)
Location:Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, Gard and Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Crossing:Petit Rhône River
Coordinates:43.665899 N 4.452714 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 1938
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Julien, Haute-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:1685 (added 2005-03-26)
Location:Saint-Julien, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire

Photo, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Lattier, Isère and Eymeux, Drôme, France - Isère River
Bridgemeister ID:4913 (added 2020-07-19)
Also Known As:Eymeux
Location:Saint-Lattier, Isère and Eymeux, Drôme, France
Crossing:Isère River
Coordinates:45.084972 N 5.183313 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet) estimated


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Léger and Aiguillon, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Garonne River
Bridgemeister ID:7322 (added 2022-09-01)
Location:Saint-Léger and Aiguillon, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Garonne River
Coordinates:44.289545 N 0.320319 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude and Marcorignan, Aude, France - Aude River
Bridgemeister ID:6744 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude and Marcorignan, Aude, France
Crossing:Aude River
Coordinates:43.234206 N 2.926368 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Mesmin, Dordogne, France - Auvézère River
Bridgemeister ID:5592 (added 2020-12-23)
Location:Saint-Mesmin, Dordogne, France
Crossing:Auvézère River
At or Near Feature:Cascade du Saut Ruban
Coordinates:45.354308 N 1.208481 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Arches, Mauriac vicinity, Cantal and Neuvic, Corrèze, France - Dordogne River
Bridgemeister ID:5578 (added 2020-12-20)
Location:Arches, Mauriac vicinity, Cantal and Neuvic, Corrèze, France
Crossing:Dordogne River
Coordinates:45.286816 N 2.279728 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Romain-des-Iles, Saône-et-Loire and Ain, France - Saône River
Bridgemeister ID:2130 (added 2006-10-22)
Location:Saint-Romain-des-Iles, Saône-et-Loire and Ain, France
Crossing:Saône River
Main Cables:Wire


  • Completed during or before 1840.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - Loire River
Bridgemeister ID:7839 (added 2023-09-03)
Location:Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Crossing:Loire River
At or Near Feature:l'Île Aucard
Coordinates:47.398291 N 0.692937 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Vallier, Drôme, France - Rhône River
Bridgemeister ID:1754 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Saint-Vallier, Drôme, France
Crossing:Rhône River
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Saint-Vit and Roset-Fluans, Doubs, France - Doubs River
Bridgemeister ID:2228 (added 2007-03-18)
Location:Saint-Vit and Roset-Fluans, Doubs, France
Crossing:Doubs River
Main Cables:Wire


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France - Lot River
Bridgemeister ID:7317 (added 2022-08-30)
Location:Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Crossing:Lot River
Coordinates:44.402316 N 0.586925 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Sair Sapata

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India - Upper Lake
Bridgemeister ID:3094 (added 2019-10-27)
Name:Sair Sapata
Location:Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Crossing:Upper Lake
Coordinates:23.215256 N 77.375853 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Yamakiha Keihokushuzancho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan - Katsura River
Bridgemeister ID:7433 (added 2022-12-10)
Also Known As:魚ヶ渕吊り橋, Uogafuchi
Location:Yamakiha Keihokushuzancho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan
Crossing:Katsura River
Coordinates:35.140886 N 135.630193 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan - Warashina River
Bridgemeister ID:8818 (added 2024-09-28)
Also Known As:坂ノ上大橋
Location:Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Warashina River
Coordinates:35.067750 N 138.245250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


Saldaña, Tolima, Colombia - Rio Saldaña
Bridgemeister ID:7088 (added 2022-05-29)
Location:Saldaña, Tolima, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Saldaña
Coordinates:3.934620 N 75.018847 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Salies-du-Salat, Haute-Garonne, France - Salat River
Bridgemeister ID:2058 (added 2006-06-03)
Location:Salies-du-Salat, Haute-Garonne, France
Crossing:Salat River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Saling Ban Kaeng

Ban Kaeng, Tron District, Uttaradit, Thailand - Nan River
Bridgemeister ID:5755 (added 2021-04-04)
Name:Saling Ban Kaeng
Also Known As:สะพานสลิงบ้านแก่ง
Location:Ban Kaeng, Tron District, Uttaradit, Thailand
Crossing:Nan River
Coordinates:17.443753 N 100.137239 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 242 meters (794 feet) estimated


Salubalo, Sumarorong, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mamasa River
Bridgemeister ID:6839 (added 2022-01-01)
Location:Salubalo, Sumarorong, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Crossing:Mamasa River
Coordinates:3.131056 S 119.300610 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 53.6 meters (176 feet) estimated

External Links:


Saint-léger-aux-Bois vicinity, Oise, France - Oise River
Bridgemeister ID:1817 (added 2005-05-21)
Location:Saint-léger-aux-Bois vicinity, Oise, France
Crossing:Oise River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)

External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:5384 (added 2020-11-25)
Also Known As:समोली
Location:Samoli, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Pabbar River
Coordinates:31.202813 N 77.770440 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Samste, Bhutan
Bridgemeister ID:4377 (added 2020-04-12)
Location:Samste, Bhutan
Coordinates:26.926933 N 89.042624 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 124.5 meters (408.5 feet) estimated,
1 x 115.5 meters (378.9 feet) estimated

San Cristóbal

San Cristóbal, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia - Quebrada Iguana
Bridgemeister ID:6848 (added 2022-01-01)
Name:San Cristóbal
Location:San Cristóbal, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
Crossing:Quebrada Iguana
Coordinates:6.276767 N 75.635926 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

San Cristobal

Mazamari and San Cristobal, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru - Rio Mazamari
Bridgemeister ID:8707 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:San Cristobal
Location:Mazamari and San Cristobal, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Mazamari
Coordinates:11.333194 S 74.529000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


San Cristobal

Mazamari and San Cristobal, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru - Rio Mazamari
Bridgemeister ID:8708 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:San Cristobal
Location:Mazamari and San Cristobal, Pangoa, Satipo, Peru
Crossing:Rio Mazamari
Coordinates:11.331222 S 74.526500 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 50 meters (164 feet) estimated


San Francisco

San Francisco, Mollepata, Anta, Peru - Rio Apurimac
Bridgemeister ID:8701 (added 2024-06-29)
Name:San Francisco
Location:San Francisco, Mollepata, Anta, Peru
Crossing:Rio Apurimac
Coordinates:13.486083 S 72.731222 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated

San Isidro de Picará

El Pintado, Filadelfia, Caldas, Colombia - Cauca River
Bridgemeister ID:2020 (added 2006-01-14)
Name:San Isidro de Picará
Also Known As:Pintado
Location:El Pintado, Filadelfia, Caldas, Colombia
Crossing:Cauca River
Coordinates:5.331773 N 75.636210 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely completed 1885 or 1886.

San Jacinto Amilpas

San Jacinto Amilpas, Oaxaca, Mexico - Rio Atoyac
Bridgemeister ID:8792 (added 2024-09-02)
Name:San Jacinto Amilpas
Location:San Jacinto Amilpas, Oaxaca, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Atoyac
Coordinates:17.101972 N 96.760806 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated

San Luis de Shuaro

San Luis de Shuaro, Peru
Bridgemeister ID:8224 (added 2024-02-06)
Name:San Luis de Shuaro
Location:San Luis de Shuaro, Peru

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

San Miguel

Cepitá, Santander, Colombia
Bridgemeister ID:7239 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:San Miguel
Location:Cepitá, Santander, Colombia
Coordinates:6.689469 N 72.937366 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Span:1

San Miguel

Jauja, Peru - Mantaro River
Bridgemeister ID:5966 (added 2021-06-30)
Name:San Miguel
Location:Jauja, Peru
Crossing:Mantaro River
Coordinates:11.800599 S 75.483507 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Yumoto, Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:7906 (added 2023-10-21)
Location:Yumoto, Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.233472 N 139.108694 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Santa Elena

Santa Elena, Congüime, Ecuador - Rio Nangaritza
Bridgemeister ID:7724 (added 2023-07-07)
Name:Santa Elena
Location:Santa Elena, Congüime, Ecuador
Crossing:Rio Nangaritza
Coordinates:4.078250 S 78.643139 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2023)
Main Span:1


Santo Cristo

Quiches, Ancash and La Libertad, Peru - Marañón River
Bridgemeister ID:7242 (added 2022-07-16)
Name:Santo Cristo
Location:Quiches, Ancash and La Libertad, Peru
Crossing:Marañón River
Coordinates:8.372299 S 77.449082 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 72 meters (236.2 feet) estimated


  • Appears to be in derelict condition since the late 2010s.

External Links:


Sayogi and Shiwa, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5250 (added 2020-11-07)
Also Known As:सप्राई ब्रिज
Location:Sayogi and Shiwa, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.687359 N 77.045802 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Lawata vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Bara River
Bridgemeister ID:7415 (added 2022-12-06)
Location:Lawata vicinity, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Bara River
Coordinates:33.908843 N 71.064459 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

  • Twitter. Video of the refurbished bridge, posted September 8, 2022.

Sardar Hayat Khan

Pirkot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Bridgemeister ID:5866 (added 2021-05-17)
Name:Sardar Hayat Khan
Location:Pirkot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Coordinates:33.833987 N 73.853189 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated


Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan - Sumata River
Bridgemeister ID:5336 (added 2020-11-12)
Also Known As:猿並橋
Location:Kawanehon, Shizuoka, Japan
Crossing:Sumata River
Coordinates:35.181160 N 138.122223 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Yamagori Fukiaicho, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:7526 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:猿のかずら橋, Monkey
Location:Yamagori Fukiaicho, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
At or Near Feature:Nunobiki Falls
Coordinates:34.710285 N 135.193328 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Minakami, Gunma, Japan - Tone River
Bridgemeister ID:6091 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:笹笛橋
Location:Minakami, Gunma, Japan
Crossing:Tone River
At or Near Feature:Sasabuedoji Park - 笹笛童子公園
Coordinates:36.761104 N 138.970816 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Saut du Loup

Le Saut Du Loup and Beaulieu, Puy-De-Dôme, France - Allier River
Bridgemeister ID:1648 (added 2005-03-19)
Name:Saut du Loup
Location:Le Saut Du Loup and Beaulieu, Puy-De-Dôme, France
Crossing:Allier River
Coordinates:45.452584 N 3.303547 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane), with walkway
Status:Removed, c. 1960s
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Salazie, Réunion, France
Bridgemeister ID:8108 (added 2024-01-06)
Location:Salazie, Réunion, France
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Savignac-de-l'Isle, Gironde, France - Isle River
Bridgemeister ID:7846 (added 2023-09-04)
Location:Savignac-de-l'Isle, Gironde, France
Crossing:Isle River
Coordinates:44.987175 N 0.233164 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Completed in the 1890s. It likely replaced another suspension bridge completed in 1840.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Jatitengah, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3025 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Jatitengah, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.092778 S 111.060306 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Motorcycle
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Säpilä, Finland - Kokemäenjoki
Bridgemeister ID:3291 (added 2019-11-24)
Location:Säpilä, Finland
Coordinates:61.307271 N 22.385716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 126 meters (413.4 feet) estimated


Ljusne, Sweden
Bridgemeister ID:7853 (added 2023-09-15)
Location:Ljusne, Sweden
Coordinates:61.206789 N 17.121874 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:2


  • The coordinates provided here appear to be one of the locations of this bridge. It was possibly relocated to a nearby location in the 1970s.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Sörnzig and Fischheim, Saxony, Germany - Zwickauer Mulde River
Bridgemeister ID:2260 (added 2007-01-12)
Location:Sörnzig and Fischheim, Saxony, Germany
Crossing:Zwickauer Mulde River
Coordinates:51.021732 N 12.789948 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 1954, by flood
Suspended Spans:1


School Street

Chester, Vermont, USA - Williams River Middle Branch
Bridgemeister ID:2532 (added 2011-12-25)
Name:School Street
Location:Chester, Vermont, USA
Crossing:Williams River Middle Branch
Coordinates:43.2628 N 72.59928 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Sign at bridge states: "Destroyed August 1976, Rebuilt 1977"
Photo by David Denenberg


Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany - Wilde Saale River
Bridgemeister ID:2248 (added 2007-03-28)
Location:Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Crossing:Wilde Saale River
Coordinates:51.494189 N 11.945050 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bridgemeister ID:4922 (added 2020-07-26)
Location:Sector, Romney, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:South Branch Potomac River
Coordinates:39.227030 N 78.853329 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:2
Main Spans:1 x 18.3 meters (60 feet),
1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)


  • Coordinates are approximate location of this bridge, believed to be where present day (2020) Fleming-Sector Road would have continued to intersect the river. Location was also known as Glebe Station.

External Links:


Tonstad vicinity, Sirdal, Agder, Norway - Sira
Bridgemeister ID:4401 (added 2020-04-18)
Location:Tonstad vicinity, Sirdal, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.697039 N 6.727609 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 36 meters (118.1 feet) estimated


  • Removed prior to 2004.


Bogor, West Java, Indonesia - Ciliwung
Bridgemeister ID:3670 (added 2020-01-26)
Location:Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:6.588723 S 106.797622 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Semuc Champey

Lanquín vicinity, Guatemala - Rio Cahabon
Bridgemeister ID:2701 (added 2019-06-15)
Name:Semuc Champey
Location:Lanquín vicinity, Guatemala
Crossing:Rio Cahabon
Coordinates:15.538168 N 89.954009 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Miyakawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:4700 (added 2020-06-20)
Also Known As:千石峡つり橋
Location:Miyakawa, Fukuoka, Japan
Coordinates:33.694437 N 130.641095 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 25 meters (82 feet) estimated


Sentosa Island, Singapore
Bridgemeister ID:2374 (added 2007-09-29)
Location:Sentosa Island, Singapore
At or Near Feature:Palawan Beach
Coordinates:1.24837 N 103.82162 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)


Sera, Dasharathchanda (दशरथचन्द), Sudurpashchim, Nepal - Kansana Gad
Bridgemeister ID:7453 (added 2022-12-24)
Location:Sera, Dasharathchanda (दशरथचन्द), Sudurpashchim, Nepal
Crossing:Kansana Gad
Coordinates:29.593037 N 80.411156 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2022)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Bridgemeister ID:513 (added before 2003)
Location:Edzell, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:North Esk River
Coordinates:56.811071 N 2.653078 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Derelict, since October 2023 (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Rod


  • 2023, October: Badly damaged by wind and flood during Storm Babet.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Shalfalam (شلفلام), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6305 (added 2021-07-23)
Location:Shalfalam (شلفلام), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.912147 N 71.997858 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, c. 2010-2011
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1



Shalfalam (شلفلام), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - Panjkora River
Bridgemeister ID:6306 (added 2021-07-23)
Location:Shalfalam (شلفلام), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Crossing:Panjkora River
Coordinates:34.912479 N 71.997668 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1



Manali vicinity and Bashisht, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5316 (added 2020-11-11)
Also Known As:शनाग ब्रिज, Nehru Kund
Location:Manali vicinity and Bashisht, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:32.286250 N 77.178716 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Shangribagh Ramshilla

Kais and Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5319 (added 2020-11-11)
Name:Shangribagh Ramshilla
Also Known As:शांगरीबाग रामशिला ब्रिज
Location:Kais and Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.970943 N 77.122063 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Guguan, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2774 (added 2019-06-30)
Location:Guguan, Heping District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.204339 N 121.006102 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Shapotou Village (沙坡头村), Zhongwei, Ningxia, China - Yellow River
Bridgemeister ID:8023 (added 2023-12-17)
Location:Shapotou Village (沙坡头村), Zhongwei, Ningxia, China
Crossing:Yellow River
Coordinates:37.458861 N 105.000194 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 206 meters (675.9 feet) estimated
Side Spans:2

External Links:


Stanton Crossing vicinity, Idaho, USA - Big Wood River
Bridgemeister ID:4544 (added 2020-05-23)
Location:Stanton Crossing vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Big Wood River
Coordinates:43.329264 N 114.359692 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Stock and Footbridge
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Bridgemeister ID:5272 (added 2020-11-07)
Also Known As:Old Sheetla, Old Shitla, Sheetala, ओल्ड शीतला ब्रिज
Location:Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Ravi River
Coordinates:32.555161 N 76.120657 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Shella, Meghalaya, India
Bridgemeister ID:3017 (added 2019-10-13)
Location:Shella, Meghalaya, India
Coordinates:25.180483 N 91.635641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Red River Gorge Geologic Area, Kentucky, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1182 (added 2004-01-24)
Also Known As:Swinging
Location:Red River Gorge Geologic Area, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Red River
At or Near Feature:Sheltowee Trace Trail
Coordinates:37.82781 N 83.62427 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2023
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2023, March: Destroyed when a tree fell on it. May be rebuilt by mid-2023.
Photo by Joseph F. Dues, Jr., P.E.


Sherqilla, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Gilgit River
Bridgemeister ID:6785 (added 2021-10-29)
Location:Sherqilla, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Gilgit River
Coordinates:36.089358 N 74.033298 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 118.9 meters (390 feet) estimated

External Links:


Iga, Mie, Japan - Kizu River
Bridgemeister ID:4870 (added 2020-07-12)
Also Known As:しあん橋
Location:Iga, Mie, Japan
Crossing:Kizu River
Coordinates:34.778750 N 136.086453 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 118 meters (387.1 feet) estimated


Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5163 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:しだくら橋
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.792555 N 139.066852 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Thorgu, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3265 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Thorgu, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.308362 N 75.748222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)



Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan - Yoshino River
Bridgemeister ID:3834 (added 2020-03-05)
Also Known As:敷之上橋
Location:Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan
Crossing:Yoshino River
Coordinates:34.030611 N 133.793107 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Hiraoka, Tenryu, Nagano, Japan - Toyama River
Bridgemeister ID:7510 (added 2023-01-08)
Also Known As:清水橋
Location:Hiraoka, Tenryu, Nagano, Japan
Crossing:Toyama River
Coordinates:35.288629 N 137.861652 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:6034 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:清水橋
Location:Kimitsu, Chiba, Japan
Coordinates:35.207648 N 140.039139 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Jahanabad, Pakistan - Hunza River
Bridgemeister ID:3698 (added 2020-02-08)
Location:Jahanabad, Pakistan
Crossing:Hunza River
Coordinates:36.502948 N 74.889585 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


Fukuchiyama, Kyoto, Japan - Miyagawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6082 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:新童子橋
Location:Fukuchiyama, Kyoto, Japan
Crossing:Miyagawa River
Coordinates:35.452474 N 135.147998 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan - Sensui Lake
Bridgemeister ID:6956 (added 2022-02-19)
Also Known As:新王泊橋
Location:Kitahiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Crossing:Sensui Lake
At or Near Feature:Odomari Dam (王泊ダム)
Coordinates:34.699721 N 132.312055 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 151 meters (495.4 feet) estimated



Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan
Bridgemeister ID:5113 (added 2020-09-05)
Also Known As:シオカラ谷吊り橋
Location:Kamikitayama, Nara, Japan
Coordinates:34.177976 N 136.090498 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Narada, Hayakawa, Minamikoma District, Yamanashi, Japan - Narada Lake
Bridgemeister ID:2984 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Narada, Hayakawa, Minamikoma District, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Narada Lake
Coordinates:35.573039 N 138.300307 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bajo Aldea, Peru - Río Perené
Bridgemeister ID:5949 (added 2021-06-29)
Also Known As:Chirani
Location:Bajo Aldea, Peru
Crossing:Río Perené
Coordinates:10.861878 S 75.006248 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Okutama, Tokyo, Japan - Nippara River
Bridgemeister ID:3276 (added 2019-11-23)
Location:Okutama, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Nippara River
Coordinates:35.829555 N 139.075431 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Yujima, Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan - Haya River
Bridgemeister ID:5144 (added 2020-09-06)
Also Known As:下湯島橋
Location:Yujima, Hayakawa, Yamanashi, Japan
Crossing:Haya River
Coordinates:35.519510 N 138.317588 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Kattige (ಕತ್ತಿಗೆ), Karnataka, India - Kali River
Bridgemeister ID:7927 (added 2023-10-22)
Location:Kattige (ಕತ್ತಿಗೆ), Karnataka, India
Crossing:Kali River
At or Near Feature:Kodasalli Reservoir
Coordinates:14.983750 N 74.571250 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 237 meters (777.6 feet) estimated

Short Creek

Guntersville, Alabama, USA - Short Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1202 (added 2004-02-01)
Name:Short Creek
Location:Guntersville, Alabama, USA
Crossing:Short Creek
Coordinates:34.36841 N 86.21967 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


  • Early 20th-century one-lane vehicular bridge, no longer in existence


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2807 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.657696 N 120.828568 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 100 meters (328.1 feet)

External Links:


Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:3415 (added 2019-12-21)
Also Known As:水雲吊橋
Location:Tai'an Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Coordinates:24.471388 N 120.986844 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Sibilong, Manipur, India - Barak River
Bridgemeister ID:6927 (added 2022-01-22)
Location:Sibilong, Manipur, India
Crossing:Barak River
Coordinates:24.759680 N 93.346634 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1


  • The newer of the two side-by-side suspension bridges at Sibilong. Built at some point in the 2013-2016 time frame.
  • 2021: Replacement under construction.
  • Next to Sibilong - Sibilong, Manipur, India.


Sibilong, Manipur, India - Barak River
Bridgemeister ID:6928 (added 2022-01-22)
Location:Sibilong, Manipur, India
Crossing:Barak River
Coordinates:24.759502 N 93.346812 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1



Corçà, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain - Canelles Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:5350 (added 2020-11-15)
Location:Corçà, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
Crossing:Canelles Reservoir
At or Near Feature:Pasarelas de Montfalcó
Coordinates:42.068133 N 0.673781 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan - Keelung River
Bridgemeister ID:2789 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:四廣潭吊橋
Location:Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Crossing:Keelung River
At or Near Feature:Shifen Falls Walk
Coordinates:25.047497 N 121.783502 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Chowki, Himachal Pradesh, India - Beas River
Bridgemeister ID:5253 (added 2020-11-07)
Location:Chowki, Himachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Beas River
Coordinates:31.813037 N 76.474363 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Still in use (2020), but bypassed by a large box girder bridge.


Siju Rongkenggittim, South Garo Hills and Siju Dobakolgittim, Meghalaya, India - Simsang River
Bridgemeister ID:7036 (added 2022-05-21)
Location:Siju Rongkenggittim, South Garo Hills and Siju Dobakolgittim, Meghalaya, India
Crossing:Simsang River
At or Near Feature:Siju Caves
Coordinates:25.353555 N 90.687983 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Silbu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6315 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Silbu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.633565 N 74.957119 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1



Silbu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:6316 (added 2021-07-24)
Location:Silbu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.632783 N 74.962705 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Bright Angel Campground vicinity, Arizona, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:351 (added before 2003)
Location:Bright Angel Campground vicinity, Arizona, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
At or Near Feature:Grand Canyon National Park
Coordinates:36.09745 N 112.09550 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Pipeline
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 149.4 meters (490 feet)


Photo by Andrew Holbrook Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:5438 (added 2020-11-25)
Location:Simli, Uttarakhand, India
Crossing:Pindar River
Coordinates:30.229690 N 79.256766 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:3581 (added 2019-12-30)
Location:Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.349773 S 109.386388 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire

Singal Nala

Singal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Singal Gah
Bridgemeister ID:6784 (added 2021-10-29)
Name:Singal Nala
Location:Singal, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Crossing:Singal Gah
Coordinates:36.111192 N 73.885661 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 96.6 meters (317 feet) estimated

External Links:


Singsås, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3861 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Singsås, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.954830 N 10.730960 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 63 meters (206.7 feet) estimated


External Links:


Singsås, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway - Gaula
Bridgemeister ID:3862 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Singsås, Midtre Gauldal, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.95499 N 10.72968 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 75 meters (246.1 feet) estimated



Uttarey, Sikkim, India
Bridgemeister ID:2720 (added 2019-06-22)
Location:Uttarey, Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.260882 N 88.112271 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 240 meters (787.4 feet)

External Links:


Singtam (सिंगतम) and Adarsh Gaon, Sikkim, India - Teesta River
Bridgemeister ID:8633 (added 2024-06-15)
Location:Singtam (सिंगतम) and Adarsh Gaon, Sikkim, India
Crossing:Teesta River
Coordinates:27.231275 N 88.491606 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain, since c. 2012-2015

External Links:

  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted December 27, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted September 29, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted September 7, 2014.
  • Facebook. Image of the replacement arch bridge with suspension bridge visible behind it. Posted June 7, 2020 but is an older image.
  • Facebook. Image of the suspension bridge and nearly completed arch bridge. Posted November 29, 2011.
  • Facebook. Image of the bridge. Posted August 24, 2015 but is an older image.
  • Google Maps. Image of the arch bridge with extant suspension bridge tower visible along left edge. Dated January 2022.
  • Google Maps. Image of the arch bridge with extant suspension bridge tower visible behind the arch bridge. Dated January 2022.
  • X (Twitter). Image of the arch bridge with partially dismantled suspension bridge visible. Posted February 3, 2016.


Sinwa, Limkhim (लिमखिम) and Sawadin (सवादिन), Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:8156 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Sinwa, Limkhim (लिमखिम) and Sawadin (सवादिन), Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Coordinates:27.441229 N 87.700855 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Span:1 x 108 meters (354.3 feet)



Sinwa, Limkhim (लिमखिम) and Sawadin (सवादिन), Nepal - Tamor River
Bridgemeister ID:8157 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:Sinwa, Limkhim (लिमखिम) and Sawadin (सवादिन), Nepal
Crossing:Tamor River
Main Span:1 x 83 meters (272.3 feet)


External Links:

  • Scribd - Standard Trail Suspended and Suspension Bridges. Maintenance report dated February 27, 1977 mentioning a suspension bridge over the Tamor River near Sinwa: "Actual condition of the bridge: This bridge is in a very dangerous condition. The tower (masonry tower) is partly broken. Also the planking is in a very bad condition. The best way to maintain this bridge is to build a new bridge."

Sister Island

Niagara Falls, New York, USA - Niagara River
Bridgemeister ID:649 (added 2003-02-17)
Name:Sister Island
Location:Niagara Falls, New York, USA
Crossing:Niagara River
At or Near Feature:Three Sister Islands
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Stereoview, collection of David Denenberg Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.


Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2822 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:思源吊橋, Siyuandiao
Location:Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.916838 N 121.055186 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Sjønstå Gård

Sjønstå, Fauske, Nordland, Norway - Sjønståelva
Bridgemeister ID:3755 (added 2020-02-29)
Name:Sjønstå Gård
Location:Sjønstå, Fauske, Nordland, Norway
Coordinates:67.20575 N 15.71460 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 53 meters (173.9 feet) estimated


Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway - Glomma
Bridgemeister ID:3918 (added 2020-03-20)
Location:Alvdal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.09653 N 10.64445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 82.5 meters (270.7 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, removed after 1969 and before 1980.

External Links:


Skardu, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3264 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Skardu, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.360187 N 75.559793 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Teigen vicinity, Årdal, Vestland, Norway - Utla
Bridgemeister ID:4484 (added 2020-04-26)
Location:Teigen vicinity, Årdal, Vestland, Norway
Coordinates:61.347986 N 7.879549 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 21.5 meters (70.5 feet) estimated

External Links:


Skjepphaugen, Berkåk vicinity, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3846 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Skjepphaugen, Berkåk vicinity, Rennebu, Trøndelag, Norway
Coordinates:62.8312 N 9.96565 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)


  • Based on historical aerial imagery, removed at some point 1961-2004.

Sky Walk

Scheidegg, Germany
Bridgemeister ID:8544 (added 2024-03-31)
Name:Sky Walk
Location:Scheidegg, Germany
Coordinates:47.564500 N 9.826806 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:13
Main Spans:13


  • Treetop walkway attraction with thirteen connected suspension spans and two cable-stayed spans.
  • Completed at some point in the 2010-2012 time frame.

External Links:

Sky Walk 1

Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest
Bridgemeister ID:1118 (added 2004-01-06)
Name:Sky Walk 1
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Monteverde Cloud Forest
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.336227 N 84.808606 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

Sky Walk 2

Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest
Bridgemeister ID:7786 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:Sky Walk 2
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Monteverde Cloud Forest
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.336986 N 84.805990 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

Sky Walk 3

Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest
Bridgemeister ID:7787 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:Sky Walk 3
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Monteverde Cloud Forest
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.339592 N 84.807801 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

Sky Walk 4

Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest
Bridgemeister ID:7788 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:Sky Walk 4
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Monteverde Cloud Forest
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.339206 N 84.808631 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg

Sky Walk 5

Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest
Bridgemeister ID:7789 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:Sky Walk 5
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Monteverde Cloud Forest
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.338204 N 84.808238 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Spans:3


Photo by David Denenberg

Sky Walk 6

Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest
Bridgemeister ID:7790 (added 2023-08-21)
Name:Sky Walk 6
Location:Monteverde, Santa Elena vicinity, Costa Rica
Crossing:Monteverde Cloud Forest
At or Near Feature:Sky Adventures Monteverde Park
Coordinates:10.338119 N 84.808717 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Photo by David Denenberg


Skyo, Pakistan - Indus River
Bridgemeister ID:3263 (added 2019-11-16)
Location:Skyo, Pakistan
Crossing:Indus River
Coordinates:35.585138 N 75.254386 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)


Slawe, Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Bridgemeister ID:4022 (added 2020-03-28)
Location:Slawe, Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Coordinates:7.636569 S 112.510955 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Håbbesland, Birkenes, Agder, Norway - Tovdalselva
Bridgemeister ID:4318 (added 2020-04-10)
Location:Håbbesland, Birkenes, Agder, Norway
Coordinates:58.349402 N 8.241430 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2017
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 69 meters (226.4 feet) estimated


  • Restored 2005. Damaged by flood 2017. Plans underway to restore Spring 2020.


Shokawacho Ushimaru, Takayama, Gifu, Japan - Shō River
Bridgemeister ID:3985 (added 2020-03-22)
Location:Shokawacho Ushimaru, Takayama, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Shō River
Coordinates:36.052426 N 136.943336 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Girón and Betulia, Santander, Colombia - Rio Sogamoo
Bridgemeister ID:7236 (added 2022-07-16)
Location:Girón and Betulia, Santander, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Sogamoo
Coordinates:7.105687 N 73.416158 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 120 meters (393.7 feet) estimated


Shimanto, Kochi, Japan - Yusuhara River
Bridgemeister ID:6042 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:宗海橋
Location:Shimanto, Kochi, Japan
Crossing:Yusuhara River
Coordinates:33.302737 N 132.951270 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Solaize and Vernaison, Métropole de Lyon, France - Rhône Canal
Bridgemeister ID:1831 (added 2005-05-30)
Location:Solaize and Vernaison, Métropole de Lyon, France
Crossing:Rhône Canal
Coordinates:45.643584 N 4.824690 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:


Ome, Tokyo, Japan - Tama River
Bridgemeister ID:5154 (added 2020-09-07)
Also Known As:杣の小橋
Location:Ome, Tokyo, Japan
Crossing:Tama River
Coordinates:35.799926 N 139.178124 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Songdo Yonggung

Amnam-dong, Seo-gu, Busan, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:5706 (added 2021-04-02)
Name:Songdo Yonggung
Also Known As:송도 용궁구름다리
Location:Amnam-dong, Seo-gu, Busan, South Korea
Coordinates:35.061998 N 129.022241 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Bridgemeister ID:3507 (added 2019-12-23)
Location:Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Crossing:Jhelum River
Coordinates:34.069771 N 74.838992 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)

Sorthfork River Ranch

Southfork River Ranch, Idaho, USA - South Fork Clearwater River
Bridgemeister ID:1346 (added 2004-05-08)
Name:Sorthfork River Ranch
Location:Southfork River Ranch, Idaho, USA
Crossing:South Fork Clearwater River
Coordinates:46.01567 N 115.96030 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2003)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

South Fork Trinity River Trail

Forest Glen vicinity, California, USA - South Fork Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:1997 (added 2005-12-25)
Name:South Fork Trinity River Trail
Location:Forest Glen vicinity, California, USA
Crossing:South Fork Trinity River
At or Near Feature:Trinity National Forest
Coordinates:40.361383 N 123.306617 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39.6 meters (130 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Southern Discoveries

Arrowtown, New Zealand - Arrow River
Bridgemeister ID:3072 (added 2019-10-26)
Name:Southern Discoveries
Location:Arrowtown, New Zealand
Crossing:Arrow River
At or Near Feature:Queenstown Trail - Arrow River Bridges Ride
Coordinates:44.968425 S 168.855546 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Bridgemeister ID:1503 (added 2004-10-08)
Location:Richwood, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Cherry River South Fork
Status:Derelict, since 2003
Main Cables:Wire
Main Spans:2


  • Located off of Front Street. Heavily damaged by November, 2003 floods.


Soutomaior vicinity, Spain - Verdugo River
Bridgemeister ID:3301 (added 2019-11-27)
Location:Soutomaior vicinity, Spain
Crossing:Verdugo River
Coordinates:42.344887 N 8.559087 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan - Usa River
Bridgemeister ID:7524 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:雙津峡温泉の吊橋
Location:Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan
Crossing:Usa River
Coordinates:34.313748 N 131.987646 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 39 meters (128 feet) estimated


Lievegem, Gent vicinity, East Flanders, Belgium - Ringvaart
Bridgemeister ID:4569 (added 2020-06-02)
Location:Lievegem, Gent vicinity, East Flanders, Belgium
Coordinates:51.085412 N 3.658703 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (two-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 54.5 meters (178.8 feet) estimated


External Links:

Split Creek Pack

Lowell vicinity, Idaho, USA - Lochsa River
Bridgemeister ID:1410 (added 2004-07-04)
Name:Split Creek Pack
Location:Lowell vicinity, Idaho, USA
Crossing:Lochsa River
Coordinates:46.2307 N 115.416733 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 45.7 meters (150 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Spokane Falls I

Spokane, Washington, USA - Spokane River
Bridgemeister ID:354 (added before 2003)
Name:Spokane Falls I
Location:Spokane, Washington, USA
Crossing:Spokane River
Coordinates:47.66276 N 117.42269 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 68.9 meters (226 feet) estimated


  • This entry refers to the southernmost of the two footbridges at this location.
  • 2022, March 30: Reopened, but in need of further repairs. Unclear if it was closed because its companion bridge was also closed for repairs or for other safety reasons.
  • 2023, May: Closed for extensive repairs.
  • 2024, March: Reopened upon complation of repairs.
  • Connects to Spokane Falls II - Spokane, Washington, USA.

External Links:

Photo by Eric Sakowski Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Spokane Falls II

Spokane, Washington, USA - Spokane River
Bridgemeister ID:355 (added before 2003)
Name:Spokane Falls II
Location:Spokane, Washington, USA
Crossing:Spokane River
Coordinates:47.66374 N 117.42298 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 90.2 meters (296 feet) estimated


  • This entry refers to the northernmost of the two footbridges at this location.
  • 2019, April: Closed awaiting deck repairs.
  • 2022, March 30: Reopened following completion of repairs including deck replacement.
  • Connects to Spokane Falls I - Spokane, Washington, USA.

External Links:

Photo by Eric Sakowski Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Blanchisseuse, Trinidad and Tobago - Marianne River
Bridgemeister ID:2353 (added 2007-08-19)
Also Known As:Hanging
Location:Blanchisseuse, Trinidad and Tobago
Crossing:Marianne River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Singalila Forest, West Bengal, India - Rammam River
Bridgemeister ID:2871 (added 2019-09-09)
Location:Singalila Forest, West Bengal, India
Crossing:Rammam River
Coordinates:27.130249 N 88.074536 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Bævkopp, Porsanger, Lakselv vicinity, Troms og Finnmark, Norway - Stabburselva
Bridgemeister ID:3760 (added 2020-02-29)
Location:Bævkopp, Porsanger, Lakselv vicinity, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Coordinates:70.17401 N 24.86980 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 70 meters (229.7 feet) estimated

Stari Most

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Neretva
Bridgemeister ID:3572 (added 2019-12-26)
Name:Stari Most
Also Known As:Mostar
Location:Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coordinates:43.337293 N 17.814984 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Temporary suspension bridge erected some time after the destruction of the historic Stari Most arch in November 1993. Was in existence in 1997. Removed late 1990s or early 2000s. A different cable-stayed replacement was erected at some point during (or prior to) the arch reconstruction started in 2001. That temporary cable-stayed structure was different than this true suspension bridge.

Stone Age Resort

Sangkhola (संग्खोला), Sikkim, India - Ranikhola
Bridgemeister ID:8764 (added 2024-08-12)
Name:Stone Age Resort
Location:Sangkhola (संग्खोला), Sikkim, India
Coordinates:27.249860 N 88.538790 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 41.1 meters (135 feet) estimated


External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated March 2019.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated July 2018.
  • Google Maps. Image of the bridge. Dated July 2017.
  • Google Maps. Image of a sign near the bridge. Dated May 2018. The sign reads: "The Suspension Foot Bridge. Built during 2009 Privately for STONE AGE ECO VILLAGE RESORT have an unforgetable story to share. During the Earth Quake of 09. 2011, it had withstood the flow of more than 30,000 people for 3 days who had crossed the Bridge due to land slide in the Highway curtailing the detour of 3 km. to mere 400 mtr." However, Patrick S. O'Donnell writes: "This sign says the bridge was built during 2009, but satellite imagery dated Jan. 20, 2010 shows only ground works having taken place, no towers, and certainly no deck. The next available imagery following that (December 2010) shows what appears as a completed bridge. Also, the landslide area was just north of the bridge and the 400 meter route most have included the other suspension bridge just upstream those nearly 400 meters."


Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway
Bridgemeister ID:4490 (added 2020-04-30)
Location:Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway
Coordinates:59.351075 N 6.753190 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.5 meters (67.3 feet) estimated


Kvikne, Innlandet, Norway - Orkla
Bridgemeister ID:3849 (added 2020-03-07)
Location:Kvikne, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:62.622040 N 10.248190 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 46.5 meters (152.6 feet) estimated

External Links:

Storms River

Tsitsikamma National Park, Pretoria, South Africa - Storms River
Bridgemeister ID:3455 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:Storms River
Location:Tsitsikamma National Park, Pretoria, South Africa
Crossing:Storms River
Coordinates:34.019532 S 23.903529 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Storms River

Tsitsikamma National Park, Pretoria, South Africa - Storms River
Bridgemeister ID:3456 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:Storms River
Location:Tsitsikamma National Park, Pretoria, South Africa
Crossing:Storms River
Coordinates:34.019545 S 23.902928 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Storms River

Tsitsikamma National Park, Pretoria, South Africa - Storms River
Bridgemeister ID:3457 (added 2019-12-22)
Name:Storms River
Location:Tsitsikamma National Park, Pretoria, South Africa
Crossing:Storms River
Coordinates:34.019803 S 23.902611 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Strømbu Rasteplass

Folldal, Innlandet, Norway - Atna
Bridgemeister ID:3948 (added 2020-03-21)
Name:Strømbu Rasteplass
Location:Folldal, Innlandet, Norway
Coordinates:61.92238 N 10.05187 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 26 meters (85.3 feet) estimated


  • Based on historic aerial images, completed between 1978 and 2004.


Marzabotto, Bologna, Italy - Reno River
Bridgemeister ID:7566 (added 2023-04-08)
Also Known As:Witches
Location:Marzabotto, Bologna, Italy
Crossing:Reno River
Coordinates:44.344316 N 11.208215 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 94 meters (308.4 feet) estimated

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Umhausen, Austria - Horlachbach River
Bridgemeister ID:4591 (added 2020-06-06)
Location:Umhausen, Austria
Crossing:Horlachbach River
Coordinates:47.127063 N 10.949287 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


External Links:


El Pont de Suert, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain - Noguera Ribagorzana
Bridgemeister ID:8167 (added 2024-02-03)
Location:El Pont de Suert, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
Crossing:Noguera Ribagorzana
Coordinates:42.407444 N 0.739222 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates provided reflect the approximate location of the bridge. A detailed interpretive sign located 40 meters south of the coordinates appears to explain the location of the former suspension bridge in detail but I haven't been able to find a clear image of the text.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

Sugarloaf Stream

Kinloch vicinity, New Zealand - Sugarloaf Stream
Bridgemeister ID:3080 (added 2019-10-26)
Name:Sugarloaf Stream
Location:Kinloch vicinity, New Zealand
Crossing:Sugarloaf Stream
Coordinates:44.712245 S 168.268391 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Suhovo Rope

Suhovo (Сухово) and Snezhinka (Снежинка), Kardzhali, Bulgaria - Kardzhali Reservoir
Bridgemeister ID:8111 (added 2024-01-06)
Name:Suhovo Rope
Location:Suhovo (Сухово) and Snezhinka (Снежинка), Kardzhali, Bulgaria
Crossing:Kardzhali Reservoir
Coordinates:41.661938 N 25.265297 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 184.7 meters (606 feet) estimated

External Links:


Shikokuchuo, Ehime, Japan - Dōzan River
Bridgemeister ID:6046 (added 2021-07-03)
Also Known As:翠波橋
Location:Shikokuchuo, Ehime, Japan
Crossing:Dōzan River
Coordinates:33.935751 N 133.550722 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 130.5 meters (428.1 feet) estimated


Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
Bridgemeister ID:7434 (added 2022-12-10)
Also Known As:수주팔봉 구름다리
Location:Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
At or Near Feature:Sujupalbong Peaks 수주팔봉(水周八峰)
Coordinates:36.898282 N 127.924571 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1

Sundar Nagar

Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal - Jogbuda River
Bridgemeister ID:8456 (added 2024-03-16)
Name:Sundar Nagar
Location:Mahakali (Dodhara Chandani, दोधारा-चाँदनी नगरपालिका), Kanchanpur, Nepal
Crossing:Jogbuda River
Coordinates:28.841737 N 80.069208 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2024)
Main Span:1 x 168.8 meters (553.8 feet)


  • Completed at some point in 2016 or early 2017.

External Links:

Sunkada Makki

Sunkada Makki, Solapur, Karnataka, India - Tunga River
Bridgemeister ID:4660 (added 2020-06-18)
Name:Sunkada Makki
Location:Sunkada Makki, Solapur, Karnataka, India
Crossing:Tunga River
Coordinates:13.376948 N 75.212672 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2767 (added 2019-06-30)
Also Known As:索阿紀吊橋
Location:Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.131207 N 120.724871 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2824 (added 2019-07-04)
Also Known As:蘇斯共吊橋
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.788090 N 120.994845 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2825 (added 2019-07-04)
Location:Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.789332 N 120.995116 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1



Tocaima, Cundinamarca, Colombia - Rio Bogotá
Bridgemeister ID:7680 (added 2023-06-24)
Location:Tocaima, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Crossing:Rio Bogotá
Coordinates:4.448261 N 74.641850 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:


Breen, Oppdal, Trøndelag, Norway - Driva River
Bridgemeister ID:3900 (added 2020-03-14)
Location:Breen, Oppdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Crossing:Driva River
Coordinates:62.59187 N 9.43331 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 32 meters (105 feet) estimated


  • Based on historical aerial images, completed prior to 1958.

Svorka Kraftverk

Bøverfjorden, Surnadal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway - Bøvra
Bridgemeister ID:3877 (added 2020-03-08)
Name:Svorka Kraftverk
Location:Bøverfjorden, Surnadal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Coordinates:63.03943 N 8.65641 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google,, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2017)
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 46.5 meters (152.6 feet) estimated

Bridgemeister ID:7169 (added 2022-06-26)
Location:Balranald, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Murrumbidgee River
Coordinates:34.642350 S 143.564183 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1


  • Completed in 2012 or 2013.


Braystones, England, United Kingdom - River Ehen
Bridgemeister ID:1911 (added 2005-10-08)
Location:Braystones, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Ehen
Coordinates:54.435983 N 3.522433 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire


Cotherstone, England, United Kingdom - River Tees
Bridgemeister ID:6516 (added 2021-08-27)
Location:Cotherstone, England, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Tees
Coordinates:54.577025 N 1.981017 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, 1929
Main Span:1


  • Replaced a bridge that was damaged by flood in 1881.

External Links:

  • Cotherstone Footbridge. "...the second bridge [at this location] was a suspension bridge whose cable snapped in 1929 with 40 people on the bridge, killing one."
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Dala-Floda, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sweden - Västerdalälven
Bridgemeister ID:8298 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Dala-Floda, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sweden
Coordinates:60.505667 N 14.817861 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200.1 feet) estimated



Keeseville, New York, USA - Ausable River
Bridgemeister ID:357 (added before 2003)
Location:Keeseville, New York, USA
Crossing:Ausable River
Status:Collapsed, 1842
Main Cables:Chain (iron)



Kirckmichael, Tomintoul vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom - River Avon
Bridgemeister ID:2904 (added 2019-09-14)
Location:Kirckmichael, Tomintoul vicinity, Scotland, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Avon
At or Near Feature:Tomintoul Distillery vicinity
Coordinates:57.314319 N 3.410730 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Collapsed, Winter 2009-2010
Suspended Spans:1


  • Collapsed under weight of snow, winter 2009-2010. Remnants extant, 2019.
Photo by Dave Cooper


Pantyffynnon, Ammanford vicinity, Wales, United Kingdom - Amman River
Bridgemeister ID:1420 (added 2004-07-17)
Location:Pantyffynnon, Ammanford vicinity, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:Amman River
Coordinates:51.778483 N 3.994317 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Sid Thomas Photo by Dave Michael Photo by Dave Cooper


Owensboro vicinity, Kentucky, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1304 (added 2004-04-09)
Location:Owensboro vicinity, Kentucky, USA
At or Near Feature:Panther Creek Park
Coordinates:37.716904 N 87.222139 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


Bridgemeister ID:1982 (added 2005-12-02)
Also Known As:Haviland Avenue
Location:Audubon, New Jersey, USA
Crossing:Haviland Avenue gully
Status:Demolished, 1942
Main Cables:Wire


Catonsville, Maryland, USA - Patapsco River
Bridgemeister ID:361 (added before 2003)
Also Known As:Orange Grove
Location:Catonsville, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Patapsco River
At or Near Feature:Patapsco Valley State Park
Coordinates:39.241086 N 76.749746 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


External Links:

Photo by David Denenberg Photo by David Denenberg Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Catonsville, Maryland, USA - Patapsco River
Bridgemeister ID:3332 (added 2019-12-07)
Also Known As:Orange Grove
Location:Catonsville, Maryland, USA
Crossing:Patapsco River
At or Near Feature:Patapsco Valley State Park
Coordinates:39.241433 N 76.749293 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire



Adamston and North View, West Virginia, USA - West Fork River
Bridgemeister ID:1981 (added 2005-12-02)
Location:Adamston and North View, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:West Fork River
Main Cables:Wire


Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge vicinity, Colorado, USA - Green River
Bridgemeister ID:1442 (added 2004-07-31)
Location:Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge vicinity, Colorado, USA
Crossing:Green River
Coordinates:40.827833 N 109.030444 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 96.3 meters (316 feet) estimated


  • June 2014: Damaged when a tractor, well over the posted weight limit, tried to cross and broke through the bridge deck. Reopened August 23, 2018 after an "extensive reconstruction" that completely replaced the deck and possibly cables. After reconstruction, the weight limit was increased from 3 tons to 20 tons.
  • November 2009: Closed due to safety concerns after six cable strrands were found to be broken. Repaired June-August 2010 and reopened.
Photo by Vicki Pearson, Wild Utah Photography Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Carthage and Carterville, Missouri, USA - Center Creek
Bridgemeister ID:358 (added before 2003)
Location:Carthage and Carterville, Missouri, USA
Crossing:Center Creek
At or Near Feature:Lakeside Park
Suspended Spans:1


  • Was in use in early 1900's.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Cloudland, Georgia, USA - East Fork Little River
Bridgemeister ID:359 (added before 2003)
Location:Cloudland, Georgia, USA
Crossing:East Fork Little River
Coordinates:34.532512 N 85.482169 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire


Dallas, Oregon, USA - Rickreall Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1910 (added 2005-10-08)
Location:Dallas, Oregon, USA
Crossing:Rickreall Creek
At or Near Feature:Delbert Hunter Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Dallas City Park
Coordinates:44.924933 N 123.324833 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1

Photo by Bertha McKenzie-Binns


Danville, Indiana, USA - White Lick Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1266 (added 2004-03-14)
Location:Danville, Indiana, USA
Crossing:White Lick Creek
At or Near Feature:Ellis Park
Coordinates:39.762317 N 86.5152 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2005)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 41.8 meters (137 feet) estimated

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Edgemont, North Carolina, USA - Wilson's Creek
Bridgemeister ID:876 (added 2003-08-31)
Location:Edgemont, North Carolina, USA
Crossing:Wilson's Creek
Coordinates:36.004147 N 81.773188 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Destroyed by flood before 2003. Supposedly was located across the street from Coffey's General Store which is still in existence as of 2020. Coordinates indicate approximate location based on that description.

Bridgemeister ID:2600 (added 2014-04-14)
Location:Elkins, West Virginia, USA
Crossing:Roaring Creek (Tygart Valley River)
Coordinates:38.923367 N 79.852452 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2016
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Closed since 2016 after an inspection deemed it unsafe. Was mentioned in local press several times in 2019 and 2020 with the community upset that no action was taken to repair the bridge which provided a convenient means of reaching downtown Elkins. Various articles in this time frame refer to the bridge as 76 or 80 years old.

Bridgemeister ID:1617 (added 2005-02-26)
Location:Everett, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Raystown Branch Juniata River
Coordinates:40.01670 N 78.3539 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 43 meters (141 feet) estimated
Side Spans:1 x 11 meters (36 feet) estimated,
1 x 12.5 meters (41 feet) estimated

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by David Denenberg


Fairfield, Maine, USA - Kennebec River
Bridgemeister ID:308 (added before 2003)
Location:Fairfield, Maine, USA
Crossing:Kennebec River
At or Near Feature:Mill Island
Coordinates:44.587477 N 69.593609 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Crossed a channel of the Kennebec River to Mill Island. Appears to have been located at the coordinates provided here.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA - Steele Creek
Bridgemeister ID:871 (added 2003-08-30)
Location:Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
Crossing:Steele Creek
At or Near Feature:Anne Springs Close Greenway
Coordinates:35.040867 N 80.939233 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Trail footbridge.
Photo by Douglas E. McClure


Greenville, Ohio, USA - Greenville Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1119 (added 2004-01-09)
Location:Greenville, Ohio, USA
Crossing:Greenville Creek
At or Near Feature:Greenville City Park
Coordinates:40.109252 N 84.630494 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1

Photo by Wayne Grodkiewicz


Hanapepe, Hawaii, USA - Hanapepe River
Bridgemeister ID:283 (added before 2003)
Location:Hanapepe, Hawaii, USA
Crossing:Hanapepe River
Coordinates:21.912333 N 159.58875 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:HA20050114, HA20050206
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 67.1 meters (220 feet)


  • Destroyed by Hurricane Iniki, 1992. Rebuilt.
  • Temporarily closed, week of January 10, 2005, because of damage due to storm. HA20050114: "A portion of the bridge has completely split apart from the end support at the town side of the bridge, said Al Afos of the county Roads Division." Appears to have reopened later in 2005.
  • Near (footbridge) - Hanapepe vicinity, Hawaii, USA.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Iron Mountain, Michigan, USA
Bridgemeister ID:259 (added before 2003)
Location:Iron Mountain, Michigan, USA
At or Near Feature:Twin Falls vicinity
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


James Creek, Raystown Lake vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA - Trough Creek
Bridgemeister ID:918 (added 2003-10-17)
Location:James Creek, Raystown Lake vicinity, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Trough Creek
At or Near Feature:Trough Creek State Park
Coordinates:40.32213 N 78.13003 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 30.5 meters (100 feet) estimated

Photo by Jeffrey Launtz Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Kingfisher, Oklahoma, USA - Uncle John's Creek
Bridgemeister ID:309 (added before 2003)
Location:Kingfisher, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Uncle John's Creek
Coordinates:35.859049 N 97.927810 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Kinzel Springs (Townsend), Tennessee, USA - Little River
Bridgemeister ID:310 (added before 2003)
Location:Kinzel Springs (Townsend), Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Little River
Main Cables:Wire


  • There are at least two swinging bridge locations at Townsend, Tennessee. There have been at least two bridges at this location known as Kinzel Springs (also Sunshine) at the western end of Townsend. This entry is for the older of the two Kinzel Springs bridges.


Kinzel Springs (Townsend), Tennessee, USA - Little River
Bridgemeister ID:1138 (added 2004-01-17)
Location:Kinzel Springs (Townsend), Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Little River
Coordinates:35.68701 N 83.79791 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, 2019 (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • There are at least two swinging bridge locations at Townsend, Tennessee. There have been at least two bridges at this location known as Kinzel Springs (also Sunshine) at the western end of Townsend. This entry is for the present-day (2020) of the Kinzel Springs bridges.
  • 2019: Closed due to decaying timber structural members.
  • 2020, June: Repairs started. Expected to be reopened in 2020.

External Links:


Little Falls vicinity, Minnesota, USA - Pike Creek
Bridgemeister ID:607 (added 2003-01-14)
Location:Little Falls vicinity, Minnesota, USA
Crossing:Pike Creek
At or Near Feature:Lindbergh State Park


  • From David Denenberg: "I stopped by this park in 2006 and asked at the park station if the bridge was still in existence. They said there were some short modern steel footbridges, but no suspension bridges remaining. The person I spoke with knew such a bridge had existed at one point, in the park, but suspected it had been removed years ago. I hope he was right because I decided not to pay the permit fee and verify for myself."


Medicine Park, Oklahoma, USA - Medicine Creek
Bridgemeister ID:311 (added before 2003)
Location:Medicine Park, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Medicine Creek
Coordinates:34.728561 N 98.502889 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Now known as the Curtis Davis Bridge, the suspended span appears to have been replaced with a truss and non-functional suspension cables. The original suspension bridge towers remain.


Nowata, Oklahoma, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1310 (added 2004-04-10)
Location:Nowata, Oklahoma, USA
Main Cables:Wire

Postcard, collection of David Denenberg


Paintsville, Kentucky, USA - Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
Bridgemeister ID:1490 (added 2004-09-19)
Location:Paintsville, Kentucky, USA
Crossing:Big Sandy River Levisa Fork
At or Near Feature:Paintsville Country Club
Coordinates:37.808576 N 82.773829 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Footbridge and Golf cart
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 112.8 meters (370 feet)


  • Used by golf carts. Just barely wide enough for one golf cart.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Palenville, New York, USA - Kaaterskill Creek
Bridgemeister ID:564 (added before 2003)
Location:Palenville, New York, USA
Crossing:Kaaterskill Creek
Coordinates:42.17399 N 74.02395 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2011 (last checked: 2011)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)


  • Destroyed by flood following Hurricane Irene, 2011.
Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell


Panola County, Mississippi, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2199 (added 2007-01-27)
Location:Panola County, Mississippi, USA
Main Cables:Wire


  • The exact location of this bridge is unclear, but a photo in the December 6, 1937 edition of The Delta Weekly (Greenville, Mississippi) shows a short-span vehicular suspension bridge captioned, "Swinging Bridge - Panola County".


Philo, California, USA - Navarro River
Bridgemeister ID:1295 (added 2004-03-19)
Location:Philo, California, USA
Crossing:Navarro River
Coordinates:39.058029 N 123.442550 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

Bridgemeister ID:2340 (added 2007-08-11)
Location:Prompton, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Lackawaxen River West Branch
Coordinates:41.58233 N 75.32416 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 27.4 meters (90 feet)

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

Bridgemeister ID:7413 (added 2022-12-06)
Location:Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia
Crossing:Quirindi Creek
At or Near Feature:Pittsford Street
Coordinates:31.512852 S 150.686212 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Destroyed, 2022
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • 2022: Destroyed by flood.


Richardson Springs, California, USA
Bridgemeister ID:313 (added before 2003)
Location:Richardson Springs, California, USA
Coordinates:39.838927 N 121.769790 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Wide footbridge.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Silver City, New Mexico, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1664 (added 2005-03-20)
Location:Silver City, New Mexico, USA
Main Cables:Wire


  • Was in use in 1909.


South Connellsville, Pennsylvania, USA - Youghiogheny River
Bridgemeister ID:8093 (added 2023-12-25)
Location:South Connellsville, Pennsylvania, USA
Crossing:Youghiogheny River
Coordinates:39.988 N 79.591 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Facebook. Old image of the bridge. Posted December 9, 2012.


Spokane vicinity, Washington, USA - Spokane River
Bridgemeister ID:315 (added before 2003)
Location:Spokane vicinity, Washington, USA
Crossing:Spokane River
At or Near Feature:Riverside State Park, "Bowl And Pitcher" area
Coordinates:47.69668 N 117.49828 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Civilian Conservation Corps
Status:In use (last checked: 2009)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 61 meters (200 feet) estimated


External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell Photo by Erik Nilson Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Tidnish vicinity, Nova Scotia, Canada - Tidnish River
Bridgemeister ID:1751 (added 2005-04-20)
Location:Tidnish vicinity, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crossing:Tidnish River
Coordinates:45.97675 N 64.042783 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Closed, January 2 015 (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 66 meters (216.5 feet)


  • A visitor sent the following information: "[The bridge is] located on a hiking trail on the bed of an abandoned late 19th century railway track, which is raised several meters above a low, marshy area. The bridge itself spans a gap where the Tidnish River flows through the embankment. When driving along the Sunrise Trail, you get a brief glimpse of the bridge, although you must take a small back road to get to it... The bridge is very sturdy, and does not 'swing' although a 70 kg (150 lb.) person can easily create a visible ripple that passes back and forth along the deck by stomping on it. The anchors for the main cables appear to be nothing more than two I-beams sticking out of the ground on a 45 degree angle to which the cables are bolted. The diagonal I-beams are most likely bolted or welded to a horizontal, buried I-beam. The suspender 'cables' are steel rods that are kept from sliding by resting behind a clamp. The bridge looks small and assymetrical when viewed from a distance because the towers and a large portion of the span aren't visible through the trees on each end. The path also passes over an old keystone bridge which was constructed when the railway was built in the late 19th century, you do not realize this when you are actually on the path because there is 2-3 m (7-10 ft.) of soil on top of the bridge, so you can only see the large stones when you are standing ON them."
  • Patrick S. O'Donnell sent more information about 19th-century arch bridge at this location. It was part of an ambitious project known as the "Chignecto Marine Transport Railway" intended to transport large ships across the Isthmus of Chignetco.
  • Closed indefinitely in early 2015 after approach span wood supports were found to have deteriorated.

External Links:


Townsend, Tennessee, USA - Little River
Bridgemeister ID:1139 (added 2004-01-17)
Location:Townsend, Tennessee, USA
Crossing:Little River
Coordinates:35.679553 N 83.750614 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2015)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Walcott, Arkansas, USA - Dancing Rabbit Arroyo
Bridgemeister ID:7203 (added 2022-07-07)
Location:Walcott, Arkansas, USA
Crossing:Dancing Rabbit Arroyo
At or Near Feature:Crowley's Ridge State Park
Coordinates:36.043750 N 90.666000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Chain (steel)
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • The park's trail guides mention two swinging bridges on the same trail, but it's unclear if the second bridge, perhaps 500 feet south of the coordinates for the bridge given here, is actually a suspension bridge.


Yaotsu, Gifu, Japan - Tabiashi River
Bridgemeister ID:5127 (added 2020-09-06)
Location:Yaotsu, Gifu, Japan
Crossing:Tabiashi River
Coordinates:35.474000 N 137.187281 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Hybrid truss-suspension system where main cables join the upper chord of the truss midspan.


Tabu, Benguet and Balucoc, Benguet, Philippines - Agno River
Bridgemeister ID:8290 (added 2024-02-08)
Location:Tabu, Benguet and Balucoc, Benguet, Philippines
Crossing:Agno River
Coordinates:16.290944 N 120.742889 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Tachog Llahkang

Tachog Llahkang, Bhutan - Paro Chu
Bridgemeister ID:4023 (added 2020-03-28)
Name:Tachog Llahkang
Location:Tachog Llahkang, Bhutan
Crossing:Paro Chu
Coordinates:27.329496 N 89.504805 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Two suspension bridges at this location. This entry represents the modern level-decked bridge. The older ("old") bridge here is a drooping simple suspension bridge.

Taff Valley

Abercynon, Wales, United Kingdom - River Taff
Bridgemeister ID:2179 (added 2007-01-13)
Name:Taff Valley
Location:Abercynon, Wales, United Kingdom
Crossing:River Taff
Principals:Louis Harper
Status:Destroyed, by flood, 1942
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • HARPER: Completed circa 1900.

External Links:

Taiji Gorge

Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Bridgemeister ID:2833 (added 2019-07-04)
Name:Taiji Gorge
Location:Zhushan Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Coordinates:23.660444 N 120.735914 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Bridgemeister ID:7227 (added 2022-07-12)
Location:Taliha, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Crossing:Subansiri River
Coordinates:28.234266 N 94.156738 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 126.5 meters (415 feet) estimated

External Links:


Sekikawa, Niigata, Japan - Arakawa River
Bridgemeister ID:6103 (added 2021-07-04)
Also Known As:鷹の巣橋
Location:Sekikawa, Niigata, Japan
Crossing:Arakawa River
Coordinates:38.070854 N 139.598397 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2021)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 74 meters (242.8 feet) estimated


Takedao, Hyogo, Japan - Muko River
Bridgemeister ID:3360 (added 2019-12-20)
Location:Takedao, Hyogo, Japan
Crossing:Muko River
Coordinates:34.854651 N 135.302926 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 55 meters (180.4 feet) estimated


Kinugawa Onsen (鬼怒川温泉), Nikkō, Tochigi, Japan - Kinugawa River
Bridgemeister ID:7529 (added 2023-01-14)
Also Known As:滝見橋
Location:Kinugawa Onsen (鬼怒川温泉), Nikkō, Tochigi, Japan
Crossing:Kinugawa River
Coordinates:36.838261 N 139.721633 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2022)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Talula, Chuquisaca and Potosí, Bolivia - Rio Pilcomayo
Bridgemeister ID:8439 (added 2024-03-09)
Location:Talula, Chuquisaca and Potosí, Bolivia
Crossing:Rio Pilcomayo
Coordinates:19.131667 S 65.450722 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1

External Links:

  • Google Maps. Image taken on the bridge. Dated May 2016.


Alès vicinity, Gard, France - Gardon River
Bridgemeister ID:2986 (added 2019-10-12)
Location:Alès vicinity, Gard, France
Crossing:Gardon River
Coordinates:44.145589 N 4.075216 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Coordinates are for one of the remaining piers of the rail tracks that sat on top of the suspension bridge. This highly unusual hybrid structure had a rail bridge supported by the suspension bridge towers and a suspension bridge mid-span tower. From a distance, it had the appearance of a deck suspended from a rail bridge, but this was not the case.
  • See 1854 Sarp (Sarpsbro, Sarpsbrua) - Sarpsborg, Viken, Norway. Another interesting hybrid rail and suspension bridge.

External Links:

Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle


Barangay Tambacan, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines - Tubod River
Bridgemeister ID:6748 (added 2021-10-23)
Location:Barangay Tambacan, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines
Crossing:Tubod River
Coordinates:8.227763 N 124.234445 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Replaced, 2020
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1


External Links:

Bridgemeister ID:5355 (added 2020-11-21)
Location:Tamen, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Coordinates:27.759682 N 94.009079 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Closed, October 8, 2020
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Closed October 8, 2020, pending "reconstruction" project expected to be completed in two months.


Tamparuli, Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia
Bridgemeister ID:2428 (added 2008-04-12)
Location:Tamparuli, Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia
Coordinates:6.134167 N 116.266918 E
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2016)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

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