Takimi Suspension Bridge

This is an image set within the Bridgemeister collection.

Bridge:Takimi Suspension Bridge
Location:Kinugawa Onsen (鬼怒川温泉), Nikkō, Tochigi, Japan - Kinugawa River
Coordinates and Maps:See related inventory record(s).
Image Set Contributor:Jochem Hollestelle
Related Suspension Bridge Inventory:Takimi (滝見橋) - Kinugawa Onsen (鬼怒川温泉), Nikkō, Tochigi, Japan
Related Image Lists:All from Jochem Hollestelle
All in Japan
All Pedestrian Suspension Bridges
Credit:Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.

This postcard is perhaps depicting the bridge still (as of the 2020s) still in use at Kinugawa Onsen. If not the same bridge, it's showing an older bridge at or near the same location.


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