Thermopolis Swinging Bridge

This is an image set within the Bridgemeister collection.

Bridge:Thermopolis Swinging Bridge
Location:Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA - Big Horn River
Coordinates and Maps:See related inventory record(s).
Image Set Contributor:Polly Oliver
Date of Images:July 1969
Related Suspension Bridge Inventory:1916 Swinging - Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA
Related Image Lists:All from Polly Oliver
All in Wyoming
All in USA
All Pedestrian Suspension Bridges
Credit:Photos courtesy of Polly Oliver. Please do not reuse without permission.

Polly Oliver shared these snapshots of her at the bridge in 1969. Polly writes: "My sisters and I were quite intrigued to walk out on the bridge and feel it sway, but terrified one of us would fall. Looking at pictures today I would swear the canyon was considerably further down to the river. I am the blonde in the blue printed shirt, slacks and cowboy boots."



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