Suspension Bridges of Texas

This is a list of all 54 bridges from the suspension bridge inventory for Texas in USA. Wherever you see a Bridgemeister ID number click it to isolate the bridge on its own page.

Related Lists:

1869: (footbridge)

Salado, Texas, USA - Salado Creek
Bridgemeister ID:920 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Salado, Texas, USA
Crossing:Salado Creek
At or Near Feature:Salado College
Status:Destroyed, 1913
Main Cables:Wire (iron)


  • Destroyed by flood, 1913.

1869: Waco

Waco, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:72 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1869
Location:Waco, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:31.561314 N 97.127063 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Thomas M. Griffith
Use:Vehicular, with walkway
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2023)
Main Cables:Wire (iron)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 144.8 meters (475 feet)
Deck width:18 feet


  • 1915: Rebuilt.
  • 2020, October: Closed for restoration project expecting to last 18-24 months.
  • 2021, March: Major restoration project underway, led by Sparks Engineering, Inc.
  • 2023, April: The restored bridge is rededicated on April 22. Patrick Sparks of Sparks Engineering reports: . The rededication was held April 22, 2023. "The project involved full rehabilitation including: replacement of the suspension system and anchor rods, strengthening of the anchorages, replacement of the saddle bearings, retrofit strengthening of the east tower, and deck replacement (concrete on the main deck, tropical hardwood on the side walks)."

External Links:

Photo by Carla Pendergraft Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle Photo courtesy of Sparks Engineering, Inc. Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

1893: Dennis

Dennis, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:116 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1893
Location:Dennis, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.615639 N 97.926361 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flinn-Moyer Co.
Status:Demolished, 1962
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

External Links:

1896: Beveridge

San Saba, Texas, USA - San Saba River
Bridgemeister ID:102 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1896
Location:San Saba, Texas, USA
Crossing:San Saba River
Coordinates:31.21083 N 98.74083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flinn-Moyer Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Restricted to foot traffic (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Located near the locally famous Wedding Oak tree.
  • 1938: Reconstructed by Austin Bridge Co.
  • 2006: Major restoration project completed.

External Links:

Photo by Casey Hibler III

1896: Clear Fork Of The Brazos

Woodson vicinity, Shackelford County, Texas, USA - Clear Fork Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:103 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1896
Name:Clear Fork Of The Brazos
Location:Woodson vicinity, Shackelford County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Clear Fork Brazos River
Coordinates:32.921611 N 99.167944 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Flinn-Moyer Co.
References:BRAZ, HAERTX64, HAERTX98
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Stephen Taylor

1897: Pease River

Vernon, Texas, USA - Pease River
Bridgemeister ID:5585 (added 2020-12-22)
Year Completed:1897
Name:Pease River
Location:Vernon, Texas, USA
Crossing:Pease River
Coordinates:34.179209 N 99.323843 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Destroyed, 1907
Main Cables:Wire


  • Sometimes cited as completed 1897, 1899, or "around 1899".
  • Sometimes attributed to Mitchell and Pigg, but that would have been several years before the earliest bridges typically attributed to Mitchell and Pigg. Mitchell and Pigg are more clearly associated with the 1909 replacement of this Pease River bridge. Texas suspension bridge dominant builder history generally evolved from Flinn/Moyer (1890s, early 1900s) to Mitchell/Pigg (mid-1900s thru early 1910s) to Austin Bridge (1910s onward) with design similarities (and employees) shared through that evolution.
  • Destroyed by tornado, 1907. Coordinates are for the replacement suspension bridge, assumed to be on the same alignment or very close.
  • Replaced by 1909 Pease River - Vernon, Texas, USA.
  • All past and present bridges at this location.

1904: Brazos

Brazos, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1857 (added 2005-07-17)
Year Completed:1904
Location:Brazos, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Principals:William Flinn
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 91.4 meters (300 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 45.7 meters (150 feet)

1904: Dark Valley

Graford and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:921 (added 2003-10-18)
Year Completed:1904
Name:Dark Valley
Location:Graford and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.863306 N 98.302611 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William Flinn
References:BRAZ, HAERTX98
Status:Demolished, 1958
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:2 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)
Side Spans:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet),
2 x 38.1 meters (125 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


  • The TxDOT Bridge Division website shows an image of this bridge with caption "The Dark Valley Bridge is shown here before its demolition in 1958," but BRAZ describes it as being destroyed by a flood on October 31, 1981. The TxDOT information is likely correct.

1906: Brannon's Crossing

Weatherford vicinity, Parker County, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1298 (added 2004-03-28)
Year Completed:1906
Name:Brannon's Crossing
Location:Weatherford vicinity, Parker County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.66256 N 98.03288 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Status:Replaced, 1934
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 134.1 meters (440 feet)


  • Tony King believes he found the former location of this bridge a few hundred yards south of the I-20 Brazos River crossing west of Weatherford. This location is near a road named "Brannon Bridge Circle." Tony writes: "Just downstream from the modern Interstate 20 bridge in western Parker County, I've noticed a concrete and iron structure, and happened to take a photo of it recently. I've noticed the structure a couple of times in the past (most recently in May of 2007) while hiking a well-worn foot/ATV path that parallels the west bank of the river as it flows almost due south from the Interstate to Meeks Bend." The structure in Tony's photo appears to be a pier or support footing. The coordinates given here are Tony's approximation of the location of the structure.
  • Built as part of the same contract as the Tin Top bridge.
  • Similar to 1906 Tin Top (Hightower Valley) - Tin Top, Texas, USA.
Photo by Tony King

1906: Tin Top

Tin Top, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:119 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1906
Name:Tin Top
Also Known As:Hightower Valley
Location:Tin Top, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.575956 N 97.822697 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
References:BRAZ, HAERTX98
Status:Collapsed, Jan. 31, 1982 under weight of snow
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)


  • Some internet resources suggest the "Tin Top" and "Hightower" suspension bridges were separate nearby structures, however, this does not appear to have been the case. Both names were used to describe the same structure and USGS topographical maps from the 1950s label the bridge due south of Tin Top as "Hightower". Mitchell and Pigg did build a similar structure, at Brannon's Crossing. The 2015 National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for "Historic Road Infrastructure of Texas, 1866-1965", the Texas Department of Transportation writes: "In 1905 [Mitchell and Pigg] constructed the practically identical Brannon's Crossing and Hightower Valley Bridges across the Brazos in Parker County. The former was a 440-foot clear span while the later, also known as Tin Top, was 400 feet."
  • The coordinates appear to be the exact location of a pier remaining (as of 2020) from this bridge. The alignment indicated by the pier appears to exactly match the location of this bridge as indicated by 1958 USGS topographical map of the area.
  • Similar to 1906 Brannon's Crossing - Weatherford vicinity, Parker County, Texas, USA.
Photo courtesy of Marjorie Campbell

1908: Newcastle

Newcastle, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1299 (added 2004-03-28)
Year Completed:1908
Location:Newcastle, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Status:Collapsed, 1930
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Collapsed during flood, 1930.

1908: South Bend

South Bend, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:1858 (added 2005-07-17)
Year Completed:1908
Name:South Bend
Location:South Bend, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Main Cables:Wire
Main Span:1 x 121.9 meters (400 feet)

1909: Pease River

Vernon, Texas, USA - Pease River
Bridgemeister ID:597 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1909
Name:Pease River
Location:Vernon, Texas, USA
Crossing:Pease River
Coordinates:34.179636 N 99.324038 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
Status:Only towers remain
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:2
Side Spans:2


1914: 98th Meridian

Byers, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:600 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1914
Name:98th Meridian
Also Known As:Byers
Location:Byers, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:34.124507 N 98.214251 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Mitchell & Pigg
References:AUB, HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1923
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:4
Main Spans:3 x 172.8 meters (567 feet)
Side Span:1 x 32.6 meters (107 feet)


1917: Rock Church

Tolar vicinity, Hood County, Texas, USA - Paluxy River
Bridgemeister ID:136 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1917
Name:Rock Church
Location:Tolar vicinity, Hood County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Paluxy River
Coordinates:32.301402 N 97.957657 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1

External Links:

Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1917: Terral-Ringgold

Ringgold, Texas and Terral, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:595 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1917
Location:Ringgold, Texas and Terral, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.878143 N 97.934776 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:AUB, PTS2
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:5
Main Spans:3 x 137.2 meters (450 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • 1931: Replacement opened.

1923: 98th Meridian

Byers vicinity, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:5589 (added 2020-12-22)
Year Completed:1923
Name:98th Meridian
Also Known As:Byers
Location:Byers vicinity, Texas and Temple, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:34.127249 N 98.214114 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Status:Destroyed, 1938
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Postcard, collection of David Denenberg Photo, courtesy of David Turner

1924: Nocona

Nocona vicinity, Texas and Jefferson County, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:140 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1924
Also Known As:Bluff, Ketchum Bluff, Ketchum's Bluff
Location:Nocona vicinity, Texas and Jefferson County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
At or Near Feature:Ketchum Bluff
Coordinates:33.93579 N 97.75869 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Only towers remain (last checked: 2007)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)


  • Legend has it the bridge was burned during a dispute. This likely occurred before 1955. Some sources suggest it occurred before or during 1950. The road that leads to the Texas side of the former crossing is "Burned Out Bridge Road." Follow the image of the derelict tower to see the remains of the bridge.
  • AUB mentions: "In January 1924, a contract was entered into with Nocona Bridge Company for a bridge across Red River, nine miles north of Nocona, connecting Texas and Oklahoma. The plans called for a 700' span, 16' roadway, and the main cables to contain 1,000 No. 9 galvanized wires each. The building of this, [the Austin Bridge Company's] first complete cable bridge, and the experience gained therefrom helped to launch Austin Bridge Company into an interesting and profitable line of work."

External Links:

Photo by Tony King

1925: (pipeline bridge)

Byers vicinity, Texas, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:1856 (added 2005-07-17)
Year Completed:1925
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Byers vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Red River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire


  • In AUB, two main spans and part of another suspended span are visible.

1926: Hidalgo-Reynosa International

Hidalgo, Texas, USA and Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:146 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1926
Name:Hidalgo-Reynosa International
Location:Hidalgo, Texas, USA and Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:26.095389 N 98.272000 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AAJ, AUB, HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Demolished, 1960's
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 137.2 meters (450 feet)


  • Damaged by flood, 1933. Rebuilt, 1934. Cables failed, 1939. Rebuilt.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

1927: Bryan-Fannin

Telephone, Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Bryan County, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:602 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Telephone, Snow's Ferry, Bryant-Fannin
Location:Telephone, Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Bryan County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.844484 N 96.011125 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, December, 1940
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Sometimes referenced as "Bryant-Fannin". The bridge unquestionably connected Fannin County to Bryan County, Oklahoma, but according to a article (Fannin County TXGenWeb - Ferry's in Fannin County, from Pat Pryor, by Kathy J. Ellis) it was erected at a site known as "Bryant's Crossing" named for a local, Dave Bryant. The Steinman inventory lists it as "Bryan-Fannin". AUB mentions it as "Bryant-Fannin". The Rootsweb article also mentions it collapsed in 1940 under weight of a truck.
  • An article in the December 6, 1940 issue of The Port Arthur News (Texas) titled: "Suspension Bridge Plunges Into Red River" describes the collapse: "Owners of a $75,000 tollbridge which plunged into the Red River Wednesday when a suspension cable anchor pulled loose were undecided today whether it would be rebuilt. The bridge, owned by the Austin Bridge company of Dallas, was near Telephone, Tex., 12 miles north of here, and was several miles from a principal highway. Most of the traffic from the Bonham area toward Oklahoma is across a structure built recently to replace a toll bridge at nearby Sowell's bluff that collapsed in 1930. Mrs. Jim Freeman, toll keeper, said she heard a 'rumble' and looked up to see the 'deadman anchor' pull loose, throwing the entire weight of the 1,300 foot span on the other cable. It snapped, and the flooring and steel framework of the bridge sagged into the water. No one was on the structure when it fell."
  • Remains of three piers are still visible, 2019.

1927: Durant-Bonham

Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Yuba/Durant vicinity, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:603 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1927
Also Known As:Sowell's Bluff
Location:Bonham vicinity, Fannin County, Texas and Yuba/Durant vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, PTS2
Status:Collapsed, 1934
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • According to a rootsweb article (Fannin County TXGenWeb - Ferry's in Fannin County, from Pat Pryor, by Kathy J. Ellis), "when in 1932 this bridge fell, many people said that acid had been put on the cables to break them so that people from Oklahoma could not cross to Bonham." However, the true date of collapse may have been in 1934. The February 2, 1934 issue of The Daily Oklahoman has a front-page article with a photo of the bridge with collapsed deck. The photo is captioned: "The Red River Bridge on Highway 22 Near Durant After the Midnight Crash," and the article reads: "Here Is the debris of a $60,000 investment made by the states of Oklahoma and Texas eight months ago when they purchased the Bonham-Durant bridge across the Red river on highway 22. Three of the five spans of the 1,500-foot suspension bridge turned upside down and dropped into the river bed when a four-Inch wire cable rusted and broke in two about 15 feet from the ground on the Texas side. A lull in the usual heavy traffic across the bridge prevented accidents. The crash came at midnight, and one motorist had barely reached the Texas side when the cable gave away. Other motorists stopped their cars just in time to witness the spans of the bridge crash 40 feet into the stream. The bridge was built in 1926 and was operated as a toll bridge until 1933 when the two states bought it and made it a free crossing."
  • In the October 1989 edition of the Oklahoma Water News an article (excerpted from an article in The Chronicles of Oklahoma by Dr. Bernice N. Crockett) states: "On January 15, 1934, a norther of terrific force came up which cause the Sowell's Bluff Bridge to fall. At 1 a.m. the wire cables on the Fannin side of the river became twisted, then snapped, broken in half, and the entire massive structure fell into the river below -- a complete wreck."

1927: Saint Jo

Illinois Bend, Saint Jo vicinity, Texas and Wilson vicinity, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:601 (added 2003-01-11)
Year Completed:1927
Name:Saint Jo
Also Known As:Airline, Air-Line
Location:Illinois Bend, Saint Jo vicinity, Texas and Wilson vicinity, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.917051 N 97.486010 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
References:AUB, PTS2
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)

External Links:

1928: (suspension bridge)

Rio Rico, Mexico and Mercedes, Texas, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:1077 (added 2003-12-27)
Year Completed:1928
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Rio Rico, Mexico and Mercedes, Texas, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
References:HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Destroyed, 1941
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Main Span:1 x 79.2 meters (260 feet)


  • Destroyed by flood 1941.

1928: Roma-Miguel Alemán International

Roma, Texas, USA and Ciudad Miguel Alemán, Mexico - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:157 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1928
Name:Roma-Miguel Alemán International
Also Known As:Roma-San Pedro International
Location:Roma, Texas, USA and Ciudad Miguel Alemán, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:26.403821 N 99.018856 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:George Cole, Starr County Bridge Co., Compañía del Puente de San Pedro de Roma
References:HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Closed, 1979 (last checked: 2024)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 192 meters (629.9 feet)
Deck width:6.9 meters


  • 2024, April: Funds secured to restore the bridge.

External Links:

1928: Zapata

Zapata, Texas, USA and Ciudad Guerrero, Mexico - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:1445 (added 2004-07-31)
Year Completed:1928
Location:Zapata, Texas, USA and Ciudad Guerrero, Mexico
Crossing:Rio Grande
Coordinates:26.878472 N 99.326563 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
References:HAERTX98, PTS2
Status:Inundated, 1953
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 165 meters (541.3 feet)
Side Spans:2


  • Inundated during creation of Falcon Reservoir.
Image courtesy of Stephen Taylor and Zapata Historical Society Image courtesy of Stephen Taylor and TXDOT

1929: Idabel-Clarksville

Idabel vicinity, Oklahoma and Clarksville vicinity, Texas, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:2378 (added 2007-10-21)
Year Completed:1929
Location:Idabel vicinity, Oklahoma and Clarksville vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Red River
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Status:Destroyed, 1933
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1 x 213.4 meters (700 feet)
Side Spans:2 x 76.2 meters (250 feet)
Deck width:16 feet


  • The November 1933 issue of The Wisconsin Engineer (a publication of the University of Wisconsin) has an article by C.W.P. Walter about research that was being performed by the University of Wisconsin's Engineering Department: "The particular hardware laden contrivance [in the Engineering Building] is a half-model of the Red River Bridge which carried light highway traffic between Clarksville, Texas, and Idabel, Oklahoma. In the early part of this year movement of the Red River as a result of flood waters washed away one of the intermediate piers supporting the end spans, and cause the cable to drop and be subjected to impact loading. It was contended by the company owning the bridge that the cable was overstressed and injured to such an extent that it would be necessary for the insurance company to replace the cable as well as the pier. A committee... was appointed to investigate the questions involved. While the investigation proceeded the Red River continued to scour away the foundation of the existing piers, ultimately causing the bridge to collapse completely."
  • AUB mentions this bridge very briefly: "In 1928, [Jim Diamond] was employed by Austin Bridge Company as a consultant on the super-structure and cable work for the White River bridge at Des Arc. Later in the same year, he represented the owners as job engineer on the bridge built by the Company across Red River above Clarksville, Texas."
  • Apparently this bridge was damaged by flood the same week it was supposed to open. In the October 1989 edition of the Oklahoma Water News an article (excerpted from an article in The Chronicles of Oklahoma by Dr. Bernice N. Crockett) writes: "The Austin Bridge Company completed the bridge May 19, 1929, but on May 23, when more than 400 people went to see the new bridge opened, an estimated 40 feet of the Red River bank had caved in near the bridge. Heavy rains continued to hinder road construction. A resident near the bridge recalled the night of May 19, 1929, as the night the river changed its course, and by morning had moved the entire structure into Oklahoma." The bridge eventually opened on June 20.
  • The Friday December 30, 1932 edition of The Port Arthur News ran an article "Red River Bridge Damaged By Water". Texarkana, Dec. 30 (1932).: "High stages in Red River, that earlier this week demolished the Texas side approach to the privately owned suspension bridge [?] miles north of Clarksville on highway 37 to Idabel have been in recession since Wednesday but indicated continued heavy rains such as last night are expected to bring additional high water with probably further damage to the bridge. More than 50 feet of the approach is gone and the ground piers have crumpled, leaving the anchor cables alone holding the bridge in place."
  • It appears the final end to this short-lived bridge didn't come until late May, 1933 when it was completely destroyed by flood.

External Links:

  • Historic Suspension Bridges: Advent of the State Highway Department. This Texas Department of Transportation page mentions: "Five of the eleven suspension bridges built by [Austin Bridge Company] were toll bridges over the Red River. The Red River is notorious for its volatile, melting, red clay banks. The bridge between Clarksville, Texas, and Idabel, Oklahoma, was built by ABC in 1928, and washed out during flooding in 1932."

1931: Buchanan Dam

Buchanan Dam, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:2514 (added 2009-12-30)
Year Completed:1931
Name:Buchanan Dam
Location:Buchanan Dam, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Large one-lane suspension bridge built during the construction of Buchanan Dam.

1939: Bend

Bend, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:1616 (added 2005-02-26)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Bend, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:31.101306 N 98.514083 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:3
Main Span:1
Side Spans:2


  • Crossed the Colorado River a bit north of the current (2020s) bridge at Bend.
  • Similar to 1939 Regency - Regency, Texas, USA. The Bend bridge is pictured in AUB. At first, I thought it was the nearby Regency bridge, but upon closer inspection, the Bend bridge had suspended approach spans. Regency did not. Otherwise, they are very similar in appearance, both having been built in the same year by the same company.

1939: Regency

Regency, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:195 (added before 2003)
Year Completed:1939
Location:Regency, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Coordinates:31.41167 N 98.84667 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Austin Bridge Co.
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 103.6 meters (340 feet)


External Links:

Photo courtesy of Larry Calder Photo by Casey Hibler III Photo by Patrick S. O'Donnell

1976: (footbridge)

Lampasas, Texas, USA - Sulphur Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1258 (added 2004-03-06)
Year Completed:1976
Location:Lampasas, Texas, USA
Crossing:Sulphur Creek
Coordinates:31.05598 N 98.18108 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2004)
Main Cables:Rod
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 19.8 meters (65 feet)


  • It is doubtful that this is a true suspension bridge. Follow the picture for more on this observation.
Photo by Eric Sakowski

2001: (footbridge)

Houston, Texas, USA - ravine along Lake Carter
Bridgemeister ID:967 (added 2003-11-01)
Year Completed:2001
Location:Houston, Texas, USA
Crossing:ravine along Lake Carter
Coordinates:29.77431 N 95.47557 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Sahale, LLC.
Status:In use
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 20.1 meters (66 feet)
Deck width:4 feet


  • This bridge is located on private property.

External Links:

2003: Bob Mac's Crossing

Athens, Texas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:2697 (added 2019-05-27)
Year Completed:2003
Name:Bob Mac's Crossing
Location:Athens, Texas, USA
At or Near Feature:East Texas Arboretum
Coordinates:32.207487 N 95.878114 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:Bob McDonald, San Jacinto Engineering
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


Belton vicinity, Texas, USA - Lampasas River
Bridgemeister ID:1056 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Belton vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Lampasas River
At or Near Feature:Chalk Ridge Falls Park
Coordinates:31.018 N 97.525 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1


  • Short footbridge with wood towers near Stillhouse Hollow Lake Dam.


Del Rio, Texas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:1352 (added 2004-05-14)
Location:Del Rio, Texas, USA
Coordinates:29.369034 N 100.884902 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)
Suspended Spans:1
Main Span:1 x 24.4 meters (80 feet)

Photo by Eric Sakowski


El Paso, Texas, USA - Rio Grande
Bridgemeister ID:1562 (added 2004-11-27)
Location:El Paso, Texas, USA
Crossing:Rio Grande
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Narrow long footbridge circa early 1900s.

External Links:


Graham, Texas, USA - Salt Creek
Bridgemeister ID:1464 (added 2004-08-28)
Location:Graham, Texas, USA
Crossing:Salt Creek
At or Near Feature:Fireman's Park
Coordinates:33.113059 N 98.597555 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2008)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


Wichita Falls, Texas, USA - Wichita River
Bridgemeister ID:1060 (added 2003-12-13)
Location:Wichita Falls, Texas, USA
Crossing:Wichita River
At or Near Feature:Lucy Park
Coordinates:33.917 N 98.51218 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2012)
Main Cables:Wire

(pipeline bridge)

Antioch vicinity, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:3327 (added 2019-12-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Antioch vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Coordinates:31.061728 N 95.651119 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • 2019: Appears to be flood damaged.

(pipeline bridge)

Dayton Lakes vicinity, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:3326 (added 2019-12-01)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Dayton Lakes vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Coordinates:30.213426 N 94.825076 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Orchard vicinity, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2656 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Orchard vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.636886 N 95.980795 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

(pipeline bridge)

Sealy and Brookshire, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2655 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Sealy and Brookshire, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.772165 N 96.036434 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2014)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Adjacent to I-10 Brazos River crossing.

(pipeline bridge)

Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2657 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.649584 N 96.024012 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(pipeline bridge)

Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:2658 (added 2019-03-03)
Name:(pipeline bridge)
Location:Wallis vicinity, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:29.648674 N 96.022830 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Extant (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


(suspension bridge)

Bazette Crossing and Trinidad, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:598 (added 2003-01-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Bazette Crossing and Trinidad, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River
Main Cables:Wire


  • Repaired by Austin Bridge Company, 1922.

(suspension bridge)

Decatur vicinity, Wise County, Texas, USA - Trinity River
Bridgemeister ID:599 (added 2003-01-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Decatur vicinity, Wise County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Trinity River


  • Repaired by Austin Bridge Company, 1923.

(suspension bridge)

Gainesville vicinity, Texas and Love County, Oklahoma, USA - Red River
Bridgemeister ID:279 (added before 2003)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Gainesville vicinity, Texas and Love County, Oklahoma, USA
Crossing:Red River
Coordinates:33.718156 N 97.129504 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA - Brazos River
Bridgemeister ID:596 (added 2003-01-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto, Texas, USA
Crossing:Brazos River
Coordinates:32.797500 N 98.186306 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

(suspension bridge)

Opelika, Henderson County, Texas, USA - Kickapoo Creek
Bridgemeister ID:2025 (added 2006-02-11)
Name:(suspension bridge)
Location:Opelika, Henderson County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Kickapoo Creek
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Cecelia Viteri writes: "the bridge was built around 1920 over the Kickapoo Creek, Henderson County Texas, near a now defunct rural town of Opelika. My great-grandfather's farm bordered the creek, which is a tributary of the Neches River. I was on this bridge several times, and it was dismantled mid-1960s. It was wide enough for cars to cross it, one at a time."
Photos courtesy of Cecelia Viteri

Buffalo Bayou

Houston, Texas, USA - Buffalo Bayou
Bridgemeister ID:2693 (added 2019-05-27)
Name:Buffalo Bayou
Location:Houston, Texas, USA
Crossing:Buffalo Bayou
At or Near Feature:Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens
Coordinates:29.758388 N 95.421279 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:In use (last checked: 2019)
Main Cables:Wire (steel)

Choctaw Creek

Bells vicinity, Grayson County, Texas, USA - Choctaw Creek
Bridgemeister ID:133 (added before 2003)
Name:Choctaw Creek
Location:Bells vicinity, Grayson County, Texas, USA
Crossing:Choctaw Creek
Coordinates:33.650717 N 96.480981 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Principals:William H. C. Greer
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2018)
Main Cables:Wire
Suspended Spans:1


  • Likely built in the 1910s.
Photo by A.W. Vickrey


Bloomington, Texas, USA - Guadalupe River
Bridgemeister ID:4937 (added 2020-08-08)
Location:Bloomington, Texas, USA
Crossing:Guadalupe River
Coordinates:28.658664 N 96.962659 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Use:Vehicular (one-lane)
Status:Derelict (last checked: 2020)
Main Cables:Wire

External Links:

Hamilton Dam

Blufton, Texas, USA - Colorado River
Bridgemeister ID:4949 (added 2020-08-08)
Name:Hamilton Dam
Location:Blufton, Texas, USA
Crossing:Colorado River
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Completed 1930s during construction of the Hamilton (now Buchanan) Dam. Appears to have been a large one-lane bridge. Likely removed during 1930s.

Skull Island

Arlington, Texas, USA
Bridgemeister ID:8956 (added 2024-11-29)
Name:Skull Island
Location:Arlington, Texas, USA
At or Near Feature:Six Flags over Texas Amusement Park
Coordinates:32.757306 N 97.069528 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Status:Removed, 1968
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • Part of the Skull Island attraction within the Six Flags over Texas amusement park. The bridge was removed in 1968. The current (2020s) Roaring Rapids ride occupies much of the former Skull Island space. Coordinates provided here are the approximate location of the bridge.
Postcard, collection of David Denenberg

Do you have any information or photos for these bridges that you would like to share? Please email

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