Image Search

This keyword search the Bridgemeister image collection. Pick a search option and type a list of one or more words or phrases. Keep it simple. Most of the words are place names. Asterisk wildcards can be used. Words like "and" and "or" will be taken literally. Do not use search operators like + and -. See below for Tips and Examples.


If you are trying to search within the larger suspension bridge inventory, use the inventory search.


  • If you choose "Match all keywords", only image pages containing every keyword will be returned.
  • If you choose "Match any keyword", image pages containing at least one of the keywords will be returned.
  • All search terms must be separated by a space. Use double-quotes for literal phrases (e.g. "Isle of Orleans").
  • U.S. state and Canada province postal codes are automatically converted for you to their full text. For example, you can type TX or Texas to retrieve all bridges that mention Texas.
  • Keywords bridge and bridges are ignored unless used in a compound or possessive word like footbridge or bridge's.


  • Find bridges across the Susquehanna, Delaware, or Hudson rivers:

    Any of these keywords: "Susquehanna River" "Hudson River" "Delaware River"

  • Find bridges in Alberta, Alaska, or British Columbia:

    Any of these keywords: Alberta AK BC

  • Find bridges that span between Texas and Mexico:

    All of these keywords: Texas Mexico

  • Find bridges in New York or New Jersey:

    Any of these keywords: "New York" "New Jersey"

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