Suspension Bridges Crossing Matane River

This is a list of the only bridge from the suspension bridge inventory crossing Matane River. Please note that different rivers with the same name will be grouped together. For example, selecting 'Bear Creek' shows bridges across several different Bear Creeks. Also, similarly named rivers are grouped separately. For example, 'River Dee' (UK) bridges are grouped separately from 'Dee River' (Australia) bridges. Wherever you see a Bridgemeister ID number click it to isolate the bridge on its own page.

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Matane, Quebec, Canada - Matane River
Bridgemeister ID:8645 (added 2024-06-21)
Location:Matane, Quebec, Canada
Crossing:Matane River
At or Near Feature:Îles de Matane
Coordinates:48.842972 N 67.529472 W
Maps:Acme, GeoHack, Google, OpenStreetMap
Main Cables:Wire (steel)


  • This bridge appears to have crossed the Matane to the Îles de Matane (an island in the Matane River) on an alignment similar to the cable-stayed bridge present in the 2020s.
Postcard, collection of Jochem Hollestelle

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